Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1898, Part II, Page 14, Image 14

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: 14 T1E OMATTA DAILY iUE : SiTDAY , TUIX 17 , i83.
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. . , , _ 9q U It. p' q q , c
Tb week ha hati a littit , more to
otter amusement 1ovor than the one which
prcccdci R. At the Circighton one of the
very beet ot the stock company ret1uc-
tiolis p1ncd to lnrgc nnl constantly In-
crcallng fniatnes "The CekbrateCnsc , "
a fitro g play well renilereti. It rqulre0
It larger aML than any ot Its Immediate
predeccssor * and this nilorded opportunity
for the Omaha ubIic to renew its a -
qiiaintnnce with IIs Farn3t , formerly lead-
? I ing lady of the company , hut who wns
1' ' tranfcrretl to the Denver house. She to-
II CCIVcM1 a cordial greeting. MIsi iennark
2a a very trying role which calls for the
portrayal of thout all the emotions which
nettlato hunlanitv and Bile acquitted her-
: Leif as usual with crcdit.
The Troculero has ( itiring the last week
contInued to ( Iraw goo4 nudlcnic to hear
a gorni .atitlevIIIc. 'rhcre wa iigivll1g at
III t a ; to whetIir the tublia would not ooii
tire o a. regular ilict of vaudeville , but
, 'xpericnce has sltovp that with a weekly
chinge ot bill anti a jutlIcIoua se1ctIon of
4 attractIons the intere t rowH rather than
decrcasc. The attractions tor the pa8t
ytclc wer all or them good and soyerat at
theni were of the very beat ( loscription.
; The Gaiety completed the second week of
Ltttte M1s3 Chicago" btht week at the
down town theater , and the ftrst wpek on
the Midway at the ecpositLon , Idnying to
gooil business. The principal now attraction -
tion on tim week bill va Mintyro
nnd heath , negro Inpersonators , who contributed -
tributod tome very clever and amualng
ketciies which vere no Bluall part o the
. pleaHure of the performances.
There has been a report current , ivhich
I has round credence In many ruartcrs , that
Misa Kennark was to leave the Woodward
Stock company at the Crclghton. This ii
. I only , true in a measure , She is to return
tO the atock company In flaltimore at. the
. explratlqn of her contract here , hut that Is
tO1to time yet In the futurc-nbt untIl October -
tobor in fact.
It Is not yet definitely ( lecideci whIch one
or scvcral opera conpanics will open a three
. wccks engagement at the Boyd the closing
nays of this month , but the management
hopes soon to make the announcement ,
. , . .
. . . , . AIoiig Ilic Mi(1sz. .
The marked Increase In exposition atten1-
mmcc that vas the feature of 'ast ' week
hrought a decided access of patronage to
the amusement sectIon. Most of the at-
; tractlons (11(1 an exceptionally good bust-
ness for this season , and the managers arc
ncournged to anticIpate a constantly in-
q creasing patronage from now on. There is
. : , a general disposition on their part to add
- new and even more entertaIning features
and the Midway as a whole Is constantly
Pabst's place announces an exeep-
. tlonnhiy pleasing list of attractions for this
week , The four Mtltons. musicaL sketch
. artists , vllt begin an engagement today , nod
Deniaria and Orlando , who are heralded as
one of the best pairs of song and dance
people In the business , will be another entirely -
tirely new feature. Moreland , Thompson
and Roberts , vlmoe musical elcetch has
been a popular feature , wilt remain , as vlhi
May Estello Belmont , Arline Wyatt and
PepIta Manager Willard extended a formal
Invitation to CoIone Bryan and his regi-
moot to vIsit the resort yesterday and It
was 'ccry generally accepted.
The German Village continues to Xurnish
excellent entertainment for a liberal pat-
ronage. The Northwestern Cricket league ,
whIch meets In Omaha ( luring the week ,
has accepted an Invitation to make the vil-
. loge its headquarters , and the erleketers
will call in a body Tuesday evening. Florence -
once Uarvey. song and dance artist , 'will be
added to the old attractions. and Edna
Davenport , a former favorite , will return.
The unexcelled horizontal bar Performance
of Starkey and Itathbun wIll continue , and
Pitrita , the "lascot , " wIll appear in some
new specialties.
The feature ot the week at the Streets
or Alt Nations was the visit of the Knights
o t Pythias Thursday night , The Knights
were present In large numbers and were
. entertained with the best the resort afforded ,
9 Manager , Akoun Is running one of the most
xpensIve ehows on the grounds and the
axceptionall satisfactory patronage seems
to indicate that the people appreciate his
efforts to please them.
t . . The Old Plantation Is still running and
amusing good crowds , in spite of the ( hisas-
trous fire that destroyed time theater early
In the week. A tempbrary building has
hceii provided in which the entertainment
Is carried on and in the meantime a big
force of carpenters arc engaged lu the construction -
struction of a' now buildIng ,
. The Chinese village attracts many peopo
who wIsh to see just how the Chinese live
wben they are at home , The theater and
gardens are well patronized and the Clung
Ling Foe troupe of acrobats and jugglers
are without equals in their line , Arrange.
. ments have been made by which the entire
troupe will give a special performance at
the den of the Knights of Ak-Sar-flen in a
couple of reeks ,
The hlagenback people have been doIng an
excellent business all time week and even
on - dull days they always olrnw to good
houses. A number of now and thrilling
featfi of animal taming have been introduced
and many people see the performance over
'and over again without losing interest.
Ciilqtiita , the Cuban atom , was one of the
hmapiteFit cop1e on thin grounls when the
, ' news was received that Santiago had stir-
rendered , She reads every press dispatch
that refers to the war and every American
vIctory transforms her into a veritable miii-
laturo of patriotic enthusiasm ,
The Scdltz ! orchestra under Prof Blaufuss
, ,
iIll give an entirely nev program today.
The vavlhlon is always occtIiiled by a good
crod and in the ovoiming when the electric
iIhls emphasize the novelty of the pretty
Swiss costumes of the vaitresses and tim
artistic decoratIons of the building it Is
one of the iurcttlest scenes on the Miiway.
The Japanese tea garien is somewhat out
of the w'ay as compared with the rest of
the Midway attractions. but it i becoming
a very popular resort for women ami their
escorts , After the band concert In the even-
j log there is always a decideti stampeic to.
ward the pretty resort and it i rapidly in.
creasing in popularity.
The novelty of a gondola ride around time
i lagoon is one of time cnjoynuentH that eon-
rtantly grcws in popularIty , The ride Ia
really much longer than It appears , for It
Is over a mile from the lauding to time
Government building and back again , In
the evening the boats are scarcely able
to acconimodatu the people and occaalonniiy
'when one of the boats ia occu1d'd by a
party of musical inclinations seine ( atoll.
lime melody is raised anti the water ear.
rice the harmony nil over the main court ,
The wetern veopio arc becoming accus.
tonieti to ( lie idea of being trundled over the
grounds In roller chaIrs , and as the exposition -
position growa eIder the patrona of these
- -
, " " -p. V 't 'TV" ii' P '
very convenient means of locomotion in.
crease. The coat of the service is really
little more than the wear of shoe leather
in walking the same dIstance over the
gravel and the iuxury of tctng carricd
wIthout an effort from one feature at the
show to another is appreciated after It Is
once experIenced.
CmimIg lvesml.
