Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1898, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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J 4. 4 - .
, I11.Ii OMAhA DAILY llE1 : SV DAY , , TULI 17 , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1aJ1e StLtetflefltS.
\Vc don't niisreprcsent in the store nor in the press--vc don't deserve
praise for it-we don't want praise-we do deserve your patronage-
and we appreciate it.
Mapy (
. Bargains in
Wash Goons-
I , 500 yaids j-/
of 1)eultifllI ) ;
hi w.ns , ( lfl1k % \
cirects with
1aci slriJM3 ,
iegtiIai' 15e . /
qtia1i1y now '
5e .ier yLl'I.
. LOQ yartth of light nn.I dark FIgurt
Lawns , which HOld at iSc , l5c 124c
be , flos 7c per yard.
I : . . yardi of the choicest Lawns and
I ' DmtIes at lOc pr yard.
o ; tyIes of flno Dlrnflles , choice pat-
trn , fAst colors , reduced to 1c per
flObCSMnluite tilflJ)1'OilerCd
Our $7.5 ( ) Robes now .OO a tiIt.
Our $ S.tO Robes now $6.00 a suit.
Our tO.OO Robes now $7.O a suIt.
Black Dress Skirts-ood quali.
: Ly olblack :
1)rilliantilie skirts.
At $2.75 , $3.00 , 3.5O , 1.OO , $1.50 , 5.OO.
Fvei-y day. adds aoine new beauty to our
Htock 0 L'ndersktrts.
Lots of pretty tldnga In plain write.
plain blue and pink raIats-canrn In
Saturday for your Inspcctlon M'n-
Under MiisIIns-
Latlie'yhite - .
tticos ,
( lunbric rufiles ,
elged with
einbroidory ,
. regular
$1.00 value , . ) .
; ; at 89c each. ' -
Ladlea' Umbrella Petticoats , wide ruf-
i , . ftc of fine embroidery , at $1.00 each.
1 Ladles' fine White Skirts reduced to
1 'J.5O , $1.00 and $4.50 , from $4.50 $ , $5.00
and $6.00.
It's GeniUnc-Froncli Orgatidies
I Oc.
Monday wc' have concluded to close nut
all our ISc and 35c Colored 1' reach
Organdies at lOc per yard.
Swiss Ss'iss .
Puffings-New piif.
I iIIg.
Some with fine tucks and others with
Inca inserting between , at $2 00 and
$2.t0 per yard.
A large assortment of all-overH In
SwI , Including Irish point , tucks ,
lace anti embroidery Inserting.
A yoke or front of this handsome goods
adls much to the appearance of a
summer gown.
Notions-J eweli'y.
The newest effects in summer Jesve'iry.
LUlieS ! GaIt ! Plated Cuff Links at 5c
and SOc.
Ladles' Shirt 1'sIst. Sets at 20c. 25C ,
85c and SOc.
Belt l3ucklcs , both plain arid fancy , at
2Zic. Soc. T5c 00(1 ( $1.00.
Lates' Gout l'Iatcd Long Shank Collar
Buttons , , c each.
? dllitary lint Pins , lOc each.
Real Shell SIde Combs at 2c , 85c , 40c ,
; 0c , 63c , 7&c and $1.00 per pair.
llosiery-La(1 ( ics' black cotton
In out sizes , dOUble toe , sole and heel-
3c. 3 paIrs , $1.00.
Ladies' Black Cotton Hose , In out sizes ,
lzcs and 0 flOly , with high spliced
heels nail doUble solcs-2Fc Pair.
Children's blsck cotton fine rUbbed
hose , In odd sizes only-lOc ia11.
. Boys' hiack Wi(1C ribbed Bicycle hose ,
very good quality-at ISc , 20c pair.
( Jnderwcar-Ladies' white jer-
Iey l'iblCd vests.
Low neck and sleevcles , faucy front of
Insertion , sIlk tnpe-2c each ,
Ladies' Cotton Itibbed Union Suits ,
short sleeves , buttoned across the
front , ecru-50c cacti.
Boys' Fine h3albrlggan Underwear , long
sleeve vests , knee length ( lrawers , alt
stzes-25q each.
Domcstlts-Bleachecli sheeting.
42-loch at $ "c , lOc and 12tc per yard ,
45-Inch at 0'.c , lie and He per yard.
50-inch at lOc and 15 per yard.
54-Inch at lie , 15c and 16 ½ c Per.Yard.
8-4 at 1SC , lSc and 20c per yard.
.4 at i6'4c , 20c and 22 ½ c per yard.
10-4 at 18c , 22 ½ c afld 25e per yard.
42-Inch Ticking at i5c and 17c per yard.
45-loch Ticking at 16e and 19c per
Sea Island Percale , 36-inch wide at Sc ,
7c , lOc and i22e per yard.
& CO
Siiiiii1t ) lcnibers haggle Oer Words
-"Su rrenIer" Clintigeil to "Ca. .
iiti1itte" lii the Articles.
( Copytight , 1S9S. by AssocIated Press. )
SANTIAGO DE CUBA , July 15.-Vla (
iCingaton , Jamaica , July 16.-Tha ) prcllm-
mary basis for the capitulation of the
SPanish forces in eastern Cuba was agreed
to , and hlgncd under a ptcturesquo Cleba
tree , huit way between the lines , shortly
after itdnight. Our commissioners were
laylteil to enter the cIty by those repre-
seating General Torah , but the invItation
wal ; declined , and the conference was held
under the spreading Cieba , just such a tree
as that under which Columbus assisted at
the celebratIon of mass on his first landing
Iii Cuba near Havana. At the very outset
a hitch occurred , owIng to a misunderstand-
lag of what was said at the personal Interview -
terview between General Shafter and Gen-
oral. Torah at noon. At that time our Interpreter -
terpreter , translating the language of ( len-
eral Toral , bad given Generals Shatter ,
Miles nail Wheeler distinctly to understand
that Captain General Ilianco had consented
that. the commissIoners should have plenary
powers to negotiate the telnis of surrender ,
such terms as they agreed upon to be binding -
ing upon both parties. Something was said
about a notification to the Madrid govern-
loCaL. but General Shatter Insisted that the
capitulatIon had booii actually agreed to ,
anti that no furtlior consent of tue Madrid
government was required , When the coni-
. missionera met , shortly after 2 o'clock , in
the afternoon , those in behalf of General
Torah ( General Escario , Lieutenant Coionei
Fortan anil Robert. the BritIsh vice consul )
combatted at once the tiica that the capitulation -
' tulation had in fact actually taken place.
