Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1898, Part II, Page 17, Image 17

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- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TrnoMi\1rA : DATTXBEE : SUNDAY , , TITLT 1 7 , 1898. 1 T
tniiei ub1I' In that , tato. vetecn lftw-
etA In th3 ftflto eIiato ith Jut. sprIng
they knew bettir , n'L ' ati1e in thc nact-
mont. of a law gtvlng women the prtvflcge.
Queen J.ou1o of Denmark Is the oldest
. oect1lant ot a throne , with the IngIo ox-
caption of the granl duke of Luxetnbtirg.
' The emre3 of infan I named Fusaka ,
f L atH I ! a woman of very onllghtenel viowL
' To her boner her husband 1i dedlcatel
? - poems of his own compolton.
: . The wife of the prcIdont of the negro
tpubtVc of Ilayti , Madam TIres1 Simon
Sam , 1 now making a visit ifl raris. 11cr
3 : 1etInti of phyBiclan and twelve
black IndleB in waiting.
, * The first negro girl to ho graduated from
, Radcliffe college Is Miss Alberta Scott of
, Cambridge , who received her degree this
_ . year. Miss Scott was horn in Virginin , but
( . has had all of her educationaL training in
I f \i Massachusetts schools. :
, Minnie CoracliuL nil Oneida Trnunn an(1 ft
4. \ I 6ircct descendant of a long line of chiefs , is
. , recent graduate front Grafton I1aIl a
girls' school In Fen ( lu Lao , Wis. 3ho Is
a good Latin and Greek scholar and has
compiled a grammar of the Oneida Ian-
MIs. Flora I' . Wrench , Mrs. Olivia hazard
and Miss Emma inge1 are three members of
the board of aldermen of the town of tin-
coin , N. J. , and the fourth and only other
I iueinter is a man. The lectioit took place
I last Monday1 anti eighty-one votes were
Miss helen Gould , in decIlnng an Invita-
. tlrni to join the Daughters of the Itovolu-
tion , to which society she Is eligible on her
mother's aide , ta1d she was atrendy connected -
, nected with too many clubs and gttlds , and
S mtist find some other way to show her
patriotism. It was shortly after this that
sha distributed OOOO copies of the national
hymn , "America , " among the school cliii-
. Adella Octavia Clouston of Mayweed ,
N. J. who won the prize offered by the
I humane society of Boston for thu best story
about the cruelty which animals Buifer from
, , Intelligent people , " in addition to.betng a
. vriter , manages a zoological garletI. 11cr
stock includes. cats , dogs , chickens. pigeous
I * and oven cows ; she is fond of vets and
thoroughly understands their care and man-
I agement.
Mrs. Clara 13. Colby is the first woman in
the United States to rce1ve a war corre-
Hondent's pass , relates the Now York In-
dependent. She Is the wife of Brigadier General -
. oral Colby , and will uccompany her husThind
I to the front At present Mrs. Colby goes in
the interest of her own paper , the Woman's
' Tribune , of Washington. She is not only
an editor , but has received distinction as a
I lecturer on civics , literature , dresa and
woman suffrage. At one time site was professor -
fessor of Latin and history In the University
of Wisconsin ; she has recently founded a
public library in Ileatrice , Nob.
- . \ VrIIIn of FaNIIIIUI.
' -r Telts ot white leather and oIlier shades
f with fancy buckles are much favored.
Neutral tints nrc adopted for dresses , the
f brighter colors being left for hats and sun-
, SlIaleS.
Embroidered dresses , either in the piece
or with applique embroidery , are said to ho
"all the rage. '
A patriotic inkwell represents the bead
of either Dewey or Sampson. The military
cap farina the cover.
A silver gilt oval with a very small
American flag , surrounded by a wreath oft
L laurels , is a very pretty belt buckle.
t Suits and separate skirts of blue , white
, . ' .1' or ecru pique are now in great demand
. for general wear during July and Auguit.
All the round hats tlii season which tilt
over the face , almost coneoaling the eyes ,
have very wide. low-set , ilaring trimmings
on the front and idc ,
Tinted horse chestnut blossoms are very
irottiiy worn on beige-colored beach hats
: of Milan braid , trimmed with ilcelle lace
r ' and brown satin ribbon.
; Skirts are still much gored flfld have
. flounces at the foot. These usually widen
toward the back. Seine ( Iresses have a
flounce which starts from each side f the
front breadth.
