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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1898)
. - - - ' . - - _ _ _ _ _ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---.w-- - - - - --r------- I . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - I t. TIlE OMAHA DAILY 1flfl : Sl'NlAY , .T114V 17. 1RAS. - \VORTII \ DESERVES HIS STAR Though oron1y Wonndo1 ITo Lcas the - : J. OhargeatBn Jtun. JrJ. . TAKES COMMAND FROM DYING WIKOFF b OriIrt riI ipt till. ( Iinrge Ut , the , huh 1i.1cr IIrrIflt ! lIre- 'Worth VisIeI lit I 1'liret t'n.N. , NE\v YOflC , July 16.-T3rlgadler General , % t formerly ! Aeutenant Colonel , \Vllllam S. " Worth. of the Thirteenth regular lntantry , I S vrn ) was wounded In the charge of the r r Amerlcan tip the hill nt San Juan , has ar- J _ rived at hl hiotite at Gosernor't Islanil. 13e fore the outbrcnk ot the war General Worth ; 'aa 8taoned at the hearhtiarters of the . Iepartnent ot the Enat , at Governor't IRlanhl. lie was one of the most Popular omeers on the Islami , antI there wa not a ifinglo person , from the Prisoners confined thcro III ) , who did not accord to him a hearty welcome yc8terdny. Before he left h18 po.t for the front lie 'as a Aplendlti ipecimeji of phytilcal health and vigor , and ) is appearance yesterday , weakened by loss of blood atid severe % % 'oundg , was ( leploreci . by all his friends and ncquaintnnc's , It was only by a miracle that he was not kIlled out- 14 rIght. A bullet , which lutist have been a It ' partially spent one , hit him In the left breast In a alantlog ( lirection , tearing an ugly wound through the flesh antI glancing off onto his right arm , where It caused a double fracture above the elbow. Another bullet lilt him In ( ho breast. Tue woutitls ' In tIn' breast , although being very paInful , and up to the present time not healed , are . not considered dangerous by the surgeons. The general's right arm Is perfectly helpless , and Is likely to remain so for sonic tune , General \Vorth's arm was set at Slboney I after an eight-mile ride , which was cx- tremely painful to him. lie was carried from Santiago by the City of Washington to Old lolnt Comfort , where ho took the train for Now York. lie was accompanied . . on his journey by his orderly , John Keller : of Company 13 , ThIrteenth Infantry. Keller was also WOUnded In the charge of San Juan. Orderly Keller said that General Worth took a leading part In the storming of the lull at San Juan.S'lien Colonel Wikoff fell the general , then lieutenant colonel , was the - liext In command , and , after stopping for a I minute to receive the dying words of Colonel . I Wlkoff , ho ran on and lCi tim charge. When , * _ , General Worth was wouniled ho tilti not fall ; or stop , but kept right on. ills sword. which . was waving to encourage the men , dropped from his helpless right hand. lie just stOlped to pick It up and waved it in his left hand. In a little while. however , the loss of blood compelled General Worth to retire , and ho was carried to th rear. lie (11(1 ( hot lose consciousness at nil , but thc i Journey of eight miles to the coast caused ! him to suiTor terribly. ' 'have you over tried to dodge the hail- I . t 1 stones in a storm ? " asked Keller. "If so , iq ( - . you will know Just what the Sianish fire , i \'as like. And it Is a mistake to SUPOSO ( lint the Spaniards cannot shoot. however , thieSpanlsh fire (11(1 not stop us and at last we reached the top of the hull. i guess we showed theiti what rapid firing reahiy was. ' % Vo fired nnil advanceil anti then fired anti , . tulvanced again , as regularly as clockwork. Had the Spanitirds hind any heart at all we : ' could not have taken the Place. They fired from behlni trenches two and a half feet thick. They used explosive bullets , too , hiesitles two other kinds of bullets. I saw One man with his face shot clean away. General Worth's wounds were caused by brass lUhlctS. I think that the Thirteenth hero this brunt of the itattle. After the . battle the Spanish prisoners said they hind never known anything like the American lire. " Keller had some interesting things to say with reference to the charge in general. lie declared the comnrnndlng olTicer desired the Cubans to go on In front to tb the work of cutting the barbed wire fences , but they wore afraid and refused , and the Americans I were obliged to do it themselves. There L were eight fences altogether to be cut. ( lown , before the men reached the top of the hill 011(1 the ) ' were artfully placed at points vhiere they would be least expected. They . were not made of ordinary barbed wire , but were elaborately Pitt together. In sonic places they were twisted together like ropes , which were so thick that one could not pitt a finger between. The tools the I Americans had were not made for anything more titan ordinary wire and a great deal - . of time was spent in the cutting. All the t titan the Spaniards wore raining down their ' Nauser buii'ts on the Americana. IN CAMP AT CHICKAMAUGA ( osMIp anti 1)IflgM , f Ilu' Seeoitd Xe- Irsislzt jinti CiIiiti'I ( rlgsby's IItiutlt ii ltIer , ChIICl\MAUGAGa. , July 14.