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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1898)
- - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------w--------- - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - - . - - - - , - - - - . r - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - . - - - - - . - -7------ - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . - - - . - - - - ' - . - - -S.- iw ( ; - TIlE OMAhA DAILY 13EE : SATt'IIDAY , TVIX 10 , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .fniOMI14 DAILY Bm . .t } . ItosEw.A'rEn Fdltor. 1- _ _ _ _ _ _ . PUflLI1tID IV1ftY MOR1NG. - - - - - TEflMS OF' S1fl3C1t1I'T1O. ,1)afly flee ( Witimut. Suntlay ) , Onn etr..O I k Daily I3e anti SUt1Ilt , Ofl Yenr 8.O ) 81x Months 4.UQ ! Fht eo lntith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . uTitliW One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.OO turIay ( II ( ( ' , Oni. Year 1.50 ,3Vcekly 13cc , Ono rear , , , , oI,1c1s : Omaha : TIi Ue UuI10ln. I3oUth Otnnlirt : Singer Illoek , Corner N tnd 2Ith 4treeti. . Council Ifluirfi : 10 I'earl Street. . Chicago 0111cc : 502 Chamber of Corn- ' ferce. New " 'ork Tmp1e Court. : WnitiIngtoti : 1,01 Fotirteenth Street. CORUESI'ONDENCF. MI cornmuntcntIoni r&ntIn to news atul u1ItortnI mnttcr houId be nd1recd : To the Editor. BuH1NtSS : LWrT11tS. All ) uintn Ietter an1 rernIttzince . thotitd 1)0 nddrewi1 to The Boo Pubithiting Company , Omaha. Iraft , checks eprc anti postotilco xnony orders to be made ayabto to the order at the eomany. , ! 1t11 1'UIJhTSIIING COM1'ANY. _ STATFMFNT OP Ct1tCtJLATIO. j3tato of NebrnHkn , Dougbui County. . : Ceorg 13. rzsetuI. sncrctttry of The flee . 'ubthing comany , bng diiy Hsvorn , ; nS thRt thO netual number of fidi ttnd ornpteto CO1)ICS ot rht DnHy , Mornlng , veriIng tflt HtIn(1ny 1ee , printed titiring ho month of June. 1S , wn as ( QIIows : ,1 * .tM ( ) ( ) 11 . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . : t . . i7 17 . 2S.l I . : : t9sI : Is - 'I . . . . . . . . . . . : tuls7 19 . . . . . . . . . . . ! ; . . . . . , : wsn 20 . . . . . . . . . . : , 6 . . . . . . . . . : to.unu 21 , 7 * . . . . . : I.on 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . : .fl4M II ) S . . . . . . : . . . . ' 80,7.19 21 ' 9 . , . . f)74fl 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . IS 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Mtr 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . I ' 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2I,7) ) 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . SlU I 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . , , : 2S . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . 29IIHI : 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 2S. r , 5 , . . . . . . . . . 21)t ) ) i ; ; O . . . . . . . . . . . M,27 I 1 rotnI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . slut. iii i : . 2.e35 returns UIIII unoId copies Net total . . i'et daily average . . . . . . . . . 29234 GEORGE fl. TZSCtIUCK. . Sworn to before me and 4ubcrIbeI In tn1. presence ttihi 30th day ot Jun Isu , ( Seal. ) r. I' . FflIL , ; Notary I'ublle. I 'iItTIIS I.IL1VINr I'flIt'I'IIfl i I'IU tI ( M Iili.IItI 11It iIl ff1' - 1II NlIIIIIIl'r Cliii 1iis'o I'IIly ; 1141 N'II t to I Il4'III reiiaItrI 1 IIIPf I fIitg 'I'Iu' II.i mIMI- : IIMM ptIIee In Ilersoll or I , jiiiil I. lIit xiilil IeMM ITLII II eliiiiigcil II ! ! iftti 1M desired. * L- ; ? 1IIItnry ( lily Itt flIt' ( 'XIOSitiOII ) today. 'IIIt'i e is flotililIg tlic iiititter vItIi ( Uncle Saul's CICltt. . 4aII t logo slmoull ln'Ing SiirI to Its I5C1ICS If It Ima any swise loft. \VImat the flF1113 III Cuba ; iars iIos ; : : s 1101. $ ( ) imiiiI bullet-proof cIthIug : is ' ' ratloims. CVCL'-IL'OOf ) : 'l'Iie itiii U vIIo fa I led t o j o I ii t I me iliad - , IO1lIItg ( elasH 1015 only IIIIIIst1f or his oeketbook to lilamne. . Coitgressmnan Bill Greelie has corralled ] ils i tioiiihiiatIoii.VhII lic liqukin to that IImIIalII 1S9TpopocratI t.a , iiIia Ign aSStS5I1IU1It ? 'I'lme fummttitl ( IIrecto1 lmnvp' ' : idJomirned j , hIIe' ( hI ( . 'l'Ii IOIIthCfll ) iiimmIoimmIers 'hII : IK)1t tlu'Ir mtiitiual coiiveii thou shortly ; ufter the IeetIoii 111 Noveimiber. ii ; 'Time Anglo-AiiieiIcau league svILiIt an .si : nillaitce h1tVCefl (4reat limitulu 1111(1 ( tIme IUIlltd tutes. fterVatsomm takes his ; big fleet to Euroe oil parade othei oilers mimay 1)0 ) eXh)1CtCd. ) Over itt 1hIvmiukee it Is 1iiId that tt t4tllIIIh ) IIItI4t 1)e lhUCCl ) Oil IntILIhilge cur- thlleutus to iimmihe t1mtmn lgIh. : 'l'lmus time' \ vitr vhtIt Sliahli thireatiis to hnterf're whthm mumothier gt'I.NIt. ? I hhvmiukue industry , r 'fite 0 mmmmm ii : t ex i mush t I on Is I lmi Ii rst emm terjrIu ) of tilO IIII(1 in A nmeria to ay i'imniihiig ( X1)CIIS(5 t lie first umomith-or ; - , for time secomul imiont hi , 'i'hmhs net result 'mIs attaIned in spIte of var ii ad high r v&tter. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OnlahuL miiihit as well he 'lt Imnit a. c molIce force US l ) ( comnmihlumi to slIImlcrt ) ) : : time IresuIIt force vitit time mmmi'im iii a ito- nothihmig comidithon pumuihmig time artilhciuhhy 4 : PrOtrIteteti dtatttt SCCIIC Of thm otititv jmtm1Ic& liomi 1(1 , et It 1)0 imot forgot that Olin oh time : : :1 : egtItIeImts Ihimit ihist himgtiisli'it itself for goomi tight Imig iiimaihtlus Iufore Smiutiago ; , it coimiposed 01' coioi'eil mmmcii vimo a me t 1esceiidaiits of siuves t'reed by time last timmeitemtii vmir. No , I Ime govemmiulemit has no immure bJIItlts ( or so he a t t ho p ri3muII t I I mime U am I I f time ; stmlflmi ) hutsimiess keehis nil IIIV(11 as it : : ; hits : stam'li tl out it viiI not lu' mmteusszit' 10 OIler LIIItiler iItehI of iIIihrs ) to thu ivarictotms IeO1)h ) ? . ! veim Ihmougim mmmtmicami imusimies II1t11 lfd ; IIIIy hot. 1)0 mmiile to heop up t lie gait at I ' - : ' % VhIiehI they lmmtvu lu'un going thit hmmist mii : muommthis. they ihi $ O Ii ) it tlmtt : timure is III ) r&lmt1)su himlim t lie mmlii vmiy oh' ieiressioIi , , If they imavt' to go imitim jadi. ticH agmthmi to mb it. : _ _ _ _ 'l'lme 8t013' of ( 