Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1898)
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Ntt I litN. ) T1etn WIH 1) lvrrfit gM1ierlng t inoo 01 1M Importance In tI'ls ' city thl5 vto1 , nifloug t1iin the orthwetern Cr1ckmt tour 3iathent nd the atona1 Alliance of The- ntrIciI Stage i1np1oyeM. both of which begin - gin Monthiy nntl eontnuD throughout tht teek , utt the Arnerleiin 1lIier1e aocl- Lion aftil Nebrnka 111gb Curt of tht In- cIepntIont Order of 1oreRtors , both ot IiIch meet 'ru3n . TIto cricket tournament Is n nnnuiI one nh11 rlsltor will 1)0 pre3ent 110111ntiItoa , , Chlcgo , Denver , 1lnlIenpoIl , St. Paul nnd 4 d tither crIeke center ot the country. The h & eI 1ckLters ore all inert of high busIness anil ; profeIonn1 statiding. Thty will hold thetr nnnual Jncetlng on Thur3llay for the ohet'- tion et nflhecr8 iinl such other hitIlne3 a Thny conic befoio their orgnnlzathon. The games 810 to be PIaYC(1 at the new ball iotindt at. Twenty-lltthi nntl Ames aveinie. lernber of the local lodge at Theatrical tngo lmployeH O. 42 have just lth1ln'tI the rnoL elaborate preparations for the fflxth annual oflVentlon or the NatIonal Al- Ilanco ot Theatrical Stage lniployt' , the eB3ions ot which are to be held In Crelgh- ton hall. The hall han hcin cry nicely dc nrite&l for thilt PurPo3e. the stage being 1rapcd with American llng , anti arontiti the rnlis festoons auth dininontis In the na- tlonal colnr3 nnd iiunterott flIerIcnfl anti ( .uhan llag3 and rb3eLte5 have been taste- nhly arratued. eeral iletnc of the cx- iolLlon have their franie3 tlraped In the national colors anti are hung about the ahls rear the stage. To the right of the stage Is an anchor anti to th left a shileW , 1)0th n roil , white auth blue. Pre.hIent J. 11. Withuehl of the local as- sociattonV. . li. Latition , A. McDonald , T. Cannon. Itaiphi Doilge , 'ihhiam Quinlan anti Il. 13. Schmidt are tht committee on re- ceptinu , anti Fred P. trithler , ! . S. Tooker , : lt. ii. Schmttlt.Vttltazn Quhitlan anti \h1 - 11am L. i.andon constitute the committee on arrctngententtt. Thies conlmittee3 will Iteep OflCfl house for the visiting ( iclegates 'In the basement of floyd's theater every night In the s'eek from 7 I. In. until inil- night. The badges worn by the committees are the 'ilesigit \'Iiiiam Giabach. They are In thu colors of Aic-Snr-ttcjt , red , green and ' yellow , ttni bear the flags of the United States and Cuba crossed and a trattstntssls- ttppl tnedalllotj % % 'ltnt 'l'lit' , U'1119't * 0 About the most Important question to 1on1e til ) for settletnent It ; ( lie proJosltion ) of the Actort' Society of America to affiliate wIth the Stage Fniiiloyes' assocIatIon. Tile Actors' society Is to 1)0 representeil by Jolt11 _ J. Jacks and J. J. Mackey of New York , Wrlght hlttntlngton of San Fratieitco and lint Davis anti Charles U. Lothian of the Voodwrtrti Stock company , playing III this city. There wIll also be representatives from tin , Scenic Artists' Alliance , No. 38 , of Net York , the scenic artists having already bceii affiliated. Ii. Ii. SchmIdt and \Villiani Giabach are the local stage employes' dole- gates. The greater number of ( lie delegates to ; this cotiventloti , of whoiti there vfih lie over 100 , have already arrived and are stoppIng tit thu Barker , among them being the oiflcers or the National Alliance , Charles II. Norman otT Now York , president ; George W. ( Uenney of Chicago , general secretary ; Mr. WIggins of St. Lotus , vice presitlent , ani M0SCH t'Ick- tx , lag , general treasurer. ll'lIliil1igINtM Ii ) The AmerIcan institute of FisherIes vihi coltvctIe In Ontahta \Vcdnesday of this week , The sessions of the meeting wlil last about three days ant ! iil be inosided OVCk by W. L. May of this city , who is iresldettt t of tim institute. Secretary Whibiker of lie- trolL will 1)0 il'eSCllt , and so vlii forty or fifty of ( lie most prominent fish comtnls- ttoncr of the different states. Tiitj nicetitigs 'Ill be liehil at the iotci , which vhll ho the headquarters for I ho fishiertoen. Tile opening sessIon wIll be ( 'illicIt to order cii Velnesday ( morning at :10 : o'clock by President May , who vihl make Ii brief address of welcome and then Intro- tttlctt Mttyot' Frank E. Moores. The mayor Is to formally welcome ( lie mnetiibcrt of ( lie I Ost t t II t 0 0 0 1 gi ye them lC1fl isslo a I o lieu wherever or for whatever ( hey may Itlease. 110 wIll ilso present to the Institute ( he tug golulen key of ( he city , aitticheul to which vl I I bo at I toe timid a Ihtie spec I itmen of the bass caught in Nehirasita waters. Scsston for ( lie micxt daymu will be hold in the 1110 ru I migs tttI it ft ertmno us amid a unierou tu pa - hers of vttlie to all uitutlotits ( If ichthyology . ivill ho read by the delegates. Ample tittie vill lie aiio ed ant suitable arrangenuents mantle for visits to ( he ' 1'rausnuiuuslssIpui lx- ( ) . ii hu vossittle ( lint a visIt may alio lie inittlo to ( lie fish haehieries ( of thie tflhi I e ti I Son Lb Ilcitul , Nob. 'l'lik Ili be the Hi'tt meeting of the AmerIcan Institute of Flshcrleu over lielui vest of Chicago. A meeting vuts hold tltero titirhmig ( lie \vorlti's valr , anti that Wlcn we read of an eFplirtnt bunte' 'rrbc has been traIullicd to dethi n tbc. vhlaa of India , we wonder at the oo11irdlaeca of a man who will tntvel xouad ii world uxmcl endure all mauner of htardshipa , i ortkr to court dcaUi us a far away junKie. A does not havu to niake a Jouxuyth ludia I * artier to court death in a manner cqnJly foolhardy. Thousands of batil working uien ar daily couttrn dcath in a much more tttiu forum , witlrnut ever 1cavth their ntIva vU. lages orcitics. Thcy are the mcii svhio ue- bet themr hue.titlm , Tiicy art' the mets who court death frotu consuitiption. or oonic other deadly diseaae due to imptoper or ttsimtflcient siouthihitment. 