Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1898)
- - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - 7- - - - - - - - - V - r - - - - V V - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ -v - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - . . - . - ' - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - V TJJ OM1JTjY BEE : , SATURDAY , , TiLY 2 $ , 1898. . , . . : . . _ . . : : svaciji JIO ( Alser ( INqIcnN for t1ac.co1iini ' ITIII 1II 1ikizt unII 1 in. for I lie retilic nhiil Ii 8i80 fur jnorailtij , ( ttiil SuiH1U' ( lltliIiN , Ztiti I J.e n word flrs ( lltMrrlflttI I c tt ¶ suril tlircaftr. ettiItti * lili.ii tar leNs 4)iiln 2e : ; fr the flrit lnrr- I luti. 'Fliese ni1er4linleiit' IUIIt li1 rILII etiun1lseI. AIvrtllcrs , I ) ) . rpqtii'ptthg n hunt- 1ercd tlieelc , 'itii uhuNser suul- u1rtNpieuL to ii ttuihhulIrCul ! 1i1er In ( Ir ( hf ' 1'lti 1lv. tuuMwvr $ ? c ) ijiI1rrPiNhl ' . uvllL lJt ult1lireI ott lreNehttntlt Of , ft Iltu t1ttok nnl ) . ) 81'l'UAI'IONS WAi'Efl. and copyhig. 2orljeobldg. f . llFLI' . 4FIM11 : for clgiirau : a month 1i . OXPO1C1 0111 llrni ; expcFIvncO uttnees- sary C. . C lJIHltOl ) A Co. , St Loult , Mo. . J3-fl ! V 1TSM1 ofqccu scca1tkuu hi ] tth.tIff fl t'br.sttka ; : tlnti 11e V ngettt niiLco S.O'J i dtty use4 by nit Thor thflh1Lu. MOdCIVMf , Co. , lirix 13 ; t3outb flod. IntL V U.-3'l ; Ji8 V AtiMLT to eli tolt& urnp to flf1tctH on tune , $1o mnnthiy nun en , u ; tXptrl- V innccenry. 1.oulti rflhut Cu. , 5t. LoUlt T1o. V fl-112t-2' _ _ _ 4 _ . V Vt . V ( V w1'nD : lttV V bntbt r no other neeui aPPlY. A(1ttre A.V. . Stnik , 1'Ianklntott 11ottl harbor tuhup , MllvnU. Icce , B-M2 2 -i-- V V V V - - - - - coomn tci 1too butter tubu. Mmah1t Uut- Fuib ( ; n , , 'th RItd U. P. fly. , ' , \VANVI1) , V CflhlilCtEflt Ife1rDuurnne rnhtfl . ti)4 uninago agency ( or out' of the ltLrg8t cotnp uLuu In the L7nlte fltnte A1uo e- peuienced so1lcItort. . Att1lr. or apply to , 114 llatucrott , G07 flea UutkItnz. V B-M31t'24' ' LA1JOrtIUS for extra gnuug \yotuilng V Ofl 13. & . free fare. 1Crnner & O1Jenrn , 21 ! . 1th. 1t.-i133G 21' : V Dl4P thing .gotng eoiits you notItluug to tr3 lt : enli nod uee for yQutuelf nhd eom- ; 'ttro with othertu. Crelghton , tuloc1c , rclOm 71/4. _ _ V - V , V irx.i. ' . ' 100 GIRLS for nil kunsitu of Work : 3 to $7 . WeI Canadian 0111cc. 12 Douglas. 1' V C-M2 , VV , h GOOD girl to help conic chnthorznRh1. . Lange hotel , 604 13th St. 33MPLOYM1NT bureau , 1522 1)oduo ; tel SG 1 C-M1009 A14 t \ \ # ) _ first cInsu tn1l1lnry V trItnrnr at Berolzhelrner , 2O 5. ' 17th St. - V C-ISI-23 . gOoI girl for gnerai hntuNework. O2 S. : 'lth St. C-M237 23' GtRL for ltht houuevork at 2770 Wester. I C-321 23' VVI \rfl.j ) girl to take charge of booth lit expotulUon : salary , O.OO a month ; lnu3t be geud trllker ittuti tnttst hflve gnutl complex- ion. AuJdreus V , give reCereulee , II 6I , 1eo WI _ CC. C-327 22 \\ANT few IaliVs with tmn1l ueaius to V ? travel 'ZIIIIl mnko $25 pur iveek anti e- , 1 lCIWOS. Call In nftornoons Itt 1711 Dodge d Htt'eCt for rartlculars. C-Mt11 21' ' 1olt ILENT-ltUSES. ' c13oic1 houses anti cottitgcs all Over cIty ; 5 to $75. FkIelIty , 1st floor. N. Y. Life. D-513 d hOUSES. lienewa & Co. . 103 N. 15th St. D-311 t V IrOUSflS.tores.13ernIs. I'axton blok. . D-515 MOVING household ooIs and plauos Orn..Van Co. , l5l1 1'arnam. _ V V 'uRNI'rTrn1i andIashotU 01 : a 7 and l3- room modern flat for aIe ; bargain ; good location. rent low. Bemis. Paxton but. V : . D-517 7-flOOM modern luouae. with etable , large shauly grounds. Bemis , l'axton 131k. k V D-M2S1 # 1 . FOR R1NT , four-room coltago anti 3 ncreu kd inhIc ivCst postolilce. F. D.Veu(7. . 4d D-M57 cot DEE BLDG. or telephone 717. V V j A FEI'sV COTTAG1S. 436 Uoutd Trude. I D-SO3- FOR ItENT , : 714 N. 2Sth are ; C rooms , 12.5O. 2O3 N. 2th st. , 7 rooms. $ I.OO. 1912 Itlasoiu St. , 5 rooun , $12.03. . GAI1VIN 33110 $ . , 11il3 FAIINAM ST. V D-M1OI IA \ modern lint. 1112 South 11th. . D-141 i. VI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bi3AU'rlFuL tiuree-roomliat. NO. 142 N. 2111t tt. Apply 2518 CaIdwell st. D-215 SEVEN-room fur1ullded cottage , Lmu An- geletu , Cul. , $2i.0O per month , AIIPIY 1512 ] ) uvonport , Oinahn. D-U3tS 2' X31AtJT1 FUL four-room , ulum thri7e-rooin lint , No. I 102 N. 21111 itrect , Apply 251S CaltIwell street , D-241 volt It13cT1L'It71Su1flI ) IIOOMS. ¶ o ROOMS , 1117 Dougiu8 ; one b i1r room. V J-M962 V V TI1R1IE rooxuu , 11OUCkCp1h1g.1112 b'outh 1V1t1t V _ fl.OMS ) ; near all car 11es. 3811 CullforIa. V V . 1-5 J129' FU1VtNI StIED rOOIP , iacIng uxposutton grounidl board if de3ired. 214 N. 2Otlt St. ' V V _ V NIC1fV rurnlho3 rOomd3 r npunnabic ; four VlIOe1t foun 1o.'utWIicc , 1611 ( iass. V 1M74V i : ; iVSITcIts ' ' Iii- ) to the 1'rutudmlsstisIppI IIVHU - ; V ternutiOflIll Exposititun wiluhing to eettare V eointortnhlo ( luerterdu can ! 311.S'U titlitI niuti exlhhuso by wultIni. to or cctllIlug ujitun the Olilcini I orornin tioti lttrcnu * , 1319 Furnum SttheO1Y ; iuthOrlzei V of- the V xpdldItton hnlLb1ltduu1erlt Strangcr ( III uurriyal Ill , Onuita. iut tak4 treet. care dirtcI. ( rbIfl VUfl ) Uqpot. U1Jte 01)013 tVIIt' CiltS .nught. _ _ _ V _ _ : V.V.V.- V V V E l1CiAN'J'LY' fiitnlnlwul , roous , tm tli , t'lb- lIuOttei ) truuhIsitlul tB ; 1U1CCI rCiHphtubIe. FOQPI .1 , Duvldge bulIi1Ii , flhiittccuitli unit Ptiriiutu tdtrot. opposite city hnll Ciirs to (1el)0t8 and exloidtion. ' 1cI. .O7t3. Mrs. Jeftries , V V 1d ol It IQMS , I ; blqcith r&'qtn , o. 52 N. itt St i1-O1J ; 2' - V - V FflItN1SftID ronnu. Hultah1e 1fnr Itnuije. h pttig ; : i roonni , $ L5 n wec' hJl3lO rntuu1 $2 u wck ; t'(11tCr 4 tIq , Aui. plVo11 3U2'ebtur : $ . V . 