Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1898, Page 6, Image 6
r- : " i : i _ TiiiI TIIIII ' V 11 : fAuA Ai1LY ? _ _ _ _ I ; tosE\s4r1.i ; , 21Itor. . . - ' - : - - - - VtiI3L1S1I1D IVEIY MO1tStG. TFIUIB 01" BtTI3RCtlPTlO1. ! flnly ) 1ec ( Without Sundfty ) Ono Ynr..O4 1)aIIy I3 zifld Stinday One 'jelLr S.OO BIX 1onLi ) . . . . , . . . . , h 4.UO Thro 71nthi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Htullfty fl'o , Oni' ? ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1j ) Hattirdity 1Je. Oni' Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wockly flu ( : Ono Tenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Omntia 'TIie 3ee flt2IIdtn. Snuti ) Omrha : 3Inger ifloc1c Corner N nnil 24th 8trc't. CntncU ) JIurr : 10 1'ear Chicago OIflce Z'i2 Chamber ot Coin. mnrce. ? 'ew York : T'mplo Court. \Va1iIngton : &o1 Fourteenth Street. All communlcntlonH reattru to new and vrlltorlal matter should bo nddresed : To Urn Fdltor , BUSINISS LITTEflS. All hUInt 1etter niul 1iou1d ) tI zIIdrIed to The lien PublIIiIng Company , Oinnhrt. Drnft , checks exIires aM pofitofflce money order to bO mafle ' ayn1)o to the nrler of the company. TItI DI1 PUIThISIJINO _ _ - - - - - - - ST4tTIMlNP OF CIflCU1.AZCN. Stitto ot Nc1)r9ka , IougI ( CoUnty. S George 1. Tsnhuck , secvoLar o The flee 1'iibfls1ing CompallY. ft1ly iivorn1 ay that. the actual number oC ( till and eompkto coptc ot Tim Dafly , MorrlIn Evening and Sunday flee , prntd 1urIrg the month ot June. 1BS. was hi followE 1 .I.tMH ( ) 11 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . : t2i7 17 28.741 ' 3 iorsi : 1B. 4 . . . tO(1M7 ( r ; I9lM , ) ( ) 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t9Ita , ) 21 . . . . .i . . . . 7 . . , . . : In41 2k. . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . : tI, , 23. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1).7.II ( I 'J 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tf,4 IM 5 11 . . , . , . . . . . , IS ) . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . 1,7I : ; ) 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . : sf.,9 , $ 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . t.7i : 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . 29tflli , : 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Th 29o f 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . Tota' ' Less returns urn ! uno1d iU,1 , J Not totni srtles . Net tlafly average . . . . . . . . . . 29 234 G1O1GE B. TZSCI1UCI' Sworn to before mo and Hubscrtbel In my ; resenco thI3 OtIi tlay of June. 18S. ( Seal. ) fl p. FEIL Notary Public. z'AIvrl ES LE.tVIC.FOht 'ri i i s ufiiiit VnrtIcN leILIlIg lIC oily for dic , oIntIer 01(11 Iiiie 11&e lice , , ciit to ( bent regularly 1 , iiotI-lui.r I'Ite lice bust- iiess 0 111CC 10 IPCrSUIl or by jnitI. l'lie ulIreNI vlIl bu elinliged nP. often us 4letrcd. - Tiiiless SJtl11 gets cotito1 ( if t cable We vlll fl t knov f01 some time whether SIltt1i8lt htotior IM still intact In llivaiia. The fitct thiitt the big breweries are nih going hIit ( ) fl tVli4t Will hot t11CIeUft the 1)UhLt1iI1p ) ) of tititt at the bar. : Yellow' lnek i it forinkinbie viieniy , but \vhIltIing no great victories ovpr 41nerlcuI1 saiiltnttuii In the eztiiips In Cuba. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Now let thifl un1itIng and Invetlgat- lug cotiitiiitttu tiiohIIted ) by the etoI. tlmi Milow that It IiIeaIt bushiics fron the 8tnrt. . : ThioInnM TeiTersoii'onct aIU Cuba couhl l' tlefeiided 'i1hinut n iitvy. 'ih'hie ' ; SiiaiiIat bJ iceiii to have 1itjeii trying tt follow IeIioroii's L1lsice _ : : 't _ ii. I , . ei1 - l'hie gOVCtIi)1 ( Of Nebras1a has Jottieti au 1ost Ilshiiitg club vhilchi lt inot 01 : it ihshihiig in South Iakuti : niid l In- flesota. Slitt II ncs liothilug to ilo with hhith Ihiie. At all events the. IIitviiIttii ninexn- tion bIll hiu itinde t iiosslble for three inoiiibot 01' ( ) ) ( to enjoy a pleatitt iu1lIiner outIng with ex1)e1tsc ) prepild * by the tuttlonul tretuulry. Oninhia itiust keel ) ) u.shIIIIg the tall- roililH for slechttl ) ratcH that. wIll bring IC0Plt tA ) the CXiO8itiOfl ) l'iOhlI long ills. tahIee $ . 4\4 yet the exposItion hits hint ( ow ( ltvor8 vorth inentloiiing ha thi thiiipe of reihticed raIlway totes. p Tle ; scthier : , hughear vIhl not servo to utIf' the ViIhl1tI4 Iii rt't'iislug retuccd rates to the eXhlSltiiI ( fi oiii hiohlits enhit 01' the sl Ihisbislpi ) , ' [ 'lie omaha exrns1- tloti Is certaInly entitled to I reatinent equal to that accorded other great e- positions , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ Guesses at whIch faction of ( lie demo- cratle lhI1tY wIhl COhltVOl iii : iooo flI'C in , Ordet' . Everyholy ) kiiovs , however , that _ It s'il 1)1' ) VejII1)hiCOIlt4 ) ) ( bitt vlhl control the rtcptibllcnii conventIons iii that year , itiul thieve Is only one variety of 're- pubhican , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i It will EelIilrO ( thirty-five cars to \ trulhqort ) one lot of VOOI solil in St. LouIs by Wm4terll lrotlucers ) to eastern COISUIIICVth ) nut ! the ciiek to iitiy for the HILIHO w'iht ho iitnrIy twlcc es hiu'go ns It 'woultl have lueiI btfOti tim VCL'ulilcan ' ) lnotectlve iitvhlr law , 'l'hie ICloudlko era'e lets chttliid , ninny vietlois , hitit not 1)110 ) of thit'iu liii leen ) iLyen such cx ti'usls'o olilttini'y 1Ipt1eei as the late ' ( )1l1) . " SluIthi , vlitchi lio'ii ' 'hiit khzni of . IIICIt 111.0 reghlr(1t'd ( as in the "old 411(1 ( rehiuOCtet ) cltIeii' class iii the llondlke. 