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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1898)
_ - - - - , - - - - - - - - . - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . .I 'PILE ' oMAhA 1)A1LY 1flit 'PUESPAY , .TtLV 19 , 1898. _ r itnnIIng tlitt thn navy will tey mainly on 1ip tor ( ho bombardment ot Sui Juan , * the bg ) hnttle1iIp arni tnonItor ntf6rtl tl'c' leL inenn ot naval orenLvc ( ro 'f'nc nn' like Santto. t Morro nL the entrance of the harbor at a num : ) ) fr Of tortlncnuon8 kndlhg up to the tIty. Those. howcvr , arc viewed with 1cs ftw ( lflce on examination of the Morro bat- tcrtes at Intlago has shown them to be Antiquated nd capable of little effeetI rc iitstnncc. The movement of the ) iIp from Santtago to their new fields of action will begin at once and It fS expccto0 some of M1mtra Sampson'14 f3hIps were detached today and trocecdcI toward l'orto Itico. They will lx fleC(1(1 ( U ) cover ( hO Iebar3atIon of the troops on I'orto lUcati nolI. The others s'lII follow $ eOn OS the full army epcdltlon Is ready to make a landing , when the attack will be- gin MImultaneolIsly from land and sea. , 4jiitii lsti. 1Ii rvIItM qtIt t Inrin I 11g. Si'cretary Long said today that iio nppro. 1ltflSlOfl ! whatevr ( Xtsted over the SpanIsh throat that thl Camara squadron would be flIvltl1. part of the slilpa coriilng to thl sI to attack American eaport ctleH. ThIs . 'Th looktt tIOfl a sheer bluft end It wIll flot ) lae the effect of ehunging any of the . . navy p'ans ' , or wIthilrM'Ing any ililps for patrol service on the AtlaI1tIe coast. Should'F the SpnIslt threat he maIC ( geol Hhtps more thnfl match for any of Cainnra's yes. sels would be available tt any Atlantic Putt on nhort notIct. No tIme has been set for the departure of Commodore Vntson's expedition for SPain , ttlthotigh thIs move Is drawIng rap- lIlly near. iceretary Long said today that reported 110W lIsts of the shIps of tills sqitarilon were Inaccurate , as the list had hot been ilt.aliy rnale up , . . it. has hecti fInally ilectdcd that none of tlj troops that inrtleIpatd In the netual fighting before Santiago hnlt be employed on. the l'orto Rico expedition. There are two reasons for this , F'Irt , the men hove lltlfICrCl severely from hardships , the cli- lIlfltO aiid from levers and are entitled to a r4st ; spcond , It Is ticemed to be bati practIce to allow the soldiers who hove boon cxn poseil to yellow fever to b brought into confact % Vitll thosu fresh from the United states. There is 'still another reason , a purely nillitary one. Ton thousand Spanish troops are at Ilolgitin , Mnnzaniilo and other points WttlIill striking distance of Santiago end might hot. 1Oe nil opportunity to recover the 'jrnhIflii lost at SnntIao if the place were left. insufficiently protected. Therefore General SIiaftr' entire army Is to Io kept on guard on tile high liill iii tilt' rear of the town until the men bave stomped out the yellow foyer. Then thci iviii take a turn at the Spaniards If they vuli he found and It may be that General Shatter's march iii end at Havana. lie will work as far trout his linso as pos- Elble after his ormy is thoroughly refreshed , litititlug the CflOlflY wherever likely to ho fOUfld. 1111Mb I ii g l'oi't i IL II'lIll I'rllIIaIorts. NEW Yoltic , July lS-hIllhiCfltIoflS at the nrnly llliililI hero are that thu govern- moot is rushing the Patio hhico expelIttlon and the ( jllartermaster'a i1eprtnieiit I ; working night and day to fill the order for a large amount of clothing anli Stlpphiel , The transoort floumantnii has been or. : ( leEch to sail nt once to Newport Now end it will leave this port tomorrow. carry. . tug SOO,000 ounda of fodder for I 000 an. . Imnis. The transport sailed today fol r Tampa anti the laSSaehusetts also left foi the south. The Resolute , ivhileh will sal tomorrow , wiih carry 8,000 extra cana I uniforms to Santiago. FEVER SITUATION NOT SD BAE S9g'lPIl ( cnernIEiii'itirngc41 1i' till IICIOr5 ltecclj'e.d ( rout . wAShiJfT6& : , .18.-omctal athvlce I from Szntfago place tlt entire numter o r fever cases ut 300 or leas. Tue aurgeol : I general considers the situation less sertou than feared. 1tij.'I hg It 1.1 Llilertr. . ANNII'OL1S. July S.-Adnirah Cerver Eld his fellow officers are evidently deter lfliflcl to tko full advantage of the liber ties , though they are prisoners , so fred , accordetl them , and today tile figures of th e Spanish FOihiCrs were familiar on Ui 0 atreet * of Annapolis. They made a round a f hit , principal stores in the city , Purchasin : g articles of apparel , returning to the acad . . emy bearing bundlea of various sizes an Shin pea. SlllIlIlliL S'nrItI.'a. MADRID , July 18.-Spanish fotira close d at 58.50. ( lolul ivas quoted at G8.f0. I'rljaee hurts JUN Ictii-p. CopyrIgiit. 1898 , by Press Publishing ( 'o , . ) LONDON , JIlt ) ' 18.-Now ( York Won ( ablegram-SpecIat Teiegram.-Tho ) I'rlnc e ofVahe was Injured today by missing li is footing and falling 111)00 the staircase ) f the county scat of Baron Ie Ihothschili [ 1 , \Vadllcston iluuior , Aikabury , where he Is a guest , Ho struck ills knee cap against 1 ! ce edge of tbo stair and recelret a palofi bruise , . THAT TIRED FEELING 'AohIn SenaatIon-EruptIonslmme diato Ben fit , OMAhA1 NEB"I was troubled witi an aching sensation and tired feeling ci Os'or my body. I concluded to try Hood' ' S &rapariila and was benefited by It Ito - Inthiatei3' . At the seine time I StIfferet 'with eruptions on my limbs , but eli tlii a lied disappeared after I had taken Lw 0 bottles of hood's Raranparilla , " W. . IIMIAAIAN , 2033 South 20th Street. Fee 's Pu Is r : - t : The OmatiaU1Iy Bee , , : t * [ XI'OSITION t ; "LIII' PIIOTO6RAVUR [ , ; I I I I 'L'Iijs coupon iiiit 10 Cents will e ; ObtIti II three pliotogruvtires ' - ( If the Expoit Ion. ; ir iAIi ' ' - th EX'L'RA. t . , .4- - , . -w - . 