Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1898, Image 1
: THE OMAHA DAT LY B RE . , . . . Ip ESnIIAJ3LTSII.EJ ) .iuxj i , S71. OMAHA , TUESIAY MO1NflG , 1ULY 19 , S98-TWEL1Ti PAGES. SI 1iE CO.LV JLV.E CEN'IS. : OVEL'1'Y IN IUS1C lixpltion Vsithrs th Do Treated to a rcthhing Combination. REALISTIC EFFECTS FOR THE OPEN AIR Fboworki and Artillery to Accompany Phinnoy's United States Band. NOIABLE CIIANG [ IN ASPECT OF CROWDS Investigation Moro Than Sightseeing the Apparent Object Now. NEW ATTRACTIONS ARE BEING ADDED _ tIuI I I I 1)11111 111 ( p4 I it flu' AgrIciiI- -I rut litHi ( , , eriiiieut liii lid I ii p , , ! 1I I'l' I he IIMIIIt3' Iii1t h.rc Ffl eetI t In the tggregite. .110 moL strlklnR rature or the program for tolay IR the great descriptive piece , "lro&n flaLt1efleh to Fireside , " which will CoThtttUto ! the second irnrt ot the band concert - cert tonight. 4\K this will be by far the most claborato effect of the sort that has ever boon ntt.mpted berore the local pub- lie It is oxpetel ( to bring out a big ovou- fog row1. The exposition management ha3 flftthOrIZl the use of the fIreworks iiccessiry to give the proluotlon ( ft realistic character 11TH ! It is believed that It vtIl prove ono ( If the most Interesting musical features that baa yet been Belletillied. While there is only one epecial day this week there are Indications that the attendance will lj very satisfactory for this 1aMon. Pcoplo who come to the e posItIon to clay for cvcrnl ( lays or a week arc gradually taking the place of those that have conic merely to stend a day on the grounds flfll then go bomb vith only a supcrflclat Ideft of their attractions. The exposition appears to have ettlc'1 dOWn to Its perintiict basis , and it. t no longer a question of coming in for a day to see if the show is really worth seeing , but. of coming to spend all the time that. Is necessary to fully enjoy a spectacle that . jfl conceded to be one of the most mngntfl- .t cant that has ever been constructed on this . hemisphere. This Is plainly apparent to a elosu observer In the iiiarhed change In the ( letnoanor of the visitors. Iurhng the early tart of tim expositioli everyone seemed to he In a hurry. The crowls surged through thu buildings and swept along the avenues as though were compelled to bee the whole show In the shortest possible time. More recently this has been entirely changed. Now the PeoPle take time to thoroughly in- veotigato the various features. They linger ' r In the buildings with their catalogues and study the show with the Interest of ICOPIe who proPose to see all there is If It takes all summer. Very frequently one member ! O the group has been to the ecposttion before - fore and has now rcttirncl with his family or a party of friends whose curiosity has en nt.ctt . by his unthusiasttc dertji- ) nu of the wonders of which he enjoyed a a passing view. The exhibitors and at- che vhio have PartlciPatel in previous positlons SU ) ' thlLtt this change In the iaractcr of the crowd marks the time hcn thio real value of the expositioii be- Ins , and that It. Is becoming apparent In Jmaha fully a month earlier than hits been the case at previous expositions. From that they conclude that the 1)eriol ) of the big attcnlauce vihI begin sooner than hiis bcen expected and that the pcophc Will begin to come In earnest very early In August. Attul I usc o t I triletlouM. Although the show mis been complete for sonic time , there Is always something new to Interest eveiz those who think they have averything there Is , to be seen. This b ; ospeeiahiy true In the horticultural and % , A culturah departments , where each new product of the season Is being added as it matureS , and CCIi In the other exhibits new attractions frequently appear. The navy display - play In the Government building has just been Increased by a number of Interesting features. One Is au accurate reproduction of an otileer's stateicom on a war shill ) anti this Is regarded wIth a good deal of Intervst as illustrative of the nuinner In which Uncie Sam's olilcers are ( iuarercd. The stnteroem 15 complete In every detail , eveii to the toilet accessories , * o arranged that they will not IL1 affected by the roiilng of the ship anti nlthrnieh the room Is limited In size. Its fur- , p nishlngs arc comfortable anti even luxurious. nether ne\v fe.tUro Is a section of urn tdo of a ship which shows the coustruCtloll of the porthole and another - other is one of the Franklin life buoys , a eoinparnttvehy recent invention of the great- et value. small rod Is attached to each side of the buoy , the base of which contains a cleinIclti solutIon that ignites at contact . - with the water. 'rho minute the buoy is thrown overboard the chemical bursts Into a continuous llama , and the struggling vtctlnt 18 able to locate It at once , Ut ) matter how the sea may be roiling , The rods are hold tinder the wuter by their own weight and the other enil , which Is kept veli above the surface , gives out a cloud of smoke in the at nhi'ht. day time , which becomes itnulnous irlicIi 1.111-jj ; OM NIiI1II.tSIC.t. NIiibilI4 III lIii ilortleultural JIiIid- lug SurIriMe ' ' (1(1' : cii * tvcs. Douglas county Is putting Itself in a post- antI the considerable comment thou to canto comment Is favorable. too. 