Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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TIlE OMAUA 1)AILY SEE : FIT1)AY , JrLV 22,1898. 8
. Oomm1tto Sot the Conventton at wart1 on
; Wednesthty , Augnt 17.
I At Lcn..t . T1irt nini 1nIu , Vmtr Other
. AiiIrnnt VflI Dr I3efnre dIe
' eIegtten c'lLItlg Ilte
? 'utiilnntIoft.
! LdNo DL ; , July 21-SpCcfflL--ThO ( ) 10
puhilcan congresIoncil cornlmttee of the
Fourth IItrIct met at the LIfl(1el1 ( hotel
lOlfty to arrange for the tflstrict COflVCfl
Lion. All of the eheven cotrntIe In the dIfl-
. ( net were rewesontc1 , the commUteemen
I being : S. JI. Steehe , Ihutler county , chntr
Iflflfl It. Ij. orvn , Seward , secrctnry 1.
11. lltnthaw , JcffertOn } . L. . Khig , I'olk ;
P. M. Green , hlamiltolU V. IA. hawthorne ,
Saunders ; A. 0. Kettn , ( loge : William CoDk ,
Thayer ; C. 14. MIller , Ifl1more ; F. It.Vhld ,
1 SahIne W , 1. 1)ayton , York.
It vas dCCIlCd ( to hold the convention at
Seward on the 17th of Atiust , the counties
to lie cntltletl to the same representation ni
at the state convention. This will make a
I convelilon of 16 delegates , a follows : nut-
. her , I I Fillmore , 14 ; Oago , 80 ; hamilton ,
12 ; Jefferson , 14 : l'olk , 8 ; Saline , IS ; Saun-
der. IS ; oward , 15 ; Thayer , 11 ; York , IC.
j The canditinteR mentioned for the nom-
Inatlon in the district are hininer of hlaiuhl ;
ton , Sloan of Ihhlnore , hhlnshaw of Jelfer-
BOO , Murjhy nn(1 ( ilourno of Gage. It Is
said , however , tlat Murphy will not enter
i the contest for the nomination , but wIll Instead -
stead go before the state convention for a
' place on the state ticket. Intimate Irlends
of Mr. hialnor today sntt the ex-coiigress-
man of Aurora will decline a nominatIon If
a respectable minority Is opposed to him ,
V not desiring to inako the race t1IIhI3 tlio
' place on the ticket is almost uimnin.ously
. tendered him. If thl resolution a ndher.'l
: to It ; rhhl put hlalner practically ot of the
race , as several of the countlcs wilt o to
) thio conventIon Instructed for local candl-
, dates , Jefferson havIng already led off by oh-
lowing htiishaw to select the congiessl'jnal
A YeIUlSltIOfl was Issued today for the
return of J , h4. Sellcr , who Is tinder iii rest
. at. hhoIolt , ICon. , nail Is wanted at D'Nclhl
' for runnIng away with mortgageil urop-
I A requisitIon has boon received t the
I governor's office asking that Fraulc Wenkley
? I be sent to RIco county , Kansas , o servo
I ' a term In the penItentIary for burglary. 'i'ho
I crime was committed In 1893 , nod after
conviction Wenkley escaped and flel to thIs
state. Shortly afterward he woo orrcstocl
In Richardson county for hioro stealing , and
was sent to the penitentIary for t four
years' term , beIng convIcted under the lame
of RIchard Roe. Is time Is out today , and
the Kansas authoritIes arrived here ycotcr-
day , ready to take him In charge.
L The Sinartvlhle Grain and LIve Stock
' company of Smnrtvlhle. Johnson county , ifird
I 9rtlcles of IncorporatIon today. The In-
? h corporators are S. 13. Barker , L. W. Lantz
nod Albert hiendrea. CapItal stock , $2,000.
' State SuperIntendent Jackson has just o -
turned from a trIp to Itebron , Geneva and
f hastings , where he delivered addresses at
the local teachers meetings. lie goes to
Ponder tomorrow night on a similar errdnd.
Mr. Jackson , In speaking of the oduca-
tlonal exhibit at the exposItIon today , said
' that It was attracting great attention In
the east , many of the school journals gIvIng
It most flatterIng notices. Ho called spo-
dat attention to the Now Enghand Journal
of Education , wHIch says that the Nebraska
. exhIbIt Is the besLeycr made in the United
b States. ' ' - . . . , - V
Lincoln Loeni 1'oten.
The free silver republicans of the Fifth
warts have called a caucus for Friday even-
Ins , July 22 , to sehect delegates to the
county convention on July 27.
Omaha people at. the hotels : At the Lin-
( hOhI-Iafl M. Avw. A M .lelTrev. At thin
Lincoln-Miss hleobe , W. G. Washburn ,
George F. Butler , E. S. Dundy.
It Is rumored today that the Joseph
Schlitz Brewing company has leased the
old Western Normal property , and will at
once put in a large brewing Plant ,
The populists of the Second ward wIll
will hold their city primary on Saturday
evening July 23 , and in all other wards
they will bo held on Monday evenIng.
Sergeant Ike Pace of Company A. Third
Nebraska , is lying seriously Ill at his home
In East Lincoln. lie was taken sick soon
, ' after being transferred from the Second
k. regiment.
_ , \ Mr. Towno has recovered 1115 wheel , which
' WLR stolen from the university campus 000
day hiit week. The ofilcers found It In a
pawn shop at Omaha , where it was pawned
the same day It disappeared from LIncoln.
Rev. 0 , S. Morrow , formerly pastor of the
United Presbyterian church In this city , Is
znaklng a short visit among old friends.
Ho 1.1 now located at Topeka , Kan. . and Is
superIntendent of the Kansas Children's
Hoxno society.
Members of the First Congregational
church ivill hold a novel camp fire tomorrow -
row nIght , LIttle ones of the Sunday
V school will play at soldiers. sailors and
t nurscs and refreshments will ho of a an-
turo to corrosjrnnd with the surroundings.
