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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1898)
- - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - -Th . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 10 TILE MUA DAILY iEi : SVNIAY , TVTV 17 , 181)8. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPORTING NE\VS \ OF 11HE\VEEK \ G am of the Northwestern Orickct Association Tournament. ONE OF TIlE SEASON'S ' IMPORTANT EVENTS Int.nI Cl til. I'ri'pn tip ' .Velcnnic I lie % 'llIirM ( friiiii ( lileiigu , len cr , s , l'sttil , lliIi flh,4illM Uhiti iiiil lg I ii lIiiil t 1e. TErn Iong.ntlcate1 ! tournament of thc' Northwestern CrIclct nsoclatlon , for which the Ioeih crIcket club hha * beri making nt- rnngerncnbi for inonthitt , has himihly nrrlved. : Comrnenring hironutIy .it ii n'e.hock tomorrow - row morning the hhrst gantc of the totlrn. moot 'iI1 1)0 ) Called nfl(1 ( on cacli tiny thereafter - after thisring the rest of the week tim now hiithi groufluls , nL IVCfltfifth1 ni1 .flioS avcrnw. VJCrO thio itntc1tes nru to 1)0 1l1YCt ] . vIhi 'o tile grent lngIishi gaTUU . from the amc hour In the hnorhhing until 6iO : o'clock In tile t3vonInl. This tournatnont wilt he vlthout kuubt thio ericket event of nil unto lii the uvet nncl hi' great nniatotir porLing event of the oxponltion your. lurIng 1110 tournnniont there uvhhi be inert flrt chau crIc1eters as- ' 1 I4'mbiPl Ofl tIIL' floII titan on any Pr.t'IothS f o''aslon in th ( history ) f iriciet In tht3 ( 'Outitry , IL ; u'hnt the local followers of thin ipnrt itay , anti they ilnt to a hong hot ( it rontcntanti who are known as experts In thin gtilno uhh ouer thin United Statcn. Thueso cracks turn not confined to thin iatit- tobt tram , either. by a honi ntot. ) Viewed from other thou a. sporting stanti- Point. the totlrnrmnuent uvhhi be n rcat fiuc- mr in thin nhvcrtlshng of the txliosition. The nuenahiers of tim varIoii teams that nr. coining here are Invariably composel of thin , cream of 4OC1al nfll , biisIne en.tcrprlse of thin cities front uiui'hi they hail. Their uorils regurihing thin exposition ihi lie mole effective than a considriabit' amount of let- torpress. On tts ) account the Omaha boys de'ervo encouragement In their erlteavorn in this \V1I ) to 1.rcs . forwaril the cialnis of the great nhow , In nittlition to Increasing thu popularity of the ; aino of cricket In the uest. fhe only way In which appreciation can be shown Is by personal atteninhlco at thit matches anti the melnbcr3 of the Omaha ( 'hrlcket chub whhi feel wchh repaid for any ffortM they may have expenilcd in nlak- thg the tournainelit a stircess if , erouvh4 ( caine alit . Glue hlour'H view of the great niny tliitt Is cerium to he in evitleitce dthhtng tile colnhlig week whit aloite bevorth 4 the rce of atthibjshon hi the spectators are unable to stay thurotiht the long matches. The foreign contestalits whit be arriving in thin city tO(1113. At nmhlnlght last. imtght the heaver temiii Caine In over the Burihng- ton. This afternoon at I :25 : the Minnesota teani will arrive. Ciiicat ( , is cxected In the morning anti on account of the long journey thin \1niihtoba contingent will proh- ably not meachi this city Until Titestlay morn- lag. All these teams are in the best. of cell- tittion atid v1Ih be renihy to at oiicc engage iii hIUY. ) EXCCIt Manitoba , they vhhi all Ihimly tonmnrrow. For the convenience of the nickeL followers In thin city tile chietlule of the vcek Is jubhlshmeU again : Monday-Omaha against Mionesota , ienver ngahiiat Chicago. 'ruesihy-omaha lgathi5t Manitoba , Iin- nesota atainst Chicago. \'ediucsday-MaiIt Ohflt against Chicago , MIhlhlCSOtfl. athh1st Thursday-Omaha agatilat Chicago , Maui- toba against Deiver. , Fritlay-Omahia against Icnvcr , Manitoba ugathist Satiir.lny-Unitcd . States ngaiost Canada. 'rwo nlmttChlCS will be itlayed at time name ( line each day. rhio inoit oxcltiiig match from a local Iltaudpoiflt Whhh ho ) that IetVcell ) Oniahia and Minnesota tomorrow. So far thin two teamn have about mum equal 000hier of umatches to their , credit and sjecators ( vihi have an opportunity of witnessing what woniises to hie crhups thie most hothy contested match of the totirnanmehit. Time rivalry betveeli thin two aggregations iii tnteiise. Since the tt'ains met last year hmoth clubs have been nmateriziihy l3trCligtheneI ( , but ionsIbI the Onmaha club him hail the advantage in this rcpect. Thu local inca figure that it the Onmahu team can withstand the lightiming deliveries of ( edwin the chances are in their favor. The Minimesota teamim is coni- hO.MCtl of : G. C. Saulcz , cal)1OIu , good bat and change howler. L. Nash , steady bat atiil good ulehd. A. I ) . Stevens , one of the crack bats of thin elev n ; call tulo wickets. ii. EtilUtiflhls , genii bat. heady bowler , re- hinbhu fleii. M. it. Otirrie , ammthier crack bat. T. It. Sissoil , a very hard littler and rapid scorer. .1. ltIchmarilsoil , reliable bat ; wicket Iceeper of the eloveil. \v. 1 Rumble , show left arm boIcr ; fair bat. bat.v. . Godwin. the fast bowler of time cloven ; a hard hitter anti rapith scorer. ii. I. . . Itohyat , uresimichit of ( liii club nnd good hat. \V. Clark , steady bat and flrst-chass bug still' . Opposed to this lenin will be time following Otmmnhimi eleven : T. 1' . Ilato , C. J. Tuihleiti , It.V. . Tayhor , 0. ii. Vaughn , \V. it. Vaughn , harry New , 3. iougal ) , J. 11. Shams , J. Vrnttcln , ii. iiiwrie , J. Doughas , J. 13 , Roy. imohds. Omaha have a slightly different team in encht day. Oti Tuesday against hutnitohri It uvihl be : Bate , Tulhiehd , Taylor , (1. II. . Vaughn , \ \ . U. Vaughn , New , . lougai ) , Sinmnts. Lawrie , loughns , iteytmoids , Gutid. On Thursday the tenimi ngaiitst Chicago will be as follows : Hate , Tuflielil , Taylor , 0. ii. Vaughn , \V. it. Vaughn New , Iougal. ) Sitnimnu. Cameron , iteynohis , Frauds , Lawrie. 'Flit train ngahtmst 1)enver on Friday has lint yet been selected. One of time great matclmes of the totirna- macnt will ocetir on Saturday bctweeum , the .4'z . - , . : , , - - , , . - 1yW , _ . / FREE BOOK FO WEAK MEN My little hOOk ) , "Three Cinses of iIen , ' sttmt to uneim only. it tells of iii" 1G years' uxImerieuiee itt ; ii. sjiecIitiIt iii tli nervotim ihisorders rt'suitLtui from youthful ititiIicre- t1ott. Ltiuo : iiutck , etc. , tuumI tells vii ) ' ELECTIUCITY ( 'tires. Vith amy II1VCIIIIOII , time Dr. Smmncit'n iflectrto liult , Icuiovui uBti tist'ti tue uu'orltt over , I retoreti lust year rOt ) ) amen. young unit old . Bt'wnrc of ( 'htt'mtil hutlitmittons. Above boohc explains miii ; sent scaled. 