Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE OMAUA , DAITY BEE : Wi3DNESDAY , TTTT.Y 20 , 1898. ,
- -
I Some Cool Thoughts.
About weather cool dress stuffs , for hot people in hot
Mid-Summer :
- - Faiiiics- _ )7 )
_ .4
. t:01
_ _ there ai'e * ' 4L
1)retty W/ \vt
di'es tuft ' \
_ _ , / L )
_ _ ' Lt IL tltii'tl L ' '
- IMilow their real value.
Most conpeuou % , are these :
18c , 15c , 12e , lOe Iwn and dIm1tle
at 7c ver yard.
25c Iluen colored corded batiste , 45
Inctica wide , at iGe per yard.
have yotI' en our gatlirIng nt lawns
and dflnltles a lOc 11cr yard ? They
o aa- rapidly as tasty wonen can
choose them , You should lit , otic of
them ,
Notice oui display of pretty waist ma-
terI1ii In east. wlndo. I1rIco only
12c per yard ,
1Ot American lawn at Sc.
Tioiiiaiid ot yards In na cholco patterns -
terns aa though the cost. were four
: times ai much.
lSc dimitlos at 12S'c per yard. New ar-
rvnls of this very popular cloth In
fresh anil bright designs.
25c oxford ginghams at. ISo yard. 'rho
beet nherfoylo goodu. Sotno very
I choice Htylea left yet.
All of our fine IOc. :35c : Scotch madras
I and noyelty ginghams now 25c per
25c and 18c organdlo zephyrs at 12'4c
I per yard.
124c ducks at 7c per yard.
! Underwear-Cool and comforta-
Ladtcs'flno SvIas ribbed cotton rests ,
SqUare neck and sleeveless , white and
- - cern-SOc each.
F Ladles' black cotton rIbbed vests , low
neck and ideevoless. 25 ench. Very
flue qUality Swiss ribbed cotton ones-
r SOc each.
I Boys' line Jersey ribbed vests , long
sleevc , CcrtI , 25c cacti.
Children's gauze veste. all slze , Ge
cacti ,
Under-MusIin---.Ladies' muslin
underwear sell.
Ladks' skirts of muslin umbrella , ruffle
edged with embroidery-at 9c.
I Ladles' sktrt trimmed with one row of
Insertion , wide lace fluish , at $1.00
The Olulia Daily Bee w
; * COUPON , . .
'I'iili ; coupon atiti 10 Cent , wills
I obttiu thrca pliotogra'urtis
Ut the ExpoiitIon.
; ' , ' ' .
, . , . .
I The Omaha Bee
; Map of Cuh Coupon
, Present this Coupon with I
lOc for
I A Map otCuba. L
, , A Map ottho W03t IndleL
And a Map ot the Vlorld ,
By Mull 14 ccuts.
Percaics-On sale Wednesday
lflOfll 111g.
An excellent line o dress percale antI
shirting percale , 36 inches wide-most
of them arc o the well knowit ' ! ca
Island" brand. We will offer stime at
Sc 7',4c ' , and IDe per yard. . Our choice
line of percsd , in latent novelty jat-
tirns at 124u per yard.
LOiISIL1ne Fancy'e , i0-inches wide at
100 per yard.
Tout' flu Nerd ( ] Inglutrn , 27 Inchea wide ,
very appropritite for children's wCal' .
In pink and blue chocks , stripes and
iInId , at lOc pet' yard.
Figurct riques-oliolce of all
our 50c figured
pique ,
At 121c per yavd.
Iloslcry--Ladies' tan cotton
hose ,
with ribbed toP4 and high apliced bel
and double soles , 2Ge Itnir.
LndI' bEown II1c drop itltcli hosv
very flue quality , SOc pair.
Children's flue rthbed cotton hose In
black with uinco solco , 25c pair.
Corsets-Kobo summer iiui'-
sing corset ,
Made of a strong sunimer netting ,
medium waist , two side iteels and
has no brass eyelets , $1.00 each.
iCabo. how short coract , low bust and
short hips , , nad ot Elgyptlan cloth ,
light in weight , soft and pliable to
the wearer. Price , $1.25 each.
Notloils-Ladics' belts.
A pretty b1t is the 1a5t touch that
gives the finishing neatness to the
. figure.
We are showing a nice nv nssortmnt
of whIte kid belts , with nickel , gilt
or plain white buckles , at 25c each.
White Velvet nelting , SOc per yard ,
LFillEJCd Ncckwear-
Prices reduced
to about
one half.
They are in superb qualities of plaid
and striped idiks with deep knotted
silk fringe.
They are very suitable for the iieck , for
hat embellIshment , for belts or for
children's yenr.
Note the reductions-
25c for GOc and SOc qualities. '
SOc for 1.O0 and 75c qualities.
750 for $1.25 and $1.50 qualities.
Colored sashes t about same reduc-
' : t-fl6MPsoN , BLDEIf&O.
Generni Cowlu Looks Vp a Cinhlia
Agaltist the flu Vntois i's-
( 'ifin Coininny.
WASHINGTON , July I9.-Spcciat ( Tele.
rain.-Genorai ) J , C. Cowin Is in the city
Cu route ( or New Yrk. General
Cowin is here relative to unsettled
matters conijectesl with the old
Union I'nclflc company , and will conu1t At-
lorney General Qrlggs as special counsel of
thu government relative to a deficiency claim
alitcli the government 1103 agaInst the Han-
san Pacific. General Cowin , previous to his
leaving for New York , tiled a claim with
the master of the Union Pacific for the
aniount of the deficiency on the Kansas Pacific -
cific of 30.000.000.Vhen asked how the
government expoctCd to get. this amount
from a corporation that wan to all Intents
and purposes ilefunet , the general said there
were a number of general assets of tlso Union
PacIfic remaining In the bands of the late
rcceivcra and as the government claimed
4 wgi entllcd to a pro-rata dIstribution of
tlts , fund it would devolve upon the courts
to. say whether thu contention of the guy-
crnment wa rIght or wrong.
