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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1898)
- - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - . - - - - . _ --V--- . . _ _ _ _ , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ . - _ -7 - _ - _ - - - - _ - - _ _ _ I - : T1it E OMUIA DAiLY flEE : S.A1'VUIAY ' , 1VLV i ; , 1898. - - - p COIPANIES TIIREATEN 110MW ; i Now Move Ma1o in th9 Telephone and ; ' Eiprc flath O. _ : CONTEMPT PROCEEDIGS . THE PENALTY Attnrnr ) Sere : otle ( ! flint nfl tp- lrLtl finN flef1 'rnIen nnsl lint ILrgilsitlii lii1cr the LillY Miit 1k , % it1tlteI.l. LU'CO , Ju'y ' 1t-ipeclfl.A flew . . chntter hns been OpCCd In the telephone nnd oxprcss company orln1 which wa her - r hv tnnp.MintIv Vnler of 1)ouglns F ' P ; ; ; ; ; j lit1icotIflty Eomo rnontll5 ngi. The Stnte Boari of TranspOr- , tatlon recently notified W. W. Mor8mafl , t , who Is attorney for liotli ompnflcS , that. tintes hati bcen set s hen ho would be o- pectc to appcar Onil produce testimony ; showing reisons Iiy chnrge should not be lowercil in the business o the respectIve 4 companfrs. The date set for the telephnnc enso Is July 2 , flfll the Paclttc exprcB case July 28. liotli companies have replIeI in the following form : . To ConstantIne J. Smyth , JOselhV. . Ed. & gcrton , Jamcs C. Dahiman niul GIlbert L. 1.ns You , flni ( each of you , will Pipase tahe notice that the plaintiff In the nb3ve ( nI It ld Cr11150 Iin flied In the omce of the clerk of the ( listrict court of Lancaster eOIflty ( its Sulerlccteas bond nnl that nAl4 . bOII1 ! 110(4 ( bOon flPPrOVCt ( by the clerk of - ( . saId court , as provided by law , wherhy the oriicr of InjunctIon In said cause is ( OfltlflUCl in force. l'lraso take notice that unless you forthwith - with recall procecdlngii ndvisel ( , illrected and lIlstltutol by you In vIolation of the SnII . order of injunctIon , proceedIngs vlll h InstItuted chargIng you wIth contempt .ot court by reason of such vinintlon , I The rebly is Bigile(1 ( by their attorney , \v. W. Morsmnn , Attorney General Smyth vIIl 1101(1 that the companies are not entitled - titled to a supersedeas bond and It is the intentIon of the board to pay no attention to the notice received from the companIes. The regular ( flOIIthly report has been re- CeiVei from the Second regiment. and is sIgned by Lleutenaiit Colonel Eiiiii Olsen. Itiring the month of June there cro forty- one enlisted men sick , thirty-eight of them present Iii camp and three absent. Three enlisted men have been under arrest. This , does not include the ofilcers who have recently - cently been ploccd under arrest on account : ' of the Maher court-martial. Two members of the regiment have tired of army life - anil deserted. Earl W. Hooti deserted from 4 Company t. Juno 3 , and John Johnson from Company L , Juiie 8. Johnson Is the cot- ored cook who enlisted with the Norfolk company and ho lia a wife living at that plnci. Ito is 4 1 years otis and \va ; born ' in Kentucky. 1100(1 Is a yoUng Iflflfl , scarcely 4. of age , and the residence of his guardian is given as Glen Hock , \Vyo. lie was born In Neniaha coun ty , Nebraska. Articles of incorporation were fllCl today by the 'l'emplo of l'altnlstry company , whicli vill do business In Midway at the TranS- mississippi Exposition. Capital stock , $5,000. The incorporators are Ede-\'alcourt-Ver- mont , Leo Ilonet tn(1 ( flans C. Christensen. Su,1IN'rI pt I o tile Viir Iunhi. The specifled limit for subscriptions to the war loan expired yesterday and It is found that Lincoln liiis subscribed about $400,000. The amounts sulscribcd ) through ( lie various banks and express companiec of the city are roughly estimated as tot- lows : Adams express. $1,000 ; l'acltlc cx- liress. $8,000 ; Union Savings bank , $4,000 ; Colunibia Nutional , $68,000 ; American Exchange - change , $129,000 ; First National bank. $115- 000. The amount forwarded through the lostoiflco cannot be cstlmatel accUrately , as no account was kept to distinguish this money froth ebb regular Postothlce order business. The Bankers' Life Insurance coin- pany iiskeil for a block of $30,000. Many oersons secured blanks anti ( liii