. . . - - - - - - ' ' S - - - - . - U--- - - - - - - - - -----L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rJ r I _ - - - - . - - - - - - - - - OIA1b1 AND CILICACO1'IN \ ' Rcti1t ot the rmt Day's ' Matches of the Crkket Tournament , MINNESOTA AND DENVER TUE VICTIMS T idnnil'n NlInnnI tannu , VIud.s . 1x- ceIlnt Itstcrpretzttlon 1 , tI % ( FOUr Ile , cn.i . ( lint ( : ( , t1Ilctrl In the : unteltei ; Yetershiy. I 'Fliero wro two featurc. In the flr8t ay't I1A I In thn tournament of the Northwcatetfl Ctlcket nuoclatlon ycBterdny-Lhe doMe match between the Omabn and Minnesota teams , which the former won by a narrow margin , am ! the easy manner in whih the Chicago team pluekeit the team from the Rocky mountains. Omaha's game was won In the first In- flings by the close score of 73 to 70. a victory by only three runs. It was only by the best of bowling and the cleanest sort ot folding that the vialtora from the n.orth Were prevented from catching up wIth the lpcala. The second innings Put ft cinch on the game , for when the time of the match axpiretl at 6:30 : o'clock Omaha had succeeded in piling up more runs than in the first innings and the visitors passed up their half. half.Chicago Chicago had a clean wahkaway over the t Denver team. The Windy City aggregation completely outbowled and outbatted the mountain chaps. The Chicagoans coppered the match in the very first Innings , which they won by a score of 131. to 33. Denver followed and could got only twenty-five runs. This gave the match to the Chicago aggregation by an Innings and 73. The opening of the tournament was very auspicious. The weather vas overpower- ; inghy hot for the players but the exhaustless - less supply of refreshments that the Omaha Cricket club had on hand was suflicient to keep the crickcters In as cool a frame of mind as was possible. Play commenced promptly at 11 o'clock , as it wilt during the remainder of the tournament , and cloacd as promptly at 6:30. : A plentiful supply of provisions - visions was also on hand and an excellent luncheon was served to the players shortly after midday. 'rho two matches that are scheduled cacti day arc taking place simultaneously. The - ball grounds t. Twenty-fifth and Ames where the tournament Is occurring , is ample enough for this. The view of this . Ibid0 with the whiteclad forms of the play- era , is a decIdedly pleasing vision for the . spectator who sits In the coolness of the . grandstand. Oninhin Gets htn FIrMt Ulnoil. Omaha went Into the tournament with the ' , ' Intention of winnIng its first game since It 'a 4 has joined the nasochatlon. For three years fr It has struggled along with a membership and In that time It. baa been unable to connect - nect with any honors. As has been lntt- mated , it did win out , but only after the Minnesota agrcgation had given It a ( he- cidedly serious case of spinal emotion. A lead of three tiny runs is not much to noa about. It was not because of superior batting - ting that the local eleven gained the vie- tory. Ai a matter of fact the Minnesotans banged out more runs than Omaha. nut In the matter of steady bowling the team from hereabouts surpassed the vlshtora and It was on the strength of this that they secured the victory. Minnesota got but three extras , While the local eleven got no less than nine runs on the erratic actions of the visiting bowlers. l3oth Dougal and Bate ( lid excellent bowling. Three men only on the Omaha team managed - aged to connect wIth the bowl to any con- slderablo extent. Tuhlleld nnd Taylor made very credItable scores of 18 each , and Bate also just crawled Into the double figures. The remainder ot the eleveii was rather weak. On the other hand the Minnesota team was more evenly balanced. While the I'ndlviduah scores made were not as high as Omaha's , yet. the geucrat average was better. Toward the end of the first Innnlngs the . - Omaha players were made a bit nervous. After disposing of the heavier batters at the top of the list. the seemingly weaker ones at the bottom showed a decided (1151)051- tlon not to ho downed. They kept on reel- log oft runs until the score got uncom- fortubly close. Finally Bates succeeded in bowhlflg Rumble out. after lie had eight runs to lila credit , and Clark wIth four not out. It was a pretty ball that knocked the stump out of the ground and gave the Omaha contingent a chance to yell. In the second Innings Omaha played for time and Incidentally piled up a nice batch of runs. Bate carried oft the honors with seventeen runs , while the rest did better than In the first innings. ' It was just 6:30 : o'clock 'when the final man was Put out aiiih the Minnesota team , realizing the impos- elbihity of overcoming this lead In ten miii- ' , utes , dtd not ask for their innings , The was : OMAhA-FIRST INNINGS. 0. . .1. Tufileld , b Edmunds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS .tIt. . Vaughn , I ) Edmunils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 It. \ ' . 't'ayior. b Ehiitiiidq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS ii. , Now , c Taylor , b Edmunds. . . . . . . . . . . . I 'I . P. Bate , c Ilichurdson , b Edmunds. . , . 10 George Vaugimu , c StiIlz . , ti EhinuntlS. . 4 I I. Lnvrh' , I ) Sauler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , 3 .1. 1 1. I4linnis. C EdiiiIun1. b Saulex. . . . . . . 4 P. F. Dougal , ti Edniiunds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 J. 13. Itcyimlds , not out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 J. 1) , Douglas , c Nash , b Fdunuiiid . . , . , , 0 Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Bowling analysis : Oers. Runs. W"kts Eilmunds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IS 25 S ' Goths'in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a SaUte7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 2 MINNESOTA-FIRST INNINGS. 0. C. Sautex , C New. ti Dougal. . . . . . . . . . . . II. Nash , b Dougal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Stevens , b Dougal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ir. Curry , c iuiii b Ilato. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 11 , Edinunds , b Unto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Itichnrdson , I ) Dougni. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 'r. . Slssoit , b G. Vaughn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 .v. Godwun , C. tV. Vaughn , b Dougal. . . 3 I , I. Taylor. run otit , b Bate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . \\p , Clark , not out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .w. Itumblo , b Bate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 'I 'otni . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] Iowlung analysis : Overs , Runs. W'kts. flat e , . , . , . . . . , . , . , . . . . , . . . . . , 17 23 3 Dougah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 29 5 a. Vaughn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P 15 1 OMAHA-SECOND INNINGS. . It. . \ % . 'naylor. b Saulez. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II \v. , It. Vaughn. b Godwin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 C , J. Tiithield , 1) Idmunds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 'P. P. Ihtite , run out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 11. New. c Edmunds , ti Clodwhn. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 U. II , Valigliti , C Clark , ti ( lodwin . , , , . . , . C II. Lnwrlo , I ) Iiinuiilq : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I C. 11. Slinnis , not out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P I' . F. .flnugnl , (11(1 not bat , . , . , . , . . . , . , , , . , 0 J. B , Ileynolds , ti Ooc.lvin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I J. Douglas , b Godwun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 iIxtrais . . . , . , . . . . , ' . , . . . . . , . . . . . , . , . . , . , . , 0. . . . . 'l'otal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bawftng analysis : Overs , Runs. W'kts ( lodwin , . , , , , , , . . . . . , , , . . , , . 15 29 3 Ildinunds , . . , . . . , . . , , . , . , . . . IL 25 2 Saulez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a is I Hessuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 u Uinlires : B. Davis of Minnesota , 3 , Fran- ciii of Omaha , ( hleugo'a Terrific Ilowliiig- , The great bwlung , of Davis and Kelly for the Windy City eleven decIded the : natclm 'with Denver. The Rocky Mountain lads seeineml to be afraid of their twists aml : if . theydid manage to bat out the leather it ACREAT TONIC. h Horsford's ' Acid Phosphate . . - ) Ranks as th bsat remedy for deblil- - toted men and women. . _ ! 14&uct to . t&hie , Sbu Bub.tliat. 'k -A - . . _ _ . ' was very sI't'edIIY gobbird imp by the flth1s men , who rnndly supported time bowlers. Only seventeen avers were needed to retire the l'nvrr crow1 , In whit ) : they tnnnnged to make but thlrtytwo runs , which they hind nigmen"al by one extra n bye. On this other hand the Chicagoans batted every one of the numerous bowlers that were put UI ) by time hener eleven like fiends. The top score wan made by iCelly who bail 36 to lit. credit and not out. Davis was pretty nearly mis much of a terror at the bat as lie was with the ball , for lie piled up 28 runs before lie was caught out , The superb bowling of tIme Chiicagoans was rounded out In the second InnIngs , Ienver followed on its Innings and the match was brought to a speedy close with no chance heft for a dispute. In Just nine. teen overs the ten inca were retired , six of them without a run , Of the number , eight of theta were bowled out. A couple of leg byes added a brace of runs to the 23 batted out. This was unsumelent to oh- low the Denver aggregation to seape a defeat by an Innings and then some The score : CIIICAGO-FIItST INNINGS. .1 , DavIs , C ' 'hyte , b Brown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 I. Ileddow , e 'hyte , 1 , I'rhnce. . . . . . . . . . . . 14 J , Bradley , c Moon , b Brown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. Dobon , h Ston. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 J. I'letehier , C I'rhnc' , b .Stone. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 p. Kelly , not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J , w , 'rhuomnision , C and b Brown. . . . . . . . . 13 hr. Barker , I , Moon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w. ii , Sterling , b PrInce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii (1. C , Jeffrey , c I'runce , b Messiter. . . . . . 2 C. Sprague , b l'runce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 IIxtras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 T otal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bowling analysis : Overmi. Ilium. W'ktS. Ilennion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 15 0 Stain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 40 2 Moon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 21 1 I'rhnco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 19 3 Messiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 1 llruwn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 10 3 DENVEI1-FII1ST INNINGS. C. 1I. Moon c Iheddow , h DaviM . . , . , , , . . , 2 F'rel llennion , b Davis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U I I. C. Stun , ' , leg before wlcset , ti Kelly. . 2 J. B. Robertson , b Kelly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 L. 0 , Brown , c and I ) Ia\'IH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 A , T. l'rhnce , c Iheddow , b DavI'h. . . . . . . . . . I 11 , Messlter ii DziVis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C F' . M. iingiah ( , li ICelly. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 J. McD.'Ii'te , b Iavhm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 A. 1' . 5. Cocks , c Davis , b Kelly. . . . . . . . . 2 F. Itomenwood , not out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Idxtras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bowling analysis : Overs , Runs. W'kts. Davi' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 18 6 Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 14 4 DENVFIt-SECOND INNINGS. T . . C. flrowii , C Sprague , b Fletcher. . . . . . 0 II. C. Stem : ? , 1) lleddow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 V. Messiter , b rk'ddow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 A. (1. l'rhnce b Ileddow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U C. . B. Moon. Bradley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 3. , M. English , t Bradley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 J , B. Ilobertsnn , b Iledilow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A. 1' . 13. Cocks , b Ileddow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I J. MeD. Whyte , c Barker , b I3eddow. . . . . 