'Flie talk is ( hue to the fact that In the ilorticuitural build. jug on the Bluff tract It. Is making an cx- hlblt that Is the admiratIon of the thou- sautls s'hio dolly ia through the build- log. log.There was ii time when it was supposeti that nothing tisido from the most berth ) ' Va. rietles of fruit could ha raised In this county , hilt the exposition shows that at- most. everythIng thut grows in the banana belt- Cull be raIsed here , 'fbo latest. fruIt to be placed upon the table is a collection of apricots. There are ten varietleB of the fruit. nil raised by Theodore Williants on his fruit farm a short distance northwest from the cit5' . AIr , Williams Is one of the lendIng frulters In the eastern portion of the state. and is constantly trying new Va- rlettes of fruit. A few years ago ho planted some aPricot trees and Wattei ( fOF thezfl to grow. little thinking that they would ever produce fruit. Last year he raised a him- tte(1 supply , but this year ho bus apricots In abundance , They are full ) ' as large as those grown In California , of a rich color and ponesstng a tiavor that is far superior to that of the southerit and cstern fruit. Assistant Superlutemlent Nownes , who is th charge of the Nebraska fruit exhibit , cays that scarcely a day passes that. men 1o not Conic to him and remark concerning b the excehiont uppearavirs and qualIty of tb Nebraska fruit. These irnlst'8 that are sung un , bore frequent sInce the new fruit appeared , end especially suce apples , plums and peaches inado their appcurauce. Speaking of ieachies If you want to see some that are inteuded to make the mouth yater aihi that Is necessary Is to visit the exhibit made by J. M. fltisseil of Wymore. Ito huts a farm of several hundred acres just OtitSitlo the city limits and annually be raises thousands of htlshels of apples. Not until a few years ago did ho turn hits attention to peaches. Last year he raised overai hundred crates and this year his shipments ivill be ( lOtibho , At tiIa time lie has six Varieties on exhibit. All of the fruit is finely colored and has as flab a ilavor as could ho wished for. Fruit raisers of Nebraska are preparing to have a Poach day during the exposition. Just. when it will be helt , is not certain. but it is pretty certain that it will be be- twcen the first anh ( mitltllo of August. The plan Is being worked up by Assistant SuperIntendent - Intendent Nownes , who says that nit the growers look tlion it vith much favor. lie has written a number of letters to the fruit growers of the state and from nearly every one ho has receIved a favorable response , they saying that if he will designate the time they vili cnti nh the peachies necessary - sary to make the occasion a feature of the exposition. The first lot of 1 lIe plums came in. last week , having hien sent by J. F' . Ryan of Sarpy county. They are known as Goose piuins and , while small , nrc of a line flavor. They are small , however , and are prolific bearers. Later iii the season Mr. Ityna iroinlses to keep the Nebraska table sup- hued with llums. lie has 1,000 trees and raises ever ) ' known variety. The first new apples froni Nebraslca came Inst week anti are hieing admired daily. They catito from \V. A , Ihell' farm In Sarpy county and are as fine as those thiat came from Illinois earlier In the week. They are of the Duchess variety and make an interesting - toresting ( Ileplay , Before tile end of the week there will not be a foot of vacant space In the hiorti- cultural building. In fact there is none noas thint in the vest cml of the buIld- lag for so long a tIme has been secured and will be occupied by Colorado as soon as the fruIt. which hias been shipped , can reach here. Colorado takes about 400 square feet and proposes to inalce a display that will discount that of CalIfornia in the cx- trenm cast end of the btiildtng. The fruit will be principally that which is known as the groan kind , though there will be a fine display of dried and canned fruits. It vIit include all of the rare varieties , raised only In the fertile valleys between the mountains. l'enches , however , will take the lstth , the Colorado licoPle believing that their state stands well UI , toward the heath of tie list In itroduclng this fruit. It is saId that thirty varieties of peaches will be shown and that. the exhibIt wilt be renewed almost tinily In order that no stale fruit may be shown , The Colorado commIssioners have nittde a favorable rate with the railroads aflh the express companies , thus enabling them to make frequent shipments at a trlihlng cost. % VOOIMAN Jt % ' ' 10 IF t1sAcDONI ) . 'l'hiN iM ( lift Oitennieuf Ilie IlIIIciiIt' O i i l'nsseN. The troubles over the question of passes existing between the secret societies and the expositIon management is practically in the same condition as It has been since the opening of the exposition. All the secret societies continue to maintain hicatlquarters in the Nchrasla buIlding , but the men In charge have to pay 'admission ' Into the grounds. The faIlure to Issito ppssetQ. thi rne4 In charge of the sdcret society headquar- tcrs has resulted in the abandonment of Modern \Voodman day , and at no time dur- lag the exposition will the order make a demonstration. Last week a committee from the local camps visited the general hieatlquarters at flock Island to confer with the ofilcers of the hiottd camp. They have returned anti give out the Information that. the heath eflicers advised against holding a Woodmen ( lay. Woodmen of the city say that If the cx- position management had made the conces- sloit that was asked they would have ties- Ignated a day during September when all of the ModeitiVoednieu In the tranemissis- siiit valioy would have becti Invited to the exposition. They estimate that from 15,000 to 20000 veuitI have becn in at- teildance anti that it would have been one of the features of the exposition season. The Modern Wootimen vihI retain their hieadquariers on the grounds , occupying space In the Nelraska building , but they vili do nothing more titan to look after the velfaru of the members of the order. Sey- eral of the other societies will move out at the end of the month. K IiI.L % F1NIIS MUSICAl , J'ltOGlt.til. i'itviiet'I lined UIoH ( , , IlK i'r'sInt Director of Music Kelly has completed the musical calendar of the week anti it will be followed as closely as Possible for some time to conic. Every iionday even- big concert vlhi be devoted entirely to pop- tilar music. 