-Specinl ( I , Correspondence.-Thio ) Second Nebraska ro- colved twenty-three recruits yeiiterday. They I came from orfolk and Ord , Neb , Sixte'n 'vere for company L and seven for corn- )1 ) pany lh. I 'Fheotloro A. Miller , leather of the rcgl- mental band , received yesterday by intti a ; 1 beautiful gold nicilal , acconipanied by an explanatory letter from Mayor Fdintind ( Watkins of Chattanooga. The medal was . iresetttcd with the compliments of the pco- pie of Chattanooga. who ciijpycd the cx- 'I celhent music of the Second Nebraska band t when it uilayell for the iletnoertitie state convention , recently hold In Chattanooga , Mr. Miller and the members of the baud ate t highly gratified at the token of appreciation of the people of Chattanooga. To The lice correspondent Mr.1iller said S "I think a great deal of the Peohile of - I Chattanooga and ant grtttutletl to know that our efforts have been so vell appreciated. " L I A court-martial sat In the quarters of . , ' the Scoiiii Nebraska yesterday for tue trial of cases. Thu Nebraskans vcre reltresenteil in the court by Captain Heals of company Ii , Ltciitenaiit Kennedy of cuinpalty (1 ( , anti Lieutenant Carson of conitniiy Ii. Clitiplalit Tate reeelvc'l a letter yesterday - day from lila son , stio is on the tralii.hort Senator , vithi the FIrst Nebraska , butinil ( or .ittuila. Mrs. ; . C. Eatnbrooks of Carlton , Neb anti Miss Myrtle liuglieti of Arlington , eb. , who vero delegates to the Christian Lii- deavor convention at Nashville , were in the Second Nebraska cainit yc8terday visiting Ittesars. Crane , Itoborts. Ludwig auth hail- icy of conipany ii. l'rivato Squires of company Ii , who was tried by court-martial on the charge of sleeping while on guard duty , has not yet learned his ( tile , the devlsioa of the court hut having been niatie itubhic. Major MtihC5 ) is holding ii fielil otilcers' court for the trial of minor offetises. Captain hayward of ( 'utopaoy C , son of Judge hayward , has been very sick for a day or two. Ills brother , Dr. l. 11. hay. ward , slio was recently assigiid to duty itt Letter hospital , &ts with Captain liii ) ' . ward ) csterday. Captain Watsan of Company G is india- The target range constructed under the tuperviatoii of Caitttltn ( ludniondacu has been coniplete'd. It is a tuodci range. Tarot - ot practict , was begun yesterday afternoon. A good joke Is told on Company ( I , all the better because It is true. By sonic means one of the boys who was washing hits clothes left a hair of socks on one of the cooking vessels , Tue company cooK burriedly itoureti a quantity of Itotatoca into the vessel and made soup for the next wesl , Thic boys bn4 wuirl ih1 beta ) hpe to soup and just about the ( line its ralse WA , hieing sting the walter lifted a pair of socks to the top of the vc'sssi In the lndl. Supper ended rather abruptly. There wits no need of emetles or profanity In the reg- inient. The Second Nebraska , complimentary to Its memlcralllp , has furnished omeers for oIlier regiments as follows : For the First Nebraska infantry , which tent to Manila , Major Mulforti , Captains Oury , Russell and Witson. Lieutenants Wilson and Coagrove ; for the Third Nebraska infantry CaptaIn hrown to command Company 0 , t1ajor Sherman , Lieutenants Pace and Lulkurt ; for the regular army 1.ieutenants iluri' and henry Allen , the latter it son of Senator ' lien. Lieutenant Burr returnetl from Fortress Monroe , \'a. , where ho stood a most creditable - able examination ( or the promotion he has receIved. Lieutenant Allen has receIved his tip- poiniment as second lieutenant of the Sec. end United States infantry. Company Il line received twenty-four ro- emits from Chadron. Among them is Joe Gillespie , who will be the regimental black- snilthi. Gillespie will 'be reineinbercil as the winner of the 1,000.tnile cowboy race front Chadron , eb. , to Chicago , during the \VorItl'a fair , having made the trip on a fast western horse. sensttion was sprung in the camp Sunday - day when an order came from division hicatiqitarters for the arrest of Captain Pisher of Company Ii. On Monday Captain ls'ans of Company ii was ordered arrested in a similar manner. TIle regiment seemed to know no reason for the arrests , but there was an intimation that Captain FIsher is charged 'uili undue. familiarity with men of lower rank. This may have grown out of his 'arm friendship for PriVate - Vate John G. Maher iluring the trial of the latter by court-martial. hiothi men % 'ero released on Tuesday. The charges % vere lint investigated. It vas said there was iiothiing in the % hieation , A court-martial was convened Monday to try Privates Squires of Company ii and hodges of Company K. Squires onil hiotigea ore charged with sleeping while on guard thtity. it iii tintlerstootl that they claIm they vore not asleep , hut merely sought shelter during a raIn by permission of the