Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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    i 1 trite p t. tTx TLUI4Y 1.1,1 : : s1'rVlmA1 , TVLY 1(1 ( , is/S / ) , j
AN o TNER Muslin s and Cambrlcs 5c Bast Calicos at 3c 5c Dash Goods at 5c IOc Percales and Ducks 5 c 25c White G0 o ds8 c IDES 1 N EC WE R 5c
WRAPPER S EST D ' 1'I' Ifncst bleached Best staudnrd Fine dimities , organ- Iicst . gilality yari wile The ( inert quality , yU(10 ( l.tulieg' near
I nnlJilins and cambric's , l'rliit9 skill Calicos dies , iawns , la1)ettc + , luu'u colur0d percales dimities , plain Hans- '
' .l'UIa , ' we YV111 s'll an. ins 'liulill r 1.011 (1tth' 5 at jnconettos , batistes , ote , in tnul dress darks and sldrting sank , gnrd wide Indln linen PUFF
1' loco strf Les qutl a test work , thtclte , in dnrit nlul Itght a)1d dnttcu Styles ,
OtllcP 1 Ofl do11 i'it ( Ntalll ( the Loom , 1 tica and
hrult of yard . . . flee dotted , up to grounds , 0o gard , go td yl + ' y'nrd , " . '
al't ( 111aki' , ( ! Ill1CO , lflte9t \V0lnstttta gontbcyard " " Y'ARi1 YAIn1 : brpunt5ruynrd , Y 111U Y IRD 1"AitU liai 'n co lors ananc + J f t.
style. WRAPPER S ' ' siritms , ncwelcs and
are w011 nlaic , Ilails ) ( , 8(111fllly
ytuit Li n [ 'r1 , , l worth Sl QO ,
(111s1 1 1 1 y , all 1'E i goat
Oil _ 2l floor , rhnlo ° 1 li' . _ , . . .
25c SAS RI BBONS 5c _ _ _ ' _ _ IS R80N S 29c (
Price and determined in department in the house
cutting deep
every , , , ' , tIle,9l
rnko ' 1'Inesilk Sash
' nt t'antng o of the tsun sioy
, chucked r ago7
1,000 of HtrijmG ,
pi eces --We t later than July 31st so that our . . ' , nil the
nun paled ry 'rihbons ( trout - - can use summer goods , 5attr.tlty , .at reaut'rd ran4- tn/lllty' , / in now
' rolors , ( sale must do its work that time and make cunlbinntiofS of cols ,
in nil the new' lending ( clearing by , we now prices for dress trimming , 20C
" nd 3 toned olleots , nil 5 BANKRUPT Cent
n I erg
for before. and
° U" vt hlche5 wide , worth Sic. CLOTHING SALE today never equalled millinery purposus t
nn Saln at urn yard . . . . - - - - - - . - - - . _ _ _ _ m'CIiVCal' ' , Oil Slllmi at.
r _ _ _
iOc SASi9 IIBBONS ; 12-c any Douglas $2.00 SASHES 5Oc
' , ' Neck Sst1311CS ,
Tadlas' triaged
sill ' ribbons ,
All the ptrro ( ntilillu'g
a . and all
( all luugths
, and
Hntln stripes plnhl
wtdths , bt'antlfttl combi +
checked , also piahl taf J
, , nations of colors , actual-
fetus , all of them nctt
worth $ : .1111 , stilt at
. 1 I
ally worth : ; o ( of solo at l
taint SacrificeSaleCLEARING SALE
N qti rum en r , e SI ik - a AD PAOASLLS S H 0 ES
Waists . _
, -
of c ' ad1GS i
1 Outing ur '
( . t $50.00 HATS FOIL $10 n Suits r0 t and lc 14
and ! t
the r > i. - t X11' the
? X350,00 imported ;
( . S a ar ar aau r City to
n astern hats that have \Vaists \ . , l1' ' t 1 \ \ t Select
' a ( 1)eetl oat at the Lx 1 position the ' 1 , . , S Irfis Square. \ P1' 0111 .
) a 3t two weeks-all wore 1111 an > " i,000samnieLadies' line - - - - - - _ ' '
Today ' ' sulo , SOO pairs of
111at wC Loa'hor 13clts , all lined w't' put on
Ol'tCd f01' this at the each - - - - - - a0D UMBRELLAS 98 lhu Ilnest ltaa hesttr Houl e Indes ( 411t'8.
