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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1898)
- - - - . - - - - . --w----7-- : ' - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - . - - . - - - -T- _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - I - trllE orAr1)ATTfi \ 1Vf1 : SA'ITIIDAY , irr4' i ( ; , isos. - - - - - - - I , , BUftDO6 CARNYII , ' - - - ' -T \ / \ / \ , \ / \ / lii. W' . A. FR1sIR. : I i s s ( 4 S - - 'I'-4w = -a ' ' ( ( opyrtght , IqO , by H. S. MCItire Co. ) 'l'wo mIIoi from Dan Stuart's whh1cy dive , find eighteen ttom GoIr1n , the MlgoiI trail took t StIdlCfl kink tn it flei1i colored ribbon and wound around the butt o a big fir Httlrnp. I3blnd the SLUmP a man was bneellng - ' 1 , that glndorno SeItember ilny-nil omong thg tavny gold and crIInon of the .h'ail ro'o lftvrs and thu rofL grny niul cream ot the bluchtd hunch grtrn. ha might have bien prnylng , o quietly \88 ho kneeling there. but he vaui't-lio Was IlaRherniug softly to litinelt , as lila lmpfttlcnt eye wanilored In and out among till ) ) oulder8 atil trcta ? that fringed the trail. 'Fun morning mm picket ! out little bright jecI-llkn apots , on the Inatrulnent he hail leveled ncroa the top of thu big atump. 1o neemed to he a surveyor taking lovela. Just ai three nien riding hroiicho came In algit at .t atiildoii turn In the troll , ho lowcil , his hiend to tile level of the Instru- 1flint and looked carefully along its smooth length. 'rho bronclios were coming along at a miwingitig walk , their hendM on mt ltivm4 with their withers , anti tim bridle rshiis hanging lociy In thu hnnda ot the riders , Simcldcnly thmero wan a nervous tightening of tim right hand grasping the instrument ; ft Iiarp click clos to it ; a unit nt smoke fhio'.til by a sharp crack , and the man rhling thu ReCoiRl hroncho tuinihed from the saddle. Bhot. through thu hearL ho roiled over us he fell , nimil the bright blots of blood splashed over tIme rose leaves by the side of the trail , Thu flrmt caytiso startled out of his Sleet ) ) ' Inhie I ) ) ' the report and hash. rinred anil ) t ngcl ( madly rorwnrtl. As ho took the first hound in the air a bullet glanced from the bight 1mm n in front of the mali and went through time leather flaps of the big Mexican iiaihiiic , r he ruler yelled and dug time spurs In the trembling thanks of the horse as 1w felt time hot lead scorching its way chose to his skin. ' 'I-n bad shot ! " the man behind the stuiflh ) jerked out between. lila square jaws , its Ito pumped the lover of hum repeater r' moivard and back. f 1vhlentiy lie linil meant vell , but the cayiiso rearing hind diverted the bullet from Its tiitniided s'ay , Time third brommclio and its rider ere mak- lag good time in the other direction. The uhot he miii sent mmftcr them diii not increase their pccd ally , for they were doing their level best , 'I'IIO minimal time dead man had ridden did not move. Ito stood beside time fahiemi fig , iire , waiting vith ilmimnb patience for his 3mInstcr to rise and mount again. Throwing time empty shell from the breech of his rilie , th Imiiimi who had tired the shots wnlkcii leisurely over to the fIgure lyIng oa tile groumni. " \'chl , Jack , old mann , " imo said , addressing the horse , "you're a damned sight honester than your master , If he'd stuck to his iuils as close as you're tiohmig he'd be ready for grub-pile at imoomi lmmsteatl of bleaching ommt here. "Mid I guess lie cached the 'stuff ? in this big aperajos ) , too , ' ho mh.led , shoving his hand ( town hi time ample , iag-hlke affair. 'Yes , It , iis there right enough ; a whole bag ( till or it. ! orty-four hundred dollars , as as founil out afterwards , Themi ho turnemi his attention to the man ] yirig on hIs back , with time great ragged red gash In his chest whore the encircling bullet hail plunged through. "Veli , partl , you've thrown down your mate for the last time. Whisky drltmkiim' is had husluess , but whisky tradirt' is away ) lp in 'G. ' to jedge by this wad. " And lie hmamulled the bag of money lovingly , "Yell might a known bettor than to throw The ilown , " ho added , reproachfully , as timougit ho were tryimmg to throw the blame of time murder tipon the man himself , ' 'Comae on now , Jack , I'll use you for a ' , ' \ ) ' kc'r TIIFW'FhtE LOOKING INTO TIIF DAfl llPThIS OF T\'O MUltDIhltOUS LOOK- INU ltlVO1VlltS. little , " and im ; leisurely throw his leg over the caymiso and ( lisnppearcl down thu Mis. somila cml of the trail. lie Imad not gamin far before lie turned short to time left UI ) fl dry water course. I lore lie * itoifCi ) , and , .iismoiimmtlng , pro- eceiloil to VrII seine old bags ho pulled alit ( toni belmliiii a rook about the feet of tIme cm'use. ; " \u're r tenderfomfl , Jack ; yoit'vo hit the trail so often that you're a bit sore in ' time toes , " ho remarked , iii a dry monotone , us ho worked at the bags. Then lie bouiited again and vent across coiinm'y ( for about three miles nmmtii lie struck the his cetlar swamp svhieh runs for riihle& and fliI'IS from ( lolden , As be roiio milomig he let his thouglmts vork thienmiieives out in words , fIring them at "Jack , " and vumictuating them with awing. lag digs front thu big siurs which hung rather loose ! ) ' on his rather bigh'iieelcd boots. " 1'hiey'll tlmlnk that time irospt'ctor who 1111(1 your aid nman nut has hit tliti trail for Niasoula and lit out. "They'il Pick up tracks timert all right eaotigh. hut they ain't yommrn , Jmtek , ' ' iiio ace , ' be mimitied , pulling a watch frmn his Irncket'hlakey ; Snuimilers took that bad spell about It ) o'clock. Thu jay on the cimyuse vili strIke ( lolden about iioon. 