- - - - - - - _ _ - I- V TuorAiiA DATT4Y fl1 MDAT , .TTL 1 $ , 1SS. I UNION OL LOCAl4 ChURChES cven of the Christian DenomInation Plan oser PRELIMINARY STEPS ARE ALREADY TAKEN MceItij at tJI ( IIrf CIsrlNtIn , , Church ( Pt ( Jt.inh.n lirhtig , , Abuti ( JutrI 'til Intict of tile Se- cml C.iiigrcgnthiiin. The Beven churchea of the Chr1LIan 1e nomination In Omnhn , South Oninlia flflt ( Council I31Itf8 ycsteruhuy morning effeqte(1 a close union for the nurose of greater co- operfttton , epecInl1y as concernR the man- ngcment of the flnance of the respcctLve churches. To the four churches of lila city , the one in iotitIi Omaha and the two ncrosa the river there will In nil probability soon be fldde(1 ( the First Christian church of Fhor- once , making eight iuicmbcrs of the now tth I on. The proccedIngu bailing up to the forma. tion of the union were helil in connection with the regular Sunday morning servIces at the First ChriRtiun church in this city. Preparatory to the sermon by the new irna- tor , Rev. Ii II. flurt , formerly s1ito cvnn- geiist , a lItH4iness sessloti of the church coil congregation was lieitt. Moderator Walker cahicil the 1nctillg to order and Jutige Sic- haugh spoke of the reasons for auiggeathiig audi a uliulon of cli the Christian churcheiu in Omaha and the imniediato vicinity. In addition to the desire to strengthen the do- liolilitiation he eaid there Is a real need in the church for "its getting together in itself ; getting out everything but love forGed God nod fellow man ; for hotter methods tar effective Christian work ; for the beat inetlu- ads tar working together , anti for lcepitig in r close touch with the environments of the church. " At the conciulon of Judge Slabaugh's remarks It as resoived thnt the church shiottid take the initial stepa looking toward such a union , It was decided to appoint a committee of five to confer with the rep- resentnthves of the other Christian churches roictive to the proiosetl union. The moderator - ator appointed the following members of this committcc Rev. I. ) . I ) . Hurt , the pas- tar ; Judge Siabaugh and Messrs. Saunders , Tayior nfld Ikilhord. This committee will : confer with the representatives of the other ' Christian churches at an early date. A : business-like plan for manngittg the finances of the respective churches and for securing the greatest co.opcrfithon among nIh the citurehes will he drafted. The joint con- fercuce wiii hold monthly meetIngs and rallies of the eight congregations once in every three uiionths will he arranged. 'rite report of the treasurer of the First ( "itristian church 'as read and showed the cml relt ilnances t o lie I n goad cond Itloit , there being a balance of about $150 on hand. sl : : % 'v iuii' AS t V 1t'AL FORCfl , ittii ( ' UI Iiiiiithiiii III the Ititliftitig ititil Pii'M'VVZ ( liii , ( ) t it l'eohiIe. The value of sentiment , of emotion , as n vital force inspiritig ( lie rare , indhvidtiahl and collectively , to a itiore elevated char- actcr anti civilization was the theme of labbi Isaac L. Itypins of Evansville , 111(1. ( , to v1ioin the PUlPIt of TCuhlIC Israel had been yielded at the morning service by 1111)1) ) 1 I .CC il . F'ra ukl iii . I a i ii troth uciti g him , 1)r. Finnkhiti recalled that ir. ilyidius " as ills ihrst teacher. That WaS In Ciii- cinnati. 'l'hiis is the fourth time Dr. flypins has visited Omaha and the thirl time lie has . flCC'ptCl nil invitation to 1111 tile Temple _ _ _ _ hsruiel itihPlt. 1einaiking the cordiality of _ _ _ _ thto welcome he hind riceived eveiy tune he 1111(1 caine , he teized upon this thought as fact at i.nnotinn rather titan suggostluig the _ _ _ _ _ h any merely mental function , being the great uiiderlyhiig priliciliho and motive force of _ _ _ _ _ _ hiu Inch CO1II ( tict a tud th e I tuspi ratioji o f cii effort to r1se to higher planes of being ; that Is , It is sentinuerit rather than mere reason anti jtidgineiit. hits Idea lie found borne out by Zang- Will's 'Dreamers of thin Ghetto , ' ' the bproei of which had nrlscn to great ness anti potcntiailty tot good thi'oughi their strug- gb upward ( iota ultifavorabic etivironinents hCCQtiSC of tile ujighity enttnieIit hhIiing theni. A a a 1)1)1 ) icat I on o t Ii I s tm t ii w'ns also ittaile to the hebrew PCOIlO ) before hue con- chtideil , auth one also to show the other side , to degenerate Spain. To quote from his address - dress : A good ohil Jewish IhuiiozoIhior once said that in t3Vt'y child there ' : ts born Moses , a velilable Itavid , the enuhioditucilt of a Sohtuinoht , yet ore ve suit IOtiIIhCtl ( by a ills- couiiglng : incihioclity. Di ) these born headers - ers , Infant king-poets , inc.irnatetl sages , cli _ _ _ _ ( lit ? in their cradles ? No , ltit they have _ _ _ _ brett bereft In early life , perhaps , of nil _ _ _ _ _ _ that nun kes for l&ul : ershu I p. so ng and v is - - , ( loin , Not that nttttro : is ijutitartini or ( loLl itrejitthiceil , but that toast of us reach a certain lIlfltCLItI according to our seittitnetit of ilto titith stay there. Sotito try to asecuil higher , 1)111 couruge forsakes theni and their itti engtit u&iiis. Tile > - hook down in tue val - hey nuiti see the turnuuhh Of the struggle for wraith iiiuh hthenstirC ibid vlsiu they hind , at the outset , given themselves over to the 7 itursitit of gain. A fewest of tIi few , has' - hug strolig hearts and wills stronger , leach the ( 'XItled ( Tub Is trite not only of the ituilvidual , hint of the i : ice. \'hiat makes for the sal- idarity of IsraelVe are in a sense iii- ldeti ; there arc all kinds ittiti classes of Jews ; yet , soniehto' , by soitue miracle , as it were , nIl Jutlaisin is hielil together by a itoitti invlsibic and eternal , It is the sentiment - mont hrnbethlcth lit our souls.Ve trizil , for ILouicthltng In the ituician race , It Citititot be itieto illui.ey , to r the ( ' 11101 11010 itt of tue Jew his been persectition itluil bhtter hatred ; but , on the contrary , In the nii.