Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1898, Part I, Page 11, Image 11

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_ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - Tii OMAIIA DAILY ] 3E : SUDAYUTY 7 , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 !
, -
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' % \X/11LLNG / WGLD
' .
7h0 next great ent n th efl1fl ( f
ctcdcnn L. tlit' intt ot thc' Leag1l. of
. ! ' Ai3u'rlcan S'beeflnen , to be In1t n. ttuHii
npohIR TWXL month The Hoosiers nr put-
ttig up a griit cnrt1 for the gthrtng. he-
cepttnn5 , entertainments , gatifeStR. p1vtIre
runs am ) VfleM ga1or' nro .lho attracUotts
lie1t1 out to members of the Icgue , 1JesIes
thcie the 1looLor Capltfll , without any trim.
inings. I ve1I worth ft vI1t , nud Is par-
tiiIarIy taactnattng for wIiecrs. It batt
miles upon miles of aspiFlit pavements to
ntIII ! OVCI , flU hilli to ns4aIi the iviig and
a bicycle 1)atil ) of surp.tsstii beauty oItn
an abandonCtt canal. The Leatie of 4mer-
te n V1iec1tnen quarters are aittiittti on
one of thu pleasantest * pots in the city.
Mtridian itrcct , north , IM ( ho fashinntthle
tect of the tOsvn , Ufl(1 ( US a boulevard for
vhceItnen nntl "swell tur000tB' 114 r.ot stir-
pasctI by any other iiidlanapo1li street.
The cIib' ( ltutrtcr are scarcely thrno
lIbek3 froniVastiingtnn street , the rnntii
bliI3iiIeRs tIiorouh1ure ; , yet evtn t1iti near
to. the hustle of 1)usincM the qunvters lhtVC
a quiet. peaceful air atout them , rhieIi Is
OflOYUlIY ngrcealle tO the % hedtnan Wilt )
t Wants to step In for a few motuenth' rest
) Or for ii. ClInt about cyci log uITLttrt. The
OUtBIiO ( of tile cliii ) imiidlhg iiow rears a
liriglit coat of red pahiit. On the iawii un-
iler the tail trees. fl1'W seats and rustic
c1ir'rs have been placed with a vhev In tile
&nz\fort of thothMiter : Tie' fotiiteeti rooms
In the bulitiing have been rchltted tttiew
throughout. Upon cnterin ; the broad rOtlt
door one iteps ; upon a soft velvet carpet and
flnii liiinstiit In spacious room3 , hung with
11CLVY tapestries. Titelo is order everywhere -
where , aiitl each Illemiler of the conimilt e
takes piltie in the apilcarance of the c1uar-
The now race track built by tli Ilidlan.
npoiis Meet club Is irobably the finest in
4 ' the country. 'l'ho track Is tour laps to the
. - mhlo aild the Ilolne stretch lt thirty fcet
; i wide , the lntek stretch aIpI turns t'r0ntY five
feet , tIu latte" tallkCd ) tell fect alli hulit
Do ( Ito "whaic'back" iiafl. This nleafls
that a section through the turns sLows a
curved lillo at the surface , the ianiIIlg
; tarting from the curves at the ratio tf
four feet Ill height for ten feet at the bast
md graduaiiy curving 1lorIoIltoi at. tile x -
tremo outlde. Title is dolle llrilnarhiy to
form starting and stopping iaces for the
tnuitiplct pacing maclimes Iii ICei ( ( laCCH.
II addition this makes the tr.tek much
- lafer Oil tile turns. irlVCllti2lg thee mhiiers
s 'ho swing wide from strihing their right
; cdnis against the track and
these desiring to drop out of : t race to tin
Jo without chances of injury to tiiemseivcs
r other contestants.
Tile surface Is Illatle of nlatctleI nod
Iressed , scice.ted vhito Pine , t' o inches
thick , laid Witil the rough side UI ) . Tills
was done to keep the wheels from s'ip-
ping , time siiinters being remimov.'ti by gtlng
over the surface after compietiomi with vLre
brushes , hotit with and against the grain
of the wood. This hIlls cft an 1(1001 surface -
face , which the riders cannot fail to ap-
Preciato. Another innovaiol was the dipping -
ping of each piece of tiooring in a tank of
' I WOO(1 preservative before nailing tt III piac.a.
In addition- iongthcnitig tile life of the
track , this process has left thIC tra , k a kad
brown color whicil Is ileastng alike to the
eyes of the riders and tile jietfltor. ] 'ar-
ticuiar attention has been puid to the coil-
IleCtiOrl of tb tiling With tile stret hea ,
which has always been the greatest proIlenl
In track construction.
The stretches Cxtelld duo east amId west ,
thO grailtistund 1)011mg locatel on the south
stdeof time track , with a north frontage ,
thtlll avoiding Itt , much as IOSsiblO tile glare
of the afternoon SUfl. The grandstand is
180 feet long by 62 feet wide , Witil ii. seat-
fIlg caacity of 2,000 peopic. In front are
twenty boxes ontulnhitg nineteen ciluirs
each. These boxes are five feet from the
track ni elevated ten feet. above grade , lo
permit of press boxes nitci jadiocits for
riders fill trainers below. Tile roof is oZ
Iron supported oti CieVell Rteei trusses. Do-
* i : low and In front of the boxes and oppoeit
tile tape , silciterell by awnings , are tile 200
press seats tttlil telegropil olilces. Titcie
seats are arranged In three tiers , each
, tier being elevated above tito one III front
4 ItO that ever ) ' ires representative will limtvc
a clear miii unobstructed view of every
point of tito track. Flanking the grand-
' etailli 011 ettlIer cnd are two coverci amphi-
tlteateri. each 22S feet bug by 40 feet wide ,
' containing fourtt'cmi row of seat balks atiti
twenty boxes with ten chairs each , muaititlg
tile conibineti seating capacity of both 11111-
. ' ¶ lilitllelters 5,000. The ceats in the ampill-
\ttt , thieato arc aunlborci tile eamo as in tile
grandstand. Illchl llillphItllentcr ba three
ontraoces correponding in arrangement to
the grandstand entrances. The bleachers
occupy the relnainullg space nrount the
track , oxtentlillg ill three eections , from the
011(1 of 01113 amphitileater to tile 0111 of tile
otilei , around ho Lb t U ms and ilion g tile lack
etrotcites , makiug Li. total seating capacity
of 8,500. 'FIle track is tiles hemineti III 011
nit silos ity fourteetl tiers of Entta foriti-
log a continuous Witll-tihliCltl ( around the
truck. This is tt feature Posessei ii ) ' ItO
other track in tile country aii1 iii unlonit-
cl Iiy ho npilreeiltteti Ily the rhiera. Speeiii
atCtltloil ( has been Iaicl to tile lighting In-
ciiitles for night lLtCiilg. Soveilty ate lights
and nliinerolis natural in jets lilI ho used
about tito irt'inlses. Fifty of these ttre
lights , lIt Intorvais of thirty ( cot , vlii ho
thCt1 ; to light the track.