One of the strongest vaudeville bIlls ever
offered to Omaha amusement goers will lie
Presented to the patrons of the popular
Troctulero this week , beginning with to'
day's matinee. It imos been the custom to
open the new shows at this house on Men-
( lttP , but hereafter nIl time new stars vlii
open , their engagement at the Sunday
matinees , and in today's biii atiti for the 'eck
the following stellar lights of vaudeville
will ho found in the roster. Time varticuiar
stat's arti time four Ohifans , who enjoy the
( iistimlctiOn of being headliners in all of the
music halls In' Europe , Australia anti Amcr-
Icti , and the presentation of their supreme
novelty , as given by these gentlemen , is
hew and original. as vclI us the most interesting -
teresting of vaude'eilie Pastimes. nether
strong feature wilt be Emmonls , lmerson
1111(1 Enmnonds in their original comedy skit ,
1 eimtltietl , 'Only a Joke , " whelm is said to
, be a good one , too , ltamza and Arne , the
eccentric comedians , also have a prominent
place upon thIs week's bill and of these
clever performers columns of eraiso have
bectu written. Fields and Sallmici , a strong
sketch team , amni Trixie Wade , the
vIvacious singing and dancing soubrette , and
: others of considerable note will make
up a week's entertainment of extraordinary
prominence.Vith the Trocadero Challenge
orchestra , tinder the direction of Franz
Adelmann , a meritorious treat awaits the
Trocadcro patrons.
"It is quittu surprising , " said a welt
I known business man a few days ngo , "the
ronmrkble Kuiccess that has attended the
Woodward Stock company sInce its advent -
vent in Omaha.'hy , " caid tie ,
"mimi family would not consider their
wepkly routine complete f they
missed their evening at time Cteiglmton. " It
Is not so urprLstimg as some people are
apt to think , hut solely ( tue to the fact that
the management and the stock company
work conscientiously iii their emleas or
to please time public. Comnuneitcing today ,
July 17 , the stock company will be seen
in Etnhle Toaties masterpiece "Love at
Long liranch. " This hmlay , jiecuhlar In construction -
struction , abounds in comeiy and pathos
and is much after the style of David lie-
iaseo's famous society drama. The play
vtil ho staged tinder the dire'tlon of Mr.
Wilson Enos , which is enough to warrant
a favorable production ,
Tonight "In Gay I'aris , " the new bar-
lesque , will be presented at the Gaiety for
the first time west of New York. In the
last net there is a beautiful minstrel scene ,
in whIch all the Gaiety girls take part , as
do the magnetic team. McIntyre & Heath ,
and Frank Gardner and his wonderful riding -
ing baboon , "Jessie. " The bills at time
Gaiety are worthy of time largest cities and
our citizens are showing their appreciatIon
by large attendance. There is a large
vaudeville bill , including Slmorman Wade ,
Lulu and Frank Illair. The burlesque treats
of a gay party of Americans in the French
Perhaps the n't important s'bJect presented -
sented at the . cot congress of musicians
was "Indian Music ; " by Miss Alice C.
Fletcher , Prof. John C. Fillmore and Mr.
Francis La Flescbe. Its value will be in
the 1nfsion of a new and intrinsically
American spirit into American corn-
position and will give to the
native composer something native to study
and to imitate. lie wilt not be obliged to
look only to Europe for models and in-
Mr. La Ficseho , son of the former bead
chief of the Oninhas , was born and reared
in the tribe , He is familiar vithi the life
of the people , their songs and religious
ceremonies. For a number of years past
he has been in the employ of the United
States government in the Interior depart-
mont. at Washington. During the last sixteen -
teen years lme has been engaged with Miss
Fletcher , who holds the Thaw fellowship ,
l'eabody museum , Harvard university , in
ethimoiogicai pursuits and In gathering and
studying the songs of the Indians. Mr. La
Flesehe read a paper at the congress which
contained the following valuable pointa.
Tile title of Mr. La Flescimo's jtaper was
"Omaha Indian Songs of War amid Peace. "
The Omaha songs which pertain to war
fall into six groups. They not only cover
the career of the warrior himself , but the
hopes and rejolcings of the people in his
behalf :
First-The "Wolf Songs" were sung at
ceremonies preceding the departure of a war
nart' ,
Second-The songs sung by time women to
inspirit the men when leaving time village
to ( iefenl It against hostile attack ,
Third-The "Captive Song , " sung by the
by the warrior 'when facing death. 'rile
origin of time name and Its import was ox-
phitineit by time ancient custom of seeking to
capture rather titan kill an enemy.
Fourth-Time songs sung by women in behalf -
half of those who were battlIng , In time
belief that strength and Iteip could thus ha
transmitted to ( ho absent warriom's.
Fifth-Victory songs , 'Fhestm wem'o never
sung by the man who had won time victory.
but. by time IOPle who had beem deiivereil
( rota the titreateimed ( hunger.
Sixth-Songs of the Society of Warriors ,
called lIe.dlcu.aleka , The ceremonies of
time society Wore brlelly explained amid ulo
time qualltleaton'i for Ircmnt''rltip. ( lmmch
sotig of the society mcords sonme incident
in tue life of a iii' mnbr. TrIbal hIstory was
timmis prerervcd , fcr time , . .ommg , were handed
( ball from one generation to another.
There were ttu'ti cla3cs , ammo called Rest
Songs , sutmg , 'hmIu the nmemnbam's sat ( iuichlP ,
listening or joimmuig in time imomeic , anti afterward -
erward talked ovm'r the incident whIch gave
rIse to the mopg. Thu' seond class 'vmu in
quicker tunic anti , white eqtmaily hisloric
with the Rest Songs , were always accom.
anietl by dramatic mianeimmg , 1mm u imlch mtch
dammeer acted out snob scene in hI own ox.
perien e. keeping utcpm mmd wovemncutmm
In perfect accod'ltlu time rytiun of the
music ,
Fierce and warlike as their ieopio may
appear from time storied told Iiy thmmIr oImgs ,
they were not uinnmtniifmii of tIme
that caine from vea'o. Mcii vito i.ttcw tin
fear , uvirn faced death as thought lucre was
ideasuro In It , alto loved time quiet p -
sessIon of their homes , the uimdIstubej
gathcrlflg8 of their families by time ireshie.
1mm the ceremonies connected with peace
time ipe one of the most important
parts of the parnimhanntia , The va-wan
ceremony was thua explained. 'Vho word
means to sing for a person or mm group , and
all time songs sung were in honor of veace
The pIpes used In this ceremony were un.
like mull others , They could Dimly be mumaile
b a person versed in their ritual. In
this nmanner thece Iccuiiar lmlIes have iieim
! made for generations , Without a model ,
so to speak , thu ritual lreerving time type
InvIolate. All time articles uaet upon these
PIPeS hmavo a ymbollo nicanlng , The eagle
with lta power of flight anti vision , the
owl that an tllacover its prey In the dark-
fleas , the ( luck that Is at imomnO on land or
water nimtl wlmichm can pursue its unerring
flight from one clime to anothr-al1 these
birds hero lend their prowess to aid In
peace , The streamers and colors wore also
explaIned. All these symbols are related
to ancient rites ( hear to the hmeart of the
Indian and sacred in his thought. The eere
monies attending the pipes vcre briefly
utIIned , their pun ese being to unite men of
different tribes by bonds which partook of
the unchnngnble nature of tlmat between
parent and cimlld , and peace was established
where warfare hint ! been the rule.
i'ery net iii the ceremony had its song ,
and each snug Its sigtmiflcance. A number
of these 'ere tendered uit time congress
hmy time cimoir of full blood Indians , time songs
being accomnpaimied by rimytimmlc movements
of the imlpcs. Lo Thunder renmnrkc4 :
"Vords catutmot hticture this ceremony , so
full of color , movement and piofound niece-
11mg. Even thin songs lose nuutcim of their
eharnm divorced front time numttttah stir-
roundings and bereft of the fetvor which
Is gIven to timetmi by the hundreds of men
amid wonmeim who join iii time singing mummi
gazing upoim tile waving Pipes recognize
their significance. Time word 'tiunga' on-
curs frequently iii tlwsc songs. It umeamma
Ammetarmt one , ' and refers to time child who
1mm time ceremony symmmboiizcs inmmocemmee nimmi
peace. A very somali child is taken , be.
etmtmse such aim one is not ctmpmmbhi of think-
11mg evil or entertaimmimig m cs'eimgetul tlmouglmts ,
its nmimmti is peaceful as the blue sky antI time
lighmt of time suit. W'ith the Clmristitmn time
iamb is time emblem of immmmoemio anti peace
with the Onmnlma liidhamm It is time little
cimiIii. " This cerenmony is very olti.