4 % . . great deal of hlnhleet'sstry % iiiiil In. hthhrOlt'IlttO ) fuss Is being niutle OVCL' 1110 sentencing to deitthi of a w'oiuan con- 'iCtd ( of ititirilci' in Nev 'Vorhi , iiiiil ol11o of the ftisii Is being ininle by per- toils ; s'hio hirtvt , L(011 haying that tlI ? hiLV 8hould Inow no st , 'i'lh ' ' ( ) local hioPocrot Ic argon Is Irtllilug oI GOVOElIOr I Iolcolnh ) 115 fl iiiodel gov. criloi' , bu tIllit 'ouhil not prevent the orgun fiolli ihiliig its .hltot'1ul $ jOCU ) tot' a COitlUhll to t1i tejitililleilu hitato cOilltnItteO if the 4'iiiodel ' goverilor" tiliouhtl liahitleil to becoillo a tlilidteiin caudlilate , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ As pt'edk'ted at the time ha 'iis ieutly ilroppetl froiti the ti)1) of tim 1'iilgItts ol' I.alot ) ? Ir , Sovereign , Into coiuziilsoiicr ot labor sttttlit Ics uiider it ileniocrot it uthininlstratlon in lown , hdoyotlug bhu- tolt to organizing a iiey btIttY 01' 50. duty guai'uiteed to keo IIIIII at thifl liad1 itt hitst tilitil IIIC Illelutlers tillO riiiuhhlnr vlthi bis wttys. 1'hiIs ts the Natlonith Order ot lohiii'ks , se ciet 0Eler ( oi' tIm lieneilt of So'ei'ehti hlvcr tind oiuu otIie ' : nizritt : I4\PZ,1'FbOL. T.o loii COrttShJOfldeI1t it ot AlUYriChihl 1ievsIhap't' 9i13 ( lint rteah3 nil 1hi liii iliicistInl 1eni1ei In 1iigIIshi pubB life are hiophiig that the Uniteil States will relalli cotitrol or tue P1hlhijlhiieM ) ) utter tli ( eluFe or tIle war with ipaIii They tib flOt lrtess ) Mflys onq of thie corre. iiolitl1its lo be lisIiikrested In their fll'ICe ( nor to look at tue tiuestlon froiti nil Anierlcnn toint , of 'It'v. They frankly admit that the occujatlon of the 1911fl1)hlncs , by either Fritlict' , a r- uuluiny or Great BritaIn would subject the relntiouuuuof 1uropeall hOVet's to a tiniugerotis Mtnhi nil they favor lnQr1 cati control of the Is1aiid Iii the Interest of Police. At the same time they are hot iulst'hIIite ) to the ndu'nuitne 1nglnntt svouid tcrhe froni the moral niul diplo. iirntlc slipliort of the 1Jntt'd Stnths In nil ( iflehitlolis relatliig to Cthna and the far enst If the Alulci'lenhi flag s'ere ruii4edn'hfnnlla for nil time. UilulOtiIitciBy BrItIsh lnthuueilce will l Oxertel ( as strongly as Possible III this dii'ectloit Oiitl thii'ie is ( hanger that It s Ihl carry coiisltlernble yihzhut In t4hinp. lug Alilerieflil lnbhIc hiOntllflent. Little as our people htitve hitherto becit this- Posed t histeji to liritisli cttinseh , stis lilciotis as thief have very' ' eiiernhl beeti of suij.gestibu or advice frotul that source , aM 1)thui 3)t'ouuult(4l ) by luotives eulthrel3' sehtbjh , it is to lie njprclieuiuhcd that hi tiuhu matter inuuuy n thietit will ti t'Otlfll ( dFsIoSctl to hay nIde their prejudices nnd accept thu iuhnIttedi intereh3tel advice df Euighlshitnen , It appeals to the anitiltion ft expauislout and powOr. so that all those who are iiiibtied vithi ( lie 141111'lt or ilfllet'lihiS1ti ) will cordially welcome It , while it may V1ul over to the Imperial iolhc soiuie of thioso now uncertain' to the position they hiould take. It js tloutbtless a coi.rccL view thittti the. neotipittlon of the Philippines by utiy of the great European po\s'ers would stub- ject the relations of thiose powers to a tiauigerous strain. But shall the Unlteul States abandon Its tratlitiouah lOIICY ) aini assuuuie Lu. responsibIlity fratighut with dangerous possibilities , In order to avert a. more ser1ou conflict of European interests iii the far east than nireatly exists' ! luall this republic tale tipoui itself a task tliut i ight Pt'OVe to be excessively bulrdensouiie and. w'huicli s'ould involve it In. the compilcatlous o1 another llcflhlslllere , Itt order that the lCOCC , ) , of Europe shall be arnintalneti ? \e are unable to see that this nation huts any such duty or obligation. That Englatul would derive great itdvalitage from our permanent occupation of the PhIlippines is obvious , but what return Wouuiti It make ? 'I'iie burden of n. larger umavy nuud of maintaining an arniy in the Islauids to hcec-p a hieterogeneotis auuti not wltohiy friendly population under iuroier control voud be borne by the Ainerheati people , should , of couise , get smite revenue from the trnde.of .th Islnndg liuttitis not probable this would iq' pr the cost of governing them. It is' 'prhctteahiy' certain that for a 1Ini1 postIbIy , for years , we should have to iunhhress ) rc'olts. What complIcations \Ve might become Involved lit with FtlrOleitu1 powers having Interests In thuitt quartet' of tile vorkl which they are constantly seeking to extenl ( no one can foresee , but that dhthiculties of a more or less serious nature w'ouuld arise there iutn lut no otIbt. In qichi einergeiicles would we get any lubstantIal support from Euiglnnd ? l'iie fijet Is fully recognized that the ITuulteul States litis uindertnken a hicavy tusk In the laclflcation ) of Cuba and the estitbhlsinnent of a iespousibie government - mont there.T may thud governing Porto ltlco hardly hess troulhesonle. 'l'o nssuule the iuerinnnellt government of the PhuiIipIlUes would be to burden oursciVe$4 $ with a responsibility pregnant with dauger until certain to becolmie unbearable. 44 STFW fly i'im uzqrur DIEWOTION. Iii estuibhishi tug a 1)erlriilmieuIt CtmfliUlt- t ( ( of audit , revisioim uumiul iiivestlgatloii , time directors of the' T&uiiiiiiIssIsippt ExposItIon have takeim a step In time right direction. 