'r1te today. Dr. A. I. Saiideii , o. 183 B. Cluck st. , Chicago. iii , - - - : : iiIIi 1 State" and Canatla , Thin hfttter 'mviii to 'mirtunhly the danhtoba eleven , end ngainst it wihi be Pitted ti thn representatlvoR of the itars anti stripes on eleven picked from sil the other contesting nggregatlons. As to ( ho probable outcome of the tourna- meat. Local cricketers certainly count upon Manitoba to capture first place. The eleven is not only the crack team of the tourna- meat , but with its full strength on are hirob- ably thin best exponents of the game on this title the Atlantic. It Is the only chub which will hiring down professionals , three im- hmorted 4iret front lnghand appearing on Its sIde. livery man on the team will be good for ruins , their wicket keeping is superb and the outneitling would tb credit o the best protes.lonal base boll talent. Time ) ' bring with them several tremendously hard hitters , anul some of the opposIng teams will have "plenty of loather hunting" crc ( ho week is out. The ehmanees are that they 'mviii keep a firm hold on the chanipionship for nuother year. Chicago comes with an almost oqitahly strong combination niud they uvihi endeavor barth to will back the lost honors of last year at St. i'auh. Certainly they should have a mighty aggregation , for they imnve a vast lti'ritory to thaw front. Tile match on Vctitiesdziy between timeni and the Canniliatis promises to be "a battle of the giants. " As hums been said before 1)c'uiver is an unknown tiunimtity and is likely to be the dark horse of ( lie tourtmanient. 'Fun players are the hid : lint only of ienver , but of thin state of Colorado. Sonic of thioir men frouui outside 1)0111(5 ) ( have mnoveul to lenvcr In the last COUliP ) Of nmontlum anti have beeti in constant lurneticu sihmce. The heaver haunts claim that their ieprcselitativos have little dliii- oiliLy in hriigitig tip a series of surprises , hut there are munny glorious uncertainties in cricket-you can't always tell. you icumow. imimi Onmahma'ehh , time boys feel pretty coimiiihiilit. They do not expect to carry off ( lie ilrst hmoimors. but there would not ho umiuicit surprise felt in local circles it they railed second. riiey have good bowlers , good batsinuti auth good 1101(15-a steady , nil- mum omind team. Miuineapohis is much in the 581110 class , Time social element of time tournament has not been iteglected numil every arrangement has been verfecteml to give tile visitors and friends-for tue vhaYcrs will be accompanied hi ) ' mmiany friends , mmmcii 011(1vouiena right royal ( line. Tuesday night will be exposi- thou imighmt , whemi they viil be time guests of thin local players on the midway and of commrso otimor portioums of the big iiow , On \\'ChiuiCsdty night a big smoker wIll be given at the Conmmcrcial chub. FOOD FOR A FEW FANATICS IltiMi- huh ittiti itH Srii.cie Ainhiist \'itr ilu ilel liii' . in the Vnriout i.eimziie Cities. W'hmo vill wear time title of champions this year ? That Is a question ( lint ought to be hearing solution. for already half time base bail season is over. The aggregatIons have turned into the last half of time race and yet , as It. has been for the past mommth and macro , time m'tmnning is neck-and-neck. A single slip iviil ommtl amiy olin of the leaders into the rear as a result of time hot pace that is helimg set , but those who are In time lead now are running along In a way to indicate that they can keep It tip to the flnloh. It is mmot improbable ( lint thIs year's fight for time pennant wiil go miown on the records as the hardest fought contest. in time history of time gammie. A year ago thIs time time first and last tennis were something over OO poimits apart. Today there is hut a differ- elide of Ices thati i7 IOimitS between Cm- ctnnati anti St. Louis. This Is partially due to the four-trip schedule , vhiIch knocks out the bug losing streaks if time teamu Is plaY- ImI ! any kinti of ball. Then again , the teams are more evenly matched nmmd , as has already been saId , a few defeats are sufil- dent to iuL a leader va' dowmm toward time sccotci tiivisbor.m. There is imot a PositivelY weak aggm'cgntlomm In the whole league , for eveti time tailciiders ( rib ) up tIme leaders imow auth then amiti cause consternation In their ranks. There Is mmot a downright easy thIng iii time i imoho imuncit. At the gait with wimlch time lieds are swiimglumg alotmg heir timero seems to be mm valid excuse why timey olmouid not come out alicad at the finish. They immmve been iii the van practlcahiy time entire sensomm , for in time early days of time year , when time teams were sliiftiumg every day , 1)051(100 did mmot count. Not once have they been ousted out of time place. Ommce In the later - ( or part of Juume it did soenu as If they were golimg to ioe their grip and votmhml earn time title of imhitters that lmad frequently hmoeii beuutowed tijieti tlmemn. Otm Juume 28 time hicaumenters i'cre but six ioints belmhnd them numil for three days only this difference e'- isteti. 'uimeum time Hemis picked up In their batting and eveum since they have been gramlmmahly forging ahead until they are now umgmmlu fIfty POImmtS to tIme good. But aim : ' sort of a shumimip like that from now oum wommid probably be more disastrou'm. 