Tue consent of Madrid , they insisted , was
still necessary. but at tim same time they
claimed strongly that It would be forthcom-
lug , as Captain General Blanco had adviseil
It and the home government would (10 the
. 100 Doses in a
Is peculiar to and true . -
only of Hood'o Sarsapa- oLLie
tills , and 10 proof of Its superIor strength
and economy. Th2ro Is moro curative
power In a bottle of hood's Sarsaparlila
than In any other. This fact , with Its
unequalled record of cures , provc the
boat medicIne for alt blood dIseases is
. Tbc Ono True Iliood I'urlfler , MI druggIsts. $1.
, ciiru LIver ills ; ( 'as ) ' to
I-I oed s Pills tooI3erate,2a.
The Oiiiiilia Daily Bee
13 x p Os i t i oii
Photogravure Coupon
This COUiOfl aflI ten Ceilts swill
obtiiln those protogravui'os of the
EXjO8i tion ,
By mall , 2c extra.
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The Omaha lice
Map of Cuba Coupon
Present this Coupon with I
AMapotCuba. ,
A Map ofthe West ! ndtei. 4
And a Mapot'tho World , 4
; f By Mull 1 ccitt , . f
same thing. General Torah , who was present
and who , In fact directed the negotiations
on his own behalf , said he has never been
overruled by the captain general. Still , ho
added , until Madrid had sanctioned it Santiago -
tiago had not capitulated.
All this was extremely unsatisfactory to
our commissioners who clung tenaciously
to the understanding General Shatter had
received earlier In the day. Finally , with
the question of whether or not the Spanish
forces had actually surrenclereil still open ,
the commissioners proceeded to the consideration -
sideration of the preliminaries.
Captain Miley bad drawn up thirteen ar-
tides of a general nature and thee were
submitted to General Toral personally , Ito
made a strong appeal that the word "capit-
ulation" be useil instead of the harsher
term "surrender" and that. his army be allowed -
lowed to march out , the officers with their
aide arms and the inca with their smelt
arms. lie said the irxns could afterwards
be sent to Spain , either on the same ships
with the troops or on some other 8hlps.
General Toral further remarked that he cx-
pected our commissioners , as reprcaenta-
tives of a bravo and chivalrous people ,
would not seek to humiliate hits army or
make it appear that he was vanquishet.
his soldiers dosiretl to go honie with honor ;
they had simply yielded to superior force ,
011(1 they would prefer dying to going home
I without their honor.
Our commissioners could not resist this
appeal , but they said it lay beyond the
ternis laid down by our government , and
they could only recommend the matter to
I Washington. At 4 o'clock Toral returned
, to the city to consult with General Linares.
General Toral and the Spanish commis-
I sioncra returned at 6iO : , saying they desired -
sired a still further change in time phraseology -
elegy of the articles anti suggested a post-
lonemnent of the negotiatIons until morn-
log. This General Wheeler fIrmly declined.
Thereupon a recess was taken until 0:30. :
'Time commissioners returned at that. hour
aal the articles wore again gone over in
detail. Various changes of verbiage , which
tended emily to soften thin sound of the
ierna witHout armccung the sense , wore
proposed by the Spaniards and our rommis-
sionoris accepted practically all of them.
Shortly after midnight General Wheeler
suggested that the good faith of the Span-
lards ho tested , MI thu artIcles 'ere reread -
read 1111(1 cccli conunissloner iii turn was
aslied if they 'ero satisfactory.'lieim they
replied in the aulirmative General Wheeler
asked them to allix their sigmiutures. This
they appeared reiuctnnt to tb , but they
could not elt refuse.Viivii all hail signed
the coniiiiisionera separated to macct again at
0:30 : o'clock In time corning.
The present municipal authorities are to
eoniliiuu In controi of the city untii tli
Shianish troope are eiularkcd. The Spanish
troops ( rota otlie , ' forts arc to be emnbarlced
Ut the neatest
The refugees are to return to their homes ,
but not until the sanction of dadrid is to- I
ceived , end the same applics to the ro-
moral of thu obtruetions at time mouth of
the harbor. l'endtng this , Iiowos'er , Miss
i'ieia Barton mind the Ited Cross agents ,
wRit supplies , are to be allowed ' to enter
time city over the line of the Juragun mull-
I nail. 'I'iie s-atcr loam , 'hiclm was cut , is to
ho repaired today. No Cubans arc to be
allowed to enter the city. Alt time artillery
and the batteries at the entrance to time
harbor are to lit left intact and we are to
obtain possession of the gunboat in the
I'cnding the sanction of Madrid , every-
thimig is at a standstill. anti as a result the
troops on both eides remimain in the trenches.
While there hi otily a remote chance of tue
goverimuient at. Madrid upsetting everything
at time last moment , such an event is still
recognized as a posaIbilit. hiuwever , oum
platis are being prepared as though the
campaign were os'er.
( lcaorai Shatter's headquarters are to be
nioved. probably today. to the high grouuil
north of time city , where the whole of our
eramy vili be L'mmcampeI after Santiago is
evacuated , pending the possibility of its
cuibarkatlon for the island of l'orto Rico.
'rime troops which were lanth'cl at Sibonoy ,
but which vere not brought up , mire to be
I sent back on board ( be transports iwwcdt-
An Honest
Corset Talk-
'lucre are
degi'ees of
exc'eflellce 111
corsets , a in
else , S0fl1t3
are simply
good , ot1ieri ILFO better , but
-the Ci'eco corset is best ,
The mere assertion of this fact , tin-
backed by proof , might fail to carry
conviction , hence the following :
Mi other corsets ioss"ss this most an-
floyiflg venkness. Not a woman in
this community but will acknowledge
tiny truth of this statcmnent.
fly a disconnection at time valst line , the
cause of breakage is removed , and at
the same time time corset rebuts its
symmetrical proportions. Being comi-
vinecil of its superiority over oIlier
corsets , we arc going to introduce It
to our buying PUbiie'hii'ii next you
buy t corset , try the Cresco.
Ladies' Ncckwear-String and
how ties 5c
W'liite Pique Ascot Ties , 23c each ,
White amid Colored Puff Tics , 2c and
SOc cccli.
\'hIte Lawn String Ties , 25c nail 35c
a dozen.
Corset Secial-W. B. corset.
Mndo of a good strong , cool imettitig ,
strongly bomied throughout , extra long
vatst , two sIde steels , corded bust ,
perfect iltting model , reguhar Price
$ I.tXt-prico to close , SOc Oaeh ,
, JUStW11CI1
the need is -
greatest ,
p1'ces are the
littlest we
have kiiown
'J'his special
, '
" - ?