1'hia man who suffers ( rota bilious or nervous disordens , svhio lurie a weak SttIltftChl tutti an impaired digestion , who has lost the power to cat , rest or sicep , and who fails to take prompt steps to TeIfleiy these couditious , ju eourt- lug death lit the guise of i.onme fatai nialady. l'iorce's Goldcu Medical - Dr. liscovcz-y cures qS per cent. of all ca'es of lnonehiiai , throat atiii laryzugiai affections that lead ill ) to coliiiUtnptiou. It soothes the cough , facilitates xj > ectortioim amiti restorcut the lost appetite. it corrects all tiiitortlcrs of the dsgestion , uiaketi ( he assinihlatiort of ; the iife gvlngeiernentsofthe * food perfect. It invigorates ( he liver and lUrit103 and ( 'ii. rchicmt thit blood. It is ( he great bleed. tanker , tleshi.buihtler nerve tonic and to- i4or4tve. It me tlm cs ( ofail known med. icifics for nervous disorders. lealeru sell it and hiav4 uotbing else "juat au good. " U hiati a bad cough end got a low will , it that I could no ( ht' up , " writca ? dnu. Mittie Gray , 01 New j.ondou , t'uion Co. , Ark "flu t.iitily tuhi)5tt150 t.tut niy ltustuaud that I had couumup- ( ion. 1 lud PIII $ thtrouhi may chucet Suti spIt us blood. I toei. yuur 'tuideu Ltcdieal uiti i ciucsi j . Li yv'.i ajy ' 13 the most wetcrn point fit which the In- ittltue ( has prevlouiy belch Its 8esston. iist year's convention wits held at Ietroit. Mot of the eeniinis1onors blonglng ( o the ItitIttlte tire eaRtern macn. There will not b a great number of them , probably nhint fifty. but all of them are prominent flgtire n their respective tat's etid noted an- ( horitI on all hranche of the fish Indtts- try. On their return home tht'y shoul.l prove to be excellent titivortisers ot thru exposition. A striking feattire in connection wIlls the Pieeting vIhl be the exhibit of Nebraska flhi in the Government building CII he ex. Io3itton grounds tiuring the week , On Tihes- tIny night ( lucre will ho brought tip from the state lishi hmaehierie at South heath several aquarIums filled with the bcst lrol IICLS of the state. mmii theo will be placed In the flEhi department of time government's exhibit. The Nebraska fish will remimziln on exhibition durIng the remaninder of th week. High. C.urt III Ir'stcrs , The mneetin of ( he ebraska high Court of the independent Order of 1orvsters , oc- etirring the day after the seseton of the Mhssoiiri 111gb Court , may brIng a great many dletrate hero from Missouri as as thml sae , and Supreme Chief Itanger Oronhyatelha is expected to comae from ( lie Toronto headquarters. Oronhyachhia ( has luceim miizmklng a trip over Europe anil the Canailian provinces atoniling ( gatherings of high courts. . . l. Stevenson of Chicago the Aniorican ogent , Is ahuo expected , auth Past high Chief Ranger W. A. Wyatt of MIs3ourl , formerly of Kansas City but now here , will be present. Tithe wIll lie the second annual session , the Nebraska jurisdIction having been cc- tablLshcd JUSt a year. The eosshoui wIll be htld in Foresters' hall In ( lie Continental block , Fifteenth antI Iotmghas. The supreme court meets In August at Toronto , and a delegate Its to be selected to represent Nebraska - braska at the International gathierhuig. flight Ohilef Ranger Matthew i. hail is a cans didate for the tielegateship , W'hmoevcr gets It will go vlthu ( lie intention of bringing an excursion of ( hue supreme court tide- gaits to ( lie Omaha exposItion. hit I i' for l INMuti rI Izty. A rate of one siiilt' fare for the rotund trhlt from all lollitH lti Missouri to Omaha amuti return has becit cratied ( by the railroads - roads for MissourI Day. August 80. The ( lekets vIhl hits sold for alt tralums arriving lii Omaha on Atigtist 10 , ani ho good for return tiuitil nod Incltutilag Septenihuer 6. Ir. Shiepard , catarrh , : ii2 N. V. Life. I'ti i'st' Suit tdhIi'i Ov'rlmtiil.ul. A pocketbook ns snatched from th hand of Euntua l'crchial , a young girl vlie was itliopphtig last flight in a large down-town store. Three colored boys erowdeil ogalust her and one suddenly seized the pulse nfl tiucking under a coontor reached the door. H. E. Grate , a bystander , saw the proceedIng - Ing auth started after the thief. The negro ran through an alley aiuul made geol tliiio as far as Eigltteeiith and Capioi ( avenue , where lie was overhauled. The P ° Cketbook , which eouitaiuietl 20 cents , was not found and hinti evidently beeti gotten mlii of on the trip. 11,1,1 lirlt' .lOllilNlil'P4 Vililse. \\'hlliamu Jenkins made an effort to dis- 1)OcC of a lOOO-iiil , ticket last night at a F'arnaui strct. broker's otlice under circuin- statices that decided the broker to withhold - hold ( lie ticket for investigation. A patrol- tItan heard the dispute , and found that ( he ticket , together withi a satchel In Jenkins' possession , belonged to Eric .Johncon , an editor in Wahoo , Nob. .lenkins says he fottuiti the Property on a bench at the ox- posltton grounds , but Ito was retained at the station on the suspicion that the goods wore toieui. liiil l'i' t'iitl'r ' t rresl. Frank Itadier has been arrested on coin- Plaint of James Casper , baker , at 1420 South Fourteenth street , for the larceny of a gold watch. Kathier was employed at the bakery for a week after his arrival in ( lie city several months ago anti has since been nuaktng the place his headquarters. Casper says ( hat his former ctnploye caught In tlt act of alstracthllg the timepiece froun a bureau drawer. VICTIM OF MAINE EXPLOSION l.i.'uidciiztii ( Ilhititillti lIeN ( if ) leii lii- gil Is , lIroiglt eu 1 , SitneL of liii I I ) rt'iii ftil Evi'itt , BALTIMOItE , Nd. . July 1l.