VV DavId Miller , father of Mrs. S. M. Walker ,
who Is state president of the Women's
; Christian Temperance union , died at tIm
' bome of his daughter this morning. Short
: fineral servIces will be held at noon tomorrow -
morrow , and the remains will be taken to
Surprise for Interment.
V. Mrs. Rachel hyde , president of the
Woman's home MIssionary society : Mrs. F.
A. Estcrhrook of University Place and Mrs.
D. II. howard , from St. Paul's MethodIst
church , Lincoln , are attending the annual
meeting of their socIety at Geneva. They
will return home Frltlay.
MIss MarguerIte Icknrt anti Dr. Myron
0. Johnson of Crete were unltcil in marriage -
riage at the hone of the hirlthe's mother
In thIs cIty Inst nIght , and left on a Into
traIn for a bridal tour through oasterim
Staten. Dr. Johnson has a lucrative practice -
tico In Crete , and that place vIlI be their
home when they settle down to every-day
At a meeting of the Cit1 Improvement
socIety yesterday the matter of the paving
of 0 street was taken up and dIscussed ,
All members who spoke cxpresed themselves -
solves In favor of asphalt. A committee
was appoInted to confer wIth the school
board in regard to mowIng and watering
the school grounds during the vacation
Senator l. It. Spencer foil his brother ,
A. I ) , Spencer , both residents of Lincoln.
have bought the bank at hharnoston , in
Gage county , and vIll take charge August
1. AlvIn D , Sliencer , bo line beemi In the
employ of the McCormiclc harvester coni-
pany at this place for the last nIne years ,
will have entire charge of thin bank at
Imarneston , while Ih. It. Spencer will devote
hIs time to the elevator business.
Mrs. Ilergors , the unwortunate woman
whose poor health and Onancial troubles
caused her to become insane rcently , , was
takeii to the hospital yesterday. It was at
thrst decided to take her to the county ioor
farm. but the case became so serious as to
require special treatment. The two chill.
dren wore takeim to the home for the
Friendless , auth tIme separation of mother
I'.twIY CiliLtLS.
Ileaponullmle foriniiy Csues at mdi-
ii'st iun.
Many cooks send cooked cereals to the
breakfast tabho In a starcby , vasty and
wholly indigestible manner , You arc sure
of a properly cooked dish when Grape-Nuts
are served , for absolutehy no ireparation of
any kind is repuired , therefore , time Iiavor
and ea5O of digestion are just ai Intended
by the food experts who make Grape-Nuts.
Try them.
Leading grocers sell Grape-Nuta.
anti children was one of the paddest fcn-
ture of the ease.
IIom ( 'on at y ltpiiihl irnia ( ntis'otmi Ion.
h'ONC'A , Neb. , July 21.-Speclal.-The ( )
repuhulican county convention of tbls Dixon ,
county is called to meet at WakeftcIl , August
C. There will be little or no fight over the
nomination for county offices , lion. A. } .
flames 'vIii select the delegates to time state
convention , as ho Is the choice of northeast
Nebraska for the nomination for attorney
general. There teems to be a very energetic
scntftnent In thIs part of the state in favor
of recognition of northmc'ast Nebraska on thin
stein ticket. RepublIcans here say that they
have not bad representation for years but
still have always been true at the polls.
Prospects for the republican ticket were
never more encouraging thaim they are this
year In this sectIon of time state.
Ir' ' at 'cst I'oliit ,
WEST POINT , Neb. , July 21.-Special.- ( )
heavy' rains are reported from sections all
around \Vcst Point , hut the droutti In this
Immediate vicinity has not yet been broken.
Corn is suffering badly , especially on high
ground , While thin bulk of the crop Is as
yet all rIght It. cannot ho denied that tin.
lose mum comes speedIly time corn crop wIll
tie seriously damaged. harvest has fairly
commenced in Coming county. F'nriners report -
port both wheat and oats are well liendeil
and though no threshIng hiss yet been done
time prospects are ( lint tIme yIeld of both
cereals wIll be above time average.
I'IIIlIlM for ii f'tY Church.
hASTINGS , Nob. , July 2t.-Spcclai.-- ( '
Tile Baptist society of the city is doing
good work In thin way of soliciting funds for
the building of time proposed now Baptist
church , Although thin committee hiss not
been at work long it has already sticceeded
in raising subscriptions to the amount of
$10,000. Among many of the largest donors
were promimment ( armors who gave nh the
way ( rein $500 up. TIme work of soliciting
vII1 ho pushed ( roam this on until time re-
qumireui amount Is raised , when ( lie contracts
wIll ho let anti the building erected.
hlnrest NtrI ! .
OSMOND , Nd , . , July 21.-Special.-Ryo ( )
harvest Is over and tbrcshming has begun.
Thin yield so far as heard from is from 22 to
: io bushels per acre and tue quality Is pronounced -
nounced above the average by our elevator
men. '
TEICAMAII , Nob. , July 21.-Speciah.-- ( )
The crops in thus county are in fine condl.
tion. Corn Is needing rain but not suffering ,
wheat Is nearly all cut anti Is excellent.
yielding from 15 to 20 bushels per acre , oats
arc good and next week will see them nearly
all in shock.
% 'ork of 'l'liic'epu ,
JOHNSTOWN , Neb. , July 2i.-Spo- (
cinl-Last ) night nbout 11 o'clock
thmicves took a buggy from the
hrnrim of I ) . Fast , drew it by hand across
the railroad track to a stable occuhied by
thin team of Mr. Kilgoro anti taking liar-
floss hmanging there imut it on a team they
hind brought along and wIth the buggy do-
parted. The thmieves were heard at work
by the ( hol)0t agent but he had no suspicion
of a crime and Paid no attention to what
was going on. No chew.