'XprtSafldtIImpOI'ts for time 1)ast ) CItt is an imiturestimig inmu de- t4iilto time big ligures involveti. Aim tim- ! creitso in the aumnunt of ituimiest he t'- P01t5 thirlug time year of $175XUt ( ) ( ) ( ) ; : . shIVM that the .m.I1meItrmI21 ht'iihiie ) iit do. lug bUsilless with all 11111 voiki. k' - - % jiromninent l'exaii visited time expo- ' ltiomm ii fo' thmmys ago a nil tipoit ills ru _ 7 , titi'ii home told a iIeVspnhei ) retmortur thimit 'thie fmiti' IS grand , limit Onuihmu Is aItis' . " 'l'hmis remiutri h iPslfl'CtfIIhly r& ' y- furred to time Comunmerelal cliii ; . ViIO4' I , fleIIIIIH ) (1111 uit ittoriI to itmialyze it 'Ii mmliii $ iiCesSfUiiY rt'fiitu it. ! Vhitm school loirtl : si'emIms htmt on go. 1n' ' title tIme dirt hmuyltmg lnisiutm , , mint. } % vitIIstaumhing thiti iiitturatL'e mii'es itty : of tedtieiimg its Itomit 11mg IIiItItt(1IIIsS ( ) - iithmti' timaim iiirtlSlL1g it. tttimmmImtmhmtt. ) ( I 11mg frtiItIs vimo have miimsalahii , mtih 9 e4ttte flu their bonus is not sja'iaiiy ! CiiIIICIVIJ ( to time inhlI'oVeIiiL'tmt ) of time public sehmotd $3'stCfll. - - TIlL ; 1'lt : szixr iios l'oU ; ci. l'rosldenL MtIhImley is reported to , mnve saul , after imenrilig of the smmrreniur ( oh' i4nntiagog that lie hoped for an tnrly iCiI ( ' ( . I he denny inilcnted iii his thmiiiiksgivirmg procimimmmntion n desire for time restqratlon of peace omit ! Michl a fucihtig is entirely Clitirmiteth4th ( ' of hmhmim. lie los ieefl II sohmlier timid knows what hmnrmihiips mimimi smicrhhlees wiir emitalhm. All time strong symmimathmy of his imature Is vithm tiim ' mmmcmi ommfroiiting a foreign foe iii I roilcnh lani1 mmmiii mm one voiihml rejoice iiiOti thou Prcsitk imt MeRimiley if these soldiers simoniti be smived fromim t'urtimer eonliict through nit hmoiIOralh ? hence that would eeure the object for vhieim var was t mmterotl into by this goveronlent ittith thi ( ) ( ' who nrc' IP11Iy ( ( I ) fohiow timumn cotmimi return to their hmoiiws. ( ) ' liiiii time glory and the ' 'pomlip mmiiml elreiiiiistnmit'e' of VmU' hmmtve fit ) attraction. hit however strong hihq ilpshm ( ' immiti 111)1)0 ) for 1)LiCe ! , I'mcsilcnt : It FImi1ey ; ( ILlmIIt ) IIOV. 1)rotOsu ) ) 1)ec , ] Ie lutist go otm imrmieeutltig the war tth miii lPSM11mhL ) ( vigor. I t hmmm hemi stig g'5temI tiimtt. It vommitl be inn ttmttimimmioim 1)11 ) time Immmt Of limP 'imit rd States to Pvo' Pte IiugotimttinhiN fol' emulimig tilti : mr that lmuvimig demmmonstrmttett our stiplIrtor. it3 011 immitil itmiti semi , we emmuhmi well ii foi'd to say to time vea1a'r imatInn1 mtt t' ready to Stol ) hostilities and immnke ti 'i ImI 5. 1 kihmmm ps t ii I a votii ml 1 n Iii a muimmhmmiomis , limit It mummy hO dummlmted vhmpthitt' it voiihi ) h. so regtnIimI : by time limit iou vhthm vhicii ve are mit vmii. \it ii iti Imiost. 8 113' other count ry ve mmmlght take thIs course ht1t lime ( 'er taimmty that it vouhi1 be iWOiP11Y flti(1eI. stoomi miami mIppreettted : , limit imot so vlthi Shut I mm. t'hmmm t. t01111 t l.reimma . I us oh t I- Illile if not ilelhmint. I ts sta iesimiemm ye- ahize time hmolelessmiess ) of its struggle , 1)lmt tim ( ' milItary jmOW1' , 'hmi11i doimitimittes the goverimimmemit , is still for wnr. If this [ mover ii4 imermnlttetl to conitmitie tq coimtroi affaIrs Spthmm imiust ruceis'e inure iumimlshmnmeimt nuil greater imumuhhtation bm- fore there cmiii lie imeace. It Is safe to say that the Atimerienli IWOPIC 'oimhil not approve a ProPsil : by their govmrnmiiemmt mit thus tIme of nego. tlattons for peace. ? iimey feel flint this should coimme directly from the enemimy. Simaiim is siihhleieimtiy nsSimre(1 ( that If slmr' will asic for peace the United Slates .ill t enilily CO1iSiltt' ( time reilnest. This ( otImltVY imt's iet'ii ) vhl1hmmg to do tiths at any tlmime slmieo war wis mleelarel , Pret- ( lt'Imt ? EKiflle''S , PlmbhiCiY ( 'XmUs5eIl 1It1e ) ! for an eat'i3 pe'nee shmoiihii satisfy SPoilt I limit mIegOtilttiOmIS call hm opelmiMi w imene'tn she shoUt be ( hlslSeil to oim'i timemim. lInt it Is for time Spammlslm gov- 'rimimmeimt not. time EJlIlt'd Stut's to Imke thmi , hnitiuttve. Aceomilhmig to time latest advices from tmmilihl time peiii'u suntlmiieiit is gr\Vtlmg tlmroU1moUt Svahmi ummd it is sail timat es-eli Smigasta : tmul sonic members of time eiihiinet are favorable to ending time war. If thmi shall prove to be time case time imope of PresilC'Iit ( ? itcKhimiey , vhlchm is simaremi by time great majority oh' time Ammim'm'tenmi PCOPh ( ' , many soomi 1)0 iemtiixed. ( icitainly time immemm iii coflti'oi of nfla irs iii Spain cmiii iieed no more convincing immt I eoncltmsive evilence than timey imave of the ftithiit , ' of protroettug time wni. \Vimat imims lmilmpemmel ; at Santiago viil him- ( Vitliil ) hi' rC1)t1tel ( iii I'orti ) Iti'O mmmiii at Ilavmtimit &hmihe time # cOast of Spain itself whit not escape if the vnr coutin- ties , I t is mi sttmimition vitimout 8 ili of hope for Spa in mimmil aimy otimi'r immit Inn iii hiki , i trcumnstnimce' iiomihml not Imesitate to ackiiowictlgu ( ifeat imud sue for peace. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .15 , I .V.i V t I . 1' .1 TIOX. SecmPtmiry Alger states that time exiw- illtiomi to Porto RIco viii go 1oi' ha- nieillt : tP13' hull ns SiIflhiSOIi'S fleet is nos' fmee for ( Pietmtt ) ions in that ( limO'tiOIi mtimil Siutiim iimms nothmimig immVest Imulimin vater.s Ii ) intemfure vitim time trammslorImi- tton of , there mmimiu'mits to he no reason for any dehimy iii titu immovemui'nt agaimmst Porto Itico. it is mmiammIfe.tiy time mle'sli'e \Vmmslmhmmgioim to get imossesiOmi of the ishm9cl as oomi mis hISSiIhl' ) ) auth it ommId limit I me smmriwish mig I 1' t his should hue mieeonituiisimel ( vitlmIit time next % VPei em. ten ( lmtV $ 'l'hmmit it is time iiiteimt lou to estmthlisim it mmmlviii stmittoim iii POi't ( ) Rico is hot to he tlolmltl'd ii miii I t is sm : Id I lint t lie hmu rhor of Situ .Tmmnu is ireferalile iii ioc.ttloim for a immival stmttiomt to I lie bay oh Stmmmammu : , : \ lohSt. . Nieimoias , or niiy otimer 1)111CC ) Oil time isimumid of Smtmm iommiimmgo multi to time lmomt lit St. 