101' WOfliGn :
Pure linen , baud embroidered , dainty
patterns-these handkerchiefs were
manufactured to sell at 25c each.
ately. W'hilchm American troops vihl remain
hero as a garrison , or the number , has not
yet been decided on. There is some talk of
garrisoning Santiago with several regiments
from the southern states which are understood -
stood to be at sea at present.
The condition of the city t Santiago is
said to ho dreadful with fIlth amid stench
everywhere. There is much sickness among
time Spanish soldiers duo to bad and insutll-
dent food , and there are many yehiow fever
cases in the hospitals. Our comnnuissionors
have just gone in to meet the Spanish corn-
' ' ' ' ' ' '
Gli'V'I'ING TilE
'l'itANl'Oltq'S ItEADY.
( eiierzil Mcrriziin 'l'atct's Ilohi at. , ! is
l'iisliiiig the % Vori.
SAN FRANCISCO , July 10.-Major Gemi-
oral MerrIam has assumed command of the
expeditionary forces. Today , In spite of the
Immense aauount of work that has thus
been shouldered emi this command , active
preparations s'ero continued on time yes-
sels of time fourth Manila expedition. If
everything is satisfactory the troops ( losig-
fluted for time Pennsylvania wilt be cx-
peeled to embark tomorrow , The details
are the First Peminsylvania and recruits for
the First California.
The South Dakota regiment is to go on
the Rio 1e Janeim'o. The littler Is expected
to be ready by Tuesday. Time delay Is in
fitting the bunks.
There is no news so far of the St. Paul ,
due from St. Michnei It is now a week
overdue , but iiiis irobabiy tied to wait for
river steamers.
Time Utah light battery of volunteer ar-
titiery received orders this morning to pie-
pare and be ready to embark on the Rio
do Jnnoiro without ( lolay. It consists of
i05 oiliccrs and men , Lieutenant Wedg
wood comntnaliuiing. lie is , however , too ill
to go. No one has as yet been assigned in
his place , They are about to get a. new
armament of four pieces. At present they
lmas'o only two. The heavy baggage of this
battery was packed today.
l)1l.t'l'hi CIES ( .t'l' IllS l't1' OF nUT' . ' .
ltlii lIrpver , i ii CIanigi' or l'islmtl At-
fail ru iii ti ioni'- , ii % 'lot I ni uf i'e'r ,
1\'ASIIINOTON , July 10.-A telegram
came today announcing limo ( loath of libemu
llrouvt'r , who had charge of time postal servIce -
Ice at Siboney , It came frcin Mr. Lewis
Icemuper , uhmo said Mr. lhrewer hail died
cmi July 15 of yellow ( ever , anti requested
that his brother In New Yoi'k City be nott-
dcii. lie said that lie wommid endeavor to
niche arrangt'nients to have the tenmains
sent to time United States ,
Mr. Icemniier has lmeen acting as assistant
special agent , mind uvili now liaso entire
charge of roetai matters before Santiago.
lie Is welt acquainted wIth postal affairs
and speaks Spanish.
i'ostmncster General SmIth ammid today that
thu announcement of Mr. ilrower's death
\'as received with ( iceiu regret. lie said Mr.
Brewer bad the esteem of every one i'itim
wimonu ho came in contact , not only because
of uk ability tu disposing of postal affairs.
but because of bis many estimable personal
( iualities.
( : liilIrt.i , l'lrst $ tmtiIb , t"huc ,
Cotuiauy I-I of the Twemt-sccond , : in.
faimtry , formerly tatlonetI at Fort Crook ,
had the hoimor of capturing the llrst Stianisit
iag during the attack on Tallammma. Time
tiliaiiishi svemc forced to retreat , leaving their
flag , two amid otie-limuif feet by three feet ,
flyIng over hicadquiirtors. Corporals Newman -
man and Boyle cliii i'rlvates Keyser , Colart
antI hiutahimug of Coapaiiy II were time muon
who tore down time Sliamuisis cosign mmii car-
dcii it In tt lmmniph to General Iawtoim.Vhlitu
passing through Cimaffec's lirigamlo cii route
to imeaiquarters the men were greeted with
rounds of cheers. Company ii Is tinder
com.nmnand of ( 'uptain J. 'J. Crlttenlcn , whose
wife Is still at Fort ( ) nuuha. Corporal Boyle
Is a son of Juan Boyle of Kearmucy and Is
working for a comimuisslomu.
ifli''t of % 'n r nit huslil.'IN. $
The Smith I'remier Typewriter company
has ttst received an order from the \\'ar
departmnent for forty-five new Smith l're-
tuier typewriters to be delivered ut once.
SLory Startea by Madrid Newspaper Denied
at Whingtons
. nf I'tCiit'hi , Aittbniisnihir itelitteM
Stlel to Mnters ll.-tucet time
Uniteil MIOtCM amid ills
Ovti CItI Ii I r ,
MAIittfl , July 16.-Several newspapers
say the Spanish government opened peace
negotiatIons today with Washington
through the French anubcosailor there.
It Is said in connection 'ithi the Spanish
suggestion of leaving tile question of the
future government of Cuba to be decided
by a plebiscite of Its inhabitants , that
Spain would unreservedly accept the decision -
cision given in such a case.
\VASIIINGTON , July 16.-hi view of to-
iteweit l'eports that time French ambassador
\\'nsiiington , M , Canthon , i'aui opeimed
peace negotiations or Inquiries relative to
tiossible terimus of hicace. it calm lie stated
r.tithoritatisely. aftem' imuqtmiry at the 1'remuchi
elnbass3' , that no negotiations or inquiries
of any character relative to peace have been
made m's yet , olilciahly or uaoflieinily , dirOct
or indirect by time French nnibmiasador.
The reporte grow out of M. Camhmon's call
at. tIme \Vlilte house on July 11. 'rite liuir-
pose of this call and the entire eonvemsa-
tiomu su'hiicii 1)iiSSCl between ( ho Presidelit
amid the ahimbiscamior is fully known , cmiii it
cami be stated imositiwely ( lint It comutalned
no reference to the nreecnt comutliet between
Spain nail time United States or to the pros-
hect of its being brommghut to a close , It re.
hated to it subject u holly outside this % 'ar
or its close , by peace or otherwise , and the
question of time war did not come imp , oven
lliclihentall ) ' . The omity imucidcntai question
reformed to viis the loss of the French
steanusimip La liourgogmme , for wbkh time President -
dent expressed the deepest regret , mis veit
as hula satisfaction that the Inquest had
mitigated the early reports of the occur-
remico. The main question discussed , however -
over , related solely to time Utmitcil States
and France , without the memumotest leartng )
on Ipain , and in tltte tlnucu thus discut5ioii
will bear fruit in certain expressions of good
vihl between this country and time French
republic ,
1teiy4'M Ill ( ) Iil ttory.
