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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1898)
- _ _ - rflflnrn - - - - - - -r--- - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ r'V _ V _ _ . V V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V V VV VVpV VV V V --------T------- - . - - - - - - - - - p _ _ _ 1o TII1 OMAhA DAiLY ] 3Ei : SA't1lTItlAY ' , JULY 28 , 1898 , - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - COIMERCIAL AD 1IANCIAL ? General Weahno Abroad Causes a Decline In the Wheat Market. EARLY ADVANCE IN TIlE DAY IS LOST Onus floes flefler , flnng Three- Elgittli's II ) Jinif ii Cent. IIIIicr I I'ork niad ItI. Decline. C1flCAOO July 2.-TrnBcrUIotiR ot an : irIy movement of the new crop in 1UtOIw , tcgether with general veaktie nhroa C1U8C(1 ft decline In wheat today towarl tile end of tim euon. September cIustI ' 3.So lower , December 1ot c. Cnrn nd pr.nced % cJ-8c. ; OatB 1Ift 'Sii ifigher. l'ork and ribs lost 2jo each anti lard &c. Wheat Marted a trifle higher on light Ar- $ ontIno ffllrnenth and the RIOW movement of the now croi , 'rho Liverpool marketh thowcd IItto change , which , conIderlflg tha vcaknes hero yetordnY , wan deemetl encouraging. itrength In corn and flrinne V of iqnjt cheat iuitaIned the sIecttlatlvo vheat. Lnter , however , the general weak- fORM abroad flild the near approach of neW vheat deliveries In Ftiropo HtnrLeIl MOflO neillng here. Tlil resulted tn a steady (10. ( lIflO intIl the early advance wa8 inure thnit JoMt ILCCdpLH Hi ChiCago were sixty cars. 'fho tfltfll of thu prlinrtry western recellts % vaH 427,000 liii. Fxports from the Atlantic port5 vore equal in wheat nntl hour to 151- V 000 liii. Ninnenpolii nntl Duluth itockH of vheat were estimated to nhow a decrease for the week of 1,400,000 ho. . and the risible vai ; expected to ilecreaso atolit 1,000,000 bu. tA. year ago the Visible tncrcnsol ? Os.Oo ) 1)12. 13o1)telnler ) opefleil 1-Sc higher at i7 ; , .S'rJrSc , .oso to t.Sc , then rencted to G7 ½ c at the tlose. December started 43 Sc ill ) at 67 5.8 6G7e , ndvaic'ti to Cl 7-Sc niT to GI 1-Sc , then rallied to (714c ( asked , th closing Price. 'rho ,2on.allcarItnco ) Of tile ruing that { . % vero predlctc(1 , together with a clear wcather forecast for the next thirty-six hours. strengthened corn. Good buying. led : by vrominent longs , against Ught offerings. fllVrtflCC(1 ( prices. A bettor sllippli1g demand developed than has been noted for two veek5. Vessel men , however. were asking IL Ic rate to Buffalo , and on this accoUnt 1)1(15 were generally out ( it line. Crop reV - . V lortH were very contradictory , Various ills. tricts reporting the plnntitig dottig first rate find others telling of ( ieterioratlm ( rein dry , jiiti weather. eptemher opefle(1 I.8c nuder at 531i3 1-Sc , became gradually stronger : intil .1 5-Sc was reached. then reacted to ' 33 ½ c flhike(1 ( at the c1o0. Oats were strong on good buying. Crop . , ilaunago claims also had a tendency to advance - vance prices. September began I-Sc up at : i9 7-Sc , sold to 2Oc and closed at 20 1.8 20c asked , t'rovisions firmed up early on large re- 1orted dish saleS. Prices ( leclifled later on commissIon liolso elllng of lard and ribs. The rumors ( If yellow fever , a ( listtlrblng fsctor of late , were iuieted somewhat to- ( lit' , September pnrk opened unchanged to 1,0 lower at $9.S2419.S7 , advanced to $ I.95 , then fell oft to $9.85 hid , the closing flguro. Icptember lard began unchanged at 5.GO , V rose to $5j.5 , then declined to $1r.j lU at the close. The range In ribs was narrow. Estimated receipth for tomorrow : Wheat , ,00 cars corn , 316 cars ; oats , 200 cars ; hogs , : oooo head. Leaning futures range as follows : iicles. , I Open. I high. I Low. I Close. Whcat .Tiily , 7l4 ' 754 , Ii % 77 7R S'pt. . ' ( l7T-Oh OqI ( 417 % fl74 G7(4h ( Dec. . . 67l4 073k O7J _ _ O7 t7 ; Corn _ ,2ily. . 33 : :34 : $3 333a 22T Snjt , , . 33(4 13 as 24-a3 1)'e. ) . , 331 34 834 33 * Nay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Oats- .ltily. . . 234 . 23 % 23-t 2314 22 ( 14'Ct. . . 3'Jl 2O ( 1Ifl It'I ' ( 22 229i 2211 22I 22 l'ork- . luy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 0 724 SClt. . . 0 82 . U . 0 82) ) 9 85 9 87 SO2)t. . . S 00 5 a : ; 5 55 1 55 5 60 Oct. . . 5 (15 ( & 90 6 60 5 00 0 05 V. Ribs- Seult , . . IS (35 ( 5 fl7 a nii 6 60 5 (35 ( . _ 291. . . a t37jI 5 70 5 62 ( 5 135 5 07 'No. 2. V Ciudi ( tUotXLtlOflS were as follows : PLOUII-Firm : special brands , $5.00 : 1ard patentS , $ i.5O4.75 ; straights , $ i.101' ' 4,30 : bakers , $3.25ij3.4O. W1llAT-No. 2 spring , 7Sc ; No. 3 sprIng , OuIS2e : No. 2 red , 78c. CORN-No. 2 , 53qT332-Sc. QAj-No. 2 , 21c' No. 2 whIo , 2Sc ; No , V V Whti ( : 25&27c. I ; V &BYENo. 2 , 41e. , iIA1ttJ1Y.i.o. 2 , 2J35c trIXSlED-No. 1 , $1. SFlD-1'riine , 2.55. 1'ROVISIONS-Mess ijork , per 1)1 > 1. , S9.5 9SQ. Lard , ar 100 lls. , $1.47115.521A , Short rIbs sides ( loose ) , $5.45I5.75. Iry salted shoulders (1oxed ( ) . $4.75J5.00. Short clear llos ( boxed ) , $1.t56.1O , Artcles. ( Jtecetpts. Shipment , Plourbbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,400 8,7110 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 15,01)0 ) Corn , till. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284.20b 11)2,100 fltabu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181.301) ) 228Ul ) ) , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,500 On tim Produce exchange today the hut- icr zni.rket was llrin ; creameries , 13lttij16c ; . dairies , 11J14c. Eggs , fresh , lic. , 1cEv YORK aCNEItAI4 1tIAILKET. Qiiotatloiis for tli'iay on General COIlI iiitl it ioN. V I NEW YOfl1 , July 22.-FLOUfl-flccolpts , : 20,412 bbls. ; exports , 14,492 tbls. ; quiet but fairly steady. CORNMEAL-Steady ; yellow western , 3c , V I JIARLEY MALT-Dull. WIIEAT-fleeeipts , C9,35 bu. ; exports , V S2,35 mu. ' ; spot steady ; No. 2 red , S&c & , f , 0. 1) . afloat , export grades to arrive. Op. halls Ollelled steady aliti after some ud- vance ( lecliulel unler realIzing nud closed ( IlLS ) . at 1-SliS-Sc net iussl cables disapPointing - Pointing ; receipts and bulge in corn vero thu bull features today. whllu sleculativ ? ipathy and hue sprIng wheat news Induced soilIng : No. 2 red , July , S2V4S3C , closed ( tt 82c' ; September , 2 'J-161j73 1-sc , closed at 72 5-Sc. COILN-RCCOIIts , tlO,675 bu. ; exports , 127- 077 bu , ; spot lirm ; No , 2 , ISc , 1' . o. b. , aiioat. Options urn : till day itiil closed l/c higher ; lilt flbUiidah1C of hot weather news lltt- toned coverIng : July. lGji37c ) , closed itt 37c ; 1eptezner , 378cijlS 5-Se , closed at 87c. OATS-Receipts , 4,500 bli. ; exports , 92,916 bil. : f'Iot ' lt2il No , 2 , 27c ; No. 1 , 27c ; No , S v1iite , 29AC trncjc , hite , 293c ; track , 3nIxet western , 276j2Se. Options dull but 3)uuninttlly a 51111(10 steadier with corn ; Sep- cniler CiOSel at 25e. I lOl'S-Steady. C1IEESF-Steady' largo wIllIe , 747 l-Sc : small white , 7j1c ; large colored , 7 3-S ( c ; small colet1 , 1c. 'i'ALLOW-SteatIs at Ge. 01h13-Cottonseed , stitd' ; prime rrtule , 1&lc ; llriino yeliow , Rl1g l'ctroletim , easier ; reilned New York , $ .1l' l'tIIaUvi. ; V phia and Iltiltiniore , $ tL0 ; Philadelphia allil ilititimoro in bulk , $3.55. 1tlC1'-Steai1y ; title to extra , 5 j5j % . tpan , 5 7'Sui6 1-Se , ld OIAHS1CS-t3teatly. Ml1'jLS-iulterest In metals still lags to nut unwarronleil degree , with the market tietitUtoi of ( eaturu worthy of mentiuui. 'Tarlatlons iii itrices laclc particular siguilit- ( 'alice , At 1110 close tuay the Metal cx- change t'alietl pig iron warrants tuncitangeil V'itl1 $6.70 tilti ituiti $ t.SO asked ; lake coiper , unetiuiiiged % VItIl $ j1,50 bid ; till , qtuk't tVitil $15.60 1)1(1 and $ l5.t. , asked ; leittl , hIllel witlu $3.9 , bid IIIId $3.97 itsletl ; spoiler , tiu- chpnged with $1IO.bitl and $4.ti0 aski'tl , ' .l'Ite local ilrn : nauning tIlO settiiuig Irlce for leiuiiui miners auttl usunolters luoted lead it $ J.bU , V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oican , llt ricet. NFQllLlANS , July 22.