Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1898, Image 1

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I lL .ESL'.AHL1S1111) , JU.NB 19 , 1871. OMAhA , M0N1)AY MORNING , .1T..LY 18 , :1898. : S1XGJi COPY FlV1 CENTS.
I. - _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ " - -
. . . .
Star of the North is Ooming to Omaha
During This Week.
Main Daylight roatur of' the Term at thr
Exposition Grouwls ,
Some Excellent Programs Have Becn Lai
Out for Presentation.
A4itI,1ltll M 1.Igls ( iiaiI flue
.1 SIIC1It1M tIii 1)ny In n
1)iurtIM iuul Scilt
; AIe from the celebration of Mnncsota
. ( lay WeItieay , which promises to be an
: occasion ot conahlersiblo note , the exposition
program for tile week is barren of daylight
. teaturcs. It is welt known that ( lie middle
, . of July is unavoidably a dull season aiid the
, maxiagement has rcfraincd from attempting
to IUl1 oil any big features at this time.
There will be special musical features on
'Vtirsday and Thursday evenings and these
will be of stifllcient interest to merit a heavy
local patronage. Meantime the same high
class of music wilt he rendered at the regil-
mr afternoon and evening concerts anti there
will be ample inducement for the people
. . to come out , even though no sensational at-
: r , traettons are scheduled.
The total attendance Saturday was 20,227.
I \'hile this ( Inca not compare with the Fourth
' of July crowd , it is regarded as fully satisfactory -
. . factory in view of the short notice at which
. - 4 the event was arranged and the admitted
- dimenity of getting out a ttg crowd at thts
season. The otllcers nnI soidIer of the Third
regiment have expressed to the exposition
management their unbounded gratification
t. the royal niaiiner In which they were en-
tertalneti , and although there wlii be many
, ' bigger crowds before the exposition Closes ,
it h ; believed that no feature of the show
vIjl be remenibered with more satisfaction
by all concerned.
Yesterday's expositloii crowd was In sharp
S contrast to that of the preceding Sunday ,
when the concession of a 25 cent rate so-
f cured over 7,000 iail adniisstons in spite
of the fact that the reduction was not generally -
orally known. 'I'tic nttenhance was very
; lIght during the afternoon and although
r thorn was suitie Improvement In the eveniiig
there was no tinie when It niproxllnated )
that of a week before. The appearance of
tiit iiortiibotiiul motor trains Indicated thnt
a large iOLti0II ) of the local 1)opulation was
going In the direction of the grounds , hut
the bulk of them went on to lrt Omaha
to assist IU making it iiveiy for the soldiers
on their last ( hI ) in Nebraska.
The gates opened at I o'clock as usual
anil while the ileople ( 'llterCl ill small
groups the arrivals vere steady 1111(1 there
was SOlUCOflO passing tiirough tile turnstiles
all the time. Toward evening there was a
livelier htlSilCSs ) ) at the ticket oiflcc nail
for about an hour the crowd increased
more rapidly. Hut tile rush \ Ql3 scarcely
stilhlcietit to counterbalance the stagnancy
of the day LIIIII eventually the turnstiles recorded -
corded one of the quietest SundnyH up to
11151110 ( lie gioulids the laiul concerts oc-
etipleil lllSt of tue afternoon hail evening.
The .MilWnh iiiiuler thiC speli and it
vnH llllIOst 08 i1iiiet along the street as in
tilt' main court. The sate of anything more
inspiriting thutli leinonatl was strictly pro-
llititol ) nfld the big enclosure was as sot-
Clflfliy stililtieii flS some vast sanctuary dur-
jog the hUsh that irecodes benediction.
lt YItl ( ( Oi' EIt.IC JIOSI'LI. % b.
i 1I.s. I ii * , , iii. . ( 'ztr , of
t J.ullIIZ ( llt. ) . ( 1)11 tiii' roli uiii. .
Oie of the unavolihable ( hithicuIttes that
occur in COllllcCtiOfl with the assemblage of
CxPOSitiOfl crowds ta the liability t.o tckness
11.11(1 mInor accidents that resuits froni the
heat 110(1 ( tIle mobilization of iiiimenso aiim-
bers ( if peolile in a comparativeiy hauled
area , This is lihtistratcd by the fact that
over 30,000 such cases occurred during the
V.'orid's fair and i'xpositions of lesser uiuag-
- nitude have ubuin'liy found that tue provi-
idoils that had breiu inatle for emergency
hospital vork were tiundequate during the
. . Period of innxiuuuin , attendance.1thi this
; experience III mind the emergency hospital
; , , . .1 at the Trnnsmississippi Exposition has beeuu
I j , designed to luicet [ lily possible IleiluiltUl and
I its iuecessity and value hiavo already teciu
) nnupiy demonstrated. Aside from those vlio
hiui-e experienced its comforts , ( OiflPnrnttvClY
few exposition visitors realize how thor-
I otighuhy the care of emergency cases has
A bei'ii hrovtllcIl for and oven these will be
. , surpriseil to learn that uiearly 500 patients
lrnve already been received and careil for
by the hiouiiiital stnIf ,
\'huile tile reception rooms and staff quar-
I ters tire located in a dsvehhing which was
contiscatcil In the location of the gronuutis
00 entliCly now buihiliuig was erected to
1 contain the vards , operating room and other
fcuu ( uur'uu of thu & . mod era huouupi t a i , Thu Is Is
- connected with the uuiaiiu building and Is
fitted Uj ) with every facility for the relief
of suffering and the treatment of all sorts
) of medical anti surgical cases. The ad-
nitrablu system that obtains iii this cuuuer-
gene ) ' work onuita nothing tlnut can add to
the comfort of the 1iatient. All individual
vhii ) shoulti be unfortunate enough to fail
niud break a limb soniewhiere on the grounds
muiut be astoundeti to discover that he
cuuuiut tt PiCk(11 UI ) , carried to the hospital
and removed froni the aiubuiuuncc to a bed
without an extra sensation of pain. Tue
auninulance calls are turned in by telephone
auuul it turns out with exactly the same
celerIty vIth vhIchu the fire couuuimny next
door wouid nuuswer an alarm of fire. It is
uul % aye accouuutnuuuied by one of the surgeons
suutl the vehicle is so arranged that the
suiftrcr caui be ioaded In ithu the least
hlssi ( liii ! uuinveineuut of his i uuj iure.l . members.
