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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1898)
- - - - - - - - - - - - . . ' - - - - - - - -r- - - - - - _ - _ . - - V - - V -w - - - - V -rr V TIlE OMA1IA1\JLY 1EE : SA't't'HDAY ' , TiLV lfl , 1898 5 V , HAYDENS Oroat Sacrifice ( ' Headquarters for eario a e " Exposition Visitors IN . . . . ; I Meti's atid Boys' Clothing. ' On SSlttItlfly ( morning , lnly 1llhi. ( W U 1)eglfl tim G1t1AT iAC1Ui1Cn $ AbI of IXVS' 1HI ( ) I1(1l'4 Siilt * . Our 1n13rs iir nov in the mit r ind11tig large jurcI1nP.s Iii Full afl(1V ( Inter Clothing. 'ro inakp room for ttit'se gornI so itre oliliged to ( 'IOFt out IIIIIII P(1IfltIY our it Ir stock of boys atiil Inch's 11:1it ai1 nwiIliiii s'eIg1it SiiIt4 t t a great sacr1t1c. Isjrv prIIhnt buyer - or wII ) do svell to rn(1 carefully the fo Ilowing IrIces ) ztn(1 ( exaililne our toek. , ) iVEen's SuitsAll l)111i11 ahII fitiie' , ' cwshiiere nitd ; c1IeviotE , worth 5.OO and $6.50 , alirice . . . . . . S $3.75 t All 7.5O all(1 9.OO serge , cbes'ioth , gray wd brOwn worsted , iii check : uid birds'.eye elreeth , cleai'ing ; : ; V a1o price . S . . . . . . $5.00 Eiitir3 stock of the very fiiiet light flfll flleliulfl weight , ; j JliLifl and fancy silk mixed worsted suits , regularly : s15 nnd $22.50 va1uei-iaIe price9 . $8.75 and $11.50 rV Boys' Long Pants Suits , worth $0.50 , $7.50 aiid$11.OO , 011 ialo Saturday at . $3.75 , $4.50 niid $6.00 t Crash Suits-All Ora1i Suits on ale at . $1.25$1.60$2.25aiid$2.95 . tcn.s Summer Coats and VCStH at halt I3oys'a.hbIe ] 'Ant . tc , 1c and 2tc , . their real value. Ijoys' Wool Knee I'ants at 2c , 3c anti 60c floyi' Wnibabk Knee I'nnts Suit , . , ages Mvn'H Odd Sutt I'anth , worth $2.50 and :3 : to 8 years at 2c and fOc $3.00 , sale prices $1 7t and $1.95 , In the Hat Department. V ' s0 continue to o11 Hot Weather 1Iat. . All must be closed out at the following cut DrIces oil aLrawB-1Oc , 1c 25e , 35c , 50c 011(1 ( 75c. V trash Ilath , 25c , 35c. 45c. ' 25o will litia good cool helmet lint , Also fl fine line of Tourist , Fedora an (1 Derby llat. Call In and convince your- elf. Furniture ' Iloro l on c-ak 1ocler. cane sit , high back , iily'ly cnrvel. bi : tet nriii-tlu. , VOtlI' usually sells for $2.2i-\ve have tlrce , (107l'II at $1.50 .jcli-oiuj : , or iiiore. I Largo nriii itoelwr , oak , aiie sent , $1.OS. . - rttge : ii'Ill iloeker , IllfllI ( ' . (8110 suit , earveti lutek , $1.75 $ ; , - VV beSt \VliIt iroii litul on the iiiarket at S2JO. ' , - A lot of Frnnt' , Pletures it t ) eacli-thl k a fractIon , i .1 of their original cost. rt , ' . - . New fllll [ 'lPgflUt. issortiuont of rouclit's , tnndt' up niter tlii' most 81)lroVel ( fashion nt1 covered In all the I latvst 1utttctiis , spriiig elge ( and frliiged , at fl.riO , S.5O , I 9 7r ; flfll i I S1)'kl ( ( lrivt'- finc uliolsterd Oak Rocker at , Largi' ( ) nk 'l'ahles at $1 . ( ) ( ) eaclilzs of top 24x2-i. V 'Ve save you moiiey on 1'1IrtIItUL'e. 'fry us. J . Hardware , Stoves and Housefurnishings. . Special Saturday Sale. f No.8 Galvanhzeti Wash flollers . . . . . . . . Cic Large Tin Water I'ail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ClotIs Basketa , nil willow . . . . . . . . . . . . 39C ( .foot Step Ladders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41c Galvanized \Vitsli Tub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .390 2-burner Gasoline Stoves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.98 NIckel llfltei Tea Kettles , No. 8 . . . . 49c 500 Sheets Toilet Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I fM.ibs. Japanned Flour Ctna . . . . . . . . . . . 59C Large Size Font l3ath Tubs . . . . . . . . . . . .33c * ] O-quart Japanne(1 Chamber i'aila . . . . . 16c Iron Frame Wringer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.09 s Large Tin \'aah I3ain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1c Mrs. l'OttS' Iron Handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cc 2-quart Covered l'aIla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c Toilet hair Clippers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59c . 1)luner I'iates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chin a Dept . Decorated Howls . . . . . . . . . . Jelly Tumblers Decorated Cups an Saucers One-third Pint. Tumblers. . . Salt and Pepper Shakers. . . . . Wino Glasses Sugar Bowls Lamp Chimneys Spoon Holders . . . . . . . . . . . . Tea Cups Ilutter Dishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saucers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I Creamers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is1NTIITAS \ \ \\TAltj\I \ \ \ INNING Ohicago and Baltimore Wind Up with a Genuine Bombardment , ORIOLES FIN1.LLY LAND THE GAME One 'I'cin I'oiiiIs ( lilt Six ltiiiis anti tIit. Ot ltpr , r , % Iiii * III ; silIi but 0- 1iit Out-Iver1tt % ' 1t IiM 1CorzIIck. flALTIMOI1E , July 15.-The Orioles made a Garrison finish today and won out in the ' t' ' ninth. With the score 6 to 3 agaInst them Chicago went to. bat In the ninth anti acored six runs on two triples , a double , a single , a base on bails and two errors. In their half the Ilaitiinoros got five singles and a double anti won the game with one man out. Evcritt and McCormick indulged In a fist fight on the visitors' beitch , the result of badinage as to which was ac- j ; COUfltflblQ for an error. Grandstand patrotis I separated the belligerents , but McCormick was too badly used up to continue play. ' : AtteiIaice , 1,2C8. Score i \ iJAIrIMoIti. C1II'AUO. 1t1I.O.t.I. It.1I.O..VF. ' . tleUflLW , : a. 3 2 1 0 1 It.beiI , U.31. . 1 1 0 2 0 e JceIer , I ( . 1 1 1 0 0 flverltt , lb. tJ 3 13 I ) 1 Jennies , , .s t i 2 2 0 Thorntn , cC 1 0 U 0 1)einifl.t , ZI , . 1 1 2 i : ! V1)atIIe , , , be' . 1 2 3 C I ) ZtIcann , lb I I 12 0 C M'C'in'k , lb I 1 0 1 1 IIoIn. . . , It. 0 2 0 0 ( , tllt.hati , It 1 0 1 1 0 elIiVke , , c. . . 0 1 ( I : 0 Ciiane. . rt , . 2 1 3 : t i ? : Q.4. ) . . . . . 0 0 0 i 0 Conner. 2b. I : a u uigtc s , CC. 1 1 2 0 0 1)inaiu. , c. u 1 0 0 . , V , V 'l(1tofl . I 1 0 U 0'ootb. . , fl. . . 0 1 0 0 0 I "Itot.n 1 1 0 0 0 - _ _ _ _ Totals . . , . 