'RF , 1 ) display , 111 yell at 11)1(1 stitched with leather ho ( h Its Ii gla . nod 1nw a t t , I n I 1 I l ute n n t d
YY x,50 Slid Waists 2.9 buckles , jeweled buckles , n Hllt tops , hr test a l iii luny ,
Lx1poSltiont 8lld al'e actually - - - _ - , . ' htiekles , inlaid 600 assorted Umbrellas and I'nrasols , ! u In ual the nail latest ns
S 100 dozen IalieS ' laundered. llntulsonu , tvhllc of q'tln ClriIcell Itess Illed , will all Ihr up lt dnto elllthtgs cod dr-
plalu lw
t ' . ( Jewels and steel silk ghorla slut-many of tlieai .
m \VOr'tll li l ) to $50 , on sale signs. ell shuns wire muds' to rrtoil
1 ' slllrt nalw in n hite w'111t ( ' silk waists , shirt or dress style , points ntetteh. . with silk covers and tnsBels , vt1i a great tfC,00. l5.On $100 and ycu tnlte your
1u'day in our millinery ( Iepart also blacl ( sill ( filth lnre whltc sailor _ ebolce of the entire lot today at
Lan INS lull colol ld cellars told trhih' reveres. I Erse tr uists vnrlely of fancy hmullce , that were early
1l ent1 choke , percales , till this season , s tveu ti ' a iun suIe at ( .ll ELEE 13TT in the season $2.00 , on Bale at OSc. ; -
make , worth up to iiie , lcadiu'ELdes , ! ° 9 " .
of sale on second floor , in all the ' t Sc tiVorttt '
S at IOc cuull Worth 75C largo jewel buckles , ° an °
$ ooo
? 00 dozen ladies' Shirt , Waist _ _
_ _ _ 3'00 UMBRELLAS il
r '
_ laYVlls trod Ladies White
, 111
_ _ " - " _ La1CS , worth 850 p0r - - _ _ _ _ _ did $ elte , AND PARASOLS ' All 'I'I. ! ; rho , luutd blank forded clad , inn mule Oxford to rev ° 50
$ 15 / I B 1 $ i HATS , $5 00 I O HATS G 0 FOR I .9B 8111 [ $ 1 -Oil sale 35 ( 'fa8h ' Flllt'S , lll'1V StY1C 28 C0t'el't.d lined and hut.hles stitched , , with 2 5c i r nibrellas lu p halo ack nl.o cha n g cable .111 the blmurk and Inn , p181u curd fancy
_ _ at 3JC ( 'aCh , t1drIS and blazer check mug plaids , all of them part Bolt vesting t op Ox ford Tlrs , made to retail at
r r of om own pat- Trimmed lelrhorn all ( " _ _ _ $3.0) and $3.50. go nl $ : .W and t,25 ,
( WOrth $ L00 1 fl'lietS that YVCrO - ; - 811(1 worth $3,00-go In this sacrifice sale
hats hats , (300 of th0 Genuine French Seal , ,
10rn , goods ( at $1,10
+ $ ? .95 , tit3 , llg. " o Leather Bolts , lined and
. nrkrd in ' our steel ( at 910 , filtcsi 11alitl ' hn- 150 dozen fin e organdy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - stitched , with benutlhtl 49c _ _ _ _ _ - o l
i'2' ? , -
.b uatl parted leghorll hats , trim turd enameled
will be nlag'hetl at ono mud with uutussclin do solo , Va1StS Scotch 1 f Fite Pique Skirts jeweled buckles ® ftnry All the Oxforth French ' 1'les heel- , ht 1larlt hand turn nod tau and , other .
price-in out sills ribbon and hl osvors- s at lUo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to Ietau for $1.00 ant ! $5.00 , t.n at $ .50 nod
dpattern noon- that were $7.50 and 910- gingham and 4 9 50 quality , . _ _ $3,01 pair ,
choice - ' on yule at. " ' ' . . . at . )5c ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washable White PARASOLS 69C $
China Silk
Parasols to all colors of
1m50 HATS GO AT IOc A great Val"let made of fine duck and the rainbow , to match lady's -
, any suit ,
, on sale at 41)r ) worth $ f ,25 , 4
PbC11 2.50 Shoes
b Great variety the fir ue military buckles in ml'o silk and worth 91.00 on s s $1.59
hlltl'Ii11111Pl haty , newest swcilr.t gold silverundoxy'dized , ] .280 pair men's calf shoes , In hare cool
( Knox style , ribbon trinu11eEl 25 dozen ladies' white 1)1(1110 crash skirts , trimmed at 4Uc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . conger s , 111 any , HI ? , ' caul any sgln of too
all Hen tilliljPV ) with blur , white tlmt Is worn rondo lu sill for
111 navy
1v1iite black allI ' sailor hats ' o at and 111arsailles , dgne , nod wide ynlUncln t , ; - Ladies' Fine at $2.50-go . . . . . . . ht . . . . this . . . . . . zeal" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 59
, hll't r assts- atB.OS ii raklapronfrolttClt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( . . . . . . . ' - - - ' - - - - - . - - -
colors , worth 11I , 9 Belts , . Great variety o [ Children's Parasols on B9e11 f $4.00 Shoes $2.50
worth to . C s
Ill ) s. - 3 enlo at IUe cie amt c
t0 $1JOin ) tI11S 5C 50c 1 $1 $ , 50 011 sale at 98c each. . 1Ji11Ci1 ( J1'aFll S1:11'tS studded with tlir ' 1y 1100 pair g ten Hors shoes s black , ahh the told tan , plnha and
hfll'1'if1C0 salC at , 9 , . $ 3.08 quality , at. . A (1101Fe stoney , 3)c. , lC 25c aiid d C styles , rondo to s ile0IIgo $2 Z 50
, worth $2.50 9 at $2.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
National League or Republican Olubs
Chooses California's ' Candidate.