riue rubber tires and improved springs i're
serve luilu from the slightest Jar , while lie
, is being tnieiu to time hospital at a sharp
tint aild once at tIme door he ha removed to
the ward with cquai comfort. s soon as
the gong of the returning ambulance is
t imearil a nurse trundles a iatent stretcher
mumouuuted on piuutiiuuitie tires to the door ,
k Thu stretcher on wimich time i.atlclmt iechlneuu
N shiiles mmoiseiessiy ( rein time vehicle to this
nail is trumudieti niomug the corridor and into
the vard so smoothly that the mmmotiun Is
not ierceIutible ,
) .t Ili'i tiie i' * ArriyeN ,
Inside time hospital the arrauugements are
cquaiiy uutmnirnbie. ivery convemmience that
modern PractIce coumteummplatcs is at hiamui
umi bpecial facilities aru irovidcil for the
muost coummunon treatnmemmts. For instance , a
hergo lroportlon of limo cases are those of
people who are overcome by time heat as-
( Continued on Fifth l'agc. )
( ciernl . ' , lXIIPII l'Nhrnflhi lo.p I'lnuis _ % l
I 1usd by tim , .iliIil'irtii'e of
tiui' Aiuuerinmm.
MANILA DAY , June 6.-Speclat ( Correspondence -
spondence New York World.-Gencrai )
Aemoiio Agulnahilo , commander of the iii-
surgents , occupies a fine ialacc as his mit
itumry headqumartem-s. ito line fought fault
battlts already with the Spaniards and becum
victorious in all , The Spanish iost 12&
killed , 200 wounded anti 1,400 taken prls-
oners. flenerni Aguinnido has lost twelve
killed auli ten wounded ; no prisoners.
General Agulnaldo has 6i00 fuhiy rmtd
troops and can raio as many more if he
calm get arms for them. lie baum a care-
fuhiy elaborated plan of action , which in-
cIude co-operation with the United States
troops. lie left these Islands last Fehiru-
ary when the Spanish governor general
purchased peace.
General Aguinaldo , time header of the an-
tivo insUrgeumts , is a man of only 26eara ,
but lie appears fuiiy ten years older. lie
is a native of the Islands and is a fuii
blooded Manihan whose people have beetu
native leaders for generations. They are
wealthy too , and /tgtmianldo hums contributed
freely of hmI time and mooney to the relief
of his fellow islanders.
Whuemi ( ' , overuuor ( lt'nerai Atuguisti had
bought hleaco he cnbhed word of it to Madrid ,
and received time thanks of the queen. lie
got omt six shcct iwstor Proclamations 01
triumph withu his os n picture in them , and
organized a big parade with mmmcli artillery
banging mmd thirtecim brass baumds 1mm one
bunch nil playing dilTeremit tunes. And
thueim Iewey arrived. Every native is am. .
insurgent. Couriers are now going through.
time islanuls of Spanish defeat nod rousing
their countrymen.
I lund an interview with General Aguin-
aldo. "Our central goverammuent is at Ca-
Vito , " ho said , "I am appointing an officer
to control each irovlnce. My iluesent intcn.
tlon to to either capture tIme troops guard-
lug the amiproachics to MauuihiL or thrive them
hack into Maniin and invest all time entrances -
trances to the city on time vest and south.
Our troops from fluincan will invest all
time entrances from time north , and with the
Anmerican fleet investing the sea approaches
from tue east there will be absolutely no
conumuimication from the outside world Into
time city of Manila. I nun confident. may
troops viil be able to acconuphishi this witlm.
out difllculty. " FlV. . liAItDEr' .
Simm lt'r lug ltp.eII ilL the Fiiuieuu'ur
to. lIitIllt' ( ' Siiii ( ' Oiie to
lii lersetie ,
( Copyrigimt , lS9. by l'rei Pimhdishuing Ca )
TIERLIN , July 17.-New ( York World Ca-
blegram-Specinl Telegram , ) -I bear fmutm
a rellabie source that time Austrian govern.
ment is endeavoring to exert pressure on
Euuglnuid to put out feelers with regard to
time terms which Amnerica may be dlsp.seui .
to dictate. Adices received lucre ( mom Ma
drid state that IrunuunommdVolf himis ic-
tually sketched a draft of terms , ' imidm , in
his opinion , voiuld be fair. This ha iiis :
humid before Mimmister fiaamazy and Ainion.
dovar hut thiee declareil thud the terms
vcro such as Spain couiil lint accept. flest
informed people here do hot believe that
imeaco is so ulcer as Vienna dispatches seem
to indicate.
LONDON , July 17.-New ( York \Voiid Ca-
iicgramn-Special . Telegram.The ) laiiy
News' Madrid dispatch says : America , it is
thought here , Is not greatly inclincil to
facilitate mmcgotiatioas for peace. Its claims
exceed nil anticipatioum here. On such a
basis it will be inipossihie to negotiate. One
of the ministers says the most Spain wouhil
mb would be to give imp Cuubn and to expect
mimic oiuid be us gooil as askimmg it to coin-
unit stuielde as a imntion.
Time laily News' Gibraltar dispatcim says :
A jrlvate letter ( roam havana says a coin-
liact has been concluded between Gounez auu.I .