flicyclo inantlfaL'turcrs are now conlem-
plating arratlgt'IleittS for tIle illnklilg of 09
) llOiCllt and tile fliolIttOil of a cebedile
of prices tlllLt will illCtYL IVhlil tito ennui-
tion of the cyclinh trIultI next year. hoine
Annual Salta ovorOOOaOO I3osoa
I tOiCil a'3'Ind anti Pain In tito ftotllnh1.
' ( hiddint'sa , VIlltlt't.S tlft incuis , head.
I ache. Jizzine.s. Jrow.Iness , Viiihiiigs
Ut hloutt , J4ost of % pit3LitC. Costtvetiets.
Ilioteltes (41 tiltI Skill. Ct'iii Chtihia , Diut-
turbott $1001) . 1rigittftll Jruanttj nitti till
flervouS tutU 'l'reul hi itg Hentat tilt.
\ - IN TWENTY IUNUTEB , ivery sufferer
; . . \ will ackilolledge tiltill to bo
A 1l1icnAM's : I'1I.LI , taken as tiirsct-
t ttl , wihiquickly restore Potnales to CCIII-
' plato iteaitii. ' 1'ili' ' iriiutI > ' reinovo
) obtruitioiis or Irregularities of tile ay-
, toiti itilit Ctt-l Piek Jleuiiseltc. I'vr Lt
¶ f \Vcak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
, J Disordered Liver
Docham' Pills arc
Without a Rival
Aid h. th.
01911y I'itttiit MCthlt'uIll $ iii tue VorId.
I at sil Dur Stores.
radical changcs will o Into effect In the
Price of the highest grade wheels. While
the conservative dealers declare tilat they
have disposed of all their ' 9 output ,
they confess that the conditions In the
trade tienmatiti that the vrtco of bicycles
must Come down to a ct sc'hetitiio. There
has been some tuilk of an Informal conference -
ference between three or four of the leadIng -
Ing makers to deterrnino upon prices for
next year. The gradual reduction In prices
of the icading WhIcels froiim 125 to $ T and
the enormous tielnand for machines costing
from $00 to 7fi have proved to the big nlak-
crs that ifletiltilu Iriced WhIceis will be
the bicycle of the future. A reporter of
tilt NOW York Suit , In talking with one of
the leading nlnnufacturcrs recently , was advised -
vised that it SCiflS iraeticahiy assured that
three or four of tile healing Inakers In
America are lannhiig to turn out Wilcels
at $50 ilCXt season. This figure will tnark
their icahitig mount. Chainiess sheels
viit lrn retailed at $75 , amid special racing
tflolitlts at from $ h to $80. It. Is admitted
tbttt thu sale of chalilcss whecis has been
email hill that tile outlook for next year
does riot indicate that there will be ntiy
great demand for thia type. The unlop-
tion of a $ iO schetitlifi for iiext season by the
big irnlters ilIcahls that. the prices of good ,
reputable wheels will he at rock-bottom
ilgurca. At the Itresent time a majority of
tile leading inanufuettirers maintain IL dis-
erect silence in relation to the ilrico schtl
ule for ' 09 , being reluctant to set any ofli-
cliii figures until they 1(110w the idans of
their competitors.
Ilicycie runs are becoming more popular ,
but tIle ClUb run is fatling away. This seema
pai adoxical , but it i tito trtith. A "run"
cati probably be ( bOned as a bicycle ride to
1) given poilit and back iti which certain
lersons have agreed to participate , starting
and rettirniilg at. a specifleti time. Trips of
tills kind are being male every day by thou-
Sailtis of riders In iartlcs of from tvo to
ten , but the club run , scheduled a month
ahead , posted on tile bulletin board and ad-
vertired by postal cards to members. is ,
according to all testimony , losing Its grip.
Cycling has become too popular and too
comnlon a , pastinio for organizations to fig-
tile 11 $ prominently oti the m end as in bygone -
gone days. The ' glory of the club ruit has
departed. Another fact that uigtires In tile
cause of this condition is that the bicycle
Citli ) has met so alucll of tile special character -
acter that it possessed In the time when
riders were only a smali class Of the POPU-
muon and were forced by environment to
form cliques and organize. Th average
wheeling citmi , is taking on more anti more
the cilaracter of the vurely social club.
The members do not feel to be so emnpimati-
caliy boulld to a inutuai interest. The causes
for wilich tile ) origluaiiy CflhiSteI-thlO ( bicy-
dc-has become an ceryday Liluir. and the
socluti features of tim club appeal noie
StrOllgiy than its special ones. In ( lays of
yore every member was well acquainted
with all the others , but now in the clubs it
is apt to he tile case that. tile average niem-
her knows only a tev of his fehiows aliti is
totally strange to the majority. When the
notice of a club run appears on th bulletin
board It ecites no Interest except among
the particular set that usually go OII the
olflcial runs. The other active riders in
thto organization form themselves into coteries -
tories for private rtins of their own.
A wheeiinan writilIg from Soutil Africa do-
dares that cycling is making great advances
in that country , where several years ago it
received scant attention. lie conlinents 011
tIle geilerat cycling interests as follows :
" \Vhero formerly ox wagons used to track
their way over tile veldt , tile progress of
Clviiizatioll has nOY nlatie way for men and
WOilteil to itItitilgo in the sport of cycle rid-
log , not OlIly in the large towlIs , but everywhere -
where ill the country , from Cape Town to the
Zamnbosi 8111 Ugunda. Of course , in these
latter parts cycling becomes an art at times ,
WIleil YOU hardly can find a footpath.