Ffluu(1 Jend.
GRING , Neb. , July 21.-Speciai.-.Tacob ( )
13. harris , a well known and industrious
farmer of Ford precinct , was discovered lyIng -
Ing death upon time prairie not far from his
home this morning. Time Indications show
that he had been riding hiaril and his horse
ran into a hole , throwing him off and break-
log his neck. Harris was about 4i years old ,
a wIdower and heaves no relatives In this
county. I-fe was a cousin of Jesse harris efFort
Fort Collins , Cob.
Dumunge 1) ) ' Storm , , .
TABLE ROCK , Nob. , July 21-Speclal. ( )
-Reports of damage done by Tuesday's
storm are just coming in. North of this
city a heavy haIl storm prevailed , about
three miles wide , and crops were greatly
damaged. East of town the farm house of
Peter Gold was struck by lightning and a
child seriously stunned bY the sbocl. Thin
house was not set on fire , but the roof
was shattered and time cblmoeys demolished.
Seriousi' Hurt.
WEST POINT , Neb. , July 21.-Speclal.- ( )
A serious accident happened yesterday to
I'eter Koib , who was haulIng railroad ties
to the city. While descending a steep grade
the ties rolled off the fore part of the
wagon , pinuming Mr. KoIb to the wagon
tongue. The horses became frightened and
ran Into a barb wire fence , entangling the
unfortunate man in time wire and lacerating
his body very seriously.
A ttncbsul h , ' a 'thug ,
SCIIUYLER , Nob. , July 21.-Speclal ( Tele-
gramn.-Marshai ) McPherson bad an event-
( oh encounter last evening with an apparently -
ently all-around thug , who attacked him
savagely with a dIrk , striking at him viciously -
ciously oven after felled to cnrth by time
marshal's billy , One knife thrust passed
through the marshal's lint rim and struck
to thin bone in lila forehead and his clothes
were cut and torn.
hiauii ! hislietI.
hASTINGS , Nob. , July 21.-Special- ( )
George La Monte , whIle superintenuhing
some corn shelling on his farm yesterday ,
hmad his right hand badly mashed , He attempted -
tempted to fix something about the corn
sheller when it was in motion and his hand
got caugbt , It became necessary to amputate -
tate thin Index finger.
01.1 Sildit'rs' itt-union.
FAIRMONT , Nehi. , July 21.-Speclal.- ( )
The Womeim's Relief Corps and Grand Army
of t1ie Itcpubbic lucId their annual rounlon
yesterday. There were about seventy-five old
soldiers and their families present. Time day
vas spent in regular campfire chat. Dinner
was served by ( lie Women's Relief Corps.
Suimailny St'Iu.oi Asoeiutlou. ,
TEKAMAII , Nob. , July 21-Spcelal.-- ( )
Tim twenty-third annual convention of the
Burt County umnmiay School association was
hold in the First Ilaptlst church in thIs city
yesterday amid today. The convention was
largely nttcndcd and much interest was man-
Aifreui .1. Mun.onofMnrder M'stcry
Iutprlct' ANserN to Charge of
Jsusrnut'e FrgiuiIs ,
LONDON , July 21-Alfred J. Monson , of
Ardlamont , of murder mystery' notorid > ' ,
was committed for trial today , charged with
insurance frauds , Monson , who was arrested -
rested on July 1 , Is suIng his wife for
divorce , alleging the co.rcspondent as Cecil
hlanmbrougb , for whose murder Monson was
tried Ip 18P3 , time proceedings ending In a
verdict of 'not proven. "
Alfred .Tohui Monsoa was at one time a
favorite In London society. lie Is thu
grandson of lion , nuiul 11ev , Thomas Moim-
Eon , fifth son of the second Lord itlonsoll.
After being graduated at Oxford he lie.
comb a tutor to Cecil llamnbroumgh , a wealthy
young loan whose life was insured for $100-
000 in Mrs. Monson's favor , us security for
a debt due her husband , Monson and 11am-
brough lcmmsed a thooting box at Ardlamont
Scotland , and shortly after their arrival
In Arihlamnoat , iii August , 1893 , ihumbrouglu
went otit iii a boat with Monson and from
tome inexplicable cause ( ho boat sank , but
its occupants got sufoly ashore. Time next
morning Ilainbroughu went out rabbIt shoot'
log antI host his life by receiving a charge
of shot In his bead , Mouton wa arrestd ,
but thin trial , which hasted tez' d'ys , re-
suited In the Scotch verdict of "not proven. "
NotaIlo Gathering of Intlian Educators at
the Annual Instituto.
Intercstig i'eri'utis n ( the Mcctin nt
( , I . .rnbn Sun ngii-Mniie of hue
: t-sv nn.l 01.1 % 'orkcrs
. fur lime InshInpim , .
COLORADO SPRINGS , Juml3' 21.-At tIme
Nntional Institute of Teachers In time IndIan
schools in session hero there are a number
of iimteresting persons , antI tIme gatimeng is
altogether one of the most intet'esting ever
hmehtl by these teachers. There are nearly
00 persons in attendance. Among them
are a few Indians who lmnve taken imp the
work of educatIng and civilizing their own
One of these native teachers is Maud
Echo Hawk , a beautIful Pawnee girl who
displays gold filling In her teeth when she
smiles. l'icttmre a shimmi graceful figure attired -
tired In a dainty blue check gingham dress
trimmed wIth white lace , small feet shoil
In poltmted kid shoes tipped with patent
ht'atlmor ; an oval distinctively IndIan fnce ;
tinted coppery complexiomi : brownish black
eyes , that express a fathomless depth of ten-
derness. This Is Matmd Echo hawk , an up-
to-date Indian uimaiden who makes her own
clothes and knows how to concoct cream
tarts , iiiince pies and ever so many other
civilized things to ruIn time hlgestion of her
future hitisbanil.