'rime iwcosslty for tieh a conunittee limis long 1)0011 ) ttllareflt. It 114 of the Ut. niost huiu1mrtalce that the accounts of the expositloiijio thoroughly checked by ( 'xlerts vuutire' independent of thue cx- e'UtiVC ofilcems niul zimanagers. it Isof V itoh concern that ( lie conditiou , of ( lie affali's of time exlohiltlon ) be ascertained amiti uuiore btusluesiiilie mnetluods Intro- dticetl w'huerver tthnles have crept In. It is also emuimiemutly proier ) and desirn- tile that current rumors of Irregularities auth disimoiiest practices by cinployet be irObel ( to limo bottom auiti time expositlolk Iurged ) of such mis are uiitruistwomtliy. Time committee ehloseil ror this respon- slIde svork is mitde up of nmemi who enjoy the uuulh confidence not emily of the di. reCtWM , ltit. ) of the whole COilIlfllliiItYf and theIr findings uvihh cuuim'y veIght. It 114 to lie hoped time comnumuitteuivihi enter im'oimiPtlY ) lliOU its oiieroui4 task itluil tin its york so thmomoughily mind un. huiurhhail3' 014 to leave 110 grouiutl for even tIme iiitiumutt : lou tlntt It has friends to &itcld or wrongdolugto cover up , it (11Ml SITU.iTIOt'J. Agulnahlo , the Phuihliuphuic insurgent leather , ii ; a inutim of action. lie huuis or. ganizeth a government uiiutl it Is to be hretluuieul is minim Istering nifahm's In the territory occupied by the insurgent fuimees. , Witiiiii the next two weeks Con. etuil Lerritt w'ihl ni'rivo atluuimIhut , witim the iuulhiuiity ot the iliultud States to ttithhihi a military giivet'iiuieuit tlIeit ? as 50011 1114 the ShilflILllS ) ( ( ( 'apitulate. \et'i [ itt goes to uI5IUUIb ( liii posItiout of govermior general of ( lie ilnnds umud to t'eujuIi' all the Iiilinbitants to sulnult to tIme iuitiiority of the Uuuiteth States. TIme imoiuibliity is that wimon ? duimila Is sur. m'eilelehl ) It h10liC similar to that at Santiago 'uvihl lie lrochnhlned. ) \VIhh guiuiahthu ) uiiuul his followers PU1ICCO1)IY ) t4tibiilit to the nuthority of the ITniteui Stitte ? This Is a rather iieiious tiieKtloii % , for IC they do not thniy tile caululhulU of muaklng a very grout dcnl of VtUhii0. 'Flie Phihhlppitmo Imui3umgei1t are .mnuehm more nuuiiwm'oils thou the Cuhuttis. ro bet ( or lIghters unul have hiou'zt that they have iuo cml f , pt'rtiuhll'ItY. It 'ould Vtj11110 ? ( a munch Itvgtmr .tuumerleuuim force lhuutii hitis heCtl sent to the Philippines to ut'tltmee lime Imusuimeitts to HuhunIsIon if they mdmouhui deeId It ) $ ftse ; " bethleuee to . ( lie . , ' . thority of the Vjiittl States , ( ' 6ioriu'l An4ersout rPOrf that. the ioj'1a , p 'ct Iluiheiitli(1C11c. ( If they shnnihi gt time iiulhul'eSsICli Ihutut it is ( lie intention f this governinemit to retaim permanent possession of time PhIlippines , governing the Ilnntl by military huower , It Is to hue seriously fllr&iiiuIed that a large ; , rpoflloim of thtji vouitl revolt , A grave situation , 1mm which there Is time posiblhIty of mntichi trouble and diillcnity , seems to have been crented by ( lie course of Aguiinnitio. There is qtuite as good reason for ahihirehienidon iii re- garti t9 time aetion of tIme l'hilhippiue innrgenticatIer 'as therti lit respecting the cetidnet of Oenerat Garcia , ft be- gimis to look as If nanaging Insurgents s'onlt1 be a more troublesome task ( lion expellIng ShiOJa frolmi her colonies. TIW4TMNT OP WA1 1'flISOXfl. A vuternn of the civil war writes to an eastern pner objecting to the great attention that has been hiclstoweti ilpon Cem's'era amid the other Spanish ilaval Oilleem's vlmo are ifl'iSomlerS at Aiiimnpoiis 'int1 ' tIme 1nhtIiuiom'e Sitfi notes with re gtet rit1onces of reseimtmnent against time naval atmthmot'itIes on account o tIme geueuia treatimlent nccom'detl , thiee 1)t'is. ) oilers of ss'ar. It imi very likely mu great immnily people , particularly old soidters1 feel thimtt tIme consideration siibwii to Cemvermt anti hula fellow prisoners him been rather overdone , tlimtt 's'iuhho they should be treated kindly nud Imiade coIn- fortmtble it Is not necessamy or desirable to lionize them. No fault can faIrly be found with thIs feeling , especially 1y those who comm realize-as the veteramis of the clvii war can-the fmnrdtiIps ommi' brave mmmcmi are undergoing Iii Onba nuid vhrn reflect mipon what It cost In tmneri- can hives t ( lrhvo ( Jervera out of Situ- titF9 ( , There1 Is a kindly feehimig fdr the 'Spanish admnim'al on account of time In- trest he'nmntuifestwl In Ilobson almil hits mneim and it is altogether proper , but it does not require that ve should treat these formmmer enemies as if they had always - ways beemi friends anti had an umiques. tionable claim to our imtmost generosity. it Is title to ourselves that they shmahh be treated with the cOurte and attention - tention they merit as brive muon and gentlemen , but. to lttvIshi ftvors upon them Is miot dIgnified , norls t just to tIme gallant mcmi of our'ariuy nut ! navy who nrc Aweitering iide tioplcal suit or being dreimched y xnihendur- lug n1niot evem'y sort Of Oicnrt.aud subsisting on "hard thc1. ° . tt qtnnot be emmcourngImig to tlies brare fellows to know that the men mmmdc 1rsonrs through their courage are being lux- urlously cared for. - AZm'OTJflR MAN fl'ITJI A OflhIVANCE , A ir. iultirvimi who haIls frouum Utica , a small vlhhage of 900 populatIon in the Intei'ior of Mlchlgalm and who Is a self- constituted Ironmotel' of editorIal j ufikets , uuis lrnd himself interviewed in time Omaha Fakery , whmichmrcprcsents. hmin1im8 offering $1 a hue for4sbryliw ovdi tweflty llmmes ( limit luas ippemtiUin thie ' OhmIo om' Indiamitv pipetfrq'th t1e Assoclated Icss or bthmerw1obhi the' . . ' exposition. ' 4 , This ofkr would be cheerfully ac- Ceptel ( by time Department of PublicIty wore It imot for tbe. . fact that tt.would take not only all Mr. Mnrin's posses- sbus , but also those of all time other people of lila village to hUY time bill. TheAssociated Press ( hoes not tt any time scud out columns of ( lescriptive muatteV about expositlomms. Its fuutIon Is to cover the most Important news fenture , and It hits transmitted Its to- vorts to time Ohio arni Indiana papers Its vehi as those of other sections of time country as far as New England. Only last week time AssocIated Press transmitted fully omie-third of a columnmi about Massachusetts day and last Sat- urtloy sent an eltutti If not larger report of the. farewelL reception to time Third Nebraska regiment oim the exposition grounds. As to the proposItion to pay i a line for mmli the other exposition write-ups printed Iii the Ohio amid Immuliamia hitVersi