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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1898)
_ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . , - - - - . - _ _ V 7 . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - ---r-----y------- . - - - - V - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - -----T---- mTTI ! ( vr A TT A fl A TTV fl1. ° T'NTfl AV t TVT.V 1 ' 7 1 SflS . i AUTM tVATII ) . ( Continued. ) si : evrwiere ) toc'Il "Zh Nevf't' Tnn1& Tlirend holder nnd ( utter. " Au ntireIy tuw and 1ndlien , .aithlo utk'o mr the nItte8' work bnkt , Thtve thread ; etit ti nny ingtli ; prtvfntM ( ) II In ( ' tIflt1 tftng1Ing Two nmtli's miIIt UI ) ( , ( ) or io ct. Oeo. F1. IInlkjtl , 13G I.1ctrty ) Ht. ew Ynrk. GFNT , wo v1It pay $100.00 pr month nnd I rnhlroad cxten4es to any main WhO vIi1 work anerRIcnBy t1c1n rkrs for the noit reIinlk' , potrtitt t'fY1l1g hnuo In the ' United I3trtte8 we pay strictly qtlnry. A(1drc ( ; ImrneIhte1y , U. E. Mnrt& . New oi k , N. Y. J-1i2-t' JUNTS-$7 daily , ie11Ing Hpecinlty oapu. giving CIJtomr4 douh1c 'uIue Iii ) lflhld Not-fln prci4entM ; oxdtuLv territorY ; irnm pta ( ) tItflL free. Ltnuw iOflI ) C0. . Cil1tIfl I , 0. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J. v AG1N'rSwantd mr our line at 1nS pIt- tUre ; we inv , zill thu neV W8 ! $ I1)ject , I Maine , 1)evi , itLtflt1Slfl nnd the dIflefeflt btittlcs ; vp un' maniifacttlrCr nnd van ] titlotp .nu Itvept prl. \Vestern ciIni AiertIsng Co. , ' 97 Vail iluren st. , Clii- cno. WF 1)0 NOT VANT boys or 1onfrIto Write but TnrIt a ! iildflty , 23 to SOO ICr month. StlO4flfl 1(11(1 general n'nts. 3alnry or eli1flhIMIfl. ItfICIHO I , Ire EnIIA ne Co. , Lt(1 , .1- WANTID nc ; ; , ngentM to 1e11 inS % , Iock nnd door IiolIer Matflllfl sisii lo k free for 2c RtIttflI ) hnnenp ; hottu than VeIKh(9 burglar vroo ( ; $10 $ a dn'p ; write tiulth. AdilresM Jirohard & Co. . Dept. 65 , Philatleiphin. I'n .1- ; i'i'a moko a cord ot motu'j. SvlI nut' Var vItIi SIaIn , 600 ttC4 , bentatirully Illustrated , wrlUen by lion. James Itan- kin Young ! neniher of ClrcqIIItrH ittiil coiY Spat7dI-AtnurIeuri dietlunary free : tict tuiclc. 'flie Patriotle Art ; 7 13n. Clnrk St. , Chicago. J-222 17' VAN'I'iD-"I ( ) ItiN'I' . WANTED rooms ntilIonrd for gentle- loan in ' irivttte funaLty. Call at once. iCciley's Agency , 510 t1lL ( itrown Itik. K16O.17'f LADI lS If , 'ttl % Vtt t 0 tCflt your rnoinL4 quickly , g , to the rd lablu l'cIIy Agency , 1irovn 111k. ] _ 16l17 * AN EXI'EItIENCfl MUSIC 'PEACIIEIt whhes to give leteo iii , either in voice or pitflI . ) , In exchange. for room and lnartl. Ii.It lIce. 1'-lS-17' liv GFNT1dMAN ANIV1lF , twu or three modern furcithetI or uIlfttrnlMlte,1. Central ; ; errnnnc nt ; referenevt4. I' . O fox 781 , CIty. 1'-.157-17' FtTItNISIIEI ) hottw' , gind ; beat ton.Vi1t not Iceep bonrdeL. Itest refet' ines and glinran t et' t U keuj pro ) ( ' ' ' I ti fll ( ( ' 0 a- ( litiflhl. 222 Board of Trade. J.-2O 17' TVO roonu with loard in private uitnfty until Ott' 1 , In a ( letdrnl)1e location. for , gentlenian tT1(1 anil lO ) , ' , Al(1r'e , with Particillars. . V 52 , Itee. 1-2$1 17'G ' ; _ i'A'l1'lC Storage and W'ar&louse Co. , SOS- 510 Jones , general torago a rut furwnrdi.g OM. Yen & 3trnge ) , 1511' . F'trn'in. 'rei1'O. ! M-26 I . % ' .tNT1l-'I'O lillY. IF. YOU arc In flcPd ( If ; Lnythlr.g try thc \\'ant Columns (3 f'I" .c lice ; they will bring ytt hat you w'i.nt. N-SG7 . s-- ' CI1EAI' 2d-hand . - nkyclea.Omaha III. cycle Co. N-MSII 22 1 . . I WANTIOL ) , good ter.nnbout 1.250(01.7cM ) each ; miIt be clt'1) for cash. Call 51 ) Nein street , Coun i ulucfs. N-io 17 FAJ1i\llOflS , highe ' Price paki for halter eggs , prin ch' ckens , etc. ilotel Botile : vzird , 20th & i Ave . N-141-22 \VANTEI ) to b , ty , Itivatid chair. one ( ha t can he propel ILMI hV lUVnhIl ; give .lesert tlon and Pric . It. It. Miilet , Kearney. Net ; N-MiSt-IS' DRIVING I j5itSF , and fresh Jersey cow- : niut 1C All right and 1)ar7ttIn4. L"rnnl 1 Jones St. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N-I62-17' w'ANTlOr , to hay a. geol "Itegina" musI box ; in t4t he In gornl condition niul cheap Aldre ) S ii 48 , 13cc Office. N-M211 IS' DRY ( JOOtS , ( 'hthttlg or vencral nierchan : itoORu 512 Brown 131k , N-21S 17' 17'R volt MtI.lI-PUll'i'1 U1tr. ittrt : sale at a tatrgnln. 00 pillows and 5C ; . /ninttreSSe4 ; nn\v pilloSv , 25 cents up ; 5CV I mattrese. 75 cents up. lbs-b Dodge. I ( ) -M 112 Jy25 I T\VO dressers , titree rockers , one dtntn 17 - room tolile six chairs , all otk. : S. t L Caa1 , 519 16th. O-t1oo 17 -'.the furniture of a 6-roor n hotise ctnnlec ( for Itousekeeping. Aptl y 2G12 Seward St. 0-204 ii' t 501t SlII-llltM1iS ( , " .VAONS , lO'l' ( t 12 I'ASSIINGEIt wagon ttc , 2 good pha ( ; : tons. 1.O tiiiit $85 ; fa'ntly carriage , lcathc ' top , $50 ; good trap , Is : , ; surrey , brand nov ' , 9o , Druminond Carriage Co. . iSth and 11nrne . . I'-M574 Jy17 v ' - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ft CAISLOA1) hIgh grade , meiltum price ( I buggies. Special tidtzceflieiits f . yti C ) huy this week. Crawford Co. , 1311 Jonc s St. - JOTiCE-On Monlny , July 18 , at 10 octocl . the entire stock of carriages , taiggles an all other tiiaterlats ieloaging ) toVlllltl [ fl tlnytler vilt lai 501(1 ( at sheriff's stlo : tt 1119 Ilarney St. 1'-'JSS 17' - 'ORSALfl-C.entlo horoo and surrey. A 1- drest4 U II , lice. 1'-IIS 17' - - - - : --i-i- lurse. lIarne4s Rfll tilutetol - cln'ap ; great tmrgalii ; or wilt Hell hors ; ' . , or Phaeton scpaiitte. Aildress iT 50. 1k a. .1 .q 1'-2.lO 17' F'lt S.l.lI-t1MCFiLLAIIOUS. iiT cut prices on hog anti ioIttr3 ( one - C , Sawdust ( or t1WOing hoot's , etc. Tel. 4 is , 601 Douglas , Q-GI - - . L _ . .rJ71A'j' hirgitin four Ii to 10-hole ste el ranges for hotel or rcstuurant ; t o I : mm valid chairs ; xntIt be nlti. 1410 Dodge. f I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q-M072 Jy17' _ I ten tt.1.1'.A.N.S. for 5 con i H at druggists ; ono gives relief. Q-525 . L ) osessins , in 1)0th ) ( Ito en St nini 'esI , iii fl1I1) ftrxo , with nearly l0 ? i'liO t tgrahIt % Ic relrod ) act to ns of tin' A : en it , tfli Slt n Is It na vtes , unva I commit a I : ers , etc. Alt ( or 23 c"nts , itt 'I'Iie 11 tm 0111cc. I C ard.rvi by malt , nddress Na' cy Pt t ) togro till Dciart ) nen t. Oiin tin I Ice. - . 1tAV1I2floIniflgton typewriters that 1 will sell cheap. Frak E. Zdoores , (21 y halt. - - ltIl hawit fences ; nil vtre ; is best.'lro ' ! VoriS , 14th and I iurney. ' , : ion lflNIS mineral vatcrs. Shermuti dcC'nititeht Drug Co. , 1517 1)odge S . , Ornaiui. Q-MUSJ - 'COT & mattress for $1.50. Lewh. 1414 Dodi : ; - . ( -.O Jy2 - IITAMI'S , ( 'OiNS-llotigttt , o1d.Morte a- son. 401 N. iGth. 0 _ _ _ _ FOIt S4LF , tinttIi Premier anti 1iemlngt on typewriter : becon,1 hand. ' 1'ypevrltt 'rs reiitel ntl reatrcd. .1. J. 1)erlglu & ( ' 0. , 1 116 1'nrniint tt. Q-"dSSl A S - - - i'iii'.t"1SS ; ) Jersey biii * , Price lOW 0 uti dehIvet'd free to any Phtt iii Netrnsl , :01. : v. 14. Randall , Dtincan. Neb. Q-M17S 17' - P1'ACIil'.i4. srito ( or tIIt'uoVorc4t ! I lilt FruIt Farni , FahI City. Neb. . Q-1S-1 7 - - - Ii7ltN1STiA111Fltptano. largest si ze \ ( an'y vittttL 1ilgget Iarg&Iin & iii zei , . piano. 211 So. 15th St. Q-M211 I 9 } lFOR to land iig"tt Ii ; ; - ' h'-iul i.II to ttcnnir Itros. , hinstin git' . Nub. . Put ) ) tsii C rb a iui get ' 'I .it ad A titm i'ocket ( 'OHIIflI$4IOfl Conirdet Ilook , ' 100 1)ltKes. CUUPII'd law 1807. Send for su In- Plo sheet. Q-223 I 7 - UiIttCAl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1.A1)t1S , if you can't tell u doctor yt nir troubhi nittiress I' . 