Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1898, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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TTT1 O1AIIA DAiLY BEE : StNIAY , JtIU't' 1 7 , 1898. 7
Bo1der ! Return to Quarters Tired , but Happy
t . , anti Well rca ,
) rr. . ' ' Ia rntle 1n , . .ilatieil . ni,1 ( HtinIisi
. : Icpi flh , : ; , I.Pfl ( ' .tIeite in
MIitUt iIu Is . alng nt
Fiero ! wa never a hnpliler nor more Ured
. regiment than the Thr1 ycster4ay
ovcnlng when It arrlvcl at the fort after
4' i having spent the ( lay at the expo.IUon.
: any of the men would have IIke0 to
stayed at the grouni1i 1urIng the evening ,
but In view of the fact that the men are
to move aeon 00(1 ( must he In good con1I-
tion , it was thought advisable to have them
return to vamp in time for eupper ani
apcnd the evening there rather than on
the exposttton grounds. No (1rcs5 ( 1)nraio )
vaa held after the troops returned to the
fort , howevrr , and the men ire free to
do a they pieascd for the lirst evening in
two weeks. 4th were loud In their vraio
of the hospitality extendctl to them by the
women of Omaha , the exposition 0lrcctor
anil the concessionaires. The commenta of
the men , hoei , however , that the atom-
ach l the vay to a izinn' heart , for the
ielicacles they were furnished aforkd ( (
them more eatisfaction than anything eIs *
As the time to leave for the front ap.
preaches the volunteers are brought foec
to fare with the future which awaits them ,
anti the strIousnes of the undortaiclng im
prcste3 them more than it has formerly.
Many of their mothers , wives , sweethearts
and sisters were among the visitors ho
attendel the exposition yesterday , and they
said their inst goodbye to them and realized -
ized that. the Inst step hn been taken toward -
ward entering upon an active campaign.
Colonel i3ryan welit to Lincoln last night
anti viIl return to his regiment today. M03t
; of the members of the regiment who3o
bomi Is in Omaha were granted leave of
absence for the night and spent their last
; night at home.
; \Vliiio the troops were having a pleasant
time at the exposition the quartermaster
and his aO3istants were busy at. the fort
preparing the supplies which arc to be sent
with the regiment. More than 75,000
pounci of rations are reaiy for shipment
to Jacksonville , and 25,000 pounds of tray-
4 cling rations are prepared for assignment
to the companies aurieg the trip south.
k Tents have been given out to all the corn-
panics , each company receiving cighteon
tents for the men and three tcntM for the
omccr. Each of the men is also given a
8rnali halt tent together with poles and
Bta1cs , o that two mcii can throw a small
tent over themselves as a protection against
rain or sun.
' The quartermaster is veil along with hi
work and there is no question but
t A overythin vill be in readiness to move by
u Monday.
. ' I Immediately after drill at Fort Omaha
Monday evening Mrs. Mllilo Ityan v1ll pro.
sent a handsome flag to Company D of
Omaha on behalf of the Danish-American
'w omen of the city. If the regiment leaves
Omaha before that time the flag s'i1l be
presented without any ceremony. Company
D is the Danish company organized by
Captain Nevo anti which bears the reputation -
tion of being the bet" company In the
regiment In point of phyaique.
2co rIIIIIIlItiOII Iii Itejiort of the Ii * .
flrIrtfltIII ( ) t ( lie IIti
- ileiiiit F'lIIfltM.
City officials arc considerably amused at
a fake sensation recently sprung upon
Omaha citizcn8 by a contemporary to tile
effect tiiitt certain city officials pro liable
to impeachment as a consequence of over
drawing uortinns of department funds assigned -
signed for expenditure during the first half
of the year. The basis for the outbreak
was found In a second quarterly statement
of the conditton of the funds presented
to the city council at Its last meeting by
City Comptroller Westberg. which showed
that the apportionment for the half year
llai been ovtrdrawn by about unit the departments -
partments , while the other halt had bal-
anccs to their credit.
The false grounds upon which the sensa-
tion' ' ' was founded is fully shown when
It is stated that city omeiais cannot be held
liable for any overdrafts until tile end of
ho year. It was only for the purpose of
guarding against a possibility that the funds
might ho overdrawn at. the end of the year
that the council lireeted that the money
set usido for each lepartment should be
divided upon into quarterly appropriations
and that the city comptroller hou1d make
a report pf the balances or overdiaft that
exitCd in these quarterly nppropriatiojs at
the end of cacti quarter. It scas never
iUtenlCd ( tlUtt the tiepartinents bouid con.
tine themselves each quarter to the piur-
tori ) ' appropriation , ( or tills rould be mani-
I . . festly inipossibic. For example , the tax
. ,
.s conlrni5sl000r Ut the end of tile half year
llfls a balance of $1,500 to his credit. Yet
110 One expects to see this balance remain
at the end of the YCnt because it is in the
tOll that. the heavy expense of tbe tax
( iepartnlunt comes.
The piafl.waS simply intended as a cheek ,
It. shows thllt where a ( iepartment has overdrawn -
drawn it must retrench during the rest of
the year ; whefl it. has a balance It has so
much mare with which to do business with
in the coming six months.
Siilsirl . , , * to tIteI'iiulsir Liittii In-
I immilemmic I'iengy o ( Cash in
'rii Vi4llmit.
More than $2,000,000 11115 been subscribed
by the CitiZcIls of Omaha On the govern-
Iflent bond issue. This sum is not exact , as
some banks have not yet made up their
returns , but the payment of the lieposit
required indicates Uutt ! 2,10.000 lisa been
subscribed through tile banks amId express
' companies ilone. The postoillee does not
: know 110W much was subscribed on its
books for this issue , owing to the fact that
no separate record is kept of this business.
Sotno of the bankers ( lid the same anti can
not tell exactly 1(0w niuch hail Imoen ttti.
scritied through tile agency of their banks.
As only : uer cent of the amount sub-
scrlbei Is exacted In cash by the govern-
meat to himld th trananetton , the casil stirn
1)1(111 OUt imy Olualla citizens aninunta in
round numbers ( to something like $13,000.
If tue stuns subscribed through the post-
oilleo and the banks which have no record
of this subscription be taken into considera-
Uon the total fiico value would be nearer
$3,000,000 than $2,000,000 , aimtl the cash ox.
penditure something like $60,000.
' Foiinwing ( ire 1110 2 ter cent subacrip.