Congrsman Stark has deveioped a rather
remarkable ruling of the commissary depart-
innt , of the War dpnrtinont In his browsing -
ing aow'd , In the interest of Nebrasica bo far
e.g .the war Iii concerned , lie has discoy-
creti that there Is a regulation In existence ,
prohulitting tile purchase of horniess cat-
,119 , by the conimissary department. on the
. iroUntl that the absence of horns precludes
the ability of experts to tell the age of cat-
tie. Stark was nonplus.sed with this regu-
latlon and ho hdS gone to wotk to show
that this rule works a great hardship ipon ,
the cattle raisers of Nebraska , who for a
number of years rast have been in the
] ablt of dehornlng their attle , upon the
theory that It made cattle more tractable
sand much more easily bandied ,
Max J , ilachier of St. l'aul , who has been
tselcetocI consul at KId , Cermany , arrived
. In the city totlay in resimnan to a request
'o ( ftc State department to saleir for cx-
arnination July 0. Mr. liachur Is greatly
elated over lila selection and doea not cx-
ricet to encounter any great obstacle In isass-
jog a satisfactory examination.
. \S'ihliani Cowlu will ha appointed as cap-
ir tlii of commlasarr , his nomtnstlon 'in all
probability being iiittle tomorrow , Delay in
Mr. Cowin's ease was duo to the Inability
'tif th adjutant general to find a iilacc for
'him , bqt under the bIll recently passed by
congress Increasing the oflicera In the corn-
missary department a place is lrovidetl anti
the president , who desires to do something
for his friend , General Cowin , will , It. Is
understood , make the appointment in a few
Uncle Sam's Checks Ieiiiit.
WASHINGTON , July 10.-The CoinmiB-
81011cr of internal revenue has made the
following ruling , which 1as been approved
by the Department of Justice :
The papers and iustrurnents executed ,
made or issued by omeers of the govern-
meat of thio United States , in the dteehare
of official functions pertaining to the operation -
tion of the governmental machinery and
for the use or benfit of the United State $ ,
are exempt from tax. In line with this
ruling it is held that all checks or drafts
made or issued by the disbursing ofllcer of
the United States upon government funds
upon deposit , in payment of government ob-
llgbtions or dues , are exempt. and all cer-
titicates of otflccrs of the United States
given in the discharge of official functions ,
made neceasary In carrying out the inn-
chinery of the government , arc also ox-
crnpt. Thu same principle would extend to
instruments anti papers of whatever character -
acter ( otherwise subject to tax ) , executed ,
made or Issued by officers of the United
States government , for governmental pur-
1)0805. )
Where , however , certificates or other in-
Itrumonts are Issued by any department or
0111cc of the government at the request of
Private persons solely for private use , a
Stililil ) uhould be affixed.
Aiiierlena Commissioners Get Itenilr.
WASHINGTON , July 19-Mr. Hasson and
ex-Seeretnry John W. Foster have returned
\Vashington from the summer resorts
at which they were stopping preparatory
to ittending a meeting of the commission
appointed by the president to meet a I3rit-
ish commission and treat for the settlement
of many important questions now at h'suo
between the United States and the Do.
minion of Canada. This meeting will be
held in the course of a day or two , for al-
thought no formal plans have yet beCn an.
flounced it is the purpose of the majority
of the nienibers to hasten the work of prep-
aratious for the first. meeting with the I3rit-
leti coniintssioners , which may take place
itt quebec about August 1 ,
iteirt of Netl'iviit lrroneo , , ' .
WASHINGTON , July 19-The report of a
London vaper that the Italian foreign office
had been informed frOm Washington that
the Corutti case bud been settled by Cu-
lonibia on the basis of ox-ProHident Clove-
land's award is said to be erroneous , as no
such report has beeii sent from \\'aeii-
ington and so far as the otflcicla hero are
aware , the status of the case remains
unchuinged , with the Italian squadron oft
Cartliagena , Colombia , insisting on a speedy
settlement , although not yet adoptIng a
bo8tilo attitude ,
'l'ItANSI'OIL'l' $ .th14 VOlt l.NI LA
First Slontajia -r- ; ; ; California lie-
crnlu on flour , ! ,
SAN FRANCISCO , July 19.-The trana-
Iort , steamer Pennmsylvnpla , with the llrst
Montana regiment ami 300 recruits for the
First California voluntecre sailed this morning -
ing for the Philippines ,
I1hhl.mnlre . slug , Oaam'r.
OAKI4ANI ) , Cal. , July 10.-James Johnson -
son , thu millionaire ship owner. died at
his Temple residence lust night from corn-
piicatlomum brought. on by cxcsstve emnok-
lug. Captain Johnson wea the owner of
many coatitwiso vessels and was lntereatea
In ninny deep rater ships. lie was 04 years
of age.
Proiii Imiesit SIiII. Cosit y
PAI'ILLIO4 , Neb. , July j9.-Special (
Teiegrarn.-Colonel ) John Ritebie , a prom-
mont resident 01 Sarpy county , died at hi
borne in I'apilliou today a 11 o'clock. The
funeral wIll be bold from the Methodist
church in thus city at 3 p. in. Wcdnesday.
Bes'ere Lull , regular action
of ilie bowels , do not Irritate -
tate or inllaino , but leato
11 the dslIcat. digestlys or.
atIsmn in P1rCI vOUtttIUil. 'i'9. them. 2 cents.
4v&Tcd ual' Li U. I. Uc.od J ( .e. , Luhl , .LU'
_ _ _ _ _ -
Spanish Population Doca Not Tik Ito Plight
Much to heart.
Trnle jo4 Vcrr Brisk Liii' time flcn'oii '
the leruligtmais IIic 'ery l.lttlc to
cll-Msin ' , Vltu 1Ieil linve
: 'ot Yet lteturned.
( Copyright , 1S9 , by AssocIated l'ress. )
SANTIAGO IlAittloft , July 1.-Vla (
Kingston , Jamaica , July 19.-Snntlngo ) is
now a city of alienee. The Arnerian
flag waves over the milItary quarters on
Morro's fingitar ( and Red Cross emblems
arc as plentiful as church spires. Almost
the entire population this afternoon Is gath-
creti about the wharves , where the Spsnsh
hiiplng , now prlzrs of the UnitLsl States ,
will soon bo atigncnteih : by a leege liqet of
transports flying the inericnn colors. Some
stores , mostly for tIme sale Of liquor or
drugs , are open , but their patrons are fear.
fleggara era in evidonc , o the seine Im-
liortunato sort which make Havana Unpleasant -
pleasant for foreigners. Now and then a
finn or woman of the better class beg the
correspondents for "milk for my little one ,
in the ndino at God. "
At tie dock , where the Ited cross steamer
Stoto of Tcxu is unloading and preparing
for a long stay , a guard from the Ninth
infantry hac been mounted , but the
soldiers havG had little trouble
except from the Inroads by
bad boys Indigenous to seaport
cities. There. is no evidence of gloom on the
faces of the Spanish men and wonien. These
mercurial people arc already laughilig and
are pleased at the military and naaal show ,
and at the prospect of getting footi other
than rice and salt medts. Nearly all the
better class of houses nra closed. The rest-
( lOntS evidently have not yet returned from
ii Cancy anti oilier suburban places to
which they fleil on the threat of bombardment -
mont by the land and sea forces of the
United States.