She has such a sweet romantic name , suggestive -
gestive of caverns mind mountain crags
and cataracts , ( lint it scorns a shame to civ-
iIizo her , In her the umitamned 'blood of her
forefathers has mmot beeu entirely subdued
In spite of the civlhIzing proceSs' she has
been put through since time was taken away
from bier father's wigwam as a little girl
and placed In thin Carlisle Indian school.
Miss Echo hawk Is now 23 years old antI
she has hind many advantages , but shin says
that she sonmetimes hongs to go back to her
people. When asked If she would ever go
back to her nation and be married ; the tint
of brown cheeks deepened and sue smiled
bashfully. Time question confused her and
she said In liar quaintly accemmted English
that she mild imet know , but shin dropped her
eyes and a dreamy hook annie into them as
she played with a little ring on the third
finger of her heft hand ,
This young gIrl is the head seamstress
I i. , - , , 1. . .
. . . ' # . . . . , & t&j .fl ; . , , IL , tn CjU flLLLrLIL , L IU
hope Immdlaui school at Springfield , S. U.
After a course at Carlisle shin was transferred -
ferred to ( lie Lincohmm Institute at Phlladel-
jthia , where hme graduated. She has paid
a few brief visits to her father , who Is a
chilef among the Pawnees in Oklahoma. Her
pColIo treat her respectfully , but the women
turned imp theIr noses at liar broad sleeves
time last time she was there and she was
criticised a gooth deal because she could not
split rood , As a teacher she earns $35 a
month and boards lierschf ,
Sotime'eteriuii 'i'cnchueri.
Attending tIme institute are men and
s'omen whio have devoted the best years of
their lives to the work of teachIng time
yrmumngor generation of Indians to adapt
themselves to civilized conditions. They
have lived for years among these children
of thin forest tar away train their frIends ,
cut oft from the things which educated people -
plo enjoy ; they have seen the aborIginal
American in nil his moods antI under all
conditions , yet not one who was consulted
but declared ( bat the Indians are not only
capable of becoming thrifty , educated , tern-
lierute , worthy citizens of this enlightened
nation , but that a large majority of those
who have bad a fair opportunity have' be-
comb excellent citizens , These teachers also
declare timat time Indinims are increasing rap.
ldiy in numbers , which they mention as a
proof that the race Is hotter adapted to civilized -
ilized environment than to the precarious
hifo of nomads.
A. H. Viets , who has been superintendent
of the Cheyenne Indian school at IJarlIng-
ton , 0kb. , for eight years , says that the
Indians are rearing harger lamihies now
than they did twenty-five or fifty years ago
and that a much harger percentage of time
childreii hive to mnnturity.
"Give an educated IndIan half a chance , "
said Mr. Viots , "amid he will get along. I
have often made the proposition that it the
government will provide employment at
even $10 a month to all the graduates of
my school who am-c willing to return I will
guarantee that nearly all of them wiil stay
with me ,
"I have five places for mann at $10 a month
to work in the harvest field and there
were fifteen applications from yotjng men
who had left the school. "
"I think that may bo truthfully said of
all returned students , " remarked C , H ,
Asbury , superintendent. of time Yakima
agency , in the state of W'ashington , who
was a party to the discussion.
It was the opinion of nearly all the
teachers that Indian boys and girls have
about time same faults and time same virtues
that are common to all cimilthren ,
Speaking of time tendency of time young
people to contract civilized vices , J. M.
Commons , principal teacher of the l'uebio
and Apachmo school at Albuquerque , N. M. ,
said. in answer to a questIon that white
boys have none thin best of red boys when
it conies to using tobacco :
"Indian hey amid girls. too , for that
matter , " said Mr. Commnons "are taught
to smoke cigarettes before they ore woamied ,
I have often seen a toothier put a lighted
cigarette in time mouth of a little pappooso
which stmo i'as carrying on her back ,
"Vcll , yes-It seems to agree wIth the
children to smoke , but I don't know as I
would like to ho quoted on ( lint point , "
'h'euchi er Iroimi NcIrsiMkiu ,
Miss Ella Wortlon , who has been isolated
for twelve years at tIme Santee agency , In time
northern part of Nebraska is a brave ) 'ouing
womaii who loves to help the Inmhians. She
Is in charge of about thirty men amid boys.
liar youngest pupil Is seventeen years old
anti her oldest is imearly forty. 11cr depart.
mont Is a part of time Santee missionary
8chiool commducted under the auspIces of the
Aummericaim Missionary society of thin Congre-
gationni church ,
Miss \\'orden spends her clays all alone
with bier savage pupils , lint she has no more
fear of them thamm It they were hittle chill-
dren ,
'Thcy 'cry quickly discover whether you
love them , " said Mis W'ordcn , ' 'antI it you do
the ) ' will lie as sumbmnissivd' lambs , In my
experience of twelve years none of my pupils
ever offended mat' , These big fellows are
generous and chivalrous at heart.
' 1 believe that Iimdiaima are mom easily
managed than whites , " declared Miss \\'or-
den Judiciously. "Indian girls are sweet and
lovable amid they are quick to appreciate time
superior atlvaumtages of women iii civilisatloum ,
In our schools , of course , we ( each religion ,
anti I find ( lint may pupils make earnest
Christians. In fact time Indian is earnest in
whatevem' lie does , "
Miss Vm'ortien Is the institute instructor in
time departmncimt of domestic science and
nursing , Time classes are held at Montgomery
hall , one of the Colorado college buildings ,
! t'i Su.t'rl iii cisultili I.
Miss Eatrella hteOl , who was appoInted
heat month to succeed Ir , hlailnianmi as on-
tional superintendent , is vvll knos'n iii
Colorado , She was at one time state superintendent -
perintondent of hiubhic instruction in Wy.