9 1Z 2 13 3 't 'fotals . . . .I0 14 27 IZ 3 'Ont , out vI1eit winning run was scored. "flutted for Nnps iii ninth. ? llnttett for 1 lughes in ziintl , . Iiaitlmoro . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 4-10 V Chcugo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 6-9 lttrne.i runs : lieltitnore , 4 ; Chicago , 5. t ? T'O-1)tS0 11it4 DontthUt , lsbt'li , Jennings. V Tlree-bae , hits : McUraw , Ditlilen , Connor. V Iotihlt. ) I1Lt , Iahien to Connor to 1'eritt. V Iirst 1)05. , OIl bails : Oft \VOdS , I ; oft Nops , 5. lIlt I ) ) ' iitcheti tttii J'nnhltgtt. Struck ( ) tlt : ily'ootls , 4 ; by Nops , 4 , 1eft on bases : linitimore. 6 ; Chicago , 9. tJmi.ires . : V Connoiiy and lriyder. IIrooIiI st % VIni gi Ing One. N1'\ ? YORK , July 15-The ] irooklyns won a twelve-Inning game ( roni the Browns this afternoon. Miller started In to iitch for hit. iu.ino t oil in , but vns taken ii I a ud qul t ( .ritiin took his iitlCO. A. Smith , win , sVI.It UI t ho gaiii n I a the cigli t ii I nu lug , rtl iIPt'tl out 1 three.bagger in the twelfth nitti caine ) Oil Jones' single , ending ( lie giue. . , . 8eoro ; JIitOOhiY ST. I.OLJLI3. ILII.O.A.E. 1I.l1.O.A.I. A. Smith , ef 1 1 1 0 ioal. it. . . 0 0 2 0 0 ( lIViIfltIl. cC. 3 1 0 0 5tenel , ct. . 0 0 5 0 0 Jon. ' . , it. . . 3 I 0 0 lisrlcy. it. . 0 1 0 0 t.IItVIVhart.I , it I 3 0 0 ( 'r.,35 , 3b. . . 1 1 0 1 0 TtscIer , 8' . . 2 II ( I U icter. lii. I 3 16 0 0 lL.tilinin , lb 0 3 t 0 Sngdt'n , c. . . 0 1 .1 4 0 $ hiti.1Ie. Sb , 0 3 Quinn. si. . . 0 1 1 0 1 M..eon , a. . 13 Otroeki , 2b.0 U 4 U 3&ytii , C. . . . . U U I 3 0 ilughcy , p. . 0 0 0 1 1 Miiierp. . . . 0 1 1 0 Dunn. p. . . . I 2 0 Totals . . . . 2 G3310 3 lichance , it 1 U I 0 Totals . . . . 3l2Ii 0 None out when winning run was scored , tirookiyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 001010000001-8 81. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020000000000-2 Earned runs : Brooklyn , 2 : St. Louis , 1. flast's on errors ; Brooklyn. 2 ; St. otis , 1. t Ieft on basest Brooklyn , 9 ; 81. Louis , 10. Ilttses on bulls : OtT Miller , 2 ; ott Iunn , 3 ; Dir Iiuglioy. 2. Struck out : I3) ' Miller. 1 ; by 1)uni , , I. Stolen bases : Jones. Quinn. tat'hnnce , Shechuril , Magoon. Double i.iais . : ugiien to Cross ; Shintlia to I lailinuit to ] 'ucker. I lit by litcher : I3 Miller , I ; bY luniu , 1 ; by llughey , 1. W'iid pitches : I itighey , 2. Umpires : Gattnoy utiti flrowi , . I inio of gttmu 'i'wo Itours and twenty title- lIes , Attentiatice : 700. W'rItIa' Lwst' . Agitlii , \VASI I 1NGTON , July 25.-\\'riglt'y's error i the sevekitli gave Cievelatid the game. ltteitdtiiiet , , 1,00 , Score ; WA5iitNt1TO. ltii.o. : III&I. } ' $ tiibacli , ir. i : I I 0 Iturkett , if. 0 3 0 0 0 ' \agu'r , b. 0 I 0 5 0 rhtltt. , lb. . 0 0 4 3 0 Andrsn 1b 311 1 .Ueen , . .i I 0 1 0 ? teOuIr. v , I 3 4 U 0 Tehu , lb. 0 1 13 0 I ltcit.Li , . , 0 1 3 4 0 MC.Ir efO 0300 ( , .etuian , rf0 1 1 0 \S'alIsce , Ibi 1 1 2 0 \Vrigle ) , 8s 0 0 6 5 1 Blake , U. . . 1 1 2 0 0 1)onovan , a. 0 1 1 I , 0 OCoiinor , c 2 1 3 1 0 \ .ytiIn , p. 0 0 0 0 Vttson , . . . 1 1 1 5 0 Mercer , . . . U 1 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ _ Totals . . . . 6 9 27 14 i Totals . . . . 4 i22 IG 4 'IJatteti for \Vcybtng in the ninth. Washington . . . . . . . . . 2 0 1 0 I 0 0 0 0-1 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . U 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 i-S Earned runs : \Vaahtngton , . , Stolen base : Getimitan Two-base hits : PeltzVii - son , home rung : Anderson , W'nhlace. iouble play : Reitz toVrigiey to .Ander- son. First base on balls : Off \Veyiiing , 2 ; off Wilson , 1. Struck out : By Wcyhing , 2 ; by W'Iison , 2. Loft on bases : Washington. 7 : Cleveland , 2. Time of game : Two hours. Umpires : Swartwood and Wood. 1'lIIeIii F'loors the ltcd. PIhiLADhLP1i1A , .July 15.-The Pitlities easily defeated Cincinnati today. Dwy.r 1v:04 hit hard and ss.uis relieved by Hill , while the Iteils Cotilti do very little with , Fitleld's pitching. Attendance , 3,142. Score : eINCINNA'rI . VI I I LAIPIV.P1t TA. lt.ll.O.A.E. 1 . . , Mc9rlde. Cf 0 0 2 0 0 CO&ey. ct 1 2 3 0 0 Smith. . It. . . 0 0 1 0 1 Douis , lb 3 1 7 0 0 Corcorn. * .sI U 3 4 1 LaJole. 2b..3 3 C. 30 lickley , [ I S I It Irlirk. rt..1 I. 200 I . Miller. rf. . . 1 2 2 0 1. t'1ri'n. c U 2 : t 1 0 lr.In. fli . 0 0 2 2 U Iituder. 3h. . 0 1 0 2 0 Mcl'Iiee , 2b 0 0 3 1 0 Fuitz , It. . , . 0 1 4 0 0 Vauhan.c.0 0 3 2 0C'rost. , s..l I 322 lwyer , I ) . . . 0 0 0 3 0 F'ltietd , . . U 0 U 3 1 11111 , . . . . . . . . U 0 0 1 0 l'eitz. . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 0 'rotais . . . . 7 14 27 ii 3 Totals . . . . 3 4 24 14 3 liatted for 11111 in ninth. Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-3 ] 'iiiladelphia . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 8 ' -7 Earneil runs : Phuiatlttl phia , 2. T'o-bts : hilts : l'eitz , Cooley , Cross. Three-base lilt : Douglass. Sacrillee hits : McE'hiee , Futtz. Stolen base ; Lauder , Left on bases : Cm- cinnati , 8 ; lhuilaileiphia , 13. Struck out : By 11111 , 2 ; by Fimield , 2. Ilases on balls : oft Dwyer , 3 : ( iff I liii , 5 ; oft Fiflelti , 5. 1 lit by pitcher : By Fitteld , 2. iit1 pitch : Fl- field. Umpires : Einslle and ihint. Time of gti mne : 1 ii liouts a ii ii I e ii ininu tes. P1 i'iile'M Ito C Iii ( Iiiiiii , . itos.roN , July 15.-The Champions ltaYetl wretchedly in tue Ilehi today. were weak Lit the bat arul eatsliy shuit out by i'itt- burg. Score : 1'ITTSIII ' ItO . itOuTON. lt.ll.O.A.I. 1)onovuin.rti 2 3 1 , ss.V..Qo Mcr'nry , ef 2 3 : i 0 0 Tenne $ ' , Itt. U U 4 1 0 M'C'rthy , it 0 0 1 0 0 Stiveu , . lb. 0 0 5 0 0 Orny. II. . . . . 0 1 2 1 0 DutY , ef. . . . ( I 1 1 0 0 Ohlrien. Ii , . 0 0 S 0 1 C ( ilttn. , lb. . 1 0 4 1 0 hE uriiu'n , a 0 1. 5 0 0 Stitiul. r ( . . , , 1 3 : t o U 1.'ldeit , 21. . . 1 1 2 5 0 hIckman. if U 0 2 0 0 Imy , . . . . . . . I 0 3 2 0 ( . u I 2 1 2 Tunneiiiii. ii 1 1. 0 6 0 lirtien , c. . 0 0 3 3 1 - - - - - i.ewh. , . . , . U 1 U 4 U Totals . . . . 6 27 14 1 Totals . . . . 0 52711 4 Pittnburg . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8-0 iio8toti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . laret1 runs : Pittsburg , 2. Two-base hilts : McCrecry , Cohiin (2) ( ) . Stolen bases : Ionovnn , Mccreery , Stahl. Ilases on baiI : ily 'I'll II nIi ii I , 2 ; tuy Les'it. , 2. I I It b hitcher : Gray. Struck out : By Tannehili :1 : ; by Lewis , 8. Passed balls : hiergen , 3 , Ti mutt : 'l'st , lieu rs a iul eigli t in intl I es. lYmn. itires : ODay and McDonald. Attetidutice , 1,800. Coloui.IM Cl14'CIC liiG Itituls. NI\Y yoiti. : , July 15-Thtti ( 'olonels broke tIi ( Itants' whining streak today , scoring IL victory through the erratic hitch- lug of1t'vkin anti errors by 1)oyitu tied \'luIu hiiiitr.'n . itt critletti stages of the game. 'rh. . I.ciui'Iihe iia'el a hue Ilelding gamut , , vartlt'ulitriy StmmtTtr4l and Iexter. 'l'he hut- tcr , by hue ruitnitig catches , cut oft itt least two rites. Atte'iniance , 2,280. Score : N11'otl. . , I..Ot1sVli.iii. " lt.hI.o.A.1 : . Jt.hl.OVA.I.i. \"nit ren eti 0 3 0 l'y , et. . . . . 0 0 2 1 0 Tht'rnan , It. 2 1 3 0 0 $ tittor.J , Tb. 0 0 2 C 0 IQyhe , lb. . . . 0 1 t U I Itwhie ) . ' $ . 0 3 3 2 0 lMIR , $ V. . . 0 2 0 0 0 l't.r. il. . 0 0 2 0 0 tiady. : ; rt. . . I I 2 1 0 t'Lark , It. . . . 2 1 3 0 0 Uattlg. lb. . . 0 1 2 C U Wagner. lii. 1 3 31 2 0 Ihiuriniami , II. 0 2 0 2 0 ( ilnm , 3b. . . . 0 0 1 1 1 Warner , c. . 0 2 8 2 1 litirl.lKe , o I U 3 3 3 l1eekln. ! Cun'huani , p. 1 0 0 1 0 _ _ _ Total. . . . , 4 11 2 ? 13 3 Total. . . . . 6 2i 10 4 NuwYork . . . . . . . . . . . L.ouisvhlle . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 0-5 Farned rulis : New York. 1. Stolen bases : Grady. Varner (21 ( , ltltcht'y. Two-base hits : W'agner. Clark . , Doyle. liast. on errors - rors : New York , 1 ; 1.ouis'iiie , 2. SacrifIce lilt : Stafford. haute on bails : Oft Meckin 4 ; off Culininghmani , 4. lIlt by pitched ball : Warner.'iltI Pitehit's : Meekin , 3. Left on bases : New York , 9 ? Lotilsvliie , 6. Time : One hour and fifty-six minutes. umpires : Lynch aiud Andrews. STANDiNG OF TIlE T1AMS. I'hayetl. W'on. Lost. Per C' . CincInnati . . . . . . . . . . . 77 51 26 60.2 Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 47 2S 62.7 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . 74 4 2J 60,8 flaltimoro . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 43 29 59.7 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 3:1 : 57 Phttstiurg . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 49 31 54. Nt'u % York . . . . . . 7:1 : 39 54 5:1. : Philadelphia . . . . . . . . 71 32 53 A. GREAT "GOOD BYE" While thousands at the Exposition are giving Col. Bryan and his regiment a send off , over 500 of The Big Store's clerks will be looking their last on many thousand dollars worth of the finest chaiidise in the Trans-Mississippi country.iVe have put Specia' ' Double Quick prices on summer clothing , hats , furnishings , ladies' ready-to-wear garments , millinery , dry goods , furniture , house furnishings - ings , groceries , etc. , etc. , and Saturday the greatest bargains Omaha has known1 vi11 be given marching orders to thousands of economical 1TI 0 m es. es.It It will pay Omaha buyers as well as Exposition visitors to take advait- tage of si.icli tremendous price cutting as this. CRAND SPECIAL SALE- 1,000 elegant ( We , The aiid $1.00 Pocket Books on sale Saturday at oniy 25c. CRAND BELT SALE- 750 fancy Leather Belts , only 25c. L'o ; faitcy Bolts , lOo. Extra size Dolts , ( 'lily 25i. GRAND PICTURE SALE- Olosing out 5,000 elegant Pictures on Saturday at lOc each , regular price $1.00. GRAND RIBBON SALE. tOc and Vic ItLhbon all go mit one price , 25c yard. 25c flibbons. 1O yard. SOUVENIR SALE IN JEWELRY DEPT. ' 1liousaiids of Souvenir Spoons in greatest variety of appropriate designs , elegant workmanship - manship , oil special sale at Special Sales Saturday ill Wash Goods Dept. 25a hlfle Imported Organdies , 32 inches wide , lie yard. 35cr sIlk and hhacn Novelty Wash Goods , 19c yard. ilc dprk novelty Lace Dimtty , 7c yard. SOc black wool Grenadine , 38 inches wide , 25c yard. V The Leading Dress Goods House of the West , Over 30,000 styles to select from. 150 PieceS of Dress Goods , worth 29e , at 19 cents. 200 iieces of Novelty Mixtures , worth SOc , for 29c. 250 pieces Dress Goods , all wool , worth 60c , for 89c. 800 vleces worth 65c , 49c. 150 ; ieces worth 7Sc , 49e. 125 pIeces worth SSc , 59c. 80 pIeces worth 9Sc , 69c. IhT.ACIC DRESS GOODS. ISc , 25c , 29c , 39c , 49c , SOt , 69c , ic , Sic up to $6.25. Sec our 39c black fancies , sold all over at 75e. 75e.Wool Bunting for flags , only 49c. MAhI OIIDERS Irounptly hilled at above prlcc. 6reat Sale on Shirt Waists. I4tSVfl Shirt \Vaists. Litton ShIrt \'nlsts , Ginghurun , Shirt \'tuhtuu , Percale ShIrt \i.'nits , Madras Shirt \Vuists , I'llUt , Shirt Waists , Emubrohiered Shirt \Vaist , Tucked Shirt \'iti5tH. Chatuibrav Shirt \'nIsts , Shirt Ilosom Shirt \Vnist , 200 Iot'ii to chose ttit tiumule up in the newest styles and choicest litttertis. ) Perfect hitting , iii heck , plaids , solid colors and hlaln white , Ct 4c , 75e , $1.00 , $1.25 tutiti 31,60. lilack Silk Shirt \'nlst , lined end unlhtued , mit $2.50. lxtra flhe 'l'aftetu Silk Shirt \\nists , iii idunk mmliii colors , mnaile up in a 'nriety of styles , at $3.90. Dress Skirts , Suits and Wrappers. Unequaled Values. 1.adis' All Silk Dress Skirts on sale at $4.9S. 200 Uozen Ladles' Dress Skirts , iii cotton coverts , fancy linen and kitte In all colors , at $1.25. iliack Figured lirilliantine SkIrts on smile mit 9Se. Ladles' Choth Suits , in serges niuti coverts , silk lined jackets , worth 110.00 and $12.00 , on salt , at $4.90. Lndios' Underskirts , in vlaIiu black and faitey striped satc'eii , at 9Sc. Itirk l'rint Wrappers at 59c. 1.adies' W'rappers in tine dlmltv ned lawn , rumes over slioul- tIers , trimmed with bra Id , in light rutid uiark t'olurs , at lISt . HAYDEN BROS. Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 80 41 42.3 \Vashington . . . . . . . . . 71 29 45 39.2 Louisville . . . . . . . . . . . 76 24 52 31.6 St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 2.1 56 29.1 Gaines today : Chicago at Baltimore ; l'ittsburg at Ilostoii ; Louisville at New Yorlc : St. Louts at i3rookiyn ; Cleveland at 'Vztsluington ; Cincinnati at I'hlladelphla. SCOItES OP TIIF WESTIIItS I.EA(1I1. ? ICayisa , . Cht Walks All 0v'r ( lie ( liuiiiie. , 'raklii. Seeoiid Piie. 15.