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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1898)
T 1 mr1Ln 3ti n ii y tern : rzv n t , j try j 9s. 1fr 1fr lfr S1f 1fr 1f 1fr 1fr , Sl ' fr il r 1fr , il 1fr 11 111 S11 1r ( 1fl . t IN THE DOMAIN OF WOMAN. 1i11 1111 1IIl lIII JIII JIiI' ' @ 1I0.4IllStilhi , .Y4W S.idli JLII 'Jlll 'Jlll JlllllL ! Jlll 'JI0.4 ' JIIL 6 6 1 1 1 1 IIt1S9 Plitt Sl Mark l111L9. Glos'en , Phis , itlbbnfN and Vnrlnns Articles at Adaruatenl. NV YORK , July 11 : This 1s the time when the summer girl , not Pnris , Icnds nit the well dressed world by i system of chnrm- ing chicanery thnt vve may nil deplore , but which , like floating thistle down , wields its influence niter nil. Site Is not n trustworthy - worthy authority In matters of clothes ; she Is whimsical and nlmost antorglveably in- ( lepamlent , but her catacity ) for pretty In vcntion In the detnlis of dress Is undeniable mid It lends to extravagance ] eor example , your truly well-setup girl at. the Seasick does ndl wear a gold , silver or gun metnl chain about her neck. She cares nut it the metal thread is strlug wgth jewels n5 big es her thumb and as precious as the o mini of Maliomet. They are Incidents in her past llfo not to ho recalled and 11n their Steud she wears an elastic ribbnn , oue- fotmrth of an Inch wide , hincic or white , mid long enough to pass around her ucck , having - ing two ends l0 tuck into her belt. A 511(10 clips over the ribbon , a jeweled slide , very small ; either n woo square turquoise , in a gyPSy setting , or three Inlullesiinal dla- mnnds Set In a row. fly aid of the slide a Joel of ribbon Is node to drop over the head , while to can cnd of the narrow silk reins Is fastened n watch , to the other her L mucked sailing and driving glasses. Sntked 111nNN"I. The green eye patch that Woden wears In limo 1Vagnerlnn operas Is not more unbecoming - becoming than the common smoked glasses or cheap manufacture , but the pineney that thin hot weather flower of fashion sets astride her nose benra not the least relations to the green goggles of the tvcak-eyed etudent. Let it be clearly understood that weak eyes have nolhlng to do ssith the weaning of these ginssea. Ilaying taken oft her lint , parted with her veil full vnwr(1 to go lu this summer for a baymaker's complexion , the season's butterfly - fly ins found that taking a sunburn blears tin eyes , Sail all day in the water glare nml you w'lll get mnguilc etly bronzed , but d 1 i low their number fire pigskln covered ox- tremltics may appear In this bold relief , enjoy the suggestion of extreme youthfulness that these brief skirts undoubtedly convey . To bleach her hair in the sun is another latter-day notion of the woman who fares by the seaside , tear this reason outing hats are somewhat at a discount , all save a very ugly and unbecoming , but none the less vigorously adopted reefer cap made of wldto canvas. To the thinking of some this little cotton platter , set rakishly to one side 'mad held d0ublhlli ) In plnce by a series of long pits , put through the white suede crown n band , is Inllnttely coquettish , but that Is an open question. Serious attention should be given the annnunerment that there Is a new mind Improved hairpin for sale. Oun metal' ' , ha Its material and therefore it is something more costly limn the doughty loop of black wire we long have cherished. Consideration should be given the fact that a gun metal pun Is first of nil unobtrusively ornamental and that it will outlast a dozen generations of the wire sort. Then , too , this latest in- venllon is shaped not to drop from the hair and to accommodate Itself cleverly to the now methods of colfture. One of the very newest things for supporting - porting a wealth of tress Is the hair bodkin that 0010 women have adopted as an entire substitute for the two-pronged pin. A lair 1)0(11(111 Is made exactly like a seamstress' bodkln , only a bit longer. Their wearers say they work like a charm and these made of gun utetal , with knobs of briillants , well cut , are undoubtedly sveleomo ornaments. Seine