their own business directly with the oi11clal at WashIngton - Ington nd it is generally believed that the estimated total of $100,000 is a very conservative - servativo one. Tim Lincoln Gun club held its postponed shoot tOt' the cup last night. Four of the contcstaiits , ham , Clyde. Carter and Mann tIed and in tll ( , shoot-off Clyde won , get. ting nine out of ten. Mr. Clyde is the senior memlier of the club , but can still 8hoot with the best of them. Dr. Eaton , who \'as to have defended the cur' , was unable - able to be present. At a joint meeting of the Independent \Vorkmen and the Ilusiness Men's fratt'ii1ty last night It was dechierl that the two or- ganizatloni be consolidated. The new or- dt'r wiii be the Business and Fraternal as- oeIation. The olflcers elected arc : l'rezi. ( lent. W. A. Itiiidic ; vice president. 1' . 1. Johinon ; secretary , E. L. Troyer ; treas- urer. (1. 5. Baldwin ; trustees , E. Hoppe , Itlchard O'Neal niiil T. 0. Taylor. Joseph II. llrovn , for iimny years justice of the ieaco in Lincoln. dieU yesterday of a cancer on the side of his taco. front which he had suffercil intensely for several years. Mr. Urown came to Nebraska in 1855 and ettlcd at Plitttsiiioutli. lii the winter of the same year lie served as a clerk in the . . territorial legIslature , atiti was also a clerk . , in the first state IegiSIatI'e ( % in lS6i. ) ur- - ing the intervening years ho served Cass county bout as clerk of the court and eounty elect ; . Mr. Brown caine to Lincoln in IS1 , 012(1 ( hiiu siuce served as justice of tile peaCe thirteen years. lie was ( II years old at thin time of his ileatli , and leaves nit a'cil viro anti two daughters , oiio of vItoin It ics 11111 XCELL1NC OF SYRUP OF FIfiS Is duo lint only to the origna1it3' and SltflllIC1tY of tile combiiuttton , but. also to tue euro anti bIcill 'itlI shkli It. is manufactured by hekatific proccsss known to the CAI.l FOIINIA. Fin SVItUI Co. only , and jsli to Impress upon flu the ltnpoi'taiice of purchasing tim trtte tiittt original remedy. As thu genuine Syrup of Figs Is nsunufneturcd by the C..t.lvoasIA VLO Svtui' Co , i1Iy , a ldnowielgo of that fact svIll asslst one in avoiding the vorthles lziiltatlons inunufucturttl by other iar- ties. Thu high ttamlhig of the C.ti.i- FOIINI.t Fin Svuui Co. with tue iiicdl. cal profcssoii , au1 tIm satisfactIon which tim genuine Syrup of Figs has gtvezi to mIllions of fuiiiilies. snakes the osune of the Company a guaranty of tIm excellence of Its remedy. It is fur in advance of all other laxatIves , us it auth on tim lctthiicys , liver and bOWIS without irritating or veakeu- ing thicin nad it iloes not gripe nor nauseate , lii ordertpget its beneficial effects , P1cas rozsember the name of the Coiiipany- CALIFORNIA PIG SYRUP CO. . SLN r1LAIC1svu , cII. IALiYILLEEar. ) : ( zwoztir. . l.Y , in Omnba Rail the other in CilicaRn. i'iincr.l services ere held this afternoon at I o'clork. Sheriff Trompen and wife left today for a month's s'iMt in the esSI. After spending a short tim at the exposition they wll proceed through Chicago to 1ltiff1o and other points in New York. Michigan will be visited 011 the way home. hlnrglttr lirld fur Trirtl , In Judge Spencer's court today Charles Wilson , alias E , hiniley , was bound over to the district court In the sum of $00. The young man Is charged iwthi breaking into the store of Lewis J. toiler at Waverly last Saturday night 'ith a pal named 11111 and taking a lot of gooiis and jewelry , 11111 Is now In the county jail under a $400 bond waiting the sitting of the district court to answer to the charge of aiding in the Waverly burglary and also one at hialtam that was done a night or two before. 