Notwithstanding the well established
character of title eomifeiiee between the
president antI the Fm'cnch minister it has
served as a text for reports that M. Cambomi
was sounding the govcrnmcn on the terms
of peace. ThiL has been asserted so positively -
tively that even some ofliciala have acceptel
it as accurate , and as an indication that the
peace movement at last hmmid assumed tangi-
bie ( oral. The report has even been accepted
at Madrid. after being cabled to the Inupar-
cml. The French ambassador here was not
authorIzed by his government to make overtures -
turos for peace and in the absence of such
instructions he souIi1 not assume stmclu a
delicate duty. Furthermore , ho has not.
taken any such steps , with or without in-
strumction. As a resuit of his call at th
\'hite house the French government was
apprised by cable fully as to what occurred
and this report coiiveyed not tile slightest
reference to Spanish affairs , the progress of
the war or the possibilities of peace , The
Associated Press Its able to make this state-
mont with lull information as to the nature
of time conference between President Mctin-
Joy and Ambassador Cambon ,
The appearance of every representative of
the European Powers at the State department -
mont Is seized upon by the many watchers
there as evidence that they are bearers of
peace overtures , Thus 'hmen the German
secretary of embassy , Baron Spec von Stern-
burg , came to the department today his visit
immediately gave rise to the story that he
had come charged with such a mission. This ,
however , met with very prompt denial from
everybody concernel , and it was added , as
welt , that time visit had no reference to the
The statement attributed to Premier
Sagasta that Spain had been making extra-
ofilelat inquiries to learn what ternis time
United States umuigiut accept as a basis for
jeace failed of confirmation to this extent :
That up to this moment the State depart-
meat h.ts not. been approached on time sub-
jct , directly or indirectly. Perhaps the
Spammish premier may have some means of
obtainIng time limformnmutlomi lie desires that is
not known to our officials here , bitt , however -
ever that may be , the statement stilt re-
matmis good that the United States govern-
inemit hits not even officially indicated the
terms it would accept as a basis for peace
negotiations. Of course these matters have
beeti discussed between government officials
without relation to any Spanish immquiries
and It is also true timat the president wouitl
like very well to accurately gauge time wishi
of time majority' of the American people iii
this matter ,
\'Iui ( tlie J'resluleiit IcMtrcs.
Without assumlug to speak for him in a
matter of this imiortance , It is gathered
from high immembers of the almninistratiou
that the pmesidemmt himself is disposed to lie
moderate in his demands , amid , while secur-
lag ( lint which the United States is
fairly entitled to exact from a
nation iii SpaIn's desperate eommditiomi ,
he Is not' disposed to embark
In a world conquering enterprise and in-
stat upomu the retention of remote territory
thiat. will be unservicablo to us. In other
words , uniess there Is an overwhelming do-
mend on the part of the American peoilo
for the adoptiomu of such a course it is not
believed that time president , as a finally.
oumii1 himsiat ( lint Stialmi abandon all of 11mm
colonial potsessions. While thin hiropositlon
is tentative it Is felt that as a minimum
ilomuimund lie vtii be commtemut with the aequl-
altion of Porto Rico , an admission of the
Independence of Cuba , a ( 'Oaiing station in
time l'imllippince. with provision for some
kind if protectorate over the isiamud , and a
I moderate intlenunity.
it is judged that time Spanish government
has pretty fairly imbibed sommue such Idea
I this mmd that the utterances of h'reinior
Sagasta antI time cautIous declarations in the
iiro-SianIsh uewt.papem' are simiply ; intended
to gradually bring time Sjianish populace into
a state of mind where they will be uvilhiag
to slmbumit quietly to the impositIon of sonic
such terms of ticace. It is realized that at
presemit tbi' comiditiolis lii Sp'aiml are not
rIpe amid that seine timmie-how much cannot
ii ettlmnated now-twill be required to cut-
tivate PutillO sentinment in Spain to the
liroper iioimtt.
S1NfiS I'liR I'll. ' ISIIS QF' hiI.tNf't ) ,
StitiT Oitltctlii liii. ' . . Ipon t hat' 111111y
' 'Irtitt's ut ills ( 'hihef.
IIAVAN4' . , July l6.nmemmubcr of time
staff of General Blammeo , referring yesterday
to tIme report 1mm circulation iii the United
States tiiat Oclierni lllamico hail atit'inpted
tu commmniit suicide shcmi Ito heatti of .tiio
destructiomu of the fleet of Admiral Cerwera ,
said :
'You can definitely announce that Cap.
tam Gemierni hilumico is a good Christian anti
Spanish soldier. and lie will never aUclupt
to take hIs life. a hitch ilocs not bviopg to
himmu but which has been consecrated entirely
to time service of hits country. Oniy yes-
tertlay I heard huinm say ho regretted cot
being younger o atm to be able to consecrate -
crate his life (0 ( llhtitug ( lie mmation uhicii
Pretends to hummmihieto his beloved country.
"Time loss of hiaif is dozen ships of time
Spanish 1lvt , lost while glorIously fighting
three ( tines ( helm' number. ho considers as
one of the mnatmy war incidents. As lie hues
previously remarked , courage does out ci-
ways accompany fortune. natl thmis great ios
sili not mmmnko him change his purpose of
tietending , mcii by ilich , this porttomu of
b'imnniShi territory.
'Therefore do tiot credit any rulamors
about the captain general nttemuipting his
life. lie is greatly admired by till for his
firnuriess , kIndness and genuinely Spanish
Sen timnea ts. "
Report ' ( t1t ) ' ; ; : ; ; lln non i.1 ( hit'
Comuiit , . l'retuihlttg
iii Cuba ,
( Copyright , ISOS , by Associateti l'tcss. )
hiA\'AN. July l5-lelayed ( Ia Tratme-
inieslon.LTho ) following arc Siunimisli ser-
stons of evbtittm svhiich have recently tramia-
pireti in Cuba : On Tuesday , July 12 , the
Anieticanmi colmtimmucd time attack on Santiago
do Cuba cli day , but with ices ncti ity tlumn
tii day before , owing to the heavy miii
falling about the neighborhood , whichi
flooded somne of ( he tromucimes. But tile
'tttlnr did not pres'ent the brave Spnnish
soldiers from remaining in their liositiomis ,
full of aninrntiomu and m-csolutioti.
