Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1898)
'l'Illi O3IAIIA. 1)AIL7i ] 11:1 : : SATVItlAY , JULY 16 , 1S9S. 7 ' EXIICTLY AS WE , "BCST STE" ilED The Greatest and Most Wonderful Bankrupt Clothing' Sale in American History. TIIE FOURTH PAGE h A CLOTHING THIS PA PER FOR OUR ' t GRAND " Bought from the Sheriff , everything is new and in the latest style , as the firm was less than 3 months in business , and today will begin this great and remarkable C LEARING SALE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M1lI DRY SIIIRi GOODS NERY WAISTS r , , B A N K R U P T C L 0 T H I N 0 . S A L E DRISSES AND SKIRTS , , . a. $ as uas y PARASOLS AND U61fiRELIAS OUT OF Town ousTOMEtLs SIIUES &Cr &l'G ' a SHOULD THE REDUCED TARE ADVANTAG RAILROAD OF RATES TO ATTEND TIiIS SALE , e o v1 RATE-ONE : CENT A PROPRIETORS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $15 $ and $10Men's $ ' III Wool Sells 5 4 $ a 9 hxf I ten 'S Hobby bu SI ncs. quits single a ncl I r Meh's all wool plaid fold clieeked - : J ( louble breaate(1 , guaranteed all wool , la Bo'a' all treat amts , w1n-choice of Younghen's s7 amts $ . , riU--Yoltr 14 the Wiest-BOYS' ALL /1fQ)1 choice of 100 boys' and young nicn t s i flack and flue I t ' Set es . Mcn , bloc1. ( tic v lot slut- , SUITS . Long tea 1Jis arts , . , , . , , , , in reefer , double breasted 13 to1J 'cars , 50 .r Black rod gray clay worsteds. r , i lten 5 fancy Scotc h uu rd Chet lot suite ages ' + ' Ftiic' : checked clay worsteds. .j All a'el1 made , \t'ell lined and in tlit. lat 8 tl 11(1 rCS veatee ,1 t0 1 J r Style- years- . X11 perfect f ttln , j 511k vu l ' , (1 ( L aSSUiiCI'CS ' l cat style , worth lip to $ 'I . . . . . . , . . . , . " a 11'OOdS , ' Bons' , dura ; Your choice of ° ' good l 1 UUO boys' fine Young oleo's fold youth's ti 1q stuffs at r _ bile In I 53.1)5-rOllr ) choice of the very finest , + " I = Wool , Inee { rants n / ( 'assimere ' , tvorste(1 age 3to15 years , II or chat tot , + 50c 95c - ' OU a it ll0S I ' - . . , + a g ea lr3 to 19 } ( , ar , , , Ill Norths15toslS. ' 1 Worth tiS and $10. worth 51.50 worth ti2.5O worth u1 p to $12 , at. . . . r All the men's 57 all wool $5U $ . i Worsted In plain , black turd smttli Clap checked Novelties worsted , and fancy , , . , , striped . , . . . . . Men's strictly all wool ; ; 3.00 1 Oassim9re Pa1s $125 $ z , ' t stripes In ovor'2OdllIcront , plaids and plain patterns colors toscketfrom-In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " noys' KNEE PANTS All the boys' lac knee pants trom this All the boys' finest grade ALL WOOL t , stock-ages 4 to 11 , years-5 cents a pair , KNEE PANTS 50 different styles , i ; 5 per 3 9 per C pair C pan V'IF ' UA11 GETS A S11'ORD ' Irish-Americans Honor the Third Regiment's t Lieutenant Colonel , RECALLS HIS SERVICE TO IRELAND .tetiv'e Pnrl In the Fenian Ilnid ou CIIIIlllhi the Occaslnu for the t lfl-ftcmrirueut is : vun Fully Crtnlpped. _ . - # Lteulena t Colonel Vlrqualn was honored last night by the Irish-American 'rransmis- stsslppl chub , who presorted him with a handsome sword in honor of the active part ho look In the raid upon Canada pimmed by ' the Feutans after the close of the civil svar. A large delegation from the club rode out to Fort ginaha In carriages and after , llic dress pnrade for the evening was fintshed T. J. Mahoney presented the sword svllh a m lie brief address , in which ho mentioned Colony - ny net Vifquuln's excellent war record and ex- oh- pressed the pleasure It afforded the Irish os Americans 1o honor such a nnan. Colonel ay 1'itquatn responded briefly- , expressing his npprcclntlon of the distinction shown himt rltk and nssnring the givers that they would never have reason to blush for the use he node at the sword. Thu announcement tlat Colonel Vltqualn was to ho honored and the tact that the reglment will be nt the fort so short n time brought out men usually large crowd last night. The dress parade sous conducted - ducted by Colonel Bryan and was the most successful ceremony the regiment has yet giver. . The band plmiycd excellently and time troops executed the movements with prc- ciston. Uniforms were issued yesterday to