'rhiuradny itights will be dit- tlnguished by the grand court concerts and Friday nighits request programs will he Played. Mrs. Frances Ford has received a letter from Miss Alice Fletcher , v1to will ho re- menibereti as one of the participants in the recent musical congress , in which this writer says that thin people in W'ashington and othier eastern cities are exhibiting a romarkabie interest in this proceedings of the congress. Thwy are much surprised at the magnitude of the affair and many of the musicians express regret that they did not attend , Thu 6 o'clock concert last. night by Phin- nay's band was rendered front the baleen ) ' on thi east elevation of the Agricultural building. The Innovation produced satisfactory - factory results and will probably he repealed - pealed , 'fhO I'awneo CLty band hilayed its last exposition program at the baud tniid last evening. There was a good crowd on the Plaza and the PoPular organization \'aS given a varin greeting by way of farewell. , iXllIltl'lohls l.iRii .t JtO.ilt lOit ICi. CnhIiII % iii IlijitValcr QiIcMioII its In I ItIrest of SlOt igtt'liiimes , The exhibitors in the Agricultural build. ng have another grievance , Shortly after the exposition opened water tanks were ubaced at. convenient places about the grounds , and for several Veeks these tanks were filled with water that was cooled with ice , During the past few days the tanks have contained plenty of water but no ice. In making thu wall the exhibitors say that the movement is in the interest of the slot machines that sell water at a l)000Y a glass , and also in the interest of this lemonade and soft. drink concessionaires. M any rotc , the conditions are such that If one Is on the exposItion grounds now and wants a drink of cool water , ho niust buy It. or go to one of the state buildings. I r liii rrvt t' . lct't lirt' l'tn.ibuiel , Mrs Icatu'alier Barrett , general su- Ilerliltendent anti orgunizer of the National Florence Crittentlen mission. was to hiave atldresseil a meeting in the Boys' aint Girls' building last night , hut on account of some confusion with reference to dates it was dcclareii off. Mrs. larrett list. been in the rescue work for fifteen years. her purpose being to save girls ho have strayed from the path of - ( Continued on Fourth Page , ) lUCiD PRESS CENSOLtSIIIP Newspapcru in Spain Have flard Sledding Just Now. NOT ALLOWED TO PRINT BLANK SPACES iil : hors TILreft'IICIL 'tritli Imprison- iiittit III4L Court-Martini smmiui 'I'Itcy 1)isobey the ltmiie lnIt io'nit for 'I'Itetr ( lniiliiimee. ( Copyright , 1S9 , by Press 1ublishitig Co. ) MADRID , July 17.-Via ( the irontier- ) ( New York World Cablegram - Special Teiegram.-Thie ) capital of Spain presents a sitigular aspect under the extraordinary measures taken by the government to hit- pose silence on the press all over the king- thorn , At first nil the papers attempted a hirotest against the proceedings , without a precedent since the Inst years of the reign of Isabella II on the eve of the rev- ohution , whets similar seventies were resorted - sorted to by the reactionary cabinet3 against the opposition then headed by such leaders n. Sagasta , Castelar , Serrano amid l'rlm. General ChInchilla , captain general of Ma- tirid , again summoned into his hresence today - day ten of time principal editors in Madrid , sternly warning theta that lie was not going to he trifled with anti would suppress the papers and Itnprlsoii anti court-martial the editors of they dared disobey the rules laid down. lie even forbade thorn publishing papers % ith blank spaces in their col- utnns where thie censor had suppressed ar- tides or paragraphs , intimating that they must be filled up. Time public ignores thin seventies of the censor , whichi are oven worse in the provinces. One leading liberal statesiiinn explains the conduct of the government as follows - lows : 'Sugasta hind to resort to a severe policy because several generals , even Wey- ler , Canipos , l'oiavieja and Chinchiihla , told him they could not answer for the conse- qtielices of ( lie agitation fomented by the press and Cariist anti republican conspira- des. On the other hand the Nunclo amid foreign ambassador told him steps could not be taken for hence unless McKinley assured the government lie could enforce the con- ditlons imposed by the force of events. For about the same reasons Sagasta alid the niinister of war affected to ignore the march of negotiations for the capitulation of Santiago , though every day hilanco and Torah telegraphed the successive stages of parleylng , Bianco washing his hands of all responsibility for Torah , whilst the government - ment iii Madrid took care to state omcially that Torah acted entirely on his own re- sponslbility and could not undertake to otTer to surrender all the forces in tim vlioie province of Santiago. It is a very risky game , but the only means to save the monarchy and regency if the army reaiains loyal. " In consequence of ( lie reign of terror in- nugurated by the government the peophe believe the wildest rumors afloat , as between - tween tIme lines everybody sees that the papers - pers hint much , affecting to know more than perhaps they truly do. The universal mi- presslon is that the government is 3ehaving so ciicatoriahly simply because it has ground to bcliev the rnoriare.hy is menaced by the Carhists and republicans. flesides , there is widespread popular anti military discontent , therefore a high handed policy is deemed necessary to make imace quickly without the assistance of I'arhlament. That will only be asked for a bill of Indemnity when the nation is somewhat reconciled to the sacrifice of territory in the West Indies anti Philippines. France , Austria , Russia anti Germany have again told the queen regent anti her ministers that it is Indispensable to secure an early peace as that alone can save Spain from financial and commercial ruin. The queen regent gave audiences to floniero itobledo aiid General Veyler expressly to secure their neutrality. LONDON , July 18.-New ( York World Cablegram--Special Teiegram.