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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1898)
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Council JJItIT , : 10 Poari Street. Chicago Office : (02 Chamber of Corn- : Znorce. Nnw York : Tnrn1o Court. : Washington : & 01 Fourteenth Street. , COItItESI'ONDENCE. MI cornmunicatlonn relating to news tditorinl matter should be nddresaed : To the Editor. I BUSINESS LETTEItI3. I All hu1n0Ki letters und rrnittnnce , doIlltI ) ho ndIre3Rcd ( to The flea Publlhln , Compafly Orntlin. Drnt , checks , cxplc ttfld po8tolfleo money orlers to ho mAde aynble to the or(1'r of the cornprtny. TIlE IJEE PUIJIASIIING COMI'ANY. STATEMENT OF CIItCUIATtON. , ' State of NehrnHka , Dougliiii County , . : . Cleorgo B. Tz5chuck , secretary of The Boo 1'utlitiln company , being duly sworn , 8L ) 5 that the actual number of ( till and . CO1fllCtO ) copies of The Daily , Morning , . . Evening and Suntlay 13cc , prInted during the month of .Tun * . 1SS , was as follows : 1 , . . . . . . . . . . .I.tS0 ( ) 16 2 , . , , , . , . . , . , ,8 ,17r 3 . . . . . . . . . : , : , 1 , , , . , . , : tn(1s7 ( 5 , , . . , . . : LoMn ) 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) , ) ) ( 21 . . . . . . . . , , , , . 7 . . , . . . , . 80,61)0 8 . . . . . , . . . . . . . ' ' ) ,7.t ( ) 23 , . , . . . . , . . . . , 9 , , . . , . . . 21).7 lO 21 10 . . . . . . . . . . . : D.lM 25 . . . . . , . . , , . . . , 11 . . , . . . . . . . . tMi)5 26 , . . . , . , . . . . - 12 , . . . . . . . . . . 20Tr ( ) 27 . . , . . , . . , . . . .S.ii ) & j3 , . . , . . . . . D,7' 28 . . . , , . , . . , . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . 2fl,800 ' 15 . . . . . . . . . . . 9Ol5 30 . . . , , . . . . . , . . Total . . . , . . . . . . . . , . , , , , , . . . . , . . , , . 1fti,1tlt Loss returns and unoId copies . . , . itiirt Net total sales . , . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . 877t)8 ( ) ) Net daily average , , . . . . . . 29 234 . GEORGE 13. TZSCIIUCK. , Swo ! : n to before mo and subcrIbed In niy presdnco this 30th day & Juno , 1SOS. ( Seal , ) N. P. FElL , . . . otar' Public. ! AIt'I'1Es L.EAVING POItTLIIOSUMMEIt l'nrtIcM 1enIiij. Ilie elt for Ihe , .uInlIer con JILVO The : flee Puent go tlieiii II , , 1Itif lII 'I'Iie flee bliHi- ) lIONS Ofilee lit perMIfl or by itiuil 'I'Iie nhl.treN ' , vIll bu eliniigetl often LIM tiestreti. It : Is strange , but It b trite , that the f1r4t fetr : of frost to Injure tlii' wt'rit grain CVO1)4 I flpptreflt : III the l)0lr(1 ) : ( of trade rooms In the eltlet. The board of strategy \Vnshlngfon f has been missing 'tile custonni' dttlly , Installment of free ndvlce , but It seems to be getting along very well 'ltliout It. What a flio imppetDr. Peabody would make In the goveriiors eIiaIr And wlmt a. tleInan(1 would be cretted : for the services of the 'inan of Inhloo- c nhid the "relIable lUan t" New York Is plu iilig a Ierlnnnent QXIOSitIOI.l ) 1)ulldlng ) aiid an CXJOsltIOU ) every year Iii whIch . \iiieiIeaii manu. factureis shall ( lbq)1fl3' ) Ihelr goods. Now watch for some big scheme from Chicago. S South Ornalma Imi : another new meat nmckIng plant In full oleratlon , , Soutit . Onuolma Is mnnIIut steady strides toward , beconihig time lrlmtell.aI imient inieking center of the country nial eventually of time worbi , i The news of time ( IIseovery of anthra- I cite coal In Alaska Is not as Interesting 8t4 time stories about fabulous stimmis of gold to be W11t4110t1 out of the sand , but ; If true it Is as important news as has come front AIas1u , The season for dlsinunilug biiso bail leagues having arrived , It ought be ir0p" to suggest that there I stIll room - . Iii the AmmierIcut : atiny , wiitrc' , though J Iml3 , It somali , lime nmanagenmemit never fails to meet obligations. . 4 . A polmoeratle weekly mtterts that Gay- erimor Ilolcoumb "hmmis deeliietl : hmlmusuif flu anarchist to Please The Omnaima Boo. " This Is it 811(1 mimistake , W'imat Governor Iloicouhl ) hits tloime iS to join ho 1101(1- ( 111011 baud of outlaws to siiie Time Joe. Another reformu imolicemaim resigned lCCttIlSO ) of aliluity In John Barleycormi ' 8(1(1 ( ( I4thhl aimothetumoving ailommg tue snmno road. HUt what is to be expected froimi ollicers ihltIlted Oil time force solely 1)0- CttIse : of their 1)OhitlCOl pull vItit time omit- law gnimg ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tust now tim worltiugulnhl's friend Is Ioghnnhllg ) to iitpeiir lii all the political canips. limit most of tlise fi'hends of time voikIigmnitu , have imever worhod niiytiiiiig except their jitvs and have never been in iositioii to irny a work- Ingmutni t tiny's vmmges , It Ii ; imot. likely that Liemitcimant Ilob- k 'llh tteCC'lt ) the Ihutterliig otIci' of a ' lecture iureau ) to give it serIes of lee- tures In time lJuiItod States for 1O,0OO. , 'j'lmu lecture halit ) is lirmmiiy IIx'd mimnong Iitemitry lions 1111(1 exilorevs , but imavail heroes have Hot yet Iiiduicd Iii it , Becimmiso of the heavy drain on the state treasiii'y Oil ne'ummmit of time iiieni. ratioiis for vnt' time state of Iowa is . ubout to borrow a little mnoimey to pay etirrtit cxpoiises until taxes are col. leetetl , 'l'liu state Is Ilimnimciaiiy soummil sad is cerIum to get favorable terms for itimy sticim little uccoinmimodutloims. The railroads want time ptibiic to be. ) icvo that a great coiteessiomi hits been jIven time ex1io.sltlou in according Oimmaint Umo SQ per ccitt rate enjoyed by all tour. hit points In time comuitry , 'ruts Is no concession at nil , Time exposition tmiust hove retitiecti rates that v1il b nu In. tjueeimuait to 1)e01)ie ) east of the Missis- 511)1)1 to coimie to Onnilma , Giving the vorklmmgmuen mmmiii working womneim a elmniwo ta tee the eposttlou oil time 1)111) ' day of thu week lucy can attemid witimotit losing their s'ngvs. will not tie 11113' loss to time O1)OHithOfl , whIle it will be a great gain to the grt'nt mimmiss of wage workers , who commsthtuto time larger part _ of Omaha's ' JiopUlatloti , and : to tue community at jtrgo , ASSAILfXO SI'41N AD IIOMAt. It Is now understood to lie the hitch. tion of the government to send it larger lIc'et : Into Spanish waters than WRM at Iirt contemplated. 