0. Box ( .9 , Oinu ha , Neb. . for InformatIon. M-S9S A I4ADhlIS CttIctc5ter5 % i'ngtlsht Ponuy.o ) . ; ; i I'll Is ( Din inoud bru nil ) a re I ho bes t ; si ute , I ci mule . In k no ot titt ; selul 4e st ii iii Ills , for particulars. " ' ' "Ihilef for Litdles , in letter t)3' rturit itinil. at .lruggists . , C 'itt- iliet't ir CJicnhittt _ 'o. , l'httuUviphta , 1' a. tiSC11hlAf7Oh1i. $ TW lNTY.rIV)1 ) c'nt with buy the' 1stst ti tlhjItcation IliustrtLlng the 11 , 8. nfld S nitnish ntt'le , nnvl cominanilers , nte , , a lmost 2cM ) photogrnphte reproductions , w ith a large mr * of the Enst and West I ndies , at the office of Thn lIce , If or- ti ered hI' mutil. address Navy 1'hotornph D eieurtrnent , Omaha flee. lt-870 ( 'Oy NTRACTOltS-ltlds wonted On WOjO ) y nrds ( 'Onni t'xcnvntten , Iend ( or stied- fl cntlons. a. V. ' . MCCoy , : it East 13th St. , l 'ortlnnd , Ore. It-M112-1i SQ l1AItll Steinway Piano for rent ; $2A' a m onth. 212 So. litti St. it-210 17. - - - - CLt iht'tYAXTS. LO ST nrtlcles found ; missing friends t rnecd life readings ; lucky telts. , 611 N. 2 0th. 13-MSSS 30' t1SAHI , ItA'1'hl , ITC. LA URA Elilson , 110 N' . 16th ( upstnlr'.i ) , r oem 12 ; Turko-ItUMSlfln nn(1 Pinhlt halt'S , m assage. T-2G7 JyiS' SU I'F71t F'bIJOtJS hair moles , etc. , lormap n ently removed by eectricIty referencS. Mrs. Cron'n , pec1ahIst , r. ii ) Creighton t ilk. lr-t52 31) ) IIAb 'i'IIS , Indies only. Mrs. l'orter.203 Doug. b ik. 'r-M6S9 . .9 MI 1S. DR. I.FON , electric inassngutmth P arlors ; restful aitti curative. 417 5. hut , u Pstairs , T-M92u 17' M AUI ) STU1tT of Cijiengo , bath and massage Inrlor. 1622 Douglas , room 10 , i lushirnan block. T-MS7 19' i : liF7. SMITh. his i' . 15(1 , St. , hot spring _ _ _ $ (1 vapor baths. T-063--'IS' M lDICA'rlI ) baths , rniissngc : nto vapor b aths. Mnie. lit'issofl , front l'nrls. 107 N. 1 2th. T-M12S All' All'd 1'IIIISONl. . VI AVI CO. , 3411 lIce building. U-530 $10 $ 'ItUPTUItIO cured for 30. No detention f rom business ; 6 years In Omaha. Call 0 1' wrIte for circulars. Empire Itupturo Cure , 932-933 New York Life bldg. , Omaha , Neb , U-Ill D ATIIS , massage. Mmc. Post , 319t.4 5.16th. A LAflGE Map of the World , one of Cuba ahtit tunottier of the entire W'cst Indies , showing Cuba , I'orto Rico , Iiayti , San 1)omingo Martinique and all the other ' West lmItnn 1slands 10 cents , at The 13cc ofhlce. hiy mail , 14 cents , Address Cuban Map Dept. , Omahallee. 1.1-868 Y FLLOWSI'ONtil Nntional l'nrk , cheap company excursions , Write for circular. A. Lycun , Cinnabar , Mont. - . U-M251-JyZP L ADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. 1'O.t,7194 S. 15th. . U-.53 ( G ET your 1iocs half-soled ntnl heeled while you , % % 'lIIt 15 minutes , for 50 cents.Vorlc guaranteed. 711) N.IGth St. U-291-Jy22 A GREAT physIcian's cure for sexually V weak men for $1.O0 particulars 2e , Box : Omnha. U-732 A4' - - _ 11 0W to become lawful Ihysiclans , low- yers , dentists or pharmacists. Lock box isr , Chicago , U-M763 AG'V I IliES cuirod lit 7 to 10 clayi , without patti : 000 treatnc'nt does the work' call or senil for circulars. The Empire I'Ile Cure , 532 New York Life building. U-2itDiS P IANOS tuned , 1.I0. Rose , 1521 Dodge. 777-AG' 777AG'I M ATTtIMONIAL--Strangers ; ladIes aol I gentlemen feeling the need of congenla companionshIp call at our pleasant rooms ; beet our unenThers and feel at home Itoom 1 , 520 S. 13th St. U-TiISGG A12 W 'ANTED , one or two small children totaln : entire chuurge of. For particiitirs , wriU 3 Mrs.Vheelock , Box 31 , rhoinpson , Neb 13-163 17' - I3 USINESS Sian desires hitihy partner , with nientis In legitimate proiltable tiusiness estabIlhied seven years ; no risk.t 46 , lice : [ 3-170 27' E LDERLY. well proserveil , genial gentle maul ; 12,000 tinnutally , seeki suitable corn panlon ( or balance of life. Mr. Jerome 209 F7 Ii St. , N. Y. U-169 17' 17'M " .MAItRY-Now : llan ; no $5 fee ; inember s'orth $100 to $100,000 ; private list. IOc ; son t. sealed. It , 1. Love. Denver , Cob. " U-1GS 17' - R IIFINED. Elderly lady , real estate alu meatis , $250,000 ; large expectatIons ; alon in the world ; looks for marital happines : in devoteil htiband. 'Syrnijuthette. ' ' 13 E GSth St. , New York. U-ia 17' - A KIND and considerate Amerlcali ; lnrg 0 means : spiendid business , yielding inconi f $35,000 annually , will marry true hearted loll ) ' o tiuct. "Admiral , " 135 It . 65th St , , New York. U-166 17' 17'i MATRIMONIAL MAGNE'P , publishe ; i monthly ; price , lOc : securely senieth ; stir ' PassIng others In style , variety and cool : Pleteness of descriptioti ; its columns con tnbn many wealthy , Iniluential member ; from every statitimi III the unton. Mrs. t . J. Slerritt , 135 E. 65th St. , N. Y.U16517' U-16517' irMMElt SC'h1OOI ; ; rtvate lessntw , $5. ( 10 - Per term ; stnte brunettes of study desire , i'uidi'css U 47 , lice. U-164 17' 17'i NUD in art , taken from nature , 16 beaut i : tub colored pictures alt nude , 25e prepak Freiu'h Art Co. , 62S Locust St. , Phile L- , lelphlo. U- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - LADIES-\Vo have thi greatest novelty if the year : a leather belt which support ifS t ho sk I rt i-i t Lb e muck , proven t I ii g I Ii e lot a hOrn sagging. 'I'o Introduce our go.di w , vIli nitI1 you a luindsomn , , seal grain hal t bineit and stitched niI covered luckbe , f'S 70 ceiltS , silver or Sittinhis , ititil the mmml 'S auth nddresscs of tin Imutbes.'rtto quite Ic and give waist muemusure. it.Varren Si Co. , 155 Washington St. , Ciiicao. u-is : ; 17' - \ \1iN In the city tie not fail to call onti ) e 01(1 ( reliable ? dntrmonial limiremmu , whe you are sure to meet ; deasnnt faces , ma ) many agreciublo mtcmttmiitntnmues , have imice , soclol ( line amid possilily meet yom ( 'olnlHnion for life ; rerncnmtor ) the pine 0 , 211 Karbach block. U-215 17' - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lONJ0Y 'I'O LO.tN-IIIIAL , ESTATII. V - \\N'FJD cholco fmmrmn nod city loans. I It. l'etcra & Co. , U. S. Nat' ) Batik Bldg. W-53 L . pec1al fimnil to loan on first do 0't improved Omaha property , or for bull ding - ing purimoses. Fidelity Truat Company. W-52E _ $1,000 multi tmpvmuriis to henri on improvi ; ; j imrPI'rtY. \V. Farnam Smith & Ca. , II 0 Fnrnmtmfl St. G I'EIt cent city nuil form 1oan. Gar' ; - hiros.,1013 F'itrnam St. Gar'I I - ANTUONYL0an & Trust Co. , 315 N , V. I ' ( Itilek inommey itt low rates for choice tar : ma lands in losva , Northern Missouri. Eat , t _ em Nebraska. ) _ _ lonn on improveil Omaha r al estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 5. 16th , 5 ½ PERcent mono' . liernis , Paxtoo1 iii : - - - MlL11ONS eastern money for investmem : it. : seiii for circulars , Investors' Directol . . N. Y. 71 - ONE V 'I'O I.O.tS-ciI.tT'rII LS. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $10 'I'O S10OU 'I'O LOAN ON IIOl'Si'il bold ) ' ' " ' 1'UItN'I"l'ITItFI AND P1 A- NOS. ilOltSFiS'AOONH AND ( 'Alt - IIIAG ES , WA itEl IOUSFI ltEJl ! l'T1 , etc. , at tumwem't r.tu's in Omaha , Bout a Omaha itimil Council IlIuM Ti , . No removal of joodmu ; strictly conlidcntl sI ; you , cmiii pay ( lit , loan oft at itmi ) ' time 01. lit any tiniOullits. OMAhA MORTGAGE LOAN ( ' 0 , . lOuI South 16th SI 'P1117 OLIlST. LAflGEHT ANt ) ONLY I N- ( 'OiIPOitATED LOAN COMI'ANY IN OMAhA. X-54 2tbONItY loaned salaried neople hmoidi permanent positions , with resporist blo eouecrflhi upon their OWn name. vitbi nit security ; easy tauwments. Toimnu , ' 706. N. 't . I.ifo bldg. X-5l Ii - - - SlIItThitNl ) ANI ) 'l''i'lIY1ll'VlN ; - VAN SANT $ Fchooi , 717 N. Y. Life. 'I ' school whose stutlente get en-iployme ; : Conducted bY mutt experienced reporter 16 - ATOMA1IAIIUB. College. 16th & DougiIl aB. Il 57 . - - - - - - - V - I3IIOIIT-IIAND , up-to-date , taught by urt teVqrttt : , JIo.1cti' i3CtlQOi , 4034-7 13cc hIl dg , 6 l hlL'S1lSS CltANCl0. \V ANT1ti-tt intert Itt rooll btislnes , S tate full particulars , Address T 10 , lIce. Y-341-16' V QU ICK , clean printing , Tel. 1316. 