-PROVISIONS QVj anti steady , I'ork , uttiuuulnrd nlt'ss. $ l0.OOU1O.23. Lord , reulneti , 011111Cc , Sl,124 4,2:1 : ; inure larti , $5.02l.4 , Iloxeti lflt'tttlt , dry salt shoulilers. $5.75 ; sides , $ G.0Ot G.12l. . jlltcolu , cli'utr lii ) sides , $6S77OtJ , liauii , vhoico stigar cured , $ ) ,0O1O.0tl , COl1l.i-Quutet ; Rio , ordinary to fair , g5fSe. ] tlCFi-Quiet : orliulary to good , 4 5-S5'4c , V VLOU1I-Duli : extra fancy , 4.15ijI,23 ; ptteults , $4.0t114.55. . ' . . COILNMIIAL-i.'JO. V IIILAN-70c. V HAY-Prime , $ l1.0OJl2.OO ; choice , 13,50t 14.00. CORN-Sacked , VI2IIXCl , 4lc ; No. 2 white iuul yellow , 42e , OATH-No , 2 , sachod , 30e. Cliieinnntl llti'lt't , CINCINNATI , July 22.-FLOUR-Dull , W'III6AT-Quiot : No , 2 roil , 75i' . , COILN-Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 4Sc , I OA'I'S-Firxn ; No. 2 mixed , 21e , I RYIl-Qulet ; No , 2. 41ti2c , pItOVlSIONS-Lartl , quiet at 5,20lJ5.22',4. Iiulk meats , easy t $5.75. Ilacol ) , quiet at at $1.25 , flUTTFRIrirm , , SUOAIt-lasy. IGGS-Dull at So. C11FES1-13teady , St. Lotii Market , Sr. T.OUIS July 22.-1L.Ol1R--nehnnged , SVIIFAT-Lnwer. with July 3o antI Sep- Lemberc off nd 1)eceiuber unbhanged a compared with 3'strrdn' spot , lower ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , dcc ; track , 7S76c : Jtuy ! 76c ; Ilcptnmier , G 3-Sc bid ; December , CS IC No , 2 hard , cath 3c. CORN-FractIonally higher for futures : siot. ? Iteatl } ' No , 2 cash , 32c ; July , 324c ; September , 12c. OATS-Stead ) ' for futures. with spot lower ; No , 2 cash , 21c ; track , 25c July , 23tc : September , 20 3-Sc ; No , 2 white , 29i 294c. 1tYF-Nomlnai at 4Sc. SlI6DS-Timothy seed , $2.2t,4 , to arrIve ; flaxseed , lower at 83c. CO1tNMlAli-8tendy at $ I.SOilliS. BRAN-Firm ; sacked , east track , &O1S1c , hAY-Steady to slow flnti easy ; prairie , $ ; timothy , $ G.0O9.0. IJIJTTFfll-F'irin ; creamery , 1417c dairy , 1W 15c. flGUS-Flrm at Sc , loss off. WIIISKY-Steady at $1.25. COTTON TII-Unchangetl at 7e. METALS-Lenil iluiet at $3.S21,4J3.S3 : sPelt'r qtuiet Ut $1.25. $ l'RO1SION5-l'ork , quIet : standard met's , Jolibing , $8.75. Lard , quiet ; prime steam $5.30 : choice , $6.40. J3acon , boxed sliotultiers $ .5.GOriS,75 ; extra short clear , $6.l2 ; rilis , $6.25 ; shorts , $6.7'j. ' Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , $5.00 ; extra short clear , $5.l2 ; ; 111)5 , $5.75 : phorts , $5.87. 1t1C1I l'TS-Flour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 7- 000 bti. ; corn , 10,000 ho. ; oats , 8,000 bu. S111I'MNTS-Flour } , 5,000 bbls. : wheat , 19,000 bu. ; corn , 9,000 bu , ; oats , 4,000 bu. OM.iIJA. GRNl1ItI1 MAflhIiTS , Condition of Trndennd Quotations Hfl Mtstple und Fancy Groceries. EGOS-Good stock , Oc. flUTTRR-Commoa to fair , 91tto ; aep- arator , ISo ; gathered creamery , 131l1c. L1Vl I'OUI.Tlfl-Ilens , 6 ½ c ; ohi roosters - tors , 4c ; spring chickens , lOc ; ducks , not wanted : geese , not wanted. I' , ' . per doZ. , 60ij7&c. VIAL-ChoIce , & 719c. HAY-Upland , $ f ; midland , $6 ; lowland , $5 ; rye straw , $ . vEarYrAnLE8. ONIONS-New southern , per lb. , 1J1c. l29AN-1Innj-picked , lIar ) ' , per bu. , I'OTATOIS-New , per bu. , 4&S0c. CALIIIAGF1-I'er crate per lb. , c. TOMATOES-Per four-basket crate , S5 ( SOc. SOc.CUCUMI3ERSllome CUCUMI3ERS-llome grown , per dos. , 3Q'50c. WAX BFIANS-1-2 bu , box , 4050c. TI1OPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES-Seedlings , $2.6O2.75 ; Valen- ver box , $3.23 ; Mediterranean sweets , LbMONS-CalIfornia , $ i.7515.00 ; fancy Messluin , $6.00. BANANAS-Choice , largo stock , per bunch , $2.00'2,25 ; medium sized bunches , H.5i 2.00. FRUITS , I1LACK RASPBERRIES-Per 21-qt. case , 1.7o. I1LACKBERRTES-$1&O. R1D RASPBERRIES-Per 24-pt. case , 81.1St : 2.00. DLUEl3lRRIES-Per 16-ct. case , $1.60. GOOSB1RR1ES-1'er 24-qt. case , $1.00P 1.-s. ( RFRRh1S-Per 24-ot. COilO , 81.00lI1.25 CURRANTS-Per 24-qt. case , $ t.21.50 , WA'l' I1t.'d F LONS-Crated , 2022c. CANTALOI'E-Crates , $1.25 ; per basket , SOc. SOc.PEACIIIiSPer 4-basket crate , $1.25 : Georgia Elbertas , per 6-hasktt crate , 1.l 932.00 ; Californias , 20-lb. case , $1 , I'IdJMS-CalIornias , $1.ZSijl.&U. PiARS-Bartlett , $2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS-Almonds , per lb. , large size. 12l lIc ; small , lie ; Ilrazlis. per lb. , 910c : En. glish walnuts , Ier lb. , fancy soft shell , 1lJ 120 ; standards , S'1j9c ; filberts. per lb. , be ; pecans , polished , medium , 87c : extra large , Sj9c ; large hickory nuts , $1.0O1.1O per bu. ; small , $ l.251.25 per bu. ; cocoanuts , her 100 , $1 ; peanuts , raw , 6ij6 ½ c ; roasted , 70MAPLE MAPLE SYRUP-Fire-gal. can , each , $2.75 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gal. cans , $6.25 ; quart cans , $3.50. hONEY-Choice white , 1415c. DATES-Hallowee , 10 to 70-lb. boxes , 54c ; Sair , Sc ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , Sc. FiGS-linported , fancy , 3-crown , 14-lb. , bcxes , be ; 5-crown. 44-lb. boxes , lIe ; 2-lb. boxes , 2223c per box ; Callfornta , 10-lb. box. $1. CIDER-Per halg bbl. , $3.251J3.50. hIDES , TALLOW , ETC. hIDES-No. 1 green hides , 71c ; No. 2 green blOcs. 6'jc ; No. 1 salted hides , Sc ; No. 2 salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 lbs. , so ; No. 2 real calf , 12 to 15 lbs. , 7c. TALLOW , GREASE. ETC-Tallow , No. 1 , Sc : tallow , No. 2 , 2 ½ c : rough tallOw. 11,40 ; white grease , 234t23c ; yellow and brown grease , 1t2Vc. ShEEP PELTS-Green salted , each , 15 The : green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , cacti , 15c ; dry shearings ( short Wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each. Sc ; dry flint , 1ansas and Nebracka butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4)5c ) ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , l)0 lb. , actual weight , 34c ; dry mat , Cob- radiI butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 45e ; dry flint , Colorado murrain % vool felts , : c : lb. . actual weight , 2tj4c. Initlinore Market. 13A1.TIMORE , July 22.-FLOUR-FIrm and unchanged ; receipts , OGbO bbls. ; cx- Ports , 120 bbls. WHEAT-Firm ; spot and month. SO@ So 7-Sc ; August , 7575c : No. 2 red , stenmdr , 77J777-8c ; receipts , 85,838 bu. ; exports , none : southern wheat , by sample , 75V5l,4 ; southern wheat , on grade , 81@ 82c. CORN-Steady : spot , 37 ¼ 373-8c ; No. 3 , 3Pf1t37 : 3-Se ; August 37 3-Sj137 ) 5-Sc ; steamer mixed , ; eceipts , 64,025 mi. ; exerts - ) ) orts , 17,143 bu. ; southern whtto and yellow - low corn , 4Nj42c. oA'rs-Flrm ; No , 2 white , 3233c : No. 2 mixed , 3PlJ32c ; receipts , 2,281 bu , exports , BUTTER-Steady and unchanged. EGGS-Firm anti unchanged , ChEESE-Steady and unchanged. ICIIIINIIN Clt Grain null I'roviNion. , KANSAS CITY , July 22.-WHEAT-Ac- tIvo. about steady ; No. I hard. GSo ; No , 2 , 6769c ; No. 1 , G53367c ; No. 1 red , 75c ; No. 2 , lGc ; No. 3 , Tic ; No. 2 sprung , UObjGie ; No , 0165c. CORN-Lower ; No. 2 mixed , 31$3lc ; No. 2 white. 320 : No. 3 , lIe , OATS-Slightly lower ; No , 2 white , 28',4c. RYE-Stead ) ' ; No. 2. 40c. V hAY-Choice timothy , old. $8.00 : new , $6.50 : choice prairie , new , $5.25 : No. I , $5.00. IJUTTER-Steatly ; country grules siow ; separator , 13 ½ ( j'l5 ¼ c ; dairy , 12c , EflS-W''nic : fresh , Stc. TLECEIPTS-W'lleat , 107,400 bu , ; corn , 25- 200 hit : oats. : i,000 bu. 511 IPZtIENTS-Wheat , 52,800 bu , ; corn , 31- , 200 bu. ; oats , none. Grain It'CCiiIt $ at Principal Markets. ST. LOUIS , July 22.-lteceiptH : Wheat , 41 cars. MINNEAPOLIS , July 22. - Receipts : Wheat , IS cars. cl-I ILAO , J iii y 22.-Receipts toda1' W'heat , ( .0 cars ; corn , 315 cars : oats , UI cars. Estimated tomorrow : \'heat , 100 cars : corn. abS cars : oats , 2110 cars. DULU'l'II , July 22.-Receipts : Wheat , 5 cars. . 1.iscrIo,1 ( rniii Market. LIVF1tI'OOL , July 22-\V1 IRAT-Stend flflI tunclinuiged to 1-Sd higher ; July. Os S , September2 Gs 11 5.Stb ; December , bs 7 5-l , COILN-btezuW and l.8I1Ptl lower : July. 2s 1tl ; September , Is 3 1.Sd ; October , Is 4 I-Sd. V FLOUR-St. Louis fancy , winter , dull at Os. 'i'OieI , ) tig rI.Vet , TOLlDO , 0. , July 22.-WIIF7A'I'-Lower niiii w'nlc : No , 2 , cash , 77,4c ! ; July. 78c , CORN-Dull and stently ; No. 2 mIxed , 47c. CLOVEIISI1RD-Active and easy ; prime , cash , $3.274 ; October , $3.65. I'l , Ilutielpitia i'rOliii't' . I'1ItI4ADElPIIIA , July 22.-flUTTER- Firm ; fancy western creamer ) ' , lSj19c. EOGS-Duiil and c lower ; fresh western , lIe. i'COl'l a tltirlet. PEORIA , July 22.