4 . The Omaha Bee I Mapof Cuba Coupon : t Present this Coupon with :4 lOc for A riTap of Cuba. . I A Mnp ofthe West Indloi. 2 , And a Mapoftho World , t By Mall 14 cuts. t ! 1 EAVLNC CIIIC1Ck1IAUCA PAliui R i1rondi Ordered to Provide Transportation for Two Brigaac. BE GIN LOADING SOMETIME TONIGHTof l' tilI IlnIf tue htcgiiotis of tIIO l"Lrst Curtis ( Itt % 'aItIng tillery iliti series Cut lunn to F'otir (1111111. ClIlCCAMAU(1A ( 1'\fl. July lB-An or der front headquarters has been iusicd to C olonel Fred liennett of the Third Illinois in fantry , commanding the CCOflt brigade of tue .First division , P'irst corps to for- w orth the wagon trains of his brigade to C harleston at once. Quartermaster Leo baa arranged for the ra Ilroad transportation anti the wagons auth In tiles will be shipped tonight und tomor- ro w. It Is said that at ieast halt the regi- lo cals of the First corps are on avalting or- d ers and will move at. an early unto , though n o moving orders have yet been given out. C olonel fletunetta brigade , composed of the i' otirtIi Oluto , Fourth I'cnnsyhvania and the 'F liirI brigade , butler General lrncst , were o ri1ercl moved to Ch.ric3ton , but Inter tlue b rigade aa lucid back , pending the arrival o f transports , It is 9aiti now that this b rigade will be moved at alice , The railroad c onupaitlea ore instructeil to have cars rea'Iy ' to be loaded with troops tty tonight , but th ey wIll hot go before tomorrow noon at th e caniicst. IverytliIng indicates that a fo rward InovenueotviIi be made mime- d iately , Various Improvements are nov being fl intle at the Second division , Third corps hi pitril , In charge of Major Jlradbury. Il oem for the reception of the patlent'i has ju st been arranged and every man who Is ae iut to the hospital is sent to the reception q uarters , wahied and provided with clean cl othing , after which ho is assigned to a w ard , In addition to this Improvement a n ess' surgical ward has been estallishcd , T here are about 200 men in the hospital. Of th is number there are twenty-five unensls caF ses. The hospital , ? the Third division , F irst corps , has almost as unany patients as it vlII accommodate , Included In its lists a t Patients ore a number of typhoId fever c nSes. In the opinion of Major Weaver , th o regimental surgeon of tlue Ninth Penn- s ylvania , which regiment has sent more t hon thirty fever cases to the hospital , the c ases are typhoid , but there Is a dispute as t o this , the surgeons of the division hospital b eing in some doubt as to the nature of the c ases. Because of this difference of opinion a test is to be unatle. The test to be ap- P lied Is what Is known as Widal's fever tester f or typhus fever. It consists of taking one I rep of the blood of tlue patient and placing i t on the slide of a microscope on which a t yphoid culture is Placed. It the germs chili t ogether it Is typhoid fever. The micro- s cope and culture for this proposed test h ave been ordered. General Grant , brigade commander , is p lanning for a shorn battle to he executed t omorrow , The headquarters of Oenerai G z'iit arc being beautified , and during the l ast few days a force of men have beeti at \ rork constructing gravel walks all over th , C Utup. appears from ptesent indications ( tint all o f the batteries composing the artillery b rigades at the park wIll only be four-guuru b atteries. None of the batteries have re- c eived more than four guns and nh of the Ohio batteries have been ordered to send In f our guns shortage reports. The talk ) ua beeti current , at the park for some time that the batteries would be reduced to feur guns I and It now appears that the boys will gc . to tli front with only that number. The southern and vestern and Atlantic r ailroad officials received order today tc ) provide cars for moving as many as C,00 ( ) t roops at once. Tonight the sidetracks jusi outside the switch yards of both roads url filled with Pullman and passenger conches ready to be rushed to Itinggold and Ross yule , the points of embarkation , at a mo meat's notice. While this order indlcatn S speedy movement , no official notiflcatlor for any regiments to proceed t Chariestot 1 reached the park toulght. LOOI F'It L.tNIi A'l' I'OItTO ItICO Ihiit't for A5'II'M Ieiurlcnl , Ion ) Ia' Iii L' at I'oit.Near nii .Juin it. WAShINGTON , July 18.-The question o f transports for the Porto Rico expedition uni ii that of providing subsIstence for the aria : l which Is to go there was the topic whiel Ii occupied the first attention of the official S of the quartermaster's and subsistence tie - Iuartments of the army during the entir e afternoon. 'liter. ' art' nuuuple tratuaponla avallab' a acattered all aioog the Atlantic and Gui f ports niuci at Santiago , and these will h C concentrated as soon as posib1o at the eni I- barking points , Subsistence stou'a are nis 0 abundant at annie of the ports from whic it the troops are to start antI tiutse wull 1 e sulpieineIIteIl by addItional supplies a. Inc t needed. The officials were busy study - hug the map of Porto Rico. with a viny among other things , of locating the moc available port at , which to send the arm nail supplies. It was suggested that it army might land on the southern coac it near Vance , to the southwest of San Juini Pence is sItuated on a jilain iibut Va : ; 1211103 from the seaboard , Is the resident 'O of the nuilitary curniti.icder of thu iiistrit t and is conunuerciolly the tecond city of in ; . penance on the isluuid , A fine road lenc