Filth Is noticeable everywhere. and ,
strange to say. the city is healthy in spite
of it. But if Santiago is to continue healthy.
much sanitary work is necessary. Arrange-
meats , therefore , are now under way to
remove the moat dangerous features and to
improve these which tend to purify the
The harbor of Santiago tic Cuba is a very
beautiful place , with Its high ramparts of
rnouittalns , groves of cocoa Palms , banana
trs anti fiowerinT shrubs nushtn clown to
the very brink otthobay. The channel is
tortuous and marked by bright blue and
white buoys , or more clearly defined In
places by long booms of logs marking the
entratace of shallow bays and inlets. Old
churches , forts and bastions share the prom.
ontories with light , wooden houses fet
thin summer Uses of the upper c1a5eS.
The harbor was the scene of a beautiful
marine pageant this afternoon. The score
or more of American transports , the way
being pointed out by the Suwaneo , glided
majestically to the quiet anchorage , seine-
thing they bad not enjoyed for weeks , being
compelled instead to stand out to sea itt
night to be tossed about by the waves. or
to use the precarious holding grounds ott
Ilaiqntri. They were tine boats , maiay of
them being among the largest specimens of
the American merchant marine. Nearly all
bedecked with flags they steamed in , cx-
tending over a mile of water. 'rho dispatch
boat of the Associated Press saluted each
of the transports wiUi blasts from thp siren
of the Almiranto Oquendo , taken from that
ship some days ago add put In place by tile
enthusiastic crew ot the dispatch boat. The
salutes were returned not only from the
whistles of the transports , but by the cheers
of the meit on board of them. who had long
looked forward to this feature of the cam-
1mw soon the SpanIsh troops will be
loaded on these transports for shipment to
the homes many of them have not seen for
three years or more cannot be annouqeod
at present , but it is understood the delay
will be as short as possible ,
The big government tug Potomac nrrive'l '
here today from New Orleans. it. is provided -
vided with modern appliances for wrecking ,
and with the othicr vessels sent here for the
same purpose , will secure nil it is possible
to secure from the ships avbich formed
Admiral Cervera's squadron.
The long bridge at Aguadores on the railroad -
road connecting Sagua with Saniago has
been replaced in a temporary fashion by
American soldiers. The work was corn-
picted today , anti as soon as possible the
military authorities will use the railroad
to transport from tie seaboarl the stores ,
horses , munitions , etc. , which were Unloaded -
loaded at Sibonoy before the surrender of
UzisnnItsir Coiiditione iii Snutligo
Are Fotimili to lIe of the
Worst Tpc ,
SANTIAGO , July 18-Via ( Kingston , Ja-
malca , July 19.-Geiieral ) Shatter has bad a
thorough examination hindu of time sanitary
conditions of Santiago. The work was done
by Dr. Gootifellow of the geimt'ral's staff
and by a civilian physician , Dr. Orlando
Dwiker. They find that although there arc
at present but six cases of yellow fever in
the city , iii addition to tue two itusilects ,
the town Is ripe for an epidemic. Santiago
and Rio Janeiro are considered the great-
e&t fever breeding centers in th i world ,
This ttlwn lacke every sanitary feature at
its best and now , after two mouths' siege ,
leaving it dirty and repellent , it is a veritable -
itable pest link- , The awful stenches that
arise from the streets stagger and choke
one , No cordial In Santiago has the power
to rnsh out this other from oiae's throat ,
Thu city of Santiago Is a typical tropical
place with mmarrow , crooked streets auth low ,
one storY tiwollions and stores. Mamiv of
the houses are stuccoed amid imintod v1tli
startling colors , sky blue and vivid shades
of green prodominatiug. 'rhese , with the
reil tiles of the roofs and verandas , show
evidences of Past picturesqueness , but cv-
er'thlng ) is now iii a state of pilapiclation
auth decay and the cIty Is but a shadow of
its former self. Tue majority of the houses
* 11 0 iabuluto ruins and public squares , once
green with fountaIns playing in their center -
tor , arc now utterly neglected , Time iron
fences arc broken and rusted , while the
fountains , since the dearth of the water
su'ply ' , have long been dry. flut hero anil
there through the open doors of more pie-
teutious dweliings one meets with thu vi-
sioti of an oaen court fllld with palms ,
briliistut hued pouchianis anti other Ilowar-
tug trees and plants. It is like brief
gilmopses of the happy past , long since
gone ,
There is no sewerage eatem. The city
drtilnaao is all from the surface Into the
harbor and the lower part of the city ,
tlicitigb much of the drainage rues , es.
psscialiy from the poor quarter , around the
bull ring to time northwest of the city , It
is the seeding center of malaria , typhoid and
other fevers it the low order , Thcrp arc
four hospitals in the city , the Ctvii hospital ,
presided over by the Sister. of Charity , anti
the Xdtiltnry , Mercedes sad Conch lies-
in those four hospitals are 1,147 pa-
tieoW , which is a compa.ratircly small nuns-
ber , considering the lack of food and bug
siege , hiut U must be remembered that the
reconceutrados cro never aluiittod to the
hoapitals and when the nottcatIon of thi I
propes c.d bombardment by our battcrie wIts'
receIved ever ) ' pttent who could stsgar out
was driven into the streets , Twenty leperd
who in time Civil hopitn1 were turned
Into the streets and thcy tiara been roam-
'log in the streets ever since. the inrgest
itumber of pntlcnt are in the Miiitary hos-
pitch , where there are thirty-seven woUntIet
Spanish o0lcers ansi 341. wounded soldicr
and sailors , Ia addition there arc hundreds
of cases of malarit and dysentery and six
cases of yellow fever.