cor- poral. Private Will C. Crow of Company It has been discharged because lie was under ago when he enlIsted. Ills home is at rincoin. First Lieutenant I. A. Dorringtoa of Company hi visited Chnttanooga friends yes- terilay. Lietitenant iorrington's father was recently appointed register of the Unitel States moth 0111cc at Alliance , Nob. Tim regiment received a large amount of non' clothing yesterday for recruits anti "regulars. " The consignment consisted of underclothes , hat't and shoes , 4 board of survey appraised the olil state uniforms of thin reGIment. Company F Is cpecting a number of recruits. There are In all seven Nebraska boys in the signal corps. GrlgsIy't. COWlU,5. The review of the 1ough Riders by Cob- nel Grigshy and staff , which was to have occurred at 5 p. in. yesterday , was postponed - poned until this afternoon on nccount of the inclemency of the weather. The review vlli occur on the Brotherton field , south of General Urooke's hieatlcpiarter. Captains ihinder of Troop B and 11am- ititin of Troop D are in Cincinnati to spend several days. On account of the moving away of the First Ohio cavalry , Colonel Grigahy was compelled to make two changes in his brigade - ado staff. Major Frank F. flittits of the First Ohio cavalry , brigade surgeon , anti First Lieutenant . 1) . Forsyth , First Ohio ca'- aIry aide-ibe-camit , vcre relieved from the brigade staff anti Major Ii. G. Fish of the Third volunteer caval ry was appointed brig- title Surgeco , anti First Lieutenant George Grigaby was nppointetl alde-de-canli , . A squnil of the cowboys were busy yesterday - day arranging tile rub range for target Practice , which vi1i begin today or tomor- row. One thousand rounds of ninniiinitlo , has becn received for tue Practice. The range i located two miles \vest of the camp. Christian Bahier of Troop D thicd Tuesday night of spinal meningitis. lie hititl beet , ill but a short time. The remaIns wore buried yeiterday morning in the National cemetery - tery with military honors. The Rough Riders vent through a prehim. mary review to get in good trini ( or the review of the regiinen which took place Tuesday afternoon on the hirotherton field. Colonel Grigsby and staff reviewed the corn- jitand , Lieutenant Wright of Troop B has left for W'tishiingtoit , D. C. , on a ten ( lays' fttrlougl , . The board of survey , composed of Major Stewart of the Rough Ittduri and Captain Roberts of Troop i ) . First Illinois cavalry , coticludetj its Inbors yesterday morning and adjourned. The hoard was created for the purpose of Inspecting the tents now in use by the two troops of Kentucky cavalry. it is htrobuble that the cavalry will receive clew tents in a ( e ( lays. The Rough , Itiders received a large qtian- tity of tobacco yesterday from Vt' . T. Black- vell & Company , ittnhiam , N. C. Otto iack- ngo was given to each member of the regiment - mont , Lieutenant McMlchtnels of Colonel Grigs- by's staff has provemi himself to be quite a detective. A few tililtt ago Wliliamit hoian of Troop A , First Illinois cavalry , 'lio is Lieutenant ! tlcMichiaeis' orderly , was mysteriously anti dangerously stabbed in Chattanooga. There was no clime to the per- htetrator of the deed except time fact that ho was a soldier. Lieutenant McMichmaois vcnt ta vork on the case in earnest anti in thirty- six hours hiad captured the guilty party , who proved to he l'rivnto Iell ) II Sunimer of Battery A , Missouri artillery. Suitixitor bins confessed. Charges have benti preferred against him and he viIi be tried by court- martial. Tue First OhIo cavalry , which was re- vieveti by Coionol Grigahy anti staff , is Faith to lniv beeti the fiat review of the volunteer - teor cavalry that has ever occurred in the United States. Captain hianimait is away from camp ott furlough. MOS'i'tII liv ( I ) ' ' ' ' 'I' U 'I'll II CA ItOLI XES hiorruvs ( 'hit ris ii I t Itt. itilattils % 'lmlht' lit tltitinlulti , SAN FI1ANCISCO , July 16.-Advices from honolulu intiicato that the coast defense 'eicl Monterey will take possession of time Caroline Islands before reaciilmtg Manila. \Vltibo in hionolulit harbor Cornotander Leittz of the Monterey borrowed charts of tlte Carolines from Captain Bray of the missionary - sionary ltark Morning Star , nod also ccii. suIted with tltat navigator regarding the harbors of tite Isiands. Commander Lentz promised to return the charts when lie reached tIme Philippines. X.ttlCS .t31i111t'.tN ( 'tM.lISlNIlItS ( , l tti t'il SIItN * ltt'prest.ntst t I te lu $ i'I- I Ii' IlUi're.m'eis i t It ( it itlidit , \'ASl ii NOTON , July 1G.-TIme itresitlent has appointcti the following commissioners to meet a similar conitttission on the itart of Great Britain amid Canada for the purpose of adjusting the relations between tIme United States and Canada : Senator Charles W' . Fairbanks of Indiana , Senator George Gray of Ielaware , Representative Nelson lingbey of Maine , lion. Joltn A. Kasson of Iowa auth lion. John \V. Foster of the District of Co. In at bia. ( I III e I ii I N I it Cii it fi' re 114,0 , WAShINGTON , July 16.