It is reported that iS,000 additional ( rOOhms
( muder General Coppimmgcr recently bumuded
tim the province of Santiago tie Cuba. They
came aim twenty-two trans-Atlantic steam-
era , which have lately been seen before
llalquim'i. Before Samutliugo at , time tune there
ver' eight battieships ulmd twenty-four aux-
ihiary cargo ships ; In frotmt of hlavamia therc
were eight war ships , before Cariloiitas two
will- ships did blockade duty mmliii there were
two nmen-of- war hefort' Cienfuegos.
A sitihimig vessel Witiloilt a hag recemmtl3'
fired emi sormmc fishermumoim of ilatohammo amid
badly vntindcil four of timeni. The wotintied
muon were takcmm to Ilatamiabo , Officint re-
hiorts recc'ivei ( ( momum Santiago do Cuba on
July 13 sity time Cimlile state of affairs urn-
veiled then as emi the day previous. It was
reported thiat heavy rcluforcermuemmts of
Amnericamis , tinder Ocimerul Miles , were
lamuuleI lately , and have been pimshmcti to time
front , whmlcit Is said to have Increased the
activity of time besiegers ammil to
have reimdereii time task of time garrison
more difficult , limit , time rcptmrts continues ,
this has only mmimowmi up in a better ligimt the
admirabie conduct of time brave Spanish oi-
diors , who , km suite of the imeavy raimms , mind
the fact that they are In vater imp to their
sAists , are vihhing to defend timeir positions
to the very last.
Before time different blockaded ports yea-
ti'rduy there svero time samume ships , as lumen-
tloneit in time leport of time they lweviouis.
nmmrimmg time night of July 13 thin insulr-
goats attached Virtudes , a village of the
provincir of Pinar dcl Rio. 'l'hmpy were repulsed -
pulsed by tiio garrison , Ommo officer amid
oat , coidier womlnded. Spanish soldiers have
engaged and dispersed thie lasurgenis at
Estreiha. The enemy heft seine men killed
on the fleiti nail the troops captured twexmty-
five saddle huorsea mnd a quantity of arms.
Atlvices received lucre from Sague in
Grande say ( hint on FrIday last the Norwegian -
wegian steamer Nansen. from Cardenas , arrived -
rived there and began loading sugar. The
Frencim steamer Chateau ha Faitte arrived
at Sagua ha ( ] ratide oa Tuesday. Time tobacco -
bacco crop iii the district of Sagun in Gramitlo
is in good condition and very abundant.
The llabnmmero and Naccional ciub have
ditch given $212 toward the expenses of the
kitchens for the relief of the poor. At S
o'clock on Friday morning , July 1 , time
Frommch cruiser d'Estaing fireil a salute in
honor of the national fete of France , the
anniversary of the taking of the bastile ,
and receated thme salute at noon amid sun-
eown. ' 1no Ispanisit gunboats In the bay
hoisted time Spanish flag amid displayed
French flags , while time Spanish cruiser
Condo the Vonadito saluted the French flag
while the salutes were being fired.
The Austrian war ship Maria Theresa ar-
riced here during the afternoon of Thurs-
day. While passing Cabanas fortress the
Spanish band ashore played the Austrian
lnmpcriai nmarch , which was answered from on
board ( ho Austriami vessel by time band at
that simip playing the Spanish royal march.
Time people assembled on time wharves
greeted time visiting war ship enthusiastic-
ally. It sniuted the Spanish flag amid the
anibto was answered from the Cabanas hint-
( cries and from the guns of thie Spanish
cruiser , Aiphonso XII. After tile Maria
Theresa hail reached her mnoorimmgs it hoisted
the French flag and saluted it , the corn-
plinment being rethirned by the Fm'ench
cruiser , d'Estning.
It is reported here that the AmerIcans ,
inco time night of July 1 1. have ceased at-
taking Santiago and have again made propositions -
ositions to the garrison to capitulate.
There are continual rumors that time besieged -
sieged and the besiegers are treatimug in
regard to the conditions of capitualat ion.
Juan Masse l'arro , ( be forimmor insurgemmt
brigadier general who surrendered to the
Spaniards nail wimo raised a imrlgndc of
Cubans for the service of (110 Spanish
gowerumnemit , lies writtemm a letter to Capzatn
Gemmerni Biamico in which lie says : ' 'As a
result of th loss of Admiral Cervera's ileot ,
and other timimigs , I write to say that I have
never as much as at the present timne
understood hour dearly I love Spaimm , time
country of heroes , of which I mum proummi of
being a semi. Never as mmow have 1 felt as
sorry for having fought against her rtimtt I
also regret , in view of the great events
which mire developing , aimmong timemmi being
not ten lives to lose for Spain Instead of
the conflict 'going on nm-oummd its , that I hare
only omie. I ama witting to sacriihco time latter -
ter for thin coutmtry wimicim lies beemi aiways
great amid though at ( lines unfortunate , always -
ways triummuphant at time last mmuoment , even
' hell tlmimmgs have looked time blackest. ' ' Iii
conclusion , the former itmimurgotit brigadier
general says lie was omue of those vhmo "took
revenge eu time lerfiihiotimm yammkces. "
Time cemumoander of time Austriimmi cruiser
Maclit Theresa cmiii some Russinim army and
navy representatives , who arrived hem-c on
board of it to join time Spanish army fom'
time purpose of studying time svar , visited time
PaliLco today. 'fhme itussiuun party is comn-
lammed of LIeutenant l'okitinsmmff ' of time Itus-
slatm mmavy , a imavai attache of the Itissiiim
hcgatiomt at Mmtdrhh ; Captmmirt Geam-ge llctmd of
the Suetlen-Norway artillery service , antI
Coiotmei J. D. Itilmioski of time Russian army.
After having a long comiversathoim with Camp-
timiu General hihanco , time lamtty of visitors
called upon the niemimbem's of time colommiamh
goverainemut , but not flmuling time hatter , they
went (0 ( 500 Dr. Commgestt , time accietury of
time Shmammisim go'erimnicuit , atuti ( he bishop of
havana , anti ( lion imeid a lommg comiforencu
i'itit Captain ( ieui'ral flinmico , Dr. Faiki' ,
time Gorimuuiu consul here , hits taken lies-i-
siozmai chtm-ge ; of the consulate of Austria-
liungaiy ,
CItltIII S ) iiii'iithiiersilellvv ' , ' ( limit S'ihi
1k' C'ii Iii its u d ii r , ' \it I . , a a' ' .
