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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1898)
' . - - . - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - -V _ _ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V _ _ _ _ _ V V - . . - . = - V V - ------V--- _ _ _ V _ _ - - - - - - - - . . -----------------------v--- -7 - _ V _ i I i - ; T1I1 MAIA DAILY IIEESATVTIDAY : , .TVTY 16 , 1S9S. I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM iOWAj I Co UNCIL BLUFFS. ? . : . % lIL , trlOS. ' V flu1weIer beer. fl'nt 'It1. Tel. 323. Ylneit work , Bluff City Lntindry. . . Smoke Iron Chancellor &c cigar , V Try Mooro' death to lice and mites. Itey. 1athci' imyt1i returned yesterday ' from Iort MfldisOfl , iii , Vdnted-Latent edition of CouncU 131u11i ! tity dIrectory , Apply cit lice omee. Alderman Christensen is acting as city 3Thysiclan during the absence of Dr. X.accy . from the city. , Miss LoutcVatson of Polo , III. , Is visiting - iting her sister , Mrs. 11. 0 , Cook at the Grand hotel nnnex. \ Mr. and Mrs. fl , W. Mattocka of Norton- yule , Kan. , are visiting the family of I. x 1)enny of Avenue II. } II , 13.S'ycolT flied notice of siit for i v 'roco from hi wire. Artlo M. W'ycoff , in the 'V district court ycstcrday. A marriage license was issued yesterday . to ke Baker , aged 23 , arnl Gertie Swnrtz , Dgcd 18 , both of Omaha. ; D , J. liorsetnan of 1906 Third avenue 7nourns the loss of twenty-five spring chickens - ens which vero stolen from lila place. J. If. Langdon for using obscene language en the Public street was taxed 5 and ctsts by Judge Ayksworth yesterday morning. I I ) . Ellis , the man charged with enticing , L young girl over hero from Omaha , has beeti turned over to the Onaha authorl- ties. ties.flon't V flon't you think it must he t pretty good ! alindry that can please so many hundreds , of customers ? \Vell-that's the "Eaglo , ' 724 Broadway. The case of Emma U. Pomcroy against Clurrio Wymond Ct ni , In the superior court was tlismiasod yesterday , the plaintiff payIng - Ing all the costs. V Tim Theosophical society will hold its regular public meeting tomorrow afternooll at 3 o'clock at the residence of W. Ii. Van Brunt , 715 Fourth atrect. 0. It. Young of Chicago , assistant superintendent - intondent and traveling auditor or the Pos- tat Telegraph company , was In the city yes- V terday checking III ) the local olflce , Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Baker of Teknmnh. Nob. , are in the city for a few days vis- r fling Mr. and Mrs. T. It. prake of North flVCtlllO and taking in the sights at the exposition. N. S. Wilson against Albert Jeufers anti Caroline Bowman against William Maloney anti others were the titles of two foreclos- urn suits commenced In the district court yesterday. S. S. Ellis , brother of It. N. 1llis of this city , has enlisted In tile Seventh United States cavalry and left Inst evening for Art- zona. Ito was stenographer for J , A. Fuller & Co. , the Omaha druggists. J. M. Grthttin , vresldent of the National Association of Marble and Granite Dealers , vIio stayed over after the convention to take in the exposition , returned to his home iii Dcs Moines yestcrtlay evening. , , Clyde McClellan was colnnlttted to tile ' city jail yesterday to servo out an olti fine. lie vas arrested April 16 for disturbillg the peace , hut was given time to Pay tile fine. The time hail expired and the fine lint ! iot been patti. The hearing of the suit over tile custody or Ituhy Wiilttlcsey , which was to have been lieu ! yesterday iii the district court , 1155 been ifliCIIflttCly pOStpOilOd. It Is nfl- tiorstood that the matter has been amicably etticd out of court. Green MeLcod , the stranger who pre- l cinpted the front lawn of a resident on , i3enton street Thursday morning to take a nap on and refused to vacate when reV - V quested , was assessed $3 and costs in po- I iico court yesterday morning. Mrs. Jennie Williams will have a hearing ' before Justice Vion next Monday on the . charge of assault. Preferred against her by Mrs. Pearl Davis. When taken Into custody told the constable that "she _ _ _ _ Mrs. Williams (11(1 not see why she should be arrested as lie only had a pitchfork in her hand when the trouble between her and Mrs. Davis CaiflO tI ) . " Victor Boyle , the young lad who refuses to stay at homo and has of late been a frequent visitor at the rolico station , has been turned over to Manager Lemen of the Christian home , who has promised to care for the boy. Victor was discovered late Thursday night by Rev. Mr. Overton preparing - paring to make a bed for the night In a Vacant lot near the house. Merrill , son of Conductor ii. E. Warner , met with a iltiiiftil accident yesterday while V returning 1101110 from Missouri Valley , on ' ; horse back. 110 had with him a small 22- ' caliber Iltstol timid in 801110 manner it was I aeckleittally discharged , The ball Iassod _ _ _ _ _ cleat' through tile left hknd , but , Iuckily struck no italics. The lad stopped at a tarot house amid ltitii his band bandaged. 