Hens as tar its can be ascertained : The
National hank ( If Commerce , $300 ; American
Fxpress ComillIfly. $11,000 ; the Conlmnercial
National bank kept no record of business
in tills line ; Wells , Fargo & Co.'s Ixpress
had 501(1 none ; Vacifle Express , $6,000 ;
Adams Fxpress $1,000 ; lIrst National bank
bad not received returns yet , and sold it
vas too early to even make an estimate ;
Mercilants' National bank , $ i0.000 United
States iatlonnI banK. $15,000 ; ebraska a.
tional 501(1 some of tile bonds , but is not
sure of the amount.
Cli 11,1 , rots's ilolilt , , , t' id ) . lii ( 'nu rt ,
Thu case of floOds a.1immst the ebrsslta
( 'i'id'crs ' 1101110 boct"ty 'as called befole
Judg ) cutt , tue detvluulit haviug been
cited to prnthlce the ehtldr"ii In cotirt and
shOly by what rIp4ht It heil tbt'nt. Wh"n
court ccnvened none of lii' olitcrs , ) t the
, tst irstitutlons ere 1Irt ( ; n. nor ' .ere
the elmhldion , of which there tlir , . The
court issued iit order , continuing the case
tilithi next Tuesday and cltlnR the olilcors ct
the 1.rne to le pm e5ent at tliit : I hue mIni
rhow cause why timey slinuith nobe iun-
ished for ccntempt.
' ) ) ( Call , , ( nneni zitiil Iemim-
ncruIiM % flhIle hClegflte " .Vht himmim t
'l'rnitlilnic time Vtitcrs.
The populist county committee held a
esion yesterday long enough to call a
count ) ' convention to meet In Omtiin ) next
Saturday , July 23. ThIs convention will
choose ( lelegates to the Rtate nfl(1 district
convention. The primaries will he ilelli on
Thursday night. It is understood there vill
ho a contest between D. tlemn Ienver nnd
John 0. Yleser for the delegates , as each
wants the state delegation.
hi the evening otter the meeting of tile
Johnson , P. A. flarrett of south Omaha and
J. Kelly McCombs of Irvingtoo , four out of
tue five 1)ouglns county members of the
tcond congressional committee. ( ' 01 to.
gethor and decided that the ( lelegates se-
Icetefi by the county committee on t3aturday
afternoon next almnuld also act ts dele4atcs
to the congressional convention , whenever
it. should be held. As they were simply
meeting as the DoUglas county members of
the congressional committee and not.ris the
( till committee they did oat designate any
I tiato for the congresionni convention , leav.
lag that to be determined later.
I. J. Dinimi , Dudley Smith , tdgar Iloward
m of l'npiillon and \V. S. I'opploton all scelnefi
to have friends wIth the populists gathered
to discuss the lrosPects of the coming cain
palgli. The liopulists are evidently aatis-
fled with whoever the ( lemnoerats nominate.
Delegates to tile state convention at IAn-
coin Atigilat 2 were seiecte(1 ( by the (1001-
ocratle connty central committee at the
rooms of the Jackson club yesterday after-
noon. An effort was first made to have
Chairman Dick O'iCeeffe do the selecting
of the delegation himself , but finally a iiio-
tion was made to have him choose a coni-
mittco to consist of one member from each
of the nine iarls of this city , one from
Oncli of the four wards of South Onialia and
one from each of the thirteen coUlltry pre.
ducts to do the selecting , but Mr. O'FCeefe (
very adroitly got around the responsibility
of the county committee doing the work of
a county convention without taking the
rank and file Into its confidence , by saying
ho woui(1 ( leave tile matter of choosing the
state delegates to the members of the
county central committee from the. various
warls and precincts , % hich V. as done. 'tile
following delegates were then selected in
this way by the committee :
First \Vard-John Power , Fred Albrecht ,
John Sable , Abe J Dcc'alter Branfies ,
John Zeller.
Second \\'ard-llcnry IlIumV. . Ii. Herd-
man , Peter E. Fisasser , Thomas J. Flynn ,
Adam Sioup , Michaci Nitier.
TilirdardEd Rothery , henry Ostlloff ,
\v. 11. Gumisolus , I'atrtcic Ford , George
Dwyer , Gus Carey.
Fourth. \ ard-I' . C. henley , \V. S. Shoe-
maker. Louis J. l'iatti , P. 11. Carey , J. J.
Mahbniy. harry C. Miller.
Fifth Ward-1\'niter Moise , C. 11. hawks-
wdrth , I. J. Dunn , John E. Itegan , Henry
IlaubensVillianl MeKenila.
Sixth \Vard-C. W. Trace3' . T. P. Thorn-
ton , J. F. C. Itullomur , William Butts , John
Liddell , George W. Silields ,
Seventll Ward-J. J. O'Connor , A. Wag-
goner , Alma Jackson , Janies Scmnledervind ) ,
Charles E. Fanning , John T. Evans.
Eight \Vfl1L-J , P. Connolly , John A.
Wilite , John hart , George W. Doano , J.
A. Connors , 1-lenry Schroeder.
Ninth Ward-John F. Coad , Wiiiiam C.
Ilullard , Churchill Parker , Frank I' . Eaton ,
Mark P. Paine , F' . W. Simpson.
South OnlnhirL-John F' . hioberts , J. S. Gos-
no ) ' , Samuel b'hrigley. T. J. Nolan , harry
Clingen , Frank Crawford , Thomas Costello ,
John 0. Ryan , Tilornas Condon , Edward
Doyle , Dennis McLean , W'iliiam Muilaly.
Chicago Precinct-Dali W. Canllon , C. W.
Clontart Precinct-A. Ahrns , Marcus
Douglas Precinct-Henry Sidciier , It.
Florence Precinct-L. M. Wight , W. B.
Eikhorn Preclnct-W. F. Brown , George
Jefferson Precinct-J. I-I. Siert , Otto lien-
Millard Precinct-William C. Kaelver , If.
N. Link.
McAtdlo Preclnct-E , A. Calchly , Jacob
Union Precinct-William Olmstcad , Frank
\'nhiey Precinct-Oliver Cowing J. Abra-
\\'est Omaha Precinct-W. Hackmnan ,
James Howard.
W'aterloo Precinct-John A , Mali , J. It.