OhJe i-iI , . t'iitti ,
SAN FitAClSCO , July 16--Time Bvetming
i'ost soya :
Frommi irivate inforimmatioti received lit this
city iiy Synuiathlizer8 with time Cuba a
( hit'rc iii rca son t 0 hmel ievc t hiatt ( ummmmitaloz'ti ,
SVntson mummy Immciuile in his umIbsiomi to titti
Simaimisim coast a visit first. or afteraamrd , to
the tsiimnml i'd mmimmutlo l'o , dii time Amamcrht'atu
coast , to rciemm.o fronu Inmiirisonmnt'lmt nmiimmy
people hanlshmecl to ( Ito islanil by Spaimi
for IiOiitlcai l cflbOfltm. Most of thin irlsommcrs
arc Cubaim symnpathmlzers.
'l'imat sonic eommmmidt'ratiomu lies been givemu
to this liropostLion by the govcrntmuert , or
that thu latter intends to atlop some other
amnd ltnmcdlato plan for secuirimig time t't'leaso
of the Cuban prisimners of ssur , itt cvidemuc'-d
by a dispatch received hero yesterday reati-
ing as follows
"hopes for time release shortly of Iierrra
Ltflh others have sudiemily grown brighter.
McKinley gives us great amesurauces of
promnot action cow , "
No Purther De'ay ' in Sending Fleet to the
Ooaat of' Spain.
Oregon mtitl ins'ehtumset ( ( itt' Mnhmi-
ptn' ' of ( lie % , , iui-'Iil
itt'nt-it ie' ( Ittut t lomt ,
.ttgItst i.
s'iYORK , July 1G.-A special to the
Tribune frolmu W'aslmihgtomt says : Time "raid-
11mg qttaihton' ' Is expecLed to start for time
coast of Spain Sattlrday. Time Navy depart-
meat ummderstands that Comumnotlore'ateon
has lila imhmits coaled to time himmmit of timelr
bunker eamaeity , atumi mmothmtng should keel ,
hums another ( lay at Gutantanatimo. lie ought
to pass Mole St. Nicohims on Sutmtmay , amid ,
according to schctitmle , a tiispatchm should be
sent by hiimmm through a dispatch boat off St.
Timonmas next \Vetlncsday , tuimmioumucleg his
actual depmirttire froni ( hut vicimuity upon tiit'
2,500-mile straightaway course for the Caiutt-
I les. whiere lila formidable force suiommid mmii-
Pear about itmgust 1 , ota few days toter ,
tiepeuuthimug umpomu time state of wemutimer cii-
countered in nitd-Atlmmmitic , and time mcxi-
mmliii sired of his cohiirs , svhtchm imlust ilx
lila rate of progress.
After two days spout tmmmdor time lee of one
of the umimfortithed Canary islands , mepiemmishi.
immg the hunkers of his fighiting ships with
fuel , time llmmami amssutmit : on Spain , scam eel ) ' two
days tlistmumit , would be lromnitiy tmmmitie , cmiii
if the Inst SpanIsh immtviil resources , rcpi-o-
scmmtcd 1) ) ' Carnara's fleet , cannot be enticeil
fromim Cartmmgemma to ; troteet Cathiz , ( lie Amuem-
lean hattie thug will quickly he displayed
Iii ( hue Metltterrnmmeami.
Time fleet , us it is at Present constituted ,
Imictiihem ; two of time best bmuttleshihms 1mm time
lmavy---time Oregomm anti time l5lassaeiuttsetts ;
thai Protected cruiser Newmil-k
, time nitxihi-
aries Ysmmmimec , lixio anti Vomit-mite , witim six
colliers ntmd mu smmpmly simlii. The Oregomi has
bccimrne time flagship , and the Yankee Is mutmw
at I iuimtpton Roads , Preparcil to start with
filial orders on Sunday to timed the rest
of time sqimntlromi July 20 , otT St. Timomnus.
Time coiiier curly 25,000 tons of time host
coal , a tiufliciemit qtimmmmttty to stcani time fleet
nil time way to time l'huiilpplnes and imaif way
back , time refrlgcrimtor ship Glacier hmavhmmg
fresh food to inst two imiommtiis.
While time Newark is cahmabie of a lilac-
teen-knot Sliced for short distances , anti the
Massachusetts mind thmo Oregon once have
i'ecnriis above sixteen knots , it is utuhikehy
( limit the attuatiron siil keep imp an r.s'.rnqe
of mmuore titamu ( cmi knots miii hour acm-ass the
ocean , although , timmimamnpered b thii'tr col-
here after leaving time Canaries , is sliced
exceeding twelve kmiots sviil be colmstatmtiy
nmaintnimmed. It 'will ' be time dimly of thu
three ntmxiiimmries to afford protection to time
colliers mmd time supply ship mit alt tinmes ,
heaving tsso battleships and the Newark to
undertake offensive operations ,
Time ( Ic'prmrture : of Commumotloro Watson's
force viil heave the Iowa , Indiana , Brooklyn ,
York , Tcxami amid Puritnu as the mir-
nmored vessels ummmder Admiral Saimipson's
direct conmmnan(1 to batter down time forti.'l-
cmitions at I'orto Rico and time cruisers Col-
utnbia , Mhimnenpolis , San Francisco , New
Orleans , Detroit , Mommtgonuery and Marble-
iicatl to shell a lauding place for the ills-
embarkatIon of time aim-ni ) ' of occupation
nuder Gcmieral Miles. A large mmunmber of
guasboats amitl other nuxihiar3- vessels will
be avaiinbl to convey tIme trammaports of time
Porte Rican'expetlitiomi svithoimt inmpairttmg
tile efilciemicy of the Cuban blockade by
ssIthdrawing nmmy of the lmumerous vessels
nowon that ( huty The autimorities at W'asim-
ingtomi are confident that ama entire army
COiiS Wilt be landed in Porto Rico before
the "raidimig squadron" reaches the Cami-
aties , and ( hint the acquisition of time island
selil be conupteted almost simultaneously
with Conmmnodoro Watson's mnelmace to ( ho
Spammlsim lc'ninsula. ) That these two terriiie
biouvs , following so quickiy upon time sum'-
render of Satitiago this week , anti the occupation -
cupation of Mammila , uvhicim svili probably
occur next week , will compel Spain to sue
for peace hmardiy admits of time slightest
Not Icxieet eu (0 ltot a cii to ' : islui ii-
ton Ire. , , 'zt ii I igto-itru , < , lct' See-
.uid In Co.itiigmiil ,
WAShINGTON , July 16-It is said ( lint
General Miii's himself swill conmmimmmti the
Porto Ricamu expedition , aided by Getiem-al
Ihmoolte , The latter lrobabiy will mnnico all
the arrangenients necessary at SVnshingtoim
and nt Cimiekanmaugam , as it is not time pros-
emit imitemition of Gemmirni iSliles to retumm'n
to Wmnmlmiugtomm before leavIng for Porte
Itico , though of coumrtme there is mmlw aye time
possibility ( lint lie will be stitmutnoned here ii-
thin presiiltnt for pumrhtoses of commsmiltation.