1 \V. 1) . hlardin , guardian of and atirninis- t trator of the estate of Frank C. Forre , was I yesterday ordered by Judge Smith of the i distrIct court to file before July 23 a more complete report. Forre some years ago as V utijuilged insane anti committed to time nsyluni anti lii 1891. Ilartlin wait apiolntel his guardian. About a year anti a. half ago lie fileti a report which the court now roll- sithers not satisfactory. Ferro owned con- _ _ _ _ _ _ iderabIo property , Time Clinton Advertiser is advocating the I fornmatioim of an lawn Manufacturers' usso- elation with a view to obtaining better fit- duties for sellimig Iowa manufactured goods abroati titid at haute. Among oIlier timings ft Is suggested that a convention lie held . this summer so mt's to bring nil the manti- tV facturers of time state together , Secretary I ' . Jtidsoi of the Cottncii Bluffs Merchants' nmmtl . , i Manufacturers' association aitti a number of - I lime local immanufacturers lmavtm been asketi to assist In orgaimizing such an association. W. W. floyne received a telegram ycster- % A 1ay from hum brother , J. J. itoymmo , at Camp Merritt , San FrancIsco , stating that time ref - f port , about his losing his ityesiglmt was mum- ; I fountied anti ito Is enjoying time best of 4 healtim , ultlmoughm on first reaching thu coast I Imis eyes luatl troubled him somewlmat. Mr. VV Iloyno has a number of photographs of time Councli lhluffs soliller boys in caump rlmiciu . show that the Citilti ) is loeated iii a Place whore the sand is at least a foot deep , One I " 1 picture simows the boys preparing for bed V with their iieatls vrapped up to kenim the 'jiggers" from getting lumto their hair. V Mayor Jeumnhumgs yesterday Instructed City Marshal Dlxi ) ) ' to sea that time ordinance providing for the trimming of trees ime en- forced. The ordinammee rt'ads : 'Tiiat all . trees standing on utumy lot , street or side. walk , idoug atmy street in said oil ) ' , shall he triumumeii so that time simaco ( rout time grouumtl to tIme limbs on any or all trees shall not be lesit ttiauu eight feet , anti that till tret's as umforesald itithi ho trimmed so as not to V obscure or obstruct time iuiup lights along the streets in simlut city , alit ! any person vtmo ' has the owimershuip or control of ammy tree ; 01' trees who fails to trim time same as l hmorcium provided , s'imen directed by the city ( nmarahnl , shall 1)0 guilty of a nuistienmeanor , 4 and on conviction shall be iincui 1mm a suimm I not less timtiu $5 nor more than $15 and costs. " V lvery lady Is invited to call at 326 Mer- l siam block Saturday , July IG , and get a ji. dainty souvenir. ' N , Y , I'luambing company. Tel , 250 , 1 SALi-Gooa second-hand bicycle at 4 a barguiu. Cell at Time Bee omce , Council V Bluffs. KgNGSFORD'S i y OSWEO STARCH. :1 : SILVER GLOSS fortlaolaundry gives univeraal \ atisfaotton. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 01110 BOY IS YICTIIiZED John Wisccup Ha a Costly Adventure with . Some Local Shatpers. PAYS PART DOWN ON A UNIFOM % 'nuitigter Tooklui for IIerleumee ( 't it front umim Outfit of Itent Slurc'ri Ciltlieulco Ieu , bitt 1Jicl I lies t U ( Li * enl , John Wisecup , a young man who imp to a ftw months ago imad spent time entire eigh teen years of his life on time family farm at Belle Center , 0. , paid Council Bluffs a visit yesterday and foil Into the hands of sharpors. From one gang he managed to escape witluout. being ohbed but he barely got loose from them before he was picked up as mt bright anti shimming mark by a con- Ildenco man was was looking for a young unalt to fill a railroad job and vlmo with very little ditficulty lntiucetl Wisecup to part with $12 as part deposit for a bran now unuiforni wIth brass buttons , ] t was time same oh ! game but new to the young malt from OhIo who , after reporting the matter to the police , took the lesson pull- osophmicalhy and odunitteti It was worth time twelve dollars to gain the experience. A man giving the name of 0 , Bryan was arrested last night and identified by Wise- cup as being time party who steered imini to time room where a futile attempt was made to get him intq a skin itokar game. As Wisecup escaped without losing any of his wealth time only charge that could ho placed against Bryan was one of vagrancy. Bryaui is said to ho a tinhorn gambler from South Omaha. Map of Cuba , \Vest Indies and the World at. The Bee omec , 100 each. The Evans laundry is the leader in fine work both for color anti finish , 520 Pearl street. Phone 290. I' ( ) 'V'l' AVA'i"I'AMI ii COIJ.'VY uNit ! iflT. 1 : iiM I t limit AN'Ioeilti I n Icec ut I ye Coiiiiiultee % % 'iiI hloomu It. Time meeting of the executive committee of the Council Bluffs Fxposit1on association last night was well attended anti much In- tercst taken In time proceedings. The chief business before the meeting was that of ( levising vnys nod means to provIde a suitable - able exhibit representative of Pottawat- tamale county in the wigwam anti to raise funds to meet time current expenses of main- tabuing the wigwam until the dote of the exposition. President Gralmani reported tlmat between 3,000 and 6,000 veople visited time build- itmg daily and that some steps ought to be taken at once to properly furnish the rooms and establish an exlmibit. Ho stated that for several days past there had been a very creditable display of small fruits on thd see- onti floor but timatdisplay ought to be renewed several ( lays a week. lie was authorized to employ a man to solicit fruit and groin from the growers throughout the county for the exhibit. Up to tile imresent Mr. Graham bas been in solo charge of the wigwam anti the work has become ' too much for one man , so it was decided at time meeting to appoint a committee coumsisting of I'resident Graham , Colonel W. F. linker anti J. P. Hess to take charge of time wigwam and time eximibit. Colonel Baker was requcsteti to take Stops to arouse interest throughout the different townships in time county in time matter of making exhibits , nut ! time