I to the port ( l'iaya ) , where is aitu'ted 11 ctistoms house , the otlice of tue captain thio orL anti nit th consular afficca. TI port Is spacious ami will iwbi veseels twenty-five feet draught , The port has no military defeiiscc , but to the north of the town In the ItihI a sen Cs of cartliworks have recently been coi 1- atructed , There are about thirty inountalu lto . - ltzers In Ponce available for tIu. defetu io of the lty anti the railroad. Thio arm It landed there , would be compelled : ; travel llfty or Ixty iniie across the unoul . tatnous country to reach San Juan , The itt. ) Is i main road , irregular anti elrcuitou Is , conucoting l'oiieo nod Stun Juaiu , The norti ii. era coast of the island extends In nu n ii. most straight line froni cast to % vt'sL at id Is bight and rugged , The only harbors It has . are San Juau , . surrounded by matigra ' .0 a.antps atul protected by two islands , an itJ $0010 very dangerous hatuks ; the auchuorli ug ground of Areolbo , totuowbat unprotect ed atid which baa been mentioned as a iuo ; blo landing plnce , dud the coves of Ca : grecos and ( IP .AV .tt % V.tlt n tlvei Out 'l'h.utxottiing of Ii.ipu I- In isei' S'M ( 'utial stereil , W'ASihINGTO , July 15-Tho Naval W' ar board , eon8istlng of Secretary Long , A mimI Sicard , Captain Mahan and Cot It. bander Crownlnsluiciq , is now In conforeit Ce vIti , the pfe8ident. 'rite Nnvni'nr board conference with t 10 I ircsident lasted less than an hour atuci i LIII I leaving the W'hito house Secretary Lot ig aaitl tittit only matters of detail 'ere nail or I discutsion. No tuewa of importance Ii : nil been receIved ( rout any ource. ource.'I Secretary Day also hail a conference wi 'I I the preskient. ! Ie saI4 that iuothtog bearii rig on the question of peace had been rectlv cci fronu Spain , either directly or Indirceii y. From other sources It Is learned that I lie governtuent does not look for rceaco eve r- I turea for some time to come and irobat dy not before the fall of havana , As It Is undertood to be the luolicy of the preside a 4 to postpone 11w Ilavana eamlualga until n ixt I autumn , the belief exlitn In high omel Lal clrcIe thalt the panIitrda wUl jiUL QIf I lie In evitable until their Inst stronghold in Cute ba is lost before nuiking an effort looking to a cessation of hostilities. % .ildh , lISlNiiC'I' .tl.ia'tli.N MAIL. l' rCCflhli4Ilc * 'l'nkeuAgnSIlMt Spread I't YeIit ) ' here , WAUiINCiTON. July 15.-Tue prevalence of yellow fever at Santiago , in the opinion of the Iostal authorities , has made it rued cr esary to disinfect the tuuaIs comitig frotu th at point. Louis Kemptuer , ho was op. Po hflte4 to succeed let , I1reer as postal ag ent in Cuba , was directed to confer with ar my and navy officials as to the necessIty fo r this vork. No answer having been rc ce ivcd to telegrams sent hint vostnl officers he ro cotntnuntcatecl with Sturgeon ( letueral ' ytnfun here , and Stcrnberg , in regard to th e matter. It was then decided to fumith ga te all mall leaving Santiago , and a maby ch ine for this purpose will be lnuncdlnteiy se nt there. The fumigatlotu will be very th orough , tue mall being taken front the irn ucbcs anti every parcel allowed to cotiun lit contact with the ( llshnfnctauut , instead of subjecting it to the proccss wiutlo In sa cks. The work will be In charge of pergr SO flil belonging to some of the immune erIn ga tilzntioius atuti the officials Itre say that th ere can be no danger of their bringing th e disease ib this country. \ ( , II II ii I'd I ) II 'I' ru ii a ii t , i' t t' ii C'O N\VPOItT N1VS , Jiuly 18-The UnIted St att transport Seneca arrived In Hampton R oads title afternoon vltli ututy-nine sick 01 1(1 wounded soldiers from Santiago. In vi ew of the prevalence of yellow fever at S antiago Dr. Pettis , tito United States qt iaratuthno oiilcvr , refused to permit the sIck a nd wounded men to be landed. Dr. I'cttuo sa ys tin yellow fever bait developed among th e Icathetuts aboard , but that. there nrc three su spIcious cases on the 'esseI. The follow- lu g officers are otu thu Setucca : Colonel J. .1. Van Ilorit , Lteutenant Cola- n et II. C. igbcrt , Major A.V Conllas , Ma- jo r F. 0. Lathinayd , Captain , W' . I. Joyce , C aptain Dowdy , Captain English , Captain W liiianu Wright , Lieuteuuant Gross , Lleutan- a nt Ilyrum , Lieutenants l. M. Martin , hl urdy , Seybunti , tV. hail and Lawless. l'nt- v ale I ) . J. fouling of Troop A , United States c avalry , tiled of fever at the hospital at. F ort Monroe yesterday afternoon , ( , i'itget' an OlTetise. BALTIMOUD , July 18.-Ily direction of the a ttorney general tli charges pentiltug agaInst G eneral Carlos floloff anti John T. Smith. v Iio Were tnder indictment , charged with c onspiring to violate ( Ito neutrality laws by c onveying arms to Cuba were anile pressed t oday. Di' . Jose J. Liis was convicted of th c harge atuti served nut eIghteen nuontlus' sent- e llen in the Ilaltiunore jail , SmIth was never l ocated and Roloff is supposed to have gone t o Cuba. I'rovlMloit SIi I i ( Iucci.r hteniiy. NEW YORK , July IS.-Tlue uravislon ship G lacier , formerly the Port Chalmers , which h as been fitting otit for some weeks at the n avy yard , Is ready for its first trIp under t he Aint'ricauu flag and will saIl tomorrow or \ Vednesday for SantIago. It will carry a v ery large quantity of nuent , provisions and v egetables to the AmerIcan war vesol oft vt t he Cuban coast atich In addition to these I t vlil brlqg a lot of general supplies. . Iutiizii U I I It ) Ituttirileil. LONDON , July 19.