I t is eXli'Ctcl ) timat ( lie cammmpahgmm iii Porte
Rico will lie mmimom-t timid thecisise. 'l'ho troops
mviii be lamiie(1 at a hoImit near San .Juami
svitlm artillery to foice ( lair ssay iiii'cIy (
into time rear of ( ho towim , while time ( lent
su'Ill tiasim hub time harbor and muulme time ut-
tack 1mm front. Discouraged mmmi the Spaiularihmm
are by tima surm-emmder ut Santiago , it is ox-
lL''ttl ? that they will offem' vrotractcd ic-
sit ( a ace.
It may be that when General Brookc'mt
solihiet's heave Ciiickamumnugn imamk tiani-
places will be tmiken by comae of thu troops
miow hying at Tampa. Time conditions itt time
latter imlace are miot satisfactory troth Lu 8iii-
itury point of view anti time troops , if not
remuamsoti to Cimiekauumaugn , Probaimib' su'lil be
taken to Fernandimmn amid Chmimrlestomi ,
A uil I t , , , ' ' . . , , . tititt iii ; Ils jit't'l
to it'miv. ' ii , ' Ii.ri' l'urt of
Nt't W'i'elc ,
SAN FRANCISCOJuly 10-Time steamer
Pemmnsyivammiiu , su'itim ( hue First \Iontana and
time recruits of time First California regi-
mc on 1 , uI I I PlObItbl I en I I on ( l otmml a y.
Colonel Pa'ost , svitht tss-o bmmttaiiomms of South
immhiota 'oiumiteors , expects to get assay emi
'rmmt'suimty aim tue Rio tie Janolro. Lieutenant
Coiotmel Slower swill follow annie iiayg later
ss'itlm time rvzmiainirmg Dakota battalion , sail-
hag aim ( he St. Patti. Time New York
troops , whicim the Johnson-Locke enmumpmumy
hums t'ontrtcteuh to lantl at honolulu between
tune rimid August 17 , whil Iirotmably go on
time steamer. . Contemmnlal , Iiurmmboitit cmiii
'l'hllatmmook Time Ctmtmmnmuial , , swill go on time
dry dock today. 'i'lmo lIed Cross society ,
It is paid , sulil malted it svitiu time view of
utsimmg it as a imospitumh ship mit Muutmila.
'l'ho First troop of Utaim s'olmirutcer ctvamlt'y :
has iicn orilereti to muuqve from Caumip Mer.
ritt and mime its station at thmo I'resluhio.
Private liarthett of time Tus'entieth Icamisas
rug I mmmcii I , uvhm ( ) ii lou of spina I iii en I n gi t is emi
'edumt'suiay , has beemt burled in time na-
thottimi cutletery at the Prmsuldio.
'It. l'r.te' ' * i'ruuij" . fm iii Feer $ ,
\\'tSiil.'GTON \ , July lU.-\S'ar depart-
meat oiflc'hzmis are giving a gooti deal of
Ihoir : mtteumiomm to time ailoption of sirit
hirotectiomm of our troops fromn yehiow ( c-icr
aai ( fromti Jqw tropical fevers Thin uIt3hiart-
nmcmit. lies tiecidod to remove thu troops at
Santiago at thu earliest liotsibie muonmeumt
to tile eoutitry In time rear.
Aihiutamat General Corbin tmahh today that
withIn live miles of Samttimmgo lirouier thus
conditions were mis umearly iuleal as obtain-
chic lit the tropics ( or starntiimmg omit time
bun' . high hills , mmssurul a ( thu well drainul
camps. a imiost itmupoilamit element in the
prcsorvatiomu of lmcuiuim. time uiaer ( supply
commiIeg fonu time mountains was pure and
abunthaut , and fresh breezes prevailed.
\5'hle Ibm , miunhn icily 0 ? ticnps ! to 1 *
trSnsferrNi to thmesci bilk iLVtti thy tii
nceticd for rrvhcc qpuwhero , or mum- , ' r -
tttrrmt-d to time Uai'e-4 titatmu' , soete trae ;
si-Ill ho pinc' ] c4tut'r in time town 1.-elf , r
in me cotnman4Ing time iicc , in ot.r : ! i
protect tit Inbabtthnts ,
It Is the prt'sent Iritntio'i ci' the sutlmisr-
itles here to mmnt.iui , military ( overum
fluent . tantngo ( tig-mdlssq of hilt tiu&fl
Cumban 501mm-cat thet the '
, o-e 'r'a-tui to
utn'inrtks Ume .dmrJtmstw1tiin t're i
imelievui'uj titat tile t'uiIt-i ( ; ' , ute.i ' , s tmui'lc r
mumoruul nhfl-ittotm to lime stand o tie to it
that nothing 1.ut s. imihu7rivilizeul gou -
eranment shall he et cli iii ( 'uhat ,
Iitit 1,1st iii : ; ; ' ; : tmfnht Seru-lu't.
' 'liai ti-u' lsitIe ( 'utiitItlttstii.r ( )
A i.i.uitm . ( nt'ttls.
'AmIIlNGTON , Jtlly1G-Th -
today matie the foiiou imig muppohtiimme'u : '
interior-To ho commitimissicacre i and
lanil to time Umucoimmp.mhigre Italians iii t'th.
Rrcstume it. Ilarhuer of .luon , 0
( itmitimi of ilcutsas City , Mo. ; hinuu Il i' .
Myton of Elkbam-t , Intl. To ho regiirr f
the lamuti cube mit Ievii's Lake , N. 1 , iil
Serutnigarti of levil's ) Lake , N. D. To
be receiver of pitbiiciumommeys at Ds-1l a
Lake , N. 1) . , U , i. Baird of Devil's lsku ,
N. I ) , To be commmtmmisslomuer of Rook t'r'rk
l'imrla , iistriet of Colitnibiam , Rieham-d 'rigimm -
nina of liuutriet of Coiunulilm.