of the costly gun metal hairpins , let It be noted , love chip diamonds sunk In the thickness of their curved ends , and It is not now uncommon to see this same pretty trick played on the tortoise shell pins , leer tool Iyeuiags , Very short , severely slmplo cloth shoulder wraps , called hussar capes , command more than passing mete. They scarcely fall so far as the elbow , have exceedingly high stiff miltbtry collars and fastcn wIth three braid frogs down the hoot. What they lack in applted ornament is uiado up by the exceed- L rl r c. I 1 ' ; ' k l j'' 1 r t ( L . - J// / 1.C CI 1r TWO SUMMER PANS , to preserve the eyes soft and bright , some protection most he sought. This realization rent the glris packing to the jeweler , and he has put on the market a glass. It is gold-rimmed or not as you please , and it you are a brown-eyed girl you buy the glass that is stained a soft , Iahlsh brown ; it you have black eyes , then take glasses flushed with green ; If blue are your eyes , by nil means select blue glasses , and go your way ' rejoicing. The crystal is not ground to magnify , butte to cast a grateful shade betwixt your tender pupils amid the sun. In no instance Is a deeply toned glass used. Their colors resemble semblo those seen In thin smoke on a frosty , ttily. Through their delicate veiling the color In the eye's iris is intensified , lashes seen wonderfully black apd thick and many an otherwise harmless glance tiles doubly barbed from behind this treacherous am- bush. A new edition of the shirt waist is just out. and a remarkably attractive glove has come over with letters of high recommendation - tion from London. The shirt vnlst Is made of anything you please hu the field of gingham , but a small check seems preferred , and the collar is mntlo on the garment and of similar mm - lerinl to that employed In the body. A light , straight hand , closing up In front and boasting a narrow roll over is its character- ( stlc , No tie of silk , satht , lawn or lace encircles this neckband , a long piece of the shmlrt's material turd wide as your hand tnust he hemmed nn both edges ; cut the ends In porous and edge them with a double rune that is very narrow , tie this scarf In a tour- In-ham ( , and then all wearers of more gorgeous - geous neck decorations will wonder at you , envy , surd ilnally imitate , Thera Is a noticeable prcdlspasttlon among snmaft women for awlding the use of silk ribbon and leather belts. A large per center or sailing , golfing bicycling mid even walking - ing skirts are so trimmed nt the waist line that a belt Is unnecessary. hither a cord , a flxed strap , or ( old of the skirt's mate- mini serves the purpose of a belt , having to over-lapping tongue at the rent to hide the hooks. 1 SovtI Clnye. Time glove of most importance , whlio July Is with us nud August anear , hnttotls up bebind , That is , Its catch and opening are at time hack Instead of the inside of the wrist. At first , ( n white Egyptlan leather- , m dogskin , these were node oxdusive for use mit sport. Perforations disfigured the paler amd knuckles of rho kid , mud the en am- [ nit of this headgear was nbvloms to men , liver cnvetlous woman tried en tier hitis. band's gloves and drew something more than Inferences therefrom , Now she is wearing gloves that button behind hr her dogcart mud ma tlmo drawing room. Tlmoso far tim ( leg'ar't are wash leather , two-hut- toncd , mind often stitched and bound with , colored silk and kid. For tbu drasving roan they are lovely gray and fawn suede and caught With three gold jewel powdered claaps at the buck of the wrist. Marvelous , indeed , are the woven Ilslp glares that the scrupulous summ- mer girl svoars hug time salt mmter , Site buys them whhe or Ilesh tinted and they a draw ) mist over the wrist or clear up to time rlbow' lvldently they are gi Ing great stttlstnctlon and for this reason most bath- tag dresses are lmmlu with short sleeves , It Is apparently far more ngreeubho to m vint lu lotmg ! Isle gloves that long flannel sleeves , and to go hare-arnmed Into the water under a , hot July sun Is n