Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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1Iecbtnca1 ! Street Sweeper Brings About an
Official Deadlock ,
Ilunrd of 1ii1iI Ic Vnrkp , 1nInrie t1t
litIi I tie niiI SeckM * 4 , IIti I , but
thu C4tiIuI hitCh tre ( ) i-
Tim cRy council and the l3onrd of PIILIh
Worka nppcnr to have locked horns over a
Street sweeper , which is an inofensvo and
economical or on offensive and not. economt
cal bit of mcchanlm , according to tim poflt
ot view froni whkh the two bOdlea contdcr
It The bonn o contention Was again
prciscd forward by the refusat of the coun
dil at the last meeting to npprorIato $125
to pay tor tile UBO at the maclimo and by
diiayIng ) ft disposition never to pay it.
2dcanwhuie thu wcepcr goes on merrily with
lts work.
: rIe maclimo davne1 upon Oinala in the
priiig , when the Board of I'iiblic W'orks
EflaPPe(1 It. up at what It considered a bargain -
gain , Tim inanufacturera nfTered to allow
the city to rent. It for 200 days at $8 a day ,
w1thi tile proviso that. the $600 so paid should
ho applied on tim ultirnato purchase of the
machine. City 1nglneer Itosowator , who Is
chairman of thin board , says that the inn-
chine lies bemi doing good work and that It
s ckniilng streets at a cheaper rate than
could be ilono In any other way. Only a
teatil and a teamsteV at a cost at $3 a day is
required to engineer tim thing , and the corn-
hinatlon Is clanlng UI ) over a mile of street
each ( lay , making the cost at sweeping betWeen -
tWeen $1 auth $5 a mile. The city engineer
Rays that sweeping by day labor costs at
least 50 per cent more ,
Several members ot the council , nnd par-
tlcularly I'resldent Ilinghamn , dIffer wIth this
statement. They htisist that the work is
: not lioing done satistactorlly In the first
place , that Instead ot thu machine being a
dustless affair it Is very much to the con-
trary. They maintain , that It ( hoes not pick
UI ) army of the dirt , hut simply scatters It
through the atmosphere , whence It alights
In thmo houses and on the ProPerty adjoinIng.
Moreover , President Illnghmun assorts that. It
(1008 not do ( ho work cheaper than by day
The great objection to tim sweeper advanced -
vanced by the council is that It Is an Illegal
Iricco of apparatus. They Insist the charter
permIts street sweepIng to be ( lone only by
day laborers. l'resident ihlaghanc says , too ,
that 1O Was the author of a resolutIon
ptirsc4 ; two years ago in which It was
provitled that day laborers only should be
employed In sweeping streets and as this
resolution has never been rescInded he
maintains that it still stands.
'Time sweeper has caused numerous kIcks.
it formerly operated In the day time , but
It raised such a muse that it was relegated
to night time. SInce then all complaints
imave not ccasd. A solution , however , appears -
pears probable In the future , as the broom
of tlro itiachmino Is worn out and it the
councIl dOCS nOt appropriate a sunt of money
to replace it thu machIne will have to be
II.IJ III , ' , ' led Itie,1 * 0 DaIly.
Ithougli tlio Southwest boulevard scheme
is about to reach the council in the shape
of a recumnmnemirlatioli from the Advisory
board that the report of the appraisers who
fixed tile value of the property to be condemned -
domned be approved by the city fathers , It
Is very probable that Its prpgrcss through
the COtifliel vlll be a soniewlmat slow and
tedious affair. In speaking about the matter
isoreral city councIlmen expressed theni-
solves to tIre effect that they would vote
acithor for nor against the lroposition until
they hind thorou'gbly Iavestigated It. A
suggestion has been macia that the aldermen -
men should personally view the property to
ho condenmned before taking any action.
atortxmtIt SliLtistics.
Tue following bIrths and ( leaths were re-
portel to the health commissioner during
the twenty-four hours ending at noon yesterday -
terday :
Births-Paul Dorechor. 2715 South Ninth ) ,
girl ; Nicholas Edwards , 1111 South Ninth ,
girl ; John A. McEvoy , 1120 Martha , boy.
Deaths-A. 3. Dewitt , Emanuel hospItal ,
69 years ; Grace iCrello , 2453 South high-
tccnth , 2 years ; I' . I3crfelt , 615 Pacific , 1
month ; - W'aller , 1420 North Twenty-
clghth. 1 months ,
lloaril uf I'uIlIc % VrIcs.
The i3oard of I'uhhic Works met yesterday
afternoon In tile City haIl and held a short
sessIon at , which all the members were pres-
ent. The only busIness transacted was the
approval of the city pay rolls. As no other
buinesa was before the board the meeting
was very short and Informal.
CnriL ( VIL 111r , Cumnmnijis.