-The Chum- INDIANAPOLIS , Jutly - - 1)iOflS' errors , of which Flynn made live , and a fortunate combination of battinK , with men on the buses , won Kansas City today's game. Score : lndtanapohis 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 16 ii 7 iCansau.Ctty.0 11030431-13110 l3atteries : Indianapolis , Scott and Lynch ; Kitiusas City , Gear and Wilson. DETIIOIT , Mich , , July 15.-DetroIt won a rather featureless game today. The home team showed improvement in hitting. The Saints ilayed a dull game. Score : rt.i I.E. Detroit . . . . . . . . ' - St.Paut . . . . . . . 000020100-378 flatteries : Detroit , hahn and Twtnehnm ; St. l'aul. Cross and Spbus. COhUM13tJS , 0. , July 15.-Fishier kept hits , eii scattered anti swith snappy Ilelding St. JOSeI)11 won easily. Score : 11.11. B. Columbus . . . . . 000100000-185 St. Joseph . . . .0 2 lOt ) 003 1-7 9 1 Batteries : Columbus , Jones and Suill- van ; St. Joseih , Flatter end McCauley. tIL".VAU1C'fl ) , July i5.-ltettger wue bat- teti hutird in the first thirte , mnnlns and lund to retire in favor of Barnes. Uavls' batting - ting was the feature of tIle gttmt' . Out of five times up iU scored four siiigies and a double. Score : 1t.1I.I. Milwaukee . . . 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0-3 4 ii Minneapttls . , I 4 7 0 1 0 1 0 0-1 I 2' ' ) 2 iltitteries : Milwaukee , Rettger , Ilarnes , Shwcr and Rim > ' ; Miniteapolis'right. . and Dixon. STANDING OF TIlE TEAMS. I'hayed. Won. Lost , Per C. Indlanapnlhs . . . . . . . . 72 46 20 6.1,9 Kansas City . . . . . . . . 7. ) 46 0) ) 60,5 St. l'atit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 45 31 69,2 Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 40 30 57.1 Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . 77 ' 41 34 65,8 Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 2 40 37.8 St. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . 64 24 44 : ii.3 Minneaoiis ; . . . . . . . . . 75 22 51 29.3 Game's today : St. Joseph at Coimimbus ; lCaiisas City at Indianapolis ; St. Paul at I 1)etroit ; i.iinnm'aioiis at .tiiwmttikm'o , OiIgiiith , . itgguhiat ' . % ' , iiIure. The two games of bath that wilt be played between the Vymnoro and the Original ball teams today anl Sunday 1'llt hirobably ha , tlit , last exhibition of the imationat game that s'ihl lit' e'tqi in tills city thiI year , 'rIu.'y are both crack emitteur teams anti tie thi. . y are 1)0th asprants after thu state chutun , iioius lii I ) , d Ir t vi It hly. U uotl , fit ii t halt % ili be ott thu. ' card and the rediunte otiglit mut ( , overlook the OPportunity. Rodninit will but on the climb for the local aggregation today - day anti Joe Scully will do the work on Sunday. Turner anti Crawford are tins eei _ terpit'ct , artiste of tlit , visitors. 'J'he tennis are : Originals l'osltion Wymnore , hewis. . . . . . . . . . . first base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iox llratiforul. . . . . . Hecontl base . . . . . . . . . . . . Lowe l4twier. . . . . . . . . . third base . . . . . . . . .Mldgele ) ' Scully. . . . . . . . . . short $101) . . . . . . . . . . . Plekard Jeihi , . . . . . . . . . . . . left fIeld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \'uite % Vliitnt.y. . . . . . middle hilt1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Femil Slaunnon. . . . . . . . right field . . . . . . . . . . . . .Davis 1l.vmnan. . . . . . . . . . center . . . . . . . . . . . . Itothmnait. . . . . . . . . . l'itchier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .urmier iiliuut Gun Club's 'I'ouri..y. A iIir.'ly uniateur shooting touiriianuent is to be given ii > ' tue 1)upont ( Inn chub dur- bIg the latter part of September or the early pert of October. The preliminary or- rulgt'ineiits , were. made at a meeting of tht' guii club Itist night , None of the tie. talus w. re inaliped out , these niatteni being left to a committee consistIng of Joe Gold. smith , George Moor , ' , C. C. A. Iiauer- camper. W. D. 'i'ownstnd , Frank Iworak , Charles Curtis , ileur ) ' McDonald , John Lewis , JohlU Ifatimnan , 13. W. Schneider and F. F. 1)0w. 'Fhme tourney last four or five days , one of which will be devoted to live birds , It was tulsa decided at the meeting to send a team to the amateur tournament to be held on the grounds of the Omaha Gun club on July 20 , but the hiersonnei of the team was not selected. Guiiruse It lll. 'Fegiin % lii. , LONDON , July 15.-At the meeting of the Nutionmil Rifle association at Bosiey today the "Queen Rajah of Kolaporo Chulienge cup , seven shots , at 200 , 500 end 600 yards , was won by the Gueriisey team ( eight men ) with a total of 741 The Victoria team , the winners of this trophy In 1897 , second , 741 ; SPECIAL JULY LINEN SALE. Turkey lieu Damask yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alt Linetu C'rashi , ynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to 58-Inch German 1..ieii Damask , yard. . .lOo 68-in. extra hucavy Silver Bleach Damask - ask , yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c 36-inch Irish Linen , yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra large All lAneiu Towels. . . . . . . . . . . 100 IS-inch Barneley Crash , yard. . . . . . . . . . . . ICc : lileaclied Napkins at , dozen. . . . . . . . . . lISa ' Germaa Napkins at. dozen. . . . . . . . . . . GlIc .IVLY SALE ( IN 9ihiiiliT1NG & MUSLIN. Extra heavy LIV. Muslin , Sc uualit . at , yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34c Soft heidi Bleached Muslin , 5it ( utah- it ) ' at , yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4i,40 9.4 heavy Sheeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) fleatly to liMe Sheets ( turn , not cut ) flt.Vi2C Iteady to LiCe Slips at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gc W'hIITh1 GOODS SPECIAL. India Linen at , yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sc 40-inch black India Linen at , yard. . . . . Sc Cheek and Stripe Nainsook at , yard , . . . Sc 40-Inch Apron Lawit at , yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7c SI1..K S1 > ECI ALS FOR SA'l'Ul ( DAY. Always aiming to give bigger bargains , better 'alee. Saturday's sale ss'ili prove it. 69 pieces Summer Wash Silks , In all styles , printed effects , checks and all cream , worth 75c yard , on sale. . . . . . . 