'rile idea at Wash. Ingtoti flPlCttrA to be that It Is desirable to make this imaval tlemuummstrmttlon as forimmidimbie ItS imossibie , With a vio' to the immoral effect upon Itirope as veh1 as giving time SinfflulrlR It stronger liii. p10851011 of our sea liower available for oloratious ) agahtist their borne liorts. Tue fact that very little hits been saul recently iii regard to tills projecteit mnovemnelit Stlggeste(1 that it atight be lostPonod or PerhmmtPs nbtndommcd : , limit it. 5001115 that notlmng of this sort himt been thought of at Washington. Moamiwimhie we have been getting somimo OpilhiOUi4 from Furopenn. sources regard- hug time 1)L'OPOSOl ) ( eXiedItIOit amid these are not generally favorable. ! ih T.on. don Chronicle suggests thmmtt it would be ft. mistake , liecatise 'hmIio it cotiltl Lint niaterimiily harm ipaItm It 'Othil only be likely to reunite time Spnnlttrds "Into an IinherViOfls ) olIstiimc3' of emidmirnuec niiml a deteriiilnittion to suffer to mill lciigthis. " Thmo Loemdou Times says the arrival of nit Amnericait squadron in Spammishi vaters would be an "umiweheome spectacle to more luau one European power , " but ivoithti hot necessarily bring lt1)OUt ) Europenhl inttmrvemitioim , is'ldIe a Berlin pi1nmr ui'ges that "it wotild 1)0 it lFOfOUilt1 ioiitlciml mimistuke to south Corn- umodore VmtIsoit to time Slaflish coast" 811(1 ( thiflt evet ! nit OCClmltitlOl.1 Of time Citmmnries might lead to regrottal1e Comfl 1 hcittious , These o1mlnions are worthy of consid- eration. There Is no question , of course , lit regard to time rIght of time United Stnte to carry the war to Spain. There Is nothing ut Interimatlonal iai" that forbids - bids this government sending a Ileet lab Sjtnnisii waters or hyomnbiirding time ports' of SiaIu. We hmavO the snimie 1.IFiit to assail Spain itt home as to' attack her boidmiles. The only questionimi. that of expetliemiey SitoulU we gala any ubstautia1 ndraiitnge from the move- mifi'iit 'flhil ( tintreby hmmisten tile restora- thoiL of peace ? It I time 1)O1ICY of this goveiumneflt to bring fm war to an oath iii ; sooti tin 1)OSSihle ) 011(1.It. . . shiotild unhes- itatlngiy adopt any course which It Is bohIeed wIll help to that consumn ma- lieu. Undoubtedly sonic of tue Euro- 1)Ctiit ) IOWet'S ii'oiiltl regard th appear- alice of an Anmerlcan fleet oft Spain w-Ith disfavor , hut timtro ? Is iItt1 dtinger that any ofthem wouht ( attempt muter- ventloii. The two nations of Europe- F'rance imitd Austria-that arc most con- cermied for the security of spaIn could imot uiilte for the Protection of that country. Our govermiinent Is understood to have recelveti renewed assurmimiceS of the IntenUoa of Germany to observe strict neutrality and there Is mia dotilt regarding tile friendly attitude of Rus- sin. There Is no apparent reason , therefore - fore , for apprehending European Interference - ference it : time United States carries time war to Spain. La to time possible effect 111)011 tIme Spanish people there Is a tiif ference of oplulomi. W'hiie some think , with time Lrnitloii Chronicle , that it would reunite time Spaimiurds and streiigtimemi time determination to coil- tiimue to smit'fet' to nil lengths , others are equally confident that \voui(1 Increase time feeltag of hopelessness that now widely prevails and cause a more urgent iressimra 111)011 time government to $110 for Peace. We arc inclined to regard the latter as the more probable result. Spait- isli obttntey : Is iroverbiiii , but time ox- perleuce of the imat is not an absolutely sni c criterloim for time present. Spain hits hititi bitter lessons , but none more bitter timmmn she Is mmow lmaming and her ie01)ie ) realize as never before the hope. iessness of their struggle ALL ltIGlIT iN TITh' ORIENT , Time latest rClOrt from Admiral Dewey , ( latch live days ago , states that there hind been no clmaimge In time i3lttma. ( loll. lIe limid received additional rein- forcemeuts , so that time number of Amnerlcnii troops at Manila now up- proxiiimates 10,000 , ivimihe our naval force imas prolaliY ) been hmicreaseti by time ad. tiltion of the immonitor 3fouterey , A diii- patch tinted a day inter -timim tiiTt of Dewey's states that lie might capture ? Iammila before the arrival of General MQrritt , hint this Is not probable. Un. (1OUltChiy a grm'ut deal hmmm been left fo time diseretlomm of Adimmiral Dew'oy , but IL is reasonable to SUIiOmle ) that lie bus 1)een Instructed to await the airival or GtitmraI Mem'rltt before begInning dccl. sivo operations unless it became imptira- tlvely miecessary to tulle Manila. Ills report imidicittes that no such necessIty existeti OL' was threatened. As General mierritt should arrive at Miumila by time cmiii of this mimuntim there is no ICIttiQii to expect flh ) , iuuiom'tnnt chmituge in time iiit- uimtlomt lit the iiieitiitliiiti. 