For children's wear organdy dresses are
. , , . fashionable this seazon , and all dresses of
- sheer fabrics are extremely liopular. Linen
suits 14011 well , and there Ia an unabated
demand for gingham and linrcalo.
All shades of gray are to be used this
year for walking and vhdting dresses. 'nwn
tints and light brown are alsopopular. In
. -
' * . uh -1/1
( ' - : /
r. r
. g _
, . ; *
- -
S brighter colors purple , crimson , nacelle
blue and soufro ( a deep orange ) are a-
Some of the most stylish summer tailor
costumes worn at Newport ( his season for
I morning drives , bench walks , etc. , are made
I of smooth , fine , Irish linen , trimmed with
. I rows of white braid or linen lace insertions
.l anti eIgings.
_ ? . . . . .
, , * .I The trimmed skirt appears to advance
I more rapidly and more , onerahIy In favor
I than the draped or uvorsklrtcd styles. There
are more overskirt effects , simulated by 'in-
: rious iiiotl of mijusting frills , pipings ,
: flounces , niches , tinti other fashionable gar-
' riltures , than thiero are genuine double
skirts. Panels of silk or of another fabric
introduced on either attIc of the front of a
skirt or princesse ( lriss makes a very ci-
fectivo aiitt becoming trimming for tlJCrt
I women.
' I More really beautiful dresses for the sum-
t I mer have been formed liv using the patly
t I worn silk gowns of ilast seasons for the
t I foundation for new outer lrcsse'i of mus-
' I ho , net , grenadine , etaminu and other
transparent or aom-dl.iiiiaunis ! ! ; te\ttles.
Black afll 'uito siils , i'IaIs ' % , uloIrcs ,
brocades , shot-patterns , stripvn , and other
plain and fancy silks Iutvo been utllieti
even by fashionable ( Iressulakers vIio have
sent the renovated gozis ' .onie looking , in
not a few Instances , vrettler and daintier
than when they were now ,
Among Enghlrh husbands of American
wives , forty-four have takexi from this court-
try fortunes varying from 5OOOJ ( to ; 12-
000,000 ,
Miss Alice Mandehick , a well known con-
- - - - - - - - - -
- -
Have You Silver Threads
Among the Gold ?
1I1I0.tCIIII ) it/till
To Nntuval Color.
AIS ( ) 1'ItOitJCIS ANY SIl.tlI0 OIl'
' iti'it 'l'i'l'l/tN liEu.
Cicain , ( ) dOl'leSS , lusting. It does
not ClItttlll 1111 iitoiu Of poisotiotis
mat tuu' . vi I I 111)1 stiti ii t liii surI p ,
uttid hat us 110 not tifl etit It. Seven cot-
ort COVi' all shades. Price $1.50
aitt $ :1 : ( II ) .
? .o , 1-illark , No , 4-Chestnut.
1'o , c-Dark lirown , NoLigiit Chestnut
No , 0-Idhtiii 11rovnNu. 6-4Iultl lthonit ,
' , o. 7-Drab or illonti Cendree.
Sole ninnuincturers nticl liatentecs :
imperial Chemical .t'fg. Co. , 292 Fifth : Ave. ,
N , . For sale in Omaha by hltclardson
fleug Co. , Sherman & McConnell , 1513 ledge
trret , .400lied b all hair gIr.t..r.i. . ,
tralto 5ingcr , won a Inithand with a $25-
000.000 fortUne through an artistic render-
iag ni the beautiful flower song lit "Faust. "
Archdeacon Brady , chaplain of the Firit
Pennsylvania regiment , now at Camp
Thomas , hai , in two eases , marriel soitliers
in camp to their sweethearts left at home ,
by letter. MI the questions were asked
nni answered by mall and the whole thing
legally done.
The announcement. of the marriage of
Miss Harriet ii. fllchardtor * anti James
Tandy Ellis in Lexington , iCy. , recalls
again the amusing dispute that arose over
the naming of the battleship Kentucky.
Miss ltichardson , or , Mrs. Ellis , it will be
remembered , was selected by Secretary
herbert for tbo important ceremony , but
the ship was not ready for launching when
the Cleveland administration retired. Then
catno Secretary Long , who selected Miss
Christine liradley , daughter of the governor
of the state. for the delicate task. The
young avoman who had been so cruelly overlooked -
looked , promptly caused herself to be rather
adversely criticised by denouncing Secretary
Long. A romantic turn was given to the
affair when Mr. Ellis , a discarded sweetheart -
heart , caine to his lady's assistance by writing -
ing innumerable newspaper articles favor-
itig her claim. It was this gallant cham-
pionshhp that led to a renewal or the engagement -
gagement and the subsequent marriage.