Miss Reel Is a vomaiily politician. She
is handsome , jovial and large hearted , and
every cowboy in Wyoniing is her devoted
friend , The statement is made , and she has
not contradicted it , that every lone miner ,
sheep hruler and cow-puncher in her tnto
hiss one of Miss Reel's photographs.
Whoa she ran for the 0(11cc ( of state sum-
potintendent of schools , woman in tiolitics
cas a new and untried force , but her can-
dlulacy was not taken seriotishy. Shm truugimt
all time polIticIans a lesson in politics , it
lit satl ! that abe hail hir photograph taken
anti ordered hundreds of coplest
\Vith this supply she started on a tour
of ( lie state after the rural vote and she
got it ,
Miss Reel assumes a motherly air with
men which is captivating , beenuiso inca are
all chlhulren at heart. She can safely do so
for she Is a young and brilliant wohian , antI
somehow it is soothiiag to a man's vanity
to hear' her sa" : 'Ttit , tnt , my semi , "
\'ell , Miss htec'l is as full of zeal for the
Indian as anybody. She will put iii nine
months of the year making a tour of time
reservations of ( lila country.
Miss Reel talks with great rapidity , Sue
CX1)hained alt about the institute anti time
courses of study , in about ten minutes , and
themi had time to answer a few qtmestions
on thin side , Somebody aske.l her wiiy the
huiulians nro taught to draw , what they
draw and whut use it is to them.
"Just ask I'rot. Simons , " she said. "I
have imported Prof. Slrnons at great cx-
penso to tell what he knows about drawing ,
and we want to make use of hIm , "
SOVHiL EmG'M : cit' Si 1.'Lht I'AItT't' .
( ) rgcmnisn.h ii , , ii Secret Stieiet' svithi
Ii enilqniurters In .trknnsns.
IJtJTTIh , Mont , , Jtmhy 21.-Special.-Thn ( )
great now silver orgammlzation , the Nationni
Order of Mohmawks , Irornises to accomplish
touch for time cause , J. R. Sovereign , ex
grand master workmnn of the Knights of
Labor and grand chief of the order , who
arrived in Butte last night , said so and he
ought to know , for he has been connected
with national organizations for a good many
years. Time objects of time Meimawkut nrc the
tree coinage of silver and oilier reforms.
Its jirincipbos are public property , but there
are beuievoicut fcattmreiu which are semisecret -
secret , Mr. Sovereign told a reporter what
the imew society expects to tb , 'The Mci-
hawks , " lie said , "was originally organized
in Arkansas in 1888 , but did not heroine a
national society until about seven mouths
ago. A convention was held in Chicago
week before last and there were delegates
present who reprcsentel 23,000 members. In
Buffalo , N. Y. , there are 5,200 members and
gold men are strong in that city. At time
primaries there on June 2 ( lie association
was strong onoujh to anon' tinder every gold
maim on thin ticket.Vo did the same thing
at hlanover , N. Y , We baven't lost a p0-
hitical fIght yet. We have time most perfect
organization. I think : in this oountpv. "
Mr. So'creigmi smiled and continued :
"No , we will not organize hero. We are
doWmg our work in the doubtful states and
yell are all silver macn. We do not afilhiimte
with any political party , but we are friendly
to timoe who favor silver and we are op.
posed to entangling alliances. "
Mr. Sovereign was asked If lila society
proposed to nominate men for othice.
'Oh , no , " lie answered , "we do not , but
it is always easy to have silver men to
vote for when there nrc any Moimawks
about. Time present war might hurt silver
slightly for a time , but eastern men I have
spoken with said it would not amount to
anytiiing. The order Is endorBed by such
lrominent silver men as Jones , Towno ,
Stewart , Iluther , Taller , Iiartman , Norton ,
Pettigrew and the great silver advocate.
Bryan. Ve are organized in groups of six
and each member of a group is supposed
to Cover a certain terrItory , so that we
know just what is being donC , ha a very
short time we will ba thoroughly organized
in all the strongholds of the gold inca and
in 1900 we will be heard of. "
I'eculiu rity of I'opnllst Election
itctlcuh , . in South Inkon ,
hUTtON , S. D. , July 21.-Special.-Less ( )
than 400 votes were polled at the demo-
populist primaries In this , Beadle , county.
In one or two precincts there were more
ballots In the boxes than the nell books
called for , but the ballots were counted jtmst
the same. The following ticket was aocnt-
nated : Senator , henry C. Ilinclcley ; repre.
sentatives , Charhs Miner and Benjamin F.
Tents ; sheriff , Don G. Medbery ; register of
deeds , John Hishen ; treasurer , Charles Kimball -
ball ; auditor , W. B. Cass ; state attorney ,
II. S. Mouser ; superintendent of schools ,
L. E. Robinson ; clerk of courts , James T.
Ohiwine ; judge of probate , Robert Campbell ;
coroner , A. F. Kenyon ; justices , Burton Culver -
ver , W. E. Lumaford , Thomas Torrohl and
H. A. VanDahsern ; contabhes , Otto flyers ,
S. 13. Coomer , P. McMiIlen , James Caldwell
and A. ii. Prose.
1tuinui TIiItit' in Mouutuina ,
HELENA , Mont. , July 21.-Special-fle. ( )
ports from different parts of Montana would
indicate that the Russian thistle , in spite of
time work that has been clone in the past
looking to its eradication , is more In cvi.
dence this year than ever before in the his.
tory of time state. It is said that this year
it bat appeared in localities In which it
has not. boon known before , Up at Chinook
not only' is the weed pretty well distributed
in the country in the vicinity , but the
streets of time town are alive with it. Up in
the Flatiiead time pest has ( alien up moro
hand than ever before , and whim It is pro-
lithe along the line of tIme railroad , it is
nevertheless more abundant a considerable
distance from the raliropti right of way. In
eastern Montana the same is true , and also
in the southern part of the gtuto. In this
county ranchmen report the thistle more
abundant than over before , and it would
seem that while the season had been good
for grass and money crops of all kinds , it
had also been a good one cot weeds and the
thistle especially.
