. _ - - - . - - - - ' - - . - - - . - - - - - - - . _ ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ' --i- _ _ _ _ V _ _ _ _ _ - - TTE 0MAIrA. DATTJ\ . flEEs St1)KJvr3 \ 1 , 19S. - - ASKSFOR IAIACES ) ue3 the Olivera for $25,000 , , Alleging Ho is Out that Much , P RENEWS TIlE OLIVER ThEATER SUIT J'1nI , lit 1tiIf. , lhnt Iii' ' . % ' * ( ' .itt'iu1 , 11 1.pi , . I II ( 54n1i nt It tise Iluld Itig-Ot Iii'r bin- I 44)III : % ( . , M. LINCOLN , July 1G.-SpecUil-J. ( ) 1. _ J ' , Ing some time ago brouglil. suit for $2.OO , ' .agaInB thu Oliver brothorH , ciniming that J they had consplrcl to force the theater btilhl- \ ' , log onto the mitrkot at jtlIICI8I ( sale arni therchy InJurtI 1ini flnatica1Iy to that cx. 'tent. In the lower court the cac was dis- V nhLcd and thu eotS anioutitliig to $18 chargci to the iInIIitIff. , Yesterday Mr. Lousing appcalctl thc Ce to the supreme a court. Dudilla C. A. Stodthrd of I'elIa , In. , has . flied a claim for $10,000 Iaunges ! angitist the , city of Lincoln. She sets up that o Juno 20 ho broke In'r right arm by reason of fall occasioned by n defective Slulewnik. Slo further states that she has suffered Per- ' Iflanent Injury , besIdes being put to much Inconvenience ami pain. S. A. D. Shilling has flied his 1ontl for V V $ j,000 as receiver of the derdinnts' hank. hlu VR allowed to reduce the ahilount or his bond from $10,000 owing to the small umount of :1880tH stIll remaining with the lnimtltmitlon. V V herbert Johnson , a cartoonist. for the Kan- . as City Journal , Is in the etty visiting .hls parents , Mr. nimil Mrs. Joe Johnson. A : son from Butte , Mont. . is also visiting them. , The young peoilo Of the church will have r icharge of the Sunday evening services at the First Congregational church tomorrow. ; The missionary coinmnittco hmam prepared the I VfohIo , .Ing program of PaIers : 'Comifuclaim- V Ism , ' ' Miss Inn ltisshcy ; "Ilrmmnuthiisni. " Miss L' Luiti Sumner ; ' 'Itmiiidhiisni. ' ' Miss Ella \Vit- 'h . tie ; ' ' .1ohnmmnei1nmiismmi. ' ' U. S. Parker. L . The rimembers of the hincoin Wlied climb .aro making preparations to welcome the Omaha wheelmemi. who ore expected to ar- , nyc in the city about imoon tomorrow. Large numbers of lincoln people vent up to Omaha on every train today , mind the Ftrects have a deserted nPilearnnce. Time cheap rate , together with time extension of time for return , Proved an inducenlent to nany 'ho do not care to make a hurried V V trip. All of time state oitlcers and most , or time deputies vcmit up to hid farewell to t C.olonei llryan amid his regiment. W'iiiinin Itced Iuiiroy ) and Build Ii. Gil- lespie left today for Republican City to anako it short visit. Mr. GiiIeiie goes to make a visit with his parents amid sister at ithat : mohimt. Mrs. William V. Schwintl of this city , Mrs. George 11. Sidener of t. Louis , 11ev.Vih - llama Schwlnd of Suninicrhlcid , Iii. , and Mu- toim SChiViII(1 ( of this city , 1)artieipntccl in a Izinily reunion In Omaha today. Time meet- , I trig as in the nature of a farewell to Quar- 'V t ttermnstcr'iIiIam F. Seliwind. who will ( S 'I south with time Third regiment. 'rhl evening Mnor .ioimn II. MeCiny of . ; the Third reimcmmt , Nebraska volunteers. will ho : resemitel with ii sword at Grand , . Army of the Itepubhic hail by his old friends , vimo wish to honor hmimmi nnd show their pleasure at his appointment. Time estate of time late W. W. holmes . % .fls HCttiCl U ) today in county court , after having beemi oendimim for the last two or , three years. J. J. Giiiilan , time nhIoiflte(1 ) ( au- mimmistrator , "ns dischmmirgeul of that duty nrmd time estate vmms turned over to Mrs. holmes. Time estate consisteul mostly of irnl estate , 1)0.11 in this state nnl Kansas , nfld was one of time largest ever rrobated in Lancaster county. ( otmiil- ( oiiIlet. to 3Iet. WEST I'OINT. Nob. . Juiy 16.-t3pechal. ( ) _ rcpimimiican county cemmtrai committee 11118 bCCli called to mimeet in this city on Juiy 19. Time corps of instructors engaged for the I Cumimig County Normal institute , which will commvene in thmiui city on August 15 , Is as fol- lowi : Miss Mamiaret ; Clelamul , Beatrice. Neim. ; I'rof. L. J. ilancocic , Kaimsas City , 1\to. ; Prof. L.V. . George , 4\ustimi , Tex. ; I'rof. .J. A. Stahl , Bamicroft , Nob. ; Prof. L. P. iflrundy.Vest Point , Nd , . Lectures amid en- tertainmnents : l'rof. F. C. Eastnian , Times- ( lilY. August 16 ; l'rof. L. J. Hancock , Timmirs- day. Auigimuit 18 ; Fremont Mmmle quartet , Fri- , tiny , August 19. Cummmlmig county has a credItable record 1mm ' , liu matter of the vamnent mmmmul collection of taxes. About CO imem' cent of time taxes ore jmmuiul before time ) are dime : :10 : irnr cent after ' Il they are ulmip , auth before they become mie- hinquemit. 1111(1 time delinquent taxes are about 10 per ccitt of time ms'lmolo. It in estimated that omit of time 10 per cent. of delummquent taxes not over 2 iwr cent art' lost , thmu mmmaktmig a total of 98 per cent collected amid paitul. paitul.Time Time coUnty hoard met Wednesday after- Iooli ammul traimsacteul a little routine busi- hess. 'rhe report of time comnimmittee oil time scnul-anmmiiml ; etticmnemmt with time county treasurer was lmrescnted auth accepted. Time . ' 4 .01(1 ( bridge mitVest l'oint. was ordered to be , VFOhti mmii the Ironwork for time mmcmv bridge was ordered tested. No clmuimmms vere mit- itowed , mmimd time board nuljourimeul to July 28. Thu partIes engaged 1mm limo fruemis at'ls - Viler OR time 4th s'cro umm'rested by Bheriff Phiiiilms on a warrant .Agre mit. mimany vlt- : ' ) nccs were stmbpocnned. 'Fime charge is "as- T FALLG V flESTOflD Soon after I was taken ill immy Imair corn- inriiced to fall , so that each clay more caimmo out than I tbomigimt I lmid : 1mm imm' head. 1 wa turmmtimg gray raiutuliy. llmmiliy : I became afmiuh VLO bare it coumbed , but the nuru said that vouhu1im" ito , amid useit vasehlue to keep it Iii , timen mmmcd beef's marrow , timeim qmmumiimm tonic , amy' rmiaily ( CLuricuitA olnttmmemmt ) , 'ii hmicii imeiped It. Immimmioullately , 'limo mmmrs.m ; . saul slmo rubbed imIm a hue white dust fromim time scaiji wlmero simo could see mmothmimmg before coin- mmmoimciiig , unit limo scalp looked healthier auth moro a. lord every tiay , Now I hmacmm't aim Vffl5fl3. gy imalam aim vimemi I coimmineumeeui usimig CvTmcua. , and I Imavo a crop of Slime browmm haIr alt over may imemut abommt num inch aimd a halt iii lemigtim. I only logo a few imair3 1mezm combing every day , aimd aIwas more gray than trown. My nurse ts delighted because ' \ tlmo mmcv , imaimim are itrowim , I hover bad very iuxuriam't hair , ecmm in amy youth. It Is aim thick ci U1) imead today as It ever was , arid CuTicimimA mliii It. Mrs. ,1. 