-COILN-Fbrm ; No , 2 , 23'Ae. OATS-Firm : No , 3 wlulte , 244e. W'iltIKY-Flrm ; $1.25 , ( iii 'tlsirk , t , OIL , CITY. Pa , , July 22-Credit balances , OOc : certificates 031e10'l vbtbu stuies of 1,000 bIds c'aslu tit uOc ( ; highest. 9O1'o ; tlusinK , SSI4o bid for cash ; itit's , one bbl. cash at iO4c , two at Doe ; shipments , 77,951 bbls. ; runs , 52,216 1)1)15. SAVANNAI I , Ga. , Juui ) ' 22.-OIL--Spirits of tiarpetitine , ltrni at 20e. Rosin , firm ; A , II , C , U , OSc : E. $1.05 ; I' . $1.10 ; (1 , $1.30 ; Ii , I. $1.40 : K , $ i.45 : M , $1.50 ; N , .G0 ; W , (1 , $1.75 : W. % V. $1.85. WII1MINITON ( , N. C , , July 22-OIL-- Spirits of turptntine , firm at 244125c. Itosin , tiuili at 93ct11l,00. Crude turpentine , stenily Ut $ l.OOZj 1.50. Tar , quiet at $1.10 ; 'ery dull. il priis' Miirket , NEW ORLEANS , July 22.-SUGAR- Steady nhil firm : Dnt'II kettle , I4e : cen- tritugtl : whits' , 4 I-iCe ; yellow , 414 9-ICe ; seconds. 2 1-8IIs' , Molasses , easy ; centrifu. gal. 4iille. N 1IV YORK , July 22.-S1TGAlLl1aw , 11cm ; fair reilning , 24e ; centrifugal , SO test , 4 1-Sc ; refined ibrun. York Ir ( . , od Mrkt' ( . Nfi\ ' YORK , July 22.-TIto trenti of the dry goods market has been toward im- lrovenwnt , lint the gain froi1 day to tIlt ) ' 3105 been very slight. It is chiefly notIceable - able in the eXIalldt9t Iuiuiry , for staple cot. tons. There Intro been few heavy sales recorded - corded , but t'io tone of the buying Is zuoro spirited , The market , as a whole is firm , antI the buying tontlngent Is beg6ning to recognize this fact. All lines of men's wear flannels are not yet open , buyers in town nro busy examining such lines as can be seen , Dress goods arc also fairly active. Print cloths show generally fair results , It is estImated that the week's sales will be in excess of the curtaIled production. The quotation on extras Is still 2c. Odd goods ver ) . firm nlo. Staple cottons are dull in nearly all lines , though better restults are reported than at the beginning of the week , Man Francisco Wheat Market , BAN FRANCISCO , July 22.-\VIIFIAT- Steads' ; December , $1.21 1-8. No barley. STOCKS ANI ) J1ONDS , Realizing In Ii.Itptrinl Specialties Catijit's it S5lllPfltlletIC 1)ecIInL' NE\V YORK , July 22.-The stock market continued in tize hands of the small boom traders today , who dealt mostly in inulus. trIal specialties , They ndvnnced the prices of t12C80 early and this held up the stand- arll railroad stocks. Iteaiizing In the specialties - cialties later in the day caused a symliti- thetic decline in the railroads , carrying prices In many canes slightly below yester- ( lay's close. ] xcept where stockS were in- Iluenced by individual cases the total range of Prices was lower and without signlui- cance. The duIines may be uuite equally interpreted as indicating a disinclination to buy at the present level or an unwillingness to sell. The International trade situation is still so obscure that speculators arc not ready to commit themselves , Very little light was thrown on the Probabiiitles b thu day's grain markets , which were not very active and were hesitating in tone. There was weakness in the continental grain market and there wns selling here , said to be for foreign account , indiciting the trend of opinion that foreign 030115 as rell as our own are likely to yield bargel ) ' . There were evidences of a pressure of funds seek- bn Investment , but they manifested thorn- selves in bonds rather than in stocks. The large demand for the now government Cs , Which were traded lit on the Stock exchange "when isuieul , " had a. favorable synipa- thetlo effect all through the morket. This bond sold at 10 $ 3-8 , the last sale being at that figure. Bitls were for small tts well as for full share lots of 81.000. The advance in other government bonds was called syni- pathetic. The advantages of the new 1ssu for purposes of circulation make a keen demand for them ( ron : the banks , though the present prospective cheapness of 100110) ' tended to diminish their value for this pur- pose. Railroad mortgages were absorbed on a large scale today. The well secured bonds of reorganized roads , whose value under reorganization has not been clearly fixed , were tha favorites. 'rhere was also active demand for the more speculative issues of the roads still to be reorganized , whose payments of interest are to , be cotmted upon earnings. The lbOfltitudO of money also found reflection - flection inVaIl street in talk of yndIcate5 preparIng for flnuncial ventures in eastern Cuba. 'time loans were made for six months at the rate of 3 per cent and sterl- log exchange continued heavy umler offering - ing or grain bills. London also bought stocks hero in spite of a stiffening of the London discount rate in sympathy with the fall in London exchange here. Total sales of railroad bonds , par value , $4,645,000. United States 2s advanced 1 per cent : the new registered , 3t per cent ; the old 4s , registered , and the new 4s , coupon , ; 4 per cent , and the Gs , coupon , 3 ! per cent in the bid price. The Evening Post's London financial cablegram - blegram says : The statement by the Span. ish minister of public works concerning peace prospects , together wIth good railway dIvidend announcements , fvorabIy a- fectoci oil the stock markets today. A sharp rise in Spanish 4s oft the Spanish minister's statement also brought on buy- era of Americans. The market closed under the best , however. A lnrue amount of American bills was offered here today to leave New York to- morrow. New York is asking for quotations - tions on American bills as far forward as October. Gold was in strong demand for the con- tlnent nliti full weighted sovereigns were bought today for shipment to Russia. It Is believed that money rates have touched bottom. It i rumored that the Transvaal government has obtained a loan of LU- 000,000. The following are the closing quotations of the leading stocks on the New York market today : ttchIsoa . . . . . . . . . . 1:334 : St. P. & Out. . . . . . . . . 82 dot'1 ' . . . . . . . . . . 948t do . . . . . . . . . . . . . fliultimore& Ohio 3254 St.P.M.&N..2041.4 Cana'baPAotlio ' . . . . . 86' So. Pciflc . . . . . . . . . 21) ) Canadaftontnern 5Th So. flailvay. . . . . . . . . Centralpaclfto. . . . . . 1 555 So. llailwav pfd . Ches.&Obto. . . . . . . . 22l Texas . I'acltIc. , . . 12h OhicaoAlIon..10O ) , 1' . common. . . . . . 2334 C. , ii. 41 Q..1051.4 . Union Pacific ptd. 0014 . O2l.i. . . . . . . . . . 5534 U.P.D.&o. . . . . . . . cc.o. 81L . , , 411.t . Wabash . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ! , dopfd. . . . . . . . . . . . sO Wheel. k L. it 54 DsI.&lIIlOsOn. . . . . . 100 Wieoi. . L. E. ptd 8 IeI , L. & V . . . . . . . 150 Adonis Ex. . . . . . . . . . 301 . Den.&ItiQG . . . . . . . 22 AmerIcan . . . . . . . . . do pSi. . . . . . . . . . . 4U34 Untted States lIx. 40 Erie ( new ) . . . . . . . . . 1284 Wells Fargo Rx . .120 ErIel.tpf0. . . . . . . . . 341 $ tn. Cot. Oil. . . . . . . . 24 Ft. % Vayne . . . . . . . . . 171) A. CotO1l ptd. . . . . 7784 flreatNorttiemptd.121l54 Mn , Spirits . . . . . . . . 2154 Uocixin , Valley. , , , 5' . Am. Sotrita pItS . , , . , . 221.4 nllnolsCootral. . . . 1073.4 u * , To0aeco. . . . . . 1101.4 Lake JrIe & IV. . . . ISN do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do pta. . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 People's Oas. . . 9484 Lalueshor.195 Con.On , . . . . . . . . . . 303 1ouisviIle& Na , , 5254 Corn , Ca'Ie Co. . . . . . 170 ilSaullattan I. . . . . . . . 10434 Col. 11' . & Iron. . . . . 2t ) Met. St. fly . . . . . . l5O1. do ot . . . . . . . . . tie Michigan Centrai..100 Gpo. Eleotne. . . . . . . 39 Minn. .t St. L . . . . . . 28 IllinoIs Sleet. . . . . . . . 56 dolstpfd. . . . . . . . . 88 LaClotie Oa'i. . . . . . . 5014 Mo.Paatflo. . . . . . . . . . C44 Lead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 * Mobile&Ohio , , , . . 25 ! tie p00. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1051.4 Mo.K. & ' 1' . . . . . . . . 1084 Nat. 0(1. ( . . . . . . . 23 ) .io.K. & T p1.1. . . . . 3:45L : Pacific Mata . . . . . . . . . 25 &L. . . . . . in , Puilman Pal..2081. , 00 pf0. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ! I1er Certlileates 51)1. ) , ! . .7. Central . . . . . . . 