111lcltlgtu , Ilan Shotvs lrp Last In llae
Itnco on IIli II rst Ilnllot-
1)etrils of the CluIg
President. . . .GFOflOl STONE , California
Herrrtnry' . , . . , . . . . . .I ) . ih. S'I'INl1 , Kentucky
'renatucr,11 , D , YOUNG , 1'ennsylvuulu
] t too' ' a long thaw for lhu delegates to
limo National ltepublican league to get to-
. getller In Lloyd's theater for thu cotclud111g
sesslun of dhu eleventh nnnual convention.
rho different candidates for the ohilcea hail
brit eteclloncorhng all night and all morning -
ing a11d sttll It was not yet quitu sure
which lend strength enough to carrythu
convention for the presidency , though llm
1)ingieyltw from 111chigatt claimed their
man as thu auceessfld one , Boyd of Maryland -
land tvas very confident and Colonel Slone
at California was not saying a word and
Sobol of Pomsylvntda adtultted he could
ntand defeat plcasanUy.
Ilnvlna ht nand thin drstro of the dclo-
gates la get through with its hustness and
go ! tome , I'resldent Crawford observed :
"f nntirr ihnt when Snntlagn surrendered
the only thing tin Spanish soldiers seined
to wnnt was to go home. They d(1velnpcd
a grout deal of fmonteileknt'SH. " With ttt
nmkhmg Ihr npplicnllon , for It was quite
well understood , he sudde11ly brake nit to
day , " 11't' w'lll continue buxhmess tinder the
Anmoricau flag : ' ' 1'w ! point of this was
thoroughly upprccfated , lee , aB "Old Glory"
climbed thin central mast of time Hlugn front
the red , witty and blue footlights to time
electric fan aver the curtain , ns the "Star
lipnngicd Manner" tvtis played still nnother
time by time hand.
IIvelinn of Olllerrs In Order ,
Thin iniBlness for which thu delegates ! mad
Nome together was to elect time oflhters of
the Natlonal Republican league for the next
two years , but there went (1110 er two pre-
lutimmrttti , one of which w'ns an Invitation
4rotn llnu Conunorehnl club of St. Paul to
! told time next convention 111 that city , which
was promptly referred to the executive corn-
mltlen nn ntothol of F. 13. Wright of lhln-
wapolis , nail another being a specelt in
happy volt by Judge Joel l1. l.ongemmt'cker
of Chicago ,
Judge Lomgeucl cr spoke brlelly , sn'Ing
ho t + 'au fascinated vhth Om ha timid the ex-
position. In a facetious tiny ho referred
to the fart of limo chub boasts nmd puilic
1nUhihogs. being lactated on high ground ,
thus enabling them to get of the street In
thu event tile ) took lee mmm ch lutoxlcanls ,
'rho speaker lvna In favor of pruseculiug thu
Cubaut ear as the conquest uwant time free-
dent of a race tlutt had been In bondage
for eeultrlos. Upoti lime question of polltlcs
he sand timl not all democrats were bail
men , but In every Instuneo thu worst cle-
ncIh of society was found ka law democratic
party. Tlw election of duulocnUs meant the
loss of comIIil ucu in the admitnlslrnltoa of
the elfnirs of time country , 11'hUo with rho
republican party It leas Just the opposite.
Ile hoped that olllccr8 would be elected
I7y the Jcagnu 111 harnmony with the best
intemesta of the whole count'- .