31. I.AWSON. .1areb0 , 102 hlaumiiton St. , AhbauyN. \ . LUXURIANT LUSTROUS HAIR with mu clean whoicionie , caip , free from irritat- tumg mu4 .csly eruptions , t tirodured by warm rhusmiooi Vtlttm CwricwmA tiosm' , followed b IItmt dre..logs with CUT1CVIIA , Purist Of CIliO hint. stin currs , ( be most i'ffecIe % iu puriticra and beautifiers tim time mcorkj. ΒΆ l'bey clcar the .ramp sail hair of crusts , PeAIc ufltl daudruif , dcstrey oulcroscoptc in.cta that teed aim tiuti hair , soothe Irritated , itching aurfacco , atiuumuisto Iho bait toIiIcle , , uid .Uppty the root. mvttb cuergy smid uuimdshmeflk Sot4 tbrnehontt $ , , wc4 , t'onir Dave &ao Cua. Coir. , iI.m ltoiou. Z-'U0cv 7t4is Lvzrisat Uitz"is1he t. , saulting tmnd resisting an offleer" The case WaR called in county court this morning. 'I' . M. } 'ranso mmdt. . ft. Oieson appeared for the iletense &nd I" . fl Hunker for the state. A motion to quash the complaint on the gromirmul that it did not state a crime was sumstnineI by Judge Krtmko and the case dim. mnismed. lluiu' IinrveMi lug ( rgtIii. 1tASTl4G , eb. , July 16.-Speclal.- ( ) The farmers of Adams county have timen brim ) ' time week past harestIng grain. Time yield cit vintt'r , , Vhcat will be oven larger than at first e'peete4. Many tarmera report thirty-four anl thirty-hive buishmelim per acre. Spring wheat and oats are about all cut. Corn Is looking healthy and is growing rapidly , as the ground is clean amid In good condition , There is a large acreage of sugar beets sad theme are growing finely. A large micro- age of sugar cane has been planted for time Smith Syrup conmpany anti the crop looks ve1I. l'otntoes are also in excellent condition - tion ai from alt indications there will be an abundance of thcmn , as most of the hatches have been free tronm bugs. Pas- ttmres are furnishing piemmty of feed for live stock and cattle are getting tat amid looking - ing flue , Nt'tu' 'i'rzit'L a t Frt'mnunt. F'htFtlONT , Nob. , July lO.-Specini.- ( ) Time likimorn Railroad company has had a force of men at ork this week In grading and laying track omm time old grade east of time city. It will be used for throumglm freights , saving timeir going through the city amid railroad yards mmii three or four miles tim ihistummee. Time road being laid is the oid main line of the llkimorum , tIme one used before the present line running through time city was built , and whIch was abmmndommed several years ago. It extends from time cast mmmi of tue yards stralglmt miortim , striking time iresemmt ummalum line half a mnuio cast amid about two unites north of the city. Time new line will save much time to through stock trains ammd lirereuit time yards being crowded nights titiring thc bus : ' season. lionrti ( if lt1ruoitt Ion Organ izeM. 1lERSO , Nob. , Jumly 16.-SpeciaL- ( ) The Board of Educuition organized for the cmmsuiimg year by time election of Ir. M. II. 1'vmmns president , W. L. Mote secretary amul , I . 0. Paumlyor. The election of an additional leached was deferred till another meeting. Thu fohiowing oflicors of the Eastern Star ledge were Installed last evening : Mrs. John Davis , W. M. ; Mrs. W. L. Mote , W. P. ; Mr. . hI. 11. Evans , A. M. ; Mr3. Frank Coyc , C. ; Mrs. Myrtle Ritcho , It. C. ; F. 0. I'aulycr. secretary. Ammotimer telephone line to connect Erner- son with Sioqc City afli Norfolk is being built by time Nebraska Telephone company. II , I ee (1 % ugh t. ilElhi1ON , Nob. , July 16.-Speciai.-Yes- ( ) terday afternoon whiio most of the storekeepers - keepers were attracted to time street by time noise of firecrackers touched off to criebrate Limo fail of Santiago , Cimarhie Sawyer and Ord liaugbcr were caumght looting the cellar of George \\'ilkinson's restaurant of fruit , poim , firecrackers , etc. When arrested they confessed to having , iii partnership with four other boys , broken the door lock some time before amid to have stolen various articles. Fred Bamugher , Nelson 1)irnlck , Ed Gates and harry ( larmire vcro inter arrested , but their trial was deterred owing to the absence of County Attorney Goomihue. Comu H I ' ( 'p j ni I t tt'CM l1eet. CRETE , Nob. . July 16.-Special.-ThO ( ) republicamm county central committee ot Sn- line county mnet iii this city ycotorday. The attendance was good. Time county conven- timi Is to be held inViiber August 8. A ( mull county ticlmet rill then be nonminateti. 'fime state delegation will lie for hayward for governor , without doubt , as flaker has no toilowing in timis county whatever. The free silver republican central committee also met yesterday mind the populist commimttteo and dcnmocratic fusion committee were also In attendance. FusIon is a sure thing in tlmis county. Vouimuim for Ctiuiut OlUcer. \01tK , Nob. , July 16.-Special.-Yorle ( ) coummty has a woman for a county ofilcer for the first time. Miss Mary hloldeman has beemi formally inducted into the 0(11cc ( of county superintendent mis successor to 1mev biotiicr , Captaimm George II. hioldemiman , now wiim Coimmparmy A. First Nebraska reglmmient , United States volunteers. Time appointment was tmmade some time ago , but the usual trciimiuarles had to be umumdergono before elmo could take office. 'I'eiii i'rmumt't' ' % Voiii'ii 2eet. YORK Nob. , July 16.-Spcclai.-Tbe ( ) county Womnmm's Christian Temperance union convention for York county was lmcid at time Congregational church Thursday and Friday of this wcck. It was successful. Time following officers were elected . Mrs. Kate ii. Nortimrup , iresidemit ; Mrs. lii. J. hawley , vice vresidcnt ; Mrs. Carrie Reeves of Waco , treasurer ; Mrs. 11. A. Murphy of 11radshmns , roordtmmg secretary ; Mrs. Fellers , corre- spending secretary. 'l'iirciiI og Hilt his Sulti. YORK , Nob. , July 10.-Special.-Twenty' ( ) ' thrashing machimnu outfits have been sold' in time last few weeks by York deaiers , ag- greguting itm amount over 840,0(10. ( York cotmumty tmurmers are preimarlng for a lug vimeat crop and It is evidemmt there s'iIi ho ammmple facilities ( or imanuliing it. in sonic parts timresiming bait already commenced , 1)is net ( nimrt mit I'nutili.imm. ; h'APILLiON , Neb. , Juiy 16 , -Spcia1- ( ) Judge Keysor caine from Omaha this morn- immg mmml hi'ld a short session of thlftriat court.Villiamn Fonda , who has bcn con- filmed 1mm the county jail for the lust two mmmommtims 0mm a charge of lmlglmway robbery , uVni4 sentenced to three years in tue peal- term tinry. GiorI ' % 'lIc.ui 'it.ll. FAT ltdONT , Neb , , July i6.-Speciat- ( ) F. (1. tImber timreshed sixty acres of winter wheat that averaged thirty bushels per acre. Clark Robinson soul tIme rcmmt-sbaro of a crop of u'lmeat oft mrevcumty acreti yesterday , which mmmdc th rent amount to $5.50 per acre. % ' , u'I t , ' 'i'uIc've. ( 'UIAIERTSON , Neb. , Juiy h'-speclai.