- s'elous econtilily of the huninit race 'o stanil for thit uplifting of inankitul. See those hirophuts of Isrtol , those ( lotl-iutoxhcnted Inca , thtosi' gintits of eternity ! Kiio log no other voi tl tItan "justice' ' aitti 'righteous- ' ness's a lid I tispi red by a soil I I itient ' ii lehi tuadu fo i 11(11 ii I ug else no d itothi I tug short they led our iCOIhC ) eiuard to righiteoustiess cliii justIce. Titis is national auth religious leli , I un en t itu tit e iii ghit'st , I it I i.e stiperita I thtgr'e. 'L'llCC IIi'iI kisceil the hcavcns 'ithi the I r bra tu it tinti wI t ii liii ! r I I Ps. W'hiy Is it that Spain l wilsiiing front - ? % k - hot Springs , S. D1 , and Return-$1640. Tuesday , July 19-via Burlington Route. Tickets good for 30 clays. Leave Omaha 4:35 : Tuesday afier- noon and ou reach hot Springs 8t3 : Wednesday morning. A mouth in this cool rutceat will do you more good tItan all the doe- toEs in Christendom. Tielt't Ottlee- Depot- : Li2 FOOffl [ SI , IOl MasQ.rI among the nstionM of the earth-that mis- trt's of Iitrnitc a century or so ago , that marvel of the Is I'rovlilenco to crud or chance o fickle and do nations grow anti fall simply hteemuise the winds of time will have it O. No : you mistake the purpose of things. There Is an order in the growth of the race which all must rocog- nize. It has not hetn simply because Spain drove out the Jews rnd the Moors from her country or mistreated the Cubans - bans , but he is perishing because she has vlolnted the laws of justice. She is perish- lag becatitto her sentiment was ignoble , \'hat bra become of all the great tin- tlons which hiavo served as models to the historians and lights to the philosophers ? They did not possess the sentiment of life which makes for righteousmiess and Justice. Fvcn with our own America , after the civil war the people became deaf to the voice of the prophet and began to retrograde. Noth- lng could have been more providential than this present war. We hind nothing to good 115 00 to higher ideals of freedom and Jima. tice and were fast becoming a nation of mooney-makers and money-mongers and the lowest kind of poMticians. The disease that was amicting our beloved nntlan was threatening - oning its very destiny. But this war Is an awakener , lifting us UP and Inspiring us onward to righteotitcoess , There is hope for us now. MOlI.it ANI ) I'll VSIC.tl , COlltAil. SieilILcrN mit t Iii' Y.'HC. t. htisecisic the lti I lt Imielit I ii A riny of tile Lord , At ( lie Young Men's Christian association rooms began yesterday afternoon a series of seven meetings with military topics as subjects for disctission , The subject yes- terilay afternoon was "VolunteersVanted. . " Secretary Fred F.Vlllis presided and led in the song service. A quartet composed of Mrs. (1. 'V. Johnson , Miss Cora Chalice , Mr. Stevens and Mr. Taylor rendered selections - lections prepared especially for the tiny and Mr Willis sang a solo chosen train sacred music. The principal speaker of the after- naomi was D , Edward ColhIn of Oakland , Cal , , chairman of the Young Men's Chris- thin association of California. Lieutenant Underwood of Company E , Third regiment , was to have Shiohioti , but was unable on cc- count of othice engagements auth Corporal George Young took his place. Mr , Collins ihiectisseti time subject of why war should exist tinti of how each combating nation always considered itself in the right. The principles of right and equity do not advance by great leaps cmiii strides , but proceed with an almost itnlerceptibie motion. The clash of anus and movements of. vast armies and the shooting and killing of thousands is not the only object of warfare : it is principle for which men fight to the death. Qurs Is a noble nation. We are not proud of it because It is a successful young republic sprung from a grand old stock , but he- cause it is a Chiristlati nation with the nuls- alarm of liberty to all mankind as its Inspir- lug motto , Large nrinies and navies do not niahe ( lie nation. Look at our present vie- tories , with macro handfuls of men conquer- lag larger forces and sending them back beaten amid vanquished. Time army of the United Status wants young omen , youths full of vigor and enthusiasm and courage , amid so it is with ( lie Christian army. Time difference between actual warfare with sworil and guim and the warfare against the siirit and tile devil Is that ( lucre is no stopping , We cannot stop for a while and tini be discharged , but every day anti hour of our lives must be consecrated to the cause. May we aim young Christian soldiers lie very valiant In the warfare against un- righiteotisimess and live and die faithful to God anti amamikinil , Corporal Young gave a very earnest talk , lii which lie discussed lihyslcai and moral courage. hie said ( hunt iii his mind tIme colic- flvn nf 7nttl ,1trtno lila nnrenitlnti , snq greater than ( lint of ilobson and lila inca while sinhlimg the Mcrrlnuac. Ito said that the leather of time great Christian army mantle lit ) distinctions 1mm rank or position as mails itary oihhcers might do , but that all were equal in the eyes of God. It ( ) VI NG 'I'll h "CO l.It LINE , " ht.'y , .Jiia ii Al herlVhh I IniliN flel lvers a ttIef mtihiIt FihItrhicl , Before preachhimg iuls regular Sumitlay evening - ing sermon last muight Itev. John Albert \Vlillammus , pastor of tIme Church of St. Philip the Deacon , vrescluteti to hula congregation whint he termed a "pulpit edItorial. " For several mouths , he said , the dispositIon to discrltmulnato agaimist negroes in Places of anuusemctut anti other publIc iulaccs In Oimiahta has increased. Since the opemmlug I of the cxpositlomm time evil has lecome ) preY- alctit and colored veople are liable to meet insult at any time. Maily negroes who live lii Ommmahma have hati