1--M2Q 2l' VU3l'OItS Vwts11l1l ; ilrst.vIltrooI1ls lut pri ute feunllg cutti t4CcttrU same 1)1' ) callIng itt Si 'V , elirhtuir 17th iti Capitol Are , , of oitWliLe. V 1-M3L-25 AF-iLfl : , airy zooms renIOm3b5'.1 N. lSth. 1-Mj1 24' iiI .CAES , modern furnished . rnomi. E-M231 27' S1\1N-1iOOM hut for. rent. ; furniture for sale. 20V5 1urnnn3 , lint A. F-M20O 21' 1W WFEK , 1311 Cathto1A'v'1'rnnsimts taken , 1-1il1lO 2l' .Vl3l.L furnished 10p1315 , central location , l'rIVlltu famIly ; 5c a ility up. 1512 Iaven- - ' l'Oft. E-M31T A4' rt'bQMi3 . for liuuaelcenlnkto tuan wife ; rent titlcuz In bourtt 1l9 . 37th. Ed1V3J7 Fii1LX1s1l1I ) 1ttlS . N1) llOFultD. TIlE 2itlVlltfllAM , flrttt-classfumtiy botch , 25th un'1 Dodge 131o , TAli7downthttt'for snie" or "fur rent" Fulgut In YOU 'VIIII1qV. TIe lieu ruaelue more PeoPle itt a clay ttt will uuas your window lit V l Inuath ; and ihtey consult theu coluunzs svtuen they wtiuzt to buy or rent. TJt17 ROSVc , 1tLi Uurnw ; .OOt rooiutftep baths , tanItnte taI % u , rcanab1e , 'J'H 11 13 } N h1FJ1'UOt'SE. ls % . anti Vln3cn'c ; tL. t.0 duIntIly ( u4riulsbcul rooms : ceo quaro front the Arch of the t3tate ; t'eryt3iiuzt new and 1zrat-c1as , 3 reesonablo. 3rlhlilMhIll ) JttHMS 1lft1) ( . ( Con tlnucd. ) coot rooms , % 1th flrt c1rus boturd , ttlrVce blocks from 1' . 0. 19O Cnil htol Me. 1'-M3I 24' 1'1.hASAN'V , otlthi room , singlo' or en stilt. 'rjlth bourd. 2102 Cneu F-154.Za' nizil tioaci neor exposition. 1Ilnn' , F-ul2M 27' _ V cJvmE. OtflOsItiflfl tIckct and } ttrntoga hnth ( arc. all for $2.00 zer tiny ; edjoins 1110 grounds , Sherman aveultici car lint , pftMs's thct house : summer resort style ; families solicited ; modern cool , homelike - like : baths , gas , plno and library , 'role- P110110 li.14 , Double parlors hammocks , vast verandas , park , srats in tim street ettrs ; no dust : jolly heolIe and a pet bear.Vrite or 'phone this inIl1t1te SIlO. cml olferis for thee who do , F-13i3 FIJRNISITEt room with Izoaril : rcaioizabio lates , Mrs. C. Ii. Todd , 2107 joughas. F-099 2S' Mits. aot1c , o2 . 15th. rransknts taken. - t : 1-267 .5 y22' T11'1 4i111AJY4 2hO1 Douglas : family hotel : tetmanent hoater5 accepted at $2. and .30i'cr month , F-M2S A2'V 1rJJ1 rOO'mS.V strftthy fltst class ; % ' faintly ; hinuilsom ly sItutQtetl ; bourn if 03- sired : re erences. 722 ? 4 F-MI42 21' . _ 1)l4 UIIWI'-S'I'UltLlS ANI ) Ohi'FICES. FOR rtIINP , the 4-story brick buIh3ing ut sit ; Furnam St Thulit building ban a. lire- hirOof cement basement , water VOC all Iloors. gtui , etc. Apply at the ounce of Thto lIce. 7-910 V W'1lOLESA11 uto'ro and wtirehiouso ; track- flg ? ; Oxcuilent shipping facihithelu. ' C. E. llcnimn , 310 1tnme flhdg 1-M297A20' V AG11TSVAN'VED. ' . AGENTS antI brutnh thb ts ttni ryor tpnuuuzission. hunter Ta1lorhlu Co. , Chn. thulnati , 0. , .1-M0t7 Ocill' W'ANTED , tt few 1adLeu , hzid enthimen to work In cIty ; sometzhrtE ! 116W ililicit IntTiH anti large profits. Call ? t rbom 22 , 3d floor Frank's hotel , frozn10 to 12 , t. in. : t V - MANAi3lt wanteutIn uicry clty ha iL1 s. tct establish liranelts for interiuationnj Carpet CleanItu Co. Adlrei (0 ( l'erin building , CIniIimatt , 0. J-M2,24' WAN'L'EU-Jl'O 1tE1' . V WANTED. Two uulco furnished 1001fl5 and hearth for mail and wlfe vicInity 11u3s- coup hark ; Ietznunt. . , 51 , Bee. V . I-3o 2' WANTIID TO 1tENT. ? tiodern 5 , 6 or 7- room cottage. Addri3uu , ST C ? , lice. . , . WAT3D , three beils untcot In prisate house fr fl % izljhits , cimmencIg July 30. GIV3 price , ani tiartiu1ars. AldreR , $ 211 Grant i'tVeizttc Dcnycr.M3OS2' ' s'rouun. V PACiFIC Storagd and Warehouse Co. , OOS- 910 Jbnes , geuieral stoiage and fdrwutrdhng . tl-525 OM. Van & Storage , 1511 % Farn'm. Tel. 1559. M-526 ' ' lillY. V.'I'EI-TO IF YOU are in nctd of anything try the Want Columns 07 Thethier ; will bring what you Want. N-867 FAI1MIIFIS , hIghest price paid for butter , eg&s , spring chickens , Cte. hotel IJt3tulO- vrd.2Oth& Amos Ave . F ( ) U S tiJiplJnxtdrun1L FOP. sale at : a bargaIn , SOOphhiowsund 500 nrnttresscs ; new JlloWs. , 25 cents up : new mattresses , 75 cents up. 140S-10 Dodge. O-M412 Jylj Fort SALE-Furniture of flat , V402 N. 16th st ; , 2d floor. O-ZOG-24' ALt..tho lurnlturo or 1-rooni house , corn- lteti foi housekeeping ; hiotuue for rent. 2612 Seward street. O-M334 24' FINE furniture or a Itiucly furniiiied house , consisting of carpets , curtaIns , chair ) , rockers. bed room sets , lounges , StoveS , tUshes , kitchen utciiIltu ; seconul-hand mcii need not apply. 2121 Locuitt , ICquatte Place. V 0-MISO 23' VtR SALE-IIOItSF1S , WAONS , ETC. FOR SALE , fine caur1utge team , 5 years old : weight , 2,100 lbs. Price , ssoo.oo U 5G lice. 1'-M279 26' JUST received , another consignment of buggicut. surries and traps : prices lower than ever. Crawford Co. , 1211 Jones st. 1'-MID 29 Foil SALl-MISCiiLL4NEOUS. 100KINDS mineral waters. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha. - - _ _ _ _ GE'r cut prices niho and pottttry fnco. Sawdust for sweeping floors , etc. Tel. 458 , 901 Douglas. Q-G16 V V FOtt SAL1I , ttm ] l,1.1'A.1.S. for 5 cents itt di'ugghstuu one iyez r lhet. Q.-523 TIlE 511001511 posSeSfthQflS In both the east and west , in nUtp form , with ticarly 2O uhtgrutphuIc eprot7tqt ioius of the Amen- call and Spanish navies , nuvui command. cr5 , etc. All for 25 cents , at The Dee ollice , It ordered by mall , ruhiress Navy Photograph ' 1)eplittment Omaha lice. ( - Q-869 I HAVE 2 RemIngton typotvrItrs that. I wilt sell cheap. Frak 1.3. Mooreuu , City hell. . Q-211 1100 , poultry antiViivm : ; fencee : nit wire : is . best. Wire Works , 14th and itarney. . Q-523 COT & mattress for $1.50. Lewis , 1411 Dodge. Q-290 Jy0 - STAMPS , COINS-Ilought , sold. . 