Traces of it have been ( outed aimmong the
rciimmmins of time prehistoric leopie of time
Ohio vmmlic y anti at the limb of time coin-
immg of time white race it held sway over
thmd miumuerous tribes , nil speaking different -
ent laimgmthgt's'imIchm tiwclt , iii time Missis-
aippi s'muhley nimd westward to time teothillia
of the Ilocky mnoummtalns.Vhcrevr on that
'iitl cotmntry these iiitcs 'vera knowmu they
Verc honored mind 1)011CC made possible bc'-
tveen men wlmo othei'mvise would be coo-
IL was tine to time presence of one of these
pipes lii ? miamqtiette's frail common that made
possible his ( iesccImt of the Mlesissiimpl 26
yeats ago. That journey of his bmought to
tim knowledge of the wlmlte race the rich
couimtry imoW covered by time states repro-
scnted imu tlmis Trnnsmississippi Exposition ,
Wlmcmm , duriimg Marquette's perilous voyage
111)011 ) tIme Father of W'aters , hostile tribes
t'tmshied forward to inmpede tIme advance into
their cotmutry of the white strmmngcr this pipe
was held aloft , and tha sight of it was
potent to stay the strung bow anti the reatty
arrow and to spread tue smile of welcome
over the resolute face of the warrior.
Marquette's own words ha1i tail of time
reverence given to timese sacred symbols of
peace. 'Time calurnet is the most mmmys-
terhmyus timing In the world. The scepters of
our kitmgs arc not so muichm respected , for
the Indians have such reverence for it tlmat
one amay call it time god of pemmce amid war ,
and the arbiter of life anti deatim , One with
tills cahurnet amy venture among his cii-
emnics , and iii the hottest battles they lay
down timeir arnus before this sacred pipe. "
Such Is the testimony of one 'of your own
race viio was of the first to venture among
the tribes of IndIans vhoma some writers
have declared to be hardly human. Such
was time reverence shown by these untutored
teen for ti'e nmajesty and beauty of peace
and fellowship. Though time years have
wrought great changes obliterating time old
life of the Indian and leaving him strug.
ghing and misunderstood iim the midst of a
strange race , yet the iticl represented by
these ancient calumnets survives , an ideal cx-
pressed in the choral :
Tits is what is given you ,
ThIs is wImat is brought to you ,
Iirothmethood mmmi peace.
Miss Fletcher , Prof. FIllmore anti Mr. La
F'Icsche are still continuing their researches
into the fast disappearing remains of In-
ditto music and every year rescuing some
tmcasure for those who will one day huild
Iii , a school on music expressive of true
Americanism , IIOMEIt MOORE.
MusicaL Notes ,
At last the exposition pipe organ is near-
log completion ammd a series of recitals Is
promIsed for the near future , Aim' organist
resident ! n Chicago Is under consideration
for time hcrmor of opening time organ.
Miss Ltliie d'Angelo lierglm , a veli known
voice educator of New York , has beemu in
Omaha the Inst week , visiting time exposi-
tion. Miss Iiergh has a imutaher of foramer
pupils among the Omaha women who have
been making her stay pleasant and she
participated in one of the recent afternoon
receptiotma givoim by time Entertainment
hurenu at its rooms 1mm tIme Mines buildIng.
Miss Hergh Is on imer way further west , but
mmmay returmi for a bimort season of work in
the fall.
Emil Sammer , the pianist , lies signed a
cormiract with Mr. It. E. Johnston , time cotu-
Cert manager , to make a tour of this coon-
try timis coming season. Snuer wtli nmok'
hits first American appearance at the Metropolitan -
politan Opera house , New York , Tuesday
evening , January 10 , assisted by a granil
orchestra of 100 musicians. Mr. Sauer's
contract calls for forty concerts. twenty of
them with orchestra. 'Fhme bniance is to
be recitals. Saucr is considered by the
most eminent Europeatm critics to ho one of
the grandest pianists of modern times ,
Ills repertory Includes everything ever written -
ten for the piano.
Mmo. Imiarzella Sombrich as born at
Lenmberg , Galicia , in the year 1858. In her
youth she studied piano and violIn and 1)0-
caine so proficIent mis to tie able to iiay
concertos 1mm a most artistic manner on
either imustruimment. She aftervards studied
singing iii Milan tinder Lamperti , anti beIng
possessed of a fine soprano voice railtiiy
came to the front , She made her debut at
Atimeims in ' 'I i'urltnui' ' in 18T7. her first
appearance iii hondon vas iii 1880 Jim "Lucia
di Lamnnmermmmaor. " Slmmce then he line been
actively engaged in operatic work in nearly
every musical center of Europe , Sime came
to this country In 1681 and mmgaln last year ,
Simo has beeii known to sing a great aria
and nit a respotmae to the encore play ii move-
umment of a plane concert , and as a response
to the encore whlcim it occasioned play a
movement from a violin commcerto. She is
probably the only imerson who over lived
who could do this , Her voice is lyric tie-
itrano and imer iritmciltal roles those from
time operas of Rossimmi , Doimizettl anti lielhlrml ,
Those facts are submitted in answer to a
letter of inquiry.
1'i a 55 8 liii i'I U
"Ptmtiti'nhcadVilson" will be presented
iii Emmglamttl next spring.
Frammlt 'iIstacim wLll be Irancis ' .Viison's
h.uisimcss , tmmannmer mmext season ,
George MacIc has slgneti svltim Smnyth &
111cc to play time title role iii "My Friend
from IndIa" durIng time comnimg semton.
Janice Barrio has recently eomnpletotl a
mmcmv coined ) ' of Scotch life. Time Anmericaru
rights have been seCured by Charles Frob-
"TIme Treasure Seeker , " by Louis N. Par-
her , Is tie : pitu wimich W'illiaimi II. Crane
\u.iil rely upon lot' bringing hint success next
Madame Modjeska will bhortly appear as
[ iosailnct In aim omit-door perlornmammco of
"Aim You LIk It" for the benefit of the Red
Cross soioty.
A New York roof garden cometilmmn Is
saying , "F'our imuntired y ara ago 5110111 dls.
covered Anmerich. nnti now sime Is sorry site
took time trouble , " Which isn't bad for time
It ms announced that Milton NobleS anti
imis uvlfo find vaudeville so attrmtetlvo anti
remunerative that they wIll continue In it
at least qnotber season , aimd not take to
time road whim a play.