friends conic frommu out of town to visit tIme expositiomu , and their treatment has been so shameful that ( lucre Is immediate mueed of a check on such tin- just thiscrlmmuiimatioiu. Rev. Williatmis assured his congregation that he lund visited many of Omaha's best citizens and had been Imitormned ( lint they vcre entirely out of sympathy with any at- temimpts at drawIng the color hue anti would their intluemice to a nuoveimient put on oil foot to bring an end to such itisults. lie urged the mucimuhters of tIme congregatiomi and all mneitubers of his race in time city to bring this matter to time attention of ( lie proum- imient nitil influentIal citizens of Omaha anti to set nil falr-mmiiimtleti people to thuimiking on ( lie matter. tim tIme creation of public senti- mnomit agaInst sticlu injustice , and In that alone , lies ( lie macaims of the proucr enforce- macitt of time law , urged Rev. W'hhhlatmus , antI until ( Ito citizens of Omaha are brought bite sympathy with the attempts of the negroes of the city to secure mecogmiltion of theIr rights it wIll be ahmsolutely lnuimossible to enforce ( lie laws which forbid race ( Iscrhmn- I nation. 'l'lihii IS htIl'Ji Flt ) AN AlY.tNCII. Ito , . Hr. iitti't In Urgt'M Church l'tole I ii Y.h o ye I'i ru U ed i P. t Ii c ( 'it misc. Roy. S. A. MartIn , U. 1) . , presIdent of the \Vilstin college of Cbamnhersburg. l'a. , occu- pled the pulpit of ( lie First I'iesbyterian t hitn eli yesterday mmuormmlng. The vroplmets of old cmiii their utterances ficrulshteil hiliti with a lesson for the big cotigiegation that ha- teiied to him , lii opening Imis , ihscotirso Ir.Vllson dwelt inlet estingly ilpomu I lie llflctt time lropliets cc- ciliticil iii ( ho Jewbhm natloim. iii' ' saiti that ( hit' 1iiest s'Stt'ilu ) of tIme Israelites did not tililer mumaterluihy front that of oilier i1ii tiomis , lint tinit the inImPhiots OtettitlOtI 0 cuhlar imoltIoIi , not ( ouiitl aiuyvimerc cisc. 'rhey vero tIme teiciiora : amid Ihiti coutcicnce of tIme natlail hicables being ( lie prophets , cmiii iii thu course of their duties tile ) ' enululayetl miietlioils that would today ho considered sensatlenal. it wits strange that they tucro not suppressed , shire they coultl not hell , but ho inronveniemit to time prlestcratt and tyranny. After , eferrhiig to a number of thu ProPimets , the lircachier took up time itrophiecy of Isaiah itimil In this sermnoim to ( lie Israel. itea lie found cimuch ( lint % vims true today. lie rciitl in It an Injunction front Coil upon lila peolde to spread the amessage of salva- thou. lie declared that the time for this work uvita miever so rIpe cmiii title lureiniratlon hail beeli miuntlo through tttrs , social dts- timibancea , auth various materIal udvatiec- muents for the blazitig of tIme way. lie urged 111)011 ChristIan iteople to tictively iterforimi time duty even though , people wIll say that ( allure has m'csuhteti bO fur. ( hint time church Is full of hypocrites , that tIn' ciulimistry is selilalt nitti tIme creeds are behiliud the timimes. hlchl ) , 1S3 IS ' , 'hit'l' IS NIEliiI ) , I % It ni.ct'h 1st 'l'mt ) IurI'ui lits ( iii t time hurt hut' of II ( 'vett'tc , The hutllllit of the t3outhi Tentlm Street Mcthtottit Episcopal church was filled y's- tertlny niornhtig by 11ev. 13. 0. Taylor , an evangelist uvhmo is conducting tent services near time svest entrance of thu exposition. 1vaiigehis 'rayjor chose the following textl "But sanctity the L.ord aod In your heart r niucl be ready always to give every niami that asks you the reason of hope with muueekness and fear , " The sermon throughout was a protest against the riundern religious views anti niethods vuhich are displacing the plain olti fashioned religion of our forefathers , 11ev , Taylor cienouneed motlerti science which is attempting to make the bible agree with Its temucts , he attacked higher criticlanu anti assured his listeners that people had far better be trying to make so-called sd- once agree with the teaching of the bible than to Wfl5to their time and barter away their souls in pickii.g to pieces the insptretl word of cloth , 'The bible is a holy book ; it Is a spit- itual book , " said the preacher , "anti Unless - less men are holy anti read time divine worth with faith they cannot understand It. hlohi- hess Is the one essential doctrine of the holy gospel , and when man has not boll- ness it is easy for him to flail fault nail I criticiso God's church , "The cry of the churches of today Is that religion Is not a matter of enuotioim , but a matter of principle atmtl ( hint man Is to macrely live his religion and not let anyone else know about it. It might as welt be saitl that love is a matter of priu- t cipie anti that marrIage is a immatter of lriiu- club and ( hat there is no cimmotloim anywhere - where In the world , Conversion is a mater - ( or of enuotlon anti miii , knows perfectly well when he receives Gotl into imis life , It lit natural for man to iraiso coil before - fore his fellow men , mmii let tlueimi know 'hat ( ho Savior has done for him. After conversion coimuca sanctification , antI mmcii knows perfectly well wlieti Clod takes sin I away frotn hint amid leaves lmiin free from I ( ho devil. Man feels the baptisni of fire and holy ghost which cloth blesses hilni with amid It Is natural timat ho shonith let his fellow men know of the blessing ho Is en- joyhimg , " HIilIfl 'I' ( ) I'Olhft % ' P1111 ilUIJil'l'S , 1) r , Ii t'ci I'm hmosestu 1in ci gei I e * 11 C Suit it Isha Colon ml l'osst-ssicnp , _ Dr.V. . I ) , hleetl of Glenwooth preached to the people of the First Congregational church yesterday morning. Ills sermon dealt with the iluty of the AmerIcan people toward the isiammtiers of time Philippines , Cuba anti the Santiwichu Islands. Time choir sang several amuthemns anti homer Moore ceo- dcccii "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" in a lcauttful anti