39c 123 PieC(5 checked , striped and higuired Silks. all colors amid beut styles , quality - ity the fittest-our peciat irice. . . . . . . 49c Plain black India , China amuti Japan- 050'auhuiuble Silk , worth SOt , on sahi at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIc 100 lheC'4 l'laiii TaiTetu , in the most exqtiiette shadings , the % 'ery best quality in thue market , on sale. . . . . . . . . 75c Such Silk Values Make Us Fanlotis. the British team , 741 ; the Canadians , 735 ; the Jersey eight , 718 , and the Indian rule- men , 700 iiointe. } 1 % 1iNPS ON ' 11113 IIUNN1NG TRACKS. 'I'hre. Fnvorhtes VIiL at Ilrlglion 11eiieh-Jotke' Sinai. a VIintr. NEW YORK , July 15.-There was a good attendance at Brighton Bench today. Three favorites caine under the wire hiret. Sloan made his llrst appearance at the track today since his recent illness atid handed Gaorge i'Zeene a winner In the fourth race ahead of Cahdron. Results : First race , five furlongs , selling : Don Blase woii. Satuire second , .Aduxue third. Time : 1:0V4. : Second race. five furlongs : Rare Perfume - fume won , Lady Exile second , Subject third. 'rime : 1:02. Third race , one mile , selling : Rutterdam won , Glenolno second , Doggeit third. Tune : 1:4 : 3. 3.Fourth Fourth race , utile and one-sixteenth : George ieene won , Cahdron second , leader third. Time : 1:48/ : . Fifth ract , live ruriongs , selling : Mlzpali WOfl , BufTuon second , Swamp Angel third , Time : l:01. : Sixth race , one mile , selling : Philip uon , Concord second , llanloa third , 'Fime : 1:45. : s'r. iouis , July IZ.-Results : First race , maiden 2-year-old flllie , four and 0mw-half furlongs : Manila won , Lilly Paxton second , Josephine third. Time ; 0:5G3. : Secoiitl race , six furlongs : Lady lItumil- ton Won. Gladys 11 second , Correspondent third. 'rhino : i : iq. Third race , selling. for 2.year-olds , five furlongs : Penn Barnes won , Our Nellie second , Genun. third. 'rime : 1:02 : % . Fourth race Cor gentlemen riders , clx furioiigs : Joell ? 'lurtln won , Travis eecond , i3i& Fellow third , Time : 1:20. : I , Ittli race , cix atiti one-half furlongs : Montgomery won , Klduiu second , Sorrow third. 'rinie : 1:22. : Sixth race , selling , one mile : Lena won , Shvu itt'ctinud , Mistery third. Time : I :44. : CHICAGO , July 15.-WashIngton hjurk ro- cults : First race , one mile : I'osinantt' won , Ye- biudam second , Forte thirti. Tune : 1:40' : . , Hecoiud race , one rail. ' : The 'Farcoonu well , Ihugh l'enny second , Satsunia third , 'rime : 1:40. : 'i'hird race six furlongs : Mur3' Black woli , 'rarturlnn second. 2ils Cacti. third. 'rumut' : 1:14 : , Fourth race , five furhoiigs : Splrituelle won , , 5e'ens second , Souchon third , rumne : I:00. : I:00.Fithi ? race , one mile and lirty yards : George ICrats won , Iligh ito secolul , Nittimanson third , 'J'imt' : 1:431,4. : 1'ItOVIDF3NCE , it. 1. , July 15-Good eeattier and truck eiiiithitions lre't.iiled at Narragancrtt Park today for thin third day of tlttu meet. Three events rcre en tin' card. 1l.'sults : First rite. ' . 2:20 : trot , 31.000 : Breech VOn1 in three straight hieitts. Ilest time : 2:25l. : Second race , 2:20 : trot , $1,000 ; Alacitluhia vin hi straight heats , Best time : 2:13 : % , 'rhirtl rite , ' , 2:10 : Pace. $1,000ViOdMhii'ti : woii second , third niud fourth heats and race. lJ'st tiniie 2l0 : % . ihht1tKS A lthi'Oltl ) 'Z'hIitliLi 'VT3IliS , KlUtl ( ) SIioy , . Cr. ' , . ( Spi'ed In a l'i ( ' Iii Itac , . , PEORIA , Ill. , July i6.-Thi. , races at the mile track closed today , vlthi the breakinig of the 3.ytir.old pacing record thun'e tunes in OflO race by Klatoway , a. bay stallion owned by Keatlmt of I'heansanton , Cuil. 'i'hte record ntood at : ( f. : iii.l Klatasvay in 2117 % , 2:09 : cud 2C' : , , % . FIrst race , 2:25 : trot , $600 : Belle .1 won iii three straight heats. Time : 2:17i : , 2:164 : , 2 :1 : 6' . Second ra'e , 2:16 : iare , $1,000 : 1intoway won in three strlighlt haute. 'I'lrne : 2:07 : , 2:09. : 2:06 : % . Third ract' , 2:34) : pace , $600 : Miss Logan s'oIu In three straight bietuls. Time : 2lfl. : , 2:10'.4 : , 2l0Y : , lETltol'l' , JIll ) ' 15.-Getaway day at liigtuimnd , l'ark trotting Park ilnlslied hut * % iTi races , Itotit oni in straight hate. 'rut- Caine Wut $ liever In danger In his race tit. big fellow limiishiing .tisy. Chuiirlt'y Ii had no trouble with lii , . field. A ilecuhiar feature of title rue. . , was Ilimit " 'lnfl'htI 1n. ished third lii nil lucius and lie got none or the money , seeoiid vlace going to differ- Cut horses in each instance. itesults : First race. 2:35 trot : 'l'ucoma won In straight heats. 'rime : 2lt : % , 2:14 : % , 2:16. : Second race , 2:12 : hnee : Cbutlle it won mu straight heats. 'lime : 2:11 : , 2il34 , 2:13. : Cricketer , . Gi't1lIig itemudy , Thn executive committee of the Omaha Cricket club , whichu huts leen making ur- rangements for the tournament of the Northwestern Cricket association that takes place iioxt week , Is spendIng the final days of the vreeent week Iii cleaning oil time odds and ends of that plaits. The near upi.roach of the tourney Is beIng her- aIded by announcements from the varIous Rcducd Prices on MIDSUMMER M1LLINIERY. I'rices ru the exquisite display of I"hover In alt the desirable styles have been cut fully one-third for tItle special sale. .Tost . fasimiomiable Pattern I hits , worth $12.50 end $15.00 , on sale at $3.95 anti $1.50. Very nrett hats at $1.95 ned $2.50. An elegant Ihite of children's xmiud niises' I litts. The veny ilCWCRt things In Sailors at very low Prices. Sheet Music. \'o carry everythIng In the very latest Sheet .iutiic to bt hutid. A coniplt'te line , if FolIos and Stinlies for alt instruim'ntc. In fact we have everything there is any t1'mnnti for in tIn' Sheet i'.luchc.Ve . iiluei carry an elegant line of cheap music itt ltc ( per CO1) , ' . Among these are saute of thin very latest two-steps , waltzes anti piano solos to be found , . 