0111 tteel nuth his Jlmn-iamiihies will pull - - out imi hair no hour amid jiiek up your tracks T beadiii' for Missoimla about 1. "Thmcm'e'Ji be ii , lieU of a row , and they'll . - run in smime POOC mlcvii before night. They'll coil milmost anyone but mite. " mum tlmey nearcil tIme i'tJg , of the "Big C"tlar" a horse iwlghett a slwrt distance ' ii hut. " 1 guess Blazes smells you , Joel ; , " ho saiti , Clmtmelciiimg softly. ' 'lie thinks we've tCUfl a iommg littie over the job. " ' 1'11 give you a drink. ' be said as ho dl&imiountt'ii , and ymtu'hi hamig out here until FOIfltJ Onu throws a iii oyer you tonight , 11111 11 cut you loose when it' time , Then ho mounted hitazer anti rode in a big circuit , skiriimtg the cedar awmmmup , and tiIon tue mountain side on his vay back to Ooldemt , It vmts dark when he got to the - _ U1 - I\1I\'t\vI\li' ' ' C-- = . .tJ'.L.W ford on Kicking liorpe river , Jtmst opposite the town. halfway fleroas he took a careful pull to one sub , letting Blazer feel his way carefully. Stopping the horse ho took his winchester nail threw it far out on the upper side of the ford ; that is , he took a big swing at it , but the loose end of the hackle line enuSlit In the breech and the rifle caine splashing ilown at Blazer's hoofs. , ' ' ( i-il laii ) throw , " lie saul. grimly , then he chuckled softly to himself. " 1 guess this outflt'il cut loose better ! " and hi corn- macaced firing 88.5 cartridges far out into the stream with vigorous atings of his long arni , "That's a cinch , " ho grunted comnpla- cemitly. ' 'I wish the gun laid as ileebi , bitt it's itnil flhIng now ott' I guess they % on't timid it anyway. " Vt'hien Blazer's hoofs lost the muffled Botlitil of the water anti struck % 'ith a sharp ring on the smooth wont stones on the del- den aide of the' Kickimig horse , the rider gave hits long legs a liltclmin swing amid the horse broke into a lope. 0 e S It was the night before the day that the whiatcy smuggler lay out emi time Missoula trail , stark nail stiff , with his red iifebiood splashed all over time tawny hint of dried leaves anti withered rose htishe , and a yotilig lmmgiish girl stood iii Arvhl Stanley's bachelor quarters , not very sumptuous qmrnr ters were they either , showing mnmich of care. less nmisrtmie and absence of order. Saiitley was astonished and said so , which was quite right , for he bad not. seen ( hntco- Grace Altomi-since lie had left England , "I'm glad to see you , Grace , " bo said , "but you shouldn't have conle hero all the same. You always had sense , but this is fairiy foolish. " "That doesn't matter in the slightest , and , besides ( with a fIne touch of womanly iu- Consistency ) , no one saw me coming hero except friend who 1 waittmig outside ; it's 11000 of their affairs if theyt did. " " \'ehl , what's expecte'i of me , " ho asked , resignedly. "You're wanted at home ; your mother wants you , " "I suppose I ought to go but I'm not golmtg all the same , " he added , taking a long hrenth as though the ords scorched iils throat a little. "Yes , you must go Arvil ; I want you to go. This life Is not time life for you , Your mother sent this money to you to take you back to 11cr , so you must go now. " lie stooped his tail , mAgnificent figure toward her a lIttle that she might see better and with hits hand Parted the heavy black hair which SWCtt ) across his broad forolmeati In luxumm'lnnt abamudon. "Ijo you see that big red scar ? " lie asked. "Well , if : t were hack there my mother would hut her hand upon my fornhead , so , as site did when I was a little boy , unil when that ugly scar met her gentle eyes she would ask how came it there. I could not tell her , neither could I ile to her. And it Is that way with oil the scars , both on mind and body ; they are too deep-I cannot go back. " "Arvil , I do not believe that. You wore good vhen we were togebter as children iii England and you arc gcoii now in spite of all you say , and you will go back. I lromnisei your mother that I would find you hero and tell 3'OU that she wanted to see you before she died , Father was coming lmere for 't few days to look at. his atines , and then we go emi to the coast , " "You need not comae back with me to tim hotel. I havn'a good guide with me , the friend svlio ggt her to come with me called her Mammy Nolan. I know that you will go back for you've promised me , and you never broke a promise to me yet , " she said as she slipped quietly out of tIme door. A little roll of bills was lying on the table - blo where iiime had left It. S S S S ' It lacked half an hour' of 12 o'eIoClc when a French hiatt-breed , Baptiste Gabriehie , galloped - loped into the square of the police barracks at Golden on a cayuse reeking with the vet which Is fromn the inalde. Time constable - stable on guard , pacing solemnly tip and down