time stmiii , i paid vouid not only bunk- i tiptlutrvin , iultvould exceed nil the IuiOflOy hict has evet' imtumdietl him his life , 'File trutim is ? mhmtrvln liimd a schiemiie , In whIch lie was to be the chief beneliclutmy , which the Department of Publicity was not in iOSitiOIm ) to float , It Is imatumal that lie , as well as nil other 1)001)10 ) vhioe umxe the Departniemmt of PublIcity hums miot ieen able to grind , should thud. a veutricle lot' pemiWip grief in the rakery. One by one time gm'oat silihis saIl out of the harbor of San F'ranclsco hued with hmuve Atmiericami soidlem's bound fat' the Isfinutis of the Pacific to carry omm time war ngaiiist Spamilshm rule where ilammi4hm ) tue hums lmecomc Imutoicialuhe , South Dakota timmil Iowa troops mire to go emi tIm tramllOrtS next to soIl , Nebrumkm : muon have already Vj3mi(11ed the Philip- 'pines , and umearly himthf ( lie states of the timmioim urt , m'epresentetl iii tIme urmny ( lint hits Simiii ( or Is about to sail fat' the Okiemit Time iienuhlng of these tt'oopu W't'St\S'lmtl ( iilLt4 given San Frummucisco tue imiost interosthumg nlml ( Iummpresslve iigiit of time war , a spectacle ( lie hike of which huiis umot before beemt % 'ItmmesseU ly ) time American 1)001)10. ) Tue exiosItioiu directory has acceded to timO tleimiaimd ( Or retluced Suimdimy ; md mnlssiomm for time lucimetit of time working. 111011 tmmmd vorking women who can at- temid only on ilmt uhimy. ' 1hie w'age w'om'kems of Qiuualia Humould 110W' 500 to it ( hut tIme exposhtioii ( iO0I not suiTor from this colmceshllolm. 'Vhiy simomuhd tmui'im ut oil imimthihe ; next Sunday nftei'noomu imimil 1)10V0 thielt' mmiIWeCifltiim ) . of thitm emutir. in'Ise by thou' lmSC1mC. ) ( .moug time iumte8t vIctims of tIme reign of thievery Iii Oniutima muiummuoiested by the hmoilce is ammo muicimiber of time supreimie 1)011011 ) of , Nebraska. Thilit jumulge shmouhd miow iimmve a graphic nppmeciimtiou of the alhtdumvlts IIICi ( 1mm the slliVelmie court liv uhuc 0UtiiLV hohIe coiniuuIsst000rt4 , umlheg- Ing that tlmey ame giving Omaha bettei' imhice gove'imiuemmt tinun it ever enjoyed iCtOi'C. .tceorulhmg tothmo organ of the outlaw police board time eouiubhmmo umumuomig hocmh : 1)Ojtmlit 1I4 huetveefl Peimiumiy umud YebeL' , Of eoum'sq , Iuthoiy ) ( immlglmt lie expecteti to comumbine vithm uimiythihiig uqul eviui'ythiimh at the thtctatiou ufihme l1erd ' mig ; , ' hu' what h'eeumue ' ut Yeior4 great rotstat1oims ot 'hub. hieiitiuhmto f-rnmm State iiottM ( ) domulmlttt imm There l (10 qUestion that timero is it coinbiume In pOpmlhist voittics jui this commmify , but it is time same comutbimme that eis to rule or uimimi democratic' hoiltlcs and tins tiissliaeui ( all hope of Liohitical reform from that quartem' . A feW months ago the restleimts of Boston anti other AtlantIc tnports of time United Stntes coultt miot sleep be- valise of the sotmmiI of eummmmmoiiimdiim lictmrtl off imore. Now it is time rcitiemmts of Com'rtltma , Cuitiiz amid oilier towns itt that v1cittI1 whmo ame disturbed by fear of bom'tlinrdmnetmt , So time gong is tryltmg to divIde the poj- uhisth Into Itosewitter Pohlmihists amid anti. Itosewater huoiimliists. A year ago it had time deniocrals classified as Rosewater demuiocrmtts amit autt4tosevrtter ilenmo' cruts. But tie ammo with a grain of intelligence - ligence can fuiih to see titrougim the hole lit timis mnihlstoime , _ No'veitIQs Out of Globe-Democrat , The war balloon thus ar lmn not met expectations. None oC the noveittea ba3 been found eqtmai to the oht.fnBIhommed American plaIt of advancing % iOn the enemy and making It too hot for him , Out ' ; vmtlL U Senrclm Vnrrnpmt. . St. Louis Republic. When Dewey asked tb cierman corn- mantler It h had any warlike Intentions concealed about his person or shIp , the German did not answer : You can search me , " but Dewey searched him , anyway. IINcoIrning 3iilmtnr ; AupIrntIomti. , ' ' Chicago Chronicle. General Torah , too , is to be court- martiaied for surrendering Santi'hg , as Mont Jo is to ho yanked up for hosing Manila and Cervera for the destruction of his fleet. At this rate the Spaniards wont have 'any commanors left it the war con- tintmes much longer. Time Spanish idea appears - pears to'be that time offlcor who ( iqesntr.get hImself killed In battle ought to bah for cowardice-a beroic treatment which Is likely to discourage military aspirations among the Spanish aristocracy. New lhIOIi(1 , ew Jinsinel ! . . Indianapolis Journal. It is evident [ lint the Amori'ean policy will lie to revive business at. Santiago ami put the second city of Cuba quickly on its feet , commercially speaking. American capital- tsts and companies with interest in the province have been assured that they can depend on stable governmnent there , amid movements are already od' foot or a resumption - sumption of business. When th business men of Cuba timid that mnflht ry ocqtipation by the United States means a revival of trade they will soon fall In with the new order of things Frlvute Property in Cul r. New York Sun. The Spanish who are ir Cuba-we meantime time civilian Spanish and not the military- have apparently to learn that with the control - trol of the island In our hands their property - erty will be at least as Secure to them as it has ever been under the rub f Spain. There Is to be n confiscation , no sequestration - tion of private property. To every man hIs own , and to all , law , ordn-4and ipdivldual liberty ! The gmmarante of'thia , so far as it isossibio , that it should b peotilhled , is William McKinley , president of th United States , and we 9n't know of un insurance policy anywher in the Whoh wnrid that can bold a candle to it. Foreign Critics Convlnc&1. Boston Transcript. . Qermumn military attaches who 'myitnessod the flghtin around Santiago praise our. zoi- dlers , and