88 Stand. Rope & P 084 N.Y.Central..11714 Stlgar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11)2 N.Y.Ciii. St. I. . is ! o pal. . . . . . . . . . 1151.4 . dolst pSI. . . . . . . . . 05 T. C. ? e iron . . . . . . . . 24 ! do2dpfd. . . . . . . . . . so u. S. Leather. . . . . . . 71.4 . NorolIt.ti 3Vestern 14 do pal . . . . . . . . . . . . 6814 No. Mner. Co. . . . . . . 0 % U. S. Itubber' . . . . . . . 2o.1'aolI1c. . . . . . . . . 2t)1. ) . $ do pal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0o old . . . . . . . ( ) _ ' ! )934 Western Union , . , , 921.1 . Qntariok V. . . . . . 1454 Northwestern . . . . . . Ore,11. Nay . , . , . , , . 49 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1728 , ( ire. Short Lin , . . . . . 214 B. 0. & W . . . . . . . . . . 20 ! Plttsburg . . . . . . . . . . . 170 II. 0. , iv. pd. . . . . . 55 Readier. . . . . . . . . . . V 1(21.4 ( Ciii. Gt. Wett. . . . . . . 1454 Itock Island. . . . . . . . OS1.S iteading 1st pitt l9 S.L.&S.P. . . . . . . . . 71.4 St L.&S.W. . . . . . . . II tiO lstptd. . . . . . . . . Ui do , p00. . . . . . . . . . . . 101.4 St. i'aut . . . . . . . . . . . OO4 hawaii C. C . . . . . . . . 22 ! do . . . . . . . . . . . Total ale of stocks today were 131,200 shares , including 4,417 Atchison preferred , 4,423 Baltimore & Ohio , 4,060 Burlington , 7- 205 Metropolitan , 7,240 St. I'aui , 7,416 UnIon Pacific Denver & Gulf , 3 250 Wheeling & Lake iirie , 10,850 Cotton oh , 5,610 Lead , 9- 451 Sugar , 11,541 Leather preferred , 9,270 bLubber. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 22.-MONEY ON CALL -Nnnlnaily , 1I4IV41,4 per cent. PItIM E MERCANTILE PAPER-3 ½ 4 Per cent , STERLING EXCITANGE-Ileavy , with actual business in bankers' bills at $ i.85i0 4,55',4 for demanti , and $ l,84@4.84i for sixty days ; PQted rates , $4.45 anul $4.8Cl,4 ; corn- mercinl hills , $1.85iii.S1. SII4VEIL CERTI FICATES-5)iijCO'4c , BAR SiLVER-59c. MEXICAN DOLLARS-tOe. GOVERNMENT IIONIS-Irregnlar ; now 48 , reg , , 124 ; coupon , 125 ; 4s , reg , , 1O93 ; ( 'olipOli , lbO' ; 2s , 96 ; Is , reg. , Ill ; coupon , Ii26. Closing quotations on bonds were as foi- lows : U.S.ncw-iLr'g V..1' -51.4 N. J. ( I , Os , . , , , . , , . U. S. iioco'ip . . . . , 12034 N. C. ( Is U , S. 4srete , . . , , . , . I 10)4 N. C. 48. . . . . . . . . . . . 11)2 ) US.4scoup..1iL No. Pacific 1sti. , .11214 U. S. ' .ill , ror. . . . . . . . 1)7 1o , l'aeiflo Ss. . . . . . U.S. 5 rez..11'24 No. I'aciflc 4 , , . . . . . 0434 U. S. S. ooup . , . . , , 3 1 3' N. V. C. .t St. I , . 4ii. . 11)514 ) flItriet3,05s. . . . . 11(1 ( N , &W. tie . . . . . . . , , i2 Aa..cia. ! , A . , . . , , 1CM N. W. Conols , , , . , , , 142 AR..clas ( II. . . . . . . . 105 N , V. IJeb. As. . . . . . . 11714 Ala. , cut. , C , , , , , . , . 93 Ore. Na' . I sts. . . . . . . 3 I I Aia.Currency. . . . 1(5 ( Ore. Nay. 45 , , , , AlcilI'1o1145. . . . . . . . 1(5 ( 0 , 5. i , Ii , , t , r , . , , . , l'2714 Atcliionaol , 4 , . . . . 7054 0. 8. 1 , . . 5 , t. r . . , . , iot8 : CSliflQRSO.2UiiV ( , . jIlt ) ! I'aetflo I. , of 'DI , . , 1(12 ( Ciii , Terms , , 414. . , , (4(134 ( ( 1tea'iin 4s . . . . . . . . 514 C , & 0. Af . . . . . . . I I 134 ROWeat 1st , . . . . . 8934 C , If. , t II. 4i4 , . i041 SI. I , . k I. % 1. Coti. 3 III ) Iu. It. (2 , Isti , , , 10934 St. L. & S. y.o0i1a , I 17'4 1J,1t it. (1. 4i. . . . , , , t' ' . SI , 1' , Consol , . . . . . . . 145 KatTenn. Isti. , , , 1(1534 8) ) . 1' . C..g I' . 1L , , . 1154 En' 0)11 , 45. . . . . . . . 7t'.t St. 1' . 0. & I' . Si , . . . . . 11) ) ) ! l' . Sv. & 11. Is , t. r , 7l4 : Sontherti StY , Ss , . , , i't ' ! jCll'iR0. bh . . . . . 105 8. JS.&T , Us. . . . . . . 70 r.iI , .tlt. A. ( Ii , . , , , ltJ , , , 'I'etin. lies' tI11. . (2. 11. S. A , 24s. , , 10. , Tex , 1'c , I. IL iitI 1116 1l.tT.CeuL,5 , . , , , , I 1034 Tex. Paz. lti , 2cls , 4284 JI. ¼ T.O.cnn ( is , .11' ! LI P. D.t (1 , 1515. . 724 Itiwil U. 1st . , , , , , llt 2 Vab. Is : 8i. . . . . . . . Ill ) ! La.NewCou,4,20i vllt , , 2iis. . . . . . . . . . . 88 I _ _ & 4. Unt , 4i , . , , , 85 Vet Shore bOil Missouri tli . . . . . . . lOll Va. Ceiiurl's. ; . . . . . . 71 M , K. , tT. 2.Is. . . . . . 8534 'J , tleferr.d. . . . . . . . S 2.1 , H , kT,4u. . . . . 89)4 UnIon l'aclfle 4s , . , 9784 N.YC.lsis . . . . . , . . 11M4 San Prnueioo ) Iininuc fitiotittlotis. SAN FRANCISCO. July 22.-Oilicial cbs- ing quotations on mining stocks today were as follows : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Attn , . . , . , . , . , , , , , 8 Oeciilenlai ( 'Oil * IIQAS. . . . . . . . . . . . I Opuiir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT IIoicher . , . , , , , . , , I I Overman , , , . . , , . , . , (3 I3e,1.t lielelior 3 $ i'otosl . . , , , . , . , , 16 CiullenroCon , , , , ii Savage. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Clloilar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(3 ( SeotlIUII. . . . . . . . . . . I Ccn.Cal.A Vs , . , . $ SS irra , 'vn4a , . , , . 4(1 . ( Crown l'otii 4 Silver 1(111. ( . . . . , , 3 otilQ&(7urrU' , , ( I union Con , , , , , , 15 hale 1 , Norcroi , , 41) ) Luau Con. . . . . . . . . . 2 .hisllo . . . . . . . , , , , , , 4 Yellos' Jacket . . , , 11) IC.ntuckycon. , , , , 3 Stnndard. . . . . . . . . . . 140 ) lexicttil , , , , , , . . , . , 11 - Sliver barn , 6.S'c ; Mexican dollars , 4R 4Gc ; drafts , sight , ISo ; telegraph , 17'.c ' , Foreign iiiiaiieilti. PAI1IS , Jtui' 22.-I'rices on the bourse to- dity were firm and busIness i'as active. Tile feature of the transactions was the buoyancy of Spanish 4s , which were bought largely for English account , due to the statement of Senor Garnazo , the Spanish minister of public instruction , that the pence will shortly be eonclttded. Italian se- cliritiCs were streng. Three per cent rentes , 103 ! 20e for the account ; exchange on Iol1 tien , 2Sf 22l.o for checks ; Spanish 4s closed at 31.97'4. I31ltL1N , July 22.-Prices on the bourse today were firm owing to the news from Madrid In regard to the prospects of peace. Italian securities were liitrtler ; Spanish 4s recovered. AmerIcans were steady and Cnnadlnh Pnciflc were strong. LONDON July 22.-Tue mArket tot Amer- lean sectirfties , after a dull and rather weak opening , was firmer , bttt rather inactive - active , The close was firm anti the tie- manti light. Gold was quoted at Buenos A'res at 174.70 ; Spanish 4s closed at 3754. Iloato , , Stock Quotations. BOSTON , JIll ) 22.-Call loans , 23 per cent ; titan loans , 31Z4 er coOt , (2iOSiulg prices for stocks , bonds and mining rihares : ATi' . . . . . . . . 3 American Stirar , , 2324 11. } i , I , , , . , , . . . , , . 17(1 ( AmSurar Ifltt . , , Il31 ( ( en , RIce. pfd. . , , . , 93 hay State Oa , , , , 1 7-10 AtChIsOn 4s , , . , . . , . tIt84 : Fell l'eI.pncne , , . 273 New } ing1a.d6sb13 VoRtOnkAIbnv , 225 Vusconstr. Cell , is 454 Soloii4 Slate. , 101 % % S'iq. Cccl us , , . . . . 12534 C. . li& Q o . . . , , , , , 105'j Allou Mm , Co. :134 : F'itcllotlrr . . . . , , loo4 Atleatte. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 (2neral I1iictr1o. , 55 scston k Montana 20t Illinois Stesi 611 tiutteh floiton , . . , 2:2 : % Mexican Ventral 44 Calurnet usda , SO U , .k N. IS , . . . , , 834 CentennuS ! . . . . . . . . 14 016 Colony . , . , , . 193 . Frankliti. . . . . . . . . . . 12 % ltuooer.4 Osecois . . , . , , , , , , . 4(38 ( * Union l'sol0e . . , . , 285 Qutncy' , . . . . , , , , . . , , 11014 West 1n(3 . . . . . . . . . 85 TalI1arPe . . . . . . . . , 163 v. l7iee. . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Woirines , . , , , . , 23 w. Elec. 000. . . . . . 541.4 Parrotu. . . . . . . . . . . 2284 Wbs. Con. . . . . . . . . 2 Old Dominion . . , , , , 22 % Atchison pit ) . . . . . . . . 304 V V Ne'v York Mining Qulntions , NEW YORK , July 22.-TIle following are the closingmining _ 4uotations : Chetar . . . . . . . . 1I ) OntarIo . . , , , , . . , , , 250 Crownpoint. . . . . . . : t ODIIr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lit CenCa1&Va. , , . , 30 Piyinoutb . , , , . , , 12 lridwoou. . . . . . . . . 80 Quicksilver. . . . . . . . 150 Gotiltiji Curry .5 QntksiIyer old. , 475 IlaleNorcros , , , dl ) SlerraNeva4a. , 40 l1.lnetso. . . . . . . 4600 Stanitard . , . . . . . , 141) Ironsllver. . . . . . . . 73 UnIon Con. , . . , . , , , 1'J Mexican. . . . . . . . . . . (1 Yellow Jacket . , 'I - London Stock Quotations. LONDON , July 22.