-Lieiutenaiit Jolt11 L. hilandin , who as officer of the deck on ( lie night the United States battleship - ship AlnimueWiiS blown ho in Havana liar- bor. tiie(1 ( at noon totlay in the Sheppard- I'ratt hospital in thus city. Ills death was the result of meningitis , brought on by the shock received viieti time Malime was do- HI royed. Ltetit'uiant ( hliantlin. after giving hIs tee- timony before the Board of Inquiry at. lCey \Vcst , wats assigned to tltiy at the Ultited States hydrographic otilco in this city. Ills wife zulu two eons lived here , and it was thought the comparatively light duties voultl aid in restoring his nervous system. This did tiot zuiovo to he the cast' , 1ios'- 05'01 , anti from the clay of his return to his home iii this city hiltt friends noticeti a marked change in his denueniior. liii seemed utterly utuablo to (11510155 froni his mind the liouror of ( lie fatal night which eii' the destruction of the battleship anti time death of so many of his comrades. nnti on July 1 lie broke domi iluitler ( lie strain , anti was removeti to the hospital. In ( lie doliriiini which quickly followed hue reverted continually to the Iziclilents con- netctl with ( lie destruction of the battle- shill ) , and fancied hiluusclf again on deck issiuhng orders tind aiditig in the rescue of bbs shipmates. Ills wife was with him constantly , bitt for the lust week he vas unable to recognize her. It vai4 hloletl tilitfi yesterday that he aught recover. lint hits illuiess took an unfavorable - favorable turn , niud last night his physicians gave tip hope. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. tlttrtimi Conrad amid family have gone 10 ih'nver , Cole. Mr. and Mrs. I. It. Spencer of Lincoln are at ( hue Millard. \v. A. l'uixton Is in ( ho western part of I hi 0 St lute ( ill bus I ness. Charles H. Schuiiefer , ( lie druggist , has a ( tab ) ' boy LIt his liouliuu. C. W' . . J.V. . zitud I ) . ihretdeuultah ( ofVy - illume (110 guests at the Barker. ltlwln : Gicot. a. ( ravelhuig salesunan of St. Louis , is stouiuig lit thin Millard. Mr. and Mrs. A. \Vtlltlnson of Ilastiligs , Nob. , are ( ( ) p I mi g a t t lie 1ut ii lard , Mi . and Mrs. J. 0. Tolbot ( if Denver , Cola. , 111.0 at tile Mhlluiid for a few days. It , ( 'hinittiler and wife of Chicago , ( ' . ( I. \\'hieler of Chicago alid h. M. Mt'Adamns of ( 'hticago tue stopluiiig itt the Barker. i'orty iallwtuy ticket agentu ; anti their wives turrived at ( lie tiihiarti title iiuorning auth viil shteiiti useseruil days taking iii the exposition utuith cmliii' sights. Charles II Noriuiaii of Neuv York. hEed- detit ; S. MeCtuthiy of ltlaukoo , secretary ; M. I' . l'ickerlmug if lioston , treasurer , nuiti t lttrty-ftuuir tielegates to thitu National AlIt- 1111(0 of Theatrical Stage Uuiiployeb , arrived yesterday ntorniiig trout the .rast anti are ztiahiuig theIr heaiquurers ( at ( lie tiaru'r hold. Nebraskans itt ( lie hotels : Irvin Scott , Srounsburg ( ; C' . i. Morse , V. I. Sheiice. ( 'hustles 1 : . COlic , Cohuiiibus ; Aht Hurst , Lavttl City ; John \ \ ' . Black , Nebraska City ; John Ii. Slough , i'oncaV. ; . S. h3ros ii , Fre- abutV. ; . W. Alt. amid daughter , \'ahuoo ; Fraiik Ii. hhilibard , Irvliigoui : I ) . C. O'Con. nor , Norfolk , \V. hi. Oren ( , Fullerton ; Johni IrVICL' , Jinues liaxter , Farwehl ; W. 0. Stun- mtlolisoii. Alliance , A. Jacob , J. Newton , \ ' ' - niore. h. It. Spetice. ii. Suutunco and ifs , 1incol a , i tmiti to .i Ii isa p. F : Is Siiil I Ii , it rbor- Ilh' . 'utrs , J , 1' . Anderson auth daughter , Beatrice. _ . - OUTING FOR TIlE BOYS' ' ( Contintted from First Page. tue iCatisas regiments stould be flenked by nien who were their equals. lie nssuirt'd the volunteers ( hint they were enlistIng in a righteous cause. 'they were to carry the Declaration of Independence to a people who had been trodden under tIme heel o oppreq- don dttrlng 400 years. lie emnphiaizcd time fact that w.ile Iuropean nations were coin- pehletl to Inure theIr soldiers to blo tllied iii order to make theni bra'e , it is hot ileceS- cary iii this cmmtry. The AmerIcan soldIer does tuot have to ho taught bravery. Teach hIm the niuuiual of arms nnti he is nlreruiy a soldier whom no dnuiger can daunt. A descriptive battle piece by the l'awnee City band brought the crowd to Its feet again auth ( be fiiiale was necornpntiictl li a tumult of cheers nuid waving campaIgn hints and hanuikerehlefs. The crowd vanteul it over again amid would take no denial. The band resoorided with "llxie" auiui thieli thu rafters shook again at thu impulse of cheers from 5,000 throats. At ( hits Juimicture (1.i. . lhltehiroek woe in- tt'othiiretl to lresent tin' regimiicnt with a set. of silk guidons , two for cccli of the three battalions. These were received by Colouiel Bryan and Major Clarkeoti ntitied ( lie an- nonhieenmeuit ( lint tim women of ( lie saiiltutry ennimtssion had mielivorcil at Fort Omaha FM dozeii towels , which they expected ( lie soltlicre to uist' seinl.oecashonnlly. Presitieutt \"nttl cc alco presented Colonel flryait vltli a. cake on behalf of ( Ito hitireatt of Enter- tnhiiiiuciit anti Colonel hirynmi suggested that if ho luad known ( lint so mnniiy iwoseiltatiouic were in Itroeliect hi would have brought along the luunrterniastcr. I'liaiilus fvuiu ( 'ohuiu'l Urynii. Cotitinuiuug lie 'ery fechliugiy expressed his thanks amid ( hose of his reginuent for the magnificent deinonstratiomi with which they lnitl been honored. lie also took occasion to express his aitpreelnloui ( of tim ossistance it'tilereul , by Goveritor ltolcoinb. Aduitant ( Iciiernl flarry fluid others In the organize- tion anti cquipuiient of the regiment and alluded vItli somne humor to the fact ( lint after ( lie physical exaiuinntloui to which ( lie iuieii hind been subjected lie cotuhi safely assert that ( lure was not a inaui In thu regiment , who bath over lund a rehattvo who \.ns icic. Ho declared his belief that every soldier w ouhil do bie ultity in vnr as lie lied tried to tiO it iii 1)0(100. lie dented what lie said hiitti beeui sttggestcd , that ( tile as a pout- ical regiment. Many of his oillcers differed froun him In politics and with a few cx- ceptions no one kiiow ( ho polltic of hits comrade. lie then briefly stateth ( lint they expected to start for Jacksonville Moiithay and said ( lint as they went from the north to the far souithilaiid ( heir bend could play "Iixio" and the southiern betide could play "Yamikee Doodle" and then both could join in the "Star Sliauighed Banner" and fealty to ( lie grandest flag that ever floated over U free PeoPle. After another selection by the band Gay- ernor Ilohcoinb delivered the formal fare- vciI of the stat to its voluiiteers. lie slioko wIth niarked feeling and with the eloquence ( hint was Inspired by the stirring scenes that had nccompaiiied the Pi'eVlOuid program. lb declared his' 'ithi lit thu loyalty anti