'I'lmommuims. I'OL't ( ) iti ( ( ) iL'Culii'S ) timt' cViitmil ) iilnte on time emvstuuii ( tootler of time gm uat Aimiorheaui itreimi- pehigo , time' outpost of time gicatel' Aim. tliies iuiiti time watch towel' b2twecmm time lhtimmtimmms : mimitl the ( mimiibees. it 114 a ( omnhlmahmdiimg position betwecim time tis'n ( ommtimmemmts of time vesterim imemmmIphiei mmmiii uiiion time islaimd mu mmmpmmrt iet'VeCii I lie t i mm t l ( _ OCiii ml it mmd t ii t' ( 'it 1 I 1)1)13.111 scum I tesid i's , t I mu I slim mm d , vi m i eu immm s mimi mm t i'ii iitmi ny t ha t o F ( 'on mmcc I lemi t . I s cx ceemhtmigly fiitiii' . I f time l'iihlemt Stiitt' needs a naval station imi time \Vcst tmmdlus , w'tutehi is ( ilmust iomiit bit' , I imure cmiii 1)0 ) 110 ( iOtmlt ) ItS In time sumimerlor ntivammtages of Porho lien for that luim'hOse. ) .1 JW.tOV I'Ili uhzitniIN1 : . ' . 'l'hue st a t ist hs ii I' & 'e ( mm t t VIm dii ) ( iV ( ' It _ , ( I . 't'mm ml mmy im uiil I I me I ! mm I ted S t 11 tes mm may tin fur to exifimitim I iii ? feelimtg of tmimfrieimdl ) . hess 1mm 111(1 tommmu.ur enutit t.\ ' , viiheim is t4fl Ii ( I iii , mObil ? to I I Ii t imsttla i a Ii ( I comum- I mu erelmm I com mslihurit t bus I ha ii to a mm y I h I mm ( ' 151' . 1 t ml ihm'il ) t s I liii I I it : i ST ) t ii I s colmim . I my botmgim t I mmervlmtm ui 1st' ' i E ( mm , 1 0 t itt' value of $1 I lOCO,000 , ivimiie iii time eie'i'mi mimoimtiis Of IStIS ive imutmglit oumly ( h2lUO ) ( ) ( ) ( ) SVihil. ) mm I lie otiii't' imu mmml vo sotil to ( 'rnmaliy iim 181)7 ) mmiercimmtmmtifre tim time vimitie ot' l2,0tXitX ) ( ) amid him lime t'ieveii immomitims at time his(81 year 1SS ) him- I vmcised : our exports to t Immut coumtitty 10 l4itxo : ) oo ( ) . . 'l'hmis id'rse simoivhmig for ( emiima1y mmmi ihumituiliy ) : tceotmimts foi time strtlmg mtgramiamm semmttimmeiit timt're mtgthmist ; time I imhted Sta tt's. As I tie Noi' Yomk .iotii'- mutt of ( 'omimmuemee olu4erves , our t'mm i'lmlems zulu itim mnnnimfmmt'ttmrers i omimpete svlhJm ( b'rmnamt mllmtmmlmtim'ttmlt3rt4 &tiitl ( mtrmimem8 In I lit' I m' imonme mmmii mket , mm ri lie. ioimi I mmg mmuomo I mliepiiiiitI mt of t Ii i ill I mm on t' mmmmi t'kt't mid i Ime II u mmtmim mis umudersttmmd ; iiemfeeti w t'it tima t Itt I hose mtt'ti t rmm I mimit t i't . " hum'mt' 1 hi. y 1mmt'ti bei'mi mtehmievlmig mmmueit $ ltVt't'SS their utmost sm3rIiuIs COumitmt'l itiit' , tmikimmi. time ( ml. I' tore ns well its the lresent into ne- couimit , Is time l'mmhtet Slntes. Stihi It i'otmiil obvioumtiy be n great imiistnke for ( er- flhflhiy to carry Its coimmimiercial imufrientl Itiess to Mmcii Oil extent mis to seriously immupair Its tn'de iii time 4tmmericoim lmuiit- ket. l'erlmap5u that trade ivhii not soohi ngntmi remielt timt , largo iroportlons ) of imust year , but itihli utIlt lie' vaittable , is'imfle It is to lie reiiuemmiiic'reml that our hmi'avy exiott.4 ) to ( lerlulilhly In time last ilseai year , largely of breadsUiffs , dime to ( 'X'eitiOimmIl ) eommtlitinmms nimd lii'o mint likely to be ( ' ( itmflhicd iii the mie'nr ftmtui'e. Iii short , lime eommitumem.ce hctweeii time tw o coummm t iie , aggregatitig umiore thou $1NOO(1OO ( ) ( ) ( mummimumtiiy , Is of * 11) much volume to each as to warramut time mmimuin. I "lii' lice I I time' mmmo't f it'ndiy rein I itam s. Neitimer eotmmmtry hits mimtytimlmig to galmi fiommi mmii tmnfrk4uhiy conimumercial Iio1ic toward time otimor. 1.qmIu:1\fi 1'lfltfJJ. \\'immm ilski'il'lmy lie always wept vimemm ivitikihtg dnvmm hill and iiitmittuL ' 1tt'ii ciilmubing time imhii , 1tilemmsimiegeit tit ftmmiotts Germmimimm wit , dt'c'lnreil timttt ivimt'mt goIng tloivmt huh ime kimeiv there would lmi' mimmothmt'r hill to c'himmih , html vhuemi goimmg 1m ) huh lie felt some of having itti emmsy ( hue 1mm guitmg iIovtm emi th otimet' side. iim'ti3 iS fl timOii3sOhml1' lessoim in thmii4 flhie'tIOti'Viiit'im our Ikatril Of EithClltlhi eoumil irotitab1 , mipply to its future ioiicy. thme mumnikemi hiucretuse in the itcoimse fuutd thin mug t lie exposit iomm 'emm i hits very hmatummuhly hmeen on Ineemmilve to ( 'Xl rmtvmignmtce. 'h'ht fact thmmmt time lioiirii imIth 'OOH ( ) or iCOO ( ) imuoie revemitme this elih' timmiti lost slmoulil , Imowever , hilt oh- sdure time vishnu of the SChool board mis to tlit' almost certain reduction in its imicomime time 'fe8 [ following tito ( loSe of time expositlomm. Just iiov vimcn time SchoOl hiottrtl Is dUSC33tdtiIg time huh it Is thlmiuly to remiuiil it tlmmtt there Is a. hut to climb right lii front ofit. L It ( leeS not require a prolutmet nor the soil of a Proiiet ) to foresee thmtt there will be ii. hiiiirkel decrease in time school board revelmumes dumrhmmg time cotnhmmg year 811(1 It goes without saying that time tax- l)1IYCIS 'tviil not sumliimttt to itmereitsed tax levies to immlntaimm a tOL-lmetv3' ; systeni of inihihie immstrticttoim , 'l'lio thorn for re tVChmClmlmieumt aimd lmrumtient lluuncilerlimg Is at hmammd 811(1 ( time hmi3xt year's progrnmn sliotmid he forimuumlated ivitit a view to time immevitalde siirimmkage of time iicemmse. fund :111(1 time iiccessity of enforced ecoimomny.Ve caummot afford to imave the 1)uhhic ) ) schools of Oimmaha mnitnmgi'd omm I Im iluirovitlent ilijlL of a feast or : t faumuimme. On time commtrai'y , time lOlICy should he broad-gntmgi'd and yet strictly wit hmlil lOUliiS ( anti ihinits Stmggestt2d by exist. imig cohiditloims. Time school aecommun- (18(10115 1111(1 mmuunler of tenelmers simouhi 1)13 ) muimmpie for time ilemn&ihids and hiceds of tue scimooi population , lUt timere is no retiott : wimy Omaha should overtax It' self to inaimmtmmin supernumeraries or to lZiY hmigiter suimirIcs titan 1)rcvmiiI in cities of time saimme cimiss.r1'110 tcuitleiicy of time inst few years to raise tIme salaries of S1)eeiltiistS ) and highm grale teacimers mit time expense of time temucimers of the priiminry amuti intermumedinte schools is unjust : uiuil tletrimemutai to time efiiclommcy of tue very schools in which the great mass of time scimooi pttroims are vitally iiiterested. I' ' Stock brokers coiitlmmuo to compia hut that time uie' var revenue ia' taxes trithisactiomis in stocks not on the selling 5)11CC , btmt on time face of time stoeks , amid it Is timerefore espt'eiiiiiy burilemu- solute on timost iio deal in stocks tlmtmt sell for much less tiutti their par value' . But stocks selling for less thou pur : ' : iitio too oftemi represent memPiy specul- Imutive vimhute :111(1 are to that extent him- lilteil. 