-SecretarIes Alger. Long anti some of their assistants ivero in conference vItli the jroaideat ( as 501110 lIttle today on the situtttion in san- lingo and further ilevelopnictita to follow the fortttai surrender of the city and 4th- c iiri - ' WOUNDED ON THE OLIVETTE lIOiiffll 4htlli itritigs a largr' Nmnilcr Xurt It tnt nt .t Cut ) ' Xov mit N\V TOItIC , July 1G.-The hospital ship Oiivtto Is expt'cttl to arrive in this city today or tomorrow. The following is a list of the sick antI woitnileti on board : 0 II ! cc r , Major James M. lieu , First cavalry. Major Alex. 0. Brodie , First 11. S. V. C. Sec. bleut. 11. it. Devereaux , hat U. S. V. C. Lieutenant \ % ' . M. Fiscus , Second infantry. Brig. ( hen. Ii. S. hawkins , 15. S. V. C. Captain Morton J. theory , 1st cay. Captain Titomas 'I' . iCno . , F irat cavalry. Captain J. Ii. McClintock , let U. S. V. C. First Ileut. Maury N'icliobs , 7th infantry. First U. J. It. Thomas , Jr. , 1st U. S. V. C. Reporter Edward Marshall. l'rii.tttrM , Xoteotittiilulotse4 Omeerii. Albertson , Co. F , ist U. S. V. C. Alger , Co. II. 6th inf. .ttst , Co. C , 4th mt. Ashley , Co. 13 , 2nd Massachusetts hit , Antlerson , Co. 13 , 10th cay. Alexamider , Co. F' , 17th tnt. Alexander , Co. hI , i2th tnt. \rieh , Co. l , 2nd Massachusetts mt. Allhouio , Co. A. 8th cay. liahimi , Co. Ii , 2nd Massachusetts hit. halley , Co. P. 1st U. 5 , V. ilaird , hospital corps. linker , Co. F , 24th lot , Baker , Co. I , 71st N. V. V. liaiiantant , Co. D , 16th mt. heal , Co. I ) . 1st U. S. V. C. Beebe , Co. Ii , 1st U. S. V. lieltien , sergeant , Co. A , 16th mt. Iivltz , sergeamtt , Co. A , 20th lnf , Bennett , Co. C , 2d Mass. lot. Bergman , Co. C. 4th mt. Bile ) ' , Co. C , 16th irtf. hihnghatn , corporal , Co. G , 20th hot. Black , Co. Ii , lIlt lnf. Illackiner , 20th Massachusetts lot , Bloomer , hospital corps. J3oweli , Co. G , 25th lot. Buckley , corporal , Co. B , 4th lot. liraxton , Co. B , 10th cay. Brewer , Co. B , 17th mt. iirighitwell , 2lth lnf. hirlganco , corporal , Co. F , 10th inf ihertacltor , Co. A , 1st U. S. V. C. Beach , Co. D , 6th inf. Iluckner , Co. 0. 2tl : ; .if , Burg , Co. C , 17th lot. Ihybee , Co. f , 2titl hnf. Barry. iirst sergeant , Co. G , 1st cay. Carlson , Co. D , ard tnt. Carter , Co. F , 6th in ! . Char ! : , Co. A , 25th lot. Clark , Co. A , 21st for. Clarke , Co. T , 24th tnt. Colt , Co. I ) , 2nd Mass. Voi. Clinton , Co. E , 24th inf. Coientan Co. F , 24th tnt. Conner , Co. D , 8th lot. Copper , Co. E , 1st car. Cope , Co. D , 13th tnt. Cowen , Co. ii , 25th lot. Coyle , Co. U , U. S. V. C. Crippen , Co. C , 11th cay. Craddock , Co. F , 13th lot. Crowder , Co. G , 24th lot. Crowicy , Co. U , 7th iof. Culver , Co. L , 1st U. S. V. C. Doostad , Co. 1 , 1st cay. Dunit , corporal , Co. A , Sth lot. Dougherty , sergeant , Co. F' , 71st N. Y. Dellato , Co. D , 17th liii. Davis , Co. F , 24th hit. Dalvin , Co. A , 22nd hit. Demmiuig , Co. A , 16th lot. Dahlberg , Co. A. 21st inf. Dolan , sergeant , Co. K , 13th inf Dorsey , Co. A , 1st U. S. V. C. Durgio , Co. C , 7th lof. Dunlap , Co. F , 16th lot , Dorvorth , Co. E , 17th hot. Doglas , Co. G , 25th lot. 1)aniclsori , Co. C , 17th lot. Detkrnorc , Co. E , 1st U. S. V. C. Edward , Co. C , 17th lot. Eatout , corporal , Co. B , 2nd Mass. inC. Eagan , Co. C , 3rd cay. Eatery , Co. F , 13th lot. Ellis , corporal , Co. D , 1st cay , Fishier , Co. D , U. S. V. C. Fnrrel , sergeant , Co. I ) , 6th hot. Franklin , Co. A , 10th cay. 1"cliioghiam , Co. A , 22nd inf. Farlo , Co. D , 22nd hot. Field , Co. F , 22nd lot. Calvin , Co. B , 10th lof. Gardner , sergeant , Co. 13 , 6th inf. Garrison , Co. E , 10th cay. Golde , trumpeter , Co. K , 3rd cay. Gortly , Co. E , 6th lot. Gould , Co. A , 10th lot. Gray , Co. 13 , 6th Inf. Grints , corporal , Co. B , 24th mt. Grosse , Co. A. 6th cay. Grothendick , Co. G , l6thi mt. Glynu , Co. I ) , 9th mt. lhadden , Co. I , 1st U. S. V. C. liable , Co. D , 21st lot. Ilartle , Co. F , U. S. V. C. 11111 , Co. E , 1st cay. hlolcoitibe , Co. B , 21st mt. Houston , first sergeant , Co. C , 10th cay. hendricks , Co. I ) . 16th mt. ] iartseil , Co. G , 22nd lot , 11111 , corporal , Co. E , 6th cay. hiardrnan , Co. E , 24th lot. hioadbcy , Co. E , 2nd Mass. Vol. Harbisoo , sergeant , Co. G , 16th lot , lielleines , Co. C , 24th tnt. howard , Co. B , 24th lot. Hand , Co. F , 13th lot , hunter , Co. G , 25th lot. hall , Co. C , 22nd tnt. hinywaril , sIgnal corps. liendersoit , Co. U , 10th mt. Ilolden , Co. F , 24th lot , howard , mnuslclatt , Co. G , 6th cay. holmes. U. S. V. C. houston , Co. C , 24th hot. Ives , Co. it , 2otl lot. Jacobson , Co. 13 , 10th cay , Jootti , Co. C , 25th lot. Jalites , Co. 1 , itt cay. James , Co. C , 12th hut. Jeffrlcs , Co. E , 12th hot. Kretsclmmner. corporal , Ce , C , 16th lot , K'ng ' , sergeant , ithu ca' . Ktcne , sergeant , Co. F' , 6th lot , Kttig , Co. C , Gui lot. IClickc , Co. F. 7th hut. Kline. sergeant , Co. L , 1st U. S. V , C. ICruskop , Co. F , 17th hut. Icenillit , Cc , FJ , 1711 * hit. Kchlcti. corjtorat. Co. C , l3tlt mt. Krause , Co. F , 6th hit , Keel , Co. G , TtIt hit. Kline , Co. I , 6th hit , Keyser , Co. Cl , TIlt ilit. Koch , Co. If , 16th lot. Losemtna , band , 10th lot. Lenie , Co. C , 13th hit. Long , Co. U , 6th lot. Lamnbortson , Co. II , 2nd lot , La linde , Co. A , 16th hut. Lake , Co. Ii , 13th lot. Ledercr , ttositltai corps , 11. 