0 a. llomewood , b Bradley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U F' . Bennion , not out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ) 1ixtra' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Boviunr nnalysls : Overs. Runs. W'kts. Dcddow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 14 Ficteher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C 1 Bradley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Umpires-John IlnIl of Denver , J. Fietchici of Chicago. how Thie Stand , The standing of the teams Is as follows : PlayedWonLost.Per Cent. Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 0 100.0 Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 100.0 Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 1 000.0 Demiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 1 000.0 The two games scheduled this afternoon are between Omaha and Manitoba , and Miii- nesota and Chicago. The Manitoba team has riot yet arrived but Is expected this morning. Tonight nih the visiting teams will visit the exposition and the Midway as the guests of the Omaha Cricket club. GItOSSE 1'OINT'S hG O1'l3ING IAI 'l'haree Great I'neers Itmni Seeim heats nimil Neither Woo. D1TflOIT , July 1S.-Threo great pacers , Frank liogashi , Itubhnsteun and Bumps , tin- lhied the opening day of the grand circuit season , eachi w'Ith two heats to his credit. At S o'clock this evening seven heats of the event had been Paced and the three leaders - ers each still lacked a heat of winning. 'l'hio evening was cloudy and the judges were compelled to make tha.dlsappolntung annotmncomoflt that the ( leciding heat would be postponed until tomorrow , under the rule that no heat can be started unless the gaits uf the horses anti the drivers' colors are distInguishable. 'I'hie lug Blue Ribbon meeting opened aUspiciously. 'rime Grosse l'ohnt track was par excehlenee , 'rho crowd numbered 3,500 and the bettlmig was the liveliest ever seen at Grosse Point on an opening day. Favorites - ites took first money in the two opening events of today. Bumps was first choice in the 2:01 : , ace and the crowd stuck to the Indiana horse long after he quit winning heats. Summaries : 2:27 : , trottIng , purse $2,500 : Angduma , I , m , by Anteo , ( lam Anglie ( Ketchani ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 Mountaineer , b. Ii. ( Lapham.2 4 Miss Ileatrice , hr. m. ( Kelly ) . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 2 All Day , blk. g , ( Yerance ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 5 VIola Baum ( Story ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 3 Time : 2:16 : ¼ , 2:1'2 : , 2:13. : 2:19 : , ) tCuflg. tnke $2,500 : Evangelino. re m. . Imy Duplex , ibm Fi'a CdcLahighmlin ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 1 1 Ed II. Young , blk. g. ( Kelly ) . . . . . . . 2 1 2 2 Little Pete , cli , g. ( McQultty ) . . , . , , 5 2 3 Encarta. b. in. ( Ilahnes ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 4 4 Scapegote , b. g. ( Geers ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 dr. 'i'Ime : 2:10 : , 2:12. : . 2i15 : , 2I1I : , 2:04 : , linee , iuirse $2,000 ( unfinished ) : ltUhhiIHt + 'li ) , hr. Ii. ( Laird ) . . 5 6 1 2 2 2 1 F'nank Ilognsh , hr. m. ( iSo- gash ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 2 s I I 2 Bumps , I ) . g , ( Wilson ) . . . . . . 1 1 6 6 5 3 3 Anaconda , 1) . g. ( Keating ) . . 2 2 5 4 3 dr. Frank Agan , b. g. ( Spear ) . . 6 5 4 3 4 dr. Chehalis , blk. ii. ( Frasler ) , . 3 3 3 1 dis. 'Fime' 2'07. 2'07 , 2:06a : 20G1 2:07" : 2:10 : 2I2. : VhsIdor I.Vho Coni.on ' . 'haeels , C. D. Kimball , It. tV. Little iiii.i A , Giuck , three Minneapolis boys , have raehmed this t'ity after a nIce little bicycle jaunt from Millertown , Time ) ' left Minneapolis Inst. Stimi- day , id spent a week on the 450 mIles 1111(1 macro that separate that city from Omaha by wagomi road. 'rh'y ) IItI1 an enjo'ablo ride. 'l'liel' fouiiil t1e roads In Minnesota good , those in Iowa bad , and those In No- hrnska exceiit'nt , although the hills about he Indian reservation bothered theni some- what. 'Fhiey nflhIC no effort to make a record trip , as they came hero to see the exhiosition and enjoy an outing , although thicy cov'rel 110 miles In one ilimy utter striking this state.Vlille in the city the boys are the gimests of S. 11. Take , superIntendent - Intendent of time Postal Station A , and hIs ( rleuitls. 'rhicy return to Itlunnenpolis by whicei time hatter part of the week. Ilium , , t tiiiiIs Sluuut , The hIgh wind played havoc with thin shootIng at time weekly function of the Dupont Gun Chili ) Sunday. Ilesitles that there 'as a smaller crowd out thiaui usual , 'rhie feature of thin ( hn3' ' : ts the nice work of IImbniI. 'rhiere were some team shoots besides tIme climb events , which : resulted In the followIng scores : Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10111 11101 11111 IllhO-l7 Fogg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11010 11111 10111 10111-16 Nason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01111 01110 11111 11011-16 Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . 11011 11110 10111 11101-16 II , Ihaumun . . . . . . 01001 10100 01111 11010-Il Schiimeider . , , , , . , . , 11110 11010 11111 10110-IS Kimball . . . . . . . . . . . 11111 01111 11101 11101-17 Parmnulen , , , , , , , . . , 11111 01111 11111 11111-19 ilolloweli . . . . . . . . . . 11111 01111 10111 11111-lI Dworak . . . . . . . . . . . . 11101 IllOt 11011 01111-16 hleetIls of % 'ht'i'iiiicii , It is announced that there will be a meeting of all local wheelmen some evening this week to arrange to : ' the cycle Parade at the exposition grounds on August 15 , which has been set apart b this exposition directory as Wheeimnen's day , D , J. O'hlriei , chief consul of the Nebraska divis. 10mm , League of Anericua Wheelmen , will call thu meeting , but bus not yet decIded upoi the time or place. liuti'rumtlonI Chess. VIENNA , July 19.