'Mortett- Son , 40 $ N. 16th. Q-M575 30 FOTt 54t1417. Smith Premier and Rethltzton typewriter : second hand. 'rypowritcrs reuhti ? tied repalret. J , .1. Derlglut & Co. , 1116 3"arnnmst. 'i-MS91 A9 i5 ii S4LE , fuirnishuOd r oth htousz ; location Iii city' unti Unehy fUrnIshed : big cliunco to niake big money. Address U 58 , lice , V Q-M293 FOR sAir , froshi yoituit Jersey cow. Caller or address herman hlorw'oo , 2619 Third avenue , corner 37th utrett1 Council flltuI'fB , Q-M301 23 iit SAI4bi , 15 head No. i fesht cows. call tifternoen's. Jestcre ynn , 27th iiil hurt trcetS , Quttahit. V Q-3t 21' FOIl. 8AIJlV bran nev high , gratle ladles bicycle , fully qiarnrttced ; ; 25.00 tutys it. WIIIIOTI , 2j0 Frinkhtn. Q-323 21' iEhit SAbE1 .1 hI'nrd hot' air furnaces : 3IIIdtI 319 14Id ttt once. Address . 5 lice. Q-M311 23' hiCi31.L NFOUS. 'FNTYI'Js'r't wiitbuy the latest pulihicttoii illustrating the (1. ( S. and ilpanhht OliVICS , naval coniunanulers , ( Ito. I eldest 20Q ) hotogruPh1Ic rproiiuotinns , with a large map of thin 1ast nd S\'ct lntiicH , at time ollico of 'l'hue lies. If or- Ocred by nittli , UdOress Navy Photograph Departineuit. Omaha lIce. 11-870 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. , cleans ccrspoois & PrIVY vaults , 621 N 16. Tel 1770. R-23A17' \VAN'l'lI ) , to borrow $1,000 on rrai ctnto , Address W 2 , flee , IC-MIlS 23' p- - - - cL.thlt'oY.t1c'vS. iiST : artIcles found ; inlsitlng ( rienti traced ; hIts rcadtizgut ; lucky belts. 611 N. 20th. . -M56S 3D' _ 2iLtSSAGii , ILt'VIlS , g5V ( : . - - - - V 7 jiATliS , Idk3 only. trs. Porter , 203 Doug , hIlt. 'r-Ms9 AU - - - MlD1CATil ) baths , sssagc : 1su vapor baths , Milmo , linIua9hi , $ rouuz h'arl. . 307. f , i2tlt. ' _ . ; Als' _ it3 _ 3)U. ldO , electrIc massage bath larlQrs ; restful gncl vuraLt'u. 417 S. 11tl , V uiptttuhr. T-1l23G 23' V V V V MADAA11i SMITH. h1 ortht 15th tutreet , nmassap3 ait4 atthus ; roopt . T-25-25' LA1.'IIA 3I4L1SON. baths , massage cml magnetic treatment , 119 N , 16th. room 1 ! , upstaIrs. T-M289 423' l.tSMAGh , ILtTII $ , I1T ( ' , _ ( ) , V _ V tAIYD BTIMflT of ( Jhtengo.bithm and massage - sage lirlor. i522 touglas , room 10 , Ihlshi. flint' block. V T-M32023' V r' . i'l3iI4tL : ; . , 130Q bulkltng. V $30 RUPTUIIC cured for 130. No detentio8z from business : 6 yeor Iti Ornuthili. Call ( n write for tlrculnts. Empire Ittupturo Cure , 932-933 NeuW York X.dfo bldg. , , Omaha , Neb. U-531 _ - . LARG1 i'tnp of the World , one of Cuba and rtnother of the entire West Itidhes , showing Cuba , Porte Rico , Ilayti , San Iomitmgo Martinkflltu an(1 alt the other \est huitlan lshttfld It ) ccnti4. at ihmtt 14$9i omco. 33) ' mail , 14 cents. Address Cuban Map Dept. , Omaha 13cc. U-$68 BAThS , massage. Mme. I'ost , , t. . 131E13 l'tzrkhnh baths. Mtpe , l'ost , 3i0 % l. 15th. . , V V ET your SheeR lialf.soiec1 and hzeicdwht1O 3ott Wait 15 mLnUt8S for 50 cCntS. 'V'ork guarantctd ; 710 N. 16th VSt , V U-2t31-3y22' A. ORATphystchan'I ' cure for sextuutUy weakmnen , for$1.00 ; particulars 2c. 13o' 12G8 , Omahut.V I I-733 A4' PlLi ctre1 i.I tbj0 days , c1thoUt pain ; one treatnmeizt tines the work' * aih or 50nd for ehrcutrtrs. The Em1ire i'iie Ctzrc 932 New York LiftI tjuuihhng. U-M949 170W to b cotno huiwfdl phtys1ciauis htW vers , dentists or pharmacIsts. LocK box V ,196 , Chicago. V V : All' ) ' SUl'Filtli'htJOUS hair mntdes , etc. , verma- fleetly removed by iecti't lty 'r0ferenos. ? tlrs. Cronyn , speclahliut , r. 10 , CreliditOn V1 - U-Mi2 30' MANLY vigor restored ; Mormon secret circular for Stamps. Hex 321in1ta , , V TIlE OKfAIfA SOCIt.CL1il ithidhioiior' able 'metiluni through which' jadies anul gentlemen cliii secure introductions for soellil ndvantngcs or matrlmonY parties out of city deshrltuga correspondent address - dross , with stamlu. Auto Turne3' . Mgr. 1 , 520 5. 13th. V U-M980412 23 GIItLS Waftte(1 nt for burhette. Address M. C. ltloore1 1322 Doula . V * SiVd V V BA'rIhlLOOMS for ladies. . 21C-22O' * btuildiiflr. . : V V : U-M333 1010 DOIJOI1 : tV0 d Tnie furVadfler noons hair. _ U-7I1313 25' V V V MONEY TO V WANT1D , chidice farm and dt7 11atiS. 11 C. PetOrs & Co. , Ii. S. Nat'l Banit 111012. 'v.35 ftoo0.oo ppeclai fund to lanon flrtit Class iulmprote0 OnItihia property , or for biulld- jog pUrposes. Fidelity Trust Company , ) V-536 V . Id 4 PErt cont'rnoriey , T3emli , laxton V BIh. V VV tV V . . . _ V $1,000 and upwards toloan oil Inmlirdv&l property.V , Farnath Smith & Co. , 1120 Frnam St. V I W-207 4 ; PErt edit city and farm loans. Garviri Bros. 1613 FarnainSt. , V _ _ _ ANTHONY Loan & TrUStV Cot 315 N. Y. L ; ; quIck money at low riltos fort choice arnv hands In rowa , Northerfi MIssouri , East- era Nebraska. W-539 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 5. 14th. WV540 V MILLIONS Veastern money for lnvestmetut ; send for irculars 1uwestor' DIrectory , N. Y. V V MONEY TO LOcI'JT1S. $10 TO $10,000 TO AN O V V l1OU13liOLD 1'UIIN.tTURE ANr PTA- NOS. IlOBSS , WAGONS ArD'CAR- RIAGES. WARETIOU1IO TI6(1'TT" etc. . at hoe't nites in V Omaha , South-Omaha. IthLI COtipill 131u1'ft * , No removal of gooda strititl confidential ; you can p.ty theloati off itt , any . ttmcm erin in any arnoutits. " V ' 304 $ outh 1thu lt. TIlE OLDEST , LARGEST ATD ONLY I5'- COR1'ORATED LOAN COMPANY TN V 9MAHA. V I V V , X542V MONIOY loanetVsrlialied psOplt V holding V V permanent osItion8 , with reSponsible concerns upon thmeIroWn uiamO1 without VsecUrityl easy payments. Telman , IL . 70 , N. Y. Life bldg. ' " V N-MI V. flUSU'ESS t1lANCES. 