In front of the major's quarter's , timought the fanatital looking rider was drunk or running amuck , and swore that lie would put a hole in hint unless he stopped , flut Baptiste wasn't drunk-be was only badly frightened. hi there Is any differ- emmce between a drunken man and a frightened - ened half-breed it is in favor of the former as far as coherence Is concerneml. Baptiste was a weird-looking object as ho llt1 from. the back of the jaded beast , strmnling there witim nil four legs braced like the loStS of a sawlmouse in sheer weakness - ness , amid flanks pmmtnpitmg in half spasnmodhc strokes as the wIde opezi nostrils clutched at the air the lungs were clamoring for ; "Ii ) ' floss ! that , ( cli''Imisk' Sand'son , lie get keel , " pammtqml Baptiste with a face thci color of a lemomi In a bottle of alcohol , "U ) ' taint a fell' wit' long noclc he kcQp him hehint stump , an' lie s'oot hiium Boor. " "Is ho ilead , lJa'tiati' ? " queriel Sergeammt llotimerington in n voice vttii a ftmil flavor of leat ) bog about it. "Is he dead or on'y hu-r-rt ? " "Bet yomm life that \'huisk' fell' ho dead , " replied Baptiste. "Tlmat fell' imc s'oot tree , fo'o time ; an' Sand'son he kill for soar , be dead w'atover. lie try soot mao , but I stan' him off , an' conic quick toil police fell' . " ' 'March hint to tue major , ' ' said Ilether- htigtoii to a constable , Before the major , Baptiste's harnnguo boiled ilowim , read : 'Shot ' at 10 o'clock on the MisLotmia. trail. about eigimtecm2 miles from ( Joldeim , " \\'lmat was time man like viio did the shooting ? " asked tue major , "Tall fell' wit' long mieck , " was time graphic description this query brought forth. "hmudiamm , breed , or white man ? " asketl the major. 'lon't know ; me tink ho white. Tall fell' ; taut bug zieck , That. ( eli' lie got \Vimisk' ; Sanfi'aomm stuff , too , you bet , 1o , ' five tousan' Itu get in appar'o. " That viis all. Ilaptiat&s face was the face of a rnnmi sliose soul is in other gar- tleus ; lila langmmago that of a nian too badly frightened to be anythimmg hut natural. Time ft'BJWt't for time head of the force was eveim as a grain of mustard seed in the eva. iammcho of fear whIch bad swept hint front ihmat rc"l-splaahed spot on the Missoumla trail to Golden. There vas no doubt lie was telling time t rut ii , ii'lio's " \'lio's tall with a bug neck ? " askeil the major sborly , turning to the sergeant imma. jor , who 'as standing in ( remit of his desk , "I will find out sir. " repiictl tIme hatter sa- lutimig as he passed omit. "That lommg Eimgliahmmnantrt'ji Santley , a mmeck Ilk eami eagle ; on' enimatubla ( lrody says Gmat he's been working the racket to beat two of a kimmil lately , air. " was tint sergeant , major's graphic report % vhlen he lined up In front of time deBk migain , Let .Si'rgeammt lI.'thierimmgtomm take two constables - stables emid rations for two days and get after this devil before his tracks get cold. Comnimicuco mit the body. Send it back to Golden , Tell Corporal hall to look imp this Sautley outHit in town. if lie's got. time stuif he'll have it caehieil sonmei'iwro about. " That was ibm' beginning , all In one day , time dead body lying out omm time shient trail so stiff and cold , with time giazed eyes star- log straight up into time mountain lmiue of the smiling Bk ) ' , amid the hurrying of nien In brown jackets sail dark , tight-fitting , yeilow-atriped pants , as they saddled and bitted time atrong-limied bay imorses whIch were to gallop and gallop after-time wind. Sergeant lietherington cml his merry inca ilcked imp the trackB time tail man told hlazt's they would flnil4 and followed tittmi for many a goodly mile. which tlrime thereof thmo tall man with tIme long neck was working - ing lila Wa ) ' along the mountain side to the lord , Many miles beyond Dami Short's place the trneka vanisheil. l'erhnps some one else had ; ut bags cmi his hmorae'a feet and led him acrosa couumtry. "Corporal" hail was the ofllelai recogni- Itoh of Mr. hail's erneicacy , but "Lank ) " ' Ihall was thmc gouliess forni of i'xprosslomm his lntlilike superstructure provoked among the fcIlo's. "Lank ) " hail was more fortunate than time sergeant ; he discovered something , Twenty-four hours after lie started out lie ( lisro'ercil that he could not flail the tuna with the neck like on eagle-Arvil Santle-therefore lie had disappeareih-imail lit omit-hind hit time trail-hind packed hits outfit amid dusted ; these 'ere the bits of local-colored knowledge he picked tip. It vas from Mamin ) ' Nolnn , who kept a restaurant in a big tent and sold vhmisky oil the sidc , tuft. he founul omit about Santlc ) ' . 