say what theyhave done-and volunteers bore the brunt ot It aa well as regulars-should not be lost sight of olther in this or other co trles. They were amazed at the persistence of our men's attack , and say It. was simply "wonderful. " Carry the newuj to those in Europe who think that soldiering can be done only by standing armies , Welded upon a steel frame of the superb quality of our reigular army , our young volunteers from the American pubhi schools become a superior article of "food for , owder"-just enough Initiative , I. e. , of "the man behind the gun , " to make a difference - enco over Europe's uniformed peasants and serfs In , ranks. flegluiting ot he End , Philadelphia Record. With the unfurhing of the Stars and Stripes over the old palace at Santiago tIme Spaniards have lost time cIty that was their first foothold - hold on the queen Island of the Antilles , and this formality has marked time prophetic beginning - ginning of the end of their sway in tIme West tndids. Per 384 years the yeihow and red flag of Espamia has floated over the city of Santiago , the town having been founded by Diego Velasquez ( Diego Columbus' lieutenant - tenant ) in 1514 , Havana was not settled until five yours hater , amid was then Christened - toned with the annie ( San Cristoval do Ia liavimna ) previously given to a settlement near Santiago , Now the Vlrgtniuui , as weli as the Maine , has been remembered by Uncle Sam's army and navy , exactly a quarter of a century after the crime against Captain Fry and his crew. MIId1OS i.oilE VAitMlUS. _ : Ten F'Igiarei lmIIIirt'd do MenHure Their lmecelpts , Chicago Times-ijotaM. It will require a thmousamid millIons of dol- loris to measure tim increase in the farmers' receipts for last year's produce over time values that prevailed In 18D5 , The total return - turn for staple crops alone for this season is estimated mit 1OOOOOOOO more than was received last year. The wheat exported from the United States during the past twelve months soid for about mis much as time whole ciop was ms'orth In either 1803 , 181)4 ) or 1895. These conclusions , baed upon statistics gathered by time Orange Jmmtld sypdlcato of agricultural weeklies , tell time story of the farmers share of the prosperity of our greatest - est commercial year , As a result of in. vestigutions covering the entire umiion anti running hack as far as 1893 time Orange Jmmdtl Farmer forecasts "an imutlustrlai no- tivity early this ( nh quito unparalleled , with quick markets at home and abroad for the surplus of American farms.1' This forecast is not muensureti by the un- precedcmutcd foreign deniaumd for our cereals for the past twelve months , Our exports of agricimltural products for thal period , mvhichm reached in the ncighboriood of $900- 000,000. wore title to piicnoiiena crop shortage - age abroad , Time Orange Judd F'arnem' ; lucre- fore bases its forecast upon past two-year anl four-year periods rather than upon a siuigio seaon's coimditlopn , and upon the presentexcimangeable eower p1 farm products for tIme products of labor iii oUjer lines of industry. Two of the most reliable evidences of the increased purchasing pOyer of time farmer are ( lie reduction of niorigaga indebtedness and thmo increased sale of mumammufactured goods that are made expressiy for isrmers. Mit- lions of dollars have been paId out in wiping out ( aria and chattel mortgages , wimlie time trade with farmers hmi8 Jncreasud this year fromim 10 to 300 P0i cent over time cor'eamomui- ; lag seven muouths of last year , 'Manufac. turers of agricultural implements report a particularly hmcmmvy increase in suuIe. The farmer holds the iey to th4 industrial situation , If h lmrospvrs ( he railways pros. pci' and all vroductivo activitics era. quick. iumcd , Tbi5.meamis prosperity fer alt classes , . ' I ' ' ' lT1IlIt tAls TiIA Ot iti , ' CThrmaiy I expanslomi trom the most practical of mnotives-tlu4 cx tenion n German trade , To extend it Is not merely the policy of ( ho imperial government - ernment , it Is the arlent desire of the Ocr. man people. The effort lies been very sue. cessfmuh thus far , especially in thie Orient , anti succcs , hs stimnuiat4 ambition. ( her. man opinion , offlciai and unomelal , Is apprehensive prehensivo of a aew and vigorous ri-al , IL wishes to be ready to seize any of the chnnce for now points of support , as the phrase goes , thmtmt time steadily inclining war mnimy bring. herman sympathy for Spain , in spite of znuclm mimisrcprosentation In Madrid , has never been warm. it has no basin , as hia F'rench sympathy , In ties of race , in mmmtunl intercourse , in financial iaterestmi. At bottom the sneering comments that so many Cermnn newspapers , by the athniision of time fairer among them , have pouted Upon Poilcies and events in Amica imavo been in part malicious Ignorance , in part vent for irritated npprelmemision of the United States as a rising commercial power , as a now force in international politics , as the friend of herniany's chief commercial rival , Great ritain. The gatherIng of tIm German foot at Manila may have been part of a kindred eagermiess , as befits an ama- biLious and energetic merchant , to antici- pata any chence. Those that know the German press will suspect that Americans take the gibes of irresponsible journals too seriously ; that they Confuse them witim sound herman opinion that is anxious but not Unjust. and that they forget how keenly ( lie compitcatlons that may foilow amiyin- terference "in the Ilispimno-Anierican war ore appreciotemi in IJerhin and every other European capital , Ie * According to program , Zola and his pub- usher , Perreumx , . have received the full limit of time law , and must go to jail for a year and pay 3,000 francs each , The same tactics that landed Ireytus ) in Devil's island were pursued in this