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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1898)
. ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . . - - . . - - - - - T- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - V'r - - - . - - - - . V- , I . . ' - I. * 'rii OE1A ] ? .IITDAY , uriY. : .2 , . iSO8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - ' - ; , . . 13ee Jul 22 S. I Don't Skip This . . The irices are cvn smaller than the type. : . ' Underwear0 ; , Ladies' light' ) . 't' weight cotton ' I' iLc ; ribbed vests , high neck0 long sleeves , knee ii iengtli pants 3ikit/ / match ' LatUCH ? extra 'arge ' R1ze $ erey rlbhe veta , low neck and s1eveIcs0 white ' tlflI ecru0 The each. MiaeR' ribbed summer vcstn , low neck short 1eeve8 , shaped at waist , white cml ecru , 1tc each , Handkerchiefs Almost ijo such ' thing as getting .eiiougli.of them for the mop. times ol : TIiSSE F'ort WOMFN- I'uro linen , iilain hcmtitehed , soft bicachcl 1Oc 16c , 20c and 2ic each. TIIF1 FOI MF- ' 't l'iire linen , full large Bite , plain hem- titchied , soft bleached , 1&c , iSo or 3 I for SOc , 25c cml 35c each. ' % Vhltc Pique Skirts Some new white 1hklue : ikirts came in yesterday. -so we are prepared to supply your ' wants , for theao desirable goods on 0 Saturday-price 2.25 each. A 3A1tCIN- Wo have a few very , pretty ty1es in Wash Stilts , which will be sold for the price of the skirt alone , 'rho I SIzes are mosthy 2r0 bust-the price for ' the stilts will be 3.50 each-which is ' just half the regular price. , ' IJNDEItSKIRTS- ' \\-o have only tim , choice th1ngs1i ict.l ticoats-exelusive styles-neW ' patterns - terns In nearsilic at 1.75 each. 0 , Summer Comforters Light t , weight silkol Inc covered. Filled with pure white cotton at $1.25 , $1.36 , $1.50 , $1.75 each. Chdee , choth-coverel-at $1.00 each. Crlbb slze-50c each. MuIIns , 4-4 bleached muslin. Always a needed article In a household and we' wilh quote prices of standard brands only-ut hc , Ge. 6 ½ e. 7c , 7',4c , ' , S Dc. lOc and 12lc per yard. 4-4 unbleachicd Muslin at 5c , Ge , 7c and 7c per yard. 4-4 uialf bleach Muslin at 6',4c and 7c per yard. Children's Siinbonnets In white The , - . Pp not forgot thet we are selling our children's sun'bonncts at 1&c each , In white only-small sizes. torsets W. B. Sumhner corset Made of a strong imported netting- ' extra long waist-corded bust-two side steels-perfect fitting model- ' regular price $1.00. Reduced to &Oc each , Dainty Cottons Fine organdies Our lOc quality noW 12Ac ! per yard. English flatiste-our 2e quality now 12'4c per yard. 45 inch hlben colored corded J3atiste- our 25c quality now 1c per yard. lOc L.awn , Oc per yard iSa , ISe , 12 ½ c and lOc ditnities and lawn at 7c yard , Li _ : hosiery Ladies' black cotton hose with ( f 'J fancy striped tops & . ; : stitch 25c Ladles tan cotton hose with double toe , sole and heel In the new shades , lSc , 3 pair SOc. Children's black cotton flue ribbed hose seamless , in odd sizes , only bc pair , Notions It vil1 pay you to visit our notion de. Iartmeh1t. ' ' Some satisfying little prices are hint- 0(1 of : The "Beauty" Pin for shirt. waists , takes the place of buttons' and te- sides being easier to manipulate , Is far more attracttve-30 each , t for 25o. Dressing combs at from Sc to SOc each. Ladies' watch guards at lOc , lOc and 25c each. Dress shiehds at lOc , 15c , 20c and 25c. Men's Furnishings Fine. derby i'ibbed shirts and clrawer. Flesh colored-SOC each. ' Full finished baibriggan shirts and drawers , fancy striped-SOc each. ' Fancy stripes half bose-25c , 35c and 50c a pair. Fast black and fast colored tan half hose-Sc a pair. . THONPSOW BELDEN&iCo. : - - - - - - - - - - meantime , Rear Admiral Dewey will born- bard the fortifications of Manila by the end of this week , provided the troops are ready to take possession immediately. ' The First regiment is already in time field ' at Paranaque , two inilea from Manila. The ' Spaniards are pp rtt ! tobav&been buoyed up by the hope tlma.the CadIz fleet due here on [ ho 16th bul the news : of the ( of qe5yera's squadron , ' brought ycQrt , by ' cruiser 1hLj'eaa tlim'lo surrender. Nautwa , ! & . . , ' This in thodcond expedition , which sailed ' from San Francisco on Juno 15,4nnd of which time First Nebraska rcgim ht formed ' a part. ' The fleet of tranports nmmbered four. thu hCnator , Colon , China and Zelandin. The N braska'rCginmCnt part on the ' Zelandia and tti remainder on the Senator. : ' .1.&I1ets : OitIi of"Ofilci' . LONDON , July 22.-The Thong Kong correspondent - respondent of the Daily Mail says : General . Aguinaldo's cabinet took the oath of othlee at l3acoor on Sunday , In the presence of ' 6.000 natives. A flrowork display followed. Agulimaldo Is restless under American restraint - straint and wants to capture Manila , United ' States Consul \Vllliams , who Is at Cavito , has written to United States Consul Wild- man hero strongly urging him to corno to Cavito and reason with General Aguinaldo. ' with whom ho has great influence. Mr. . Wildman startmm at the end of next week. The Manila correspondent of the Daily Mall , tinder date of July 15 , commenting on th'b "slato of anarchy among the rebels , " says : . "Each local chief desires to .becotno the supreme ruler of his island , It Is lttIfUl to think that a nation like the Spanish has been beaten by such miserable specimens of humanity. American inactivity i telling on the natives in the rebel Cistricts. I'oou Is plentiful , but there Is no mbney to purchase - chase it and no way to distribute It. " Malcetip of Mitlillil lxmcdULoii. WASHINGTON , July 21.