Time New York l.ifo Insurance company
has ptmrcii4stmtj ilammmnierstelim's Oiyntpltu at
auctloq for t.OOOO , something lesmi titan the
price originally paid for the ground alone ,
Time building cost over $1,000,000 ,
Jotmim J. Parke of "Sinbati" tame tiled
labt iveek fronm Injuries rect'lvetl while dlv-
I log iii the oceamm at Sea ClIff , L. I. He imati
been 'iivitmg ' front a raft and struck lila
lmeati on a sharp stone Wlmotm him came to
I the surface ho was uocouscloua anti partly
. . The ( ietti cometllmun was born
In timla country thirty-five years ego , hits
Itiow is Grace Ihurke , who worked with
hihumi on time stage.
Wnhter'Jones anti Marie Dressier won time
vrize offered lii the giect cakewalk at the
llnrnnmorsteln testlmonlni , The receipts of
( lint entertainment , by the sny , have takeiu
a severe tumble and vilt not exceed $6,00.
Kathryn Kidder has been engageti by
'Wmmgcnhmahs and Kemmiper to toplnbe Matinnie
I Ithi'a in time three-star combinatinim that
lmad beau nimimoutmeed as Jamimes-tti'eu.\Varie ,
Simo is tu ; play Ophelia. Lady Macbeth , I'or-
tIn , Destimmmona and Lady Teazhe.
At the lmresent tlimio the stars , both great
and small , of the drumtmmntic world , are doing
little iii a professioiimml % a ) ' , umulss talking
through timeit' nmatmflgerts of tIme womidmurfumi
things 1mm time way of new plays time ) ' mire
going to have time coining seasoim can be
considered labor in the pl'ofessional field.
.As usual , a very large per cent of time imow
itroductions will itti by English playwrights ,
or Irnimalations frommm the Fremmeim , of Which
latter there arts fuiiy the usual atimumber.
From present limtilcatinns i. It. Sotherti
anti Viuginia I horned wIll be scinriitcd iii
their theatrical career this fall. Mr. oth-
era has been contrttct'ti ( or to nppc.r to
l'imilatittlpimimi at th'tm ilronti Street theater
1mm the "Courtalmip of Moi'ris Btmr'klc'r. '
drlimiimtti7Ci by Etiltor Clark of thm.i ( 'ci-
tenon. If this piny , mtumccqctis tt will be aiii'-
sequtently ireaeumted at the Lyceum tht'a ri' ,
whIt ' Vlrgtnin ilarimeti will stat' iii ' '
Ursula. "
Tragedian Robert Iowning will resume
imla starring tour abotit October 1 , plnyitmg
his usual repertoire of plays and puotiticing
a imew olme from time pemm of Mr. V. I ) . Imhi
cntitled , "A True Kimlglmt. ' ' Mr. lieu , imy
time cay , is one of time successful autimors of
totlay , hum lmavimmg Ito less than six or eevemm
of his plays mmcceptcti for iiext year. Mr
lois'mmiimg's repertoire will consIst of "Jtiiltms
Caesar. " "Imgomnnr , , " "Gladiator. " "Vir-
" ' ' " ' ' " ' '
gliuitis , 'Othello , 'Sansoim , 'Itlcimard
, ,
III fln(1 "A Trtto I'nlgimt. "
'I'Iirihliiig IxievIeiime of it 5hiuitteit
on ( lie iiIItuiuy of
i'roI Ic ,
An Omaha gIrl of tmpressinnabio years
contributes time following pictuiresqume iOetiC
mmccoutmt of an experience none hid less
thrilling because locking reality , ammti is
"run 1mm" for conveimience :
Time other imiglmt , uts tim bi I slumbered ,
iorii out by time trip of tlmrmt (1fl' , I ngnitm
iii ( ii'ottiiltttilll w&umcIet d omit aloime ott thiO
Great Midway.
Tite ltottr ivas late , tIme crowd iurt tlowti ,
ti'o emits had tttotiiL'ti ) for the nigimt ;
timet'o I wmm , , for cause umtkiiowmm , In a 'utd
tmnci sot ry plight. ,
My emily drcss was toy night robe wlmitc' : .
mteither tmlmoo tier t4toclcIttg did I wear ; I
tflilY immtvcu iookd , lIke miii angel bt'Igltt , htmL
I felt lIke a ievii out on ii tear.
You calm imnagimme how great was time
tulmot'k , to one au rnjdest , mind ProPer as 1 , to
he timus out itt milgimt witimout eveil a frock ,
mund no refuge to wlmicim 1 could fly ,
1 tried in'aiim mmmy timin legs to Imitle , na
they simook fronm very fright : I wisht'd
that the i'artim would opeim wide anti bury
tIle out of aigimt ,
At length J awoke froimi very dread that
501110 imtirriti itmimli mmmy flgmmro would see , and
fomuimd niysolf him you little bc'ci vhth my
head where amy feet ought to be.
% 'AIt IL1iI'Hi ) fl'OMEu' .
Loss of ) ii'im lit hit' Civil 1Ymir ( mmvo
'I'hcitt iIiiiii ess U piiort miii ities.
Ono of the most interesting as well as irn-
portnimt factors lit the labor probieum today ,
says the Neuv Oricaims Times , Is the employ-
fluent of womucmm itt the varlomms departimmemmts
of labor on reserved for omen , and time
competition of women 'ivitim men in time
struggle for life.
There were sonme 2'2,000,000 persons of both
Sexes engaged in gainful pursuits of oil
sorts in 1890. Of these about 4,000,000 were
females anti 18,000,000 males , There were ,
according to the same census , about 13-
oooqoo families in the United States. In 1SGO
there were about 10,000hi00 orkers of both
sex , and of these one-tweptietlm , or 500,000 ,
were ' fcnmuies. These wem'o engaged chiefly
in clotimimmg factories , iottomi mills , and In
shoe biumdiug , ammd timey were found almost
wholly in' the New Eumgiaud states , whose
men had gone away to sea or to time new
lands of the west anti loft. their vumtien do-
Iteudemmt. In the cst anti iii the couth a
wonman seldom went away Im'onm lionme to
work , or , if so , they were occtmpieti with
household duties in families. After time clvii
tmm' time situatIon was 'aatiy changed. A
million men lost their lives or were so mis-
abli-mi as to be htmcapacitated to support
tlionmselves. The south suffered more than
any other section , anti. mammy vnmoa wete
left , self-depeumdent , It was a n.ei' timing to
see white wonmen in the soutimermm states start
out to seek work in avenues that had been
previously closed to womumen. rhey could not
take donmeatic service , because such piSces
were nonopoiized by time imegroes , who had
been brought up to timat sort of work. The
posts of. teaching time yoummg diti not afford
places for mull , 'lmo were forced to work , anti
thus the white women of time south cumulated
their sisters of the imortim anti west in seeki
ing the means of etmrmmltig a livelihood In
every imommorubia work vitbin their camacity ,
and , however macit tIme necessity for smicim
a state of timings Is regretted , It nmust be
recognized nil time same ,
It is not nimly mmnnmmmtmly , but it Is otmtrage-
cushy tmmmjust for maim to complain that
wofluen are driving them oat of onmployment.
There are 13,000,000 heads of fmmnmilies In time
United States. Sonic of these are widows ,
btmt the greatest number are omen. Thre
are mcmi enough In the country to support
mmli the women If timey would. The fact is
that they do not , It is timely own fault.
If every nman who pretends to be a maim wtmre
supporting a 'woman as he should there
would be probably 4,000,000 places In offices.
stores , shops and factories that ale BOW OC-
cupled by women workers left free to men ,
anti wojoen woulti be at hmonmo ,
The worst feature in Limo entire situatIon
Is timat time woinetm are put off wIth about
one-half the w'mmge $ giveim to men for time
samno service. This Is aim outrage iii mommy
cases , V.'imemm the woimmen acquire time jmower
in business wimich they imavo always been
able to WiChi in love , they wifl correct time
cvii of lower wages , too.