At Large-htobert. a Leo Ilerdnian , John
A. Crighton , Oscar J. Plcknrd , Itichard
O'lCeeffe , Dr. A. II. hlipple , Mayor Ensor of
South Omaha , E. Ii. howell.
Tue delegates were left without. inetruc-
tiomis as regards any candldaies. Ticy
were simply instructed to cast the full vota
of the county at the state cons cation
whether nil were present or nut , but they
were miot pledged to tile unit rule ,
A meeting svus also hell by the conres-
sional committee , but Ito date was llxed far
the congressional convotlon , for vlIIcll. it
was thought , there wr. plenty of time yet.
The present state delegarci will not net as
delegates to the congreasionni convention
WllCfl it is held unless further acton is
taken in the meantime by the cininiittce
designating them a audi.
.Jmai1je Menu CnIi , , the ( , , pt- for Ittnr-
lug mitmil 'i'rmnsfers It to .tii-
uilier lnck't ,
The sale of the Creighton theater , made
at special iiiaster comumnissioner 8(110 ( , was
due this morning before Judge Scott , but
it. was not disposed of.'hen the case
was called up by Attorney Montgomery , the
judge said tiillt he WOUll transfer the moat-
tr to tue ciocket. of sonic other judge amid
would lmavq nothing to do vitll it. In dis-
cussimig tue matter , the judge said that b
would have nothing to do with cases in
which Attorneys Montgomery 11110 haIl cii.
The sale of the Creighton theater wa
outdo to satisfy IL muorigage held by the I'cni
Mutual Life lnsuranco company.
Mimi'rhigcIil'emNt'l. .
The following marriage licenses were is.
stied ) 'Csterda ) ' h'tiio county judge :
Name cmiii Address ,
Joseph Overliule , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l1I
lAiiiitn MeCane Onlahit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
John II. 1teynnds , South Omaha . . . . . . . . . 21
Anl ) I.osis , iotitli Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
leiiiis N. HilitiSlili , Oswego , N. 1' . . . . . . . .
i.aurIt V. F'emmner South Omnllhu . . . . . . . . . .11
' xci'uilin , Oinitha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2)
4nnie IRIVIII , Omneilil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Albert I. Kirkimart , Des Mutmie , ill. . . . . . . 23
Jennie M.Vygesemi , Kellrne ) ' , Nob. . . . . . 10
Ilthj , YI t ii. C.'ielri * t.
Thu muemntiera of the Iio I of County
comubI.'unvra and most of tIle 4'IIity tiili-
cini ycre at Eikborn ia3L nigllt nttcmlilr.g
the htrihday party of tiiU lea 'Itte , oie
cit tll irosPerous eitlM'iIs iii tile % % esterml
hart of the coummiy. Every time tIitt .Me.
\\'ittm las a birthday be hilvItca the ' oullty
oiiltais ) to help him enjoy the occa3ion The
tc'it'lkL , this limo ven' ' held in thu ro c
19'ltf tue resitiruce un'i m'onsiste4l of a big
supper , concluding with a damico upon the
lawn ,
lIsimuic i ; ci. I i.e ling ,
The large silk iiag that : loate.1 over the
bta in lloyd's theater 'lu"&im ' & the Nallolmal
rciubhii c a ccnvciitton , haa bemi present cii
to ihht's I ) . hluuck of the thixth Ward ile-
Pubhican club Mr. Hntrk is very iroud
o his iresemmt and for ( tie Iiiimi Icing he
tii ! allow th banner to rutmie' ' .i mu I ho
1001(15 of the county conmmnissloners , where
i i'.tegs suspended over Chairman Kier-
at'odtc desk.
Country Visitors Enjoy edng Omaha Un1or
the Electric Light.
'i'hi roe m.e e ro A iii Iii the 'Ii , r-
ninhh. lIitle itmid hlellherInr , ( , mi-
fimsinti uf time Iiu rl I.'miht ,
, , n iu 'i'uan . I reet.
The how rates on all railroads through
Nebraska brought crowls of visitors to
Omaha yesterday. Last night the streets
rci-e living streams of humanity. Many of
time out-of-town ptople stayed over to see
the attractions at the exposition ( luring time
evening , but aim a rule the theaters vere
not well attended. Visitors wished to see
time city , cmiii Were satisfied vitii walking
around and seeing time sights on the streets.
\'aiking through the crowd that wn m'very-
where last nlgimt toull tend to relieve one
of wonder at the success of cnnfldcnrc' men
tv'.tim their mnn' victims. It is enntmghl to
bewilder anyomit' , even a city mimami who was
ascii to the customs and noise of a tactropo-
lii ; . 'rho turmoil , confusion , shotitimig of
felcirs ceiling their wares anti steady straits
of so.calicd nitisic ( rota the utimerons halide ,
nIh together enotichi to make the most
St0til of iiinflkiiiI forget his ae'ustonmed
gravity anui join with the crowd in its rusher
or sightseeing. F em one was llappy. A few
imbibed too freeiv , but the majority of the
people were sober nod peaceful , only anxious
to 'get their mooney's worth' '
Down on 5ltecmitll street the falcirs reaped.
it ret feet harvest of shelcels. Visitors were
Ilere with motley amil Ver ( ' wiiling emil rcaiy
to speiid it. The nicim with tile pluto ginne
SV(1S ( kept busy , ani hardly imccdcd his
"boosters" to Iced on the country folks ,
Tie ticket seller at thic' liareni could hardly
pass out his tickets fast enough. antI the
beer gardens \vere ( till to overflowing. Chief
Itcdell end his fire ciepartoiclit galloping
down Dotiglas street turned tile crowd into
a regtllflr' procession of curiosity scelcers ,
and the street resembled a parade , with the
fire apparatta at the head and bicycles , boys
and breathless humanity In 1101 pursuit.
The Salvation army with it corps of
drum and tambourine mtmslcitmns was another
nbect ) of curiosity for the country folks , and
the captain was surroiimitled by a perfect
inoli of peopic when 110 delivered his short
sermon. Country men stood egape before
the incandescent beauty of the cout house
and hooked with open-eyed onher at the
city 111111 arrayed in its magnificent decorations -
tions of electricity.
At the hotels hardly a room was vacant ,
(10(1 ( the hoarding hiolIses were full of tran-
abut visitors. Many of the crowd left on
late traimis for home , htlt a large portion
or the people remained to see tIle expOsitiOli
and Onialla on Stmnday.
it begimis to look how OS if tile strike
would be of short duration. Yesterday at.
tcrnooll Michael and Edward Ctldahy sOnt
word to Chairluali Fallen rcqtiesting a conference -
ference at tIle Cudahy oflices at 2:30 : o'clock.