OMAhA , July 22.-To the Editor of The
Bee : Referring to pin game gnrnlIers , I
have been dorm a grave Injustice by the
ineirtiomi of mur nanio by Mr. Allen ill LOU-
neetton with the suit against the Dwyer ,
Ilyrno and Kirshibtumu outfit , and respectfully -
fully asIc you for a conspicuous place in
) 'otlr paper In econcrntion of myself , Iarly
In February last I received a letter froni a
rominont groceryman of Nashville requestIng -
Ing mo if I could at any time assist Mr.
Dwyer same would be appreciated by hIm.
Mr. Dwycr came to me seseral t'iines for
tim loan of $5 to open a show , lmascml upon
time request of tIm merchant referred to ,
which I ( leclinOd for several days. however ,
on tim 16th of last February I vas vor-
suadod to loan hilli $50 to pay Mr. Allen rent
to put in thio show , I knew nothing of tIm
outcome of Iris ventura or the nature of
his show , and have never been In ui8 place
after ho borrowed the money-in met , had
no connection whatever wltim thorn or theIr
uffali s. I mIni ill a lcgltinmato merchandise
brokerage business , and rcpr.scnflng fifteen
of tile most prominent manufacturing concerns -
corns III the United States. My ofilco Is
room No. 2 , Nobaska NatIonal Panic build.
lug. this city , and I am now one of your
citizens. My references are , also , First Na-
tlonul bank , MacrIcan NatIonal bank and
City Savings bank of Nashville. Trusting
you will gIve this space in your paper that
my friends may understand my position and
relations to this affair , I am. very truly ,
Four trains duy
5 to ChicdOo
-From Omaha at 5:45 : a , rn , 5:05 : p ,
Zn , , 7:45 : p. in. end 12:05 : midnight. .
Tim 5:03 : and 12:05 : trains are the
"ilyers"-tbo trains that stop only at
Important stations-that carry sleep.
lug ) dining , chair and smoking cars ,
Nowhere In the west can you find
anything to surpass them in elegance ,
comfort or punctuality.
'l'I.'kvt 0111ccIc' Iepot-
1502 IOI & SU SIS ,
.a.g *
A SICCIfll Sale Shirt WAIRIA
for Sntiirdy ,
We have a few fancy parasols left , Yeti
can buy at your own price. All now styles.
Latest designs.
Ladles' colored sIlk umbrellas , navy ,
green , red , 26-Inch , close roll , best paragon
frame , very pretty , natural wood bandies ,
regular price $2.C0 , Saturday only $1.75 each.
Our stock of ladles' and children's hose
Is superIor in quality , prices lower , than
any imouso In the city ,
haIles' fast black and tan hose , double
sole , hive ) and too : other stores sell at 21c ,
Our price only ISo pair.
Ladies' fast black hose. mace soles , high
S1)liced heel arid toe , regular price 5c SatUrday -
Urday only 25o vnir.
\o have a complete lIne of ladies' 5c
hose ; these are special bargains , drop
stitch , in fast black and tan , gauze lisle ,
white heel and toe ; this litre is worth 45e
pair : our price for Satuiday only 3cc ; 3
pairs , $1.00.
JUSt received , a , new and beautiful line
of ladles' fancy hose-the now "Ram-
brnndt" ribbed-fancy dull lisle , all new
patterns , fully worth 7c pmiit' special pm Ice
for Saturday , only SOc pair.
Cimiltiren's fine ribbed , fast black and tan
hose , mnoco soleD or all black feet , double
knee , heel and too ; this Is a regular c
grade ; nil sizes S to 8. Our prica for Sat-
unlay , only 26c.
All of our Egyptian rIbbed unlerwear To-
duced to cost and below ,
Wo have vIaLed on our bargain table
for Saturday a line of ladies' underwear ;
the extreme low price will supriso our
customers ; low neck , with or without
sleeves , V or square neck , ecru or whIte ,
all reduced to be each ,
Another splendid line of , ladies' ribbed
Vests , silk tape , best finish , cent or white ,
en the counter for Saturday , all sizes , only
ISa each ,
Our stock of Indies' vests at 25e is without -
out any exception the very best bargain
that canbe , bought ; lisle thread , silk finish :
all shapes and stycs , never sold for less
timan 35c and 45c ; Saturday only 25c each.
Ladies' fine Egyptian union suits , sperlor
fit and finish ; all shapes and styles , ecru
or white : all sizes ; these garments other
houses sell at 75c suit : our price Saturday
only i8e stilt.
All of our children's summer underwear
at rcmIucel prIces , cern or white , ankle or
knee length pants ; vests , long or short
sleeves ,
Including nil our exclusive styies , made
of tire best materials , to bo closed out regardless -
gardless of cost.
We are special agents for these patterns ;
all the new publications and patterns now
Corner Farnam and Fifteenth Sts.
'O)1ICIL hell In CItYJnII at the % ' 1Ll
of tile I'ullee StrumgIing for
'i'lmclr LIbert' .