'V V AT cxpohtIoii grounds , a Ilno lintel : what have you to exchange ? Call Saratoga hotel , 24th and Ames. IF' YOU want to buy , sell , trails or rent anything call room 512 , Brown lilock. Y.-219. 23' V LUNCituitand for aIe. $150 , near exposl- tion grounds. J. J. Gibson , 511 1St National - tional brink. -239 22 CIOriIlNG and gents' furnlt1iing goods ; stock invoice , $4,0000O : new llrst- lass goods ; will trade for good hotel in good town. 512 Drown TJi'k. Y-M275 26' WTlL trn1e splendid tldence property in lC14t cbuiit seat tkivr In Iowa , 3 1o3 , 10- room house , otltbulUiIigS , tiara , ete , worth entili $40410.00 , VfOl' ITOOCI 410ck of merchupidl.9e. 51. . flrq'vn 33l'lc. V V V V. , Y-M276 26" - WANTED , to buy foii' cash , stock ofV cml mdcc , . or good grQtery : give ( till par- ttculnrs , 0 59 , llee.V Y.-M290 Z3' V WANTED , to excliauzg * uuoholuruuhhp iuz best Shorthand school in time city lot' uinlntlng. Aldrl'513 U 63 , 11ee , FOR SALh , a litiierand restaurant , brick buildIng ; estabilelmed 12 years ; oteui o11 : doing a good business now ; don't write unless you have $2.000 to pay (1011 05 cash ; balnneo on easy terms ; I em a. practierul lInker : wilt teach thd trad. ' to any one that buys. as I wish to r0tir from busIness. Address ] iaker. U 63 , Omaha lice. Y-M332 26' V FOIl SALE , email bankrupt stock bard- ware ; best offer tokes It. Address W 3 , 1le. Y-Ml30 23' FOR SALI6 , $2OOOVStock general morchan- tilso : must ehl at ouzc' , AtJ1resnV 4 lies. . . -M3443 23' . V oiiNCiiArI6 ; : FOP. BALJO 011 TRADII , team and two. seated buggy , for eingio horse anti buggy. Old Nebraska. teed stable , 16th and Leav. enworth Ste Z-274.-30' FOR SALE VOL' exclmfllP elCuthu gonaral stock of merehmnndlse : nIto Improved cat- tIe ranch and ( anznin12 lan in 1rexa1 Olson , Franktort , lad , /-M3l9 21' V . ES'Vit1L'33 LtL16.-RI6itI , FOLLOWING desirable propertyl business lot corner tOxiSO IC. , in So. OrnahapaVed. Buulneas lot. GOxil,4l ft. , improved , South Oniuha. Street paved , V Tract t24 lots ) , .htt St. . V Tract (20 ( lots ) , 36L1LSt. For particuhere npi 1012 Farnom Sb V flI6-5t 11O1JIES , lot , farips , binds. loans ; also fire Insurance. J3cini , , laxton ioek. V tE-54 V DEST farm near Omaha at half appraised value. John Sizer , 2502 hliondo st. , Omaha , 1116-IUO July 29' hAVE yell some hots to sollNow Is the tirno to ( iitl)0513 Of them ; let the veophtt 1(110W that you wiLuut iii dispose qt them , The lIce reaches the p ojde who have the mooney. FOR 4ALh,00elrable residence lotuu.121x 130 , 10 ltnu3t-ciusa hocatlour ten minutes' walk front court houio ; cteap for u.xeli , Address 0 61. flee. htl'-M707 30O.00 FOIl 6 full-sIzed hots on electric car lute , 3 , M. Frenzer , Opit old P. 0. ' 1tlf.--4792 - A FINE hittle farfu. Two miles CIQn ; Vahhey , cqntqImlng 40 acreti , wltii liret rias iflroinQpte o ehitr0s , fences tti lldurigut pt 0q tttrublo property atmul chicnl ttt ; 2,44VM ) . Thu owuur ivill take Oniahtit ProiertY us payment. FIDELiTY TRUS't' CO. . 1st Floor N. Y , Life Bldg , G. 11. PAYN. Pres. 11. 18. lhItllDL7Tt. Seo'y , lIE-M305 ThAT flue tract (1arge ( bitS ) at * euthwcst corner 33 1 street ccii \ atm. , anut Uhlullg through to Pine ustcet , V Woolworth - worth avenue is grade4 .aid 4rke. Outh 1 block from cur and IJancori hark. SPlendId nelgllboVrhool , Choice ground for building a number good houses. Sub. malt propositions for purchase. George 0. Wallace , bohu agent , 315 Brown liiock. lU1-11273 4i1O1tTILAitl ) AX ) 'rYl'iiS'ht iT1G , VAN } 3ANT'Sfchiool. 717 N , Y. Life. The school whzoe atinlents got employment. Cotidticted b an perIenccd ttportor , r oMAnK ntis. Co1ege , 1th & Dougt . SIIOIIT-IIAND , , taught by court rtportri. l1oyle' Sohooh , 4t3..7 Thea bldg. 553 LOST. LOST , gent's gold watc2. nttd5 by .Inmes lCuthn , No. 10300' 1cR In elect itt Union raciilc depot ; liberal reward for return to u.r. ticket 0111cc. LOST-799 i4D/V1.S ego , Scntlt Collie bitch sable , named "Fussy. " Itottirn to Doe Turner , 24th atid l'opphetort aO. , and get rewuird. Lost-3D 24' V _ $35 IN IOXPOS1TION grounds Or directly outside ; reward ( or return to this ulilee or to . ohIc } ieaqtlartcrs * , OXllOttitioZi V grofintis , Lot-M33S 23' . , . _ _ . _ : V V _ V Th11EWltITEiltS. V V 'ttPI1WflhTE3li for ri'nt , $4.1 Der month. The Sm1thi.PrAilcr TypewrIter Co. , 1C23 rarnam lit. : Telephone 1281. 554 I1EMI 1TON I3tnhulart TypewrIter anti Vsupplies. _ 1619 Faretinl. 12l--A14' UICYCI.ES. V NI11W w3meol $ l to p23 ; secoittihithd whe ts , 15 to $15. Ounahut fllcycle Co. , 14 & Chzics12Q V-f' : V : V V AijC'L'IOV. , V . . J. It. MAXCY & Cti. . ntucttoneors , room ; Vh9 Pnxttu ldociq iutnt your atletion tnlps of real estate , merchandise , furniture , liV stock , etc. -550 I _ ru1ti'vjltF1 PACICED. ' M. S. WALKLIN ; Cumtng Tci 333 . -45 V V VIOlIN MAICI1U. C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Shienly hilt. 122-All V , , IEcTBoTY1'Isu. ; II. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Dodge.M451Jy27 -M451-Jy27 . - V V V I'IlIVA'l'E l1OS1'1'lAL ' DR. , Ifl1h1ER , cancers , female ( lsease'tr1112 Leavetiworth. . . .V22O6V - . - V ' V V V LADIES , ft youcati't t lt doetni trouble ui1drest 1' . 0. flex 39 , Omaha , Nob. , . for lntorniittioui. MS9VAD'V V V ' wrHNetntArnii . WE &DLTCTiT anti turnisu positlon r V steuiotrnphors free. The Smtthi-Prcniitlr Typewriter Co. Telephone 12S4 1359 STAM3hi61UM AND S'rUTTl3ItINO. SCHOOL for cure of these defects. 3ulic. lii. Vaughan. 03 N. Y. Life bldg. V M-S90 V V l'IANOS 'I'IJNED. PIANOS tuned , $1.50. Rose , 1521 Dodge. 777-A-19' V l'XVNhI1tOKl1ttS. V VII , , MAROWIT loans money. 