Mr. Fallen anti a number of the executive
committee responded and the matter of
wages WOS talketi over for sonic time.
Finally the CilhDhYS ( made a proposition to
the committee fixing 16 centS 00 nour as
the niintluurn rate for labor , $175 for all
men storing in cars , $1.75 for tubbers and
$2 for meat pliers. This offer \VItS the best
that the Cudahiy people would do and the
statemcut is made that it was nearly 50
pcr Celit of the demands of the strikers.
After making this proposition the Mssrs.
Cudaily withdrew and allowed Chairnian
Fallen aol the executive committee an op-
portulilty of talking the matter over. In a
short time the committee iiotiiicd the nian-
agers of the packing house that they would
have to refuse to accept the proposition and
after a little more talk the conirnittee re-
tired. It was agreed , however , that tue
propositioii submitted by the Cuduhly4
would he put to a vote of the men intresteh
at a meeting to be held later , and Unit c
definite answer would ho returned at 2P :
o'clock tiii afternoon.
The relations between the Cudahmys anti
the comiiiittee of tile strikers tiiuearcci to
be of tue most friendly nature , titii it wac
stated on the streets later that niamiy of th
men favored accepting tue terms offered
in preference to Staflhiflg a long selge.
\'Vhiat the outcome of the meeting to be
IbId will be no one appears to be able to
soy but reports were current on tic streets
ltts evening that tile strike is nbout to be
settled , cmii it is inferred that. ttt tIle conference -
ference this afternoon an amicable adjust-
mnent of matters tvlhi be mjiade.
130th the Swift aiiii Ilanirnond louses are
practically closed down , but it is thought
'ivitil 1110 Cud-
that if terms are arranged
ahys the other iackcrs interested Will ask
for a conference with a view of a settle-
M mberB of the trlkers' executive corn-
omittee said Inst evening that neither Mami-
ager Price of Swift's nor Manllger Noyes of
hammond's had made a meqtiest ( em' a comm.
( erence. The strikers ( artIer said that
they would not again oiler to dcci with
these houses , as tile first move vould now
have to be made by time mamiagers.
Time coopers shmo left the Omaha plant
yesterday Will return to sorIc tomorrow as
the coopers tmnion 1111 $ 00 grievance ngamns
this vlnnt and only venL omit. in aynipathiy
for the lmmborers. It is estimated that only
about twenty-five men have gone out from
the Ornalmmt l'acking company houses , and
these have gomme imidivldtimihly anti out or
sympathy for friemitla emmmpioyei at the otlmcr
Somimo of the laborers at Armour's called
for their time yesterday afternooli , it be-
log stated that thmey hind nothing against
the conipamly but wanted to help time strikers
out. Only construction gangs are employed
( It. Arnrntir'e mmow , time slatmghteming of live
stock not havlmmg commenced yet. Simperin-
tendent I lowe of the Armotim' lilnlmt sail
yesterday that ho wotild mmci commemice
active opernttomil tiimtll the tm'iko was over.
lie said that there was plenty of comm.
titructiomi work to do (11211 ( there vouitl tone
no necessity for starting imp tmmitii Sopteimm-
tier unless tile conditions were favorable.
' \\'itli the strike scttlemi It is probeimle that
the kihhlimg of togs and cattle will corntnemmcc'
before bug.
Time best of order still Prevails anti it
is llOIiel that there will ho tic disturbance
of any sort. Members of time cxectmttve corn-
mnlttce of the strikers continue to advise
the men to stay away froumi saloons ant
avoid trouble if iosslW. So ftn' the inn-
Jority of the mcmi have kept oft tile streets
except itt time vicinity of Bittmn's hail , where
they congregate to obtain the latest news
of time situation.
At the iackbng houses yesterday afternoon -
noon everything t'as tmntisually quiet , cmii
hittle of ammy smoke t'as issuing froni the
chimneys of the great plants. Very few
I men besiihe8 time tatchincn : were about and
time uniformed pohice oflicers on duty tied
nothing tp dc
Sheriff McDanolti was down yesterday and
went over the ground , but tilt not see the
necessity for placimig any deputies on duty.
There was a joint rneetimmg yesterday ( it-
terneomm of the pork , cattle and sheep butch.
era at Ph onka's lieu , at which time foh-
howl rig reoIutioums vern adopted :
\'imercas , Hundreds 'if l.iJn''d ' : ivhmo , mn "
been eumpioyed in the dilT'"ut
heusem are now involved it bettor tnubles
amid have asked time Packers for a slmght increase -
crease in their wages anti having been refused -
fused their only alternatIve was to qtmmt
Talk About Yor Dow
Iy uimnI'M got more ulnv 4lmiil miui'btnI--
Ipimlnmi 01' tInt feller ( 'olt' milii't Iii It . . ' 9
, ii ( lilmfl--mlhi' Ihi' flimilie it mill ft'oin sellt'it
tie ilvt'-cent StOe'kt'i' ( 'lguli'-umlt-flIr lie
ltmt $ iii ut' ht'tt l'l'lnk'I' lit' hmium git ui1'I. . '
ilmit ilnim't lt'vm' mmmtit'lt lmm'otlt fumi dntl-nhu' //yod \
' . '
tic' i1t'mtk'i don't imiimk' inimeim nt1mc'i'-mlnt't
s'1i , ' simimi uf thrum mmivtiysmimlI yer tel'
take " 'ommmt Itmg just ti gitml"-lco'i. 'lem' lic \t-A O
miami. . , unto m'y i mm I I misi &l nmm gm't I i a ci tic' To
S I O'k'h' ( a ii ' ye 1' gal mm' I i' u' gt't ii e smuioiw 0 6
tlf yt'u' Ihfe fimi' titily live eeiutm4. . A POKt\ \
jtD A
Jt.uL. VF DO
Our "Pig" Navy .
is ' ' . ' the rcIh
ho lhim'tlmthmg-hmeiIhel' ) ni. !
I ( 't' ( ti1 10 Fit'1"/.t't'4-t lit'y fl'IL'Zt )
ilimh ( ' ltc' deli iii iii it sliom'tet' i'c' ( if'
t I him , ' t Imait a umy t'rt'ezt' m' In a ml e ,
2-qit' rt Ic' . ' ( " -'P1 1r-c'7.ers- I .2. . . e
1-hilflm't ( I ( 'e t 't'fl ( 01 Vi'i'e'/.Ph'S-t.'b ( ) , ' ' .