-V-I p. m.-Cbosing : Cen.ols , m' . ,1117-lOMiailrdinftry , 28 Consols. sect . .111 7-16 iit.Paui common. . . 102 Call. I'aclnc. , , , . . . , 871.4 N. Y. CentraL . , , , . ,1'll Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.134 l'cnnvlvaiita. . . . . . lit ) lCd , 1st hId' . . . . . . :15k : ReadIng. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ' ! i' Central. . . . . . . . . . 111 Max , ( en. hew BAR SILVER-Steady at 21 5-Sd per ounce. MONErSJ24 per cent , The rate of drscount iii Urn open market for short 1)1115 , 1 1-Sl3jl % per cent ; three months' bills , 1 I-82j1 per cent. Fltlnnolal Notes , OMAhA July 22.-Tile clearings for the day were 955,014.S3 ; balances , 51i65,29 The clearings for 1497 were $714,4l0.lil , and the balances $99,746.33. Increase In clearings , $211,204.22. CHICAGO , July 22.-Clearings , $13,944,500 ; balances , $743,000. Now York exchange , lOc ( lI8CoUnt. Sterling exchange , posted , $4.85 44.SGt,4 ; actual , $4,8414114,55 ½ ; bxty days , $4.832J4.84. Stocks lirm. Quotations : ills- cult , 29 5-8' Bicuit prcferrti , V24 ; Diamond Match , l3l,4 ; North Chicago 210 ; Strawboard - board , 233 , ; West Chicago , 9 7-S. MEMPIII B , July 22.-Clearings , $200,477 ; balances , $49 855. Now York exchange , $1.50. P11ILADEPHIA , July 22.-ClearIngs , $10 9b5biS ; balances , $1,813,848. ALTI MORE , July 22.-Clearings , $2- 7343 233 ; balances , $418,965. lIT. LOUIS , July 22.-Clearings , $3,553,490 ; balances , $348,232. Money , 51J8 per cent. Now York exchange , 20c discount bid , par asked. NEW ORLEANS , July 22.-Clearings , 15,9&5. New York exchange , bank , $1 per fl,000 premium ; commercial , 25c per $1,000 tireinium. CIi'CINNAT1 , July 22.-Money , 2 ½ 1j6 per ccitt. Now York exchange , 25c discount. Clearings , $1,078,500. NEW YORK , Jtily 22.-Clearings , $99,765- 715 ; balances , $7,759,907. I3os'roN. Jul ) ' 22.-Clearings , 15,024,316 ; balances , $1,409,921. Cotton Market. NEW YORK , July 22.-After opening quiet and steady at an ntivaflce of 1 PoIiij to ft decline of 1 point the cotton markel improved Ilu3 Poilits anti showed a fair amount of speculatIve activity because Liverpool - erpool flnaliy showed a good deal of ida- bibity , having recovered a loss of FJl 2-64d. At the same time crop reports were 1es uniformly favorable and August liquIdation was not so marked as heretofore. Later there was some recession on general re- abizing , but again the market indicated stabibitzr. 'I NEW ORLEANS , July 22.-COTTON- Futures , quiet and stead ) ' : July , $2.62 ; August - gust , $5.59i115.60 : Septembsrr$5.45145.5O ; 00- tober , $5.49415,50 ; Noyember , . $5,52@.53 ; December - cember , $5.56415.57 ; January , $5.Bb45.li2 ; February - ruary , $5.C4i5.G6 ; ,1urch , $5.US45.O. Spot , steady ; quotat0ns revised ; sales , 170 balca ; ordInary , 4 3-ICc ; good ordinary , 4 9-iCc ; low middling , 5 1-Sc ; middling , 5 5-Sc ; good mid- dung , 5 15-ICc ; fair middling , 6 3-100 ; receipts - ceipts , 128 babes ; stock , 82,221 bales. LIVERPOOL , July 22.-CO.TTON--.Quiet ; prices 1-32d lower' American middling fair , 37-Sd ; good middling , 319-32d ; good ordl- nat ) ' , 3 1-Sd ; ordinary , 2 lbrlCl. The sales of thoV day were 7,000 bales , of s'hIch 500 bales were for pecuIation and export , and In. eluded 6,800 bales American ; receipts , 5,000 bales , including 2,500 babes American. Futures - tures opened quiet with a. moderate demand - mand and cbosed steady ; American mid. tIling , 1. . ItI. C. , July , 3 22-64t1 , buyers ; July and August , 322-64d , sellers : August and September. 3 21-G4lj3 22-Old. sellers ; September - ber and October , 3 20-6143 2l-64d. sellers ; October and November , 3 19-04113 20.Cltb , sellers - ers ; November (111(1 December , 3 1S-641 3 19-Ctti , sellers ; December and January , S 18-64243 19-flicI , sellers ; Jnnllar' and February - ary , 3 18-64i3 19-Old , buyers ; 1 ebruary and March , 8 19-Old , buyer3 ; March and April. 3 20-Old , buyers ; April and May , 3 20-642J :1 : 21-64d bu'crs. , _ _ _ _ - California DrI.-il Fruits. NEW YORK , July 22.-CALIFORNIA DRIED F1tu1'rS-Quiet ; evaporated ap- pies , common , C4jSc ; Prime wire tray , 8 ½ i8c ; choIce 83',319c ; fancy 9 ½ c. Prunes , 44ic. Apricots , itoyal , 7&S4c ( : Moor I'ark , 1041l2c. l'eaches , unpeeled , 6Sc ; peeled , ! P,4iij1Gc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Ctff'e Market. NEW YORIC. July 22.-COFFEE-Steady and unchanged to 5 points higher ; sales , 13,750 bags , Including July at $5.15 ; Augtist. $5.45. Shot , Rio. duii ; No. 7 , invoice , $6.00 ; No. 7 , jobbing , $6.50. Mild , quiet ; Cordova , $8.GOIj 15.00. Great G ritla i'oNptiCtH. YANICTON , S. D. , July 22.-Speclab.- ( ) Tue great wheat fields of this state are a source of wonderment and astonishment to the northwestern farmer titis year. harvestIng - Ing Ilas conlinenced In tile sotithern counties of the state , and the results ore surprising to all , Not inco the first settlement of tIle northwest has the growth of small grain been so rapid as during tile present season , 1111(1 the lIrAt tlireshlngs slzow that. the yield has been greater than ever in the state's history. And to this condition the fact that the increase ill acReage has been 25 11cr cent greater than last year , tIle state 'ill produce 60,000,000 busbels of Wileat , as against 29,000,000 bushels last year. Tile 111gb price of wheat last fall , occasioned by tIle Lelter corner , prompted farmers to plant more extensively of wheat this year , but this alone was not the only reason , Tile western farmer has learned to cultivate s'Iieat at less expense than formerly , and tile Immense settlements of Russian farmers - ers tlnderstand little else than the raIsing of wheat. - liti' 1111)5 IL Miiie. DIAMONDVILLE , Wyo. . July 22-Spe- ( clal.-Tlie ) mines anti llrOlertY of the Die- inondrille Coal company at. this place have been ltlrcilaaei ( by Marcus Daly of Butte , Mont , , for the sum of $300,000. WIth tIle acquisitIon of the property by Mr. Daly the strike , which has been in progress for soy- oral months , has been settletl and the men are willing to go to work , Tue miners ivill ho paid 45 cents ver ton for mining coal. The new ovuer will build miners' luoluses and sell tltein to his men on the installment plan. lie will at once commence the work of putting up a brick hotel anti store build- lug and will Increase the capacity of the mine by putting down an additional open- lug. Vre'dtun train Gitlillil I iii IeilN , LEItI ) , 5 , D , , July 22-Speclal.-Tllls ( ) city lisa had one month of frrdom from the gambling dens. It Is safe to say that the places , wluich have had a reputation for all that is cvii for twenty years , wIll never ho opened hero again. The business lileli report an increase of one-quarter In their cash sales for the iiiouitli and the arrests - rests by the police have been reduced one- third , Very few men go down to Deadwood to gamble , as was claimed by many would be the case. Tbo working men stay at home , sober , and are much satistled with the now stats of atfair iiiiA ; V LIVE STOCK NARIiEI1 Moderato Bccopt. ! and Good Demana the Feature of the Trade , GOODCA1TLE BRING FANCY PRICES Some rlnisiicil Steers lIring Aliove Fie 1)ollnrs-Ilogs Opciu a Slintlo Lower , but Soon 1lecner to 1'tili Steniiy , SOUTh OMAIt. , July 22. Cattle , itogs. liecp. Receipts today . . . . . . . . . . . 1,645 7ttTl lIJ1 Olilcial yesterday . . . . . . . . 2,043 10,1)03 2,371 One week ago . , , , . , , . , , , . 1,740 7,445 1,073 Two weeks ago . , , , , . , , . , 2,093 5,303 One year ago . . . . . , , , , . , 3,141 5,42t 2,712 'l'wo years ago . , . , , . , , , . 1,63.1 2,193 685 Total tills Week . . , . . , . , , , 10.883 ; 41,013 S,3S0 Same days last week . , . .10tiOS 25,390 6,69 Same days week before , . 9,233 19,431 7,740 Average Price 111(111 br hogs Icr tIle last few days , wIth comparisons : 11898. 11897 , 1S3GI1SS5. 1S9l , 11S93. 1S : July 9 , . . . 3 TS I 35 2 96 4 76 S Olt ' S 42 Juis' 10 . . , 3 28 2 87 4 133 5 O'ii ' S 52 July 11 . . , 8 69 ' 2 94 4 67 4 79 0 97 5 July 12 . . , 3 73 3 18 4 72 4 96 5 S7 5 66 July 13 . . : i 82f 3 14 2 97 4 78 4 80 5 87 5 71 July 14 . . . 3 T7 3 15 3 00 4 73 5 74 5 66 July is . . . 3 82 2 20 3 07 4 81 4 Set ' b 55 July 17 . , , 3 25 2 97 4 52 4 97 5 50 ' July 38 _ , . 