iinhire8sive manner. Dr. Reed took as his text , "Go ye even unto the ends of the earth to preach the gospel , " found In Isaiah , lie said : "The hebrews kept by timeinselves apart from the other muatlomus of I time world and when they diii make some advatice toward the Imeathen countries it was Lgemmerally L from purely selfish nuotlves anti for their ovn commercIal betterment , When these people ditl this the prophets con- demnmued them , but lien they fohlowetl the teachings of IsaIah anti went to spread the I gospel the hebrews \ere blessed and their actions praised , A nation canimot live by itself in the fitmily of imntions , iestlny Is now declaring that the Uniteti States must give UI ) ItS hermit-lIke existanco and joiim with other countries anti not Ignore their existanco. We are now about to become time poasessors of new lands anti fields for conumercial anti relIgious struggles. No one doubts for a minute that In many hearts the oie thought Is how these possessions will benefit In a financial way and of the wealth vhmichu can be reaped train ownIng theft , We arc too apt to depetid solely on the physical anti animal senses of things around us amid look only for ( lie dollar. As we stand here before God today we shoulti mnnlce It our duty not to follow ( lie people of ( ho world , but to see ( hint these noor and micedy sufferers are given the word of 'God. The opportunity is before us , the doors stniiti tide open , we are close to our neigh- hors , will we take tip the cross to work forCed Cod or will we refuse ? This should be the cause of all Christian men and we as citi- zeus of Omaha cnn do our part toward bring- lug time gospel to it poor. needy and suffer- hag race. " 1'OVEIt'i' % ANt ) l'l'S 'FlUE MEANING. ilzi tg'ihz I Ii , Not roust i. . I ut i' it ht'hc-s Nr laek of 'i'ieuiiVti ii I. 'rue discussion at the maccLing of ( lie Universal - versal I3rotherhiood yesterday afternoon was regarding "i'overty" anti a number of iii- tcrestiiig reniniks were made under ( lie lend- cmsluii ) of Lucletu B. Copelanti. It was pin'etI out by time leather that vIiat is ordinarily re- garleti as vealhi was not only evancsceiut , limit fails of giving the anticipated saistnc- ( ion after It has been acquired. On this account It. s'tis shown ( hat tIme itortular con- cepiofl of wealth amid therefore of pvery Is inaccurate. "There is a greater latitude , " It was stateti , "In ( lie use of these terimis fur Imis coiudition is one of poverty , however rich lie niny be in material possessions , who is lackIng In health , frientla or any of the thousand anti one things which enter into life and make it stvce ( ' iii the further analysis of wealth It appeared tlmat only what is really needed by time individual and what wimemi once acquIred is abidIng in its nature can be consitiered riches. So only ( lie absence of stich values may be looked on as poverty. Iii this view It was argueti that the real timing to ho desired is ( ruth aimd that time absence of it Is time worst poverty of all. WhIle all truth is unattainable for ( lie pres- cat , one fundamental truth Is emphasized in time unity of liumatilty aitti the resulting Intertiepentlence. It ( lint contiltion were only recogizeil , It was held that It. wotmld solve ( lie question of ILersonal salvation anti would in- traduce Ituto ( ho present life of man what is supposed to be In store only In the spIritual future. A FEW AIVAN'I'AGES Offered hj ( Clilemigo , 1IiIvtukee .t St. J'stiil itniiscny , TuB SllOltT LiNE To CHICAGO. A clean ( miii mmuado up and started from Omaha. Baggage chocked from residence to destinatIon , Elegitut train service and courteous cm- plcyeii. EntIre triilns lighted by electricity and with electric light in every berth : FInest cilnlimg car service iii the west , with meals served ' 'a ha carte. ' ' 'rho Flyer leaves at. 5:45 : it. nu. daily from Union lepot , CITY TICKET OFFICIi , 1i504 Farnanu St. C. S.CAititiEhi. City Ticket Agent. 'l'hit iijerh , Iiiiti ijitiiiimt amid quick limo cmC time 1tmioim l'iiciflC makes it the popular line to shi prlnclpiti western resorts. CIty ticket 0111cc. No. 1302 Far- nam itt. HYMENEAL. , , , , , i - I t' I ie 1.1 ii II ii , LBAD , S. I ) . , Jtily 17.-Speciai.-'m'es- ( ) terday occurred ( lie mmmnrriago of Joseph Totlti , city editor of time Lead Iaily Call , to Miss Mautie Mclariammth , daughter of iiromlmiemit People of ieatiwootl. The marriage - riago Is time betitiel to a romammtic engage- mnetmt. antI time miuammner of getting out of Deatiwpod anti over to Spearfisim , where the marriage ccreimioiiy was hmerformned , would comsiniomuly be called an elopeimuemit. 110th inrties arc favorites among time young imeo- : vie of Deatlwuod amid Lead. rk Lyn's PERFECT Toh Powdei N ELEGANT TOILET LUXUflY5 Used by poopici of refinetnent for over a quurtor of a century. -i:1C1hNC : 11Q133 E STRIKE OFF Oudahys ana Their mploy Reach an AlflicthIO 'Agreement1 THEIR MEN WI1 RETURN TO WORK TODAY I'rtiotcit limit Mii41 * ' ' mit ( 'usc tcretic etc S.clirshmiy Is I't'n' it'iii i -Go.l ( ) rtlur h'rc'tu I is iticul the Vurt is ( ) cr. Yesterday afternoon the Cudahiy Packing company anti tIme executive conuiuulttee of the strIkers reached tutu amicable agreement anti work In all tlepartiuients will be m-esuiuietl at tluis plant today. in accordance with the agreement of Saturday - urday , Chairman Fallen anti the exceulvo ( conunmittee met Michael nail Etlward Cimihahy at the oflicea of the Ctmtlahiy company yes- ( ertiay afternocvn for the purpose of eIther acceptiiig or' rejecting ( lie proposition made by the Cutlaimy's at the coimfercuuce Saturthiuy. Time comnuitteo stated that the men were satisfied wIth the offer witlm time exception of lii cents for laborers , It was further stated ( hat the uimskilietl laborers would not return to work unless pay at the rate of 17 ½ cents an imotir was agreti upon , Thus matter was