iatriotlsun of every officer amid nail ! and that they would do their duly in every emergency. lie assured them that after they bath gone to the front they would be remembered in the hearts of the whole people and ( hat their achievements would be the pride of ( lie great conimonwealth. After the exercises the autiieuico was ic- quested to leave ( ho building to the sol- tihers and the women of the bureau of en- tertainnient , assisted by an adequtate nux- uliary 'of patriotic young women , began ( lie soniowhat glgnntic task of satisfying ( lie all- pethtes of ( hue 1i00 boys In blue. This was eveitualiy aceounpilehed , but the amount of home-cooked grub that disappeared before the onslnught of the regiment was some- thiuig amaziti. Wheui every blue uniform had been filled to repletion the women stuffed ( lie hiaver- sacks with the edibles ( lint remained lit order ( lint the supper aught also be provided - vided for. Even , thien there was a tutu vagonload of lrovisions remainIng , and these were immediately sent Gilt to the fort as a bnsts for the Sunday dinner. Thien ( lie soldiers were turned loose to enjoy thorn- selves after their own tiiclinatiouis until ( lie bugle coil sumuioaed t'beiii to return to ( lie garrison. They were takcii in lianut by thai relatives and friends who had leen ) inter- esteti spectators of the proceedings , anti speuit the afternoon very enjoyably , seeing tim exposition ( hat they did not expect to see again. They hind the freedom of the grounds niiii most of thai Midway , and were everywhere treated mis guests of honor. They wanted to stay during the evening , but regl- mcntni diSCilhine interfered , and promiipthy at i:30 : o'clock ( lie bugles called theni Into hue. At 6 o'clock they marched back to their barracks , w'hiihe ' ( ho crowd qieereh its final farewell. MTSCA 1 , No % 'ldb'i'l ES FOJ ( ' .Vlllli. Sesersil I ut , .rg',4 ( lii t'czi urcs A cc on I lie I'rogrii iii , The iiuuts.a1 features for ( lie coaiing week are exceptionally promisIng amid In- clothe a number of novelties that have beemi pianuied by Superintenticuit Thioiiias J. Kelly. Although the gates tb mint open unhi ( I o'clock tcdny there vhii be ( our concerts as usual anti these are zo arrnuigetl that thai niuuste vihl be practically continuous. The I'avnee CIty band will play hut the Au- ditoriumni at 1 :30 : o'clock anti ngaiui in front of the ( iovernnient building at f3h0. : h'hin- ney's band wIll give a concert at the Gov- ernnient building at : t o'clock and aumotlier at tile band stand In the evening. Thai last concert by the ( 'awnee City band will ho givett at ( he hiand stand at 7:10 : Momitlay evening , Phitnney's hand remnaining during ( lie week. Monday evening ( hero will be ii rehearsal of ( ho oxpositfoim chorus in the Auditoriuni , at which all members are uirgeul to be pros- emit. Timers will also be a mneetiiig of ( lie siiperinteuidents of ( ho various uhivisiomie in the library room a quarter of an hour before - fore the rehearsal. Tuesday evening the great descriptive Idecs , "Froiii Battle Flohh to Firetsitle , ' ' will be ( lie feature of the comicert oui ( lie l'iazn. Thus will occupy thirty inimiutea anti will constittito ( lie entire second half of the program. it. represents two bamiuls playing , otto on t'aeli tsid of a river. A southern hand plays "Dixie" and other asoutiiermu melodies , whIle ( lutu uiortltvrn baud lulaYs ( lie musIc that iuispired ( lie Army of thai l'otouuiac. Thin is followed by ( lie battle sceuio ( hint Is macdo more 'Ivitl by realistic cauiponadtiig , nuid uiieii OIl Glory Is an- furled in a blaze of red lire mind the lunutuls U Ii I te i ii I lie ' 'S tau' Spaui gi ed han ii cc. ' Thursday ev'ntuug the expositiaui ehunrus and 1'hiinmieys itami will give ( lie first of ( lie series of grand concerts near the head of ( lie lagooui. Suporinendent ( Kelly tinnouuiees ( lint hereafter every Friday evening conceit vthi consist of a "request" prograia. Iicglnmilng today each official prograni will contuiui a blaiik coupon vhiich emititlea the holder to cast one vote for hits favorite selection. The coupomis iiliiat be sent o Sumperlntendent Kelly early lii the week and the programs vihi be selected froni the COifliOitiOflts in thai order of theIr iOIUIBEhtY. This lurac- ( ice will be comitlnuc'ti indefinitely. $ iieeiuuI 'l'rii iiit troiiu .51 liiiit'sotii , Iii order to aecommotlatti ( lie crowds from ( liii Twin Cities anti other Minnesoa ( luotnis which are exiuecteth (0 visit Ounahiti io assist in thai dodieattoui of this Mtnnesota buIlding at ( lie 'l'runsruitutstsalppl ixposltoii ( , one or more special trains will leave Atluinerupohls at 7 p. m. and St. Paul 730 ; p. in. out Tucs. - - - - - day. Jtily 19. oter ( he ( 'hlcaie , St. l'atul , Mluiuieapohls & Ountsiia railway. The ( rains iil arrive in Omaha at S a. in. on thin 20th , enti will return , heaving Omaha 730 ii. rn , July 21. lllhi)1 Nfl 'I'll fi hitUht't Oi.lhhillS. ( I in' It i'g I iit'ii I inu'sn iungttt ) Ieeil of t'iiMlV ( ' ( gist riiiiIi % ' . The Ide iunssagevny at the hark of flit' Auditorium nnd the rooms at the back of hie stage itt ( hit' iiullding hres'ntel nil ap- penrance of nuihinatton rituritig ( lie entire unormiliig ( ltite ( iii keeping wit hi ( ho tnepiriuig events taking place In ( lie main portion of the building and in every part of ( lie grounds. The women of Omaha , South Onialin mmii Council lihuiffs u'ho hind lovingly necumeti the dtiy of looking after ( he iiiaterinl welfare - fare at thu brave sohihier iioy gathered mtt the \sttlltoriumni at an ently hiotur to atrange for the iuunch which waq to he served ( lie boys after ( lie eonipletioui of ( hue formalities iii ( lie Atitlhtorhuunl. lvery woman eninc laden with baskets , boxes , parcels of every size flhiui shape. alt eouitniuiitig goodies of a diameter to tempt ( lie appetite of num epicure - cure , lii atithition to liii' ProVisIOuiS brought by these women , carriages by the score drove up to ( lie big gates at ( lit' rear of the Amuittoritmnu and parcels of ulvers ( sizes auth shapes were Passeti in to ( ho guiruiuls on thtity to