3 82 2 93 4 8.3 ' 1 90 5 65 5 51 July 19 . , . 3 89 3 32 4 81) ) 4 79 5 85 5 64 July 20 . . . 3 1313 8 : ti 2 97 4 94 4 74 5 19 a 54 July 21 . . . 381 388 293 479 539 555 July 22 . . , 3791i'27128b1 4S5' &bI06O Indicates Sunday ; " holiday , The oflicial number of ears of stock brought iii today by ench road was : Cattle. hogs. Sheep. lire , C.M.&St.P. . . . . . . . . . 1 . , Missouri Iaciiic . . . . . . 13 13 . . Union I'acillc system 16 II 3 1 C. & N. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . F , 11. & M. V. . . . . . 8 41 , , C. St. P. M. & 0 , 6 . . li.&M.It. . . . . . . . . . . . 27 29 . . C. It. I. & 1' . , east , , 1 . . C. It. 1. & 1' . , vest , , . , . . 2 Total receipts . . . . 64 119 5 1 TIze disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the nuin- her of head Indicated : Cattle. hogs. Sheep , Omaha Packing Co . . . . . , 7 510 0. II. hammond Co. . . , 106 872 . Swift anti Company. . . . . 341 1,7433 Cutlahy Packing Co. . . . . . 874 2iS2 Armour & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 1,808 . , . . R. Becker & Degan. . . . . . 12.1 J. 14. Carey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 , , , . . . . Lobman & Rothschiids. 15 Huston & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 lCrobbs & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 70 i-nil & Iiuntzinger. . . . . . . . 22 Omaha P. Co. , IC , C. 48 Cudahy Bros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 896 . . Swift , from country. . . . . . . . . Ill 463 Cudahy P. Co. , K. C. . . 2S3 Other buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . V 2t Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,691 S,431 463 Total receipts of stock of nil kinds footed lIP 183 curs , as against 223 yesterday , 192 a veek ago , 190 two weelcs ago and 192 three weeks ago. CATTLE-There were a few cars more of cattle here today than yesterday , hIlt the supply of till kinds was extremely light for tlzi time of the iveek. it is very evident that dry lot cattle are pretty well cleaned out of the country and from now on until grass cattle commence moving freely light receipts are to ha expected. The demand today was 'ery active and gootl fed cattle were quick sellers at a Iittio stronger prices. There were some pretty well ftnished beeves nmong tile offerIngs - Ings and as high as $5.10 was paid for some. it did not take the buyers long to clear the yards. Grass steers were also good elbors at strong prices. Wyoming steers , shipped in by tile Western Union Beef company , brought $4.15. Tile Texas steers shipped by tizo same company sold at $3.90 , the same a on Monday , but the cattle today were lighter and not so fleshy. The market on butchers' stock was active anti everything on sale changed hands early and at prices that were stronger. West- era Union lzeifers sold at $3.S51J3.9O. us against $3.80 on Monday. Some Idaho heifers also sold at tim same price , $3,120. Dry lot heifers sold as high as $4.50. The supply of stockers and feeders Is much smaller than it was a day or two ago and the feeling on today's market was a little better , One bunch of. stock cattle s'hich was a cut-off from some sold yaster- day brought Sc more today. It must be borne In mind , however , that the Present demand for stock cattle has fallen off very materiail ) from wilat it was a short time ago. Would-be buyers claim that prices are still too high , although there ha been a considerable decline In tIle last month. Representative sales : STEERS. No. y. Pr. No. Av. Pr , No. Av. Pr 1. .1020 $4 Ott 40. .1137 $4 55 39. .1306 $4 80 3. . 806 4 00 1 , , 970 4 55 25. .1240 4 85 3. 926 4 10 2. .1000 4 55 8. .1213 4 S5 1. . 920 4 25 5. .1148 4 65 17. .1282 4 85 2..1405 425 23..1173 470 19..1353 490 L.1l31) 4 25 47..1162 4 70 41..1257 4 95 12. . 006 4 25 30. .1005 4 75 67. .1278 4 95 15..1291 4 35 25. .1139 4 80 85 , .1344 5 00 8..l320 4 35 l..1180 4 SO 43..1262 5 00 1..1170 4 50 44..lOSO 80 19..12s3 5 10 COWS. 2. . 790 2 25 1. 810 00 I. 510 3 25 1. . 810 2 35 1. . 550 . 00 1..1150 3 40 1..b000 2 50 1..l000 00 1. . 970 3 40 15. . 917 2 50 1..103 ( ) . 03) 7..1017 3 10 4 , . 970 2 50 5. .1034 10 1. . 1270 3 50 1..101O 2 60 1. . 8120 10 2..1O55 3 50 1. . 940 2 ' 75 3..li9I ) 35 l..119O S 50 1. . 950 2 ' 75 7.l0431 15 1. .1110 3 60 1..I12O 2 75 1.li80 25 2..1l40 I 65 l..1000 2 85 3.iOiO 25 7..l23t 3 95 1..900 290 3..900 325 II12IFERS. 1. . 760 3 00 2 , . 920 3 50 2 , . 763 3 45 B .836 345 2..775 50 20..l223 450 COW'S AND ILEIFERS. 9..l064 3 90 16. .1lOi 3 90 hULLS. 1..139O 2 75 1. .1100 'I 10 1. .1410 3 25 1..1235 2 90 2 , .1350 3 10 1. .1770 3 25 1.1240 8 (30 ( 1. . 91.1 , 3 15 1.,1400 3 23 1.1000 3 (1) ) 2.1l65 'I 15 1. . 720 3 65 3..1iG0 :100 : 2llOO 25 1.,1140 865 1.,1000 3 00 1. .1020 i 21) ) " , ,1130 3 85 CALViS. 1..200 425 1.160 571 ; STAGS. 1. .1060 11 25 STOCICERS AND FEEDERS. 1. 410 2 71 4. , 522 3 50 3. 751 4 15 1 , 550 Ii 00 1. , 690 3 50 10. bOS 4 20 1. . 620 3 00 1lOl0 3 50 l1..l220 4 20 1,1220 11 25 21. . 71.9 3 SI 1. 470 4 40 2 , , 790 3 50 15. . 822 4 (10 ( II. 410 4 40 1. , 620 3 50 18. . 542 4 00 5. , 496 4 50 WESTERNS , IIAl1O. II , 'I' , Clark. No. As' . Pr. No. Ar. Pr. 14 feeders , .1058 $4 23 CO feeders. .1061 $4 25 28feeders. . 923 4 25 'lv rOMINCI. Watson & Johnson. I bull..1140 2 75 1 steer..1240 3 95 I ; steers . . , , l' .114 3 95 1 steer..1320 3 95 4 steers.1405 3 95 Western Union fleet Co. 1 bull , . . . , . 1720 2 75 29 cows , , , . . loSt 3 91) 3 cows. . . . . 1200 2 85 64 sIr , Tex..lft9l 3 95 25 cows , , , . . 912 3 35 11 feeders , . 1211 4 05 1 steer..1100 Ii 50 11 ( eeders.l141 4 15 8 str Tex.b025 Il (10 41 glteers.I3iL 4 15 41 co's..1003 8 85 V NflIJRASKII , S ems's..1022 3 is 22 cuwit , , , . . illS I 75 hOGS-Early ailvicea franl all selling points reported lower luig markets and buyers lucre , to be in lint' , startotl out bitl- ding lower Prices , Sellers hold back a little , hut finally cut loose itt prices that t'er0 a 51111110 lower thlafl ) 'eStertltIy's general - oral market. Soon zifter , however , as the size of the demand became more apparent itliti as receilIta turned out to be smaller than rt'porteil lit livid the market ilrmed Up 1111(1 ( ' with 'estt'rtifl ' . The closed ftuliy St'lll ) ) ) trade wits vera' active when once tunder wit ) ' and It reutlireli onl3' about f1ttt'n mintites to sell evcr' hog In the yardil , Tile buying was almost entirely by local Pack- era , which goes to 5120w that tills market , without outside stuilllurt , is flOSS' ill It 1)051- ( loll to take trure of ii large nuinlu'r of hogs , As large receipts itl'it'lt llrint in buyers for sllilllling uceotint a consitlerablo gain in demand may be anticiilated from tilat sotirce. 'rue irices , 1)3111 ) tothil ) ' ranged from $3.7Ci3.S5 , with the lolIg string at $ : i.77 ½ 613.50 , l's ' against $3.80 ( or tile hulk yesterday - day , will be noted from tile taille of averages given uboe the sales as mu % % 'hole were a little lower than ) 'rterday. Tile 110gM soltl today at tIle low point of lila week to tiate , a shnde lower thati at thu close of last week , but 2c higher 1111111 Ofl Friday of last week , Itelreseuitutive , sales : No Ar. Sb , Pr. No Av Sh , Pr. 10..291 200 $3 65 10..247 . . $3 75 Co V 267 40 3 75 60..2111 200 1)71 75 , , , . . ,263 40 3 35 17 . . . . , , 203 . . . 375 CC , . , . . . 224 . . . 3 75 01..176 . . , 3 75 71..2l9)20 75 74..217 160 P711,4 . . . . . . 120 7B6 GO..273 160 77' ' ! , 70..270 210 771,4 05 , . . , , 255 50 771,4 ( .9 . , . , . , 230 120 774 % 71 . , . . . .2 47 100 774 ( .6 . , . , . . 260 80 771,4 55 . , . . . , 302 210 77' ' . ' :3..277 : 240 77' . 71..231 220 771,4 ' 74..261 240 7712 CI..251 120 77f % 12..276 . . . 17l1 72..215 80 71'h ' 07..262 50 77 Ci , , . . . , 276 110 77i CC , . , , , . 253 , . , 77I1 UI , . , . , , 30 $ lEO CI , . , , , . 262 &Q 3 77a 02 , , , , , . 204 200 7713 ' ; 0.234 . , . . 77' ' , 90 , . ' . , , 224 40 7Ph 7(3..235 80 7712 7 , , , , , , 207 , , . 3 77h 69 . , , , , , 212 80 , . 774 OVI,267 SO 77t IG3,253 100 3 77i4 , , , , SO 3 'iT',4 ' C . . , . . . 241 $0 774 35. . . . . . 233 80 377141 65..254 , . . 7715 ti&.278 . . . 3 7t 64.242 SO 71 6 . . , . . 252 , . . 3 50 75.11,25S 320 80 ftb..2$5 SO 380 Si , , , , . . 293 80 80 77 217 00 ' 1 80 60 . . . . , , 325 160 54) 5S..Rll , . , 180 50..2126 240 80 &S.,270 200 180 1.4 ; . , , , . . 