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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1898)
_ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ , - _ _ . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ - - _ . - , _ . - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w'r - - - - - " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - r" " r ' 'TVW _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w--- . - - - - - - ' - - - - . - . _ --w-----------------r------ ,1'j1 E Or4ifA DATTi 13i.E : 41'\1)AY , .Tt LT 1 t89S r- ONE REV TO SOCIETY'S SONC lo Evldonoe of Monotny Appesr in the Swell of Harmony. EVERYTHING SET TO THE EXPOSiTIOU ffnIrM .trt : Inii , 1u M..tI of the Ijnprni.i hIII nid l'ha.rfire Ii , fIrIItflI ( ) r.t. r-Sinhl , rnllc .t , I (1 lun hin I'.ilIIe. 'The cxnsItIon conthnue to furnhsh the ( cy to whhch IoaI iocIety I nttunoh. Ex. poIthon vhuItor trom abroad are toented In moit cvery houhnh1 an most of th 80c1a1 ontertainmenut are gIv'n In theIr ) onor. While Ihere haB been a dearth of Iatgo formal nfTaIr. thro hn been no lack lurhng the last vck or Informal luncheons , dInneri end outings of vorlous kinds. The aummcr's cnti'rtalnmcnts seem to be of a tipofltafleoUs orler , being ImprovIsl on short notice afll tar the most vart without oil- % anccd notlee.Vlndhiig up ( lie evening % viUi an excursion to the exposition has conic to he almost the regular thing for all tornu of oeIa1 activity. Miss Elsie fleaoner , who left Omaha last IAO'hh to 'enrcc'nt ' IcCluroa Magzlne nt the neat of war In Cuba , has been spondirig her thii at Kingston and Port Atitonlo , where , In addition to her lltcrary work. 8110 has licco assisting Miss Barton of the Red Cross o'hety In the distribution ot relief nupplles and upCrvhis1on of hospItals. iTho expects to remain ut Santiago for sonic time. Mr. JameRVnllace lirpatch , whose Omaha friends are always Intelefited in his weirare , received the ilegree of Ph. 1) . ( rein Yale at 1t8 commencement last month. dr. I3rontchi Is now at Fort MePlierEon near Atlanta , Ga. , Its a member of a tletathment of the Eighth infantry of the regular army , In which ho 1105 onllott'cl pending notion by the president on his application for a commission. The women who are interested in prepar- log time projected hioer day at the exiiosI then on Augtist 2 neXt are trying to make it. the 8ociai event of the midsummer months.'hiiIe the parade of flower-be- t decked carriages 28 by no means a novelty , it. will be introluced ( imifo Omaha for the flrimt time anti whit give Omaha ieopic their flrst epporttlnity to display artistic taste 1mm flower decorations of tlib kind. Omaha has quite a number of 8mnurt rigs driven by mitylish men and womnen and thmr're is no good reason v. by a tiowor carnival shmoulil not ho as mnmmch of IL IIIICCOSH hero as it has been in Los An'ele , Colorado Springs and other western .tics. In fact sverai Omalma Bociety people have participitted In carnivals at. them alaces mmmiii theIr ecperience prom- hcmm to be of service now.mong the Omaha people who have promised to take part in the varado with timeli conveyances ' are : Dr. Mercer , Mr. Nash , Miss Mary Mercer - ( cer , Miss Palmer , Mrs.'attlcs , Mrs. Dick- , l , Inson , Mrs. ilaidridgi' , Mrmm , George Squires , a Mrs. nalcocic , . .lrs.v'ssels , Mr. itex Moore- i house , Mr. Gould Diotz , Miss Anilrccsen , Miss Welster. Mrs. George 1Ioaiand. Im's. Doup , Mrs. hulls , Miss Mao Mount , Mrs. Patrick , Mrs. Tahiifero , Madam Tahhifero , the Misses Sharp , Mrs. lirady , time Misses reck , Mrs. J. E. Ilaum. Mr. l3lackvcll , Mrs. Love , Mrs. J. 11. Evans. Mrs. Brandeis. Miss Louise Squires , r1rs. r . i. hitchcock , Mrs. lIen \\'OOi ( , , trs. 1e\v1morter , Mrs. ii. T. Clarke , Mrs. Jomislyn , Miss Allen , Mis. Baldwin - win of Cotmmmcil liiutfs. Mrs. Summers , Mrs. Metcalf , Mrs. Cornish , Mrs. Kenyon , Mrs. OldilcId , Mr. Clurk Reilick. illeiatr4 ( if t lie " .Veic. Miss Webster on Saturday entertained at ( hinncr In honor of her guest , Miss Law. In honor of prof. llcmril , Ir. and Mrs. D. A. l'oote entertained at thinner Wednesday R nIght. Mrs. Morsmnan entertained at luncheon yesterday afternoon for Mrs. Darby of St. Joseph , Thursday afternoon in hmommor of Mrs. L. If. llhoemn of Mimimicapohis , Mm's. Nattinger gave a Kensington. Time Boys' and Girls' Wheel climb enter- tainoit themselves at a picnic 'l'mmesday at Ilanscom iurk. Comphirmientary to Miss Iiulmmt who Is time guest of Miss Mercer , Mrs. C. S. Cuhltnghnm gave a "high tea" Thursday afternoon. Doltgimttui in every vay was the dimmer given lust night by Miss Andreesen at time Cmimiino at tile expositloim in imommor of Miss Law. Law.Mrs. Mrs. J. Meyers , who is the guest of imer daughter , Mrs. Mtmlick , vas agmecably simr- prised Tuesday afternoon by her former neighbors. The K. 0. B. C. chum wa entertained last Tlmtmrsday evening mit time imomno of Knight Will II. Wagenselier. About fifty vcro present. A coaching party vus given by Miss Chandler yesterday afternoomm. They drove out to Dr. Mihiers , where a bouutlful repast - past was serveil. Miss \mmdreescn is m'c.9Jommsiimio ) for one of the jolliest gathmerimigs or time week. On 'i'hursdmty orcmmimmg simo entemtui nod the Rid- lug club mit a. 10 o'clock porch supper. t nierry comimpammy of little people gathi- cred mit time imomime of Mr. nmli Mrs. Johmmsomm Friday afternoon to emltmtrato ) tlio sixth birthday ot Mastem' harold Joimmmson. About fifty s'ere present. Mrs. J. M. Metcalf's luncheon Fritiny , to which temi yomimig wommmomm i'ere biddemi to meet. time Misses , Metcalf , Sinclair mind Limlu Sinclair'as mm mmmro nmul novel immnctiou. l'llmk 'was limo color scheme for time dining room. A very attractive outdoor fete was that or Miss Cornelia Ilopoweil's rainbow iorim iarty at time imommmu of lmer mnmmmt , M rs. hi. Latimore , him Imommor of Imm'r guest , Miss Aieio ; Harris of Denver. About twenty wem'c ores- 4 ent , A notable social fmmnction of tim. , vcok : 'was the buffet lmmnchmrumm of Miss \\'ehstem"a In honor of Imer gutst , Miss Law. Miss Webster 'aa assisteil by Mramiammmes Mercem , \Viiklns mmmmti time Misses Aimdrccsemm , Cndy Lindsey aimmi Icenyomi. About thirty % % 'ero lrescnt. k A mnuical reception wits given imy tin' % vonmcn of time flntertaimmnmt'imt bureau inst . Monday nfiernonmm ; 'l'bn following yommmmg \s'omezi took lmmrt 1mm time luogramu 'l'lme Iisses JiomiglamulVymnnn ammil Cuidvchi of Cimicago. ltcfrcsimmnt'mmts 't're nerved durimmg the attermmoomm , , I'remmidemmt 'Wattica of time L'ximOsmtiOml and Mrs.'attics temidered a rcception to time unstop ihoiegatiom last 'rimesilay nimjimt. 'rime spacious grnummdmm wemti mieceratemi with flags of nil mmatiommmm 1111(1 ( lighiteit i'htim incammmirac'mmt electric lights. Emil ( Imis , togetimer 'itim tIme gOvmms of time fasimiomumimie Lmsaemmmblage , muamie , tumisemi , a icturesqus mmcmme Mr \\'mtttiee vmts assisted by Mt'siinmmmcs ii. ( 'hark. F. V. The Roysi ii the bkiheat grsdo bcIng powdct kson. ActuI tests show It goes ens. third furtbcr thsa ny other brurni. H kova . pw tbsoIutvI'Puro _ _ 'yAL 5kklk5PO'el C .s 8I ' 0.IC , _ _ _ _ Firkrndaii , .1 flsmmm , J. Brady , ( 'lemot A. l. htc1. After the work of ms'rviflg the ltmnch for time soldiers yesterilay the women and their fruinils smijourned to the reception room of the Enterteinment burraim , where Miss gelo llergb tenilered them a musieRi. shtrh WI'S VCEY much enjoyed by nih. Mrs. (1. M. hitchcock as usc accompanist. The Masters Ionaid , hugh anmi Gardner Mc\'horter last week celebrated their birth nnnivrsarIea with outdoor festivities cmiii fireworks after a true boys' fashion , In the artifiriel lake in the grounds , thmoy hind a rrguisr iinnl hattie amid utterly ousted time pnnIsii fleet-a Ia American. t\t high noon Wednesday Mrs. Andrew itosewater entertained very charmingly at luncheon neil at time exposition in the after- mien Miss hiiiie d'Angcio lhcigli of New York. Miss dAngelo Hergim is a wommder- fully ac'eomnpiichied woman , being not ommly versed In dfterent ! contimmental ianguages , but a finished amid artistic singer. A croquet Imarty was given by Mrs. 11. 11. harder last Vemincsday , complimvntnry to Mcsdame3 Goodmnan. Evans and Melslmian. The grounds were htatmtifuliy 4ecoratcd for the occasion. At the conclusiomm of time gaimmu dainty comestibles vcro served. On Friday night Mrs. harder very elirirmingly enter. tamed a tow of her friends at dinner. \Vcdncdy afternoon a pink rose iunchcon was given by Mrs. John I" . Coad in honor of her gtmcst , Mrs. I ) . J. Donaghue. The dining room looked like some woodland dcii and time table was brilliant with its rose. shAded candelabra , richly embroidered linen and ctmt glass. Time gmmest cards wore unique and exceedingly original. Covers fOr twelve were laid , One of the mmoeial events of the veek was , limo iiaimcc given by Miss Carrie Mercer in honor of Miss IImlst Wednesday night , ' when nbommt sixty of the young social mammg- mmates of Omnaha vero present. Mammy antI beautiful were the gowns of tue womnen , on which time mehlowrni radiance of time lights hmarmnonizc'l the wlmoio Into a mass pf I blended beauty. Time guests from abroad % vrre the Misses Law and Lorton. One of the Jolliest picnics of the week was that given to time salcsmnen , saleswomen aimil otimer attaches of Mrs Benson'R store , on Timuisday evening. Soon otter 6 o'clock the party left the store , and boarded a special trolley car that was in vaiting. A quick trip was maile to linascom park , where time young folks cro joined by the former members of Mrs. Benson's commercial fain- ily. There was a imappy reunion of many 01(1 friends , and when au were prettily grouped a photographer took a couple of pictures. An enjoyabie supper was served later. and concluded an evening's pheasant emmtertainrncmmt , . ( hit f 'I'ovim ; mms-t , , . Mr. E. Snmitim of MadIson left yesterday for home Miss lichen Ilowes of Blair was an Omaha guest last week. 311sn Law of Ilemmry , Iii. , is the guest ot Miss F' . Webster. Mrs. Vilma RedilcicI ot Chicago is a guest of Mrs. ii. Itemifleld. Mimis Florence Bans is the guest of her aunt , Mrs. W. L. May. Mrs. Sims of Lincoin , Ill. , is visiting her dntmglmter , Mrs. Summers. Mr. Lauren lrake of Chicago is the guest of Mr. Ailcn 13. Smmmlth. Mrs. James Alan MacLeod of Minneapolis is a guest of Miss Cady. Misses Carrii and hattIe Mayer are gimests of Miss S. Singer. Miss Ileneke ammd Miss MacBeth are guests of Miss Florence Martyn. Miss Downs of AtchIson , Ican , , Is the guest of Miss hlelemm Cody. Miss Cougimllmm and Mr. Johnson arc the gimests of Mrs. J. A. Comirmor. Miss 'rarramit of Atchison , Kan. , Is the guest of Mrs. Charles Ciark. Miss Btmrroughimt ot Boston is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teets. Mrs. H. II. Larimer of Geneva , Nob. , Is time guest of Mrs. J , Danbaumn. Mrs. B. Chase of Des Moimies , Ta , , is a , guest of Mrs. W. J. Bratibury. Mrs. Frank Cowan of Dulutim spent last week with Miss Bessic Cowies. Mrs. Carrie Elliott of Elwood , lad. , is the guest of Miss Gertrude fhinfiman. Dr. and Mrs. E , T. Ilauck of St. Louis arc guests of Mr. Charles Metz. Miss Josephine Commomms of Imidiammapolis is the guest of Mrs. E. Ti. Perfect. Mrs. John F. Coad has as her guest Mrs. D. J. Dommaghitmo of Anaconda. Mont. Mr. and Mrs. A. Foote of Callaheda , Ala. , ama guests of thmelr son , Dr. Foote. Mesdamnes Evans amid Melshlan of Brook- iyn are guests of Mrs. Oscar Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bond of Cleveland , 0. , are gimests of Mr. C. Ilelden and family. Mrs. F. I ) , ltmmbci and children are visit. big her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Polack. Mestlames Saralm i'agc and F. Nyc of Man- cheater , N. 11. , are visiting friends in time city. city.The The Misses Amma anti Edith Badger of Limmcoin attemitleti the exposition the last week. Miss Lilly mI'Angelo I3ertlm of New York was time guest of Mrs. A. Itosewater last week , l'rot. hlurd of Sayette , Ia. , afll Mr. F. M , Baird of A1ic'1mian arc' visiting Dr. Foote's fmmnmiiy. Mrs. Agnes Cushman of Cincinnati , 0. , is spending a few weeks with Mrs. II. W. Commmmehi. Mrs. Henry Newnian , from Illinois , will fliteimil time simmnmer witim Mr. ammd Mrs. A , Newmmmumm. 0. It. t'crtect of St. ImtmI , Minmm. , and 'IV. 0. Perfect of New York arc guests of IL It. I'erfcct. Miss Long of Virden , Ill. . and Miss Faitlm Antlrows of 'I\'asiiington , Kaim. , are guests of MIss Korty. l3islmoi ) I. Nicimoisomm and somm and Miss iloilkins of Miiwuukee'is , , vihi arrive In the cIty this week , 'lime Misses hattie and Carrie Mayor cf C'imicagu am'e visitimmg Miss Steila Singer of 1''enty-flftim avomimme. Mr. mind Mrs. Leon Iseeldt of Burlington , In. , were the guests of Mr. and MrS. Joimn Kcliemmmmcy : last week. Mrs. C. J. Kellogg of Craig , Mo , , and neice , .Miss Cnrrio ( ircnmm , are guests of Mr. timid Mrs. 14. 'IV , Miiier. Mr. It. P. Perry of Iteedshurg , Wis. , is visitimmg imis , Mr. II. U , Neily , at Walmmut Hill. Jililgo W. I ) . Gilicrt and somm ' Byron if. , of Atchison , iCnht. , were glmcstmi of Mrs. J. A. iemmmim4ter ) the last week. Mrs. J. A. Gill , who has lmeeu vls'mtlmmg her mmmotimei' , Mrs. M. Donalmtme , has returned to imtr imomne in Colby , Inmm. Mm. mumil Mrs. Il. Swingley of Rochforti , Iii. , viii visit this momith with their mianglitur , Mrs. J. P. Lord. Mm' . .lmm&'k Frost of Dallas , Tex. , mind Mr. Id , B. Matimmms of iCimmisas are guests of Mr. mmd Mmm , George I' . toore. Mi , ; . iiheemmm of Minmicapoiimi. 'hmo Imas been the gtmemtt of Mrs. (1. ! tl. Nitttinger and reIn- tives. baa rettmrncti imommme. 'l'imti MissesMlmmmmio imnd l'mmmlltmo Cogges. lmaii of Itivi r Fali , 'IVis. , mire iii time city , time guests of Mr.'hlI Ii.'ood. . Miss Mabel Cobb and Dr. McConmmatmghy tmf York have bccmm hum guests of Mrtm. C. ii. lnvitisumm for thu inst two weeks. Mr. 1ioiiamti Leonard imami returned from Albany , N. ' 1' . . nut ] vlli be the guest of his skier , Mrs. Totis , for a mmmonth. Ilatmbi and Mrs. It ) COIlS and son Stanley of E'mmmmmt ilk , Iiiti , , vili am'rive ttmimi week mind e . sommie timimo tim Onmahma. .ictlammit's James mind 111. PIke of Onawa , lit. , vlmn have bet'mm the guests of Mrs. 'l'ah- mImmg ( ' , returned imomnu'edimestlay. . Mrs. Josepim Drimiker of Salt Lake City , who immms been vlmmitimmg witim ! irs. C. K. Comm. tamit. ivili rctmmrmm lmommmo Vetimmesday. Mrs. Jimila himmisim uimtl sister , Mis Lou i'egmmim , left 'tuesday evemmimig fom' a six wet'ks' visit wmtb frtcnds in New York City. Miss Jt'mmr of Mistoimri'aiicy. . Ia. , who mis iteemi visiting friemuimm in Ommmaima for a torimmigimi. returned bonn , lust week. The Misses Carpenter of Chicago , Pen. mmcii Giildimmgs and Elroy Gidtlings of tt'ii. LEon , are visiting Miss ileleim Cady. Mrs. Fred l1oiiovuy anti sister , Miss Comuptomi of 'mmmdtrsomm , Immd. , are stopping for mm time with tirs. J. A. Griillthm. Mrs. eliar ummii her sister. Miss i.eilm , Stouebrakcm' of iimmgemstown , Md. , are guests of Mr. umiti Mrs. Ilicimard C. Patteraomm , Mr.'elton Stanford amid soils , \'eiton , Jr , amid Grammt Id. , wimo have bcemm time uesta I of Mr. amid Mrs. John Barker left ias week - - _ for Ceitforimin. where they sili spend tin' mncmntht mf July itlm their aunt , Mrs. Lelsud Stammford. Miss Mah'l ilock of Lincoln and Prof. Martin of 'lMuitnah are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dempst at 2427 Dodcstrcet. Mies Mary Oisss of NpoIcon , O.jAr. . ) Miss Agnes McAlslnnd of Miles City , Mont. , are the guests of Mrs. John 8. Manchester. Miss S. Cohem of Sioux City , Is. , who has recently rettIrnd from Wolieslimy college , idli visit the coming week with Mrs. A. lEna ! . Mrs. Marcia Manning Child , ( laughter of I J p , Mannimig , is visitimmg her tether and sister , Mrs. Lafayette Young at 22D Seward - ard street. Mrs. J. Zmi. hiarneilic hits returned to her imome at Chatham , Iii , after a mnonthm'mm visit with lmer tlatmghter , Mrs. Edwar4 V. Lewis , on % 'irt street. Mrs. S. : ml. Foster antI daulmter anti Miss Matiti horns of Fort \Vayxmr' , lad. . are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sayhor , 1332 Georgia avenue. Mr. anti Mrs. 'IV. Ii , Roth h8y4 taken Mr. A. L. Reed's house at 3620 Farimamu street for the stmmmner and are now at home to their numnerotme friends. Mrs. T. Ii. Keeshan and eons , Will and Frank , have gene to t'iltshurg , Kan. , where time ) ' joIn Mr. Keshan an t thcmm take an extended southern trip. MIsses flertrtmde and Mattic I'aiiister of Vertiemi , Nob. , amid Miss 1lizabetii Paliistcr of nmmesvillc , 0. , are the guests of Miss Thomas on Georgia avenue , Mr. Eth'arr1 Slmeridmmn , nephew of the late General Sheridan , has returned to ills imonme in Montana , after mm hri'f visit witim his sister , Mrs. Ii. Ii. Marhoff. 'IV. C. Walker from Keosmmtiqua , Ia. , is in time city. lie is accompanied by Imis wife and daughter , aiso his sister , Mrs. Baldwin. They are tue guests of Dr. Somers , Miss Nellie Vaill LnSeiio of Beatrice , who Imas visited Miss Vaili mit the Madison hotel for the imast mmmontim , went home on Thurs- ( lay mmd will return about August 1. Miss Gertrude i'astoriomms of Colorado Sprimmgs is visiting Mrs. William Both. Mrs. I'astorious' fatimer , Mr , White , of Denver , will visit Omnaima time first of the month. Rev. Joep1m B. Clark. I ) . U. , of Nc' York , senIor secretary of the Congregational Missionary society , is visitimig his son , A. L. Ciark of \\'orld-Icrab.j , arid taking in the exposition , Miss Elizahetlm Grant of Brooklyn has arrIved iii Oimmmmiia to remnp.imi during tIme simnimer , Miss Grant will be remembered by mmmammy Ommmaba People as a niece , aC Mr. amid Mrs. Jolum Gmimmmt , whose guest she is. Miss Nolan , a teacher in a semnimmary at Pittshurg , l'a. , chaperoned a comnpammy of young ' omen of the choo1 to take In time exposition. They remained at time Millard. The following conmposed the eonpany : The Misses Shield , JIlcimms , Thomas , Stifel anti Stevensomm. They left Thursday far YellowStone - Stone park. Rev. Thomas J. Mackay , U. U. , is entertaining - tertaining his fathcr , Roy. henry Mackay of Boonville , Mo. The elder 11ev. Mackay is kindly renmembcred in Omaha for Imis last visit here three years ago. lie is imow so years of age , hut does not appear old anti says he is enjoying the exposltiomi us much as though he were a young mann. Miss Blanche and iiss Grace Sorensen , daughters of Mr. ammd Mrs. Alfred Sorensoim , formumer residents of Omnhn , ' are visiting Mr. amid Mrs. Alexander McKenzie , 523 outb Twenty-sixtim Street , after an absence of I eight years spent In Portland , Ore. Miss l3lanclme Sorensen ranks tmigb as a singer I 1mm l'ortlantl , where she is supervisor of music in the public sohoois. In a few days they wilt go to Chicago , where Miss Sorensen - son will take a course in voice cuItur untler a leading teacher and next year she vilI StUtly in New York % , t..iI I imgs l liii Iimgtmgeiameim , . An engagenmemit not yet announced , except to immtimate frkntls , is that of Miss Betty linac to Mr. Sol LIes of Illinois. Walter It. Britton and Mia Lizzie Davies were nmarrled Tuesday evening , July 12 , at 509 South Thirteentlm street. Rev. Charles 'IV. Savidge oiflciatcd. The marriage of Miss Bertha Newman , daughter of Mr. A. Newman , to Mr. Jacob Cline will be celebrated at Metropolitan hail Monday , July 25. 3 Miss Nannie Shook of MlneapoIis , Minn. . formerly of this city , was married July Z to Mr. E. II. Smith of Clevelaimfi , 0. Thmey viIl be at imomo after September 1 at Cieve- land , 0. On Tuesday evening , In All Saints' church , Miss Grace M. Lord and Mr , Paul Phicimer were united lii marriage by the rector , 11ev. T. J. Mackay. Mr. rilchcr Is a resident of Louisville , Tenn. A very pretty little home wedding took ilace on Tucaday evening at the future homo of tliQ couple on North Nineteemmtim street , at which Mr. Fred Stiles and Mitts StIla'ilsomm , were united imi marriage by Itev , F'ostcr of the First United Presbyterian - terian cimurcim. Only relatiyes and a few intimate frlcntls were presemit. At the residence of the bride , 502 South Fortieth street , Thursday , July 14 , Mr. Fred 1) . Wead anti Mrs. Efilo U. Bowman were nmarrietl , Itey. .McQuoid officiating. Time bride was beeomningiy gowned 1mm gray sitk empress clotim , mind was unnttenticd Time hoimso was tastetmmiiy decorated tbmrommghout with La Frammce roses , snmihax mind palms. After time cerenmommy a dellglmtfui lummeheomi Was served. Mr. and Mrs. Wead imnmmicdi- ately left for a two weeks' tour of time plea- ure resorts of Colorado amid Utah. IiSeIImeII 1,4 of Snululy Iiillc , Mrs. Tlmomnas Orr Is quite flu. Mrs. J 'IV. Wheeler amid daughter are cit Deadwood , S. U. .lr. . Chmmmriemm T. Kountze is home ( roam Green Lake. 