Company- of Fremont , non the band , so all thu soldiers on the parade wee coin- pletcly uniformed and equipped for the llrat time. Yesterday was a busy miny for the quar- tcrmaster's department. Cartrldie belts , canteens mid haversacks were issued to time companies neil the captains lu turn wrm'o kept busy giving out the equipments and seeing that time articles were properly numbered amid accounted for. The men were very proud of the appearance they made decked out In their new uniforms I and egii pment , and tt is n matter of no little satisfaction to them that they will have an opportunity to appear in n hotly et the exposition before they urn sent south. \Vrll liqdpped lleginuvtl. tie "Time Tblrtl reglmnenl will go to the front better equipped than many of time regl- er ntemils , said Lieutenant Duff , who has charge of time recruiting. "Timcre is noth- ne lug licking in the way of camp uleuslle , hospital Supplies or auytldng of that tort , ur and the regiment is 1n shape to meet any emnergency it may be compelled to face , " U The , last of the hospital suppliCS urrived I I ycsteriny and there is nothing lacking or which could contribute to the comfort of the I sick. Medicine cases , food chests , ice boxes ye and nil sorts of utensils anti devices for preparing - paring food suitable for patients are . Ile vided for the regiment by time government. 1verylhlug is compactly stored In chests adapted for transportation , non In the emm lire hospital equipment there is nothing ii't brcahuble. Cots , litters , chairs and stools are also supplied to the hospital corps In abundance. Five largo hospital tents and Ce , hso tents for time surgeons are furnished 1)r. ) Grothnt and his assistants. All of the supplies and rations ncfcs smmry for moving the regiment me now al O hand at tliq fort , and there Is lithe doubt ' hint the troops w'III be moored on Monday. So extensive Is the freight necessary to + r be taken with the rcghneut that teamns vILi 1 1 begin hauling the supplies to the depot tomorrow - morrow and the work of hauling will coo- , tinue until Monday. If persons who have I complained of the slowness with which the troops Imavo been put In the field could see I time amount of equtpnnent required to feed and care for a regiment they would compliment - pliment the War department rather than criticise it. S \Vontt nVIII Fnrumsh Towels , The Womans' Sanitary Aid association held a regular meeting yesterday afternoon in Myrtle small. The prlucipal topic for discussion at the meeting was the aid whicli this society is to render at the exposition grounds this afternoon in connection with the reception to time troops. One company Is to be given in charge of the Nebraska All I , nn " duty of pravldtng luncheon for it will devolre on the women of tills as- sociatlon. The companies have not been assigned to the different societies as yet but the women of the Nebraska Aid have requested Colonel tlryan that they ho given Company E of Blair. Refreshments will be servedl In the Audllorluma and will consist of cake , pies , fruits and other provisions of a like nature. After looking through the wants of tin troops it was found thutt the men were moro in need of towels than any other article requisite far camp life. hence is was decided - cided yesterday to give each trooper two towels. The presentation will bo nmdo ht the Auditorium immediately after luuchcon between 12 and f In the afternoon , CENTRAL LABOR UNION MEETS \1'ill InvesllRnte the Sonlh Ihunhn stripe and ' 1'alu' Soclt Slepx as At.Nt.'ilt'ii , The Central Labor Union met last evening and decided to look into time matter of time strikes in South Omaha- Nearly all of the stripers now out are nonunio > j men mind as such have no support ( rant the Central Labor anion. Time strikers who went out caused beef and perk butchers to stop because of lack of work but the Intlcr are unman men and wish it understood that they liavo no grlevamice whatever against the pacidag es- lablishmeuls. Special committees were selected - lected to wait on the owners and try to adjust matters withm then and also to see time strikers concerning their demands. The following officers were elected for the etsuing term ; President , \V. I ( . Bell of the fainters' union ; vice president , 0. P , Shrum of the Bricklay'ers' union ; recording secre- tary. W , II. Daniels of the Musicians' uniom ; ' financial secretary , C. E. Sparks of the Car- penters' union ; treasurer , C. 14'atsop 1 of the horseshoers' union ; trustees , a. C. Bell of time Musicians , J. II. Johnson of the m Pressmen amid Williamn Oblinger of the Typographical - graphical union ; sergeant-at-arms , E. II. 