Nominations for president then began. The
roll of time states was called. Whet Call.
forma as reached Frank II. Short of
Fresnu placed before Ilium convention time
mistime of Colonel George Slone. This , lie
said , ! w did at Ilse request of the republieum
clubs of bii state , In support of Colonel
Stoue's claims upon the couslderattom of the
convention , he elaborated upon California's
position amid importance In time republican
rol11ntn , and Colonel Stoto's personal quall-
llrallons. lie did not forget the peculiar
light his party had had to make in Call-
foruia in the face of the free silver senti-
local so general there until the St. Louis
( omigressnuu , .Viiitt' Nn mimes Boyd.
Marylmtd was the next stale which had a
candidate , but he was not named by n Mary-
lander. A colored delegate from North
Carolina , lion. George I ! . White , appeared
on time platform , three cheers being given
for the colored delegates to the convention ,
amid be proposed the mule of J. Conkmnn
Boyd of Baltimore. Time solid south , he
said , hail been broken and Maryland , sweet
Muryland , lisd gone overwhelmingly repub-
lican. The mission of the republic mi party ,
ho behoved , would not be completed until
every man of whatever color cmdd be permitted -
mitted to cast his ballot freely- anywhere In
the couniry. lie characterized tire demo-
rralie party as being "the party of free
silver , free whisky and free everything -
thing but free niggers and free
ballots. " The solidly republlca11 states
could well take care of themselves , but
those states of the south whicht had Just
been converted fron Iourbonlsm needed
enconragememit. Of course , ho eulogized
Mr. lloyd , and hu dilated upon his mniuemco
ht the polltlcs of MaryluuL
Time name of E. N , ihtgley of Michigan
was presented by Deputyltailroatl Coin-
ntissloner 1Villiam W , Wedcneye'r of
Lansing. lIe cmno fron n state , lie said ,
where the republicmt party had been born
to perpetual life , lie was fully aware to
tr1mnt Nebraska lint ! done for the republican
i m'ty , Largely through time efforts of Mr.
Dlngley as editor of the lCala11mzoo 'Pole.
graph , he said , Mlchigan lied been cabled
to give a ntnjnrity of 65ooo to Dlr , licluu-
ley. No natter where the presidency of
the national league went Michigan would
go republicmt and lie bclleved Maryland
would go republican ao utatter where It
n'enl. Me. Dluglcy , helm had been presldeut
of time state league , wotmid stand upon what
lie had Bono anti what ho cold do for his
The last nomination w'as nmdo by J. Ti.
Edwards , a l'emtsylvnnta delegate , lie put
fortht the elands of i'eimisy'lvaultt as "the
first republican state lu the n111om. " l'resl
dent MoiCluley hint ! been boat 111 OhIo , limit
ranee of Pennsylvanla stock. Sumico time
drafting of time Ieeluralion of Indepeudenco
iu Phlladelphla , Peunsylvania had always
progressed forward. Ito told a story to
lllustratu the colossal size of her major-
Itks , The 11anw of Isadoro Sobel , "that
able , young , sagacious rrpnblicau leader of
l'onnsytvtnia , " also had emerged whit such
a splendid record trou the h rie fight ,
Snow IIitluslnatle Seeuuds.
For Texas , "which hmdu't nay axe to
grind ; as lie said , Judge 1 : . P. Scott of
Paris eecouled time nommmluatiou of Colonel
Stone of Callfontia , lie lmmdulgod In a thug
at some ono by saying Texas did not propose
to sacrlllce time Interests of the whole m0
llonnl league Just to servo time personal nnt-
biltons of souse ono man.
Gulag Out of hia way slightly to pay n
lrlbute to National I'resltieut Crawford of
Kentucky' , Sydimey A. Poster of Des Moines ,
in. , cUhuslastlcally secomided the uonduatlon
of J. Cookutati lloyd.
Time first ballot taken was a surprise to
thu Dlugley nun. They had been led to
bullevo they would realize lhu highest vote
to begin tvilh , lustcad , out of a told of
1,51(1 votes cast , Slone got 61 , Boyd iiSs ,
Uingiey 157 mad Sobel 211 , the Dlngley vole
being the lowest. It regpreel [ 756 to elect
Illhtois wlth OS toles , Kentucky with 60 ,
Mhmesuta wllh 38 , Now Jersey with 4'J amid
time .lmerlcun College league witlm IS divided
tlmelr voles evenly between time four candl
Antos. Time big vote of 116 front New York
was all cast for Stone ; also time Texas vole
of 02.
n'lmea Vlrt tnla , was called Logic 0110 De-
copying a seat in time Maryland delegation'
tried to cast its vote for Boyd , but
Virginia ! s umot represented ht time conve11-
timt and the trick was exposed. Subse
quuntly Mr. Boyd got up and repudiated
that piece of work , saying the man guilty
of it teas not a delegate from Maryland at
all. lie rather limed that It had been a
put qm job by one of the other candidates
to hurt him.