'IVis. Mrs. H. U. Burt vlll visit her mother at Terra Haute , lad. Mrs. . M. Fl Welles Is visiting friends In Minneapolis and St. Paul. Dr. Gifforil ivent to time mountains yesterday - day for a week's vacation. Mrs , Jtmsseim-Dopmieliy is spendimig timis month s'Itii Mrs. F , 2 , Owen , Miss Blnmmcime Comnstqe1 imus returned from a two 'eelcs' trip to Chicago , Alias Jessie Mummro has gone to hot. Springs , 5 , U. . to spenti time summer , Mr. anti Mrs. G. T. Epeneter have riturned frommi ii two wcoks' trip lii the mmioumnipins. Mrs. IL F. Scaver and somm , h1o , are spending tie smmmmmnier in time flinch lulls. Mitt. Sol legamm returimeil frommi Chicago owing to time serious iilmmes of her baby , Miss Itoso Bernstein left Tuesday even- lag for Trinimiati , Cob , , to spend tis'o nmoimtimmm , Mrs. i. : I , Mnrsiu amiti daugimtem , harriet , arc borne frommm time . Coiormmto ! , immoummtmjmj resorts of Mrs. IL IL Fiencim and ( lImtmgimter , Mrs. Tlmomas 1' . ' 'Vimormton : , with imem' two little dmtuglmers , Floremico anti Grace , left ( Corry Pa. or , , on last Mont1a1 to visit oiti friends and relatives. anti siil return to Onmahm rtlotmt September 1 , Miis Atilo Moore is home. but will irave for Harbor Springs with her mother anti I sier ( in a few days. Mrs. Albert C. Powers left Thursday for Colorado Springs anti the mnotmntain resorts to remain during the stmnmnmer. Senator John M. Thurstomi left yesterdsy afternoon \Vasimlaton and will return to Omaha about the let of August. Mr. anti Mrs. 'IV.Vilbmmr , Mr. and Mrs. Edwards and Miss Liillamm Terry Icit for Mr. hdwards' ranclm hear Denver , Cob. Miss helen S. Vainwrlght of the L'nittl I States Iepartmnent of Agrtctmituro is spemmti- lag a niommth vacation in Dubuquc. Is. lr. anti Mrs. Andrew Somers have re- turmietl from an outing in colorado. Time doctor has qimito recovered from his recent illness. Mrs. Lililamu Fitch-White has rctmmrned froimi a very stmcccssful season in New York , having flnishekl with first honors at time Wimeateroft dramatic school. Prof. L. I ; . Kratz returned Saturday from a two weeks' outing at Lake Madison , South Dakota , Mr. Kratz had charge of Ihe charai sork of time Chautauqua assembly held at that Point , ( Iii tue Stt Immi ( 'niensimir. Miss Mae Moumit ill entertain Miss rran cis Dumryca of iirooklymm next , mnonth Time ioimien of the Tlmtmrston Rifles' atmxli- iary will give a lawn ice creanm social for the hemmefit of time hues' ommVctlrmcsday everming , July 20 , at mmorthwest corner of Burt ammd Twenty-first street. ti.tlt. SLIJitiIS. ! 1' ! 1) C , ' Ii Ci' . Mr. Ernest of Immtliammola , In. , was time guest Friday of Frank I. Tracy. Miss Ilia Howell of Fremont , Nob. , is here 'isitimmg her parents for a few days. Miss Nettle Myers left Monday .for several weeks' Visit with friends mmeal' Savimunaim , hI , Henry Paimnateer , now emmhisted at Fort Omaha. nttemmded time funeral of his fattier at Teicamalm Mommdny. Mr. and Mm's.V. . B. flackuma left \\'cdnes- day for a visit of two or three weeks with friemmds at Lammrel , Nob. Mrs. L. C. Learner of Dakota City Nob. , was tue guest of 11ev. Mr. VIlsou a couple of days durIng the week. E. L. Lnmnmamm oi Constantine , Mteh. , was the gmmcst of 'IV. B. i'arks , Tlmmmrsday , going from here to the exposition. Mrs. hugh Suttie left Friday for Strentor , Ill. , where she vili visit friends and rela. ttves for a couple of weeks. About fifteen couple of the members of time Episcopal chutcim vent to i'rlcs' lake Thursday evening for a picnic. imo atkitiotm to the Presbyterian church Is imow flumislmed , also the belfry , amid the new bell viii be pmmt 1mm in time near future. Miss hattie Gammmnmel of Tckammmh ammd Miss Mao Stmtimerlmmmmd of Blair were the guests of the Misses Tracy , Friday anti Saturday. Time city immms lureimaseti a imew gratler anti the streets are being put in nice shape and all time weeds cut , making timem look tidy. Mrs. Frammlc Reynolds entertaimmed time members of the Ladles' Aid society at lummclmcon at imcr home \'m'ctlnesday after- noon. Mrs. 'IV. C. Lewis of Smartviiie , Neb , , Is visitimmg her sister , Mrs. W' . 11.'nll , for a couple of weeks , anti wiii attend the eximo- mtition wlmite here. The foliowimmg omeers were installed in time lodge of I. 0. 0. 