'Thomson of the Retail Clerks' union , Ilrhvern Selghhurs , Mrs. Ilnttle i ierding of 007 North Sev- enlcealh street eworo out a warrant for time arrest of harry Amsberry , time set of a reigbbor , who ussntiited her. Mrs. Elerding asserts limit time boy- was prompted to assault her by his nnolbcr. with whoa sime had trouble some time ago. Mrs.msber y , she said , Is uftald to umo- Iest her because shu is under $100 peaeo bonds ( or a former assault upon her , Young , lmsberry'a assault on tine wumnau was committed Thursday night. More of lahley'sYorl : . Sin o the arrest of 0 : E. Dailey , who is clmmgcd with being the non who floated hundreds of dollars' worth of forged eherks in Omaha , complaints imave been I pouring in au the police from several of the omitsldo cities svltlch weru tlooded by time same kind of paper lit time same nutnnrr South Omaha mind Lincoln nterchnnts were heard fron yeslcrdny afternoon amid De tectiva Miilono of Lhneola visited Oualut to ace what he could ( lo it aiding In the proae- cultun of Dailey , ' From the MEN'S Bankrupt Stock Mcu's all silk Men's 75c colored lien's Sac balbriggan Men's and boys' sweatMen's 50c Silk String Ties- Laundered ShirtsUnderwear - ors , all colors- Suspenders- . c 3 ' c 3 © c , Men's Sumnicr Men's $1.25 colored faunMen's 7ac French bal- colored border Yen's 25c Seamless , fast Cotton Tics- tiered shirts- briggan t'uclerwcarhenmstilched handkerch'f black Socks- , Dc 3c c lOc Men's all silk Men's Silk Fronts The finest grade of onMen's side elastic Men's 1210 25c Neckties , Summer Negligee Shirts derwear from this stock. Schrivers drawersSeamless Socks- f l : r ENDORSES i Tl lT EXPOSITION M , H , Do Young of San Francisco Praises the Transmississlppl Fair , 1 PREDICTS ITS OVERWHELMING , SUCCESS Conuneuds Ilie fat1erprise of the 1'ropte1'ho Suite .linde 11 1'os- I sihie-ilix Idca of the War's Iillinuitc Itcsult. I Mr. and Mrs. M. 1i. De Voting of San Francisco are spenmling a few days in Omaha to view the exposition. The former is knowa all over the country us the proprietor - rietor and editor of the Spn Francisco Chronicle , the projector of time Callforula Midwinter fair and n member of time national - tional republican committee , Mrs. De Young is a popular leader fit the society of the Golden Gate. 'Vito distinguished visitors spent Thursday afternoon and evening at the cxpcsltlon , having arrived here ht the morning from Washington. Mr , De Young attended a meeting of the exposition's executive coot- mitlee , and gave the members some good advice from his exposition experience , lIe met with them agaii yesterday. Yesterday - terday afternoon at 3:30 : o'clock the Bureau of Iintertahnnent of the \Vornau's Department - ment tendered a reception to Mrs. Do Young In time Alines and Miuhig building. As Mr , Do Young went about the expo. salon grounds he was recognized by a great number of exhibitors amid coicessiennires wlmo had been at time California fair and very warmly greeted , As Ito welt dotwit rile A11d- way lie rcelved a great ovation and time foreigners - eigners made his walk almost a triuulphal march. Many wlmom'ime had disciplined at California came out and tell over themselves In their hurry to shake Imaads with bins. During the morning a large number of the liepublicau leaguers and other prominent personages called oil Mr. De Young at his lintel and lie was compelled to bold met Impromptu - promptu reception. Later he and Mrs. De Young called au Edward Rosewater at The lieu building. I'ralse for Ihr llipusitiom , Mr. De Young is cntlmusiasllc in his praise of the exposiliou. "Time proplu of this city and state and ail who have helped to make the