Ilianco. It is seriously alleged that time hitter -
ter whhi , tufter iieace Is couicluuled , be elected
uiresidemmt or Cuba on all tours with the taco
of l'cdro , previously viceroy of Brazil.
The Moralmmg Post's Madrid dIspatch says :
Tue governunemit has sent $2,000,000 to fliamuca
to enable hIm to meet the expenses of the
Ittz I , uut'ii (5 of Flrst'oriM Jut Cli tel.n-
mliii ii iut it ( t I' I vi _ . A in a. u Ii I I I 0 Ii Ii it it
Cliii Iiiiig Stores for t hit' l"rouut.
17.-Thmls has been a beatmlfiml day at Cnuuul )
Thomnaim. About the only work in progress
was that of supplyluig regimnents of tile
First corps witim clothing numil or.lmmaumce .
stores. in aihihitioui to time large quantity
of ordnance stores handed out for distrlbu-
tlJfl yesterday , two carloads of amnuuuni-
tioa-a total of 00O00 rounds-and moore
tlmaui 100 boxes of general ordmmance stores
nrrIVCl ( today and were prommipily Imanded
out for distrIbution in the First corps. Cal-
and floekweli also forwarded to Charleston
a quantity of ordmmaace stores for the FlrHt
tirigumuic. First division , First corps , whicim
reccuitiy left here tinder comnmnmind of Brig-
ailier General Ernst , as a hart of Major
General Wilson's expeditiouuary force.
Ma3or General Brooke Is expected to return -
turn from \Vasluluigtomi within tvo or three
days. UntIl timat tIme muotiming iii time miatUra
of aim order to muiovo is expected. The
troops will , however , lmoid tiiemnse'lvcs in
readiness nail viil promptly rcsIomuI to any
orders that may conic. It was announced
by an officer of the First Ilhtmiois cavalry
thii aftcrnooim timuit the regimmwut had been
expecteil to be prepared to break 'camp
Tuesday ,
Soumie of time regiments , anxious to lose
no time hM'cmmuimu of time probability of no
ently order to move , diii not cease target
lrnLiro ) : today. auth in portions of the rca-
ervatlohi tItle reports vcre heard from
mornimig to mmigimt. hltit nil drill work was
suspcimiletl and religious services were lucid
lii most of time regiments , in time Young
Men's Christian association and in Camump
Timoumimis theater.
Recruits commtinuo to arrIve for time hoc-
pitni service tif the First corps. Forty
hOVe arrived froni Texas withimu time last
tvo days. There tim cliii tackimmg for time
hospital muati aunlmuiaimce service of this
corps about 200 macil. Colonel liuidelkoper.
chief surgeon of this corps , received advices -
vices frommi time surgeon general today
foil cqiuipniemmt of surgical InstrumemtS
and mmuedleal chests ( or time corps are en-
route to Chikamnaugn ,
Time reports fronu time various hospitals
yesterday ammil today were of a mmuost hopeful
mmature. Time fever cases are commtImmed In
time ummalmi to a few rcgiimments , a imuajority
of the coimumiumummil. being entirely lice from
fever of any kimmd.
J'rls a t iii , rimeun ,
l'i.AYA Dii4 : ESTi , Gimantanaimmo Bay ,
July l6.-Captahmm llummker of time 'mmerican
returned today frommu Baracoa where lie had
liti three ihmys wutcimimmg for blockaders ,
lie immid a slight engagement there whemm
the Spamiisim ilrcd upon iulum with field pIeces
but did lb injury. Captain liummker returned
time fire setting fire to the Spanish barn-
cade ,
_ ,1
Slow to Ageo to Terms of Surrender at
Santiago. I.
General Tomi Resorts to All the Resources of
SpaniBh Dipkmacy.
Ex-Oonfedorato Veteran Too Much for the
Wily Castilian.
liii , . ' ' , , , , Coimi mnniu.I of Ii iiiisel f
Duriiig tIlL' Col , miiiui Siit'euis
iii irls'ing a ( ooui lliirgatis
fur Murretusler ,
( Copyright , 1St. by Pre95 l'mmbllstming Co. )
SIIIONEY , July 115.-\'ia ( Port Antonio ,
July 17.--New ) ( York World Cablegrant-
Special Telegram.-The ) Spaniards waved
the hag of truce this unonmmimmg a half hour
ahead of time and time conferemice of time
commmmnissioners to arrange the surrender of
Santiago began at 0:20 : , General Slrnfter
% as not present but was very anxious. lie
sent fast couriers to the conferemmce with
tvo notes , insisting in both that the stir-
reuder of the Spaniards had been complete
mid this c they must not be uerimiitted to
evade tile agreement. ° Fig'.ut hmg Joe"
S''heeler dIsplayed flue diplomatic quail itles
at the conference and was more than a
match for General Torah.
Time Spanish general objected to time trans-
latiomi which hail been immado of his titter-
nnces at the previous mneetimug , and General
Wheeler politely expressed a desire that
( leumeral Torah iioiuid choose his own Ian-
guage , assuring lmimn that imis very words
would appear in the official report of the
iroeeedings. Gemmeral Toral bowed and accepted -
cepted the courtesy and vits strong in coma-
Time contrast between W'heeier and Torah
was striking. Botim are short anil alert ,
but Toral was nervous in speech amid gee-
tore , wimileVimeeler was cool and lund timer-
ouglm coniunnuii of himself. Torah hind a
brokemi dowum. imimmuted look : \Vhmceler was In
allrespects time simave anil courteous vic-
tor. Vith nil lila nervomisumess and deaialr
Toral assimmne.l it haughty macnoon while
\Vhecicr eximiljited time matter-of-fact di-
rectoess at P.11 Aumuericamm.