Yesterday the cases of KItty Owens
iiimml Mary Brown were brought to the notice
of Judge Slabaugh on habeas corpus pro-
ceedings. TI1eBO women were alleged by
theIr attorney to bavo boon unlawfully do-
tamed at the pollee station from the 20th
until this morning , before they were booked.
They were arrested with a third woman ,
Kitty Burke , on suspicIon of having robbed
E. L. Staley of Ilushvllle , Nob. , of $11 , en
the night of tire 111th. Shortly after their
arrest an effort was made by the police to
have the cIty and county attorneys sign
ctmplaluts agaInst all the women , charging
thorn with larceny from the person , but
on InvestIgating the case these officIals refused -
fused to do so In the case of Owens and
Brown. This charge , however , was faa-
toned to Kitty Burke. The police determIned -
mIned to detain the two women anyhow.
Repeated requests of their attorney to be at-
lowed to sco his clients were denIed hIm
and ho was snubbed ly the police.
Thursday tile attorney was proinisod that
the prisoners would be brought before Judge
Gordon by Captain Slgwart durIng the after-
imoon session of the court , but at the imp-
pOlflted tlrno the captain absented hImself
and tIme promise was not fulfilled. The
attorney thietm wont before Judge Slabaugh
and Imad a writ of habeas corpus Issued.
The writ was served on Jailer Iloltfelt. Immediately -
mediately upon the servIng of the writ , war.
rants were sworn out against the two
women , charging them with vagrancy.
Judge Slabaugh beard tim merIts of the
case and wIll render a decision In the matter -
ter Saturday morning.
Kitty Burlco was given a hearing before
Judge Gordon yesterday afternoon and discharged -
charged , as the evidence adduced failed to
connect her with the robbery.
'fle Ito's mit Clitelcuniaugi DelIghted ,
Before leaving for Chiekamnauga park , Ga , ,
LIeutenant George E. Bass , Fifty-second
Iowa volunteers. procured a few Sottk of
Cimmnberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrboes
Remedy. The boys were delighted wIth tlmo
quick cures of diarrhoea which it elYeetecl.
To meet the demands .Aoutenaimt Lines or-
dercd tour dozen bottles more by express
and sold the whole of It in one day , except
three bottles kept for his own use amid for
personal frIends. It never fails to effect a
cure and is , leasant and safe to take. It is
time most successful immodiotno in the world
for howel complaInts. For sale by nil drug-
" p. ui END S 0 F OMAII A 0 UAItD14. "
'rIss liteluiles Al1.lttolliers , Il'nthors ,
Sweethcnrts arid 4i0lIilliiLdnhLCes.
Our daily papers have contained several
notices of late of special attention shown
different companies of Nebraska and other
states now stationed at Chlckamauga anti
it seems to ale that we are a little dilatory
in extending time band of encouragement end
affection tlmat is duo this young body of our
boys. Other companies are receiving hugo
boxes mmd generous slices of hard silver to
lmelp fill up a dull and trying existence in
ciinmp anti wlmy should Omnlma be backward
in showing their young blood that they are
in line. Although not In the front line ,
they are Interested enough to stand close
behind and jflish. Push something down to
them that they will appreciate and make
hifo joyful. Camp life at its best grows very
monotonous anti I ask of all to show their
sPirit of patriotlBnm by sending our boys , the
Omaha Guards , a box , and im. big one. timat
will do there anti Omaha credit. What's
time matter with somethIng nIce to cat , to
smoke or to read ? I ant preparing to send
quite a quantity of good timings myself and
wish to state that those who care to call
briimg mu at BrownIng ICing & Co.'s any
articles they wisim to send to ioveti ones and
I will guarantee their safe arrival-any who
visli to contribute canned goods , cigars , to.
bacco , liimmo juices , magazines , papers or
other articles of a nouperlalmablo nature.
Money will do if nothing else is available ,
or I wIll turn money into delicacies in nanmo
of donor , Anyooe visiming to enter into this
donation wIll bring or send by Wednesday
the 27th , their mite and I will uadertako
its prompt delivery to each and every one to
whotti time package Is addressed. Grand
Island has sent lmer boys $500 In cash , be.
sides many delicacies , Can we lot Grand
Island boat us ? Respectfully.
Manager Browning King & Co. ,
S.V. . corner 15th and Douglas.
McEaclmron lIros , will aell bee : eranton
anthracite hard coal for $7.50 per ton for
Immediate delivery , Get in o'it of the wet.
. .4. FaiAIV.ii"rAGE
Offered by the Oltiengo , Miiwnmitceo &
St. I'aitl hallway ,
A clean train made up nod started from
Omaha. flaggage checked from residence to
destination ,
Elegant train service and courteous em-
Entire trains lighted by electricity and
wIth ciectrie light in every berth
Finest dining cur service in the west ,
with meats served "a ha carte. "
The Flyer leaves at 5:45 : im , mu. daily from
Union Depot.