Stumnti No , 1 , "Sehmicy , " Athrnimmimmtrmitioim Arch
Stolid No. 2 , ' 'Ie'e3' , ' ' \Vest iitlvmty ,
Slmirmti No , : t , "hiobmuomu , " North viaduct.
$ tttnd No , 4 , 'uLmmu1mson , " outlm vIaduct ,
Or 'I'tmoiie
CLJMMINS , Exposition 6ronds ,
Cor. lii & JtmcksOn Sta. J. C' . Gritflim , Prop.
150 Rooms-All mmlerim lrnlmrovememmtmm.
Bmttes-Anlericftfl I'ian , * 2.00 to 1.0O ICr do ) ' .
Eimroimetuli Pluim , $100 per dm1) ' end uimw.mrtln.
Car line to anti from till depots. Direct
ear line to omultu entralmce at 1xiositiomm
Ki-URR11' : 11OTLL ,
14th and homey St.
American l'lan-3 to 4 dollars per day ,
Street cars from depots neil from hotel to
ExposItion Grountia tim fifteen minutes ,
13 , SILLOWAY. Maoager ,
it tI'iIs atuI.iu ) tI.uO l'tit lAY
Electric ears iireet to tipositiOn ground. .
t"It.tNi. IIUtKISll , CM.Ittsr. . . . . .
SAM IAuslA ; Cnief Cleric.
I 'JtJi militi 1)oiigis Stit , , OumaIit ,
. . . .A31L'hLiG/i.N ANI ) E1J1IUI'E.N J'IjAN.
J i' : . 31AIIKEh ic ; l'roV. .
3iUSIiitIi.Tts : . ,
' , . . A 1'Hiti'I'i't'Aii 'I'ItiUh1'U , . .
T.t ! TOCAOJ II : : *
Teiphmone 2217 ,
Leiutz & WIlliams , Props. anti Mgrs.
\v. W. COLE. Act. Manager ,
'l0lIi : IIIUiNiNG W'i'i'hl i.t'tNii
( 'umitittelitnl HeeimtriiiiC5 ,
SImIreiiie , No'eilj .trtl.ts.
CoimiciJy Uamza & rllo Aci'OLnts
'lIlhii iCiNM.10iItt : , 'I'itIXlI3 VAiI ,
fl1tOUi fliiiHtSON _ tNL ) EMMOS1) $ .
VIliiM ) ANi ) SAt.1NA.
Ai ) O'I'lIiIIL BiG FIiA'i't'flhitt.
'i'Iii1'ro'niicro t'Imniieimg' Orclieitrti ,
lIreetion Franz Adelmnami.
( 'iinmie of 11111 Ibithm'cek , ,
Ilefreiimim imts ( nrdrii nild 'Vhtcittrc ,
Vildevfflc Show
I1 the Uty
Daily from 8 to 12 p. m.
. Matinees ( buy ( flXCOlt Monday ) ( coin
tO to:8O : ii , in.
To night
CUftord's tialety
New' I3tiPld.SLItit.I
! k 6irAy ra1s"
no bentit ifni Indies , I"rmmmk Gim cutter
nut ! Ii Is rid I im Iltulinuuui , .1 essit' t : sit'i mm-
lyre II exitli ; "Luulut" timid iIi. Vittide-
s'iiie 11111.
- - - - -
' nnn J flurireil
'Pug:1 ' '
, : CitmiO'i1ff'tvl
L ALtJ % JA L.tJLthtagcrs. , . Tel. 3L
0. \\'oolward , Atimusemttetit Iirem'tor. )
' ' . , , ' ' ' ' , .
'L'Ol ) tY. : iil ; 'I'ONIGII'l' sine.
TIIF WOOfl''ARI ) e'i'OCi co
Long Branch.
Next Week-All time 'comforts of Home ,
A Gondola ride for a beautiful view of
the Gt'aud Court anti Eiecti'ie Lountain
-tIme popular arnusenmommt.
' . No Ti't'tt I'crfoi'uuismitccs Alike .
A6 [ N MC'S
O ? Tlili M1JWAY . . . . . . . .
6criio Vffle
cccccccccccc : . CCCCCCC4
( ALIFO1t'iA -
Time biggest , best , most novel exhibitiotu
on'est Miciwmty. Admission omuly o eants ,
lmem'd of nearly 100 Giant Ostriches -
S E triches , tiozeims of Ostrich cimiclus
only mu few days old. 'l'imo mnost
gorgeous llmimago on earth , Ostrich eggs ,
Ostrich tiestti , Ott' .
Time Liviugloii. 'rli FeattII-C O
Do Not Forgot to Visit the
CIINS [ 1iIATfl ,
Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss
House on West Midway . .s
! ' ? TAlON
' . , .AT 'i.iii' ; . . . .
- - - -
15th iummtl Cmtpitol Ave.
Capture the Brass RIng and Tilde Again
JO , ; . titJChIOFI' FREE , ii'ttset' tutu Mnmiai'r ,
August 1st
* 'Oi'I'IIt ' ( ) : , I-
S'hhJHthi 1)0 'I'hlIi ALL ( .Of
Fritz Mueller , l'rop. On the Midway ,
heutlezvotms { of Iocitity i'eople.
V I S V1'
N of Music Hall . East Midway ,
Aui't-rtINrmumrntiu tottIICMC viuhtiiimmi
tclii hO litht'ut until l.i mit , for ti.
C'S'ClI I nmiul mimi ii S iitm : for 1110dm I mmg
tutu sonuiny cult luutos ,
, I I-.iu n wurul ftrMt himsert foul
Ic n vu nrui t iteremufler , uthiiug , tiukeit
for lets. . tlintm ; k' for ( lie first imiser-
t Ituiit 'l'hit''ut. nil von Lactimnuuts lutiSt be
rout couisoomit Iu'ely ,
.tuiaert l'ut'r , hip' request Ing a nuuimi-
huereul oluu'm'k , comm hin'e uiuierM miii-
ulresuu'ul t a mu liuiiitbem'cul let Icr Iii enre
of 'l'iie hiet' , Atisisers itt , nuiuircMuItul
i iI I lie tlt-1 Icreul ott PSOSCIt tot lois of
( lie eltecia .tmmiy ,
' , , , ' , ' '
st'iUAmtOS : W'A'Vt1) .
' ] , 'Yl'E\VR [ Ti G amid copyimigC41ieo bldg.
_ - : is.2.s
SITUATION w'ammtcti by Itig. itrongbc.y to
( in ( iittSiIl ( ' vOrk imeoutid lutmumu' ; im'mmemt tutitl
faithful. Addrt.a U Ii , lb'e. A1i517
% 'tN'l'El-it.Ifl IIEIi' ,
SAltSMEN fur c'igmtrs : tmi ii nummmtit titid
C xlelwes ; old lirtmm ; expem'lt'nce mmmi mec"s-
tsar ) ' C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
I3ALTSMRN to . olhlcn specialties in
Kmmimsaii and Nebrttsicut ; hue side itts' ,
agents immuko $3.00 a day ; used by mill mmmsr-
chants. Model Mig , Co. , Box 13 , 'South
Bond hid. 13-fl ? .3) ' '
noflERhi for extra gang no 33 & M. 1mm
\ yomlmmg ; free futre. Km'mummmer & O'iicnrim ,
211 8. 12th , 11--Mill 17
SOhl'ITOUS % % 'nmmtedgood ; oilcitom' w'mtNi
iii etteim ctjuinty lii eastern lmatf ( if Ne-
brmtslca to vork iii ctiuimtt'y : good oppor-
tttimlty for rigimt macmm ; m'eferemirea required.