Imiercase in S'ool i'roiluetion ,
ChAMBERLAIN , . U. , July 21.-Spo- (
cial.-The ) Increase In the wool production
of South Dakota over last year is estimated
at fully 25 per cent , That this estimate
is baseuluipon substantial grounds is shown
by tIme receipts at one station on the Milwaukee -
waukee railroad , Last year the amount of
wdol marketed was about 75,000 pounds ,
while fully 100,000 pounds have been mar-
kotetl at tbe same place thus far this year ,
The increase was particularly great in the
region between here and the Black lulls.
AriIOiiIL Ilci't 4nggur ,
PhOENIX , Am'iz. , July 21-Speciai- ( )
Articles of IncorporatIon of the Advanced
fleet Sugar Construction company of
Syracuse , N , Y. , were flied today with the
territorial secretary ; capital stock , $50,000 , .
000 , Incorporators : Edward Kanaly ,
George Farrell , Joseph Delbacb , Genevicvo
Kanaly ,
Hizmls fur a County Scull ,
ChAMBERLAIN , S. D. , July 21-Spe.
cial-Resiulents ) of the town of flonestech ,
Gregory county , have just made application
in the United States lmuad tThoe here to
secure as i towasite the forty acres oCcui-
pied by the inhahmitants , Fairfax , the only
other Gregory county town , made a town-
site entry a week or ten days ago. The
two tocns ate rivals for ( lie county seat
when flregory county is organized next
month. The latter town has haul a news-
Ilahier for mnaimy years , while a liaper has
just commenced nublicatiomi at time former
place ,
hheuiiy ( 'utti. ' Sum ,
ChEYENNE , Jumly 22.-Speelnl (
Tehegrani.-Onn ) of the largest cattle sales
mantle this season was consummated here today -
day , time \Varren Live Stock comimpany selling -
ing thirotmgh D. W. ( liii 2,500 bend of cattle
to I. N. hitmnmphrey of Rapid City , S. U. , for
tmpwards of $90,000 , Part of the cattle will
b marketed and hiatt shipped to the outIm
Dakota ranges ,
: ui i5N.uirl Cuiigressintiiul ( 'niiemil in , , ,
ST. JOSEPh ! , Mo. , July 2i-Specinh.- ( )
The reptilihican executive committee of the
Third rongressiommal district hums ulccltleul to
hold time next convention at Bxcelsior
SprIngs , August 2.
Knnus ? 'e s Notes ,
The Twentieth Kansas 1)03's now at Camp
Merritt hnri not forgetter , the hionme follcr.
Time Wehis-l'argo express is auithorit for
the statement that they have sent liommi
over $8,000.
Ono Per rent of time negroes who itavi
eiiiliutetl In lCaiisaa cami miot rend or trite.
This is considered a pretty gooti showIng.
Tim Perry County Pair mussorintiomi will
give a prize to time 'omnaim who tibmmiits the
neatest nIr of lmatciicil trousers to thm cx-
hiibution , Time trousers wihi lie exhibited In
the fancy work departuient.
There are 9311 prisoners In thin Kansas
penitentIary. Eight of these are huithinne ,
seven of whom are males muimd one a squimuw.
It is known ( lint the Ellornulo boys vhio
went to war have scmmt $ Th0 to their mothers -
ers since pay ( hays have been limit on thin
progranm ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Shows thint lIme' SInti' hins ( Ii'veii Its
Full ( , ( , * of
WASHINGTON , July 21-Swciah ( ; Tele-
gram-'rhe ) Associated Press p.urumgrmuplt
relative to the progress of recruiting under
time second call for troops published
thirotmghout time coumutry on Wednesday or-
roneotmahy places Nebraska among the states
delinquent in meeting time call of the hires-
blent. Congressman Stark , who Is the toil.
itary representative of Governor llolcomb ,
writes a long letter to tim Wasiiiuigton
Post today defending Nebraska against
these misleading reports. Stark simows thoU
under thin first call Nebraska furnished
2,411 men and tmmmder ( ho second call 1,448.
The state has also recruited tim First amid
Second regiments to the maximum of 1,36
loon , which necessitateul an addition of 551
mcii , niitl who have gone to join these two
regimneuits. The Third regiment bias been
mumstercd in with a total of I,2C mcmi , together -
gether with Captain Culver and troop "IC"
of ( ho Third U. S. cavalry , making a grand
total of .1,016 men , or an excess of 157 instead -
stead of it delinquency. Stark makes a
flattering referemmce to thin \Vynuorc battery
and the work done to get this company
accepted in addition to those sent to the
front and says that on the first call for
troops of time First amid Secommul Nebraska
were mobilized at Lincoln inside
of twenty-tour hours. Company if
of Cbadran having to travel by
rail 458 miles. Stark also prints the telegram -
gram from Adjutant Barry bearing out the
statement that Nebraska is among the
states whIch have met all the demands for
soldiers and Is ready to do morn.
The commission of Captain William B.
Cowin , son of General J. C. Cowimm , as cap-
tab of comunissary and subsistence , was
made omit and forwarded to the youmig man
today. General Cowln is highly elated over
tl , ( _ . appointment of his son. but hopes to got
him assigned ta the staff of Brigadier Can-
oral Colby , now at Ohickamauga.
Thiumks WntNofl'AMiIO4tOfl IN fl Mistake
BERLIN , July 21.The Krcumz-Zeitung
( conservative ) , says : The authorities at
Washington are overrating their strength.
It would be a profound political mistake to
send Commodore Wntson to the Spanish
coast. Even an occupation of the Canaries
might lead to regrettable canmplloatlons , all
this being much more volcanic territory than
the Philippines.
Showers uncI Thunder Storms for
Iowa ; Fair ; Southerly Winds for
ebrnlcn unit Kuunnn.