C. 5 , CARRIER. cib' Ticket Agent.
Today Begins the Urnnd Damngcd Linen
Sale We Prepared You ror ,
This in the Iliggest Linen Deal % e
Ivcr Unicrtok nail tIme llarga i as
Are Sititmetht trig 1'Ilenoliieunl-
Never liecti hCiiutvn hiefore.
12C CRASh ! TOWELLING , 2C , 3C ,
All the damaged crash toweling , bleached
and uflbieachotl , buck and barnaley , worth
up to h2,4c yard , go at 2'4c and 3c yard.
All the nearly sound end perfect , lmigh-
class toweling , worth Uj ) to lSc , go at Sc
yard ,
All time pain butcher's linen , fronting
linen and embroidery linen , only slightly
damaged , wortim up to SOc yard , go at 150
All the linen sheeting , 2 and 2i4 yards
wIde , worth tip to $1.00 yard , slightly
damaged , go at 25c yard ,
All the pure linen skirting crash , only
very siigimtly damaged , worth 50 yard. go
at 7e yard.
All time Sc amid be Turkish wash rags at
ic each.
All the fine irnlortei bleached Turkish
towels , only slIghtly damaged , go at lSc
each , would be a bargain at SOc.
All time fine quality , slightly damaged ,
Geruman silver bleached , table danmask ,
would be a bargaIn at 75c , go at Site yard.
Over ten different grades of bleached and
unbleached , high class table damask , worth
up to $1.00 yard ; ulnmost sound and Per-
feet , go at SOc yard.
Otto solid case of 72-inch wide unhicached
table damask , the regular GSc nuality , nb-
solutely sound and perfect , go at 29c yard.
All the badl' danmaged table damask ; we
have cut away the domhged part , leaving
remnants all sound and perfect , all 2 yards
wide , bleached goods , at Sc yard.
All the fringed doyllea in plain white
damask and fancy bordered , go at Ic , 2c , Ic ,
'Ic and Sc each , many worth $2.50 dozen , almost -
most sound and perfect.
Immense specIal bargain In slightly damaged -
aged damask towels , some with knotted
fringe , some with open work , some lmeinmed ,
in met all the towels from this irnmneimso
purclmaso at one utmltortmt Irioe. ISc each.
Most. of these towels would be a bargain
at SOc.
All the vet'y finest marseilles bed spreads
in white and colors , some badly damaged ,
some sllglmtly damaged , most of thenm imoumlu
antI perfect , go at 25c , SOc , TSc and $1.2
each. This Is ommo of the biggest bargains
of time tmle.
All the fringed table covers , almost sound
and perfect , go at lie each ,
Five cases of all kInds of Nottingham lace
curtains , white and ecru , worth from $1.25
to $2.50 pair. as long as they last today
they go at SIc pair.
coc DAi1AGED CARPET , 25C.
12 rolls best quality , strictly all wool
Lowell iuraiu carpet , always sells at tc ; ;
yard , slightly wet on the edges , at 25c yard.
150 hAND1EflCllIEFS. 1C.
1,000 dozen of all kinds of handkerchiefs ,
lacludlug fancy colored japonette , plain
white woven bn'ders , and fancy bordered ,
slightly damaged , all go at each , worth
UI ) to ISo.
Many thotisauds of lndIe3' and gents' Pain
and fancy bordered. beinstiched handket'-
chiefs. nio lact. . , , ged hankerchlefs , some
only slightly musseti. go at 3c each.
At Sc "Ye will sell all time flue , sheer India
lawn , hand-drawn thread , bematitched , plain
and fancy lace edged , also swIss ombroid-
cred handimdchiefa , at Sc , worth 25c.
$1.00 HANDKERCILIEFS , 100 , 15C , 25C.
MI the finest inmported Swiss nnl pure
Irish liImen handkerchiefs , embroidered fancy
hematitched. hand.dravn thread , open
worked hemstitched , fancy embroidered silk
handkerchIefs , In fact all time fipest qulnlity
of handkOrhiefs that would soIl In the reg.
ular way up to $1.00 each , go in thIs sale
at jOe , 150 and 25c each.
N. W. Cor. 16th anti Douglas.
; ; Against
l'oflcc Pile a Cnrge
the 'iutiili of 'l'helr
Through ie publication In The lice of
the story that John Mailoy , arrested as a
plain drunk , had boon sent to the county
jail as a highwayman through the stupidIty -
Ity of the pollco and had been kept there
five weeks awaiting a hearing , the unfortunate -
tunate man has been released. Two city
officials , who want their Identity hidden ,
bad him released on bond yesterday. The
charge against hIm Of higlmway robbery
was dismissed and In its stead tlmt of assault -
sault and battery was sibatItuted , On this
charge lie will be trIed this afternoon.