413 , 1ithi ; , V V V 1333 V SU13S & CO. , V * O I. _ _ ( Send for our free lnveu.t- , ' . - V f ors'tfl1de. V ' _ . _ _ . _ . _ , _ _ _ _ . ) . . _ . . - . _ V ; 2 Fihtzti"neAr Sutton ; , _ _ _ _ V V -V V , q ie 240Va 0s. ' , ' OI15W acres V ot'fl , 200. ndrs qf wheat , I Abros 3ood ihuses ! . _ V ' One barn , 41 6S. V V V r. . . Winter WTht V : V ri'r-i ' V' Acres. V . CWi. V Land . ; Acres. Acres. , n _ _ _ _ - - ( .C ) flfl uu c , . Pasture , r = 0.V . 60 Acres. 0 W. Carlock , . No. 316 Karbach 131k. GOYEItNMENT IIEADQUAIITETtS , DEPARTMENT O' ( he Missouri.-Chlef Quartermaster's Office , Omahuut , Neb. , June 25 , ISiS : Seaitd ino- PosalS , iii triplicate , wIll be received here until 2 , i'ecic1 p. m. , ecptral time , Jt11y 5 , 1SDS. and thei ; oilicd fqrV furnItliing b141 nimbus coal nt lurts Niobrara. and , Rutizi SQfl , and hi dliumg Wooti a.trort Crook , Ni braska , required during ilscal year eiidiuIg June 30 , 1899. U. S. reserves right to reject tins. or all proposals , or any hart thierOdf. Information furnished on aplhlcatlon lucre , r to host quartermasters where supplies nrc peeied , Enyciopes cqntainin propos- ghu vill be endoeed "Proposals for Fuel fqrV V " anti itddreseed to Cilt. JOHN BAkTEII , V : ry. . . Q.M. V 1'OSTOFFICZ2 i'o'riczs. ( SJiouhd be rVeqd'Vdahly ' b' all Interested , as changes ruay occur at any tIme , ) 'V minis for the week cuiding July 23,1b58 , will dccci ( I'ROMP'.I'LY in all casea ) Lit tito Uenerul l'ostofllce us rollowii : I'Alt- CEL.S 1'OsT MAILS close bhe hour eunlicr than closing time jfl below. ' 'rahiN-Atlanlo IlInils. SATTJRDAYAt O a. m. for ( except Sham ) , per. e. s. Umbnia , via V Qucenstown ( letters for J'rancc , ijw1tzr land , Italy , Turkey , Egypt and flnltiuit India must bum directed per Umbria" ) at in , m. for ITALY , per n.s , hirns , via Naples ( letters uuiuiSt Co atrectea ptr Thus" ) ; at 7 a. in , for FRANCE , IIWI'I'Z- HIILAND. , lTAur , TtYItIEY , EGYPT anti BI7ITISII INDIA , per ii , s. La n - % 'arre , via iitvro ( letters for other partu Pr Europe ( exrept Spain ) must he dl rected "liar LII Navarrc" ) itt 8 a. in. for V NI6TIIITIILtANDS direct , 16r uz , s. I1otter ilarn , via Itotterdam ( letters mut be dl rctcted "per Rotterdam" ) : itt 10 a. in. for SCOTLAND dlrecj , er s. e. Ethiopia , VII GIasg'ow ( letters must be tllret'ted "par EthIopIa" ) ; at 30:20 : a , m. for EUrtOPJO ( except Spain ) , per e. n Chester , via Queenstown ( letters lutist be ( tlreetel "imer Chester' ) ' ; at 11 a , m. for NORWAY direct , liar H. S. lishla ( letters must be directed "per lickia" ) . After tlio bslpg uf ( lie Supplementar 'rnttnsatlantlc 3lailc named abOve , add tional suIpletnentary mails ahu openei on tI'e ' piers of Die kmcnlcan , lCngljalt , Yrcnrh and Ucrmazz ateamel'i and remain OPen until within ten sninutel ot the hour of sailing of sicamer. Mails for Stiuithi nuid Central America , vt.t Indies , I6te , SATURDAY-At 10 a. rn ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in. ) for FOl1'FUNIO ISLAND , .14. ItIAICA , SAV.NI LLA and GlulyrrowN , ilI'r . . Atlios ( lettOrs fur Costa Rica Jr.ust be directed "ncr Athos" ) : at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in. ) for CAPE hAiTi ottO SANTA MAItTII41 ner s it , Holstein ; at 10:30 : a. nz for NASSAU , N. 3' . , CAMI'IICIIJO. CIIIAPAS. 'rA. IIASCO nimil YUCATAN , jier it , it. Ithitka ( letters for other Parts of Mexico roust 1)0 "liar ithuika" ) : at 11 a. m. ( supplementary 1t:30 : a , in. ) , for \'ENE- /iTl614A niuul OUI1ACAO , also SAVAN- IL.LA . and CAlt'rUA(316N/t , via tiuracao , 11cr S .5 , Aluydos : Ut 8:10 : p. . far NES- FOUNILAND. per steamer from Nort ? Sdhity ; itt E,30 p. . m. lilt' ST. P1ERItF 1thIQliI6I.ON , per steamer from North Sydney. Ltuills for Newfoundland , by rail to hail. fox , nad thence by steamer. rose itt thIs ollIco VdliuiY tit : O p. in. Mails fur Ml- ciuelon , by rail to liOStOflV and thence by f4eamcr , cIoo at this office tially at S30 I ) 10. .21ails for .Idezleo Ctt. ovc1ani nhless zpcciahhy mldressed for oesoatc1 b steamer , einsi at thu oiilro tIahiy at 28l1 a. . ru , 4fld 2:30 : p. m. "Registered maU closes at 0OQ : P. m.previous day. Trana.-l'uoiiIc Mn1i , Mails or China , Japan anti Hawaii , per , I'Si'OI.'FlClI ( ) TtCII. . ( Contlfluo4. ) S. . ine1lc ( froth Slii FranC1co ) Ine here detil- till to July 20th at 633 ; p. ui. Mitits or AUstrohln ( except W'est Atistrnhii7 , r1 ' 'c % ealatmd , llttis'aii tinul FIJI Isliflds , 1It It. ut. W'nrrltnoo ( truhiui 'anctivr * ) , clo4 ? lucre thaill' after July 8th and uji to July " 21t at 6:10 : p. ui , Mnlj Uur the Society Islands , er SIiii City of ( from San Francisco ) . cIoe iuer daily tuii to July 2th at fl30 ; tu , Th.1ails for thuifln aliul 3ni'un ( specinily uddresseti only ) , per S. S. I6mpross of India ( from \'nncoitver ) Veloso lucre daily up to July " 2Mhz at Pt lfl. Mails for China and Japan , . * r I' . S. Tacoma ( ( rem Tacoma ) cIoe here drOll , ' III ) to Atlgitst " 4th at 6130 p. rn iInlls for Australia ( except those for \'cSt Australia ihukh are forwardt'.l viii Luropo ) , New P.ealand , lIaiiati , Fiji nntl Snlnoan Ishatuds , i'er 5. a , Mnriimsn ( from San Froizeiscu ) ' close lucre daily itu , to Ailgtist. " 4th n't 7 a. ui. it a. m , and 6:30 : Ii. him. ( or OIl arrivud at New York of s. s. Etrurirt Vithi BritIsh mails for .Auatrahia ) , V Trans-I'aiflc mails urn forwarded to pott at sailing daily neil the scheulule at olofflttg Is arranged on the ProsOmPtion of their tinlaterrunteti overilind triit. "Regis. tered mall rhoses itt et . rn prnvlouir drt' , CORNELIUS VAN COTTf PotmflktCr. Postoflice , > teis' York , N. Y. , July 3t , 1S. lLlLWA1" TP1i UAftD. , , jFfl1IMONT. IOi4K bRN & 1'0Isourl VVSIIOY Railway- fc5t General Offices United I1M ii _ States National Lank Bl0 SoUthWCSt Corner VTWe1fLC nSd 'aru Stree. Ticket Office , 1401 Farnarn Str'ot. , Telaphione. 