'Pime iiti' imi its Iresent contlitlon Simfl1)ly fails to give iegti sanctiumi to the 'v1nd" in ninny stocks , 'J'ime ( lehflnim(1 for good westerim farm 1811(1 ( is greater how timmin ever imfore and time imiu\'sliml'm ( s recoril itmany siilts at gooti prhes. 'I'hiere Is no better ium- Vestilmehit tliimui iii westermi fai'ni iropI I erty. Every ym'at time farniers learn something tit imow' to mntuke moore Sure ( It (10jS 011(1 it 11118 imeehi deimioiistt'attul to tIme satisfaction of eety one that It is only imceessmtmi' to npply hmmteihlgehmee tO time work oh' tilling the soil to get go'd resuti hi. lvery flag in Oninima siioumiul he raiseti to tiii' breeze hi honor of time 'I'imtrd Nclmlmskmt ) reghummulitvlmose i'eceltiomi ) at tiit' expositknm nmmd ( li dy ( lellurtumre for time frommt immms ieehi ) nimnoumuiceil , I I is a lit OCCliSiiil for this okt town to immm cork it stiiimiy ) f emttiitusiimsmmi muitul slmov t it ( te'ilt iCSiet ) for tile regitimebit of voiimimtcers , i'i't'mm limouuglm lime soihlei ( boys 1110 mint likely to simieli inumc'hm Simuihshm ) Io\i&1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ itmti , ' miutti ( miummiiili mumay get ump a nice hittin light iver that ummmisuid I tahiami claitim , btit at liiit it ciumilmut last longer thimtm tivo om' three roumhnis nmml these vthi uitti act little nttoimtioii ummmiess they itie iioStim0mieil until iit'iem' the suit tommmrmmt be- t\veemm time I 'muted States iumtl Spiiitm. it lug Corui itt (114' l'INI , ( ilobc-Demacicrnt. Tue corn croj i repomted to be trying to beat tIme wheat crop as a record breaker. Jim lStJS , flH heretofore , the Anitirican ( armor iltaruls at time heath o his busifleNmi. % % ' ( . Co is't i.IIt 'Liiu , t'hmIai1eihta Ledger. The itnwailiiim commnlssiohmers do not ex peeL to sitU ( or the ibiammds before the 1st ot Auuust. Thwre need hut no imaste about their rnovememmts. Nobody iviit run away witim our iies acqtmi1tton and the lomuger its mictimal incorporation Into the umiioum caim be delayed the better. smiflU Csrvvru p. Fimlt' 5Iio. Sioue CII ) ' Jommrimal. Cervera hma behaved as a gentleman Etloutd anti it wotmid be alto to how imixti the Omaha exposItion before ho heaves time coummtrf. lie has seen 1ow we achkve victories In war. Let him gaze orm one of our remioivmmed victories of itceu. 'I'II ( ' Si'Ienie of ( 'iirmmig , iahm8ab City Joumrnmtl , Time very email loss among the wounded at Santiago Is an iiimmstratton of the fact that time ( aethittes for takimig care of the sick and wounded have kept pace with the science of tarfaro. Time skiii of the aur- genim , the physician and time nurse keep pace with that of the gunimer anti the ritteman. The hospital tent nitti time imospitni rhip ale quite us tmp to-date its time arrnmm and ord. I ane. Thus the higher civIlization1 which - - averts war aa far as posibie , but mnke8 it terrible wiien It mtmt be resorted to , also finhiR means to sumecor and save those e posed to time iitunger and hardships of time field and the battleship. itt Siiliilmmlhtliiir. New York Mail and Express. Unless nil signs fail this country is on he cdge of a period of extraordinary ativ 1t3' Iii simipbtmiltilng. Most of time vesseir siilch have been prassel into time govern- macnt srvicc will have to be repiaced wRit new ones , amid thmeimo conditIons , together with the rise of business enterprises requir. lag additIonal eraft , will keep time suit yards busy for years to come. Events many yet show that the re-creation of time Amer- lean merchant. marine began witim the pres- ctmt year. TItlIIIImner iIui It. New You-k Stilt. Adtnirai C'ervera's recent ( iispatrh to imis government that ho timid been overpowered by "triple force" i uiddled by thmo facts of the running ngiit oft Santiago as terribly as were the admiral's ships by our gun fire. The truth Is that it was four Spanish ships to four Americans , the iirookiymm , Oregon , Texas and Iowa , witim the hatter retiring very soon after the fight began. Our heavy guns , also , dtd not bling the victory , but the guns of sunnii caliber , of which the Spaniards had just its ninny. So time battie of Santiago , i'itii its scentingly mniractmlnus diffcrence In the umiminbers of imien kilied aim the two sides , ii'as won by tue amen imehmnd time guns. No lLNiI1IL ( ) 'I' ( ) Vlilt-tUiIit.t'l'liN. ' .iimrkeii iecreasi- I it Ole Numimm-r oF A ni nis For I 1i , iis-iti % elt r. Iluffalo Express. The fiscal year 1SD7-liS was notable far having the higimtcst imunmigratton since 1S79. The preceding year also was marked by m sianhi imifltmx of imattvca of other coumitrhes , but It had a larger total by 1,508 tlimn 1597-08. On the surface , it Is a somewhat surprising fact that there was no gain last year. for business conditions have been fin- proving iluring mmeariy tivelve months , amid it. is time opportunity to cairn a ityhiig whtch chiefly tnflthence migration. The ofilcinis of the Immigration bureau aay time decline is due to the information now in the vosscs- siomi of gremt. numbers of time people of Europe regarding business affairs in thIs country , They say that until recently time impression was general among the working classes on time continent that it was compar- ntivciy easy to obtain emnhloylncnt here anti that otily a iittie tIme vs needed to gain a competence. During the recent do- presston , however , thousammds who had conic hither rettmrned home and spread abroad dlscotmragiimg reports to the effect that the labor mnarlu't here is nearly as crowded as it Is in Europe. The dissemination of this InformatIon , they say , is the principal cause of the remarkable falling oft in lntniigra- lion during the last two years. This oxpianatlon probably is sound , so far as it goes. The phenomenon of a large number of persons , who