'L'licre is the possibility , tiC course , thuE the 51)511- lards ' to sui'render 111113' Propose to Dewey timid lit that event lie w'oukl piolmhlti ) , ' take iosscsslon of m1mmimiimi , but otimoiwiso he is not. likely t take nimy nctioim before time arrival of MemiItt , Time Iiisurgemmts are iupoi'fed to be so. tli.e. , but lhey ii'Iii irohmmbly hut be CLtiiel mipoit to iIAY mm vroinlncimt hurt Iii time Ihiiiil Oiei'fltiOims'tiry likely \Iut. miliit ivlil cimpitulato to time American forces w'ithmommt serious resistance.'l J..4N1) .IiIJRS. A general buf erroneous immmpresslon hits 101mg hFC'itiiel timitt the imiovemimomit . . liii' cities to the farina Is imiost immrked in tImes wimen satisfactory cmii- pioyiiitiuit in time trades lii mimost dililenit aiid time rei'ards of business mire imuicer. taiii. In other words , time belief exists that lmnrd tinies ainke men imtiitl luumgmy. lImit this yeai' , whezi there is boLter l'tms. ' hiess timaim for ninny yeumm and It is easIer to obtain emnpioymnemm timimim at umimy tinmo since thu into ticiwessloim , time mail cubes ttme doing bigger business , humid agents everywhere are active ii nil the i)1i015 of good faruis mire going up steumtlliy if not i'upidiy. Time cuigerimess to secure mmiii mit this tliiio lii not iltiti to umuy ( cmiv that time iimmitl w iii soomi miii he taken , it Is veu1 known that despimo time tiiliiioius of acres thumit hmai'o been given to actual settlers 1mm limo inst timirty years In all parts of time Pimlteit States timore are yet rnllhlomms of micros to be hati for tIme asking , practie- umiiy free to homesteaders , and almost us gooil as time land fo whIch imlgh imtIce are obtained lii tim better settled suites. Iii nil ( ito mmiii 'ihm'tricts In e - braska , S'OUthi Dakota , \\'ym > mnIu nimmi other states between the Missouri river ziiiii time Rocky mountaIns , tue area of nvniiumble farlim inuti is being retitut'etl every year , imlt there is stiii rooiii for miiau : tiiotisttimtus of iiei' imomeseekens , Fei WilD nectire imonmestenils In tim West limis year iIiI regret it. fiery , year time coiiditious of life on time west- era farnus are Improved , every year thai farmers am brought nearer to time mumir- kets umuiti iii closer coiltact wltim all the conmforts of imioderim life nimil every year time farms oil what wits omicu kimowit as time great 1)1012(5 ( become more valuable , Time activity among lani.seekens Is a healthy uimid proumhsing sign. TilE coMrivo I1GISI41t TURE. " , Yimiie time campaign In Nebraska will center upon time respective state tickets , the election of legislative cantlltlates ivhli I iivoive greater political coiiieqiitiiii'eS timiiit time electIon of governor amid cx- centlvo state officers. it devolves 111)011 tue conmlimg iegishittmre to elect a UnReti States seimator to succeti Wiiliitin V. Alien , mtntl it is within time range of imossibhilty that It may be caiied on to elect 8. successor to Senator John M. Timurston.'Ith time miarrow margin by which the senate Is divIded , time pohitIcuil complexion of time coining legislature of Nebraska mummy ( lotermnlue time jOiltIcttl coiihi cxion of time senate of the United States , which slmies ) time policy amid destimmy oI time nation. Quite apart front Its great importance as a poiiticai factor , the coining legisia- lure wIll be called upomt to grapple with mmmany grave problommis that serIously coim- cern time ieOPiO of Nebraska amid wIll require prudence , foresight and sagacity - gacity In their solution. Time imperative tiemnaiid for revision of time constItution , whIch the last papa- list legislature persisted Iii ignorIng , ivili 1089 for consideration either throiigii the foruiulatioii uiitl submiihsslon of ameulmmleuts ( or throngim time calling of .0. coustitutiommal convention. Time rei'lsIoit of tile revenue lairs , wiiicii are lamentably out of date and Inmttleqtmate to limo neetus of the state , citniiot be much ionger staved off. Questions , affecting corporate monopolies - lies amid time , reiatioiis of corporatloilS to time Public wihi have to be falriy and lirulhi3' dealt ivith. Time nloiifIon ol sineetira slate ofilces and time suistltutioll of salaries for feeui iii itii oftices where practicable will do- mnund attention of time legislatoms It goes wIthout saying that hole iii the state treasury am ! the restoration of depleted trust funils ivihi occupy a great demil of the time of the miext iegls- latiVe session and can be successfully bandied only by muon. who immiie lust- class busIness ability , who can grasp tile sItuation and tievlse time necessary relief measures. it is therefore incunibent upon time Nebraska republicans , if they arc Ill- tent on party success and desire to retain time comitroi of state affairs if they oitee rcgaiii It , to bestow special care lilian tile seiection of cuintlidittes tIOfl their legislative tickets. Above nh timings they must remeumber that this Is no year for politIcal graftens amid boodiemen. No man whose record requires - quires defending or explaining has any right to ask for a place In the conming legIslature aua no man who wants the place sirnpiy as a steppimig atomic to a federal office or to employment by time corporutiou should be consilered ( as eligible. WIth reputable amid rcsponsille candl- dates time republicans of Nebraska may comifitlentiy look forward to tile election of a reiublican legislature. By loading UI ) with barnacles and tattooed men they invIte ( bleat with all its dusastrou consequences. - - TAKING POUTO RICO , it has been well understood that PreS- ldent McKinley regarded time cap- ttiro of Porto RIco as osmo of time most Important timings to be 8CC'hmljihsumel ' Iii time w'umr , but IL immts not been geueraiiy ShIpjOiiei ( that It ii'as contemplated to haul pornumueimt possession of Gmat Is. land. Aecorllng to a statement whIch ithi'IOitS to be practleahiy olileiah , however - ever , It is said to 1)11 time IntentIon to retaIn possession of Porte ilko as United States territory. In imart pi3mIment : of time expenses of time war. Of course timls wlii be a matter of treaty stIpuia- tlou when termims of pemmee are nego- tinted , but as time United States wIll bo iii a jmsitifflm 10 dictate time tem'imis umi timere will be no danger of Emimopeami conmpilcutlons in regard to time disposi- tlon of