- ' ; ( ) Soimme iersomms entered the home of Mrs. EiIz.t lommmmoliy ) , no aged witlow living irm time east Part of time city , last night amid robbed imem' of wimat few dollars she imatl , besides rnusmmckiumg the house. St'iiumylt'r St'hooi ( Yt'iisiit , SCiiUYlElt , Neb. , July 16-Spccinl.- ( Thu school census for time year lies just beemm completed , timero being reorteuI ! 1.08 , mmii timereaso of seventeen , S1S beinuc males , 565 feummuiemu. i'iuls iii ml Slali ( gmu'hmi'r , DUNCAN , Neb. , Jimi ' . ) l6.-Special.-Yes- ( ) terulay time Union i'acific hut in a "Fleming' ' mmmiii catcher amid deliverer at thIs ooiumt. VVohII I lug icmuicrum it , Ciumiveui t iou. CASI'EB.'yo. . , Jumiy l6.-Special ( TeIc- grain. i-Thu demimocratic state eonvemmtion will be lmeld hero August 3. One thousand miolimirs immis been raiseul and everything to tmmmmke time convention a success Is being domme. Froma lrommminent m'orkers it is iearmmeml timat ii fusion will be mastic betweerm the mu- ver republican forces soul time democrats. Time ticket mviii be Alger of Sheridan county ( or govt'rrmor , T. 13. lucks of Cheyemmue for treasurer. Johum McGrath of Natrona county fur auditor ; the superimmtemmdormt of schools , sccret.iry of state mmmii time rest of time ticket viii be giveut to time silver forces. Commgress- mmmuum John . Osborne wiii be endorsed for time trotted State's senate. Time issue will be sliver 16 to 1 , miamI a tariff for revenue umuilicient to sustain time honor of time country. ' - _ - - ON TIlE \VAY \ TO JOIN DEWEY Member of the First Nebra.sk Writes at the Trip. FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO HONOLULU Sensiekuieqs One tif lime. t'uuiulcnimnimt Tim I ng sItii VIuic'1i a Inuudittuinim 11su to Cnneumml - .t. hiuriul r.t St-n , The boys of the First ebraska regiment have ore this landed at the PhIlippine is. land3 mind joined the forces of Itear Au- mumiral Icwr' ' , but never yet has the story of time trip across time l'nclfle ocean been given to the public. The following letter , written at Honolulu Juno 23 , gIving hid- demmts of time trip and mailed by one of the soldiers to The lice , is of special interest. Detailing the features of tbe journey , time writer says : Ttmesday at 2 o'clock in time afternoon we left Cinip Merritt mmmd nmarched to the dock. The streets of San Francisco were lined with p001)10 who gave tms about the same reception timat we witnessed 'wimeim time Cmiii- formmia regiuuient left oum May 23. TIme mmmcii marched well , looked welt and seemed to be proud of time ovation whlcb they re- ceiveui. After we reached Market street time noise of horns and of the firing of giaumt firecrackers nail time roar of the nmegaplmone and time din of tin anti Palmer items was sometiming wonderful and awtui beyond descrlptiomm. \Vti left San Francisco \S'ednosulay at 1 o'clock 1mm tIme attermmoon , after a umigbt Rim- omit nmucim rest on time tlemmator. 1mm the ummorum- lag hind a. chnumco to inspect our mmow qumartere. The aceomnnmodatious seemed it ) be very linmited for a regiment of 1,020 lumen. ammul especiaiiy the cookiumg arrangements seenmed lnadeuate. The muon's kitcheu haul an eumtlre steam apparatus , imliul anyone who is conversaumt with steams cooking knows how tiresonmo it. becomes in a tow days. We had scarcely reached the bar which covers the entrance of time harbor when the men amid oiflcers became seasick. There were some laughable sIghts for the well. One poor feliow said , "Weli I didn't think mnuucii of Nebraska when I was there , but I would give teum years of may life tO iua'e a good solid piece of Nebraska dirt to stand on mmow. however , miii mire better flea' and viil umot be lommg in enjoying life out the rolling deep. Iteguirdiuug tlut' Sbips. Our little fleet of transports consists of the China , the flagship , vhmich hind on boStit Brigadier General Francis V. Greene aitd staff , the First Colorado , a gun detah nmcmmt and fifty engiumeers. The Senator \\'tUt time First Nebraskns , the Colon with time regulars and the Utah artillery and the Zeniantier with Ume Tenth Pennsyiraolrm. The ships mire formed with the China 1mm time lead and the others in line in the rear. We kept in that positIon until Monday at 8 a. in. , artthough the Zealander ssomed to have trouble to keel ) up with the proces- siomi , and in fact once the China turned around to herd the Zealmmnder Into line. Night and tiny time ships kept up this gait of ten or eleven miles Per lmour , and although - though ve are within easy hail of the other ships they might as well be in anotimer world so far as anything they are doing affects its. The China signaled Stmndny cv- enlng that she would leave us Monday morning at 8 o'clock mind precede the fleet to honolulu , aflt mime mliii it , too. She haul ommly been using two of her tour hoiiers up to this time but when ithme timremv on her reserves mime left us as if we were standlmmg still. Soomi after she left a demise cloud of smoke appeared iii the horizon nnd about 10 o'clock time captain made out the I'eru cmi route ( room China to Sami Fraumeisco. As the Peru passed our ship time Senator's cap- taimi run UI ) the signal flags , saying "All's well ; a pleasant voyage to you. Good bye. " ATter mime hnd iassed time Zealanthia time but- tar mum un her tiags asking time I'eru to take the mail. This mime did. Ilothu these vessels ptmt : ibotmt aumul we had time grim pleasure of seeing through time glass time I'emmnsylrnnirm boys throw their mnnii suck on board the l'cru , as time two vessels touched noses. urIa1 at Son. TIme voyage had been uneventful and therefore a fortunate omme , until Sunday umight , when the surgeons reported that 5ev- 'geant George Geddes , counpumumy C , of Beatrice - rice , was very low s'1tim spinal meningitis amid probably would not live. lie had been lii ever since lie left Lincoln and was In time Division hospital at San Francisco , so lie luau an uphiil light to nmakc and was not equal to It. The poor teliow died at o'clock Tuesday morning , June 21. Quietly and without suffering lie slipped away from earth , surrounded by hits captain and com- puny officers , the doctor and chtmpiaimm , his imamid clasped by time comrade and friend of boyhood. Time boy bad been nursed ten- erly ammul devotediy by a trained army 'nurse who was with him until the last , So far as care and devotion were concerned hue imad It all , mayo that tenderness of a moth- or's love , which fortunately for time poor fellow' hits condition was such that lie couitl mint miss it at the last. The funeral was set for 10 o'clock