-A special dispatch f rent hlavautu. dated Monday , says : Seven A merican war ships heavily bombarde.i Manzanihlo this morning. Two steamers of t he Atenendez line were set on fire. 5evm c ml gunboats in the harbor set. forth in t he defense of the town , but. were stranded. The result of the bombardment Is not yet k nown here. % 'hieit Cervern Is a CItIzen. ATLANTA , July 1S.-General John 13. Gordon was shown the Tampa dispatch re- g arding the vroffrr to Cervera of a home on Tampa , bay. The general sold : 'If AdmIral Cervera would like to become an American c itizen : am sure the south and the whole i c ountry would welcome such a bravo apd honorable man. " ZOL.t GETS ONF Yfl.tR IN I'flISON . AINu Putt-ti 'I'Iurec 'iltitsnttti Vrnc , I unit .tuljiiulgeti to l'ny thi Coctps. PAtHS , July IS.-4MM. ola and I'erniou ' . were today each sentenced to a year's Ito. prisonment. to 1,000 francs fine and to pay t he costs of the stilt. VEI1SAILLES , July 18.-The second tria o f M. Etnllo Zala and M. I'errloux , pubhishet of the Aurore. on the charge of libel bought against theta by thu officers of thi Esterhazy court-martial , adjourned froli May 23 , was resumed hero today In the as sizes court. III. Laborie mache several oh jectiotis to the trial proceeding , which thu a court overruled , The public prosecute : r charged M. Zoia with shunning the trial , to which his counsel replied : - , , , , se wilt not. nluttii the trial If s'e are al . loweti to bring our proofs. " The statement led to a great uproar ii ii I court antI cries of "Iowtj irithi oIa , ' , 'lown with the Jews , " 'OuL of Franc a % iti1 them. " After the court had refuse aii to sutpcnd the trial while the 1efendant S OPIVaIOd ) against tue ruling M , Labonie an - nounced that ho would allow judgment b y I default and he and the defendants left Ui e court. The trial then proceeded. CroIi'r Sails Sattirihity' . ( Copyright. 1808 , by Press Publishing Co. ) LONDON , July 18.-Ncw ( York Won d Cablegram-SpecIal Telegram.-From ) In - quinies matho at hticitard Cnohaer's luouso a t tII Lltcoinbo Regis today' it appears to he takel II for granted that the Tatnmaiuy boss wil sail next Saturday for Nev York , Mi ' , I Croker Is iiot cotuunuunlcatlvc to his en I- toturago concerning lila plans , but they thrai I' their own deductions atni It Is known thu it itii lie s'as in cotaniunlentlon 'ittu the Cunar ii I Steamship conupany last week. Ills pres I- dice In Ness' York , they say , must be acetic ( I on very itressitug business , for lie had bee 0 tailcltug all suinnler of waiting for the Coot I- 'oocl races and the openhtug of the ahootln i ; seasotu. lie lins loaned Moat house , wit Ii the servants , to a ) arty of America n fnientla for mouths from ( hue tlnte of his tic i _ parture , fletlo Croker , his younger sot :1 : , has retuirned fronu Switzerland and wIll r I- turn to New York with htis father , Lii Itllrg4gzt4 S.irvIors ll'aelt Ilonu e. , l'AItlS , July 18-The arrival of ti : e.IC steanuer La Touraitle from New York t it liavro today with the surviyors of thi 0 wrecked steamer La Ijourgogne , was tlta a C casIon of a anti scene and the occasion demonstrations on the part of the gre : tt. crowd which had assentbietl. The survivol l's of the disaster were reticent and their all 3. rica failed to develop nay new details , Giii rd lug iruut hi.i. tif .Iu ri'eo , TANGI13It , July 1S.-Tle sultan of Mt ) . rocco is tonceautrating considerable tori tie iii the vicinity of Couta and Mclii in ord er to guard the frontier auth preserve 1101 :1- : tiality. tIti rut-c Iii IL ' 1''nH 'I'UVtt , IIOUSTON , 'l'ex. , July 18.-At Cypress , sinaI ! town near here. at tuonti totiny l'et hutton , a negro , murdered Henry Meyc i. ' a white farmer , hula vie ( and infatit cbii ti' Robbery is thought to have been the at : live. The negro has so far escaped , thuoUt lt aeverai po8es of olficera anti ItIzeius a ret after hulutu. The vas conuinitteti with a Itutehtet. A boy , ' ht was sick in bed , e 8- cailceil slaughter by' cravIlttg two miles. 1 Jo ga'e the alarm. Par Jill rliori Pig Ccl ittils , KINGSTON , Cot , , July 1S.-Ir. ) Calico of Nupatuce was arruted lucre today itt co a. neclion with the Naicanee bank robbdl a.y' , \\'hett Colton was arrested he was told by' the iictectlvea that be was vattted on a charge of harboring crlmltuaia. Ex-Matunt er flames and Constable Ellis left for float 9a floaten iset ltlght to identify the prtotuer Hold en uuder arrest tberp. It is OpCotetl that mt tro jmuortaut nrrezt 'i1I follow1 N E\V \ RULE IN EASTERN CUBA Pl an of Government of the Pvinco Jnst 'Wrested from Spain. DO CUMENT THAT WILL PROVE IIISTORC l ) eIIirs the' luit ) ICS of ( liiS'ertiur Ue. Kilihilit zttiih ( itit'uiitees l'rute- tiiit (0ttt he hlilillidi ( stilt's of ( lie Coutittry. WASihiNGTO , July 18.-A state Paver th at will be historic was Issued tonight by direction of President McKituley. It Iir ovldes in getucral thrtuis tot' the gt'votli- m ont of the Province of Saittlago do Cuba nu t ! Is ( Ito first documetut of the ttiml ever Pr epared by a vrcsldent of the Utuiteil St ates. Adjuutatut General Corbln tonight tele- gr aphed the docutnent to General Shnfter , In command of the military forces at Sail- tia go. The ner is not only' an authorizatIon an tI itustruction of ( leiterni Shafter for the go 'eriutnent of the captured territory , but tul so a Proclamation to tiuo hicoPlo Of the te rritory of the Intention of the governa m eat of the United States regarding theft an tI their interests. It unarks the formal es tnbiiuhtttuent of a utew political power Itt th e isintid of Cuba nnii insures to the peole Pi e of tiuo terrItory ovet' s'hich the poWer ex tends absoitlte security in the exercIse of their private rights anti relatIons , as v elt as securIty to their persons anti irol- er ty. S First of IIM Itlis.I , Tlto full text of the docutuient is as fol- lo ws : ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OIFICE , W AS1IhNGTO'J , July 18.