1610 Ccms V-475.Jy.1S' AT exposItion grounds , a fine hotel ; what tim uve you to exchange ? Call Saratoga h otel , 24th and Ames. Y-M9S3 1.o fl RENT , 20 by SI ) ft. room with base- mr ont , It desired , in Avocu , Itt , liest ho- r ation in thwn of 2,000. in Opern house bl ock ; as there Is no musIc store in city It % s'ouid tici it fine opening for somethIng o f that kind. Address A. I1oogevonlng , . voen , Ia. Y-Ml09 17 _ DI1 UG stock and bmiilching ; will require close to 3OO0 cash ; southeost Nebraska : full p srticuln's by malt , 4'uhdress U Ott , 1.1cc. Y-MIO6 17' - DI taooDs : Bankrupt stock , $5,500. Cot- s tsts of welt assorted staples , furnishings sa a nd clothing. Wilt discount for ensit. W ould consider part clear hand , U 24 , B ee. 'Y-Mlll 17' ro n SALI2 or trade several valuable p atents , models of which may be seen In t hio oflIca ilt Sues & Ca , , patent cxIwrt , 1 lce fling. , Oninha , Neb. Y--M13l 17' FO Il SALl-0nty lintel in ( alt' sized town ; l arge transient busIness , with , good lIne o f regular boarders. Excellent reasons for 'nnting to etl. i'rlce reasonable. Au- ut res .A. 11. Denison , Etmsvood , Cas' Co. , Nob. Y-173-17' FO It SAtd'-On4m of time best huitcher sitops I n Ollmaha ; everything t'uimnpiete ; good to- C fltIOfl vill lie solil Ch'iii , if token itt oI nce , Good reason for selling. Address I T 32 , lIce chico. Y-lS3-17 $15f DIVrDEND on every $100 in''stincnt f or hufltivt'ek ; iroved by sworn Stale'- meat ; invest your money by the iiot j iertect system of litrE spcutltittoii in cx- I stence ; ( neil , testeil nod iiro"ul iractIcahI I nfallible ; vt , have iievcr failed a'tl1g IL d ividend nor ever iot. $1 far any client. h landbcnp on nil races $30 weekly. Seitil f or lrosiecttms , National Turf Investment Co. , 167 Dearborn St. , Chicago. ' -I72 17'F $ IO ItEAL1ZES about $2 lrotlt weekly ; $101) m akes $27 veekly ; tll is our a\'erngo r ecord ltmce January : scud for cIrcular. Barrett liros , & Co. , 17 LaSahie St. , Ciii- engo , Ill , Y-171 17' STl AItT a mail order business at your own l imme. l'artIctilmut's free The Ormotid Co. , Meltoso l'ark , iii. Y-179---17' CO NCESSIONS and prIvileges for sale for Long Pine Chautauqua : 12 days sessIon , J nly 22 to Auguist 2 ; 4 specIal excursions ; 5 ,000 1)001110 Ofl grounds ; tulsa for tTodern Woodmoli of America Log Itoillng pleiile , , Im imly 27. at Arlington , Neli. Call or miul- m irese C. It. Clover , 302 Icnrbnel , block , Omaha , Nob. Y-18l-17 L ANDS and stoclcs : 240 acres , flue farm , lg tlchardton : Co. , $11,100.00 ; $15,000.00 stock g eneral merchandise. good btiIni' auth i neatietil $1,000.00 to $1,500.00 stock of , nll- lt l ltiery , line business. good room , No. 1 t owii nod location ; hue farms amid ranches Other property In Nebraskn , Kansas nuid t ime vest. Vt'rite me ; money to bait on l ands lui S. E. Nebraska : mortgages bought. Henry C. Smtth , Fulls City , Neb. Y-1SI-17 $1 50 INVESTED earns .75 ImeT cent weekly. Estatihisliem ) 21 cIties. Third year. r'iirtlc. tulars free. D Sloane , 110 St. Paul , BoltI- more. Mu. 'tV ANT to correspond immedIately with re : : l iable man reslillng itt geol , Iowa or No. braska town who desires permanent 1)051- : tion at $70 per month anmi can Iiuv'st $270. Stable business. Office furnished. Address - dress CimoIt & Ostien , 'ill. Board of Trad iiuulldIng. Y146I7'V O NII of the largest , oldest and most proflt- able haunhrles in Chicago ; $ l3)00 ( ) cash ri' uIred ; satisfactory reasons for scilbog , A'1dre's ' ' 0 30 , care Lord & 'l'homtmmt , Ciii- : cage , Ill. Y-202 17' _ _ Partner wanted with $2,500 and sorvlcea ; Chlcogo factory : iunniense tie- mattel for goods ; geol prctllts : no debts no dull season : iife.tlme 'beisiness. Au- dress 704 Fishier bldg. ChIcago. Y-201 17' $3 r,5.oo-n' our conservittive and iumvinclbh ; juan many homes are tile recipients e : f fortune's golden shower and enjoying L continuous Income In pruortlon to itmnoun ot capItal Invested ; $355.00 realIzed In on , week : write for PartIculars. Golden .5 Co. , BaltImore Bldg. , ChIcago. Y-197 17 M ERCHANDISE stocks for sale ; dry good ; and clotlmtng stock In Iowa ; dry goods clothIng , furnIshIng goods , hoots an , i shoes. Central Iowa ; hardware stock western lo'a ; hardware ittock. northieru Town ; cash nntl goe,1 , real estnte take them. For further vartlculnrs , write flo 114 , Omaha. Y-213 17' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - F OR SALI2. grocery , saloon , meat market restaurant. rooming house , dry geo,1 , stock , real estate all kinds. floom Ii Brown Biok. Y-217 17' ; : ; i have real cstate or merchmandls C to trade vail room 512 Brown Block. Y-216 17' _ - w YOU want to buy. soil , trade or ron anything call room 512 , Drown Block. Y-219 23' - FOR SALE , whole or half interest In centrally trally located saloon anti restaurant ii Council Bluffs. Good mono ) ' for next si : months. Address L. II. , Bee office , 'otto cli Bluffs. Y-227 17 FOR SAL.E 011. TRADE , team anti two : scated buggy , for single horse and bugg ) Old Nebraska feed stable , 16th and Lea . : enworth StS Z-264-30' FOIt SALE or trade , tine sheep ranch , we grmisseul . , well watered , well Imnprove \\.ili exchange for Omaha residence ) prol : city or ( aria Immnd FLint tussurno or 1)0 cash difference. Call forenoons or nil chess A. Burley. 616 N. 22d St. , Omaha. Z-171 17' WANTED. to trade real estate for furnl ture. 4\idress U 49 , lIce , Z-220 17' : 1011. SAIdO-ltlIAI..ES'I'A'l'Iii. FOLLOWiNG desirable property : busine ; lot corner , 60x130 ft. , in So , Oumiaha , javc't ] lusineums lot. 60x150 ft. , improved , Sout I : Ornalma , street pavei. , Tract (21 ( lots ) , 36th St. 'fnict (20 lots ) , 70th St. - For inurticulal's ajijily 1012 Farnam St. IIOUSES , , mails , iom' ; also : - 0 ' insurance , licunis , l'axtoa blo'1o. --lIE-Ill - ] IES'l' farun near Omaha at half appraise d value , John Sizer , 2502 libondo at . . Omaha. RE-ISO July29' ii ; vE yon sonto lots to soil ? Now is ti : to - timno to tiistosO of them ; let the lt'OP 0 knuL' that you want to disposu ( it ( lien Li. 'I'tme lIce reaches time people st'ho himuve tt to noIY. BE-IGS ! _ _ - VOlt 3AId' , desirable residence lots. 121 "V 130. in lIrst-clarmt locatIon ' ten minute : 5' vaik ( remit court houc ; cheap for casi ' 3. Address 0 61. lice , 1IE-M707 ; oo.oo icoit 6 fulI-sizedlotson electric ci ur line. J. M , Fi'enzer , OPIL old P. 0. Itl.-t17112 - FINE business Iiroflertynnui residence cor 0- iIn ed , vlth , gooul t rail o , I a a Ii tie t oivn it , ciii ) izty you to Investigate ; on motor 11mm La , U 37. lice. 11E-P14 17' ior SALE , the following desIrable pro - erty vIhI ho oit1 almost at your ut .n mrlco : S. E. cor. 11th anti Farnmtmn , 8 , m' vor. Park ave. anti I tickory , 5V. . cc a . 15th itnil Dorcas (2 ( houses ) , hart lot I ' ' lIoek , 3. Xouintzo's 3d ( beisiness IroPerth : Look tills uup uii,1 submit catuiu offer ; no ieuutmotiiuhltm offer refused. Wm. 1. l'ott , itecelver. 1E-MSS6 21 j _ - A FINE little ( turin , 'l't'o utiles ( mmii Valley , contaIning 40 acres , with llrnt class Imlirovcneuls , , c ir- climurds , fences , tiuildtnga , etc. A most d It'- utiriuble property mmliii client ) at $2,400. ' 1' lie o .vnet tvili ttmke Omaha imroleruy as Lrt hairnent. FIDELITY TRUST CO. , 1st Floor N. Y. Life Iildg a , ii. I'AYNlO. Pres. 11. 11. IIAItDEII , Seo'y. RE-Mb : _ . atiti ftiij lot , no ar Paved Street ; good neighborhood : $ lJ 4)0 . ' 12 , lIce. 1E-M136 22 ' - - FOR S4Ll1 , Imouse amid out buatlclings at 1911 So. 27th St. ; also 2 line cowa. . R17-142.1S ' IitiALJ7 or trade , unencumliered gi Lit. - t'dgo Omaha property to exchiinge for N.V. . Iowa ( arm lamid ; land niutat be " 1" Address ' 1. ' 41 , lIce. 1111-187.1 7 - Ci1EAl17ST lots in Omaha , SoxitO feet , wo iiocks trout caa' line attn is minutes' r : itli down tott'am : turbo. 