exposltlon a success have a right to feel prowl over whnt they have nccontplishcd , " lie said. "It is a great show. The buildings - ings are banhome , and at night when time beautiful illuminations are to be seen the effect is gmnd. Last evening we emijoyeml riding around the lagoon 1mm a dongola , and Mrs. Do Young was especially pleased with this feature , It Is liner than anything of of its klttd even in Venice. The exhibltn lhromghout are good. Of course there ae not llm intermmalional features that were to ho seen at the \\'orld's fair or nt the Midwlu- ter fair. Conning right after the Chicago show we had on opportunity to secure many of the foreign exhibits that were imported for that while this exposition had to secure all its foreign exhibits on its own account. Now that you have the exposition the timing to do is to promote it , and 1 eat sure that you 'viii do thut. It may take a little llnmo to get the people roan d this woy but when once > ou do they w lll keep coming in large I numbers. Your own people of Om ahma and the surrounding country , It seems to mime , should spend their evenings there , and I believe they soon will even more than they m , , do note. In speait'ng ' of national affairs Mr. De Young tarnly comnt.plc'i time adminmstra. I lion for the cotmdurt of tlt" svar tsplt Spain , Land spoke enthusiastically of lime beucficlal results to this country to be derived from time 'var. lie said : "This war will Provo of iuctlculable , good to us as a nation and to the citizens individually. It has taught us a whole lot of things we needed to know. Even if time war should cost us $500,000,000 I would still say it were a good thing. It has been the habit of our people to think we were prepared to lick any cation em' ' the globe at any time , ht a war with a fourth class power we have learned that it takes months to organize nn army , years to build ships and years to bulld the big guns that are needed in modern warfare. Again , the war has shown that tee are rich in resources. We can get everything right from our ew'n country , raise our own army , build our own ships and gums right here , even though it lakes time to do it. " 0u time Pacific coast we are especially proud of the ships of our navy that were built at San Francisco , Just look at the performmmnccs of the Oregon , the Olympia , time Charleston , mind nose sea are sending our momutor-clans ahlp , the Monterey , over to the Philippines to fight anything iii sight. And sits can do It , too. Tile manner lu which the Olympia stood the tire at Manila and carried the ilag throughh that fight and lhtu severe test the Oregon was put to in its long trip around Cape Horn and its part in the destructlou of Admiral Cervern's fleet chows what kind of boats we can build out our way. way.Nrrd Nrrd for CocIIii Stmt itijs. 'The war has demonstrated the need for coaling stations him the Atlantic mid in the facile. I tunic we ought to take Porto Rico and Cuba , too , ns well as ] iawali. I doubt if the Cubans are able to estahllsh a stable government for themselves and I fear their repnbllc will not be different from the South American republics that are contin- tmally in trouble and spilt in dissensions. These Islmmds wound prove a great acquisitIon - tIon to this contry , not only far conihig stations for our navy , hilt as nddillonal outlets - lets for our productions. This Is a wonderfully - derfully productive nation of ours. Every day now we are producing more goods limn we con use. We roust find a market somewhere - where for the surplus , Would It not be better to have our own markets tian to 1f try to seek them with other nations under i great disadvantages ? Seine people say It will cost us so much to protect them , Non sense. Didn't Spdm hold the Philippines , litousamids of tulles away tram hone , forever over 200 years , amid Cuba right at our own door , and Spain a very weak nation all time lime ? "As for Ilawailan annexation , 1 believe it wlll prove cue of time best things that ever happened to this coatry. On the coast see have nearly all been heartily in favor of it. A trade that will be wortlm $50,000,800 to time United States