'i'lw ibenimeaters form a scrappy , never-say- ( lilt teanm , . Timey have been tue ummost con- sistemmt of tIme rummners. Since the early lmrt : of the season their pcrccntago has hcemm a decidedly stcadfammt uitmantit ) ' , They lmnvo imower been outside of the bounds of ( cmi points to time oume side or time other of 62.0. May 17 they were 62.5 , ott June 17 r,2.o , now they are 62.1. With none of the wavering ( lint has occasiommally been shown by the Reds , they imare immovemi steamilly' ahoumg , antI numotlmer sltmnip on thin part of the leaders woolml probably not again be overlooked by them , It crtaInly looks as if time result lay be- tis'eomm these two tennis , even timougim Haiti- immore anti Cleveland arc hugging them olose. hiotit thme3e aggregations are a trifle erratic anti it Is questloimablo wiucthmer thmoy woulmi he abbe to bear time mmtralmm of a close fitmishm , Clmicago is to ho coimntemi in , too , in the umittiro of it iiark horse. She is 100 iioiits behind time leaders , hilt it ummttst bo taken into muccotint timat site bums been greatly weaketmtl on account of injured players , anti wimt'n these get limb time ganme again sue immay b expected to chltmmb upward , fly coimsecittive defeats of St. Path time Cinglammati adjtmmmct , Itmdlatmumpolls , has again taken a substantial lead over time othnis itt time race iii the Western league , After hem' tleeldcmt slmmnmp she i agnium in neariy as good a imosition as shin uu'as a month ago , bier ummaiumstay are Imer pitchers , for she hints a year Iieldltmg teani anti but ummemliocro Imuitters. Yet for timat matter , what teatmi is there lit time \'cstermm that ifas a good battimmg average. With imeritaps time ox- ceptiomi of Kmmmmsas City , which seems to be time strongest with time stick , anti yet which uimay mmot be aim exception , them is not aim agrgogatiotm that bias ummore thmnum two or three immen that are batting above time 30.0 nmark , aummi those who are any distance up that stretch are scarce as lien's teeth. In fact , this Is true to a ummumiler degree of time big league. There has been a .slunmp iii time bnttitmg all aromtmmd. Oiii-tinmcrs lure- diet that time imman who bails thin battttmg arerage at time enmi of tutu season vIit iiave a mark timirty-fivo or forty voiumts lower thaum .11th iCceler last year. No one seems to be able to accoummt for this in a satisfactory nmaimtmer , but time fact reummalus tmcverthciess. Thin evideumce uvere on itanmi at thin opemming of time season , but at thut tiam i it watt saul that time tossers dlii not hmavo their batting doilies on yet. It they over asstmtmmo timetmi , they certainly ought to have thmenm ulouu. Time \\'eslorhm lcaue race is in reality at imresetmt , Cs It Imami been , except with one or tuuo oxcelmtiotms , since time opemmirmg of time season , over secoummi place , Milwaukee hiss umammacil p jiusli foruvarU 11119 % Iul mcrap anti it is it 'mvarnm guess to hick out 'mviii' ii of the quartet-Kansas City , Columbus , St. Paul umnd Mliwmike-whhi land aimeami. Time St. Joseph team has ngain dropped back into time role of a taiheimder , for it woulti be him- possible for timemmi to get down below time Millers. The Minneapolis management Is making no effort to secure a position in time race , hut is contenting itself sinmply with runnln along weii enough to hold its franchise. The thrush ruin seems to have little effect 111100 the Giants. There lowe becim nil sorts of ocrumpes there , in wimicim the umpires have timid a bard row to hoe , atmd mint very long ago another outbreak took place. It is do- scribcd by the Stun as follows : Grady made aim exhibition of iminmself at time Polo grounds yesterday and by lila imeimavior added furtimee disgrace to time New York club. In the eighth inning lUIroy of time Cimicagos attempted to tie thm score froimi timird after ( ilensoit had caught a thy ball. Time timrov 'muss poor aimd as ICilroy reneimoil the iate Grady , who deliberately tried to block time runner by stanthing Oim the base lintli , was PUshed naide. Thin huh beuinmieti a yard or so behind thin catchier anti two otimer ChIcago base rutmners began to sprlimt. \Vitimout huesitntitmg Grady anti half of the New York ( cain rttslmeti at McionalI , who 'mvas behmitmii ( lit' plate , and began to ostbo hun ahoiit. Grady took hmimmm by time throat Ruth shook hmImmi , while Joyce grabbed ( lie tiampiro by thin shoulder and s'imeeheil huhimi aroutmil. Grady further lost hum head thou by picking tip time hail anti timrowiumg it wlitiiy limb left field , aim en or whilcit allowed Ryan atmul Chance to score u'hmat were thn witmiiing ruims. Grady ( lien turimed upon Mc- Ioumald again amid tuegaut to jabber at him. ' 'I'll ' huavo you appear before time boar of disciphiume for ( lint talk , " said time tiunpire. "Oct out of time guutime. ' ' Oi'amly auiiily ) swore at ticDonahi as lie 'mvent to tIme bench , wimilo time other members of time teatmm stub- ideti , anti Zearfoss went lit to cntchi. him time seventh iimnimmg Assistaimt Unmpiro O'Iay called McCrcery out , at secoimti , whiereupoim lie was stirrotmmmdeti by Grady , Joyce , Davis , Vim Ilaltren , ( licasoim anti ' .hcCrcer . ) ' , all of vimeuii claimed ( hint the unmpire hail bc'.n iii time base m'unner's s'ny. ibartiumaut bo'meii with rage once because a strike was ahicii on hint , While there is a decided lack of interest in base ball pretty nearly nil over ( lie celia- try , within teanms are being traumsferrcd anti amber associntioims are going to time wall , time great satan of base ball is more timaim hmoldimig up Its end in time state atnoiig the anmatetmr ntmd scmni-professioimni teanms. Tha iircliunitmnr gammmcs hiutve all beemi Imlayeti off and how ( lie cracks of time buncim are begium- imimig to talk chuimpionsimlp. Two of the leathers arc time Wyummore miggregatloim atmd time Originals , vimn are scrappiimg it out in this city this afternooum. Hut it mimatters not vlmicit one of time two wins omit , there ore other teams in time state timat are bound to cimahienge timeir title anti a good ninny hot gnomes uill yet result before time matter will be definitely settled. ttistii ) of the ( mute. Not a home run has been made on the Cleveland grounds this seasoim. Fred Clarke , the Nebraska product with ( lie Colonels , vas ummarricti last vnck , 'rime work of Gnffncy aumd Hret'ut is said to be thin b.ast seen In time east this scasoum. Since nson's retireummemmt McPhco is the olmi maim of ( ito dimumoimd. lie is on time shady side of tO. George Decker Is disappointing time fans in St. Louis anti time 1irowmis arc Iookiimg for a umew first basenman , It is said that time tlccadeimco of Gleason aumd IJavIs has been respoimsibie for at least half a dozeum defeats at New York. AIgy McBride seems at inst to have struck his \estern league gait. His fielding is of the finest auth lie is umow battlmmg ztbovo time 30.0 nmarlc. Mammager Selee of time floston team Is try- 11mg to sign Rice of Minneapolis for tmtiiity nmamm. lticc lends time Minimeapuhis ( roam at time hat amid is a clever shortstop. The best bnttimmg team iii time league wouiii b.c Mefinun , tirst base ; LajoIc , seeoumd base ; Cross , third base ; Dahien , shmoi'tstop ; iIammmii- ttum , ifeeier auimi Lange , outticid : 'l'iiorumtomm , pitcher ; Farreli , catchier. Totty Mtiiiaume asks l'resitient Young twice a week by wire for a jmiaco ott the atiomumi leaguo's staff of umpires. Tommy ovidemmtly likes the saying : you don't at first succeeti , try , try agaimm. " Tom Tucker amid George La Chmaumce are mmurnerous loimmts ieiOW ) time .iU'J ' battimmg notch. 