receive thieni.Vngons comuneneed nrrlviuig at an early hour with big boxes nut ! baskets re'presu'uit lug ( lie voiiiluinetl con- ( ributiomis of iieigliluorhioods which hnul couisolluiateti ( heir forces. The American IIstriet Telegi'apii wugouis hirouuglit three big bails of all kiuiuls of things-fruit of every variety , Ilowers in proftision , sand- whcheui by ( lie bushel , pickles , entail , cakes of every thescriptioii tund a few tileS , These articles had been sent to the Aunericnmi DIe' ( net Telegraph office from nIl parts of thu city iti respouise (0 the request of ( lie lltiieatu of fluicrainnieiit ( ( , and uiunmeroutl couitribuitloiis vere ruceiveul froni South Omaha nuid Couineil limits , a box couitnin- lug snntlwieliea , cakes , etc. , vfl received trout Mrs. Tturbet ( at LIncoln and a box couinlnhuig ( fifty iouuuitls of boneless laini was received from Clay ( 'cuter , representluig the contritnitton of ( lie iieoide of ( hint towum. All of these materials were carefully earned - ned into ( lie large ioonis at ( lie back of ( he Auditorium , vhwre they were receiveul by ( lie scout's of woniemi who hind assembled to distribute tiieui among ( lie soldiers. TIle conteiits of ( lie boxes amid baskets were as- sortcui aiiut 1)110th OIl ( hue ttihiles anti the vouaeui were divided ino ( squntis raid assigned coin- huauiies of ( lie regliiieiit , each squad taking care to secure enough of the available iiia- ( erich to suuplly thi miceds of their charges. i'lt'iiI.mof . % Vomn'ii to hl&'li , . The womiiea of ( lie Iiuurean of Entertain- niemit were on hiaiid in force nuid their etfort were supplemented by a deiegatioui of twenty womuien fioun the \Vonien's Relief Corps of Omaha nuid South Omelma , untier ( lie direction of Mrs. Sarah A. Potter , and a strong committee front ( heVoniemi's Siumil- tary Aid associatIon beaded by Mrs. George iI. Fddy , Mrs. Clement Chase , iresidouit of thai Ilnreau of l'mitertainmeui ( , anti Mrs. F. I' . lCirkeiitlall , a member of ( be liiureau , . vei.o in gemiemiul charge of the work.'iien thai materIals were all arranged ( here were mountatuis of sandwiches , hugo piles of cake , and immense ( luauititica of eyerytliiuig a huiigry mann couiul think of. "Those nien can never eat all of this food ! " pxclaiuned Mrs. Chase , as she cur- veyed the groaning tables. "There Is enough hero to feed three regiments. " After ( lie lumicheon was over anti the tables were stripped bare. Mrs. Chase ad- united ( that she had greatly underestimated - mated ( lie capacity of a hungry soldier , The work of the wouiien started as soon art ( lie soldiers arrived at ( he Auuditoriuuuui. Hot anti perspirIng from their long and dusty march , ( lie boys comnienceci looking around for vator. A siuiglo hint was all that was necessary. Front scores of tin- suspected places pitchers were produced nnd soon dozens of vounen were scouring ( lie neighborhood for water. The way those wounen carried water and poured It Into ( lie seeiniuigly bottoniless tin cups of the soldiers was mu Inspiring sight. half a dozen of the boys were exhausted by ( he march through the stun and their wants mm'ere attended to as lovingly as though they had been wounded by Spanish bullets. \\'heui ( lie exercises In the Auditorium Were concluded the spectators were asked to reiro ( amid tIme himihiling was given to the soldiers. Tue hays were seated in alernato rows of settees , heaving room for the women to pass , and ( lien ( lie real work of the women commenced , Each man was proVided - Vided with a new woodeui plate on which was pIled all the fooil it would hold. Viit , 'm'l'"d' Sprvt'I. Time mianies of ( lie women and the corn- panics they served , follow : 'l'hird ltegiinent. Baud-Mrs. Charles Siiiverick , assisted by Mrs. J. E. Ilauni , Mrs. Joint \\'Jlbtur , the Misses Athehine Nash , Eduia Cowin , Aiimia Crnry , Ethel Morse , Aiina Sbhverick and Miss Outcalt of Lincolmu. Pawnee City iiaiuui-Commjttco of ( lie Women's Relict corps , Mrs. Sarah A. Potter - ter , chairman ; Mestiamnes George U. Eddy , John Joffcoat , Alien Koch , 'IV. H. Martha , lteunhngtoui , Onuar'iiinoy , George Rhodes , McCoy , hiougli , Deacon , Ihtill , Askwilt ( , S'hieeiar , Hugh , all of Omulahia corps , anti Mesilaineus Ogg , Eastman , I ngorsol , Whl- hiamus. Penner amid Towi of South Omaha. Conipamiy A-Mrs. .1. JI. Metcalf , assisted iuy Mestiamu's C. I ) , Sinclair , J. N. Coralsh nuid J. U , Hc'rtschio amid time Misses Anna V. Metcalf anJ Lucy Simiclair , Company fl-Mrs. George IL Barker , Mrs. C. F. Squmires , Mrs. A. 11 , Noyns , ( ho Misses tiiiy Barker , Mary Barker , Louise Squuires. Conupamiy C-Mcsdaunes Ii. T. Clarke , W F. Alien , Frank Colpetzer , harry Wilkins , ( he Misses Gertrude Clauice , Grace Alien , Ma- hel Taylor , Frt'tla itariger , Louise Ttikoy. Company 1)-Mi's. .1. E , Stinimers , Jr. , Mrs. George iloagland , ( tie Missets Core Carney , hello neatly , Laulta Beatty , IIVl'mm iloag- land. May Meigiien , Jiesslo Yates , Caroline Johnson , Couiipamiy E-Sanltary Aid socIety , Mrts , George fl Etidy , vice prealdemit ; Mesciamnes Fred Nichols. It. C. Moore , E. V. Lewis , the Misses Flora ilolt , I3essin Levitt , Moore , helene Wyman , Flora Lewis , Jessie Brown. Comnpauuy F'-Mesdauneut I'ntml Chuariton , Richard Carrier , George W. Aiercpr , Chariot ; \v. itnimicy , ( he Misses Nellie and Sarah flau in. Company G-Mesdnrneg Andrew blosewater , T. J. Maltouiey , henry S. Jaynes , ( lie Misses liarborta Jaymies , Euiitii Sunithi , Martini Stone , Tot Moores tumuth Lihlie Berghi of New York ( 'it y. Company it--CommIttee \Vouien's Itellef oompH' Compauiy I-Mesdnnies ( lcomge A. Josiymi , Charles Ohfutt , IL A. Ntislt. A. J. Live , M. A. Hall , Charles Ogulen , Miss Laura harbor. Coinpamiy lc-Mcsutames . A. itedielt , 'l'hionias lCllpatrick , T. M. Qrr , Vt' , N. 1mb. cock , E. S. iundy , I ) . Ii. Vhmecher , Jr. , l. II. SIrtigue Alvlui Saunders and Miss Dumitiy. Couuiuuuiy 14-Meitulaines T. J. Mackay , l. 14. I.omflax. John Grossunan , Itolui'rt l'uryls , Miss l'uurvhs , Miss Olla Cook. Counptumuy M-1tiettiiaunes ( I.V. . W'ai flea , J , B. ilucliaiuutii , / . 