1361. 1)epot , Fitteehth amid : Webster Btrceti. Telephuotmo , . Leutve Arrive. 1,458. lilnelt hills toad- V V wood , h1L Sprt'sIu ' 3:00 pm VSIQQ Pm Vyoming Casper and Douglas .iVI' 3O : pm UaStings , ' 5 rlt , Dii- V vid City , Superior , V GeuiVa , Exeter & V 4Sowar&1 " . . .1 . . . . . " . .310Q ortolk'ardige V V atid Fremont . . . S:15 am 'i0'47 etro Lincoln Yahoo & , Freinont . . . . . . . . . . . , i5 am ant Froniduit Locni " :7:50 : am York assettgcr. . . , . ' 0:10 : pm ' Da ly. " Daily except Sutuda , " Sun. duty only. " Daily except , Saturday , "I , VDU exc6pt Monday. , V - _ -V _ _ DV. llUrIinton I hiurUiiUtoIi I eral OtflctmO N.V. . t ruiOt UniI + n I Tcntl4.tuiul parndtmtraets. huh I U I 'fleltet Oflice ; 1502Parnani _ _ _ _ Street Tl0lhione'230. Xo pot , VTOfltlt amid MLiSOfl Streets. TelopuQni V 128. . V _ ' , , , VV ' Leave. , tttrivo Lincoln , Hantlrugs . V , and feCoo1 . . , . . 1 8:31 : ttn. B:35 : am V Lincoln , Denver , . V Colorado , Utaizi . Cailfotitha. I3lack , r V ) V Hills , Mortttna & , . . V V I'Ut IOUI1U , , , , , . V. 4l&pm V 1:0 : him Ltlieoin L'ocal . . . , 7OO pin ' V ? t40.cni Lincoln FastV 7a1h' " 255 prn ! ' ; Ei tnver , Colorado , . hire ' V1 UttUt , eahitornia Vt V % .1" alid Puget $ otnt1 , ? : pm ' 116Z put 'Dolly. "Daily except Sundur. , . . . . _ NANSAS : sr. . n .cs 0pii , VCOUIiCi1 DlUTM ! Rail- DLII IIIWIUII road - "The BUrhlrgton RoUte"-T1clct Oflie. 1502 U nt ifn Farnrtrn Street. Telephop iIuuw 250. Depot , , Tenth and MaSon - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Son Street VTdhOPliOh 2. ' VIJCflVC Arric.VV 1ansa tu City fltiy Expres'u . . . . . . . . . . . ' 9:05 : am ' 5:40 pm Kansas City Night Expresu . . . . . . . . . . . , ' 11:00 : pm 6:30 : am "Exposition Flyer" St. Loul" . . . . . . . . , . ' 4:30 : pin ' 12:013 : pm for St. Joseph and . Dailw. i .mzCAcIG : , BURLINGTON in , i' A . ' Qutney . RtilrO3d - "The 'I ' hiuniingtort Roptc'-TIecct } U UI IIII1 ! LUI I JI Ofilce 1502 Furnam 5tteet T lpfiofle 250. DePft9erit1i nd Mason Streets , fi IU U 10 : V pbOnOl2L Vt V ! , L avo. ArriVe. 'V Chicago Veatiboleil 1xprci3s V . . . . . . . . . . . . . d5.5 p VtI0 itf 'Chicago lxpre5 . . 0:45 nra ihiago . & , lit , VI V 4't ' .tduis Express ' 74 pm ' 5:10 : am , Cr'stei , Local ' run . Vi0j45 affi. V V Z' PAcific 'Junctbn Local . . . . . . . : . .1. " 11:55 pm ' $ :40 : pzn Fast1 Mail ' i V2:5o : ppi tChicagoV Special : s ' 22l05 am sI1l50 ; pfl , Daiiy. ' .paIw eicat Sunday. I V - V : V . N0RTIIWI2ST- S MiTIt , erw" Ita1Iwa'-Cty . Tioke t0tv'i1LaL Oflie 1401 P'nrnkm V I 1 ' T Te1epl1c1ie ; 56i . . : V , V _ V Tent ntid tri3ct. V V 'rlhoue , 629 , , , ' , p ( Jieas'o.V , V 'VMr We. Daylight ChIcago ? z V Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G10 " 11:55 pm Mo. Valley , SlouK City. St. Paul & MInnealmolis . . . . . . . S 6:40 : am ' 10:15 : pm Mo.'allay , Siouc City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ' :45 : am ' 9:00 : rim lioono , Dennison , V , V CQuncil 1Iluffs. , , . ' .oio : pm , 'ioos am 1astern Ex. , Des Vl V d uMolnee Marshall. d' M V toitn , ear Itai V , V lOs and Chicago. . . ' 11:05 : am ' 4:0 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago - cage and East. . . . , . 4:55pm : . V ' 4:0 pm V Fans Mall , clticigc . V U , Omaha . . . . . , . , . 3:15pm Northern Express . V V5 30 pm 8:40am Om.Ch1caga 3pe . V V .cihl . . . . . . . . .1 : . " " S 6:55 : pm , ' : d3 S Daily. ' ' V V ' ji V CUIQAcIP , PAUJ ; T7tN4 & Omaha , RhiiiiIty -Gpn nil OflIcei , Noknslut . Dlvluuicn , Fifteenth . , Vand \Vebster liti eets. CItY . lteffieo 1401 Farnm Street. TcIu- Phone. 1361. Depot , E'iftoeph znd Webto Streetu. Telephon , V V Leavo. . Sioux City Accom. . ' N:50 urnt V 35 pm Sloiflc 'City ' Accem. , " 9:50 auti " Jilair , Enuerson , Sioux Cit3i , l'onca , Hartlngton and l3loomlleld . . . . . . . . 0 1:00 pn " 11:513 : am SIoux City , Man- larto , lIt , Paul & MlflIiCfllOliS . . . . . . " 6:00 pm 9:00 km 0 Daily , ' Daily except ul1dy. . " Sun- aV only. " Does not stop at DeBota or Coff man. . Sio3X CITY & PACIFIC , Railroad - General Olflcos , United States National hiaitk Iiuii'Ilng , S. W , Cor- Juer 'J'welfth and Farnan Street. 'rlchtet 0111cc , 1401 Farnain Stipt. 'i'elcplzone , 5tl. Dd ot. Tenthuui4Mat9n : Streets. 'I'eiephzono , 629.Leave. ' Leave. Aftyc : Sioux City , Man- kato , St. P0111 , 6:40 : am 8m0am MliineapOhis , . . , , , . 5:30 : pm 1045 ; pm Sioux City Local ) . . , 7:45 : am. ' 0:00 : poi 'Daily' . tI ' - V' UNION trACIFIC - V V overland ltpute"-Gcneral Of. hoes , NV. . Corner Njnrh antI irarnam StTeets. qity 'fe1tt V OIPce 1302 1"urnnj. t4et. V' relClilOfle : ic , ICpot , Tent anti Maion trceta. ' t'eiephQno 529 , Ieave. . .A.Ertvo. 'T1u Overland . . , Limited" for Den- V vet. Salt IjfllCe , and western p'ts , . :50 : am I 4:45 pn Tim Colorado Sne V , cliii , for DOnVCr & . all Colorado hiis , 1tr'S pm C40a ; m Fast Mali Tratu fOr V Salt Lulte , P.acilic V V coast and all wo5tern IJOIntS , . . 4:25 : pm . LineoIn , VI3CtttICO , Stvomsburg 11x. ' ; O0 vm " 1220 trim Frumont. Colun. , hue , Norfoik. Or 0 Island & 1canhitty ' 4:3 lm " 12:20 : pm Grand Island lIx. . . ' 5:00 : plo 'lIIO : PHI Daily. ' Daily except Sunday. South Omaha Local P1tss.