momhrs of the executive committee are in time meantime to solicit exhibits anti articles of furnIture , pictures and other articles from the people of the city , The nit important matter of funds was takemi anti tlis5mmsscd anti G , F. Wright and Lucitis Volls were mmtltled to the finance committee to help raise time amount necessary - sary to keep time buildings open for the balance of the exposition. President Graham reported that Bradley & : Co. , who have a big exhibit on the ground floor of the wigwam , would be will- log to take the entire remainder of time ground iioor space provided the committee woulti lease It to them. Messrs. Graham , Baker , hess and Moore wore appointed a comnmitteo to take this matter in charge anti act as they best timougimt ut , President Graham was authorized to employ - ploy a nman wim would act as janItor mind take care of time exhibit during timtm daytime , anti act as watcimnman at night , The committee ilecidcti tlmat space for all exhibits except on the ground floor would be imrovtded free , anti that parties having articles they vIshm to exhibit or furniture they risim to loan for time vIgwanm can heave timein at time county court lmouse where they viil be takeum care of by Colonel Baker , vimo will arrange for seotling tLenm to time wigwam , Time committee will macct again muoxt Timursday night. Miss 7oller has ittirciuaseti a League hi- cycle ( rout Cole & Cole. 'l'lmo ofhicini photographs of time United States Navy , cfntaiimlng over 200 pIctures of time vessels , with timeir officers and a num- of the views of tim ill-fated Maine , can be had at the Council Bluffs ofilco of Time Bee for 25 cents anti a Bee coupon , hI.'ni HNtiII' 'I'rumisf.'rs. Time following transfers were Illed yesterday - terday in the abstract , title mint ! loan omce of J.V. . Squire , 101 Pearl street h. H. itmmotts , single , and T. IL Inotts ( mmmii wife to Jamemi H , lCumotts , nIl otur Iimtert'st lit a. 80 feet , lot , block 'J , utitti a. 10 feet it to feet lot 2 , block 3 , . Mynster's amid , Council Ifluffs , " . ( I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U John Schiocketnnz , sr. , to Mechmmntt' Simviuugmt Immiiuk. um1a lot 2 , hiorIc 9 , Bay- iiss First add , Council h3luft , w. ii , I W'ihhimmni .1. Clurimplln and vlfo to Jnulmes M. itiitiittmm , SV' mie'4 aimU n . se , S.77-li , w. ml. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w . \ ' . Dearimorum et at to Mrs. Ahino 'I'ayior , lot IS , block ii , Mill add. , q. C , U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Four transfers , total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hotel inmmmmm. 518 Broadway , has lowered its rates frouim $2.00 to $1.00 mer day to everybody. First class table anti nice airy rooms , Yimuuiig 1'omiuiui \i , , , DrIfIN , A young i'onmna giving 11cr name its Mrs. Ellen Flckley aumil hmer homo as Florida drifted into time police station yesterday unorning amid asketl for lodging. She saltl imer husband tiled about two months ago leaving hsr witim a 2-year-old baby boy , anti timat sue bitt ! been west to try to ge eumm- Pioyment. At Denver her chilti huatl been taken sIck and sue batl beeum olmligeui to lnvu it timere with 501110 pCOlle % 1mO imronm- Isetl to care for it. From lenvt'r Bite wcumt to New York and about lures days ago drifted back to Ommmnlma. Slut' bail been umm- able to secure ammy work ammd hind been obilgeti to puivn mmli her clotimlug and wimat little jewelry slme possessed in order to ob. lain footl amid lodging. Slmo was eumtireiy htemImItless umumil vIslmeil time autlmorities would st'uul lmer to some country town % % 'lmerc she thought she mmmiglit obtitlum work as a douiie- tie , Froimm tier actions time police becaummo of time ophiuiomm thumit hutt was nmeumtahi ) ' tie- ranged aumd slmu was taken bcfore the com. missloners for the insane. Dr. Thomas of time board exanmined her and found that time woman was a morphine fiend , both of her aetna being literally ccmseretl with scars where time drug had been instrtci ? with a syringe. Time board fotitul ht' isas not in. sane but eommittel be over night tIm the county jail until some arrangements can he made to send her somowimete. I.Jtiiu 'i' ( ) MTATl ZtlIt tHttINDS , htrpnirs Being istit' After the lie- porttire of tiu StiIIci's , 1)lS MOINES , July 15-peeInl-The ( ) work of repairing time damagedono by time Iowa soldiers to time bulidings tumd grountls of the Iowa State Agricuttural society Is be- log pushed. At first it was thought by time military authoritIes that $200 woUld be a big estimate on the cost at masking all time repairs - pairs needed to bing the state fair grounds lip to the condition they wore In before the troops were quartered there This hope disappeared - appeared long ago , One whole carload of lumber has been used and nearly another , in makinc renalrs. A force of carpenters under Major Mttrtin of 1ort Dodge , engineer anti signal oflicor , imas been at work for three weeks on the grounds puttink timings in simape , and it will take at least another week. Time boys simply imatl to have kindling , niud as it was not furnished as plentifully as thmey thmougimt it shommld be they took the first imoard that was i'itiuin their reach. Parti tions , fences , sheds , pens mind alt kinds of things tnade of wood vera cdt up into kindling. A great many things stored In buildings are said to have disappeared - peared , and numerous extravagant claims have been sent Ia by private parties. As they Were recetvimmg free storage train the society they will 