'ivil- son is a young fellow who has lived rn Vaverly for some time. homer Smith tins brought suit in Justice Leeso' court to recover $100 damages from ( lie city of University Place. lie relates that he was riding on hlolrcdge street in that city on the night of July 12 when his horse fell into a large hole at the BOUth side of the high bridge on that street. lie alleges that thcre were no guards about the hole , or lights to warn him of the don- get , and the horse fell in nnd permanently ( liSflblQl Its hind legs and back. The remains of Oliver Maggard , a former resident of LIncoln. were brought to this cIty and reinterred in Wyuka. Mr. Mnggard died at lulutli , Minn. , where lie had been in business for some years. The revenue collector of this city is hay. log a little trouble with the sellers of chewing - ing gum and other packages. Some of the sellers of these articico rut postage stamps or documentary stamps on the packages When proprietary stamps should be used. Prof. Card , for a long time connected with the University of Nebraska , has gone to western l'ennsylvpnia hiero he will spend the summer. In the autumn he will go tea a New England college , where ho has accepted - cepted a professorship. Cetebrnle flit' Snh.tIiga Victory. \VEST I'OINT , Neb. , July 15.-Special.-- ( ) The citizens ofVest Point indulged In an old-fashioned celebration and jubilatIon inst night on the receipt of the news from Sasi- tinge. The city band discoursed patriotic airs , cannon were flrcd and fIreworks sent up in great profusion. Judge Evans has appointed July 2G as thio date of a special session of the district court of Cusuing county , to hear nn(1 deter. mine the ( IIiCStio(15 in dispute In the county clerk controversy. This action has been tnkeii upon a petition by the Board of Supervisors to the judge , asking for a special - cial session of court. The Present congested condition of affairs is causing serious inconvenience - convenience to the citIzens. The board has resolved to allow no bills against the county or Permit any vouchers to be made until the mutter is settled , .ti't'iiIi'iit at Shout ing. HASTINGS , Neb. , July 15.-Specioi.- ( ) While a party of young people were going to the picnic grounds on the Blue yesterday - day Miss Grace Iteilman was accIdentally stint through the left thigh by a 22-caliber rifle. The boys and girls in the wagonette had been using the rifle to shoot at marks by the roadside , when Norman Webster attempted - tempted to walk from the front to the rear of the wagonetto with a cocked and loaded rub in his hands. As lie neared the end he stumbled and at the same time pulled the trigger. The bullet from the riiie aased through Miss ileilman's left thigh and left an ugly wound. She was imme. diately brought back to the city and placed under the care of a physician. It is impossible - possible to state whether the wound Will prove serious or not. will ( 'nIl Separate Coiiyentlons , NEI3I1ASKA CITY , July 15.-Speclal.- ( Tlo county central committee of the demoCrat - Crat and populist parties met at Syracuse yes. terday and Issued a call for separate con. wentlons at Dunbar. July 28. The commit. tees will recommend that the conventions adopt a plan of fusion for Otoe county on an even division of the county and legislative - lativo ticket. The democrats are anxious to support Senator Allen for re-election In return for which they ask that the populists endorse their candidate for congress from this district. It is diflicult. to predict what the conventions will do as the two parties have not. been working harmoniously for a year past. Mort.n'M Nen. I'uipr. NEIJILASKA CITY , Nob. , July 1S.-Spe- ( cial.-ilx-Secretnry ) Morton's new paper. the "Conservative , " made its first appear- anec yesterday. It will he lublisbcd weekly for tIm present. It declares for the con- tlnuanco of the single gold standard in the monetary system of tim government of the United States , - 'Flit rty hliihielH to lii e tCr' . GENEVA , Nob. , July 15.-Special. ( ) County Clerk Strickland is having his wheat on ills ( arm near Strang threshed. It Is yielding thirty bushels to the acre , The wheat crop of Fillmore county will be immense - mense and there never was better weather for harvest. Itaili is needed for growing crops. Infuitt F'iitnl i. IiijureI. NEBI1ASICA CITY. Neb. , July 15.-Spe- ( cial.-A ) 4-months' old infant belonging to Dr. fl. T. FlemIng , vaster of the First Presbyterian - byterian church , was fatally injured today by fatling out of its carriage and under a horse's feet standing near. One arm was brokeli and its body terribly bruised. 