Thu effect of the war is indicated by the
statistics of the summer Sccial Itegistor , aNew
Now York publication. which shows that
only half as many families have gone
abroad this year as last , und 75 per cent
more Americans have returned to their own
country. The fear of occupying seashore
cottages seens not to be great , for there
Is the same ratio of increase In the number
of seashore huines ntt there is in Inland
residences , although , of courac , the latter
Is the larger , as usual. Of the , , S49 New
York , PhIladelphia , Chicago , Boston and
I3altinore families who appear in the Iteg-
Ister , 1,058 are at tito seashore , nod 2'J60
are summerIng in the mountains. Only
266 famIlies have gone abroad , as compared
with 415 last year , while 174 have returned ,
in comparison with 100 last season. Fifty-
ulno men and forty-six women have ( lied ,
about the usual number , anti 241 persons
have married , an increase of eighty-eight as
compared with last year , possibly an additional -
tional indication of warfare.
605511'tflOU'i' N't'lIII'1OPId'I.
The late Justice Daniels of New York was
one of the many persons afihicted with the
dread of being buried alive. "I request , "
he wrote In lila "that interment shall
be delayed until after my decease sliztll on-
vlousiy and certainly taken place , anzl , o -
eluding reliance as to that fact on the opinion -
ion of any physician , as such opInions have
so often proved to be mistakes , "
No member of the French Parliament in
more correctly or fashionably attired than
1l. regltimus , the new socialist deputy from
the West Indian Island of Guadeloupo. 110
is a negro , believes in ghosts , vitches , etc. ,
and is a famous sorcerer In his own coun.
try. In fact , he owes his election to his
defeat of the devIl on one occasion by dane-
lug and yelling for several hours.
In a discussion of the Income tax in Ireland -
land , Arthur ilalfour , then leader of the
opposition , arose anti explained for Mr ,
Gladstone's information how the Income tax
was levied in the Emerald Isle. Mr. Gladstone -
stone listened attentively , and then thanked
Mr. Balfour for his Information , adding that
lie himself had introduced the method of
levying time Income tax In Ireland over forty
years before ,
oral manager and president of the Canadian
PacifIc railroad , Iour years ago Queen \'Ic-
thria created him a knight commander of
the Order of St. Michael and St. George ,
lie Is a member of several New York clubs
and Is married to an AmerIcan woman , a
daughter of Erastus hiurti of Galesburg , Ill.
A Chinese essayist thus describes the
American people : "They live months without -
out eating a mouthful of rice ; they eat
brillocks and sheep in enormous quantities :
they have to bathe frequently ; the men
dress alt alike , and , to judge from their
appearance , they are all cooiies ; neither'aro
they ever to be seen carrying a fart or an
umbrella , for they manifest their Ignorant
contempt of these Insignia of a gentleman
by leavini them entirely to wonton ; none
' .
. , ' , _
. . . a , fr
, . , .
/ _ _ : . ' ( '
" '
i"'rti .
Sir William home , just arrived in this
country , Is one of the few Americans to
secui.o a British title. h1 'as born in liii-
nols and began life as an oflice ioy in a
Chicago railroad station , From this ho
worked his way up to the position of gen-
_ _
, ' -
, .
.t , .
; ; ,
of them have finger-nails more than an
eighth of an inch long ; they eat meat with
knives nod prongs ; they never enjoy themselves -
selves by sitting quietly on their ancestors'
graves , but jump around and kick balls as
If paid to do it , and they have no dignity ,
for they may be found walking with
women. "
Now Orleans remembers well , relates the
Times-Dcmorat of that ilty , the broad-
shouldered , handscme vhaplaln of tile Malito
when he was here for Mardi Gras , 1S97 ,
Father Chadwick , 4he same who , when a
slender young priest , u/ed / to put on the
gloves 'ith Tm Sharkey in the Asiatic
squadron antI give him about nfl ho wanted ;
( ho same of whom one of the sailors when
hero saidVell : , I don't Imnow anything
about your picters and your sayings , hut
you bet I know , and every shipmate on the
MaIne knows , that 'hat Father Chadwick
says goes. I1e' dead square , whether it's
beggln' a fellow off or Iendln' him money
shen ho's blown imis last red on beer. "
Father Chadwick , respted and liked by
thin omcers and venerated und loved by the
inca , was on the Maine when silo sank. A
"oman who cano from Tampa a few dayn
since brought 'this story : When the boat
sank anti the omeers clustered oi the poop
deck around Captain Slgsbeo Father Chad.