Facto itIco , it Is minCe to preWct that It our government decided to keep time Isimmmul It iViii do so. hut time titiestloit Is suggested , wi' give Cnbt : nit Ilmtiepeimlent ( government mind not Porto 111cc ? flow emma w'e jius- tit3- ourselves lii umppiylug ( llfferent treatment to these SpanIsh colonIes ? hlaylmig assured tue worhd timat we ( lid imot go to war for time purpose of torn. tomiai ucquusitiomi , If we netalit posses- sioim of l'ortu Rico , immimkitmg it a part of our ( loimumimi Instemmil of allowIng Its ieoimle ) to estumbhlihi an imulepemident gor- ei'ummneuit , how shuumhi ivo itmuko sueim a commsisteumt witim our declaratIon ? i'orto Rico lit to lie Imikeum mmii a zulu- tory mmecesslty , 'J'o ( iepmive Simlil of timat possession is it proper muhiitmmr3' macits- ume. htmL there is no better reason for armuoximig It to time Uiiiteml Stati's limit thieve Is ( or nummieximig Cuba , to whmleim 11,1) have SOieuihiml3' vromumuseti miii lumilti- iiemmcient govei'umumient , It is no defense of such it course to say that I'orto Rice was not speciiicnily mcterre(1 to 1mm time cleciimm'atioim of war , as Cuba is us. We cummumot jmmsttf omrseivcs iii pernmmimentiy : luoliling conijmmem etl terrItory amiywhere by simeim a feebie techmumicaiity , 'l'ime glass bottie blowers , Iii their limier. nmttlommmml coumveiitiou lucid at Mmmuiele , hid. , gave gmeater consideration to time bottie blowIng umneimiues vecemmtiy In i moduceul tinmum to miily other subject.rrimo IresI- deumt of time assoelatiomu reported timat Willie those imiucumlumes umru stIll Inhimumrfect , they imne eniniJle of lunprovemneuut imuimi Iii his caimdld opintoim ivili c'rnmllimuo to hui lummproved , coumstuu umtiy smupiauting ) ummoro wonkumicu In time bottle factories , " 'l'rauies minions Intro imu menus of mmmeet- lug time problem of labor saying man- clmiom'y , " ho said , "except 'by a reduc- lion of tim louns ; of work. Thus reinetly Is ivithuin our reach , wheim we net In. tohitgeiitiy umuid commservatiseiy him time miinttor muul tie not weaken our imositton hiy nmnhdimg excessive or uumrensoimahie ( iomnaimhs lit other directions. " 'i'Ime Irohmicmn with time bottle biaii'ers Is bet iiiiiikti tiuitt presemited to workumlen iii almost every otlifr trdde.Vitim resiect It ) labor savIng iIcvies tue muon are 1ISU- ally alone scared than hiatt. Iowa fm'ietmds of thmo Iowa reginment of oithiers sent to San Francisco , lresmmiml- ably for time eXIedItiOll ) to time Phlip- ! iiiieS , hare becoitie allgr3' itt time \\'ur theiutrtmneut for not sending time mmmcii cii across time Pacific ocean amid tiireatoim to nmimke troimhiie imy ililmig conmpiniiit at ' , \'nshmlimgtoit iii reguri ( to time muimsani- tnr3' colmulitiomi of time citmnii hear Sail Francisco. It. Is just as well that time friemmtis of time soldier boys keel ) their teutipers. 'l'ite SVnr tiepartuient hiss imati mnnim3' olistacics to ortircome and huts dotme ivell on time w'lmoie to scud to the front etitmippeti for senvico so many gooti Aimmetieaii soldiers , but the \itr depumrt- macmit citnulot perforuum minumcies.Iost of time complaining about time conduct of time ivar comes frommi a iiulsmmpprelmemmsloii of time irumy a modern war Is comfliucted. Time man who was injected into the Omaha pOitce force by the pensouul so hhcitittioo. of Governor Ilolcoiub Is the latest police reformer found to Imave gone wrong , Wiieii time govenimor of Li. great state fltOOjS So how its to foist hmis IOiitiCfli ) proteges nimon time vohice IimY roiis of Omnimu. lie Is certalmmhy in smuimii btmslimess , But is'Ltli iiii tiuti ciommd of a .dlsgnaced stat' , Governor lioleonib's o - iicemnu Is no more discredit to imlimm timan hula tlftmuct police commissioners , who have boom. coimstamitly vhohatlimg theIr oaths of office , disregardIng the law and playIng into the hands of thieves , gaimubiens and professional crooks. It remaIned for a Kansas City educa- tar to cnii attention to time fact that time United States maps showing time bonn- ( lanes of time various tracts of hluuhs ndtied to the orlgimiai Unittl States are iill wrong. Supem'immteudemit 0 reeimwood , while in 'uVttshmitigton attetidlmmg tue etlu- cationni immoeting , polmmteml omit that tin ? ofiiclith irnti ) showIng the romuisinmiut pun- euinse iuiaces the iveitoi'it ' 'Mimmdary ' mit the I'achlic ocean. wimeii In fmict Ioiuti- unit Only &tended to time itocky mmiouii- taimis' , Loi.iislnmia ii'ums a big coummtry when Napoleon disposed of It to Uncle Sam , but there irene no PacIfic ports Ineludect Two years ago the advance of Bryan into time enemy's country was imoi'aided forth by time Associated Press as one of tht most important eycimts of the con- tury. Now the advance of Bryan to- ivard time eiiemny's country 1s given time same amount of eclat. It Is to be hoped , however , that Coioimel Bi'yau iviii mmutke greater Inroads on the emmemny in Cuba and Porto Rico than Camudldtte : Bryan made in Maine and Mussachu- setts. _ _ _ _ _ _ Sorrowful 31cIlorieN. Washington Star. Corvera may learn to enjoy small hot bIrds. but a large cold bottle will aiways be painfully rerninlBeent , A Yeliow Coiiicideiit. Kansas City Star. Four tons of gold were sneaked Into the country at Seattle the day after Colonel Wii- iiam Bryan heft Nebraska for the war. Caninra Silmiersedeul , PhIladelphIa Times. Commodore Watson's squadron has aiready assunmcd the position so long occupied by that of Admlrai Camara. It Is doing its salt- lag maInly In the newspapers. JUNt Like file HnhlroniI , Indianapolis News. The biddIng for the transportatIon of the SpanIsh troops will afford the Btcamshiip companies a fine opportunIty to bid against each other by coming to a mutual under. standing beforehand. Smiceding fito 1'artiiig Guest , , . Chicago Inter Ocean , General Shafter's