discussed for somime little time anti on account of ( lie fact ( lint ninny of ( ho laborers do not get in foil ( line Messrs Cutiahy agreed to pay time scale tienmammtieti , titus what prom- iseti to be a disagreeable aifalr was brouglmt to a eleasaimt close. Tim balance of the scale agreed upon was the same as was pub- hishetl in Time lice yesterday. Meat itilers will get $2 a thay anti rubbers anti car storera 1,7 ! ; per tiny. At the close of the confer- mice the chairman anti members of the executive committee shook iuantls wIth Sum- ierintemudent Cameron anti left to attend a mneetiimg him Brown Park , whore time news was broken to tile men. All of ( lie commIttee - too were pleaseti at the treatnment accordeti ( hem by the Cutiahtys , ( hue negotiations hay- hug been conducteti wIthout the least frlc- ( iou. iou.The The news of the settlement spread rapidly ammd business inca generally expressed satisfaction - isfaction , So tar the Swift antI Hammond people have not acceded th time demmiantis of the laborers , but5 It is thought that when Cildaimy's mcii go back to work today the inamingers of these houses will consent to a conference with a view toward an atijust- nient of the dlmculties. It Is utitierstood that ( he coopers who left ( he Ommiaha lilant on Saturday will return to work this morning as they intre no griev- amice against this house. Of course the coopers at Cutiahy's will also retmirmi as time agreenieiit Includes all men employed ( lucre. Besides the meeting belti at Koutsicy's yesterday - terday afternoon the strikers held a rally at illuni's hall In the evening. The ami- imoniuccinent that ( ernie had been arrived at vitli the Cudahys was greeted with cheers aiitl It was predicteti that. time enti of time strike is iii sight. Quite a gang of nucim worketl at ( lie Ctidalmy plant yesterday in time hog cutting depart- immeiit anti fully 1,000 hogs were imandietl. At time Itamnionti and Swift Itiants everytlmlimg was unusually qtiiet , little work being per- formetl. At. Hamnmomid's a cookery was Cs- ( ahiishmed anti preparatlomis vere made to feeti the muon who commtinueti to work. Most of time strikers remained at home during time tiny , comailmg out oimly to attend the nucet- ings. TIme best of order prcvaiieti and it Is thougimt that the worst Is now over. it u , froiti (1 , . ' Rmmiijxes ileglius. The first SimlliiiL'tit of rimimge cattle arrivetl yesterday from along the line of the nor- hhngton coal. flImorts from time ranges are to time effect ( hint grass cattle wIll come earlier thmaim usual timis year. Yesterday's receipts came from WyomIng and inure arc expected in a day or two. Mmgle Cit y Gossip , Mis. W. L. Ilohianti has gone to Green- sootl to iemmd a weeic with her patents. \V. I. Stepluemis reports to ( Ito itolice tlmat ills sadtiie horse \VU stolemi ft ommi Iii front of time Exchmamige tutu hug Satux day. John Breminan and \'hIhlaimm Kenmiy himtve been arrest"tl for hanging alIGht time Cuti- aimy property and annoyIng time vatelmnmeim. Barney O'Connell , formerly of tills city , but now with Company L , Flint Nebiasla : vohuimmteers , writes frommi Cnnmp MerrItt that ito has been assigmied to ( lie iiospital corits. Knoxahi councIl of time Royal Aicanum itas chiailged its mmmectlng imigim ( fionmVetIimsilny to Monday. An immuportant mimeeting will be held this eveimlmig anti all immenibers are urged to atteiitl. 'I'lii' Ilutys at ( 'Ii 11.1411 IdImliugic lel I gli tI. Before leavIng for Chmlcknmauga ltiic : , ( in. , Lieuteiimmnt George E. Ilass , FIfty-second Iowa roluimteers , itroctireti a few bottles of Cimamberlain's Colic , Cholera ammti Diarrhoea Iteinctly. Time boys \ere tieilgmtcd ) with time quick cures of diarrhoea whilcim It effected. To macct tiit demimimds Lieutt'mmaimt Bass or- tiered tour ( macn bottles more by express and sohti time vhiolo of it in one day , except three bottis kept for lila own use mcmiii for persoimni friemmda , It never falls to effect a cure atid i'm Pheasant iiiuti sate to take. It Is time amost successful metiiciume In thu world for bowel coiuipialiits , For sale by all drug- slats. CAPTAIN KNOX RECOVERING Ills 'cVoitiui , iteeciveti at Lzt ( ( tutusijiri , -v i I l Sot I'i'iye F'n ( ui-Led mm ( lolhimmid Chitiz'ge. .Tnhn i. ICnnx of ( hula city has lust me- coived news of time wouimtiiiigof hits brother , Captaiii Thomas Kimox , U. S. A , , of the First cavalry , in time fight at La Qtmnsirma. All reports agree ( lint Captain Ktmox con- dtmeteti hImself mnost gniiaimtly , eveim lead- 11mg lila mmmcmi 0mm against the encmmmy titter being eliot ( brought time body. lie is himowim here , vimere ice line visited imis brotimem' . At Kansas City inst 'ear lie vas in cciii- muiamiti of time cn'airy troops thmmmt carrIed elf the first prIze at the horse sluoss' , 'rime following Is aim extract of a letter ( rout his mmepiiew : lie woe shot emmtlr'Iy thmroughi the hotly , either throughm or in close vroxllmilt' to time kitiiteys , Captaimm Kerr reports , however , tlmat at ( ito tlnme he left Cimba , whIch as a few days sluice , the tioctors rt'porteti that Umicle 'roiim lund tmilcemu this one cimammec mind is mmow emmtlrcly out of tiamiger immiti Immmprovimmg rapidly , anti It Is their olmimiloim that Iii a short ( lame lie would ho able to return to his commimnatid. Capaimm Kerr s1toke in monet coifljthimnemitar ) ' terms of Uncht Tom , stat- Iimg that lie coimsidered hmlnm one of the heat oIhtc r tiowit there anti ( lint lie imtitl 0i1C mmmmti was at time tlaim of imis injury tiohmig valuable service and that lila loss was very mmmcli ( cit. lie icIi , further that it wits Ummcie Tomim's coimminanti vho saved time hiougit Ithmlera froumi almost eoimmplete anal- ii limit to ii , a mm ml timat I a it is api ii i 0mm t hey woui fi have imeeti emmtlrc'iy wiped out hail It not been for time s1mlcndltl work of Uncle Toimm aimd his trotlits. iiimutmei MorrIs