2Xt-l0 cash tumid $ a month. Byron IS , hastIngs , 212 5. ithl St. It1'-Q't 1'oIt : 'iAll1-il12Ala 1IS't'fi. V ( _ - 4110 NOItThi 2Sth avontuo , 6-room eoutge , ne arly new , cIty water. large lot , fc $975 $2ea 71 cash , stiul mouithly I'tYllieflta ( 'of $1t ea ch : no Interest. The Byron fle1 (2am. p any. 111121)8 17 laosT. LO ST. gents golu1wnt , rnsticm by .Tames IC ahlu , , No. 10100' left In closet at Union P iuelflc depot ; lbtural ( reward for return to 1. ' . P. tIcket e'tlie. LOST-.799 LO ST. Forester's gold rneuFal , nmrmrkeml " Comp 120 , MoberanOt1tv en of ttner- le a. " ltetuirn tot' reward. C. II. ' 1' . ilk' . i ) eul , 1217 Jackson. Lost-121 17'a LO ST. if you , find black cocker SpanIel , Jua ust becut clippeti from shoulders tacik , a nsL'orn to name of ltthbers , brIng hint to 11. 11. Sprague (2o. , raem' of 11th natti F arnrtm St. , and receive reward. Le'tt-M127 1. LOti ST , Saturdtuy nft'rno'ni niatlumee , Creigh- ti m thenter , lady' s bre' ' wit hocketbodC , cliii- ta ming cmnntutat'tmut , 'expisltlon , ticket No. 31 63 , $2 or $3 in sIlvt" , cords namil paIers ; re ward for return to Milton itogers & S oum , 14th utial 1"mtrttn mu. Lost-233 17 LO ST , n. jmniu' of derutihe-howed smeetaele h etweeli ittiukly's uv.l 1 lztydeuis. Itewitril f or return to MrH. S. 11. lIlils , l'itxtoui h otel. Lost-221 17' LO ST , between 1'th avenue cur 1it , , ( ' ouuuiell I ittiTs. num ( I aie'.t' Ihmrlliigloti ulepot. O namthai , t'ohl ' of ii money. Llberaul retraril f or mine. AItlress M. B. , care' Daily 11cc' , C otluicll 'iiuiffs. Lost-2S 17 'Vt ) t' NI ) . T1 K EN t l1'-'O , lilnek von' tt'itlm horns. i letiferd LIotel. . , 33rd anti l'itmkney. iountl-15-l7' = - - - - - - 'i'i'ivlt1'1'lhls. ! J'Y 1'i1V1t1T1'i'itS' for rent , $4.00 ier month. T hu Smftit-'rornler TyPew'riter Co. , 1627 F arnani St. . ; Telephone 12S1. ( .54 1tE M1NG'rG I3tanulartl 'l'ypewrlter mund it Ui)1)lICs. , 1619 Farnaun. 12i-A14' _ _ _ _ _ - IIICYCI.11S , N EW' wht'ls$10 to $25 ; sccondhmrtnd whmeei , $ 5 to $16. Omaha llIc'eie Co. , 16 & Chlcngc ; 552 - - - - - - 1'A'VflhlOtCl1ltS. . , II. MAIOW1TZ loans mooney. 41S N. 16th , 553 FUItNITIIIIII t'.tClChilI ) . V M. S. hVALKLIN , 2111 Cuuning. Tel , 1131. -$5 S'l'IIN OC 1ttP1L II ItS. . W' lI OLIClT anti turnlsh positIons fem stenographers free , 'l'ie Sunlth-l'remiei Typewriter Co. 'l'eleplmonc i2Si. 559 I STA'i'UAJt.'t' . . A llTrSTIc fintures , ornaments. Cionnella , t C : Co. , 317 S. 10th St. 269-Jy-21' 269Jy21'F CAItItI.tGJl 31AliIN ( . V. K A11BAC1I& SONS. 1312 Howard. Tel , 1102 . -51 226-3 2'20 - . AUCTION. J MAXCY & C. , nuetloncers , room 41 ( Karbach block , cant ynuim' auction sale S of real estate , merchandise , furniture , liv 0 stocks , etc. -550 - _ ' ' ' ' ' STAMMIIItING tNl ) S'I'U'F'I'IOILlNC. - S CHOOL for cure of tlieaa defects. Jull : It E. Vaughan , 803 N. Y. Life bldg. M-S1O AS' VIOLIN MAlINC. . C . A. CASES violins repaied. .116 Sliecly 1111 " : - 122-A14 - ' ' ' ' I1LEC'i'1tOl'Yl'lNC. . i- i- : . STARK & CO. . ' 1110 Dodge. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -M451-Jy27 ' . ' - SUES&CO. - 7'SUES&CO. . ( is Bee' luldg , Om h , Neb. I Send for our fr"e itmvci t- - . ors Gmiltie. _ T 2Fine farms , near . Sutton ; Neb. - - One 240 acres , One 320 acres. Corn , 200 acres of wheat. 120 Acres. Good houses , _ _ _ _ One barn , 44x68. EHI Winter Wheat , U : Acres , . Corn , Plow Land , g . . Acres. Acres. - - _ _ _ _ _ 5 ' -ia nfl ' C.l U 'e. Pasture , = GO Acres. V . w. Carloclc , No. 1116 Karhach nih , - . - _ For an up-to-date Western Newspaper Read. The Omaha Bee - - NO'f'ICL'7 'I'O ( ; It.tlIIltS. - NOTICE TO G1tAIEIIS. omce ( if County Clerk , Douglas Count 9' . Nebriusku ; St'iiic'ti lwoiosils ; tvili be receiveml itt 11' us 0 111cc taIl to 12 , ) 'eloL'k , noon , 5lomiimuy , A u- io tuitt 15 , iSIS , for titm gradIng of 20,000 ym' ' i' uh h o n roati 13 i 1 , ru a mm lag soul t Ii froiui t tic , L' . I' . I t. It. ur.cks , in time 'Iijiuj.i' of 1'7llmhorn to t In southwest road ( ( 'cuter lltL't't ) , lieu am ; o n time tvest lIne of section 7-18-19 anti I otyimmihiji II , rituiga Ii . in accordance WI t ime rolI be a 11(1 ( 5IceI Ii cmi t Iott i n t hmo cm ifl Ce ( If ( lie cc.unty surveyor of Iouglaa coumni ' Nebraska. : J'Suctt bid must lie accompaitied ly' a. cer l ied check for $25.00 , lImYabit lii time , order of t ime cotunt5' cleric , iuitil iiuhitre'ssed to I lie h oard of Couuity Commlsmtlou'u s , entlou's t'tl ' 'Proiosmm1 a to r grIul I ng. ' ' 'I'll C I ion u d of Coummunisslommers re'aez'ves time right to ro met any and mll bids. D , 51 , IfAVF7RLY , County Cleric Omaha , Nob. , Jull' 10. 1598. J17t129 I : - NOT1CI'TO GIIADEI1S. 0111cc. ' ) f Couumty Cleric , Douglas Couni ly , NeblIubka : Seiuicd i > rcposluls tm'Iii be receive,1 at tI ti'4 oltlce tti ) to 12 o'clock , noon , Monday. A iu gust 15 , P98. for tluc grunting ( , t 5(100 ( ) 'Ihi , out roiuul CS , ii , begi tmni mm tm' met time itt te'rsecu I "ti with road 73 13 , in section 21 , townshIp It , riunge 12. ruurmnlng west to tIle inhltile , II ne of section 19. townshIp 16 , riummgc' 12. In a a'- ' vortinnen with t he itrottbo antI atpectiliittlc as in the otilce of lho coumuty uiuu'veyor of Douglas count ) ' , Nebroslca , Ilmuchm biti molust lie aceonii'auileui ' by a COP lli'tl cheek for $25.00 ' , Iaul'muhmlIl In the art tl ( of tlam county clerk , antI initlresse,1 to I lincu ml of Cotinty Cornmissionc'ra. cuidoti it'tb "I'ropoaitls for grauling. " 'i'iutm 13otmti or CoinunlsiIouuei a' rc'ueuVea ( Ito a'ight to ieJ ( 'Ct OilY amid all bids , D. 51. IIAVIIRI.1 , Cotunty Clcr5 Omaha , Nob. , July . 16 , 1591. Jl7tl2 It NO'I'iClI 'l'O alt/IDl11IS. ' Ofllco of County Clerk , 1)oiighaa C'oun : Nebraakiu Hemuicit proposals it'll ) be received at I olhice up to 12 o'clock , noon , Monday. . / u. gust 15. I5'S ' , ( or tit graullmig of 1Ot yn : on roimil 103 13 , lmegiimnliig on time S .11. cnn icr of sectIon 2.i6-hl , running' west to the ni Id- die lIne , t ? c'ctInn 30 , tOWIISI1II , 16 , riutige 13 , im uccotIitTieO , with the itrof.le . amid 14)11 ) flintIons In the oIihce of Ilium county u ; . : veyor of Douglas counts' , Neli. Each imiul must l'n ' imeCOmflhmliflIi ( ii' it eel rh - fled check for $23.00 PCl'auiitm to tile order time county cleric , and admlresseil to ( i ( Ilomirti of Coulut ) ' coumimisslommera , entlor sed "Proposals ( or grading. " The board Couumty ( 'ommlssloners reserves ( lie riglmt V to reject Oat ) ' aumd all bids.D. . D. SI. 1tAV17jttY , C'ouu4l' ( 'torI IC. Omahm , Nob. , July 16 , 1893. iTd2 1 ItAI1.'A' TIMIl ( 'Alit ) . I IittflT.INaTON & 21118- ' court River ltailrosd-'Tiae nton Ituurllflgton 1toute'-Oeii. cml 0I11c'ee N. 'IV. Coruier P 1outh 'fenthm anSI iarnnuii Streets , I'Icket Oflher' , 1O2 1nrnmtm Street Telephone 250. 1)e- I I po t , Tenth an Mason Streets , Telephomi 123 . I Lexo. Arrive. LI r'eoln. hastings a nd Mccook . . . . . ' 8:35 : am ' 0:33 : am LI ncoln , Denver , ( "olornlo , Utah , C alifornia , lhlack Ellis , Montana & IL' 'uug't olItiti . . . . . ' I .5 pm ' 4:00 : pm L' neoln Local . . . . . " 7:00 : pun " 7:40 : ini Li ncoln Fast Mall. ' 2:53 : pin " 11:40 : nun De nt'er , Colorado , Utah , CalIfornia a nd PUget Sound ' 11:65 : pm ' 11:55 : inn DalIy. "I.tily except. Suamlay. . - _ CITY , ST. JO. B urirton aeph & Council fliulfrmi ltaIh. reaul - "Time himurlingttin Itouto"-Tlcki't 0111cc , 1502 II auth Farnan : Street. 'relephione 250. Depot , Tenth antI Slii. soil Streets. 'relembono 128. Leave. Arrive. I 1 ansa City Day Expres't . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:05 : am ' 5:40 : pin 1la mnmuas CIty Night I t xprcss . . . . ' . ' ' 11:00 : ptit ' 6:30 : an "E xlimsitlolt , 1iI1.C' : : St. Louts . . . . . . . . . . S 4:30 : Pitt ' 12:05 : pu a f or St. Joseph and , Dotli. ' . I JtT1CAO , IIUIILINfl'ON IB I B urLntun Quuluicy ItalIroati - ' ' 9 , ' ito I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Burlington itotttiY'-TIrJ ict I 0111cc' . 1502 1'nrmmmto Stmc 'et , I Eloute Telephone 250. DoItt , T nthm I anti Mason Stroetia. ' 3 ole. I lmimOUO 128. 