It Is alleged that on time night of Ida
arrest Malmoy , wullo very mnuca mntoxi-
cated , became Involved In an altercation
with a lunch stand owner and threw sev
era ! bard boiled eggs in the itmnch man's
fence. Malloy does not remember this
Malloy said that dtmrlng his incarceration
at the county jail he was kept in ignorance -
ranco of time charge against him and ho did
not learn what It was until Informed by
The flee story. Ho was not allowed to
communicate with his friends , although he
repeatedly asked to be allowed to do so.
Malloy Is a son of ox-Captain Jack Mal-
107 of the Kansas CIty police department.
fluckis'5 Arnlcit ah've ,
The best salvo In the world for cuts ,
bruises , sores , ulcer.s , salt thoum , fever
sores , totter , chapped bands , chilblains ,
corns , anti all skia eruptions , and positively
cures piles , or no pay required , It , Is guaranteed -
anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded , Price 25 cents per box , For sale
by Kuhn A Co.
No ) iIdiilght iCictirsion ,
There will be no midnight excursion on
the "Jaceb Richtman , " as announced on
window cards In a few store windows ,
Wimen our consent was obtained for a mid-
imight excursion by a "private party" wo
iirttl no knowledge of its character until time
advertising curds appeared.
\Vo will not permit our boat to be used
for anything but legitinmate excursions , at
wimich time must exemplary man and woman
may find enjoyment anti pleasure.
We thank time publio for its very generous
patronage titus far , and reassure It that our
excursiomme shall be conducted on the same
strictly legitimate lines in the future as In
the past.
TIIIiCPILt IlleiltitI l.intitetl.
The new Wnbasii solid vestibule train of
day coaches. sleeping and dining cars. A
train for tourists and all classes of travel ,
Leave Chicago ( daily ) , 12 noon ,
Leave St. Lquia ( daily ) , 0:10 : a. m ,
Arrive New York , via West Shore , 3:30 :
p. m ,
Arrive l3oston via Fitchburg , 5:50 : p. m ,
All agents sell tickets for this train and
wIll tell you all about It , Ask him or write
a. N. Clayton , 0 , W. P. Ant.'abash It. It ,
. % mtuiimuettu , ,
hlcginnlng Sunday matinee , a now bill
of specialties wiii oefl at the Trocadoro.
The following is the coming week's an-
nouncenlent : Corpo fires. , world's greatest.
acrobats ; Wills and Loretta , time tramp and
time gay saubrette : Jerry Hart and neatrico
Leo , sketch teaam ; Tom hceating , novelty
dancer : Moore and ICarclmer , comedy mu-
slcai actors : ioro and Evans , novelty char.
actor sketch artists.
A matinee will be given this afternoon
and tonight will close the presermt week's
Thu Superb 1quiimnieut
and quick limo of time JimIon Pacific makes
it the popular line to zli principal western
resorts. City ticket office , No , 1303 Far-
- ? -
lCEl1.lIS. , S1'llIilI . CO.
Smeclnl SniurdnyPrl'es Iii tleit's Up-
b-unIt' FuriIsli itigs ,
Our assortment of Inca's underwear for
hot weather is comleto fund prices Un-
Fine lightweight shirts and drawers , good
quality anti extra durable , drawers mnala
with ( loUblo gusseit , regular SSc grade , ape-
del price 25c ,
Extra fine quality babrlggamm shirts nnd
drawers , thin nod cool for hot weather ,
drawers made with double scat , shirts with
short or long sleeves , only SOc a garment.
French balbriggan shirts anti drawers
liglitwoiglit anti durable quallty shirts and
drawers for large amen , aizes 4S anti 50 , 750
a garment ,
American hosiery underwear. best quality
balbriggan , shirts with short or long sleeves ,
drawers for short or tall amen ; slut and lisle
ribbed shirts and drawers , very thin and
cool ; $1.00 a garment.
Our stock of men's umbrellas for sun and
rain is noted for its large , variety and lowest -
est Prices in the city. Fine twilled tilmu-
brellas , full 28-inch , strong paragon frame ,
$1.00. Extra fine twilled umbrellas , tcei
rod , paragon frame , late style crook handles ,
2S-inch , $1.25 and $1.50. Silk and linen close
roll umbrella with steel rod , parago frame
and neat fancy hantiles , full 28-inch , $2.00
and up.
For SOc. Men's soft shirts ill percale anti
twilled clmoviot to be worn with wimit col-
lartu.For 'ISo. Fine percale soft shirts with
cuffs to match , to be worn with white cot-
Iar.For SOc. Mcmi's stiff bosom shirts wRit
white bottles mmd colored madras bosoms and
detached cuffs , regular price $1.00 , specini
price Sic.
For $1.00. Mcml's soft shirts in fine French
madras , detached cuffs to match , Monarch
bra ad.
For 12c hilack and tan seamless Imoso ,
double nles , and Imeels , color stainless.
For 25c. Plain black aunt tan , fancy plaid
and striped , plrtin red , navy and cadet ,
double soles' and high spliced heels.
For 25c. Silk puff tics in wlmite , light
blue , pink and cerese , white pique puffs ,
oxford cheviot In white , light blue , pink
anti cadet.