'qttal in every it'- spet't to bight priced editions. Call or senti for our ciitalogtituc , whiichi are FItlE. teams of the tIme of theIr arrival. Denver wilt come iii on the ii :30 : p. n. Burlington traimu Sunday nIght , anti the St. I'aut team wilt ho here oil Sunday afternoon at I :15. : Manitoba will probably come in on Moiuday or Tuesday morning , as it dues not play until the latter day. Chicago is expecteil : tl.iiitiay . morning. All the teams will I.e met at I lie .1 . epota by the beat club iiiein. bore. The visitors wilt be given coneldera- bhe entertainment during their etay. On Tuesday night they s'ult visit the exposition as the guests of the local club , and on \Vednestiay night they will be the guests at a emnoker to be given itt the ( 'oinnui'rcial chub. Ott Monday. 'rhursday atiti Friday they vlli be allowed to drill about wherever they please. Sometime on 'l'hiursday the tmnnuat meetitig of tile assocIation will be held , vhuen the ofllct'rs vill be elected neil tIme place for holding the next tournament will be ehected. W'hilst ( ogress llh''ts omt'ers. i3OS'I'ON , July l5.-Thi hilsinebs meeting of the American \\'hilst congress , which was lucid today , tissumned a patriotic tin- ttire. After henri ? , an hiour of cpet'chies the conipaiiy sutig "llie Star Spangled him- ncr , ' ' then the buloess of tIle league was taketi up. Ofilcers % 'ero oiect.'d as ( ol1os's : I'resldvnt , I'.i , tar.ty Smith , Albany , N. Y. ; vIce hiresitlent , B. Iticliarns , Rock Ituplmle , In. ; recordIng secretary , Clurt'tut'e N. Eiirf- ( ulI's , Ne % York CIty ; c'tneshondittg , , secretary , 1. ' 1' . I'arket , 'l'mlemim , , 0. ; treasurer , J. 'r. Mitchell , Chicago. Directors for three years , Julie It. boil , St. PattI ; E. C. J'ietehuer , Vi'etmt N.'wtoti , 1'ulu , ; Joseph A. Nut , l'iilladelphiia ; J. i. F'aber , Stiuten lelumiml. N. Y. Dlit'etut for 0110 your , \VlllIamn B. 'rimhcttt , C'hi'vi'luiid , 0 , ( orltet ( ii , , 31i.Coy SIgn. NIi'.V ' YORK , , luly 15.-ArtIcles 01' agree- ifl'nt for a lIght. butweeti .Taiiie J. CoiVbttt :111(1 "ICimi" 'IcC'oy , thit' mulch to luke ptuce mit the I iawtluorite Athletic dub of Buffalo 1)11 September 10 , 'ere signed Iii this ( it , ' today. 1eGrtt ) ' shgnti'ti fur thit' itawthioriie clef , , Ot'cirgu F' . Consimlinte ( or Corbett antI V. ' , 11. Gray ( on' A1iy. Thii. hurso Is to be $20,000. the wumutier to tmmke mull. I'hiittiiui , go l'hii Iii , ( 'iiiiniploi. , NIAGAIiA ON 'l'hhli LtlCE , Ont. , .lttly 35.-The 11111115 of the Canadan ; t'tittiC m'leini- plonshuip hi're. M. \\'hiitmiin of harvard tlttt'ut&'mi B. P. . ) oh New York In tive Cots U C fi u'i I I PluY I he'sen . t clumni hmioti , B.are , tomorrow. EXPRESS COMPANY BOYCOTT I.itver . ' ill , . ( mud- Is EliVIm'f lie 1I. eniis , ' I 4 riilsh.s I Iim It .u.- - . tItle Stitiitl.s for ( 'iislotiii'rs , CHICAGO , July 15.-The Denver & lila ( irtunmie Express company Imas hiexi furnIsh- lag revenue stamps to its patrons , whIle tIme American , Atlanta anti United States , itietim- bore of the so.calI'mt "express combine , " tiara refusemi to do so. A circular has been issued by flue combine saylitg. "There will not be through billing In'- twt'en the 1)en'er & Itho Granule amid thIs company alter July 15 , 1898 , atm am'eotint of the Deliver & 1(10 ( ( Iraimdo Express coni pany fmirniiuhilmmit shlppm'rs imiteranl revenue stamuips at cotntnoii points , amuil hiuishiiess will not lie 1titercman'vd ) with thin ienvor & tim Graimmit' Express cornpatiy , exc'pt as providemi in titles governIng local express. " Thm eomhilmiatioti says it is not sullect to the ProvIsion of the interitul reveittie act , and can interpose all tIme obstacle'e it chooses to eotiinntree earriemi by othiet corn- Ilfr.itlIhhIt Pout ' .1 I I.I'I'A Itt' ( O'hiltNOIt. ( ' ( ) liiii'l of IIr4 York lmiy Ittile I I ii , ii I I 'l''iii iu , ra r I I , SAN FRANCISCO , July 15.-TIme Call says it hinim been practically ilecided to up- poInt Colonel L. Ii. Barber of thin FIrst New York regimc nmt nilhitary governor of the hawaiIan Islands. 'Flie appointment however. wilt only be temporary , for Cob- fbI Ihather was assuiremi today that time FIrst will go to the Philllpplites as soon as it Is poEsltile to relIeve it of garrIson duty. 'l'll I Ii ; . . 's * Igg. I. . l'itNNi'img'r Itit tm's , WASHINGTON. July 15.-As a result of thmo recent conlerenco between raIlroad of- ficlals and the members f the Interstate Commerce commlummlon , the latter hotly or- tIered an Investigation to be held at the federal court room at ( 'hlcago at 10 a. rn Men's aiid Boys' 1.5O and $2.00 1 4. 'the Greatest Sale 1iir..s ill Years. /sIl tVll'Ql' , ' latest 3111(1 iie\vtt St\1ti 1111(1 ( I lit' bt'st shirts made , I lit (111 ( lii'e hIlt. ' 01. 1 lii.i Gi'i 11111 HI'allI ( tllhl 1)1'it , ill- cluling'el'y style of a sliii'l hlUll ( ' , ( ) OIl slVIt' : ill . . . . 50c Meit's lihnck anti brown I half l1os , 400 tloTeIi tncn' flue 'eekw'ear , bmuuim bows , worth 12e , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . simlilti hoWe niitt stritug tIes , Meii' l2t' anti tic hlnuumiket- stirth iSe , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . chIefs ut . . . . . . . .5. 5fl ( ) dozt'ii Men's Foumr-iim-llnntl nntl Meti's 85e niiti SOc Shirts anti - Trek Ties , worth SOc. at . . . . . . . . OC V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)rawcre at . . . . Mtil'S'orkiuig Shirts , iii lIght , \teiu's 25c Suspeliders t colors. wirthi SOc. at . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 C at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Special Bargains ill Ladies' Furnishuiigs. iadles' Silk Mitts , worth 25c , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . . . . . . . l20 l.amlles' Fotir-Ittittoil 1itl ( lloc , In all desirable hamIcs , ortiu $1.25 , at . . . . . . . . . I.amhles' Ihose , In black flnti brown , full senuulless auiti ( lotibiL' heel anti toe , worth 2c : , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clillmlren's Illeycle host' , lit black , ilernisdort dye , ilotiblo knee , heel mimI toe , ortiu 25e , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladles' lleeveless'esta , worth 12e , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So Iaihlt's' Sleeveless anmi Stuort Sleeve Vests , In white anti colors , \Vorttu 23c , at. . . , .12'4e Ladles' Suiluuuner Corsets at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .c nuiti SIn lho's' Shirt W'alsts , iii dark nuid lIght colors , worth SUe , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies' tftiibrehlas at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SOn tutiti 75o Flour is Down Alt the s'eli kuiown brands , ( ' .reani , Miiiiut'sota XXXX , I'tmre Food , etc. . ( ill . sale tmnorrow for , ir sack.