-Getueral Sitaftet' , S antiago , Cuba : The fohiowiuig Is sent you fo r your iuuforuuntiott anti guldattcc , It will b e published in such unantuce in both Etugtt hi sit and Spanish as will give It the wldost ci rculatiest itt tue territory Under your colt- t rol : E.ECUTIVE MM4SION , WASHINGe T ON , July 18.-To the Secretory ofVar : Si ir-Tue capitulation of the Spanish forces i n SantIago de Cuba and In the eastern p art of the ProVince of Santiago and the o ccupation of the territory liy' the forces o f the United States render It necessary t o instruct the tuuilitary coutumantier of the U nited Stat's at to the conduct which he is t o observe during the unihitary occupation. The first effect of the military occupa- tia on of the etuenty's territory Is the sever- a nCO of the fortmr political relattotus of tlte i nhabitants and the estnbhislument of a heW p olitical power. Under this changed condi- tit oii of things the itihuabltnuits , so long a t he ) ' verform theIr duties , are etttttiod to s ecurity itt thalr persona and cropt'nty aud in a ll their Private rights atuci reiatlotts. I't'OtL'CtOIL for CiuIn' Jilunblnttds ( , it is uny desire that the inhabitants of C uba should be acquainted with the PurPose of f the United States to discharge to the f ullest extent its obligations in this regard. I t vihl , therefore , be the dttty of thu Couil- tt uatider of occultatIon to announce nuid Pro- c laIm in the hiiost public tuantter that we c omb hot to make war upon the Ituhabitants o f Cuba , nor utpott any party' or faction a tuong them , butt to protect tbent iut thair hi orites , in their employments , and itt their v ersoital and religious rights , All hersotts w ho , either by active aid or by hioutest sub- m ission co-operate vitIt the United States lP l it its clients to gIve effect to this beneflcettt P urpose vill receive the reward of its sup- p ort and protecIon , Our occupation should L h o as free from severity as possIble. Though the Powers of the military occu- p ant are absolute and supreme anti Immetit- a tely operate upon the PolitIcO1 conditIon 01 t he Inhabitants , the munIcipal laws of the I c onqutcncjd territory , such as affect private r ights of person and Property mud provitlu f or the punishment of crime , are considered a s continuing In force so far as they nrc c ompatible wIth the new order of thingu ; u ntil they arc suspetuclod or superseded 1y ' t he occupying behligerenta and Itt practict c tl hcy are not usually abrogated , but are al . l owed to remain in force and to be ad' . ministered by the ordinary tribunals , sub' . s tautlalty as they were before tlue occupa. - t lon. This enlightened practice Is , so fill r as IOSslbIo , to 1)3 adhered to in the preseni oc ccasion , The judges anti other oiflclclc c onnected wIth the admInistratIon of jus . t lce , may , if they acept the supremacy o the UnIted States , continue to administe : the ordinary law of the land , as betweel i man gout nina under the supervisIon of titi U Amerlcau cotutnander in chief. The nativi constabulary will , so far as may be prac tlcable , be prosorveth. The freedom of tb a people to pursue their accustomed occUpa - tions will be abridged only when it ma : y be necessary to tb so. Iity' IxiieI Niiii'e OlhIelahis , Whiio the rule of condttct of thte Amen - c an commander-in-chief vhli be such as ha a been defined , It wilt be lti duty to adop t measures of a different kind if , unfol' - tunately , the course of the people shout ci render such measures ituthisiensable to th e maintenance of law anti order. I-Ia vii then Possess thto power to replace or exp ti the native officials in part or altogether , I substitute new courts of his own constitu tion for those titat now exist or to creat 0 such tiew or suppletnelutany tribunals it 8 may be necessary , In the exercise of thes 0 high powers the commander intact be guide d by his judgment nail his experience and a high iceitse of justice. One of ( ha most Important anti turactlc : 1 problems with which it will be tuecessary I deal is tluat of property and tim collectlo n of and achtninistratlon of tite revenues , It is coneethetl that all public funds aitti ac I. curitles belongIng to ( lie government of (1 ( : IC country in its ouvtu rIght , Ullil arms , ciii I- plies atith otlter tuovablo property of sue government , may be seized by the milltnr occupant atuil con'crtecl to Itis own use. Thi a real property of tiue state lie niny hold at : administer , at the saitue time enjoying thi revenues thereof , lint he is tint to slcstrc ty save iii tite ease of mliltat'y : ieceaalty. Conlisetti LIt I'ruper ( ' , All public means of transportation , cute Ii telegraph lines , cables , raiwnys at : I ! boats , belonging to the slate may be appr prititeti to hue use , but tituiesa In eaten if military' necessity they are not to be ds 3- atroyod , All churches antI huilthittga sit c- voted to religious worship and to tite an cis and sciences nntl all school houses are , u to far as possible , to be protected noel all thi 3- atruetion or Intentional defocetnent of suc 3hi places , of historical nuotuninetuta or at archives or works of science or an ( Is pre ) - hibited save when required by urgent preI I- tary necessity. Private property , whiothier belotuging 1 to IndivIduals or corporatloits , Is to ho ri m- spectesi and ( 'tin be conhlscitted only us bert 5- after indicated , Mettits of tratuspontatlo U such aS telegraph lines , cables , raiiw.l vc and boats , nuny , nititotigh they belong vcto private