.1-i imi : I' I I c'i' I ' 1u't : Ill i'rc'c''i.t'i't- , t l , .
' lnum't fall to m't' oimm' liim. htumi' 'if ht'- )
$4 'i' % I hg i' I I h' het'ort'oih , I niymmt ( )
p m'l'M ( Oil I 1 m u' gin mm I I c' I ton k I mm U a
uhotit 'biitt i mm'cimmitiy mmshed lum' tim
( , ouimmmmomt I I mm au ( i - V mi Mhmoimhl tec' our
I im'l t'4 Ott 1 lit' I mr'rv i ii I he I I it'sjust
utiotmt like glvbmmg tiimim awmy. :
154 Fariiaiii St ,
Te Theatrical Stage Workers - . . .
htuitl tlR'it' ( 'OlmVc'hmtboui lii ( ) lmmmihi1 limls -
i'ek mumtl ht'ex L. Stmnomimuimi t'aii't thmimik
of t better imresemmt fot' the w'ife-sistei' b
01' tveetlit'ui ; m't a t Ii ommmc' t hum mm a pa itof
tt : 11 cm' 1 dum ek ox forth ' . -\Ve'vt' seviritl
limit's a t l.5 ( ) that mute m'emnnrknile , vol. k '
ttt's-ht's not often you vamm get mitt hfltlchi
style mmmutl venr ( rout it i .l ) tlmue 118 1mm
tlit'se oxfoi'ih-mmmmcie : of vici kiti en : thi 'A'
tlit. ' iis' toestlso mi ( mmli hue of iilick :
( in time lullltet1 ) ioem-hmmtvbmmg tlmete in all
itht us mu mid MiZ'S , w'e can lit tlmeni us
veli as 1mm tIme lmigla'r pliceul ones-You
, ,
( _ immlt ) ) ' ( ' t ( ' thmu'se vmiiues until
Oim'st' S1'1'lm thmeimi.
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
Omimi un' . Pip-to-date Sli cc Iloimue.
l.l9 EARNAM S'iRIEf.
work. Many of thme mimmekillofi packing imotme
iatorers have otiiy been able to get Ill fl
few hours' work cacti day. \'itli immersased
rents anti tIn increase in time price of living
they have been unable to tarn a detent
iivimmg. \e recognize that time packing industries -
dustries of South Ornahma arc' a great hemme-
fit to time city and it is not our desire to
injure or antagommizo these institutions in
time least or conlmit any acts of violence.e
are law-abiding citizens aimd ore only contending -
tending for the rights of otmr fellow labor-
ore.o will discourage amid endeavor to
put down [ li ) acts of violence on the part
of the men. Aim skilled imborers : we pledge
our old mmmi Support to immmsklllcd labor be-
cittise we consider their entice just auth hon.
orable. Further we call tmpon the business
mcmi anti citizens to head their moral anti
financial stmplmort to win a victory for hommie
vage earners.
ttiiiim'omuiec SI r'et I.lgimli.
Stmperintendent Dimniock f time horn !
electric light company is making a mmum-
her of improvements in the street iiglt-
hag service. W'hen time changes ate corn-
pleteti the arc lights at intersections will
no longer be strung on a cable between
two poles , but. will project out on an aria.
By this arrangement the lights will be
raised fully fifteen feet anti this is sonic-
timing that time city cotmncil lIes bug do-
sired. l'ohes fifty feet in length are being
set while the arms are of sutitcient length
to pitce the light nearly in time mnldhie of
time street. Tile service will , it is stated ,
be greatly improved by this change imni
there \viii be less ( longer. as hmem-etofore the
smmstalnimmg cables broke occasionally , catis-
log considerable damage.
ILnnhimiiitIliI rpr 'I''nt'IIl'rN ,
It has linen ( helimmiteiy decided to lmolih an -
oilier examination for teachers and miCAt
T1lursdy. Friday auth Satmirtlay are the
( izttcs set. The Board of Examiners , Messrs.
C. C. StimUlI , \V. C. l.amnbert ammti Jrvummg P.
Jolmuson have agreed to conduct time cciii-
11mg examinatIon without pay. A change lies
been made in the rules go'eemimmg tea'iimmrs
So that now anyommo hioihimi a stat nom-
mci. state university or a ccrti.lcato hemmed
hmy time state superintendent of exammmlmmatiaus :
slmali bc clegiblo to cinploymemit imere irlihi-
out their eremientials being acted mmpon by
time local exainumihimg board. It is asserted
that this second c'xaminatiojm ii for tbio
benefit of a number of teaclcr3 tvhmo ( oud
it imimposeihie to be PreSelit at the e'cnnibna-
than in June.
Ito y'rs itt I Imi. Vii ruM ,
Live stOck simhpliors throughout Nebraska
mind the entire western country will no
doubt to Imicaseil to read time following tehe
gram which was received yesterday by Cmi-
cral Manager Kemmyon of lime Stock ? artls
caunpa ny :
You can nsstmro country timlt there vtii
be plenty of layers in Omaha hioth fom' eat-
tie amId hogs. We could not fill our orders
I emi ml ) .
( Sigmmcii. ) i'iIi i4l Li. AitMOUlt.
Fear line been expressed timtmt in ctmse time
St ci I a Ime i-a mm iii oumm ted I a it ii ythi a g or 'a e
of bug dimmation it would be necessary to
cliii ) stock to other muarkets. Other buyers
besides Mr. Armour have shgmillieti their In-
tcumtion of renmainhmig right hero anti buyIng
all of the stock offered.
'I'n Si , , mp 'I'm'mm Iii .5 mm mimiul iii.c.
Detective \'izzard of the Uumion Pacific Is
spending comiiitherabbe time In the city Just
now ' for the iurrose of breaking up the
hmraetice of Jumping ( mum amid off moving
trains. c-if late boys 1111(1 yotmmig meum have
been imm the imabit of stealing rides on all
trains between hero nnd Omaha antI \'a-
-nrtt prOOSeC to put a stop to it. Yesterday -
day ime arrc.eteml Charles amid James hlowaetl
imnil brought tblemn before Jumhge Babcock.
Other mmrrests will follow until the prae-
tue is stopped.
tlimgle Cl t y ( ; asNll , .