-A statement prepared at time War department gives the organizati9ns of troops forming the second expedition to the Philippines which Admiral Dewey reports an having arrived at Manila as follows : Commander Gcncrpl F , V. ' Greene , Tdnthm PennsylvanIa , First Colorado , First Nehraakn , four companies of time Eight- ceuth and eight rnpantea of the Twenty- third United States infantry. Total number of men , 3,586 , The expedition sailed from San Frailcisco June 10 , flIci on the to flanhln. ' WAShINGTON , July 2L-Ltcutetmant La- zohlo of. the Eighteenth infantry , who is ro. vortod to have died on the way to Manila , rommnaiided Cmpany 13 of that regiment. lIe graduated from the military academy in - 1uno , 1892. haying been appointed from Maryland. lie was a son of Colonel Luzeilo , ; The Omaha Daily Bee , * EXPOSITION I "illi' PHOTO6RAVUII [ * COUONU. I . . l'lmis coupon and 'tO Cents viiI ; ubttiiu tIirem pIiotogrLL' of tile Expotioii , : B' % MMJ. , 2 1TItA. . . . . j ; . . , , . - * I. ' t 0 The Omaha B Map of Cuba Coupofl ; Prescnt this Coupon with lOc for 1 A Map' or Cuba. A Map otthe West Indies , ' 0 And a Map of the World , 4 By Mail 1& ccnt. J \ ' \ _ _ _ _ - - retired , now hiving at Chester , Pa. , and wheat at one time was In charge of the war rec- erOs office in Washington and also superb- tendont ofVest Point academy. SPANISH OFFICERS PLEASED Cers'erti niii Ills. Cornpftulons I'rnlae time 'Vrcnt ment 'rimey have . . ' jtpe1ved , WASuINGTO , July 21-After Admiral Cervora muul the crows of his ruined Spanish ships arrived in this country Emibo I. Castihbo , president of the Spanish Benevolent - lent society of this city , obtained from President McKinley permission to pay a visit to the prisoners. Mr. Castihlo was born In Spain , but has been a citizen of' the United States since 1896. lIe line just. re- turncd after a day's visit at Annapolis. lie received courteous treatment from Admiral McNair , and had conversations with Admiral - miral Cervera and his officers. After ex- phaining to a reporter that the purpose of his visit was to offer such aid as the Spanish - ish officers might need , Mr. Castihlo said : "Admiral Cervora and his omcers expressed - , pressed great gratitude for the generous treatment of the American government. Nothing that could add to their physical comfort has been omitted. " Mr. Castilbo said that the view that the Spanish ficot. was outclassed prevailed among Cervera's officers , while the ships lay in Santiago buy. "There 'was always a shortage - age of coal , ? Mr. Castilio _ said. "They could not injure the American fleet , because they caine out of Santiago harbor in single tile. Each ship was pounded as It. caine out , " Mr. Castilbo said the Spanish government had sent a draft for $50,000 for the expenses of the amen In this country , and that the money is now avalianie. "Admiral Cervera's figures show' that twenty of hits otficera wore lost. lie has learned that one who was reported as miss- ir.g haB turned up at Santiago. " "have Admiral Cerrora and his officers formed any plans for the future ? " "Plansi" said Mr , Castillo , with a laugh. "They are prisoners. " i'osT.t14 $ EbtVICF TO S.tNTIAGO. Order IaUe(1 Which 'tiiibc to All 'Verrldury occupied , WAStIINGTON , July 21.-The president today issued the following general order opening postal communication between the United States anti Santiago district sad other districts that may be taken hereafter : In view of the occupation of Santiago tie Cuba by the forces of the United States , It is ordered that postal communication between - tween the United States and that port , which has hen suspended since the opening - ing of hostilities with Spain , iminy be ro- umumnd subject to such military reguiatiQna as may be 1eenmed necessary. As other nor. tiomis of the enemy's territory comime into the possession of the land anti naval forces of thu United States , postal coninmunicatlon may be opened under the seams conditions , The domestic hmostal service within time territory thus occupied may he continued on time same prtnciIos as already indicated for time continuance of the local municipal and judicial administration , and it may be extended - tended as this local requirememmts many ue- tify under the supervision of the iimtiitary conmmnammder , Time roventles derived from such service are to be applied to the expeimses of con- ductiumg it and United States ImostOge stanmps are therefore to be used , Time postmnaatcr general is charged with the execution of this order in co-operation with the nmIlitary commander. to whom the secretary of war .i1l issue the necessary directions. \Vht.LIAM M'ICINLEY , Washington , July 21 , 3808. Orders tim Watch 'travelers , ( Copyright , 1S9S , by Press i'umbiishing Co. ) LONDON , July 21.