128.Leave Leave Arrlivo , Ch Icago Vstlbti1ct'i Express . . . . . . . . . . . . S ; ; : cm3 Tim ' St0 am Ch Icago Express . , , ' 1h47 anm 4tO hut C hIcago & lIt. V LouIs Express . . . 7:45 : ImnI ' St 10 ant ( 'r es I a it lum'a , I . . . . . ' 4 :00 : 11mm ) 1m 15 luau , Pa cifIc JunctIon Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l1:55 : pm ' t 40 Pni F nt Stall ' II 50 Pitt C hIcago SpecIal . ' 12:05 : am ' 1L.5O pun V Daily. " Dully exenut Sunday. ChhlCAG0 & N0l1.TItlt'IIST. , erum ' 1tailtvmu'-CIty Ticket , 0111cc , 1 lOt F'au'uiaun Street. 'releimluotme .61. Deimot , aumd Stasout Streets. r ebe1thuoae , 629 Leave Arrive. D aylight Chicago Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6:40 : omit "n:55 : un : Sb . Vmmlley , soux ; City. St. Paul & Mutmmueapoltmt . . . . . . . S 6:10 : ant ' 10:45 : pm M o. Valley , SIoux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:45 : nan ' 9:00 : Pit-i B oone , Dennlwn , Council Ilituffs . . . ' 10:10 : pat ' ' 10:05 : amv E astern 11x. , Des Moines , Marshall. town , Cediur ilnp I lOs mund ChIcago. . ' 11:05 : am ' 4:20 : pur A tlaumtio Flyer , C1u1. AF cage amid Ermst. . . e 4:55 : pin ' 4:20 pur I F ast Mali , ChIcago to Onmalaa 3:15 tin N ortlierum Express ' 5:30 : pm 1.:40 : our O ni.-Cliicimgo Site- clal , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 6:57 : pm e8:25 : air Daily. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' ° 7 ' ELIIlO EN & , MIssouri 'Valley lIe iltvay- d' 1 Otlices , Unlteil I ' States NaUotal hiautk Bldg Soutlmwcst Cirner ' 'l'wolftl : a nd Fariiam Streets. 'ricket Oflice' , 1401 I F arnamul Street. 'l'ciephmone , 551. Depot F' ifteentlt and \Vebster Streets. .Delepiiono 1 , 458. Leave. Arrive B lade hIlls , lead- wood. hot Spri'gs 3:00 : utrn ' 5:00 : pit- V'omntng , Casper antI Dcaugba . . . . . . " 3:00 : pm $ ' 5:00 : it I lastluigmi , York. Da- 'Id City , Superlom' , Geneva , Exeter & Sewrrd . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 pm ' 510 ° pa N orfolk , Verdigr. and Fremont . . . . . " S:15 : ant " 10:47. : an L IncolnValmoo & 1'rentont . . . . . . . . . . " S:15 : ani " 10 : II am it ) "rcnimmt Local . . . . " 7:50 : am Y ork Passenger ' 6lOpm : , 9bio1ar : 0 Daily. lit-mit ) ' excclt , uimttay. " 'i L. d only."i' ay Daily . except SatAurda ) P. , " S. Daily eecett Monday. CHICAGo , hIT. PAU1Mfl' ' . : ilealmOlls & Omaha P.aliwit , -General Offices , N.brashe a I Dlvisicn , F'fteeat1i an d Webster St1'oets. Cit y ' rlcket 0111cc. 1401 1'arnrlm treQt. Tek i. p hone. 561. Depot , Fifteenth aridj Webstc mc S treets , TclcphQpe , 1.451.Leave. Leave. Arrivi C. S ioux City Accent. . ' 8:50 : am ' 8:35 : pu U S ioux City Accom , . " 9:50 : am i" 8:35 : pm a i liair. Euiut'ron , Sioux City , l'onca , llaruinnton auid iitooummtlc'Ici . . . . . . . . , ' 1:00 : pun 8i'1l : am S itmux City , Slaum- hate , St. Paul & Mluiuueapolls . . . . . . " 6:00 : pin . 9:00 am a Dully. " DaIly except Sunday. " " Suui L t' ' tay only. " Does not stop at DoSta v r Coffman. _ _ - SIOUX , itallroad - General OuiIeem , Baited States Natlont : Bautlc Builiiiutg , S. tV. k2ou lieu' Tw'eiftlm amid leeummi : a Street. Ticket 0111cc , 1401 llrurutaun t5'tte , t. TelebiuOfle. 561. Depot , 'l'euithi and , , himso Streets. 'roleplmone , 629. Leave. Arrlv 3 , SIoux City , Man- hate , St. Pauit , ' 6:40 : am 8:40 : am it Miututeapolis . . . . . . . * 5:30 : pm ' 10:43 : lit U Slouux S City Local. . . . 7:45 : am 9:00 : pm n Daily- UNION l'ACIFIC - - "Till ' : ; ' ( iverlintl itOuite'-jermeraI O ' u fmccs , N. tV. Coruieu' iumthi ito - ' Varumani Streets. Ctt.y _ , . ' . , ; OiI'ce , 1302 F'muriian , Stm.e t. ¶ , , . . Tcic'lmhoultm 216. Depot , Tent It : , , . and Mason Strcct. 'l'CiCVliofl 0 629. Leave , Arriy . " 0. "Time Overland Limnltctl" for 1)cui- , j ver , Salt Lake , and Western PU. . ' 7:10 : a , ' . 44 mit Time Ccloratlo Site- clal , for Lenver & all Coioractc , l"tS. 11.5 : pm , 6:40 : a " ' V L"ast Mall 'rrnlme for Salt Lake , Paciiln coact amid all westeru : poInts . , . 4:73 : pin 6:40 : am Lincotum. Ii'atg'ico & In Stromnsburg lOx , ' 5:00 : pm " 12:20 : p : In Fremotit , Colum- iuti , Norfolk , Gr'I , Jslauid & hoam'umey 4:33 ' : m 1220 : ITI Grand lslanl , . p Ex. . Smee ' S ' pao 'lI:20 : I ) : in DaIl' . DaIly exopt bunda' , outit Omaha Local JRSS.-LCIt'IOS ni. ; 7Oi ; ) a. at. ; 9:15 : It. m. 3:10 p. mu. , 6:15 : A a. : r- rives , 10:15 : a , am. ; 3:30 p. nu. ; tioo : p. in , Couutcil Iiimuffa Local-Lewu'ea , 5:55 : , . a m , C50 ; it. in. ; 7:1' : ) a. iii. ; Slu ; a , in. : 10:30 : :1 : , itt. ; Oml5 p. m. ; 4:35 : p. am. ; 5:55 : p. un.S2lj ; ; au. ; 10 :05 : ii , un. . ArrIves , tas ; i. i. ; 7 : 'im ' m. ; 8:35 : a. un , ; 11:30 : a. in. ; 3:10 : p. an - . 5:40 : i ) : p. m. : ons : m. : 30:4c : , , in. CHICAGO. IIOCKISLAN D - ' & Paeiiie Rnllromtd"j' ) uo ( iu'eat Itock lainumil , lout- ' . I Ticket 0111cc , II .B I l'nrniarim Street. Tele1ilioi to 4 S. Doimot , Tenth mum uti miIL5on Streets , Tolephiot me . , Leave , Arriv C. Rocky MountaIn Limitcd , east . . . . . 130 am ' 1:25 : a m Rocky Mountain LImited. w'et . . , . ' 5:20 : am 5:15 : a Chicago & lit. Paul Vestibtaled 11 x - press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SQO pm 1:25 : p m Lincoln , Coloratlo Sun umgs , I 'mieblo , Dc'nver and we4t. , 1:30 : pm 4 ; In Chicago , Ios p Moiuat's t' Bock I&and . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7:00 : pm " 11:25 : a in Atlantic ilxl'ri'amt ' , for Des 51oimie and eastern lolnts " 7:20 ' : am 8:50 : Cnbormmtlu Flyer , , . . , * 7:1) : ) e p rn Daily. ' DaIly ' om . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cxm' _ _ tunh1n1' . . - MISSOIJIlI i'AC'hi'JC2JtAJJ I. . . roati-Oumimeritl ( ) lIIces iii id ' ' 'I'ickct 0111cc , Sotullteast Co r- ' 't1.TfIJ4 ; tier 14th and Douglas Street Is. L1 ' - - . ' 'Telephone , 101. Depct , , 15 in E'1't1tlY' otici Webster Ste. Telopho ' . : n's . PWI ( 4u.LJQ6l. 1458. " ' ' ' "P'W1't' 1e'o , Arrit ' . hansumt and Nob. 43. I irnited . . . . . . . . . . . I 3:0 : pm ' 12:53 : Fiiiiaa p rn City & St. Louis ' ; . . . e 9:30 : pam e 6:00 : a n Neturaska oc'ai , . . 'S 4lt ; ) tim " 9:45 ' ' : ii DaIly , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dully _ _ _ except Sumnc1n' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - A BA S IL 4- , Ticket Oillco , 1815 tmirmma to Street. 'l'elophouu 592. it'p 01 . - ' ( and ! ' 'duoi -tr"- ' ' : Strtmel V a 'rilephieno 29. Leave. At'ri % C , St. LouIs "Canon Hall' ' Express. . . . . 4:30 : pm ' 11:30 : a rn DullY. - & ' ' i'aul hallway - Cl I , ) a'i ; tret ' ut'ket 'I'eiephioumo I 'tllt'e ' , 1501 211. Fiirmit iepc jt un , " : f4 'i ; ' 'fenlIm 5. - 'releptiomie. tjil ieas'im. Arri' , ' 0. icago Limitoti . , 3:15 : pm 52O ; rn Orumiuhtu v Clmieago Exprc4s . . . . . . . . . . . . 'ilOO am " 1:76 : 3 mm Sioux . . . 'ity anti Des Moints 7xmires . " 11 :00 : am " 1:15 : ira paJh' , "Dali ? cxcep Sunday , 41 p A1I..t' TIM1I t'ltl ) . , V. V , ( CouttiuiImed. ) - _ _ . _ 1 . --'stMAIIA & ST. LOUIS IIAIL. . P Q.J ' . 'a'i C iititt % , i'iuiieas City . ' A fl1 ' Eftiuterim ltsIh'uiad-'l'lut' Pout . Arthur " ' - - - 1ioutt"-'rlrtcet OtIlci. , R O I iarnamn Stre'mt. 'lelt'- - : - . - . 7ho'u' 322. lepnt , Tcnlh and .tIu sq I t-hlp Ciii. Tclehmluoncm 629. , . l.eavo. Arrive. ' ut. , t.nuu'tu Canutoum , l .1 II B : li"t'rs. . . . . . . huum .11 :30 : nun luL I l , sIuS dli , ' & . .Q ljtu'v l.oeiui 7:10 : nan 11:05 : uirn t'a flSifl * CIty lIx- . ' . . . . 'm res't . . . . . . . . . . S'30pm In' Iv I' ltl1l.ltlflb'i 5E itiCl. hintiti 4 * . iu : rt' , IPIIN ( 'bil'lt'li , Suim ot'T1l T''t'T\ ' . il ium .Im A % etami' , 11ev. ' ' . It , .tleti ; , Jr. , l'nster'- . S e rlcs lit 10:1.0 : a. ml , . foul S umm. . ; Simmi.iay C e' , a.ol at , lu. ' ' ' ' umaou m . 'I' . I . , t :30 : a' . uti. C , ' u.V.tltV rlt'lll'll. ( TW1N1"r.slxl'lt ANP I 4en'su'i Streeu. lIe' ' . ' ' , Aim.terofl , basuor -5t'u't'hC'S at 1" :30 : 'Ii. 1mm. uatl I : O p. mm , . ; Stanch y S elmeol itt tmonui. I rl llsi' CIII'lt'ui , T1l31t'c.plpTlt ANfl P.tlt. ui u immimu Streets , ltu' . 'I' . I. . letumatn , Pastot'-ert. i ee at 11)I1) : it. ii , . situ Sfp , at. ; Ituatlay , 'Iu imil at it l , ill. : Jumumlor uii en , 8:2) : 1. ula.l hI. ' , P. 12. . 1' p. ma. ; IIIFSI.iL , . Smiuitt' , scn.'oi , 2'ucou' . , 'I.lmt Ii ut'eomi iinl Farritam * : i . itt oi : nsuN t.'llt'lhcll , 'c'l't'INTY.mxTll .t't ) Sewnm'.t Street , , Hey. Aumetusu halter , l'iitor. . . Scm s'Icc , itt 10:10 : a. iii. timid 7C0 t' . mm , . m Seomlny e'1inol mit 9im. a , mu Gl lt.4-'l : 'lItTIlm'it , "l'tlNll % ' 1' .flIiO1t l mrei'us , Iii' , ' , . 1. Pi , S tuci'p lIiiIter-Spr'uceq , % t I1):42 : a. iii. and S. m. ui. ; i4uuajrmv pCtiOnt uit t tWIii ( ; gn'pel i1mc'ett41 . . . \\'clmi',3ym etenhutCi ' . ' ' , ' , ' Youtuig l''oflte's ttm't m f'rltlai' evening ; me5t- but i ooni nln'ui , 'Vl't \ ' CL c'Imine 1) 1 lt.tNulti , CuitflCil JIINNIv : AND T\VIN- 1 % -fourth StrCet , , Pu , ptt sut'ptteil ' tcimm'onmruiy , .cu'tccs at iO:30 : n. itt. no.1 7 :3) : i' . mu , ; Biandsy ( C 111)1)1 at ll0iui. M OUNT I'IiIUAII . ' ' ' ' ' ' ( 'llt'ltt'II. 'i'Wb7r''TY.Plv. : entim nimul L'tm Yirpt , , Itec. ltnteu't January. l't.tnr-BrV. , 's at mi im. in. apml I :3 : , ) a. mut. HmifluIi' ctuaot a I 2 :3) : a' . mum , : lire y'r uneet ing \Vedncsdai' ' eve rmluig , Yomiutar t'eoplc's fleeting l'rld'mv e"nume ? cil .lt i'i' : ( 'itllV.CIl , GI1ANI ) . % .t'INUI2 .tNht . ' t'imtrt-e1gii'ti Street , Itev. A. .1. PlantIng , i'amnr-Ser fec' , at It a. tim. aumil 7:11) : am. in. ; it-muuiilsi , ' 101,1 0) ) at "ie'i , tt t'uItilSIl 'Clll"kcll. ( It YOlt'rll lIacui- tecuttli Ptt"et , Item' . I' . Btu'mmrtz , l'n"tor-Ber'iceq lit 11 mm , 'iii. autO 7i0 : p. in. m Smlui.1.iy eclt.ol itt 5:11) : : , . tim. ZI ON' CIVIIHCIT. 22t5 ( II1ANT B1'lthil'I' , 1311\ . ' i' , T. W'erth , t'mistor-ib'rvlcezu at ii a. iii. atui 7th ) e. lii. , Smitalimy seh.'ol at i2 : ' p. In. V . Cli ri s : I mm uu. lfl tts.t' ( 'IlItitcil , COttNI7lt Ti\'ENTIIiTll Sticet ' , tmtl , 4'itiIttii ) Ateumtit' , Ituat. J , I. 'nvuat , 1'ntor-t5ervtc at 10:1O ; : n , n. no.1 7:10 : , mum. ; Htuthimi' clioot nt 12 1mm. : l'nuuiuti'eo1ile'iu bociety ; : of ( 'lii lslimmfl lndea''or itt 6:35 : p. un ; iticetluug l'1 lmei'itii ) ' a t 7 : iti p , mu. O it'eN'I' si'lta u'i' CillliLVll , TWIINTV.i4lNTll aumt , ( Irammt Str't' ' TWIINTV.i4lNTllV , ftct' . , , Ta'icr , i'astrr V -iert'ices utt uO:11) : a. mm , , immd(7 ; ( :3) : p. umt. SuummUay cctmool at itoOti. \v t.NuT 1111.1. CIIU1t'nt $ , 4tl1) Nl"llOt.tS ' Street , 1te' , Ji'clili NIc'Iip i.4. t'imtii'Service , 'mt 103) a. Iii. aflIt 7:30 : P4th , ; Sunday school at 1 3 p. in. ( Iouugrep. mu I I uiim it , . c lIllflltY luLl. Clll'ltC II toll N0l17'hf PORT' ' . secoimil t4trcot , 1tu' ' . ' , , ii. hand. l'netor-b'erv. ' V iCtS tt II it. ui. , tiii' e"IioI lit muon , 31 1(5'I' ( t I t'itri I 2" 1 NiTi : IINTu I A cu l.t\ ' . eumIort Street , , 11ev , Frank , ' A. ' Vmmutleit , h'aCtot V -Services lit : u. am. aulil 7:41t : i , . un ; Sunday eeli.i . . , at auotm. Il uihshDl Cttt. ' ' ' ' tell , 'i'lilnTit1'It ) , t'ifl O1IIC 1 iIi'uL. 1"v. acot. l'IOuk : , i'Nior-Spr'ices iii 1O:11 : n. am. mu7i 7:30 : p. mu. : Stiui.lny . , ) . , iii : tie ) tl Pr.l3'i' p'r'ia , ' \\'c'.tneelny , am 1 tO u ' . iii l' AItKAl.I' Cllt'it'iI. : mim V Street-i'miij'it eupphiei , , lei'viCeg at 10:30 : ii. iii aui.t 7 :3(1 : ( ii tim , i4mmtm.iay eciine ) nt mmcmi. " iT.ChltI2I 'liUItCtb , 102 NOltTht Street , P,1 , , Frmitmk I ) . JaCimeon , l'litOr-5ervICe Itt 11 tm am. ntmd 7:3) : ) p. mit , ; Suimday 5011031 oP tt000. ' . ' z.YMcUTII ' ' ClutlflC'il. T\ViTIlcTII ANr iieti'er . Street , Itat' . I tawiurl Ba'Ayea ! , I'apioi r -5 , , rvices itt 10:30 : a. iii. imail S u' . mit. Efldea'ot , , oc laW at ; 15 ii. rn ; Prayer mneetlimgVednes .Ip.1' . a 7:70 : mm. rn ; SmluidlI ) ' salient at ilooti. " it' i'.IAItY'S A\'flNUu eltilItCIt , 1"\'I'NTY. teveuttit Sheet slat St. Mary's Avenue , Iit' , B ' ' , 'rigIit Itittuar. I ) . B , . i'iictar-Sert'ic , ' , itt 10:31 : ii . tn . tmi1 7 :20 : ii. oh. : Sliaday , ieimool a t ilOOti , g AltATOr.A ctiunrzt , t Street and Ames Avenue , Itet' . I. . i. hand i'imstor-Ser'lcu's at 11:3) : a. ni . 'tnd 7:45 : p. in. : ; Sunday school at 2:13 : : m. itt. Eiiseuutml , A ht SAINTS' CIIUICiI. 'm"\'nNTV.srxTlu ANr ) lIalt-tuoward .Miteats. hey. Tlmoumtia , .1 , Mackay It.'ciotItoh' cotiiinmlnloa eve ry iuuidmmy in tue ' month. except itt , ' that , at 7:3) : a. ma. ; , , orinot at it a. mu. mtiml :31 : p , rn ; Sunday school at 11:3 : ) Ii. lit. C I1UItCII 01" TthIi 000t ) Sh1I1I'iICItD , T\VEN tietti mmtmil Oitli , 4trect , ltcv. tteorge l'rjvcam , \\'nik , .t. A. . itector-Servicec itt S a. at. , I , aflul 7:30 : p. ii , . : uutI. , ' school at 11 41 a. iii S T. ANDItI\\"S ( 'lfl'iL'il ' , COltNlflt CliAiti.Ei S soil 1"orly-ttrst Siteets , hte' . C. ii. Yeunp V. l'riest-Sarviccs at :3O : a. iii. , ii a. at. au-ti 7 :4 : , , itt , ; Smitutimy school a t 10 a. to. Frldimy ml at 7:15 i' . itt. I ci' . A1'GtlS'TlNt.'S ( 'Iti'ttt'hI. T1IIILTY-TIItuth 1 nncl Prnncis Streets , i'rlcst itt Charge. itt 'lv. .9. Iioward-.Servlces at 4 u' . in. : Scads : cltnoi it t 3 e itt. S r. IIARNAuIAS' ( 'httJfl'hT , 6111 NORTh NINE leantli Street. 11ev. JniinVhliamtie , Rector- - Ser'ucet , at 7iO : it. iii. , It ii , m. sod 7:30 : p. in. Sminilat' . 'tio 'I et 9'3l a. in. S T. .lOltN'S rlttInCim , 'l'WSNT\-BIXTII ANt ) Frnnhmi'um ' Strecte , itet' . 'tV. S. lIow&mu'l & , i'riest- - at 7:26 : nod II a. mu. tinil 7:4 : it. ij-m , Siiiiilay ii'ilIOi tit Ii :30 : ii , un. ; .1 a II ) ' serv Ices ii 6:45 nail : Oi ) a. imi. : mimil 4:45 : u' ' iii , ; \'edutp ilay itt I ) . itt. . Fridays u-it 7:30 : p. tim. .s T. : t.'i'iti.s' Citt'ltrII. tit-i : SotiTti 'rnN'ri titrt'c't , flay , 1 , . P. l'otter , i'riet In Charge. . - Sorvicem , at 7:10 ii. in. ; It a , in , imitci 7:30 : p. un. ; ! lu tiPsy school a t ill a. in. It T. P.\t1I'S ( . 'iliTflClI , 3211 Cti.t1'OflNt t Street-1'mlDIt , tUtip1td teunporamily ; service it at 11 mm. iii. atiil 7:30 : ii. rn ; $ utiitny school at I 0 a , mit. I tT. l'liil.TlI' TilE DEACON Cultmncit. lIt I. ' Not-lit 't'w'ntv-llret Str.'et. Itet' . . mliii Abbe , Vt \t'iilinimis. ltec'tmr-Servlcea , at 7 : a , rn , Ii u - 'a. suit 8 ti ut-i. ; Senility school at 10 a. tim , ; .lntly tnoriilflg irayer , 9 ; ( 't'Pnitig , S ii. ur TRINiTY ( 'AT ) EEDI1AL , 1AI''t')1 ( AVE I- utile ii nul Elgim te'ta , tlt I r"ot , lIt . the ( letrgc'Vortimlnguut , , I ) . I ) , Ilisliop. 't"l ; ' : 1' Ik'v. Ci , muphell I'1ilr , 1) . 1) . . 1)ei n--.llol y coirmmum uiioti , 9 :25 : tt. mum. ; I I ( ui : ' , I 0 : t. mit. mtiiruiitmg prnyor , 10:30 : a. to. , ' scit eel , 12 uioomm ; oven I u mg prm ; y''i' , 7 : 15 p , mc . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i1u''ImcuI. EMAN3IIIb CuIUllCIl , 2(02 M.itCy H'l'flElI'I ' Iter. G. J. Smmeieltt'r. I'iiiiior-Sern'lcp , at i0 : a. m , and 7 :2' : ) t' . mit. ; Smmnilimy belmool at 11 : : It it. in. pitin ciitirtc'ur. T'VEIlrTtl ANt ) iOI1Ct hired , , Itc'm' . I. 11. W' . Ituueeit'rt. , I'nitor- iervices lit 10B : mu. ni. and 7:10 : p. at. ; Smitida } ' scimni at 2 :45 : ti In. Eh'\'EiuSll ' tmiiHSlON CIhtIncli. 2325 D.t'iIr1 I. Pitt Street , Itac. P. 0. 1 tmiltmoan , f'imiutor. - Service , , , mt 1OO a. ma. and 7:30 : p. in. ; Suada y school itt 3 :11 : , , , uut. zuoN ( IIICMAN ( 'thtTflC'hi , 262 Bl'RAUU a' Street. Item' . Etttt Mciii , l'astr-Ser'tcet , , ii 10:10 : a. itt. antI 7:21) : p. m. ; Stmmatay sclmsol 11:3) : a. lii. liutiierttui. tANISII clIultr'ut , MS SOtiTil TW'tNTt - . eaconil Stre"u. 1k-v. 1. C. l'oimlson. Pastor - . $ rvicas itt : 10:20 : ii. ma , and S 1. . umm , , ext-cut Ia. . it Sunday lit the , timomitim , tmliea liar. . ' are no ever t. log servIt'e ; Slii.liy , st'iiooi lit 14 :20 : a , ma. E.IMAI'fl'EI. Sl\'Ei)114l1 tIIlmltChl , NINr : . mec'iitti titlil rie t-tti'pts , hat' . I' . J. i'au. . 