wick was missing. A junior ofticor went to
uiujit hint and found him forward among
the mortally wounded , granting absolution
and hearing the act of contrition ,
Every Catholic believes that this simple ,
abort prayer in tim hour Of audden death
wipes away the sins of this life , and the
chaplain lied taught it to every Catholic and
many another on the boat , lIe left the :
% 'reckeI ( forward section of the vessel barely ,
In limo to aye his own life , and hater ,
stanhlng on the bridge and seeing a sailor
swlninulug about in the 'water he would call :
"You , John Donoghiey , ray your act of con'
trition , " and dozens and dozens did he thut I
abuolve before they sank for the last time
At one time , in order to get closer to thi ;
men , ho stood over the wagazino of th ,
wrecked and burning batUcship , and ever I
after leaving the vessel ho stood in the boal
vitii the otuleers and called out words ol
comfort and absolution to the belpiram
sailors strugglIng in the water ever mor
feebly until they sank.
1liiti l4tT"s Arnica Salve ,
The best salve bn the world for cuts
bruises , Colt'S , ulcers , salt rheum , fevot
sores , tetter. chapped hands , chulblalnB
corns , and nil skin eruptions , and posltivel
cures piles , or no pay required. It. is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction or mono
refunded , Price 25 cents per box. For salt
by Kuhn La Ca ,
Colonial Expansion So Pronounced by Benathr
Hoar of Massaohuotta.
InnlliitV of the Uiiitetl States ( o Cope
SneccsfnlL with the One-Mitii
I'ouer ( if IdurPIlC Suppress -
press ( lie Tciuptittiii.
Senator George I' . Hoar of Massachusetts
has been sharply criticised by opponents of
territorial expansion for his vote in favor
of the annexation of the ilawalian llantis.
Writing to the New York Independent.on
the "Dangers of Colonial Expansion , " the
senator gives his reasons for supporting
that measure and goes on record against
further extenBion of territory , by conquest
or otherwise. lie says :
The people of the Ualted States are confronted -
fronted with the most serious danger whIch
they have encountered In all their history ,
Unless we except the danger that slavery
would be extended over the whole country ,
or the danger that the rebellion would SUCceed -
coed , It is proposed that we attempt the
government of the colonies to be wrested
from Spain in both hemispheres , Including
certainly the Philippine islands , Cuba and
Porte Rico.
The acquisition of the Sandwlcit Islands
depends on a different PrinciPle. If the
Chinese and the Japanese get out , as they
wilt If these islands belong to the United
States , thieve will be but 40,000 or 50,000
people left-a population less than that of
many third-rate cities. The islands will
probably be filled up by muon of American
descent and principles. We have already
a right to a harbor and a naval station
there , So the question is only of adding to
that station a territory small ir extent and
small in population : at prcseit tint much
more than a third of that ot the District
of Columbia. 1for _ one , look with great
anxiety even ripen such an acquisition , uI-
thought itt is so powerfuliy recommended by
naval anti commercial experts as n necessity
for the defense of our commerce , both in
war and peace ,
Constitutional Olujeettons.
But to go further than this must , in any
judgment , lead to a change in the construe-
tloii of our constitution , in the nationai
character , and in the principles on which
our constitution is founded and to which
we have owed , mro far. our prosperity , our
glory and our security. I wish to spealc
here of the change in our constitutional
mechanism which will ho needed to conduct -
duct the diplomacy of such an empire as is
Among the powerful objections to undertaking -
taking the government by the people of the
United States of dependencies in the far
east Is the utter inadequacy of our diplomacy -
plomacy to ( heal with the delicate anti
difficult problems rwo must encounter. If
we are to govern an oriental empire we
shall have a deep and immediate interest
in the balance of power in Europe and time
yet unadjusted balance of aower in Asia
rind In 'the islands of tbo sea. We must
'have our alliances , struggles , rivalries , jeai-
otisies , strlfes , bargains. We must jostle
and scheme and plan and thrust. The
American flag must be kept flying on
powerful ships of war. We must be ready
to move among the mighty chess players in
the game where little delay or pause for
reflection can be tolerated. Eastern diplo-
anacy of late years is a. game of alliances ,
offensive anti defensive , of threats , of cajole-
ments , of exchanges , semetimes or swagger
and bluster , of professed friendships and of
secret enmities. Its alliances and its
antagonisms are never long lived. The
frIend of today Is the enemy of tomorrow.
