Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1898)
, - V . . - V -I TTTEorATiADMTxBEESATr1IDAYJIL231SflFh : 5 r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ii HAVDENS WHO ELSE QUOTESSUCHL OWPRICES _ ? _ t I 5-cent sale f : k3 ssvcct Valeiicia oranges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c It ack8 fine table a1t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c , .V. ! . N'evCa1iforniaprune , 1)erll ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5c ( .ihoxespar1ornLtc11efoI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c , 21b ) ac1cage new breaKfast oatmeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 5c I- 'Large nev Valencia raisins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c ' " V 1O lbpackage 1aundrytarch for. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 5c 1 1Ocent sale k- ; ; Full cream dairy lunch cheese . . , . , . . ' . , , lOc , 8 cttn flo\v catch iardInQs. . . . : . * . ; . , lOc . V V cans now table peaches , iars , n1riCOtOr p1um , can lOc V . . V Quart caii 13o.Lon baked beaii with. tomato sauce , 5- V ceiitiiize . . * S .o . S. . . . I lOc Blood. red a1nioii , per aii . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc . Fre311roa13telSa11tosco1teo..V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc V. 1ithty luiich cocoa , pir cii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc . r V , ; . 15c and 25-cent sale V .2 5.eIl1 ; Goldeii Rio coffee , per pouiia . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . 15c . 4 ( lozen. f8iIC i\rcssiIIlL \ iwnous . . . . . . . . ' : ' . . lSc 2canssalinonfor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . [ ; tckereI iii tomato aiice , large cans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c 2 CLI1 Cove oysters for . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 15c . 1. : io LaVS .A11flOUI"I4 Iaunilry O81) . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . e . . . . bars aiiy brand lauidry ap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 25c . White PaFIS or 1oe Cake soap , 12 for . . . . . . . . . .V. 25c V Chicken , vegetable , tomato , etc , soups , one cati . niakes : threoquarts , 3 cansfor . . . . . . . , 25c . ' . SpcclnI prices iii our . * V , . . V Big Meat Depaitment Saturday . : , V PicVkVled pjg feet V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . Pickled.tripe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , - , ; Sllorlribscorneibeef. . . . . . . . . 5c . V ; . No 1 sugar.cured lianis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8c ' , : . ' No. lbreakfastbacoii , 8&eand , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SpringOhickens. . . . . . . . 14c Saltpork. . . . . . . . . . . . . NicefreshdresecI1iens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . 3-lb best 1ard aiiy brami 23c 5 Ib pails lard , any brancl38c r , ; Roast 1)eef , percaii . . . . . 15c ' Pic . nic hams , per can . . 5c . Bonelesscottage liuu. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sc VV V , Vienna sausage and sauerkraut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOcI I I . ' 'fraiismississippi Headquarters. 2 . China Department V V VV Articles worth from 15c to 5O. . V " V Decorated oyster or soup bov1 , decorated . V V cups and 3aucers , Pateiit root beei bott1e , 1 : V Mason fruit jars , gallon milk crocks , V dinner 1)lates , SOUf plates , . laifli ) burners , Butter dishes , spoon. holders , sugar bowls , each cream pitchers , sherbet cups , potato dish . . . . V V : .t -V. SILVER REPUBL1CANSCONPE1t Thirty-Two of Them Rold Primaries in V V Eight Olty Wards , MEET AROUND AT TIlE PRIVATE HOUSES IcDhod ) Allcll,114 In file 'I'IiIr.i niul In hit , 4e'ehlI& the % Vork jp . 1)vlcgzite.I ( U ft VI.V. _ U111teL. _ _ V V , Fastflff'S men fl buc1rain were not In t . It with the sliver republicans ot Douglas VI county at theft primaries last night to Select - lect delegates to a county convention to p be helti today , Although the lrlmarIes \ were tiuly announced tii the Popocratic organ - V gan there was no evidence at any of the V advertised polling places that such things . s primaries were over Iiu1ulget in by thosu V particular comiiiufllties. In a majority oft , the vards In the city the select ycre to t ' gather at the resl4lence of some of the corn- tnttteo members , but not enough voters - ers partIcipated In the PrlnrnrIs In the nine wards of the city to flit out the list or forty-five delegates to represent the city Iii the county convention , A tow men conspicuous as sliver repub- iicans shovcd UI ) at two or three places. ) They discussed with wonderful force of logic the potency of the sliver republicans fl factor In the success of the tripartite V Political alliance , ran over the list of can- ( IiIates to be IlOIfliflatOl this fail , an % V picked out iucli deslralle iIuins as they COflSitlOrCl should be dernaudeti for their organization. - No rank nni file appearing the self-eon- titutetI lenders turned their attention to V consitlering what their allies would do , anti , . determIned they should stand back on their dignity and refuse to endorse any candidate , V to their standard of . I not up political purity. The lICSCflC8 of The I3ee reporter began ; to embarrass the few lonesome etiveritos , V These ubiquitous representatives of