la ccrtninly eontetiUng to gain. The islands will form most im- Iportant coaling stations for the anv'y mind time need for such ports has been nbumdnntly shown In the movement of troops to Manila. " Mr , De Young said he secs nothing ahead for this country- but peace and prosperity , lie believed the republican party had proved Its superior abilityto control the fortunes of the nation it tithes of war and peace. Great interest 1s now naturally turnbiug to the Paris exposition in 1900. lie does not care to tilscass the appointment of a con- mhssioner from the United States , for which ho Is a candidate , but ho spys lee knows there is a strong demand far the appoint- meat of a man who had been actually connected nected witim a big exposition Instead of the selection of n man merely because he In a line gentleman or a successful politician. huts 'I'hrourtit ii Steel ' 1'uhr , John ( loetsebe , a yatumg maim wlmo has b.eit lodging for a week at the pollee station , blab en interesting method of partakmng of food , as the melt of on operation her- formed by an outuhit surgeon Goe'srio subers from a stricture of the oesophagus , which makes boa incapable of swallowing food cad afar ntaslicatloa nourishment is received into the stomach directly through a steel tube. Goetsehe says his condition was brought about by ssvallowhig concentrated - trated lye nine years ago while he was tenporarlly insane al Creighton , Neb. At intervals after that occurrence he was often attacked by a paralysis of time oesophagus , so that he was unable to swallow for as long as five days. The operation was performed - formed four years ago in this city. Goelsche has obtained employment in a Sixteenth street restaurant. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. The packing house strike is on for sure now and it is more than likely heat at least three of the houses will be badly crippled today. Cudahy and Swift were virtually shut down yesterday afternoon and Ilam- mnond lost something like 350 Inca during the day. It was reported that a fcw' men at Omaha packing house quit during the aflernonu , but the report could not he s eri- fled last night. At both the Cudahy- and Sssift plants soma men were working , and the loading and icing of cars was not Interfered with to any great extent. All cars were de- ( livered to the railroads nearly on time , and nil of time houses Interested in the struggle expect to keep enough men at work to properly - erly take care of time foreign orders. The beef killing gang at Ilnmmond's was called at 12,30 , o'clock yesterday afternoon ant ; promptly respodmicd. When time time came to go to work the butchers decided to lay elf , and so slnughlering was suspended. About 150 head of cattle to he killed were left in the pens. The hog killing gatig at this plant also suspended operatloms A portion of the dry salt collar gang went out and a majority of the sweet pickle gang. Chairman Fallen of the strikers' executive commiltco estimated last evening that 450 of Ilautmond's 750 nicn arc now out , amid it is expected that the balance will refuse to go to work this morning. The strikers figure that fully 000 of the 1,100 men at Swift's are out , and It was reported last night that the balance will decline to go to work llmis nmornhig , Yesterday afternoon at Hautmond's time laborers - borers quit in small bunches and carried their working clothes with them as they left the plinth Tbey stopped at the time keeper's office to turn lu their checks and were met at time top of time lmlll by a small delegation of sympathizers who stood at the intersection of time tracks and cheered as each little bunch left time timekeeper's office. Quite a crowd collected under tire viaduct at Swift's , but no disorder was reported and time uinenployed were careful to keep off time company's property. Time strikers are now organized into Federal - eral Labor union No. 7112 of the American Federation of Labor. The charter arrived yesterday and is now displayed at time headquarters - quarters of the executive committee in Dlun's hall. The clmairman and n portion of time execth'e committee propose to regain at headquarters the