had conic to the United States to remain permanently , returning - turning because they could find nothing to rio , was something new in the history of immIgration Into this country. Previously , whenever times were dull , the news ias sent back by letters and there was a noticeable diminutIon lii time movement lit this direction. It was a totally dlftereimt ntatter to hare thousands go back with tales of hard times. The effect of this return - turn movement may lIe expected to continue - tinue for some time , since time classes front which Immigrants canto In tue largest numbers are slow to hear of a turn in business conditloims. It Is also probable that during the recent months the war has exerted a sentinmental influence in deter- I ring many from coating. It. Is hardly proba- I ble that the attempt to pass a more I stringent law , having an educational qimat- iflcatton , has had any appreciable connection - tion with the decrease. On the contrary , it would be StIltpoSCd that , while there was an agitation for such a law. and before it Imad become a fact , there would be a gain in the nuniber of iinnthgrants. Such , Indeed , seems to have been the fact last winter , but since the bill ssas dropped in the house very little attention appears to have becit paid to the possibility that it will be revived. The number of immigrants coming here In June of this year was considerably smaller than in the corresponding month of Inst year. The movement of foreign-horn uersons to the United States ( hiring the last fiscal year is a conclusive refutation of time argument that there Is nny danger from this source. Even when the number becomes considerably larger titan It is noi' , as probably till be the case in a 3'cam or two at niost , time annual total will be insignificant in corn- parison with the population of time country. There may have been a time when there was good reason for fearing that inmmlgrnnts were coming in such ntmnthera that thuy could not ho absorbed mind mnouided on tlme existing typo of American citizenship. If there over was such a time it has gone by and never will reappear. Tue character of our Institutions and our citizenship is now fIxed wltimimi comparatIvely narrow lImits. It wilt be intensified , hilt ivihl not be ruth- icaily changed. , i , I..ic tnt , i , h'lt.tCFl , New Yomk hIeraid Spain scents to be iaigcly engaged just now in olfering impossible - possible termite of vence to herself , so that she may howe time ieastmro of rejecting timemn with scorn. llaitlmoro Macrican : Spain's response to advice antI demnantis ( or her to mimako eace Is a lttttfui appeal for somebody to tumim oUt time electricity fronm time galvanic battery she so boichiy seized witim both hands in going to war with time United States. New York Sun : I'caci , timtmt will stilt mis can be VOII ommhy by unfaltering jwcsstmro In war .N o faltering in time fight ! No hltmndcr- lug imito tlmo trail of armistice ! Let tIme United States go on to Its manifest destiny. unchecked by narrowness , timidity , or run- ttcity of In time counsels of its leaders ! Springfield IteptmbiicanVitlt : time fall of Santiago we many have 10 face time question , Shall we leave to Spain anything ? Shall we prolong time uvar. spend liuntireds of nmii- lions of dollars and eacrhlice ituntiretis , per' Imps timotmsands , of itvcs iii front of San Juan and hiaviiuia , tim order to strip the encxny of ills colonial possessions ? Phiiadclplmia Ledger : Spain is three nmontlms behind time drift of evemmtn. had she proposed peace three months ago aim the terms abe is reported to lie willing to offer hOW , there would have becim no var. Those terumis are immipossibie now , and by the time she reaches our present posItion time only terms at lice ( iisposai tviih hit unconditional surrendem' . Lotmisviile Courier.Journai : It is hardly ivortim whIle Co pay any attention to time terms of hlCtCC iulmllsheti front lilac to tIme as offered by the UnIted Stales to Spain. This country is not in tim business of jro- Itosing ternms of peace , but of forcing peace by making ivar.'imen peace iloes conic , it 'viii come as a result of Spains asking for it ; miot of our urging it. I'btiat.ielphia 'Fimimes : It is iteodiess imow to diatus time details of peace beyond ivhmat simali be required of Spain. Site must give Imp her \\'est India amid Pacific vossesslohms anti time dlsposai of theta will be wholly witimhmm time powe of time United States. No foreign governimment irfil be Permitted to interfere in time possession of the I'tmiiippimme. the I.adrono anti the Caroline islands in time Pacific , or Porte Rico in time Vm'est Indies. umsail peace m.halh ho made between Spain mind time thmlteii States , anti all diplomatic efforts for internutlonat Interests iii atmy of those islands must be made solely with opr gay- erxmntemmt , OTiilfl l.tIS 'I'IIAN OI'ltS , The umitlmatum of the czar to tme ) em' PeroT of China , that umnlvss be 1revemit the builiditig of the Niuchwaimg ralirosa thi9 English , Ittissia wIll annex the province of ICuidja , has deeply stirred England's ptib- lie men. It Is considered as the gage of do- flsnto lhtmnz full and fair before lnginnth. The latter , in pursuance of her POlICY of the "open door , " has conic In direct conflict ith Ituasin , and ittissia lays down the law to China and the world. flngiantl should build the railroad , which is the xtenniun of time Pekln-Tien-Tain road. She has a trade at Niuchwang arnotmnting to over $12- 000,000 annually anti time 4'tincriemumi trade there Is rapidly growlmmg. Time railroad will greatly increase Anglo-rnertcan coniniorCo at that point. fitit by hitmaias ultintatumni China Is llhaccd in a position where she unuist break either with one or time other of the powers or pasLvely accept the loss of a large and rIch province. Sahisbumry's abIlity to stop out of a tight place , with a partial or eonmplcte victory for England in his grasp , tviii tani htnm good atcatl now. Ills very miujorit in thtt' Conmnions Will do- pt-nd upon his meeting liussia succrssfuily lit the diplomatic battle that I thus brought on. England must call ltmmssta's bluff , it bluff it. Is , or check her aggression , it Saiis- itmry wishes to remain premier. S. S Although time imritlsh. admiralty has aban- iloitetl the regular naval nmanetivers this year in consequence of the effect of the strike in South \Vale upon tIme produme- tion of coal , there in to , be a general as- scinbly of the ships of the vhanmiel and cc- serve squadrons at Portland about the mImi- dIe of this ritontli. dmirai Sir. 11. 