It requires the hand of iron under the glove
of silk , the open countenance and time close
counsel ; if not the diplomacy that lies , but
never deceives , at heart the diplomacy that
( lOCelves , but never lies ,
Atiterlean iuilpfltJtiee.
Now , how impossible is all this to the
simple-hearted , open , frank , impressionable
American people , governed always nmore by
emotions and sympathies than by Interest ;
tolerating no secrecy , impatient , unwilling
to wait , fed by its press with predictions
rather than narratives of ( he past ; In its
eagerness to know what is to happen in the
next hour careless as to what has happened
in the last hour. The great countries with
whom we must deal are served by a body
of trained diplomatists , circumspect , secret ,
grave , prudent , prepared for their functions
by the training of large part of a lifetime -
time , and expecting nothing but its honorable -
able exercise for the rest of a lifetime ,
England or Germany can wait. If you will
not come to its terms this year it will wait
nyc years or ten years , until the time ho
propitious , An American secretary of state
or plenipotentiary is ambitious to sign his
name to a treaty. If ho fail lila omeini
life , which at best must end in a few years ,
is a failure. The EngliBhman know's that
if England does not carry its point this
year it can make the effort again in five or
ten years , anti that ho will doubtless be
there to make it.
The other great powers of time world eon
keep tlelr secrets. Upon our diplomacy the
enterprise of time press turns constantly its
powerful Drunimond light. Under this it is
hard for time Department of State to keep its
secrets. It is absolutely impossible for
the senate , with its ninety members
and its six or eight executive
othlcers admitted to all its sessions , to do so ,
If in a proposed treaty there be any nil-
vantage to the United States which a farsighted -
sighted sagacity has perceived , that is
pointed out to the other party to the
gain before the bargain is accomplisled.
Not only that , but in all grave matters our
tliplonmacy is accompanied by the impas-
ioned anti excited utterances of the press
and the public , sometimes Inspired by par-
tisanuhmip , sometimes inspired by sincere ,
zealous , patriotic , enthusiastic , hut most Ill-
iaforraed , excited and foolish counsels.
'i'li ( ' itouinrchmlti1 'I'rmmst.
Foreign nations who deal with us or make
alliances against us can act , promptly , Their
foreign relations are conducted by a single
will. 'We require time concurrence by a twd-
thirds vote of a senate representing fort-
live states , where unlimited debate is often
used as a weapoul to imre'eut action altogether ,
It is rare that any administration will hare
a two-thirds majority in the senate. It. is
rare that important treaties committing tile
country to new policies will not be time
subject of difference between political par-
ties. So the party in opposition is aot unlikely -
likely to muster all Its strength to defeat
the policy of its antagonist. For a country
at peace with all time wend , confined witlmin
a single contiumeumt , such an arrangement
may work well , but if we are to pursue a
carder of empire in Oriental archmlimelagoes ,
into China , perhaps into Africa , our constitution -
tution must be amended and larger diplo-
matie authority conferred on the executive.
Our constitutional arrangements , state and
nationai , nro founded upon time principle of
the equality of states and time qualiti' of
L citizens. We have no training , no princi-
r pies , no lmistoric precedents that fit us for
S any other but cehf.govcrnmcimt. We are as
I little fitted to govern barbarous arehtipela-
goes as their people are to govern us. Any
thoughtful person who will read the
uneimmoil's of any great dipiomatiuta of Europe
, -Metternich , Trmiieyrand , Lord Stratford ( IC
r Redciltfe , Loni Malmesbury , Sir Henry IIui-
wer-will see how Impossible would bayc
. been the conduct of their negotIations under
f our system , DIplomatic secrets shared
m with ninety senators , the power to declare
war separated from the treaty-makiog
, -
C54 ) -
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' 4
vJ % NY JAVEN 1OIt'I' Writcs :
Yin Mariani has been time moat wonder-
fril tommie for me , At times when I felt
completely worn out and Unable to exert
myself , a somali quantity taken has stremmgth-
cued me anti carried Inc timrough the task
vitim a sort of superimunmaum imower. I con-
alder \'in Marmot time immost wonderful tommie
of this age. FANNY DAVIIN1'OltT.
t _
d .