5. It. Lockwood , Co. 1) , 33rd Mich , vol. Lange , Co. C , 17th lot. Laursen , Co. F , 6th cay , Mclonuhti , Co. Ii , Silt lot. Mci'ltcetors , Co. C , 2nd lot. McCormick , Co. l , 10th lot , Mcionaid , Co. Il , lril lot. dcNally. Co. D , 12th lot. McCartin , Co. G , titit Moss. lot. MeQulututoy , Co. U , 13th hot , McMullau , Co. A , 7th lot , MeMaitan , Co. C , 7th tnt. : tlcMilIeui , Co. U , 1st U. S. V. C. MeManes , Co. C , lltlt hot. MeDonalui , Co. B , 3rd ca" , McCoy , Co. F , 2titl art. leagher. Co. 14 , Itt U. S. V , C , Morris , Co. E , hat hut. Moore , sergeant , Co. A , 21st lot. thjttsciuoll , Co. I. 3rd cay , tiiaItewlz , Co. F. 3rtl mt. Molthter , Co. (1 , 22uid hot , Maurer. Co. 13 , 7th hut. Mack , Co. E , 7th hit. Mengeum , Co. E , 1st U. S. V. C , Muttlce. ( ' 0. F. 17th bC. Murpby , Cq. Ii , 6th tnt. ltmrtln , corporal , Co. II , SIb hit. Nowcomb , Co. U , 1st U. S. V. C' . 'ape , Co. 0. 12th lot. One. Co. Ii. 1st U. S. V. C. O'Malley , Co. II , Stit tat. OMealle ) ' , Co. A. 2IitI mt. ( lakes , ( 'a. 11 , ltlt lot. i'rener , Co. II , 6th hit. Powers , corporal , Co. E , U. S. V. C. Parker , sergeant , Co. L' , 10th inC. 1'ane , sergeant. Co. E , 10th mt. I'ttte , sergeant , Co. H , 1st U. S. V. C. Peterson , Co. 1) , 8th hot. l'aradlse , eorporid , 2nd Mass. hot , Quirk , Co. C , 9th Int. Reid , Co. Ci , 1st U. S. V. C. Rand , baud , 21st tnt. Itittor , 21st tnt. ltodgers. Co. B , 13th tnt , hess , Co. ( I , 8th lot. Ransom , 10th cay. hogan , Co. A. 7th mt. htawsoo , corporal , Co. I , , 33rd Mich. fleeopel , Co. II , 2nd Mass. vol. Reynolds , Co. U , , 10th hot , Riddle , Co. E , 24th hot , Itatferty , Co. C , 4th hat. hiodgers , Co. B , 8th tnt , ltehnke , Co. B , 7th mt. hhhle3' , Co. B , 7th lot. Sager. Co. B , 6th hot. Stewart , corporal , Co. (1 , 1st 11. S. \ ' C. Sellman , Co. 13 , 8th lot. Solicit , niusielno , Co. U , 3rd lot , Swan , Co. 1 , 25th hit. Simmoods , Co. II , 16th inC. Santen , Co. 0. 8th mt. Stafford , Co. 11 , 2ltli hot. Sliepard , Co. II , 2od hut. Scott , Co. tI , 3lthi Micht. hit. SmIth. Co. A , 12th mt. Saltzoian , Co. A , 16th tnt. Sheehy , Co. A , 22ittl hnt , SImpson , Co. 0 , 16th tot. Srnhtlt , Co. B , Gilt cay , Swift , Co. A , 10th tot. South , Co. E. 71st N. V. vol. Smith , Co. C , 4th hnt. Seavor , corporal , Co. L. , 1st N. Y. vol. Tuvoll , Co. A , 7th tot. Tenuert , Co. E , 16th hut. Thurman , Co. E , 16th lot. ThoinpBon , Co. 13 , 24th lot. Taft , Co. C , 2nd Mass , Taylor , Co. F , 11th cay. Thneniack , Co. D , 7th lot. Tate , corporal , Co. A , 24th hot. \'ayoy , Co. A , 2ntl tnt. Villumsen , sergeant , Co. B , 10th hat. W'rad , Co. B , 12th bitt. WIlson , Co. 13 , 24th let. Watrous , Co. C , 26th lot. Wunder , sergeant , Co. G , 6th lot , Walls , Co. E. 1st cay. Washington , Co. I ) , 24th tnt. \S'ray , Co. F , 6th cay. Walsh , sergeant , Co. K , 13th hot. Wieltl , Co. K , Ird ca' . \'hnter , Co. Ii , 13th hit. Zietz , musician , 111th hut. Zeliers , Co. I , 24th lot. BRINGS WOUNDED SOLDIERS iloiqiltuti Slii1i Sohitem. Arrives nt Old l'flhflt Coitifort ivhtia heroes rottt Santiago. OLD POINT. Va. . July 16.-The hospItal slut Solace arrived hero today from Siboney , bringIng forty-tour wountled Aunericaiis and forty-nine wounded Span lards , who took part in the engagement oft SantIago July 1. The AmerIcan soldiers were tritnaferreti to th hospital at Fort Monroe and the Solace vroceetled to Nortolk , where thu Suantards and saIlors were put ashore at the Navai hospital. Following is a lIst of the sick and wotuuided received at Fort Monroe : Officers- Henry Carroll , lieutenant colonel , Sixth cavalry. John 11. hughes , second lieutenant , Fourth Infantry. John L. Grlsard , first lieutenant , Seventh Infantry. Thomas A. Itoberts , second lieutenant , Teutth cavalry. A. L. II. Mills , captain and assistant adjutant - jutant general , United States volunteers. Enlisted men- Harry C. Allen , prIvate , Company F. Eighth cavalry. John Arnold , prIvate , Cootpaoy G , Tenth cavalry. hyatt W. Avery , sergeant , Company K , Second Massachnsettts. George 'W. Bang , private , Company II , Seyenty-flrst New York. Ernest hiender , first sergeant , Company I , First cavalry. August flernhardt , prIvate , Company 1-i , Eighth Infantry. Charles Ilurkhoitit , prIvate , Company 13 , FIrst Uttited States volunteers. George Chine , prIvate , Company E , First cavalry. Novllho Craig , private , Company 11 , See- end Infantry. Clifford 11. Curtis , private , Company L , ThIrty-third Michigan volunteers. Claude hi. Dawsoo , prIvate , Company 0 , First District of Columbia volunteers , Iheojainin I ) . Dempsey , prIvate , Company 13 , Seventh Infantry. Joseph ituowoody , prIvate , Company B , Seventy-first New York volunteers. S. T. Ferrher , prIvate , Company Ii , See- end Massachttsetts volunteers , John Graham , prIvate , Company D , Eighth Infantry , WillIam . Orneowooti , private , Company A , First United States volunteers , Iticharti hinrtman , corporal , Company 11 , Second infantry , John T , hlyfer , private , Company E , Tooth hntaotry. Rudolph Jensen , private , Company A , Twenty-first Infantry. Ed J. Kerr , private , Company D , ThtIr. teenth Infantry. Frank Kohulert , private , Company 13 , Twenty-second Infantry , John Kuthi , private , Company E , Eighth Infantry. Jerry F , Lee , sergeant , Company B , First United States volunteers , Whlliaoi McGuhre , private , Company 0 , Seventh Infantry. Albert C. McMlllar , private , Company 13 , First United States vohttnteers , William I' . Moore , prIvate , Company B , Twelfth infantry. William F. Nestlehart , private , Company C , Eighth Infantry , James F. Nolan , private , Compaoy B , Twenty-second Massachusetts volunteers. DavId Olsen , prIvate , Company I ) , Twen- ty-secood Infantry. Servertha Olsen , corporal , Company ii , Second infantry. Charles Patjena , corporal , Company F , Thirteenth infantry. Charles Itamlock , private , Company 13 , Thhrd cavalry. George htitpp , sergeant , Company F , Seventh lotautry. Emil Scltellmaitn , prIvate , Company 13 , Third Infantry. Thomas Sharp , Jr. , prtvate , Company C , Seventeenth letfantry. WillIam Simma , sergeant , Company L , First United States voiuoteers. James L. . Sparks. private , Company (1 , Second infantry. Clifton St. Croha , prIvate , Company I , Thirty-third Michigan volunteers. John N. Taylor , prIvate , Company 13 , Twelfth huifantry. NEW YORK , July 16.-The United States trautaport Oltvette arrIved at quarantine to. umight , brining 271 sIck and wounded aol- illers from the scene of war. Of this numn. her tfty.eight are convalescent anti ready to rejoin theIr regiments. The Olivettit viii remain at anchor until tomorrow morning , whemi it will proceed to Brooklyn , where the sick anti wounded wtli be removed to the Long island College hospital and St. Voter's hospital. Shortly after the Olivetto dropped anchor the Staten island ferryboat Wcstfleid went GENTLEMIE N Have Your Garments Cut to Order By Nicoll The Tailor. Ever'y _ _ _ ' : , : I \Ve Si p G a r rn e ri t ' ' 'Jtj CITII)1Oy carefully ¼ . 1 - I . : only fitted k- . { - a , - the beforej _ _ _ _ _ 1 - 'LI ' best being : - _ n _ skilled completed , Tailors oI Vlj 0 m Et ii U. Think ofthe advantage of'having your garments cut to order. You make your selection from a variety or woolens that comprises the latest and best fabrics from the woolen markets ofthe world. You have your garments cut and trimmed to suit your individual taste , and when completed you experience a satisfied feeling in Wearing - ing them. This Week We offer you tempting values in tailoring. Thousands of yards of spring and summer woolens cut to order at the [ 'allowing prices : Suits$15 , $18 , 20 , 22 ® _ Trousers $49 $5 , $69 $7 , Worth nearly double-but it's our way of reducing stock , It's our way of making new friends. Better take the trouble oflooking into this offer. ' "lfyou're from Missouri-we can show you. " You can't afford to wear poorly fitting or inferior macic garments when such prices prevail. 209 and 211 Karbach _ _ So , 15th. B 1 o ck . _ _ _ S alongside and took oft about 100 of those itiost seriously sick and wounded , landing theni at Stapleton , vhcre anibubances removed - moved thenc to the United States Marine hospital. BRING GOLD FROM KLONDIKE l'nrty of llhiiers Arrl'et's eht1i 't'ZLIIIi 'Ltlit4'l sit 't'Itree-tiutrt erl4 of ii tithlmtt. VICTORIA , 13. C. , Jumy 16.-The steamer Cottage CIty , which toucheti Itore 1at night on Its way to Seattle ( rein Alaska , had on hoard twenty miners trout iawutt City with about $750,000 Iii gold dust anti drafts , mostly the latter. They came up the Yukon river in a steamer to White Horse Rapids , where they transerrtl to a Lake Bennett steamer. They say banking accommodations In Dawson are now so good that there is Ito necessity of taco bringing out money in auiy other form titan drafts. The most of the gold will come ottt by way of St. Michtacis. Those bellovoti to have tlio most mooney on the Cottage City are the four Butler brothers of Ehiaworthi , Mino. The eldest wont in three years ago , time other three last year. They huavo cleared up a large amottot on lionanza creek , 24-A , 68-fl , and 23-A. They soul claims to an English syndicate represented by MeFarlauid amid hi. M. Coleman , time latter of whom came ( howui tooightt. The price obtained cannot he learned , but Cole- mitait Im authority for the statement that It was a very large one. All time men on board wore vrey reticent , saying the Im- PoSithoul of tite royalties caused them to refuse to tto time full amount of money brought out. Several of theuii have been working only on hat's. That only boats that have yet reaclieti Dawsoo from down the river ant the Ilamil- ton , Weare , Della , May West anti thto VIe- torha. Among the Cottage City's passengers are PhIl Dobson , of Los Angeles , Theory Clioutoy of Itochiester , N. Y. , Miller and Viocs of New York state. All bayc money va- rhously estimated front $10,000 to $ OOOO etuh , Good strIkes Itavo Itoen niado no a uie' branclu of Eldorado , lionauiza , French ci'cek and Sltookumn gulch. They are reported - ported enormously productive at high levels. Quartz claims prospectetl so far yheltl poor prospects. 