greater portion of the time aid desire to make the announcement that they will be willing to meet time packers - ers at any time , The strikers say that it is the packers' next move , as they made an effort yesterday to hring about a meeting which proved to be a failure. A committee of time Butchers' union called at headquarters during the afternoon and announced that the union was in session and m would he pleased to confer with Cimniunnn Fallen and a committee from the executive committee. Later on the request of the butchers was granted and the conference tt as Melly. Manager Price of limo Swift company amt Manager Noyes of time Ifunmmond company called on Mayor Ensor yesterday afternoon for the purpose of talking over time Sltun- tiom Timese represemitatlvcs of time pact erS were inclined to favor a call for deputy sbcrtffs but tba mayor would llstcn to auth Boy'a' Mat's and , iv 'g' ' f.T Bankrupt Front the Stock All the Inc All the 35e boy's and chit- hoya' cud cllil- dreg's i _ _ ( lten s r R- ' ' - rl f - - - - - hats oat = - hats , at All the 25c and 50c Choice of our r 750 and $1 Nien s S1rav Hats en's ' Strav flats go at go at , . the 2 I fug of the sort , lie said he was willing to call for outside help when it. has been proven that he is incapable of handling the matter insofar as the maintenance of the pence is concerned. At the request of these two gentlemen , the mayor agreed to ( letmmll officers of time regular police force tr .lo guard duty at the entrance to time plmmts , for the purpose of keeping order amt see- tag that men going to mind fmim work are protected. Special policemen will be ap pobinted to patrol the business part of "lime city , to lake the places of the regulars on duty al the packing houses mentioned. Mayor Ensor says that lie is willing to meet his duly , but he does tat propose to consent - sent to any outside interference until time situation demands it. So fur the strikers have been orderly as n whole. There have been a few fights , but. nu serious disturb- unto bins occurred and moping of the kind is expected , 'fbo force of government microscopists ig teuporarlly hid off , as time killing for expert - port bins been sllghtly hmterfercd with. At this tine of the year the export orders dwindle away to almost noticing , so tlmat tills particular branch of the packing house trade Is not hampered to any extcut by the strike. Last night limo strikers held another meeting at Bluuc's hall. A band escorted time Brown Park resubmits from ISoutsky's hall to the place of meeting , and all along the line of march men fell into time ranks ucmlil theme was quite a good-sized parade. At the hall speeches were made by Chairman - man Fallen mind other mcutbers of the executive - ecutivo cemmnillee. It was announced that the beef butchers hind virtually agreed to Soul the strikers. The commllteti is now laboring with some of the hog butchers , who still show out Inclination to continue at work , it iii expected that arm attempt will bo made today to Induce the employes of the Ommaha Packing cocnpmmy to knock oft and jolnt time stm'ike. llnnlcs mad the \Var'i'mt , Deputy Matthews of the bitteraol revenue force was in the city yesterday afleraoon , in connection with time enforcemnent of the nes war revenue hill. The banks received the attention of the deputy yesterday- and quite a sum will he derived from the special itx Unposed upon these instllullons. Eacit back is taxed at the rate of $50 for the first $25- $ 000 of its capital and $2 for each additional 51,000. At this ratio time bmutks hero pay as follows : The I'ackera' National bank , $210 $ ; time South Omaha National bank , $350 ; time Uniont Stock Ymtrds National bank , $500 ; total , $1,000. $ The mnount to he paid on tlda special lux Is taken trom the lust quarterly sitemeit of llmo banks , 1ingie City' Gesslp , A son was horn to Mr. and Airs. I'rauk Mooney , Twenty-sixth anti N streets , J. 11. Thompeoi of iuusus City ; pent yea- lerday hero looking after his property lnte- cats , J. T. Sanders and wife. Thirteenth anti 7 streets , announce the birth of twina , bollm girls. Time glass front is being placed in Mayor