-The thirty-third remind of the International ciiessmnmistcrui' toucan- meat was begun here today , itesults up to tIm hour of adjournment were : Liphe beat linlprun tumiui I'Lmlmowski beat Schuffers , Alapin , Trnchartl and Schhechmter held win- fling positions , while the other games were oven , Yesterday Schiechitor boat Wnlbrodt In a game not finished Saturday. Chunnipiomi 'l'ennis I'hncrs , NIAGAIlA.ON-TliiS.LAj.I , July 1S-Tlie handicap singles of time Camuulhuim champhor- , siiim ; teimimis tournament veru played todn ROd L. iS.Yumre of ilurvarti won from Cide \'hmltheek of harvard in a chose four-set match in the finals , REIS ) RESU1E ThEIR \V1NING \ Otnclnnatl Gota Back at Pblladolphla by Dint 01 Better Httlng ( BOTH TEAMS FIELD QUITE POORLY Errors hlase it flrent heal to Do with ( lie ( hmiit- that ( Urea time iivIng- Ites Another Chance to fl'In the Itnir. PIIILADgLPIIIA , July iS-Cinclnnati defeated - feated Philadelphia today by better hilt. ( lag. 130th teams put up a ragged fielding game , but the Philhies were the worst of- fenders. Attendance 3,371. Score : CiNC2.Tf. l'lIILAIJnLPIIIA. } t.fl.O.A.1I. MoUride , efi 2 4 0 0 Cooley , ef.i 1 5 0 1 Smith , it..0 1 2 0 0 Douglass , IbO t I U 0 COrcoran , ss.2 I 2 3 0 l.a.lole , lb .0 0 1 2 0 flecklsy , ib..I .1 9 0 014'Iicic , ci . . .i I 110 Irwin , lb . , , O I 0 1 0 Murphy , c , ,0 1 4 1 0 Miller , rf , . , l ) 1 I 0 0 Lauder , 1b..1 0 3 1 1 MePhee , lb..0 0 1 3 1 I'otultz , It . . , t 1 2 0 1 I.ltz , C . . . . . . .t 3 0 0 ( ru.M , ps , , , O I 2 5 1 ltrehten'n , p.0 0 0 1 0 Donom-uue , i' . . 0 0 3 0 Totals , . .31t2111 I Totals , . .4 72l3 4 Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0-6 PhiladelphIa . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 04 Earned runs : Cincinnati , 2 : Philadelphia , 3. Two-base hilts : Beckley , l'eitz , Douglass , 1. lick , Foultz. Stolen bases : lleelcley , Ic- win Cross. Left on bases : CincInnati , 7 ; l'hifnmlelphlmt , 8. Struck out : By Brelten- stelti , 2 : by Donahue , 3. Ibases cii bails : Ott llreltensteln , 4 ; oFt Donahue , 1. Umplres Gnffney nail hunt , Time : One hour amid forty minutes. Ilhrhs % % 'cmmr Out lchlroy. I1ATJrIMO8E , Juhy IS.-Kilroy rdtched winning ball for four Inhihigs today , but could Hot stand the pace. He retired in favor of ! Fhmornton in the middle of the fifth , Wooils going to center In Thornton's nIece. had hughes been given proper support - port ho would have scored a shutout. Score : IIAT.TIMong. CII1CAUO. tt.11.O.A.lI. Ilcfirnis , Sb. . I 2 1 1 0 Ryan , it . . . .0 1 1 0 1 iCe'Ier , , rf..0 1 1 0 0 IOvemttt , lb..0 I 9 1 1 Jennings , s.0 I 3 2 1 'rh'toa , ct-p. ' ) 1 1 1 0 } CeIIey , ct . . .t 2 2 0 0 iahlen. ss..0 0 5 I 1 Iemnont , 2b..1 1 0 2 2 tcComk , 3b..0 2 3 1 0 McCann , lb,1 1 10 2 0 labelI , if , . . .1. a 1 1 1 iloIune , ht..2 2 1 1 0 Conner , lb . .I 0 1 3 0 ( flarke , c , . : : 2 6 1 0 ChSIWO , c..O 1 2 1 0 liuglues , p..L 1 I. 4 0 Icliro ) ' , p . . .1 ( I 0 4 1 . - . . - - - - Woods , ct . .0 0 0 0 0 - - Totals .913213 3 - . . . - - Totuhs . . ,3 72113 3 Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 3 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 030000000-3 Stolen bases : Jeiley , 2. Two-base hits : Clarke , MeG raw , 1 lughes. Three-base hilts : Thornton , Enrimeul rtmna : Baltimore , 5. Double plays : Dahien to Connor. Base on balls : Off Ihughes , 3. JIlt by Pitched bail : Demont , McCann , Clarke. Struck out : By hughes , 5 ; by iilroy , 1. Left on bases : BaltImore , C. Chicago , 5. 'l'imne : Two hours mmml fifteen minutes , Unipires : O'Day and McDonald. Steuir.el'ms Uimforttuimnte Mutt , NFI\S YOIt1C , July IS.-Stenzeh's muff of Kennedys fly Iii the eigHth InnIng after two were out cost Tim 11urst' ltougui 1(14- cr5 today's gnme , Griffin Is still unable to play and LuCimance took his pace. Attend- snot ? , 1,500. Score : IJItOOKL.TN. ST. LOOPI. It.1i.o.IV.II. It.1L.O.A.E. LaCha'ce , ct.2 3 4 0 0 Dowd , rf . , .0 I 0 0 0 .ltine5. ri , . .1 2 1 0 0 Stenzeh , cf..i 0 1 0 1 Sneebard , I.1 1 1 0 0 harley , It . .l 2 1) ) 0 0 'luckerib.i 214 1 0Cros. . 3b..t.3 I Is Ilaman : : , 2b.1 2 2 7 2 Dscker , lb , .I I II 0 0 Stuunlb' , lb. . 0 0 1 1 0 Uenments , e.t 3 2 1 0 Magoon , ss..0 .1 0 3 0Quhnn.u..0 Ryan , C . . . . .1 1 2 0 1 Crooks. lb , . 1 0 4 3 2 Keilflt'tiy , jLO 0 1 3 0 Sudhori , iL..0 0 1 3 0 Totals . . .7 i226 IT Totals . , .6 11 24 ii 5 IIarley omit for Interference , Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 -7 St.Louls . . . . . . . . . . . 122000100-6 Stolen bases : Dowd , Shirley Steozel. Tuo-base hits : Clemi'nts (2) ( ) , LaChance (2) ( ) , Three-base hilts : Ilailnian , 'I'ucker. Earned runs : Brooklyn , 5 ; St. Louis , 2. Double 1)llL3' : Quinn to Crooks to Decker. SicrI- thee hits : Suuihoff Cross. First bnse on halls : Oft Kemineiy , 2. Struck out : By Sudhuoft , 1. Left on bases : Brooklyn , : St. LouIs , 8. Time of the game : One hour itfld thirty minutes. Umpires : Lynch nud And rews. Senalormu amid Spiders 11mw. WASHINGTON , July 18.-An interesting game s'as called on account of darkness. Both teams played well. Attendance , 800. Score : WASIUNUT0N. CIdVELA N Li. 1t.Tho.A.i. 1t.lIO.A.1C. Selbach , lf.i U C 1 0 ) iurkett , if..1 S 2 1 0 \'igner , Ib..0 0 4 1 2 Chlids , lb . . .0 1 3 ' 0 .tnderu.on , ct.0 0 1 I ) 0 ? ,1iean. s'.4 _ 2 2 2 2 Mcuiru' . c..0 1 2 2 0 T'b.lmi. lb . .O 2 12 I ) 0 iteitz,21 , . , . .0' 2 3 2 0McAier , cf..O I ) 7 0 0 Ftekls , lb . . .1 : 10 1 " SV&i1I9t , 3b.,0 I 1 1 U dettmanTt..0 0 1) ) OIilake.rt..U 0 1 CO Wrigley , s.O 0 3 1 1 Zimuner , C . .1 5 1 1 I LtnenpU . . . . . 1unsow : , c..0 0 . .1 'j 1ercer , p . . .0 'I ' 0 'I 0 'rotals . . .2 11 iS Ii 3 Totals , .4 815113 W'ashilngton . . 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Cleveland . . . . . . 00002000000-2 Stohon hmmses : : Selbach (2) ) , FIelds , Beltz , Burkett. 'rhree-base hilt : Vuhhace. First base on balls : Off Dineen , 4 ; ott Young , 2. Struck out : fly Iineen , S ; by Mer.ar , 1 ; by Young , 3. Left on bases : Washington , :1 : ; Cleveland. 12. 'l'ime of gnaw : Two hours anti forty-live miuiutes. umpires : Emsile utmid Hunt. . Ihostuui 'tries ut esv Fielder. BOSTON. July 18.-Willis had the l'itts- burgs at his nierey today. Ladd of thin former New England league was tried In ift ibld and did svell. Attendance , 1,500. Score : IIOSTON. I I'ITTSIIUItG. 1t.i.O.A.E. I Jt.li.O.A.E. Long , sq . . . .0 I I 1 0 Donaan , rt.Q 0 1 U 0 Veager , th . .O 0 0 1 0 MeCrery , ef.O 0 1 0 0 iufty , ci . . , .1 r i 0 U McL'srt'y , ir.0 I 0 0 0 CoiilnsIb.,1 2200UrnyIb.O 1420 $ taht , if . . .O 1 1 0 0O'lirisri. lI,1 114)0 had.l , It . . . .I I 2 5 0 4clurlvr , e .0 0 3 0 0 L.Mve,2b . . . .1 1 4 2 0I'addenlb..O 2030 1lrgen , C . , .1 2 8 1 0 ICly , , .s . . . . . .0 2 (1 ( 4 1 \'lliis , p . . . .1 3 2 1 0 Ithlnss. p . , .1 0 1 1 0 Tannthiii . .0 0 0 0 0 Tolal . . .C 12 27 6 0 - - - - . - I Totals , . .2 Ill 10 1 'Batted for Rhinos in ninth , Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 -C l'httsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1) ) 0 0 0 1 0 0 1-2 EutrnoI runs : Iloston , 1. Two-base hilts : LOWI ) , 'rllree-lmase lilt : , ( oliini4. Stolen bases : Long , Coilhns nail Stahl. First base oil balls : 131' ' Rhinos , 11 ; by'hliis. . 