112 , , . SO GO . , . , . . 01 . . . 380 88 , . , . , , 287 . , . SO f.42 , . , , . , 240 150 3S0 0'J , , , . . , 209 130 80 u 118 . . , . . . 222 100 1 80 C . . . . . .267 50 80 76 , , , , , ,1 ! . ' . .l . . . 1 80 1'S , . . . , . 2113 . . . SO 21 . . , . . . 235 . , . ' 1 SO 41 , . . . , , 216 120 SO 48 , . , . , . 21)7 200 3 80 S2 . . . . , . 232 , , . SO 73 , , , , . , 243 160 180 141 . . , . , 253 250 80 46 , . , . . . 276 80 3 50 70 . , . . . . 242 , , , 50 06..313 160 ' 1 $214 51 . . , . . . 292 160 8214 SI , . , , . , ICC SO ' 1 71 . . . . . . 224 80 3 75 72. , . . . . 221 120 178 53..155 160 ' 175 71 . , . , . . 207 121) 177S 87 . . . , , .29 201) ) 3 7714 , , , , , , 278 . . , 3 .it " 225 40 3 77,4 73 , . , , , , 267 100 3 71 ,7 . . . . . .2. .1 240 ' 1 77i Is2 . . . . . . 221 80 ' 3 7714 CO . , . . , , 245 160 ' 1 774 f,9 . . . . , ,2 S9 , , , 3 74 % 84 . . . . . ,2. 17 . . . 3 77l 117..254 320 ' 1 77.4 72 . . . . , . 259 120 ' 1 771,4 55..207 120 3 77 40 , , , . , . 216 40 ' 1 771,4 CII..211 160 ' 1 IVR4 73 , . , . . , 228 40 ' 1 80 5.5..101 160 ' 1 80 (13..241 ( 210 h 50 73..10 80 ' 1 81) ) 51 , , , . , , 280 . . SO 67 . . . . .256 40 11.0 Cl , . , . , . 260 120 80 70 . . . , . . 2siS 240 380 76 . . . . . . 215 80 80 02..CS ( 120 1 SO SI , . . , , . . 269 . . :3 : 80 77 . . , , , , 256 320 ' 180 Is.305 80 ' 1 80 56..2S1 SO $0 H..267 160 SO 76..249 200 sO 54 , . , , , 200 SO SO 62..292 . . , $0 57 . , , . , , 285 . . , tO 81 . . . , . 227 120 80 75 , . , , , , 26.1 120 50 r,9 , , , , . .28 2 80 . . 80 61 , . . , . , 281 , . . 53i 55 , , , , , , 323 . , . I 82 ½ 12..1)61 , . . S21tI 76 . . . . . , 270 80 8 82 ½ q , , , , , , 291 SO S22 45..5122 00 S 821,4 64 , . , , , . 167 , . . 85 50 . , . . , , .172 . . . 885 CO , , . , , , 307 120 lS5 41 , , , . , . 290 120 885 CSV , , , , 271 . . . 8 85 98 , . . . . . 316 SI ) 3 85 4 : ) . . . , , . 1)12 220 85 \'AGON I.OTS-TIIItOW OUTS. I , , . . , . 510 . , ' 00 1 . . , . . . 130 . . 2 00 . 1 , . . . , , 2S0 , . , 2.5 . . . . . . , . 8 00 6 , , . . , . 23 SO 70 . . . . . . : ; ; . . . 1) 70 1 . , . . . , 320 . , 70 1 , . . , , . 280 . . . 3 70 2..270 . . . 70 L 3 . . . . . .2. " 3 . . , I 75 8 . . . . . . 190 . . . 75 3 . , . , , . 171 . . . 1) 75 4 , , . . , , 177 . . . 75 1 . . . . . . 204) . . , 375 7..220 . . . 75 5 , , , , . , 412 . . , 3 1.,220 . . . 75 1 . . . . . , 240 . . . 3 7. 1..270 . , . 'I 75 3 , , , . , . 3130 . . . 3 ic 0..266 . . . 3 77 ½ ShEEP-There were five cars reported in the yards tills morning , Two of tIleni were coulsiguied direct to a packer ahid the tlureo loads were Idaho % % 'etllers , otit of tile same lot that brought $4.45 yesterday. TIle local market was in raLlier Peculiar condition , Yesterday there was a Imlarlted decline ttt all other markets. but thu tie- Innhld at tills point vas so very stroilg that the sheep emi nlu brougllt Cilicago llrices and this niarket was ivit' out. of 11110 as compareti with eastern markets , Today the demand was equally good , but hot so urgent , anti , while buyers wore till- ivilling to lilt ) ' yesterday's Prices , they were reat1' to ltuy tile Rileep at iu'biat would have been consideretl good prices yesterday , ChICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET , Fairly Active fleniniiii for Cattle , with l'rlei's Little CillilliXt'l. ChICAGO , July 22.-Tllere was a fairly active general demand for cattle today , Prices were mostly uncllangeui ; choice steers , $5.2O71.5O ; medIum , $4.SO4.95 ; beef steers , $4,304j4.75 ; stockers and feeders , $2.25 t4.75 ; bulls , $2.751j4.25 ; cows and ileifera , 83.10111 4.00 ; cahners , 12.15412.95 : calves , $30045 7.00 ; western steers , $ i.2545.30 ; Texans , $2.SO (5.O0. Offerings of hogs were well taken at an averiie decline of 2e ; fair to choice , $3,9244.O7i,4 ; packers , $ L7021'3.90 ; butcher $3.TOtj3.971,4 ; mixed , $3.706J'3.'Jlh ; light , $3.65 392 ½ ; Ilgs , $2.754j3.SO. There was a good demamld for sheep at yesterday's lmicei4. Lambs were i'ery llnrti to sell anti nrices were lart cly 25c lower ; poor to ciloico SilPel ) , $2.50'ifS.OO ; western range sheep , $4.004i4.5O ; Texitlis , $3.70'4.00 ; common to choice larnls , $3.lOlj 6.40. Receipts : Cattle , : ; , Ouj lleatl , hogs , 31,000 head ; sheep , 9,000 hicaul. Kztmiup , City iit' Stock. ICANSAS CITY , July 22.-CATTLE-Re- Celjitit , 1,1230 natives , 1,145 Texans ; busiulcas was good ; littbo ellamige Iii prices ; nil do- sirabbe stock selling well ; choice heavy steers not tfl sale ; medium steers , $4.OOt5 5.00 ; light weight Steers , $3,95114.S5 ; stock- era and feeders , $3.1545.OO ; tititciicrs' cows mInd heifers , $3,00@5.10 : butchers' bulls , $3.00 ff34.00 ; canning stock , $2,004j3,00 ; western steers. $3.654.S0 ; Texas steers , $3,004Jl.35 ; Texas butchers' cows , 83.003.60. HOGS-Receipts , 16,700 head ; earl ) ' market slow to Sc lower ; closetl active anti about steady ; heavy hogs , $3.S04I2.95 ; mixed , $3.70 3813.90 ; ligllt weights , $3.51j3.75 ; pigs , $3.0O2J 3.70. SHEEP-Receipts , 1,965 head ; with good general demnnd mind light receipts PriceS were well stitaiiieti , some subs even a shade higher ; spring lambs , $4.75036 OO ; native sheep , $ l.OO7l.5O ; southw'stern , 83.75714.25 : Ilortllwestern , $ t.00734,40 ; stockers and feed- era , $3.00713.75. St. IIlis I.ii' ( ' Stock , ST. LOUIS , July 22.-cAT'rLE-necelpts , 2,300 hzeatl , including 1,000 Texans ; sllip- ments. 500 hlead ; market steady for natives ; Texas cows , 57110c lower , with steers stead ) ' ; fair to choice native shipping itimli export steers 84.40445.35 ; bulk of sales , $4.50 445.10 ; dressed beef and buteller steers , $4.20 @ 5.00 ; steers under 1,000 bbs , , * 3.00714.10 ; stockers antI feeders , * 2.90414.50 : cows inti , betters , 82.00714.45 ; Texas anti Indian steers , $3.OOU1.3O ; cows and heifer. 82.00113.40. hOGS-ReceIpts , 9,500 head ; siiipnlonts , 2.400 head ; market OSilOc lower ; yorkers , 81.751113.85 ; Packers , $3.85713,90 ; butchers , $3.85 713.95. S1IEEP-fleceipta , 2,700 lientl ; shipments , 1,500 111211(1 ; nlarket st"ntl ) ' : native muttons , $4.00714.5O ; lambs , * 5.25716.00. New York Liyt' Stock , NEW YORK , July 22.-lIRE YES-Re- Ceillis , 2,672 izead ; steers and ( at cows steady ; common cows lower ; bulls Ilrni : steers , * 5.00715.10 ; toils , $5.50 ; oxen anti tng , 82.75714.75 ; bulls , 83.30714,00 ; cows , * 2.50713,75 ; calves steatly ; exports totlay , 119110 ; tomarrow , SOS cattle and 367 quarters of beet. CALVES-Receipts , 786 head ; reals , 25o lower ; luttermnilks , SOc lower ; reals , $1.00 716.25 : buttermniik , $3.87 ½ 613,75 ; no westcruls. SHEEP AND LAMIIS-Rect'iptit , 6,827 , head : sued ) a sliatlo lower for good ; otlit'rs stently ; lambs , 257175c lower ; sheep. 82.7571 4.75 : inmbs , * 1.50446.50 ; maInly , 85.00716.00. HOGS-1teceipt , 1,340 imead ; market show at * 4.20714,50. (1 lid , itiutti Jiat. Stock. CINCINNATI , 0. , July 22.-hOGS-Slow , Sc lower ; 83.15712.95 , CATTLE-QuIet at * 2.65815.00. ShEEP-Strong at $2.084.15 , LAMBS-Active at * 4.00716,10. Stock iii Sight. Tlecortl of receipts of live stock at tIzO four PrIlIcIPal markets for Jtily 22 : Cattle , IIog. Sileep. Omalla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,615 7,91)3 1,131 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3fl3J43 li.000 onoo Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,075 16,700 1,965 St. Loul'4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,300 9,500 2,700 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 68,173 21,796 Gold 1)Ist'u'ery iii tiiiStiitl , BUTTE , Mont. , Jtziy 22.-Spc'ciah.