'mat be patti for their losses If they sustained any ; they simply took their chances whee they left their stuff there , The exposition building was tell of merchantiIc and a great variety of articles , amuti it Was understood - stood that it was not to be used. The otflcers of the society claim that General LIncoln pronmised that it should not be invaded by the troops. They were astonished one tiny to find a lot Of soldiers in possession. The commanding omcer told time Agricultural society mmmcii tlmat he hati been imistructed by General Lincoln to take possessIon and tlmat if the superintendent of time grotmnds , Mr. Denmer , refused to give imim time key lie was to break in anyway. Time oiflcers of the society think this war. mm fair sample of the control General Lincoln lied over the soldiers ; that ho let them do as they pleased. The grounds are being put iii shape imm every way. Time ditches made by tlmo soldiers arc being filled up and everything else made right , Agrietmhtmirumt College Cimanges. AMES , La , , July 15-Special.-At ( ) the meeting of the board of trustees of the Iowa Agricultural college the following changes were announced : Prof. 1-1. E. Summers of the University of Illinois at Champaign to be head of the department of zoology ammd emmtommmoiogy , left vacant by the resignatiomi of Prof. herbert Osbormm , who will soon take UI ) work In a similar department in time University of Ohio. Prof. Stmtnmers Is a graduate of Cornell unIversity of New York , whmere he took fellowship honors two years in successIon as stUitiot. lie taught in the departnmemmt of zoology nnd physiology in the University at Tennessee. For a tlmO he was at work for the government at ' , Vaslm- lmmgton , but has been directly connected witim the University of Illinois for th last six years. During time last year ito has boon in chmarge of time San Jose scale inveHtlgatlons In the state of Illinois , lie Is counted a very strong scientIst in zoology and cute- malogy. Praf , Alvin B. Noble of the State AgrI- ctmlttmral college of Michigan to the chair of EnglIsh literature amid rhetoric. Prof. Noble was originally an Iowa man , coming from Henry county to time State university at Iowa City , from whIch ho graduated. takIng the Ph. 13. degree. For the last eight years he has been assistant professor in English literature and rhetoric In the UniversIty of Micimigan at Lansing. lie has also pursued special studIes In Englisim in the University of Michigan and Chicago and is eminently adapted to work at this klnd Miss Bessie 13. Larrabee of McOregor , In. , Instructor in English and Latin. Miss Lar- rabro is a graduate of the University of Micimigan , lmaving taken the classical course , and Imas received the degree of 13. A. She has been teaching Latin and English in time Sac City , In. , Collegiate Inutitute and Is strongly recommended by the faculty of the University of Michigan. Miss Maude Gardiner of Bratitord Kaa. , as- slstant in dressmaking and cooking in time department of domestic economy. Miss Card- liter is a graduate of thb Manhattan college of Kansas anti has taken post-graduate work in domestic eclenco for two years and was for some time no assistant in time domestic economy department of the Kansas State Agricultural college. , il ; : ; : iiig hunts Idle. SIOUX CITY , July 15-Speclai ( Teho- granm.-Timo ) g vernment snagging boats will ho idle all sumnmer and little It any work will be done orm the Missouri river. Time Jmmmca B. McPherson and the Maodaim , two of the best snagging boats in the gay- crmmmermt service , wilt remnato In the Slon river all summer. Time lack of ftmmmtU In that department is the cause of time inactivity. Time prolongatiomm of time strike amnong t packing houses In South Omaha wIll be beneficial to Sioux City. It Is already felt lmore and all tlepartments in the local Cuti- almy plant nra ieing worked to their utmost capacity to keep up witim time orders , If It becomes necessary for the Sioux City house to fill Omaima ortlers It will ho worked day anti night as necessary. It is ru- moreti that a number of trUclmer3 will quit in a body on Saturday night and leave for the harvest field in South Dakota , The managenment Says this will not Interfere wltim business as their places an be quickly filled anti It Is not timought time Omaha trouble will spread to SIoux City. Ca nil Imlatim for Fimsioii Jctuiuilumnl ion. OTTUMVA , Ia , , July lh-Speclal.-- ( ) Withmlim the last week the friends of A. C. Stock of timls city have put hmis name forward - ward for the congmessloimal nomination for congress on the fusion demnocratlo ticket , and timey are working hard to go into time convention mit Oskaloosa Oit the 23d with a large delegation for Imlmn , There are now four caimditlates prominommtiy unefitioned for the nonminatiomm , and Wapello county fur- mmir'es two of timese-J , It. ilurgess and A. C. Steck , The otimers ore J. 13. Weaver of Jasper coimimty and 14. T. hilchmmond of Monroe county. liuI Fnrnu i'titt'im. A good crop of cimerrles was grown In Tanma county , but they sold readily for 2.10 a imushmel. II. W' . Lanphmere has sold 100 acres of land in Montgomery county to J , F. Brown for $ b.000 cash , The i'mitermeion crop on Museatine lsianti is said to be fine this year aflml they wIll soon be on time market In imrge quantimics. P. 5 Ilimmegartler , near Toledo , a few minys ago sold 3,200 pounds of wool , time shearings of several years , at 17 cents per poimmmtl. iiecemmt farumm sales : Janice tulnn to Charles lIemrett , 200 acres hum Black hawk county. $50 aim acre ; Henry kerstettur to Charles EllIott. 