Whether time attempted crookedness was
responsible for It or not , or whether the
Maryland delegation had been guilty of
coarse work or not , Air. Boyd was defeated -
feated , Colonel George Stone , Californin'a
state league president , being chosen tires- !
deumt of the national league on the next
ballot ,
Stone's Victory Complete.
Stone lunch demonstrated that lid was a
pretty- good politician , but it 'was not altogether -
together this whtclm elected him. Boyd's
misfortune gnarl turned over a number of
totes from himself to Stone , for he lost
sixty-nine votes on the second ballot. Only
the two ballots were necessary to elect ,
\i'hlle it was being taken lllbmols passel
nail Peunsylvnnla threw its solid vote of
1i0 ; to Slone. Then Illinois went for Stone.
So this good luck , nlong with hie silent ,
stilt hunt ! dud of work ever sluice he lead
arrived from time west-ime was time first
presidential candidate en the ground-gave
Stone the victory by a vote of 830 to 619
for Boyd , S6 for Dlngley and 20 for Sobel ,
On Mr. floyd's motlou Colonel Shame's olec
tjon. was made nnanhnous.
D. II , Stimio of Newport , Ky. , was chosen
secretary by acclamation and M. D. Young
of Pelmsylvnnia was made treasurer in the
same way.
An hivitatlon from Galvestot for time next
coneutiou , to be referred to the executive
commmittee , followed , the Texmu tenderhtg
it saying lie wmmted to correct the tun ,
pression which lint ! become general that
Galveston "was the Jtottest place outside
lades. "
] t was Judge Scott of Paris who extended
the Invitation to hold time next convention
at Galveston. Colonel Espy of Minnesota , ht
behalf of the city of Minneapolis , invited
the next cotvention to meet in time Plour
city , 'Pie executive committee will consider -
sider time Invttatlons.
At 1:10 : the convention adjourned to meet
two years hence , but this was dot until
after a vote of thanks to the local coin-
tnittee having charge of time comvenllom , time
exposlliou tnanagenlent and Major 1' . S
Clarkson had been adopted by n rising vote.
Rdllot's Vinlt Sltlft's.
J. YY. N. llurhett , president of the Ton-
nessrt Press association and editor of time
Jackson Dally Sun , Fended n party of sixty-
one Tennessee editors wimo visited Fort
Onintla yesterday mnorntng. Fran the fort
Ilse party' was taken on a special truimt m
Swift utid Cottipnny''s packing plum 111
South Omaha , and returned to thu exposition -
tion grounds about 1,30 , ,
( 'nasal Pnrtridge Slnrts llumie.
TANGIEII. July 16.-Frank C. Partridge ,
time United States consul , has straled on his
sway home. Pending tlw arrival of 11r.
1'arlrldge's auccessor limo affairs of the consulate
sulate will he in charge of Mr. Lilly , secretory -
tory of the eousulate.
GustaSa Steinberg , SOS North Sixteenth
street , reports that his roommnnlo , with
whorl hu has been associated for two
years , disappeared lust night after sacking
Slelnberg's trunk and bureau , Amuomg time
missing urtirles are t o suits of clothes ,
shoe's and other articles of npparel.
James Curler. time small hey wlmo dolt 60
cents tvortlm of coal from mu Missourt l'acilh'
railway car at Leavenworth , Kan. , two
ssceks ago , nrmil who was apprclton(1ed lore
at the request of the 1ausas authorities a
week ago , has been released , as officers front
time Sunflower state failed to nmuku their a1)-
Something About the New President of the
Republicau League.
Vises from the lianks h , Command of
u llerhnent amid Ilan a Number
of Remarknhle l'euts to
Datc Frau , I
George Stone , time California colonel and
twiner , who has just been clmosemm to too
presidency of the National League of lie-
publleamt clubs , was elected of the express
visit of ll. Il. Be Young of the Sul Francisco -
cisco Chroulcle. The ( 'alifornia'journalist
and leader woe alandlug. ht a hotel coTldor
yesterday sturounded by a number of t
Ilse league members. One of time Califocaia
delegates said : "Air. Do Young , we u'nnt
your advice. We have a very good candidate -
didato for time presidency , url we have a
strong chance of cupplring the next con ,
venttou for California. We probably caattol
line bout. Now which shall we take ? "
Mr. Do Young pulled hits loose sack coat
together nail said : "If you care for nij
ophmtou , I should say take thu prstldcuey.