-A ( ) ledge of free-nIlIling gold ore has been Ills- covered on the somithi fork of the Flailmead river , thirty-five miles from Kalispel and twenty-two mIles ( romn Coramn , The ore is found In a great blanket ledge eight miles wide. A shaft has been stInk tweuity-four feet without finding tIle footwall. Thii discovery - covery was mnathi by fi. II. Seoley , Last fall placer gold was discoveriil near Burned Cabin. Acting on tue theory that gold caine down tile river , Mr , Seeley started up stream to find tile mllothier lead , lie was rewarded wizen lie found this trcmentiot'zs ledge of quartz cenleilt. carr'Ilig botlu gold anti slIver , At the Point of discovery tile river ( , uts tile lead so that tii 'ein shows on either side of the river , Tue ore is reti hematite. The shaft 11514 been sUilk near the edge of the river to a depth of twenty-four feet , Average - age samples of the last six feet hirovod to be very rIch , showing $500 in gold anil $1.68 ill silver to the ton. Tue ore is free milling , Tue river ctits this lcthgo for eight sullen , and ore is sliowii up on both Hides of tile river , Up to date torty.fotur claims hat'o bermi located , all on thin sonIc Mr. See- Icy's solicitation a number of Dulthth , ChIcago - cage antI New York 11ltll wIll arrive next week to examine the ledge with a 'iow to organizing a conlpany , Tue neighborhood has been organized Into a new mialng dia. Irict , which Is styled the Gold Reed Mining district. Cliit'luzzszs to 'ttt , AgIllmI ARDMOILII , I. T. , July 22.-Special.- ( ) Governor Harris of tlle Clilkasaws will Is- HUe I' proclamation calling a special dee- Lion for August 24 to vote on the Dawes Chiclcasaw.Choctaw treaty , . , % Vhiicil they failed to ratify about one year ago. This move is the outcoinu of a recent confer. once between tile governors of the Chickasaw - saw and Choctaw hlations. It is tile general - eral belief that at thIs election the rejected - jected treaty wIll be ratified and become a part of the Curtis lull , as recently slgnctl liy the president. Tue general election of tile Choctaw Nation takes Place August I , and that of the CiiIckasaws August 10 , ' jTaM1' BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. rnmuy , Seeceilary ot Txtiir' ntoo I 'Oi6ON pOflnsnIflUy : c.a in 16 to 36 Days. You can b. treated at ) iom for srn I prI.tund.r . * m. 5'i&rant. If You prsft I to tome herS Ws will eoMraet to pa" rsfl- rest1 fat. srid iet.i bills , . .n no ctij , UWaf&llIOeUT's. IPYOURAVE taken raereur7 , iOdld , sad still hAy. schs ana pain , , Mucous P&tcJ. Ia mouth Oor. ThrDt , 'impls , CoCptr ooi. ore1) pots , Ulcers on any trt at ths body , lWr or Eyebrows falling cu it I. till. Seocadiry 2I'IJ'LllWJ2 ' ! w. 6urantoe o Our 1. solicit flis zuCit ebtlrits . . and chilen , the world for efti. Wu cannot ear , . 'rhil , dIs.tie. hAS stwa 1.r131.1 t Ittihl of tb iaOsI .mlneat physicians , t1.00.tOo capital bebld oor unonditioo.1 silatanir , Absetut prc.ct t' .at s.hed on applicatIon , joe 1st , . bock seat frie. Addri COOK 1U21C1)Y GO. , . 3492 Ucisonit , Chicago , UI. - , 4 , . 1'I GREAI' RfORA1IV' It's not II "patent" medicine but is Prerareti direct from the formula of 12. f. Ilarton , M. U. , Cleveland's molt emincntajcc1niit by hijalmer 0. Benson , 1li , 1) . , 13. S. hAiLN l the great- eat kaown restorativonmiti invigorator. It. ore- ates uolitt lio5li , miiueio nntl , Itrcllgth , clears 1110 brain , lflaItCS the 1)10011 rum and rich nhlti ccttses : a gineral feeling of licaltim , ' , - \ strength anti remioweti vital- 'a . ity. 7iliIO the grulorativo or- - ganqarolieipetltoregnintholr I normal powers and the suf- - t ; ' ferer is quickly lmzntio cnn- ' . , "a' ; ? muciouq of direct. bencliL Ono I box will work wonders , six l u.houltl ; crfcct. a ctire. Full . , . 4 dIrections in every box , or lIhI I S 0t the diagnoiis hileet you find enclosed , laid WO will girD your case special attention without extra charge. BAit-lIEN 14 1cr sale at all tlrtii ' 3 stores , a 0(1-dose hiox for (30 ccitt , , Or o will mail it soctirely sealed on recelVt of price. DES. 3iAlLTONANDfl14NSO } . II " . p 91 Uer-ileii Block , Cleveland , 0. i For sale by Kuhn & Co. , IStIl and Doug- has' J. A. 1' uller & Co. , 1102 DouglaS st. , ant ! Graham 1)rug Co. , 15th luIlti 1"arillLIll } 1llg Pilarmacl' , 27th and Leavu'nwortIt l'eyton's i'llarmacy , 2ith anti Lettvenivortlt E. J. Seykora , South Ornitiia , and all other druggists ) n Onmha , South Oninha , CouncIl V Blutt. Blutt.44fl F / flh/ffrfl4/ ( PAIN OURED IN AN USTANT For Ileadachlo ( wiletller sick or nervous ) , toothache , neuralgia , rileurnauisnl , Itimbago , llItillS and ti'eitlt II 05 $ iu tile back , spine or kItlileys , PainS around tile liver IlicurisY , swelling of the joints anti litiflS ( If all klntls , tIle application of hladway's Iteatly Relief will nilorl imlllltMliatO ease , auld its contiuucd use for a few days effect a icr- mnancnt. cure. cure.A A C111t12 Foil Al.I , Summer Complaints. A halt to a toaspoonftil of Realy , Relief iii a liiulf tumbler of water , repeated as oft - V t ( ' 11 ItS thu dischlarles ComIt Imlile , ttlltl IL iltt 1l nd saturatei with 1teztly Relief itiiceti over tIle stomach anti bowels will nffnrtl imllitletilate itehlef and 80011 effect a euro , Internally-A half to ti teaspoonful in half a tunililer of i'Itter will Iti n low 111111- cItes cure Cramps , Spasms , Sour Stomach , Natisca , Vomiting , liearthtirn , Nervous- 11055 , Sick lICtttiaChlC , Fiatuleilcy aliti atil Internal hIttills. 2ialarin In its mtrloiis Fo'iiis Cured itiil h' l'rlce 150e ncr 1)tflP.SOld by .lriiggists lilt. llA1)'AY & :55 : Rim Street , Nosy York. McMUNNS' ELIXIR @F @ OMUMV Is a preparation of the Drtmg by which it InjurIous effects are rcnmovd , while the val- imablo medlciulai PropertIes are retained. It possesses all the aetlative , anodyne and anti- spasmodic powers of Opltmrn , hut produces no sickaess of the stomach. ito vonliung , rio costiveness , no heatlacize. in acute nervous disorders it is an invaluable renlethy , and ! t recoinmeniled by the best physicIans. E. PERRETT , Agent , 3'72 Pearl St. , Now York. MADE RflEA MAN , .eTh.i. AJAX TAI3I.IITS POSITIVELY CUItI , ; l-1 4ZiNrvo.a Jfleaaoa.-j'aiutng Bein. w = .i uiylcipeteacy , l4locpletsnoseto. Is . ; ) I 117 AIJItCO or othsr izcceea anu ( irnilr , ' 3V4IS OIOtiQflP31iJ quicIj , and , - , . , , ) itOl o Loitvitnliti in oiioroueg.ani , fit 11 rnaa forotudy , bueiaer. or arrlare. ' 2Gft'l'rr'I1t ln.anit , anti Coatuinption If taioniatfni , . Thoire. . , elton , Immothlato leoproTe. Uientnt5 eUocts a CUIIR whom alt other tall In- m14 opoa ltayln the ccsczlne Ajax 'J'blt , , T857 baTe cared thouiiinds arei , vllcnre ( iou. 3V civ. a par. itieWTltteagOftFflOtfO tooiTectacur oahcamor rotund the mon. ' . Price 5 CT itsr package1 or eli pkes ( full treMmenti for t2L0. 117 mull In tibia 'TraPi"r. i.nn . receIpt of rirc. I healer : i.4\J ) ( RV3MIDY CO. , .tIJpr1r.1. , For sale in Ulnabti , Nib , , by .Ia. Forsytit , 203 14 , 16th ; XUttg , , a Co. , ICtI , and Duuglitst and in Council lilur ! , . by 0 , ii. flrour. 3iruglsti , gun ! YflThflU'I vs. 1111(4 SOT umiestui4 ALV , , , . i 4si."lA lhicbart , , taDsaaitisea , I1q 4 irritatloc. 01 uiretalloal . ad , , , . . If .5COOP nieatrie.s. I1.clra.iw 1t.ii 5. risi.i , , sot eel iIrhs. 'r 5'otiomioQs. V bhtTHIEY1ui CHttleiICs.'r .Id 2)rorSLIb by Jl.OiCiItI&Tl,0. Ct stitI is i&iu $ ? bi ezlr.t. wtpJ7 \ . .3 or I , , tt8 , , * 1,10 , p . , s sie C'1ehrit' , ' Er.imn,1a L'laixaon'I Recoil , PILLS , tn,1 , only Genuine. . a ( , iIitl , . LADICs i k , , . , , I.e ( 1iehel.r . t.gSi. * 1JI.IV , ntflJ fli I' lIed eel 0.41 aitilIl , be ! , . . . .leh .111 , blue tIlSV ' 1nL 10 cOor , P./ , , , , , , ll.l , . lion. an'S in.t.ll , , , , . At l'retl.tcr Mud 4 , . , In ,1Ini. t , ertieeIe , , , ttt3nlsI. id "lt.lliI' ror Eall , , , " 1,1,11. , , 17 , rtue lclh. I ( 000 T..LlmoptI , . F. . . , Cbieb.tepdtimie1Vo.Me.III.e llqier. , ttll by 1 % IV4'C&i Puggtiii. I'SIILAIIL , I - Lake Mithlgan anD Lake ouperuor lrarisciallatlon CO. LAKE SUPERIOR STE11ERSI ruir. GREAT LAKE ROUTE , Own 'l'be , ' .cw steel $ lraniIp Aiuilou , OolIInys prom Chicago. For hIacklnt , luau1 h'iuit JhufTnIoTnr , onloLci , 'in. . V A.8t, ¼ ' .i. 9 ' , , ' , . .4.1.1,541.4 I'll. ) , , r ( 'l.nrlolz hiirlnr bi'ein1'e , I etkt'i , ctc.t Tun . .V All , iir. , ii . si , st i'Jii F.r 3lurjt.ilr. , hancock , iiuulton , , AILlund , Duhtt , . cit. . , lI'el , S I' . Ii. 1lltlelrAlt' .gn hIeli munhitVi frye t'fl , ,1.phleetlon , 01,111 AND OLl $ , UH 449 11. WAItS 533 .CNiCAGO. JAIi ; E. fl9'(3 & 00 , 'I'cIepliallc I 039 , OlilflIhrt , NeI COMMISSION , GRAIN , I1ROVJSIONS Itlld S'I'OCKS IIOAilI ) OP 'rRAIJI3. Dhret wiree to Chicago slid New York. Corr.ppadvntui John , % srrn i , Co. 'Z'12l.lI'J16)li ) hlisi. : H. ft. PENNEY & . . CO. , II oii lii l , N. t , 1.1 fe I 1 h il g , , 0 an us Is ii , Sto cIs,6 rai nrrovisions 1)lrcct ' , VIrce Ne'ss' Torl , rIiivgu , UIIII , ' 's'estersa l'oIirIs. I