'lie lit omit south yesterday , " lmt' said. "Ito got steered tip agen a skin gmat' imp to Intm Short's , an' they corralcil his last ra- mittanco from home. 1t' about time lie iliii get. out , for time ) ' hail him atone broke. lImit lie Was a gentk'mnan , nil the same , " said mammy , as she stood with her hammds on her fat hips amid looked imp and down time corporal's ungulimly figure. ' ' \'hmat did you want him for ? flas lie beemi cracking semite of the comistablcs' heads ? lIo'ml do it qtmlck enough for timemn it time ) ' iothered hint. ' ' "I guess lie's done worse thou that , ' ' said time corporal , as ho inoummtcd lila horse and rode away , "Looks us though he'tl done the trick , " Patti the major , whemi Corp Ball made his report. "lie's got a good start and will likely head for the second crossing on the ( 'aittmn- bla amidwork hits way dowim into Montana.J " \S'hlsky" Saunderson , lie was a big , pow- erfui man , as big as the one they i'ore after. lie could imanillo ' 'I'earl , ' ' that was his big Colt's , with a dexterity tbut corn- manded universal respect , Long since lie Imad illed awit ) ' the sights , and when it was mmcc- essary to hilnee several bullets tn a linmited time , he "tanned" hits gun-turned it tub a miniature gatling , Apart from this pro- ficlc'mlc ) ' , amid a certatmm irritability of tent- per , he was a high roller. Sometimes time 1)011Cc were' hot out Imis trail as leader of a big whisky outfit , and souime- tiimmes be was on their side Ilglmting siioulder to shoulder to put dowmi sonic tough gamig , lie tlidum't approve of teughmmmess as a imstimne , " 13o gentlemeim , " lie used to say. "den- ticimien camu't work amid gemitlenii'n must have mono ) ' , but domm't he tough for time fuum of the thmiumg-timerc is mme ( mimi iii It. ' ' 'Whieii "Lanky" Bali t'xplaimmcd to lmlm what ho was wanted for , ammil that there was a retvard of $500 , half of whIch lie would get it they captmmreil time mann who ditl tile job , le replied : ' 'eert , I'll go , for I'm getting iitalo here. Time iammme's ahead of mae here nun ! I need a stake to start in again. " They romiui omit ten miles that night so ( lint till' ) ' 'oulfi lie sure to have cmi early tart on time trail next mmiorziing. Over timeim' pipes , bctwcemm ' 'grub hue' ' end "blanket lime , ' ' time ) ' drifted on to time subject of thmo (100(1 ( mUan amid Arvil Sammtle ) ' , "I'll bet 3011 an evemi $50 , " said Carat' ) ' , "that Santley didn't do this job , " "I've got good cause to have a down on Imini iit'ti'It , for I've got his signature across time bridge of may mmoso , where lila big sprawlin' English fist caught me unawitm'es ( limit night. lint he'll show niy trademarlc m'ight enough evcry timmme lie Itrts : his hair , ' ' lie added , by way of vimulicating his omit- raged bonor-"tor I carvcd hula loft ) ' brow for hint , and if his skimll hadn't been so damnably timiclc perhaps vit wouldn't be ebosimi' hint ziow. All time seine lie's not time sort to lay a nina out ( or time fun of time timing ; he mmever hind any deaiimi' with IVimlaky Samidemson , for lie wasn't iii time kmiow , lie was nil right for sport , but time boys hadmi't ammy use mi' him when they were m'umnuia' time stuff in. ' ' "I'll just go 3'OU flit ) ' . ( 'arney , " said 'the corporni. 'The old man doesn't make many mistakes and if we can get to the second crossimi' of the river before Samitley we'll hiring back the muon that laid Sandersomi out , " "It's a bet , then , " said Carmie ) ' , and there \i'as a queer smile aiioumt time regular lips set so firmly him time sqtiarm' jaw. Then the ) ' chipped iii vitim their two blankets and Bit'lt tHither One cover , back to back , ii'itlt their feet ioivarti time small smoldering campfire ; slept soumiilly , as just niemi sbould-"iiuiidog Carney , " gambler , iihmisky smuggler nail special constable , amid "Lanky" Ball. plain corporal in the North. ivest Mounted l'ohice. "lie's ahead of ims , " said Corimey as thmey gaiiopeii side by side time next ulay , "I Picked U , SOiUO tracks back there and imcr they arc again. lie doesn't seem to be in any hurry , though , for , according to ti' ) tracks , his cayuse has been taking It Iwetmy easyY' That afcrnoon when they atruchc ( ho ' crossinu the ) ' crtuldn't find anybo1y who hail takii Santley nerois the river. "lie lutist. be an this aide somewhere yet , " saul the corporal , "It 'ou stop here anti watch the er ssing I'll try sunil iook him tip on Ibis side. He'll lie about. onie of the gambling iive , likel ) ' . " lie looked him tiii , lie found hint. In bite queen's name lie ivas 1ntIo prisoner , Sant- 10) ' latih1Cd when time corporal told him lie ito wanted for murder , "It's soimmo blaiviteil debt , I fancy , " lie aii1 , "and the murder racket is only a bhimmil : but I'll go all time sante , i'm half sorry I left time beastly hole anyway ; it's so beastly slow ulawmi ibis va' . " \'btnm they came back to the eroeslng Car- micy was gone-gone , ( 'tl'tmB ( nnci all , over time river ; lie hiil givemi the ferr'mmtn so : to toke him ncros , so the ferrymmian told the eorpom'al , "hi' a queer fish , ' ' ahtl the boatmuan , "I tlithit't ivc'nt ta cross Ilhi the morning ; but hi ? got Inc down there by the boat amid gave mao my choice between $50 and a plug of ' heath front that gun he spun aroummil on his I forefinger , " The cortorcii was dtimnbfoimiideil , "It's devillzhi qtmt'er , ' ' lie mntittereti ; ' 'but orders are ortler.4 , amid I've got iii ) ' muon nail I don't "eo as i''c omi' vail to go after 'this ' crook , " . anti lit' thmotight of l'enrl and Carney's beau- I tutu mnnekanmamisimip anti various immatters and ' I' mt thoughtfully bacic to ( ' , oltieii with his prisoner. "Lnmmky" Ball haul a goad head for obey- lag orders , whIch is a good timing for a corporal to have ; hut lii' hadn't