deed uo cunsvfeimltous woman dares , The St uslhlu Skirt , i Fnslllon has arrl ed at a degree of sweet reasnnnbicmess do the nmalter of skirt lengths ( hut though it was not expected Is none limp less deeply appreciated , if your dr'ssntnker does cut your gowns two inches I lee long lit front and nearly six Inches in length behind your tailor allows plenty of leant for foot 0xpuuslou at the buso of your ( hunk linen , svatcrprnaf serge mud tweed ' , skirts , IIn llmipks nolhlng of abbrevlattng ) nmIr aahies unit of cormrso time daintily fooled w'oumen mire all on hits side. Lees w411 endowed gIn s and young i nmuttous , though they have quulma as to ± _ lag brilliancy of their material , A cape of vivid cerese cloth will have a collar of turquoise blue velv0t , corded along time edge with gold braid and a thin ellk lining will be of a color to match the collar. Womn carry and wear these at outdoor celebrations of games , , minces , etc. , and make a somewhat - what ostentatious show of their little polka dotted 'handkerchiefs. Trifles almost as light as air are these , for they measure ten inches square , have hemstiched edges , one- fourth of mm finch In : wldtlt mud are barred with clew set pin stripes of rose broken with blue polka dots , else yellow bars , in- terspersel with pink cubes. The choice handkerchief for a bride is small mind of old } allow Mexican-drawn work , Tinted mouoliolrs are having a lively summer of it. They urc all la pale tones of green , blue , pink or yellow , showing white heal- stick and the single embroidered Initial da white do one corner. IeNurlptlon of illuNtrnlloliN. The pleasing rule of Infinite variety is closely- followed by time makers of our sum , i 11 eJ i i -id' 4a tans , time sketch showing the most recent compositions In paper oath feathers. A curious 'rench maternal called silk paper is the fabrio of one of these. On every ivory slick a flat rosette of the crisp , sldti lag fabric is placed. The rosettes hnltato the rainbow In colors , Over them all rues an etched design in black , and the Ivory sticks a'o carved and then stained wltli India Ink , Pans of mixed feathers are altogether ne ilopular as those of silk paper. One of mingled marabout plumca and swan quills is illustrated. Swan quills taken from tire wings and tails of time largest while swans ore even more sought after std valued than ostrich phones. In Paris theypalnstakingly and most artistfeally paint charnming medallion portraits on the quills , thus greatly enhancing the beauty and vallte of thq fan. All important is the finish at the throats 1)f summer gowns. Four favorite methods of neck decoration are shown hr the tic- c mupamyhig sketch. l vet idle least of these Im high and close about the ears , while saute are seritabde ear coverings , ha Paris a vast b ? w of lace or ribbon or what not , directly u dcr the chin , is exceedingly popular , w tlltj another goad style is that of llnish- imi the collar with two trlangular pieces of the dress goods , edged with lace and standing high and creel precisely over time wearers ears. With dresses opened a lit- tie hi front , a dog collar of satin , hooklhg neatly In the rear , gets latch patronage from women wino know ( lint their white thtoots are all -the whiter for this black swnlidng. Tailors have all bht universally adopted the ncneva bands kith cloth stills , amid the sketch shows hots' the dress collar is made of lusterless black silk , over which the snowy muslin tubs are drawn forth , no- der the chin , Calling gowns are so often rufIpicted at time top with lofty medicl cellars - lars that they no longer merit the dis- tluctlon of novelty. Tressm akers build their medic ( ruffs higher than ever , brace them with wire or buckrnm , and so line them with bouillonnes of white or pain tinted silk muslin thnt the taco is framed most. softly and so becomingly as to plainly Indicnto the reason for the return of time oll3tIme mode , MAht\ ' DEAN , IIOI'AL ItOSIS , 'I'hcy Rlosstnn for nn American Queen , ' 1 l * of a linilroad Ihtug. They blossom for amid because of an American queen. At