Best California wines-Wohlstein & Co.
Meet moo at Barrett's hustle Garden at
7:30 : ttmib evening.
Frank Walker is down with an aggravated
case ol lmiPelldiCitIs.
It. \ V.'ooti his taken out a permit for
the erection of a cottage lii Albrighml
\v. M. Reese is building two frame rcsh-
donces at Twemmty-seventh and MadIson
E. Rowland Smith hiatt returned from
( 'imerry eoummty , where hm visited his brother
for .t couple of weeks.
Miss .tia Shtmmmtu of Vst Point , Ia. , is
time guest o ( Mr amid Mrs. W. ii.'an -
sent. Twenty-fourth anti V streets.
! Mr antI Mrs MJ McLaughlin ofttl -
watmkee are vIsIting their daughter , Mrs.V. .
' lit , RYan. Twenty-third and U streets ,
One of the Features of the Midway that
rocs Itself Torward ,
llcmm 'hioe Ohiject iii Life I , , to Gel
the 1'flMMiIIJ Struinger to Visit
( lip ' 'Shuoi' oil hut' JJth'
nii Their Mt.tiiouis.
Among the tmnique occupations that flourish -
ish In connection with great expositions
that of the noisy-throated , braze-lunged in.
( ihyIiual whose business It Is to corral the
nmnitittmde in the direction of the box 0111cc
of 'this or that Midway attraction is con-
spicuous. The "barker" or "spicIer" ia a
comparative innovation anti his methods
have developed until lie hmas become a roe-
oguized factor in time anmucomeat section.
lie constitutes one feature that time most
carciess visitor cammnot overlook. It is forct
on his attention every tiimie be commies withIn
four bhocks of time MIdway. ho Is corn-
Idled to run the gauntlet of half a hun-
dreti lust ) ' voIces every tinie he taices a
trip tlmm-ough time street and if lie is of a
curious ttmrn he can spent1 a couple of hours
very profitably iii studying time character-
istics of this zecmmiiar vocatton.
While the general purpose of tlmo "barker"
is time same In every case , hmi value depends
vcrp largely on time origInality and humor
that lie can inject into his continual voclfer-
ittion. Time imman vlmo sirnlly stamids outside
the entrance anti declares iii falsetto notes
tlmat the interior contairms the greatest show
, oh the grounds is no hanger Ia It. \'hen
time same assurance Is heard on every 1150(1 (
time visitor is bounti to atop amiti consider
* and hi'u usual commelusion is that ime is beimig
humbugged , Time hmarker must vary his
song to suit time occasion and the crowd ,
lie must invent some novel pica that will
attract the attentton of the people fronm
time equally vigorous c'florts of his corn-
petitors on either chic amid across the street
ammti wheim he has succeodel in gathering a
crowd in front of Imla partIcular attraction
it. is another matter to imithimet , a grettter or
less nortion of it. to part wltim' its somali
cimango to verify his repreeentatioums.
Aect'Iitmitl I hg I'auMsI img tiuit'reu ( .
As a rule some ots1de entertaInment. h
provided to hold time attemmtlon of the
crowd untIl a fmvorabio opportunIty for
immvhtimmg Its attention to the nmoi e elaborate
performammco on time irmeide. Timls may be a
bit of jugghery , a lire-eating "net" cc a
glimpse of tile veIled figure of ammo or more
of time alleged "beauties" . who figure In the
mmmclii iertormmmaace. 'Why these shy malcicimma
ate always veiled is a amystery to the umm-
initiated outsider. Tue barker cievcriy mmr-
ranges his emttcrtalmmnient to keep time crowd
w hue lie dIscourses omm the wonderful timings
to i'hich it is prellmmmlnary. Timemm tic makes
an inmpassioned appeal to his auditors not
to miss timis golden opportunity to see the
nmarvels that imo has so iibly described , amid
time half dozen or imioro cappers , who imave
beemi i'aIting patIommtl > for their cue , lead
time processiomm inside , after makImig a more
or less raw pretense of btmyiumg tickets at
the iiox 0111cc. Sounetimnes they go in aimmiost
atomic , anti sometinmes they draw In a good-
sized strimig of gezmuIao patronage. In either
ease the same procedure is repeated with a
flew crowd , anti the miimow got's on. -
48 a rube the efforts of the outside men
are mainly directed toward secmmrimmg the
patronage of out-of-town anti transient vlsi-
tore. The regular exposition patron soon
discovers what armmuseunents he cares to
patronize , and is oblivious to the seductions
of thai spleier , but the "Reuben" is iii-
lhmemmced very ham'geiy by outside aimpearances
and it is for his custoxmm that the barkerm
To the observer It woulti seem that the
I occupation of the outsIde maim is about as
arduous a jot ) as there is left outside of a
newatmaumer ofilee on election mmhght. Fu-onm
eariy nmornhmmg until time last vestige of the
crowd has departed ho is never still. Time
I spirited comimpeiltlon gives him no eppor.
tunity to lag. Even if timoro are not ii ulozea
icople 1mm sight , lie religiously keeps it imp.
In the evenings or on hmvehy days lie has
the satisfaction of seeing his Industry rewarded -
warded , but on dull day be often nmain.
Not Much on Cricket
fltmt right shnavt cmii mullIiig tt'eli (
Nut' that soimmuht imailu- - hut w't' have
ml 'ity of exthmct lug tt'c'tlm vItiiotit pmiitm
iii. gum lImit ! it'mivc's no 1)11(1 ) ( 11 ftt'i' t'ITei't i- . ' I
I ) t't'iii't' iic' ga'c vimm'ui ' ( ( ' ,
hut it c'tists iimore-\Viilli' \ 'utI ) nit' Imore _
seeing I hmi' k'Xllisitiflfl 'Oil lmmttl hetti'i' let
115 ftit'nlsli I limit st't of tt'etli-Wt' 1mumu
' t1mi'-\\ ( '
hilmitl ( ( 'otnimh't& ' set'c in omit'
mic'vt'r elmni'gt' extri : f i' I lui- i'mi1t tit'k
uiiul " t , gtmmmrammtc' . ' time i'smiit to lie
isfmictor- . set of teeth . ---'l'Imese smthmm0 I . :
teeth mnttially east $ io--uur sio sets-
thimpllt'mttetl ItO. /
tutu t'lastit' iilmites - fitP
v1mere-tliu'th ) I ill stu : : itt hut' i' t'millmg-
Lnti' mttttmidmImit. If _ -
18 car4 Phoor L'nxton 111k.
ixperirmmfle. 111th and Frum.