prisoners number 22,789 , At the regular ration rate these wIll cost time country 18 cents per capita daily until they are safely handed on Span1h soil , not countIng time cost of transportation and Inci- dentnis , As a consequence , there Is a disposition - position in government circles to speed the parting guests , ' .VIuiit Wtt i'rtntled , Louisville Courier-Journal , Our agrccment to send borne the SpanIsh - Ish troops at Santiago is exactly in line with the expressed determination wIth which wo began time war , that Spain must get out of Cuba. Spain is too feebho to get out unless we take her out , and If we ailoiv her captured troops to romnain they would give us more trouble and cost us more than the expense of their transportation. I. , . ( , Need el ii. Seeuuad Shot , Denver Tlmnemu. An English naval expert in mahiing a crItIcIsm oum American naval gunnery smug- goats that as a mule under limo sys- tern In vogue time gunners would find It dltlicuit to lilt anything twIce iii the same place , and also argues that this Is a fault that should be overcome , Time learned gentleunaum should hear In mind ( list when an Macrican giuui. umer hits anything time first time there is nothing to shoot at the second time. Vilitof MI'siulnrleH , Now York rribtune. Some German missionaries went to China and got khiled b a mob , wimereupon tIer- many , by way ot indemnIty , seized a Clii- neso port and the adjacent territory. tmmii now a Corman commsmul general , in an ofli- cliii report , ( IWCIIS upon the desirabilIty of getting stlii more Chinese territory , and says the easiest way to do so is to send more missionaries ! Taik about coid-blood. ednessi That suggestIon is enough to scud cold shivers dowp time splumo of the most heartless cynic In the world. Frulls or hilsn's Iixuiloit. Cimleago Chronicle. In the light of recent events it Is evident tist the failure of ilobsoa's exploit contrib. uhich to time fall of Santiago. It the iderri- mac had been sunk as intended the channel would have been blocked and Cervera could riot have made time sortie which resulted in his annihilation. And with the Spanish fleet In the harbor the resistance of SantIago couid have been-and probably would tiara been-Indefinitely prolonged , Therefore , while giving due credit to the men who tool : the Merrirnac Into the harbor , we must account - count It fortunate that their expedition was a failure , It wag an exhibition of eplendid bravery , but a more than doubtful piece of strategy-a combination not infrequent in "forlorn hopes" and simIlar exploits , where heroism is usually exercised without result. 'ritE SATlAO ( ) fllUF1. Minneapolis Journal : The defenses of Santiago cii tiio ca iu1e were mostly for- umidumbie in their moral influence. That means that the American squadron was lucid back by fear of what It thought might be there , Instead of what vas there , In other words , the Spaniards put tip a successlul bluff on Sampson , It was the kind of a bluff that Dewey cahiel at Manila. Boston Globe : The ineffectiveness of naval attacks upon land fortifications has recolvual still another proof In the discovery of the trlviai jesuits of our bombardnuents ot time forts around Santiago harbor , This lesson marks a limItation for the fleet wlmichm the goveranment Is equipping for an aggressive niovemeuut upon Spain. Commodore Watson , therefore , is not likely to make Spuunishm for- tlflcatjons the object of his aesnuit. Chicago Chronicle : Time official report concerning the armament of the Santiago shore batteries is umimothor proof that narni bombardments are far from effective against land fortifications , oven of a rather inferior character. Sampson's squadron haS hurlc.t tons of steel against time SantIago batteries withotmt perceptible result , and it now turns out that those batteries were In large inrt equipped witim obseicto and Inferior ord- nance. Morro. which was hammered a dozen ( tunes by the entire fleet , proves to have been defended by five oid-faaimtoneci G-inch muzzle loaders. In the Socapo battery - tory were two 6-inch htontorias and three useless mortars. The Estrehia battery had two 4.mnch muzzle loaders and four 3-inch field pieces , besides some mortars that acre not in condition to fire , There were two 6-Inch liontorias and two 3-inch Krupps at Punta Gorda , These , with two or three ant- chine guns of comparatively small range , constituted the entire armament of time Santiago - tiago forts. In view of these facts we many be hardened for vIewing with some doubt the iigiit nod airy program for samashming San Juan do Porto ilico at time first born- bnrdment. And It. is as certain as nnytluimmg can be that Havana is now imprcgnbie from the sea , I3oth those piaces viii have to be taken by land operations-probably by set siege. Naval guns are clearly not up to the point where they can be depended upon to reduce hand batteries. QUIt ALI4IES , TIlE CUHANS , St. Paui Pioneer Press : The Cuban patriots - triots who will neither fight nor work , and who are now disgruntled because they were not permitted to sack the city of Santiago , as they did Sibooey and El Caney , arc not going to work in preciseiy the best way to achieve satisfactory results from the war undertaken in their behalf , Philadelphia Becorml : It is said at WashIngton - Ington that l'rcsident McKinley is greatly disappointed in the mneasume of support to- ca1vd by Oenorai Shafter's army from our Cuban aihtes. The Cuban men in buckram were alwdys in stronger force at the capital than anywbero else , but there was no good reason why the president should have Ia- bored under any illusion as to theIr shadowy and Intangible quality. When the Cuban fights he prefers guerrilla methods ofvar - fare , and about the only help General Shafter could reasonably expect