'Fhme slump of time Trolley lodgcrs during time past ( WI ) moimtims is due to th. sad , hummgry , cadaverous record at time bat of Mike Gritbin's heathen-footed troupe. Flick of the philadelpimma team mmmade four hits , itmciumling three timrco-baggcrs , a total of ten bases , ( lie other day. 'I'imis i witimiti one of Shueckard's total for Iirooihyii nmatlc early 1mm Mimy. Four hits for eleven bases was time record , wimicim staumds for tits sea- soil. soil.Earl Earl Wagner's squad seems to be regular "tumbiers of top-umotchers" this year. They have tuikeum three out of seven froumm time l3ostons , three oat of seven frommm time Haiti- mores , anti two out of four frommi time New Yorks aud three out of four fronm Ciumciim- umati. If there is one yotmumg pitcher in tue country isimo itt attracting more attention than another It is Jesse Taumimehiil of time Plttsbumrgs. Not only Is lie mioiimg excel- lent. work in time box , hut his batting is imard anti tinmehy , timid itas been of immaterial assistahice to the l'ittsburgs in winnimmg gaines. ' FOR LOVERS OF GUN AND ROD Oiuiuiiumi to hiiiytu a Couple of l'uirehy .4 nium ( c ii r 'i'rgti. ' 'lu ii ni a- iuiehits Stui. Time Dtmpont Gun chub Is arranging for quite a torunament in time eariy fail , either itt the end of September or time beginning of October. It is to be a purely amateur affair , professionals atmti nmaoufaeturi'rs' agents being barred. The matter was definitely - nitely settled upon at a ummeeting of time climb last veck , but mmottmiag but time outihne was mappeti otut. Time details uvill ho left to a comnmitteo of time fouiowimmg , who imave promo- ised to devote nil their eumorgies to time sue- cess of time tourney while it is him progress : Joe Golilsummitim , George Aiooro , C. C' . A. Hauercammmper , W. I ) . Townsenti , Frank lwornk , Charles Curtis , lieumry McDetumltl , John I.euvis , Joima Ihaunman , ii. W' . Sclmnei- iler ahmd F. F' . Dow , It was so far settled , however , timat there is to be about four days of simootimmg , mainly at time traps , although sonic live birth evemmts may be imuhietl oft ott time last day of ( lie tournmutment. There Is to be $ iOO in added mooney to be tiis'itleti mmmnong the live daily highest averages miami O0 atl- mieti in nmercimandise , uvlmicim will ho tlivideth up into booby prizes , 'rIme ulatu mmmi other tmmatters coumnected with time teurumiunment will be settled upon at another mueetimmg to be beid at Towmmseod's store tomorrow night. Billy Ilardium vlhi have a nice amateur shoot on the grounds of time Omimahma Gun chub across time river this coummitmg week for three tiny's conmniencing wbtimVednnsduy. . There are to be ten events each tiny at fit- teen targets. Five moneys will lie hung imp It ( lucre are more than twenty-five entries ammmi four tmmoneys It bess. On the last thay timero Is to lie a shoot for teams of timreo from umumy chubs. The entrance ( en for this will be $ i ui'Ith $2 added. Time simoat vfii be at twenty-live targets. Time Iupoimt climb is preimaring to send a team to conmpeto tot' this linac. The Dupont Gun club vihi have its usual shoot ( bitt afterumoon , eoumsistltmg of time hmanulicap chub events , sweepstakes and pos- sibiy a teanm shoot or two and a live birth event. 'Flueso weekly shoots mmcc not only' resulting hum sonme exeeiient simootiog at ( ho traps , lout they are mrovlumg to be a most enjoyable outiog for the cangeninh batch of 0115115 who compose the chub mueumbersbip. John Lewis copped out it wager Inst Somu. day by the skin of his teeth. A few weeks ago time sheriff was a little elmosty over tpam eores hma mi uu vma i'hum blob aol hit , 0itfflcl that smnahing ( 'm.uiy straight was as easy as rolling oft a log in frost ) ' uenthor. lie gave expression to this opinion in a rather uittuhibio tone of 'm'oke and lie wss snapped tip by a fellow member f time citib , i'm'hmo let him dowim easy Imy' betting imimmi a box of cartridges that ho could mmot smash twenty in time follow- log foul' shoots. John's hat band got big as ho got his bumps Sunthay after Suntimmy , hut fitmali on last miamI time fourtlm Sunday he ctmt time cafler anti ho hums not stoppeth telling about It yet. "Snapper's" Monday physiognomy is an index In direct ratio to his Suntlay iwr- fornmancc. If time sticking plaster on his starboard cheek bone Is a imamicakohiko mit- fair , "Snnpper" on the tiny before haul ap- Piled ft strangle-garrote hold to his weapon atmil h'aih mantle it ninetceim or tweumty. If time pmutclm is smnahier , ditto "Snapper" score anti so on imp anti tiowmm time scale. lirummo Scimnelmier is sauvitmg a whole pile of wood in time weekly arguments. lie in running a sort of cntcim-as-catch caim race with Frank iworumk of Sotmhi ( Omnuilta in the tmmatter of steadily itmmprovlng shooting. TIme tournatmmetmt of oharpithuonters which us'mms lii progress at ( iiermdaio Park , f. I. . hum- til last Tmucsdny amid coimitmmenceuh nut .July 8 , rzms quito a shooting event. it s'ms tlm second triotmmmial totmrumamemmt of time Na- ( lentil Slmnrpshootermu' tium'.oum ' of Ammmeriea. As 1mm pretty umearly every other sportimug eveimt thir'sc' tiays , time enttren mmii uuttendatmce were not tip to time stammlard , but sonic eeeilemmt slmootimmg u'as thoime , higher mmmmtrium tit'immg iumntl thatu at time first schmetmtzentest of time uuumiomi. There u'as ami eclloimt prize list , the cash nmoumey nloumo nimmotmmtlimg % to OOO1' ' . Together withi time gohmi ammti silver macdais , sommie $30,000 expended iim hirizes , Dtmrimmg tIme last week a party of h'oot"rs frommi towns alommg time Eikhormm road were iii time city tryimmg to iimtitice luonmo of the