case. Wimile the trial was public. it might just as well hmave been secret - cret , for the government refused to allow certain testimony to be entered that would have cleared the novelist anti imia partner , Any evidence bearing on the Dreyfus trial ltsel was huahed by the public olilcials , and thoseomeer df the army who were led into making admissions favorable to the defense have since felt the heavy hand of the gov- eminent on th ir shoulders , A greater farce than the Droyfus-ola trials has never been perpetrated by courts of justice. It is barely possible that Dreyfus is guilty , but there has been no evidence to prove it ; neither was the man permitted to prove himself innocent. There is damaging evidence against Count Esterhazy , but so far he ias uot been tried , and Is not likely that he ever wili be. The British foreign omeo has just pub- hisbed a report by the BrItish consul at Loanda upon affairs in the Congo Free State , He says that the task of reducing the untamed tribes to order is enormously increased by the lack of a common Ian- guage , for the speech known as ICixi-Congo , which now possesses both a grammar and dictionary , ceases to be generally udder- stooti before Stanley Pooh is reached , while eastward of this the tongues are as plentiful - ful as the waterways. The missionaries find this dililculty as perplexing as do the state authorities , Another difficulty en the Upper Congo is the labyrinthine system of channels and tributaries , whIch render almost - most impossible the work of introducing order - der amid CoheBionu among the scattered corn- munities over nearly a thousand miles of territory along the rIver between Leopoldville - ville and , Stanley Falls. This maze of water and swamp is the cause of the unhealtbful- nes so fatal to European life. It is estl- mated that nine out of eyery ten state of- ficinls die or are invalided in three years , and it was found lately that the average length of service of 120 employcs of the largest I3elgian trading company on the river was only seven months out of the twenty-four for which they contract. Nevertheless - theless , progress has been made , in spite of all dlmculties , especially in the restriction of the liquor traffic on the lower river and the total prevention of it on the upper river , the suppression of intertrlbal wars over a wide area , and the decrease of can- nibahismn , not only by direct repression , but by the creation and growth of feeling against the practice , Moreover , the yoke of the notorious Arab slave dealers has been broken , and the traffic in slaves among the natives themselves diminished greatly , while the natives are being drihied into habits - its of regular work. 5S San Juan flautiste , the capital of Porto Rico , against which the American guns may soon be thundering , is situated in reality not upon Porto Rico proper , but upon a small Island ( called Morro ) , which is connected with the mainland by brIdges , The town was founded'by time famous Ponce do Leon In 1511. That great admiral of Queen Elizabeth , Sir Francis Drake , cap- tureti the place on one of his daring crmmises and exactly 300 years ago time Englisim duke of Cumborlammd took it agaiim. But time Portoriquenos learned a lesion by these two defeats and in 1678 an English attach proved unsuccessful , Then , in 1797 , the Ingenious - genious Abcrcronhlie himself proved unable to repeat Drake's exploit and was obliged to sail away after a futile three days' siege. Wihi it take that long for our army and navy to plant the star spangled banner above time old fort of Santa Catalina ? " 5 M Loekroy , ms'ho reasgumes his former position as minister of marine in tIme now French cabinet , Is as impressed as ever 'ith the urgent miecessity for Immediate mmaval reform , and has bceim ventilating his views in the newsmapers , lie says that first of all he intends to attempt time establish- meut of strongly fortified stations or depota in all the seas in which French war ships are vomut to * mih , so that they may be pro- vidcd with a eeurd shelter amid witlm a ready supply of coal. Time stations already pos. seased by France are , lie timinks , absolutely mnsumciemit , anti lie contends that , as matters - ters stand , she would lie unable to strike a heavy blow , or , even undertake the defense of her colonies with mummy proSpect of success , Nor , lie says , are the French coasts protected as they should be , Many more guurd ships amid torpedo boats are required , and France , which iloes not at the present moment boast of a single destroyer , mimlist be supplied with 501110 , Then large anti fast-sailing cruisers of the Dupuy do Loyno model must ho built. lie regards speed as the chief ehemnent of success In a battle , lie does miot , however , go so far as Admuiral Fournier , who huohils that time whole fleet couiii be replaced ad. vanteoumil ) ' by 100 lightly armnor.phated , but very swift cruisers ; but ho does not approve - prove the prevailing style of French battleship - ship , though ho admits that vessels on time stocks must be finished accordIng to the original plans. lie hopes , however , to modify - ify a number of vessels whitcim ham consitlers faulty , declaring ( lint they would not be in a fit state to vut to beiL if called tmpon , mnuchi less to bear time ordeal of mm fight. lie argues that ( lie necessary funds can be pro. cured from the demuohitioum of obsolete fortifi. ctitions and the sale of timeir sites , not only oround Paris , hut 1mm many rrovinclai towns , Mcnmmwhiie time htrobiern Is vhetlmer lie will botubia to formulate hula vlans before the ministry Is ejected from olilce. ' I The NeW Zealand birth rate continues to attract the attention of statisticians. It has steadily declined umutil it is now slightly under 26 pe i,000. In time last sixteen years it has fallen more than 12 points , Population increases , hut the nunmber of births remains virtually stationary , nmid so the rate pci' tbousi4ad sinks , The births , , numbered between Is.000 nnmi Ith,000 in 18S2 , anti they numbered betwen 18,000 and 19- 000 in 1S9. it the rate goes on fellIng it will in a fw years be on a hevl with that of Ireland , It not of Francs. Fwo thing save time colony from an arrest of the growth of the population , lirst1 limO death rnte-f,9 ) ier l,000-ia the lowest reconioul of any Country iii the morlt1 : second , ( lucre is a sniall but appreciable immigration. Thmoso who hold that a imtgtm stumumilmuril of education and comfort involves a decline in both the birth ani , death rates have hero a conflrmatioii of their tlmeory , The average - ago of children 1mm regumiar school attend- ante in New Zeaiand is higher evemm titan Ia Scotland , SANTLtUO'S 1ih& ( lii'WlSLS. .mt _ _ ' Chicago , Tinies-lieralti : . , Iumveatigation proves that tIme mines anti harbor defenses of Santidgo wore not veiy fornmitirutde after all. Schiey could have forced an emitrnuice withommt losing a ship , and ho would have doimo so , too , if lie had 'had his own * ay about it. Indianapolis News : ' Commodore Sehmicy gets another ylmidicatlon , After Imo had tli- covered time Spanish fleet 1mm Samitiagn liar- bor lie wanted to force his way In inmmmmo- diately and give battle , but lie was Imehil back. Aim examination of time harbor's do- tenses goes 'to hmo\v that Sclmlcy Ouhth have carried out his plan succcmssfuihy , : Chicago Journah It turns out timnt , , ai thmouglm we lied thought that' time iiorboi at SantIago was one of time mmiost strommcl for tified 1mm time u'orld , it woe hardly fortifled at all , anti could have easily been tiken by our ships , Admmmiral Sampson was ( lenthy worse deceived titan qeneral Shafter , when time latter , on the 3 of July , thought hue was uH bb to take dnii'ago. ' ' PhiiadehphIn Itecoi-ti : The discovery of the ridicuiotivcnliIess of time terfor-inspir- lug fortifications of Santiago shows Conm- motiore Scimieyto have been absolutely right in his ott-cresscd belief that the fleet could have entered time harbor without the loss of a single ship ; minil it 'ito 'bath bdn permitted to carry iut .his inirposa to sail iii amid destroy Cervora's ships as soomi as those vessels had entered time harbor it land camupaign would not have been feces- sary , and many a poor fellom' now sleeping the evorlastiamj aicej u'ndertlmo soil of tuba' might he ailvo and well. Excessive prim- deuce in time case seems to have been time cause of greater loss of life thmnmi would have probably resulted from a little well planned naval dare.doviltry , I'OI.ITICAL DRIFT , Prof. D'KhinoIs running for governor of Now Yol , p11 he , prohibition ticket. Hon. Cloudy Smvanson is running for congress - gress inVitg1rii-on thmo democratic ticket , too , - Congressman flenton McMiiiin is about to open his campaign for the governorship of Tennessee. Time democratic candidate for attorney general in Arkansas sports the familiar name of Jeff Davis , Time republican nominating convention in Speaker Reed's district , time First Malmme , has been called to meet in Portlammd on Tuesday , August 2. "The allied forces of the common people" in Michigan have dropped former titie and cirtered time political arefla as the citizens' union reform legislative party , Seven hundred corporations of Miolmigan lmave failed to make their annual repqrts as required by law. 'Time attorney general proposes to apply the legal switch. Hon. John Sherman Is circulating about smifliclently to confound tiu reports of his feeble mental conditions . He returned from Alaska last month and sailed for Europe last week. Pennsylvania democrats in convention assembled - sombled did not throw bouquets at the Chicago platform , but the candidate nominated for governor is a 1t3-to-1-er front wayback. His name Is Jonks-not Jenks ot the marines. Tom Watson will make one speech in the populist campaign in Georgia. It will he delivered in Thomson , on time 27th of this month , and , though timis will be his only effort in the campaign , it will be very carefully - fully prepared , The republicans of Massachusetts are be- coining convinced that there are mutiny advantages - vantages in short campaigns , Consequently they will not hold their state mionminating convention umitll October 6 , ( ho election being - ing held in Novemnber. The cornerstone of the Pennsylvania state house is to be laid at I-larrishurg August 10 with much ceremony , Tim event excites considerable - siderable publIc interest anti bets arc being laid that the state house comnnmission cnnmmot bent the records of the buililers of New York's state capitol or Philadelphia's city hail , floss Croicer is hurrying home to take charge of Tamnmnnny's political immterests. Ills presence is needed. Van Wyck is coma- nutting political hurikari , President dug- gonheimer wniits to abolish swearing in Greater New York , amid another Taumimaimy statesman has assailed a favorite local corporation , These freaks must. be suppressed - pressed by Dick's horny list. Considering time amount of business trana- acted , time extra session of time New York legislature was time most expeditiowi cmi record. it immated six days amid thispoeetl of $698,000 of state funds. Four bills were passed-appropriating $500,000 for war cx- pemmacs , 1G0,000 for election expenses , $20.00' ' ) for collecting solmhiers' votes and $18,000 'for session expenses , Time most Importamit measure passed was ommo taking from the New York police control of electiomimi mind creating a bureau for that purpose , lx- Chmk'f of I'oiico McCmihiagii , retired by Tammany - many , was appoimitcd cidet of the election bureau , Time next state election title year will be that of Alabama , August 