It is of more inmportnuco just now. It 'viii
ho a great lhlug for the party hm our , 'ate ,
letting the next convention would be a
good thing , but that can wait. SVr might
not have suchr a good chance for limo presl-
dene ) ' anutlmer ) car. Take the ' .op of time
ticket , and let the eonventiot Walt time
two years , It Is bound to inert with us
sooner or later , but let's take the presidency -
dency this year"
William T. Mamuing , one of the two New
Yorkers who are ( mere for the exposition
amid who represented the entire stren'h
of tlip delegation of the Empire atate , time
largest in the eonventlon , was iii time party ,
wailing for the leader's advice , and said :
"That's just what we svnnted to know ,
Mr. Do Yommg. Whether you would prefer
the comvcnlion of the presidency. SVe have
116 votes accredited to Now York state and
we'll votu tliemn nil for Slone. "
Manning amid hits partner front New York
kept their word end throw time 116 votes
of the Jmplro slate to Stone nn limo first
ballot , staying with hint also on time next
and decroslve one. 'rite little conference hm
limo Paxton lobby yesterday nmornlug
was what settled the question of presidewy ,
as nil of the defeated caudidules aftewards
lids Ileemi a "Inu'Icy" Man.
Colonel Stouo has always been n "lucky"
man , Ins luck was still with him at yes ,
terday's closing session. Nevertheless , Just
as time convcrtlon was about to assemble , ho
did not feel absolutely confdeut of results ,
lie told a lice reporter as be was approach-
lag time entrance to Boyd's theater that ho
was almost luelkled to not penult his name
to go before the convention-he mould not
allow it umlees he was posltl'ely stirs' that
he could win , as that was the edy way
lie did politics. IlnltUlg somewhat between
time tu'o opidantm ns to whether he mllrl
paled success or failure , h" went futo that
couvctlou a11d Prammk ii. Short of Fresno
presented his name as time first of the can ,
lie had pimenomenal luck In his war serv
Ire. A young stripping from the
Catskill mountains when time civil
war broke out , iw entered limo
service of the uncut army in July , 1S6i , as
a privalo in the 't'hird' Ncw York cavalry.
lie climbed up lime mllltary ladder surcees
fully oath he reached a first lieutenancy of
time Fourteenth Now York cavalry in 1563.
Next yenr. durlag the lied rlvcr caunpamgu ,
be tsas taken prisoner , but though his horse
was slmot from wider him , as it had been
also the day before at Sabine's Cross Roads ,
that Is not where his luck began. It was
after he had served a term as prlsoucr , partaking -
taking of the happy-go-lucky hospitality of
Texas , that his destiny as a child of fortune
became manifest.
Out of 3,500 olilcers he was one of the 166
exchanged , Of course imo had taken his leave
of absence for tlmlrty days with an extension
of thirty days more , and had put all his
luggage on hoard the MIssissippl , the
sister of the Alabama , which two vessels
were Iron ixpertments built for the union
caneo and christened with southern nancs
for sonmo uaaccountable reason.
General Canby , who had succeeded Banks
in command of the Department of limo Gulf
and who was killed In the ' 70s by the
llodoc Indlms ) ht the lava fields of Call-
foruia , had accompanied the grunting of the
leave of absence with ninny congratulations
an the young officer's good fortune and had
wished himn a happy visit to his home up
in the mountains of hits native stale , but
just as he was ready to start for time north
Colonel Wallter , the chief of limo cavalry
bureau of the Gulf departnwut , said to hhn :
"Lieutenant , why don't you wait until next
year anti thrum have n goon time , and la the
meanwhile stay with us as ordnance otlicer
of time departumient ? "
The persuasive manner of Colonel Walker
had the deslrel effect nod Lieutenant Slono
concluded to give imp ] cis bertha on the
vessel , 1'hnt day time Mlsslsslppi left
ug Its voyage. It was seen passhig out
through the mouth of time river whose none
she here , but from that day to thus nothing
has ever beets heard of the vessel or of any ,
of limo 000 it had on board.
lie linked n Ileglmuent.
Colonel Stone recruited a whole regiment
of colored soldiers at New Orleans Just
before time lieu River campaign. It was the
Niaely-third United States volunteers , and
with it lie'furtl6ed the town of New ] Feria ,
lbo commanded it the hest two months of
1501 , holding the rank of Ilenlenant colonel.
This job fell to hum while lie was captain
1mm the Elghh'entb New York.
lu all time battles he took part In he never
had anything more serlous happen to him
tlmuu Its horse being shot from under him.