the vrcss were at every advertised polling V place anti remained from the time the polls wore upposeit to be opened until the bour for the closing. As the tinu ) Passeti and no one caine to vote the embarrassment increased - creased and vnritd excuses were framed to account for the absence of attendance. For Instance. Judge 1) . D , ( iregory , a inern- V ber of the retorzn anti quasi defunct Police conunisslon , said that it had bceii prcar. ranged In his ward that a conuntttee was , to select the delegates ittut announce them . ; today , notwithstanding' the fact that a prl- mary was advertised to select these delegates - gates , Curr 11,1K IlIgit hours , James \V. Oner , styled cuinirmnn of the silver republican county committee , when interviewed lust night as to the strength Dt lila party In the city , said the votes cast last fall vcrc clieclceti up and It VaS founti that the ailver republican strength , was about equal to that of the popuhists . hero In the city , or 1,300 votes , lie tho4ght : this vote bad been increased some durIng S * the last year. Asked what the silver re- 1/ pubhlcans were expecting IA the way of 'tf.11 ' , , sowinations this year , ho said they were V aot caring much for offices , but voulti In- list on the nominees on the fusion ticket beIng reputable men anti would refuse tot . . t : .V. atiorso any yellow dogs , no matter by ' whIch branch 9t tim fusion allIance they TI were nominated. 110 thought it possible ' they would asic for the lieutenant governor , f , 4 for vhtcl * ihace C 0. Lobeck , councilman k fret the FIfth ard , Inul beeui mentioned , V 1 . I They . , Vouhd expect representation on the t . school boartl , One senator Is conceded to . V tbvni , ho said , ad there is a dlspostion to giYo tbem three members of the legislature , ) oo'-one-thlrd of the representation in the lower house. In the First ward just seven at the chosen gathered together at the residence of It. F , Wilitarns , secretary of the state silver re- PUbilcan league. Mr. Williams and II. If. Vail reported a lIst of delegates of which they vere two , and the same was adopted. In the second there was a form of a ballot. w. C , Kelly , secretary of the county corn- mittee , lives' In this ward , and lie proved hIs title to the honor by securing the largest turnout in the city. Thirteen votes vere cast. If a primary was held In the Third ward it was In the secret chambers of Policeman James Norton's residence at 1106 Chicago Street. It was at this number that the primary was advertised , but all inquiries vere met by a strict denial of any knowledge of the Important event. A thorough tour of the vard failed to locate a lolhing idace or anyone who knew that a priniary election had been called , Iii the Fourth ward the primary was held in the 0111cc of James W. Carr In the I3oartl of Trade building. Mr. Carr , being chairman - man of the county committee , hiatl a certain modesty about naming the delegation himself and calling into play his telephone brought L. B , Johnson and 1) . M. Johnston to his assistance. After caimly reviewing the sit- untion , and maliciously striking the name of C. Il. Scott off the prepared list and sub- stitutiog the name of S. It. Towne , the woric of tim primary was completed. There was a harmonious gathering of the Fifth. on the curb stone In front of a cigar store on Sherman avenue near Locust. Councilman Lobeck , Dennis J. Kehlehier , Edward - ward J. Clark and Peter l'eterson were pres- ent. The caucus resolved wIth amazing unanimity that. C. 0. Lobecic should be a delegate to the state conreaton , and bad it so ordered , V : clcr Thu. ' Iii the In the Sixth there was a nica social time , The Primary WSS held at the residence of T. ii' . Sturgess at 2010 North Twenty-second street , The Bee reporter spent a pleasant ev nlng vitb Mr. Sturgess , and before coming away at 9.O p. rn , Mr. Sturgess with his help wrote out a list of five names as , leIe. gates , and said lie would try to interview them today to learn If they would attend the convention. In the Seventh Judge Gregory held forth single.handed and alone ( or nearly two hours , when it finally occurred to him that the work of selecting the delegation had been delegated to a committee which would announce the list 'today. and he forthwith adjourned himself. Dr. .1 , J. Seville was master of ceremonIes in the Eigiiih ward , ably assisted by Lawrence - renco Itaib , As no one else Appeared the dna- tar said he thought he knew whom the boy.s waiited for delegates and tbrcupon corn- muned with Mr. Raib , after . , . , the list of delegates was given out , Frank Bansom was flue ruling spirit in the Ninth ward , antI In the course of the pro. ceedIuIg3 gave evidence of that broad generosity - erosity which has been charged against him by his friends. No other silver republican appearing , and not deIrlug to be selfish , be Invited n democrat and two reporters to join with him in his deliberations , during which be succeeded In being elected dele. gate without serious opposition. After inak- log his own election sure be dictated the other four who were to accompany him to tbe county convention. 'i'aIuuIut , log * iii. Itesisit , That the reader may more readily grasp the rcsui of the primaries and appreciate the strength of ( lie silver republicans in Douglas county , it is tabulated as follows : t'artl Votes. Vurd Votes. First. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3etiithi . . . . . . . . . . 1 ecnnd . . , , , . , , . . . . , , 13 itgIithi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 l'hlrti . . . . . . . .p. - . , . U Ninth . lurttu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . liftli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tota' ' . . . . . . . . . . . , 32 IxtIi - , . . , , , . , , , . . , , . I Total number of delegates elected , thirty. five. five.The following are the reported : Furnitur 4"j : I3aby Carriages , yes , lots of theni , hut we hlavC not been saying much this summer about them.Ve have sold , however , up to date 140 Carriages. We can give you a full Bze carriage , steel wheels , beat novelty gear , tilted with best foot brake , also para- aol , at $3S5 , others at $3.00 , $5O , $6.t.O and $7.O. 'The above Is a dohogany veneer table .Vitiu nine rnarquettcries , the style is of the latest , the ilniab is first-class , and the whole ensemble Is indicative of taste and rctlnernenL You can own one for $1.95. Do not forget about the large arm , oak rocker with cane seat that we are selling for $1.93. We still have a few. Mao the ladles rocker , alt oak , cane seat , at $1.50. New arrivals In screens antI easels cheaper than ever. Special Millinery Sale1 Nearing the close of the season , we are cutting the prices on the exquisite triunmeul hints now In stock , We still have an elegant nsaOrtment of svehl creations to choose from and the prices nrc less than half what they were. The newest shapea in sailors on special sale , See the new Inox. Great bargains in babies' lace caps and chiildrcns dainty mliii hats. A beautiful display of flowers and all the desirable trimmings at great reductions in price. Sheet Music. War songs. All the now war ballads. This Is a small list of our latest "hilts : " "America Forever , " by Pauli ; "lireak the News to Mother , " by Harris ; "Lhring Our heroes Home Again , " by Kramer : "Heroes Who Sank with the Maine , " by Cohn ; "Ho Enlisted with the United States Volunteers , " by Williams ; "Ill-Fated Maine , " by Quigley ; "I'm a Yankee General , or Even Though lie Were My Son. " by Rosenfeld ; "My Sweetheart \Vent Down with the Maine , " by Morgan ; "On the Shores of Havana Far Away , " by Paul Dresser ; ° Remernber the Maine ; " "There is No Flag Like the Ited'blte and Blue , " by Harris ; "The 130)'S Who Wear the Blue Are Turning Gray , " by Parks ; "Just Let the hand Play Dixie , " by Parks ; "The Flag That has Never Known Defeat , " by Sutton ; "We Ilavo Ito- memberod the Maine , " "Vo Are Heady , " "What Did Dewey Do to Them , " by I3ren- nan ; "We Are Corning , Uncle Billy , " etc. A hundred or more pretty new two-steps and waltzes in patriotic music at our popul- Jar prices. Grand Army songs in collections ranging in price from Oc upward. ( ion , which shall eventually be used In Ia- vor of an outside nian. Mr. Doaver said last night that ho had hearth from enough of the country precincts to assure him a majority In the convention today. There appears to have been little contest in the country precincts. it was also announced late yesterday that while the regular Deas'er ticket In South Omaha hind been defeated , a majorIty of the dole. gallon elected is for him , with possibly , the solid vote being cast in that direction , The fight there was more of an attack upon ( lie old workers than against any particular candidat e , V Yelser is equally confident , but so far as known no delegates bare been elected for him alone. Tue only votes credited to him are those fioni the wards where ho tied up with Peabody. These delegations are principally Peabody men , anti indicate that Yelser has been the victim of a con fidence game , This developed yesterday afternoon - ernoon durIng a conference of Yeiser's and Beaver's friends , by which it was sought to form an alliance against ( be efforts of the state house machine and local demo. cratic gang to mix up in tht' affairs of the populist party. Both sides of the cooler. ence professed willingness to make any sacrifice to accomplish this coil , but It was found that 'i'elser's delegates , as a rule , were not steadlntly for him and no con- elusion was reached , It is now openly charged among the populist - list workers that the men instrumental in bringing out Dr , Peabody as a candidate diul so in the interest of ex.Speaher GathIn of Saunders county , It is said they did not dare snake a campaign for Gaflin openly In Douglas county , and hit upon thie idea of bringing out Peabody , trusting that his taste of official power would tempt him to accept ( lie prop9sitipn fi good faith and throw his personality into the campaign. The result in ( lie city shows that they vlanned wehl , the only question with them how being whether or not they have net been too successful , The ( ear of ( lila couidt. tion ls said to b holding some of them in the ranks of Teiser's support , to pro- Grand Saturday Sale , 1,000 all silk sashes , made of finest moire taffeta , & nd 7 inches 'wide , elegant frngo , regular irlce $ .00 , special sale price , 9Sc , 1,000 GLOBES , ( lie latest and most accurate - curate giolie , saint as used In libraries and schools , 6 Inches in dIameter , showing all