rind it was one of time saddest sights ( mit one cnn imagine ; one thmat the average maim imas hover seen , and havimig seemi once , never cares to see agmmimm. Timum remains of the ulecensed moidier dressed in a mmice clean ualtorm amid sewed up iii canvas with a weigist enclosed , were wrapped in time thug of our commntry , As liii ; own company comrades assommibleul time band llayed "AmerIca , " Time cimapimmin of- broil mm short prayer , and a quartet tang "Nearer , My God , to Thee , " The immuimiain read time soieummn service for the burmni of time dead. Time choir timen earmg ' 1 have Stooti Upon time Mountaimi" ammul time reiigloumm servIces s'ertm concitumleul with time boumodic- tioim. Time remains worn then gentiy lowered into time deep to remimimium , After a muimort mol- ommiut dirge by the band , time trtmmmmpeter utoummmdcd taps. Sergeant George L. Cedules' body lies 1mm time I'acifio at longitude 148 tIe- grees 20 mniumutes west of Grec'nwichm , laui- tilde 26 ( leguecs ' 10 imiinuutcim north , It took tommie tiummo before the gioommm antI ulelmrpssion of thus earl loss lmmmd worn ott and the usual sPirits returned. Monuiny mmigimt time comummuissary tiepartmmmen starteui UI ) busIness 1mm time muumoking roomim. ( 'aim goads mere imumndied eximetlitiously , ml. though not swift eumougim to suit time immi- patient crowd of macn lined imp on deck uniting their turim. Tlmoso going 1mm at ono door with a Pocketful of silver came oumt at time other witim aim armful of camms. l'emmcimem , lucas , apricots antI mmmi mmli went time maine way , mind soon time sea and deck mvero strewmm with wrecked cans , The boys ate canned fruit us If they never expected or hoped to see time viumeclmmd imiiis and orange groves of California again. It hues grown very warmmm , and for time first timmme officers mmmd memm are beginiming to feel time pressure of a torrid hmoat. Tite sun does business nil day long. It imas taken miii time kimmks omit of those wimo wore imaif frozeni In San Francisco 0mm Timumrsday aftorimoorm about I 'JO o'clock Jaumul was seen over the iort bow nbout forty miles oft. Timiim was Leopard island , mmmd moon after the mountains - tains of Oaku Isiarmul were mastic out . Since timenm the muon immmvu been yelling mmmii cheer- log like Cornancimes. Columbus and his crew scarcely welcomed time sight of land wRit mumore enthusiastic delight ( lisa time No- braskmm boys Imave time liawaiiaum Islands. It meemne strange to Coins here , anti mmot be able to bring timern any mmews of amummoxatioa or not. REX. Ii'u e' tro uui ml l.ig Jitunk , A prIvate io of timc trip muad by tb First Nebraska volunteers across time Pci. tItle ocean was kept ith' C'impiimimi'allaee Tayior of time Thurston hubs , anti tins bent receIved by his fanmlly in this city witlm time final date of iiommolulu , June 23. It tie. scribes life oum the transport Senator rind re- hates how its 1,023 huasmengers were cared for during the first stage of their trip of S.I00 miles , The letter states that. time troops left San Fratmcisco Juno i iii overcrowtletl quarters but saltmtetl by the cheers antI flags of thousands - sands of people. strained out of time dock , " it contimmumes. "convoycul by ttmgs , steamers nod mull coils of craft tmumtil time idiot left us three rniies front shore. Omit boys did imobly in time cOflfusioim of gettiumg away , antI nutlmoJgh they conmimmemiced to go to the rail early 1mm time gmmumme they returned to tIme work manfully anti the ship is in order from keel to topummast. Their hearts are stout timougtm their stommmacims have be'- guum to show signs of weakness. Seasickness - ness is of course our emily anmusenmiont amid to mmii lubbers it is quite an cxhmerIemmcc. "Juumo 16 : We wont. nlmc'nd early to cx- change signals with Geumermil ( Ireemme. 0mm board time Ilagmimip ClmiimaVe worked at sigmmaiimmg mill day mmmd find is ery fascinating - nating oric. ' ' .immne 17 : Our hand humus mmmostly mmmc- suuumbeul to time ship'm nnotioum amid numly threem or tour Pieces toni out at gimmirul mmmoumumt mmmiii retreat. Last. mmight time 'Grnssimoppt'rs' comm- gregated eu deck mind imehui a iowwow to drive away the blues. After a proimmenade cmi the deck we stopped iii front of Coiommcl Brntt's cabin ammul gave luau' ' a sereumatho wimicim be eumjoyetl hum simile of a timid case of scasickmmess , Our couimpany Is doing umicely anti timere are ummammy 'imo have mmot been sick. TIme footi is better thmmn at first. tlmoumgh there is still m'ooums for inmprove- uuient. VVV _ 18 : After a immmrd blow last umighmt the day opened beautifuiiy. Sunrise over much a vast expaimse of water is mu uumost iimmmiriumg sight. Time boys mire all gcttlumg their sea legs umow amid timeir appetItes are returimimmg. All this mmecessltntes iumcremmseul activity in time mumess roonm , mmd cookiumg is berommming a serious questioum. The wimolo reginmemmt is served fromum oume kitcimeum mmii as it is mmmiii aimmi time simil ) overcrowded it requires that we keep time fires going mmigiut anti day. In oume night we caum cook eumougim biscuits for ommiy ono meal , Time stmppl ) ' is itbout exhausted amid we wiii coomi have to fall back emi a diet of heans , rice timid salt york. The bunks 'tween ulacks arc lit- tIc mmmcd for slecpimmg imtmrposes as time ummemm prefer time upper decks. "Simnmlay , June 19 : Time weather is fine and appetites are hecouning raveumoims. Time amen Imad simower baths elm mieck today anti behaved like a lot of school boys. There are a number of cases of nmeasles , ummostly of men wimo slipped on board at 5mm Fraum. deco without. vermission. "Jmune 20 : The China puhicti out at S o'clock tlmis mnornig tumid wIll reach liono- iuiu a day ahead of us. The Senator is the new flagship antI Colonel hlratt is In corn- mann , At 1 p. m. time steamer Peru , to San Francisco , passed mind took mmmail from time Zeaiantiia. The 'Grasshoppers' make the nmost noise , create the most nmusenmemit amid tire more neat in their qumarters than aumy ether company on hoard. "Juno 21 : The first death in our mgi- timent occurred today fromim spinal memmlumgitis. "June 23 : Sighted the hlmtwaiiami Islammds at 1 ii. mis. and entered Hommoluiu at 10 P. tfl. " Lhmittle of Mumutllo hay. Mr. and Mrs. Joimum Kmtvanauglm of Te- eummmsoh , Neb. , parents of Emmsigmm Arthur G. Kmtvaimnughm of Commmmnodore Dewey's flagsimip time Olympia , have just receIved a very in- tcrcstimmg letter from timeir moum descriptive of the great battle of Manlia bay as ho saw It , Time letter was writtemi two weeks after the lIght. 