1" . last night : Noble grantl'iiliani I. Kindretl ; vice grantl , D. C. hlass ; treastmrer , Rinmer Guy. Frnmmk Leacim and dammgimter. Eva , vcnt to Tekamummh Monday to attend the funeral of Mr. Leach's fatimer-in-law , Joseph Paima- teer , who tiled at Tokanmimim Saturday. Cimester Lewin , Thomas Miller , Bert Van- eppe , Grant Cowan , James Nicimolsoim , all from here , enlisted iii Bryan's regiment at Fort Omaha Monday , that making about a doon young mucim ( roam this towmm that Imava now emmilstcd. Time school board muet Monday night mmmiii made the foilowing assignment of teaclmors : Mrs. 'IV. B. Iiachmus , primary ; Miss Mattie Tucker , second primnary ; Miss Lily loud- eson , first imitermediate ; Miss Ida Miller. second immtermnediato ; l'rof. Jolmn Fisher , principal. Miss Margurite Miller of Salem , Ore. . arrived Wednesday. She will visit her mother hero for aboumt thirty tlnys , Imaving ohmtnincd mm leave of absence for tlmat length of time. she being a teacher iii tile humtiian Industrial sclmooi at Salem. Sue will me- , LEAN PPEOPLE \ Clea/icss goes s1 ' 4 w/t/i hcaIIf we ; /ttttc calarrit a- .J ; where we can- 1:01 be wholly ; jL : tlmms tlmsmrustummcr diseimso. Mrs. L. A. Jolmnston , 103 1 > illiummm and Ripley Sts. , Montgomery , Ala , , tells Imer expcm'icncc sitlm catarrim oi time stomach and how ohio s'as curc'tl : 4' I svilI state to you that. I have taken eight bottles of your I'e-ru-na antI ts'o of Maim-a-Him and rejoice to say , S ( ] oU bless Dr. hiartamami amid I'c-ru-na. ' And I earnestly assure you timat. It has ( lone IiiC more good thami any mcdi- cine 1 Imave ever tmmlcerm in my life. I prescribe It to every one I macct wimo is suffering , as time best medicine in time world , and have made many eon- verts who are now m'ejoicimmg iii the great good wlmiclm they have derivetl frommm time sammme. 1 can tell you timmit I nimi almost entirely relieved of imitliges- tion , tlmat. great foe svlmieim immms tortured mmmc Sm ) mummy yccmvs , and ciuim now eat anytlmlmig I ( lesim'e s'itIioutit is fruits or sommmetlulmmg acitl , 'l'o ummiulerstanti time scientific action of I'e-rim-na it is best to Imave Ii' . hart.- immitmi'u special hiooh fom' 'omeu or imis book oil chronic catarrlm , 'i'Imese bonlcs mire mailed free iy llim Pe m'una iIedi- duo Company , Columbus , 0. All druggists sell , 1IRS2 J. 2iO.2l2 South Sixtceiitli Street , i A.otber ot ; ' of those linen gored , double seamed Linen f' Dress Skirts at $1.50 , $1.76 and 2.2L Wiuito Pique at $2.00 , ; 2.25 anti 2.G5. , , Pique Skirts with circuimir tioummce ammtl emI - I m. broidcreti insertion-I'rice $ ,75 , 57 and ' ' $ .87. mA' 1 % , Linen Skirts with colored strlpes-i'rlce . w : : I , ' , ' ' , , ' ' . . . - . t smiit'i 's % ti'i's. .hh _ , . Noi' Shirt W'aists . comnimig in every day. ? m' sI.M I FBI for 3e , fiOc , We , 1.OO , $1.50 , 2.OO and $2.7L .1' . \ Fi" . ' . ' Iit. % I'iIt V Art Tlclmlmmg , Demminm , Villa Cloth , . % rt Silk- . chime , Japanese Crepe , Deilml Irapery , Neth- u , , , . - crlammd Mull. lledouia Stripe. I3attenburg Squares from 15c up , See our Transiuississiii souvenirs. turn imonie via ( "olorailo Springs nnti atte'muti ihei National Intliamm institimtc hmld at that pIece. I. cm a a. Lon Dotison spent last meek visiting with friends in Onmatma. Mrs. \Voleott of Onmaha was a visitor in Benson last week. Mrs. Speedy left for imr lmonio iii l'apil- lion after a few days' visit with friends In timis Place. Miss Mary Oronsif of Chicago arrived in 11cm son last veck tint ! is visiting with her sister. Mrs. A. flmickmmman. Time Ladies' Aiil society met ut the home of Mrs. Samuel Finlayson last week. It will not meet agaimi till Augimet. Mrs. Huff and grandchildren left last Thuretlay afterooomm for Louisville , where they will visit with relatives for a couple of weeks. Miss Kate Scott returneti to Ilnveiock last Monday. She vas necompammieil by Imer coimsin , flea Hoffman , wimo will visit In Lin- colmi ammti tiavelock. Miss Powers returnetl from Miilertomm. Neb. . oim last Friday morning , where she was called a few days ago by the seriotms illness of her brother. Services vili be held at the Methodist Episcopal chtmrch today at the usual hour by time pastor , 11ev. Mr. Bross. The cliii- dren of time Summday school are mmmakimmg preparations to hold their picnic next week. l > uimie. Miss Thmonmas , a niece of Mrs. D. L. Joimn- son , is visiting her aunt. Mr. amid Mrs. Meeks of ( 'oshoctomm , 0. . were the guests of Mr. amid Mrs. Waiter L. Selby tlmi celc. Mr. Wiliiammm Shank , who has cimarge of a cimumrch in ( lrammd Islammil , spent a tiny at hiommme timis week. Dr. C. S.'nmm Riper of I'nterson , N. 3. . was the gmmcst this week of Dr. II. C. Vnmm Giesomm anti fammmiii' . Mr. amitl Mrs. 'IVuhliamim Coifax anti dnumgii- ter from l'imminflolul , N. .1. , nrc time guests of their relatives , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sethy. Time Dmmmideo Simntiny school held its an- aunt picnic omm Wetlmmestiay at ltiverview park. Two carloads of young lmcopie , Mr. telOt Bargains IN ( Scofield's ' ( fiat Weather Coeds , Shirt Waists , $1.00 kind , for &Oc. Limmen Petticoats , $1.10 kind , for $1.00. Silk Cot Check Petticoats , $1.50 sort for $1.00. Lumen Dress Skirts , 75c , 98e anti better. Trimmed Linen Dress Skirts , French flounce , 52.95. 