train such a source wouid bo help to eat up the federni army rations. Chicago Poet : Nothing more strikingiy confirms the president's wIsdom In refusing to acknowledge the Independence of Cuba , as insisted upon by the senate , than the present situation at Santiago. Had we recognized that government at WashIngton we would have been bound to recognize it at Santiago , and to give over to Its power time government of the conquered province. After our exoerience with our Cuban allies we can easily Imagine what that would have been. Happily for us and for the cause of humanity the president's foresight and firmness saved us from a reproach that would have been a stain forever. Cievoland Plain Dealer : The average In- surgemit. eats Uncle Sam's provender lute a nman making up for lost time , which Is just what ho Is endeavoring to do. 110w unJust , then , seem the critIeisns which arc aimed at what Is cailed the hammock habit. A surfeited Cuban does what other surfeited animals do , he iios around and sleeps ott the effects of his overioduhgemmce. If ho chooses to curi up in a hammock , why not ? There Is a lulling iovement about a welt suspended hammock that is Infinitely sooth- log to a tired digestive apparatus. Why blame the Cuban if he yields to nature's imperious deuuammds ? What more beautiful sight can be imagined than a smaii army oLsurfeitcd insurgents thus peacefully snor- hug amid the roar and rattle of deadly con- diet ? It Is beautiful , even it It Isn't war. Miiwaukeo Sentinel : It seems almost incredible - credible that these arc the same maca about whose deeds of heroism so much has been said during the last ihireo Years. Our soldiers find that they shirk both fighting anti work , but are adopts at destroying property or at plundering. It is unpleasant to comae to this realization of the worthlessness of the In- stmrgcnts , but It is Inevitable and it is veil that. they have been kept within bounds at Santiago. They have been given to understand - stand that the American vcoplo mute not makIng the sacrifices of the present m'ar merely to gratify the desires of Indolent Cubans , Unless their actions show a 'ery different saint during time remainder of ( be war , It isilkehy to be a long time before any portion of the island is turned over to their charge. I'ERSONAL AN1) O'1'hfEflVlSE. Spain has had 3,00O,0OO a year tribute from her little island of Porto flico , 100 miles long and with ices thaa 1,000,000 people. The British Society of Arts has awarded tIme Albert medal to Prof. Robert liurisen of the University of heidelberg , whose ahievo- ments iii chemistry are kumown all over the world , Prescott Bcilcnap , a son of the weli known rear admiral , was in Nicaragua when the war broke out , but as soon mis lie could get liouno ho started to Icoy iVest to join time Ilotugh Elders. Mr. Thomnums George of Wales has just jaublialmed a volume which purports to rove that the great explorer , Henry M. Stanley. is really a Howell Jones , son of Joshua Jones , a farmer of Carummarthienshlre. Time Kiondiko craze started a year ago. Considering tile fostering care it hail in its Imifancy , it ought to be quIte a sturdy child by this tinme , nut it seems to have droppeth out of sight as completely as if it never hail been horn , Following Maryland's plan of presonttumg a sword to Commodore Scbiey , it now seems irobable that a homestead will bo bought b' iopuiau subsoriptioum and presented to hIm on his returum , The purchased house mviii probably be in Baltimore , Henry J , llnvnor , the Now York barber who was convicted in 1895 of shavIng a maim mutter I o'clock on Sunday afternoon , carrIed the case to the supreme court and that body line just decided that lila convictIon was legal. The fine Imposed on Mr. ltavnor was 'vs. wlmlch ho will now have to pay. 11ev. Peter Macqueen of Boston , who has gone to the front as correspondent for two Boston ueilgious ptmblicatiOns , cause near lie- 11mg dismIssed ( roam the Congregational church two or three years ago. lie had 50130 to Turkey and on his return said some very severe things about the Con- gregatlonai ministers there. Lieutenant liobson , it is said , despite ( ho fact that ho Is a poor talker , hums been offered by a noted lecture manager 10,000 for a series of ten publio addresses on his , Santiago experiences , and to soften the blow the manager promtses that all receIpts over expenses shall be turned over to the fund for hospitals In Cuba and eise'herc. MIIN OF TilE JIOUII , Corporsi ii. : . Newman of Company B , Twenty.second infantry , who had the honor of leadIng the detail that captured the first Spanish flag near Santiago , lisa written a latter to his brother in Kaaas City describing - ing the battle of Junu , 1 , in which time Twentysecond gallantly participated. e\V- man led a squad of seven muon during the battle. Everyone of timenm was lilt by Simantsh bullets. Two verd killed. sew'- momma was shot by a Spammish ahmarpsbooter coumceaied in a cocoanmmt tree. Thu bullet passed emmtirely through his hotly , Penetrating - ing his heft lung , and killed Private Wiiliamn Warner , who was Ljehlumd him. As timeir company ran to their assIstance time Siantards fired upon thmemu , killing one smith woumhlng four others , The woummticd mcmi hay on the battlefield untii 10 o'clock the followIng day , wheum ( lucy ivere removed to time divlaloa hospital , eIght smiles away , In nrnmy wagons , Time wagons ivere tired ulmon by SpanIsh scouts and a. driver was killed. At the division hospital the surgeons mm'emo unable to attend the large number of wounded , ammd Nowimuan lay on the ground in the rain nil night. Cii the following day , July 3 , he was removed to the hospital ship Olivetto amid given the first food ho had had since time imlght of Juno 30 , New- maui Is now