Important point , , latitude antI longitude , etc. , . , Vortb $1.00 , on srulo at 25c , f00 DOZEN'r COMflUATION POCItETllOOlS , regular 0c and lSc goods , on special sale at 2cc. LADiES' 1JOV AND STIUNG TIES , sin exquisite hue worth 25c and Z'Oc , on special sale at 1&c , SOUVENIRS O TIlE EXPOSITION. This Is ( lie only ) iouo in the cIty carrying a full line of all the principal buildings , mounted on celluloid , In elegant frames , regular prices fOc anti 7c , on sale at lOc anti lSc. Souvenir bell , , made of finest opal ware , decorated with flags and with the motto of the Exposition ; regulsir price $1.00 , sale price SOc. A very pretty souvenir. SPECIAL SALE ON LAIhES' IIEI.TS , Full line of fancy belts , regular pried 25c , on sale Saturday sit Sc. All fine grain leather belts , regular price , SOc , on sale at 25c. 25c.GI1AND GI1AND HhlIBON SALE : Filt line of elegant satin and grosgrain ribbn worth 7c to flOe 11cr yard , on sale at 2e to lOc per yard , Eollowlnq Silk Barnains on Sale Saturday in the LiIij Silk Dept. l'laIn Colored Stirabs , in dark shatlee , Dresden Crepes , 24 in , wide and Printed Summer Silks , worthIp to ? r yard , all go on sale Satui.tiayV only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c The big sale on Drapery Silks is nov go- log on In Silk Departiiient on main hoot. io pieces 30 in. Oriental Drapery Silks , the latest designs , in the zilost vivid color effects , worth $1.00 , on sale at only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49a So iiiocea 32 in , V finest grade Japango Drapery Silk , hicautiful designs and colors , very appropriate for curtains , iliano pearls , cushions or drapes , worth $1.50 , all go on sale at , , , . , . 75c Leading Dress ( leeds House of the West. Over 30,000 styles to select from. Ilenriettas , Novel ties , Cashmeres and all colors antI binclc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc 250 pieces Novelties , worth 0c , at . . ,1c 300 pieces Noveities , Cashmeres , etc. , worth ISo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc 200 pIeces of Dress Goods , worth 40c , for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Three Tabhes-Novelties worth 10c , 39c- Novelties worth 65c , 49c-Novelties worth 75c , SIC. Headquarters for Priesthoy's Black Goods. MaiI orders rpcelvo prompt attention , Carpets. V All wool extra super Ingrain Carpets at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Sc Best ten wire Ilrussels , at . . . . . . . . . . GOc Special prices on nil short lengths. Brussels Rug at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-loch Smyrna Hug at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.25 , Floor Oil Cloth at , yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : He For III. ' iIuil lIit'i'tlon , Yesterday afternoon City Cleric Carpenter - ter sent out notices to ( lie judges and clerks who are to servo at the coming special bond election , According to the statutes the Judges and clerics at any gen- cml , special or municipal election must be appoioteti by ( lie county judge and are to servo for a term of one year , Provision Is made for the filling of vacancies by the county judge prior to any special election , a number of the judgc and clerks appointed - pointed for the November election last year have moved away the vacancies will ho lilleil according to law and ( ho city clerk received notice yesterday afternoon from Judge Baxter that the appoinnients to fill vacancies have been itiude. This provision of the la will virtually d away itb the Great Special Sale on Shirt Waists. Lulies' Shirt Waists , In large Plaid Cling- haiti and solid colors , chambray , worth t'Oc , on sale at He , Shirt waists In fine percale , light and dark colors , full blouse front , worth $ l00 , at CDC , Shirt waists In cortled ninulrns , organtlie and pique , worth ,98 , at $1.00 , i.aulies black sihk raista at $2.50. We are showing great values in summer dress skirts , Though we have solti cant- mous qtiantltiesV ( ha variety of styles is us good as ever , Pique' , crashes anti linen in the most desirable styles at. 75r , DSc , $125 , Each worth fully' onQ-hialf more. A dress skirt In all wool cheviot , serge or brihllantiue , In vhntn blacc , fancy figured or colored , lined stud stiffened , tuhl width , fan back and. perfect fitting , special price , $250 , Ladles tintheralcirts , in black and fancy colored anteen , ( louble corded ruffle , at ISo. Ladies' wrappers , made from extra quality - ity iercale , nicely triunmeti , at 'Sc , Ladies' wrappers , simile of high grade lawn and lorcalC , Iti hrtnthaouiie nssortrient of colors , braid trituined , tight fitting , inside - side lining , full sltrt , at uSe. An elegantly tailored ladles' coat stilt , of all wool serge or hievlot , silk lined jnckete skirt lined , with pcrcahliie' , worth $12,00 , at $4.S9. Sensational Linen Prices. TilE llNEST LINENS EVEI1 ShOWN iN AMEI1ICA , AT Ith.lAhtKAh3LE I1C- IJCTION l'RICES F'Olt SAT- UltlAY'S. Sl'EOIAL SACE. . One case CI-liuth hill blenched Irish thu- inashc , % Vortli SSc' , at llc , One case CS-Inch German silver bleached damask , Vorti1 SOc , at lIe. One case GO-inch Austrian damask , worth GOc , at 39c yard. Ouio case celebrated Clyde damask , worth 75c , at lIe yard. ufle case double satin damask , worth $125 , at Gb yartl , One case Turkey lIed Damask , fast colors , worth 30c , at. 17c yard , H-inch Butchers' linen , worth 40c , at 25c yard. 36-Inch rotund thread art linen , worth SSc , at & 7 ½ c. SOC ) dozen i-4 full bleaclieti napkins , worth $1.10 , at USc. V V 200 dozen S-S silver blenchetl napkins. . worth $1.00 , at 6c. . 200 dozen 3-4 bleached all linen naplcius ' worth $2.50 at $1.75 loen. ' One bale alt linen crash , 16 inches wide. at Sc yard. V . V will jilace on sak' 500 nh hinea fern- stitched table cloths , two yartis long , worth vorth $1.90 , at $2.0) . V Wash Goods Specia1 12-inch extra fine Linen Swiss , elegant fabric , worth 45c , on sale at , yard. . lIe 26-inch PercaIei , ineditun colors , per- fectiy washable , gootl styles , yard. , 40-inch Scotch Lawns , in ehieclcs antI . stripes , yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 nieces of Wni. Garner's host 36- lnch In. light nod 100(1mm colort , onVsaleV at. yard V , V , ; , , lOc V V HAYDEN' JEROS. - - First.Vardfl. . JI.'alh , It. . F. Williams , I , 1' . A. Brechert. 0101 Johnson , 3. 1.1. Gay- here. Second Ward-John II. Bell , Benjamin Jurhiam , .1. M. Stewart , W. C. Kelly. hoary hopper. Third Ward-No primary held , Fourth \Vnrd-L. B. Johnson. B. F. Lank- ton , C. 0 , Sprague , 13. M. Johnston , S. it. Towne. Fifth Ward-Peter Peterson. H. A. Macham. Dennis J. Kohleher , Edward J. Clark. Abner Trvis. Sixth Ward-i. M. Chambers , V. ' . M. Iauiin , C. It. Bausermaul , J. G. Pritchard. T. F , Sturgess. Seventh Ward-No primary held. Elhth Ward-Br , J. J. Saville , John F. Helm , A. W. Alien , Lawrence Itath , SVih- 11am Hayden. Ninth Vard-John Mackin , Dr. S. D. Met- car , Franhc itansont , M. Wilson , Nehon Met- cer. cer.Thin county conveiition wiil be held in Labor Temple at 3 o'clock this afternoon , when thirty-nine delegates will be selected to the state convention to be held at Lin- cola August 2 and the same number to the congressional convention , not yet called. , lity TO I'll IIViINP JNST1tIJCTIONS. Sate Itoiisr % luIi I ii I' Is tgniiit fl)11g isis Coililt CiiiiIIilat e. The populist county convention wIll be held in Voodman hail In the Crounse blocic at 2 o'clock this afternoon , anti unless all signs fail there wilt be an interesting contest. The real fight will come on the question of an Instructed or uninstructeti delegation , although the surface appear- once is a contest for vreference by three canditintes for governor. Indications seem to point ( bat the issue will be squarely be- ( wean Denver anti Peabody for the delega- ( Ion , with a large per cent or the doctor's strength favoring an unlnatructetl delega- yent , , _ , a unfled any candIdate from Douglas c.i : V The Siir LU IrI iie L. ii I'O. There Is no uISO suilefing from this dreadful - ful malady , if you wIll only get the right remedy. You urn having pains all through , your body , your liver is out 61 order , have no apotite , no life or ambition , have a bad cpld , In fact crc completely usetl u. Elec- trio Bitters ie the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief , They act directly on your liver , stonmach and kidneys , tone up the whole system and make you feel like a now being , They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store , only 50 cents per bottle. -ww _ lsouiu OMAHA NEWS. John F. Itoberts , president of the Board of Education , Is advocating the scheme of apportioning the levy into different funda in order that the records may be kept Ia better shape. heretofore ( lie plan lies been to make a common fuiiiui of all the moneys received and pay bills of all kinds as long as the inony lasted. In one way this has worked a hardship , us ( lie teachers are Ire- quently called upon to discount their warrants - rants when there should be money on hand to pay tiip face value of these certificates of indehitetlness. The law' specifies that the state apportionment flutist go to this tcach- ers' fund , but this provision has been overlooked - looked onti ( lie amount receiveul yearly from the state bus been dumped into the lint and used for general purposes. I'resl- dent Hoborts' idea is to apportion so much of the levy to certain fuiids and to tlraw warrants on these funds as long as there is a balance remaining , \'lien there is no money in Chic fund tim warrants will be registered at the treasurer's 0111cc the same as city warrants and will draw 7 per cent interest from the date of registration until paid. This plan will prevent the necessity for discounting teachers' warrants as money enough ivil be appropriated or this fund to carry the teachers' pay roll through ( lie fiscal year. For the present fiscal year it is estimated that $25,000 will be needed for buildings and grounds , $1,055 for furniture , 1,400 for supplies , $2,544 for Janitors , $2,000 ( or fuel and V $2,000 for miscellaneous cx- penses , This makes it total of $34,000 , which has been nskeI ( for by the hoard. In addition to ( lila there will be In the : ielgh- borliood of $6,000 from the state , which must go to the teachers' fund. This plait is receiving the favorable consIderation of a number of the members of ( lie board arid may be adopted , it will make considerable more worlc for the city treasurer , as by the present system lie has only one account - count to keep of the school moneys as nil warrants are drawn against any money the treasurer may have In his vossesslon , President lioberts states that the school law is such thiat the board cannot very well evade the ndoptloii of the plan lie suggests qs regards the apportiouitng of the money received , Ho has obtainetl legal advice - vice on the matter and the attorneys lie consulted told him that his idea is correct. plan , p , Mayor Ensci. ; to have the ju1ges and clerIcs donate their services to the city on this occasion. The 1a allows them pay for this work , anti whim Mayor Ensor Iii- sists upon asserting that many 'lll < serva without pay , it is hardly iirobable that any one 'n South Omaha wllh go without pay that lie Is lawfully entitled to. Quite a nuniber of the judges and clerIcs who are oil tim list assert that they will deninnd Pay for their services , 1111(1 if any are inld It Is more tbau likely that all will receive compensation for thic' day's work. In hits Proclamation ( lie mayor hiss deslgnntetl time following voting places : First Warth-FIrst precinct , Forninnek's bulitling , Twenty-tlfthi Street , betweeii M aiid N streets ; Second precinct , vacant building oil ( lie west sIde of Twenty-fourth street , between K and h streets ; Third iire duct , Collins' music store , Twenty-fourth street , between K and 1 streets. Second W'ard-Flrst precinct , hugh ICon- nely's building , east 1tie of 'rwenty-fotirthi strt't't , between N no.1 0 streets ; Secoiul precinct , i'i'onln's feed store , Tweuity-tlrst and Q streets ; Third precinct , Morrill's teed store , Albrigbt. Third \\'ard-First precinct , Evans' builVi. big , 'l'wenty-eigbth anti It streets ; Secon'l precinct , Kilker building , Thirty-first aml Q streets. Fourth \\'nrd-Old school house , Thirty- second anti J streets , lingie Cily G(1514i1) . A dntigbter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. F. Vanaselt , Nineteenth and I' streets , Mrs. Albert Heft is seriously ill at her home , Twenty-seventh anl ( X streets. Armour & Co. will pa' every two weelcs , Thursday being the day designated for (1,15 , purpose. Federal Labor union , No. l12 , will meet next \'ednesday night at Ancient Order of iliberinn bali. George A. Symons of Chicago arrived y. terday nod will act as one of the assistant tlnit'keepers at trmour's. A. D. fliehel of Qulncy , Ill. , was a visitor at the stock yards yesterday , ( tie guest of General Superlntendeiit. . J. L. Paxton. Thin Methodist hewn social sit ( lie home of VV. Z , McCoihister , Eighteenth and Missouri avenue , last night was well attended. Mrs. Id. O'Brien of Washington , D. C. , Is visiting her brother , T. J. Nolan , and her sisters , Mrs. Cnssidy and Miss Nolan. A carloatl of new equipment for ( lie local electric light station arrived ( rain ( lie cast yesterday. Four more cars are to foihow , The action of the exposition directory in fixing ( lie Siintlay admIssIons at 25 cents uieets : with ( lie approval of a majority of the laboring mcii here , A merchant froni Dunlap , In , , was In ( lie city yesterday looking for a location to open a dry goods store. lie was surprised to find So few vacant buiitliiigs here , but ( lie rents were higher than lie expected , Jed H. DeLco , one of the assistant timekeepers - keepers at Arniour's , was married a few days ago to Mis itase M. Daly , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J , J , Iaiy of Omaha. Bishop Seanneli iierorined thio ceremony. S. Citesley , ouio of Armour's einpioyes , % vas injuretl yesterday afleriioon by being struck on ( lie head by n falling whieeibar- 1 0W. The Injured inaiins rernoveil to ills helm at Tvonty.secoiitl and 1' streets , whu're Dr , l3chulndel attended 1dm. CnsIt'l ii IIpgiis ( hit'ck. Manager Coates of the Mercer hotel was cleverly swiiidied out of $15 yesterday by iiicnns of a bogus check supposetl to have been sent him hy Treasurer H. L. Carpenter of ( lie Carpenter Paper company. The offices of ( lie paper company are directly opposite ( lie lintel , so Mr. Coates thought It iiothi- log strange ( lila inurnhiig sviieii a young man minus hat awl coat. entered the hotel and askeil that a chock lie lied in his hianti be cashed us an accoininotlation to lr , Car. ieJiter , 'hio liatl no small chiuiige , Thin man professed to ho a cleric employed by ( lie pa- jer company and lila appearance bore bun out. The money was given hint readily enough , Later Mr. Coates coiled on Mr. Carpenter ( or ( lie rcdt'inptiari of the chock and was pained to know bow casliy he had heeu duped. The check shows ( hint its creator intenuls to conduct whiolesalo swiuidtlng operations by means of ( ho name of time company , as Or tt : , , Cut Price . V Clothing Sale Positively ( lie last round-up in men's and boys' light anti medium weight. stilts. After one week's chcaranc sah we find many nioro ltghL utiti nietlitin1 cighit stilts than desirable at thu cason , It is an old anti wcll.estnbhtshietl rule with us not to carry os-er a single garment nod we wIll . Hold a great final cut price sale which will rid us of every suit niitl enabho every bargain seeker to liUrChlrtSO a stylish' au wool stilt at a price less thou the acttia ( cost of manufacture. 