3. lIlt 1 , ' iitchied .buIl : O'Brien , Strucic omit : By Willis , 1 ; by lUmlnes , 2. TIme of game : One hour unil thirty-four minutes. Urn- vices : Sn31tier ami Connohiy , ( hunts ( ettluig VP jtgnhii. NEW YORK July 18.-The Gionts jumped back Into thmo fIrst division ( lie beating thlcy gave time Colonels and Plttsburg's iom , to Boston iantiing' them in sixth Place. Seymour - mour allowed the visitors but one lilt. Score : , . N1us. YOIIK. . it.1i.OS.1I. lt.ltOit.11. V. ltnl'n , cr1 i 2 0 0 hey , cC . . . . .0 1 i 0 0 'rmsnnami. lf..2 2 1 0 0iexterrf,0 .leyce , it' , . , O I 13 0 1 Wagn'r , 2b.O 0 2 7 2 iuvi. s . . . .0 1 3 6 1 ii. Invi. lb.1 0 11 0 1 Gleason , Ib..0 o : i 4 0 Cmiii , If . . .0 0 0 0 4) luyle , rf . . . .0 0 (1 0 0 Itltchey , s. .0 (1 ( 1 2 0 ilartmnn , Ib.0 2 0 U 0 Clhnm'n , lhO 0 2 1 0 ( lra'lyc..l U C 0 OKlttri.hgec..0 . p : m i 0 Seymour , p..l 1 0 2 , , , , , ) 300 Totalu',5321122 Totals , , ,1 127113 New York . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 ' -5 LouIsville . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-I Stolen bases : 11. DavIs , Grady , Double hla'E Davis to Gleason ; Olu-ammoim to 1)avis to Joyce. First base by errors : New York. 2 ; Louisville , 2. First base on balls : Oft Seymour , 3 ; oft Fraser , 2. lilt by pitched , ball : Grady. Struck omit : By Seymour , 4 ; by Fraser , 1. I'amused ball : Kittridge. Left , ) n bases : New York , 10 ; rouisvjile , 3. 'VIme of game ; One hour nntl tort ) ' mm- ut'm , Umnimires ; Swartwooti 11114 Wood. Attendance , 900 , STANDING 01 : ' ThiS TEAMS. I'uayed. Won. Lost , P.C. CincInnatI . . . . . . . . . . . 79 52 27 51.5 Iloston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 49 2 111.6 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 415 2) 61.3 Ilaitimoro . . . . . . . . . . . 74 41 29 4.11,5 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.a 45 5 56.3 New Yrk , , , , , , . , . , 75 41 : ii 54,7 Pittsburg . , . , . . , , , . , , 76 40 36 52,6 Phiiiadehphlia . . . . . . . . 73 33 40 45,2 Iirookiyn , , , . . , . , , . . . 73 31 42 42.5 \ashiuigton . . , , , , . . , 75 29 46 38.7 Louisville . . . . . . . . . . . 78 24 54 30.8 St. Louts . . . . . . . . . . . . SI 21 57 29.6 Gaines today : Chicago at Ihaitlmore , Pittsburg at Boston1 St. Louis at Brooklyn LouIsville at New " ork , CincInnati at Phil- adelpimma , Cleveland at 'VnshIngton. 1) IJIIUQLIII ( lI1'I'S ( iLVM IIUS 'I'IIAM , l'oor'tttciiulanccandl.ai'k at Interest Citmise a 'I'ruuiafer. COL1JMISIJS , July 18.-It is hmrobablo that Columbus has seen its last game of W'e. era league base ball. A telegram was re- ecived here today from Manager 'I' . J , Loftus , directing that the phuyers vnek up their luelongiogs and take ito early train In the morning for Dubutiue. Ia. , to which lihaco the series at giores which were to have been ImlnVetI hiert hi. ' ( hit' St I'nul teatu cml TiuednS' % % emitmestiny an 1 TitmirsilaS , hirivo hem trntifermnd Matinger 1.oftlls Is hlftVm' in ttlltutliin , so that tilithing imOultite Is known as tO ( lie nienalng of tlmt' trniskr , ltt from time otminpinlat w'lmirit 11115 lerim macdo regardIng imor tttten.Iaiire her , ' . It is enumsiulereti na the' flumnl step lit the tnkltmg away of time team , wlmkh has represetited t'oimtmhnis In the Vestetn league for time last ( lures seasons. 24ClItB4 ( ) 01' 'tIlE % 'llMTUltS 113t(3tib. Eiherfleil .IoIns thuoTitrers nmil helps t.iek time Saints .tgnin , DETROIT , July 18.-Ehberfleld , thai shortstop - stop Stahhings secured train Philadelphia , made his first appearance today and played an ticehient game , Ifatmi bunched hitting , aided by the SaInts' errors , won for Be- ( colt , Score : 1(11.11. Detroit , , , , , . , , , 0 4 0 2 0 0 3 0 -9 14 0 lIt , Paul , , , . , . . 3 0 (1 0 3 0 1 0 1-S 13 6 Ihatterles : Detroit Ilahin and Wilson ; St. l'iutml l'hiyho nntl Spes. M1L\VAUKFIId , July 18.-DarIng base run- fling imfltl timely hitting voii tIme last grumne from ( he Mlhiers for tIle Brewers. lmurke's crutch of a low line drive was the feature of the gnme. Score : ILIT.fl , Milwatmkee . , . 0 0 1 2 4 0 0 0 -7 7 1 MInneapolis . . . 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 0-6 S 2 Batteries : Milwaukee , llnmnes and Speer ; Minneapolis , Wright and DIxon. INDIANAPOLIS. July 18.-Kansas City outplayed Inthiatmapohis today ittuil opportune - tune hitting gave the lIlacs the gatne. Score : it.1IE. Indianapolis , , 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-3 7 5 Knmisa City. . , 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 ' -6 7 3 Batteries : Indianapolis Foreman and ICahoe ; Xanas City , nrdee anti WIlson. STANDING OF" THE TEAMS. I'iruyed , Won , Lost. P.C. Intllanrmpohlq . . . . . . . . . 75 48 27 61.5 Kansas City . . . . . . . . . 79 47 32 59.5 Columbus , . . , . . . , . , . , 72 42 30 5.3 Mliwnulteo . . . . . . . . . . . St 47 34 St. I'nLii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS 45 3.1 57.7 Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 80 46 70.5 St. Joseph , . , . . , , . , 70 24 46 24.3 MinneapolIs . . . . . . . . . ' 19 22 57 27S Games today : St. Paul at Columbus , Minneapolis at Indianapolis , St. Joseph at Detroit , Kansas City itt Milwaukee , Stflttur.l is lteieuNed. NEW I'OitK , J11131s.'rhie management of the Louisville club todn' gave the ctis- ternary ten ilays' uiotice of release to See- end Baseman Jarne Stafford. Inulinmus 'i'iike Aumotlier Gnome. SIIYMOUR , Ia. , July 18.-Speclal ( Tele- arnm-The ) Nebraska Indians defeated Seymour today by a score of 18 to 6. io'ioi''rs oN 'tilE ULINNINF. Tht.tClS. l'eep 0' 1)uu' Makes a Grent Finish In Mile ztiiui Sixteeuithi , NEYOltl. . July 18.-There was a good attendance at Brlghmton 'lleachi antI thut' weather was cool , The fourth race was one of tile best of tIme meeting. Lady MarIan - Ian Went out to make thin pace after time first furiommg , while I'eep O'Dny amid Dr. Catthett followed a cotiphe of lengths behInd - hInd , wlthi Ilantmoclc fonrtn. In a furious drive Peep 0' Day womi ny a head. lIe- stults : l"Irst race , one mIle , selling , Tinge well , Glenohne second , June thIrd. Tiniei 1:42i.1 , Second race , live and a half furlongs : Efler''sceiit won , Lt : Cheviot secouid , Tot- ( Ut third. rime : I:001. : Third rae , ' , five furlongs , selling : 111gb PrIest womm , Fair ) ' Iaio second , Julius Caesar , LItteiieth third. Time : 1:02t. Fourth race , mile antI sixteenth ; 1'ep 0' Day won , Ilannock second , Dr. Cattlett third. 'l'ime : 1:45. : Fifth race , hive furlongs : ' . 