Individuals or corpontitloas , I Jo seized icy the itullitary ncctipattt. but utile : us in CtlsO of mIlitary necessity are lint to 1 ice retained , Vt'hilo it Is lucId to be the right of tI it ! conqueror to levy cuntnihtutions on the ct :1- : Cflly in tiueir towns or Icrovincea iii hula ittli 1. tary possession by conquest nitch apply i i ? proceeds to defray the expense of Ilto we this rigltt is to be exercised within am limitations that It may not savor of amit - flscatiou. Port s tullell ( I ) t'.vrti I l'ovcrs. As the I'esult of military occilputiort V he taxes atuci duties icaahio by the Inhtabitati ta to the former goyurnitiettt. become pay'ab he tO the ntliltary occupant , unless ito sees ( it to aubstitute for them oilier rates or mod Us of contribution to tbc ( Jxpettsics of the io ; v- ernnient , The tnoiueya so colieted are to ho used for the puilcostc of paying the a : ICIICCS of govet'flmeitt under tiiIhitary nec patlon , such as salaries of judges , ItoIlt :0 : , etc. , ituuti for the 1ca'tnetut of the formal c x. p051508 of the army. I'nlvate property taken for ( lie use of I he 'arnuy is to be Paul for when iosIbIo in cash at a fair valuation , and when payta In cash is not pousibie receipts are to given. All ports anil places In Cuba witi cia mit ) ' be in the actual possession of o u : land and naval forces will be opened to t cotutnerce of neutral nations , as 'ehi a. our own , in articles cot contraband of wu 11' . ulipa iyuiePt of the preavribeU , ratea of de ity' which may be in force at the tinue of importation , WI l1.lAM M'IlNLCY. Imy' order of the ieetetiny of War. hi , C. CORIIIN. Adjutant ( leneral. S KULL LAID OPEN BY A KNIFE l' rititer front StI.niil. is .t'sittiIe-cl itt nil Alley hinck of a Snioti , Ossle McNamarn , a printer from St. Loitis , r cot'eti a heavy hclo' on tlue Iteati at tuid. ni ght last tuighit In the rear of R saloon at T enth and Doughas streets. 'The skull was la ttl hero and ( hue injury Is consitertl sort- oi ls. The man who coutimitted the assault Is UtikIlowil intel itas not hecui arrested. McNamnrtt nuch Stephen Dyer , huts cousin , ar rived iii the CIty yesterday' morultug niiii h al ( beeti lit th tueighborhtoocl of tue stilooti utl CfltiOfldth itntii tuearhy tiuldnlglit. lunlug th e afternoon they met a tail man , vluo jo Ined theta at the bar several times. The ta ll Iniutt was liberal and luroi'Ileh ( the Itnuds u ntil all three vere intoxicated. Tluc cousins le ft , ( ito saloott at tuilelntghut niud veut to ( ito al ley at the rear to spend ( ho nlghtt. 'l'luelu' co tilpatulon followei cooti afterls turd ntud the tr ouble occurred Itt ( Ito alley. 'rite utatitro o f the quarrel is ulot known , bitt tite ( till m an Luni the better of It atuth tutado his es- co lic after clellvenhuug the blow. The In- ju rctl ituatu was attended by a sturgeon and ( t ie wound was found to be a long gash a cross ( Ito head like the cut of u knits' . Dyer say's ( he Inil iutnn attacked him and M cNitmuura without proveictttioti , but the po- li ce couslcit'red that ito also vauu not blame- le es anti Ito was placed in jutil. N OMINEIS RETURN TO WORK H ilort Ii , l'li ( 'on-l.tIon Met , In tlte . hlnes IefentesI at l'itiin , PANA , Ill. , July 18.-An attempt today to r esume operations by ( Ito i'ettwehl Minitig c ompniuy with nuti-Unlon tuitions was a c ottiplete failure , tint a miner appearing for w ork. The Penweil company had gtven tt otlco that it would resume with tion-ttnloii m ilieu's trout hhllisboro. A large force of d eputy sheniffc atuci extra jiohico were on It titid to protect atcy inca who ttilgitt i'lsht to e nter the mine. The Penwell promises and s treets leading thereto were crowded with s everal hundred union tntners and their w ives. The deputies and polIce tried va- la ntly to disperse thorn , auth a large nuni- h er of arrests were made , Attothor attempt v ill ho ttlfl.d13 tomorrow to operate the prop- e rty by patrollIng the trectS and entratucec t o the mIne , and convoyitig non-unIon mm- e ra to work In carriages. Serious trouble Is e xpeeted. I NDIAN TEACHERS CONVENE 'i 'u' ( ) iluntiresi Iet.gtuts's ) l'rcsent at FIrst ( aistli-rin.r of liii' Itistltuite at Ctlsiruicis ) Siirlttgs. COLORADO SPRINGS , July 18.-Tue In- d ma teachers of the United States ltehd the fi rst niectlng oftlieir intitititte lit the audi- t orluni of the high school tonight , Addresses o f wi'lcouuie Ivere given by Mayor Irvine , P resIdent \Vilhiam F. Siocum of Colorado c ollege and Prof. John Ulednich of the s chool. iv. N. ltatlmnn , cx-national superintend- e at of the Indian schools of the United S tates , t'espondtid , There are about 200 t eachers lucre already and as ninny more a re expcctcth. 'l'hie itustituto wIll last three w ceIs and will Ice directed by Miss Estehle R eel of Cheyenne , Wyo. , the present na- t ional sttperintcndertt , ANDOVER ROBBERS ARRESTED StOlelt Horse niuiflugg' flecovered 1'etir Mnlze , Uu.-Oiie Robber Ilattly VouttietI. W'ICiIITA , ICan. , July y8.-Tuvo nien be- I ievctl to he the robbers who held up a ' Frisco expresa tralnat Andover were ar- r ested at Maize , a station on the Mlssoutri PacIfic road twelve miles north of here. One of the prisoners was nursing a gun- s hot wound En the shoulder. T'tc horse and buggy whIch the robbek'a stole near Andover were recovered at Maize. Nothing is ktuown a s to the Identity' of the prisoners , . wIiI. CONSIIFHt P.tSSEGI1R U.ATES. Chult'ngo-Ontnlcn SI ( tint Itiui Hiigtmge's Al tentIoii sit ' .Vestern Lutes. CHICAGO , July 18.