-New ( York World Ca- blegemun-Special Telegram.-The ) Chron- ide's Madrid dispatch says that amongst the new instructions of 'time clvii governor' are , orders for the police to watch English and Ynultee , travebera. ' Bet 1cm take aflir dinner ; proYnt disixeas , aid dlgea- tics , euro Constipation. ruriy regatable. do nut gripe or cause p&ia Sld by alt drggIits. 23 CeV.tI l'rsa.d Cull b C. I , Uood 4 Un. , Lowell , tiass. PRESIDENT GETS IIPAT1ENT onda a Very Tart Oraor to Admiral Sanpson to flurry Up. Is UNABLE TO UNDERSTAND TIlE DELAY 1niprntive1 ? eceisnr' that avnl Force aflil ; eumerhi Miles Shonhut bleach Porte Itlen Ahenti of General Wiisom. WAShINGTON , July 21.-President Mc- Kinky is thmoroughiy aroused over the delay which hiss occurred in the startingof General Miles and the cxpcdiioim tinder his command fdr Po'rto Rico. 'For sevorai days General Miles and his troops have been aboard their transports at rlaya dci Este nwaltiimg the naval convoy which is to be furnished by Admiral Sampson. Time troops have been sweltering In the crowded ships under the broiling heat. of a tropical sun , while ( Ion- cml Miles baa been chafing under what ho belteves to him inexcusable delay , aud is born- harding the War department with uhlspatclmes urging in tile strongest terms that time navy ho hurried In its preparations for the ox- peditiomi. Instructions of the most 3tositive nature have been cabled to Admiral Sampson to supply the necesary convoys for General Miles' transports , but notwithmstnndltmg these instructions Admiral Saippson has itroceetloti with his preparations for time expeditiomm with a deliberation that s exasperating to officials heres The president , who lisa beau giving the Porte Rican expedition his personal litton- tiomi , finally became deeply concerned lest the hart of the Porto Itican expedition that has already saiied from this country should arrive at time Point of rendezvous ' iii' advance - vance of General Miles and the navy. It is feared that It General \Vilson's command , which sailed yesterday from Charleston , should arrive iii advance of General Miles and time naval convoys serious danger utah possibly disaster might result , as General Wilson's ships are absolutely without pro- tection. . 'rho distance from Charleston to I'orto Rico Is over 1,300 miles , while from Viaya tin Bate to l'orto Rico Is about 700 miles. The comparative distammces which General Wilson and .General Miles have to travel to reach the p'oint of rendoavous.nre rendered tue more mmearty equal , however , by reason of the fact that the former has more than a full day's start. Or.Ier Ailnult or No DeIn. Fully appreciating thoao facts and reahla- ing time neceasity for prompt action iii get- thug General Miles and his Cuban expedition started , President McKinley this moniug Is- suet ? personal orders. through time secretary or time navy , to Admiral Sanmpsomm thmt lie should proceed immedIately to Pot 1c4 wbthm Generni Miles. The president's or er3 are susceptible of no misconstruction. They are Imperative to a degree seldom employed except in cases of extreme emergency. They are of the umnrt that will brook no delay in their execution. Admiral Sampson must start at Once or the president himself will know the reason why. c , , Isiek of 1'mvnl Asslstzimie , ' . The Navy department toiiieimt made 'nub- ' lie the following statement : ' Admiral Sampson telegraphs this afternoon - noon to the secretary of the mmavy that there has been no delay In furnishing ample convoy to General Miles. A day or two ago the Cincinnati and New Oricans wore both placed at his dispoeal. The Columbia and Yale , carrying troops , are both powerfully - fully armed , says the admiral's telegram , and this Is an ample convoy for his cx. petition. and to aftectt his landing. Time Annapolis , Wasp anti Leyden had been or- derci 5rpm Nipe. time Gloucester a1sp added and tbo.thgeo monitors ordered from Tampa. Undir th s circumstances there certaiaiy has been no lack of naval assistance. If General Miles preferred to wait the delay was lmis own , However , in further 'answer ' 'to ' his request , thie'Massachusett''aiiiY'Df'xi'e were also adde1 tis morning 'iuiidefme . . hits probably started. ' This statement shows that General Miles will be backed In effecting his landing on Poito Rican soil by a strong squadron of the navy. In addition to the vessels named In the statement , it Is officially admitted for the first time that the powerful moim- Itort3 , Terror , Amphitrite and Puritan , \vlmlch have been at. Key \Vest , are under orders to proeded to Porto Itico to assist in , time reduction of tim Sp'anish forces there. It is known also , to be likely , Indeed , it is' probable , that still other vessels of Admiral Sampson's fleet will participate in the reduction - duction of the fortifications of San Juan. This was indicated clearly 1)3' Secretary Lommg's statement this afternoon , concerning - ing the sailing of Commodore Watson's eastern squadron. In the course of lila statement , time secretary said the eastern squadron tyonitl he "sent to Spain later , when the l'orto Rican campaign permits , " It seems clear that at least some of the vessels will be used in the bombardment of the principal Porto Rican city. TROOPS NOW ON THE COASF Almost Idig-hit Thousimnl ' .VlIl ! tqimnin After the ext Mamuilu ldxe- lItlin Salle , SAN FRANCISCO , July 21.-After the troops going to Manila on the Rio tip Janelro embark on that vessel on Friday there wiii remain at Camo' ' Merritt 223 officers and 7,918 enlisted men as foiiows : First llrlgatic-Thtird battailoim of engineers , ten ofilcers and 317 maim ; detachment field hospital corps , one field officer and 191 men ; First battalion of California heavy artillery , thirteen officers and 452 macn ; battalion of the Eighteenth infantry , six offlc rs and 460 men ; battalion of time Twea- ti-third infantry , two officers ntmci 397 amen ; total. thirty-two officers and 1,848 macmm , Second lirigade-Tweutieth Kansas , forty- ix officers amid 1,243 mcii ; volunteer me- cruits , six officers and 621 memt ; First Tennessee - nessee , forty-six officers and 1,257 amen ; Tenth Pennsylvania recruits , three oiflcer and 381 miten ; total , 101 othleers and"3,502 men , Third Brigade-Seventh California , forty officers and 1,312 amen ; I"Ifty-flrst Iowa , fitty officers and 1,336 macn ; total , ninety officera and 2,508 men. With the exception of the troops to sail on the St. Paul and Scandia within a week or so , all of these men wilt be transferred to time now camping grounds at time l'residlo , where a supply of water is now being piped , The division field hospital wiii ae once lid nmoved to time government reservation. The steamer Centennial lmas been Inspected for the third time muid may yet be engaged as a transport. The Lakeme nail Alliance wil. Probably be employed to take the iJew York regiment to honolulu , Brigadier General Miller has ordered a aiedlcah board' cpn' vened to exatntmo into the pimyatcal condition of Lieutenant Colonel I. 0. Little , once acting commander of the Twentieth ansas volummteert& , to discover if ho be not pbys- Icaily disqualified for' tile duties of his post Trusittds Leave 1ew York , NEW "m'ORK , July 21.-At dayligimt three of' the fleet of United States transports , which have been fitted out at this port , put to sea , nt1 , upOn clearing Sands' hook , took southerly courtes , Time Glacier was tue first to leave. It was followed by time Roumanian , now known as "No , 2 , " and the known "No 26 " "J'ie' Michgau $ , as , , ( Massachusetts , which Is being houmde , wilf ieavu hater in the day. The auxiliary cruiser St. Louis , which now carripa five 5-inch rifles , is scheduled to leave jhe American line pier for the euth at p. am , today , It Ii 4,0011 , tOns of coal , itmintmnitlon anti a big stock of provisions on board , C'WWW.0W'1' # % [ ! ARD ABOUT TOWq Albino It. Nuaclo of the City of Mexico , who is to have charge of limo Mexiau exhibit - hibit at the exposition , baa beetm in Omaha everimi days nd expects the amaterinla for the exhibit Io arrive' in tIme city this week. All the ieitmhing agricultural products of time country , including cotton , .coffen tmnd to. bacco will be shown as well as the mineral products. All sorts of Mexican pubhica- tions will also ho shown tim the XhIbtt. Senor Nuncio , is very anxious to secure time Mexican Nattonni band for an engagement at the exposition and hopes to arrange to have theta come for a mimonth comnIflencing about August 10 , He is greatly pleased with the Tranamlasiasippt hixpositioum anti with Omaha in such a central location as it is ho belios'es that this exposition will ho nttetmdeti by om more coentopolitan crowd than that wimicli has attended arm'y Macri- can expositiomi with the excdptibti of the Columbien. I-he says that Moxie is coining to be Americanized quite extensively in sonio parts. In nil liorthern Mexico English Is spokep by almost everyone , and there arc practically no people who have no an- dcrstnmiduimg of the , ianguag Atnerleamis have taken. coffee lands extensively 1mm Mex- i o and 1mm. the coffee nountry along the gtmlf there are immense Anmerican ediommies and .thio country is , to , all lmurpnses the same as a 'part' of tlmo United StateS. 'I'rnveling 1assenger Agent Rowland of tiie'Orand Trunk is itt the city enroute front Denver to Des Moines. lie is more enthusiastic - thusiastic tlman ever over time exlositlbn. lie says : 'In ' many respects it's the graimdest show dyer produced in this coumitry. To my mind the illuminAtion at mmight excels anythiag at' the World's Fair , I 'mini a traveling ) idvCrtisotnent for the exposition and praise it wherever I go. To a numnber Of my friends in Cimicago I have said , 'Go out' tb Omalma and eb the great Tranatnis- siseippi Exposition , It's worth your while. You'll' be'surprised and delighted. If you're disappointed afterward I'll pay the cost of 'rot ' railroad fare. ' , Mr. and Mra. J. L. Bentley of Deadwood , S. 1) . , have been 1mm the city for a couple or days visiting time exjaition. Both are highly pleased. here's what the bead of the house told a Bee reporter : "The exposition - sition is all right , the best show I ever saw , or expect to se I am sorry to say there Is not 'LI great deal of interest about it In our state , but I think with. cooler weather and harvest over moat of our pen- plo will come dowp here , "Deat1ssood Is all right.tbaqkyquTJtbug arc not so lively as timey have been But there is lots more of prosperity at Deadwood - wood timan In ninny other western cities. The big D. & D. smelter that was burned dpwn lost spring \siii soon be replaced by one of time biggest In time country. They have been working hard on the new structure - ture for some time and expect to open it for busineas in sixty days. It is built of Ion.and steel to replace the wooden one. There are - four. staOKs An thO new smneiter , and all of theta are much' htrger than the old ones.'lmen the new niant gets to runnIng things around our way will just hum , " 1'crouiumi J'nragrimphitt , I. McMlchael and wife , Minmmeapolls , are at the Millard. Rudolf Neumann of J3renmen , Germany , is an Onmaba visitor. ' It. Id. Norris of Denison , rc , Is taking In the exposition. Il. B. Morris Is registered at the Millard from Denison , 'rex. II. C. Black is a. prominent arrival at the Millard from Dayton , 0. Mrs. Moritz Meyer and children heft yes- terdar for Elbart Lake , . . \Vis. , to spend the. aunmmner. A. ' . aniser and family of Tocumseh' are v1stting the expcsiton city and stopping at tIme Barker. Mrs. MilL It. Uhl and son , Earl , return toCimicago today after a ten days' ' stay with friends .in the city. Exovornor Grant of Colorado arrived bum Omaha yesterday morning ammd is time guest of Guy C. Barton , Is ! . 'I' , , Rogers of Syracuse , N. Y. , and Jarni's 1 , . Shields of Detroit , Micm. , are "guests " at the flarket' . ' ' , ' - F. A. Seamnamm of the Sioux 'city NorFh- era rairoad ! , accompanied by lila wife and daughter , ' Esther , are in the city. Nat W. Wills mmd wIf of San Francisco , CaI. and S. I. Marts and wife of St. Joseph - seph Mo. , are stopping at the Barker. ' William Tappa , a merchant of Piatta- yule , \Vis. , is' in the city doing thO expd- aba and visiting his sister , Mrs. Ira P. Jiigby , Miss Alice Drake of Chicago , who has boon visiting Misses Amity Barker and Mac Bartlett for a fortnight , returned home inst evening , 11ev. F , M. Sisoi anti family have gone to I.ommg Pine for ten days. Mr. Sisson is ntpgirlpnf of thA Lone Pine Chautauntma. whIch' opeims today. Mr. and Mrs. J. 13 , Grant , Mrs. J. I ) . Wimitmore , Mrs. C. A. A. 1310w and It. B. Wimitnmore are prominent arrivals at the Mihlarmi from Denver. Nra , Ketchun pad Mrs. Wolf of Harvard , It. F , Ilodner , Miss B. Jlodticr and Miss Sadie Wiisotm o Oconee , Neb. , are stop- pbqg at the Barker 'while visiting the exposition - position , 0. P. hiUhIngs of Norden , KCya Paha county , wltlm Mrs. Billings , is in Omaha visiting the oxpoitbon. Mr. Billings was a nmembr of the legislature two years ago , representing time POPuI1BtS of his dIstrict. lie hair been iii for some titan apti hopes ha sojourn itm this city will hasten his oont'aiesocnce , ' ' Fred Springer , a Dodge county farmer living near Fretnont , 'called on County Judge Baxter yesterday to pay his respects. lie. and the Judge. ivero born in thid sapie NOW york county near Syracuse. 'rhey had notjesr epch otimer sIIce ; 1877. Mr. Springer was surprised at time size across time judge's physique huid resciiech Nebraskans at the 'hotels : Ii , F. Soeber- gem , Nottim Platte ; Matiti Early , Wither ; T. Roirners , Miss Gertrude Barr , Grand Island ; 1' . lbowen , Gotimetmburg ; T. L. Snmith , Miss Gregory , Mary Li. South , Eugene 0 , SmIth , Iheatrico ; S. B. Eastman , Nebraska City ; B. Ii , Krassrnan , Columbus ; hO , Gross , N , Spenpe , Roihip Iroas , Madison ; H. B , Waugb ammO son , Lebanon ; Id , C , Hubbell , Lakeside ; BV. . Sopor , Alliance. Secretary Ccx left the city last night for Washington , lie has left Mr. Johim M , Ibitidle , time custodian of the State depart- ' mmmi , in charge of the Government building du ipg his , abemmc . whlci will cxteqd. to the 5th cm 6th of August. Mr. Diddle Imits been ponnected with time Stats department in aim official eaiincity for a imumber of yoara and is cite of the best read slid macat accomplished gentlemen in charge of it governmenteilmibit. . ) 'iJtg W'Itimoit .AttrnhboU , Mrs IlpttfoParsiey , 22"years bid , lay tip- paremmtiy dying at. tme roonm , 1814 ' Pierce street , last night without umedieai ptan- tIon , bad neither frremds nor money and the neighbors , nmost of theiti ecjuaiiy poor , could find no physician that would visjt Ier under the circumstances. The no- hicq station was notified and word was sent bytho sergeant in charge to the county physician. lie ws sbspnt , however , and an effoft yas nmade to get the assistapt city physiclqxi. The hatter stated that the mat- tur _ woubd be pttentled to either 1 ? ) ' the ccttmnty physician or himself and the matter - ter was cotmi iereti settiod , Four hours later , however , at U :30 : p. ma. , an Inquiry 9i'tmir'uiaoii , fd time woman 'wee found te be itt 1 sp emiug frprm acute spasms , with notming done for her relief , The county physician was finally located and responded at once. The woman Is Ia a critical con- ditioo , iii2 RETAiN P01110 RiCO When American Flag is Raised on the Islana it 1 R818ed to Btoty , RECOMPENSE FOR TUE COST OF WAR ht'utttre of the l'iuiiilplTtes unut In- drones ut lccitleuh , immit 'IiL Deimenul Olt lveioii- titents of Eteults , WAShINGTON , July 21-Time author- itntls'e mecIaration was matte tot1y that time ishithd pf 'I'qrto , htico is to ho held as a nrice at the \vnr , ' Time suboined practically of. fieiai statement was mmmado to time Associated I'ress today : Porte Rico will be kept by time United States , That is settled anti has bromm the plan from time first. Once takoim it will never be released , It will i'ns forever into the hands of time United States auth there never has hecim any otlmer tiuougimt , Its posacasioum will go toward icaking up the heavy expense of the war to time Uumitei , States , Our flag once ruim tip there will bloat over the islatid permanently. The annie authority says time future of thej Philippines is a matter of tieveloimnient , anti that so far there is no certain policy finally adopted regarding these islands. They are sulmject to developments 1mm tIme war situation in the l'acific. It was iumtiimmated , however , timotighi not definitely asserted , that the [ 'adrono Islands might follow the fate of Porto Rico and become our imermanent poscssbon , being valuable as a coaling aumil SUPIly station for our ships when onrouto to caatra Asia. STILL WAITING FOR ORDERS Soldiers at Ciuickumnuga ] tonul' to Start Vhcu the Worth I GIven 'l'hcrn , OIIICKAMAUGA PARK , July 21.-Owing to a ( lelay in Washington in cotmmpleting llaus for time Porte Ricami expedition , delay in the departure of General Miles , or some other cause , not stated here , General Brooke has not yet stated what regiments are to be sent out front here , or when they will go. General flames' brigade , under orders to move , dId not got out. this morning , as was expected , hut may go tonight or tomnor- row. Time three regiments are in complete readiness to umovo and are only awaiting the necessary order , There is a growing lam- presalon hero that General hirooke desires to take imis entire First corps with him to Port9 Rico , This corps is well equipped , well trained and in every way ready for service. This corps in its emmtirety was ordered - dered sometime ago to prepare to go to Porte Rico , but later it was stated that only two divisions would be scat. Accord- ig ; o time present report , General Brooke Is eddenvoring to convince the War depart- meat that it would be best to send the whole corps , even it sonic of the other corn- amamids namned for the expedition must be left behind. His wishes in this respect are iloubtless caused by' his familiarity with the . and the confidence he bus in it , Orders - ders designating the regiments to go mire expected hourly. Brigadier ( ] emmernl Poland has Just issued an order , 1mm whIch he directs that two macit from each company in his division report at headquarters for instructions in digging entrenchmnenta ammd throwing up carthworks. These men will be given lessons in this line of work , after which they arc to teach time men in their respective companies. Timis work will be under the supervision of Major Shunk , engineer In General Poland's dlvi- siop. siop.Major Major Hempimill , from Camp Alger , has me- ported at time headquarters of General Poland us quartermaster of that division , relieving Captalmm Thompson , who goes to relieve Captain Blckliam , at the quarter- master's depot at Lytie. Captain Ilickliam has been assigned to time Third brigade of the Second division , under General Rosser. Persistent petitioning amid letter writimmg by wives and mothers of the soidiere has , had the effect of closing up three of the regimental canteene at Camp Thomas. It is said that several others are scheduled to go in the near future. Colonel Hartsuff , the cimief surgeon at time camp , is not a friend of the canteen , and is doing nil in his power to discourage time tiso by the men of nice- hoiic beverages. The women of time Wqmon's Christian Temperance union have mande an appeal to General Broolmo and have , ilned his sympathy , but ha Ia powerless , for the reason that they arc provided for in the army reguiations , Quartermaster Lind of the Twelfth Minne- sotu , who was mmominated for governor of tile state by the denmocrats , popuhista mind silver republicans , lmaa sent his answer to the corn- mnittec mit St. Paul , tanking known wimetimer lie viil accept time mmommmination or not , Mr. Lind declined to make known the contents of the letter , anti said the committee would give it out. Each compaimy at Camp Thomas is mmow Issued eighty loaves of fresh bread daily , A ivagon is dctaied for taking the bread from Lytie to time cain ! , . 'rite bakery is cIt..ntnrl , , Anr T.vt In omit 4 , , ro n,1 A ttflfl daily and employs 130 expert baker ; . IlneN Stay at Iftiusiptoum Rend , NORFOLK , Va. , July 21.-The mines In hampton Roads are not to be removed at present , 'rho engineer officer of the pert has recommended to the ( Iepartment that they Ito allowed to renma1n It itt nointed oult. that time swift tidal currents anti great depth of tIme lower Chesapeake is'oultl remmder it next to inmposatble to replace them in case ot sudttell attack. GEN. LEONARD WOOD RULES Saul tim IIfls'4i UceuiMaule 'reluthuorar ) ' ( lv'rimur of $ , iutJijgl ) Iii l'inee of MeiClimbiti , WAShINGTON , Jtmlyli-Tlmo ptlblishme&t report front Cuba that General Leonard Wood , who went to the Island as colonel of the Bought Riders , has been appointed tenmpornry goverumor of Santiago to succeed General McKibbin Onammot be comifiramed tao tmigiit at either the Whmite house or at the War theiiartmnent. Officials do not say time report iS inaccurate , bitt siamply that timey have tue informmmatiotm conccrniimg it. It Is poiumteti 0111. that by time terms of the nresident'R proclamatIon , Ocmieral Simaf- tom as eomnmnnticr-iu.clulet of the Amumerican forces iii Cuba , is time governor of both tlmo city anti time jmrovince of Santiago. lie iimiuy delegate to sonic officer of his cotntmmatmtl time performance of course , anther his super. vision , of the duties of governor of anti. go city , but ho would not necessariiv itnmau' diately inforimu the department of tlmat fact , Nim 'eiboiv Fe'er tIellorts , WAShINGTON , July 21-No official reports - ports wel'o ebtaimmubie this nmorning itt time War dejmartmnemmt as to the yellow fever cotu- ihitions anioig the troops at Santiago , The officials are resting easy , however , under the assurances conveyed by Br , Grcenlcnf that tIme disease is mild 1mm type. Immatruc- tioimS have b , en sent to General Shatter to have Brigadier General Duifleid sent north to time United States , the medical reports indicating that his convalescence would be much bastolmed by a cooler temperature. Siansht l'rlsoiters idsottime. ATLA41'A , July 21.-It portcd at niicinight that four of the Spanish prisoners confined at Fort McPherson since time beginning - ginning ot hostilitIes w'itlm Spain had cc- caped , The omcer in charge of time barracks - racks refused either to deny or confirm the report , hut several enhistd men vimo cattle in from the post said three of tim Span. lards hind gotten away yesterday and one tonight , SYNDICATE OF BREWERIES Negotintiumus Peu.llnw for Fortumatioti , of 'l'htret , 3lliIIoit 1)ulluir hleer 'I'rut at ( luIengo. ChICAGO , Jttl3' 21.-Negotiations looking to the formation of another large beet' ityim- dicato In this city pronmlso to ha brought to ti , successful conclustoit within a fun' days , Some twenty-seven breweries are smith to be In time deal. including what are known as the independent breweries. The purchase price is said to be in time neigh- borluocti of 3,000,000 , , which i to be fur- imished ky Now York capitalists. Aamong the' browerics said to be embraced in the dual are time American Brewing , Ban- ncr , Birk Brothers , Boheniimmn , Brewer & Hoffman , Clmicago , Citizens' , ICeeiey , Man. hat'tarm , Cooke , Fortune Bros. , Cooper Bros. , Northwestern , O'Donnell & Duer , South Chmi- cage , Standard , Tossetti , Stitr , Bavarian , Monarch , \'cst Side , Stego , William Ruehl , Fred Miller , Gottfric'd , B. S. Dewes anti Peter hand Brewing eormmpany. Couiveuttloum in mi. Is'aulluek , MILAN , Mo. , July 21-Speciul ( Tele- gram-Time ) democratic senatorial convention - tion of the Sixth district , which has been In session hero for the last three days , is still deadiocked and no indications of a break at 11 ocioclt last night. Two thouSand - Sand five lmundTed and seventy-five ballots have been cast and they stand : Ely , 9 ; Pratt17 Fieids , 23. It takes 25 to tmomni- nato. Doilies Afloat On' Nc'fouitdlnnd. 9IIESTEI1 , Pa , , July 21.-The British tank steamer Oilflelths , which amriveti here today from Slmields , England , reports buy- lug passed a large number of bodies of persons while off the Ncwfoimndland banks a few days ago. Captain Shawyor stated there were fully 200. Ho supposes they were soamo of the victims of La hiourgogne di8aster , SefliLtor ICcimne"s Trial Closes , WILMINGTON , Del. , July 21.-DistrIct Attorney Van Degrift today finished his closing speech in the prosecution of Ummited States Senator Kenney , charged withm aiding 1mm the misapplication of the funds of the First National bank of Dover , and tornor- row Judge 'Bradford will make his charge to the jury. Both idea in the case of Senator Kcnney look for an early verdict. lug' $ utle of Vool. ST. LOUIS , July 21-The largest male of wool ever uitade in the nest was rondo to. day by a local firm. The mimount was 1- 250,000 pounds of territory wool. which came from the western and southwestern states , and it will require thirty-five cars to tran8port it to the eastern consiguuce. nro'eliieiiM or Oei'nn % ' , sst'l , .Yuul' iii. At Rottordam--Sniled-Ammuterdam , for New York. Arrivcd-Itotterdarn , from Now York ; Spanratiam , from New York. At Liverpool-Arrivcd-Wacsland , from Philadelphia , At Quccnstowa-SaIlcd-Teutonlc , for New York , At Marseiihcs-Sailed-Burgund1a , for New York , At Bremen-ArmIved-Lian , from New York , via Southampton , At Naples-Arrived-KaIser Wihhoi ma I I , from New York , for Genoa. At New York-Arrlved-Phmoeoicia , from Hamburg , ANIIELJSERIWBUSCU BEER . Contains every clement that makes a healihiul and desirable beverage , Purity , Perfect Brewing , Proper Age , Giving piquancy , zest , satisfaction , true refreshment. The Original ' The Faust Budweiser ' ' . The Anheuser- 4. The Michelob Standard TIie Muenchener The Pale Lager Brewed and bottled only by the ANHEUSERIUSCH BREwINO Ass'N ' "NOT HOW ChEAP ; BUT 110W GOOD" Is the Association's Guiding Motto , Good , pure , clear , healthful Beer , made oF selected grains , costs more to make than lheindiffcrcnt kinds , therefore commands a higher price. Anheucr-I3usch Beer is served on all Pullman and Wagner DinIng and Buffet Cars , all Ocean and Lalce Steamers , and In all the best Hotels , Cafc.s , Clubs , and familIes , Used by Army and Navy and at Soldiers' Homes. NO CORN USED. CORN BEER IS NOTHINC BETTER THAN A CHEAP IMITATION OF GENUINE BEER. MALT.NUTRINE , the purest A'talt Extract-the Food Drinlt-a boon to the weak and convalescent-Is prepared Ey this association. Beautiful new booklet Iree Anhcuscr.Busch BrcwIn Ass'n , SI , Louis , I ) , 3 , A , . A ii lSiihtiNT. . 0 ' A l'iilth'IITltI'lltlVil'it . , . . tllhTROCAERO11. Telephone 2217 , ' Lents & WIlliams , Props. anti Mgre. , \v , W , COLE , Act. Matiager. % Iiiiic JIIIGiNNING 'iTll it.t'l'iflhh TONIGHT-ALL WEEK Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. AN XTRAORDINAIIY COMPANY Contltmeimtui Iiciit rlqttes. THE 4 OLFANS SiIJt'iutt' Nu'clt' Artists , Raniza & Arne Coined ) ' 0ci'biit 'l'Itlli hClS-NhiIt. TJhIXliiI W'.Uhth. L1MMONiS HtlEItSO .tX1) lilMND4 , V'liiihM ANI ) . FIdA'I'thltliS , .INI ) OIlIER 11111 ' ' ' , ' Orchestra , 'i'hu 'Frumenderi ( 'lunhiblIlti ! Direction Franz Allellmmatm , Clinuuwo or iiiiu I'Iuthu 'i'eek. ILefri'sliiii..tii ( lardeum stimul 'I'hetttre , Tonight CUtlord's 6aity Su' ' Iiumu'losLitlu 'ir iily ? i1s" : io bonitO I fui huh Li , , Vviimul ( iiirihlteu itliii hula riuhluug llaluuun , , .CCMNIC ; tLeiuu- tyri' & 1ientll "Iuuiti" umiuit lug 'umutlc- 'lllu , 11111 , lOc-20c-30c r111tu 1Laicht'rl Pnxtozm d ltuirgea. ? ( _ . , JLL ' .JL5555tJZL Manager. . Tel. itSL 0. \Vootiwurd , Atumusemmmutut Dirujtot' . ' ' ' ' , . 'i'ONICII'i' 8mbo. ; Tillil WtiOlVJi1Ii ) "l'OCIC CO. PI1ESENTING Long Branch. Next Wi'ck-Ail time Comforts of home. ! IM TAlON ; ' . . , tT Tltl. . , . MERRY--GO--ROUND - - - - 1 5th and Cipitol A't'C. Capture the Brass flIng mind Ride Again FREE. .1Os , Mt'NCII OFF , Iesuee anti 3lniuiiger. Wait T .i1lltAT WILSIIIIU OSTRICh FARM ( Aiigiist 1st A NIGHT IN VENICE. A Gondola i'ido fom' a beautiful t'tow of the Grand Court ttfl(1 Electric Fountalu -the popular utmusenment. , .No I'erformuunitces Alike. . hABAU'S [ IJN'I'AMEI ) Al31AL ShOW ON 'VIlE MIhVAY . . . . . . . . ' SWEPT DY COOl. BREEZES. t , TILE PLACE FOil S0CI1'TY. 6ermn VHae CON'I'INUOUS V.tIJlE'i'hllid. GcacGcoccec'etreec ' c ccc SOUTIIEICN gT . CALIEO1tNfA kJJ. The biggest , best , most novel eximibition ont'cst Midway , Athmlasion oimly 10 edits. a berth of Jmeariy 100 Giant Os- S EE tricimes , clozt'ntm of Ostrich chicks only a few' dnyuo old , 'l'hto most gorgeous philmnago on earth. Ostrich eggs , , . Ostrich nvsts , etc. ElWIN CA1YS'1'O ? ' , Prop , THECUBAN ATOM , CIIIQUITA. 'lime LivinghnIl. 'I'Iie Feature ot TIlE MIDWAY. DoNot Forget to Visit the UHNS IIEAJR , Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss House onWest Midway.4 ROELLU CIIAIRS , JINRIIISIJAS ( CAMI' STOOLS , SEATS FOR FIRE. WORKS , CONCidIV1'H 1i'I'C. Ask Stand No. 1 , "Scimicy , " Administration Archi Stand No , 2 , "DeweyVest Midway , Stautti No 3 , "hlobson , ' ' Nottit viaduct , Stand No , 4 , "Srrnlson , ' ' Soutlm viaduct. Or 'Phone CIJMMINS , Ixposltion Grounds , _ STREETS OF ALL NITIONS. Rendezvous of oeIety I'cuolutii , - V ISIT JAPANESE TEA GARDEN CURIO STORES N of Music ITal 1Ettat Midway. , - - = hiiJ'I'Iil.S. -HOTEL BARKER- ' ' ' ' , OMAHA. IITIT AND JONES B'i'IIEE't'hi 110 OU'I'SIDfl iiOOIiIH. American i'inri . . . . . . $ ijgi itnil 510' ' ) i'er dAy European l'iuii. . . . . . . . . . coo In 81,0(1 ( per thy FJIANIC 1hAltIEhi , Mtiuutgt'r , SAAI ii4tL'AIAN , Chief Cleric , TH BRUNSWICK Car. 1611 * & Jackson Ste , J , C. Griffin , Feop. ( 15' ' ) Jiiojim-All mimodern lluub'rovenments , , Itatcs-Autit'rlc'tttm Plan , 12.00 to $3.01 lcr day , JiuruhlC'itlm i'immn , $1.00 ncr tiny ummd upwartis. Car Iii ) . ' iti und fz'omn nil depots , fIlmed cur line to flab tititruttico of Exposititam , .MiJ.Rf&i' 1iOTJiL , 14dm anti Barney St. Amnerican l'laiu-3 o 4 tlolliurs' ier ihmiy. Street cars from depots and ( rein hotel to ExposItion Grounds In Ilftpcn minutes , _ . ) ' , - - 4 ' THE MILLA1D 13tJ utiith Jotilus St.'i Otuolimu , C'ENTRAL,14Y L0'ATBD. - AMlSlIl'As'itNl ) liI1iOl'JiA % m'ii4- , jjjj1jjjjjjjjjj