W'ASHINGTON , July 21-Forecast for
Friday ;
For Nebraska , South Dakota and Kansas
-Fair , except showers iii eastern portions ;
southerly winds.
For Missouri-Fair , except showers in
eastern portion ; warmer ; southerly winds.
For Iowa-Showers and thunder storms ;
warrner light southerly winds ,
For Wyoming-Fair weather ; light northerly -
erly winds.
Looni Reeciril.
OMAHA , .luily 21-Oninlmrm record or tern-
perature anti rainfall compared with the
corresponding day of time last three years :
ISIS. 1697. 1196. 1S95.
Maximum temperature . . 85 89 90 81
Minimum temperature , , 63 CI 71 Oi
Average temperature . , . . 74 7U WI
RaInfall . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . ' . ' . ' (10 ( .00 .00 .20
Record of temperature anti PreciPitation
at Omaha for this day and sluice Macelm 1 ,
ThIS :
Normal for tIme tIny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
DtlciemucY for tIme day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I
I Accumulated excess since Mnm'cli 1 , . . . . . 159
S Normal rainfall for ( lie ' . . . . . . . . . tacit
Deficiency for the day . . . , , . , , . , , , . . . , 14 Inch
'I'otnl rainfall since March . . . . . . , , inc'hmes
Deficiency since March . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch
Doilciencs' for cor , Perioti , 1891. . 5.88 inches
Excess for cor. period , 1890 , . , , . . , . , 04 inch
hteporlM from Statinmis at i p. nm ,
Bevcnty-llfth MeridIan time ,
' .3 ,
crTuj ' 1
' , & 'h
. _
: ' :
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Omaha , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 85
Nortim Platte. partly clammily. . . . . . . SG
Salt Lake , clear , . , . . , , . . , , , . , , , , , ts .00
Cheyenne. clear , , , . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . it4 86 .15) )
Rapid City , partly cloudy . . . . . . 02 9t .00
huron , cloUtl' , . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . , , , , ( iU 81 ! .21
Chlcugo , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cli 701 .00
'lhliston , partly cloudy . . . . . . . . . . 7h SG .00
St. i.oumls , partly cloudy . . . . , , . . , 82 S'i ' .00
St. Paul , cieumdy , , . , , . . . . . . , . , . , , . 80 52 .00
Davenport , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7b b .11' ' )
helena , iarth ehoumuly , . , . , . . , , , . 78 78 .00
Kansas City , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 2 .4(1 (
Ilnyre , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 74j 76 ,00
Hismurek , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i IU 12j .00
Gaiveston , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I 86 ti8 .00
'F indicates triieo of preciptntion. (
14 , A. Vi'ELSII , Local Forecast Official ,
- . - _ - ) Face to Face.
w- . ;
xJ .s 1earn about Pearline that way , H
. you like , Any woman who Ihas
been using Pearline in the right
way vi11 tell you the truth about
\ 'it jtlst as strongly as we could , If
Pearline has made the washing easy
and economical for her , why not for you ? is your case so
different from that of the millions ofwomen that are being
helped by Pearline ? Isn't " washing without rubbing"
worth looking into ?
AroYoiiOveiivoikodTiiiot1Dpressod ; , ?
MAIIIAtU 1E---Th Fanious ToDic for llodv ad 8rio1
Ills I % ' ( 'tI'i(4t , time Stiltan
'I1I. '
- ,
. t4.
\'ll1llZ hi.h.4Cl , Comistamitlnolile ,
Swormi ( 'neimm3' of thin many iroprlctnry
niediclmit's vhmlchm Imuuve of late yt'nrs invndetl
( lie world , anti whose only object , is gain
for thin prolirictors , I immnke atm excehItloIm
Iii favor at one preparation as mimeritorious
as ml hmi ltii , tt.t'-i t'urhmmimg m.m , iii gcott. I
rote , ' to Viii Mni'inimi , which , nvhmg to ito
vahuiabhc fortifyiuig qualities , lius : commfei'u'tt
heiiciit tiIIi 'cmuk aiid stiiTcrimmq hiumunnLt' .
I therefore add my approval auth hiraise to I
this highly incritorlouma PrcParfltioii.
i'hysieinmi.lii-'hicu ' titi tiuit u' i ' .y.
Paris-41 flottlevnrml I hiiussmnammmm ; London-S
Overworked Mcii
Delicate Women
. ,
- Sickly Cliildicti ,
Dispels WI3AINESS front
whatever causes.
MariammiVlno gives power t tl ? brain ,
stremirtii anti elasticity to lIme muscles antI
richmne.s to time blood. It. Is a Promoter Ui
jOOti lic'nhtli amid longevity , It Is at'stipreine -
iy grout tonic , which immis recciveul time en.
dorreiuicuits of more ( hiatt 8,000 Anmerlcnn
'Fo those 'lio will kintli ) ' write to MARl-
ANi & CO. , C2'cst 15th Street , New \'ork
City , us ill tie sent , free , beak ctimmtniiiing
hiortraits with oimdorsementn of Emperors ,
linhir3its , l'rinces , Cardimials. Arcimlilshmoinu
antI outer iimterestiimg matter.
3 Mortimcr St. , Mummtreul-28-0 : Hospinl ( it.
'tt'v.P ) '
? $ S
1308 Faruaiii St. , Oiiialia , Neb.
' % Vt. : refer to thuc Best Bunks , Business 1"lcmm amid l'utcm'clinnts In thim city
Remnenuber the woimiherfuilly ucccsftil siueC1ithIt5 antI treatniont or ( hits institute corn-
lime thmi' tvo giemutest fztu tors of time iiiiit uig nrt kno'n to thit iime0ical iiuOtesSIOit-
ELF.C'l'RlOITY and MFDl'hNl' . It Is tim 0 imurgest. mmiomtt tlmorotmghly anti comnpletiY
etiimiiiped Institute , both ebectrieuilly amid mnedicnlh3' , over established lit ( Ito \Vcst
for tIme treittmnelit itoti absoltito cure ot a il imorvouq , e hurotmie amid hmri'ato diseases of
MEN afldVOMFN. . honorable awl fair dealing accorded tt , all.