Ensor's new block nit Twenty-fourth and 1 { streets. Michael Cudulmy of Chicago arrived In the clly yesterday afternoon and expects to regain for a few days , Flue Mursimi [ lanes of time Armour corn- puny made a lest of the slued pipes iu the lmog houses yesterday afternoon. Iii accordance with orders lasted by Judge Babcock ycsterday afternoon seven vagrants 'Vero escorted to time Sarpy county line by Olitcer Anderson and turned loose , Charles fender was arrested yeaterday afleraoon fur assaulting Contact lirefss. It asserted that Pender sous Irylnm ; to sl"al IIreles' pocketbook and was tllacovered , ms'hereupon be stttmck thu oirl ntna in time lace , The remains of S , 1) . Grov's , who then at iouglusYyo arrived here ou min evcn- big train , funeral services will be held at the Gates church In Sarpy cnnnty , four miles south of here , at S o'ciorlc this uufUr- nuou. All Odd Fellows and llusoms are Invited to attend. WAR IN THE POLICE COURT Attorneys Who Practice 't'here ' Ara 111111 roam nt Ihr Methods of the umcers. War has been declared on the police by attorneys practicing ii police court mid the fight proutises to he a bitter one. The opening - ing shot of the campmiign was tired by Attorney - torney Dritt yeslcrdny mid nearly resulted hi a physical colllslon bctwcot the two forces. The cause of the outbreak is the methods - ods time police employ it lmmumdnng i ibec- era ; their utter disregard for justice , mid their attitude toward attorneys. During the session of police court yesterday nflernomi Jcselo 'Trawls , arrested en a disorderly charge , was given a hearing that resulted In her discharge becmmse time churge swims not sustained. Tlmo woman left time bar in company with her husband mind was just stepping into time street when silo svgs dragged back into time stntton by Sergeants McGrath and halter , who cha'gcd her will bcimg a disorderly woman. Ttmey had tie warrant or other authority to rearrest liner , She was placed in n cell. Attorney Britt , who had defended her , wltmmessemi the action and aiumoat livid with rtnge fronted Judge Gordon and demanded limo release of his cilcul. He scored limo police for their methods Sul called then vagabonds and Insinuated that they were worse. lie exposed the barbarous - barous mcllmods of their tmnndllng of prison- era and of the depriving of imnmceut ptlson- era of their liberty. Ills seutirnemts were voiced by nine of his brother lawyers who were in the court roonm , and who surrounded bin , ills remnnrka mused the faces of time two sergeants to flash with urger cud they took Involuutnry strldes toward Britt with clinched lists , but curbed timetr passions , Judge ( lordon mhnilted time lnjuallco of time arrest but said he was ( owerlcss in the matter. Time rebellious spirit has been amnulder- ing to limo hearts of the pollee court mt- torueys for some tiuo and it only required n case like the 'I'ravls case to fan it into Ilante. The nltormieys chnrgo that then mire not nliovcd to cousuil withm prisoners who send for them or shown time common court. eSics of gentlemen by the pollee. It Is only since time reform pollee alilcluls assumed - sumed power tlmat they luiv'o beet so ) treated , so lhoy assort. f hen ( 'bun ( t' Artists Arrested. Frmnlc Bmnliu and ( lorry C. Cloytau. two clover and unscrupulous ) 'oummg mum , swore arrested last eight on descriptions furnished by vurioua met'chunts wimunt tlmey Inavo swiudlod on a short chnngo schenmo. 't'halr apccimuity lies bean drug stores , wimero they havn conaumcd u large amount of aodu water amid worked their game when it curnn to time paytmu'nt. Omm proffered a $10-bill and then received it back an limo request of hta cotnpmtmmlaI tlimtt hu be allowed to make the settleutott. Ills cunupmton , however. regularly discovered that ho hail , io money until time first minim again ptonurerl hla bell , for which be had really aubetttuted a $ l bill , On several occasloua ho received $990 In chnrge , Time men were Iduntified by Messrs. Dybull , Peyton , Myers-Dllloim and ottmre aS parties who attemnpted to operate In their stores. Iorsford'sfck P © s a Pleasant to the Taote. ' ' TARE HORSFOBD'-ONLY IN HOTTG