of the police department imas received a letter from hula imrothmer Al- retl Morris of time Twenty-seconil Infantry. written Juno 20 Just after thm arrival of the transports off Samutiago. Mr. Morris vrites' "We are waltimug to immnml on time Cubaim coast Immstead of Porto Rico as wits ammmmoutmceti slmeum time expethition left Tampa. Our troops cammmu across in time thirty-seven trammaporta itmitl when we tcammmed out of Key \Vest tim , , regimlar formation of ( ho transports auntie a beautiful sight. I cia on board time Or- Izaba , No. 21 , and Is It coneIderett tIme swiftest boat of time lot. We had dime weather for three days atmti ( lien a Imhow caimiu up wimicim tossed ( hut boats about. to ( lie great tiiecomntnrt of inntlsmnemm. On otmr boat more than fOO were seasick out of l5O lassengcre. " 'e were escurteti by omme gunboat , two dIspatch boats anti one imman-of-war. Time Sleet started on Juno 14 and arrived on ( lie coast June 20. which was siow traveling. 'limo boys doii't mmii acttve canuitaigning but this bile life wttlm ttmo constamut expee. tancy wrara them mit , anti they go ntout their vork witlmotmt motmehi life.'e must take it Is it conies , however , anti I think we will latiti tomorrow. " , . , - - ' - - - - ' [ US1N3J3 , , Peril , " or ' 'Love at Long liraimeim , ' ' ( lie atti'actioii at time Crcigiitoim this week , is a iilai which , wimlie it amnuses , miuighut easily hirove a lessomi to mmmaimy-iiot to Omaha wonmen , hos'evor , for they imever flirt. It deals with a fiirtatiomu , or rather a pair of iiirtatiomms , whiiclm wt'ro bcgumi , one timonghut- lessly aimti the other to teacim a. wife a lea- son , but which all but resumhtetl 1mm the break. ing up of a hmoima' . There isn't anythIng so funny about that which simommiti emmtitle It to be called a comiuetly-ilcamna , hmtmt never theiess ( lie autiior has succeetlet.i him itmtro- ducing enough of the humiuorous to relieve Its seriousness. hal Dawes as George Washingomi Halley , a sort of "Mmmrks the Lawyer , " furnishes mnost of time coimuethy anti tioes it right well. Miss iCemmnark mis Latmra ilaytien , time young wife , viuo really loved her husband , but s'iuoso only fulling was vaimity , was as usual clever. Wilsomi Rnos as Dick ihathley , a young immamm who bommeathi a sumperficlal aimut not overly timotighut- tumi exterior really possesseth a noble ciiarac. ter , ulid about time heat thimmg ( hunt has fallen to hula lot lately. George Sahisbtmry as time husbammtl , wimo to puiuiah huts wIfe immduigetI in a lIttle flirtation of his owmm , aimti Wilt Davis aim the worldly father were also gootl. Miss Ernest lmmtml a rather immcoimspicuoUs part , but ammo wlmich called fat' some clever work , to wlmicim she was fully equmil , and the same cami he sattl of Gcrtrutle Berkeley antI Miss hialbert.'alter Greene as the ( moguls iorti , ( lie evil gemmitms of time play , displayed commsiderabIa talent In a thmmtnkless role. Taken all him all "l'eril' ' is capable of furimislulmtg good eimtertalnmiient ammtl the company presemmts it exceptIonally well. ltamn7.a and Arne , the eccentric acrobatIc cometlians arc easIly time fenttmres of the very strong bIll time Trocadero is offerIng for time current week. Their claim as tli prctmniers of the bill is simmureti by M'llc Sn' iina of the tcanu of it. Jay Flehtls ammd M'ilo Sauna , wimo are billed as highm kIckers anti general daitcers. ltanmza mimi Arno's act bleimfis acrobatic " ork of a higlu order wRit cotimetly ( lint catches mum autlience. That portloim of ( lie act In which one of time team itnpersomiates a trick donkey is extremely ftimmmmy anti vllt doubtless forni mis stromig a tir'awimmg card as tfltl Gardner's ridiimg babooim , M'hle Saltima's high kicking mcmiii contortIon dammciimg is mill timat coimiineimtis the act In whIch sime is as- sociaetl wIth It. Jay Fields , vlmose work does hot rise above time rtiane of time ordiiuary mmlimgiimg and tlammcing commmedlan , Time Kins-mmers , two clever Fremuchm eqimihib- rists , perform several extrenmeiy diiilcuit balaneiimg acts. 'rime one in vluichi Matlamum Kiims-ner , seated lim a chair , Is baiammced on time point of her Iitmsbammd's chin is aim ap- idaimse producing effect. Matiammu ICimms-mmer is hot a ilgimtweigiit either.'hilc Trixie \Vatle Is a sveet , imaimfisome aimtl winsoimme young woman her situglng does hot appeal as flinch to tin atitlience as does her ClOluieflt feet. One of ( he unique features of time bill anti omme ( lint appt'als very srommgly to the juvenile part of aim nudieimce is the act of the four Ollfnus. It rcsenmhles a bit taken from aim extravaganza. Cleverly comi- ( rived dummiunies fnstcned in Siamese twlmm fahmioii to ( liti performmmems lroitmce cemmi- pecie-hilte figures that dance In wild ahman. tlomm v1thi wildly Ilapphmmg legs amid arias are shmowmi we as grotesqume figures which do all mmmanmmer of funimy timings. TIme act is tiomme iii patmtoimmimne. The act of Eta- mimontis , Emmimmmersoiu aimil Eimlnmoimtis , ' 'Ommly a Joke , " coimelumdea time bill. Excellent mmimg- lug , dmimmcltmg amiti humorous situations s'it1i a lmielmtittmtle of humorous sayings make tip time act. Time pmmmtommulmimlc bumlestiuc on time lmlg tilefitet' limit is a'ery clever hit of silent acting. "Imi Gay ParIs" m'as an attraction whmicim dmew a good sized atmtiieimco to time Gaiety last evening. anti botim 1mm mtisic auth spec- trmctmiam' effects is far superior to tIme hum'- ieaquo which Immecedeti it. Jim time second Itart tarlcularIy some fiat' effects are pin- titiced by the misc of colored lights arrammgetl I ii tIme formut o f 110 , vci a. 