1mm it Emmaign Kuvaumaugh tie- scribes the fight as follows : \\'a left ! tiirs Bay omm April 27 aimml early tum time nmorning of April 30me mmiatie time coast of Luzon at a point near the towmm of lioltano. Two cruisers were ordered for- wand to meconnoiter the port mmumd three mimouc dispatched to investigate Suhic bay. In the atternoomi time fleet was ail together mmgaium mmmd we steanmed awn ) ' for Maniia. It was at Stuhic tttmmt I saw tIme iirst Spmnmisim : flag hauled dowmm , on board a coumstimmg uicimooner. Time captumlmi saltl lie imad jimat icR Manila mind timere were umo Spanlslm mimips there. lie 1mm allowed to proceei ( Oh his wmmy. At 11 o'clock Saturday mmight we acre called to our atatioums for battle , the auimatrai tmaviumg decided to run past tbe batteries and over time torpedoes at the entrance of Mmmntia bay at umight. Corregitlor Island hoouimeui Uj ) black and mushy in the muooniigimt. The Oiymmmpia led the way and glaumcimmg as- toni I could see time iommg lIne of otur ships coining oum. Great cloutms of mtnoke were vouring out of their funnels anti not one of hern showed a light.Vc muumt lmave hieeum about foum' miles from Corregidor wiieum a .Spanimh Picket boat uliscovered us. This boat was about imalt a rmmiic away and Stg- immmled for umeariy lIve mmmimmutes before there was mimi answering Ilasim fronm Corregidor bat- tory. I was looking out of a gmummport amud exleCteti every mumoummemmt to see a sheet of tiame burst forth from time bmmttery anti to hear tbe shells cormie simm'iokimmg toward US. Time forts did a great uleai of sugnmiliumg , hut no guns were fimeti urmtii we vere ( mpposite Fraulo island. 'I'hemm lIre was opemmeml oum time rear of our line anti at Once replied to it. Time roaring of the guns oundeti oral- flOUli at night. No damage was done amid at 2 o'clock Sunday mmmormmiumg vo were safely iast time batteries. I was 'ery tired amid slept mountliy for two hours , being awak- emmeti iii time mnoraing by time call to battle. A fOlt , Imatl aettied over time bay mumid was just beginuminmg to be dissipated. Almond of us time lights of Maumtia twiumkied timrouugim time gioomn and on our port baa' ti'u tiamk boils of ships wore faiumtly visible , Were they time emmemny ? Time dawmmiumg light soomu disclosed to 0mm thmat tlmey mscre mmmercimmmnt- mmmcmi. I imaui expected to fIght in time miller powder divisiomm , but mit. timiim rmmounemmt was ordered on time bridge to assist the umuvign. br in tinting tue rmmumges. 1 was very glad of tub , for I was rIght by time ntlmnirai's simie and imeard every order gh'emm during time tic- tIomm. tIomm.A A few nmlnutes after I got on tIme bridge time dummy olueumetl lire , I timimuk abomut 5:15 : a. rum. 'limo shore batteries begamm time at- tack. Time mange was over 7.000 yarmis mmmd \'O diii mmot lIre. About titus time time Spmmmm- tab licet canoe him mtighmt frommm beimimiti Cavite , There seemnmed to ie about temm of tbeumm anti timey atood out iii column , their big battle 11mg waving iii time breeze. At about. 5,500 yards time Olyrumpia tmmrmmed muligimtly to starboard - board amid mitturteul dean alommg the Spnnisim froumt , firing hroaulsimlt , tufter broatisitlti from its ilort battery. I shall mmover forget timmut first rumum down the Spaumimrh line. TIme munmoke , time m'oarimmg of ommr gurus , time simrieklmug of time Simanmisim mtimeiis nit tile ) ' hew mmm'oumniml us- it uteenmeti as it time very heavens wro beiumg toni asunder. Olipomuito Sangiey I'oimit we doimlileul back on limit Spaniards uumti repcmmtctl time tactics ( or five rumms across timeir frommt. At time cmmti of time timirul muim the ndrmmimai tie- cluleti to close as mmetmrly mis possihiie mm'itim time eunermmy. \Vtm imati reacimed a range of about. 2,100 ) 'ardui wimomm it m\'amu umoticed tlmat mm iom'tiomm of lime Spanlsim lIed , lueaIeui imy Adomirnilon. \ . tojo's tlagshmiim. % u'ns conmimug towmmrtl us. The Spamuisli crmmtser looluoti ecaily ( ormumiulabie Ut timimi mmmonmment. Its tolmmuists luau iteenm imommsetl and troumm its lower rnmmsilmeamls Imuge lttle flags were wavirmg. Adunirai Dewey ordereul tIme fire concentrated out tbe ativammcing emiemny. Time SIuanIam'drj a'erm hiring fiercely ut this rnonmt'nt auiui a lug mmhrimlmmmei imursi on our forecastle antI sent splinters il'imig Iii every direction. I was iooklrmg at time Span- lab liagmimip vitim ; mm ) ' glasses tumid cotmiul see our simeiis go tearing timroughm It. I'iumtmily it could uttamud time galling lire no iommgcm' aimmi swung miowly to starboard. immmvirmg mmband- coed time attt'mnpt to close with tie. Just as it tmmrned three of our big sluehis striuck Its port quarter anti a ciouti of eseapiumg steanm iuimoivt'd that Its mnaciminmemy haul been rumirmeil. Time Spammisii rmccommnt of this Irnrtion of time flgimt says that. time' Ilagmimhim's imeidge amid dccl's were maclit uwny by a simell and time caimtain killed. Every time we imasseul down tim' enommmy'e lint' our fire immereaseul 511(1 ( hits slackened , At time enti of time liftim nun tour of limit Spmun. ish shIps vere on fire anti time simoro bat- terles were practically silenced. Admiral 1)ewoy then ortlered our fleet to draw ciT for Ureakfast , fIer imo cmmuemnvtmt timjm lnteti two limits. While at breahufast time' bnttries a Manila eannonnthett us rut long tango mvitimout effect. 1mm hut' Piglut mit Sniutinan , .1. E. ( 'rnmmmer , sumpcrimmtcndemit of muslim At time IOimtOmee , is in receipt of a letter trtmmmi his momi. ( buy iT. Crmmmner , s'bo is on time United States flagship Newark , which took an himiportant imnrt 1mm time recent victory at Santiago. Time' letter is ulattul Jlul3' 2 ammd cx- Plains time part time navy Imlayeul in time at- lack time land force's mumaule on Santiago that tiny. 0mm the ummorumimig of time' 1st Mr. Cratmmer describes the vessels a imielm were iltueul imp otitsiuhe of Santiago harbor preparatory Id firing on the fort.i. Time ( lloumcester , New York. Iowa. Texas , Oregon , Massacimumsettim , Vumlearm , Siutvance. Brooklyn , hlarvarut timid mnaumy other vessels were In sighut 'mumtt mrt'- iaretl to emiter iuuto time hommmlumrultmmemmt , Time Gleumoester begami timi' firimmg omm tIme forts rut 9 : 15 a. iii. anti was soomm joummeth by time Sumwa- mmcc. The Siiammislm fort at time emmtrrmnce in lime hmmmi'bor erumombieti ummmuler time flu e of time Amnor- icaums amid at 11:20 : tIme flag was kmioekett frommm time fort nmmtl lirlmmg ceasemi for a timmmc. At l1 : , time timree vessels begummi tlut'ir firimmg mugnhum anti vero joimmed by time Oregomm , which fired over time imhhis amid immto Santiago. Abommt tmoomm the i'nimm mtormmu wimiclu always accomim- imammies a baltic cmummme ump. Time fire was comm- tinumed at time fort mummtll I o'clock a imeum mmii rigum of iite seemmmeul to immmve uiisnlmpearctl. Mr. Crmummivr tiescriims time storummimig of Morro eastie oum Juiy 2 rum bcimmg a frightful eulgimgcummrmmt. At 5 mm. mum. time vimohc fleet wemmt immto tmetiomm at time samume timmme mutt tumm'netl its fire umpoim Momro castle , wimicin mliii little hum the way of retmmrumiiig tIme lire. 