Address Lock Box 2t ( ) , Des Moines , Iowa.
I3-\Il3T 17
EXI'EihIENCED clerka wanted for time
gtvermmtmmett civil snt"ire. Over 5,000 mup-
Inmlmmtmmmemmts to be mnumde. iIttm ) ' Vmtc&mimtiuti &
cru'mmted 11) ' time vttr. For huh ieirtieultmrs
about salurics , elm' . , mumitiress Nmutktmiim I ( 'or-
t'SfitttUleimce Imistitule , Dept. IStI'n'tm
immgttmi , , 1) . C. l3-1SO--11
Fl lts'I' ciS nmeciitlty ; sulcaimmeim. Al
staid o p mU t'l C , good sitl e I I tic' , ii I ii coin -
immiti&ioim. Itepm'ct4cntmmtlve at qapositiomi. F.
:11. : Vrumnmmmi , 22 Dtnmrburmm St. , Cimicitno ,
iii ,
SIDE LINE-Free ( ostiy ) outfit to smmlt.ts.
immeim stttisfmtctorliy gtmittnimtecimig t ovt'r
5tN'itic tem'riIor3' . SevL'rtml etmrim i.Xt veekIy
emmlm , McKee , 1' . 0. 2371 , New l'om'k.
GOVErINMENT vOsitions : tlomi't imremaI'o ,
for ammy eivll service oxuitntmtatiomm without
seeirmg our illustrated emutiuiogmic of iii-
formnatlnn : seimt free. Ctdumnblamm Car-
m'CitpimdeimCe ( 'allege , Vasimimmgtou , 0. C.
1iEilAflLfl rnetm to tnek mmdvertisimmg aigns ,
$ i2.5Veekl ) ) ' muitti expenses ; semmri hOc' ror
itostagt' , tiamuilmie , ott' . YotitigIetlicitme ( 3 , ,
249 No , . Colorado . . St. , Pimiimttleiplmiit , l'im.
' 13-100-li'
\VANTED , mu atmute agent for Nebraska amitl
otme for vcmmterim iowa to rehrcsc'mmt , time
Ihygietmic itathm C'iilltiet , apm'cimul terms ;
yearly contract. For partit'ulnm's imddress
1) . C. llurson & Co. , Coltmmmmbuui , Ohio.
\ \VANTEI-Metmnnti tolu'arim how
they cuim secure a iifcttmmme itmt'omn , ' of $ I,0J ( )
ml. yemtr by Itivcsthtmg * r.oo.iIttC ) ' QUit lie
itttd in nimmll mnoimthly itmstaihmnemmts , uvitlm-
out itmtcremtt. 'I'lmis 1)4 mm solid Iropositiomi
fm'onm solid hu.uitmess amen , anti a Iinuitc'l '
opmmorttitmtty. Time art of getting rich
consists not so much him beiimg savimmg as
itt being able to know tuiid S'iZ ' mmml 'ip-
hOrtUmtlt ) ' . ( 'nil , or midt1rcs ( hail. F' .
Linscott , lOS La Salle St. , ChIcago , lii.
\\rtNTED , two first-class mind Imiglm-prir'd
sttlesmiiemm for Omimaimmi tmnti sotmue for uuttlde
territoi'y ; time grout Cemmtui'y Atlas Ct' time
\'orld , imm time itumiking of uvlmlcit time ( 'n-
tory Co. lmas so bug betm emigagc'tl ottil
expended over $ I0,00) ( ) , immmti het'mm completed
at. a most opportune tinme ; till uvimm ) s'tiIhi
follow the evetmts of the uvtr or w'oumli ,
trace time coura' of time b'paimishm mtmmd Aumu'm'-
tcumn hoots ilrmd this volmimmue Indihlueiusttbic ;
it Is having ttmm irnmnemuse sale aniommg edu-
caSed tumid wc' peisons , and CSI)0
chilly to time oi'imemS of time outer great
Cetmtury publications , ucliose tmnmmm's are
ftmrnlslmed ; first-c lass men only. Address
James Clarke & Co. , 500 , 184 La Stuile itt. ,
Chicago , irinciiatlns of schools ci' formnt'r
stieitmncim : fot' time Cemmtury Dletiommtmry
ghveim Itreference. 13-1)9 ii'
AN hONEST , sober , industrious mnulm to
represemmt Ito ohti and responsible house iii
timis soctioiml iOt3itiOn pleasant , Itermmulment
and profitable ; no capital requited. I"or
further particulars atldress , with mttnttmp ,
Manager , P. 0. Box 1027 , Phlhtmdeitmiila , P.1.
fl-MittS iS'
AGENTS , $100 weekly anti expenses gtmttran-
tu'eti good men to sell Arctic Refm'tgerLtiimg
ItIachmiimes for cooiiimg refrigerators ;
guam rmnteed 75 iter cemmt cheaper tlmtttm ice :
Immdestructihle , everlasting : every owner of
a rdfrigerator buys thorn , as the saving of
ice tim ommo tminnth more timaum , mmys for
mumeimitme. 1-have over 5,000 in umse. 1,000
testlmumomuials from leatliimg merchants of
the T1. S. Greatest tnommopiy ev'r offered
agents ; no competition : exclusive territory -
ritory assigmmeti good smletummmemm. ; 'SVrttcm
latin ) ' anti seemrcm , your tet'ritory before it
is taken. Arctic ltefrigum'atlimg ( 'o . ( ' 1mm.
cimmnati , 0 , B-ISO-IT'
$200 MONTkt and expemmses paid attics-
maim for only reliable nmmclmltte : o.Itmmg . re-
frierators , uvater coolers sold cit Its
merits to dealers anti fftmtlIs by denmojm-
strative oumthit ; proven 75 ir cemmt cimenper ,
better , colder titan ice itself. Alaskan lie-
frigerating Machine Co. , Cincinmmmuti , 0.
F6p working for a arnalisutlary : imave a
busIness cit your own ; write for par-
tictilttt't4 of otmr iulamm of work. Atidreas
Gro'cs & Co. , Box 107 , Detroit , Mielm.
B-I 41-17'
MAN for time road , salary $12.50 per week
mind comummlssion ; references required :
i'm'ita for particulars. Ittyal Chemical Co.
Masonic Temple , Clmicago , 13-147-17'
: nina hiving near ilminarum vturk to
carry irnimer route amid collect. Sumimiry
$3.50 to 5.00 Iter week , Call 52 Dtuugltus
block. ri-2O 17'
SALESMEN to sell specIalty In soap ; only
mdi who arc tritvelimmg regtiltii'Iy anti otto
call on grocery mind uirmmg stores ; samples
( 'itO tmtm carried tim pocket , National Setup
Co. , ( 'itit'mgo. : 11-200 17'
500IdtImOIlEttS for rttiirond work at Itoh-
t4imm , ilritish Columnimlu : u'ages $2.00 and
up. Esberg , 11th atid Fmirnmmrmi. 11-225 17'
2OLAIIOIiE11S. 10 tcamtmsterm4 , for railroad
work , Sntmtii Dakota ; $1.50 day : 51111) 'ttin- '
do ) ' . Esljem'g , 11th nntl Farmmmmm. . .