'lime itumi esqume mmmc- t'hiammlcai doll iii time first part is a catclmhmmg luieco of work , well conceived anti vehi tiomme. Time mmmimslc Is brigimt anti catcim throughout anti immterslersci are specialties , comae of vimicii nro exceplommaiiy clever. Mcimmtyrc and heath appear In a ) meuic - gi'o sketch entitlet i"l' lie New ltecruht , ' whIch Is very effective as a mirth pro- vokcr , LIttle Luiu 1mm a trapeze imet ammd Irauik Gmtmi nec a mmd ii I a rid I mug bahtboo a have this week traimsfermetl Ilmeir net to ( lie Gaiety. It Is one of which the people never sceimi to tire. There was commsidcrnhle delay ijotim In opemuimmg time performmiancp antI bctwecmm the first and secoimd parts incltlemmt to time first imi'esemmmatlomm of the ommmcwhmcut elaborate nmmti commiphlcaed sceimery , whmicim swill doubties tlisaimpemtr With ammolmcr mmiglit. LOST HIS MONEY IN CHICAGO Cost I . E % iucrIs'mc'eof Cliii rh's G revile of Tech , % 'lie Siceui I itleul umIt ii It niit'I't i'ilmnm , , Chmmirbes Greene ofyork , Nob. . 72 years olmi , vemmt to Chmhcngo some timmme ago with about $700 , time result of several years' hard uvork amuti savlmmg , lb sought to increase lila stock of cash by some operations emi time stock immarket ontl in purstmammce of this , lttermalnmmtioim , invested lila savings 'itlm time proprietor of a bucket shmoitViliiniuu itod- nman hiemmmmig. lie placc'tI sonic of lila ( ratios lii lltmrhlmmgtomm stocic mumiti otlmers In tt. Paul & : Omumahia. Thu first unmetl traties ? roveml umuprofltabie anti time lroprletor of time bucket itimoim iwommmimtiy ahmsorhied that itortion of ( lie' olth umuamu's savlimgs. Time other trade \vis : ummore' successftmi , but Greene seas mmot so fort ii mint o I mm ae'cmm rI mm g iii a t'imm a I n gs , t'lm I rim ammuounted to ntmommt time sum of his orlgimmmmi caph tai.VI tic hot Ii ii is t'l mm mm I a ga mm a ml hIs cntitai tied umim the tmlti mmummm : was peimmiilestu. Just about this timmme time hoard of Trade raids against hivtmmmig im'ere conummicmmceti amuti Greetmo remmmaincti iii Chicago tie a wItness. Ga ( tic stammtl lie testificti to time filets COil- tmectemi wIth imis deals and of how he lmati gomme to hiemimmig 1mm comnpaimy tsitli httbert ilenummuiimg of time Puhimmuamu i'ahmtro Car cciii- himmil ) P a mmml hmos' thither imrcssure I femm mm ig lied It8ld imimn at omuo titime a ammumuil amnommnt , though atimmm I t timmg t lm mit mimoro 'was d tic hi I tim. At another time Greemme callttt on liomimmlg for it settlomnemm ( In company wRit mmmmothme'r triemmti ammti ivatt haiti $50 , htmt imp ttm time' urea- emit timmme line received only a mmmumnil imortiomu of wbmnt is clime him. 'Time. llcard of Trade' lice , July 1 , 1S9. cYAoe Snav. \Vhcn ve ee 1ioe stores all over thli broad halitE ofrehihig i'cduetioiis of tI25 to 60 per ceiit , " tit oi'der to c1oe out. . the balance of t1iit C1tOii'S stock , we re- iB'i.o what a lot of ti'oubo our low prie t3a\'e uS IfllI \\.e tliaiik 'our stai's"tliat WO'VO itothing to'mcloe out" 11litea(1 of closing s1ioet out WC are 1.41St week we l'e'eivel from one of our .factoi'ies fifty cases hoei. ' [ 'hey are S1)leiIli(1 , ity1iiIt i1iotis ill willow :111(1 : melanie calf , iii taii color linti made up iii the celcll'atclVarlwell ( wclLi , They have ( IOU. blo CflIS , seamless vanip , the Eiigli1i patent back 118y , 1111(1. they come Ill tile faliioiiabIo London too. Just to make a I'cw llouet pehhlhie , auI to give our t iu1ioo cuitoinoi's a lhhil'Suiillner beiiefit we will sell hits entire shipment of fifty caei (1200 ( pairh3) ) at the SCeihlS-8hhllOSt.8.-ity Il'iCti of two do1lti' a pail' . 1\aybe \ you tliihlk they : u'e regulartwodo11ai'ihoes. Not iuiie'li.rJ110y COIhIC iiearei' being the i'egulni four dol- lwi' iIioo of the shoe stores , and it takes a mighty iiiii't ; inaii to see uiy difference between 'ciii alll the kiill that 'Uc(1 ( to be four ( lOl18r3 , now only 2. OS , " \Ve just save you that 98. ' J' liILJCA'I'IOSAL. . - - - - - - - - - - - A HARDIN COLLEGE AND CONSERVATOflY FOR lADIES T I _ , 1441LkJf 2Gtlm year. Ummpret'etiemmtod luroslierItY. 1 I'rofessors ( roam S hid. , , . , , , , , , , . , , ' s'rctl lee amcI a ) ( iis'rvulorlr. A SltklO h'lmmimti to itest mntmsIt pupIl. ( eruiiicii-Atiirrlciim Ctiluirv'ntdry. Xrivrr i'i1tim Sciuarvtikn , 1)Irrctoi'-ticmst'inl , lmiescntln umersomm dtmrlflg Mmmy , Largest. ( 'lmeapesk Itest. Adilreut4 JOhN V. iI1LLlON , 11 A St. , MEXICO , 2110. committee has beeiu tryIng to secure tim mnommey for ( lie tiimfomtuimmate old mmmii , but not wIiu very brilliant itrospects of success nmld hienmmig Is imow being hrosectmteti for comm- tiuctimmg au illegal bimsimiess , Time witmmcmtses imo imavo testillc'ti in tim case swear ( lint the mmmeimods of time tie- femmdnmmt were not stm'lctiy lmommes ( , iii muitli- ( ion to time m eftisal to m'a lmen army of hIs cimatomumers chance to aim , . Time hlmotaiomm5 nmarlmetl cii omm time homrtl were not absoltmtely accurate , care ommly beimig takemm to cor- rcciy uuiote time' opemiimmg , closing anti high aimd low poiimt of time nmarlct , time other quo- taioiis beimmg iml.uumipimlatcd to sumit time trades of the Pioprietor of time ilace \\'idlo hit'u- mug amay be comuvicteci Greemuc flails imirimself at tIme age of 7 practically Peimiiiies.9 him a strmmmmgc city , with poor ProsPect of lmnmmmedt- ately bettering his coimditlon. : Pi't , it it ( haul for mt hors , 'tVmitiiig frommi Cammmim Mem'ritt , Smmi : Francisco - cisco , tiaric II. E'tuns , clerk of Co. F' , 1.1st Iowa , smiyS : ' ' \\'hien I left les Mohimas I lmatl s'IIhm inc two bottles of Clmaimihei'Iafmi's Coiic , ( 'imoiei'a nmmti limmrrimoea iiemnetiy. 'I'hmo fruit mit. here hums not cxmmciy ( agreed with a ummajority of time boys anti niy two bottles have beemu iii great tlemumummiti , so mmmcii so timat It is all gomme. " Mr. 1vamms has since liet'mi b'Ulhiietl nud vihi take mu good itit of time m'eimmeily mimi , g t a t lie l'hm I I I 1mph mm e isiaim'l a. Tlmem'e Is mme dammger from hots ci complalmm ( thmem thmls remmmctiy Is used. It oh svmuys cures , Fom' sale l ) , oh druggists. 