in time hospital at Fort Mc- i'herson , Atlanta , On , General James 11 , WIlson , who is proini- neatly mentioned in connectIon with time mnlittary governorsimlp of Cuba , was for several years president of the Now York & New Englaumd railroad , with imeadqimarters at Hartford , Conu , The hartford Courant says ho disphayed Immense energy in de- velopiimg tim through trailic of the road and at one time had more business than could possibly be transaeted upon its single track. ho had , immediately preceding his connection - tion with time road , been engagcl in busi- floss Ia Cape Colony , Africa , and is welt known as an active , go-ahead sort of man. Ensign Joseph Wright Poweii of the New York , who won promotion by seeking to rescue Lieutenant ilobson and his men , secured the assignment in a novel manner. Ensign I'nimer bad been chosen for the task. Powell hastened to l'aiuner and begged to be alhoived to go in hIs stead. A promupt refusal met the cadet's pleading. but the latter's eagerness was so apparent that Palmer finally suggested that they dramv lots. A seaman was passing at the tinme ivitim a package of cigarettes in his lmand , and Palmer said : "The one who guesses the nearest to the number of 'roots' in that box goes after Hobson. " Powell made the nearest guess , thus m'inning the coveted command , Executive Officer Potter approved of the unique idea in that Instance and Posveii made the daring trip which won hInt 1118 rank as ensign 80(1 placed him three numbers ahead in time line of promo- tion. Time story that General Wheeler hod the charge on the heighmts of San Juan and yohied , 'Corno on , boys ; time Yankees are running , " Is not substantiated by all the correspondents at the front. RIchard hard- Ing Davis says General Wheeier did not command his troops on the day of the maIn battle , July 1 , being too Ill to partIcipate In the action. AccordIng to Davis , "General Sumner was In charge of Generai Wheeler's ( hi'ision and Colonoi Wood of time Rough RiderS was in command of General Young's brigade. All orders to advance and attack were issued by Generals Sumner and Kent. The attack itself was lcd by Generals Hawkins - ins and Sumner. Colonel Roosevelt and General Sumner met at the top of the hiil amid shook hands there. Generai Wheeler came out while the fight was on , but did not head his division to the front. I saw him just after the Sixth had placed its flag on the bIll , which it had taken , and informed him of the fact Ho was then seated with his stall and surrounded by the wounded under a large tree at time ford. " The story Is good enough to enliven future canip fires , even though its basis is shadowy. The colored troops arc receiving well amer. ited praise for their desperate fighting before - fore Santiago. "Talk about macn that. are flghters , ' writes a soldier wlmo witnessed their heroism , "youm want to see the negroes , They let out a yell and then charge and the fight is over. " The intrepid courage of time blacks will be appreciated by a brief description of one action. They were ordered - dered to take an entrenched position protected - tected by artillery and block houses , which had been subjected to no fire by our artil- hery. With a yell they responded to the order to charge , ran over ( lie open space through a plunging fire and captured the emiomy's position. SUItI1ENBEISS rtsr AND I'RESENT. Snmztlnge's 111gb Iiuinie in the hIisry of Anterlenmi 'VriuuniIs , Detroit Free Press. The Interesting ceremony which took place at Santiago last Sunday , by which General Torah delIvered hum lmimumeif and his staff , 25- 000 troops and their arms , time next , to thu largest city lit Cuba and alt it contained and the easterr part of time island into the hands of the United States , was one of the very few formai surrenders In the history of our country. If we go bacic to revolutionary times we shall find the struggle for imdepeudenco : illuimmined by two formal , spectacumlmmr surrenders - renders , On the 17th of October , 1777 , Gen- erai Burgoyne , in the presence of the Amen- can and British armies , tendered his sword to his conqueror , General Oate , thereby emit- rendering imis command of 5,79L men to the continental forces , General Gates politely retumrned the British general his sword. The surrendered men , after giving up their arms , were marched from Saratoga , whom the surrender - render took piace , to New England , wIth the intentioa of permitting them to rettmrum to England. But. commgress afterward chuumged its mind 50(1 kept themn In a kind of coiouuy In Virginia till the chose of thmo war , Time surrender of Cormiwailis to Washington , four years hater , October 19 , 1781 , was conducted - ducted with a ceremony comummensurato with Its great inmportancc-Cormmwai Its surrendered hula arnmY of nearly 7,000 British soldiers to Washmingtoum , aumul his shippIng arid sea- mcii to the French naval comunuumder , Count Dc cirasso. Amomug time spoils vere severity- lIve brass and 160 iron caimumon , about 8,000 muskets , twenty-eIght regimental staumtlards anti abaut $11,000 In apcclo , Time American and Frcncb armies were draivum up iii 1w- posing array , General WashIngton at thu head of the American column , on his white charger , and General Itoehaunbeau at the of time Fremmch , while a large concourse of civilians witnessed the ceremnumy , Corn- walils , alleging Illness , sent his sword by one of his generals , Theru were umo historical surrenders dur- mit the war of 1812 unless we except the hmurniilating surrender of DetroIt to flue hirltish by General huh. Nor did the Mcxi- can war afford many such occasions. Vera Cruuf afforded one such event , surrendering to General Scott , March 27 , 1847 , by which 5,000 prisoners and 500 pieces of artIllery fell into American