'VIirI'MIICIM ut 'IVurk. CLAY CENTEI1. Neb , , July 15-Special. ( ) -Cia ) ' county's wheat crop having been suc- ccssfuily harvested nailer most favorable conditions , the threshing machines are now Ia full blast and the yield per acre is vary satIsfactory , Several all-day threshings show twenty-elght bushels to ( ho acre , Not ii ( 'nisd Junta for ( 'nirens , NEflItSIC.t CITY , Nob. , July 15-Spo- ( cia ! Telegrans.-In ) an intJrview today Julgo M. 14 , hayward stated that ho is not a candidate for congress from this district aiiii % iii not permit his name to be used , The contest is down to flurkctt of Lancaster - caster , and Stuli of Nemaha , Ilody Itcroerei. CIIAIRON , Neb , , July 15-Spccial ( Tale- gram.-Tho ) body ofVillinm Thompson , rho with his brother Henry s'as drowned in Lone Tree creek yesterday , avas found this morning , The funeral of the two broth. cr3 will be held tomorrow in the Methodist church in this city. Chii ( 'niinty lleiiubiit'gin Conventioti. CLAY CENTER , Neb , , July 15.-Special. ( ) -The repubilcan county convention for Clay county hiss been called for August 4. Rep- Iescntnttyea and county attorney , in addi- tlrni to delegates to the several conventions , vIll be nominated , iiiiiiil hiiilly ( 'rushed , CIAY CflNTEIt , Nab. , July 1fl.-Speciai ( Telegrain.-Scott ) Gloss , 23 years old , while threshing for herman Merten , near Mar. ganville , hail his rIght hand caugbt In the gearing of a swingtng stacker , The chances arc that amputation will be necessary. IVI'IiieitN ot Ueiiii 'esnelp , July i. At New York-Sailed-Maiigoiian , for Glasgow. At Liverpool-Arrlved-I3ritaiinie , from Ne'Y York. Saiied-Cevic. ( or New York. 4t Queenstown-Sailed-Canada , for lbs. toti , At Soutliampton-Sailed-Fuerat Ills- znarck. for New York. At fr m New York- , TRADE AND TilE INDUSTRIES Influence of the War Excitoxnnt i Being relt but IAttlo , NEW WARI LOAN IS A GREAT SUCCESS Jiitiets i ( lenernily tinoil ut fl. turally 1OS est l'oint for the Year - lxIorts Acti'e nnil Iiiiproseil. NE\'i' YORI , July 15.-It , ( I. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade will soy in tomor- row's issue : The destruction of a Spanish fleet , EU- rope's quick appreciatIon of the feat , the waving of flags of truce at Santiago and , at last , the surrenler. have all iniluenced sonic markets this week. hlut traders s'se that not many outside matters greatly inlluenee the business which enables them to snaiket 1,210,274,015 worth of domestic products abroad in a year , against $616,012,844 worth imported , The new loaii has proved a slit- peiiduus success , $1,300,00OOO ( ' havitig been subscribed , dnd it is now the question of chief Interest whether the banks will get enough , after personal subscriptions have been accepted , to support further circitla- tlon , Industries and business are at the naturally lowest point for th' year and therefore the records are the snore ilti- prossive , Th decrease In output of pig iron from 225,378 tons weekly front June 1 to 21G,311 July 1 , mostly clue to usual stoppages for rclnira , a lithe before July 1 , carries with it a decrease of 4,216 tons cekhy in unsold stocks , It the first 815(1 last of the month represented average ; irodtzction , the quati- liLy consumed In manufacture woulil be ' 3.8 Per cent less than the highest ever ilttalnet in May , a small decrease for mldsuinnier , but , in fact , the average proiuctioil was larger and decrease in consumptIon was smaller , Just when stanntioa is customary very many mills are crowded with orders for months , the Illinois rail mills until Dc. cember or later , with sales this vcek of 15t.i00 tons and etrictuial works with a few contracts for 10,000 tons or more , while larger demand appears for cars and sheets , with a better demand for liars at. the east , Heavy sales of bullets from Pittsburg to eastern Pennsylvania. at a concasnion of 50 cents , is the only real decline in quotations , though eastern steel bars are a shade lower. It Is still between seasons for wool , but a few large purchases indicate some disposition - tion for business and the demand for woolen goods is better , though lrices for some have been reduced and the competition as to serges scents