-LcaNeut 9,15 a m. ; 1O0 a. in , ; 915 ; a. ro. : 8:10 : p , ui. rives , 10:15 : ii , m. ; 3:30 p. in. ; 6:00 : V nt Council limits Local-Leaves , 6:55 : a. , in. ; 6:50 a. am , ; 7:40 : a. in , : 8:40 : a , ntV 10:30 a , ro , ; 2:15 : p. in. ; 435 p. m. , 0:55 : p. m.8:20 ; p. m , ; 10:03 : ii , m , , Arrives , .6lu : a. rn ; 7:20 : a. m , ; 8:33 : em. in. ; 12:30 : a. in , ; 3:111 : p , . m. ; 9:40 : pim ; 6I0pm.11flp. : ; : am. ; i0l' : ' ' . m1 V CHICAGO , ROCK IHIV.ANI ) & Pucilic Rallroitd-"Tho Great P..ock Island Itutu' CIty TIcket OiflC , 'J333 Fanr3Um Street. 'rehephn ( 428 V Depot , 'Tenth . antI ' dJVIoc ; Streets. ' Telepion0 ' Leave. . Rocky Moiintatfl Limited , ctttt ( , . , . i30 am 7.25 aei Rocky Mountalit 1.Airuitd. WL 4t. ! 13:20 : am 5:15am Chicago & 131 , Paul ' V Veetibuled E x- V pres . . . . . . . . . . . . bQ0 : pun , .1:25 pin Ltnceln , 'COlorado tiprlng , Pueblo , Denver and weSt , 1130 par ' 4:25 : pm Obluago , Iea Mien.i & hock Is'and ' . , . , , , . . , , 1:00 : pm l125 ; are Atlantic Jxnreps , for Dtt ltoines and eastern polnt ' 7:20 : am ' 8:50 : pci Colorado jPlyeu . . . " 7:00 : m b:50 : am S Daily , Daily. exceimt bunda , V _ _ _ _ _ V * _ - it.ui.v.a' T13l13 eititu. - ( ContlnuQd. ) OMAi : : LOUli RAIL- PQI uiPdt"0Iflhthla , 1'zttmsas City .l E5tetn ltaiirOait-"The i'orl .rIhttP lloute"-Ticket Onle. , Rp.I3 l4l I'avnarn Street , Teti- imbone 322. DePbt , Tenth amid 2tnutofl tteots , Toleplinno 29. IV.tdaVc. Arrive. St. LflhI ! Cannon 13a11 Express. . . . . 4:313 : tim 11:30 : anu Eniins City & Qiiincy hinI , , , 7:10 : am 9t4 ; pm 1nnas City TIx- lirosa . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7:30am : rort Arthur ExPress - Press : $ O pin S Dailt' V MISruOURI I'ACIS'IC ItAIL. roai-Ueneral Otilces ned I Ticket 0111cc , Southeast Cot- . nor 14th and Douglas Streets. I V 'I'elphcuflo , 104. Depot , lt'tn ntmd Webster Ste , Telephone 148. Leave , Arrive. lCutrisa and Neb , Ll3lrd . . . , . . + , , , ' :0S : Pin 32lS : pin 3anauu City & st. Louis ExJrese , , ' ftD : rim 6:00 : nun Nebraska i.ocal . . . " 4 0 mu tim S Daily.V Daily xc ot Sunday. & , St. l'aul Rdilmvny - City 'ficket 0111cc , ' M'LWAUKff 1504 F'ariuutnm , htret. Telolihono 284. Depot , 'I ' . 'rentI nhtl MasOn Streets. 1'elephono. (19. Lenvo. Arrlvo. Chicago Limited V Express , , , , , , . . . . S 5t45'pm 8:2 : tim Onuttlust Chicago Expresq , . . , , , . . . . . . . ' 11:00 am 'lilS pro SIoux. Chty'aid Ds MOints . . . . . . ' : am " 4:15 : I'm Ds4L' , ' 13ullv exoept.Sunduu' . 73 A 14 ii ilAtLItoAtu- tlfilee , 1415 t'utrnirn Street , TclephOnO9Z. Depot 'l'eumthi ' and Mason Streets , Tetoph nQ 629. Leave. Arrive , , "Canfl StiLotdi . Ilail" EXprOS't. . . . 41t0 pm i1:30an : ' Da1h. . . . . V MINERSBEA1EN BY STRIKERS Prmtpeetii ot St.i ; : ; Trouhila Growing . " ' -Otut tlf flue 'l'utnn Strilu--Oper- ' ntdr' * Itejetmt Arbitrut iou , 'PA'NA , Ill : ; July 22-ScVcrnt tlnkflon'11 nonunion miners were , sayerely bonten today while enroute o the e1iatt to resume work. Only miners enteteil Springeido mind thtp' . ciii escorte4 tc the Inhuiti by op rfttors f , V V7 and Cbrn'liz wIth rifles , pre- vmnttt time anton minors froiiz Interfering , 0110V tuitloir kiiilnoi' , im nied VlIcnersQui , wliUe eutrputo t'tbd I'tin.w.ll mtuowuis intercepted - cepted and badly 'pounikd , The miners null LlV1 t3 wles tontfuun0 , to sturrodmid the simIle. Icp\ttis'uli4 VgQ ale , contlntW oi guhrd , Complications bav arisen ttet'vceui the mayor and city tiitl&riheut owlnmt to Mayor P.enwohl1 one 6f theOfiertltOrB of ' ( lie Penwoll fiifAe , ranfihg $ to nunuuuioli role- qfstO .carr revolVer tied gtltte. VTIIa terators' and. mIners' orgnnlzntions hto-beeut g1reu notice by the state lIoard of Arbitration of a dbctsiun by the board ( hunt 33 ceth should be paid for rnlue run mining , the Pana operators to furnish all eupplies ppwder and that the coupon utysteumi in use by the operators should be atohishe0. The mInors have given tiotice that they no- COlt the decision of the board , The operators - ators say they will not be governed in aiw Particular by the board's deciaton. Fruit Qt ( oed , ftr Stuilimps. 'V ' Writing .trditi Camp Merritt , an 2i'an- clscoMark IL TIvans , clerlt of Co. F , 1,1st Ifl'I ' left Des Moines I had Ih , p tco 'bottles ' of Chamberlain's C lic'Ch ler4i2VtIO Dune Remedy. The 1fruit out lucre hla5 not exactly agreed with a majority oI the boys and my to bottles have been In great drnaud , so much so tlVt it is all gone. " Mr. Evans has slnco V ben puppuiqd anul will take a good 1t of the remeth" nlon to the 1'Iuithplno Islands , 'lliero IVit iioiuumuger.front bowel eeiuplalnt when thiS rethedy is' htsed , It always cutes. For sahe druggists. . V I. V ; : , ruirimiers llii' ii hank , V ' 7LDOTtAJO. Kan , , July 22.-Special.- ( ) The Vj4rnuere' and .Merchmuuts' Nationtil bank was sold today to eighteen of the most pron,1n ; i h'ihfluentiaL buSIucs men nail fiirrnr otI71dbtAd9 .itl1 butler cotnties , ' repreleii'tlng they do a halt million 001- lns. Robert IL hkzlctt , .whq 'will be presi- d nt , is an xtensli'o owner of land in this county and Is a well known capitalist. II. 11. Gardner , the cashier , occupies a proml- neat place among time financIers of the skmte , and has been Iii the banking buel. ness continuously . here for twenty-two years. Calvin 31000 of Euiporia 'is one of the stockholders. The bank Is a very strong one , and its stock sold above par to tile new company. MARTIAL LAW AT SKAUWAY Sahootts Alh ( 'iiie.t-Feulcrnl i'ri , , . oilers Sitt ( ti $ Itkn for 'Erini , Mlmskn , July 17-ll ( StettmuJitp AlkI to 1)c'pnrture flay , II , ( h , , Judy 12'rhe ) tooVIi of Skagwny is stIll tinder inartiul and nil sslOotzs are closed , Tiventy-itix men wlt hma been bound or by the United States commisioncr have beemu takeui to Sltkn. City Surveyor Ileith , who killed 'SoAluy" Smith recently , , receIved a wound iii the lualuit , nnl huzay tutu of blood poIson- big. 3 , 'V. . . , Tanner at JImimenti boa been appointed - pointed deputy United States iiuarslmal rut Skagway in place of Taylor. This latter le cliztrget itlth neglect of olilcial duty , A nunuber of disappoInted gold seekers have returned froumi the Copluer rivet coumn- try , Iticbnrd 51mw , a ivell known young tuna of 10001,5 of Ilochuester , N. Y. , who took 'whmnt was cormldored ( tie luest outfit to topper river , was drowned and hie boil ? hiss not yet been recovered , A. .1. North- V ddtt of liuffalo , N , Y. , and J. 3. Skelly tIt homer , N. V. , succeeded in getting tip time river. ol't1mcott PflYB thai near its heath ( lucy found flout' gold in a few scattered places , but tile rounti wan not rich enough to work. Iiitt % % Ituttu fIPr (4o'cruunr ST. 1Ulj , .TImly 22.