least her husband is a king , that truly American product , a railway - way king. lie Is Colonel E , W. Cole of Nashville , Tenu , ills wife is trulya belpmeet In every good work. She Is a singularly handsome woman , stately , majestic , w9tir a fare , fair , fresh-colored , almost lineless , In spite' of leer white hair. Time garden an empress might envyis of her own planning , and In a degree , her own work. Two years were spent in bringing the ground for ht into condition which suited leer. This , although her country place , Colemere , seven miles out of time city , is as fertile as It Is fair. For the garden the ground was first trenched treee feet deep , every stone amid root removed , tbrn manured until it was like a hank of ashes. The long rows of rose trees-a thousand odd -were all planted by the hands of the ails- tress. She intrusts to nobody else the dell- cato duty of spreading out the tender rootlets - lets , firming them properly , and seeing that the earth is neither too high nor too low , about the steam. V.'ith suchn care , in such earth , so liglmt , so rich , so fine of tllth , any self-respecting shrub would be forced to bloom and burgeon , even leaving gratitude out of the question. These do bloom and burgeon , People knowIng only hothouse roses would be amazed at their substance and sweetness. Even more at their number. Every morning - ing betweemm the first of May and midsum- nmer time mistress of the garden cuts 2,000 blossoms five to seven inches across. The cutting is done at sunrise "The garden Is like Paradise then , " she tells you with kindling eyes , "The dew Is brighter and softer than ever were diamonds-and the birds-you cugUt to hear the larks , and robins , and golden orloles. It 1 miss cutting ( lie roses one morning , even , 1 feet that i Irate last smoelming whlclm cannot be re' gained , " Site never sells n flower. Instead , site gives them as royally an they deserve to be given. After her own home is wreathed with them they go to friends In town , to friendly neighbors , to the tenants of her husband's great business blocks , to the sick In the hospitals amid to such strangers within the city gates as the rosegiver may know will care for her gifts. Notwithstanding the rose cutting , the rase planting , Mrs. Cole's hands are softly while , Always In her garden she wears open-fin- gored , home-knit white cotton gloves. Knlt ling them is the favorite and profltable employment - ployment of a spinster friend , Mrs. Pole has been palrited by a famous French artist. It Is n pity lie canhot paint her again , at 000 of her lawn fetes , where It Is her delight - light to seat her guests around the edgd of her rose garden anti 1111 their hands with I1owers. Irs1GS FOtl A ) ' 191 ! DOILY. Ilnudsnme ilil or % 'orlt fur Art intie lelnZers. Tito aceompanyln pattern , showing fish entangled in seaweed , is intended as a decoration for a fishl doliy to be used ! n servhimg baked or boiled fish , it Is very simple and easily expccted in outline stitch , with touches of long and short on the scales , fins and tails , as Indicated in Limo drawing , while If more elaborateness et effect be desirable , feather stitch or herringbone - bono may be employed instead of outline , for the senweetl eprays and tendrils. The design as here represented measures nhout 16x20 luchcs , stamped on linen 19x24 Inches , leaving , therefore , a margin for a. hemstitched - stitched fringe. As the 4tattern , however , Is in two pieces min designed as to allow time linen to fold diagonnlly over the Iisia It can be placed on any sized plece of goals , desirable for 'the Purpose , but this should be of durahlo linen , or ilamaslc , and embroidered broidered mr pure white , or a light shade of beat wash silk , as , of course , Its purposo' slly , but teaches the manner nhd the means by which It may be procured , health is thin grand , ntlrnetlve force and nthleflcs and Physicnl exerelse , she bc Roves to ho important factors In achieving desired results , Mrs. Moque Is herself an nil-round sportswoman , She was one of the pioneer wlteelwomen