Nearly every veii known English machine
Is represented In tile various towns , apart
from scores of Yallkee machines , with
which tile market is eli filled. As to rae-
ing , the Initiative was taken at .lohmannes-
burg , wIlere , nO doubt , the sporting element
is moore strongly represented than in any
0111cr part of tile coumitry. It was ii ) this
town , ott tile Wanderers' track , that L ,
MelIltjCs first prove ! himself so sterling a
rider that It was decideti to send him to
hIlgiamIth to compete in the championshIps
and bow fully 110 jtmstlfled thmo confidence
placed In hlimll ily his ntlmnerous friends is
only too vell known. Cape Town has a
cenleilt track at Greenpoint after time iat-
tern of time Crystal Palace track in London ,
three laps to the tulle. The higilest banking
at. the corners Is eight feet in twenty-lIve.
Thu surface is decidedly rotmgh , but tills
fault will be rectified shortly. The fastest
times mumithe so far 011 this track are 2i 2-5
seconds for the tiylug quartem by Cuitutn
beaten on April 10 , 1898. by VaIl V"ertlon ,
a proniisimmg Johaitmtesbtmrg rider , imy 1-5 of
a second , and 1 umintito 51 seconds by J ,
11)50 ( or the mile. This was the African
record until reduced by Veorden at Johan-
ilcttbmmrg to I minute 52 seconds. This track
% % as constructed by the Cape Town coitnctl ,
and ii leased by the Wcstra Province Athletic -
letic association at a rental of not less tilan
$3C00 ver annum for twenty years.
The dangers of the racing path have always -
ways itutil to be reckoned with , and they
Ivero never greater tim.ta at the present time ,
Tlley have been IntensifIed in three direo.
titflS of recent years. In the lirat place ,
the speed is mntmch greater and tile conso-
titiOllOCS of a fall corrcspootiitmgly severe : in
tile accent place , the terribly imarti cement
tracks. imow no contaon , are calculated to
mulct very severe Initirica in the event of a
fall ; tImId III tile third place , time eomnnion
1150 of PulcetmIakers introduces a further eiq.
mont of danger ,
Tiae Ncw York herald vigorously scores a
group of bicycle cranks who stttrted riding
100 imliles In forty-eight ilours with the
thlcrimlolmmcter 100 in the shade. "llieycio
cranks. " says tile ileralul. 't.tll this sport.
Orditlar ) ' mmmcml nlitl WOilleil call it ( oily ant
worse. rule emlcourageirent of such contests
by wimeeimen'e clubs is disgraceful. 'File
spectacle of men-and even womet-o& these
all but killing riles its aime illat ellotliti be
SmiIiitC3Ctl ) by popular vrolest. It is a ttmls-
take to suppose tiiutt the law agutlimat ItIlpilo
Cull regulate them , It cannot reach all the
fools on wheels. "
% n elastic itteel chain for bicycles is a do.
vice reeemltly patellted lii limgland. Each
ltmmk is so shaped timat its ordinarily curved
lemmgth straightens slightly under the stress
caused by petIaing. 'lien the Pull ceases
or is lightened the links silorten to their
original curvature. AmomIg thu CisimlIs of
the inventor is that the elasticity of tills
( haul COillptttmttllteS for the iaequailties of
the road timId 'variations of foot presburo. nmlui
titus a immoro coastant driving force is as.
A St Louts inventor has patented an odd
bicycle product whtcil 110 contldontly claims
will go it mile a minute , Thu saddle is
IlaeCtl at the end of an oscillating lever
anti ( lie rider , by tteetcring up nntl down ,
sets in motion it train of imicelmanisni acting
tipoil the rear hub.
A CanaliRn inventor pliers faith in a
prottetivo belt for preventing pmlflettlros ,
The belt is of puncture-proof mnmiteritti antI
so fashioned as to cling to the tire. A
feature of the ( invico is a roller amseti to a
bracket for maintaining the tire shield at a
constant tension on each wheel.
Another puncture-proof device iii tires hiss
been 7atentetl by a Texas moan. lie places
a Lmmbe of rawhide within other ttibes of
fabric. lie eiainms the resiliency of the tire
Is not affcctd. Anotller heei of peculiar
model is otlapted for vehicles , but immay be
utilized for bicycles. It has two rUns , with
a row of steel springs between. The outer
ripI is faced WitlI rubber. An Irigllaliiiman
has created another tire of time rubber bali
variety. lh builds a rim with small coni-
partmnents anti squeezes into each conipart-
itient a hollow inflated rubber bail. Tiio
vhoio is then covered with a canvas strip.
Artilur A. Zimmerman , the old-time thorn-
pion and worlthwIdo favorite , who has been
critically iii of typhoid , has so far recovered
115 to lie pronounced out of danger. The
fever has left him. but li is so weak that It
wiil ho sonie timne before he is seen ill Pubiic.
Ills father , in speaking of the son's Ililleits ,
smilil be felt lie lied fever In his sytttcfll hien
Imo ClIlmia back from Australia , btit tllotigllt
lie would ward it oil , lie went to Mexico to
train for racing amid to OPCI1 0. cycle store.
it wag his illtemltlOil in rotlirn nail enter the
iiatlonui circuit. Mr. Zimnlerlllaml believes
ills SOfl will be able to ride In tue circuit
yet this year Ittlti expects him to show winning -
ning forni , despIte his ilimless.
Tue great cycling fete of the year was held
in PlIris latey. More than 30,000 people ,
inc'itmmlitmg tile itresltiellt of tile republic and
tile leading nicilihers of French society , as-
sembied at LOmlgCilalilps to Witiloss the affair ,
Many pretty actresses took hart ill the races
511(1 the competition % vllS particllhmirl ) ' keen.
A feature of the proceedings was a race
between actrestics on pnCUmmLttc .skmttc-a
novelty for tile first time witnessed in Paris.
A hiAtt ) ) lttNlG 'I'AiiL.
'l'riliiilntIoflN of itmI tmnistci r ItliekilIg
it l.iiig 11111.