-The ) Daily Mall's Matirid dispatch says : It is veil known that the Carhists have been for some titan past. secretly placing stores of arms and ammunition In many of this sniahler towns along the French side of the ( ron- tier. Their greatest activity has been In time nasque provinces Navarre anti Cata- lenin , where the signal for a Cariist rising is to be given , Time task of taking these arms across the frontier will occupy at most a single night , as men are ready and know to what Places they must go to receive arms tutu equipment. NEWSPAPER COLUMNS BLANK ) Intii iul I'nuers ( ivenil fl imlbl * itili fit hit.VoriL of I IU' i'rt'ss C'iiMnr. LONDON , July 18.-A special dispatch from Madrid says that the appearance titers Friday night of several newspapers with blank columns , representing portions of news suppressed by the censor , caused a sensation - sation , Thu following day , however , Lieutenant - tenant General J. Chinchilla , niilitary governor of the city , had Interviews with the leading editors and nianagera anti discussed - cussed thin situation. lie expressed a desire - sire to apply the new regulations with the least possIble vigor , but this result is that a bitter feeling prevails , and , as an effect of the censorship , the imaiers insinuate more than they dare assert. El Nacionah aug. goats ( lint the entire rcss should cease to appear until the censorship is abolished. El Liberal significantly notifies the goverti- meat that the last time the papers appeared - pearod with blank spaces was the eve of thin Sopteniber revolution , when the revolutionists - ists were headed by Seimor Sagasta , Queen Isabeila's implacable enonty , Some papers publish distressing accounts of the condition of Admiral Camara's seiuad- ron , The battleahuip Polayo and the cur- moored ctmtser Emperatlor Carlos V are in good condition , but the others are lucre show vessels. Ministers in their statements to the asiva- iiaiers continue to declare that ieaco Is impossihilo on tIm conditions America imposes - poses , Thought Spain appears reconciled to the loss of Cuba , there is much ill feeling at Englamid's supposed territorial designs on Gibraltar. The rise in this price of necessaries is causing effervescence at Tarragona , Val- eucia , Svilio antI eleawherc. The Increase in this octrol rates , or duties , , on liroduce taken into the towmis itt causing turbulence in the rural districts of Spain. Thu topulaCo of ( lie province of hluelva bus rebelled against. time imposts on corn and flour amid attacked and sot. tire to a aumu- ber of public buildings. This troops lied to be called on to repress time disorder , The Pals , organ of the republicans , ro- hudiates a military dictatorship and the republicans - publicans are endeavoring to secure the sup- Itort of the army and navy for this purPose - Pose , I ID 11111 ItO lsrsis % 'imiilcd , NEW' YORK , July 18-A meeting of the Red Cross relief committee was hititi today at the ethics of WillIam Wardwell , chairman of the executive committee , to consider the yellow fever emergency at Santiago , Mrs. Whitelaw Reid and Mrs , Cowdin reported , a 1 _ after an interview with Surgeon General Sternberg , that the government would accept any Immune ntlraes whose services could be secured. anti that some of the nurses could go to Santiago tomorrow on the government transport. Resolute. It was deciticti to send Dr. Carpenter , ofle of time attending surgeons of the lied Cross hospital , at once to Now Orleans amid Memphis to establish a bureau for the supply of immune nurses. In the macantinie on effort will be made to secure lmaniuno nurses in this cIty. VANGUARD IS ON THE WAY , ttllLiIU ( ' tltt't1.Stfltt' $ 'l'rouis Upon Per 11aM llegiiit-i.niiii- l'immee ' - : : - WASh siN , July 18.-Secretary Alger as ho I \S'hito house at midnight. aminotilic . . , t the vanguard of tIme l'orto iticmun hind started front Cuba. Orders ent to General Miles by See- rotary ao start. for l'orto Rico as soon as ItOit The carrying General Miles and a part expedition , and the transports carryi remainder of the troops of General Shiafter's command destined for Porte Itico , will prococti to the landimig place agreed upon untler convoy of Ainilral Sanupson's vessels. A landing will be nitRiC under tIme guns of the war ships. The troops at Charleston , vhio hays been ready tim leave for several days , are tiuider orders to start tomiight or tomorrow. Unless delays now umiexpected occur all of the troops now at. Charleston will hiavo embarked before sumndowit tomorrow. ( tMIiZ'S PtilLCl IS rui.ii' EQUII'I'fil ) . Veiled Stltl'M Cavalry Olilcer is iv itli the 1)1.1 hiiit. 1'AShhINGTON , Judy 18. - Lieutenant Ahmerii brought to Secretary Alger a report of the expetiition which carried supplies to General Gomez iii the Florida auth F'anitn. TIme cxpeditioii vai ; under the comtnanmi of Lieutomiant Johiiison , Tenth cavalry , who has remuained in charge to see that the arias are distributed according to this wishes of the Uniteti States governmqnt. Lietitenant Ahern comes direct front the Cuban general lit Sancti Spiritus anti brings important reports front Gomez to Secretary Alger. General Goniez was found to have about 5,000 utica poorly armed anti equipped antI with little in the way of sUpplies. The supplies sent by the United States will enable Goipea to fully equip his troops and make it possible - sible for them to be of sonic use In cx- Polling Spain ( rain the islaad. The expedition carried dynamite guns , rifles , ammunition , food , clothing and many other things in large quantities. It landed on ( ho south shore of Cuba , west of the trochia , and wits able to reach Goinoz without - out much effort. Further supplies will be sent to Goaicz to enable him to aiatntnin his army lii the interior of Cuba. Lieutenant Johnson will remain in command of this troops of United States soldiers at. Gomeza camp. SLOW OF COMPREHENSION Smnuluu Evideimth' cotYct Awakciieil to Its 'I'rtie Coi.iition-Tnkes o Account of MfI4fOrtUfleI ( WASIIINGTON , July 15-The posalbill- ties of peace arc as remote as over. No move in that direction hns beeim made by any of this foreign omcialn here , and despite the pitiful condition of Spain , its pride appears - pears to restrain it from niuking any direct overtures. A cabinet official , in speaking of the situation today , said that it was amazing that Spain seemed to hack all coat- prehension of its deplorable condition. Ita best. fleets have been wipetl out , its hold on time PhilippInes is practically at an end and now it has approved General Toral's surrender - render of 5,000 square miles of Cuban soil , and yet , he said , Spain scorns to take no account of its misfortunes and to adopt no means to limit tue extent of Its defeat anti losses. Under such circunistances , he said , the only timing left for this country to do is to press on until Spain reaches some corn- lirehlension of Its Impotence. It is with this oath iii view ( lint active steps are being taken for further aggressive campaigns. IN ( 'OMMANI ) or sn.tvse's ISbtND. Simiuil ish tIIic'rMCoImlIne.l 'flierro l'nroletL PORTSMOuTh. July 18.