i-audi of a hmeati for solviimg just such itrobiemus as thus , which ivmi 3 , Perlmahs , good elsa-perhaps that was why lie was corporal after twenty years of ser'Ice , "I'll bet yOU fifty cases that 'bull ilog' did that trader tip , " said Santhey , as they rode side by sIde. "That's queer , " soul the corporal , "Car- imey bet me $60 that you didn't do It , nail now yeti want to lay me the other wmi' . If lie dlii It I don't mitippOse timat he'll come l'sck for tue sttilf-thc $50 he laid that you didn't do It. " 1-A ; ' LI qt'i ' 1 ' $ / JM//'W , ' I. yiqa TIlE MAN RIDING THE SECOND BItONCHO TUMBLED FROM TIlE SADDLE. There's a rough tow'n at. time crossIng and lie's dead sure to head for that. " And then because the sergeant was nway -wltii two muon and because the vhmIsky inca and the gamblers aml those who \vcre cussed simply because they cotmhthn't hell ) It neeIed mtmch guidance lit their ( loll ) ' life , and because the post was always short of men anyway tIle major lund to umit a special constable on with Lanky Ball to go after Snntley. "You'll fleet ! a good man , a rustler , to help you take this Englishman , for lie's a hmumsky ebap , " said the major , "Who'll you get ? " , ' 'fluihdog' Carmiey's tile ntOfl , sir , " replied Corp Ball. "Get him , " commanded the omcer. "Lanky" flaIl found Carney after much tribulous search ; found him at Mammy No- Ian's ; found him amidst the glamor of many tin lamps , tile smoke from which mingled with the odoriferous steam of fryimig pork and filled tint big tent with a soft , simm- mner-liko haze. Looked at from some nmigles Carney was just the man to go after the slayer of "I got time long Englishman , sIr , " rc- ported the corporal to time major when they got back to the bnrrackii : but the other one's lit out-took lila hook when I was lookin' imp the prisonem' . ' ' " \Vliat other omie ? " qticricd the major. "l3mulldog Carney , sir , lie sluippeil across the river , " ' 'That looks suspIcious , " thoughtfully ro- idled the major as ho vullcd at hula iron gray moustache. "it would be a bad one on ims if it turned out that lie had done this auth we hind carted hmiuui omit of the country-given him nn escort , oh , corporal ? " Or course there was a trial with Arvil as the center of attraction. The other haul gotten away , and they had to bang sonic- body If they could ; so they devoted their enem'gies to proving Arvil guilty , and the chances are they would have succeeded if It hadn't beemi for one iersoit. Ills clearing omit looked very simspiclotis antI time ) ' found quito a aunt of money on hilmmi when lie was arrested , although it was REPUBLICAN LEAGUE DELEBATES 0'mi lOyi4 ) , Ihim' saiim' as iw common ImeOIl---thi'Y ) ( ktmo' lmov himmimi it I as a. imstmil I lilmig to get a mhmoe that tIme hn' cult wi : m' t , fi' ' uliys : w'Ithotit going to lie1''S- . ftei' 1fl1jlii'muiit'iit ( li'ex r1. Slmoomimait hmmvite lli.'mn . all to commit' nail st'm' Oil i' I , O shot' or I tm.'m'm-do it' t t ii I i k lm''U1liiO ) thtt' iim'k't' lii lov that the i4liL' ) 1i4 Ito goolI-ytli cii im't dmiplic'mi h' it fat' 'iveal' amid looks fom' k'ss hum .2.OO.-\\'i lcmlOV , ' tlili4 to hi' mm fi't : so ima ye no lm'.i. lmmlcy : lii i'em'ouiiimii'mmtlimig to you tiii 1.51) slice-mini ml t' i goat I ) t'i lilt' I ui I hi't'- imua _ ' omik moh' lettiu'r : soi'm4 mind liOn4t \'Ol'lc-\VtJ ? ( ohl this sumac shoe for h't'il ri , Drexel Shoe Co. , Ouaiihuii' * Uip-t-ilnte Shoe Iloum.a , 1411) FARNAM STREEt' , THE ItDIAN COtIORESS 'V'oii't Imave n timing to do vitli our u'iiimtg I lii' bt't lims'zm Iioue 'vvi mold In Olituimit ut thi ( ' li'i'i' ) uf lOi'"i't' gtiutm'aui. I ci' t'"ry fan I a f I I i I i I i u't--n II ml ( ' ( ' ( Iii - Imit'lm U i t fat' in ' a ii m'-i ii t' imit mu lnaclc sloclc Is caiitplett' tim'siiltt' I lme Inst sell- i mit , 01' t 1mm- ' liii 4t tVt t ) i't''lcm- ( ) ii i' pi'Icm'n stiult at 7m ; _ ' imimil iolm mit .I.5O-mtmni ve i.i I I I ) lit 01 I I' : ; .5I 1 liii Jim II iO'k agit I itmi t a a y 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) Ii ( ' lii Oinithia--Expomll Ion stools mit SOt'-Ium't. tin' hung ( am' mitiIm'day- I lgi i I , m'a i4 _ ' I a ' : t I'i'y-mm mm d s t i'o ug t' mm a ugh tO haul nmmy ( ) ( ' - ' ' ' 0111) ' wily to himtve ( Ohiii'Om't Is to 'uil'I'y i'OlI O\S'll stool w'itlt you' you'A. . Cd IAYMER , VE DErjI\'EIt YOI'it I'IJIICIIASE. 1514 Furiiaiii St. DID YER SEE ME .At do ( ' ( ) U't'nfilllmn-Say ubiii j's'elers 'ulz hot ft'hit'i's-bumt dc'y w'uzmi't it 'Ir. Cmlilisttiiim't' tt'u' du' 'I'i'tiiiyt.t't' t'iIitoi'-dey slcii't'ul ulu II ft' alit iii ghi'li mm t tIe bee lmlldiimg an hm'y t.tiioelc'ul ilii. kid to hm' s'iiy ill' ) ' mtseml tIp Sttim't'i't' clgnu's-I don't 1)1'i ( ' 't' ii 1' ) ' t''eI' I in m I sit iii uit'It silioku ( iii' Ii 't. ( ' ( 'Ii Is I u' h'ot't'--i iii t tlm'n I at' I ' itils iii' tIe hinds- tumid dm'mmi t'elIt'i' 'it' , I ii imh,4 ( , , 0 , gel' I - .1 . a I t Ia It' I by ho mu oi'u t ( 'Ii ' 'I'll I i' I'm.ult'i' , j ii sl miii mukti d ' S I oeel. er kay. its like mmnist lii' mit' tt'lu 12m'lmt , u1ie4 - . - . ' I 1 ml ei i I m'rs it'I I ilt' $ I f4Q&LDoUciJfAs.i _ _ : . known that. tie hmah been cleaned out before lie went away. lie would not tell where ho got it , either. "Nomie of their blesSed ljtii. hoes , " he told them. "It may baits you , " said a friend , "if you don't It'll , " "Iloimg it Is , then , " lie replied doggedly. limit t'orst of all was Baptiste Jabricile's evidence. "Vt's , by doss ! Dat fell' , lie s'oot t'ree , to' tiiite ate. Steelc hiss luetiul imp t'omn ulat stummiup. See luau urn seer. " Tlmen Mammini ) ' Nolan wemtt out to time place whmcro 'itisky Sanulerron had met lila fate amid slit' found somnctiiing. too. Tue bullet that had killed poor Snuitlerson had beeui in a terrible burr ) ' and bail gone cleami through ninl through hint. Mauium ) ' Nolnut followed tip the hue of sight front the stmirnp across bere Sander- Bout hail fallen and luckily located the but- let iii a sand knoll thirty yards tteyomiil. lb wait a ease-imardemied 3S.i5Vinclmester but- let. ' 'Titat's tint bullet that killed hint right enough , " niuseil nmanuny , "bitt it might vos- stbl ) ' have been fired there sumne other tiuute. " It i'asii't quite conclusive. Timemt rite found time bmihlet that hind scercheul time leg of time foremost rider that ( Iii ) ' imnbeddetl in his saddle. That wes comm. cltisii'i' . Then cotitmmtemtced time search for time rifle Itself , There was only one etmohi rUle nwmieul in Golden and It had belonged to Bulldog Carmicy. Now , Cnrmiey had heeit lmacic 1mm Golden after the niurulem' amid hit hadn't tnlceii his riiie with him i'hiemu he went ai a ) ' witim Lanky Bill , so lie must have hidden it & ) iiii" ivhiere. To returti to ( loldemi after killIng Samtderson he would cross time ford at Kirk- lag horse. it was a forlorn hope , hut hme made tip tier mnitid to drag time ford for the due , \\'imemi rnantmy found the rifle vimere It had dropped site lcmiew lme bad forged one of the strongest himiks In time chimiimm of cvi- thence which fastenemi time gulit on Carimey. It vas inamnummy , too , ivimo imitrotluced a new \vitmiess to time court iii time I'ersoit ' of Grace 1(1100 , She hail comae back front \ammcommver lii obedience to uiamnmny's telegramn. 11cr evidence i'ns very siittiile , but effectualiy cleared up the ai'stery of the maclie ) ' . ' 'I gave it to him , " she said simnpl ) ' , ' 'to "to pay his haHsago home to hits iimothcr , I told himn a fnlsulmooil ; I told huimn it iu'as from his mother , lie wouldmm't have taken it from inc if lie hail knowmi the truth , bitt I wanted imimn to go home to Ills imtotiier , ivlto was mtskimig for him every ila ) ' . Vi'c ti'ero cimildremi togetlicr-Arvii Santhey ammil niyaolf. " It was a revelation to ( lint wild western life , this sweet , woniamuly gim I , timid time mnmin stun wotmiti rather hang thmtmi : colmiltrommllse her by' telhimmg that sue had given imimit ( lie atomic ) ' . ' 'I hail too bad a name , ' ' lie sni1 'lmen his frIends romitided on hint fat' a chIvalrous goat. goat.Mummy Mummy didn't lcmios' about tIme money when abe si'ut for Grace ; she only kmiew ( lint Grace nail Sammtley hind met when Grace . itt Golden. In the face of ( lie miei' evidence , not inimchm stock was takemm In Itaptiste Gabrielho's sa- lag that Arvii Samitley vns time luau who had shot at hmiumm. lie hail been too badly fright- umicui to kmiow what time nina who bail done the shooting really looked hike. Besides time other , time mimnu vimo lint ! galloped on imt front swore that. It was a fair mnami wlmo hind shot , vlmile Santley was dark. It caumie omit that Mamnmny Nolan was a l'immkerton detective ammd time business of run- milmig a restaurant and seiiimig 'whisky cii tIle SIde was only a blind. Nobody but the major hind knowmm tltis before. Alter mnamiy nioomms of amixiouma tracing t'ord of Carmicy camnu to imand. Ito was at St. Vincemit , just over ( Ito borders from Zulnnitoba. "The extradition law Is slow , " mused time anijor , "likewise Is it tmucertaimt. Now it i\'o had Carni'y on this side time line we could arrest him , " At this tIme sergeant who was standing by pricked his ears. "It niolgbt be managed , sor. " "Perhaps , perhaps , " saId ( ho muajor , re- fioctively , "Corp Bail knott's his malt. flo escorted hint omit ; perhaps he'll escort imimmt hack again. You will need considerable money , for it's a long trip , " and he wrtc omit a fair-sized order , Lanky Bail amid the sergiuit located Car- cloy at a small hotel at St. Vincent , not a stone's throw over the hint' A little preliminary urramignient witim tii hotelkeeper and that night as Corney gcmttl ) ' sIClt ) the sleep of the just two figures stole . ) @ . ( / , _ ' f ( _ _ _ _ ( / / e-L5i - , ( , 7(1s ) /'N : : 11o\J \ dL $ ib ) Finest Flavor and Fragrance arc found In a cup of Japan Tea"I . Absolutely ( he Purest , Cleanest , 1 Most Wholesome , , i t OFi1CIALLY INSPECTED I3tFOR EXPORTATION , I Izt'jorif'c , in I1.i ( ' inoriiiu , , 'fresbt's , 3 . . a ! : : iqJt-good at all i/nit's. Visit thc Japan Tea Garden at the Omaha lixposhtion , nct , (2'Ct't ' soil itJt'cryn'hcre , Jt'cryn'hcre miii time narrois' stair ivhiim lcd to his i oomit ammd ilemm I I y si I hued t liroag it time minor. I low St iii nnih dark the reemit t .is , .it' mint SI ) dark now , for 111cc tIm lmi'nilPgimt of au engimie a iumiiisnyo lnntci'mii'iiS 'thm'otving its fimil glare upon tiu'itt , imul tlf ) ' W''m't' iooklmmg