'hm1plashi won , 51A' ; ! Miles second , Jack PoInt third. Time : I : 'ju. ' Sixth race , hub and one-unit : Latson won , Free Lance secommd , 1'oniuuenki thIrd. Time : 1:45. : CHICAGO , July IS.-lVashington park re- stilts : First race , one mile anti seventy yards : Roger B won , Nect'duh : second , Dorothy third , Tune : 1:45. : Second race , lIve furlongs : Fountaune- bleau won , Frank Bell second , Battle thIrd. TIme : 1:01. : Third race , ono mile antI seventy yards : Bernnrdlhlo won , 'feutomila second , .1. C. Clark third. Time : 1:44. : Fourth race. six furlongs : Mary Black won , Afahnatia second , Lady Ellerile timird. Time : 1:12 : % . I"ifth race , one and three-sixteenthis miles : Forte won , George Krats second , Don Orslno third. 'rime : 1:58 : % . ST. LOUIS , July 38.-FavorItes won tile ocond and fourth evetmus at thai fair grounds , Results : First race , for 2-year-olds , five furlongs : Mountain Dow won , Bolero second , 'rid I'axton third. Time : 1:04. : Second race , soiling , one mile : Lady of time W'est won , Chluitu 11 eommd , Miss Lizzie third. Time : 1:41. : Third race , selling , one and one-sixteenth miles : Judge Stemiulman womi , Basqull see- end , Sir Rolla third , Time : 1:50. : Fourth race , handIcap , 1x furlongs : Gib- raltnr won , Miss Verne second , Purity third , Time : 1:15. : Fifth race , selling. six and onehaIC furlongs - longs : Ilorseshioc Tobacco won , Siddubia second , Count Fonso third. Time : 1:21 : % . Sixth race , selling , one mile : Trunby won , Moralist second , Cun I See 'Em third. Time : 1:4314. : MONTREAL , July 18.-Results at Ilehlaire : First race : Sellirmg , 6 furlongs : Manzan- ila ' ' ( ) l , Dumbarton second , Locksley third. 'rIme : 1:24 : % . Second race : Two-yenr-olds , soiling , four and orme-himilt furlongs : Lady Scarlet woim , Ovy Cott second , Ergo third. ' 2irne : :16 : % . Third roco : Foumr-year-olds and upwards : What Next won , Devailut ccond , Waterproof - proof third. Time : 1:16'i. : ) Fourth race : Two-ycar-olds , five furlongs - longs : Clwesemitm'son won , Vex second , Yontego third , Time : 1:541,4. : Fiftim race : Soiling , mile and one-six- teemmthm : Scraps won , Stray 5(01) eCOfld , I , , . Ii. third. 'rime : 1:53. : Sixtii race : Selling , sIx anti one-half furlongs - longs : Dave 5 , won , Earl F'onso second , Cohhateral third. Time , 1:24. SPURIOUS THEATER TICKETS ( hmnahmn l'eopie Upiluit ' 'orrlt'i1 by the 11mm Ne'tV Iolge of 'I'wo Summooth Suui mudiers , Bogus admission tickets to ( lie various playhouses amid amusement places have made theIr aiSpearanee during the last two weeks anti many theater going people have been victimIzed. The tickets are excellent fac- sirnliies of the genuine tIckets , except in the color of the cardboard used. Very few of the theaters have been vie- timnized , as the counterfeits are ustmahly detected - tected by the keen ticket takers , Ivhlo become - come as adopt in detecting bogus tickets as a bank toiler does in detecting bogus mousy. None but tIme : iubhic suffer , Tto : work is being done by two young inca who travel about the city as litiiographmers with bundles of show paper tinder their arias , They not only elI time fne-simniiles of time COUIOfl tickets but bogus lithograph hoRses. A lIberal discount is iveti purchasers. It is not known whether the printing is done In Omaha , Time police are inclined to think the work is done in Chicago and that the man behind the scheme are Cimicagoans , At Clifford's ' Gaiety theater eight bogus tickets were presented in one nIhit , but were "turned down" at the door. None of the theaters sell tickets to scalpers , CASE AGAINST GILLESPIE tliumu.inmnums l'roeeeulings Ahlos'e,1 to Go Over Itu1 II Cciii rt Sits In 5e.deillhl'r. 'flue fliantlainlis proceedings brought against ex-Superintendeut Gillespie of time School for tIme Deaf by Attoroey ( lotmerni Smyth to compel hlirmI to turn over to the state mroperty alleged by his successor , Mr. Dawcs , to belong to tIme state , were not heard by Judge 1eysor yesterday , though the writ was made returnable on that date. Tile reason for thIs is that Attornep Hall , on behalf of Prof. Gillespie , informed the court that his client would file an answer to tIme effect that instead of him being indebted - debted to the state , the state owed hIm something like $2,000 , and demanding an no- counting for the Inst twenty years or at least for all tue time Fret , ( liliesple was superintendent of the institution. Accord- ugly Attorney General Smyth's witnesses , who were present , were permitted to me- turn home , Judge Keysor said lie would not undertake - take to hear a case during ( ho present hot weather that promIsed to take tip about two weeks for its trial , and the matter ursa , therefore , put oft until some time In Sep. teinber , : : - - GRAFTERS WILL GET AWAY1 " 1ifltieup' S'm'ttres time l.in ) , to 'lire ( hit ntid ii , , A uun. u II it l'riisoemi I Thrcmghi time Influence of someone who stands lese to the 'owers that he in thm imlice tlepartment ( ho three grntters who victlmizetl ut farmer of $43 last seek by iimeans of the hock game wIll gain their hib. erty , as the prosecumtlng witness has been spirIted out of the cIty. These men were found by detectives with the swindling locks anti a counterfeit do. tcctive's star In their possession nntl they were identified by their victim , Their cares were called In the ioiice cotirt. three ( hues and as ninny times commtlnuetl , time coathnu- ances boitmg takell to tire out ( hue victim , 'hio Is a. resItlent of another city , smut thus le the prosecutloa go by default. The scheme has been sttccessfmil , Whether the victIm left. of huts own accord or whether lie has been given hits money hack to leave the city before the hearing of the mileul is not knowmi , but tIme belief Is prevalent ( lint lie was bought off. The thrco grafters who vih1 be granted their freedom on their arr.iignniemmt are con- slderetl the most. adept in their line neil had a long and very sutccssful career i'rior to their arrest. DRIVER OSBORNE BADLY HURT Comiditlout of Otmiut the Victims ot tii I'n t rol 'n go it A'c Imlemi t Is SerImius. The condition of Driver Osborne of tim police patrol , who urns iijuretl by the overturning - turning of a patrol wagon at Sixteenth nmiml Jones streets Sunday , is critical , Time attending physicians at the Clarkson hospital have not learned the exact nature of his hurts os yet. While the imiitmrles iii. fllcted on lila scalp amid body mire severe they are not dangerous to Ids life , It is thin very severe limternnh injuries Ito received that tire causing apprehiension. Sergeant W'halen was soncwimat worse yesterday. Ills injuries consi8t of wremichied knee caps and severe body bruises and lmOS sihdy an Internal injury. Ito is at his hmotiie and may be detained there several weeks , Noah Thomas , the Imatuol conductor , shio Was iii tue wagon at time ( line of the cccl- dent anti who sustaineil minor imijtmrics was at his work yesterday. HYMENEALS . S I tt.l l-Cml . ' . CULBEIITSON , Nob. , Juhy 1S.