'rime battericim 0mm tIme opposIte shti of time , 'mmtrmmmmce to time hmtmrlmou kept tip a commstmmmmt ihu'e. imoaeveu' , mmmmd lantheti simots nummommg time Aummericamm lk'et. At 6:45 : a. umm time hug vmms idiot froun time castie mmmii at 9 mm. 1mm. the Amumericaum fleet ceaseti firluig. At 2 o'clock of time afternnemm of time 2u1 time Newark witimuhrew to Gtuanmtaummno liar- her. wlmert' Colommch iimiimtimmgtlomm llrst iaumuletl his nmnrimies. TIme \'csmivims % , Porter , Marble- Imeati , Ctusliimmg , Itupaumt mmmii Vicksbumrg were 1mm that hmnrbom' wimeim time Newark arrived numil timere time heel immiti time flm'st mmews of time land battle 1mm whIch severmmi hmumumilred Aummemicamms \VCIVC killed nmmd wotmumuheti. 'I'Iummuuhim ( 'IiT.'IIM ( of ( ) uuiruiumi , Time fohiowimug letter hums been received imy Mayor Moores , timammklmig time citizomms ' of Omummuba cmi time treatmiment of time New York soiuhiers alma receumthy Itasseul thmrommgim omm their way to joium Adummiral Deivu ? ) ' : KINGSTON , N. 1' . , Jimly 10.-To time Mmuyor of Omuaimmm , Ommmtuima , Nub. : My 1)car Sir-A gootl uleeti , well tiomme , is its owum i'CVlmi'ui tmumtl I ammi quite mumure timmit you mmmiii nih time pmm- trtotic citizemma of Ouumtmlmiu % lmO gave to time First l'rovlstommai regiumment of New York voimmmmteers sumcim mi royal wieconme amid gail- specti as lucy received frommm ) 'oum last eveum- imug had ammmpic evidemmco that your gcmitmromms anti substnmmmtial treatrumemit a'us lueimrtiiy tip- lireciateul by tlmcmmm all , immmti after they luau departeul you tmli feit vehi repaid for wimat yomm imaml ( bIle for timc'un , But , today , mm imummdreuls of imoummes 1mm Nem' York state , wlmcuo there mure paremits mmumti frit"mmtitm of timosti wimommm you velcomned mimmul fed mmumd fcrmsteth 1mm your umoblt' westerum city , last evemmimug , time umccommmmt of their roytmi receptlomm mmmiii treatmumemut this nmany a mnotlmer's mind frmtlm- er'mm heart witim grmutltudeVimicim ou'iy those caum kmmow who imave sent timeir somma uimmth imuusbammds to battle for our cotmrmtry tumud iiummmanlty. 1'harmy a mother lay uuvakc for lmours last mmigimt vommticrimmg vimerc imer boy was mud whmcmm she fimmuls timat lie was beimmg cmr'ui ; fou' amid feasted by otimer mmmothors ummti misters - ters of otimer soitiiers , you ctmmm ermsily imnimg- into time cmmruiemit ummmtl hmeartfelt gratitude we nIh feel toward eacim omme of ) 'OU today. Ammil , vlmiio you many umot hear ( rein ummmmmy ; of thmerum , I can commfldemmtly say timat timey miii feel ju'.st mis we tilt ! iuu otur imommie , fromum wimieh omur eidet son imas gone with company M , as we gathereul ahomut otmr noonday meal , and I read time muccouumt of time recopttnmm at Oummnima.Ve himmew that ' 'Clmarley's'as : micro nmmti that Ito vamu aummommg frieumds timid vcil cmim'etl for. 110w mimmmciu gooui it thu mis to m'ctmti of your kiumtIness to thme boytu wimoumi ve muro lrotmd to cmiii "our soitlicrut" wortis frill to express , bmmt we throw up otur imats anti say , hlumra1m ( or Ommmaho , for imer nmnyor amm1 all liar kindhearted , patriotic citiztimms ! " Very. very rospi'ctfmmliy yours , IIASII11OUC1I ALLIGER. SIle tim , . ! liumek iii Camuui , . SAN FIIANCISCO , Jumly 8-Seveum sol- tiers wimo left in time sccoumtl cxpeditiomm to Mammila are back lii Caumip MerrItt , lmaviumg returned omm time Rio Jaumcrio. They got as far as ilommolmilu , m'imere time rcginicumtal stmr- goons ordered timemu back ou account of plmysicrul disability. They are eumthmumsiastic over omme timing , time treatrmmcmmt accortleil thmcmmm by the people of Ilonolmmiu. As aum evidcmmco of time interest taken 1mm time welfare of time Americaum aol- tiler they tell of time mietlon of Proprietor Irvium of time hloumohumltu opera Imomuso. A see- ommul lieumtemmant mmd a irivate of time Temmtlm l'emummsylvammia rcgimmmemmt m'ero uniumtemmtiomm- mmhiy left behind at timat hart mmmii lrvimm pmuiui for two first class tickets to hiomug Komg amid Imaul time mcmi seumt on. Sergeant 1' . J. W'iuite imas 1)001) mmlIoimmteui to take cimarge of time sigumal corps of time First regimument , witim Sergeant iS' . L. Baeimr as assistant. Corporal Murmneeke anti Prl- vateVimitmoro imave not yet joimmeti their conipaumy. Corporal Muunneekos'as on uimuty at Gcmmeral Merritt's iueath.tuartt'r3 , and l'ri- 'imte Vimitmmmore was left beiminti tli with time fever , bmmt 1)0th imave since maiieti oum time Third expedittoum ivitim Gemmormml Merrit on the steammier Newport. SOUTH DAKOTA CROP REPORT Vt'vhiy flhmlIt'timi SIuoimi Comutlil , or ( 'rops for t lie ' .S'et'ic IJul- . ln .Juui' II. YANKTON , S. D. , Jmmiy Ifi.-Simecial.- ( ) Time weekly crap bumliotium for Somuth Dmmlmota for time smeehi emmtiimug July ii imns just been issuieui , mud , from time reports fronim eachu county , shmouvs time crops ium time extremmue svestermm portloum as imeinmg itoom' . htmL given those east of time Missouri as hmcimmg ium a llotm risum i mmg en mmii I ti omm . 'Flu is report , co mum i ug as it does just prior' to time harvest , gives mm gtod itit'a of s'imnt mmmay be expected froumm crops generaiiy at timlim harvest. It gives : Copious viii its. t luoumglu sOumm C m'immt I uwmu I , occumrm'lng over most of time state east of time MissourI river. 1mm some miortiucaurtemum lecmmiities the maimms were s'em'y imcavy. hum time extreme westermm or Ilimut'k JUlia coummities , time rriimms have hcc'um mostly tight anti time Co mm t i a mm cii uleomi tIm imrms m'esuul I cii I um son o its tiarmmage to wimeat , oats , barley , rye rummul sammmu , cnrmm , hum mmmost locrmiitlt's. Many fltiiti of snmmaii gm'aimm immivo heemm emit ( or immm' fecul rmtmti semume are apparently m'uimmc'tl. There tire stiii stttme locruiities cast of limit Mismitnirl wimere ralas are mmecticti. flmmst of time river mm'imcat , oats , barley , rye munul liax luas' , , mimatie slimily progress. hum uiistm'ietui wimicim ss'e'o iumjmmrt'tl imy past imot , ulry winds , time Itmi- lrum'emlienmt ) is mmmitrketi , iuumt time , immummago mmcmi' tmvideumt eomusidernutiy reduces time t'xceik'mmt gcumerrii prospects of tune weeks rmgo for mm boummmtittul ytelti. W'imermt mtmmtl oats are imeadmumg gcmmerahiy. I mm t 1cm moult imermst mm mmml miii I 0 t'mis tetfl counties time iueatis mire mumostly of gooti ienmgtim , amm'l ' time earliest aiupear to be liiiirmg mccii , immut iuu man ) ' localities iii timmi formerly tlr' districts timere Is