hmaumds. After a few days of vigorous fighting before time City of Mexico in September of time saumie year the Mexican army of defense incIted away anti Scott's victorious forces maucbed Into the city on September 14 and took possession without further ceremony , The three principal surrenders of the civil war were all made to General Grant. Fort Doneison was unconulltlonaily delivered over to hIm br General Buckuer February 16 , 1862. anti with it 14,623 , men , 3,000 horses 'is pieces of artillery , 17 lmeavy guns , 17,600 stands of arms and a great quantity of military stores. Thu famous Vlckiburg capitulation of Jui 4 , 1863 , was made by General l'cr.uberton. IL included 31,600 men , 172 cannon,60,000 nmuekets and a iargo amount of smamumnition. Time zoos' prominent smurreimiler of the clvii war ivums of course the one which took place at Appomnattex , April 0 , 1865 , when ( lenerfll Grant unado most tmmagnanimnotua terumis wIth the tiefenteil leader of the con- fetlerncy , General Robert R. fly the liberal terms of the raurrender 2S&G men ivere paroled and showed to u'ettmrn to their homimes , the otficers keeping their ido anus aumd both ollicers ammO men netnintag their imorses , On the 26th of time annie imiontim Ocimerni Johnston atmrrenderetl lila army of 31,000 , mcmi to General Sherman out the r.simio terms as were accorded to Lee , ( ion- cmi Grant having assisted 1mm time ncgotla- i tions. Titus 't mviii be seen that time stmrrender at Santiago and a Spacish army of 23,000 nmcim will r.tuuk among limo principal events of the klumul lii our lmistou3' . l'OiN'i'iJi ) muiml.ltKS. Cimlengo TrIbummlih"IflOtiCC , " aItl Uncle Allen Sparks , smmeiikimmg of a lmrcm'umlcutt fad in the cuittmred east , 'tiiftt. the crawilsit senetmut line opened with its tusimsi eclair. Detroit Journal : hleformer-StrouF drink ii ; rngiumg , It blteth like a serpcumt silo stlumg- eth lik' an odderl 'i'hme 'roper-'Twut'im't like no adder I ever see mm , Clevelamid Plain Dealer : "Tlmcse vammde- t'Ihle disrohimig acts seelmi to Imiuve tlciiioral lzeth time pullic. 'l'ho girl next door to its gave no CICfl inmituttioui of this sort early last e'ontmg. : " "Good graclotush how old is slid" ' ' ' ' . 'Twenty-months. Indlulmumpolis JoimrurnlVattsOf : eommrso yomm are not a child , hIlt still you scent to reqttire to lie tremiteti ium a. nmenstmre- lismrul Daiveon-dutke it a quart incas- tire , friend. Judge : Doctor ( rlicc'rfuily-YoUr ) hims- banul's 1111150 imas dropped front 100 to 70. Mrs , Stockton-l"or goodmiess sake don't let him knots' about it ! llo'ii it Imudl olmerittor numfi match it drop as that wotmid worry lmtmfl to death. Chicago Record : "Daughter , m'lto is this Mr. Eugene \\'ndsworth Carringtout timutt is calling cmi you so nftemm ? ' ' " \Vim' , litton , imos the boy we used to call 'Buster' when he lived miext door. " Detroit Free l'm'ess : Twynn-There lii somnethlumg sony odd about this ini'entiofl of limmnting's. rriplett-wimat Iii odd abotmt it ? Tmvynn-llo does not claIm tlmmmt It mviil revolutionIze ( liii whole Industrial world. Detroit Journal : Om'phous was modest If yet hue im'ns uundoumbteuliy a. great musiclnmi. J ' 'Oh , easily enough , ' ' tie relilied. when fLaILed 1mw It % % ' : ms he chmarmed the beasts. .riOim see , I PlaYed nothIng hut Brnlmnms and Ilaclm atmd not a ImeZiit dared leave for fear It would be said tlmat his tatO was not cut- tivated. Yes. " No , ho hail never gIven a. concert in Ouniulma : timat , doubtless , would be quite another - other affair. . 'i'lLE 'l'iN SOLDiER. - . . New York Sun , In the days of pence , of u peace now fled , On the lmnrdcmied pave of a city street , Ringlumg clear , caine time measured trend And the rhytlmmnic swing of the marching feet , SwingIng along iui their bravo ari'ay , \i'hIle the cynic' niIlecI lmis snub of gall- "They're habtes out for a holiday , They're only tin soldiers ; that is all , " Front the lakes to the gulf time war drtmm beats Vi'Imtlo the bugle sounds for the call to duatim , Aii,1 mcmi surge tlmick In the city's streets , While their cheelce burn hot with thmo war god's breath , For the blood mounts high In tIme fevered \'cIima At tIme call to arms for a righteous blow ; Tlmougim time field shows red where the war god reigns , Yet. the same tin soldier Is first to go. In time sullen roar of the cannonade , 'MItt Imtunsting booths and thu shriek of shell , As gallant a charge us was ever made Through the flame-lit lilt of a flaring hell ; Mowed us the merest before limo lire , The bulldog merged Iii his master , man , Cmi with a coutago that cammnot tire- The alleged tin soldier lit in the van. Time gliostiy tuenniut of the moon shine down On IL ghmmstuy heap of tha nianglei slat And it lights a ( mice that Is strong and browmm , Amid a muhlttterel form that held soul amid brain : And tim tilt that is left of that splemmuild whole , Touched by the moomi in the midnight Tells at 'thit , nmornlumg's nmuater roll Tlmmtt. tIme bravo tin soldier kmmow how t die. oUIL IA1L.Y HIJLLtTIN. 4 NEW YORK , July 22 , 1808-Wlmerever golf Is played today those who patronize time links will knov tlmat this Is woman's day , when the women players raumk the men in point of right. It Is time one mvomaa's _ _ umuffrago day In ( be golf year , Bring Your Wife Aid look over our gof ! arid bicycle - cycle suits and sundries. Never was a better gathering of the kind shown in Omaha. , . . Suits at $3 , $3.75 , and $5,00 , sweaters at $2 , belts at 25 ; stockings at 25c , caps at 50 ; soft shirts at $1 and $ I.50mad- i'as and crepe , handkerchiefs at lOc , iSc and 25c-plain white and colored borders-in fact everything pertaining to outing costumes-you are sure to find here , Also remember those special business suits at $8. \ , . JOWNING K&Co ! , e W , Vr Uth sad DotgXaa1'