11. M. Coleman , WhO is a sveti guowu mining engineer , vent in early thiut spring and purchased a number of claims for the English syndicate which ho represeots. 110 estimated that the yIeld tltts year will be at least $10,000,000. W'htlt time excoitthon of a few citses of scurvy , the health of Dawsoti Is reported very good. All time 001 % ' arrivals say that annther party , which canie out witht tltern , are coot- Ing down on thin steamer City of Seattie , which Is itte tonighui. They are reported to have about as large an amount of gold anti drafts as those on thto Cottage City , It Is estimated thtat tIme Canadian govermumnent will collect royalty on about $10,000,000 worth of gold thti3 season. Editor Slmippey of time Skogway News , who collie down on the Cottage City , says thet this year's cleanup at Dawsoo will be a I trifle less tItan $20,000,000 , three-quarters of this hieing in the custody of two big trading companies , who wiil send ht down by way of St. Michael. The May Wcumt Itad $750,000 and more , and the oilier boats which left June 28 auid July 4 curry the balance of the output. The Dawson newspapers do not approxi. nimete the dowum river sltbpments so highly , th Midnight Sun stating that time Weare , 13db antI ( 'huarles II. hamIlton do imot carry to exveed $1,000.000. There bum ito louiger any fear of a tanilne in 1)aweon. All the inca who arrived emi the Cottage City arc cotbustastho over the outlook in the 'Kiondike country.Vugett I S keep up to $10 $ to 15 a day , but there whIt be 'ery little work at miolmig ututil the frost sets In. There are said to lie about 40,000 rteoplo around Dawsomi alone at pros. emit , nod the river cli the way up is crowded vith newcomers. A further ctotribution of $250,000 in gold and drafts to swell thto Klomttlhko treasure receipts hits nrrivei lucre emi the City of Seattle , five hours behihmiti time Cottuge City. 'l'hie fortune wInners cmi hoard wore : Eti Levio , a four years' resitient of the Klomu. dIke ; P. A. ltnoey , Captain Ilolmmies , George ilolnies , Devioo amid llaheromil of Seattle , ao(1 ten others. htauiey , as spokesmnit of tIme 1)arty , says $10,000,000 lit tiust tim otmt. botinti by tlte lower river boats , while the party of which Ito is it member hrotmgltt a qimarter of a tout in ittiggetit Coil tbutmt with thteni. It is asitleipateti that all the largot rIver hoas viii huavo trouble ho crossimig tIme Yttlcon fiats , as limo river Is lower than usual at thIs season of time year , antI lImits will naturally muigmnent time truffle by tIme impper river , eveut titought the Skugway-lheit- nott railway cannot be completed this sea- soil. OMAHA AT HEAD OF THE LIST i'ostutl Iti''i'imtp , Ii mmvi' nmoNt l'inbhi'J , lii el uic I It , ' t'uir .1 uist I'itsst'tl , WAShINGTON , Jimly 111.-Tite Postolilce departimient oiiichals pro much gratified mit time shmowIrmg mnatlo in thmo coniparhsoo of Postal receipts for the fiscal years i8i7 antI 1slS. TIme total receipts for 1897 at fifty of time prhmtchpah postolllees were $2n94,3V7 , while time year just closed brought 1mm $3,2,5,85 , at the saimie offices , aim Increntie of $301,010 , or 10 uer cent. 'I'lio largest percentage of humcreuse was at Omaha , 49. . Time Increases itt sonic of flue Imlimiclltal of- flees were : Now York , $72,190 , 11.3 iter cemit ; Chicago , $15,256 , IQ. per cent ; I'huila. tlelphiia , $16,777 , 7.4 per cent ; Boston , $22- 42h , 10.3 her cent ; St. Louis , $18,892 , 15.3 itor ccitt ; Cirmchmtnati , $6.25 I , 6.0 per ceat Brooklyn , $2,766 , 2.1) ) mter cent ; llaltlnmore , $5,201 , 8.6 per ccitt ; San Framicisco , $8,6n , I 12.0 per ccitt ; 1'lttshnmrg , $6,661 , 10.9 per cent. The decreases were : PrOt'itbeumeo , 1 icr cent ; Jersey CIty , 12.11 er cent ; \Vor. cesitor , 1.5 per cent ; Nashville , 2.8 per ccitt ; Memnhtlmis , I 1.9 iier ccitt ; Portlaimd , Ore. , 17.3 per cent ; Peoria , 13 per cent. CHINESE CRUISER WRECKED ( huh y Fnui r ii C I IimCreiv , thim' ( 'lu hot' 0111- ( , ( ' tutu 'Vltrei , Mimi Iiirs Siet'eeml , lit llsi'iI&ihuiW , ' SAN FBANCJSCOJuIy 16.-letnils of thai sinking of tlto Chinese ( miser Fit Cluing oft' Port Arthur on Jttoe 0 confirm Previous reports that time crow of 130 men % t'ero 'lrowmted , only the chief olhlcer autd three sailors escnphmmg , The vessel was tirhycti out shore by a strong wind. 