likely to be excessive. Sales of wool were 6,441,000 pounds , 5,521,000 being ( loiflestiC , for two weeks of July , against 24,572,800 pounds inst 3ear , of which 1,965- 600 were ilomestic. One sale of 1,500,000 hOUnds territory , at prices lower thtati are being paid by Boston parties in Montana , looks like business in the future. Cotton has bceii steady in spite of good crop pros. pacts , owing to larger foreign buying. The bills In this country are growing better. Wheat has been dropping in prices , under - der estimates of GSO,000,000 to 700,090,000 litisliels this year , which seenis to be at least well warranted as over-conservative estimates of some parties last year , West- era receipts are moderate as yet , hut the Atlantic exports for the week were 1,719,759 bushels , flour Included , against 1,611,190 bushels last year , and l'ncihlc coast exports , 521,514 , agaInst 126,763 bushels last year , and for two weeks the exports from both coasts have been 4,884,412 bushels , against 3,587,909 last year. The foreign outlook is improved , Corn exports are decreasing , as is natural , 2,557,098 bushels in two weeks of July , against 4,659,319 last July. The price Is stronger. Failures for the week ending July 7 were $7,854,354 in amount , $946,411 nina's- ' facturing and $899,763 trading. Failures for the week have been 215 In the United States , against 263 last year , and in Canada 23 , against 27 Inst year. ' % % 'ISISICLY CLEARING HOUSE TOTALS. Aggregiite of lluslne.s Transactions by Associnteil Itanks. NEW YORK , July 15.-Tho following ta- 1,10. compiled by llradstreet's shows thu bunk clearings at eighty-nine citien for the * eek ended July 14 , with the percentage of increase and decrenie as compared with the corresponding week lust year : CITIES. Amount. Inc. Dec. New York . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 714,837,076 22.4' ' . . . . . . liostoti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . 3.7 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,195,536. . 26.3 . . . . . . Philadelphia . . . . . . . . . . . 65 , i44,067I 12.St . . . . . . St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27sS0,745j 22.0. . . . . . . . l'lttsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,567,071. . . . . . Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,393,549 5.6. . . . .8.4 San 1"rancisco . . . . . . . l5,55S,335 . 5.Oj . . . . . . CiflCIflflittl . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,900,900. . . . . . Kiiiisas City . . . . . . . . . . , , 21.7 , . , . . . Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . OMAhA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 22.7. . . . . . . . New Orienii . . . . . . . . , , . . 40.9. . . . . . . . MiflfleitlOiiK . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Detroit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . 18.0. . . . . . . . Louii4viiie . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 4.3. . . . . . . . Providt'nce . . . . . . . . . . . , , 7.0 Milwauiwe . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . St. I'atiI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 9,6 fluflalo , , , . . . , . , . . , , , , , 3,510,109 38.1. . 6.5 Intlianapolls . . . . . . . . . . , , 19.9. . . . . . . . Columbus , 0 . . . . , . . . . , 4,157,400 1,5 Savannah . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 1.3 Denver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 7.3. . . . . . . . Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . Itlchmond ' . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . MemphIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 13.0. : . . . . . . Washington . . . . . . . . . . .2,154,1l 33i. . 8,3 J't'oria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Itochester . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . 9,6. . . . . . . . New linven . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . \Vorcester . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . 3.6. . . . . . . . . Atlanta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , , . , 12.0 Salt Luke City . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . Siringtlohi1 , Muss 1,535,451 . . . 