- _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - -
These Are Our Prices.- .
ilmiii's ( 'mitmtitim Cthi't' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Il lumti's I lout. & Aiin'cl tr'mti . . . . . . . l'
hIoltiis' Aspnritgiiit i'hik . . . . . . . . . .itc' )
. ! ' : % ( % iii ; : : ; .
II mc ; . ' htmL r:1 : imit r 'r : ' '
1tlmmiii' : : Ct'k'r ) ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.0' . i'- ' '
it'mnp' * ( 'cimb -m'tip . . . . . . . . . . . . 't ) ' . t fW ' 'It ' 't' 1
§ '
, Vt
Kiekuuimno St'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fl& . 7G5 tI' '
Pm'"t'mt'tIom. ( . prommillly ) , eorrm''tly mmmiii
remmmomimttmhy ihml-ti. .
TheAloe &PenfoldCo
Largest lIt-tmtil lrcg' i1unc.
1403 Farnttnm Street.
Opposil. Paxtezi Hotel.
The Greatest of AU
In KIiiili1ICci ci ;
. . : : , , . '
a. . Artrm1. ; _ A1' .
( 'N b'tt'imt'c'--'i'im'it' prest'uit fat'tom'lcs muic'
ommt'-lmaif larger tlmmmmm tlmue of any iImmi-
lIar imisthtutbuum-timese factories lmti 1.1
fl'i' ( ' $ titmor spmtce-s'itii tlmt' hic"uV lmhulI (
t it mim j mist himi id I img t imt' : . v II 1 1 Ii i' mm coat mm I mm '
Is mtcmcs-1'imis vill mimmiac hit' voi'ks
( buIlt' tIme size of mummy Pimimmo amid orgmtmt .i
faetom'y 011 liii' gltmln'-All timls becaimmto C
they immivt' miiu'ceeth'd in tmmukimmg a lmigll 4
grtthe : ilmlmim mm t it mmmotlt'l'mltt' COm4t-\\'e are . ' i.i ' hi. . . '
1'immmhnill ngt'mmts fOl Nebrmtkim-
This stool this 'eek-i.1O. & .
Milsic ffl M 1513 Douglas . .
tains his sonorous aeclaimmation for an hour
at. a time witim nary it ( home In sight.
1'iiof thit' Ilk l'nrle , , .
Time pay wilicll these mloisy accessories receive -
ceivo varies accordimmg to their ability to
attract the crowd. Olme of the mnost nieces
ful spiders on the Midtvay is salt ! to receive
$20 a week , btmt few of timcrn get more than
$15 and sommie get even less.'lmea there is
a restaurant attached to time commeession timey
get timeir macabs with time other employee
and their salary is correspondingly reduced.
Some of them are commiparativehy green at.
the lousiness , but. otimem's have figured In a
half tiozen expositions and have become
adopts iii sizing imp a crowd ammti employing
just time right immethods to engage its atten-
titam. If he is confronted by a group of
yommng amen who mmppear to be imm town to
see the elephant in earnest , ime thilates on time
beautiful wommien whose langourous oriental
dances would stir the blood of atm aumcboritc.
"Just come in and see this dance amid you
will go out and shake hantls with your worst
emmeimmy , " says one of the old-timers on stmeh
an occasion , mmmii his specious appeal seems
to take with such a crowd. Slut on Chris-
tiati Endeavor day , or when tlmerc is mt crowd
of womacn 1mm sight. every barker oim time
Mtdtvay lmastemms to assure bitt auditors timal.
there is nothing in his show at whmichm the
most austere propriety could take offense ,
anti dm0 of timein immvarimmbly works him time
assurance that it has been visiteti by a comim-
mittee from the Woniemm's Christian asso-
ciatiomm which forthwith rettmrimcti a sigmieti
verdict to time pffect that tile perfornmnmmco
was in every respect immoral amid cciifyimmg.
Superiimteiiit'mml I'czmrse 'miles if I Ime
mmtm.uimui Fiulmmt'ntiuuiimi Con-
greM l'ssitiis ,
"Our Transmnimtsissipimi hidiicational ceo-
gross was us successful amid e'mijoyablti as
the umiceting of the National EducatIommmmh
cnmmgress , " declared Superintendeimt of
Scimools Peam'sc' , "We hat ! very imearly mis
barge mmn ntteimduince amid our programmi was
jtmst 115 ihima , beciltuse vc imati the imest anti
time best CilimOOt be immmproved upon. "
Stmpcrinteimmleiit h'emmrse t'as absent two
weeks , one of wimicim lie spent. . in Washmimmg-
10mm whiem'o timt otlucational convemmtioa was
in sessioim. Time otimer week he spoilt in
traveling mmbotmt time east ,
lie saul timlut there were possibly 10,000
or 12,000 le0PlO in the capitol city while
time'conventioum was him sem'mtlomm , bit mnore
thman half of those were otimer timumm ( 'tIlt-
catnre who took mmdvmmmmtage of time low cmiii-
road rates. 'rime attendance mIt the hig meet-
iimgs mtnti itt the mtectiormal gmmtimerings were
hot. mimtmcim larger than mit time simoihar meet-
inge in this city. Time program that wmms
offereti was aim exceimtiommaiiy gooti one , btmt
it till not surpmmmts in any way time one tilllt
was giveim to time teachers imm timla city.
TIme Boarti of Iirectors of time association
expm'essed mm choice for Loli Angeles. as time
piece of time next ctmmmveumtiomm emit ! that city
vilt Proiahiy lie cictcd if proper rates
anti acconmniochations cult he secured.
hlri.i for mu iii' ii , .liIii' a Smnmi-
isis 'i'rimuii'r do Clear
limit i'om't.