1" , Stephenson imm the Majestic , Rear Admiral J."p. . llrackenhury iii the Magnillcent , Rear Admiral A. P. M. Lake in the Howe. anti \'ico Adimiirmml Sir 11. C. Iomviie in the Aiextmnlria , vill each have co'nmmtitmmtl of One of the fommr lutes into which the squtati- ron will be dlvimlcd. Time vessels irlil pro- cccd for a cruise in the channel , afterward going to Ilantry for torpedo exercIses. These will mrobably terminate early in Atm- gust , when the fleet with leave for the linitle anti take part in the naval review anti other festivities at Copenhagen In cete- bration of the fiftieth animtvemimary ef the events of 1848. hJy this time the squadron will have been joined by the Crescent , cruiser , under time command of thia dmilce of York. The combined sluadrons will consist - sist of the batticahips Majestic , Magnificent , Caesar , Jupiter , Mars , Prince 3eorge , htc IUiSe , Resolution , Colossus , Howe. Itoilnoy , Cohilngwood , llenbow and Alexandra and the cruisers Arrogant , Illalce. Furious , I'clorus , Cambrian , Diadem , Spartan , Galatca , Mer- sd , Australia , Melampus , Medtmsa anti Me- mica , and will constitute a melt imposing naval demonstration. 5 * At the elections of 1871 in Germany the soclaiists polled 101,927 votes. and returned Ohio deputy to time imperial diet. Three years afterwards-him 1S74-they imati tripled their numbers , lOhliflg 351,670 votes , and returning - turning nine members to tIme diet , At the rmoxt elections their strength vas repre- seiitcmi by nearly half a mIllion voters anti twelve seats in Parliament. Then came the nttenmpt to assassinate Kaiser W'iilmeint , and the party lost in Influence for a while only to make a tremeimdous advance as a result of tue oppressive legIslation enacted with a view of effacIng them altogether. In 1854 they secured twenty- four seats , althougb they had o'iTIy polled 519,990 votes , and at the next elections timoy lost thirteen seats , but raised the numerical strength of their partisans to 763,128. From then on they have made rapid strides , having dropped all the anarchic element of their theories anti being adiniraitly organized by their lead- cr5. In 18iO they returned thirty-five deptm- tIes to the Diet. of the empire , polling 1,427- 28 votes , and three years afterward , in 1893 , they had raised the number of their supporters to 1,756,738. and took their seats in the Retchstag an a party forty-four strong , which increased before the Parlia- imtcmmtnry five years expired to forty-eight , In consequence of theIr success at bye-dee- tlons. tlons."S "S A note issued th other ( lay from the French foreign office speaks exultingiy of the value of the Pekin-ilankow railway concessIon - cessIon , whIch the Chinese government has iteen Induced to make to a Franca-Belgian syndicate. The note says that the lIne is about 900 amiles long anti connects the Cht- ncse capttal with the great commercial center - ter of Ilankow , on the Yang-tac-Kiang , pnsslng through time specially rich and P0PU iotmmi provinces of Chi-hi , ho-nan and Iiupei. It is , therefore , certain of a most remuncra- tive traffic , which will be still further increased - creased through tIme concession to tue Russo- ChInese hank for time railway destined to connect the rich coal basin of l'fng-Ting with the town of Citing-Thug , on tue Pekin- llanlcow lIne. Besides time important advantages - vantages assured to Frt'imcii industry in the orders for niaterinis which these railroads are certimlit to promote , time note procectis to point omit. that time dIplomatic success gtminei is most substantial , and cannot fail to have a most beneticial effect upon the general international relations between time Frcimch and the Chinese. ' 5 * Itmmssia ha In China to stay. That lots beeit her polIcy wherever ime has gaiiied that has cc- a footholti , anti everything etirred In connection with her occupation of Manchuria ltints to a siniiiar policy. 'rhough , in reality , site has no authority , she has made the governor of Port Arthur anti Tniiemmwamt time governor of Manchuria , mind time Cimineac are made to do as Itussia says , amid not tin the Peidn government or- tiers. It is not improbable that she is glad of aim excuse to seize more territory. There Is talk of a large BritIsh fleet being pont aver , osteumsibly on account of the Black Flngs rebellion ; immt unless it imas orders to enforce hirittali rights against Russinmm aggressions , It wiil not alter time situation. A fleet on dress rtaracle will not disturb liussian equanimity. 'i'iIIi1l1Ait'S W'iIli.'i' C'ltOl' . 4 % ilsimi itt I ( iii Iinry'st iiiil I lie i'robnhie Kiunsali city Star. The present indicatloita ama that ! me world'mm ivhmeat crop tlmls year will ho close to time greatest nit record , anti it may e - ' . 'h'ho cccd oily lroviommn year's production. United Stjitos , France and uiuasm.m , the three greatest wheat prothmcing cnuintries , pininise to nrodtmeo total yields equal to 'hosa ' of anypreccding year. Time prospect of such bountIful supplies naturally makes grain merchants anti siteculators feel that It will 1)0 ) a year of tiechmning itrIces. nut there ore a good moan ) ' rcimrons wImy wheat atmoulti not sell on low thIs year us it. did when the world promhmmcetl Its last great crop prior to this year. In time first place. the greater vrosperhty of time iwopIe everywhmerit otigiut to count for something. timrough a lurely semmtlme'ntnl inlitmencc , In unaintaimmhng prices. lint a more important consideration is time fact that Invisible reserves of wheat , the world over , arc smaller than ever before. Last year's crops were imlinost completely used up. Farmers , in the United States anti in other countries. scraped