-Specinl ( , ) -Clinton J. Sldell of time Era force nod Miss Mary Cole. for fotmr years teacher In the intermediate departmemit of the Culbert- son schools , were quietly unarrietl yesterday nt the hiotilo of the bride's parents , Rev , Mayfleid olilciatung. Qtinhuit lOuts for Slimumi Isit Meenri ties. LONDON , July 1S.-Spaiiishi fours opened at 381 , and later declined to OS. Saturday's closing price was 37-'t. PARIS , July 18.-Spanish fours opened at :18 : , Saturday's closimmg price was 3S.35. ) i'OlimI'lttM of Ocean VesselN , .huulr 15. At. New York-Arrived-CoPe , Iroin Liv. erioo1. At L1vermool-Arrivetl-Sylvanla , fion : Boston. Brenien-Arrived-lcoenhngeti Louise , from New York , via Southiammuptomi. A t Gibraltar-ArrIved-Kaiser WIlhelm It , from New York , anti proceetled for Na- lieS afld Genoa , At Digermtmien-Arrived-Atigusto Tic- toria , frouis Ilamburg via jmorts ( on North cape excursion ) . At Ilaimiburg-Sailed-PemlmiS37lVaflla , for New York. At Southmamptoma - Sailed - Barburosa , from I3rerneui for New York. LOCAL BREVITIES. Deputy Sheriff George Stryker took George 'rburston. an itisaume colored man , to the asylum at Lincohim yesterday. United States Irish commisitlomi car No. 1 arrived in Omaha yesterday morning on time Milwaukee and was transferred Inumiiedlateiy to ( lie oxpositioti grounIs. The gambling cases against William Dwyer , Jacob Kmrschhaumn nmitl l'hilips amid lianseim , the latter two having been arrested - rested uumider the familiar imnrnes of John Doe and htichard Roe. have been set by Judge Baxter for toniorroa' . At tIme Oummaha camp mimeetung on Twenty- fifth and Mantle'rsoui streets Mrs. Lora A. Ilenuett of Creston. Ta , , presidemit of tIme \Vomaim's Christian Temperance union , wilh give an illtmstrated temperance lecture on Tuesday evening , July 19 , at 8 o'clock. A party of Shuoshorme and Wosboc Indiami children passed thlrtughm Omaha yester.lay morning en route from tIme Indian school at CarRoll Ciy. Net' . , to tIme Indian schmo'l at Carlisle , i'n , U. G. Stead of the government - mont schools was in charge of time eliiidren. Mrs. S. J. Ciapp of IIloonungton : , Nob. , fell from a street car at 'l'wcimty-fourth and l3inney streets Sumiday afternoon and was quite badly bruised about tIme holly. She was emi her way to visit her son , Fred Clnpp of the ThIrd regiment. Mrs. Cinpp was cared for by friemmds. 11cr injtiries are not serious. There was Ito mmmeetlig : of ( lie Iloard of Edtmcatloi last night. 510113' of Cup macrn- bermi of the hoard arc out of time city antI only four umienibermt shmowed up , no quor'imn ' being possible. The emily thing of ammy liii- portarmce to have conIc before the hoartl was the openimig of the bids for the 1)aveupomt sclioeh site , 0. II. Iuncnn attended a picnic at l3ohievue , Neb. , Sunday amid came imonie iii ma disagreeable frame of mind from too fre- qument , visits to tIme refreshment. booth. ills wife , Eva Iuncun , was oblIged to suffer front his Ill humor and appeared at the police mttntioi : with her truce brolly bruised , Duncan wits arrested for : mssauit amid bat- tory. tory.Eggert Eggert Ott amid henry .Tilmp of lleruuiimg- tomi have beeii charged 'itlt sellhimg llqmmor on Sunday , Juiy 10. The ln ormumatiomm was tiled by herbert B.'aldron and the pnrt' to whom they ore alleged to have soil the liquor-one ; uint of beer ammml one hiimmt of whisky-Is called hans Sehneluler. Oft amid Jipl gave tlmeniseves immto the comisiabie'mm cusiochy , Judge Baxter sot thueir cases for the 21st , Charles E. Winter , clerIc of the county court and president of the State Ilt'putbiicaii league , has been appointed by l'resithent George Stone one of time imational organizers - izers of time National itepubhican league. There are timrce other orgiunizet's besides him , Joluli IV. Totten of New Tori : , C , IV , ItayluloImlI of Illinois amid F. F , Meyer , je. , of New Jersey , Ex-I'residcnt I , J , Crawford - ford of Kentucky , Senator Isaac Miller Ilamnultoi : of Ihiitmois , Melvin Hayes of Ohio anti Colonel It , J. Woods of South Dakota have been aipolnted the fInance commmiittco of the imatiomal : league , . ww Not Mao Alone you use ' ' \(4Ol Soap for Woolens for woolens only , hma'e lost nimi-tentlis : of its value. 'l'oti flood a d pure 8Ol ) In your bathroom - room and , : I ) C tI t 00 fll , Your face had more imir- tant than ts'ool , Wool 5- ' Soap he a 'I' s4 pure soap. It's the onhysoap MY MAMA I IUH MISC contalnintnolnlu. uIao HAD neat Ingredients. WOOL . II. I3YIIMS a. ANUEUSER-BUSCI-I BEER ContaIns every clement that makes Li healthful and desirable bcvcragc Purity , Perfect Brewing , Proper Age , Giving 'piquancy , zcst satisfaction , true refreshment. The The Faust Budweiser Anheuser- , The Michelob Standard PaleLager \ Brewed and bottled only by the ' ANHEOSERBUSCH BREWINO ASS'N ' "NOT 110W CHEAP ; BUT HOW GOOD" It thc Association's GuidInm Motto. Good , pure , clear , licaIthIthi I3ccr , illadc of scicctccl graIns , costs more to inakc than thclntlilkrcnt kInds , thrcforc commands a hIghcr rIcc. Anhcttscr.Btisch Bccr is scrvcd on nil Pullman and Vagnr DinIng and Buffet Cars , all Occan and Lake Steamers , and In all the bcst liokIs , Cafcs , Clubs , and ( amllic.s. Used by Army and Navy and at Soldicrs' flames. NO COR1USED. . CORN BEER S NOTHINC BETTER THAN A CHEAP iMTATON OF CENUII\IE BEERS MALT-NUTRlN1 , the purest Malt Extract-thc Food Drink-a boon to thc we.a and convalescent-Is prepared by this association. Beautiful new booklet Free. Anhcuser.Busch BrewIng Ass'n , SI. Louts , Ii. 5 , A. 4 , " ° ' ° MAUOOD RESTORE Ii TIutq great'cgptrull 'ital1zertlmeprescrtp- ttomi of lu fauimout Freuichi I'll ) slctamm , trill qtulc5ly cure vomu of nil veils or dls'aeq of the gearatlvo urgamis , , tuch mis Lost 2danbooI , Imisonimila , l'alti to thai ltickScmmtlmial JtiiissI n , 2t'r'oti 3J'btiity , f. I'Impmes , hI&ulItns & to Marry , 1xmuauimmna : Imritmis'am'mcoecmo : sect - Comisml'ntlon. I t stola Oil toMe' , t.v daV or OIglit. l'i , 'u'pmtts qmmlck- ursa 01 , Jkclinrgo , which if miotchit'etii'i hncl to Sllermitorrhces amid E FO fl C arso A FTK R alt the hiorrora cit 1nu.oo.ncy. ( 'V PC I ) as : e cieuuum.cs ilioliver , the . kitiiie' anti the miritiary cranes oX nil tmpuritica. cU1.RDIN : : trengthens amid resmomes .111811 weak organs. 