limb tue dark dciims or tw a mimmir dvroims looking revolvers na C.irney held tiiemmm imbove time commmiterpamme , ' ' 0 , ( lint's ) 'Oim , Lnmmlu ) ' , is It ? ' ' lie sikl : , ehmeerfmmil ) ' . ' 'Giail to set' 3'oti. t.'omno to p.i' ( hint fifty , I suppose , Jimmut limit it mt the table there. I do a' I feel I i I.e gt't i imig imp. That's right ; you cami take mmi intimml ( lown , " lie saul , ' 'Just 10) ' your gun IOWmi emi tIme ( 'tide first , though. Qumick , mion' , cough tip that fif' . for you see you're inim'ghitri in my roonu and It I let daylight timroumgtm time ra' ' i of ) Oti it iili lit' mmil rigId , 'oim iction' , ' ' Timemi Lank ) ' Put. UI ) flIt ) ' CiSt'3 1)1 ) lii' goal governimm elm t iii OimO ) ' lie lmmi ii lim'ammgb to li ) ' the expemumies of tmmtclimg Carnn ) ' boric. That i'as the imearest iimi'y ever got to ( "aritt' ) ' , for lie is still hiving the life ci cm ' ' ' ' 'genti cnma ii. IIiNSI 0 NM ' ' ' " ' ' iomt 'vlim'i'ilit N % I"i'I'IIb Smirvi you's of l.ii t 'ii r Itomlic , uIt'rt t Ii , ' ( i'umu'rii I ( , % ' ' , , ' , , i'Si I I NGTON , July 1.-SpecizmI.-- ( ) Pemisiocis have been issued as follows : Issue' ( if .Immi ) ' I : Nebraska : Adilitlomiah-.loIii : (1. ( l'hIa , York , $ S ti ) 10 , Simppht'umue'iiicml--flt'orge . ltztgamm , Alhiani'i' , 2. Iii'c'ase.-Lomits MIhc- iuht's'ii , Ommimmima , $8 to $12. loivn : Origimicil-Jomias Milligan , 1)t' : tI i $3. SilpIll enii'mutai-A mmmi imms Imt tsl Cr , itochmest'r , $12. iti'storzmtlon ammmi Siipthe' utica t cmll'resicy A , .3 emmk mis , ilead , Slid Is- burg , $1 , imui'mease--Johmmi 'IV. Mattox , Shell- andoalm , $12 to 11. Original widows , etc.- Iit'ttit' Lt'wi , i"i'ederic , $ S. Colorado : On gi nzml-Sammiueh J. ( 'appe , Capps , si ; , Original , widows , etc.-\ialvimma iiazt'li , ( 'olorndo ( 'it ) ' , $ S. issue of July 2 : Nebrasluct : Imicrease-hioliert 'IV. Nmmttcr , Nelsoim , $8 to $14. Iowa : 'ulditlommah-'usa italIc ) ' , Tliormitomm , $13 to $ S. iumcrcasi'-iit'mmrv \Vooilivortim , llngley , $ r. to $ S ; ( 'llmmtomm M. Craul , Maqmmn- lemn , $6 to $8. htpissimo-Mii'Imaol h. .1orIan , \Vnterloo , $17 , Original , irhhue's , cte.-Ccmro. line S. l'imiles , Trtmro , $8. \'yommiing : Origlmmah-Albert I ) , Shmockley , Mnimville , S. Immcrecmse-Charles l , W'nrd , Clme'cnne , $10 to $12. Somimim Iakota ) : ltestoration nhtul lmtcrease- . Frammcis 1) , Bridge , dead , Alce'mter , $ I to $21 , 1tet'u'i'r II , , ' It.'iiiuluiiug mIotll'M. CIliVhiI.AND , 0. , Jill ) ' l.-Tlmu bathes of tint teit remmialimlug 'IciIiiis of time vatez' worlca tumid disaster were found by a res- cumimig lartY tOila ) ' . 'I'himi boihtes vem'e llotvn hack a few fe"t froum the face of tIme dm'ivc it ' liii' mmimd'ere limit ) explosion \'ere slightly burime'th , 'i'imt' explosiomm hind blown doivmi mu portion of time roof ( if tIme ttmnmiel , time 'lain- nice , however , being slight , Time bomiies were bruugimt to time itimore end , atommt G,000 feet forum time tunnel imeatl , In a imammdcumr , A rlturmulu.r ) lIIu'rN' iIlTeremmct's. PANA , Ill. , Jmml ) ' 15.-Six hummilr'd mum- era coutimmtme Idle here n'nd wmmtchm time four tmiimmes dimily to r'emit mmomi-umnion mcmi re- sumntng work. The mimi received mmmi addi- tioncul $1,000 10110) ' to aid tiieimi iii remainIng mit , umiakimig $2,500 iii tue inst two weeks. President horace it. Calef and time entIre State Board of Arbitration arrived today by request of the untomm miners , who have i'at'c-l tIm semiht' price of 10 remus utiti oslied the beard to take ci kheii't' amid mmammil' a imm'ieo to be Paid. All time opt'ratom ii tutu leathers 0 1 ( iii ! mit i miers' orgmi ii i7ciu iou licti't' ll'eum Summil iiiomitl iii'foi't' t lit' bimaril , 'l'ii ii iionrii w i it Prnbnbly re umuht'm' ii deem Sat until ) ' it iglit Although the operators stoutly i''immsi' to agree to mirhtitm'al lout time ) ' mire gu'timig ( iii iiimnhtt' to iCittlilie iIomithci > ' amid It is likely ivi I I pi' tim ( ' lirict' ImillilCil I ) ) ' t he itunirti. LOUISIANA EDITORS LEAVE Cimmm'hiiI , ' 'i'Iui'it' Visit m , ( ) uuumiltmm by 'I'luum mm I. I ii i1vi'r'loii' ( 'oiiei'm'uit'uI i itli i is Stmt'i'eis , All but five of tIme eccmirslon hart ) ' of time Leuutsinima Press association , teiiam'cit for haute Timui'StlLl ) ' e'eniuig imm their chicmrtcm'ed siu'eimei' ot'et' the l'ort Am'thur iiommtc' , A fcw itilmitmte'm rrIor to time tlnic itCt ( cm' limo to Pull omit ci incotiuig of ( tic Pmrt : ) ' \I3 : imelil , over vlmicim Mm's. , l , B. F' . Cofliegys of Siirt'veport , st.'commul 'ice Preslilemit 01 the ' nscoc'latIomm , lresitl-cti , A m'eamhimtlomm , mre- scimted by l. E. Bentley mmmid seconuicil It ) ' I . u. ( ' 00k , thmaiilming mill 'hun hove comm- , trlbmmtt'tI to time pleasmiro of thu trip , vtm. ; atloitled by a henri ) ' , tinnimlummomis shout of ' ' " 'aye. ' 'rime members of the iam'i ) ' who w iii reF - F mmmiii several tla'S inmigci' In "tin' ' tIme , 'x- lmositlon mmmom ( , tilOm'oll5hii ) ' Iti'C 1. , . i' . liemmtlt'y , Itm'i I ; , i'iha : Bentley , Miss Ella ilemitley mimiti ( I , hiommmmnmmtl liemitie of ( lie iommahtlsomiviilo ( La , ) Chief fimud Mm' . Ii. Joseplm'crret of ( ho ASsmiltilttioim Pioneer , Napoht.'omtviile , ha , 'uult'r SmijtM 'itIi it iiig' 11111. Cl IlCAGO , Jill ) ' 15.