Torah mi eareil to Wheeler as an old soi-
dier wimo uitmst appreciate a soldier's 1)051-
tion. lie amipenieti to a great , brave and
cimIvmhious notion , acknowicilgiag recogni-
ttoim of tIme fact that his soldiers were not
vpumqtmisimed , althotmgii surrounded by a
Po'verfUl army.
, ,
\do prefer death to dishoumor , " he do-
dared. "Let us go to our home With
imomiorVe fommglmt you vallammtiy , treat us
like soidler. "
Aitimoughm speaking In a truetmient tone the
Spaumishi general drew himself up with mu
fair assumimotiomi of imrldo amid zivaited Gemm-
oral Wheeler's reply. After Torah's words
lied been traimsiated Wheeler replied :
"Time Amumerican peohuhe are noble amid gen-
erotic. They will do everythium to 5ae
you humuihiatlomi and softemi time of sur-
remmder. They are wIlling to save your
Imoumor iii time eyes of your families amid the
people of the world. 'oti have fommghit sell ,
but nomme comm wltimstaumd mmmy countrymen. " to tilt' LIIMI.
Later in the coumferemmee Torah , mucimiress-
lug 'iVimecier , said'o : Imave plenty of
food aimd amnmtmnition. We imave not asiced
to surremuder , a-au asked mis. "
Time Spammish general's voice broke nail imis
eyes fmhied wltim tears. When lie bmad re-
gaimmed control of imiumusehi lie contimmued :
' 'All amy generals cue dead or woummideil.
I hmave not a siagie colommel left. My macri
counted sixty-sevemm of your ships outside
time harbor. ' ' lie iuoiumteil touvcmrd Samutiago.
"Anti I have secret troubles there , " lie
saId , 'of viuicii I must not tell you. ' '
Slcahiag of time battle of June 21 , iii
whmicit the "itotigh RIders' ' ammd a part of
General Youmng's comnuualmi prtlciimateii ,
General Torah stilil timat hess than 2,00Q Span-
isim troops were engaged , imis loss being 265.
lie voimld not say how nuany Spaniards were
kiiied at Bi Caney ammil before Sumumtiago.
"heavy , ' ' hue said , dejectedly.
In respomuse to an iiiqmmiry Ime simimi that
transportation would be required for be-
twcemm 22,000 and 25,000 mmmcim , there being
that numnbei of troons in the cnnltulated
district , lIe infornied4.hie otilcera that San-
tlago harbor immul becmm agaimm mimimmeil sInce
Admimlral Cervern left.
\Vimeeier , sure timmut Toral couhmi umot squirm
out of the ireanmblo of the original agree-
umment , nmemmtiomme.i timat Simafter , commanding
time Anmerlcaum forces , had set fortim that
lilamico imimumseif haul authorized the termmus
of surrender , Torah niimnlttcd timla , but was
careful to add timat everytlming dependeil
umpoum time decision train mlarlrld. Time pre-
ammmbie d.escrlbed In detail time territory
aiTectcd mimud gave the naimmes of eight forti-
fled posts mmow garrlsommed by time Sp niards
wiulciiverc to be ttmrrieul over to General
Shmiftci' . There was no dililcumlty over the
first article , although emucim lile uleclareit it
possible , hut not prebabhe. that there ummigimt
be a ciashm nuumong the soldiers , who had not
been advIsed of time negotiations.
Time nmctimod of turnIng over the forts
smut war materials ' .sas not decided , but
ieft for futui e verbal agreement. It uas
arranged in a genermil uvay that it muhmouuiil
be done kindly 1111(1 without umuore display
thmmmm attncimed to the necessary military pro.
cedumre , Time Spanish coummmmissioners expressed -
pressed a desire that time return of time
troops be mmmade qumlckly. They declared that
it WOUIl be difficult to nmass all time suirren-
tiered troops at Santiago and that sonic
should lie talcemm frommu otimer coast POimitb.
This was practicmuiiy agreed to. Gemmeral
Torah said timat trammeports wouid be needed
for 23.000 exclusive of irregulars ,
l.l rult' oC I rreg iihiii's ,
Time conunissioners for time United States
nm-my agreed to time parole of time irregulars
ammd were especIally glad to do so in th
case of time volunteers , imuammy of whom our
comnmnlssiommers believe to be Cubaums at heart ,
( leumeral Torah was asked to consent to time
mmmnmedlate uimioruding of food from our shmip
oil time west shore , but lie objected to this as
imuimmiliating. lie requesteui timat nil of our
ships be kept out of time Santiago imarbor un-
tli after the evacuation , pronmising as soutu
tic iui troops lund gone , to remove nil oh-
struetioims in time harbor.
There were thirteen clauses to time original -
inal agreement , four of which wem-o stnickr.
out , amommg them the two providimmg fur the
entrance of our simips and those of the lied
Cross. The question of nmunIcipal control of
time city by residemmt Americans was hefl for
verbal arangenmeut.
There was a clash over the ninth article.
whicim covers directly the surrender of the
troops , The Spaniards Ioslsted that they
flour. : nr Ieg.
a n cmi (19 ( 1 : . . . . . .
qi ml , in . . . . . . ( It 2 i , smi . . . , , .
7 ii. mit . . . . . 7'2 8 lit s.i . . . . . Si
S n. tim . , , , . . 74 ' 4 i. flu . . . . . .
I ) U. Ill . . . . . . 7 $ iS p iii . . . . . . 811
10 a. In. . . . , . Mt II mm. mu. . . . . . . 87
Ii 8 , Itt , , , , . . 88 ' 7 ii. iii . . . . . . .
1 2 mu . . . . . . . . . 8Z 8 m' . iii . . . . . . S I
I ) t. . lii . . . . . . 81
' 1'OlA' AP Thti iXl'OMtTlON.