of Washington and tld much to introduce the bicycle for women. She Is a fair shot and a good swimmer , also n pedestrian , Last shimmer , with lmer husband , she made an ascent of "tiro glacier , " llrillslm Columbia'-tho high- Nt , " aurmm ' ' ' 5 11 Ij f + filthfi1n11 j9/ / ) R 4 1 = T ° 1- 2r t ' + t 411Ae hatnuin iu aqynuullai ; lrf r V' I'OiITRAIT MRS. A. L , MOQUE , emit glacier in the world , except Muir In Alaska. She made an ascent of Ve9uvlous at midnight to visit the new craters. The journey from Interlocken to Orindeiwalde she made on foot , over the great Schrldlg , without Alpine boots , ' a guide or evert the necessary "green tin box" for carrying food and wine , which every wise Alpine tourist p ? . . ' . fl. . . ) - ' 'V . a . . . . DECORATION FOIl. A FISH DOILY. precludes more than one service without being freshly' laundered , and frequent washings - ings scow destroy- poor material. .5. 11EGIMEs'l' OF VOMES. i'roJeet of n A'asltinglort 1'ntrtol % 'ho is heady to Leati it. Mrs. Alice Leo Moque was one of the prime movers In founding the Woman's National Cuban league , and was its adjmt- tait general , a position whlclt she has lately resigned. The new-woman regInent is imer idea. She says that she is anxious to mice one formed , amid knows of no reason - son w by it should not go to time front , "Becmmso we are women , " she says , "is no reason why 'we should be dented the joy of action , the glory of victorious valor , the fame of heroism , the honored scar of con illct , and tbs sacred bed of the nation's sleeping martyrs , " Mrs. Moque Is an author , a scientist and on lime eve of taking the degree of Ah U. Hcr bobby is ltenltlm , which she spells wIth a capital ; she not only preaches its neces- always considers the most necessary part of his equipment. Mrs. Moque is a member of the Authors' guild. She line sgritteu books-one treats of heredity. Her Hag day poem , "Old Glory's Natal Bay , " written a year ago , was recited in over 2,000 public schools , TIIIS VOMEN CAS GAIN FiJISIL Mrs. S. T. Storer PreserlheM the Proper 'Prentment tutu fliot. "First of all , the person Inclined to thinness - ness must learn to be quiet , even in active exercises , " writes Mrs. S. T , Rorer him the July Ladles' Iiome Journal , "The morning bath and rub is absolutelynecessary. . For time morning meal she should take some light , easily digested food , as two soft- balled eggs , a piece of milk toast , or plecc of whole wheat toasted bread , preceding this : a half hour with a cup of warm water. At lmicheon a cream soup , piece of whole wheat bread , well toasted , sty of the little made dishes , like chicken timbales , bontins , omelets , with at least two slices of s'bole wheat bread thickly buttered ; two ounces TilE MAN THAT IS NEAR. t " . - \I d I I III I b t i fI I iii It , V y s g r l , . /7 . I I ' ' 'f ' c ' Ltf rst ) ? , / I L - , y . r f ( - I ' - ( , . , - - - _ I , , ' . ; ! , .a ( ( J/ : _ . _ _ _ I ' -v-- r-\ \ A > ' * . ' 1 . r I h K . i A = 1 'rv i ® ; ii j5 7HL fFLr : .i,1WHEN rHEIw/10YTM/IT /\f Is - t - , v\ . ; STS n r 'b r , 1 r + r r u' h C - ' r ' z FrqR fw : - ' I ITJ'THOUJ-17S OP 77 : 1)9 r " 'YiR ' iIlIIltJS , : tljlA/7 1R77L 'SJ JWbS . 3 LADIES' TRY IT F RE [ Free Trial Package o a one got ive s 1 ea Happiness air Personal Beauty. Do Not lie Backward but Write at Once and a Trial Will be Maned in Plain l'aohao , Postage Prepaid. , \ L i / NWV " . . . v I I\4 \ , . u ' ; : \ Q , t \ . . ; ii- ' - ' .4 r L\ I , 1 ,1 S J' It + ' ' ii 'ice . . ' > , .s' / 1 ,11 . . . V. ' For every condition that makes a woman muiserable , pale , sickly , wrinkled and faded , a trial package of an nbsoiutely uufniling remedy is mailed free to all who unto Worry , anxiety , sleepless nights , eyes that betoken cure rand sickness , frightful headaches - aches , painhml immttnthdy sickness , dragg11tg sensations , fallen or displaced wonib , leucor- rlmoea , aches and despair , All of these su'earlsomo and imarrow Ing conditions are positively cured by this marvelous remedy. It Is an extremely unfortunate fact tint ladles conttuue 1o suffer rather than expose their true condition. 