_ 1/ '
: I- : . ;
ADA. hEIIAN. Writes :
Yin Mariani is certaiumly unexcelieti as the
most effective and at the saute timno pleasant
tonic. ADA I1EIIAN.
power , no bargain with a foreign country
to have binding force except those in whlcim
the political opponents as well as the pout-
ical friends of the administration concur.
Add to this the dominant power of public
sentiment which , though always wise when
it is deliberate , yet so often invades the
atmosphere of American diplomacy with
passionate , Ignorant clamor front press arid
frouti pulpit , Do not let it be supposed that
in stating this as the first reason against
the acquisition of an easterut empire it is
stated as the strongest , As I saul in time
beginning , tim temptation constitutes , in I
Immy opinion , a ( iaimger to the republic greater
than that of war or of rebellion.
Avurlee IL Notlomini I'erli ,
If this country , temnpteti by the desire to
extend the market for its manufactures or to
extend Its foreign commerce , undertakes to
enter upon time comupeUtlon witim the great
powers of Europa for empire in time eastern
hemisphere , it will require very soon a reconstruction -
construction of our constitution and an
abanttonnment of our great principles of
equaiity and constitutional liberty whicim ho
at its foundation. It will elmango the scott-
ments and aspirations of time people. Tile
controlling passloims , the controlling motives
of our public anti private conduct will be
ambitIon , avarice , glory , power , weaith.
The teacher of time people will no longer be
found speaking of Justice , freedoni , humanity -
ity , charity. Wo shall go what is alike
time common way of the great empires and
the great republics of the past :
This Is the moral of all human tales ,
'Tis but time same remearsai ) of time laat ,
First freedom and then glory-when that
Wenltlm , vice , corruption , barbarism at
And Imistory of nil its volumes vast
Hutth but one page.
I repeat what I have lately said elsewhere -
where : The starry flag is no symbol of
dominion or of empire. Let it never fly in
time of peace over conquered islands or
vassal states. It is time emblem of freedoni ,
of seif-government , of law , of equalIty , of
justice , of peace on earth and good viii to
men , or , at least , as the old version bath it ,
of peace to good-willing men on earth.
l'resident McKinley has won the love and
time admiration of his countrymen by his
hesitation to enter upon war even In a holy
cause , except as a last extremity. Ho will , I
believe , simow the same quality of courage
and of large patriotism in refusing to permit
a result to that war wiuiclm will transform
the character of imis countrymeum , and , sooner
or later , time constitution of his country.
General Sir Herbert Kitchiener found after
time fail of ICimnrtotmm in 1885 that. because
of tire lack of transports a large quantity of
stores had to be destroyed. In iris imaste
lam sank in the river two boxes which ho
afterwards discovered contnineti about i00-
000 in gold coii : . It hiatt been there now
thirteen years and It is imarthly likely that
time expeditionary forces , wlmen they reach
there will be able to recover it.
A. Holyoke , Mass. , teacher who lund been
studying maimual training In Sweden at a
point wimere time cars run only twice a
yeek , reentiy received a letter from borne
" " wimicim time authorities
in a "flag" envelope ,
thougimt to be a communication from the
United States government , on account of
the flag. Immediately a special train was
made up anti took that letter forty miles
for time benefit of timO recipient. This looks
as though we enjoyed Sweden's good viil.
here Is a ) 'otmflg woman of Jersey City
so nice timat slmo imatl a man hauled into
court for violently sitting down in imer lap
wimilo silo was riding in a trolley cqr. Thin
man was free to atin t that ime ulltl sit down
In time yoimng woman's lap rather prccllml-
trmtely , but it vas the jolt of tIre car that
was to blamne , and time young woman on lieu'
side admitted tbo joit. Fortunately , tbe
man was discharged , It would be parlous
times for time male sex if a imman were to ho
held responsible for nil time jmitchings and
tossings of the trolley car ,
gnes payliss , 10 years old. was in police
court in Jersey city a day or two ago , wiulle
lmar mother , a woman of 40 years , was Ilneti
$5 for stealing and pawning a dress , When
time Cimiii learneti that in default of time
nmoney lmer mother would imavo to go to Jail
she ran out of the court , and iii a short time
came back breatimiesa with a little toy bank ,
wiulcim she opened , displaying $7 of her say-
ings. As it vas riot quito enough for Ilumo
and costs , time magistrate suapendeti time
mohcr's sentence on time child's promise to
edeenm time dress , wimiehm had been pawned
for 30 cents ,
New York newspaper reporters are greatly
perturbed over an escaped news Item. A
young woman appeareti on thuo sands at
Imlanhmattan Beach last W'ednesday attired in
a fashionabutu bathing suit anti wearing a
silken mnnsk , Sue was stared at by time
crowds , anti even by time police , until one of
the latter ilnally asked imer why sue swore
time musk , She said It wasn't a amask , but.
time latest. ( thrice for keeping the skin Un-
burnt by time sun , Then bbo made some cut.