For 50g. White pique puffs. Silk puffs
in white , black , retl , fancy 'lots and stripes.
For 75c. Silk pumits in fancy plaids.
stripes and dots , plain black , white , ; . 'd
and navy.
navy.KELLEY , STIflER & CO. .
Cor. Farnarn & Fifteenth.
' ' CitO"VD.
FOLI.OIV 'I'Ihid .
20 Per Cent 1)ieontit Sale Sninrilny
itt ' 1' . II , NorrIi' .
20 per cent oft on alt broken lines of tan
shoes and Oxfords.
These tines must ho closed out in Satur-
day's sale , anti these prices will do it.
\\o have also placed several lines of Oxfords -
fords on the bargain table at $1.00 a pair.
Remember these are broken sizes-regular
price was $2.S0 and $3.00 , Saturtlay's sale ,
$1.00 ,
A line of ladies' tan vesting top shoes ,
cut front $2.S0 to $1.98.
$3.00 vesting tot ) patent tip ladles' shoe ,
$2.40 ,
$3 00 kId top , tip same , $2.40.
$4.00 silk vesting top ladies' shoe , $3.20.
$1.50 ladies' tan. Oxfords , coin toe , $1.20.
$2.00 ladies' tan , Oxfords , all styles , $1.60.
$2.S0 ladies' tan , Oxfords , vesting top , $2.
See our bargain basket of children's Oxfords -
fords slippers , were $1.50 , $1.25 , now SOc.
Mon with small feet can buy 5 and $6
tan shoes , Saturday , for $1.OS.
Allbrokon tines of $3.00 tans , Saturday ,
$2S0 tan shoes , coin and bulldog too , Sat-
urdny , $2.80.
$4.00 cloth and vesting op tan ahoas , Saturday -
urday , $3.20. '
We'll give you a bargain In Saturday's
20 per cent discount sale.
Follow the croyd to , .
r. B. NORRIS ,
1113 Douglas.
.Tu.igo Scott Listeitiug o ( lie Defense
of OllIcers of tIme Nelr1tMhtL Cliii-
drcn's home SocIety.
The Nebraska Children's home society
contempt case came up before Judge Scott
at the time set , and President Louis D.
Holmes and Superintendent Elmer 1' . Qulvey
were both present In response to the clta-
tinns lasueti on them. The matter was continued -
tinued over until today at 10 a. at.
As the very first step Attorney Carroll S.
Montgomery made a motion for a. removal
of the case to some othOr district judge ,
either in this county or some other , and presented -
sented affidavits front himself , Mr. Holmes
and his partqer , M. A. Hall , in support of It ,
on the ground of the judge's supposed preju.
dice against Messrs. Montgomery , Holmes
and QuIey.
The court denied the statements attributed
to him ,
fleeuivvr for a ltestnmirnimt.
An application for the appointmcnt of
Adolph Brown as receiver of the restaurant
in the case of time Bankrupt Merchandise
company against the Nationni Dining corn-
pany , W , B. Chambers , George Rockholtl
and John N. Strong , was made 'to ' Judge
Scott tlmis morning. Strong was nppoirmted
as receiver some time ago , but as no bond
was insisted upon and thtercforo none given ,
the judge holds timat ho is simply the agent
and that a receiver must be bad svhmo will
duly qualify. Strong is also a creditor ,
Jacob Goldgraber , as manager of the
plaintiff company , claims a three-fourths
Nodes frjmu the Courts ,
3udge Scott has issued a writ. of habeas
Corpus , as applied for by Attorney I. J.
Dunn Wednesday , in behalf of tIme two
youths , Dellbridge and Porter , charged with
the highway rqbbry of $8 front Rothmamm.
Time writ is returnable on Tuesday.
Suit to enjoin time city and Board of Puti-
lie Works from going ahead anti paving he-
tween time street railway tracks on Vinton
street front Twentieth to Twdltty.fourtlm was
begun yesterday in the district court by
'iVeazel Wolesiiensky , lie is opposed to the
Improvement , saying It will cost $1,200.
Two divorce suits were commenced in the
district court yesterday. Minnie Lewis desires -
sires the bonds of matrimony to be dissolved
because her husband , Noah Lewis , to whom
she was married in Courmcii Ilhuffs , in Octo-
her last year has , so alma alleges , been cruel
anti failed to provide for her. Carrie Lyons
also sues Josepim Lyons on the ground of
failure to support , Time Lyons's were mar-
nod hero in October last year ,
liiiri Cunh , 7.tU ) .
For immedIate orders and delivery , Nebraska -
braska Fuel Co. , 1414 Farnamn street ,
, -
Highest Honors , World's Fair
Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair
Great Olenring Sa1 ladlea' Waists1 Bkirt
: ' ' Wrappers , Summer Underwear ,
$1soo 'LADIES' ' WRAPPERS 25C.