their bins to irofit from time remarkable rtse in prices In April amid May , so there Is no reserve. as Iii former years , to augment time supply afforded by this year's crop. As a resimit of time exhaustion of farm reserves , timoubandS of welt - to-do farmers wiil store their wheat , reasoning that good wheat. itt present prices. is as good as aimy form of property that they cotmid invest tbclr smmrimimms capitsi In They will ( eel thirtt they can afford to hold their iviicat , oven It lucre Is little chance of hIgh prices within a year , If crops are - - - - - good next year , they can probably sli their nitl wheat iii tIme spring for as much as timey can get this fall , and putt their new crop in bimi to Irniti thmrotmgh anohimer year. This is merely good bimtnfs5 , and so ninny farmers will do it that the rnov'meilt of wheat to market this year will not be as large as might 'be 4pccted from , stmch a large crop an has been produmcctl. The replenishing of exhaumateti ftirmn cc- serves will absorb OO0O,0OO bumimels of this year's crop and probably ummore , so It Is Itrobable that the receipts of wheat at time gmeat nmarkets will miot be much larger tlmts year than they were last. There will be the same practice anmong well-to-do farniers 1mm foreign countries , and it Is Itrobable that 200.000,000 bushels of thIs year's world's cr01) wIll be wIthheld from market to ro- Imleimmsim exhatmated reserves. For this reasoim extremely low prices for wheat mire not to be expeeteti this year. There probably iviil be some further declIne durimig the first rusim of ivheat to market , for thotmsantis of farmers always sell their cr011 as sooim as they harvest It , rcgtmrtiless of conditions. lltmt it is not reasonable to cx. pcct very low lIriecs for ihmctmt thrntmkhmotut the year , anti the farmer who refuises to sell while the market is depressed will be IV ise , I'RlLSONAI. ANt ) o'm'lImimVmSi1. A stickler for good English objects to time new war stomimp because an educated People oimgimt mint eveim him print to uise the oxpres- aba i. It. " Albert ( .tucry , time artist ivhmo diemi in'nshm - ingtnmm time other tiny , was best known in Georgia and painted many of the mmictumrcs non 1mm time state capitol. Rev. Sam Jones has been trotmbled by a itimmatlc , who claims that Jones lots been persccumtiiig imitim for a numimibor of years. lie has wrttten time evammgelist thirty-otto let- tern dmmriimg the Past two years. They have versatile citizens cult in lCtmn- sas. A maim nppi-oprmnteiy named \Visc resides - sides in the ltttie town ofVinston , antI beshtls practtcimmg law , rtmns a imarber shop , acts as notary lomblie amid writes instmrammce. Accorthlmig to Mr , lavls , during time. last three mmmoimtims time mma of the Spanish deserters - sorters has consisted of three packages of cigarettes.Vcll , three packages in xis many iimoimtits could mmot have tnjumretl theni 'ery mmmcii unless timOy ivero very vile cigarettes. Mr. Charles Warren Stoddard says somewhere - where that % imen lie anti other white men ivcnt to one of time hawaiian islands thirty years ago the native girls ran anti climbed trees , looking down upon them iii antimsememit anti ammtazenieimt because they thought time White amen loud been peeled. Arahl l'asima , time ( nine prophet who gave England so much trouble 1mm Egypt a few ycara ago. anti who has since iteen iii exile on the island of Ceylon , has annommuced in a Ceylon journal tlmimt hIs son , Mohammimed , has proveti tmntimitifui to his father and that be renounces nil responsibility for his future acts amid dealings. El hlertmltlo of Mamiriti , whose statements , however , shouid generally be takeim whtim heveral graihia of ailowance , says that Ion ) Pctlro Verdle , a lietmteimant colonel , rime corn- mantled a rcgimneimt of Infantry in Cuba nimti was sent back to SpaIn after being seriously woundcti. Is how begging on time iublie streets for enough to maintaIn lminmself aiid family. lie has appealed in vain to tIme Var 0111cc for pay lommg tine iminm. l'omd'i'icAm. 1)ltIF'i' . Simould Reed ho chioseim speaker of time next Imouse anti serve timrouglm time cimtlre congress ito will imave presitletl longer than ammy otimer maui save Clay. Ex-Senator Daviti Benmmett 11111 isn't atty- lag a word , but is winking audibly. Time fellows wito proposed ImIs.polttieiml funeral are now seeking iii advice : Away dowim in the state of Maine , wimhch furnished one of the tails of time 1896 ticket. the democrats have kicketl fusion out of time larty wIgwam , and tiechied to go it alone. Time gold dentocratie orgammtzntion in Ten. nessee has dishantleti. him Kentucky such lenderit as Senator Lintisrmy will sttmmp time state for the regular party ticket and tiilk about everythIng limit sliver. Sticnce signt. flea respect for the corpse. lIon. Tom Joimnsomm is In a now role. lie makes time announcement that after provitl- tag for lila family ito lmroposs devoting time remalimder of his fortune to time coitminenmi. able work of "tcachiimg people 110w to prevent - vent me and others of may khnti front robbing tlmemmm. " Confession without restitution is of ito avail , Ex-Governor Altgehd is weary of time capers of cheap political blacksmiths who are in time party sadthle in Iiiirmois. ' 1 am tIred , " lie says , "of seelmig the tientocratic ltarty domninateti by seconti-rate trickstcrn and rat-hoio politicians. " .Toimim P.'s testi- inony is the resumit of experience anti association. Time returns , as officially canrasseti , of time recent Juno election iii Oregon show the total republican vote for governor to have been 10,000 , t' 5,000 more votes timan tIme republicans Polled in time state electIon of 1596. The fusion vote trims 31,000 , or 10,000 less than tim coambined democratic and pop- tiltat vote of two years ago. The middle- of-tIme-road populists at the recent oleetltm polled 2,800 votes anti the prohIbition candl- Onto 2,213. The latter vote is less than time prohmibltionists Imolicli in 1896. "fly what many , perhaps , be thescmlhed as en accidental itceuhfarity of American poll- tics , ' ' sa's the New York Sun , "there are state elections for