coumsltherahjie report of time iut'nds of wimeat , oats , barley amid sonic rye iteimig bliglitetl at time ends. It itt timouugiit. Imowever , tiumut time recent m'rmimms may cause nnmmmrkefi tlevciopnmcmmt hefore time crouu ripens. Except In time extreme western coimmilit's nmmd scattered localitIes 1mm tIme northwest- ermm Portion of time state. flax Is reported as tloummg a cli , amid Iii mumanmy southmeastem'um cotummtiea is quite huromumisirmg. Time rains have helped timid crop very mumumcii. Bye imarvest is u'eih advanced in tIme south- vast counties , munul barley harvest Is munuler amy , ivith hmronmime ( It very good yieitl. Souuuu fields of Out. have hmegimmm to turim mud a few imavtu itt'cn ltarveimtctl. There is mm hittie local tlmumumage to urkeat anti mite frommm rust rmmm'i grassimnupers limit , iut't'um tmoubiesonmn.u tim sonic licids , but time Injury does not appear to he serious. ( 'orum anti potmmtoes , eXCelmt iii time extreme western counties , have ruimidu icry ralitti growtim. cavil Its gt'rmermmiiy clean , anti lit timu' ' goutbenet counties much is in tabmmvl mmmd EDICAL COIIED TREATMENT -OF THE G1EAT CUR'AfIVE POWER , , ' VIVii _ V i 9 1308 Farnuiti St. , Oiiittlin , Ne1. ' \'L 1'ifCi' tO time 1lst ht.tnLs , i3tiIimes'u tmit rtiitl Mer'lllmiihts ill th city wg All Others Fail Iiemncnnhim'r ( lit' ivoumulerfum I my imueceemfumi tI"tu t mmmcmi t ii huh miet"irmiimut mu of tlu is I imutit umt t' corn- httm , ' mitt' tat' em' . ut , iii iii , I'm's i ti I' ut lii kimuw ii m' ' ' tim , imut'ttt tii 1'mituStnui iLi.u ; ' 'L'itht Vii\V Vmmmtl tl1'iI&'l N' t mu Is u it ' imrut'st , mutest mlmttittmnimlv timid ceummpit'm'.m e'umuti'iioui lummumittutu' . , , , u..i ! . , II , nuit ' . , im , ' vcr t'itmni'll'uuPul ) iii uiueV'tut fur I lit' t rt'mutmumm'lmt numi tthqoltit v t'umu' , ' 'u ' im ii ut'1''tui4. ' imr.tt : m cii u'i"i it t , must-tm ' ' " u' ' i i'N nt'I , ' \ ) l.N. ; I lmmtm'tmlit' it mid ( tutu' ii cmmitmmg tmct'oruiu'il to mull 'i'll i'Sb 1)OCTOitI ( "AN c'tltI'tml' , These Doctors Can Cure You . ' ; : ; > : ' ; i-I , ' V ( I / / ; . , _ VV " I _ _ _ _ ' _ ( k ' rY " c'ui ! : \ ) ; . 4 ; : t\ \ -u' ) VJ ' - 1A , - - . . SPECIALISTS foi' DISEASES of MEN SPECIALISTS for DISEASES of WOMEN Time great eheetri"ul mtumd umietliemil specialists of timls Immittitumte mui'e far time iuest. mmmost stmc 'vesful tuumml it It'umttik' t ime world has eveu' kumowum. all of 'uvlmumumm mmrt' grumtlutmtes 0 C time itest mmm i'uitc'ai coil'gt's I mm time acrid , t'mmrim lma'i umg tutu I oumg mimmo sume- cessfui practice 1mm imis spututity , mmmiii mim't' tmcimtt'vimmg resimitmi iui cumrlmmg time sick mu umui tutu l'fe riumg by I itch r 'ommmbl mm ott l'itmc t ro . ) i u' I I ' I men t iii Cml I a' it lt'tm VUumll lit I m um - iti45lbll' to obttmtum iuy u'itlmer clectrtcmulmm or mmieuitcmii treatummeumt tuiemme. 'i'iue Stmuto Fleetro- \lu'illi tit iumstlltmtiV' 14 iii , ' ( ) Ni.Y 1'l.A'i' V , ttt'mti i'oum ctmmm obtuilu time bc'mmelttt4 of this uecesutfmul treat mmmu'mmt ummmdu'r time mumumut 4iciilf ml ii nil lt'arnt'tl nlmeu'tahiuttCV lii ASSUIti'D timttt t I tm mm ) ' i muivem' omm ' ' t rUm t aim ( 'tl Vt' yuU I It ' 'ti Dtivt ors en a , 1 ly mumt'ti mis of timet v ccci- hi mmcd ci et. tm'ttummed I eu I I m'tu I mit mmt timt'y I ma vu' em'ftett'tl conmidet e mu umI permimimumeum t emmrets after till others imnti fuuileth. Some uloctorut fail lteemttmme of treatimmg time vrommg disease : otimei'ti ( roam not kmmowummg time rtgimt treat Vmumt. No Mistakes Here arid No Failures , merft'ct e'u re gmuiu rtm ii I tel I mm mu I t'ui tic it muc'c'"pt eti. ( 11mm' specitu I 'nmmmh I mmcii lI flC- 'l'hhO-MEIl'A h 'i'll1'L\'i''ull'N'l' for NFIItVO1'S DElmi hll'Y mmu'v'r m'tuiimt. YOUNG , MI Li- 1)Li-AG El ) A Ni ) OlA ) M flN. l.rumtt Ma umiunoti. ' 'i'huu' miwfmul effects ud' iumtiiscrt'tlomms 1mm yomu I Ii , mel f- poll umt tcum u ur ox cesses t mm im ft ' 'r I I ft. mm mm ul I I a' t'fft't t s o f mmu'glect ed uti' 1cm proper- i , ' trt'nteul cutmues , ltroultmctmmmc liut'lt ( tt 'tttthttY. Si'.Xt' , 1.'t'hJA i'NlSS , miumuluvelopeui ur slm rtmuikemm orgii mmmi , in t mu I mm 1mm ek , itt mmmi u 1 u' I ; t 1 u : ys. t'imt'st I eu 11mm , mut'mi'otm sumess , iii t'chul "mm- ness , ivealtutuss o f lied y a mmii I urn I it , ti izal mme mitt. fm : 11 I umg uumeummnry , i ttti ( n f enmergy tm mmd comm U dt''i t'p , uleSi ) ' uiitl ( 'mtt' ' . u' ' I I ft , m''hiui'i t um gt' . ttumm Id I t y i u umul o t it tv I let n 'smI umg Hymn lit flliitt. U mm II t t tmm g oumu' fur Imusi ui 'mm , st imd y. ph cmi ma it r ii um ul & 'imjoy ummeum t ' ) i II fe Sumelm eti S eu if umegleett'd. tu i macmt ii I v'tt lurid t 0 lui''uitILtui re 41 e'ti y a miti ti u'um tim. } tUl'T i'l1l . VAltl'ELiL ( 1lYDlOC'il.i. SVilA1NflS , 'i'FNlt'flNESS. 1)15- Ci IA ltr ES. S'i'lli t"l't' it ES. l I 1)NEY A Ni ) 1 'it I NA itY lISI'ASl'S , SMA LlVEA IC , A NI ) SI I lItJNKEN i'4 It'l'S , ALL BLOOD , SN IN' JmNi ) l'itiVA'i'll JISEAI3ES , uibso- iUtei ) ' cured by tlmis tm'entmneumt in ( tem' uuii otimt'r nmeziumm have ( mulled. Diseases of Woiiieii 'limo commihiumed iPectro-tle,1tm'nl , 'I'u't'atmmme at of tIme Stuite Eht't'trn.lcrlctmi Immuutitmutcu im empecial I ) ' C ( fee t Ice I mm I I it' mit re of mu I ftinmm mm I e Co Iii iitt imu is , ( til I I mm ic ' r ti lemmi mu nun cmi t of t imo \vuiumm h. I um m I a mum mnmi t toum u ) r mm ht''n , : t I 0mm . hI tnt ti mm g. imetu ultuclmes , multi mm mm I mmcmi kmmc'sS , it I I cmi , backacime , hot litislmes , mmt'u'vousmmemmt , iom 0 f miliuetlte cmi geum0rlml vemiknemimm , uhis- cimmi rgem , bimtlI , i'm' mm mmii iciti mmt'y t romuitiem. OI'IN-lmtiy : , fu'ouii S n. iii. to S p. ma. Sumumda'r.-lti to I p. mu. . .til I 'F 1 i I ) 'oum l mm tue t in I I , a let i iv tu mv fum I I y u I t'mcrilul rug ) 'tmmm m' my umimitomus ammti vp iv ill st'umtl yomu 1mm Pltilum u'mmveloitt's uumur sctemm tille muuud imnumu'mt tmilmmlouu , uf ynutu' cost' Irco 0 1 c'lumt rge. Omu m' vommi1t'r ( mm I svsteumm of lmnumm e t rca t mum e um t t'mmmtlit'm ii mu to success runt I ) ' treat b macntis tf i'orr.'mponm'li'umu" , those Iivlmmg at mm tiistaumee tiumti we have 1mm ycarmu past ttmreil imitiuuy timotmsammtiti 1mm tiiii Wny. State E1ectrotxMedca1 Institute , I : nim i.t utN.tsm Si' . , OMxll % , Nilil. lmtitl by. The prospect for time corn is very briglmt. Now imoune-grcmwum potatoes of cxceiieumt ( I mual I t y are bceommm log Imioum tI ful omm tim a unarlcet. hiaylmmg is 1mm iimogress numui generally time yield fs 'ery mmmutisfmtelory. Time recent rmmlrus iv I I I hemm a lit limo I rio gumuss mimmd pus tum remu s'em'y mmiuciu. Millet , east tif limo Sllssouuu'I Is rim- iiou'ted mis mimmtkimmg gooti gm'owtim time lust iveelc amid inn ummost iocmmiltiem is 'ery lmrommmis- ing. V I'uului imiuut't.uI IitJitON , S. I ) . , Jtui5' 16.