'IVimite Pique Dress Skirts , $3.00 sort , $1.50. Wash Duck Suits , $1.95. Crash Suits , $5.00 kiud , for $2.95. Wrappers , $1.50 kinds , for * 1.00. Lawn \\Trappers , $2.50 kind for $1.75. Black Lawn \\'rappers , $2.25 kimid for 1.50. Now Taffeta Silk Dress Skirts. Now Pique Dress Skirts-black anti navy -French floummmce--trimnmed witim white braid -new Ties-nei' Coilars-mmew Silk 'V'atsts. L 1 CtUAk'&SUITCO. 15ODouglas St. _ " [ XrOSTO HADQUARTRS" Where Yell Cll1 Rest , Iaks Omaha's Popular Milliner. Beautiful Trimmed hEats below cost. They are swell anti so cheap. Largest hue of hair goods 1mm tIme city-switches and cumrls at half what others asIc. ho come and see otmr $2.50 Switcim-niatcimes any shade of hair , Also hair chains. 1511 Douglas. : ; ; - ; ; ; ; ; ; - ; his tally ho and several esmr tinge losuis mnado Imp the jolly party anti left lmmmmtlee looking like the deserted 'iiingo of a former time. HURRY PRISONERS TO SPAIN , % Itr 1St-part timemiiVlnns to Slav. ' 't'r Iiii'rI SIn rt trniii & 11 tnt Ii , . .hiii' 2 : ' ; , \'ASitlNQTo , Jy 1g.-Unless flit' present pinnu fall time Spamilsim oidicrs s'.mr- 3 rendcre.l at Sammtlagoill sail froiim Cumba for spain oui July 95. This dmit has been fixed by the Var drpartmnent , anti every cC- fort will be mastic io expetihte this tlep.mrt- tire , It ' 'as annoummmcetl tOmihgimt that the ( it'- pam-lament imail decidtl to ask for biu1 from steamship compammies for time trammslmortntioii of time prisoimers to their native laimil. , mnti proposals vill ho isuctl earle imest week. The cntrmtct , it is mlrmtlerstood , vili also in- iiimlt' the of ihr 111dm tinting ( hi % 'o ) age. ilr,4it , ' ( iitii'iititig itti .ia.'r. \VAillNflTO. Jtily lmi--eemctary AIe anti General lirooke vcre in conference to about an houmr teJey 1mm the serctary'i privaic' oihiee. 'imn the eonfereimet' closed ( lcnc'rai ilreoke excimsed himself Cream at Interviewers. Ilc left the building in coal. lany with scveril swarthyfaet'ul gemmtlenien said to be l'orto Ilicans , who carried mnanh lamgo rolls. maps , etc. l'imrt'Ii mt''N n 't'nti i , . t en muer. l'I1tlA1)lLl'hiLJmmiy I 0.-The liritist tammk steammier i.ucilomme , now at this port , Imni beemm bommglmt. by time govermimmient to carry vnter to Cumba and elsewhere. The price ; maiui is said to he $200,000. The Ltmciiemme was launched five years ago at stockton , Ummg. , mmmiii is bumilt of Iron anti steel. It can ramry 1,000,000 gallons of water. - - - - - L---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LHomeoathc Wholesale n a aid ModcNs RetaiL As is well known. we are tIme oni y house in Nebraska who can carry any iino at all worth mnentionlmmg of 110am ocopatimin imiedicimmes , mitt our stock , which occumpies ommr second hoer , is in charge of mm trmmimmed Ilonmocopatlmist , anti coniprises not only the voiular senmi-pat.oumt ; mre Paratiomms like llmmllentimic'mt , Mummmyomm's , hum- pmrey'n ) mmmmtl hititomi's , humt a commiplet o line of limo materimu mmietiica in Imse by hlomnocoprtlmic pimysiciammum , 1mm variety fromim A to Z , and 1mm potency from tinettmrcs to 200th cemmtt'simmmnl dilution , mmtmnmir immg imm all nearly 20,000 remmiedics. l'artics ortlerimmg llomnoeopatlmtc M ctlk'iuo of tilt cami rely upon getting just wiunt they vnnt anti oblaimmimmg it fre sii anti at as low n price as at rummy luhar- muuaey In time Umiited States. Directions for Ordoriii Hoinceopathic Medicines Always state whetimer nmediclmie I S preferroti 1mm Liquid , Trittmratiomm ( powder ) , Globule ( pill ) , Disk ( simalme like spli t pcaor ) Tablet (0mm. Medicines of vegeta. bit' origin , E. G. Aconite , etc. , arc best employed in liquid or pitt form , while mineral substances , E. 0. Calcarea , a re preferably used In powder or tablet form. Prices : , . . .4 , Remedies are never sold in any form tn lcss than lSc vials , holding a iranis. iranis.Our Our regumlar 25e vial holds S drammms. One dozemi 2-ciranm 'ials medicine , Postpaid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 Ono tiozen 6-drain vials Medicine , postpaitl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mulicin Oil , for demuInesB , etc. , 2.tharm vial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25e 1Iiltt ( glabuies ) , tmmmmmmedicate,1 , of cammo sugar , any size ICr ) nound box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35o Stommt black elotlm covered case contaimming 12 principal remn- . ethos iii 4-mIrmmm 'ials , square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 Same style case anti vials with 20 hmrimmciPal renmetlies anti 4 empty spaces for atlditiomis. per case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 Small black cloth covered case , 12 snmmtil vIals of principal remedies , er case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioo ii Saimme style case witim 24 small vials filled witim principal romnedles , nuui 4 empty vials for atiditiomms per case . . . 