/'c / ,
( - -
' / /
I , , ' :
I _
'A ' ' /-k
' -A
, \Zio
. V V : . .
' '
' "S. . . . - . , ' / '
. : r' . 0
Thin great electrical anti medical specialists of this institute are fai the best , most
successful rmuth s'ic'ntllimy tIme world hits ever kimown , all of whom are graduates
of time best medical colleges in thin world , inch hitiving butt bug anti sue-
cesstuii iiractlce iii hiis upecialty , end are achieving results iii curing thin sick
amid suffering iiy their coimiliiueci , 1lectroM.'dteuh iit'atmneumt. whlt'ii would be in.
possible it ) obtain by either eleetrlcai or rncdical treatnuent : tlone. The State Electro.
Medical Institute l'c ( lie ONl.Y i'LACN here you Cafl obtain time boitetits of this
successful treatuneumt tinuier tIme unnt uIihiflli awl bunted ehmoclaJistli. IiI ASSUIthID
that if any iiou\'er lilt earth can dire you these loetors can. By : neiimvt of their cant-
btnc'd , 'bectro.rndi"ol trnntnmemmt tlm'y hmava nfcted complete anti permrumient cures
after nIh others ImnO failed. Same doctors ff11 becauca of treating the wroumg disease ;
t others front not knowIng thu right treatment.
A perfc'ct ( 'lire gtmarnnte'ti iii mull rnses tieei'3)tcul. Our sjiecitit comtdneh ELEC-
1)14E-AOED AND OLD MFIN Lost Mnnhmootl , TIme uwiii effects of indiscretlons In
youth , itelf.itlltitiofl ) or excesses iii after lift' , and time nri'nctit of neglected or Improper-
I ) ' treated cases , prouiumciimg lack of vitality , SRXUAL WEAINRIIB , untiuvehopeti or
shrunken organs , ham in hotek , loins or kidneys , chest itatnut , nervousness , sleepless.
weaknt'ss of hotly uuimul brutin , .hIzzines , railing rn.niory , lock of energy and
I cnfldence , uhespantlency , cvii foinbodings , timidity antI other distrolmllng itypiptomns ,
I unfitting one for business , study , pleastiro anti en.lo'ment of life , Such cases , if
nt'glented. almost iuI'mi'H lead to premature decay , Insanity uuul death.
lutehy cured by this treatment n tter all other means have frmtbecl.
Time combined Ilectro.2h'dk'al Ticatment tlmo State Riectro-Morical Institute is
especIally effective iii time cure of miii feunale c iflflhmifltmu , ( allimig or ( hisphuucement of the
womb , inhlrumnmmitton or umhc'ermLtiom , , bboutin ; g , liem.itlutclmeuu , Sitimul weakness , whites ,
bruekumChme , hot ilmushiomu , imervotmiummess , boss o appetite muimd general weakness , dis.
chin rges , 1mb tutl 0 or it ltd K iti tiny t roubl us.
OPHN-Daiiy , front S a. in. to S p. m. Huntlnys-u to I p. m ,
, \VItITE if you niiimot call , a bc'ttcr rmtrc'.hhi . ) ' descritdiig ) 'or Mytnhitomnmu and tvn will
itt'iiti yl ) ii I n 1)1mm ) I ii emmvc'b tit's nu r sri en title mu ntl hmoriiu t oiihm on o f yn ii r case ( roe
of charge. Our vaimdt'riih system of hum ft treutiument uuitihltts uum to successfully
trent by mactins of com'rrwpcmndtImce , tlmnseii'iflg Lit. it thlstanco aimd Wa bavO. in years
51051 cureh ( ntmmny thouszutmds in this way.
State Electro-Medical Institute ,
JmoH : itltNAul s'r , , OMAhA , NHII.
. .
OA BL1Ofl.
by uur deli ur'Ltnient o ( rmmmti.i , Ca'iile ' cured by Tarklb
for I 50. Sigii 1.occj , Pay l.OPh' . , J"rv E'epttani $ y tlIi 0,1 , . , ccvii' 041. .
orllialiitroul , . . Curd suprfsc. m. iIiu . - ,
FLi I Ireitrncnu gu.i-tn
. , .rweru. Ws .n&k. our ' ,50 , np'tIc ' lit teciuQ.Cui ; SIngieliozestOQ.
n.i can rei7sa KCttlfltc wiI. 'IV' Luu
It riu gil.rsnteI with Luli cure. Hig 14AI'O } PHAUMAOY ,
RGX.iCsObV t.iL ) lAlw' , ' I'IAIIIACY. , lIt ) , ansi Varn.rniMAilAr.m
_ _
- - - - - - - -
Laks Michigan ard iske 'umperiorlranspotstion Co.
Tug CAT LAfI flOUlk ,
Oicn 'tbe ltvw h'lrth 5trsnihIp hj.IIou ,
I3ehIInse From Ohiosgo
For iaci.o i.Imnc * . ttrut ( , , ( niland.ltuaaloTor.
Onto eto 115. 9 u i'i'itu Ii .i1b.t.4 1' ' Si ,
1or ( ' ( tnIevnlz hiarber } ' .to.lter. 'tc.m
TUOLSA iiThur.
Dui'fito.iSe4,9 I 5aCopk. ltoughitou , Ahlaail ,
5' IIuitrated 'wuitipt. matleit ( ' * 0 05 , qrImeation.
artici AND uts. H $ $ AD It. WAILI lCHiCADQ.
uY TaEUiiE' '
. - '