'i'hit- ( ' , , t I I , mt'iitztl 1.1 iii I ted. Time new \Vnbaslm soiid vestibumie train of tiny coaches , sleeping antI dining cars. A trmiim : for tourists amid all classes of travel. Will Leave Chicago ( daily ) , 12 noOn. Leave St. Loumia ( tinIly ) , 9:10 : a. in. Arrive New York vIa \Vest Simore , 3:30 : p. am. Arrive lhosomm ( via FItclmhmmrg , 1:50 : p. m. All age'mmts scii tickets tar ( lila ( and mvill tell you all about it. Ask imimmu or write 0. N. Clayton , (1. W' . I' . Agt. Wabash , Jt , It. Snmmm'h Bimrmms , 1318 Fmmrmmaium , dlimmmcr set mtaie omue' week. iteal 'mve'dgewood , " $8.75 , formerly $15.00. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. M , L. Sears , ICahisasCity , Is at time MU- larti. larti.J. J. G. Gammuicy , Grammd Islam ] , is a huh- lard guest. Mrs. Kate Wiihlem' Barrett \Vashulumgtomi , 1) . C. , Is tmi time cIty. ii. it. Joimimsomu of time Kansas City Jourmmal 1mm mmmi Omimaima visItor , hire. hi. Spencer amid hire. Albert Morgan of Clmeyemmmme' arc exposithon visitors. \Vlillmimn Luimmmmaim anti fatally mmmc regis- tereti at time hi iilard frcmiuu St. Lotmimu. Ir.V. . F. Powell of Nehlgim , Neb. , is amumtmmg ( lie Nehrasi < mimms vhio arc lii time city. Sixty-tlmre'e delegates to time Natlomumil Aihl- amice of Theatrical Stage' Emmuitloycs arc sopjmimmg mit time Barker , their imtumtiquarers. J. T. Wilson anmi wife , tIme Misses \'hi- son , hIre. Albeit hlcurgmumm , J , 0. Tnibutt anti info tumd hi. I. hlettit mint c'xjtositlomm visitors registered mit time hlIIlum'ti ( mcmii ienver. T. B.Vrlghmt anti V'It ( , of Steumhtemmyihic , 0. ; F. II. Slsy mmmiii wife of l'almmiyrmm. .tit , It. hi. l'ottcm' numl a ife of hiockforti , lum . , mii c iu'ommmlnemmt guests stopimimmg mit limo hiarker , Ii. I. Taylor , A. I ) . Stevemu , J. 11. Currie , i'cm'ry Nasii , 3 .11 , hicimardsomm ( , II. Edmiitmuuds anti 'r. it . Sisson in e St . I'oul cricket itia' - era stun arm'Ive'th 1mm Omaha yesterday to ( alto hart i ii t lie t on rimmu mmmiii t. lv , C. llciu intl Jumimmi J. Trumcmaamu of Jer- coy City , I' . P. tmmmd Jcmiimm J. iimmrry of Iiom- ( Oim , C. II. hiommn mmmm'lV. ' . 11. hhcCieod of hit. Pmumlniid 1' . J. it'mmn of hiommtmttml , Can. , are' oronmIma'n guests Eloiml.immg at time Ilarluer , hi i' . S. Drmmlmku'm' umrmmi lila dimughitersiItts Grace' tumid lit sate , of Cimmclmmmimiti mimmd Miss Llihic Dm'ukkcm' of Icaimmtnmt CR ) ' , : sIt , , are 'isitimmg time ixpoeltiumi mmmiii registered tit t hme Ness' Al mm rrny hint ci. Nehramdm mm mm a a t lintel ii : I I . A . IC I rfmms mmmiii is'Ife , itave'mmmma ; N. Situtlitur , lug itcil , Ilmum- old A. Letsumu , lteih ( 'lotmti ; F. Ii , Ecm'ieatoim , Owemm Garforcy , Ncbr.isima City : W. 'tV. ' Itreyfoos , F' , emmiomut ; VIiiiummmm Fleimmhrig , I' . hi. iger , ( 'rote' ; II. A . Itetlmmmimmm , Icc'mmt'aaus 0. ii.Verz , svlfe ammtl sot , , Crelghmtomm Fmmimiic L. Miller , Limmcohmi ; Emiwmirtl C. Jackson - son , ilimitr. s- " . -.s ) Face to Face. earn about Pearlinc that way , H e OLl like , Any woman who has ustng Pearlinc in the w'ay "i1l tell you the truth about , it just as strongly as we could , IL Fearline has made the washing easy and economical for her , vliy not for you ? Is your case so different from that of the millions of women that are being helped by Pearline ? Isn't washing without rubbing worth looking into ? 11'o w G1 e i a I ; Opcmus Sept , 19th. IS9S. Y Jioamdimug : iiiul Iiy Si.looi for Girit Ummder ( lie tlirectiomm of Itt. hey , George \Vtrthmimigtomu , S. T. B. , LL. D. l'm'inuary , lrcmLurtttom 3' anti coiheglato courses. Coimi- itecmiL corps of ttmichei'3. Modermi method - od and every ntlvmumutage' oiiered. Strict muttemmtitimu pmtid to time mmuorttl , mental mummd Ih3'SiCti well Itelng of ( lie stumdciuts. Diplo- mmins ccmmferre'd. Pm't.'pamemt for mill col iege open to women. Special courses 1mm iligim- cc Emmglisim , Se'Ie'iiceit , Amitlemit mumItI Itlotit'rmi I.amtgutti.iemu , hIumsie muitti Art. t'crmmms mumoti- cm.ml t 0. JiUi Id I mig I'Cpa I moth mu mmd I im excel lemmt artier. Sammitary piummibimig. Satisfactory st'ammu hmenthuimr. Pmtremmts aIL1 gunrdhmmms 'leslrimig to cuter 1)01)115 tIIi please st'mmd for catalogue , or mippmy ltersommahh' to 11i s. L .R. Uptcii , Priii. Ih'ow'iicll Jiuull _ Otummuimmu. Neli , B IIADFOiID ACADEMY - Fotmmmdeti 1S03. For time imlgime'r ctltmcntiomm of yommmmg vomneii. Classletth muiti SIcmuthlic coumrsu of tmmtiy , nist , Pe'pnimmtory icmiI , Omttlomimtl , Year begimma Seimt. 11 , ThiS. ! Aititly to Miss ltimt C. Aik mm , Pi'Imu. , Bradford , Mass. 1 © Y ' : ? 6 9th Ya ar mm Ighi grtttitt EmigI I-u mmmiii ( 'it : s Iti I Scim aol . r.i ti'm'm : m'v J4tts It' . A ml ccii rio' , , . C. rilmie , , m . . ; mt iii I is me Emtm'iim : eel h'tu5 for s'nuim cii. Co ir(0)omiticmic'n solicit t'i. For cLitimlormme maiilit'ss i : . F. I3ULLAIID A. B. l'mcit. , Jacimsuamylllc' , Ill. -1 lOAN hI I LI'i' . itY A'A hii\l V. LI 21st : , ear. I'rt'hmmtrcs for iemmtiimg , tlmuiver- slt'a. , Gm'mmtlmmm , it's mmmi' mmuv iii i lmum'vartlrthe , l'riimet'toim , ( 'ormiell utmud Ummlvem'aitlcs of Audi- ipiumt. Ness' gymuimimsimmmmu : , SOxiiO fct't. Ad dci em ; , Colommc'l ltugem'it , Stmimt. , Orcimimrd Lake , 2'thltlm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Beware of Imitations tbEd I , v 7 _ ) , _ & &i ; j } Jikcs'tci's'1ili'c ) q0S SOIlS DUNCAPt'6 _ Cti , MdTa , NEW YORK. - - - RUBBER GOO1)S- Hot f Water ) ' ' ; : Y'-t -o 'iJ' ' . \'ti sell a first- p k. mtimmt ommmu , , ' . ' ' ' . ' . 't'tltij'J. ilt ( 'A'l'Al.OIt'Ih. ( Sherman & McOoiinell Drug CO. 1513 IO1)lih WV. OhiAhiA , NEil. , . - - - - ----IEET1l Ii'RAcTEi ; : l')4hTiS'iim.Y ( ) il'l JIOUT I' . ' . IN. c f'L' 'I'c a Best set of tteth , $5.00 , No charge for cx- traclmmmg ts lieu ( t'eLlm mum it uruleru'mi. IcIi other isurks mit bamim : retluc'eti itrices , Albany Dentists , 120 Somuthm Htlm. cur. Iouthiis ; , Open evoim. immgs until 8. Ludy attendant. i3umiduys , 1 im , 1mm , i