Tim saitoia were wounded in , time battles
of July 1. and 2. Tltcy Wvro ( lisenibarketl
from the shIps of Admiral Cervera's fldat ,
In order to assist in reiisting the attack of
American troops by land ,
Nei.rnNku , j.i OnqofOiil3' lirht States
Crchited with LsuceilIuifl TheIr
Quotft of Mcii ,
WASIII MGTcN , July 1O-F'nirly good
progress has been made with the recruiting
of the volunteer army tinder Limo president's
sctonei cliii for 75,000 volunteers. 'l'hio plan
adopted by the War department vas to ro-
crilit all the volunteer organizations In the
army tipto theirinaxiuiluin enlisted strength
before catering bion the recruitment of ad-
ditlonal troopii The total number of men
required to till out existing regiments was
37,566 , and , according to the latest returns ,
the total enlistments udder his iilan are
27,519 nien.
In either to show the progress of recruItIng -
Ing under the second call , the following
statctienb has been prcpared in the office
of the adjutant general of the army , based
on the latest returlis
Number Number
Etato , lteqiitred. 1'imlistetl ,
Altbtma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C'5 251
ArknhiiutM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Y ' ) tTo
Coiorttdo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05
Calltovmaia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,016 621
Couricetletit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Z
ticorgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701 255
Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2SSO 2,331
hmadulina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,301 1,531
IOWfl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9S6 3,513
Fansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j tilS
Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 111)2
Louisiuntv. . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 142
Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mttrylancl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5p ) 5:13 :
1iLssnchusetts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,536 & 4l
Michilgaui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200
Miimnesotn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000 Sf31
MisissIhj1i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21)2
I1issourl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,552
Nebraska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' tuti 1(37 (
New liamupuhuire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h1' ) 2011
New , lersey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ) 925
New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .00) 2,733
North Carolimla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783
Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,546 . 2,162
Oregqii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Peniitylvnnia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,163 . 4,057
Rhode Itltiiid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
'rexus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,12' . !
Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01)0
Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Wrest Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jl5
Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000 921
Indiamia , Minnesota , Missouri , Nebraska ,
Now Jersey , Rhode Island , West Virginia
and Wisconsin have exceeded their quota ,
hut nih the othere are behind In the supply
of troops. The worst delinquent is North
Carolina , which htn furnished only fifty-
five soldiers t meet its quota of 783. Other
delinquents ore Colorado , Louisiana , Tennessee -
nessee , Virginia. and Nevada , each of which
has supplied less thuis one-third of the
men required. Alabama , Massachusetts , Arkansas -
kansas , Georgia , MississIppi , Oregon amid
Texas have done very little better and are
all very much behind in meeting the re-
Complaint line been made also that in
several of the states an effort has been inado
to foIst poor material on the government.
The total enlisted strength of the regular
army to date is about 44,000 men , being
about 18,000 short of its legal complement.
The volunteer army consists of 153,000 non
and is only 17,000 short of its ina'imurn
authorizel atrength.uuder ( ho two calls issued -
sued by the president. The total strength
of thcarm3 , rogulnr and volunteer , is 227-
000 , as npw organized.
The statements in the above so far as
they relate to ibraska are erroneous. The
two tcitnents when mustered into the seer-
ice , thquh not up tOthe maximum , e'c-
coede'd the number asked for from this
state. In additiofi to this Captain Culver's
troop of cavalry from Mllford was accepted
lmy : Special request and now forms a part
of Orgsby's cowboy regiment.
Under the second call as given in time
above table at C0) ) , Nebraska has sent
enough Inca to fill the first two regiments
up to the maximum , this alone being ,
enough , to supply the quota. In addition
to this the Third regiment , which heft
Omaha Monday , was 1,300 strong , every
conipmny in the regiment being recruited
to the maximum before It was mustered
into the service.
leach of these three regIments and the
tropl ) of cavalry ae ou of th state , ene
regImeflt and th troop of cavalry at Chick-
arnauga , onti regiment on its way to Manila
and another on ts Way to Jacksonville.
i'ltiful Scenes Attend Tn1onihimigg of
lieu Cru.s Stemtnier's ' $ upplicsi
for the CuibLtiiN ,
( Copyright , 3(393 , by Associated Press. )
SANTIAGO DI CUBA , July 18.-Via (
Kingston , Jamaica , July 19.-The fled
Cross society's steamer State of Texas nr-
rived yesterday at 6 o'clock in the after-
flO0fl and this morning Dr. Elweil secured
eight stores in the heart of the city , nod
one large shed on the dock , engaged eighty
stevedores and began to unload the steamer.
It had 1,400 tons of provisIons on board ,
Tile distribution began at 3 o'clock , at-
lowing a hound and a half rations to each
Whou tile unloading began crowds of half.
starved citizens rushed to the dock , lIghting -
ing , trampling one another under foot ,
breaking open time cases and stealing time
supplies. irinahly a picket of troops was
placed on the wharf , refusing adrnttance !
to anyone.
The entire cngd laud been lauded before
the dIstrIbution began. Each applicant
was furnished witii'a rnttpn ticket supplied
by the local commissioners with General
McKibbin's endorsement ,
Time water supply of the city , which was
cut off oil July 3 aboyc El Caney by ( lea-
eral Garcia's troops , lea'ing the town with-
o'ut water , will be turned on again tonight ,
The ice factory resumed work today ,
using the rainwater supply iu tIme cisterns ,
All the liquor stores , wholesale and retail -
tail , are closed , uder fleumeah Shatter's or-
dens , but the Spanish soldiers have a large
supply of rum In stock , which they are
exchanging for our hardtack and corned
beef. Last night there were no disturb.
nuceS , tb disributiop of supplies from
the , state o Tpxas being anxiously awaited ,
as there was literally nothing in the city
to cat ,
liefore the refugees 'heft for El Caney flour
was soiling at 1&0 per barrel , beans at $90
per 100 puunds , condensed mIlk at $5 a tin
sad hardtack nt $1 per piece. At If3l Caney
the prices were still higher , $25 for a tin
of condensed milk end $5 for a piece of
hardtack. The ruin and want in the city
are almost inconceivable ,
Twenty-five Cubans , political prisoners ,
are stIll in the local Jail , but a report has
been submulitod on the subject by Cubat.
resid inta to General MclClbbin , and theIr
release Is expected ,
Amirai Sampson , cotnpanied by Coma-
modoro Schiley and staff , handed at 9 a. sri.
amid met the iuuuicipmzi ornctlrmi of Santiago ,
nutIuigo Cubic OIlie ( it'd , ,
NI' YORK , July 10-The central cable
oflico of the Western Union 'l'elegraph coiq.
paul 'today issued the following ; "The !
office at. Santiago cia Cubit has beta reopened
( or business , All telegrams must be In
plain lausuago su'iject to AmerIcan ceusor , '
General Shafter Atlopth Measures to ImpTovo
Health of Troops.