$1.25 \\.o guarantee evely stick or your lnwmcy hack. ilest Rye Flour , large sacks. . . . . . . . . . . . lOc Best \ ' , 'iiolt'heat lbattr , P't stick , , . . 22 POUiiiiS line l'reserviuig 511gev for , . . , $1 .00 12 bars standard Laundry Soap for. . , . Arniour's Launidry Soap , 10 bars. . . . . . . 25c 1losa Soap , try it , finest soap inatle , 10 bars for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Wool Soap , for linuinels and woolen gootla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cm' Stnnlt bat's'ool Soap , otily. . . . . . . . . . . . 4c 3-potmnti cutus Yellow Tttble i'enclmes. . . , 8-ottnd ; Celia Goldeti lrop or Oreetu tInge l'ltinis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Ne' catch Sartlines , li.'r can. . . . . . . . . . . Alt kinds Yeast , per package. . . . . . . . . . . Cheese , Fruit and Fis1i- . ' : Cl1ePC.01i1Y : : : : : : At Our Fisheries- W'iscotislti Double Creaiul , . . . . . . . . Nev Family \'huite FIsh. per iiouintl. . 314a lterkltner County Fuill ( 'refit. . . . . . . . . . He lasima Smulimion , bbooti roil , per poitnil . . Cic Young Anueriea , finest . . . . . . . . . . . . % Stuoa' W'hite Codfish , only , per hiotititi . . 4ic Fiflt' Swiss Cheese , emily. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I IC New Lake Trout , lr luounti. . . . . . . . . . . 7i0 Fancy OhIo Swiss Cheese , only. . . . . . . . iCc PIta' Large Mackerel , each. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ituporteml SwIss Cheese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 Seedling Orntiges , lfl'r mlozcn. . . . . . . . . . . lOt' lirick Cheese , extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ½ c Fancy Lemons , iier tloztu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lilo : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : l2 TIme way to study t'conmuny is to ecoen- l'hneapple Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOc Iflizi' iuiid buy alt your vnnts at the Ilig N'UfCliltCl , oniy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ½ C Store , Butter ! Butter ! Butter ! Faic' Dairy Ilttttor , fi'esb froln the couuntry . . . . . . lOc , 11c and 12c Bctt Scpmuu'ator Creaniot'y Butter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14c , 15ic aiid 16c I Big Sale on Meats Saturday. I cured . . . . . . . . . . . . Sc Spring Chickens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie . 1 llama , augar I Salt No. l'ork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514c 3-potind calls Lard , any branil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cumis Lard , tiny brntimt . . . . . . . . . \Veiner Bologna Sausage Sausage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12C . l'ot 11am , per C8fl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sc l'ickle.i Tripe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3c . No. 1 Sugar Cured lhacotu . . . . . . . . . . . . Califoi'nia llanvi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cc Vienna Satisage , ocr catu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lionoless 11am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on August 1 , Into tlio alleged disturbance in passenger rates by the CanadIan PacIfic Railway company. SteitnislI h Llii ( ' to llliiuiiIfl , SEATTLE July 15.-Shipping men here believe that the Pacific Coast Steamship company Intends to establlRh a line to Manila. They tumso their opinion on the manner in which the troop ships Senator antI City of Pucbla were fittcmi out , the equipment of the vessels indicating that their servlca to the Piiilipplties is not to be temporary. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. A. M. Schall of New'morlc is a MIllarmi gttest. It. A. hell and family are visitors from lleienmi , Mont. S. McFadden Is registered at the Millard front ChIcago. J. S. Cnrtwriglut is registered at the Mu- harmi ( rolil Fort Wa'iie , Frank h. llntcnnnn and wire of San Pratt- deco are Onizuha visitors Gt'oigo C. Davis and J. Ij. Walker of lbs. ton arc oxitoettion vfshtor. IT. E , ICeeltir anti J. Bergheini of Bouliler , ( 'olo. , arrived in Omaha yesterday. 0. It. Perfect of St. l'aul , Miuni. , ned 'V. ( I , l'ertect of New York are guests of E , It , Perfect. Forty-six delegates to the Northwest MIs- , Sourt Pr'sa , assocIation mire stopping nmt tIme , Ilarker. J , C. Ltnmiiti , John H , Anderson anti J , C , ( lariluct' anti wile of Now York City are et the liarker. Charles H Plato of Shrlner , Tex. , aiid B. L. Vineyard of ilouston are among the Lone Star iteopbo vliu are in the city. Mrs. C , H. Cochran of Fort McI'liersoii , Ga. , amid Colonel J. l' , 1Lovell and wife of Ilatiulbal , Mo , , tire stopping at the 1lark'r. , Miss 11. Mnrst , Mrs. F. T. llelpflmiger unitI Miss N. lk'ntley , all of St. Joseph , arrived mi Ornmtma : yosicrilny to visit thin expoal- tloii. ( 'hester ii. llrntlley of Casper , 1) . II , Craig anti F , A. llade.lh make up a iarty ofVy - ornlmig exposhihoim 'ihitors 01111 arm' Mlllarmi gtleata , hiowar.l h.'oimartl bus returned after a sIx utiotithis' nbeiict , In Albany , N , Y. , anti whIt lm the guest of hum relatives and trleimdi In title city tot' a iiiontti. 