, ' I time GroummilM I
I It a , , iii. , i'iiiimiic's linmuti , ( Iruttid
it m' . tim. , h'a us'imee CI t Jhhusl. Gosern-
iiit'nt imild iii.
( I mu. iii , . L'luImint'hinhud , itmeli Iiuer'
Ii ii I I ii I ii x ,
7mlt : ) p. iii. , l'nsunee ( 'it hinmual , Gm mist
ioaiii ' 1'.vi i
II ii. iii. , uttis.mmnl _ tillnliee 'Flaunt viral
Stisge , at ( rcIglitosi Ibuil.
should have several ilays for the surrender
and that the lumen should retain some of theIr
arms. Waslmiumgton was appetiled to ammd time
Spanish request vns fimnuiy refused. } acim
tilde lucid out sttmbborniy but it was finally
agreed that as a compromise time Spaniarda
should surrender timeir arms nail timat our
commumissioaers should recounmend to thucir
government that the weapomus b returned.
Gt'mmenmul Wheeler hail iimglIsh anti Spammlch
copies of the articles of agreement nmade ,
They covered two pages and a timirul was
typewritten , The American general woe
very imappy when the agreement was sigimed.
"The Spaniards cannot go back oum timis , " iu.
declared , "i Imave made it certain that thIs
documcnt will either assure a speedy cur-
rommuier uvhmeum Madrid says o or will comivict
tim Spaniards of duplicity In the eyes of
time world. "
Iniiiunt uusuil Olhicers sumuil .lnekIeu
Iteiid the Air usitlu 'their
( Hni Aeciflhti ,
( C'opyrlghmt , 1t9S , by l'rcmus Pubiislming Co. )
OFF SANTIAGO , July 16.-Vla ( h'ort Aim-
tonio , July 17.-New ( York World Cable-
grain-Special Teiegram.-Thuero ) was mu
great jumbilatiorm on the vessels in the Anmer-
ienim iieet uvimeui the nnmmouncermmeat was made
Thursday that the enemy Imad surreuidereil
Sammtingo to our army. The sigmmal corps
wimicim was on simore opposite the ships wigwagged -
wagged time good news to the Ileet. 1mm on
Imistant time omcers and crews begami ceic-
bratimig time victory.
Captmulum Cook of tli Brooklyn summmnmoumed
time mmmcmi oum iieck'bemi oil had gathered ,
he saul : "Timreo cheers for ( lid Chary. "
Every maim removed his hat amid time yell
that followed could be imearul for mmuiles , Coin-
tmmodore Schmiey stood up clu.eriumg wIth time
rest amid showed mis umflmeli entlmusiitcumi as
mummy "Jmmclie" 0mm the cruiser.
Time Brooklyn themm mmuovctt to uvimere time
Yale lay with time troops aboard. Time umews
was traumamumitted anti received wIth howls
of delhgimt. Time men on time Yale gave tiire'
ciieeis for timose on time Bmbohciymm and for
Comimurmodoro S'lmhey. Soon time gallant Ore-
gomm caumme niommg. Time Brooklyn's nmemm gave
the battlesimil. three rOuisitmg cheers and
they a-ore rctumrne.l . uvithu tLjwihl.
'l'lmere was a good mica ! oh. bpecuiation omm
time iieet toward ahgimt iieea.s.3 the Spmnisim
iiag was still llontlmmg over Momma. At cummu-
misc time iiag was' 'again hoisted aimd time
speculation immcrcascd.
Just after uianhcumess lied otthed last eveum-
hug there was a soul-stirring incident. The
colored sigamml lights on Admiral Sainpsomm's
ilagsimip New Yomk ibmehied a message to
Commmiedorc Sehhey. .iost . or time macn can
menu these signais.
Time message begruim : "American People
caumgrattmlate , " numd then stopped because of
difficulty usitim the higimts , but it utas m'ooum
mestumned. Mt'zmmmwimiie a dei gatioim frommu time
crew raim iuft anl ( reqmmest d permiasiomu to
curer. This uu'as given nail iiIi 1mm time dark-
mmess men couiti be seemm out time turrets. thur
mmmast-iieadmt , out the mIlitary Ilgimuimig-top amid
all of time superstructure as time complete
nmessage usas sigmmalhed , It uuas coumgratula-
tioums to time licet in mm private cable ,
'Three cheers for Commodore Schulcy , "
caine a ' ( uiCC ( mcii ) ) out of the damkness. Time
Ilgumres oum time turrets and superstructure
jumnuped to life wlmiho the sir was remit by
timeir sitotits ,
"Three times three. " The response aims
cmmtimtmsiastlc and timen from time gioonm on time
port side of time Brooklyn caine tin ansuveriumg
cheer. Time gallant crew otthe ladiamma had
caught time ummessage and ; they , too , were
Wimen time macn imail qui ted tlowmm , Coam-
nmodore Scimley , who had been deeply touched ,
said : "Thank you , boys , 'html I thithmi't cia it.
Yomm are tue boys uuimo did It. Let the officers
cheer time crew. "
Every officer joined in hearty cheers. These
were repeated wimem the ccnnmodore shouted :
"To the mmmcli behind the gimna , " Cheers
VeR'O timengiveum for the eumgineers anti time
brave force of macmm who woric below , amid the
pieasammt Incident cloetl ,
Cu'is'ri I Ciiminilerii leIhlhil ii tu C
s-I sis Ii its lliiw ih.'s'iu ii i4oitlht'r
.tt 5th. Life.
\VASlIINGTO , Jumly17.-1eneral ( 'ham-
hers Mcl'Clbbin , who lies been appointed
immihitory governor of SanIago , is it mcmii-
her of an olil aumd well lcnowim i'eotmsylvnnia
fammmhly. lie utas imorim at C1nrbemabUt' , , mint
far Iroimm time famous GettysbUr. i'nttieftt'hil.