101 acres in Iubuqtme ) cotmmmty. $50 arm itere ; C , W. Fuller ptmrchaBe' iimmproved faruum 1mm pocmmlmontas county , 1GO acres , $37.50 mmmi nero ; U , B. Icier purchased Interest of oilmer heirs in time Lee farumm In Sac county for $11,200 ; Joluim Rogers to \\'iliiammm I' . Limmeolim , eighty acres in Taimma county , $4,700'iilIam ; Stows to is , mmmi ( hibler , 100 acres tim Cedar county , $8,000 , I ) . W. Douglas to h"red Lager. eighty acres in Ailamnakee county , 4pOO ; Merritt C'hlscr anti others to Perry Chimer , acres In W'ri8bt county , $12,000 , , _ - FAILS TO RAISE A SLARy1 - Last Iowa Legislature Psic an Act Which ' Does Not Enact. LEAVES STATE VETERINARY IN Tilt COLD - Hill I. , Itnise Ills l'ny fr.imm i8(1tt ( ) ) to , ( ( , is of : c. ilffetmt on Ac- ctiimimt of mm Clerieni l1rrnr. 1)IS MOINES , July 1&-Spcclai ( Tele- granm.-Tho ) last session of time legislature intentlcd to increase time ammntmni appropriatIon - tIon for time state vcteriimnry surgeon fronm l $3,000 to $5,000 , mint ! it passcti a law stat. lug that section 2536 is ammmenlel ( by striking alit time s ord tlmree" in time thirti litme amid h ' ' " lieu timereof iumsertlng time worml 'five" In Today time auditor of atitto exunminetl time hams' and found that time worth "timreo" does not appear In the third hue of time sectIon and that It. lii In reality 1mm the secontl line and lie sent the state veterinary tlte follow' lug notice : "Time word 'three' does mmot appear 1mm the third lIne of section 2530 , but appears Iii the second line , amid therefore the act of time legislattmro does not anmend time sectiomm anti your appropriation wiil re- ummnln as heretofore , viz , $3,000. " Time case isono of time nmoL pecuilarommrecori , Time representatIves 01 miii toe ramiromums cemiterlng In Des Moines today annoummced that in time future there will be mm rate cutting anti no passes will be giveum shippers. Alt have signed the agreement , time Hock Island , time Iiurliuugton , time Northwestern , \'estermi time 'm\'nbasiu time time iCeoktmk'estermi , , Minneapolis & St. Louis , time Des MoInes Northerum & Westermm and time Great West- ermi , Peter Eckert , an intoxicated German , wa timrorn out of a salooim on East Fiftim street SO violently this morning that his leg wns broken. Lieutenant hletieken , wlmo lies been qtmnr- termmmaster at Camp McKinley , whIle time two batteries of light artillery have been in camp tlmere , was today ordered to report at Santiago at oimce , where hits regiment of cavalry Is in service. Mayor MacVicar , representing the city at large , H. H , hedge , representing the Coma- macrein ! Exchange and its directory board , mind George II. Batimrick , representing time Mammufacttmrera' anti Jobberit' association of Iowa , organized timenmselves into a comnmcmlt- tee this morning vlthm time end in view of ptmslming Des Moines day at the Omaha cx- position. tit'etiuimr of IOWmL iditors. IOWA FALLS. In. , July 15.-Special.- ( ) The slxtcentim annual mmmceting of the Upper Des Moines Editorial assoclatiomm will he lmeiti at Iowa Falls , Thursday and Friday , August 4 antI 5 , with time following pro- granm : Thtmrsday , August 4-Address of welconme by W , H. Woods ; response by P. A. Smith of time Scranton Journal , president of time association ; address by Henry Wattersoim of the Louisville Courier-Journal. Friday , August 5-'Tlme Proper Make-Up for a Country Weekly. " It. B. Warren. At- gona Upper Des Moines ; "Best Means of Increasing the CirculatIon of the Coummtr1 Weekly , " 'iv. r. Brannagmmn , Enmmnetsburg Democrat ; "What People Expect of a Newspaper - paper , " H. S. I'Coeedlcr , Boone Republican ; V "Time Press and time Pulpit , " A. Ii. Barnes , Eagle Grove Eagle ; "Time Vaiu of Country - try Correspondents to the Weekly News. paper , " A. M. Adams , Humboldt. Intiepend- oat ; "The Newspaper and the Court , " lion. S. M. Weaver , of Iowa Falls , formerly connected - nected with time press ; "The Fellow Wimo Steals Your Locals , " Joimn F. Dalton , Maui- son Democrat ; immemorial to lion. J. Fred Meyers , late a nmember of timls association , b' 110mm. A. B. Funk , of time Spirit Lake Beacon , Bammquet tendered by the business men of Iowa Fails. vu relmmnit II urt , BOONE , Ia , , July 15.-Special--Timomas ( ) Griffin , a Northvostem'im fireman , jumped from his engine near Jefferson today and sustained injurIes which were at first timougimt to lie fatal. WOUNDED AT FORT MONROE 1,1st Of Offlct'rs % VboCnmuii , on City of % Ymtslmtuigtolm-Suumm 'i'mveimty-Sce- out ! iema AimIoiI5 'l'hmeimm , FORT MONROE , Va. , July 16.-Time tel- lowing is a list of sick 110(1 vounded officers received at time Ummited States general hospital , Fort Monroe , Va. , July 12 , 1S98 , per steamer City of Wa1mingtomm , from Siboney : First Lieutenant Robert Ii. Anderson , Ninth infantry ; Second Lleuten- ant Wilbur H , Dove , Twelfth infantry ; Captaimm Eaton A. Etlwards , Twenty-fifth 1mm- faimtry ; Captalim Joimmi H. Gutlmrlc , l'imirtcemith infantry ; Second Lieutenant Hammond , Nitmtlm infantry ; CaptaIn Frank B. Jones , Twenty-seconti immfammtry ; Major henry Lamatte , First Uumited States volunteers ; Lieutenant Colonel Enmersomm II. Llscumn , Twenty-fourth infantry ; Second Lieutenant I'aul B. Malone , Tlmirteonth Infantry ; Secommti Lieutenant Amos II. Martin , First infantry ; Captain Henry ii , Moon , Twentieth infantry ; L.leutcmmnmmt Colonel John 11 , Patterson , 'rventy-secontl infantry ; Sccommtl Lieutenant Lewis