A certain newspaper youth Is a. devotee
of the bicycle , but ho Ilas had tinle amId
opportunity for hut lIttle ridimig. Conse-
qlmcfltly he still Wileels with 111011) ' 0 ! the
wealcnesses of the novice , prominent nmong
which Is a tendency to tire easily. Of
course , lie Is gradtmully conquering all these
( I rawbacks.
Not long ago this youth and 000tller in
vlted two young women to aceemupamly them
oil a rile. One of the girls assented readily ,
but tllo other hung back. She wasn't much
of arider , she said. Silo knew so little about
it. She Ilad been out alone so few Ilames.
She hldn't blievo he could ride so far.
But of course time youmlg men insisted tllat
she must go , anti It. was finally agreed that
a tantlelmi should be eetired and the novleo
girl 0111 the newspaper youth sllould use it.
So tiley stat'tccl oa their JOi.lrntiy. The
girl was helped into her place , and then time
other youth cautioned her about the handle
' 'Don't turn it , " lie sail , "lU lviii make It
so much harder for George. "
George was the newspaper ixian.
\\'ell , they got aiailg pretty well untIl
tiley tried to climb a pretty steep grade on
LIncoln avoatmo. l'oor George had pumped
away diligently , ammd was almost exhausted ,
but lie faced tile hill gamely. lie had wondered -
dered all along wily they should send him
much a frighmtfuiiy hard-running tandem , but
110 was too much of t man to give in. So
ho faced the bill resolutely.
It was au awful case of pumping. Glob-
'lIes of perspiratioa trickled down George's
face. Ills legs ached. Ills sight was
blurred ,
Aild then that dear girl suddenly spoke
up :
"Say , George , " ehe said , 'can't I help
pedal just a little now ? "
Tilt tillock almost threw George from the
tandem. Tile dear gill , in her anxIety not
to iiiterfere wltil 111111 , hadn't pedaled a
blessed revolution on all that weary ride.
AntI then George knew what inamlo the
tandoni run so hard.
A VIfe's Itnnme-inklnc A1tihI ) " .VJli
Oi'ien Sn' * Ii , iItl'1'i4'il Lo % , ' .
"It has been said that tile first year of
married life holds the responsibility for the
happiness or time uliscry of the coining years ,
beeaUo it is the trial-time of two Wilolie
tastes , habits , Ideas anti peculiaritIes are
brought to the test of lmaralony , writes Mary
it. Baldwin of "The Possibilities of a Home
Woman" in the July Woman's Home Coin :
"But no woman ought to surrender her
indivhltmality even to Illako peace in a family.
'ind she will not be obliged to tb so if lme
has love and tact and patience. Many a
Ilushamli lltt.S been led like a little chIld , and
llflhi never known that lie was bowing imis
will ill the least , simply because lila wife
knew how to influence him. And just here
let it 1)0 saul that. imltluenclng in contradistinction -
tinction from gos'eraing is the wortl for that
something which makes it lOSSiblO for a wife
to become a comfort , power and biosing
to tim husband , The woman who cannot
influence her husband must. be laclcing in
cssemltial qualities for a good vife , or else
ail(3 mIllet deal with a llopeiess case.
"Above all thitlgs to a Womnail's purpose
should stItmll the desire to hold love froni
loss and from spoiling Influences. We sometimes -
times Imear of two who have passed years of
married life wIthout once cxchaagltmg an
angry or even tmmlpleasant word , This may
be possible for those wilose natures are such
that reason and emotion are very elastic , hut
It could ilot be said of time majority of
wedtied peoile. An angry woman Is not time
thtng to be Illost. dreaded , hut. tilat gradual
growth of Indifference that leads to atropily
of cotijugal love.
"Tilero are ways of keeping a true liusbatlul
in a loveiiiko spirit aiwa3's , hut tile wife
lIltist lIreservo those feelings and their cx-
prcsslon that marked those charmed hours
viieLl 11110 WUit tile sweetheart. Loving
tllongilt for the comfort artil ilapplnesi of
the lover found eprcssioa tutturaliy in words
anti in acts. It must be tile same to the
rife that wouimi ilolil time husbatlul's affection.
Then those little words tilat ILI'O ProtimlieJ
ii ) ' love and received in its spirit ilave a
world of significance ; these allould 1101 ii
left beilind after the home life together
is begun , "
l'reaident'attlcs of the Transmissis-
siplii Exposition , announced lust week tint
he ilati act aside Monday , August 15 , as
\\'ilreiinell's day at tile big allow , 011(1 ( that
a special program would ie arranged for
their entertainnlcilt. Chief Consul O'Brien
of tile Nebraska dIvision , has takotl the
illatter in hand amid sent out circular letterb
to all of tlte Wllettling organizations In the
country , announcing the fact that Atmgtmst
15 will ho wheelineml's day and tllat a sjio.
clal railroad rate will undoubtedly be oh-
taizied for tile occasion. and extending them
It cordial invItation to come to Omaha anti
llartieiitato in the cclebrutlon , The lenvor
TrnnMmllasiBtiippl ] ixposltioll Vheei club
wilt leave that city on Aiigtmst 13 and will
arrive here in time to take part In tile at-
fair. There are an even hundred members
in the club , anti they will cotne in two ape-
cliii cars , Rooms have tea engaged on the
ilarlor floor at one of the leading iloteis
and tile ienverltee ilave alluounceul that
they propose to do a little entc'rtaltliog on
their own hook while in the city and that
a special invitation to visit them wIll be ex.
tended to 1111) ' antI alt wheelmemi who iiay
I be in Omaha during that week , Mr. O'Brien
itt talking of arranging for a mammoth
lieelmen's psrade itt the grounds on time
evening ct this ( lay anti otTerimIg ; lrizes (01'
time beet dccoratetl wheel. etc. Communlell'
tlons iuivo been ntithresseti to nIl cml the local
eltmbs , aslutimg timern to take the matter li
at theIr next imleeting and appoInt colnhilit-
tees to nsslst in making the day a gala
one. It Is not the intention to make it a
club affair , but a day for all whceimen ,
wheclwomoca and wheelchiiidren , and in
View of the fact that the exposition man-
egenment has decltlctl to honor them by set.
tiag nsitie a lilly ( or them , each one houltl
consider it his or her special duty to et-
There will lIe wheelmcn's rtlns every
evening tiuring tile week that the Ionvcr
ioys are itl the city antI all wilecinlemI ,
viittiutr members of clubs or utiattacheti
' % ill be invitrit , to go along. "There will
ho a run to Lake Manawa for ft swim , a
run to F'loralIce to see the largest pumping
statlomi In the world , a rumi over tile Center
street macadam to allow tIle visitors that
Ivo Ilave 501110 gootl Illadadanlized roads , a
run to Itiverview park to oimtain a fine view
of limo river valley anti other rune to ic
settled tillon latermimld tile visitors will
hot be given a chance to get lonesome.
fly tue time the 1151131 late Sunday morning -
ing riser reads this , tile Omaha Wheel club.