hmtmimteri 1mm this city to co-operate with lhmcmmm itt breaking tip illegal clmicken shooting by cinchmimmg time express and railroad commmpanics that traumsport time gammic. Last year the shooters along the hue mmmontiommed formed mum associtmtioui for timis same umuritese uiumml uhiti good work. They iaumdeti on time coin- uaumy with conmuigmmmnemmts of young chicken in their lmssesslon omit of season anti prose- euted anti convicted time oitemmders , Time re- stilt was that time practice of sendimmg time gaimmo to nmarket amid commseqmmemmtly a mutce proportion of the illegal simooting was done away vitim. Time sportsmen report that ( lucre are mummy umtmmimber of yotmmmg citickens how ilying about , amid timey' are anxious to iu'otect timeni uumtil time sumooting season opemus iii order that there may be sport a-piemmty iii ( ho fail. They mmot only propose to forum nuotimer inotective association this year to see to it ( lint mmoume of time cimickemis mire killed mmnti semmt auvay to market by time pothunters , but timey also desire the shmooteis living hero to uu'atcli this end of time himmu anti appre- liemmd ammy consigmmnmeats en they commie In. iittumters hereabouts are ready to fall in with time i ao. hundreds of youumg quaii' are piping mmml us imistliumg away iii time parks of time city these brigimt summumimem' days. Thus Is pnmtieimlarhy so tim time early imiorumings befom e time birds have been frlgimtened off by time frequemiters of time city's hmrcathmimmg Piaces. Es'en a spot so close to time heart of the city as Bcmmmis park seems to be cimtmck full of bhrtir. Ehmmmivood inirlc amid lUverviemv arc both timickiy inhmabitcil by thcimm. 1mm all these uarks if one takes time trouble to ho about shortly after dawn oume caim sec bcvies of time birds zctmrrying across time Paths aimd walks and drives as If they wct'e eu the mutretcimes of the wild amuul roihiimg vrairics. 'limo ummitsic of their wimistiltig is in- cessaumt. As time day advances timey become iron cvidcumt , although ( lucy secumi to be diii- playing mumore of time contempt that comes wiit faummiuiarity with time itaric frequenters. It is (0 1)0 hoped that time park coummunts- sioners will sec to it that ample irotectloti is givemu to time births. Iii the parks , aiso , rabbits ame not at all scarce. Eiummwooh park , particularly , scoums to be well stocked with timenm. Next Wetinesday a commsiderabie batch of meal sportsmmmemm will go up into time fig llorim cotmmtry for several weeks' outing. Thmo l)81'tY inclmuties Judge Ives , F'raumk Gaines utmmd his imrotlmer. 'ml. ' A. hail , lr. Coumimer , Charles A. ( less anti Judge Keysor. They ivihi stay froumi timrco (0 six weeks its ( umey immdividmmahiy desire. The party will be eqimippeil with nil sorts of Ilsimimug tackle , as time trout iii ( he uumountaium brooks is time object timey are mutter , although gauume will not be entirely overioohcmh , Hilly Towumsend , loc Owens , Albert Eiimoimum , amid Harry Elmoiles are goimmg to Onawa toumight for severai thays' fishmiumg. iilliy Tow'nsc'mmd hums received a letter froimi Jim Hart in rimicim time iatcm' ( says that time sport is of time finest. hone ) ' hionman amid imi ivife speumt several ihays mit Onuwa durimmg time past i'eek , imiti had gm'emmt kick. In three thays of fishing ( hey captiureti about 100 POlumi.s ' of ham's. Fully fiutecum of thin thu welgitemi froumm two and a half to three and a half potuntis. Oti \Velumesiay fronm I I : i0 in time nmot mmltmg until I :30 : ( hey Phiiieti out fom'ty pountis of the gcummmiy dali-mt rather thiubiotus story if it lint ! not pr.sscml the lips of it trite-bRie spot'ts- ummamm like lleimmamm. Fuogs u'ere time bait 'uscul ' anti time lisli were so voracious that ( hey smmappctl tltenm as noon as time hook strumeic water. 13111 Siimmeu'ai anti Ir. Woricy have had great hock at Ctmt Off ialo : tltmritug ( Ito iast wcclc. They ciumught a lartietuiuulY imice macse one evenhmmg. Freulerick Meta , Cimamley Metz anti Fred Goociricim last Momumlay vemmt to Luke Quimm- uuehmmtmglm , wbmt're time ) ' vihi speumtl a . ( ) : of weeks cumtchuiumg inmmm aumil croppy 'iica ( lucy mime tint ioiiitg abetit time comuufom'tabho Mctz cottage. Time veli kumomvmm fishuermeum , Neal of 'I'ekamumaim fluid hops of Neiim'askut City , au'o spondimmg a ( ow weeks mit Oumawa. WITH HORSES AND HORSEMEN It iiiiiiiuuu.r hit't t ( ' ' iiiigTs itt Ht'iuhI4' V'rict'ui ( Jut lit jt'aIi , Time scheme of imolthiumg a nmiummming mnct O'u or time river is boiumg gradually worked nut iii detaIl. It lion hcemm deeuumcd nil- S isaimle to Irnstvoe time openiumg tiny it couple of uveeks amid eommscqiueimtly time mmmeoting will not eotmmtmieumco until Septeutmimer I. Time immaummmgelumeii ( Is gradually getting into ear- rcspoumdetmce wtth nimumuming meet imu'omoters aumd in fact all time sigmms poimmt to time like- lilmooii ( hint time exhuibition of baagtaihs will be a go. There is a good party of solid , vcireseumtative Council ihluffs eitlzetms , In- eluding fl A. Wieklmanm omit ! Charles Stewart - art , beimlumml time plan. Iespite time fact that svorts tin pot secmmm to be securing mumuchm slip- port in this section of the United States at time lremeumt stage of time game. it is be. hewed that good crowds uvill turum out to see ( Ito rummaers. It is to ime lmopeih scm , at least , if time scheme rc'aeimes a culmaimmaIoum. The trotting anti pacing imanthicaps iii- Jected Into time programa at tile Cimarter Oak hark races at ilnrttorih ftmrmmishmctt a decimictl lnnovatiomm /mmerlcatm iiaraess racing uumethods. Thu idea was borrowed train Europe. where sucim races have beemm In vogue for several years. It is mmot generally believed that ( his styie of racitmg will jirove popular In ( hits country , though , VIUIVtId as a novelty , ( he tao races at hlartiorti proved Immteresting. 211 limo rncvs limp horties were hiantilcappod - - 1jrMONO3 AUCTION $ 1 0 0 0 0 . . . t' MUST BL SOLD TO PAY INDEBTEDNESS Diamonds , Watches , Rich Jewelry , Solid . Sterling' Silverware , the highest class of Silver Plated Knives , Forks and Spoons , ' Fine Cut Glass , Leather Goods , Clocks , Art Pottery , all to be sold at auction , without reserve or limit. Sale every day , . 