S. Sorley , Stxteontim immfmmumtry ; CaptaIn Robert C , VanVilet , Tenth Infantry ; Cup- lain George 13 , Walker , Sixth infantry ; Second Lieutenant hurry 0. Willard , - cavumlry ; Captain Thomas C. Wooditury , Sixtecimtlm infantry ; Lieutemmant Colonel \\'ii- Ham S. Worth , Tlmirteermtim infantry. Privates-Allen , Company 11 , Sixteenth infantry ; Anderson , Compmmmmy ii , Tlmtrmi cay. . airy ; Amitlre , Comnpnny IC , Seventi.first New York ; ilailcy , Conmimmimmy U , First UnIted States voiuimteers ; hlasker , Coniprumy ii , Twelfth infantry ; Baylor , Conmpaimy A , Twenty-tourtim iumfantry ; lleaie , Comnpalmy I ) , Sixth infantry ; Biahmn , Commmpany ii , Fourtim Infantry ; Blammcimard , Conmpany B , SIxtim caY- aIry ; fork , Cmmpany C. Eiglmtim infaumtm'Y ; Bowman , Company D , Tenth cavalry ; hlra- ten , Company F , Third infantry ; Bradford , Company F , Sixtim infantry ; Browum , Coot- pany A , Tentlm Infantry ; Brown , Company D , Tweumty.fiftim infantry ; litmrleson , Coni- puny C. Seventh infantry ; Ibyrne. COmIammY F' , Timirteentim infantry ; Campbell , Company D , Temitim cavalry ; Cutnmmon , Company I , Seventy-first New York volunteers ; Cane- ton , Company hi , Nlntim Imifantry ; Cary , Conmpany ii , Twenty-first Infantry ; Cate , Conmpaumy U , Twelftim infantry ; Cimeek , Corn- pany U. Twemmtietlm Infamitry ; Coates , Corn- pany I , Secommti Massachusetts volumiteens ; Davilt , Comparmy 0 , Thirteenth infantry ; Dean , Comnpaumy F , Tiremmty-fourtiu infaimtry ; Deutschmbcrger , Conmpulmy C , Seveut'-first Now 'ork yoluntoeenms ; Donahue , Colnimammy H , Twonty-scond infantry ; Iloammehly , Coin- imany M. Sevemmty-first New York voimmmmteens. Iotsomm , Conmpany Ii , SIxth infaumtr' ; Iumn- ford , ( 'olnpammy C , Nintim infantry ; Iumimu , Conmliany II. Sevenths infantry ; flurcan , Coumpany 1' , Fourth infantry ; Elseimmaim , Coumipaumy F , Sovcumty-finst New York vol. unteerS : Hirers , Campaimy 1) , Timimteemmtlm infnmtry ; immumnons. Coummpntmy V. Sixth ctm'- airy ; Irstclmm. ( 'oumpammy F , h'otomml iimi4ntry ; Escimer , ( 'onipmimy ii , Sccommtl iimfammlry , Escimt'lnutn , Company E , Stventeentim infaim- try Eubanks , Comnjialmy ii , 'i'eumth cavalry ; Featimenstomme , Company F' , Seventy-firs : Now York voluoteenum , F'eltz , Company 1) , Sixth Infantry , Fialmer , Conmpany Li , Sci" enty-firet New York voluntecers , Fitch ( baud ) , Twenty-fourth infantry ; Fitzger- aid , Company A , izteemmtb tnfaatTy 1JyUU. r The Great Resort. Every body invited to take in the sights ai-id be convinced that Lake Manawa is the only place to get cooled off and have lots of hut. Above all don't fail tO see the " 1 IElectrical Mirage at night. t i j Comnpnmly C Sixth infantry : Foster , Coin- patty 11 , Timird infantry ; Foster , Commmpany Ii , Temmth infantry ; ( lanihy , Corqpany C , Nimmtlm cavalry ; Cilesemmer , Commulmany B , Fourtlm infantry ; Grnlmaun , Company B , Slxteemmth infantry ; Greemm , Commmpnny M , Sovetmty-flrst New York volumiteers ; Green , Commmpany 11 , Sevemitim infamitry ; ( ireemitielti , Company C , Sixtim infantry ; Grlnmmmm , Corn- imammy C , Ninth infantry ; Hall , Conmpany F , Sevemmty-first New York voluimteers ; llama- 11mm , Commilmany C , Sixth cavalry ; Harris , Comimlmany Ii , Twenty-second infantry ; has- kimus , Company C , Sevcmutcemmth Indiamma ; hazard , Comnpammy hI , Twemity-fourtli infaum- try ; heckler , Counpaumy F , Seventy-first New York ; hiernmans , Coummpany F , Twenty. foimrtlm Infantry ; hess , Commmpany H , Seventy- first. New 'i'orlc volunteers ; hicks , Conmpammy A , Fourtlm Infantry ; 11111 , Company A , Twenty-fourth infantry ; llillbonn , corps , Thlrty-tlmlrtl MIchigan volunteers ; lhlpacher , Company A , Teatim cavalry ; Hobbs , Company H , Seventh infantry ; hloi- comb ( band ) , Seventlm lmmdiana ; hiorslcy , Company G , Sixth infammtry ; lloimstomm , Corn- vamty C , Seventlm infantry ; Hunt , Comlamiy II , Seventy-first New York volunteers ; lius- 10mm , Conipany D , SIxtIm limfantry ; Irvin , Company H , Nlmmth cavalry ; Irvine , Coin- lmaty D , Tweumtletim infantry ; Isimmum , Corn- imimmY C , Sixth Infantry ; James , Coimipaimy A , Tentim cavalry ; Jmmnizek , Compammy I , FIrst cavutry ; Jermsemm ( band ) , Sixth immfammtry ; Jolmimson , Company G , Timinty-fourtim MicImi- amf ; Jumrgeson , Comnpany I , FIrst cavalry ; ICehier , Company B , Thirteenth infantry ; Iemmt , Company F , Secommd Massachtmsetts voiuntccrs ; Kirby , Compammy C , Scvemmty-first New York volunteers ; Erass , Compnn' D , Sixteenth infantry ; Krejci , Comnpammy ii , Second ummfammtry ; Kuhien ( band ) , Seconti in- fammtry ; Larkin , Company G , Nintim lilassa- . clmusctts vohimmitcers ; lewls , Company B , Fourth infantry ; Lewis , Comupammy C , Thir- ty-timird Michigan volunteers ; Lossa , Commm- pammi' A , Sixteenth iimfantry ; Mncomas , Company D , Second infantry ; Markimam , Company B , Thirteenth infantry ; Marlrn' , Compammy Ii , Seventy-first New York volunteers - teers ; Marthm , Comrmpany I , Seventy-first New I York volunteers ; Martin , Commmpany I , Twenty-third Micimlgan volummmteeers ; Maurem' , Compammy D , Sixteenth Infnmitry ; McGovan , Conipany D , Sixtcentlm infantry ; McGelman , Cotnlmany M , Sevcnty-flrst iosv York volunteers - teers ; McGulre , Compaimy hi , Nlmmtim infantry - try ; Mclntosim , Company C , Seventy-first New Yorl volunteers ; McKenmua , Company 11 , Sixth infantry ; McMaimomm , Company Ii , Fourth infantry ; McNally , Commipany C , Timlrty-fourtlm Michigan 'm'oltmnteers ; Milier , Company C , F'ittlm infantry ; Miller , Corn- pammy I ) , Nintim immfantry ; Morse , Compammy' 11 , Sixteenth immfammtry ; Morton , Compammy I , Tlmirty-thminti Michigan volunteers ; Murphy , Company E. First United States volmmn- leers ; Murphy , Compammy it ! , Seventy-first New York volunteers ; Nevotlm ( baud ) , Foimrtlm infantry ; Newmmman , Company C , Twcimty-fourtim infantry ; Newman , Comnpany 13 , Timirtcentlm infantry ; Nimmtbaummm , civilian witlm Sevcnth Infantry ; O'hiriun , Company A , First volunteers ; O'Brien , Commmpacmy F , Timlrteontlm infantry ; Olmnstend , Company C , Seventy-first New York volunteers ; Pal- muon , Company H , Tweiftlm infamumtry ; Pearce , Conmpammy l , Sevemmty-first New York volun- teens ; Pence , Company A , Foumrtim infantry ; Perkins , Company I , Thmirml imtfantry ; Pime- nls , Company I. 'Third cavalry ; Pierce , Coma- pany I , First cavalry ; Pitte , Company 11 , Twommty-fiftlm lnfaumtry ; Pittston , Conmpammy ii , Tivemmty-econtl infantry ; h'hml , Company A , Second infantry ; l'atter , Company itt , Sos'cmmty-finst New York ; Sooth , Comapammy C , Twcrmty-tourtim infantry ; htogers , Comimpaay' ii , Tcmmtlm infantry ; Botimnrt , Comnpammy F , Timirteentim infantry ; Itosporka , Compammy hI , Fiftim cavalry ; Sauuiiders , Conmpany hi , Tentim cavalry ; Schmniler , Comimpumumy H , Seventy- first New York volunteers ; Scroggtns , Corn- pany I ) , Sixteentlm infantry ; Sotlatmm , Corn- pany 0 , Second infantry ; Simuas , Company' B , Temmth cavalry ; Smimith , Company F , Se'- enth immfantry ; Slann , Company A , 'i'wenty. llrst infantry ; Spntig , Company D , Seven- tcermtim iimfantry ; Staimi Comimpany I ) , Stiveim- teentim bmfarmtry ; Stark , Coimmpamy L , Timirty- third Michigan volunteers ; Sullivan , Coin- puny (1 , First immfantry ; Timompson , Cumm'pany IV First Unitetl States volunteers ; Tmaver , Coimmpany A , Second Maitsacimusetta voiuuu- teens ; Trimmer , Commupany C , Timelftti lilian- try ; Tmmnmmer , Compimrmy D , Nlimth cavalry ; Vlumumlon , Company C , emmgiimcers ; Wofilmur , Company H , Timirteentim immfontry ; Waiters. Coimipaimy U , Seventy-first New \'ork voitmum' teens ; Warremi , Comnpammy A , Thiirty.timtrl , Mlciuigamm volunteers ; W'tmtsomi , Comnpamiy U , First cavalry ; Watson , Coimipaumy ! il , Seven. ty-flrst New York volmintt'ens , matsomu. Commmpamm ) ' F' , Tcmmtim cavalry ; Weeks , Coin- pmllmy C. Seventy-first New York tuluntcers : Vehr , Commmpammy ii , Sevcmmteemmtim Infantry ; Vebtbcrg , Commmpany C , Se'enty-flrst New York volunteers ; Wt'tlmenimceimi. Conmpony B , Seventh infantry : 'lIils , Company l , see- ommti Aicmssaehuusetts ; Winter , Commulmammy i , Twenty-scccmntl infammtryVruclc : , ( 'ommipi my II , Twt'nty-secomul Infantry ; 'ates , Comnpeny A , Secommti artillery' ; Yokoley , Coummpany A , Tentim iimtaimtry' ; Ynummigs , Cormipitny Al , 5ev- cmmty-finst Notu' York molummtcons. Nomm-commmnmlssiolmcd offlct'rmm-Ssrgta mm I.m An' mlcrmmtmn , Comumpaim ) ' C , Sixih cavalry . ilneen , Conmpalmy II. ilrst L'imitcd : htutc'm volummteers ; hh'eicm' , ( 'tmmnpammy Ii , Sixth Limited b'tatas volmmntetrs ; it'nar , ( 'ommmpaimy K , First Umuilc'i Statrt voltmimteemu lihitson , Company F. Teimlim tavai ny : Fairaday , Corn- itaimy' B , tI ttentlm iimlnmmtny' ; (11usd , Conm- Pliny B. Timii ty-thtu'tl Michlgmum ; : hlemmry , Conmpaiuy A. cotmmi arlillery ; itoler , Coin- pany P. Timird iumfanlry ; Lang , Company Ii , First cavaini' ; Mciu rrnott , Company F' . Sci'eimty-first New York volunteers ; Moore , ( 'omnimammy C' , Ninth infantry. Murray , Corn- patty B , Timirteentim Infantry ; Nair , Corn- puny B , Eighth infantry , Sanatnom , Coot- pany 0 , liItii jnfaatiy ihxitzel , COuauv . . 4 : : * . ' . . .4' $ .4" 1' i , , , 'l'1' I : ' I' u i , , ' .4' 4I ii' , FRUIT AND 6AQ9N [ ARMINO * rAYS 3ft , .I ; 4.rouiid Council Blulis 4 tim 'l'om can huuy limuirovm'il amid tinlimup i'ovi'ii fruit in iuils ehienhmer In S" 4 : Ii ii ieIui I t' t iiiiim , , uiyiviiere lii thu U a 11'iL Staten , 'i'imere is mm , , ( ml iiI - I imru of eroiim Imere. i.i.k Ut our Vrui it lni'imi iImI ie they are ut Spear - Smug , Zt 4t ' ' IA'i & ' hESS , DA1.'Y' & BEss. : 'rime itcuul IMtuute : miiiti i.umim lirokors , Ii ' eltuqive 551(1 of lnre mmtuinirnr of . . 'o ( a 4 : Ponu'l . Council Bluift Ia St. , I Fruit , Garden anti ( Iralim Fmmnium'VrIto ; 1 , ' l'ersoimatiy commdnct buyers timrouglm our I tiii'mim for imiformmmatiomm multI stab Wimluyou , ,5.- . . ? oreliartis fiet , of ciimrgt' ; . I mvmtmii. ' , . . . i s I fr , ; I. b tV "CUPIDENE" -V MANHOOD RESTORED - TliIt great Vegetable Vumulmzertheprcscrmp. ( too of a fatnoup } 'rcnchm ptiystciaim , will qutckiy cure you ot nil ncr. - ? , or dta'aws of the generatIve . , rgautp , such n Lott iIatthood , . / ln5ommua ! , t'alusiim thoiiaciitemulnni Entisulnervoim' 1)ebmmlty , - ' I'tniple , Undurmes to Marry , iittau5tiuIa 1)rairis'arleoeele nl , - Cotiitlintion. It stop' nil lossei twdav or mlgumt. , l'iei'entt ( thick- ' aes of discharge ' witicim If not citericed ) eaIs to 8perlntltorrila , , % siltS DEFO R auo A FTR all Iho horrors uf'lm'otency , ( : smrI 2)ElE clenamea Itmoliver , Immo kidneys and ti. urinary orgonsof mull impurIties. cUpIDsNym trcngthens amid restores stnnil weak organs , The reason suifierer' , are hot cured by ftoctort ii bcciiie ninety per cent pure troubled with Proitistli I. , Cut' ! ImNi t the only lnowim reutii ( c to cure wlihout itum t'pratlomi , , atxw ( eRmtmonl. gus , A wrItten Rimtrnnt'egIven , and money rrtmmrned If stz tr't , ( lor'I ( hot , CIICCI It pormnaucatcure. $1.00 a bog , six fur by mali. enU for i'axictrcular aunt testimonIals. 