4\hl new , Ircalt nod syhhshily.nmthe ( garmnciits. This sale begins Saturday ntorniiig at S o'elock. Prudent buyers vUl be on hand early itint secure the cit'am of lcetiott. prices on mcii's stilts All ntir $1.50 inca's iltio stilts , In plain antI fancy cassltnerca anti chierlots , can ho bought Sattirtlay at $3.H. Quit eiitita $10.00 end $12.50 suits in sergea , ehieviots. gray antI hirown vorstct patterns ( bat cnn be worn at any season of the year , on ale 'attirthiy at $5.00. A chance lii a life time The very finest stilts In otir tech , mnamle iii thin latest styles , hook better niiil nra tallorctl suierior , to nny you will fimi elsewhere itt any vrice ; reguilar $ il.00 nuitl $23.00 values ; special vrico Saturtlay at $ S.75 anti $11.50. Boys' bug laiiis suits , % % Vortb $6.50 , $7.50 aiid $11.00 , on sale Satuttlav at $3.50 , $1.50 antI $6.00. ' . Crash suits 'All crash stilts on auto at $ l,25 , $1.60 , $2.25 and $2.95 , Mcii's sUiiiniar coats anti vests at half thiir real value. Boys' wasliabtu knee 1)50(5 suits , ages 3 to S years , at 25c and 50 Boy. ' washable pants , Sc , iSo niitl 25c , , , . . . . V Boys' wool lciieo Pants at 25e , 35c and SOc , Melt's odd iinnts , worth $2.50 auth $3.00 , on sale at $1.75 aiiil $1t5. Great special sale ott iiieii's furnishing goods ; I Men.'u fine percale abti innClrns shirts , in all the newest styles mid patterns , worth $1.25 , at SOc. Mcii's fine stispeiitlora In all styles , wor ( hi SOc and 75e , at 15c. . Mcii's leather belts in nit the new shin.uies , regular SOc belts , at 25c. hays' belts , iv t'thi 25e , at Sc. Men's band lmOi iittd ariiig ( tics , wor ( hi 25c , at Sc. Men's four-in-hiatid antI neckties , regular Soc values , at 25c. Shea's handkerchiefs , in lilain white no d fancy colors , vorthi 25c , at Sc , Men's bahbrggaui shirts end tlrawcrs , in phalli nod fancy colors , worth SOc , at 23e. Special sale ott ladies' fttrnisliings. Ladies' ribbed vests , vithout slecve , worth lSc , at Sc , Ladies' fine ribbe't vests , 1Voi.thi 25c , at I. 2'c. Ladies' black and browit hose full scala less nnd warranted fast. colors , worth 25c , at 12 ½ c. . . Children's bicycle hose , with double kit cc nod heel anti toe , worth 25c , at 12'c. ' .I3o's' waists , worth SOc , at 25c. ' ' . , Ladles' summer corsets at He , 39c amid 5 Oc. Hats on special sale Hot weather hats are moving right along. The goods on linnil intist be sold iii short order , regardless of prIces , to imiake rooni for fall goods. l'rices range front Sc to 75c. All sizes , nIl styles. Call In itnil ge t a bargain. V For a good trunk , traveiitig bag or vali so , call on h1ndca Bros. ho went to the trouble of having ( lie checks Prlfile(1 with thin iinmc of ( lie firni across the top to make them more decelitive. DRMV iIO1E CROWDS ( Continued fromFirst l'age. ) to reach here next week. The boat Is 0110 of ( lie most V modern , stichi as us'd at all of ( he oceali stations , it is twenty-six feet long. self-rightIng niul scif-bailtiig. Time worhc of changing the must In ( he baslii of ( lie lagoon , where ( lie hifo saving exhiibltloiis wilt be carried on , wihi begin vlhtin ( the iicxt tow da3's and wIll be coiii pleted before the arrival of the boat. it will ho moved to a paint almost directly east of ( lie central portion of the ( IOV- eriinient building aiifi 'will he located just to the east of the fountain. This change of location Is in order that In givIng ox- hiibltioiis ( lie shots will go up the lagoon lnstenI ( of across. 1iuIIMitioIl Ni-s. The only feature at the exposithoo last night was the band concert , which vas listened to by a good sized crowtl. Several new attractions are going iii on ( lie Midway. Those ( lint are there now ri'- port a fair busliioss , much .ijetter than is ustial duriiig ( lie early days of nit exiiosi- tic ii , As guests of Director Bldwell , Presidiit \\'attles and Directors ICirkendrill anti Linil- iey of the exposition Intro goon to lint Springs , S. D , , for a few days outing. They vihi he back next reek. 'rlioro will ho a. cliaiigo In some of the Midway programs boxt Sunday. At the Streets of All Nations religious services will be hold iii the morning at ii o'clock , 11ev. J. I. 'rainlimosian officiating , Thi& . reverend goiitierniin Is a converted Mohiaiiiinedau priest , now residing in Chicago , Who members of the city council attended the exposition last night , going omit In a body , After looking through the builduiigs they devoted their ( hue antI sittentloii to ( sIting In the sights on ( lie Milvay. Tiiey remained until the lights 'ent out minI upon their return they voted ( lie show a succcsq , Tito beek 'cpers of ( be National union will hold their annual meeting in this city Sop- ( ember 12-li. The sessIons will be held dawn town , at which it Is expected 500 members will lie in attendance. At seine ihnte during the ntecting the inehmihels attend the exposition In a body , mimakilig their headquarters at the Apiary building. Secretary Cox loft ( lie city last night for Wasliliigtoii , lie bus heft Mr. John Al. Diddle , thom custodian of the State depart. inept , in charge of the Government lui1'lIii , ' , luriiig his nbseiice , which will extend to ( lie 5th or 6th p1 August , My , Blild1 himi been connected wIth the State ult'partnit'mit in an official capacity for a imuimiber of years and is oiie of ( lie best rcal ( arid niot accomplished gouthenien in charge of a government exhibit. "I micrer flaw anyone so worked up in niy