1.V. . llontgouim'ry antI wire of lilwood , leorgo B. Barr and wife of Lnximigtonm aiid , % Ire. M. A. Itlce of l'awnee CIty or. , No- bramilcants reglsti'reil at time Millard , Ira Ii. Doyle of St. Paul , MIne , , It. II. Jarvis of SIoux City , W'ilhiam mmcii of ( .hil- cage , 0. Il. Allen of 1)enver atml George v. hlotigelt of ChIcago are travelIng imien iitopiutmg at this barker. Mrs. P. J. Kellogg , wIfe of lion. Charles Kellogg , Craig , Mo. , wIth hir ibelceiIss Carrie ( ; i'et'mi , iiauighmter of Colonel lIenattmImm ( ireen of Dalton , ( lu. , imr , ' guests of dJV. until Mrs. L.V. . Miller , 223 Sewimrml. Mrs. ltobert J. Dtmff , wIfe of ljIeitetiiitt ( IiUf ) , alto hans had charge of tue rtmcrmlitumg or ( 'oiotii'l llrynn'mm reglmummt , came .bowim ( roni Fort Month' yeslerdey Ia visIt s'Ithu her Ii mmebnii.l . at Fort ( I intuit a uiid I mm It n I mm I lie m'x- posit iou. Major Jrank Strong , representing the lo- PartnmieiL , of Jmmstlcim ott thio goveriiniuimt board of imuatiagt'mrn'ti ( , and Mr. Luiaw ) of \'ashmingtoti arrived last iilgbt tuiiti vill sliend MIlItary day on , the grounihe. Major Strommg ha' ' , lacim cotineetem ] with tIme 4.- hiurttma'nt a great inniiy years mmtimi holds LI. bIght position uniler ( lie attorney gimi- oral , Nebraskans at the hotels : henry Graft , W'ymore'hlllam ; 11. Atwood , W. C. 2.lm'tz- . gar , Charles /i. ' .Vlnshilp. Freniont ; l'tuter Olson , hi. ii. hake , uranimi Ilatiti ; A. F. I'iuger , Silver Creek : hicroaril McNerry , lieu Cloud ; F. 11. School , Wahoo ; 11 , F. Stlllo3' , lm'arnam ; Ii. M. Ius'aI , L. J. hfayu , \'ood RIver ; John A. Wisherm ] , Clarhison ; 'Fhiornas liegao , Crawford ; John MartIn until wife , E. ( I. Ibohianati , Lincoln ; Mrs. C. liudut , MIss Isa Asmus , Norfolk ; P. J. Murphy , Rogers ; W. ii. Orton , Fuhierton ; l' . Mcrreman. Icearney ; .1. Ii , Itogers , Au- rota , C. N. Davenport , liavenna ; I. Win- chiell , Greeley Center , (1orgn Il , isrr mitid wife , I.exioton , F. W. Momutgouiery , 1st. wood , Table ialt , lt'r , sack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llM l'mirbor ' .iiutehmes . , 1 ; tioxca for. . . . . . Si' hilooti Itoti Suulmiuon , tall canue. . . . . . . . . . . lOc lilooti lieu Salmiion , lint onus. . . . . . . . . . . . SlIct'mi h'Inenpplo. large 2-potmtitl cans. .12tn Swtet Ctioculnt , or ciuhct' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICc package Slirethiled Cocoamiut . . . . . . . . .lu.c 2-pouted hitmelmago ilrcakfast Ontimienl. . . Large 5-lotiiimt jars Strawberry , 11851 , . li&'ri'y , Q ii i tict' , I 'each. l'eur tumi.l A PrI - cot l'rt'serves , worth 75c nmiyt'luere , Ott iilt' fAir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , SOc breakfast Cocoa. her can eiul' . . . . . . . . . ( loltIen Santos Coffee , hier hiOiiiil. % . . . . . . IOn Golden Rio Coffin , 11cr liotitid. . . . . . . . . . 12'.m' ( Iolileii ( late illetud Java mutmmi Moeiitt. ISo Oltl i'laimtntlon Javt anal Machit , try it 2k' ; Ceylotu lileitti , for iceti ten , worth SOc. 2Sc . Ilusket FIred Jnpniti Teim , only. . . . . . . . . Real India Ceylon 'I'en , It itt delicious.iSo BAPTISTS AWARDING PRIZES 'i'eii 'I'Iioti.mituid Itt'glster.'ii tit tteet Iti or Ilniitlst Yoiitit 1ei- jilt"s Uiihotm. BUFFALO , July iS.-Fttlly 10,000 dole. ' gates nuimi vIsitors to the atinuint coniventiomt of the Baptist Youing I'coplo's umnion , have registeremi at. lueatiqunrtcrs. Tluo banuuer for settler woric In the bible course vent to the Onimland church of I'httsburg , l'n. ; that. for senior work In the sacred literature course to thin Fouttli cituirclt of Miiinenpohimu. 'Fiio Loon Lake umnioti was a close second lit tIme race for its possessloni. iurlng thin morning thu 'orkers In council held a number of meetings , at , which nanny interesting papers vcro rcnml. 'l'hio councils holdIng meetIng were organIzation , blbio work , missions , social reform and junIor reform , 'I'ho convention proper was called to order shortly : iutor 9 o'clock. Addresses were .im'ltvnrcil by Rev. IV. S. Sweet of China iltuig , Citlna , andV. . hi. Hatcher of ltichrnontl , Vii. , their subjects ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' beIng 'ChIna's 'l'hirahidom' anal 'The Itlght Tonic" respectively. A roll call of states followed. As each state 'ns callemi a delegate arose mmml gave the greeting of thu state to the conivt'mi- tion , 'l'lnt , nomInating conunnltten agaIn naked for more tlmnm' , and tile conventioim adjomirnemi lix ) tui ( u'efl i ti g , II , , . pit iii Slil ii lt , st'Ims V I egi ii Iii , NIiW'l'OhtP NEWS , Vs. , July 15 , Thin hospital ship Ohivetto arriveth at. Old Point front Santiago at I :30 : o'clock thIs rnornutng wIth wounnimleti aboard. ' , In the old frontier dayn V _ , ( tortures enc - ' d c : : ? D " - . - 2 ' -1 ' ? , . - . : . - . imtiikc -C ease. Their bodieq cry out but in a language that emily the suuferer thti'tniselvca can hear , ' , Vlten U luau is suffering in this way his body cues otmt witbi alt aching hicami , a eltiggish body1 niticleii that are lax aiitl lazy , a brain that ta dull , a stomach that disdains food and nerves that will miot rest. A wise man will heed these warnings and wilt resort to tim right remedy before It is too late. Dr , Pierce's Golden Medical Iis. covery makes the appetite keen niitl hearty. It invigorates time liver , It protnotes the natural processes of aecretioti amid excrc- thou , It makes the digestion and assimuiba- tioti perfect. It purifies the blood atid fills it with the life-giving elezoents of time food. It tears dowim old anti worn.oumt tlsstnea and replacca tiiciii with the firm , muscular tie. eucs oflicaithi. It is the great blood meeker mund fleehi-butilder. It Is the best nerve tonic , It cures 93 per cent. of all cases of coiiaump. tlon , u'eak lutigs , bronchitIs , lingeriog coughs and kjnmdreml ailmitents , Pound at all medicine atore. Accelit Ito substitute that mitay be represented as "just as good , ' ' The "Just as good " kitid doeu't effect cures ilic the following : . , Tuvcnty.fmve years ago eight dIfferent doctor. tolmi ate that I would live but a short tlttir that I had cotsumuptIo mind iliust die , " writes ; eo. It , Cooje , Er.q. . of Myers Valley , l'ottawatmtmle Co. , Knos. ' I finally commenced takIng Pr , l'jcrce's (3oide Medical Ilscovery and am stilt in the band and among the Ilvitig , " Don't suffer from constipation. Keep ( lie body cleutu inokic as welt as outside. Dr. Pierce's ' Pleasatit I'cllets cure comi. stipatlon and biliousness , They nvat grIpe , A11 good dclcra have thetiS