-E. I ) . ilowlmuiiui , aitI I t o be mu mumemmiiter o f a Promim I mit'mm t ii miii W'mt I tity Nt'i' ' ( 'eric falmlii ) ' , after eat immg dinner at tlmi' Grmimmd l'acitlc lintel , gct' ' mu $50d hill tim F'rt'tl em'ick lCd I em' , mm vcti I cm' , i mu IO'mlmciit ) , Keller VUS tmuialiii' tO obtalum cimamigu for thit' bill frommi tIme ensimiem' amid t'emit to tue cle'atoi' , miii ii I helmet' ttiit a f t lit' imotul html I d - I uig. I i i' himms mm I. bcemm mi'i'ml simico. I to uvi itmiul ii'mti I eul coin t' ti mat' for lute eimzummgc , mmmiii vImcmi lt ( ' foimnil time waiter liciti left 'Imlu the mmmohme ) ' , iii' dt'mmin mid etI I hue ci muoum mm t ii iii' iii mu frummmi I Ito irom tn ( 'I 01'H ( I f t lie G rmiuitl l'itei Iii' . This vaii refused amid Itowltmiul : heft the lmott'i iii numgt'm' . Iceiler line liemi pimililnycul at time hotel only two days. lie caine hmero frommi Clmielmummmit I. Imiumrii mum' , ' ( iIIitmuuuI ) ' ( k'tH I uiiummmt' ( Itimi. TOi'EicA , Jmmly 1i.-Uniteti Smnte , tumdgo l'oster hiatt e'rujoimmetl State Simperimitemmilt'mit ci Iiisurnmmt'oVthii ) MeNnIl ( roam ptmttlmmg lute t'ircct a mm ordem' iituto cmi , I iii ' 7 , m'cvolc i mmg tIme Kansas hict'imite of time Comimucetirtit I'lro I uismm raimc' Co miipmiimy mind front I a mimmy umm : mm - Ii Cl' I it terferi n i ; " t Ii I lie commi pa mu ) ' I ii I hi a transncttomm Of Its httmimmess iii lime tttmutc ( , 'l'iie case Is et for iieam'iumg Seitt.niihtei" , S. MeNali revuiked time license of time coumipamiy for m'cfusuumg to jtay the L'XIeliStS ) of iui cx- aunimmat ion. Ituiri'is < , ai to % .lIrihum'h , NE\V 'm'OltIC , Jill ) ' 15.-Ex-l'm'ltiflt lIeu- janmtmm Ilam'risomm , s'lmo luau bcemi lmom'e t'ItIu lila \'I ( ( I a n ml inmity at t lie Fl ( tim a i'cui ime hotel left today for Valley Fnm'ge , General hiarri- son's cottage lii time Aiilu'oiitlncks. it.s.'l'rr''s I ltm'su' ' , VI mis It i'Iu SfumJi o , LONDON .liui ' 15-LtntI IttelC'm'l'"m4 , ) - ( $ ) ) 1- ) 'l 'n m'-ttiii hay eel t , \'ehiusqtmcz , , iii t Ii e Ecitiso i4tutheS of 10,00(1 imovt'retgums at I lie Smtmitloii'n hark itceouud smmmnmuiet' mmtuetiimg to- 111i ) ' . CONVENTIONS AND CONGRESSES A em' mill thut' go Ill ( ) mminhua nos'-w'e hove a iititsii'mh : eoumgi'ess at out' start' e'em'y ii ii , ' I mm I Ii t' ( 'i I i'-vim I Ii' I i ( ) ' , il mm ml mm g t I m . 'ie ox 1)1)51 I I 0mm I I i m it' , We iilfl k u' ciii t'sl'elciIhY ttttmmei lvi' shimmivilig of iltmiit ) ) ' , -mimmiiiy Of t lmeiui mmm''ilm' foi' I his oet'usloim : -thin 1mithethic ; Kluuiigmll-ttut' Km'ummlt'lu Itt. l'im'Ii-lhmu'vt' : iii' mimm'i'im'it'm.'gm'm'itt't I ii'ttui mm ' I ioim-\\ ' ' I mu s't' cm u me' I ii 1 IC I mm m I mit Ii : m'xiiildi. im liii' i.ihn'i'ul : m'tN lumildimug aim t hit' gi'omi Ii it - ) ' ) SI mini I ii m'm' I Ii I -pn m" t it'uit thy t hit' ci mm t oini : t I e p1 in' a igmun- I i me oiiht' omit' of us klmni ovt'i' imlcmmlt'-piu's : I , ii II kiiithi' ; of immiitlc if 3,0mm jtushm t h but- , ton. A. HOSPE , . MUSIC arni FI 1513 Douglas - ) - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TAKING PICTURES Nti'ii uhmiys Is mm. vei's' OilS ) ' 1110 I t t'l'-SOlI 1)11241 i t iii' I ii t I ii mu ci mm ii I I i u cmi mm it' m'u ; does I ii t' i't'st - \ \ ' ' I m mm ye dozeum s a I' d I fft'm'aim t kiimmls mmimml sizes of t'miimem'ii : timimi. : mtteimih sti'im'tty to iumslmit'S-tuimmmt' us ( ) mis I -l'l'iimt tliIit lii ) II ) t5-Its , jmmst mutt t' fom' ymtl I 0 ii t 's'ehtt p m u ii ii il mm t yo ii i' t tvii lk't mm m'L'c-Ii ft i.e Oi I k i m ( I iv I ios'I I ) o ye m u kmmo' ve viIi i'ttmuiiv voml IiOW'--Limili $011 11mm' 'lim'miiit'ul ; imimml cmii ttlu'm' tlmilmgs hot' . vSHu : my it i i lit' ml gI m t n'leeVm' sim ii t a ii t. ' oi'-tlmw'mm i'ii4ttUu'4 Ii ) liSt' ( liii' thiii'lc 1'cmmii \i'ililo Iii liii' ' 'thy--it 'Ill In' fu'eo-mmntl Wa WO itt Ii ) immu i.e you COIIIC iii wimcii ev'l' you elmim , 11eAloe &PenfoldCo Arnatevr 1'hoo Stmppli house , j4&s Farnam Street. OMAHA QIJD0SItS Paztoa hotel. . - NOT EVERYBODY ( 'aim t'il , ' , ' ( ium littis' to prest'i''o your t'etlm-iiot ( 'Vt'l'S' _ ( iCUtiiil lcnois's Imow'- I I ie leim I I mt v I I ii ii ' ( ' ( ' m'ui ( (11' ' 'god , ' " lie ilQt4t SS'ti 1k' ' ii silo I ly ml ci's t lie immi I Ic o f I t ( 'T"\ \ --'I'iiit4 iiimi3' 1u't'ouilml fur limIt' Ieing hmumsy ) . I till liii' tiitmt'theim htimi iVt"VO lmt'eim iii limit t4lt 111(1 lO'ii I ion ( a 1' a i't'i' t t'im t'im I $ t I u at's it I mi'ttt t y gtui I I'l'J lii Ii mel II I mm I loll - ( ) iii' i I m'k't'i4 it to i't'n i'o ii mm I tim' i'ii' I iii i ( .lmi ,4'4 I ) f vttm'k--s m mmmi I I g'h ' i I liii I i u gum it t i2-i ( ) ) I vi' m' N miltti , ' il.- ( ) ) J'xiu'mtm'limig 'iiii- tutu pelt1 - - I ffl.'flu ( Ae $ ( mutt hcuill ) 01' giti.i Slit' it set iii' icetIm , O ( ) I 1\ \ - \\'tt ict''i , (11 It'll I I i I 8l : ) i lb I I me tts'eii I img - . ( A S ? ' ' 4 I it ii ( 'ettimu immmhi I t ' I ii ont I liii t en ii t eumi m mm (10 lii thia dli ) ' tuft' t'lm't'ii'ic fulls imImmi mill 711 , , mnotim'm'im 8111)11mm ) imm'e.4 Icnow'im ti ) tleiithtitm'y . r c ' -Lady itteiimlmmitt ( , I L ' ' BAILEY , ' -i 18 Year. 3d rioor t'uxtou lute , Zix)5riemtimS. 10th and Leuruuust.