10 a. in. and 7:30 : p. in. Call for any arHcle and it will be put up and sold. Seats under electric fan reserved for ladies. COSQRAYMONDCOI , Cor. 15th and Douglas Streets. according to theIr last imumbhic pcrtormmmammces as siiowim by their records. Time horse receiving - ceiving time largest ailourance was at ( lie wire umad time other3 were placed back of hmlmmt in order. The start was necessarily a standiuig omme iii order to uireservo time hmammuhi- cci ) dustammces , Each heat uu'as a race , lmmtt the hor3e best lhacttl hum ( he two imeats of which the tuo events comusisted were given added nmommey. Iii the trotting race time horse who got the biggest aiiowance-1l yarthi- got. first moumey. bum time paciumg event time horse next to the scratch , with an ahiow - ance of twenty yards , iron. here is a sanmple of time way time imaumdi- capping is done , time evi'mmt htmcluthimmg nil ammiunais in time classes train the 2:10 : to the 3:00 : : I Imtmutlicap itosi- Feet trai'Ftt thou in yaris , cloth in a Per baclc tf time Chas uriimmutes , i'ecotmtl. wire m:0O : . . . . . . . . . . . . . r,2s0 29 serntchm 2:5' : ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,5S0 31 1A ( ) 2:10 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5j1O am 2t ) 2:3i : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,1SO 80) :8l : ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,800 8i 811) 2:25 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,4St ) : m ; ' 410 2:20 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,775 : u 495 2:15 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,020 39 fSO 2:11) : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7O0 40i 640 The Western liorsenmztn speaks as foi- lows of ilihi Paxton's great colt : W'imemm tIme yearling colt , Time Merchmammt , trotted a mile at Ommummima last October iii 2:29 : , a great ummaumy imorsemmiemm shook their imeads , booked wise uummil said : ' 'That ! iitshuett : ( lie comm of Time Coumqtmeror ; you vihi mmevr icarmu of his starting tugaiim. ' I.zust week thus samimu colt , mmow years old , trottti a uumiic itm 2 : ' 5 amid ivoum time race for coils umumth lihiie of his age at time Onmaima mmmeetiumg. A great Imiammy fast immilce were trotemi mtt lemu- ) \'er , htmt the fastest mimibo by a 2yearulti mit ( hat , mumeethng was 2 :45 : , ivimicim mimakes time showing by The Mercimammt nil time more cretiltahie. SOME MISCELLANEOUS SPORT Lank ii i ii t're. . t i it La vil 'l't'ui ml is 1ilcCi to ( 'imst fluumaliji hour 'l'lmis % 'e'mtr , Loab touiumii imlners are ruumnimmg a miami- ger of giviimg Omaima sounethiimmg of a black eye iii a tcmimmi u'tmy by droppiumg thin tenumus fixture timat vas estabhisimed hi this city by time Natloumal Tenmmis associatiotm. 'rho sporting edItor has Ucemi In receipt of a number of coummmmmummicalouis froimi tiiffcrc'ut secthomms at the westermm rOuuitr ) ' , iii ivhiieit uumquirles are made iegurtling time date anti details of the eveumt. For exanilile. a coum- tiuigeumt of imutif a tlozen ienver htinycre hro- posed to ( nice vart in time tommrmmammment. These visitors wore coming to take 1mm tIme fair amid iveulul have seiecteii timeir date so as to have also tnlcen part iii time tourney. fly entirely giviimg imp the event , Omumaha loses hot. emily the tixttmro , in all vrobablhity , but also time cimance of imoldimug time biggest tour- umaniemit that would imuve evem boemm held In ( ito city. TIme wimolo trouble seenme to lie in time fact timat there is no omme to ( nice imohul of time mmmnttcr. Tue older players who have been emmimmecriumg the tourmmammments of time umast have givemm tip time gmmmme : auud appeam' to have lost till ititorest 1mm it. Auth tlmcm'o tlot. umot secmmm to be enough gutmmptiomm hum time yommnger lot of pinion to take imoid of time matter. In fact , temiuils apimears to he mit mu very loW ciii ) Iii timis city this seasoum in commmiarimtomm with Past years. Noume but time smmmahicr courts are rtmumimhumg anti timtto iii c hot doing a great ammmomimut of bucimmess. Iii 1900 , at time gaumme ( line w'itiu tIme great exiositioum gamnes , the ecommtl colchirtitloum of time mimoderum Oiyimmpimmn gaummes will be lucid I mm l'uruii. Q uite ehmmimoru : to ldmm us mire imeimmg inuihe for time gaines , tilt ) Idea being kept 1mm time foreground contttmmmmtiy ( limit ito nmiscci- laumeous crowmi who iviii stttimti by muuuti cheer time elummuipionti is desired at tue event , but rathmc'r mm gumberimig of flrat-c'iass athletes ium every iiume of shiorts. Aimmatetmrs imbue uvlhi be aiiemveti to couiultc'tO timid commscqtut mmthy ( lucre i'iii be mm ummommey itriacs. Time Vicommute tie in htochiofoucalt , ( lie ireil krmowmu ( ommmmtlem' ammd hmrcttiiout ( of time i'ar'-s ' i'oiu chub , hiatt mundertaiceum time tunIc of ummalcing time gaummes a success muntl uvihl he amusustoil hmy Barnum mb Cotibertium , the nriginator of time revivmmi of time Oiyjmip'.aum gaInes. Accortihuig to their pium mm 3 time itroiruum ; uh'i II I umc'l tuti e lInt auth hurdle nmmrcm , rummiming , breath mmmi high jummnptt , pohe vmmiiltlng , iututuumg ( the weight , tim ro lv itig time d iso mm mm d uwum t mu t imi u mm , gymmm a cut- tics. femmciumg , boximmg , Hnghuuthm aumml Fremmeim w'rcsthlmmg , yaehting-withm somali yachts oui time SeIne mmii larger otmeut at iiavre-rouv- lug , setmihltmg witlu hair oars , fotmr ears anti eigimt mmi's : muwimmmummlng , raciuig , tiivitmg , water polo , cycling , poio , loot. bail ( itughy assocha- tion ) , cricket , golf , haiu'um tcmmnis , croquet , hockey. court tetmuils autil houmguo palmtimc. Time moderum Oiympiatm games are the out- growim of an Idea of one of time best of Fratmee's aportutummen , Iiaromm do Commbertimt. Ills schmtnme. as it is iwiimg gradmmaliy worked otmt , is to Invite time best athletes of all countries to coamo together for counpetitloum In cvemmts uvimichm are comummmmon all ever time world. 'rime iumanagemneimt of time gaines rests with a piuraniount intornatlommal coin- omittee , iaciu f wbmiehu represents a different - ent country. 'Fhmo president is time rcsitlemmt of that country wimich lies been selected as the seat of the commming games. 