-l.ieutcumnnt John Lind , qtinrtermnaster of the Tweifth seta volunteers , Iio' at Ciulekatizuitugn , hns formally ncceptet tim izemutllmntioti 'for goi'- ermine tezdcrci ) liluui by the democrats , nil- ver reinibhieans 011th popttIisl , A joint corn- nOtIce of uotillcntlun ( was itlIldOiliteil at time time ( hue tonvchtioi , umntt hgt nuouzth anti word from Lieutenant bind hns been cx- Peeled almost. daily fot' seine tune. Todny limo cozumnltlt'e ; i'ecCii'cd his fornual letter of fleCelitunce , The letter Is brief amuti does not thinctiai ; politics , lion dcc's ho utuy : wluetiuitr Ito will rettutn to the state to take part in thu cnunp1tlui. It is bhieVOti hue will stay with hIs m-eglniciil. Lieutenant hind was formerly republIcan couigrcsSiiunhu front ( lie old Socomid ? tiltmmu'mtotn diStrict and was two years ago the candidate of time fusion forceS for governor , being again nominated ( bis heai .githiOtIt opposition. l'niutI hip1oi'iou % Or lnt'nttuotlC liolirr. IMVITCII FLAT , Cal , , July 22.-Engine No. 093 , on an enthoittfll extra , imlen' up at the station lucre today , killing Engliteer 'root ICelly : FIreman Terry of Sacramento and a coal passer. name tinkuzown , The hotel of J. ii. Faller was eotnpietel3' dotnohishied. Airs. .1. it. Fahior , residing In thu lintel , anti lmttfltiui Ray- iwlin cut about the liuuti uiuouid Fahler , aged 10 , bruised antI cut Laivrcnce Poller , aged C , was severely hurt and concussIon of the bralui Ic teared. henry Dusque of Colfax was badly hurt about the back antI had several ribs broken , A , wreck- lug train anti 000tors are on time way from. Sacrametito. Stortik % Vi't't'kN ! $ , 'veril ihthlhiihtIT * , MlNI1APtLlS , July 22.-A iqiecial to the Journal front Miumot , N. I ) . , says that 8. tornado struck ( lint town last night , tb- mnoltaludd seventeen buildings and lnured a utumber of PeOPle. No one wan kIlled. The county hospital was destroyed and several of the inmates badly Imujurod. Six loaded box cars cii the Son ( racks were biowuu 100 feet from ( be rails end deunohished. A heavy ltafl storm followed , seriously damag- hug crops. Grosveltor ( oi utg It , 1oiiilout. COLUMBUS , 0. , 3 ely 22-Cotigressnmami ' Charles II. Grosvenor and daughter , Grace , ivIlt ai1 front Now York next Tuesduty en tImO North German Lloyd stcupner Trave. 2tIr Grosvenor will spemid one week In Lun- : don , rtVturnhiig hoimum Adgurt 20. On account of his relations * itlt l'ildetut MeNlumloy It huts been freely said imis visit was in connection - nection with no Anglo-AmerIcan aliinac' , but lie asserts the trip . he only for rest oidl recreation. VIscoislui liiit lIsutpieutrs. SAN FltACICO , July 22.-Denj mni a Dloilgctt , a well-to-tic fnrnior rouh .1egy- VSOfl , Wis. , has rnysterloitiy withIn ( lie last two day , VUJil Vrutord , Iinlf brother , 13. W. IIatmkehl , hlisiln1ist&t tluo serviCes of the pohice'te tiiu4It"1ii lflhtliiug 'him. ' lie itac to have thllll thi lull' etetiper : Uniatilla tilt iti vay home wizen lie drpppeti omit of eight. Iix-LmiecuL 1,11 SaIls ' 1'uies.In' , SAVN FRANCISCO , July 22.-Ex-Qmien Li hiuokalani , attended by her physician , lr. English \Vnsliington , and Mr. and Mrs. IlelelehiUclta. lies arrived frouui Wnmilulngton enrouto to honolulu. The uarty will leave oil the GaelIc next Tuesday for the IIaw'aiiaii islands. " .Vltihe Jintitiuig. MORTON , Mmmi. , July 22.-While haUming In the Minuiesota river at this place Barbara and Itnehel Calle , Martha Lorenra and lva Eels , all tinder 20 , were drowned , . V : I ' V'V V' ' V * ; ' ' ' . .3 ; ' . I . V ; ' . ' , ? ; 9'V 9' ' ' .A , , V. V ; V V ' \l \ \ : I , , : ? , V V llW1 \ \ \ = : ; ? t , J O'V : , , . ItllE1 \ \ \ , I I ' ' , * , : IV,1 . V V , J"k J } \ I ; . ' ; HV Vj /fjJ / \\Ri \ \ i 12 Ir ! \ \ ' : V ERWiCII aowzi o'P 1ILACK PIMU flI3 50111 PROM IIARPHR'S IIAZAR T1I0VI latest sty'es ' alicia' very inarlcedly the difference between this and last year's f shttomfs nod time gowns iihw sent out in ay be relied upon as being hints for what will be worn during the winter , Time lii 4uso effcct are very rapdly $ 1vIumg Place to tigltt-fltIn ( waists , sleeves arc shrink hug aimil overekirte arc threaten th. Our ilhlietratiomi , taken fr n hIarpermt flazar , shiowi a chariuziagly eftectlvq gown of blavk cau Op void. 'This gown. bp thin f ont mndo , in prluicess style , two narrow 1110005 uxtoad1 l ip * from th skirt and form Img a bodIce on the wntst vbichi opefls cit a sttdf pleated black piousselino do solo , The rest of time wnIe anti the ieeves aVro om1iospc of. bands of cream ave laser then amid pnrroiv silc $ stripes , with muousime- lIne pleatlage at the ( op of the sleeves , The skIrt Is bordered with Ineertion and opens on a slender lace panel , The belt of the material is narrow itt the back and widens to a roetto at either side of the frou , ,