11111cr time guidance of Cailtaill Toni Mickel
will Ub well on its way to Lincoln. It tile
weather llCmmfllts , they iil leave the club
house at 6 n. Ill. and expect to reach LIII-
colit by noon. After ilintler and a short
rest , those who are not to tired wiii start
Ilonle on their wheels , while tile others will
take tile next train for 1101110. The rtmn Is
the lomigest ever cnlicd by amiy CaptIliti of
tile club , time IlistalIco being sixty-seven
imliles each vny or 13 ! flubs for thu round
tnt , . Captain Mlckei expects to average
about eleveil malIce per hour , wllIch will
ttinke tite rulm a comparatively easy one. No
scorching wili he nlioweti as tue trip is to
ho made for pleasure rather than hard
There seems to be but little chance of
Fleschcr amlul Muetltctcrltmg getting together
for nilother Illatcil rtce over the Blair
course. as they are unable to agree on the
Coilditlomis of the race , Muemltofering wants
to iia'o the finish at Oranha , insteami of
Blair , as 110 chilies that lic is so confident
that he cami wIn , that 110 vant. the fInish
svl'ere more People can ace It. lie also
asks that each matl ho 111000 to make lila
OWtl liace , amId tilat ill case of nit aecldelit
no stop be iiiatle. heleseller will not agree
to thcc terms , alld asks that ill CUSO of CII
accident to either rider's whic'ei. both ills-
Iltount and wait until the mr.achiiio is re-
George Melrsteinbns returLol from
Kansas , where ho has been foiiowimig tillit
state's circut for the last two weeks. lie
left the circuit on account of the small
prizes offered OmItI returmled ilomne Co 13 to
coampete Iii the Owi club races at Council
Bluffs , Vt'cdtmcsday.
Bald and Major Taylor , time colored rider.
will he matched shortly for a series of races
at tile 111110 , three styles of contest , siugie
and tammdcmn vaced anti the French unpaced
style. Ibid wagers $1,000 against a similar
sumn posted for Taylor by the American
Cycle liacing association. Gardiner is mix-
ioiis to get Oil a simiiar cOilteSt with the
colored lath.
The National Track association , In Its
western trip itinerary expects to have Mc-
ltmffce go for tile mile paced record. The
trial will probably be niade at. Denver.
Linton , of the same team , will go for the
hcAmr record at the same time and place.
Linton is confident that he can place tile
hour record at thIrty-four miles , while Mc-
Duffeo is equally as confident that ho can
put the same mile down to 1:30. :
A notable sign of the times is seen in
the constantly Imlcreasing provision for the
storage of bicycles. Every enterprising
shopkeeper mnalntains a rack ; many ellurehes
have their wheel stables ; the niotlern oilicc
buiiding has a place set apart ( or tile ma-
dunes of Its occupants ; architects specify
the "wheel room" on platls for both city
auth country houses ; ccrtalml enterprisitlg
railroads engage to care for commuters'
mounts. All of which indicates tilat. while
the involved opportunity for pleasure in
cycling Is gicater tuna ever , the bicycle is
beginning to be chiefly esteemed beenuse of
its usefulness ,
Local racing men oath racing enthusiasts
are plamining for their first chance to comu-
Pete hI and witiless a iiCCle meet in tilts
Vieimlit tills year on next Wednesday at
Councii Bluffs , vlmere time Owl club will
hold a general athletic tournament. There
are two professional bicyclq races on the.
programn , antI a number for tile amateurs.
harry K. Smith , the welt known wheelman ,
is mamlaging tile nttair.
'J'rlitiigle Csltu Club ,
Saturday the club goes to I'apillion.
l'resiilcnt Ilemlry has rottillied from his
vacation and will be with us from now on ,
Saimycr , l3rower , Sternal , hlali , Jepson and
posalbiy others will make tip the team
representing the club ttt the Owl club meet
at Council Bluffs 011 July 20.
Tuesday evening the 19th , the club will
have their amluual cotleting contest. Time
contest is in tile ilailtis of Ciialrninn lientler-
soil. Enterieum vil1 close Aloilllay evening
at a p. ixi.
'ruesday evening Dr. Miller threw open
his bcatmtiful country 110010 to tIme Triumiglc
boys , sixteen whc'elmen left. the building at
7:30 : p. m. , arriving at Scymore Park at a
late hour owing to their taking a wrong
road. Tile reception given them was very
IliCciy arranged. In tim dining room red
geiamiiums [ ulti yellow nasturiunis were
daintily arranged , represcntlimg the club
colors. Refreshments were served and time
evening was pleasantly spent until 11
VAI.iJ.t lit.ii FOI4SILS iN tlOX'rAN.t ,
Iti.lit , , . of l'rt'Iiiputoric l'erioil hint itt-
lrgi't I lie At teim ( . , r 3'lemlisl ,
niong the arrivals In town last week
was that of a party of geologists and an.
thropoiogists of tile Vhdl Columbian mnti-
5011111 of Chicago , consisting of Oliver C.
F'arrington , ctmrator of geology ; Prof. E.
B. Riggs of the natural acienco department -
mont , and Sydney II , Ball , a young gco-
logIcal stutient of Oak Park , to 'boso
lcscilrcheit ill tlto fosall beds of this val-
iey tile visit is title , says the White Slil-
pllur Spriligs Rocky MoumItIllo hitisbuini.
moan. Mr. Ball ill his few hours in tills
field last year secure ! the bead of a three-
toed horse ammil nunlerou $ other rare sill-
inals anti the museum people were so In-
tereated in thenl that be loaimed his coilec-
tlen to tht'mn Uild gave ilis services as
guide to conduct the party thither in
search of epecimeas for this ireat lustltu-
lev of our people are aware of the iii-
torest that. attaches to these fossils deitos-
its In a scientific way. IL is a history of
events upom earth before the iidvent of
moan that tells of tile ages that have passed
since animal life appeared on this Spileru
and the epochs that passeti before man
iilailtt his appearance and time vast period
of time that has swept by since. 'Fheso
fossil beds and tile ancient altIlce 50 vast
511(1 worketl for so many ages and so bug
iigo attach to this valley an interest far
more intemise anti deep luau that of the
ordinary undulating grass-covered Pitliti
hemmed about by iIctures uc mnountaimla
auth wr.teretl by laughing mutreatns.
Smith river , aside from its thermal
waters tIed their inedicttmui virtues , has that
whicb Is destined iti the not distant future
to attract its thousands \Vc refer to these
mines and fossIl beds thereia l written
the history of 'aet vrehtetoric c'pothb
thrilling Ia interest.
Teaching the Ar of Investigating the
Aboriginal American ,
Strntcgetmii Imusloyed In imithimee the
4titiiii' IiIIN lieu % liimt to Co
( hierze ( yitI , lii , . Seleti-
tiIi l'rieitds.
A second great exploring expedition has
hcn sent out recently from the New York
IC'IIfiCmIIy of Natural History for time purpoec
of iietcrminIn , if PossIble , tile origin of tlt
Americaii hiithlau. This Senr ( lie effort will
be more earnest than ever , for the researches
of last. year have convinced time projectors
of the enterprite that the ovitlenee must be
obtained now or ilover , as this traces of ( ho
aborigine on our northwest coast are rapitily
disappearttmg. at.d in a v"ry few years more
% Ili be gone altogether. Then tue much-
dilisctl qtlestion will remalil forever ummian-
On tue other side of the Pacific time enterprise -
prise of the Itussians is destroying the lrim-
itive conditiomltu which iiave existed hereto-
fare , anti soon time valtie of that flelul also
will be obliterateil. 'Fliero have IJCCII sent
to thIn Asiatic coast this year macil whim a
special kilolvielge of RussiamI Mlii its dialects -
lects , auth of the languages of the iurnttercil
tribes which InhabIt tlm eastern shore of
the continent. The explorers wile went last
year to British ( 'oltimbiut will continue their
operatiomls ill the 501110 held , anti the results
tittia obtaimicul by the explorers emi two skies
of the PacIfic svill be mllintitely Comulflarel wIth
a view of tracing a. resemblance hetweemi ( lie
ancient inhabitatfls of both coasts.
The most Iilterestitmg feature of the expe-
litiomi lies iii time cumriotma lroiiaratioius which
have bcn muatle for It. Several of the men
sent to Asia 110(1 never exploreil before , niil :
bad to go thirotigli a course of instruction
before ( lucy could ho trusted to do the work ,
Tile iflOfl were taught at tile museutu how
to approach the natives ; how to get on the
right sltle of time chiefs or heal men of the
villages ; how tO persuade them to allow their
bones to be measured , or to have plaster
casts made of their faces amlml heads ; imouv to
dig in mllountle for evidences of preilisteric
life , amid , iii abort , au that a scietitific cx-
11101cr should kmiow itl starting on an expvthl-
tlon of this kintl. The making of idaster
casts anti the taking of mensumelmlents are
mechanical operations. tviiiCil Cail be tnugiit.
very readily In the museum by means of
motlels. Tile less material operations , aurim
as "mmiorah suasion" of tile savage , haul to be
iiidicatetl rather than described , as no book
of Instructions could be written very weli OIl
the subject. Time veteran explorers of tile
tlltISctlmll simnlly sat dowii and told storiOs of
tile curious artifices they hail resorted to in
accomplishing their purposes Oil previous e -
. rousimig the hiiiIiiiil Curiosity.
"For instance , " said one , "when I arrived
among tile natives of the Aletitian isi'nds
i : was an object of great curiosity. I latuleil
on nit oil wharf with several trunk loads
of baggage. anti without any idea of where
I was to flatl shelter. Time Indians , except
ill salmon seasomi , have little to tb , and I
was as much of a curiosity as would be
a meteorite It it should happeii to fall into
Broadway. They jabbereti together uuuiti
gathered arountl me , hooking at every Iromi
baud and corner of the boxes minutely , as
though a trunk was sonletiling quite cult of
the ordinary ; nithougil it couldn't ilavo
been so to them , for tile ) ' nil get Into Britisi
Columbia during the season. I had heard
tile ) ' were ilonest enough however , so I
proceeded to Vilet tim edge of thcit
curiosity by opening ( lie trimnkum and letting
them finger what they saw inside. I am not
aware that they stole anything , iout if they
did it was well spent , for thm news of jay
arrival and the curious things I hail brought
witii flle spread far atmd wide.
"I began by showing themll liictuires of
thio museum anti pictures of theIr friends
amId relatives , which haul beemi secured on
previous trips. One picture of a alan who
was Iii tile crowd , which I had by accident ,
affected ilinl much as might. a mirror iield
Ill front of a eat. He lacked avay , hold-
lug it at : aria's length wearing on his
face a Peculiar expression of perplexity
which was very laughable. Probably tile
luau who snapped tue camera hal not
ellown him tim result of thu exposure , and
this was the first time hue had scen tile
picture. Whoa tim rest hintl also examined
it I nroecedetl to show them how it wat
done. I erected tue camera Cml its tripoti
Ilild Iiltlieatctt by signs maid jargon wilat I
rantcd to do. One of tile Zilen consented to
stand and lie photograpimetl , hut titti lens ,
which to him was a great eye , frlgiltenel
him , anti he drew off with a grunt ot Uncertainty -
certainty ,
'i'ryiiig it on tIme flog ,
"A happy idea occurred to ommo of time
men. Every man In tiieso nortilwest vii-
lages owns several dogs. They are snarling
gootl-for-mlothiiiig curs , and tue poorest maim
always owns the greatest number. ' 'cll , the
Oman with tiuo idea grabbed one of the dogs
by tile hack of the neck amlti hIelti him at
arm's leatim , imolimmg , In front of the
camera , I snapped him ill a moment od
lot It. go at that , although I lund a titan exposure -
posure plate hum time box anti was afraiml his
squirming anti kicking would reduce him tea
a blur nit the mucgatlve. Later I printed
some pictures of the animal amltl handed
them around. I think lie hind about eight
legs and several tails , but lila wide-open
mouth was there all right amud the general
impression on the tribe was good. One tel-
lo' , huowever , pointed to time picture , barked
like a dog anti sail in tue ctiriously mixed-
up trade jargon of tue coast , 'V'owwow !