'I' . Lindsey , U. F. Iihhweli , tile Misses I.hmmuley , EvanB , lnimna Crebgluuon , Andrees'n , 2lise Moome of "ouneii illuiffs , 3ilss Nellie Law of hear ) ' , Ill. hfimsy liii d' for hi ii l'I.t'iIulN , Yesterday was hie hiusiost ; lay ( hint the ambulance line haul siuuco the expositiomi opead. It answered twelve calls besides thai nuuiierous t'ascti iii which jititiemits were brougli ( to ( hue emergency hospital without thai assistance of ( lie vehicle. Eight of the members of ( lie Third regIment were brought In during the day to ho treated for exhatusttoui from the effects of thp heat and big thinner , auid an exceptionally hargo nuiniber of wonton ms'ero Ircated for I 1auntmtts caused by the crowds and heat. - . - 1111i - - . Cleanino' Up _ The season's accumulation of shot-i ends , ctc4-- flhlCi ill circler to move tllcn1 all quickly weve cut the Pl'iCCS ( leop-it flWalW to s'Oll-'lf you citii 115t3 these i'einnants-a L\'iIlg of lia1t and ill hllflflY eiies hhlOI'e I llIth IhhhlI'-Oiii' new goods iu'o arriving daily and we invite au insIeetiOhI of oui' lhlOS vhi1e they are COlfl1)lCtC. Remnant Rues. Tint season's btisiuics leaves its with inaiiy carpet rounnants. Thieso we hiar IiIILuIO lii ) tuito l'ugs ittiti PriCed them at about cute-third what thu carpet has sold lou'- lou'Ilci'o Ilci'o are a fov hihiits of their great- 11055- S-3x10 Axuaiiuistr Rug , S15.OU. 8.3x10.U Axmihlstcr Rug , $12.50. 8.:3x : 1(1.6 ( Axuninstcr Rug , $1 I .00. 8e3x10-G AxnilnstcrRtig , $17.50. 8-xl 1.9 'l'zupcstu'y Rug , $18.50. 7-8x7-3 Tttpcsti'3' Rug , $6.50. S-3x I I .1) ) rtpcti' ' 1tts , $14.00 S.3x7-6 ' 1'aicstry 11"R $7.00. 8.x1O Hotly Rug , $10.00 , n.i i Body U g , $9.00. Remnants of Carpets- li yai'ds ong-ln Moquotte , Vohvots , Tapestry , \Viltotis arid Axmllisters at 50c and $1.00. These are bonuid ready for use as m'ngs. - - : - .4 ; : L Thin elegant odd dresser-auitiqtie finish hai'go French hilato bevel mirror- p'ico ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . Odd dressers for iroti beds-in antique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . , 9.00 , rarge cheval dresser. . . . . . . . . . . . $11.50 A. handsome , swell front , French plato oval mnirrot' , maple dresser $19.00 ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO. ' ' : Mrs. Schrlder of Omaha was struck by a falling window iui ouio of the toilet rooms and brought to the hospital in emi unconscious - scious couiditioa. She was able to go borne before nghit with no worse results than 'a severe bruise on one side of her bead. sCoPP 'I'tlKS 'Vt ) IllS hOME I'EOl'LE. E'thmi : Ins Vl , . a. tYmuMiitngtohi ExiiIlit SliouiiL 1li 'e lmult' , . J. H. Scot ( , oiie f the commIssioners to ( ho exposition from Washington , was in ( he city a few weeks ago , arranging the exhibit and putting it iii place. Upon his return to his home , ho was Interviewed by ( lie Daily Olympian of Olympia mid to ( lie reporter ho said : . 'It is really a great show. In some ye- spects it exceeds the Woriti's fair at Chi- cago. I was there at ( lie openhuig and rc- mained long enough to see ( ho exposition , tb all I could for ( lie state , enjoy a splen- filth visit with my father's famIly auiul old fricatltu and then I was anxiouis to get back to this good country. "It is really too bad ( lint this state is not represented. Were it not for ( he North- cm h'aciuic exhibition car which the corn- pauiy has run down there , WashIngton would miot have a mention in ( he euuire show , All ( lie other western and coast satcs ( are rep- resentcd with fine exhibits anti most of thieun with elegant buildIngs. The hatter is not tieccesary. In fact , I would advise against a state building , it Is used only as a reception station and a vince for enter- tainmea ( , Of course ( lint is all nice enough , butt it costs money that. would better be spout In ( lie exhibit , "Ten ( houmsand dollars would have so- cuired us a place in ( ho main exhiibition hail anti would hiavo given lie a show of which any citizen of ( lie state might feel prouul. Oregon lais expended aluont $20,000 and is strictly in ( lie swim. 11cr representatives there thought to answer iuiquulries mubouit this state , 'why of couurse shio has nothing to show or siil3 would be here. ' It is a bad record. " \'iien I thiinhc of our resources and ( ho vast prodUcts of this state , compared with 501110 of ( Ito atateut that are on the top shelf ( here it dlstressi's me to think that bu small a suiuii as $10,000 could not have beemi apiroprlatod for so lautiable a pur- 1)0cc.Vliy ) ( host' t'usterii states , mnuiy of therm hiaveui't a thing to tuhiow buit vralrio grass , corn and purnpkimis and yet there they tire as big as the best of them , whIle % % .ui with ouur wheat , corn , farm products , fruit , coal , minerals , timber , lumber , fish , oysters , clams-itt fart till thiorq Is iui all ( he rest of the worhei comhlned , haveuft tveui , a 4x6 circular letter to let tue people 'kmiow we are yet on ( lie nip of the United States , Oregomi has the drop oa its this ( line , sure. " l'l"l"l'ING ii' ll.tM'AIitS ENIIIiI1F , iislmiy , froni I imi.I svli'li Jsimuuuils A (4 ( rmn'IN .luhi . % I ( cut liii , , Although In an iinflmiishied condition and s'ithu scarcely a third of ( lie material on the floor , ( lie hawaiian exhibit in ( lie Agriculture - culture buiIltIiuig attracts great ruentioui ( auiti is examiutcal with moore or less hit erect by every visitor to liii' building. Titus spare aliotted to thai cxhihhiit is in two cectloims , ( lie larger hieing out tue north sIde of ( Ito maui isle near ( lie center of ( lie build. ing anti ( lie smaller directly north of it across ( Ito uiorhi ( inahui isle. Thai first naiiwti sliced is partially occupied by boxes anti ( 'CCCI , containing Portiomis of ( lie exhibit int'l ' by glass jars comilalmuiiig preserveul crueciuiieuis of ( lie ninny varieties of ( topical fruit growui in ( lie Sauitiwlchm islands. This portion of tutu space will be OCCUIIed hiy the sugar. of which a miiost .compretuensivo ex habit is au time woy. 