1 'a si'r-i"rvic's ii t F ) : II it. iii. ii nil 7 :5 : p. un , ; 1ii iida y , .c'im'nb iii ni-i'm FiitS'l' flEIIMAN CiltYttClI , 1003 BOUTI Twentieth Stuect , 11ev. II. J. Frece. I'aeuor. - Btrviesi. fit 10:15 : a. iii. anti 1:31 , p. in , ; Sunba y , .cltiid at 2 P. mit. EOl'NTZII MIIOR14I ( 'itlinCil , 5l5 tt'i'uillt tmnil Ilamney tituets , ret. it .T Timriuj , 3'iitor-Bc'rvIm'c' itt IUt' : u-it. umd ' :30 : p. am , UltAcut ( 'il UItrtf , 'rtvlN'ry.sixT1r Wi'iEl6 ; j ; anmi s'oo1wormim Avenue , tIe" , ' . tuther r u. iulmns. l'lmt4IOuHircicem , itt I ) a. m , mini 7:1 : to p. un ; e"iiool at 12:11 : p. tim. NOitWlb.N AUI ) iANISII ( hItIitCI ( . III 6 Nortlu 'I'wenIy.sitii Street. Ito' ' . J. N. Amidei r. Slit ) , i ' .1 Cl ui--Scm m I.e. , . , t m 1 a . 01 a tel 7 :30 : I ui , : h'iiummlay , a t 12 :11 : ii. mum , Pntr , . ; iANislI CIIVIR'tI 2213 NOIITI IT Ttventy-ixtlt Stl''t-l'cic , , mitl1eO ton umi.rarilt- ; teivl'eiu , iii ii tt , utu. tOut 7:20 : p. a ; ; u4untlmy , elmmmol itt roiin. m.iiLitg'14 ( 'lllJIlt'lI. 'rts'lN'rv.FIBST : AN hturmleltu Street , , 11ev. Ieunmit.l ( iroli , Pusuor. i4t'm'elm ' . 'a II t id : II a. ma. a mmml 7 :40 : p. iii , ; i4undm 0' school mit noon , cIT. 3tA'ii'I11tS"B ( 'Il1TtCi1. POlYifl'l'lN'r : mmmiii C'c'nler Strict , , 11ev. A. J. 'l'uuklo , I'astor IiUtmdflY , u'immmi it . , un. T. t'Alf.'S GIIII2IIAN cltl'ItrlI , 2721 L'Ailll t4tr'et , lice. Julia P. 14. 11cr , 1'tttor-5eryic t 10 a. it , . imumml 7 :30 : p. ni. ; Siinttay' cimmtm4 u-it p. uum , ; evening , e'coOmi atid ( ourtim Sunmhty in , : iu'Ii macti lb a I 7 :30 : i-i. un ii4iuM EVANOIB.It'\i , SiS'UllSIt ( 'IltlitCI :12i9 : South 'l'ts't'aty-tlmiril Street. itet' . . ( , I I , , hiving , l'itor-Serrlre , at 10:2(1 : ( mm , Hi. Itnil 7 : .1) . . miSUmt'lmur si'tmo' ! a t "mon. - - . . . _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - . - ti4 * tuiIst. , PII1ST ( 'ItUitmii. T\'l' .N'l' IBTII ANn IAVI7I port Btrets. Jte % ' . Jail11 tlicQijolmI. I ) . P. . Pat o -Servhe , at 10:30 : ii mit. and 7:30 : ui. u-it. . Siinmht I ) causal at ii miirt. I'I itS'i' OB1tMAN I'ifllflrl [ , III.IIVI7NTII AN I ) ( 'enter Btrete. Item' . Ott' , U. Jriege , I'aamr - ieri i'es , ii iiliio : It iii. emil 7 :31 : i am. ; $ umidi i 31 chouI i t uio'rt. ' li.N5rJM ( ' . % ( 'IIi'PuC'Il. TS'tN'ry.NuNT II Street out. ! \mItvmirII ; it % l'flUI' , 11ev. ' . 3 II , i4lttomm , 1)3) . , 1astoriet vl'es lit 40:30 : ii. a. and 7:3fl : p. at. : Iiunmlay at utowm. MoNytou''ir ; I' . ' lIE I .7jjj rio flT r. riup tm Siteet tin ! tarimnoic jut'enu , ' . 1k' Frank W' . imromu' , l'apinrSert l'e , it' 71 a. i unit ; 'i. u' mm ; ; Sunday , i'liimni at mimi. . NOlttS'iit\N A Nb I hA NhSI I ( 'II byitrij , it I l Nnrtim h'wetty-Ixutm ; Itmect , Ito , ' . Inalunus WI II. Imi'imi'mi. i'uitmrSari , ices lit ; a ma. soil 7 : :10 : ) ) , tO. : , rmiiay eitoou a t noon .iIIN'i4 Ai'Ithl'/tN 4 ' ' 'ilC'il. UlOi I' . e'imtbi unml W't'Imtor Stre'eim' , Itt' . Jttne 4' V. . ( Mt dim , ' , . ierL lie' . ill ltt'i : ii ma , * 10,1 7 : .1.1 p. i ; ; : ttumm'iuy ' l'tmmoI III I :1 : : V. Iti. : iitit or ieague om'er ) ' SUim'liI ' ' , ! ) C % &ilrmg cite hour lit . 'e'lttmg hit' i''tilimg ; 'rm' v'r Pm , ' "riti c't r ' \V.'lrm. dli ) ' , % I nltg it 7:30 : : ( 'ilith In ( uleg t'i ' ) . Vrm.iti' mu ; .me p. iii Slut'.t : up s'z'ittij' ( 'ii I 'lithi , i'wIN'Ty.st7 tnt si a' ) 8imii r.i su ree'i i , lIe m . Jli ; , ' \ ' , j holi : u-i. tJn I ) . I ) , l'ator--Serm'lee - - , at 10:30 : it. mit , am iii .4141011 , t H , O''I .11 Iil'iII ' : irm"rJI 'rrm'riu m41'ulIT : : ( Ill'jt1'll 'FlINT II nail l'te'cc , Buru'eI , . lit" ( jem.rge A L.uro. i'a rI"t'i , ut it a tim Coil I It ' lii , St. 7 : 11,1) ' Si II I .me u i' ' ' ms Junt''r irigue. 4 p Itt . .1. 'p ' rI i , , 'tioiie , C it i itt iiOt'Tii'S'11S' tilt IIPII , II ; ; ll1'EOh1 iy' ' , ( ) Mllit'lCl1 $ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Centlmtuic'd , ) i tret't. net' . 11. Ii , Itt'nJsu'son Ptor-.Berrleq' , l it 10 II I itt. tun.I , :30 : p. in . Sundsy' cneoI 51 1 1:48 5 , ft. BA , 'RltlShI L'lliitcII. .11 Nt'IIiTII ' RIUIIT. , ! ath 'SIred , Rev. t'arl 4 ) Rsrlnn , rtor. . BCrIte4 im II tm ill i-i'l ' 1:10 : I' ni u l imIt ) ma sat , :110 : p am. iii thu. rc'onI at 114 / B'uilb Tliirtt'nIlii W h.ST OM.t1t , ( 'lht'flCI , T\'RNT'c'.tuR. e nuh autmi ilnr.Bireris. : . htey . . ttn , lli'n , l'tumc'u'-.Srm ' . I. . . , . , su II ii. Itt. Intl 7 ; 30 1' in : . Sualay triiei.I t titicin. T RINI'r' ' ( 'llt'ltc'lt. 'r\t'ENTY.rhliS'r ANfl l unacy' ' Strept , . 11cc. h'mei Ii. S5rttetson , 1) , 1) . 1 'tnm'-Sc'ru lce st 10:113 : it flu. nt Tmlm , i' . in. ' S uuntli1' CJiOOI Itt IlOon ; 1ttworuh : limgtte itt e:34 : p . a ; . \ \ . % l.Nt'T 1111.1. . 1OltT'.vtIus'v , A'h ; , . Charism' Bireets , blat' , 6' . N. Baa , ' , , o , 1) 1) , Pstai'--Bct-vim'e' , at 10:10 : a. at , sot 7:30 : p. ni Stmomlimy school tat tibet ; , .1. M. fllblam , , , utierln- i efl.14'tml ; IlitSottit Icittite at 6:3) : ut in , BO t'Tlt OM..IIA. I'lltT t'llt'IlI'li. T'l7NT'V tAl t hmrml Itimi N Streets , 11ev. .1. A , Jehnen , l'aunu' V Al .PittclllT. 11EV. S. 4. ) . A. l"biitAhtTY. I'll I ) l 'mmtr. i'r"ul , 't , 'rlaiu , A MPI.E1l l't.t.C'll ( 'htl'ilClt , rOflTy SCCONn a nti MarIumia Birects-l' mupp1le4 tern- l , ttatlIy : ! et't'tcci at 10:30 : ti. mu. ; munu17 s eht'itl At 11:10 : ii. in. 1U Il'i1Oilfl I i.ACR ( 'iit'itclh. 1025 L..IK S treet , 11ev , Enos haute. . ) 'auOrServIce , t 1 0:31) : it. iii. fluid 7 :3.1 : I' , in. ; $ iuui.la9' e'hool itt n eon , CI : NTItAI , 1'NlTii1 ' ' ' ( 'llt'Ilrl ? T'tVP.NTV- rt'urtli situ lo.lgc Siret , theu' , Aleiumnieu' iii. t 'hrit't , l'astou'-Serticu' , , , t 10:10 : a. imm. nail 7 33 I ' . tim. : 5mm tmlat' chocI mu I ttt'Oim. ( 'i , tl't'O lhtt.l. ( 'lIt.'ltCtl. ( III (1ILANT Street , 11ev. .inlttt" I ) . Iterr , l's'tor-Set'tceit 1 0:30 : a. iii. nimil 7:30 : Ii , at , . ; Stmmidmy , cotmool at n oon. 1'I lli"P CIIt'ltCtt. SB\'INTElINTII ANti ) , Btti'i'ti'-Sertice , at tO30 ; a , , ii nail S I ' itt. : iiUtmditi' school at utnon. PI T1BP (1EIIMAN' ( 'llllttCll , Ill NOItThI iluii'r. : ceumlim Stret , 13ev. 1)atmlel ( lIletlu'r , b'mnuor- 5t'n'k'rs itt llt:30 : n. ma. nn1 7:30 : ht. ill. ; } tuinlay it' , . cm m it-tell. } 'I IlBT t'NITIifl Cltl.'IlCII , T''INTr-PIflST 00,1 , lltnutmet Strert , Itt'u' . l'rttic 11. h'optet , Pastorttcrm'Icts itt 10:10 : a. mu. iuntl 7:3 , ) p. umm. Slittiliti' i'clt tel at utcmeum ; CImrL'ituitn tittloim 11mg at 1 i-i in. ( l'l'3 MISSION ' ' ' ' ' ( 'Ill'btCht , ( .07 't't'lb.l.IAM St ret'tI 'itilti t miputt tail tetmmi.oVitril I' ; , crt'Ie't'ii tit 10 :3) : ii. aim. uuid 7 :30 : p. at. : .S'miutday cltooi at neon , N NO ? ( 'lllllWlt , NlNlTbR1.'Tul .t7'D 01110 Street : ' , Rev. A , CItIItle llrewit , 1'storBerv - lees at 10:3) : ii. am. anti 7:3' : ) i , . at , . : Iitumdny sdmool itt itooti ; Voting 1'etle's uneetltig at 7 m' . in. , u , O\tI3 A't'ENI'Il C1ttfl1T. 1'OltTltTbt ANt ) Nbcimelims Btreti' , P. S llttwuey , l'am'tor-Bcrv. I Ces at hii:1l : a , ult , 'thu 7 :43 : p. imi. Bil ndit5' , elom-i1 ; at It in.'flUIt4 l'eotbes ; Society of rli-ii'tian ,'nr . , 6:4's : it. iii. O NTARIn BTflflr CIIVItCII , 1620 ONTARiO i itrcet-.I'mtlplt ttmipjillett tetiiatortriil' ; pu'u'i'lce , at Ii ) ; 3) m , itt. anti , :34 : P. mm ; . ; Sunday silmool at ' macmm. 1' . tItK .t'RNi'hi Cllt11i'lI. ( l'AItK .4.t'l'2NI'fl suet JitcksOtt Street. Ilet' . l7igtlr aiacIItl. i'nstor--.1ier'lce , , tt 10 :111 : a. ma. tutu 7i : ) p. ma , ; Btmflm1fl ) , cltomtl ti I umoomi. I Bi CONl ) ( 'lit'htrli. Tw1N'r'v'.rOI'ltThl : ANti Nlelmoin , Strt'ts , 11ev. Snmmitiu'i M. 