13-22i 17'
\VAN'I'FD , tmtiinr tn oiler utultsmmmat ; ho
experionceti in timis lcimutl of work. Apply
itt. lfostoim store , J. L. lirmunticis & h4otms ,
proprietoi'ti. 13-232 17
'AN'I'lh-I"I1M.iLl1 11111.1' ,
lOt ) CIlILS for all kinds of work ; 1 to $7
weel. . Cmttmudlami 0111cc. 1522 lJotmgimmmt.
0001) girl U ) lme'lp cook and cimamtmrmnmmItl ,
Lmummge hotel , 604 5 , 13th St. C-iSO
YOUNG wiuiow just trommm tilt , COSt
iii us'ldoui'em"s
position as imoutackseper a
home , ur iu'ouitl correspomiti si'itlt vieiv to
mntttrimoity ; cIt' or cmmmntry : elderly gcmm-
tiemmummum itreferreti. Atldress Mrs. Liiilc II.
A mitimuity , Pueblo , Colorado. C-Mi it ii'
i1I'LOYMENT bureau , 1522 1)otlge ; ioi76 ,
C-Ml000 AU
_ _ _ _ _ _ - - -
LAIIES ommtl getmtic'mmmt'mm out of emnpluymmmotit
' . , uli ( Intl learn omit' work anti maku $3 to
It ; item. tiIt ) . Crelgimtomi lilock , room 7t1.
C-A157l 30
_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _
\'AN'i'El ) , it girt ( or general Imoummotwork 1mm
iumnull : ftmnlly : no fl'asiilumg or ironimtg ; ttt
112 fotmthm 25th avenue , netmo 1)odgu' itt.
C-M135 17'
WAN'l'Ei-A fIrst cmmsa iniiilmmery trlnmmner
at. lmemolzhmeimumer , i03 S. 15th St.
- - -
GOOl ) competetmt girl ( or genermtl housework -
work Apply 4801 Davenport. C-ItS
FIRST.'IdmiiS cook anti laundress. 1020 S.
20th lit ( -231 17'
_ _ _ _
I'rtovt'rAIiIli lmotmme enmplo'mnent ; we w'nnt
it ( OW 1fltfl or wfimneui iii ( ivory town ii )
make mmos't'ities tom mis at their huonies ;
Comm svork uIut' or e'umimug mnmtkitmg $ I" " to $15
i'eekiy , nceordlmmg to tIme devtted to
wc.rk. Jtu eamurnutsing em' cxpet'lCflcu rc
' ' full portico.
umfm'r'd t'mtuIy emnployiumemmt ;
I it rs mm mmii ivork nut I leti on a iplita I iotm . Iirmu-
ziltaum Mg. ( ' (1. , Ntuiv York
CM2l2 IS'
TPiAChilltS wtuntetl fur ciiotul mind t'oi-
iege.4 . liSt vf " . , t'auu 10 $ fill Interstate
'I'eaeiuers' Ageimey. \.usiuimmgtoui St
( 'iuiougu , Ill C-ltitl 1' '
_ _ _
\\'AN'l'flD Girl for gommeral hou'to i'orii ,
Apply at 1916 Dodge St. C-l51-h1'
rtit ht1INT-iIOt1i5 ;
( 'I tOlr1 hioiie atuui cottages nil uu'or eity
$5 to $ if , . Fidelity , 1st floor , N. Y.
ItOtISES. Ihcmmeva&CoIOSNlSthSt , ( .
11OUS1S , stores. licinis , 1'actnn block ,
- - - - - - --------------i _ 4'
MDVI NO iiotlt'lmoiti genus mind itlanos.
Oni. 'ttti , & Storage ( 'a. , l5I14 F'nrmmttmmm ,
Tel. 15.9.
F'URNI'FUItE nod iOosm'lmnlti of it 7 nimul 1.1-
room mooderum lint for stile ; itmurgalum ; gooti
location , ment low , Bemuiis , l'natoii bllc.
_ _ _ _ _ -
7-ILOOM modermm house vitlm atnhle , large
simndy gtotind. Ilemnis , l'axtomm 111k.
FOR RENT , four-rootmi cottnuenhmt1 3
2i mmmilesvest POstOiiiee. I" . 1)'etmui. . s
1)-MM ?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
601 Bi'iE II1DG , cm' telephmotmu it ? .
43alioOrd'r I
. I li-se--
0-ROOM mmioem'mj imotte , 2B0 Capitol tuvemume.
.1. N. Fremixor , cup. old P. 0. 1)MO.l5
B t'ri i'U h fommr-rotummi ilti t No. I lId Nort hi
24th at , Aplil' zit ; Cmtiuii'eIl lit. 1)-Ms ,
FI ( { 1tlN'i' ,
74 N. 2thii muve , G roonms , $12.00.
iMti . . 2tlm at , , 7 m-ootmms , $ l.tm0.
1912 Mmtomm at. , ii ro'nmit. ' , $12.00.
GA1IVIN 111105. , 1613 1rAlNAM S'I' .
IM t'iiO\'Eli S'IOoIfl iiouitit' , etmtir0l ) ' mobil-
rI'tm , tittIti me ha I I , littt'eelui 1mm titi I ii ; uvi Ii
l'tio tar 01mm , ycam' at $30 iter mmmommiht.'iii
emily ( otmalder Al tOntmiut i'imOo ru'feremmees
arc ttLmtlsfmut'tor. Omumaimmu loamm tummti PrimaL
Co. , 1thm amid Lotmgias Sta , l-12t3 17
Ft 1 ii SALlrommmm , Itemise ti ivIlm bta-
mnemmti , 1 block .franm i'utm'k St. cmii's mmmiii
i'tus tutu cc t b I a t toim I P , A i'llv ' , Ii t 1
( Iuot'gitt lt\'e. i"-Mlti ) ii'
6-ROOM mmmodermm uitit. 1112 Snutlm ilfim ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ D-14i
Tlr ROOM FuitNisilEl ) em' Pttrtivfttr-
mmhmimed ; umodetum iuoutme , v I t im l.a rum , ta mmtm
- - pimmu t t > mm tt mm , I ti i'ritm go I f ti . 'sI t cmi. I tictt.
tion v.'ry chok'e : ivili remit for terni of
years to time m'hglmt i'm't ' ot' uviii sell ott
Itmuit ) ' ( crams. No mmgcmmts. Atiu'es \ \ 45
Ilet' tM-i52-1S'
Ff311 IImlN'1'-i't'htNiSItv3im
1100315. t
TI I li Vtmrimtmmim 't'crrace I lotcu , 203'i-3S.00.42 '
Fa ru aiim , Neii ummtaiei'tm hum I Iti I mmg , tmttuv fit r-
mmliii ml imga , ii I I t I egmulmt no I aide m'oomn't ;
Iorcht's , iauvmm , ti'cu's. ESI1CL'ltilIY uieitirimiflo '
for ammul t'tuiii.iX ] 'Mili.JylS '
_ _ . : _
50 ROOMS. 1117 Douglas ; one bed in room.
FURNIShED m'oomns. 602 N.iti ; grecorv store
E-lt3 ; .J' . 19'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TilitEC roomims , lmousckeeplmmg. iimz Sotutim . . , , -
11th. F-'tifTt
ROOMS ; imear all car hirmes. iSlE Callformmtmm , .
_ _ _ _ _
FUI1NISEIED rooumia , facltmg expositiomi
gmotimmmls , bomurut It tlclred. 3Sl4 N. 20th St.
- E-CdS A2'
FIT fINISh I El ) rooms tmt rcasnmmal,1t' ; mrIces.