VA1tDOE , Jtmiy lf-fleiayc'd ( in tm'anmt-
missitmn.-Time ) steammm whinier irui1tjof , 1mev-
log on buarti \ ValterVeilmmmaum aimi time
members of his oxpetlition to ( ireemmiand , nr
rived hero tothmmy ( or coal , having heft
Solomnbola , a town near Itrcimmmngel. on Jmmiy
5. Time patty sails northwest tomom'row.
0mm July 1 1 , in latitmmtie 77 nortim , 170 moilcim
boutim of Franz Joseplmimmntl , heavy luck leo
was found. While at Archangel thu gover- I
mice of timat ilaeo refmmed to 14110W tie hiricit.
jot antI a Spanish shill' to sail on time sann
day , saying ho feared the imosthlitics between -
tween Spain antI time United States would
calico cmi outbreak between time crews of time
, two simipe , umitimomighi the Simammish shiim vmms
a trader and time armmiament of Mr. Voil-
man's Stt'IIOICC only consisted of a imarpoon
S imliuig i'cuplt' iiii'et Ililbers ,
( 'iii'AGO , July 1(1--Time ( National Young
I'coi'io'tm ' ( imristiamm union , irm convemmtion today -
day , elected time following ofiieormt : National
imresident , hi. H. F'owier , Akron. 0 , . me-
elected , secretary 11ev \ ( l ( 'ardell of
I Bostomm , treasumer. Omar 0l'ctrie of i'ai
I met , Mass Additional macmaimers of the cx.
_ _
Just mis mm , ii v'cr stmmtlles Imit case. Vt'S
make c'ry taint of our work toll me
strongly mte mOSl4ille ) , SI ) tmmat tilt' etmnunimmg
mm p-t he I ! nisimi mmgima I I be convi umci mmg-pcr-
. ,
\\.Q ye tioult' thmis ma mursletemmtiy , mun ! so
persi ittemmt I y gael , its I a lmmt'O cmi Cmi el time
imammi" of ' 'Lmttmmtlry Smmecinliece.'otmr mmcxt
hitindic sent lmer' will simow how imitlelm
superior our work is to that of time ortiimmmry
\\'e'li rail for it it' yotm cay so.
' - , ' ' ' ' , ' ' ,
siuiiri'vtis'm's A ' 4I'ECI.'iI'i'Y
' ' ' , , , mma-i.
ectitivo comimmittee , George F. Seam's , Cimiengo ,
amitl Miss Cora N. IVilfier. Victory , N. Y.
5u14 ( * i'reshit'iuts ofV. . C' . 'I' . I' , meciuie
to Itmilt I'iiyiiin' oil I lii' lug
Humid ii.m . ,
ChICAGO , Jmmiy 16--State im'ecltiemits at
the Na tional 'tVomnamm's Cim'tmtimtmm 'i'c'mnier- ,
ammee mimmiomm hum i'xt''ijtit'uj session tomlay
t'asim eth timel m ilittitis of I lie Tom 1)1 ) e bail ii I mm g
C ii tci h ) ri be 0 Ii ( I a e.l a mesni U t lomi i mm ' ii lob
time following Iiimmgtmaie occurs :
/und t'c recomommiemid that no ( mmrtimem' ( 'all
to local ummiont or effort by timeni to immadut
to mtecmmre otcimersimip or am' vmm' fur time
This resolution was imssed , by a 'nto of
18 to 'I , the opositiomi t'umresemitimmg limo
I rmmstees who are mimenitmers of time exccutit o
etmu mm ci I.
4 second m'esoiutiomm , mmuaaimumuusiy poised ,
( I limit % ' 0'S mu I 1 egmml ohl I gmi t tori t o lie y tamt t bin
300,000 trim s t laiiemi ii am m thmi' Tern pie 1mm 1 itt I umi ; ,
but retluebtim that aim cIfort be mmmmmtie to
cancel tie ' 'mimotal ( Jihigatiomm' ' itefom'tm the
next roemimorimll coimventitimm , as a trilmtmto to
time expressed wishes iimmd tiying m'eqtlt'et of
Mimic FrimicesS'ihiard ,
'fime ocuiomm of time holy is subject to the
nppravtii of timi' mmatiormui cammvt'mmtiomm which
mmieetmc in St. l'mmtil mmext Novemnbem' .
Time wommien who ( mitlotel tue adoption of
time reholimi bum were : Mm's. II. S. Scoviiie ,
Mimmuestitu : Airs. Mary i\ . UldmammiS'iccon. .
sin , Mm's. Maricmmm II. 1)unhmamn , Iowa ; Mrs.
, \ imimioV. . Cliii k , OimIo mmml Ales. immna Al ,
lhimimtiumg of Nebraska. 'i'imey imiohmtt'mi ( a nit.
umority sti.ieii mit to time effect thmmt. time hinal
otzmersimi1 , or time tenmpio was inml'obslble ' anti
timitt time amitmm it imopcle5snosm tmf the tern-
lle cmmterprise lay iii diutcourmmgemumemmt antI a
lack of ummited effort. l'ime lemmmj.ltj tm'ust's ,
tommigtmt atlapteci a resolutiomm to continue in
their ciforts to raise mmmonoy to retire the
temple tm-mmumt Imommds. '
, l'rM. ' ) ' ( 'I'm ) I nil Sli,1mmm , ,
NEYORIC , July lfl.ltve triune immitid-
ings , a hart of the car snips of time Central
itahhrQ5mi 01' New Jersey ; tt Eii.almetlm were
hurumeti today , cammeing it i'mas of $ l00.uQ.
Janice Itobblims , is workunan emmmimloyert In time
establishment , jumped lroin a ecommd ctom'y
o ( the i'attern shop arid simetainel serious
immuried. $
Sum mum-rio 1-miul rut I ' , iIiiju , i'osi iii S'r ftp ,
VAsiilNJ'roN. July 16.Ebemm Brewer ,
'imo hail cimarge of mmii gaus'el .i" ; rmigumemmum3
at time Ilumited States Hi Cubtm , ti.ii mmcar Semi'
tiago , aecortlimig to advieci' m'eeeivt'ci a time
' I'ostoilice tiepartimment. lie ( 'Univ Il omum l'itts
bmmrg. it 1usd beemm reporteti that lie i'ea
I sick with nimmiarici fever.
SI , Juii I' , t''iti'ONt iiumstem' , .
WIJAI'i14 , Jmi imp. -t melcgm'mmmn to time
i'imt. lish'Lilehm ' 'euiml I-l : : , sm' ' Vs timat
i"rctt Vt' t'aummnolmoit ill ito tm v tie t lOSt -
immmiu'tem' of St Iouts I liii tmnmmihmmmttton whil
Ito mnmttlo 1mm a few days , l'rcsl'lemmt Ale.
icluilcy time special says , umaihu timle state-
I rni'tt , to ( 'ommerosemmien Joy tadav