-The omcial act ot Itear Amlmniral Carpenter , taking corn- manti of Seavoy's Island , where ( lie Spanish prisoners art' confined , as part of his 3tres- eat tiuties , In chmarge at the Kittery aavy yard , and the departure of tIme auxiliary cruiser Harvard were the two interesting incidents tmlay. All time prisoners on the sick list of time Harvard were taken to the lie\m , hospital building ilear this other fever- stricken patients. While this condition of\the men In the hospital , speaking generahl' , is Improving , time critical cases are stiih likely to result fatally , two theathis having occtirred today. All day time Harvard took on hoard supplies of water , coal anti stores , while the Masma- chmUsotts Volunteer Aid association sent , a barge loath of food and clothing which is to ho forwarded to the front. The cruiser sailed for New York , Orders were received today paroling all of time Spanish oiilcers In Portsmouth anti vicinity , \Vlii. SALU'I'li OUR COtOI1S NO\S7 , Ir'it'It SViir $ iml.I1'trst For'Igiier to 1'ai , Iitiiiiigi' on ( ' 111,1(11 Sit ii , WASHINGTON , July 18-i\ . French war ship will be this first foreign war ship to salute time , American flag on Cuban soil. Worth has been received here that this French cruiser Itigault tic Genoiliy hiatt been ordered to Santiago. The fligault do Gemmoilly has prrlvod at Guantanamo , which is only a feW miles from Santiago , The first formality on arriving at Santiago is for time foreign war ship to salute the flag of the government of time port , hhmud the ship arrived before noon yesterday its for- mnai salute would have been to thu Spanish flag , thou wavimig over Santiago , hut as its arrival will be after the raising of ( ho /immierlcaii colors , the salute will be to the AmerIcan flag , . F.i rst Cnjtiurt'mi $ mliIisli Flag , WAShINGTON , July 18.-The first Span- isbi battle flag captured in Cuba by time Macrican army reached the War depart- macnt today , It was consigned to General Corbin , who displayed it to view on the back of a chair In his otiice. The flag is a small one , measurIng only about 2x4 feet , and Is poorly constructed of cheap material , It was captured by company Ii , First United States infantry , regulars , This company is htart of the First brigade , second division , Fifth army corps. The flag was captured at Juraguacifa , June 23 , by tIm following do. tail : Corporals Nownian and l3oyle , l'ri- yates Koyor , Cooioy and hloughtuhling , J. .1. Crittemiden vtms captain of time company , ( iilumi , 1iailt' , , ( uilig llottie , NfiW YORK , July IS-Cuban exiles In this country are already snaking preparations - . tions to leave for Santiago , Over a hun- died expect to leave by a tramp steamer which will sail from this city ( lila week and a Cuban who lives heCe said that timers were over 5,000 ready to dash into Cuba the minute Havana falls , 1)E'\VEY ) \ STANDS PAT Makes Jtttrbor Regulations and Propoics to Enforce Them. CALLS THE GERMAN ADMIRAL TO TIME Insista Upon His Ships Pursuing a Different Course. GERMAN TAKES MEDICINE WITh WRY FACE Says Ho Will Refer Dewey's ' Demands to Council of' Offlcor3 SECOND EXPEDITION HAS NOT ARRIVED Nm ) ASNIIUII on Mnitiln'lll lIe Matte Lint IL 'i'rnuilM * , in aim Aimnelur- limit' . ' , itimil h'osstll y Until S'iIt'immier ( Cop'rlglit , 1SS , by I'ress l'tibhishilng Co. ) MANILA , .iuly 11.-Via ( Ihong IComig , July 18.-New ) ( York \Vorld Cablegraiui-Special Tclegrani-Thie ) Gerimians continue holding Ii. big Elect at Manila bay. Atiimiirnl lewcy , displcamueth with their actions iii stopping the insurgents' attempt to capture a Spaimislu garrison at 5tmbig bay , ccitt word to this German adniiral , Voii Ietlrlciis , askimig if Germany and America were at ieace or at war ; it at peace lie wanted this Germatu shiiiis to liursue a different course ; if at lie wanted to know its existciico so Ito could govern hulimiself arcorthingly. The German admnlrai's first reitly was satisfactory - isfactory In tin apologetic tone , but later lie sent a note to AtimIral Dewey saylimg he objected to the Auiiericans stopping Get- man shuip3 which had once been in the bay and hind been visited , German ships have made a practice of comimig into Manila , following - lowing this vith trips outside this bay , coasting about the Islands and rettirnimig in two or three days. The German contention is they should not be stopped. After the first time Dewey rephieti that Maiiila'ss a blockaded port anti ht would continue hiavimig all ships comnmtmnicatetl with when lie tlcsire.i , whether ( lie first or hundredth time ( if entering. The Gernian admiral replied , still objecting - ing , saying hovotiltl submit the question to the senior ollicers of the other war mmhuipmt. 