'nte , l'tietir -Bert'ice , mmt 10:30 : a , mu , and 7:3) : p. ma , ; Sunday , .cItittmb at itnon. OI OUTII'V111T ( 'ith'lliI. T''IINTIIiTlT ANt ) Lea'enwnrtIi Bureet-Btmn.tay pcIt.toi at u-loon , W u7STMINSTgII CaiUIt'lt. TWi'1N'l'-NlN'i'lt snil 2ilasoum Straeti'-Sert'iccs at 10:10 : a. mum , and 7:10 : a' . mit. I Smimatny school at about. Itoiiaaz Ciultitille. 01' TilE IIOIX 1t-Attlr.'Y , IlOll- tetmuIt eril Izat-il Suret't , , lte' . .Tolin Fitzpstrck. ( i'ai.t'mr-Servlces ' aI 7. S utitml 10 30 a. in , , mnil 7ii : ) p , in. : Smtii'la" ' , tctiioi ) it t 2 :30 : it. in. C 1lt'itCIt 0) ) " 'i'ilfl SACltilt ) uIbLtivr , Twenty. m'ccouiml ntmtl lunacy titree'ts , 11ev. i'atrlcit .1. , ittmige. I'tistnr ; llt'v. .1. 2.lcNumntara , A tistatmt i'miitunr-Scrt'iu'es Itt 7 , SmIM , 9:30 : antI 10m3) a. itt ; Stuimilay teilobi at 2 :20 : p. un. ; week dey mnmtss , 7 utml S tt. ma , S T. CIIrIIAA'S ( 'utratril , 4117 ItAlltt'rON Sired , Item' . Timothy O'Caliahmiut , l'iiter.-Serv- lees lit S aitml iO:31) : a. ma. ; Smuniiay choo1 at 11 a. itt. S T. .TOIIN'S ClItlItcit. W'F3NTY-Fhit-T1t AN ! ) Cmttoi'miia ! Stvt'ets. itet' .2oseplt it. M'itrrels. S. . . . t'amtor-Sprm'tcps mmt II , C. 7 , t:311 : , 11:30 : and 10:0 : tm rn ; Htiiim1im' cltool at 2:30 : p. ii , , ; vespers itt 3 it. to. , mmml 7:10 : u' mt. S T. .lOSuIl'ltS ( II1RMAN Clltrnclt , Bu'\'IIN- ienth iimtt Center $ tr'eti , , Itev. IaUrittup , Italkknlt. I'asuor-8ert'lees at S an" 10:30 : a. in , ; Sunday ctiotl at 2:30 ii. mu , S T. MtIt"i' M.iiAT.IINII ( 'TttllClI. 15)11 ) totigls , Smreel , IU't' , ( leom'gc .1. ( iinuier , l'astor -ServIce , at S iuimml 10:30 : a. itt. ; % 'emper , at 11p.m. S T. P1III1MIINA'B CATIItIDu1AL. 404 $ OUTIt Nintim Street , itt. Itev , iticimmird Scannt'li. 1lIiiop ; Itci' . 3 , iT. ? ttcllcvttt , l'aetar ; Rev , \vliulani Kelly. Aqsistant l'mmm'tor-Sers'icos at 41 , 7 , 8 , 9 au-md 10:30 : a , in. ; Stindimy iteSoolat 2:31) : p. tn. S T. l'lI'I'Eil'S c'uUnCIr , T\\'IIrTY-lIlGluThI atimt 1.eavenivorth Blreotit. 11ev. Jimlma E. Icag- 11th. Pastor ; Rev. ' V , M .MeN stasis , Asiuttut- ant I'astor-Servlt'es at 7. 0 stat 10:30 : a , rn : % 'eepers at 7:30 : p. pa. ; Smunda' School itt 11:30 : U. mu. S T. J'ATItJt'K'S 'lItIurlt. 1404 'ASTELT.Alt Street , Ret' . .Joimn ' 1' . Similtim. l'antor-Si'rvcp ) , at S anti 10:30 : ii. ma. mmii , ) 730 p. ma. ; Sunday , , clioot at 2 tt. ma. S \VIINCi7SLiI1S I1OIIIIMIAN CittfltCl ( , 1413 South Pourteontim Street , Itet' . John Yranek. i'astor-Sers'Iet , at C and 10 it. to. ; Bends cuiooi at 2 p. rn ; vespers at 1:30 : it. un ; wee day titass at 8:31) : a. umm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iLIiterlliti'oim , . A IIIEflICAN VO1iNTEIIRSSTIRVXcrS AT 10:30 : a , mti. 1111(1 7:3) : p. rn at the room , at 114 Sniltim Tlmirteemitit treet. P 1ST UNI''lIltBAiIST C1ItTRCJT , NINE. ieeiiuim an. . ) L.ethroit Streets-i'uplt ! supptlr.I Petimutoraril ) ' : services at 10:43 a , mm , , and 7:3' : ' ) p. iii. : Sunday school at mitten , C IIAI'IIL 01' TIlE CAItI'iNTIiIt : , SIICONI ) and WilIlatmi Streets-Services at it a. tim. saiL i':31) : a. ma. C ltuutcuh 01' .JESI.1S CIIItIST 0 ! " TATTEbt lime ) ' Saints-Services S'umimuay at it a , a , , itait ' 7 :10 p. am , u-It iCumiglits or I'yttmis uiali , Nortbt Twentt'-omirth atmi , Cliarie , tutreets. C IIBIS'I'IAN SCIENCF ItEAIING , 202 Now York Life hlualitllng-Servlc'es lla.uo. ] 'muitor's ' 4tlbJect , time bible nutil Seietirem nummt Ileimith. vItli Icey to mterlimture , by' ltov. MarY Jlaker llddi' . v 'ltlIn MtitTltODiST CIIIIRCII. 1739 SOtITIt 1i.vriitit , Street. Rev.'illtaam 311. A.lnnis , l's- tor-Ser'ices at ii it. m. and 7:30 : p. am , ; Smindimy cation ) tit 11:43 : a. in. F IRST Chit'P.CIt OF ChRiST ( SCIIINTIST ) , tilm : St. ' ' . iarys At'cnime-S.'rvtce itt Ii ii. mm ; t'onsltutlimg of roadtuig , , and exriantumry rea.ilngum . rroin the Cltrtsmlmmn Science Text iol < , i4timata ) ' m'cimaol lit flICiti , Testiinoniitl macstIngs each PrlIA 3' evemm I tic ii t ( i'ttmclc N OR'VlI OMAHA UNION' tttlSSIOr4 , LIla SlIER- titan Aventue-l'iliptt ) ; - ted Lemporatrhii' . serv. 4ct' at II n. in. ; Sunmlay cehoot itt noon , O t1All.t PutIlAlBOi'JIieAr. soctrY. yAn0lt Tctiile. , Scutbm Seventecntim and Iouglas Streets -S.'r'tcet . , at 3 mm. itt. l ' 1tlC FOIIEST MISSION , 1110 1) STREET- Ser'icei ii' 11 a. itt. P t'iOi'u.EH ( JJjfl(3j GlZ NI'tRTlt Iuaut- teonii ( Street , 11ev. 'hare , W , Savimlve , I'aior . -Servit'e's at 10:10 : a , in. at-mit 7'J : ' p. rn ; Sunday pii'itoob at 2:11) : p. in , RI:0RGANIzIu ) ( 'ilUttC'll 01' .EiitJB ( 'IIRIST. ; tmter hay Bmtltmts. hOts Ntrttm Ta't'aly-tlrat Street. Itc % ' . Fremi A. Sttiitli. i'gtor-Sert'Ire' , at S45 anti 11 ii. rn nail ' 1:31) : t. nm. ; Sunday school at 2 :311 : p. m. S T. MAI1T14 GltRUlf , CIIIIItCII. NIN'TII ANt ) hlitivitrit Sr'etmt ( , ltr-v. Ella , AbOUii , Patutor- Services at 9 ii. to. iint 3 it. in. S AI.VATION ARMY , TIVISION NO. 1. BAll. crit-Ics , Sevc'nteenuum nail Davenport Strcet- ter'iccm , itt it It. tfl , . 1 iiimmI 7:111 p. nm. S AI.VATION AhtMi' , DIVii4uON NO. 2. ItAR. mat-ks , 142t North Twentletim Street-ServIces at 11 ii. ! tt. , ii smut 8 ii. In , 8\VIIDIBII FitlIg MISSION CilUitCil , 2700 1'n'tI'ttworh Stret-ScrvIces at Ii. a , m. and 7l4 ; p. in. TIIEOSOI'itlC'Ai , SOCIETY , ItOOMB itt , Sta'eicy illicit. Boutii i'ltecmtlh nail Howard Htreett-tieru'lee , at 3:35 : p. at. T I IM I I11 I HILtIlL , 222' ' ) I I A RN lIt' STittE'r , Street , 11ev. Leo Frimakliut , llmtt.lil-Servli'c'i 7m45 u' m. l JNJ'j'Y ( 'IltTrtcur. . SIVIINTIIUNTIL AND Catus tutreetit , ituV. Nen'Ion Mann , Siioieter -Services at 10:15 : a. at. Sutmdiy school at mmooim. o ( rt'rul lul'ii I lists I MN Ott'ma Cmmlle , VIAVA 1)illj ) ES'l'il , July 15.Ielayed ( In. Trimmasiutlutslomu-'I'lo ) , umigiuiml service coun- I mietod time laying of time cabin imetweca I laiqmuirl and ( imimuatiummatno laty , 'rimo Fronelt c able bets''eeii uiuantaitmimo bay and S aumtlmign do 'thin till ) bo itt once re- c otimuecteti and tttriied over to tint conipauty. Tlmo govermunuout ; ' u'iil utto Its own cable for l ; usimmcsut between time two points , 1'lC.Ii 'i'IMIiI , Pittsbuu g ChronIcle. ' 'Flit atow liii' mne'rry lIeitln tIme \V ltt'tt cmct't'ls lii wootI ore Imlelng , 'l'hi , el , r I task t' t tt i oiid'il to ( hi em bri in % b I tim 'liu utils ieu t Is fYI mmii. ' .rlutm litlmt , autti litsslos , k'ek thtcnmsolvrs j c'ctt ii macs I I gim t ii mid it i ry' , No't'r thlumking timat time weather man itt oft hut uttoomb contuary. At amnon heneal ii time leafy ( roes I it amrei ; ii t Ii it ( crust ici I gi ; t full. Jiuut oft the ayl''imlm mrnail is ajemileib By cm'tti I Ii re'S stimal I it lid sill i efial , Vtslmiili'rH ; , eauterltiiimura. hugs 1romti Iu'iuvt's o't'rliead urn droppiuug , It lit I ilt'i % ' Ii tttl t lien Oil tI ( iS 0 ltd cubeS 'rite titIy 1(1:4(15 : UFO iaiilIiimig. ) A stroil ; uloutg the ' t'ootllanl , pitha ; J rimigai gIl at Iuaittt'ittl a i' pit : ; ; s II re , 1 , ' r c loimil II mm hot I evil here i o tore 1eItu tottstt its watery treasure. ( Jr cliurse , tint strollers Ilimd that they A rt , far away from : ; aitelter , 'J'huen I a ittm limo l I St f mm I let ; It y ii lied 'i'lmey'ru tlamtlminp ; imcitor.ttbeiter , 'l'iien ( 'very gIrl is fliletI with ' u'oe , ittti : ali.o even' ( niltmn' , It-n r mitt ry alit' I ii id I I ii e ( 'rOW'tl Hint I imoilgimt of tin mumolmrellu. -'o ' Vottt I c-il' t ii t u imii sat I I ta liaise II o typt 5Iiti till ilt'amlm't fr , itklttg , For thi't'e's itt. futum ' t'ln'ui picnIc throngs (1 ( ( tt IflaCli Poll ( .11 still k I n. (4 t you use t I it.m'ts tm re Heimum t' JIl cui lea I ha i'uhlliI itil l'xiil't'Intltinn , I itt t I litre cm me ' 'thtt't't I Ito t are lii led iVitlu n't'a oHti trliiulai Iumi. 'J'imeu'e's just otto 1111111 to tot things right , A umul i , mtu t lit ; t s tvel I trort ha it nutting- ( Jt't solitt with wctithtmr ttitfl ileforu to jiletmie gQhuai ,