I.ndles' Inumiiered Shirt W'nlsts 1Ic- )
Pimmest htmulles' i'rutcrmm ( hats
ldtuiiea' 1l ( ) Trlmmiiiiei hats 151,1)8
-ZOc Iuhies' iittl Cit lid's
UNDEit\'EA1t 50 , 100 , 15' .
$22.00 LADIES' I'ATTIIItN hATS , $5.00.
Today we offer the choice of 75 of
our own pattern hats , gootls marked in our
stock $15.00 , $18.00 and $22.00 , your choice
today in our French Iattcrn room at
$10.00 LADIES' TI1IMMED hATS , $1.98.
300 trimmed leghorn hats , finest quality ,
regular $7.50 anti $10.00 hats , at $1.98.
$1.50 UNTItIMMEI ) HATS , 100.
Untrimmed hints in all the imew shapes ,
white , black antI colored , worth $1.50 , go at
lOc each ,
Ladies' Knox sailor hats , ribbon trimmed ,
go at Sc , SOc , $1.00 anti $1.50.
Ladles' linen crash skirts , $1.50 , worth
$3.98 ,
The finest grn'io of swell crasim skirts ,
elegantly trimumed , go at. $2.98.
1'liito pique skirts , iSo , worth $2.50.
An elegaimt lot of fancy and plala hinOn
crash skirts , at SIc.
Crash suits , new style blazer and skirts ,
go at $2.98 anti $3.93.
100 dozen ladies' laundered shirt waists in
white lawn and colored percales , alt this
season's goods , go at lOc.
Ailthe ladies' $1.00 laundered shirt 'waists ,
go nt 35c ,
$1.25 ladies' laundered shirtwalsts , 49e.
$1.50 lathes' laundered shlrtwnists , , 6Ic ,
$2.50 whmite plquo and mnrsailles shirt
waists , uSc.
' VItAP1'ERS 25c.
$1.00 LADIES' ,
Today another lot of 100 dozen best
statmtlartl calico wrnppers , go at 25c.
Ladies' , atlases' anti childien's finest Mace
cotton , balbrlggan and fancy trimmed lisle
thrcatl under vests , go at Sc , lOc and iSo
each , worth tip to SOc.
750 qtmahity of ladles' lisle thread union
inuit , fancy trimmed , go at 25c each.
Infants' anti children's lace and emhroid-
ery trimmed bonnets , fancy mtmll and silk
trimed straw hats , go at lSc , 25c and 49c
each , worth up to $1.50.
N. W. Cor. 16th & Douglas ts ,
Best Scranton hard coal , $7.50. Coutant
& Squires , 1402 Farnani street.
Sahrday ( Scofleld's )
Imported Pique Suits $1OOO
Just 5 of the prettiest iVoro 2O to $25
and best left-to soil them quick we
mnako tIme price choicu for $10.
Wrappers 25c Each-Net the best hut
an aWuI good wrappc for 2.5e-not a
big quantity. of those. ,
Wrappersat IOO-Thos 1tavboon
$1.50 anti $1.75.
Fine Lawn Wrappers-Lace
tt'immnod , for SI' . 25-would be cheap
onrnmgh at S,00 ,
iVimito French Pique Dross 8kirts h1.5O-fine-
iy tailored SOttt401)Cimp ) at $1.50.
Linen Dress Skirts OSe , $1.25 , 1.5O and bet-
ter.Our Trimntnol Skirts at. t2.0 tire beauties.
Linen Stittj $1.03 , * 2.03 and $4.03.
Siik-iikn l'etticnati 51.50 , $ I.9C. Linen Crash
1'"ttlcoats $1.00 , $1.25. 'I'afi'ota Silk l'etticoats
* 4.03. I'rintetl Oatthric Ires'.Ing nacques $1.
Silk Ties 1OC. Wash I'uht Tics lOc ,
1510 DouglasSt.
crush Op
We are offering an assortment of Brushes
of all kinds , which we are sure is not
equalled in this city.
Fine French and Englisim HAIR BRUSh-
ES-from $1.00 to $3.50 each.
Beautiful CLOTh ! BRUSHES of all textures -
tures and shapes.
WHISK BROOMS made of tough straw at
lOc , ISc , 20o and 25c.
35c , SOc anti 75c each.
Hair Brushes of the common sort from iGc
to SOc.
We are headquarters for Toilet Goods ,
Sherman & McConnell Urug Coo ,
U 0 0 S U e'O . S
You may have a course of medical
. treatment for
of all kinds at the
; Shepard Medical Institute
. New York Life BId. , Omaha , Neb ,
QDiI'lPi TIIQ. CatarrhDeaf-e
. . ) l LUIrtLIlL' neis and all.
S Diseases Qt the Lungs. Stomach ,
Kidneys , Nerves and Blood. liofer.