2.00 Discoumut to trade anti professlomm. NOTE-\\'hen not otherwIse specified , cases will be furnished witlm mcdi- cimmes In pill forum. Time foiiowlmmg hooks on hlonioeopathmic Family Practice are alwaya imi stoclc : Joimnsoum's Family Guide 110cR , imeice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 hlancimett's Domumestic Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75 Ruddock's F'aniiiy Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h'ractical Fanmtiy Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iSo INQUIRIES concerning . Hornocopothic Iteimictiles cheerfully and promnptiy answered , PhYSICIANS can sa''e express or frcigimt by placing their orlors with mat , s we will duplicate the price of any eastern or sommthermm plmarrnac3' . 'We are agemmts for the foliowlmmg hlonmoeopatlmic drums , anti tiuir specialties can be obtained of tin mit as low a figtmre as it bought direct : IIOEI1ICKE & TAF'EL , Phmiladclplmla and Chmicago. ' LIJYTIES IIOMOEOPATIIIC i'l-IARMACY COMPANY , St. Lotmts. GItOSS HALSEY .1 : BROTHERS DEL.BRIDGE , , Cimicago. Clmicago. , , V , , . . . . . . . . . . , , , . , . TAYLOR & MEYm1S , St. Paul. ' I u . . . llomo9opathic epartrnen { . Sherm & FkConreD halfway bctweemm the old amid umcw postoflieo. 1' J1 C 0 1513 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nebraska. 9. Nothing stale-goods move fast at our store. . - . - . - - , - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a _ _ p CRAND _ _ OFFER ; _ _ _ PRIZE _ _ _ , 4 ON CUDAIIY'S 3 , , ' " 4 4 6c' . 4t t COflPETITION OPEN TO ALL. ThERE JS NO ILEflENT OF CUANC , 9 All you have to do is to save your Diamnond "C" Soap Wrappers and cut time trade marks from the niidrlle of time 4 , outside % 'rappcr , and mail them to The Cudaimy Packing Co. , South Oniaima1 Ncbr , , giving your mmmc and address and 4 time number of trade marks sent. Be particular to state the prize which you i'ish'rappcrs taken from unsold stock of Somp in dealer's store 'il1 not be accepted. These premlumiis arc given In Tue right Is reserved to discontinue exchange for Diamond "C" Soap premium offer at any time A :1is : wrapper trade marks only-and not tlotmt , notice. Begin saving for any other brand , Diamond "C" Soap Wrappers to-day. Q ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR 50 FOR 75 FOR OO FOR 5O FOR 200 FOR 400 TRADE.I.MARKS TRADE'.MAflKS TRADE. . MARKS TRADE4f. MARKS TRADE4 , ' MARKS TRADE4JIII. MARKS ) 'omm imave rommr clnmico of ) 'OU luavo your cimoico of you imave ynmmr choice of ir : ms tratlit marks ammc11 ! trtmtlo mntmrks timid Ole or fnr5lTrads1iitrk ari.I 45c I ot S gold piatod ttms , 1 .teriini .lbor Titlintil n imoico cemmts o 'au imavo 3'otmr ) OU have your elmouco of , ' , , ' , ' jI % ' ' ' ' : ' ' tI. ' . 1 gol4 m.httti flat i'm I m.Iiverpmst"m 8ttvcr mmat'd imult"r ( 'meant Itetfo La'tI m T.rnettu roiis oi.i Clisin " " ) " : , ' , ii.ti ) " I .tierm1mtt'4 Htamp hiox 1 , iivr mlat'4 Itorm'r bI.OonI I i I um on tue. , NIckoi vatemt you can have a t terilmtg pmivot Ituttor Knife i to5's Catcitiug Mit I L0 nat Fin I l hut' siier mlled Kmn , I .i.l qiamlti ! , Snift , 1 i' meckmcos ( Jim , lIes I a' " ' . .tivtr jmsio4 ' ii m'.tr fancy tn' , isIemcmi lee ( , . , ' 1 romied goid ' plated .crew . ' . . 1 gol.t litre mJmIeii I rnnn CItnot , "ciii back l'tc-I I ii .iivor piatot kutjar howl I'encli . I brawi botut liantttnlcai I Or p Full Gilt 1 box 5 burs ? iItitlcato.1 ' m MANI'IL CLOCK , Tar Soap I Ilducationmml Alias per or I t3o's Famorhie ' Globe , 6'/I lmcimcs , high , SPALDING HASE BALL Sliver Pfeted ; V : ' f'4M'giN RING or - .t _ , ' : ' .z ' 3 .liv m' mimed Tea $ poiie . , . . . . : , Ii t'iitil' . " .4 plivr vlai.l . . I Nickel i. Knit , ' , Fork arti t4j'oos ' F Ai.Mlh1 CLOCK , or I . .ilror pitted Huger .hioli " . I chit.t'e ( bid lung Standard FIlmily Scale I .01 .ait aoi iipper , mmvor 1 IISII4O.IIIO lung'i Itil IC tin , ormotmnel ad tin : L pi&tot 1.i.c , i'lim rr"yol ile ttII ( i"tlir , witI & crocknrr or . - I oimd ellt'r'Io , Si. ° ° n toil you II worth $1 ( Xl ( a 15(5 pamr gold pI.ol ( Link 6 . ; ivr m tivitueblo to every iou.eboit ' . .diw1 Cuff ihutluni K 'none I , , .m . . . . i t. rtiIt it I retuiatton te SpeWing 1 iodine' sohi iiateii wetet I.nryjn ( utilO. l'iOIIClUl U ( tO . . . . ltae lieu 2a mm , mq nunc. ' I.irgc II ' 11 h.Ihi sr.'I , . jim. ' . ttil , diotinci figur , , hot nf 'i ' pac'kttge 8iitr . , , . m .tIuerlcel Itubber 1'uot - nI. tot mounting isnd ' . , I Chime. l'eu.mmt Oun lIeu I OhIIOtY 1JI'tnfle4 end tent , , , tei tOt1tituut . trlm'd ' ( mit. a.tlntte to ilnbi , , up- V S The Annual Subscription Prizes to a Large List of Standard Magazines muree rIght ; .uj'ort. . , , tn.'tliitt to ' u.s w Itt em- and mimonthlies , including time l.adies' Ilummie Jourmial , Mmunsey , Cosmiiopolitan , McCiumrcs , Gotie ) S , eli , , if ( 'r , rtl..fl without dtcilri.te v'oiorretIe.I , (5 ett . , cm are full > expl.mImied on each Dianiond "C" Soap \\'rnpper. p1e iteIij gul , .rc It gel , , . ; 9 9c Cudahy's DiAMOND "C" SOAP 9 is a high grade Lziundry Soap that can be used in hard or soft water , 4 9 Does not shrink flannelo and leaves all fabrics In the most desirable condition. 4 ; One Trial Convinces0 FOR SALE AT ALL GROCER so , . . , Ge J'-i. wOw 0 0