'rho Kaiser and Irene have remained at Manila. Tue Kaiscrin Augusta , I'riiicess Wilhelm and Cormnoramu returned today from Cobu , where they have been coasting about ( lie island. They camne In column. farm. All vessels iii the bay dressed shin in bettor of the French holimlay , the fail of the Bastihe. Agulnaldo has estabhisheti headquarters at. Baker. He still mmmmtintaimis headquarters at Cavite , but Is not expected to occupy them , The insurgents continue to niain- tam the lines about Manila. There has been no attempt , however , to capture the city. This reported intention to attack Ma- dliii Ofl , Uitittf , the lOthi , Is untrue. A hittio firing occurs nightls , but no general engagement. The American troops are actively tirhllimig , but there is no movement toward Manila. Time Boston left on the 1'Jth to meet time second instahlrnemit of transports , whitch Is expected to reach Manila this week. There is ito probability of action until time arrival of ? .lerritt. . Four Oregon volunteer omcers , Captains heath , Wells , Prescott and Lieutenant Leifer , haul lermissioti to spend Sunday iii the rebel hues. Much uneasiness was * ihmown when they did not return Suntiay or Monday. They arrived safely Tuesday morning , explaining that they got farther away than thmoy thought and couhhi not return - turn Sunday. They decided for a tour of investigatiomi on the Pasig rIver hack of Manila and got somno valuable information. They are now confined in their quarters , however , as a court-mnnt'tiai is probable. B. W. IIAItDEN. t5rge . , tigustl to Smmrrem.Jer. MANILA , July 11.-Via ( hong Kong , July 1S.-An ) important interview has jtmst been held between General Aguinaltlo's secretary. Legarda , amid a prominent imative white man , and time Spanish comniander. Captain Getmermtl Augustl. Time imisurgents iii god General Augusti to surrender thin city , : m- sertitig that 50,000 insurgents rurrounded Manila and were able to enter it any imin- nuent. Thus far , thtey added , the insurgeita had beeiu restrained with difficulty , hut if time Spaniards continumed atubbormi they scented euro that the insurgents would hi' compelled to bombard and stormu thin city , "with the immevitimblo result of a slaughter unparalleleti In history , because in the ox- citciiient of battle they caaumot dimtcrfmi- nate. Comitinuing , time captain getir.rmml's visitors adviseti him to ( lisregarti tim official tictiomis regarding alleged Spanish victomies In Cuba amid reinforcemiments coming to time PhiliilI.iio . : islands , anti proposemi a reconciliation between - tween the Spanish in time 1I.Ilippiiws tinder a republican flag and a joint endeavor to persuade thus Americans to abandon iosthii- ties in the I'hihippine 1sluids. Ffmmally , thin representatives of the nmurgents ItioPOsed nit appeal to the vowers to recognize the independence - dependence of the Philippine isiammtia. The captain general replied ( lint he must fight , however hopeless the Spanisit cause , La Gartia thiemi returneth to Cavite , taking with him the native , sviio is a prisonor. This natives inside thin city say they re- cclvcd , a fortnighmt ago , a concerted signal to prepare for stortmiing time vahis , A second signal , fired before the assault , hmas hot yet. been immaumed , and ( buoy arc said to be wait- lag and losing faith in Aguinaldo. Time lat.- ter , it is ahlegei , finds It extremely difhlcult to capture ( lie town fortifIcations. Ills lrevious successes , it is pointed out , s'ero because of tile nature of time country , whmichm suited lila skirmishers , It is further al- iegeml that time lirincipal points captured by this insurgents voro obtained possession of thirougli treachery. iiriiglimg 11 , Artillery , Time insurgents are now bringing artillery around by sea frommi Malabormi , whIch is tethi- ous and troublesome work. They are also obtaining detailed reports of time coxmtiition of affairs in the inside of the city. Admiral Iewey is eBtabhishing a more strict bioclcatle lest it be invatied , by permitting neutrals to visit Cavito and Malaliormi amid send niuti receive mails , enclosing surreptitious Span- isht dispatches , lie has thmrcatetmi'd to itta- tion war ships opposite the city which might tend to liarticiPate hostilities , as tim Spanish ofiicers declare they will certainly lIre on any Amnerlcan'uhip , regardless of this conse- qtmen ces. This second Installment of mnericnn troops is expected here daily anti time last detachm- meats am's Looked to arrive here curly in August. Probably amililary operations will be deferred until the September dry season , when it is cooler. amid l'ossibi' , then blood- tilted may be unnecessary. A Spanish steamer , time Filipinas , hiss just been brought here in the hamids of the lii. surgeots. It appears that it was on the northern coast and escaplug to China with TEMPERATURE AT OMAHA hour. ) , . : a. iii , . , , . . .i I is. in . . . . . . .Mi ) II a , am , , . , . . : m ti i' . II . . . . . . iii 7' mm. in . . . . . . 7 : t m. . . . . . . 1)8 S a. iii , , . , . . .i it. ill . . . . . . 1)1 ) 1) mm. mit , , . . . . .So a hi. Hi . . I . . I I ) a. ii , . . . . . . .Mt II 1 , . lit . . . . . . it I I I ii , in , , , , . , . ' 4 I I' it. iii . . . . . . iii lit , . . . . . . . . ' 4)1 ) S It , III . . . . . . I ) 2. , ill . . . . . . . 'l'OhA 1' .t'l' 11111 lhXl'Osl'FUN , At tiI ( ( rmiiim,1st 8 p , iii , , hli imit , ' s UnmitI , Goerniiicimt iiiiiltlitiz. 7 1:111 : v. l'itIiiit&'s himunal , ( irniitt l'liizn , humviu 'I'ovit m I ) a , iii. , i , t Ittital All Iflhi ( ' ( ' 'i'liett I rl'nI Staige l4iui llt'M lit Crelgitttit hlitI I. a imativo crew nit board , which latter re- voiteti , kiilcd time Spanishm officers and brought tin , vessel to Cmiite. Spaniards are daily eniphoying comivicts to fell trees anti btirii hints ott tIme titttskirts of the town. Fmmslllamlcs commtintle , bitt otherwise the post- tiomu is tmtmchmnngeii. The stock of iiotw is pract ictully exhausted , but the supplies of rice antI buffalo Imicat. will last for iminmitlis lomiger. TRANSPORT SHIP GETS AWAY First 1iittttiin lI'litmt'Itt ( tvelt nit iiitlittIMlItMt l& . $ 'i.ti..IT its it Lt'ILCM 14)1' ilitiiiilt , SAN FRANCISCO , July 18.