\'here wowwow ? ' by whiichl I surposo lie
meant whioro were tile howls of tile animal
which lie 1111,1 110 vigoromisiy made whemi the
picture was being taken. lie seomnoti to
think they were somewimero in the camera
box , and looketl sigtuificantiy at It. I hind ,
ilowovor , very little trouble in getting piN
tures after they had tried it on the dog.
They are great bargainers , and learn tue
value of mmioney very quickly. If 3011 otter
50 cents to coo for thte privilege of i4liaIm-
pIng his photo you must give to all , If you
give one cuhulef a dollar , soim 'xiii Insult his
superior lhP not offering him nir.r
Taking plaster casts of the Indians in a
difficult aroceuta ; not In tile manhunt. of tue
cast , hut in kreelnmx the sublcct cuiet while
Ills futci , Is being covereth impelowly by
tile plaster , One COil ilnrdly blulmo them for
Hot iahiIng to put themselves entirely in
the hlatmds of a stranger , who could suffocate
tlitun very easily if ho chose. First YOlI
have to show them the casts , amid tltemi try
it oil some inamminiato object to let them see
how it is dons. After this YOll must otTer
gradually increasIng sums of money until
their cupidity is excited , and , if pnsible ,
tell them of tue riaiumg "imifluetice" of sono
neighboring tribesman who has been cast
in plaster and now Silifles out ttoforc eli the
vorltl. Eveim when the tiesirel Ilermission
line been obtained the affair tnay riot turn
out satisfactorily , for tile Imithian iiay become -
come panic-stricken mit the Inst moment
amid tear tue plaster off in a frenzy of fear
The face is oiled to prevent the nfihcsion cf
the plaster to time skin , anl then the vlastor
is laiti on gradually , leaving the eyes and
iiostriis to time Inst. It possible , a rtmnning
fIre of comiversatlon , relating to the bravery
of otilOr Inthinmis during time irocess. siioiiil
be kept ti ! . until finally , with a few theft
strokes , the eyes and nostrils , the latter
properly ventilateti are covered with ( lie
plaster. and the shell for the final cast can
be cut off ,
" 1'akIne. measurements of the natives Is
enmnr'sratis'c'ly easy. ItS there is little out
of the orihinary iii the process , I never
list any trotible In this line. In etitting
open moumimtls , iiowc'er , tflltible is often cml-
countered , as the fec'litlg of re'ereorc for
the dend very ProPt'rhY iilakes the red umiaui
rehuctatlt abolmt disturbing their last resting
places. One of otmr moii , who was ( III tlii'
northwest coast. haul to use the most diplo-
niatic argtlnletlts amid ciiipio' a mllissienarl'
interpreter to , iecluc'il ( he inhllressiolu , before
he could obtain the desireti lletiiiiasieil 'tt
first ( tie permission was refuted absolutely
and even indignantly , Then the duets
were aph'roaciled separately and imitilvidumni
arguments were tiseil. This process Of
lobbying was slmcecssfuml , Iti ihmut it was
agrrcd that a cotmncil shmotmith hi' called antI
th subjc.t gi'ell getuerni antI fiuual consil-
cration. All the artifices possible were
brought to bear upon the chiefs. i'ictumres
of iiiuaoummnn amid atmititrury of ancient red
mcml vcre shiowit. Tllclr own iiWtlls , still-
pienieliteti 11) ' the atiditlomus explorers have
flilUlit to them , were quieted ; the great pitr-
11050 of tim expedition , to lhmuti the very
origin of tue tribe , anti Ilnahly , that tiil
1 % as miot for nlerc'cnary vtiriulscs , , butt for
the jory of a great ilutiseutu niuti time t'tltica-
11011 of miii time worlti ; all those artmlmlemlts
Wele brotmgiit to bent' . The last wn time
winning nrgumllent. TIm heath 111011 of thi , . '
village nmlmlounce.I , after a private comusuhia-
lion , to whicit not cvCtl tue mnistiomuary
was adnuittetl , that , itinsinucit au It vmie for
ethtleatlollal hutirloses 01111' , the e'cplorcr
couthl take what wtut barely necessary to
illustrate liii thuceriemu , but tlput ( 'verytlliilg
elite tlisturbt'ti mm'i be puit hmuu'k as ho
loutitl it. Tin : 'hi spirit of sticii a ti'-
rim.IoiI cfltilil u.n tot hit' ctiinircti , just as
tile reluct alIce tI a 3 1 .1 iesecratimmg the burial
inoumid couid tmtt be t ii respected. ' '
Full of instructions 511011 as tlie'ie , ( iii
miowly iimmho explorers have gone to solve
the qtlcsttoil of thio origin of the imitliati.
In passing , It nitty be said tllat miot cue of the
men carried a threnrnu. Their vcapnmis are
the tongue to pcrsuuiuhe , 'the spade to tug ,
amid the knowlelgo to discriminate antI se-
lect. Thus the ) ' differ from the 'spiorers
of olti , but tue infermauttion they will brimmg
back will be ilot less valuable to civiliza-
: L. -
Chicago ltecort ] .
'rhiero 'as a. time i'lien I , timuthimihing ,
To imitmac by Arno's stream , to watch the
Itise o'er the AIIM , or , wllen ( lie duty was
LlOile ,
lit illOtmliIt Vemiice eu her vaters glide ,
TIleil Egypt , Greece amid Itonic were mmg-
lk'yoiiti their worth. Vain ( lreamlls ! their
race is mull ,
.kmlti iiiiw 1 kiio' tiiitt tImt're is omtiy 1)110
Svet't sLot to ieve , 110th uiiui.e tilail vomhtls
Not that my soul to beauty has growml
cold ,
Not tilflt I would not see her vmirici attire ,
[ hi t. tllii t I k ill ) ' , ' . ' I a all her ciimtmniem's all.