0 by permission , to 5,000 cured
0 patients. The largest medical ofilces
. anti practice In the west. The Qmaha
Bee , leading daily , says : "Time Shop-
. ant Medical Institute is entirely rehia-
0 bItt In a professional and business
way , hr , I3iuepard munti hi associates
. have gained and fully maintained a
. leading reputation in the treatment
. of ehronio tilseasee. The publio may
safely trust them. "
0 IA ! P I T : For testimonials from
. VT II I I I ministers , teachers , btsl.
. ness men. farmers , etc. , telling how
timey wore cured at home through the S
S Mail System ,
. iu'inv"The : New Treatment ;
U U U I ' . How It Cures , " is sent free
. to all who write. It is a clean medical
0 work ( or tile wltolo tamiiy to rend
. anti is of great value to all who sesk
better health , 1100k and Consultation
0 Blanks sent free to all inquirers. S
. Medicines sent everywhere , State
your case , and send for opInion and
S lowest terms. Chrges low , Con.
. tation free , personally or iiy letter ,
S V ltIctUnn TJita V.zjt.
* . , wo . a e
, . _ \ J , J , Bought & Co
Agcntsfor the
'tgR.q 'J'yiuwrlt 0 r
1RJa ' .cj1ASY5' ? ' , The best typo.
'F' go2l.o world
'I'd , 353. , . _ 1116 Farnam fit , , Omaha ,
V ' V Omaha lIce , July 2 18 *
2 f/ems. (
"toh1arc1L" Blurts 4ICClltS , each , Tileto's an item
that would call for a great big hurrah iii soiiio iitores.
Too COliuflOll to make iuiy fiiis over it hero , All kiiuis
of pot brands go to keep r1i110 Nobraika rot boiling ,
oIlly they don't often COhilO to OU With the inakor'a
uRIne , \\7OUllll't this tilno if we liadn'b mu out of ( / "
I 'Nebrasica shirt " Now tlrnt the cat is out of
the bag , you cail see how wo value tliiiigs hero , Each
shire has two collars and one pair of separate cuirs
to match. 'l'hoy are cut full size :111(1 : full faShhiOIiel.
have foiled scams , 1)atont gussets , full sleeve \vilthls ,
atid in fact are ideiitical , cxce1)t in Patterli , with the
45 cent shirts 'ou have ahvays bought here. Speaking -
ing of brands-aiiother good itelli for Saturday's
trading-is a new lot of men's collars , made from
1800 mien , which s'o will sell under our ovii hI'alld ,
at 10 cents each or three for a quarter. if you
bought them under their original bratid you'd got
one collar for your quarter instead of three ,
V _ _ -
CIering Sale
Milton Rogers & Son
Ice Cream Freezers-
-2-qt. , $1.00 ; 3-qt. , $1.25 ; 4-qt. , $1.45 ,
Victor Gas Stoves-
-1 burner , GSc ; 2 burner , Ole ; 3 bur-
ncr , $1.45.
Co1umian Gasoline Stoves-
-2 burner , $2.15 ; a burner , $3.63.
Water Coqlers-
-2-gal : $1.00 ; 3-gal. , $1.25 ; 4-gal. ,
Water Filters-
-$1.50 , $2.75 , $3.25 , $3.75.
Automatic Steam C okers-
-for gas and gasoline stoves , $1.25 ,
$1.65 , $1.95.
-An elegant line of beautiful pat-
tome. Special prlces-75c , 90c , $1.45 ,
$1.85 , $2.75.
Garden Hose-
-Warranted brands , 7c , Oc , lie , lSc ,
Lawn Mowers-
-$2.35 up.
Everything warranted best quality ,
C r1 14th and Farnam
Treats iii Forms of
, . 12 Year. in Omaha.
CoasuItatie Free. flock free.
V Olilco Itth& Faream
2ox766. OMAHA , NED.
That will stailci hard usage
and be good for a lifetime , buy
No piano is its equal.
No piano will renlain in.
tun.p so long.
No piano has the pure syrn-
pathetic singing tone quality
oftheCtUCKRINO. .
Points that characterize tlio
as being the best hi the world.
are not found in any other
22 other makes , including-
I \ '
Boat set of teeth , $5.00. No charge for cx-
tractiitg when teeth are ortieretl , All othief
works at same reduced prices ,
Albaiiy Dentists ,
120 South 14th , cor. Douglas. Opea evenings -
ings until 8. Lady attendant. Sundays , 1
Is Underselling
1800 Linen Collars are Jiero only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7c
New assortniezit of Men's Half Hose . , . . . . , . . . . . . 5c
Pretty Bordered Handkerchiefs. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c
The Monarch Shirt people offered us the other clay
a lot of shirts that were out of date , which we could
have o1d for 35t , but we thankfully declined , as we
think our patrolls too intolligeiit to jtthtn off out of date
goods OIl them. 'l'hio 13iil'ts ] thiitt WO 11011 for
H : 45
are of late style and styli1i patterns-made for this
5eason and are the correct thing for stylish dressers.
_ -1 _ _ _ _ _ _ S _ - _ - _ A