-W'estern lines will meet tomorrow to try to untangle the knots I In the Chicago-St. Paul , Chicago-Kansas I city and Chicago-Omaha passenger aitua- tion. It was reported today that ( Ito concH- , ( lone between here and 6t. I'aul are some- vhiat improved anti that att open cut in these fares may not be necessary. Chicago' Katteasi City fares have already heetu cut $2. The Chicago-Otnaha rates so far bay. : been maintained. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fast 'l'rnins to lt-iiver a Ptillurt- , CHICAGO , July 18.-Excess fares an ( twenty-seven-hour trains between Chicag ) and Denver probably u'ihi be nbohishic& I w'Ithltt a month. Three of the utica inter' . ecuteil In this trathhc , it Is reported , have I reached the conclusion that their fast tralni I have bepn failures and ( lucre is no Iangei . reaSon for maitutalaltig them , Tite othec r Itutorosted hln Juts not been heard froii I and as It Is the otto which tins been nuosi t iersleteitt lit demanding ( bat ( Ito fast tralni I be maintained , it is not yet a certalnt that the time mccliednles will be heiugthertet ; out to the old basis and ( lie excess fare : i be abolished , Cstiissdliuut l'siellht' Eflriilngs , MON'I'1tEAI4 , July 18-The Canadian Pa . elfin raiiway earnings for the wenlc cud ' ing July 14 were $186,000 : for the sutiuc period last year , $177,000 ; iutertuese , $ ,000 ONS I'Olt ' . % 'IS'I'IItN % 'HTIIIt.tNt $ , S sirs'I s'o ra lIt Ln I ' % Va r leiiteiitisret I ) ' the ( ieitritl ( .os'erlI iiten. WASHINGTON , July 38-Speclal.-- ( ) - l'tiuuitiolts have beeti issued as fohlone ; Issue of July 7 : Nebraulca : Onlgiuiah-l3yron Clark , Green . wood , $8 ; henry 5 , Swan , Grand Island , $0 , lncrrase-\Vihliatn Ii , lcvalkcr , Ohioan , . : I $12. Original widow , etc-Juhieto ( For . neat , Oxtoith , 12 , Iowa : Original-Myron Ii. Beaumont Webster City , $0 : James A , flanghart : Montezuttun , $12 ; John W. \ 'roe'olga , 3 : , RestoratIon and reissue-Levi Airy , Oska loose , $17. Iuucreose-Georgu L , Wheeler : Witt , ; o to 8 ; Aivero C. Mintonge , lo - entur. $ t3 to $10 ; Joel Ames , Argyle , 6 D $12. OrIgInal widows , ctc.-Lueindn Knotts Swati , $ ; John Kiuapp , Dubuque , $8 ; mInor ; of Samuel Irwin , Indlannpoiis , $14 ; Sophi : 11 , Kellnet' , Tripoli , $12 Colorado : Additional-Stephen F. Ttath - hurt , Aspen , $8 to $12. Incteaco-Jolin 1. , . hlogga. hleitlab , $ S to $12. I'srt ni ii Iii i II ? ha \VASIIINGTON , .ittly 18-Speclah ( Tel - egrntn.-Tlie cotitlrohier ( at tue cur - rottey lusH been iuhvlsed of the fol - 'lowing changes In oiliclala of patIent ii banks : Iowa-The First National bank c if Inuhtim , J. F. Santutson , cashier lit pine 0 of 0. A. Worth , ZIG ussistatit cashier I : 11 Place of J. F. Sauupson the Ottumwa Na . tlonal batIk , Ottutnuva , L. E , Stevens , cash . icr in jthaco of Charles Fl floodo , iS' . . hiogue , assistant cashIer Lu place of L. 1 . Stevens. South Dakota-Tue MInnehuaha Natlanc il bank of Sioux Falls , % \ ' . S. Caidwell , preal _ dent , P. F. Shuerutan. s'iee preshhent. W ; . A. Bowman , J. ti , Ech and Axel IIaagt carriers on Otnahtru force , were today pt-c : meted from ( bird class to tuecotud class a tt 80o a year each. Iuil' 'l'reunry h4tulctiit'tit , WAS1IINGTON , July 18-Today's state - moot of the treasury shows : Available casi ft balance , ; 2i,336,0il gold reserve , $ i,4D3 , - 183. , _ . , i _ ' ' AMLJS1tIN'l'S. * * * * * * * * * * * w.4 pabst ON Tfl [ MIDWAY. ' ® . , c - - - - - [ N6AOEMNT [ XTRAOREIINARY Jr 1 1las letMl mgagcl at this most 1)OJlllV ) . .a. .1 i'eioi't foi' a 1iort tel-li ) at nit ehioFhflOUS OX1)C'lISe , T1ili band COIhi.iSti of 25 trtit t ; al1d is 111(3 finest oi'gaiii''ioti of itm kitid iii 3 .AIHel'il'fl. Thci'e ni'c 24 ladics and tilt ) ( lireetol' . Grand Opening Tuesday , July 9tli. ! ' In coiinecttoit 'Itiu tlib gt'and attraction tlic ® following 'attdc'ihie uti'tists ihl also nppenr n . imsitul : 1'llOl'ClLttld. 'l'liuuu PMI % iutiti Uobcrts , Coti. stnhict Doremi. Mel ) ' lnntine , Muty I'ilttillne ' , Adc. Al lnldc 1)orcinl , Katie Muulline , I'eplta , Satdiitt , 'tIity 1tcllt lId hitolit zitid many Otilel's. 'Flils pcI'fovlilutilcz2 coiiluitcalcc $ at I p. itt , utiitl cotstIuiuse w'Ult. c OiIt tOj'i till 1 1 : H ) p. in. AT PABST ON T0F MIDWAY. ' 11. Willard , Mar. rioi . , _ .I'1' TIJI. . , , MERRY--GO--ROUND - - - - 15th 8ULL Cupitol Avc. C apttro the Brass Ring and Itido Agalit F1tEE. .1 os. MUSCIIOI3'F , Lessve ansi Malinger. Wait O RLAT WILSUIR [ OSTRICH UARM Augttst 1st I IIOTJCL.S. -HOTEL BPRKER- 1 7Th AND JONES STREETS , 0M4UIA , 110 OUTSIDH ROOMS. A ttierican l'lati . . . . . . . . $1.50 atiti 2.00 per day E ttuopeaut l'lan . . . . . . . . 5Cc to B.00 er thtly F IIANK l3AltI'F1t , Manuiget- , SAI BAUMAN , Chief ClerIc , THE BRUNSWICK Cotir & Jackson Sta , 3. C. Griffin , Prop. 150 Itoonis-AII ntodern ltuihrovemeiits , I ttttes-Amerhcaui Plan , $2.00 to $3.00 per day. Europeatl I'ian , $1.00 Per day' utIci uinvards , Car Iltict tO and from all tiS1ott , Direct c ar line to tnaln entrance icf J'xposltiott MURRAY ii OTJ.2L , 11th and llarney St. American Plau'-I to 4 dollars per day. Street cars from depots and from luotci to Exposition Groutids In fifteen mInutes. 13. SILLO\V&Y. Manager. THE MILLARD lath anti Doitglns Sts. , Omaha. CENTRALLY LOCATED. . . .AMEUlCAN AND ISUIIOPIIAN PLAN. .1. 11. MAItIjEI , & Prop. . S DEATH RECORD. Mitior .lohnfl. hlsuys. MEADVILLE , Pa , , July 18.-Major John I H. Hays of the editorial staff of the Ne York Tribune died today at the borne oi : hIs sister of Bright's disease. Major Ilayt . \.as born in 1839 and was ( hue oldest san of Colonel J. C. Hays , a pioneer editor of Meadvihle. Major hays was a veterati of ( ito hate 'ar arid was on the staff of Cob. nd Janies II. Steedman. The futteral wlh be held Thursday' . Coitlia of CotiiiiioslorsSehihey. . TAMPA , July 18.