-Speeiai ( Telo- grammm.-Time ) hlmmuhtnug of II. 0. iticlmmmrd.i of tiuiim ci I y I ni \l I n nelu Itoh S i mm mini mm mm ham mmccii mmmc'mmtal commtiltioum Is deeply i'erettetl imeri' . Mr. ltiehmmmrda is pu'eslilemmt of time Itiehmartla Trmmst commmpammy of tImId Place aumd omme of time immot cxtemmsim'o mmmiii iciuL kumown real estate macmm 1mm time mmorthmwest. lie hmmmul iteen in iit-imermi tim several rmmauutims arid im'emut to Minmneapoil a week ago to consuit plmysi- ciammut. ills trommbie lu time resimit of over- iv ou'k. ! 'uuPul i.I , , Imir I'Iuuuii Sold , I'IEItRE , S. 1) . , July 1t1.-Sieclmmi ( Tale- gm mum , ) -TIm mi ia rtor I'mi uI islml mm g ctmun uimumy Pltmmut was sold here totimmy mmumuicr foreeiotuumro procetlimmg't ammd uris itlul in by 13. A. Cumn- mmmtums for time Fim'at National imaumk , time lmrimi- c'uiual claimumant rmgimlmmmut time conupany. Time State. of lumultamumi lmusumraumce eoummmimnmy of lndlammmmpollmm , atm rmuusesmmmt'mmt life insmmr- nnce conmpan ) ' , Was today granteti miutimorlty lty the lmmsmmrammeo tlepartmutetmt to traumamict busimmcss 1mm Soutim lakota. ) l'IIliiIuN ( 'tts tiu , i'it'tnuiinui , IEIIVOOi ) , S. I ) . , July 1O.SieeIai. ( . ) KIrk G. l'luiilips , mmtate treasuirer mmmi cmiii- tlitlatc' tom' guiwi'rmiom' , woum time Luwrcmmco commmtty Cnumveumt'oum tomluiv om'er Euiwlum'rmmu - else , cmmtutltuimite for Lommrrcmusnmmmmm. Time tIght ii.rms minlmmuateti. 'rime flmmai vote gave i'lmiiillms 73 mmmiii Vaumchmuo 50. 'I'imlrty-two deit'gmmti's were nppoltmlctl for time state couiventiomm iVlm ( ) nmo tttmmtrucleul fom' i'hlilihtlm. 'l'lmero hut immut lithe tiouulmt that time otimu'r lulrmck hills coimum- t irs ivl I I eumtiorrutt I 'iii I I I vs. CATTLE OUTLOOK PROMISING tu'nuNs nut . % il , , ( ; ritumi ( : et tit' Am , ' 1mm lIt , , ' ( 'omt1itiuu-imIrmi , , , ( _ ' ( ' ' , IIENVE1I , Crib. , July I6.-\'iiiialm1 I'ci'um ' .Amuiersoum. time site'iai uugemmt fan' tue fluirc'mim ; ( if Statistics of time ( 'imhemgtu live stock mmmarket , Imaur just cnmmmpletetl for time Asrot'i- rmted i'ross a crunmvasmu of tlm , rrmmt' cattle tuitumttloum. mm simmnmnummg imp of vlmieii up to ( imitti hilows mmmi ummusmummily promising crmmtli- tiouu. imotim lii time opoum ranges and large pai- tures. 'rime grass crop nlommg time wimoio hlimo I mm mit ro mu g mmrmul abiu umula mm t rind in somum ii iocai I- tie's in time' Vt'st amid muortlmwest Is emmrimmg flneiy oliul cattle mime inaturlumg 2'nmiully. Time season mviii ho amlm'rmum'eut mm soimme iou ailtirms nmimti retartletl 1mm titimers. Jim time lower Yci- iouvstone valley iii Mommtuuma fat heat m'.uuge cattle mviii im on I iti' muimirket neat a' 'lm , about two weths earlti'r timmimi last semisnmt. ivimuic iii the Inulmamu t'rrmmou'y timey are I Ii , ti weekit lot , ' i' . itt isesietut iloatanmmmVyoun ing anti vcstermm Soumtiu immknta time gr.mss is two veeks immtum 1mm umnmtiuring , wimicim ha csmucumtial for fat imeevemu. 'I'iuero will be te mummuchi greater proPort lomm a ii I tilted ii I rect I y fronmm time rammges tt tlte slaughter nmmiu'ki't timnim them acre imust muemiomm , iumnt it Is ultmum htfmml I t there vl I I be mu mu mumany 1 n rum mu - beu' . V 0 ! ' time uipwimrtlmt of 500,000 of cmmttie whmicim imavo beemi shifted ( mmmi one Inusturo or feed lot to mimmotimer , mmmiii tromum lmlmstures west to fevtl lots emmst of time 2tlissonuri river , le.s timamm 25 imer edit of mmli tiucim cattle lua t' go'mle omm full corum fcuuti , bmut mire largely stoc Is mmmiii lirceul i rug en t tIe. Aceortiirmg tim time reports front the rrimmges ccii tenth imm Demiver , timromugiu time correspommd- eumtmi of time bmmlir'timu itmmremmmi of tIme Ntitionrmi Live Stock amuaclmitiomm , tlut'rei Is aim mmltprcci tioum 1mm time calf crop , htmtim 1mm imhg pnuttumr us a mm ii oum umte'mm rmm mm c's. A I so tiumit. ti r' I a L cmi t- tin will ho svell out of time way ii ) ' time titmie rtmnmgo cattle am' , ' rumnniumg to time beef mar- bets iii full force. 'I't'stluu A nut rutInuu lmim'i' I'mNIII. . , July 16.-Tije , State hoard of Am'hitrtmtlomu tommlgiit commmltleteili takimmg cvi - uleumee ium time mnimmers' stribti imere. Olterlitors roftuseti It ) give ovitl'nco , before limo hoard , and 1mm c'oulsejmucnctm It is Imroijrmltle they will umot mihhule by t it e iolim'ul ) 'H decision. Sit't'lu' , iuu''iuit'uilp mu t Ni'mv 'VurI , NI1\ ' YORK , Judy iSTime gttid rmumd sliver mmmnmve'untlmmtuu at New York for time mm'eek emmuling totlay were : Exports itt gtiitl , $20,000 , uiiivcu $ aooii. I nmiCtrtmi of goiui . $10 , i11 ; sliver , $2ui,779. Imnitarltu ( if mlry goouis mind gcimu'rmtl tumcm'c'imminutilmmc , mit Neis' Yrmek for time m'eek cmmtimmtg todaywert' $9,122,275. , TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST I'ruuIuuuiIiiti.'mi At' , ' ( limit it 'uVlII II , ' I'uiIr Iii XeirumiIui Imitli 'iurIut- lull. viuitis , WASIIINCTON , J mmii , 1G.-Forecast for .Smmntlny : For Nebrimslra mind lCaimsas-FaIr ; varlaimie ii. I u d mu. \S'yomuimmg-Slmoivers ; cooler ; weston y iv ! mm ii mu. Fom' Iosva mirmul Mismomirt-Fiir ; southerly wlmmuis. Fat' Soumthm Imiotrm-Frmir ; ; eocmher iii western ltortionm ; southerly wintlmu , becoming iiet- crly. I , , , . I I I , 't' it 1.1. OFFICE OF ' ' ' ' ' JIITI1BAIT 'i'IIE S'l1i'I'1 tEll , ( ) MAIJJm , Juuly i.-Omtiiute record of teirm- mierri t umriu It mmmi rum I ii itt i i torn Pfl liii vii t im I lii ctJrreaIsj nil immg mimi ) ' ii f t ii it i a mu t I lm ret' y'mi re 1b9S. l97. 1S94VV ; lSI' Maxinmuimu tenimimeratuiro . . 1i9 1t7 tO tI1 'l I mu I unutrum tumnultt'rmt , t it rut . . , I'S ( l tm ; : Avormige temupertitmirt' . . 78 70 72 IA lttmtiifuul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 .00 .0' ' .00 I tetord o f temnm i e'rmil U iC n mmii vrecilui tn I lu mu rut Unmmuimui ( or hum day turd simuco 'ulmtrt'im 1 , 1S9S : . Nornrumui for lime thay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V lxi'm'mu for time ultmy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I A ci' im flu mm itt t uui e' xt't'miui ml utee Al mu rein 1 . . . . . I Morumutu I rim i um ltd I fit r I imem timt' . . . . . . . . . . , I mmiii Ii'tll'icmnuey ( or I ime , tiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Im 'j'tiui m'tulrmiuull uulue'e , 'immrciu I . . . . .17.11 Iumrhm' mu I n'li t It'ut'y si mmu'e i mm re ii I .V.VV..V.V,2 I I nmt ii Iefli'iemmey cot u''MII'g i'rionl lsDl , 5 75 iumeirt 'i flxt t orresu , g pen'luiul mm9" . . 2' ) ' 1' I nut ti'ti I ( 'mu t rate ii t i , reci itt tat hinu 14 , \ \ 1:11,1411 , LQc'rul Forc'e.ammt Otiletal , 1 P