At hall's Bluff , as a sergeant of mooted
eourlermm , hue helped to carry Coloncl Balzer
off the held , Ito was hr ( ho engagements
at ! 'err'vllle and 1\'luchester , Va. ; Fort
JesBltti , Alexander , Pleasant Hill , Sabloo
Cross Roads atul Baton Rouge , in Summit ,
Visa , : ( ioldsborougit , Kingston and ' little
n'asitugton , " N. C. , anti a bumidred
sltirntshcs besides , lie only lost ids fete-
dom by his regiment running right into
an unbuscado wlllm the rest of the
brigade. After his relcnso he served
on General Merrllt's staff and was in roam.
mand of time arsenal at San Antonio , Tex ,
lie was not mustered out until Jmme , 1800.
Then ho went west as a meatber of time
rnglneerhng corps of the Union l'acitle anti
settled lu t'allfornia , wimere his good luck
bas continued to attend hint and 'ho has
made his million and more ,
OId Settler of Ic'urnry
KCAaNI)1' ) Neb. , July 16.-Special.-Ii. ( )
J. Mack , ono of taw old settlers of Kearney ,
died Tuesday night and was hurled yesterday
wltit Masonic honors. lie was oue of the
early mayors of Kearney and at ono time
ttas qulte proutinrnt iii local afTairs. Of
late years , howet0r , tie has been fu feeble
health , and has been contlned to time house
for several mouths.
, U , llIlrialr ,
11AhLVA1iD , Nob. , July i6.-Speclah- ( )
Atter seserul nmomilhs of cottnucd illness
n' . II. Dtclirldo , for time past nineteen
years a resident of Howard , died at his
homno In this at 3 o'clock last Monday morn-
log , aged about 70 years ,
National League of Republican Clubs to
Retain Its Offices There ,
Sobel 'fella of 1114 I'nrt in the Trans-
net ion that Lmulded eat'-PIfty-
Tonr Votes Iron , Georgln PIg-
ure to Souie Extent.
A meeting of the executive cotmniltee was
held at the Millard after time National Republican -
publican league had adjourned and It was
decided to retain Cblcago as the hcadquar-
ters of the league , the ooice being + 'outtcued
In the Auditorium hotel. The secretary was
allowed u salary of $2,100 , a year. No mw
lion was taken emi the place for bolding
time next couvenlio11 , though St. foil lies
by far the sentiment of the cunumiitteo in
its favor. A Kansas hitch wus fixed up
by Byron E. Shellield of Atchison betmig
recognized executive eommltteemau lualead
of J. P. Culver of Emporia. Sbethlcid hind
been originnlly chosen by a caucus of the
Kansas delegates but subsequently a caurns
was held by 8 few dissatistled Kansans amid
Shumeld's aante was unceremoniously erased
amid Culver's came substituted. 1'he coni-
milteu endorsed Al. 11. DeYoummg of Semi
Francisco for one of the eleven comtnisslou
crships from this country to limo World's
fair at Paris In 1900 , and a petition to this
efcct was signed by time members right
after time meeting.
Delegates talked quite freely yesterday
afternoon about the fight over the presidency -
dency and ,1 , Coukman Lloyd was a sore
man whmem lie left the Dullard to tnhmo time
hidn here. He had raised btnself sonic-
what hl ! lie eyes of the other delegates by
hula speech maiming the rleetion of Stone
uaaninlous , but he ronlmi nut get over 11mm'
dsappointnwnt lie suffered and wimlehm time
Maryland (1elegatlon shared with him to a
man. A great , tleal of Interesting reading
was tturnlslied LY time talkative delegates
during their conversations for u few hours ,
' 'her , Fuhel's Inlcresl Is.
Isador Sobel , who posed as the rlmotce of
I'ennsylvatmia for time O111re of president ,
boasted of belmig a smooth worker bl an 1n-
direct way , Ile said after the convenlie ,
tint tie had meter really wanted to bum
elected presldeut , Fla purlase behind hits
randldature being to put Peunsylvaula In a
position wherein hits state cotdd hold the
balance of power and dictate something to
time convention , it is doubted if la could
have accepted the o111ce If it had gone to
Idm under the civil service law , as he is
postnasler of tIrle. Ire boasts ( hunt lie went
into limo colgressiemah conventlon from his
district and succeeded III nominating S , A ,
Davenport , the present Incumbent , as time
congressional candidate at large. But timers
was also another reason w imy time 130 voles
of Pennsylvania weft to Stone.
Sotnt' words luau passed Imetwren Royd of
lialtinmore and Colonel "Dick" SS'oods of
South Dakota , in which Jloyd ] lad referred
to S'oods as "that coyote front Dakota , "
SS'oods , late colonel of the rough riders , irn-
utcdlately went after Boy'd's scalp , and a
seimente was fixed up whereby Mahlon I ) .