Early iii time civil war tin ermiisted as a
hurivatu in time regular army anti muhmm't
immummwmhlrmtehy was imipohtmted secomud lieutemi-
ant 1dm the Fourteenth Infantry , Ills first
promotion tuna elven Imimo un Jumume 10. 1S64 ,
ut-lien hie was made a first lieutenant. In
August time same year Lu was givcmm cm
brevet coirnuission of captain ( or brilliant
services 1mm time battle of N'pm'timmimna river ,
\ti. , and thumring time operations on ' tIme Wci-
.10mm rallrnail.
MeKibbin chose to remain in the arnuy ,
and on January 5 , 1887 he wa3 prounotutil to
captmiiml in time ThIrty-fifth Infaatru' , imimih
on Mmmy I , IShIC , iieutenmmit colonci of the
Twemuty-firet infammtry , It wae as iiutcnamut
coiomel of time Twenty-first timat l'o utemit
to Cimba ,
luniumg time hattie of Snntiuqo : imis icru'-
ices were of so mlhsttugulsime.1 mu character
mum to win for him special mention iii ( lea-
eral Shafter's official reports. Timat time ad-
mnlnistrntioui auisl Geaeral'm Miles and Shaf-
ter impose great confldence in imim is Immdl-
cated by hlsappointmnent as temporary mit-
Itary governor of the city ,
Colonel \S'iiilnm McKittrick , who had time
imotmor to raise time stars and stripes over
the p.ahmmce in Santiago , is an aide-dim-camp
omm time staff of ( lenerni Simafter. On time
12th of May ime was appointed by the pres-
blent to he an aeetstant adjutant general
with time rank of captain , amid was assigned
shortly after to the Fifth army corps now
under Simafter's comnmantl in Cuba.
( lull r'Ie'd ( ) se'r ii 1.3mm II Limit ,
NB\VCASTLE , lad. , July 17-At the con-
elusion of a hail game here today Charles
i'nesnmmil aimd George Bramble became In.
voived 1mm a quarrimi over the ownerhmIp of a
bat. l'resimail finally struck hirambie over
the head with the bat. In a few hours he
died ,
Peaceable Conquest of the Sptuiish Porecs in
Ceremony of Hoisting Stars and Stripes
Seen by 10,000 , People.
General MoKibbin Appointed Military
Governor of the Town.
Over a Uiiinrt'lm lush I'ninet Pls.n (
tli . % iiierit'nii Flng-'VriopN Ciiei.r
'litil , mind mhuuiils l'iii , ' time
mitIimni .tirM ,
( Copyrigimt , hh93 , by h'ress l'ubhishimug Co. )
SANTIAGO , .hmly 17.-New ( York World
Cnbiogrmun-Specimtl Telcgrammu.-At ) umoon
today the Aunericntm hag was hoisted over
time city of t3antingo while in time streets
of time ancient town our bands iminyeti time
"Star Spimmigled hinnimer. " Oiilcers anti mmut'mi
reverently saluted time colors as they wcmmt
saiilmmg tip time tall staff which a few hours
before had supported the yellow and red
emblem of Spain. The hoistimmg of our hag
meant time actual occupation of time city by
our troops. At 11 mu. flu , time oillctni entrance -
trance to the town being taken , ( lemmeral
Cimaimners MciCibben was appointed nmilltnry
governor of Santiago. The first troops to
cuter uere the men of time Nimmth iimfmtumtry.
The ioSItiOn of honor was given them nut
a reward for their heroic assault oum Sami
Juno hill dumring time first days of the fight-
log agahtmet Santiago. General Simafter and
hits staff as they retie Ituto thmo town were
escorted by time Second cavalry.
As the Nimmth emmteretl time city time specta-
do WUS timrihlimmg. Time balconies of time
hiatuses were crowtlcd witim people. Mammy
of tlmemn waIved a welcommme to our macmu.
Otimers siiouuetl timeir ccmtisfactiomm moore
quietly. From imommo canme threats or words
of discommtemmt. Even time Spamuish soldiers
mmmassed about took tIme arrival of our men ,
timeir Victors , cahmmuly. 0mm every side tiiey
cmmlil lie heartl to say : ' 'how usehi ted time
Aamerienmms arc , " Time hiest of good artier
rcigmmeti in time streets. Our ummen vitim a
slihemidid semmse of time lltmmess of timimugs temmm-
pencil timoir exumitatloims so as mmot to uvoummmil
time urine of timeim' beatcum emmeummics , ammtl time
Sptuimlar.hs . phihosoplmicahly accelmted time new
condition of allaire ,
( ( ui5'rl'M fluter.
Generals Shutter , \Vimekr , ICent , Lawton ,
.mncs , Sunmner and Mci'Cibbemm rode stralglmt
to the captain gemmermul's palace , where they
were mmmet by time imummaichpal autlmoriti 's , the
am-cimbisimop of SantIago ammtl time generals of
time tlt'feated SpanIsh mmrummy , Genermuis Torah
amid Yscurlo and their staffs reeeivotl out'
genemals witit every poselbie courtesy , len-
oral Torah apologized for time miami-appear-
'mnce of Lleutemmnmmt Gcnirah Llmiareu , who wan
hireventeti fi'omn beiumg prcscmmt by a serious
uuoimmmil , lie will cahi auth imay his respects
to Gemmeral Simaftcr as coomu as hue is able to
leave hue cot.
Aim elaborate dinmier was prepareti at time
captain general's palace for fifteen gemmerais
anti at thus ianmquet mimammy of time tietalis
or time surrender tulilcim have not beemm set-
tied ucre discimssetl , For time prcseumt time
Spanish inumnicipal muumthmorities uslhl romumaimu
in charge of time city.