'limo r'ason siufierf'r' , are not cured by hector' , tq titcntiiw mcunety per cm'nt are ( iacbled with PrestoS I I is. ( 'UI'11)1IiI1 is lbs only IrnoivIl renird e to core 'viuiiout Ito opi'ratiomm. tcto , ir.mlm.mui. a : . . . % viitten usrilnti'p givi'n aucit nlont'y rettirn'ci if six t.o'is doc not cirect a Jermancalcuro. I1.OOru box , iX l'r tIe ) , by 11)511. 5'unl for i'itxi : cia'iuiar atuil teatumnouiata : Address DAV)14 SIEIICIItE CO,1'.O.Ilux2I7OSau1raucciacoVah. J'u.pele8 MVII1LM-ilI.lOX I)1tUG CO. . . 11. Cos , lath it'stl Irarumnumu , ( imimuhi. _ . . - - - - -i atm lEt : FREE ADVICE 10' our l'lmysh'iamm and mt FREE SAMPLE : - . . I of 0111 niecticimie mind a US.limge : Fr.'o lloiik treating miii ( iis'RPCC u liii 56 ezt.chictmt ' ' of lime Vhu ' uhmotilti ivrito , mt'c'iiics arc somime reasuni ) you us : I Kay9s Reovator1 : Cmmve the very rom't cnes of 1)vm.pc isla Commstipntloum , ilcaiiariie ih'cr amid : i imimli'3' iii CilbC5. iic liii hit' I'm ' OOt ( I r sit. tV , ) 41 ItO rant . 'e I I . II'i hi' mis iml otit i ml I I 0 f YOU I' H' , ' mimmitommi 4. I ) , . li my's hienovait'r I ' . sold by II riiggit , . . , om' sent : 1p sushI tiit receipt or prI. ' ' , Pa couts amid SI.mO. - - Address Or. B. . J. KAY MEDICAL CO. , ( WesternOflico ) Omaha , Nob. : BLOOD POISON S A SPECIALTY. PriTnay , Oeoontary o1 Tertisry DLOGD & 'OWON penniafleritly Ciire. in 15 to 36 Days. You n be tratccl st home for rams pride undr Mine gUalant ) ' . If you pm'fer . to com here w will contraot to pay raIl. read tare tad hotel hal' . , . .d tie oha.rgs is we Call to 0115 $ . IF YOU HAVE taken meroury iodl6. potash and still Suave achS aid pauna x.tuoeua Putcha In mouth Bore Throat , i'tiapl , Copper Cot. . 'irei liDota. Ulisra en any part of ths body. heir as ilyetirows falling out. it I , thu Becoadary We Guarantee to Uur w. solicit time mtet obstinsts oases um challenge the world for a caCe we cannot .Jre. 'Dii , disusie hea always barneS the skill o ths roost eminent physicians. 1500,030 capital bebio6 oUr unconditional gz&ranhy , AbSolute prcofb Cent ae.1d on rpplioatton. 90 psi. book rut tree. Addreu COOIC ILCMEDY 00. , 4O1 Maiouio Temple , Chicago , Ill. wiuic OTITF.fl.5' 1A1L GOi0IJ1/h' Searles & Searles , , SPECIALISTS Guarantee to cure upeeilil7 end mull- cahly iii ) NIlityolis , ( ) itItONIO .AJtI ) I'III'ATJO diseases of 3leui uu1 women. WE ( MEN SYPhiLIS SEXUALLY. cured for life , NIght Ernissloni , Lost Manhood , 1v- drocse ! , Vericocele , Gonorrhea , Oloet , Syph- Ills , Stricture , Plies , FIstuhti and Rectal Ulcers , Diabetes. Bright's Disease cured. Con6ultation Free. and Cleetciirod Srh.re hotuc. by new method without pain or cutting. Cailon or address with stamp , Treatment by mall. floS , 1.stIe 5& ORS. SER1E3 8EAIIIE8. aR. IS ThO 051.1 111. : . ; SPECALIs'r ; , TUSArB ALL th Private DisOaSO3 ' % m\J flatr , , . set lmord.r , cia I . IcIEN ONL1 _ _ ' 5) YerralIztierlenoa a 10 Years in uriaba , Book Free , Conculta' ; ( r . : tiuuiyroe , uox7do ar-a1.1rIg. , . . ' . 14th and l'armmaui Sta. . . . - u1514)L.t. L'tJCll , CURE 111141 tsr ucesu , t.iwdeI. dh.ebsrsH. taSsamilloal , &irI $ u.ssI..4 U Irrttaticuu. ci uic.ratlc , zs.w , $1IISi. If 0' U C S U S aiuubrao , rr.s. . Ii4l retain. , sad net islets. % lv'l , .tWlVLICHtlsIeltC9. : _ _ 05 5'OtSOODil. . C cieal1Tl.0. by I1rugt.ita , U $5 iii pins I II. . 'ci . .itiea , 1.1& p , Patronize Iloiue Industries H , 1'miru'huutsiuujr (100(15 3iuitI , sit the Foi- SOuliulIr : i. tl , ra'.luL Fsu etorle , , s AIVNNUS AND TENTS. DMA Ii. ' . . 'I'IIN'l' .tD ItUhlllI4lt. CU. ( Successors Omaha Tent antI Awning Co. ) Mamuuraclurcr trOt ! , itwuihags ; jobberS ladlet' smid gent. ' ! .hiicclnmosmies. : 'I'enta tor rent. 1311 Fannanm St. , Oniuhia , llulIWEilhilS. O3l.t1IA Ih1lll'lNG .tSSOCI.t'l'IOS. Carload uhiprnemims mate in our own retrtr'- erator cars. liltie Itlbbcmi. Iitie Expt.rt , Vienna Export unit Fatally ELport delivered to all parts of tIle cty. 1JoTI.EiuS. OM.tlIA Ill ) iIilht W' ( ) ltiS. .JIIS ii. lOVR15Y , Prop. Boilers , Tanks amId i4iceet Icon Work. Special taeihltli'cl for doIng repair , . etc. 'i'd. 1311 H CORNICE worn : . . ' . ' ' ' C. F' JII'11X14'L'illi , J1.tC LII COItNICEO 1'OitlS. Manufacturer of Otu'unlzeu : Iron Cornmros , ( In' . varijzed Iron Skylights. Tin , Iron and Slate PeerIng. Agent tpr lilnucar's Steel Ceilng : , 108-10-12 ? 40r111 irs'enmuu : street CflA'KI11t FACTORIES , A.lllhthC.N lJlSCtil'l' ANt ) 31F'G. CO. \s'iioesu : , Cracker minnumtaeturcrs , OSIAIIA , NEIl. BYE WOItICS. .OhlOl4hS.tCl'S 'l".VIN CI'l'l' h'IO 1'OltlcS , I llli irgiriumiu 5t Dying mind cleaning of g'Lflnentr sail goads of every description. Cleaning ci tine garments a spectalry. FLOUR 2IULLS. S. Ii' . CILMAN. Flour , Meal , Fet'd , urea , 1011-iS-il North 11th Strest , Omnniin , Nib. C. 11. Black , ? iianager. TepIions : 552. IRON WORES. 1)tYiS & CO1''GIl.I. , lEON % S'ORI(8 , I COlt II muit hiriuss , , itul t' rs. armtnufiictmmrers nail Jobbers ot Maclitaery. fP'n- era ! repatrimug a spOelulty , 1101 , 1503 carl. ista JllCkPOlt streat , Omahuu , Neb. LINSF.1I1) OIL. W'l)3IAN ) I,1u11111) ( it l VOutI5 , lilanimfacturer , oil process raw lInseed oil , het. tie boiled Iirieeii oil , iiii : mire' 58 $ iouumel Ihoiced imkes , ground mind screened llaxsed for drug. jirts. ( )5iA11i , NEll , llt'rTlitssiS. : O3l.t 11.1 11111)1) ING CO. 1.TanufnetUrers of high grade Mattrtssev , 1111 linrnev Street. Omsica. O1'llflAi.L ANLI IIIIIIITF'AC'i'OlllISS. - Jo.t'i"/-NII'hiNF. CU31I'ANY. li'rs. ClothIng , 1nnts , Plitris , OveSiIr , OMAhA. With. . $111117' FA'TOJIII38. , J , II , E'NM , NitlIll .tstc.t itt , I ll'I' COM1'ANI. Exclusive custom shirt tailors. 1511 Furnam VINIIUAII AND PICELIIII. lf.t.ihtil.NN % 'INitiAIt 00 , atinufacturers of Vin.'gnr , I'ichcies , Cataupi , Mustards , Celery ann Worcezterelilro Sauce , WAOON53 ANI ) CAItI1TAGES , . t'ibI.l.t S1l'P'IOllrFiSIl , For a good , e'utatuiuitlctt 'ehiirit , er ens' deserip. lion , for irpulntlag or rubber tires on new or oiil wheels-thus bed place is 27th and Leavenworth Streets , CEIAII MANIJFACTIIIII'.IIS , lihiNhI .t ( It ) . Largest factory hmu liii Yest. Iading JolAcri of Omaha. Ilansac Ciii' , Lincoln rnci ill. Joseph handle our gocicir , 1005 Fam'nsm Street A. P. 'F. Co. ; mtsiongera furnisuhied ; hma. ram delivered. 3302 Jaiiu4ae st. . I'L ,1-27