VIN MARIANI ( MARIANI WINE ) is invaluable -
uable at this season of the year , when owingto
trying climatic changes , the system is especiaL
ly susceptible 'to attacks of debilIty and prostration -
tration ,
MARIANI WINE has stood the test of thir-
ty-five years' triaL Itis endorsed by more than
8.000 American Physicians. in addition to haying -
ing received cordial recommendations from
royalty , princes of the church and of the State ,
and persons notable in all the walks of life.
MARIANI WINE is especially indicated for
Throat and Lung diseases General Debility ,
Weakness from whatever causes , Overwork ,
Profound Depression and Exhaustion , Consumption -
sumption , Malaria and La Grippe.
MARIANI WINE is an adjuvant in convalescence -
escence and a powerful rejuvenator. For Overworked -
worked Men , Delicate Women , Sickly Children
it works wonders. It soothes , strengthens and
sustains the system.
Fc , those II ( ) wrtll leIiuiily write to M.lIti/tNl .c 0 , , ra 'tVOMt lath Street ,
I'eu' Yorle City' , ailli 1)0 sent , free , luon Ic e.ntnlu iuijr tuturt u'n I t uiuid
gr'sIu1tN of iOtimmeroruu , Itiijures. , l'ri ne es , Cited I uiniM , ii nil oilier
interest I tig uutirt I Cr.
Paris-41 Botmiovard I laussnmammn ; London-S3 Mortiuner St. : Montrcnl-2S-i0 I lospltai St.
mi ONI
An [ xtei'nl Took Apcd to the Skin
Beautifies It As hy Manic.
The Discovery OF the Age
, I '
; 1jJ' ! ' "p ' 'lmtC.i\
Thousands have tried from time immem-
orlal to discover some emeacious remedy
for wrinkles amid other imperfections of
time coraplexiomi , but none had yet sue-
ceeded until the Misses Bell , the now fam-
othl Complexion Specialists , of 78 Fifth
avenue , New York City , offered the jmub-
lie timeir wonderful Complexion Tonic.
Time reason so ummaimy failed to make this
discovery before Is plaIn , because they have
not followed tire right primmeiple. Balms ,
Creams , Lotions , etc. , mmever have a tonic
effect upon the skin : , hence time failures.
Time Misses hell's Counplexierm Tonic has
a most eximilarating effect upon the cuticle ,
absorbing and carrying oft nil inmpurities
which tire blood by its natural action Is
constantly forcing to time surface of time
skin. . It is to time skin what a vItalizing
tonic is to the blood ftnd nerves , a kind of
new life that inmmediately oximilarates anti
strengthens wherever applied. Its tonic
effect is felt alnmoat immediately , and it
Hi)01'dulY baniahmes forever fu'omn time skin ,
freckles , pimples , biacithentla , immotit patclmeut ,
wrinkles , iiver spots , rouglmnmess , oiliness ,
eruptions and discolorations of nay kind ,
In order that all may ho benefited by
tlmeir Great Discovery , tire Misses Boll will ,
during time present month : , give to all call-
ting remarks about thto rudeness of those
ivho stareti at her and went to time uiresxiimg
coon , W'lmen simo emerged site proved to lie
a very pretty ommman of the brunette type ,
but eiforta to learn her narno euro still un-
A story Illustrative of time mIstakes viulehm
sotumctlrumcs lmaimpeim In funeral arrangenmeats
is told of a certain Yorkshlremaan. Ills
aunt hail died in Ittissla , and time body was
rilaced 1mm a coffin atmd sent to Eurglaurd for
burial , Out time arrival of the cofihum In
'Yorkuhiro it was olmemmed by time nepimew ,
mlmo found , to lila horror numit astoulshmuumeimt ,
that it contained time body of a itmmsslarm
general iii full uniform , limo breast covered
whim medals , In great distress hue tele-
grapimed to St. . . I'etcrsburg to obtain aim cx-
phnnrition of time mistake , umrmti asking for in-
structioas witim regarti to the deceased oifl'
cer , A wire speedily arrived in answer from
time Russian capital : 'You immay keep germ-
eral ; annuL buried today with full military
imoilors , "
'i'll rye II n iiire.I Spuiiiluirils llliicd.
If i00 Americans carm kill 500 Spaniards lit
300 days , how uumany Americans mviii it taket
to kill 100 Spaniards iii 100 ulays ? One
tlmotnumnd dollars will ho paid to tile rer-
utons answering time above probiemum correctly.
Many other rrizes of value. All of which
will ho announced in the next. Issue of
Upton's Illustrated Vm'eekly , As a Positive
guarantee as to ummy reliability I icier to
aumy mercantile or conmnnercial agency. As
thhj object of offering theses jirlies Is to
attract attention to uumy popular famiully mnag
azlnu , each aumewemluig rmmust enclose
with their nnswcr five two-cent. stamps ( or
ten cents silver ) for sample number comm-
taming full iarticuiars. Semi today. 'j'tm
be lust is it laudable ambition ; you runty
secure the thousamutt tiollars. 'Von dollars
1mm gold will ho iruiti ( or the best ori'lumal
itrobiemn , to bo jmubiishmed In a future umum
heir. Address ( I. M. Upton , 321 Ucalborum
131. , Chicago , iii. . . . .
era at their parlors erie trial bottle ot thci
Complexion Tonic absolutely free ; mmii in
order that timose wio : cammimot call or who
live away froimi Now York rummy be benefited -
fited , they wihi eird arm imottlo to army address -
dress , all cimariles prepalil , on tile receipt of
25 cents ( ritanmipri or sliver ) to cover cost of
paclirrg mmii delivering. Tire lirico of this
wonderful tonic is 1.00 per bottle , aunt
this liberal offer should be embraced by ithl.
Time Misses Bell intro just published
their new book , "Secrets of Ileauty. "
This valuable work in free to all desirirmg
It , The book treats exhaustively of thin
importance of a good coinpiexion ; tehl
how a s'onuman may acquire beauty ammit
keep it. Special clmuptermu on thu care of
tire Irair ; host' to have luxurinut growth ;
imarmnless methods at immaking the Imair pee-
servo its imatural imeaimty arid color , everm to
advammced age. Also itmstrtictions lmow to
banish aulmerlirmomis lode front time face ,
mmeclc anti nrtmms without injury to the turin.
'fimis imook will be immalied to army atidress on
iiitEid Trial Bottles of Wonderful Corn-
liOXion 'I'onlc free at. parlors , or 25 cents
( cost of packing and mailing ) to those at mu
Correspondence cordially solicited , Address - '
' 78 Fift Ii Arc , , New 'Yoi'k City ,
fruIumiri I I liii I Ii I I Ii I I I Iii I ci u I I I I I liii ill I I iLluli I 1511111
E lire ! ou ioIng East ?
mu n He iottc ( Di. * , ofoiiabT , ( II , ioioid.i to
Io'l , i,1i.ttti ( U otng ( I.w Yk , P0
d,11bI. , ot . . . .ho. 1.4ut. , OU , Ib.ot di , tbn
tat , it.
RA I i ItOAJ )
. tin liuffAin 1' rruieri Villa , uiwaiJ ,
' . - 'It , our , I , ihrout. r.5a. t
UNkIVAI.Lili ) sciINuRY
: , , , , Iiae . .ii.y , rtgtua , ruu ,
, , , . . . .i jl.rII it. ' i , ii. r.t. it it.
u.i.n Jt.tI&lo .n'I ? .w Yok , itll.J.Il.hIsIb.
LanJu.i , train hi tie wu,14.
Alt iI.ogti .a7 i.I , , . d1D1V5 C&iI IOIIiC
MflALSm is CARTE ,
For , , , . .1. , . rltk . lo.ti , n 111 , to.t. , , ,
tin , . ii to tat. . of tort , , I , . h4 ) ur .4 icra , will , four c.otl
; ita.I. , , , 10 ( lii , . , H. Li , , I. . , , . l's' . . Ag.tI , . ' . t'k.
g1 , ii , j i i i i i i i i i u i i u i i u i i i i ui i ut u u i i u i iii
. , : ' COLLAR
& IucIdor
troubles at once , '
urcs In
' 4CHoursahte
wa. , nf , ieei1 cnntefeSt ,