'i'hie crew sought refuge In time rigging. Mcmi from Uitt war tilmips In the himirbor trIed to save thue smihlora ot tite Fit Cltlumg by birhitg rockets wIth lines attachmetl , but tIme Chmhnoso tIll not know htow to use tIme lutes timat reaehwtl thmont. The sea was too rough to perntht time use of boats , and in a tow hours time cruiser was a total wreck , nearly all tIme crew merlsimhng. Thu Iutchu steamer Smitit , Captain Karat , watt lost on Juno 3 , off the Corean coast. TIme crew , consisting of shxtccmm Europeans. four Chimmese , wIth scveo Chinese super- cargoes. took the ship's titree bomttd , auth time svater beiumg sunootlt , hmmmmmleml with little tluiiiculty. They have ehoco goumo to Nagasaki , Xi' ii tii terilor fur . ' rliongi. WASill NGTON , July 1G.-Time Itr'sItIent tins uphtointeul N 0. Murphy to be governor of Arizona. to succeetl Myron 'iv. Mc'ord , vhio rvstgncd to accept the colonelcy of tin armmiy r 'ghuiieot. Pdr. Mttrthmy his repro- settled tlitm terrItory lii mnamty official capact- tiets. MEIKLEJOHN NOT A BARKIS Ass Is t ii mat Seeret it i'V ofitu Siu Jig' Is Not it ( 'ii iithlaliute tot' ( itip'risii- ti'liil Xiiiitttithtus , \VASIIINGTON. Jttiy 1G.--Speeial ( Tom. grniim.-Ttmo ) hlcrsisteiucy sItlt vliieii it imutit- itt'r o f Nelt rnslsmi a ewtspa PC rs mm ro imsh it g 'its- shatauit Secretary of W'ar .leiklejuhium's . nautto for time gnvernurshuhp is hecoitutmug deritletlly ivent'iiommme to thuat gemmtlemmtan. I me saul I- Iii ii i gut : , 'il y ( rleuithms k rmow I ttiui ittmt .t. mm ii ditlato for tIme ltositiott. 'Fe ( limit mmiy ir ts ciut lilace mmt it thumie s'lmuit vvemy mum. , ii its uiL''tletl him the vork of tlefeatimig time Sitat Imirtla 'ommhl lie like hying lii time itt t of tIm a cuicumu ) ' . 'l'hmo etl i torhitl t limit retell I I y tts tiertetl that. tIme t'orpornt lemma Itmive tmgr'-mt ti pout ni e to i' goverti ni Its so ita I itm hI , ' a tmtl lined thmmu t h I. Is lmn rtl I y wortit itot mc I mm g. if It were to go muimcomttrathicted , thucre tmmlgitt ho thmosm vhmo would regmmrtl It mis true I aiim a rejtultl I en it n nil ott htl tltm t.e ry I It I mug for tIme InirtI' , lint mity lbit'O lii lit 'iVttshtiumgtomm immitih tIme var Is coiled , amid uuutier ito cii'- citutis to aces simoim I ti itt y umalmie Ito cons itieroti for goverimor by the couiveuttiomi that iimeettm i U Li mical 0 1 ii Aim gust. ' ' itIcliartI Sylvester , vito was chtosemt tothrmy by time coimmimmissiomiers of tIme District of Ccl mumuihil a na ummajor ttimtl sit iteri ii tout 1 cmi t of police , tvas itt one timno in his career a novspa icr multi ii I im Neltrmslt ; mm , I mmtvl mug fotummdeth thu 'i\'est l'oimtt h'rogriss , wltlehi itutcecotletl I ii becommm i mu K a mm I mm ii tmemm t ml mu r - nal. lie succeedes thu late Mmtjor VhIiimmumi U. Moore , wimose ileatli occurred early tlmlu week. liliteic IllIlpi F'ii''st lti'Nvri4' , \'i'ASIIING'J'ON , July l0.-Slte ( ltd Tile- granm.-Lmtumtl ) Conmimilmumiommer hIi'rmitmtn tsnltt today time iuucbaimiathwm xcltttlhutg mm portiomi of the I II a ek h I I mIs. See tIm I take I it . trimim t I Ito forest reserve sotmhl Imot be isstmetl ( or olmn , time. 'I'htim unit ( limit cm'mneiu t t lam I a I a rge t rim e t out tilts uteri iuwcstern Itortler would be in- clutbed in limo reserve vmts objected to by Senators Kyle timid l'ettlgrei % ' . 'Vito theitmiut - rncztt awaits littorimmat lout to be isitbimmlttetl by tlto useutatorim , givimig ieamtnmms why ( itt' latter iiouId umot him Ineludeti him tIn , reservi Time contract ( or emurrying thu haul Ito- tween , Vism imuttl FomtrIieaI'Vyo. . , was totlay awnrtlotl toV. . B. l'arhieim at $113 a year 'isste I miii I. Lautti Comm Isa itm item' M o mitlel I leaves ( ci Noweastle'yn. . , where Iii ill be for a ti'cek or ten days. While itt tIme west C'ouumuuihumsiouuer Mouttlell wiil vIit tIme expommit mutt , . No I'i'vi'r lit litbli'd Stusti's , 'iVASIIINGTON , July 16.-Stmrgt'on lien- oral W'ynmamm of the Marine imery to says there Is 1101 a siiigln case of yelio ( over In tiuhts couuitrl' tie tar its hue I , news , antI no jtreparations are imimiking to rc"et o ychboti' fever patiemitmi. It Is hula miitdt'r. stanlimug ( that Secretary Alger itmil auna order tInt two coimupaoies cit soldiers itomy at Torttmgas , elf time Fhoritla coast , it , miutit , , otimer jtort , aptl this Imlaco vlhl then re en to time miiimriumo hospItal service , in s custody it was before the war liruke ciii. lji''t 11mg Siis'i'ji ( remit % ' , . , Ii' . \VASIIING'h'ON. July 1G-'J'liu mt mmmrs' of the interIor Imims received huiftrnmuit ion that Fhmecial ( uremttry mtnemmtmm have t.jeetuti 111w u thmaim .S5,000 almeep ( remit time Yosemimite ttcrh. Califoriulmm. Secretary iihlss lies hien.'ufttrm ' reriuemsteml tIme detnil ( mt troops to tht& t i erimi national parks him California. titm the soldiers tie itsimigmiemi wei'e sent on time i'bdm. . itmno expetiltbon. Diii ly 'lr4'lmP.imr ) Slit ti'ssat'ui ( . WASI1INUTtN , July h6.--'i'ndaya mati. mciii of tIme ontittion ot tIme let , mtsury blluc It Available cisb Litmiamice , $24't7J'Ja. , goiti reserve , $ t7U,213,312.