'time first celebration of time gamnes oc- curreul at Athens lii 16'J6. At that timne time ) ' were entries from 11111E ) a imtumic'r ) of countries of the world , inciuthimmg time ( limited States. The high imsitions that the repre- scmmtatives of thus comtntry , the teams from the lloston Athletic club anti I'rlumceton ummi- vcrit ) ' . tuecureti In comnpetitiout wIth thom werlds cimatolmlons are blihi fresh in the American sporting umluth , Time cromun Irluce - - - - - - - I of Greece acted as chmairnmaim at those gaimmes tummil awartietl time prizes with his owmm hmanti. It is qtmite 1)05511)10 that tIme gnomes to be hehuh 1mm lhuO4 u'hul occur In this country. It has ahuvays been ummtherstond that the gaines were to travel around time world , anti at time i'cmris coimforence Iii 1SI4 Athmeums was mmauumr'd nut time uihnco for luohuhing the first umeeting , Paris for the secomid amid a uttroumg scmmtimimemmt revniiecl that the timirti ceiebra- tiomm shmotmitl take ; ilnce in Nemi' York. If tIme gnomes should be imeiti omm tiulut side of time ivater imm timat year time .umiericaum repro- semmkutive on time iimtermmmithonal comm.mmmmittee , Prof. Sioane of i'rinceton , wouuti be presi- dcumt as early as Yotusouf , time nmigimty wrestler , Itt gone. lie was one of time passengers of La flour- gogne anti ivhcmi time illfateti French limier vemmt tho'm'im ime samik witim it. It is snid thin 1mb ; deatim mmiigimt have ticeum thme rcstmit of his avarice. itouuitl about his ivaist im'as strapped S,5OO , time amotmimt of mimormey lie sec'umt.tth as a result of his tour of this coon- try. lie Is said to have bovetl tluis mumommey far better timumum his ousn life , and it is ho- hhevcd ( hint this it was that provcmmtcd hmimm escape , for with imis emmormnotms strcmmgim ( lie surely ii'iitihd have simcceedcul bum mmishiimg lmiimmseif to a place iii one of ( him boats in time fm'aimtic imamuth-to-hmmmnul struggle ( lint oc- cumm'm'eml on the steaummer. It is mInted of lminm timat lie always carm'ieti his nioney in time belt arnumnd iminm-evetu him his bouts , mmmi- ( ii W'hiiiaimm A. flrmmthy tokk lucid of hmimmm and comumpeiieh imimum to divest imimseif of it. Timemm time big Turk is said to have been in agony tuuitii imo hmath liinced his imaumds eu imis gold ommco mnore. lie was 0mm the stemmnmer on his \ial' back lmemmie to Tmmrkoy. Time Turk was certaiimly a pimcmmommmemmn In strcmighm. lie mumet time very test vrcstiers itm timis coummtry amid not ommo vas able to secure a , tlccisiomm over imiam except oil a foul , ' .Vimat . lie lacked Iii Echcnce hue mumathe tip with phaimm iurutc' strength. And 1mm visIt to tills coumntry Imac imati a good effect. It hums re- subttmti in a revival of immterest lit wresthltmg , ivhmirit lion beemm ( iemti for years as a result of time qmmcstlommabio immvthmotis that. imnvo urc- dommminntetl time sport. It renmahmmn to be seen wimctimer ( hmimt , cmiii of time best of all sports , is to be covered with disreptmte again. Pillsbury hmtms 1)00mm uumahcing a great sImois'- ing in time cimesutmimatuters' tournament ( lint has beemm gohmmg omm for several veeks muon' iii'ienuma. . Ihe is aitentl of all of themim now by a muarrew lead. Time stmunuiiog of time imlayers is umimouvn iii the fohiowiumg table : ( 'omitesaumt W'nim. Lost , l'iiit4ittum'I , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2I ! 'l'murrascim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 , . Stt'immity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 io' .Jnumowsky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Ii 'l'schuigorimm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ½ it Ahrmpimm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i2t , Liltito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j' 13 Itiurum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ir.m. 11 ½ Mmmroezy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sciult'ehiter . . . . in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 ititmchcltmurmmm , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16 " . 'tiiitrotlt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it 15 St'imiflers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 $ 15 I ittlitriut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i i 16 s1mmrro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 : ! 17 ( 'mire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Il 19 ( hmtnmmlter , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ½ liii iu'ti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 20 'i'm'cumeimum'th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 21 'vV H I ST. It is usually acccptc'd 1mm jractical whilst timat 0mm simommld phuty fem time bommgeuut suit mint ommiy Imecauso it is time omme in ml'imicim you uum'o ilkely to get mm mmutnmhter of tricks , but beratmse it in tIme one vimichm your mimlvermtnriemt are ( lit' least lihmeiy to bring 1mm against yell. It lit obvious , however. that there is a limmilt. to time cumrryiumg ( mutt cit this theory iru Prime- ( ice , imocmmtmtt' . to take miii extremmme exumnpie , if a Player itoida thmlrtcen curtis of mm ltimiium stilt , it is mubsohmmc'iy ( ilmuuossuile for lmirmm to tiuke a trick ivitim ( imeimm , .ao immatter what time ihistrilmuitiomu of thmo otimur cau'dmu umuty be. Vitlm twelve cards of omo : suit mmnthmimig mtimort of a mum I mci e it ott I d un mmg I mm smmciu a smi I I , hat t iouvci' dowim 1mm time mueaie mu mmuuuumber is or- i'ivetl nt wimirlm mumakcs It rcastimummiuhi' itrohabio ( lint tricks will be tnlct'um. Time bocntiomm tit this mmtmuumber hiatt becum vmmrioumuiy arm'li'emh at hi ) ' tilIfercmtt whilst uu'mitera. lii tIme 10,000 inmmds : mtortt'ti hi ) ' time Noui'ork Sumi , timere are mm huimmium stuita longer thmummm mmmc' cards , anti emily tue of these. 1mm time tirst 8,0(10 ( lmnmmuis ( lucre are u'OvCumeeum , 1mm uvimteii time leather hauls a imlaiti suit of eight emmrmis. 'I lie Smmmi lies aimeum imp ( lit , experlmmcumt : of lrauhimmg fromum caciu of these stilts. im ormier to thetermnitmt' sc'ieimtlfieahiy time lurobalililty of success or failure frommm epemmimmg from time bong suit tumOur timose clrcuummstimmmces. 