-Camp Merritt Is grnmitlnhi ) ' growing smaller. Today ifiOO much represomitimig ( lie First Momitomia reg- iimmeiit and 300 recruits for the First Cal- iformila volunteers broke cammip and nmarche.i . to the trammaport stoanier h'enmtaylvamiin , vhiich will convey them to Manila via lion- oluhim. Time farewell given thin arildiers wmis iikti all of Its Itretlecessors. Thmoumsantis nf p001)10 lined this streets and cheered the piiasiimg soltilers and showered them itlu flowers amid Irnaseth them ripe fruits with vh1cii to immoisten their parched lips , for time situ was very hot. The mimattem' of getting off time remaining 'esseis of this expctittion is consumitig tli energies of the forces at. army hieadqumnrtermt. The First South Dakota regiment is r.'tutiy to strike camp when the order to tb ito simahi arrive. Although nothing very thfl- flute has beeii ofhlcially decided it is probablem that two battalions will embark Thmmrsthay on the 1(10 Jammetro. The recruits for lime first antI secomiti battalions of the Eighteenth infantry vlhl go ott the santo transport. The reniaimilng battalion of time South Dakota regitnetit , time Colorado and Minnesota recruits - cruits and a tietachnient from tue signal corps will go to Manila on the St. Paul , which will he ready next 'eek. Sonto alarm is felt at the number of men roporteti smelt at Manila. Dr. Shmiels , brigatho surgeon , and Dr. Page , assistant surgeon , U , S. A. , vihl sail emu the ltiO , Efforts - forts will be made to get thin St. Paul oft by next Monday anti the Scandla , the gov- eriimemit steanier which will be used on this expeditiomi , as soon as possible next week. The itie Janeiro is expected to leave Thumrs- day or Friday , The work of loading is progressing rapidly. The six months' flied- teal supplies and two additional months' sLipphies for the voyage wm.rtu pul on today. SENATOR HOAR IS CAUSTIC RCii3'tilitr to Ct'rtnlii Stzitiieiits by i'rut , , prti , lie iIlM Liii tsr's lILtitit'II'C is Ilati , BOSTON , July lS.--I'rof. Eliot Norton , formerly of Ilarvnrd college , iii reply at Setiator hoar , whio attacketl the vrofessor iii an address at. the opening of the Clark university sutnmner scbooh , made public today a stateimieimt. iii which lie saul that Senator Hoar's criticism was based on garbled - bled sentences from aim account In a west- era mmewapaper of nit Interviesv with l'rot. Nurtomi , dishonorably obtained auth imicor- redly represemiteth. I'rof. Norton adtled : "I did say to time youth of this university that this war with Spain was Inglorious 'mind as it 'as for the accomplishment of oaths immmnecessary to us as a nathin it was iieedless anti' consequently crimimmal : ' that all Americtuis held their liVes at ( lie service of their coumitry , hint. that they should carefully - fully comisider vhmether time best use they couiitl mittilte of thmemnsehs'es in its service was to enlist in Such a war. I see no rca- son to change these opiimiotis and this ad- vice. " WOItCESTFIIt , Mass. , July 18-Upon receipt - coipt of a reply froai Prof. Charles Eliot Norton to lila recent critlclsmnij Semmator hoar today made iiubiie a letter , lii which he says to I'rof. Norton : "Wimtmtimer they are represented or not , they are In general accord , I am sorry to say , vitim the sentiments I am constantly iii time habit of hearing as coining frommi you hioth in public utterance nnd private speech , auth a style with which I used to be hot ummfamiliar when I occasiomiaily met you. All lovers of Harvard ammti all lovers of time country have felt for a long time thiat your relathirms to time university mantle your iniiuencu bath for the college nail bath for thin youth of the country , It was high time that somebody shtould say what I have salti , I couitl easily , ( rein mtiy own meat- ory and front the report of porsotma vhuo have met you cmi social occasions , point 0111 mamiy utterances qtiite atm deserving of severe reproof as those to which I iiavo adverted. I ruin afraid timat. this habit dl bitter timid sneerimmg impeochi aboumt persons anti iubhic nfftmirs has ito growim upon you ( limit you tb miot yourself know always what you say , I simnuild ho sorry to do you any injustice. Indeed , it is not in imimybothy's homier to do you injuistice hilt yourself. " EXPECT COLOMBIA TO GIVE IN St'ttleiipimt tif ' -7j.5 ; ; ; Cistiii l'rolmtl.I . II. . : iiiIt' lJ.'ftiri , Force. is Iteimelieti , V.'ItSIIINGTON , July 18-Baron Fava , time htahinii amnhiassador , called at the State departimient today lii reference to time Cerutti claim , whmichi Italy is pressing against ( ito republic of Colommibin by a naval mienionstratton before Carthiagemma , Coiomniila , Tue status of thin case rtimialns unchangemi , time Italian fleet having confIned its opera- ( bus thmus far to a passive tlemiiommstration and a dcntammd timat the claim be settled quickly auth coumipletely. Colombia hums hot given a final answer , its reliance appears to be ithannetl in thin good oiilces of this goveriilti'lmt to thefer the settlement until sonic ( eattmrvs of thus aivard Can ho inyosti- gatod. Thin Italian fleet line now boon ha Cuonihmtnmi ! waters for four days , snaking no hostile tlemimommatration , except that aria- inK through Its presence. Timers is ito itt- tlmnatiomi thins far that Its tussim's prctaoiieo 'ill be followed by a hostile demonstration against Colombia , as tIme impressiomi pro. vailmi that a settlement. will be , nade before time : .oimit of force Is rt.'achied , t.ONDON. July 19.-Time Itomo corre. sitontlemit of the Iaihy Mail says Thu italian - ian foreign chIco learns from Waabiimgorm that. time Colombian government hm.ts mm- cepted the award of * 250,000 adopted by I'residcnt Cheveland , - - - - . ON TO P01110 RICO Expedition to Another of Spain's ' Iland Qeth Under Way. YALE LEAVES SANTIAGO WITh TROOPS Other Soldiers Are to Be Embarked front Tampa and Charleston. MILES IS TO COMMAND THE EXPEDITION ito is 011 Boartl the Yale and Will Roach Porto Rico Wednesday. lIE WILL lIME TUIRTY THOUSAND TROOPS 'l'rummsporls 'S'i ii l"oii.nv int'lt lit Imer lit itniltit Snu'ecsi.t , I'itt I I 'i'hmro Are lilmotigim iit'it It , immatiti me Murrtmttler. WAShINGTON , July IS.