520 N. Ilium. .E-\297-.1y21' ! 'i.
i'Eix fumrmilslmoi roois ; reimsonablo ; four
blocks front Postolilce. 1111 'miss.1iM745
termmatiotttti Exmmsitiotm wsltiiig ! to secure
commmfortable quarters camm save tinie miami
expense Imy uvritiimg to or cmmliitmg upon the ' ' I
0lilekt Itmformuatlon Butromumi , 1315 Ftmrntmni
St. , the 0111) ' ttutlmtrlzeti agemmey of time
EXPOilitiOit iimtiuugemfleimm. : : Strutimgers on
arrival in Omnmmhma comm taice Street coos
tiirect frouui umimy tiepot. OmItco day
anti night. i-i
ELEGANTLY ftmriml'tlmed roomna , lmtlm , teic- 4
ihmtmmme ; t i'attsieut tit ; ImtiCC5 remusomma hi e.
rtoimm 1 , DmvI1ge bulitiimig , Eiglmteeimtlm auiti
Farimttmn Street , olii'osii e city lmtutl. Cars
to deltoP ; mummul exposition. Mrs. Jeffriea.
1100MS,1 biockmtfrom P. 0. 522 N.
19th St. E-9:10 : 23'
VISITORS wisimlmug first-class rooms In
private fanmily comm secure sonic by ctullitmg
ztt S. 'IV. cormuer ITtim and Capitol Ave. ,
uvest of PostotilCi' . E-M93S IS
2123 CASS , rnotlermm furnished roonma.
E-MSOi 20'
GENTLEMEN ttimcl wIves tim time city for
tm. feuv (10)5 ( Cttti secmmre hmatmtlaomoiy , fur-
imialmed m'ooins 1mm quiet fmunmlly liv I el-
limOflitlg No , 21St. -
EXI'C'i'1'lC ' visitors' bumretmmm , ftmrnisim'd
roemna dIfferent parts of city ; $2.50 to
$5.00 nor week ; SOc to $1.00 per tIny. Apply -
ply 1507 Corby street ; 2 blocks frommm S. l
entrance. lJ-123 IS'
NiCELY furnished rooms light iiotmto'keep-
ing ; imntlm , gtuu. , 2G03 Dodge St. E-207 17'
Agemmcy fur first cittss iiummms , Ituowmm 131k
nor. 16th antiDomigias. E-l5947'
PLFJASJN'l' somitli roommis , simmgie or cut
suit , with itomu'd. 2402 Cuss I--i5i.23'
Ftli ItIN9' mmicely fturniahm'd t.tomns , , imititi-
em commvemmiemmcea ; trumtmstetmt , em pcm'tnnmtent
reasoimable PriceS. 424 S. 20th 1-'S3-i
- ' - :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _
F'UItNISltiiiI ) 1100515 AND floAitl ; .
P1114 MIOLLTtIAM , first-class famnily lintel ,
25th and Dodge Sta. F--OIl
TAKE ( lOWfl tlitmt "for sale" or "far rent"
aigum tim your uvitidosv. Time lice retmehit's
more people in a tiny titan will patH ) 'Otir
wlimdow in tL mnommtlm ; anti they coutsuit
these columns vherm Lucy want to buy or
TILE Rose , 2020 Iimmrmmey ; coot rooms , free
batima ; transients taken ; rates rt'mtsoumalule ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TIhi3 I3ENEFI'r hOUSE , 21st tumid I'Immkney ,
. , 50 daintIly furmmished rooms ; one
squtmro : from time Arch of time States ;
everytitlmmg umew flutti itrst-c'lmmss ; terumma
rcamtnatle ,
nnAu'rIFuL rooms ; traimsieuuts , 2584 liar.
ne ) , F-2tl216 JY20'
AlLiS. Godso , 202 N. 18th , Traumsicmmttt takt'um ,
. 1"-IGl Jy22
GUIDE , expotiltion tickets amiti SIrMruguL ; ' -
Imotol fare , all for $2.00 pet' day ; lttljolmms "
tIme grounds , Sht'rnman nvemmmuc. car line
passes the house ; summer resort style ;
families solicited ; niotierim , cool , huonmo-
111cc ; batims , gas , pinimo aumd iibramy , 'I'eia-
Pimone lUll. Double Parlors , hmamnnmock ,
\'aHt verandas , jmnrle , seats tim limo street
cites ; umo dust ; jolly ll'Olle maid mi. 3iet
boat' . Write or 'phone titiM tniitulte' ape-
citui offer Is for timose who do. F-4l343
FIII1NISITIID room with board ; rensnahi0
rates , Mrs. C. H. Todd , 2107 Douglas.
F.-999 28
FINE rooumms , rivato ( timally , mtimtmtly htiwn ,
tiettiruble resiuleumc'e ; hrttrfl if dettlm'ed ; ref-
eretmces. 722 No , IStim. F'-Ml'49 l7
2 I'IIItMItNEN'i' roomers tiuslred for ittrgum k
miotutlmeuummt aIco\'e EtOifl ; muorolil's , shutoly
lawmu ' utmd fine table boarti. 2G.3 iomugitma ,
PHIL Ilcv'I'-t'Xit'ItNISJl1II ) ItOOMS ,
' ' ' ' ' utnturnitilmu'tl rtmomna
Fort REN'l' . 'l'ss'o ,
' ( ' . (3-MiOl 17'
c'hemip , flt 2625 'trning ; at. -
FIJItNI SI I 1'i ) , tmuuftiruuishmetl mind Ii ru I ) ' Cur-
mm ittlmummi mounts for I Ig ii t huh sk& elI tug'
ot'c.'rytlming moderim ; very reusotmable IO
N. itthi St. ( ; -229 l'
. . '
- - - - - -
I'ott IIIJ3N'I'-Wl'Ohl 115 .t % I ) ( ) h'I1 ( 'ES ,
FOR at.
010 Fut ritanu ill . 'I'hml mu mu iltil mmg has mu II to-
proof cemoc'umt ilatt'tlI'tmt , s'a t9'm' out till
floors , gail , etc. .AIlily t time rifihi t at
'rime lice. i - 910a
. = - --a
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
- - - - - - -
MI4N'J't ; wAr'l'hII ) .
- - - - - - -
AG liN'I'S a mid lint uuchm mntmnmm iu'r8 ; salmu r' r
comnujultsiotm. Ilutmter 'rttiioritmg Co , ( 'iii-
clnrmntl , 0. J-M0i7 Until'
GINI11IAI agents In every dty to appoint
mugeutta tumId i'ttii to StoICS tIme lrtvorlte
Alimmumiumurn SkilL ttuilIrtem' . frletui ICc for
sit iii mlt nt a 0(1 it g t ii I it' price I I. t. 'tV. (2 ,
Slclmmglt-y , 'J'uimguumoxlo , Ivan. -ju0 17'
MANAGjlitsvtmnted 1mm c'vem'y city in 1. 13 ,
to Otti m.mhuI.tlm bruumcli for lntu'j'mia ( itmun I ( 'or-
lint ( 'ioammtumg Co. Aduiresmu GO Perimm hlitig
Clumelnututi , 0. JMi 17'
AiiTI3 MAii' 131(2 MONI'IY * IiIumg Au-
I ( 'mmmii ' I it' st't''im ' (1 O''i ( it I dIes , ui' I I JpS
tin I io'trmii : imoldors. Aumtommiiur 1)ner
( 'itt ii Co , ( 'Iti , . , guj .J ' '
A $ t Su bank cheek pu.m'lm , m utt utirmue fiputre
s : . . itimu'ht rautmimlco tleilvcu'cd i 00 mIl't rd
( ii'-t'uuit itO tftiatmtftittt A'lmlanui :
l'unvim Co. , AtsImi.mnd , Ohio , J-II7'