'i'hmo most iinpom'tnuttmiiitimieiie 'ms'hiicfm ( 'imiflO before the executive comummitlee of time Atmmcrlcatm'lmist beimguo in scs'ioum In hlos- (0mm ( last weehi was ui time commfcrc'mmee reguinmi- Ing a Unglue systemum of pin ) ' . Thmt , ( lame whuemu bug suit or simort suit miescribeil the method of a stranger jihuuylmmg is vast nimd time eystemmms imavo becoimmo so cooiimlfcutcti and intricate ( hint wbtist bCOulflal Ca tIme verge of dislumtegrmttion. Time appoimitmueuut of a , sinmihumu' comuuimmltteo two years ago watt iooked forward to ivitim imopo of results , limit Ito satisfactory report wits mmiatic. 'Fiuat of time itresent comnmimittee , whilcim hits moit lteea 'is yet fully outlined , is tI'.ougimt to coma- imnlsu on mmdequate it'aguti symmtc'mn. In the foliolvlumg position climbs are trumps , North to head , aimtl with Soutim , to mnniuc cigimt tricks : H-K. li-K , 10 , 7 l-F , hi , 2. il-c ) , .l S-Q , J. ll-.J , 0 , 2. r i , ' ' , 10' . 14-lu , .ii--Q. , 4. ( AJ.S. s 1)-jt , 7 , CHESS. Time following Is acimoico gamime umhayed be- twcemsVaibrodt nod Schmiecimtcr hum time recemut. International totmrummitmmemmt mmt'lenna luhShOl"S GAMBiT. Ihlzuek-Sehiiccim ter. ' i-I , to K .1. 1-hi to h ( 4. ' -l ' to K It 4. 2-i' takeut i' , lu-lu to It 4. 3-1' ti ) Q 4. . . 4-li ( makes 1' . . l-Q to it 5 ( cii. ) 8-k. to 11 . 5-P to i' Kt 4. , , _ ' f-Kt ( ii 1' .Jt 3. t-Q ; to It 4. . - ' - , 7-l4.t it ) hi i. 7-lu to Kt 2. s-I , to K it 4. 8-1' to K ht 3. itI , to Q 1. n-i.t to l' 2. 10-Il to Ii 4. . 10.-i' it , ICt 5. hi-Kt tu ) K sq. . li-i' ( it 6. 12-1' tmmki's 1' . 12-h' ( mutes I' . 1u-Q : utkttt I' . 1i-ii : I , ) 1t r. 14-Q to i : m. I 1-Q Kt to II 3. i5-Kt tt ) K 2. ir.-it tmihe I' . lr-hCt t&ulttu i'Zt. 1'-Q tt Q U 4. . 17-1' to Ii 3. 17-fl to Kt 5 ( cli. ) - is-lu imukes I' cht ) IS-Rt taicemu Ii. ' l9-l't tiukemi Kt. 19-Q taKes K ( . 4 20-fl. t K Ku. sq. 20-1' to K It 4. 21-hi to Q 2. 2h-ustles : ( Q Ii. ) , 22-Nt to Q 3. 22-li to Q 5. ' 21-Q to It I. 23-hI to it 6 ( cii. ) , ' , 2h-K to K ' 2. ' 2t-1t ( mtke It. 25-It talcu'S hi. 25-K It to l sq. L 26-i' to K 5. 26-hI to Kt 5 ( elm. ) 27-K tim 11 2. 27-it to Q 'I. 2S-Q ttmkes 1' . 2SI It to Q sq. Itesigmis. Vrobheim'm No. 32ItJmie ; , to lihny amid mmint 1mm three mmmeu'es. 'l'hr.c foiiowiimg variatiomi was substituted iiy mm correspommtlcmmt mtnti Is itelieved to be 1mm aft respects a perfect timrce-mmmover. 1ILAiCK. - rz :4 : ti t , ' ' 11tT ; : . ,2 : , ,4 i .04 7'4t'i r''i tmrw i' ' ( ( ' ' J , LimJ LimJVlIh'I'E. ' \VlIh'I'E. l'rebiem No. 31 , with time necessary sub- uttitumthoim of black biutitop for uulachc yawn at Q S , was domie by Q to 13 2. Solved by I ) . F. Logaum atmml Mr. Brooks of Woodbiimo , Itt , I'roblenm No. 30 also doume by C. Q. DcFrancc. ( ( ut'stlouiN nuid AasaVerM. NEHItASICA cITY , Jithy 12.-'ro time Ethitor of 'rho lieu : Are them atmy puns as barge or larger thmuum tIme 13-immcim gun th our mmavy used 1mm ammy ether navyl If so , wtimIcim ? -E. F' . Iii. Amms.-Otimer imavies carry 13-Incim guns , caliber Is , occa- limit mmomme larger. A bugger siomualiy foummud Iii lanti fortillcntiouttt , Several lmmquiries-Schicy'ui imamimo is pro- noummiceth i'oi'Y nmiichm. hike time coinmomm Iword ' 'sly , ' ' i'itim time bug I mtoummmd. I FL1 i4S' I'A'(1 lti't'il 'I'li'I'Lhl. I iui'i'n uguit iiuis tufit Ito rentIi'r 111.1 I- IIII ( ' * iitt it is ( , , , , tl P'reslm hIeer A bartenuil'r of t1mi city imas iupemri. many of ititi spare monmemmts lately 1mm studylng time tastes of tiles , relates time lhuurtformt ( .mmrant , inmti lie hiatt coomo to time coumehumiiomm timmit thmey love immioxiculmitim amid tlehigimt. lii bccomn- lug intoxicated. lie sayim that lie hiss seen 1' ivlmoio orioles of flies Iumoxicatetl ( lum iii. place. All Iiieut thiat. are fommnti pm time saloomi , the bartenher 551(1 , mire umsumnhiy nbouut ( tam' liar or Out the c'eihimmg over time bar , inmti usually all otimer lmrtut : of a sahoomm are without the pests. Timis causeti tim bumrtemmtler who tells time story Jo Imivestigato why time flies jmrn- ferreti time vhc'lmmity of ( lie liar to other parts of thin roomum. lIe ciumiummum to have pumt a quantity of different bhimuls of liquors anti homer eu time bar for time benefit of time tiles 1mm tIme rooumm. Pretty iuoomm time heir was mill revered with files mmmiii fromum time ohs rva- ( louis of tlio biurtemmther hoer wits thmei r ( a- vorite drimmlc. Time ) ' uucemmmeti to lmmuvtu it ; ircf- eromice for ( lie fonmay beer , Ion , for time ) ' liar- tonic of it mmmore ihiittraily tiuumuu they ihhul of any of ( hue other utaumipies that ivere ithmuceti on time liar. Tlmo pimi , wimitiky and wiute anti ( it her sid rl ( umou ut I iquors im'hu I cii were pu t e um for tlmt'hu' beumefit were mmci htatronlzocl very liberally. amid nut seoui mutt time foarmi had this. aimpenreth ( room thin beer it us'uts notlceih ( lint time tiles womulti learn uuumti go to other itcer I hunt comm i ni hi eth ( Ott mim. After tIme tiles hind jtartakemu of time liquors for sonic ( hun i'lUiout. lieluig tllutturheil they flew froni time bar to tlm cehliumg over thin ha r a mmml t hit , lie rtc mit ! er thmommgim t lie oat Iced evlicmmct's : of intoxication ahmoumt them. 'they appcareti less active than imeforo they ulrammk time hiqimar , anti ( lucre w'ert' macro of them on time coiling. To thletiriguisim time buys which huati dramuk of time hteer froni time oilier tiles imo threw white ltosu'bor over tnatmy itt thmem aim time ) ' hay cmi time ceiiimig asleep. Timoy were il I uuuriieul ( Imy t hI H tt I' ( ion mu ummi I cit ( lie cc i 1- log , lmtht Hoomm rctumrmmeti to It , anti for stmu'erai lmoumrs they remnalrmcti in ( lie same htinco CU time celilmmg sleeplmmg off the Jags. After time tiles laud slept oft time effects of the iiqtior they agelmm returrmeti to ( liii liar , amid time ceIling soon bcvaummo clear of the % m'imltt ) backs anti time bar wits covered with ' ' ( hiemmm umiotimer tht'iti. 'rime bmtt'teumder gave treat , but. ( hut timuto lie mnly Ituit out beer , stale beer without a "head" itumtl some fresh drawn beer. 'rime fresh tirawn beer was giu'emi time prtcremictu , auth It was covered wIth iom'ilerct1-littCk iiltmt lit ml short timne. After titti Ihies imami tihieti mmli a muecofltl tiummo they again wemut (0 ( time ceiling , whmom'o timey re- mnaitmemi , All ( be ( lame ( hey wore watched ity ( ito iturtentler , anti hut experiments led hmini to believe that flies are users of tim. ioxicatmts to excess and iiiiut their dgliilt , iii c'LIiug drunk. )