Young of Phliadelphla could he elected
treasurer if Pemtsylvanla wcdd give all its
support to Stone. ! t mild so , amid Young gat
his once a11d Y1'oods his revenge. S1'nnds
insists that It was hula vote In the conindt-
tee on thaw and place at limo Detroit con ,
ventlon that decided the choice of ( ) unalmu
fastend of Ilalttmoro , Lloyd having clammed
tint the Nebraskans were under obligation
to himself for baving then yielded to Omaha ,
Of Nebraka's thirty-four totes 1a time cou-
venlimt , thirty went to Stone on time first
ballot and thirty-three on time second. Hoyd
left for home ht the afternoon feeling very
hitter against President Winter of time Ne-
brnska league , who , he said. End failed to
keep time pronmise be made to Boyd at Da
The attempt to cast the vote of Virginia
for Boyd , thotugh that state was not represented -
sented at all lu the convention , is not so
myalerlous when it is known that the same
man who tried this piece of work did prevl-
ously succeetl in getting in fifty-four votes
for Boyd frmu Georgia on the first ballnt.
Georgia's tlflyfour totes were Ilke Vir-
g1111a's fifty-without n representative of
army khul , save the smooth Individual who
proposed to represent not only them but two
or three more stales which were in time sanmo
position. Soumiebody must Intro been blind
when the first ballot was taken , or the
Georgia vote would never lmuvo been counted.
Ilihnis' Gremil Opportunity.
Illinois ] rod it in its power on the second
ballot to elthet tie up the delegates or
throw the electlon of the preslont of the
National Republlcan league to Slone , It
chose to go over ht a body to Stone when
it was plain tint wHIm time Illinois vote
Static could hnve a clear majority. Not
that the 1111nois delegates did mint fully rip-
predate their advatltnge , for John Ittmm- t
plmrey , dho leader of time ] louse of retire-
aentativoa of hia state , amid Seminlor 0. F.
Merry , the leader of the lllluols senate hnvo
had too much experience to not know their
opporlummitfes nod advammlages , John Ilum-
phrey Is tlw author of time Yerkea street
railway bill , Senator Isaao Miller llamll-
ton is time choice of the Illinois republicans -
ans for 1900 for time presidency of time Na-
' tlonnl Repuhiicnum league , wad the delegates
'Proposed to ho on the winning solo Ihls
dine so as to ho In a sate positloi two 4
years hence. "m
There is a pretty good reason besides time
one staled elsewhere why thin 116 votes of
Now York Hint to sonmo utlme candidnttm ' ,
than Iloyd. At the mieting of time Committee -
tee on eredentials Albert i. Ohr of the
Maryland delegation mmade a protest agninat
New York being allowed represemitatlon In
tIme con cntlon through only two men , Col-
one ! Jolmn SV , Totten mm11d SVlllitimn'I' . Mann-
111ng , time delegutesltiim of one of whoa
Manuhtg , hue said , w ns doubtful , but Madning
w'ns a number also of time conrnitlee on
crrdentlmmi8 , and had a voice egnul telth
hr amid time other members said that New
York had always betmi tin recognized , always
having a very sllm representation and ,
theretore. Otmr was nverruled. Manning anti
'Totten diil not forget this , tliougm ) , nntll
they tact l1 , ii , iloYoung of San Francisco
nod the Calltorula delegation their 116 votes
'were not co11iuttted to any Inan.
L. llretmt 1'nugmn ) of the Univershy of
Cldcago , 11x-prnsidunl of the College league ,
and one of the gotietne11 tsimn helped Ip or-
gut tlzu limo mmttl 1'auncr lcngmn 111 III puols
mm md only met ulned Ids at andlug In the con-
vrntlun because of hils poslliem in the ( 'oh-
logo league , urns ome of the trllera of the
session yesterday- .
llemtley Iced Ills : ) .tlrmg.
A rather nervy proposltlomm wus made by
Edltur L. E. llemilluy of time Donnldsonv'lllo ,
l.a , ( lhlef , though ho tnmtdo it very greco-
fully. Ito lmas hcom presdett ) of time SS9ant-
eru 1dilorlal : associnllon and prcsblent at
limn Louisiana I'ress assoelatlun. le tmisluna
had nu delegates lie the eouveutiou mid no
omw seemed to rare whulhur it wat relnn-
sonlyd or nut uulll ytatloplay , uud Iltu plec-
tron at occurs was to occmmr , Theum Mr.
Iheutley ! n a smooth way nskcmi the convention -
vention to Int Ism have thu prlvlfegu ut
acting as Louisiana's represotullvo , whir'lm
would have catrieti tslth Il limit power to
cost thirty-four s'otus for someone , Ot
course time comiventlom cold not see it In
that Ilglrt and just as politely luruud duwa
Mr. Bentley s ptopotal , ,
- -