Arumiy-'i'o ha' cimptaimis in infimmitriVtids
I ' . It I ohm a t'do a . \\'iil miii F. hut mm sc I I. \\'il -
hiammi Allaire , lsmreno I' . IavlstumiVIh1sta
V. Sintmipdr. Ciummriea hi. Ilarthi. ivernrd i.
Iiatchm , Albert 13. Scott , Robert it. .niier-
soil , George W. Melt-or , Auultew S. ltou' mum ,
I larris I. Roberts , \\'iuier ( Clmntfltlcl , .iniiui
Stafforih , John Cott r , Dammich F. .mugl cmii ,
Fred \'antiew , Framuk I ) . .luiIi mis , has-id
C. Shmamiks , Oimmai' lhutmitlv'altcr M. IlL-h-
imusomi , Thomas IV. ( iriilhmh , Eiiward Lloyd ,
Frauds J. Kcrnamm , Charles E. iCemmnc.iy ,
itowhmmnd C. 11111 , Marion P. SaiTtuld , Joscsh ;
13. Ilatcheiar , Jr. , Iic'mmry G. hodges , Jr. ,
James P. Kerr , Robert L. Iimmrst'iillaun
N. ltujbcs.
interior-To be lmmdiall lflSPteOI'i. ( AIthiuir
M. Tinker of Maissachmumseits , Cyru' IIccuie
of lowatVaiter Ii. Graves of Colorado.
Jolt11 Ii , iCmtigiit of l'orthmmimti , 'th' . , to he
special mmmemut to mullet hammuis in severally
to Imidlamns ,
tlttlilht 1'titiir iililt" . Iiulniip , ' .rc
lIt'mtit''.I to 'ipit- Ott tilt-
l'i'otio'.i'il ( . 'hittiige ,
liUhiFALO , N. Y. , Jmui3' tn.-.t todavtu
sessiomu of tue hioptist Ycummig t'eoplt's imniolt
11ev. S. l. Price resigmmeui mis ri'pi-escntntive
of hut' state of Minmmemuotn on time Nahunni (
Board of Mmmmmngcrs , ammti ites. 1)r Scymmmoumr
of New York smas cimosen to stmccced him.
ir. Chilvers presetutcil a supplt'mumemmtary
report of the Board of Mamummgers , whmic'h
ssns Iii simiustammico :
"The btmam-d knit itmitler eomusitlerntiomm ( hue
quteittlon of hold tug a mu ii mm ci I listen ml of blvn -
nkuh commvcmmthomms , nuul recotimimmends that the
various unions Imistrutct their uleingates to
the muext comms'emution mis to ( lieu' tuerformil-
minces. "
llesoiuitlomus ss'ero adopted ttnqumaiifleiliy on-
( holslmmg Preskleimt McKimmiey's policy iii time
swiur with Spmmiim ; expressing the hope tituut
iii the tii'aty of J.Ut' to lie tumatie with
Spaiti , in eli limo territory wlmhc'it falls limb
the Imower of time United States svhtetimer
ct'tleti back to Spnimm om mmot , religious liberty
and religious equality timiull be cstitbliiiiuh ,
5-tIll freedommm of cotmscii'imcn and fi'et.'domn of
worship ; protestltig agaitist time urmd cmiii-
teen and declaring thmuu iinptist mimuiomi op-
hosed to ( ho liquor tramihie.
Ill limo Is A I I .truteySt M ( O'4'rttiittit I
Cmunuaot Citutipet Slit tt' ( riuiit I ii-
slct' ti , AIIIN Stititips.
SPRINGFIELD , lll.Juiy 16.-Il. J. ham-
liii , nttom'miey of time State liourti of ttailRimutt
ammulVnri'houmse Commumnissioners , humma reiitlered
a tieclsiofl of great imiuliortiumice to time gm-multi
trade and which thrcatemms to iurlimg up time
old questIon of state mhgimts. Aecorilimg , to
Mr. hfanulhn the gov 'rumnmeimt humus mme right to
coummpel tue state grain Inspector to till.
imiterummml revenue stamimps to either the
sveigiit or imispeetloim certIfIcates issued by
iuitu oihlce. lr. limirnilu smu's :
"Time federal govermimmmemmt lumis no iowcr ho
tax time agencies timmomigim wimlchi the titimtt
performs its funettomis. 'limo chief graitm mum -
specter iii a state otilcer , made so by 4 iA
. The grmuimm ulnium'tmnemmt ) cmiii hmti ) i'
issue imy that deparmnemmt ( arc apart frtinm
time nmiichminci y of the state goveiiiuumeutt i it
ore as niutch exempt fromim ( mixatitmum of time
federal gos'crtiimic'mmt as is time state itself '
liii I Cit ( i ii W'agu's.
CLRVELiSNI ) , Jmmiy i6.-1hm ? umimi'ri'mtum
Steel cud \Vim-e eommmpmumuy , ihuidim ( cmi ti-olt
foumteemi of tIme laigemut rod malibu in I hue
coutmtry , Iiicludiumg uhirce iii this rity , iimmm
Posteth uiotica Iii time Amimericutu mmmiii her' ,
tmoiyIng time title wire tirauucra of a mciii" .
tioo of 'J I3 I ver ccitt itt w'iugetm. As I imti
iu'tu has-c mm o rca im I cat I omm imero i t i mm p rolam I ) lu /
they m'ihi at'cupt mime emit.
lt't'iitei is oE ( icemiii % ' . " .siuiis , .Jii I - I Il ,
At ltotcrdammm--Au-ris-cd-ldmmmut ( , ( rommu Ni-a
At Liverpool-Sailed-Aurnnia. for New
York , Arrived-eorgic , fromu New Yorhs ;
fltmurha , from Noui' York.
A t Soutimmmmnpomm-h ( rrivetl.-'tVeseu-mmhn ( mid ,
from Now YorI ; Kocumigeti Louise , frommi 'eW
At Ilnvre-Satileul-La Gascogime , ( or New
York. -
At New Yorim-S.milctl-Victorla , for Lou-
thou ; La Ihretutgtme , for I iavre ; MmumuSuiau ) . ( fl'
ltotertiamn ( : Furmmetmsiui ( or Glasgow ; ( 'aiim-
liiiflhit , ( LIserimeol Pati-in. for hamburg ,
A rrivcdtYmmibria , front Liverpool Rotter.
dnumm , from hlottertlaimi ,
The uxurbiit
hair of thL :
litHe girl Is '
- due o the \
, forethought
' - '
, , : " ofherparcnt5
Ic in using .pg'
eu.u.JD leAD , ?
It promotea vigorous - '
ous rowth' , ' of
be8uhful hair and
hills this rnicrQb
ht cuse dan :
thuIf , caIp and 5hifl
eruptions ror fIle
by all Druggisb or
zend I.P.O.Orderfor ii bottle
to Prof.J.t1.Au5UnMlnfltpoII $ ,
MinnWrte fcr free boohlotcn
Croj tht lair
' '