life , " said a woman at Zilontgoinrry W'ai'tl & Co.'s building yesterday , as miiy sister is over betstvluig niachiin. Toil see , sue advocates ( lie crazy idea of uiatron- izirig hioiiie inilustry as silo calls it , 'ehI , sue bougtit a $45 tnnchiliio and I bought oiie from Alontgoinery Ward 5 ; Cci , for hii..O. \\'cli , you can't tell ( heal apart and mine ruins lighter awl makes roe un trouble niul she , poor girl , just acts rIdiculous about tb. . thifference in price , whatever she thinks uf it. You see the ditUirenre to linen s'oiI.i : iiave met her expenses to this exposition , \'lien sue comes. don't say much to her about . it , imhe'a hind enough trouble about it , now. hg'Npiijsrii i'sst hhgiul ; , Osslo AleNamarn , vhio was strumel : on ( ho head in a drunken quarrel near Tenth and Ioughas streets a few miiglils ago , real- pearod at the police statioii last night in a serious condition. lie ba'l beeii allowed to go ( lie day following the occurrence , as ( hero was no perceptible fracture of tim skull unit ( lie wound ditl not appear ilan- gerous. MeNumara bad made an effort to get to his hone in St. Louis , Mo. , but selzeii with a inentsi attack iii Iowm aiid was sent back to this city , The , jiolico sur- Scott says ( but AtcNamuta is cithet utfcr- lug from a clot of lhood ) on the limb or a fracture of ( ho iiiiicr plate of tim skull , iim which latter case his eoiitlilon is seriolis _ No further effort itas hoot , iualo by ( ho halite to Iocat lila nrsnRtint. Best hard coal foi' Iiidiiediato delivery , $7.50 vet lou. C. B llnveii & Cu , 'rd. 317. LOCAL BREVITIES. I' . J. lCuiiz has lCCii ) gtaitod a. permit erect a $2,000 Ironic tltvt'hliiig near Fortieth iuiil Ilirnvy , streets. AiIitller ( lierniit to hiuild a $1,500 cottage near Tlirty-secoiid. , avehiuc ail , , Hickory strect has beeii Issued to J. I. . . Carsoim. Yesterday hmarti coal dropped froiit $ S.50 a ton to $7.50 owing to a reduction in eastern lirlecs. T1il is iihilerstuil , ( to lie only ( ciii- PorarY and for inuiiietllsto delIvery , am , ( ho t'astrrii jobbers ore apt to withdraw their lirices ut niiy ( line. hunt CosiI. Best Scranton , $7.S0 mier ton delivered , Tel , 129. 0. W. Ili'Lij CO. ' 'ii"l hrrIs. Arthur Morris , a strniiger froni Los An- gobs , Cal. , % Vhip \ViiH nirosteil ils (1 'agriiii tIn ro vveks ago aiid she was iclcaseI , , ( hi Police failing tO convict hliii of ( lie ( 'hmargo. % .dts PiChCl UI ) by tIme iiol Ice ( . chin rgeii Wi t hi btil iig a an spl cious cii ainccr. A nuiiiber of liWIi ) tIckets for Heveral iiiit- 11100(1 set rings aggregatijig lii value $1.10 Vtvcro fuuu'l ' iii his irnekets nuil ( tic' 1,0110 , Lit 0 Ii CC j Ii in icml , to t In' couel us lou t ha t thu jewelry had been stoleit by liii , , . Morris' wife raIled at ( lie station nii idciltlill ( ( tin' tickets us hers. She saul eli had given. them to Morris to keep for her The California nuthiori tl's loire liecim unIt tied of Norris' arrest antI iiiforiintoii , ! ns \s 11mm lie Is has hiceii nelmctl of (1mm by lb Oiiinhia lellcc ) , 'gs . ' 4 Whicii Iady a a : . MarIe Wortley _ a. visited V Nuiiague - ? _ , the household of 'bY , : - . . . ( lie Sultan , sihie ; wrote home to ( 1' Eiiglatid ( hat tim ladles of thit . s , - harem wcro t sniothicrcd with \ , C ; \haughiter to dis. J V t Icover ( hint her ( . Jiadyslaip vore I 'I -I . . ' mu timer vest I I \i i j I of steel and \ I ) " S wlialciomie , ILl I i tight , Inipeume. ( rahile gtiuml sti. 1 flIng , In other words , a corset. _ _ 9 V ' , 'rite latHes - . - , of the hiaremit - : - : , 4/ , : , would un doubt have becim 091.151 ly astoimislied , though lierliuPs lint disposed to laughib.'r , had they kiiowmi that ( lie women of ss'esterii iiatlons , through false ideai of delicacy stuffer ill silemica iiiitold agoiiy , aiiul eouetllues death , through uicg. heel of their hicaltit iii a woniaiily way , \Voniemis'hio iiffer Iii ( lila way eliriuk , train ( lie eiiibarrassiiig cxaiiiinatiouis aiid local treatment insisted upon by ( lie majorIty of ihiyaic1nns. I I ( hey ouily knew U , there Is ItO necessity for these ordeals. Mi ciiii. floUt and skillful liliysicluii ; bug attica ulls- covered a reniedy ( lint wonien titay use in ( lie PrivacY of ( heir own hinimies It is Dr. i'ierce's ' Favorite J'mescrjlitjohi It acts dl. rcctly nit ( lie feiiijiiiiie oigaiilsni , giving It etrc'iith , , vigor aiid elasticity. It stops all ileiIIitatiiig draitis , It Is ( lie greatest of alt nerve toiiics aiid iiivlgoratoni for wounc'ui , 'L'lioueaiul'u of Wiiiieii who were weak sickly - ly , liettihant niitl dvspoiiheuit liuvalids are to.lay happy aiid healthy as ( lie result of ( lie use of this woinlerful iiiedichpio , ( hood. druggists ( In mint advise substitutes for this iiicoutiparabhc reniedy. , ' I have used Br. I'ierce' Favorite Prcscrlp- lion end ' Goideii Medical Discovery' iii my larilly , , " vultcs Mrs. G. A. Conner , of Alleglisny tipriiigs , lloutgoncry ; Co. , ira. , and lotte lon1 , them to be lilt best jnrtllduc that I ever limed. " Send 21 oile.Ceiit Maiiips , to cover cost of uiiaihlng only , to the \Vorld' ' Dispensary MedIcal Associatinii , Buffalo , N. V , for it liaher.coverccl copy of Dr Pierce's Coainunz Sense Medical Auhvjscr--Clotli ; liiiidini ten edits extra. A whole MedIcal library Lu one i000.pago volume ,