'fhio smallem' space vilh be dovoteti to an exhibit of time coffee industry of ( lie isl. and. Couuiuuissionor Shilagie has withm lituim ( Imo and one.hualf ( omits of greoii coffee. This coffee will be roasted on ( hue spot , ground antI served free to visitors. "This coffee is five years old , " said Mr. Shiiuugie , "ami cccii 'ear of its age adds 6 pci cent to ( ( H value. I Intend to serve it here to vitstors ( to let theta counpare ( he product of our portion of the 'nited States with the coffee produced iui foreiguu countries - tries anti see if we don't produce a grade Carpet Remnants. Stupor Ihigu'mthuus-Shiom't , lohhgths- iii ) to iuluit' 'nrls long-- iult wool super ingu'athi-rcgttlnt' 7k' gooda oil sale this week..35c yd 'I'apcsti'y Cateti4-FIvo an(1 ( tvcui- ty yau'd lengths anti romnuitits of borders with no cat'pots to match regular Sc cau'lots..50c yd Axnliuustcrs--flemnants of tlhielow Axmninsttt' carpets - 801110 have sold at. $2.00 , othiem's at tl,7t-tt1l go iii one lot ( hits week 75c yd Remnants of Ingrain stair' carpets itt ic and 15c yci flomnants of body Tlrttssohi antI Voi- t'ots-h,2 to 8l.7cnrpets 75c , \Ve have a good Iron hed-4i : ill. highi-l 1 .16 in. lOSt-brnss ) ti'himt- med-for only. . . . . . . . . . $2.50 Out' line of iroui beds is compete and up to dae-Special ( this week Is is a bow foot iron bed rithi bi'ttss rods , hieaul muml foot , also brass ring , stulmidhe and knobs-nicely ( Inishieul-prlco. . . . . . . . $6.75 Rockers. Solid oak cobhom' leather scat mtt'in rockcu'-oniy a fe tv-while they last-urico cccli - - - - - - - . $ , 75 Folding lawn and. porch settees $1 , 1.50 , 175. that will counpara favorably \vitiu nuuy grown outside of our cotintry. " Mr. Shingle Is making life a burden for the railway otllclais in an effort to find a carload of niaterial behongimig to huis cx- hibit mm'hich has leemi lost. Tin , delay in ( lie receipt of ( his imiaterhal is luroventimig ( lie completion of ( lie exluihuit. As soon as ( lila arrives the cxhiiluit will be put in shape ready for Inspection. Cro'uv.l ut ( lie Grounds ltist Night , Last night's crowd was the biggest ( lint has beemi in ev4lence since opening ulny , vitii the single exception of Foturthi of July night. The evening concert was ilayed to an audience ( lint almost entirely filled the I'haza anti every part of ( lie groiiuuuls was well popuiated. After the concert there was a general rush towards the north tract where the fireworks cuitertaimieti an lau- menso concourse , amid from then uintil chat- ing time ( lie Midway streets vere ahuiiost soliiliy packed with sightseers. The pyrotechnical display was similar to ( hose that. have previoumely beeti giveum , the only tiew feature being the niaguiltlccuit Portrait of Coloael W. J. Bryan iii silver fire , which was greeted withi a volley of cheers by ( lie crowd. This was preceded by thai usual successloui of mines , bombs anti rackets. I iilI'Ntl ( lii' I'iigi'iuiii , The progrtiun for Miniiecoa ( flay , which occurs next V.'cdnesduy , will include exercises - cises at ( lie Minnet.otn buttlding at 10:30 : o'clock anti a display of fireworks in ( lie evening. The prograun for ( Ito mnorniuig exercises follows : Rniitiuig of "Old Glory" amid Stiuti l'onnamit "unit Colunibijil' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By IjaunI .lumiuig Flag Itching AthiresM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lieutteiinnt Governor , Joltui L. ( iibb , l'res- blent of ( lit , StumU. conumlssioui. A d 1 ress--I ) ( ti i Cat t I tg t lie Slit to but I I ti I uig to ( lie Ixposttiuiti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hits Excellency , Oo'eruinr I ) , M. Chuutghi Ites iuise-A cut-pt lag I I mu liii i img . . . . . . . . . . . Gurtlon \ V.Vatks , Preetdemit 'l'rtmnsmnts- H issi md EXI)0SIu ' 'Amerien'-hinnd auitlieiice to join. . . . . . . . . . Ode to Mimimiesota-Slurt Poeni ly Mr. I lnrwnouh. Ailti'rt'suj of Day..lion. \V. Ii. F.histis MusIc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ito umd iteceptioui Iii Ittuilding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hiryn ii 'j'iile I Ii. Cit l.c , The cake presented to Cohoumel Bryan by the woiuien of time Burenui of Snerniii. ( ( miiemit was a unouister affair of time layer variety and oui ( lie top , iii froittlmig , up- pr'art'il an Anueu'lcaui ( lag covering ( Ito vu. tire top of ( hue cake , Tim coinuiel PrCs'iVeul ( Ito delicacy very cam'efuhly , sayluug I I simmttilul servo for dessert at ( lie mnldihtuy miieai Of ( lie otilcurs' iuiess today. Not.'s ti t I lit' JaIHIt iii , 'rite ticutil rate of admission will be charged rut ( lie gntea today. .Iumuige l'aritt'r of that stultrern ( , caum't of Keuitmcky ( stis a visitor at time groumuds yc- ( erdiuy. Thit rate for Missotuu'i day , 4iigutst 20 , has been auiuiouiiceil as cite fare ( or ( Ito routmi I I ri ii fromn uI I PlIlmit H i Ii , ul issout ri , 'Flit' I irk - etc mu' i I I be good for t lie to I ii iii t il p t 0 atd imiclui'liuig ' $ t'lmteni hu'r 5 Qua' of tIm ; coctuuunu'ui ativerltiemuicnis of a ! ti iii mvii y mt'snrt rca t t'i a mteiusn t lou by ftil I - hug lUll ) that iiigooui lust eveniutg. I Ic was resrlit'tl my I I huoti t i , iJ uu ry vxeeit t mu Ii I s gre- t dM1 Ii ( ' Ito Iti I I uteri ( it ii liii t lit I un ul ( 'it I ti- fortieth uiot a little tuuuiumst'mtnt to ( lie crowth. Soimia ( if I hit you jug iu'ui cout uu'rt , vu t I ti , eerhuiui of tue exltibius iii thit' _ lauittf.mrt itt's Itutildfmig uiuitl viilm the foruot in ( Ito cov- : erui macui t mi I I ml I mg. : are mtia'r ' I mi ; ; a rruu ugern to itt for a dar.eiuig pam (3 ( in the Nohrahti buIld- tag sonic tiuni' tiurliig tin' couuitumg 'vek. 