Wimhie our troops wemm nmarcimimmg into time
city time vaimgtmnrti of time defeated am-nmy be-
germ to immarcim omit , the Spammhshm soldIers depositing -
positing their arias u'1timimm time edgt' of time
city. All of time Spanish troops are going
limb camp omm Opel ) groummmml imetween time for-
mimer firing flumes , where It uvili be conmpara-
tivehy easy to keehi them umntier commtrol umutil
time arrival of time transports wimicim are to
ccurmy thmeimm back to Spain.
Time Spammisim soithiers appear to lie upon
time very verge of starvatioum , Timey have
1)1200 terrilmhy timitierfeti for wecics amid their
gemmeral etmmaciatiomi chiows it. Timey imnve
imati mmothmimmg to eat but rice , a little coffee
aimfi sugar.
SI roiic Emi I reii&1iiim.'ii * .
Our troops found time cmmtrance to time
streets to Sarmtingo womiderfimihy c'imtrcacimed
arid cmli are thmaaicitmg Coil they did mint have
to take time city by nssmmimlt. It woultl hmave
tneaumt fearful ainughmter on both shies.
Across each of time immain emmtrances to the
m oaths uvere four wire ommtrummgicmumemuts aumil
six barricades. To have imrolcen through
time wire amid carried time barricailes , acme
mifter time other , wouitl imnve mmmeant terrible
tigimtitmg , 0mm time Semi Jumnmm i ontl in particular -
ular an assault woimltl have been disastrous.
( iemmeral Shafter is beitmg congratuiatetl by
everyoime for time capitulmution lie enforced ,
It imas certaimmhy caved hundreds of good
Licutemmamut Ituttimers of time Ninth infantry
us'as the first /mmericamm officer to enter time
( own , lie uu'ent hum at the imead of a smmaih
detacimament of troops.
El Cmtney road , heading to Saimthago , is
terribly congesteil by rctmmrmmimmg refugees.
Sonic of time ccciii's along this roami nmako
time imeart ache. Churn hiartorm amnl her lied
Crass russlstantc are doing noble uork in
relieving time tlistresml. Timis afternooum time-
tire feetllng hunmireds of poor , stnrvctl Ones
iii time toivmi. Atlimuirumi Sanmpmmon wihi bcgimm
time work of chemiring time mimics frormi time
luzmrbor at once.
At 'J a. nm , tue Spanisim flag was lowereml
from Morro castle. Steam hammnclmcs froma
the New York , Ufooklymm mmii Vixcim eimtereti
time harbor amid examineti time batteries , time
wrecks of time Mernlimumc amid time muummmkemm
Siammislm crimiser iteina Mercetics and time
torpedo tiriumg mutation. Timey tliscoverch six
Simaumisim mercimamit stcammmers urmil ammo small
gumumboat 1mm tIme harbor anti a hurizo wami
placed upoim time latter. Timis nfternoomm time
torpedoes were taken up or exploded , after
wimicuu time foul Cross steammier State of
'rnvn , , nnt.,1 f. , IIVII flidihtam1Ce to time sick
amid woUimded lii time city. Thu a'mur simipum
macmy imot ( totem- time harbor for severai slays ,
S'm'lVISTElt SCOVEL.'l a tt'ii i'rt'sN St s.ry ,
SANTIAGO DE CUBA , July 17.-U h so. )
-Time Amertcniu hag is tioating In triunmpim
over the governor's iahace at Santiago de
Cuba. General Mchibbium has been up.
pointeth temmiporay nmihitmmry governor. Time
ceremony of hmoistirmg the stars amid stripes
tuas wortim all time blood and treasure it cost.
A vast concourse of 10,000 people ut-it-
nessemi time stirnImmg and timrIlliog scene that
will live forever in time minds of cmii time
Americammi imnesent. A finer stage setting
for mu dramatic episode it would be difficul ;
to imagine. The palace. a picturesue olil
dwelling in the Moorish style of architec-
lure , faces time Piaza thu Ia Reina , time pm-in'
cipal square. Opposite rises time imposing
Catholic cathedral , 0cm one side Is a qummiot ,
brlilinrmtiy jmainted building withu broad re-
( Continued on Third I'age. )
4 _
' e ) _ .
Spain's Ye r'1ag is I-Iaulccl Down and
Star and Stripes Run Up
Toral's Troops Lay Down Their Arms in
, Presence of American Forces.
Spanish Commander Gives Up His Sword , But General Sluaftor Returns Us.
Weapon to Its Owrtor-Iinrnonso Concourse of People Witnesses the Cero-
lnony and the Light Artillery Fires a Sniuto of Twenty-Quo
Guus--'Unclo Sans's Forces Now in Complete and
Undisputed Possession of tim City.
WASI-1IN GTON , July 1 -The Wai' dCIari mont posleil
the fo1owhig bulletin at 5:15 : p. m.
"SANTIAGO DE CUBA , .July 17.-Adjutant United
States Ai'iny , Wrashington : I have thelioiior to report tilltti
the . .Ainei'icaii flag has at this instant , 12 : 0 p. ii ) , beeii
hOiStCI over the house of the civil governor of Santiago. An
ih1lfleflSC concourse of people wei'e pi'estntt , the squadrOn o
cuali'y : alhI a i'egineiit of iufuitry )1'eentihig 81'IUS and a
band ) lRyihig a national air , rp0 light battery fii'CI a aluto
of tweiity-oiie gims.
' 'Perfect order it being iluuIttaiIle(1 by the inuiiicipal gov-
erlulleilt. Disti'ess is very gi'eal , but little iic'kiiess iii town.
Sii'ce1y any yellow fever.