-Freenian Seliley , cousin I of Commodore Schiley , died at lila rooms yes . terday afternoon. It was announced by thu physician that lie tIled from an averdoia of morphIne and inquulry developed ( hue fac that it was taken with suicidal intent Prof. Schley a teacher of Inugutaget lucre antI had been a teacher for years. iit'm , viuguui t lteuiu1 , , V. : - WASHINGTON , July 18.The'ar depart . metit has been lutfornied of ( lie death al Fort Grant , Ariz. , of First IAeuttenattl Ulysses S. Kemp of the Seventh cavalry , win a shuort time ago was thrown from his horse striking on his lucad , Lieutenant Kemp va : a natIve of Ohio and was graduated from ( itt Military academy in June , 1885. Ii. Iliirriu'eN. LOUP CITY , Neh. , July IS-Speclah ( Telo gramn-lt. ) 11 , Iiuriowca , tlte junior atembo : ; of the law firm ofVall & hlurrowes , diet 1 of net-volta junostrntiots this afternoon , 'I'lic funeral will be lucid tomorrow under thus - . auspices of ( lie bar , ( he Modcntt Woodmci I mud home Forutn , FIRE RECORD. hail IJhzuzent ) Ieool. At'COOIC , Nob. , July 18-Special ( TeIc gram-McCook ) had a narrow escape fruit a disastrous lire late Inst evening. Ahicu 11 o'clock the general lnercltnndissl soni of M. ( larluer & Co. , itt ( \'onknunn Tetui itie , W'5t5 discovered to he on fire anti 1 , : V proinlit and efficient vonI : tInt depnrttiuett sucieceiltal in extlnguisltitig tltec liutnics itt , fore any serious diunago was dotie. Tb damage by tire , water itiiti smoke to clod iiitd building vIl1 aggregate $1,500. Tlteni is $7,00 Insurance nit ( lie stock , 'rue origli of the lire is tinknown. In rt' II iugt's I a $ msiiI.-rlps its ) , LONION , Jttly 18.-TIm great Ihict thut broke ottt iii Suitiherlatul at the mouth a the Wear tonight hiatt already desitroyci thirty business buIldIngs In three of lb Inlilciitai streets. 'Vito unities are not ye utuder control , It is ecctltnateul that tb 0 thamage will exceed 250,000. It Isisug Ci I I.l's'rr Sist liii' , fUSING CITY , Neit. , July 18-iSIcecia 1 Telegram.-A ) tire last niglut consunict I Martin Egan's livery lcarn and its outtents with the exception of several horses ; am ; 13. Yordy's restautraint. Most of the goodi in the restaurant vcro sated. Etitire loss $3,000 , with $850 insurance. Cause of firs utihutiown. S4'tivIslt'sit H lossg ' .vsiy oir , LONDON , July' 18.-The Times declare a this unornitig ( hut. ( lierci is no foutitilttioti to r thu reports ( lint a decislott Is htntnltU'il ( ii the belagoa ) bay arbitration , with cii awari of 2,5tiO. Is says the case will tuot hI settled fer at least ( brett mouths. Hsigisie.'r tisisi 'l'rlctuilds It I I I s.d. NEW ALUANY , Intl. , July 1-Thu out goIng bouisvliie , lvansvIllo & 231 Louis at ; line 1)assengcr ( mitt , leaving enginj" j" " 5:25 : ( huts evening , collided with en engin : utear Georgetown , this county , The en gmneci' . William iCerna , aud two trainr s 'cro kihieti , , _ , . - - - - - -5-- _ _ - - - 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . - , , . L'Ulli'fl'Pt'tL 'I'll It MI'II , . , . Tjj Telephone 2217 , Leutr. & W'ihhlanis , Props. nnd Mgrz. - 'V.V COLhi. Act. Mantiger. fl'lHK IIl ( XNI NG "i'tl'lI 11 5'ltII3 To TLLL WEEK Maim es Wednesday and Saturday , AN LXTRAORDINARV COMPANY CouttI itentiul Hee's-sut rici ties , THE 4 OLIFAS . tIsIir.'uste oclty Artists , Bamza & Arne Comedy Aci'OntS I'll t : : ic I NSNiiti'i. TIIXI liYAII. . ICMMONIS IittIItSON _ tI ) HitlOIS. FthIIS AI ) SAIhSt. ANI ) O'I'IIHIL IIl ( Ii'JLt'l'FIuilS , Phi' 'I'roench ers , Cltstli eiig ( I rehies ( rn.j DirectIon Franz Adeltuufl. Chssinge of hill I Had , fl'eeic. Itefreshi iiii'ii Is Cii rds'tt ututit 'DiLentre. _ _ _ _ - Tonight CIiftor's 6diety Nc- Burlesque "hi tidy 1s" : io Ijt'zuut I liii tush Ii's , 1'rstutIc ( sirsliier stud Ii Is rId I ilr ttzihijill , , It'ss it' ; Ici it- tyrs' .t Ilenhli ; "LuuIi" stitil ussr Vitusle- vilte 11111 , . -r I lOc-20c--30c - - - Thtt ; ' t'nxlon .t iturge . . J. iic A t.IbLA iuaL Uanagen. . Tel. 1SSL 0. Li. Woodwanel , Aiiiusuiuecst Ihlrtictor , 'I'XI G1i'l' , S tUO. TIlE WOOIWAItI ) t't'OCiC CO. PRESnN'rING Long Branch. Next 'SVeelc-AlI tIm Comforts of Home , AIGHTIN VENICE. A Gondola ride lot' a beautifiti view of - the ( ] t'and Court and Eiccti'je -the jioithar amusement. - 4 . Ici , 'vvo I'crfoi-utniiees Al ike , . IIA6NBACI'S [ ION I 1''J'AMHi ) ANILtr. SIIOV , ON 'l'lIld MliVAY . . . . . . . . - jl- , ) . S S\FPT BY COOL. BRErZEH. Thil PLACId FOR HOClliTY. 6ermduHdJc / CO'I'lNUUS 'Al1ihViId.i , ccccicccocccatccccc reccoeco OSTRICH FARM Cidi'IL4i ) , 'I'Iie ilgi.ic'st , best , flio'it novel s'xttiicititsi , ( in'eMt Miclway. Aduuiiscclotu otuly' 10 celtics , lit-rd of sis'ntly 101) ( 'shunt Ott- s I ( rictics , duzti'3 ( if Otttnit'h eluitkc ottl ii ft'v , lecy'tt all 'I'll ' ituotit gorgeous Itittunago ( lii ectrtii. Ostniilt Ogga , Ostrich ul'Stsi , ctc' , H I ) % % ' I N c.tis's'roic' , I'rcs P. TIIECUDAN ATOM , CHIQUITA. Tue Li'liigltll. 'l'iie FcItuil'd : of 'I'IIE M I I ! - She ho Not Forget to Visit the CIUNS [ ThAJR , Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss House on West Midway.t. ROLLER CHAIRS , JINRIKISIIAS , ( 'AN P S'J'001J3 , 8iAi8 F'ol ( I"l itli- W'OltIH3. ( ON'liclt'l 2'i , JT ( Ask Hisimish No I , ' 't ; I htit v , % ititIstcctrulI.jil , Arch Staisci No. 2 , "iew' , V. c st . ' , Iilwuy i4ttucl , t'ti li , ' ' , , $ , , ' ' ' rI Ii vlcccl c't tttl N' ' 4. ' ' 3u sttlSOfl , ' i3ju I it vi a d ci c t , Or ' I 'ltolitt CLJMMINS , [ xposltion ( irounds , _ _ _ _ _ _ ' STREETS OF . ILL NATIOHS. ltendoivott's of hocIeLy l'eoicho , ! ! ! ! - = : r vIsll' JAPANESE TE GARDEN 1Jun10 STORE. N of Mule hall1ust Nidway. I.---------------- , I.)1