governor this year in nearly all those states him which time populist - list earty is hmmimerou9. There I an dcc- tion for governor in Kansas , the hmornit of populism , anti over time executIve destinies of which the ihitistriouti Leedy tresicles. There is an election for governor him Ne- itrasl < a , one of time low states iii whIch fusion between democrats ammul popimlimita imatu been found to work. There Is an election for governor in Miumumetota , in which Limo ltcmptmiists have uniformly been strong siimco 1890 , anti in uuhiclm Linti , time fusion canril- date , came within a fraction of ivinning 1mm 1896 , aithougim MclCiuiley and Hobart car- ricO the state overwimeluningly. There is an eiection for governor in Ahlchigaim , whom the popuiists imavo always beeim nummternumi anti thieve is one hum Colorado , where timtty triumphed in 1892 , antI agaIn in 1896 ; antI also in Nevatin. South lakotit anti Itialmo , Itiahmo Is , perhaps , more justly entitled to the tiistinctlon of being a strong populist state timait army other. Bryan polled Iii It 23,000 votes , to 6,000 for McKinley in 18i6 , and time highest democratic vote prcu'iousiy was 7,000 , " _ _ _ _ _ . _ ---------s.------ Time floyd 13 the hilguiest rcde tiAkinU powder kuiewn. Actusi test , show it jorsono- third furtbcr ( lien any other braaiL Ibsoiittvly Pure evL cIts pewS Co. , # 'W YORC. . a- _ _ - - . .te.Sr _ Staa jaaa.a , Miit'i'J.ut ! I. itIItt5 , Detroit Free i'ress. A jmntrlot lie goes and iiglits liii ; valor enmit be bent : , A Imatriot also ito who stn's At home and raises wimoiut. Chicago Record. There's one fact about this cohmntrl Oilier uttitionn neb vitim clime ; ' \'lieii We plant our glorIous haunter it must nttm3 right there , W'nshingtomm Star. 1)on't blame her , thmotmglm her fimec , laity light \Vith linde tlmttt5 strrtumge to % 'Ieiv , her lips are red ; Imer teeth are white ; 11cr tentler ( ' 3d5 are blue. Detroit Joummiliti. Zdnnhla menus 'ut little hand,5' Ilumt , If ( mite amy be so loimi , It isn't , after all in said , . So btul it timlmmm to hold. Chicago l'ost. Stmiumto time gallant boys imm libel There's antic aumnomig theumi all afraid Of nn9'tlmimmg timat ever groii lxecptimig Pie amid lenmommade. ( T'imiciigo Neivs. This % vmmr has ii orkesi iii womnami Oii cimmuige of wimleim muitmim . Shes dropmi'tl imer ( mmii of crti7.y-qtiilts Anul gone to inmmkimmg flags , luitliommimpolis Jotmm'imnl. Vs'hmeim lovely womumnum has a skirt That trout imet' mihmirt waist sagS , Sit e cmii' ics inn ii. iv lmti' free I 0 Ilmitl lidief froth itOC 1mm jtmgs. It't mi t JoU t'imtul. If omme lion e'-lCethm yet to emit- A iit ( if pimilosoplty to sing- A brick , mt golti is vastly mlmmrc EiTt'vtive thtmn a mulmtmer ring , Chmicngo 'rribummme , huts off ! A gin Is enmhuig iivim tile street , " null Itimm title , a imti tr I iii , a mmd mmeat , IVitim lips of moth , iu'itlm broiv hmigIm , I leaven's oiviu tulue iii her inuhglmtmmg eye- Aitmi she wetuts those colors in lmer the. hints off ! 'i'hmo hug itt iassimmg LII' ! 1it'i"1'i.i2 Oi' ) I.'NiIat. 1mA % hietiteimamit Corwimi 1' . Iteet4 of time Olympia. bre'tmk of titty Ihiiitiitt buy " MheCt ( If hiumlitbi tvtitcr ltu. , Extomidhuig twenty matins ais'oy. 'l'iiemmty miles front mdmore to idiore , 4 ' 4 ereepi ii g iii it stiutmd moim horn As smiututiron miever nitiveit before. ? mhitjcstic 1mm its lmiitleim ( mnight It ltiMSCi ( Corregltiimr by mmigimt Jmmspireti to battle for time right , 4 % ntl gm mull ' ( lii t he iitugsii I i I eti S I x mull ims-Ol ImiI Pitt ( " 0 r it iiezm ( b W'ltim battieihtigs at eztcim nuustiicad , 't'hio llaltinore anti itimbeigim true , j 'I'iie i'etrel , 1itmtomm , Concord , too , Their flags of glory imroiitii' tiuw. 4i3 t'ttriy ilttyiiglmt lanka upon 't'lm e lomybe (0 i' ( ' I ii e ci so o I so a- \\'ILH 501311 the hash of P'iiimig gnat 'l'imeim every seeniul heard tIme roar 01' iicil and simrttmmumi bmirsting o'er Our brave' , tmimdammnted comimnmotlore' ' 'I tolti our lire ! ' ' hme calmly sttil , \s . fiommi the lmridge lie irtt'ely leti ,1.o tlettth or glory , ott auietid Anti i'roimm imimi lips or front his imaitd ittu t ( time ml I roe tltmi , nmme CO Ilmiflttit ti "Foiitiv tIme flagship , hI' tIme itmuttil' ' Full tiu'enty mntmiutc slosviy crept ; Er lightnIng ( roam our turrets leait Amid Itent-tip itch no longer Sicilt ! 't'lme Spanish ileet , it tiozeim strong , \'ttt4 imOV , ' in rammge , ttnti htmtmglmty vrong W'mtms swept by ttwftml lire aioimg. 1x 1)10510mm % iii tiestrmmct itmim imrotm glmt , , : i i i I itt ft CS t htmL in i it I y hiti voc uvrouu ght , As either sitlu iii fury fotmgiiL Sn bide anti fortlm iii angry might , 'rime Star : ; tuid Stripes Wil\ ( ' ( ! iii the fight , : dmi burstlmmg simehis 1mm deadly iihght. Tiam Spanish decks ivitlm t1tmd wce strewn , Timeir gnus on shore ivt'ru tuiicnm'ed soon , 'l'hmeiuhugs were tltiim ore hush of littlfl. 'Their ' ships , their batteries oim lmore \ % 1'i C gultt , to tmgltium 01) nhro : Their loss-a thmoustiumd mcmm or more ! Dawned on time mind tlmmut Dewe'y hod A miracle. while Sia-uimiormis Itlett , For omm our sitie wtts imot one dead ! 'rito battle of mhimnila bay Front nmiimd itiittll never nns away , Nor tiectis of glory wrougiit that tiay _ For 'miii that httttle's awful roar TIme . , Spttniith imritie , to rise tin snore , \ttt ; lmumnblc'd by our commodore , ( ) t'ht IAIi't' iltLL1i'l'IN _ ( ILOtJ'ESTIIIt , Mtiits. , July 16 , lS9S.-Tlmo Ummiteti Stitte's FIsh C"ttnirnlssion vlii today cobiiitliite time distriinmtiati ( if 150,000,00(1 lob- titerS. 'limo uvhoio Of thii vast outmnut immui h'eht ) imatcimemi hero ttuid \'ooti's I 11)10 , amid ihtt great total refiects _ time tmxtrtordinary ; mntmtituitie , of the I"isit CtinrnIsmmion's work. We're no lobsters But we have just received the nicest lot of soft shirts you ever saw. All new patterns of fine sheer madras-they are in our windows-look at them as you go by-there may Je one or two that you would like to have in the lot , $ and $1.50 are the prices Wash ties to match shirt if you desire , at most any price. \\4c flRO'WN1N6 , KN6&Co ! as , w. Car , I1h and : muugta. fits. I