Iin.l I3xfledtc.I to 'Fitk l'ir.scsluii of
SIR- Cit ) of SnuIIILRO-ShumLfCr
Tells 'rIcut ot S'iIle
ttiuer1czttis liemitlilmi.
( Copyright , 1S9 , by Asiociated Press. )
SANTiAGO tI CULIA , July IS.-Vin (
lingstomm , Jamaica , July 10.-Strenueus )
eftort5 to prevent time spread of infectious
disoasts among the Amimermean troops In
front of Santiago do Cuba vere matte co
soon as the city surrendered , rind for the
past thirty-sic bourn our soldiers have
been sent as rapidly as uossibio to the
hills to time north of the city , where new
camps have been established.
Ivorything poesible is being done to ma-
hirove tlmo sanitary conditions of the camps ,
osiiectally in the case of troops which are
extiected to take part iii the expedition to
Porto Rico. Of the regiments here only
those which are not in time slightest Infected
will be allowed to go to Porto Rico. Others
will remain hero for the present , encanmpcd
oil the high ground north of Santiago. Two
immune regiments from Now Orleans and
Mobibo are expected here daily and upon
their arrival they ivibl be sent to the cIty ,
forming time only AwerIsn garrison which
wIll remain theme.
Time Physical conditIon of our troops is not
, considered serious , now that the ntmmnber of
eases of fever is growing less mill the time ,
amid it is believed that the , hiseaso wIll die-
I tappear with the removal of the soldiers to
healthier locailties atid time extra proenu-
thins which are being takemi.
lemmeral Wheeier'H cavalry divIsion is.
practically free from sickness anti lirobtubly
, ili be allowed to go to I'orto Rico to take
part in the campaigia.
A fact wbich is lmnpicsse'i inure rind
more every day upon the American officers
antl men Is ( lie Increasing strained relations
between the Americans and General ; ar-
cIa's Cuban soldiers. Indeed , situation
has how reaChed a poimit whem'o there is
pr.ictically no' cqmmuiilcatlon between the
armies , auid their relations burdrr on those
01 : hostility.
Not to He 'l'iurmei Over to Loot.
After ( leneral Shafter nmmnounccd hIs decision -
cision not to let the Cuban junta enter the
city of Santiago deep mnuttcrings were Ieai'd
among General Garcia's men. It was cr1-
dent time Cubans were genernhiy illeap-
pointed at the step taken by the AmerIcan
eounnmander , for they hind confidently
counted upon having Santiago turmici over
to hoot and plunder as they liaJ imi succcs
sion sacked I3imaqulrl , Slboney anti El Canoy.
Consequently their disapotutnieflt was
keen wheat they ascertained that they were
not to be permitted to take possession of
the city upon General Toral's eum'reiadcr.
The correspondent of the AssocIated l'ress
who emids this dispatch saw a group of
Cubans refuse point blank to aid in building
roads , and during the two days' heavy lighting -
ing , while they were loitering in tIme rear ,
our surgeons sought in vain to secure assist-
mice from them , even to cut poles for ins-
provised litters for our wounded. Hundreds
of such instances rare being told aroummd the
campfires , until the name of Cuban is
usually wreathed with camp profanity , and
very rarely is a kind word spoken of ( liens.
In fact , in sonio quarters there is a disposition -
tion to prophesy an early colliaion between
our inca and the Cubans.
General Shafter . .yestertiay mornIng sent
an invitation to Qeneral Garcia to attend
the ceremony of raising the Anmerican flag
over Santiago , but thm Cuban general
showed hIs resentment lay sending a reply
which amply confirmed the course which he
and his ragged , ignorant soldiers have fol-
hewed during the weeks of hard fighting and
campaigning which have resumlted in the fall
of Santiago. liii declined the invitation , say-
tag he hated the Spaniards , and added that
ho did not want to be where any of them
were. Since that time the Cubans have re-
roamed In their camp , eatimmg American rations -
tions , and our troops have had no corn-
munication with them.
Casihhi , , 'Vnuit,4 to Kimuw.
On Friday last Castihlo , a brother of Gen-
cml Demetrius Castillo , went to General
Shatter's headquarters iii ortler to ascertain
than cause of this , to the Cubans , inecpiie-
able relatiomi.
"Why Is Santiago to remain 1mm ( lie bands
of our enemies ? " he asked ,
"The Spai4ards are not our enemies. " ro-
hued General Shafter.Ve are fighting the
soldiers of Spain , but we have no desire to
despoil lice citizens , No Cuban svlil be
allowed to enter the city nor will any Amer-
lean , The government of the city is for
the zeolo to decide. When the American
army leaves It , I presume it wIll be turned
over. but not till then. "
Cnstillowho came direct fromn General
Garcia's camp , ( ticS not attempt to conceal
his clmngrin. The Cuban soldiers now fully
realize that there is a rising sentiment
against them iii the army , They hear noth-
lag but words of scorn from our macn as
they pass onward , lugging their bacon timid
lmni'tl tack into the woods , lIven our 001-
core no longer conceal their disgust for
their allies , and it is understood that the
warm frIendshIp diepiayed toward them at
first has now turned Into contempt , for the
Cubans have neither fought nor worked ,
The questIon imas arisen between ( lie arnmy
anti navy officials as to the disposition to
tic made of the halt a dozen large Spanielt
merchant steamers whiclm were In time her-
bor of Santino tat the ( lane of the surrender.
Ilemir Admniral Sampson arrived La the city
todaY On the Vixen amid claimed time steam-
era wore prizes of ( be navy , lie also was
tlesirous of placing prize crows on board
them , General Shatter , however , refused
to recognize Admiral Sampaoma's claims.
lie declared time teammaers , with everythalmig
else in Santiago. Imad surrendered to him.
The question , apparently , is still unilecided ,
bamt at any rate time admiral returned to hIs
flagship without having distributed prieo
crews among the mnerchmantuien , afid time iat-
tar are still In possessioma of time army.
1.1st Of 'l'hmow IIt'uchifutg Norfolk on
tJie Gis'cruulmmeut Tramis-
hurt $ emest ,
NORFOLK , Va. , July 19-TIme fohlowimag
Is a list of siclt anti woundcd brought up
I from Cuba by the goveranient transport
Seneca :
Ii. i"reeburg , Company A , Twenty-secommtl
, $ ufantm'y ; 0 , A. flaidwimm , c1vlhian P. Smiths ,
I bitriti , Sixth , infanry ( L. Jacobs , Compamay
I . Sevemmthm Infamitry Lieutenant Gross , Corn-
i Puny 11 , Sixth infmmntry Lienttniant. J. B.
, Seitburn , Eighmtb Infantry ; J. B.'athan ,
Company U , Seventh infantry ; C. 11. Henry ,
Company I , Ninth lumfantry ; N , 1 , Johnson ,
I Conipammy C , Fourthm infantry ; N. Larway ,
, Company A , Seventh Infantry ; J. A , F'aru ,
Conmpmmmay C , Third cavalry ; C. I ) . I'etry ,
Company A , FIrst Volunteer cavalry ; F' ,
Russ , Tlmirteenthi Infantry ; \V. Srnttim , Corn.
pan ) ' C , Sixth infantry ; J. 11. Muse , Corn-
pany A , Fourth Infantry ; 'I' , A. Grant , Corn-
pany I ) , L'igtmtb Infantry ; J. ? ovak , Coin.
pany G , Eighth infautey ; F , Bail , Cocspamy ,
I Thirteenth Imitammtry J , T , Larry , Coma-
I 1.flY 0 , Ninth infantry ; J , A , 1arelow ,
Company C , Sixteenth infantry ; J , tuIien ,
Company C , Fourth infantry , A. V. . Allen ,
L Compau ) Fl , Twdfth intaimtryl L. ( , uuueu ,
L Company i3. Sixteenth infantry ; .1 .mmtirowa ,
I Company 13 , Third cavhry3 B , Alien , Corn-
pany TI , Slth cavalry : C. Arthur , Corn-
pans' (3 , 'Fenthm caVnlt ) ' 1'7. Shamnnhaii ,
Company 11 , Sixteenth infantry ; T. Spell-
hag , Company ii , Seventeomitlu imtfantry C.
liobertutomi , Coaaptmmiy I ) , Twenty-fourth in-
faimtry ; 1" . l'asne , Company E , Thirty-third
Michigan infantry ; James Itussoll , Coin-
Primly C , ThIrd cavalry : .1. N. floartiwine ,
Company A , Second infantry ; (3 , Smith ,
Company A , Seventh infantry : H. I' . Mc-
( lrcgor , Company I" , First volunteer cay-
dry ; F. W'elmigmartlm , Conipany 1 , Slxtcermthm
infantry ; II. flouter , Conmpany ii , Second iii-
faulty ; J , hi. Stevens , Company 13 , Seventh
Infantry ; \ ' . J. McIntyre Corn-
pony F' , Sovemmth infantry ; J. M.
11db , Company II , Sixth infantry ;
Major A.V , Corhiss , Seventh infantry ;
Lieutenant Colonel II , U. tgbert , Sixth 1mm-
fantry , Cmmptaiim Vt' . E. English , ( leneral
Whcoier'a staff ; Colonel 3. J. hone , lighmtia
infantry ; Llctitemmctnt E. 11. MarLin , Twematy-
first Intammtry ; Major P. (1. SouthmimmtId , See-
end Massnchmtmectts volunteers ; A. V. doot ,
Cormipammy IC , Seventy-first Now York ; F'Itst
I ictmtcnrtmit T. V' ' . ' . lInlI , First Volunteer ccv-
4hry ; Captain \V. T. Joyce , Seventy-first
Now York ; CaptaIn Wlfliammi W Weight , as-
sistamat adjutammt general volunteers ; Second
Lietitenant 1lgar F. Cnmnllmms , Eighth in-
famitry ; J. W' , flotlwehl , Commapany A , Second
infantry ; John Campbell. Cornnanv II. Sixth
Massactmusettd ; Morgamm'asjmtiurmm , clerIc ,
qtmattermaster's departumient ; J , W' . Aimgcll ,
Coumipany F' , Sixth Massachusetts ; Uenjztnmtn
Powell , Company L , Thurty.thmiril Michigan ;
LIeutenant (3. ( 8. ilyt'mmmam , First cavalry ,
J. A. l3enmmis , Compafty 1 , Second Mnssa-
chusetta ; C. Walgawood , Company IC , Thir-
ty-thIrd MichmiammViiliamu Fritz , chief
muuslclan , 'rwenty-flrst infantry ; Burt. 3' .
Byrcia , Company A , Thirty-third Michigan ;
Patmi J , ( littler , Company K , SIxth Macsit.
chausetts Ralph EnIsVilsou , Company H ,
SIxth Massrtchtmsotts ; Vrtght A. Page , Company -
pany F , tlixthm Massachusetts ; 1" , iuslm , Corn-
imany A , SIxth Massachusetts ; IlugIm Mc-
Curtly , Comnpamay G , Tisii'ty-timird Michtg.amm :
Leis'is Phillips. Detroit , Mich. ; George Mc-
Cumio , Company ( I , Sixth Massachusetts ;
henry Neber , Comnpammy D , Second infantry :
William Sparks , Comnlany ) 0 , Second infantry -
try ; II. SImrri , Conaltany D , Thirty-third
? aliclaigan ; J. J. Cottier , Company C , Thirty-
thin ! Michigan ; J. J. Cottior , Comiumny C.
cavalry ; J. limsight , Comnprany L , Thirty-
foum'tb Michigan ; Alicia Vt' . Mitre , Company
K , Seventy-first New York ; F. F. flughom- ,
captain amb acting quartermaster Umaited
States voinmateermi ; William I'ahey , Ildisoma
Phonograph company ; A. Ililtignard Uhil , at-
tache NorwegIan legation , Washington ; rca-
idcnce , Chrlstiania , Norway
A report ( rein Matunans says thmat In the
cistern of a house on Samata Teresa street
were found tIme hmentl , akin awl tail of a
dog that had been killed , amid tIme liesh or
which lanai been sold for food.
intermmntiiai ( omvt'iitioii of Ghmas.
Vorkcrs Jeetles di ) lf3xmQiid l75OUt )
cml smie i'roJect ,
MUNCIE , Immd. , July 19.-TIme immterna-
tlonal conventiomm of ( lie Green Glnsa Blair-
crc adjourned today. It was sesolved to
establish a co-operative factory , the Inca-
( ion to be selected soon. TIde city Is a
camadidate. The wage scale was heft to a
Joint vmigo scale mmieetlmag of nmamaufmtcttircm's
anti wom'hmen rat Atlantic CIty , to he held
0mm July 25. TIme workmemm have dotormimmed
omm demanding shorter hours or an increase
of 15 per cent.
The desire of several manufacturing
plants to resmmrno work at once is based on
the extrnordimmary ( lemnand for frumit jars ,
which have jtmmnped fuhiy 25 per commt amid
are still advancing. September 1 is time
date fixed for resumIng work. Atlantic
City was choon for the annual convention
in 1899 antI udor to rtdjoui'nnaent time tel-
lowing offlcor were elected :
President. Denmmis Hayes of Pimiledelphia ;
rico president , Wllllnm Doughty of Mu-
villa , N .1. ; secretary , WIlliam Laauier of
I'hliadehphia ; treasurer , Conrad Auth of
Pittsburg. ExecutIve cornmnittee : Wihhiamn
Dunlap of Newark , 0. ; harry Jenkins of
Allan , Ill. ; E. A. Gard of Streator , Ill. ;
Jolmn Roessler of MuncIe ; George hionnen
of itiiviilc , N. J. , amid Gottileb Irbohmr of
Brooklyn , N. Y.
There is about $75,000 In the treasury anti
( hats will be used Ia erecting time co.oper-
ative factory.
Attemmdfliicit 1 $ Expected do 'i'lmeIt lime
riUt ( ( ) ) llmtrlC mat time Liglitla An-
jiatami hienulum , .
ATLANTA , Ga. , July 10-Confederate
veterans anti timeir friends arrived today by
the thousands to ho present at this elghtlm
annual rouniom : , wlmiclm begins tomorrow , A
conservative estImate of the number of pen-
pie a'lio camno lute Atlanta today is 15,000.
It is believed that the crowd whicha will
arrive toniorraw s'ill bring the total at-
temidance imp to time 50,000 mans.
Amomig time distinguished veterans who
are now Imero are General Stepheum D , Lee ,
commander-in-chief of time Army of Tennessee -
see ; General Charles fi. hooker , time orator -
ator of the day , occomupamaleil by Mrs.
Slooller ; Adjutant General George Norman ,
General J. S. DIckerson , comiamander of the
Department of Florida : General Robert ii ,
Smythac , commander-ui-duet of the Sons of
Vetorns General M. J , Fulger of Ala-
bamrt , the oldest concderato general ; Brig-
adler General Asbury Coward of Charleston -
ton amid General W. L. Cabehl of Talhas ) ,
Texas. , comumimander of time transrnisslzsippt
departmnemit of Ummiteti Confederate Vetcm"-
naB ,
il'Pflhl'N CoNE Over ii Millioum ii. Menus.
WASHINGTON , July 19-The } 3amreaum of
Comistrtmction anti Repair Is emicmiding $1-
250,000 a mmaomithm upon repairs , fittimmg aim , !
i'efltting vessels for time u'ar with Spain.
Belief Department hlca Ansurances Regarding
Its Oourso at Manila ,
1)eu'e' hbis , Carefully htefrimmc.I , trauma
Comnmiihl I Iiti llInatqi'it lii Ilii . , _
lntvreirsC iiitha
Thrum ,
\VASIIINOTON , July 10.-It wee stated at
time Nmt'y ulepartuiemit tcdny , that no ilit-
vatchmcs lied becum received fuona 'ulnilrtil
Dewey relating to tIme iimmpertmammt events it
time Pbiltppluiet4 .leerlbimt . in time liress ails. :
patches. It Is ci Idcmmt , iioit ever , ihmat time
nfllc'rs tie not feel the atmnit commcenmm rtlmt-
tire to time nttttimde of ( lie tiormmann narmil
force at Mmanhhia that they ilhl
whmema time admiral's inst dlspatclm
I was received. It was not so
stated otlicinll' , but timem e ml. good m'eahut& to
believe that eithmcr thmrotgh , .ntbttaadqr
W'imitc at BerlIn , on ( lie reprcsemmtntlvo of
thin Gemumumt gnvernmiirmit. here , the State do-
llartnmemmt huts receiveti seine mtsstirltmices fin , ' ,
( U time attItude of Geimmiany tousirit the Phil-
I ippines that have in a large mnes'sture ' me. '
mmmoved the grave mipprebonsina heretofore
emitertaimmed that Gerumiammy aomhtl offer ob-
stuiclesi to the cxeciitiuii of our plauts , It lii
nOt known just what the muitum'o of tiise
asauraflet's in amid it imany be ( butt timk' nrc
beam-tI upon scinti tracts comammaiuitteute.t . by
Atlmmairni 1)owoy mac to the exeltrimagea ltbh
hmaSo taisen jiltico betweemm imiimmmtelf mind tmo
( ienmmlnma tmdmimlral iii tIme l'hlhipimiues , fur it itt
hmaown ( that. for politic m'easonB the Navy
department withuaclil trona inmblicattomm a
hargo amid lnmporttnt section of 1)ewey'e
. cablegram received several days ago. .
'l'hu reported negotiatiomis be'
twemi time iistmrgeiit , icader , Aguin-
aide , ansi the ShaliiBlL etiptatma
gt'mieral , Augtisti , have not yet been t'eportetl
ofllciahiy to our gnu'ermmmmicmlt. It is. lmove'Ci' ,
a mmaatter of conanmatulatiuma to tim ofitcimals
hero that lii all ( Ito melatiults we limavo hmd
so far with tia Insurgents , . 'tditiirah Dcvcy
hits carefully m'etm'itintl from eomnmittimmg
time Umsited Stmttes in many wmmy auth has never
in the aligtitei't degree relaxed time extiemmac
emnutiomi lie adtapt'tl urigimmmilly us his guitling '
pnliiclple in tienhlmag witim time inetmm'gouits. ,
Vimsitrory stories of itreviotms exhibitions of
inch ; of Integrity omm the part of the 1mm-
stmrgent leaders haiti led time goverimmiieU
hmere to adopt a. very ''y attitude in mdl
eomnintimitvttttoiia with this People mmmiii time
same rule of action now governs iti
duet. It does not follimw from that time
govermmmemit ii ; comavineed tlmmmt Aguinoldo is
pbnyimig false. memo is no doubt that the
pro.Spanish elemnemit In time PhilIppines anti
In Asia would lose no opportunity to create
that. lmnpresaloui with a vIcto caumlitig ( L
bmencit between the United States mnilltam'y (
sand commirnantlerit maiitl time mnrairgontit ,
out the very suggestion of the adoption by
time tncurgumits of the court'o attributed to
Lilefli tends very stm'ongly to retard the
hepalaton ) of plans by the atlmnuimistm'atiomt
tti govern time future of tIme Philippines.
Veer FixirCNsdii ( lint umme inmmange Vlll
lie Gr.nl1'rcL'eile4l 5py Intemmtiel'
2ot ' , Vezmtlier.
MIL\VAUKIE. July 19.-A mttormn tip-
proachhmag the character of it cyclone started
mat Watem'towmm , Wis. , about 1'Jfl : o'clock this
afternoomi. Trees ale reported beIng uprooted -
rooted armd barns blown ( iowmm. Timq wind.
stoma wits followed by a heavy fall of mimi.
At Suma I'mninio the storm ( lid consIderable
( lamnage. Wires were vrostratcd iii ninny
dIrections in ( ho maortlmwetst , time storm ox-
touting as far north as Green Bay , rind it
us fearctl the damage will he gremit.
Previous to the storm the weather was
hot and the tlacmumumaleter registered macar
time 100 muark.
At llehoit trees and wires lam all pum'ts of
tIme city were blowma down , rendering time
streets impassable. Several buslrmess blocks
score unroofod.
At Menmasba lumber piles were strewn
broadcast and the roof of S. A. toomc'a
manufacturing idamat was blown off.
Menornimiec , Mich. , reports several yachts
missing , but they are thought to have
reached the ccitt shore in safety.
llermton harbor , Idicim. , experienced is
beavy hail amid ralmi storm. Serious daniago .
\'at ; done to fruit.
11 ? rreld-Yo ri'hi cia.
Mr. Roy Ilarreld and Miss Victoria Nor-
olius were mnnrried on Tuesday evening ,
July 19 , at time residence of the bride's
mamothem' , 512 South Thirteontim street , Rev.
Charles W. Savitlga officiating , .
S I em , .l-3lsul iii gremi ,
.1. Fred C. Stead and Miss 'Mary MaIm-
gren wore married Mommdmmy , July 18 , at the
ionic of time otficiatimig minister , Rev ,
Clmarles W , Savidge.
StemsucmnIc'a Vigorous Cr1 ticisni ,
John Stepunuk , nmm auditom' itt a beer grin-
den near Thminte.emitlm anti \Vllhitanas street ,
became displenmted with time music last
miight. Ltmll stnrterl cmi atttck amioia , ( lift iliac-
alcians , llti seized a light ttmtmlo upomm which
rested several glasses of beer , tand hurled
time whole into mIdst of the atttommilmotl
Ierforlmlqrs. The littler resented St vanmmk'n
ensitluet amid springing to theIr teat turned
their immmstrumeumts cmfton him. Stoptunak wits
50011 worsted nuti bay ummdom' a wreck of tttLiett
and chairs uumtil time arrival of thu propnie-
ton , ibis bead was paimmfuiiy tilt anti tie
was uccornuiodatetl at tue uolhce station.
i _ _ , . Austin's ' Antiseptic
Dandruff Destroyer
and New Hair Grower.
This pi'cpam'atlon Is is late dlscovory thttt I Imavo made by
- burning soft coal and lime , and It Is the 0111) ' drug In the
tZt452- world thut v111 positi'tLy lieHtroy thandrufT ( the lintr do-
stroyce ) anti stop falling itati' In 10 days.
Omaha , Neb , Jtmly 13 , 1591 ,
l'mot. 3. 11. AmlBtIn-ti ) ' Dear I'mot-'bmilca 1mm Omaha on
ii , vIsit my smttemmtioni With cnmiied to your tliory riutia'e , tu
scalm' disease , imotttbly do utirumit ( Pitym'usint ) , ynum cimitming it
to be itLm'sIti0 , amid your remedy whtrii you inimed would
ktii tim. , parasitO-lietIce cure time cliseteC-Y"r ) theory avat '
strletiv in accord with my oavcm , I was ttueriitg ( trtimn a I
wicked case of damatirtmff , faliin of hair nmtl tail that tithe Imi-
wife-I had ltmtittitcd , but cotmidn't cairo It-
fers-Ho avats my
coUtlui't find tIme reniedy. Aim Interview with you settled It- ,
for 1 saw you knew your bleimmess , ' amid wima emititleti ftiity to .
yOUm' Premix , Imof. , which your s'tark 'is 140 hmonoralily mnalntuici.
log. Urietly stateti you have su'orked omit by your 20 yetrn ) of
arduous labor in reseurcim and practict , ta valuabbe reniedy or
immectimablu bomiefit to ( hi' world , mind matter four apjtlteatton's '
our scalps are Imetihtimy anti efrurm , anti I see hint ummty a very
few more anphications a'IhI clinch the mmcii YOU harts driven ,
into the coihirm of the Puri5it'S of our sCtahI)8 , You don't charge
enough ( or it-5.01) item bottle lii cimetilt for it. \\'Itim many
thanks for your himmtlnesa , I urn ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (1
F. hi , Morrihi , M , D , , Lots Angeles , C'ul. _ _ _ _
Why Did One Uottle Oure These PeopI ? Mmtgmaititi 8,5O
The only way of kimowinir If you havrhm tIlts rntcrobo Is by c'ielllng on Pi'of , .1 , II ,
Ans1u , Dei'inutol' glet and Scalp Specialist , f26 New York Life Bldg. , atitt having , j
a FREE Mioroscoplu oxanilnatlon of the bait' and heat ! ) , If you barn Dan-
tlt'uiT or Fatling hair you have this microbe , thu hair ilestriytr. At all druggltt.
If you am'o skeptical timid wlbh to coo 50 luttors like the abave fm-vram Onmalsa people
tlsu r have cured tlui'Iug the past two vceke , call at may olhlco , 2U N. Y. Ll ( ' b'dg.
I $