I 'A small gunboat and 200 ieiiieii : leI't by Cei'vera. have
suiTcudered to me. Obstructions are being i'einovcd l'roin the
mouth of the Ilarlor. UpOn comilig iiito the e hly I difc'ovel'ul
a perfect dntanglelneilt of defenses. Figitiiig ] as the Span-
iarls did the first day , it woul(1 ( have cost 5,000 lives to have
taken it. Battalions of Spanish tl'ooIs have been (1Cpoitillg
arms siiice daylight hi the ai'mory , ovet' which 1 have guard.
General T1'oi'iU fol'lualIy sni'rwidei'ed the plaza awl all stores at
9 a. ill. v. II. Si-IAFTER , Major Geiiei'aI ,
VASI-ITNGTON , July 17.-At 11 :05 : p. m. tonight Adjutant -
jutant Genei'al Coi'biii lua(1O 1)lb1ie the following dispatch
from General Sliafter :
I &J. EADQU AT'i'E R S UNI'T' ' El ) S'i'A'PES ATfl'sIY , Si N-
'fIAGO , .Tuly 17.To Adjutant Gwiei'al United Slates Ai'iny ,
\Vasliiiigton : irr Ol'lflaflCC ollicci's l'01)O1't about 7 , 000 rifles
turiiec'l iii. today afli (300 ( cartridges. At the iiiouthi of t1it.
1lu'lor : there are quite a nnmler of inoderii guns' , alOh1t
six-inch ; also two battei'ies of mountain gulls , togetlici' with a
saluting hattery of fifteen 01(1 bi'oiizti gulls. ) ' ) and
turning in will go on toinoi'i'ov. List of in"isohiei's itot yet
takeii. ? UER , rllj or Genel'ld Coiiiinanding.I )
Spaniards Lay bown Their Arms.
( Copyright , ISOt , iiy Ammsoeimteti ; i'remus )
SAN'i'IAGO 1)E CUBi , July 1 7. - ( Noon.A ) mid liii-
1)ressive ceremonies the Spaiiisli troops laid (10Wfl their ai'iis
ietWCCil the hues of the Spanish anI Ainoi"icaii foi'ce at 9
o'clock this inoi'nhig. Ueneral Sliafler al1 the American
( 'hi'iSiOfl all(1 ( 1)rifl(1C coillhnl1lc1ei' ; and stairs were escoi'ted by
a troop of cavali'y aiid ( eiiei'al 'l'oj'aI and staff by 100 piclCe(1
'Hell. '
TrulhlIletel's On 1)0111 Si(1CS ( a1UtCI with 11oiii'ihies. Genera -
era ] Shafter retui'ned to Geiiera ' 1'oitl the latter's ivoi'd after
haille(1 to the A , nel"ic'ali ihlel'
it llal been ( ( cQlnna ( ,
Our ti'oops hineI UI ) at the tt'eiieiies were eye.witiiesses of
the cei'einony. Geiiei'al Sliafter and his ecoi't , BCCO1UIflhlreI
by (4enei'al ' 1'oi'a I , l'ole ( th rough the ci ty , taking fol'lnal pos-
iession. 'ulie city had ieeu sacked'hefoi'e they al'rived by the
Sijaiuiird. ;
At the PLtflCC elahol'ate CO1'OlllOhliCS look 1)laee , At iiooii
the , Ainei'ican flag vis ; i'aised ovel' t he Ja1ac ltil(11L Stlllte(1 (
by tweiity'ono giiiis oI Captain Capl'olI'M iMtttel'y. At 'the
falne t'iine all the i'egiinenlal Jan(1s ( i ii our I inc 1)lttYI ( ( ' "flia
S1ti' ; Spangled Baitnei' , l aftei' w'Iiieli P1'cti(1ohit ( IclC iiiley's
cohlgi'ai ulatoi'y tolegra in 'as i'wnl to cad i l'egi i i iei it ,
' ' ' ' and N ihit3tCelitll ' ' of'
'l'Iic 'I'hui'lcoiithi i'eg'uinents iiifaiitry
Vi' 11 l'CfllRi ii ill t I1l ci t to en f'orce oi'd or ai id eXet'ci I.'o III 11 i I
ipt1 ; authioitty. 'l'hil Siniiiisli tl'001)S ai'C to enc'alnp outside of
Oil ! ' hiiie.
801. . ' . ( 'fi it htltl % 'llS'l'ill VOl'Nihi ) , mIt asimtre at Oil point Cm'mrmufort amid Newport -
- . port News , Surgcomm Street uamh his autsis.
Spit us i.lm irNoim'rM $ ( 'mu ri' nil I ' 1'r'ti ill tcmrmts. 1)rs. Stoitce , Bogeri ammml l5mnith , were
oil I Ii. ' liii' . m. . I liii SI , I m , lmUmuy imigimt anti ulay for time last tut o weeks
NESS' YORK , Jimly 17.-Time hospital simiji attt'nmiing to tIme itmjureti on boarti , mmotmme
of whom acre frightfully wounded mlurhumg
Solace arrlvt'sl mit time navy yard Brooklyn
the ticatrumetiomi of Ccrvencm'im fleet , Captain
bury frommu Gumnntanairmo , via Old i'oiimt Comucimums of limo Maria 'lvre'sa. who was Cer-
Comfort anti Ncouport Neas. Wimen time yes. vera's cimief of stall , anti four Slianisbm oifl-
cci heft luantantumo elms lund iO woumumiemi cers were trt'ateml tiuriumg time tm-li' , Thom-a
Ammmenican anti Spanish officers amid omen emi I were forty-timree American soithiors mmmiii
board , hilly-seven soimmimen , tmtmd forty-two' Simamimistm
Seven of time Spanlaim scatncn died tluning seamen among timim sick anti wounded wimecu
the voyage but all time other sufferers were the yr-seth sailed ,