-Aftcr three days' comisumltt.tiotu betwocit the itresithemit , Secretary Alger anti ( lemucral hlroohu' , tIer- ing vliicim there was frcqucmit coinmntimiica- ( iou with General Miles , thin tli'tiuils of thti l'orto ltiealu expetlitiomi 'rare fom'mnei alma the expetlitiolt Itself gotteli ready. An ex pctlitiomm loft today on time \'al , to be fol. lo ed by an murniy of ahotmt 80,000 muien. l'hmcre are sumac iiotnhlc thiffercitces iiu the plans for this expedition amid for this statell miaval litigeimit that ittuileti luVii ) front Tmmnipa. FIrst there vihl be iirctctlciill' no naval con- voys. The Navy tlepartmncmit himumi mieclmmrctl they are umnmmccessary--thimut there is not a Siituuisli war mtiiip iii the \est Imidiemi that dare thmrumst its how out of l.ort. In the second place thin expedition ( ices not. start froiii one point , but will hat thi- vitletl aniomug seventh ports , times prevcntitmg time trenmemithoums cotigestiomi ( limit was en- commnterctl at Tamitpmt in time effort to start. tIme big lied. Lastly , there will be no effort inatlo to get time shuts awmt ) ' together , limIt time trans. liorts will be allowed to Ilmid their sn ) ' to their destination without concertetl move- moats. General Miles heads time way. lie hiss leen prontiseti by time president ( lint lie should go to Porfo Rico , anti thin nromiae wait re- theeimmeti when time Yale hmen'ied today from Sihonc.y for l'orto Itico , 800 niilcmt ( his- taut. General Jirooke will be time senior omeer in Gi'mic'rah Miles' colmmntaumd , anti upomm him vill fall time responsihuihity for the oxecu- ( ion of the details of lila superior's idans. It is estimnateti that. General Miles m.lmouiI arrive \Vednestl5y night at time point selected - lected for the lanmhing , auiul will hmoittt time Ainerfcaiu flag over i'orf.o Ricami soil. 'rime point chosen for his landing is kept secret cus time general will mmmii before the ( mill both ) ' of time expedition is at imnummi auth it is cOruaeqtmently not thesiraitle that this enemy Iihiotiith be able to assemble a large force to receive hiuim. Time diatnuico from Cliarlestoji , where time first body of troops of time oxpethition will probably start today , lit more ( bait doumblo the distance from Scumitiago to Porto Rico , so that time trnmmspouts which sail from the fernier city calm attarcely roach General Miles before time early hart of next wcelc. ( eIerII I lm'mst CoImmg. These Clmariomitout troops arc time FIrst brigade of tIme Ffrst thiviumlon of time First Arimmy corps amid are comunianmietl by liriga. dior Gnsmerai George II , firuist. The brigade comprises time Secoiimi Wiscommsin , time Third Wisconsin anti Sixteenth Peuinsylvania. The purpose of Secretmmry Algtur is to nmake time I'orto Rican canipmtign a short 0110. i\mi ovt'rwht'hmmiing force will be thrown upoii time islaummh amid it is Possible tiunt a bloodless victory will be achieved whmen the Spamiishu becoummo convinceth that they hmave no recusonahilo chance to resist atmccessftmlly. Thin ( 'XletiitlOmi is to comprise 30,000 men at the start anti It svill he svollo.h aeon to .10,000 niemi , anti if necessary to 70,000 muon , this eqUipmnemmt of time volunteer forces hmavirmg nou progressetl sovcli as to var- runt time Btatemont that ( lint mmtlmnher of mmmcii carm ho ready for aervico iii I'orlo ltict vithiiim a very short timiie , 'rho entire hotly of troops at Tanipa will be tmuhcim , mimmmhierimmg nbouml 13,000 men , and including a lot of heavy nntl ligimt artillery tinder comnmnnd of ( .eimeral Rodgers. Thin expetlitiomi will ho particularly sttroumg with artillery , as some at Santiago , eommmiandod by ( immoral itandoiphm , is to hm drawn upon. Time Taumipa troops are known mum limo Fourth corps , under Major General Cop- pinger , as follows : Seconti division , ilriga- tIer General Simon Snyder , comnimmumhing ; First brigade , Brigadier General Sciiwan , Elevemitlu ummth Niumeteeittht Ummitetl States infantry - fantry ; Second brigitte , lirigatiler General Campetmier ; Second New York and I"lfth Maryland ; Thuirti brigade , hirigadier General Halo ; Third I'emmmmaylvammia , One liuritireti and Fifty-seventh Itudiana mmd irtrmtt Ohio. 'l'hmirml division , hirigatlier Gemieral Klein comnmnanmling ; First brlgatle , Colonel C. L. Kennim , Fifth Ohmic , First Florida anti Tiiirty-ac'coimd ? .lichmigmin ; Seconml imrlgmuhe , flrigamilor Gemmeral Lincohut , Sixty-ninth New York , Third Ohio anti Second Georgia , The provisional cavalry brigade , Colonel Noycs , Fifth United States , anti detach- mneuits of First , Secomid , Third , SixUm and Tenth United States cavalry and eight troops of Rough Ititlers. Artillery brigade , General Randolph , two light anti ten heavy batteries , It Is lmossiblo timmut all of tIme cavalry will Ito ! ; be called uipomm. Jlrtnic , . 'l'ml.t's ills lIrlrmiIt' , General lirooke will take with him from Chuiclcamaumga park most of time First anti Secontl brigades of his army corps , time First. These arc ( In amlhitifln to Geumural firiist'im brigamie mit Chariestomi ) Flm'ai. division-Second brigatlo , General ilainos , I'ommrthm Ohmic , Timlrti Illinois arid Foumrth I'eumnsylvmunia ; Timlrd brigade , Col- ouch J. S. Culver , Firet Kentucky , Third lcentumvky , llftbm Illinois. Secomiti division-Colonel J. 8. I'ohnntl , comniantlimig ; First brlgtmthm' , hirigauite'r ( men- oral C. 'F. ibm , , Thirty-first Michilgoum , I'jtat Georgia , One hundred smimil Smxtlctii I lmhiaomt ; Seconh brigade , Gcmmeral McKee ; Sixth Ohio , Ottu hhilim.lrcd anti Fifty-cightim Indiana , First \'cst Virginia ; Tlmlrmi brigade , Erlga- thUr General itosser , Second Ohmic , First PennsylvanIa , Fourtm'entlm Minnesota. That part which time uiavy Is to take in this aasauht against I'orto 111cc hmmts been fully mmimuturecl. 'fime several trutiumport fleets will imave with them one or two auxiliary craft carrying strong secondary batteries of C or 8-pountiermm. Secretary Long salti this aftermmoon that no time Lad been hixed for the departure of Adnmiral Sampson's fleet for Sari Juan. As to time naval pious Ito woilimi bay time ) ' would co.operatc iii every vny with time movements of time unity. Time reports tlmumt three mon- lf.ormm were on their way fromn Key West to San Juamu were etmoractericetl by the cecretary as unauthorizeti. J the general under- r