9'iiitmi lore itt hiomume , iio cailliot show 1mb
Or uteace , contemut niid Iilvarti imnlipiilcta-
AtId 111050 are all a mortal heed jO55CSS.
\\'hat can It itrofit moe to combiemlbplnte
The wreck of empires amId dead citlcii old ?
To suly that here tt'immnbpiiaimt CitCSilP
rolfed ,
'rhiat thl4 was POiliiey'5 , that was Trumjna's
gate ,
Here sat Augtiattis iii his robes of stat" ,
Jlei'e ' [ 'Li i I y t hiumi ti erci hi I a 111111 ililit's ilciti ,
Amid llt'rc' , alas ! was Nero's iloimso of gull ?
Let ilOt lily ittitmI vitii tilicil dc'iusioil mmlate !
Let lilO ilot tilhmik upon tlicmn whIle at morn
I yet intt' Waiidervilei'o the brookiet
Ito ws
Look in tile daisy's eye , or , newly horn ,
Ft.ast ill ) iieart' heart lipoil my ilittive
rse ;
hero is more wholesome musIc for may multi
Thlail kimmgtlemils past or preseilt , anti more
'File llOill ) of ages and tile thrones of khuugs ,
'I'hie gior' , gramidemir or unrivaled tmt& ,
Tile ( nine , Ella glitter of the mighty
grelt- :
\Vhiat are ( iioy , sweet , unto the Sill of
tiihmia ?
A tireanu of earth's , a assage of gny wings ,
Or yet but bubbles in the ilanti of Fate
That catigiit lid' fancy or provolcel her
ilfttL' .
Or this or that , tile source of all tiuch-
She frowned-sIlo breathe ] tmpon tiuemn and
they broke ,
And were no moro to 11cr in ily lIluice ,
Nor tuiougiit of later , when htii' I'isiOil woke
To otluer tinsel , tmrigiit immiti frail as tlloy-
Unwortil ml sunset or a hitid of May.
I V.
Ay , let 1110 keep my juiaciti ieiUre imere ,
Wilero J may listen to the robirs uumlg ,
' , Viiore I mummy breatile tile baimn of mine
OWul sirilig ,
W'atch mimic OWil trees tiirotmgimoul tile
iasstiig yeai' ,
See buuh nod bloom and taste their mellow
cheer ,
EacIl i3e1LOfl ulmlding' in w'hat tiuno dothi
Sonlo reason ( led ) for hearty wolconililg-
Like mnlmio Owil crickets piping sweet aild
t1 our.
Y'a , hot. tile old world pass-tile voritl of
tunic ;
Give inc hut umttiro Iii my nattv' land ,
floitlo hii' all ( lie shiotv of earth is tnnlu'-
lore In one rose tlmumu nm't can iiiltierntiiilti ,
I ii nile vim i to I ily maine a f i iglm t amid grit Ct'
'l'hiail Pericles designed , or lit Aullasia's
face !
Thin Ihoys itt Cltickitiiiitmgil Iellgiidt'il ,
Before leaving for Chiickamnatiga park. Ga. ,
Lieutcmulut George E. Base , Fifty-second
Iova volututeers , procured a few ilOtties of
Chtlmluerlain'e Colic , ( ? hohem'a anti Diarfltoen
Remedy. Tile boys were delighted v1'ii V :
imicIc cuirns of diarrhoea which it ci'fecteti ,
To meet the demands Lioutitnatlt Bass or-
dcreti four dozen betties more by express
tind sold tue whole of it in 0110 day , except
three bottles kept for his own use and for
personal friends. It. never ( oils to elfect a
cure and is pleasant and safe to take. It. iii
the most sticcesafti ioetll'imie in the world
for bowel corllpiaints , For sale by all drug-
' The1.
vi1 I bit1lO1'C ( 'lit'll-
iiig br yOlLl'SCl f 811(1 (
t1ie lOyS til i'lO ) ' 'COIL-
tilI'lltUl' ' i'IlFLll flt &U1 &
StOI' ( ' ill 01118118.
' \Ve nust ; Imyc 100111
k)1' 0111' Fall StCk. (
Ilts a geiiiiiiie ppoi'-
iJtt.'S the ' . .
( ( 1)1'0.t.
i1h1 1 ' S COFl' ( ( 't St' IC ,
\VCII-fittillg Stills go at
3.85 , 5.OO , 8.5O aiil
$10.00VO1'tll (10111)1(1 ,
every oiie of them.
Us the same with
sti1aT hats.
Always see 1 ; Ii o
( toiitiiieiitaI first. It
will 'OlI.
N , E. Cur. 1thi .lIid Iouiglns.
.Amli lit tllt'SO prices we know they wilt
, x ( ) uiiic'iu I.atiies' : ] iibbli'd4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . )
si.O l00 ( , ii ittys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. La Iteilils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
$75.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ uJ.04)jttx ) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 'SS WhlFELS.
.Ai..i CititinIess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
$125 , Spaiiliimg fur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1vi,4s Stutltliogs
1S97 SpItidumIgs fiii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35.04)
SECON1)-IIANI ) wiirirs s 'ru $20.
I f w' ciii get ynum ill our store to looic a
tiiei4o wiioels , VLt kmiov you vili lily.
Tonsen Wheel & Guii Oo ,
116 S. 15th St.
18D8 iIOD1LL
( iaJl flIl(1 get prices.
N. E. Cor. 15th and Dodge.
; 45 buys a i75 Bicycle.
i4o ; btya ; S60 Bicycle.
; 35 buys a $50 Bicycle.
Not ' 97 Models , but ' 98s.
Soiii Wheels at $17.00
Souie Oluers ifl $25.00
CALLANI ) sii : : l'R ( YOL'RSELV.
trn klMfl ( fl9 ( % r 1fl 416 N. 16th
II. 11 , IIAYFO1'tD1 Manager ,
. - . - , - - . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *
"iiIi $1
'You will f'tntl by looking ai'ound itt tim differeiit
bicycle tto&'es that we are selling bicycles , $10 to $1IS
cheaper thaii aiiy other bicycle lloub'e in Oniaha.
Special Prices This Week. M. ft W. Inner Tubes , 95c ,
Coi' . 16th aiicl Chicago. Ed 1. Heyden , Managers
. .
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