4ddre38 DAV0L 5JDICINE CD. , P. 0. Box ' 76 , San Fraticisco , Cal , Jbr &hie bj M1'Eltii-DiLLON DRUG CO. , 5 H , Cot , 16th im'd Farmmani , Oummulun. liD VCA'l'IONAL. Oldest , largest and best equipped in central west. Government sunervision. Newbulitlinics beingenoctaul , tittmdoiit reJeetei himt ycartor wnmmtoroonm. MAIORSANIIFORDSELLERS.M.A. , Smmpi.LEXINGTON.M0. Gas and 4i2 i Gasoline III Engines. 'fM1rw 1 to 250 Horse _ _ _ , Power. ELIiVATOR MACiiiSiilY Ov ALE KINDS , Call on us or write for lirices amid ( itiscrthitions. ltVI I ) lilt .tIIiiY & CO. , ( 'ouiieii ltilmITN , I ( ) ) il. . .wsl ; OTllliRS FAIL COULP 000TOIIS Searlea & Searles SPECIALISTS Gnarint to euro pe.dti7 and mdi- emilhy all ? EIt''OUS , GIIILONIO NI ) VJIIVA'FE dleeam. ot Men uud women , WEAK ME SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life , Nltht Emlesioflu , T.ost Manluoo , H - drocele , Vericocele , Gonorthsmm , Olect , Syp - lit , tn1cturc , Piles , FlatuliL antI Rectal Ulosri , Diabete. , Bright's Disearo cured , Consultation Free. Strgcgire and GIoo1 at by new method mvithmout paIn or cutting. Callorm or addrimes with itamp. Treatment by mali , cnn orenirti oriniro 119Ll4thSt UI , OCIIIILEO t'i UIFILtO. t&stil. . , Jga " DUFFY'S PURE MALT W11ISKY ALL DRUCCIST8. ITI - - CId.I.r.ter'g ErglJh Ipiasmond Iirsn& 1ENYROYAL PILLS ° . , , l , rIg1n'1 Only Vruuine , : z . .c l.ny. , , I.w ( , . LDICB s , , ec lJruIiI to , ( 'hh.r . 1.qiltti Via .J I ul'd (4 . ' ' ltd i&i' ; ° w.'simic . . , , lm Ia Lu. . rmmt.oa 'mm , , . i'5 otlr. dplgr.h , . 'letu. - ( If" ' Il4 tni.lioni. At iruga , or.,4 4 , , . Is mnr.i 1r t srttt.ti , I..IIOQDI&I , .55 . " uemir ror Lndla. " fn lfC. . , by r.tDri 511.11. ID 000 r.m.rl.l. J ( . - CLIhr.Ier'LcinicniCildiio , . sq. . , . , s in Lctm CruIiii. J'IIILAIIA. , I'A. H , Seventy-first New Yonlc volunteers ; \\'arti , Company I : , Sayemmteentit infantry ; first sergeant , Company II , Twenty-first imi. falmtry. TYPE'OF FEVER VERY MILD 5 igmirippi N ! 4iiiul I ii r , ' i'revnimt to l'rt's't'u. I I Iii Slircuil of * 120 IhIhl'uIMe , \VASItINGTON , July i.-Tlio War tIe- partirment imas posted a mlispatcim from Its- ltammt Adjutant Greenicuf of Central Miles' Iutu.i ms follows : SiBONEY. July 15-Only twenty-three ImtIa , C4mteS of yellow fever and three ( leaths reported within time last. twenty-tour imouri. Typo of disease mild. Camp site moved whenever iiracticable. have tak'Im vigorous sanitary precautions to prevent ( Ito shmread Pt thu diieaxg , , - Brownell Hull Opeits Scht. 19th , 1898. Boai'ding uimd School for Girls Under time direction of Rt. Rev , George \rorthIlmgtoil , S. 'r. ii , LL. D , I'nirnary , preparatory nmmd collegiate courses. Corn. ietemmt. corps of teacimers. Moderim mactim- ads and every advammtago oltered , Strict attention paId to time moral , mental and Physical veli beimmg of time students , Diplo- omit , ; conferred. 1-repares for nil colleges open to women. Special courses in High. er limmglishm , Sciences , Anclemtt and Imiotlorn Languages , Music and Art. Terms mod- crate , iiiiiihing , repaired and in excellent order , Sanitary plunmbing , Satisfactory steam imeatiimg. Parents ammd guardians desiring to enter pupils will imlease semi for Catalogue , or apply lcrannaliy' to Mi s. L .R. Upton , Priu. ' Brow'ncll lush. ( ) imialma , Ncb. ILLINOIS t M US C 0 N S E R VA T 0 P Y. . Ilst i lust rumt'mloum tim miii tlopart- lit , 'ltt. $ of B musical St tidy , } 'Itmo , Arts , liieeulloi , , Lalmgmumgl's , ltm ; . F : , 1" lIt'L' 1titU. ia. . Supt. , .imclusolmvllla , Iii , _ ForYoumicj 6 Wonien I I Igim g rmtiti ; imtgliHIm aitti ( 'iis : steal Sm' I m cam , Literary , 1'i tush' Art coumrst' . Cvrtillcate ; iiiiumtt , , to Fast'rpm eot1vIfi'4 ( or % % ohimemu. ( 'OrF14JObl(1t91C4' ( ( Hohlciti'I , iir cmtumliutti" : ; uitlress I , F. IIUIaLAIII ) , it , iti , , I'rt'H. . Jimeimsoumvllie , Ill. Mf ' " "tfii1. I V . , . , , , ; . , ' , ' ' V " ' 'I I ' 4 \ _ , _ 1 : r ; G.w. M.D. . . Pangle , . . THU GOI ) SAMAltiT.'tN 25 YE7R'S XPERif'iCE- , V UcL1tcr of DistmifteK of' ucii nud . .O1mI CU , . l'llOPithIt.fomt Op rni S'orid's lienimal Jl.peimemmry of Moliciws. I CUiti-Catmirihi Of Head , Timroat afttl I.iirmgs , Ii'mmse's ) ( It Eye mind lmur , Fits nimd it j.ajdexy , I I cit rt , I. ' i'd' imimti K iii umey Xism'asem' , I ) mibt'N ; , iirii.dst's Itvmme' , St. % 'htIis Immure. itheum immutts 1mm , ScrmIu in , I I rup. ' cli ri , I WI S iiCtl I tahtillmluc , ' ' W oruts jei.uovcti , all chroniC : ; oi vommtt ant i'rivatt , fltsi'umses , I OST 5OODmatitiiuugrtimnen , YPHIL I S , , , , , . , Oimli' I'imysiciafl ivhuti S . , emmru WitltOIilV dt'BlIoyIlIK tc't m uimd hones , No mner' htumisorm iotimermtl imsemi. ytir I hmtt oimly . wilt ) ellis It'll myltat you wltlmotmt misk 1mg A tlii'bllOlIV 'ilsoso lit It disimmilco st'iitl for qictiOfl % blnimk. No. I fur melt ; No. mi her woineim. It Ii ) trietly commfldonthil , itledleimmu vmlt my duress. At1dics all letters to G. W. PANGLE , M , D. , fd $ Jmromu.lwuiy. ( ( ) IJNlI ii ISLUFES , IA , Ll"0ermd 2celui mmmImau ( or reuir. r THE NEUMAYER JACOIS NIhU.AYIhJ , i'hlOI' . 201 , 200 , 20l , 210 , him omd wmm y , t'outu"ii Bluffs. Ituiles , lt2it per duty , 75 rotirismi , First'cimtss itt tVCi r rt'sporlV ' Motor Iltmu to ull depots. Loemmi uuent'y for limo ( 'clt'bratcd St. Louis A , ii. C. Deer. First-clues bar in ccii. I nrctInn # 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -