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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1898)
1 TILE OMAHA DAILY I3bT.t + SU 1 nAY JULY 17 ' 1919 ! 11 ! TilE BEE'S ' 1 IT EW PRESS ? Ito Editions Now Printed on the Most Modern Machinery , MECHANISM MARVELOUS To BEHOLD product of the World's ' Greatest Printing Press Manufacturers. ELECTRICITY SERVES , AS MOTIVE POWER Every Minute Detail Carefully Fortsoen and Provided For , COMPLETE NEW STEREOTYPING PLANT Finest Equlamcnt lu The lice ltlllid- inR I'oI . , .ed by toy Ncn apnper I'nblishrii lu This Seetlon .c. of the Country , The flea is now for the first Limo prlntel on a new Iloedouble supplemenl press of the latest , perfecting , pattern. The preliminary trial of the mammoth new press has been eminently successful , and the transition from the old prose plant to the new is today an accomplished fact. The change marks on Important epoch to the history of The Ilee , which has always been at the front in the qso of the most Unproved mechanical and electrical machinery for the production of its many editions. The order for the new big press was placed with It. Hoe & Co. of New York end London some months ago. The arm began building the press in January of the present year , but it takes time to build so lutrlcato and ponderous a machine. The press is the most modern from every standpoint , It Is equipped with all of the latest Improvements of the hoc company , and will turn out papers from four to twelve pages in size at the rate of 21,000 an hour , and deliver papers ranging In eize from sixteen - teen to twenty-four pages at half as great a rate of speed. It takes the fresh , white paper from n big roll seventy inches In width , three feet in diameter , weighing one ton , at one end of the press , and turns it - out at the other end in almost any sized r paper that may be desired , and delivered - in bunches of fifty as fast as the carriers can receive them , Twenty-five feet of paper Is printed by the press before reaching final delivery. Thu new press was built by It. Hoe and Co at New York , where 2,600 men are employed in building the most improved presses used today. In order to secure the test workmanship among the employes the apprentices are trained in theoretical , as I + well as practical , knowledge of press buildIng - Ing , and are graduated skilled constructors of presses , The Bee's press was put In place and its trial made under the direction of W. Gorges , one of the expert constructors of the lice company. In this work he was associated with Fred M. Youngs , the efficient foreman of The Beo's press room. While the floe company was busy constructing - structing the new press for The Bee there were numerous ; changes and alterations goIng - Ing on about The Bee building , for a new home had to be arranged to house the press. After the various parts of the new macbin- cry had been shipped to Omaha it required two weeks to put it together and get it into working order. It hall been expected to start the new press simultaneously with the opening of the exposition , but the immensity o1 the nffair delayed the event. I HOW THE NEW PRESS WORKS Dclnterl Dcscrlptlon of the Opcrn- iloas of This Lntest Marvel of . Modern Mechanism. The Bee's now press Is practically a wm- hination of a single press and a double press. The twoo parts can ho used together , or either can be used alone. The double , or main press , is the larger part of the big machlno , but the single , or supplement I press , alone is much larger than a great many presses in use today. An old press that weighed 300 pounds was considered quite a heavy press , but there are single parts of the now press that weigh three tons , and the whole machine would if it i ; ' could be placed on a scale tip the beam it at about fifty tons. Some of the shafts are no less than five inches In diameter , In order to withstand the high speed and vibration - bration of the press. The press Is twenty feet long , fifteen feet wide and stands ten feet high. As largo and heavy as arc the rolls from which the paper is printed the work of setting - ting them in position to feed into the cylinders - ders is not a difficult task. There arc new devices for handling the big rolls of paper , and nil that two men have to do Is to stand * r1 I at the ends of the press and guide the paper as it rolls into its position , The roll is set across what is considered the rear end of the press. The paper is seventy inches wide , or , to better explain - plain the width , it is the width of four pages of The Bee with a considerable margin - gin beleen each page. When the press is started the roll of paper revolves , and the blank paper rushes forward at the rate of " 760 feet per minute into the jaws of the furpreasiot cylinders , where It receives the impressions from the alerotyped plates , each of which represents a page of the paper. Both sides of the paper are printed at once. After receiving these impressions , or after being printed , the paper of tour pages in width is cut into paper of taro pages in width , and Is led into the folding machine of the press. Together with the printed pnper from the main press there Is led into the folding machine a sheet of paper , two pages in width , also printed , which comes froth the supplement press. The ability to combine lire printed sheets that come from the malt press and from the supplement press makes it possible to print a paper of any number of pages that may be deemed advisable , Combinations of the product of the main press and the supplement - plement press may be made so us to print a paper of four , six , eight , ten , twelve , sixteen or twenty-four pages. Supposs the managing editor gives In. slructions to run off a four-page paper for an extra that js wanted in a hurry. The main , or double press , tvlll bo disconnected from the supplement , or single prcas , The double press will be allowed to stand still , and only the single press will be run. From the stereotyping room there will cone down eight stereotype plates , two plates of everyone ono of the four pages , As the paper Is to have four pages , there will be four dupli- calo plates , and two papers will be printed at the same time. The plates are put fu position on the cylinder of the ringlu press lho electricity is turned on , the wheels revolve - volve , and papers are soon bong printed at the rate of 24,000 copies an hour , R'hen this edition Is run off , an eight- pogo paper may be ordered. To print this sized paper the foreman of the press room disconnects the single press from the double : press , and the double press alone is usei. . . t Slxteen stereotyped plates are sent dowa .1 from the sixth iloor , there being .t set of duplicate plates , or two plates for each I.,4 page , Two pupes arc printed at once , and the pditlon Is run off at the rate of 21,000 copies an hour. On Friday evening last a paper of ton pages was printed , pages 3 and 4 appear. lug on an insert sbect , time first of r . + ' , if $ ' : : : t ' _ Nu . . , ' r11 a III + ; III' ' u NIIII I ; I , " Ill 1 ) r t ' d - g1 f1 . t 311 n 6rN Id , Y , 7 w . y. cual t ri , ; ; ; ' : , a 't. r r' ' . . 'K' ' ( I. , . : ! 4 k v ' 1 ! r h r h ' f 3 y ' fii ka r L a ' , , a w. r c its.r aM s ar , t I , t v hi Is'I ' , N,1' 'YtR ' h Lst 1. ONI Nl III II I I , h . k. , ; J ) T 1 4 ; , .J > w { i 9fa ii : ' I ' ' N' sr 'rI ' 11 ; # t4 1J e , . , a u ) d N _ s & y : , ) t' , ' r , , aP " . , , , , . " . . , , _ _ _ ' ' , x , aE. , : t ti fir % t i r" 't n a ! Ms' ' i \ Is d 11 \ I 1 , , , ' 1' ' f l t sr- N , N t w , 1 ayxrNa- -.1w llIL BEE'S NEW r , r,000 IIOL DOUBLE SUPI ) LLIIEI T 2 t 1RFLGl wIJ TCT PRESS. r , its kind printed in Nebraska. For a paper of this alzo the entire press is used , both the single and the double presses being em- ployed. Eight pages are printed from the double press and two pages , the inserted shoot , are prlnte(1 by the single press. Both papers are led into the folding machine and properly folded as ono paper. On the single press only half the width of the paper is used , and on the double press the full width of the paper is used. As in printing the four and the eight-page papers , duplicate plates are cast for use in priming the paper of ten pages. This form of paper Is also run off at the rate of 21,000 an hour. The standard size of the morning edition of The Dee Is twelve pages. To print this edition both the single lard the double presses arc again used. On the double press ) eight pages are printed , while four arc run off on the single press , both coning together In the folding macbing , and being thrown out together as one paper. Different from the use of the paper while printing the ten- page paper the full width of the paper is used on both the single and the double proses ; that is , the paper on the single press is thirty-five inches wide and the paper on the double press is seventy inches wide as now used. 1)upllcate plates are again employed , and the paper is thrown out all ready for the carriers and mailera at the rate of :4,000 an hour. Perhaps some morning a sixteen-page paper may be required to contain the matter that is to be printed. To prlnt a paper of this size the single press is again disconnected from the double , and the sixteen - teen pages are run out on the double press hlone , while the single press is allowed to rest. For this no dublicnte plates arc needed , the sixteen plates , one for each page of the paper , just fitting the cylinders of the double press. The paper is run straight ahead , cut and folded as two eight- page papers , except that on the last fold the folding machine takes the two parts and folds them together into one paper , This act. supersedes the old method of stuffing one part of lho paper within the other , which was so laborious and occupied considerable - siderablo time and space in the mailing room. As the sixteen-page paper is not printed from duplicate plates , but one paper is printed at a time , and the rate of turning - ing out the papers is reduced to 12,000 an hour. The printing o1 a twenty page paper is similar to that seen in the printing of a ten- page paper , with the ezcepllon that on the last fold of the folding machine the two tens are collected together into one paper ; also , no duplicate plates are used in print- lug the twenty-page paper. The rate of printing this paper Is 12,000 an hour , Tito twenty-four page paper Is printed like two twelve-page papers. Boil ; the singes and the double presses are used , but there are no dublicate plates. On the last fold the two sets of twelve pages each are collected - lectod and the paper comes out with twenty. four pages at the rate of 12,000 copies an hour. This is the paper prided today , the first twenty-four page paper to be printed at one time and on the same press in this part of thin country. The city readers of The lice hav'o noticed during the last week that their papers have been delivers j , at their homes folded larger than formerly. The fold in the papers ln tended for local circulation is now made merely across the width of the paper , the paper being doubled in half as to its length. This manner of folding the paper Insures its being presented to the reader much cleaner and neater than when folded twice , onto each way. Moreover , the delivery boy's can now carry nearly twice as many papers as they could when the papers had the two folds. All of the city circulation of The Dee is now printed with the hall-page (0141. The edition that is printed for the moil is folded as copies of The Bee formerly were- that is , with the quarter-page fold. A feature of the folding machine of the now cress in that it can fold either the quarter-page fold or the half-page fold , as desired , and further the method of folding can be changed without slopping the presser or even slackening its speed , An idea of thin size and power of the nets' press mayy he gleaned from a look nt the big composition rollers. The even and thorough distribution of the ink by these rollers , of which there are thirty , is one of the most perfect devices of the new press. Maly of the rollers weigh 200 pounds. They arc machine cnst rollers , made by the Gatling gun process by Samuel Bingham & Son of Chicago , the oldest roller makers in the United Stales , On the old style presses the rollers had from six to seven pounds of cony position of glue and glycerine , covering the iron cores. The largest of the new rollers have no less than eighty pounds of improved composition on them. ELECTRICITY AND THE PRESS ho pruvenlent iii Methods Lard I. , Drive \ewwapnpcr 19nn1's llasahc llnchlucry. The march of improvement in the machinery - chinery of a newspaper plant is , perhaps , most strikingly shown by the increasing uses of electricity In the production of a modern newspaper. In perfecting its mechanical - chanical department The Bee has taken full advantage of the inventions of electrical apparatus designed for newspaper work. As a result the now line press on which The Bee is now .ranted is the first big press in the United States to be supplied with power from an electric motor that is on the same shaft as the press itself. A number of the new presses of too country receive their power from an electric motor and several small presses are connected directly - rectly with the motors driving them. But the experiment of connecting a big press directly withh an electric motor , doing entirely - tirely away with the use of belting and other means of transferring power , has been sucetssfully tried for the first time in the new press room of The Bee. The electric motor that drives the big press was built for The Bee by the Northern - ern Electric company of Madison , Wis , It is of the multiplier typo and combines all the latest improvements in motors of this class. It has a normal rating of forty horse power and is capable of delivering any amount of power that the press may rqulre. The other evening in a trial test of the motor and press the former showed sixty horse power. Another distinctive feature of the new motor is that it may be run at remarkably low speed. It will drive the preps from ten to 200 revolutions per minute , and at any speed Intermediate between these two points that may ho desired. The advantage of running the press at a low rate . of speed is especially noticeable when It is necessary to adjust the sterotyped plates on the cylinders , or turn the press slowly for other reasons. This feature of the press is peculiar to one that is driven by an electric motor. The press may be advanced an inch at n time if desired , aqd this fact does away withr the very laborious system of turning the press slowly by means of bars handled by the pressman wbeo a low rate of speed is desired , Many plants that have adopted electricity to displace other forms of power still continue - tinue to use belting to convey the power front the motor to the press. In the new press room of The Bcc the motor is located directly alongside of the rear end of the press , and there is just one main shaft under the floor connecting them. Both are absolutely controlled by one lever. The motor is built in a pit five feet deep from the level of the floor. Ordinarily an electric motor housed up between walls of brick as this is , would become too heated for practical use , but the construction is such that it is self-ventilating , and gives off enough air to cool it. When rating the press at a high rate of speed it is as cool as the motors to Ile main electric toots of The lice , which are exposed to the air. The motor is supplied with improved - proved safety devices , and the press may be slopped instantaneously. There are four little buttons sltu- alcd of different sides of the big press , and any of these twill completely stop the press lu an instant , Should any one of the pressmen see anything that requires the immediate stopping of the big machine , he would not have to run around to the other side , or call to any one else to turn oft the current ; tills lie could do himself by merely touching Die of the four buttons that are conveniently located. The switch board for the motor is built of firs Tennessee marble , against the south wall of the press coon. On the switch board is mounted an indicator that shines ns bright as gold. It always shows the exact amount of power consumed at that time by the press , lint better than this it also indicates if there is the least part of the machinery that is working badly. If any extraneous matter gels into the machinery , or any part of it gets out of order , a second - end safety device on the marble switch board automatically abuts off the power and brings the press to a quick stop. This ( IC- vice will protect the press from nlmott any possible injury. It vvlll not only absolutely stop the press , when any part of the ma- chlnery is out of order , but it will continue to do guard duty after it has stopped the press on a danger signal. It will not let the press be started until the obstruction has been removed , or the part of the machinery - chinery that is out of order has been repaired - paired ; it does this by breaking the cur- rout and shutting oft the only source of power to the press. The motor is wound with the latest and most improved winding , the armature , or moving part of the motor , being wound with solid bars of copper. Should anything happen to one of these bars it can be replaced without disturbing any of the other bars , or other part of the motor , All parts of the motor are thoroughly ventilated , and every precaution has been taken to insure its protection and free working. It Is supplied with self-oiling hall bearings. An electric motor is now being put in position to furnish power for the auxiliary press that will stand alongside of the big Hoe press. This motor has also been built by the same company especially for The flee. It is a standard Northern , sloww speed , steel motor , It w'1hl also be placed hi a pit built for it , and will have direct connection - tion with the press by an underground shaft , It will have a normal power of ten horsepower - power , which may be largely increased when necessary. The work of Installing the new motors is in charge of Frederick lit. Coniee of Madison , W'is an expert electrician. The electricity which these motors convert into power to run the new presses is furnished - nished by the generators in The Bee's own electrical department. These generators are located hi the basement in a room just south of the press room. Improvements and extensions - tensions will shortly be made 1n this branch of the electrical department , as a largely Increased demand for electricity is the result - sult of running the new presses by the new form of power. In addition to furnishing electricity for several motors , The fleo's electrical department lights the entire huild lag , and as a great number of the electric lights are turned on all night the demand for power Is very heavy. The use of electricity In the production of a modern newspaper is again evidenced on the sixth floor , where another electric motor is run by electricity furnished from The rice's generators. In the hallway between the composing room and the stereotyping department there is a powerful electric motor that furnishes the power for running the entire plant of the stereotype department , and in addition gives the power for operating - ing the twelve large typesetting machines in the composing room As there is only one hour in the nfternoon and about four hours in the morning between the time when one shift of , the machine operators leaves and another comes on duty , ( t will be readily seen that the motor that furnishes the power for the typesetting machines has , nearly a continuous task to perform. Should anything happen to this motor the typesetting machines and the stereotype tle- parlmeut would not be thrown out of service , through their stork would be momentarily interrupted , as there Is a twenty-five horsepower - power engine al hand ready for the emer- gency. The engine can readily be placed in service , but such an event is not very likely to happen. Since this motor teas startal in February , 1894 , it has been out of service only a few minutes one day , when a fuse burned out , NEW PRESS ROOM OF THE BEE Conunodious Quarters Seet'fully Con- strueled for Cuii'icuientie nail lineal Press \Vork. For its size there is no finer or better equipped press room in the United States than the new press room of The flee. It. Is located on the basement Moor of The Bee building and opens on the street in the rear of the building. The room is just forty feet square and the ceiling is twenty feet high. The light and ventilation of the room are its best features , no artificial light being needed in the day time at all. The room is lighted and ventilated by means of a number - ber of large Windows's that open directly on the street , and the walls are painted white. Artificial light is supplied by two arc lamps , one on each side of the big press , and a number of incandescent lamps , arranged hr neat fixtures about the alder of the room. The now press is located near the center of the room , accessible from all sides. It rests on a foundation built of heavy brick and Portland cement , with stone coping. Bclow the press there is a pit five feet deep , with walls of brick and atone , and to this is maple room for taking care of the underground machinery. There is no belting - ing or connecting shafts in sight. Just north of the new press there is another pit and foundation similar to that on 'which the press is built. On these twill be placed the Potter press that has been used by The Bee up to date. This will be used as an auxiliary press until another perfccliag line press , the counterpart of the one just installed - stalled , is at some later day built and placed in position. Then the two big presses will run aide by side , and there will still be ample room for the pressman and his assistants to attend to their work with = out inconvouience , On the east and west sides of the new press room are located the paper storage rooms of The Bee. These rooms , separated from the press room by heavy wire partitions - tions , have a capacity for accommodating six carloads of paper at one time , An automatic elevator , newly constructed , connects - nects the press room directly with the stereotyping room on the sixth floor , and it takes about a half a minute to send the plates from the top floor down to the biise- ment on line new elevator , A new flooring has also been put in the press room , and no dining room in Omaha has a finer hardwood - wood floor than that found here , It is of quarter-sawed white oak , as durable as it is handsome. The press roonr 1s connected with the other departments of The Ilse by a private telephone system , of which tlioro will be eight stations , The foreman of the press room may communicate with try outer department without leaving his own room , 'rwIIE BEE'S AUXILIARY PERFECTING PRESS , s : , r f t y p ; , ' 1rds.p / AIMi ; t p , - w 0 , wwglp 41 { i ' Qt .n 19 , won ,7 4i 'dl ' , 'r , + IIU ' ' I i4kn w4x 4iK , , . 1Mt air . . 4 , , 4j % r ; c 17v,1 ms , , ' 4 + ' ' ' ? ° ' ; { 3Jjl , rpj - 1cQ1 ' . ' , ltutl I , l. I L J - I The new press room was formerly used as a holler room for The lice building. The boilers have beet removed to the new brick building especially constructed for them across the alley , directly north of Tine Itce building. In addition to building this new plant 1t was necessary to reconstruct entirely - tirely the room formerly occupied by the boilers and fit it up for the presses. The engine room remains iii the basement of The flee building proper , adjoining lire press roonr on the south , but notable Improvc- ments and alterations have beau made there to keep pace with the improvements in the press room. Yost of these alterations have been made withr the view of economizing space , NEW STEREOTYPING PLANT Complete llncitlnery far Mnkltig All Sorts of ' 1'Inirs-Ilowr tllr { 'ork Is I'erfnrmed , The installation of a great now press has been accompanied by noteworthy Improve- menls in co-ordinate departments of The lice. One of the marked changes is found in the stereotyping department , considerable - ble new machinery having been plnced in the rooms ( leveled to this department In order to stereotype new forms of plates for use on the big press. The stereotyping department of The flee is now fitted with two complete sets of stereotyping machinery. The old set is retained - tained for the making of the matrices and casting of plates for the Potter press , which is to be used as an auxiliary press , and the new set of machinery just placed in will perform similar work for the new Hoe press. One difference between the plates used on the Iloo press and those used on the : u ) , gp' i , " N I + --p. r 4F g e I 6 4 , - - li t T--i ' y , "rt J G ks ep 1 f } e Sfl'k + ' c r 1. a 1 I . T ' 3 , 4 M , , , ' , N ry ! i t h y. rr t4 r ' i . : : THE BEE'S ' FIRST PRESS-IIAND POWER , old presses is that this former are curved it a larger semi-circle , the cylinders of the lion press being larger , and lho curve is across the columns , 1YIth the plates used or the old presses the curve was with the length of the column instead of across it. This difference makes it possible to add one , two or three columns to a page or the plates for the new press , The work in llie stereotyping department is increased by the Installation of the new press. When papers of four , six , eight , ten or twelve pages are to be printed two stereotyped plates for each pogo nro cast and two papers printed at once. On thus account there are more plates to be cast by the stereotypors daily. In addition to new machinery throughout the stereotyping room , including now steam chests , new planers , new chisel blocks and now casting boxes , there have been provided a number of new "turtles , " the tables on which the forms of typo are run from the composing room to the stereotyping room , There are twenty-four of these altogether and when the boys are a little late they rim lute "turtles" along withr their heavy loads almost as fast as a freight train moves. The now ones are built of hard wood , mostly oak , and have heavy brass tops , The stereotyping departmrent Is located on the sixth floor of The flee building , over la the extreme northwest corner of the building. 'rhoso who have passed near tits building In the afternoon or early moruln ; hours and heard the pounding of brushes on metal type have readily located the department - partment by the sound. It adjoins the large composing room on the west , an udvantage not enjoyed by many newspapers , After the typo is set by the machines , and the forms for the various pages are made up they are placed or rolling slauds , ar "tur- tles ; ' and run directly Into the slercotyp- fug rooms , As the forms de not have to be removed to another floor there is less danger of accident , and much time Is saved , Actor the stereotyped plutcs have been cast in these rooms they are loaded onto an etc valor used exclusively for this purpose 011(1 hurried down to the'hew press room in the ba8cment The foreman of the stereot'p Ing loom communlcatcs with the foreman of the prise room by a private telephone , and there is n ftdl set of signal electric bells so that the one lacy advise the other of the conrlng of the plates. Visitors in The 11co building have always found the stereotyping department one t the most interesting. 'The alacrity of the workmen there , the ease with which they handle the heavy plates , the quickness with which the molten metal is converted Into plates ready for the press , have proved fascinating to large numbers of visitors , and since the introduction of the improved machinery there this department is likely to ho more popular than ever. For the benefit of those not familiar with the details 1nv'olvcl in the printing of a great newspaper , it may bo worth while to briefly review the work of the stereo- typers. When a form of type , representing a page of the paper , is rolled Into the stereotyping roost from the composing room , It is taken in charge by expert slereot'pers. ' The type is brushed clean , and Is then pinned down , A brush moist with oil is rubbed over the face of the form , and a fllnr of oil is spread upon the type to lire. vent adhesion to the matrix whiieh 1s to be laud upon it. The base of the matrix is especially prepared paper known as "matrix paper , " almost as thin as tissue pnper before - fore Its preparation , Tlio matrix Is lira pared in ndvanco of Its use by using paste to get enough of tire paper united to make the correct degree of thiekucss , It is tires stored awn' for seasoning , 11'hen placed on tine typo it is about as henry and as thick as pasteboard , The mintier is pounded down upon tire form b ) ' two men with brushes , cud in a moment they have the exact impression of lire type trnnsferrcd to the matrix. The lice also has a patent 1110141- lug machine for doing this work , but the brushers ate preferred by the slereotypers. The fens of t i'o with its tnntrix cover is next put Iota a steam chest , known as a stemulug table , and allowed to bake for from five to ten minutes , until the matrix is thoroughly dried. A heavy steel cover is screwed down over the form and lbo stentn heated box 50011 cooks the moist paperr macho to a firm reproduction of a pogo of tire pnper , the exact reverse of the type. The tnntrix is placed in a casting- box , anti against it is poured n ladleful of inept heat ( i to G00 degrees , a rout this box is taken the metal plate from which a page of the paper will be printed. But first must , the plnto be cut and smoothed to fit lho cylinder of lbw press. All the rough edges are trimmed off first by machinery especially adapted for this work. On tli chiseling block all spaces and protrusions that might make black spots on the pnper are chiseled out. Fromu the chiseling block the pinto Is placed face downwards on a planer , where it is shaved off to the proper thickness and evenness. Now the plate is ready for the press , after it has been given n cold bath in its own bnthrtih lm cool It. off. The plate Is put on the elevator tut dropped down to the press room in just thirty seconds , while the signal of Its coin- lug is given to the fore ian of the press room , An important part of The [ lee's slereolyp- Ing depart nirtt is n complete job phnnt. With this the cuts for ndt'ertisers are stereotypeil. The pictures of finch whnsn i lives have beell saved 'by six battles of something , and other cuts that find then' way through the business ofilce of the paper are stereotyped. These and other cuts nro also mounted for use lu this plant. Thin lIce's stereotyping plant will therefore rom- hare with that of any pnper in Ilia coun- try. FORMER PRESSES OF THE BEE Alin 's a I'll ) eeer In Pleat Introil he- litse the llosl mledere lleehmml- enl lnproveoients. The press on which line first copy of The Bee was printed was a Cincinnati hand cylinder , purchased by Itedficld Brothers somewhere in the 'GOs , a cut of which is given. The capacity of this press was about 700 impressions au hour , or about 350 eons- photo four page sheets per hour , This power first employed In turning out Thu Bec was an able-bodied and Intelligent traband by the name of Archle ltictunnnd , who was for n long term of years employed In The flee building , and who died a few years ago at a ripe old age. At ltla best ho was capable of miming off 875 coililileto papers an hour , so that beginning about l o'clock In thin afternoon lie kept on grindIng - Ing until be managed to get out the entire edition of obout 600 or COO copies. This is in striking contrast with the new Hoe press of The flee today , whichh will turn out In one hour 24,000 twelve-paga vapors , cut , folded and counted , hind Arclde Richmond been compelled to rut off today's twenty- four page edition of the old Clnclnmdl press it would lava tnken hint fully thirty days of ten hours' hard labor each day , The old Cincinnati press belonging to the Itedfields was used by 'Ph0 Ilea until after the fire In June , 1S72. After moving into the lower Farnnm street oltlco Mr. ltoac- water Invested in a second three-revolution floe press , with a capacity of 2,600 to 3,000 tour-page Impressions an dour. This line press was about twelve or fifteen years old then and w as It use in 'fie lieu office for ten years , Whet taken out It was still a drat-class mtachlne. It wins the first hoe press brought into Nebraska. To It was added in course of thine a Cottrell & flab. cock large cylinder second-baud press , This printed about 1,900 papers an hour. Then Mr. Bosewater made another venture , and bought a now tv'o-rcvohutlon ' Cottrell & Babcock press , which seas considered to ho a marvel in this section , It woe used in printing the paper and olio in job wok. About 1681 , soon after the first folding machine - chine was put on the market by ( Itentbers , of Philadelphia , one of these machines was purchased. This was lhho first folding ura- chino brought into the state. Then a double cylinder soconi handed lice press witb a capacity of 3,000 eight. page papers an hour was purchased , iutd shortly afterwards a Dexter automatic folder , which ! vas followed by another , Both being attached to the double cylinder press , A now double cylinder press was added about 1653. IL led a capacity of 2,600 eight- page papers so hour , and was equipped with