'they so dread the doctor's examination sud have such a terrl- blo fear of a possible operatinu ( hat rather than face such an ordeal they wmdd rather i have the disense. Amid it has never been thoroughly proven but what she is correct In her reasoning. But alt this is done away with in this new form of remedy , svhlch any lady cam use herself privately at home and thus secure all the benefit and as complete a cure as her fondest hopes , could wish for , Experience , however , has : shown that nearly every woman has t'ied' many medicines without relief. They have I also been under the care of physlcians withi i out material benefit. Many have traveled and sought freedom in change of climate , while , sad to relate , It is not uncommon to read of those who under the stress of great pain have become hysterical and trre- sponslhle anti taken their own lives to end their misery. Considering all these various coudiltons and circuniatunces it cannot lie wondered at that the sufferer gives up In despair and positively refuses to believe that there is a remedy that can turn her life towards time sunshine. It Is for this reason that llazellme Is sent free to try. And this free trial firings such an emphatic relief , such a feeling of no- usual freedom and has such a remarkable action in loosening the tightness that drags of butter at thia meal would not be too great a quantity if well masticated with time hread. Use , also , n balled potato , m a couple of tablespoonfuls of boiled rice , and as a desert , rice pudtling , Clip cuslm'd , nay of the light souffles , or Bavarian creaut-In fact , anything but cake , pie or boiled pud- dings. Avoid alt of the acid fruits. "For the night meal have a clear soup , a red meat , either beef or mutton , w'Ith a baked potato , or mashed potato browned in time oven , or a potato croquette , or rice in any form , stewed macaroni , a green vegetable - ble , and a salad composed of a green vegetable - table wlth French dressing. Do not have more than tu'o vegetnbles at one meal , Reside - side the salad , For desert have a charlotte - lotte , a little ice cream eaten slowly , or any of those above mnentioned , or a wafer that has been thoroughly toasted , and any of the ripe cheeses. For luncheon , where i cream soups cannot ho used , a cup of cocoa or chocolate wIt11 cream is exceedingly val- uable. " TJi1 CZAR'S BICIIIIE , Royal App royal of R'onu tm'S Ad vnnee In the ProfeNNIoit. The present czar of Rnsslu is Wald to he very favorable to all movements in the direction of the advancement of women , and , although lvoman'a clubs , congresses , coim- veuttons , mothers' meetings , etc. , do not hlossom on every ldllside , there la ran Russia a large class of earnest , intellectual women who work sldo by silo with the best equipped men of that talented race mid who enjoy privileges beyond may ever accorded women in America , A new law , for Instance , has just been promulgated throwing open to women physicians nil ofllclal positions , on perfect equality with men , Including itlentily of salary awl ( lie official pension tint tic , trues after a certain number of years of service. A vplemditl provision of this lien. sion Is that It passes froth father to children , and this snore advantage is now extended to rho molter physlcians , Except for provlous indiscretions they would also be enjoying the privileges of the medical uriivorsity schools , as these were thrown open to them by Alexander ii. 