'I'hue return trill wIll begimi sit 7' ( a o't'iock Au cahuiltit of uswtet i.ea iii 11113 hlnri- culture luumiltitiug atractctl ( a great diutil of fittelitioti yesterday froumi eatly mnornlng UI- , thl aboutt 4 o'clock in mhte ftt'uiioouu. It ( ( lint hour somiie of ( lie soitit ; ' : hunys t'nt'retl ( tutu tuuillul big , accompamu i&'ti b ' I lid V fri cii 'I ' s a mu I ( lie yreat haunches of Ctet henutti's were Boon used au Iii uuinkluig boutonieres ( to adormu ( ho hroaml chiests of ( lie comic f Mars. There were abou ( lU0 varieul's of I lie teas. ' ' & Omiumilia tail- 'fun St. i'auil. Minmietaliolis roami otilcin Is have a at ttlctl I hi. , ' lena ut. inelut of 'i'raniihtortiuttOui thitut hi i''W fl run a SICdlaI ( tutu out Miatiesot , , ( Ia ) ' . , tih , V 2u , which mvhil lea't' Mttnettpoittt , at 7 ci vIa it cii ( hue preceding eventng en'J , urrlme Iii Omnahia at 8 ocloek the foilot t114 unoruutuug on the evening of July 21 , givIng hue cx- - - - - - - - - - - - 1 , TF ( j : J ( -I lIi4t'lhfll , you haVe been Iookiiig for ; it , small illexleil- Si'e St ahi(1 ( that I uas itoh no ( 'llllI'actel' auul it1C , A I un- itC(1 iiiinibei' ol. iii is Ilandsolne iltaild 011 itIO dlhl'ihlg tills week. Thiiik o f I 1 , A. \Ii1iogaiiy , Birds lye , 1\Llple ; 01' llai't ( 'I' sa\Vc(1 011k , huigh ! y 1)01 iIiecl , I (3 ( IllCJh Pattel'II tOj ) staiicl with 511011' , like $ ' 35 cut ll'i'P tills \Veluk .11. . ? Iflil O1'lel'S ( filled , Couches. 0111' lSsii luent , ol' Couches 'I S ( SJ lee liii 1r alt l'act'l'O I Ii U 1 1 tilO latest ( lesighis and COVOF' 4 . tugs , 1)1'ICCS , fulled Couch $8.5 , $9.75 , : ; i.5o ? , 15.OO Hi ) to the best genuine ICatilel' couches It 29.OO , $37.50 , 5O.OO , _ _ _ _ Hammocks ' \Ve lia'o a large and wohi solcccd ( line of IIamnmnuci-goomt stilattuitittI wovouu hamunocks-ihie ' amid best stu'ouigest mantle - -p'ihlotvs utttuchietl-pt'jccs $1 .50 , $2.23 , $2.5 , $4.00 , $4.tO anti .tO. ) A DEIONSTRATEI ) FACT That Relief Is Within the Reach of all Suffering From Imperfect Sight. A BLESSi Nez icSJ ( ) Yl l ) mm y i'Ii'ip OI 'I'll F Pit l&4ll'u' .til. ( 'thinS t'.mis t , , flit' l't'oplof 'l'vi'.il s' Yt' , , rs , % go-I' . , , ' II , tM , % 'u 1(1'1' ( , ' lo ti , , ' l''rse- 5.0 ci , ti. ' . mi ii .1 I ii gu' ii ii. It y of ii I'cmy. . - - - I It is sehiloni ouio itiects a mmmii vliu line de'o I oil H is en t lie t I inc ; lui ti nuid I v I tiel thought to ouio particular branch of science auth mvhio has haiti Perseverauwo enough to acquire thai highest hegreo of proi'tcieuity Iii every ulettuil of the sonic , To ( lie in- ( ehhigent it Inuat ho evident that t lie person t Ii it 5 etjim iIjtcul a nit kihld in one particular irofession is mor capable of coptuig tm'iiu ( Ito Tntuuiy dlfitciti - ties ( lint arIse tiuereiui , uhiumi one who hits giveui hit tie or intiifferc'nt tiumie timid iuttentioui to tlio sutlijoet. This is partle uiitui' trite Itt regard to the correct ticlaptat ion of lenses 1 I o a I I I ma pdr'Ctiotits of sigh t. I t is it ii much of sehtice tlmmtt requtires a vast anioumuit uf stutily tund itractico (0 ( taquire any degree of profic'iericy Iii , lumiti to arrive at ( hut' host results it is eomicetitai m'1tiioiit tjtmetttttJi , ( hat I ono untist mint oiuhy hitt' the nhihtty atid slcihh , hut toIlet also huivo iii his pnsscuutton I ( lie ntodt'rti sciont tIle imiuttriumemjte thiat are uiow attaiuiahuhe for the correct nienemume- macmit of tile 'ye. lii ( hilts pariciuiar iintt timere is lit , One mnoro tiniphy iumtiltthel , I hmaui Di'V. . I. iicyuiiouur. having given mutuchu ( hue amid ( hioimghmt to liii ; chosen prtufessioui amid spitting uiettluer muinuicy nor emueryg iii hmi imileftttlgahlo nearebu tar tiow and sciemutiltc iuiutrlimiiemittt : ; to tihtl his ait , hue lice meached ml. tlcgreo of skill in ( hits bmamueli of seicuien sel.louii attalneti by ( htt , average opticiiun. As sight is ( itt ; most. prticioius of otmr seziscs it is iiiiperaivu ( ( itat vo iicmuuitl avail alit- selves of ( lie best skill vItliin our reuucht , tumid not trust ( ii lUck or expeminmtuntimig iuu ( Lie ( reamncuit of ( hilts ituvalumable gift. ( 'cuitrally loctutuni in ofliceut u'speciluhhy atlutpteii to hits t'ii U , lu' . Scyutiottu' offers to tim ; , Puttultu ( iii opportuiuiit y to mtt'i'tuua' skillfully Ii ( ted gI a sees vht lou I it not eq tin I it'd I um t hi Is city or tne ( , nut lie commiluines ( lit' skill of tile ( loch I I ut w'ihu thin t of ( Ii o mturuui ii ( ott ii ml tug II ii- t tciaui , ttnd thIs vithtoiit nldttioumal ( expeuuso t U lilt ; ptiteiis. ( Evt'ry Ierri fi'eiing thimtt t hey may lie I ii iit'd of p ra c ti ill I ad vice re- gnmiiluig the coiiulltiomu of theii eyes are mvmi - cotli a to ( 'fill 01) ) iii iii Ii t I I I Icim riiaciu Ilietlu , with ( hue assumrtiuicc' . that thiey vilh not lie oxpecteil I 0 1 'It y fri i' i Ii I ii pu'i y I loge , U it here they wish ( a accept his ptflfm'tsuiiofliil ettt t s. it Is hiaril for cmi imiloiligeult htei'soui to mitt- ilertstttuitl avhuy ci' untin' iereoxis vIll pinto ( lila tlt'hictuti' suuluject iii tile Itantls of a total srang'r , t'tiu , hiatt naiughit to luuclc his au- seitions Iuu tlutt way of it reluiit.itoti t 1) Ciii- ( at ii , mu tid vhto hius nut even the ftueih I tics It ) mnahte U. iiritper extumaiituttomi of thim' sight' ' . Ir. Seyiuiouir titus been iocntcd &uu & ( hilts cii y for U vi' yea rut , ii it ring viu ichi hun e hi p hue s miii I itoumsaitlls Of I lie host peopi e flu t It Iii ( ' I I f ii miii state , till of vhiouui speak in the' lmighuc4 tcuuuits of iulii ability , I rumrsionists tv0 fumil days at ( lie c'irisi- than. 'I'iie Nebraska luttilding lroveil to lie one of ( it ; mtioiut itoritutar I'citOrtl ( iii tht' grottuitlus yeHtc'rdtt ) ' . NO less thitun 600 people , utt ( Itch' lunch iii ( lie htuillihitig at noomi iunul vromsds of poollie tImrouigtd ( he ultu'e frouui early muioining until taut mit milght , ( 'citimiel iirynui arid time tuiemliers of ltis rt'gIini 'It vi s I ( c'l ( lie lou i I ii I uig n titi cmi ( .ed i htt1 r ii nut's emu thea big rcgistei' . "Oh. lily ! God likes MontgoiuieryVurul & co : ! " saul a tlrt'ti anti thirsty ohil ltol yuuitc'rtiuy as clue threw iucruseif lute cii etu5 choir. " \'iiut sould luumnutmtty ; ito for e iiltico to lcst at ( hutH tXluOiiitIOti tit for this liltttO : ? 1 woitIer If It wts ; Mr'uimfi t r lut.u , ttfi' Itiut tOut I % ihtis Idea I diii tirlieve any unaui would think of all thu e Lcuuiifot LI t'outilu'mietj wit I sin hi a cliurmnutut t'mnerteinlm'iit 'i'iui'rc'ti a msornflug bawl to it somnewhicro anti I know it , " )