8 , for governor and other slate nfllccra , Arkansas follows on Septeimiber \rei.3miomt ( mum September 0 nut ! Maine emi September 12 , Elections for governor anti other state olilcera will 1)0 held 1mm Noveniber in lime following states : Cahiformmia , Colorado , Connecticut , Georgia , lilaho , lfaiisaa , Miciulgami , Minnesota , Nebraska - braska , Nevada , New Ilamapsimire , Now Joe- soy , New York , Pcimnsyivimnin , North Ja- ) Icota , South Dakota , 'l'nmmnensce , Texas , Wyo. ming and W'Ieconsiim , States that will bmoid no state clectiomum until tIme presidential year , 1900 , nro Illinois , Montana , North Carolina , Utmmim , Washington andVcet Virghmiim : , 11am Royal is tue hliieit Grade betting powder known. Actuni temtsahow , it goes one- third further then any other braod , IbsuIutIy Pure VALP0tm5tt roon Ce , , lW VOR' ' ( , F ' ' 't'llii S'Ut : l4fl'IIM Oi Chicago Jt'otc1"WIiat hI a non-Cern. batant. Uncle Abner" 'A non-conuliattunt I mi man who tiutumiti 1w' would o to war it lute wifO would let imuitm , ' Ietroit Free Presm"Ditln't yCmm feel sorry tar licor Mrs ilunigor-imer husband is in Cubit , " "Vea ; T sent hmet a lot of 'lotely poetry about itmen who vero kilIhi in battle , " . , ChIcago i'istm ( "Diii you see tlrnl Gen- cml lihmmnco iumal tried to kill hIrnclt ? " "No , Is that o7 fly guam ! congress 4 ouighmt to 'ote hmiti a mnediuh just to encourage him. " Cljuclmmati Emmqulirerm "So voum von'L cii- list if yomi hma'o it chalice ? 1 thought you Immni more trmtriotlsmn , " "Oh , l'ni m'Illiim' enough to tile for uumy comummtry , but 1 tiOfl't m.timt to ho hurried , mmbomit It , " . letroit loimrnal m Straimger ( mit Madrid bull llglut-Aim ) , , 'timi lma'e tIle [ mmmii covered with 01)11 of your stilts of mnedievimi armor , That Is to giSt' iiiiii an mmd'mummtmmge , I stIi'poso ' ? N'ntlve-No that is to keel ) limo immutives from eating imini before time lIght conies off. W'nshuingtoim Starm The Soldier's ? tlotlwm'- , I got i4 hitter fr ni George today , ansi ho is , ' grummnbiintc about time vlctminls iii the armmmy. 'I'imo Soldier's 1'ife'-l nih gind to hear that Ime is mmitiking iminiselt at home. * ' .itfflge lie ( in Coloraibo-W'elh ) , what tlckt't' did ? you ote ' ' ' ' ' Sue-I Votvd a Pink OflO. That horn white independent ticket. that yomm vaumted limo tO , Vote didn't come umimywimero near mntmtchmiiig may shirtwmuist , Chicago Newst "This war : , will cause mnueim suffering next winter , " . , ' , ' ' 1mm wirntwmtyi' ' t "i . ' 'Time womemvrettl sa nmtucim war umows that . tlmey aren't mmmkiiig hiatt the umiCAt qimimatity . of Jun3. ' ' .5 ; , ' ' i \Vnshmimigtoim Star : "I iiiul4tnnd that Sagnatu imait a citCe of blues , " said one Snanish citizen , ' ' . - "It's worse tiiamm that , It's a , caseot red , wlmito and blues , " . . ' ' . Time VIioIe Story. " ' ' hmdimtmmmmpoIi Jouirnmti , Comes the Gerimman simli ) Irene to ' . L3tiblg I3mmy : Struts about itmid lies at mimicimor All tlm tIny , . ' Tells insurgents not to shoot- . ' , $ Makes seine little thumemmts to booti ' . 4 'rho instirgeimla nipo to Dewey ' 4 , Right. away. Still the Irene lies and basks in , Subig flay ; 1 , , ' Smiles to timiimk how these insurgents Must obe' , S ' , Compos it grim old sea kioodie . 4i' Froimi time land of 'Yatmkee Doodle , " , , , , , Amid time Germaim almip ireime just - , , I' k . ' ' ' Salle nwayl ' ' soG OF ' 11110 CAMI' . , I ' IiayardTayhor. ' , ' "Give mis a somigl" the soldiers cried , ; Time outer tremmchies guarding , ' W'imen the lm'mLtel gums of time camps allied Grew iveury of bombarding. , ' The dark Redan , in silent scoff , Lay grimmi and threatening , umummier : . - Amid time tawny mound of time Malakoff No longer belched its thunder. There was a pause , A gmmardsmnan said : "Vo storm time forts tomorrow : Slug mvhmiio m'o mmiy , mmmmotimer day will brimig enough of sorrow , " They ImLy along time battery's side , l3eiow time smoking cmmmmrmon ; Brave hearts from Severmi amid from Clyde And from the banks of Shammnon. They sang of love and not of fmmnme , i"orgot ivmis Britain's glory ; , Each heart recalled a thifforemmt name , , But all sang "Annie Laurie. " , . Voice after voIce caught up time song Until iti ; tender paeslomm Rose like an umitimenm rich nimd strong- , Thmcir battle-eve confession , ' ! , ' ± moar girl , 1mev name ho darOd not speak. , ' , ' ' . . 1lut , na the song grew louder , . ' , , . , Somnething ummoim the soldier's cimcetc , , " , t \ j , ' , W'nshed off the atalime of powder. . ' . . . ' - : ; t , , : it. . Beyond the darkening oceaum burimed , . i' ' , ' ' ' The bloody sunset's embers , . ' \Vlillo time CrlniemLim 'alleys iemtrimed ' how Emiglish love rememmibers , , . ' . ' And once again the fire of imehi ' ' flaimied omm the Russian qummrr'rs : , 'With scream of shot and burst. of simoll , : , , , , . . . . : : . , , . . And bellowing of time mortars. , . ' And lrlslm Nora's eyes are dim ' ' For ft slmmger dtmmti and gory ' Aiim ) English Mary weeps for imhmn Who snug of "Annie Laurie. " Sleep , soldiers , still in lmonoret1rcst Your trmmtim and valor mvenring ; Time bravest are thmo termtlorest , TIme loving are time ( iarimmg. , otmn , DAILY BULLETIN. . ' , , ' : ' SA'IlJRDAYJULY S WINNIPEG , Man , , July 23 , 1898-Time Gramitl Lodge of the Kmmlglmts of Pythias is elmcthilcd to mmiect mit Winnipeg , Maim. , today. It wits expected that title , mouitl be a large gathering , limit the absence of so mamm del- egatca , mulmo mo serving in Cuba , will di- ininisli the attendammce MIenUnuco ' ' i' , . : 4 , : ' ' . ' lore today will insure you first pkk of a new lot of those light weight I ounce crushers in white , bIu and grey. They arc not in our window --you will have to enter to see them- themPrke $100 Straw flats at Cost5 ( POWNJN6K1NG&C9 , . S U W. Von p5th sad DowMll. ! , 4I * I N