'rime women students , however , were found to lake such an active Intereht in nihillsrn that It was deemed expedfett to rescind time privilege. It is , however , prophesied that limo present czar will give ( lie younger eratlon of women physicians the same op- portunlty that their elders possessed , in thu lmopo that they will stick to medicine and heave the government to look offer Its own affairs , r tiVlld , hill m Ill ) CROSS 11'Oltli. Another fUeh (1lrl 1''Itlin/r Herself fur Unly at lime irimsE , Six weeks agn Mlss May l'lupp3 , daughter of henry Phipps , pt , the Pitlsbura millionaire , determined to take a eourao of lastructlons as a sister of the lied ( 'rose. She Is now bard at 'work at St Luke's Training schcol , sad is waiting for orders to and hugs at the vitals as to Immediately denote - note that there hi the extiet reulcdy eor it + s. condllion which seefted incurable , t Mrs. M. Beck of 136'illlnn St. , Newark , .N. J. , was cured after suffering 20 years wttlr painful nlenrtruatiou , inllnmed ovaries , bladder trouble and many other diseases. IU s. Louise ] hosing of ElberfeldVarriclr Co. , hid. , says she him so lhtmdiful to be 1 cured nfter 12 years of frightful suffering ; that site is wllliug to do or say anything ( lint helps spread the knowledge of svondor- ltl Hazelhn' . It cured 11rs. Chins.Velh - rauch of Sanduaky , 0 , alter she had been given up to the std Is now' the marvel of all I her friends ; she lives corner Maple and Tyler Ste. Miss MhutieVIIIIanis , 10417 1 Avenue I'd , South Chicngo , Ill. , says there is I no mason why girls and married ladles should have painful uieustruatlem when they enn use Ilazeline amt be cured , Mrs. Cou tart Frisch of Fresno , Cal. , was cured by Hazeline nnl she declares it is ( lie grandest medicine iii the world. 11rs. L11a Portz of Thayer , Mo. , suffered six years and a slmgte box of llnzellutl gave her back the health she enjoyed in her girlhood days , \1rs. Lion Heim zinger , 11)29 ) hirondw'ny , Brooklyn - lyn N , Y. , Mrs , Louisa Baehr , 61.14 Carnegie - gie St. , I'ittsburg , I'a. , Mrs. F.L. Priebe , Gaylord , Mum. , , Mrs , Fred Stack , Wellsboro , Intl. , and Mrs. Margaret ScUleffer of Constance - stance , Neb are among many hundreda of nrhe's whose cases of long standing and frightful severity were cured by this mar- veinus remedy. Sent your' name and address - dress to the ih aellne Co. , 221 Bressler block , Southu Bend. Ind , , and they will forward by prepaid mall 'a free trial package of Haze- line. Send for it. Send todayDo so no matter .r you tue so dnuhtfal that you are utterly discouraged , This remedy will euro you am(1 there is absoluelp no doubt nbont It , Write today without fail , him case you prefer - fer to hegln treatment at ottce you can cb- talt a full sized package at your druggist for $1,00 , go to time front to take care of 'the sick or u nunded soldiers , : less I'hlppa Is 19 years nhd tad I blonde , Her nnturally curly hair , arrnnged in pompadour fashion , is of a goldcu brown , where Lime tints of ( ho sou seam caught and held , anti liar gray- blue eyes are flank and fearless as a / dill ml's , "IL does not seem to me much of a sncrifice , " situ scld , in talking of her In- ! ( option of enllalhmg. ' .tll the mncn are ! ) volmrteerhmg. IL Is only natural the women ' r ' should wammt to do something ; ' bier experlctmce 4n the hospital has qullo dis.sipate4 any sentiniental idea she may have hind , thought ft has by no means damp- cacti her nrdor. "I like it thoroughly , It is hard , but then , you Inuw , It agreu with mc , " and the pink color deepened in Miss ltipp' pretty checks to verify her assertion. "No , I have not done any very rough work. I'm on watch & / . t \y q L i NEW COIFFIJRE. duty and asslst Hn handaging , ; md all that sort of thing. I can't expect to hcome u nmlrso in a few weeks , 'and If we are calls 1 to Cunha I shall go as en 'aid , ' as they are termed , " Miss Phipps ndinlttcal that ivory effort is being tnadu to dlsst/ade lion from her purpose. Hrr two brothers-ono of wlmni is at ] toward amid time lumen tot St. Paul s school , Vernon-w'llI leave for England Juno 17 , "And they want to tithe me with them , " snld limo pretty heiress. 'y cannot tell , I am sure. It the lted Cross 'all + 3 certain , I shall go in time first detail. " la'onlulue ; I'm-rsoonis , Mrs. Ellen Spencer Mnssoy \\'asliing tea U , C. , in limo attorney for time Natinnul Ited Cross soeloly. Queen Victoria is snverelgn aver one con tinent , 100 penlnaulmta , S00 pronumtormc 1000 lakes. 2.000 rleers and 1x,000 1almds ; 'rite suer"mo court at Ohio hang drctdsd ( bat wowot , cannot be .atstituuunally nor nor'r 'r