3,7 Fort Worth . . . . . . . . . . , , . 31.9. . . . . . . Portland , Me . . , . . , , . . . , 5,293 . 1,9 Portland , ' . . . . . . . . . . , 50,9. . . . . . . St. Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 119,1. . . . . . . . i.os Angelri4 . . . . . . . . . . , ' , , . , . , . 11.7 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1l.f. . . . . . . . Syrae'usn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] ,34,635 5,4. . . . . . . . Ics Moines . . . . . . . . . . . 'JZ,42l . . 3.0 Nashivilie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ; , , . . . . . . , Wilmington , . . . . . , , . . . . . . Fall itiver , , . . , , , , . . , . , . . . 1,5. . . , Scranton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Ita1Iilq . . . . . . . . . : , 135 . . . . . . Augusta , . . . . . . . . . . , 6.9 Lowell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . Dayton , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8i. . . . . . . . Seattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 211.7. . . . . . . . . ' 1'4lCOtIIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 51.61. . . . . . SiOkUfln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ! 2l.5 . . . . . . hiiiitix City . . . . . . . . . . . . , 44.Tp. . . . . . New lh'dtord . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . lioxviile , 'I'enhi . . 3s3,49S..j . 7.4 'I'Oil'kfl. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3.i . . . . . hiiriningham 335,3b0 . . . . . . 18.7 'i'icliita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . Ihitightiunton . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .4.6 iineoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 17.3. . . . Lexington , : ) ' . . . . . . . . , . 36.6 . . . . . . Jacksonville , Fin . , . . . . . . . 12.7 ICalnnsazoo . . . . . . . . . . . 221,901..I . . Akron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . Ility City . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 31.7 . . . Chattanooga . . . . . . . . . , 3i.8 . . . . . . Itockforil , . . . . . . . . . . , 12.11 . . . . . . Citoton , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , * ) . . . . . . . . . . . . liirliiglielil , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Fargo , N. ) . . . . . . . . . . . , 16.3. . $ iUUX Fails , S. I ) , , , , 97,324 ( . . . . . . . F'reinont , . . . . . . . . . , 9(1.1. . . . . . . . . 1)avenhiort . . . . . . . . . . . . , 16.7i. . . . . . TOle(1 ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .776,419 7.6 . . . . . . Gitiveston . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 51,81. . . . . . 9iOUStOit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Youngstown . . , , , . , , , . u3,29l1 16.2. . . . . . . . "Mitcoit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 11.3. . "Evansville , . , , , , , , . , 740,301. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'lielenu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . _ Total , U. S.l,201,414,3T3 Iii. . . . . . . . . . 'I'otais outtildo N.Y , . 4S9,527,233 S.S . . . . . . DOMINION OF' CANADA. Montreni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 $ 1l,3l5,49I 25.i : . . . . . . 'I'oronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 19.l . . . . . . \'innipeg . . . . . . . . . . . . , , it . . . . . . halifax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , i4.3 . . . . . . Hamilton , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 27.7 . . . . . . tat. Jotiti , N' . . . . . . . . % . . . . . . . . . . . Totals $ , & , 21.4 Not includeti in totals beenus' tither items than clearings. 'Nnt included in to. tals because of no comparison for ltst : year. . II1IV1H % % ' OP. TU II S'I'OCIC MAIIIC1I'l' . ) iii-e' 'I'hinii the Custuiiinr Irri' . iiltiri t . 1'ri'n its , NE\ ' YORK , July 15-Ilradstreet'5 finan. cial review tomorrow will say : More than customary irregularity prevailed in the market this week. At us conclusin Ilierti ias marked weakness despite the chances of a speedy ieare babd on the stir- render of Santiago , and the epparent will- iligliess of the Madrid goverilni"nt to OL'- otiaIu , jijfop fl1s p9lflt has beei rccahed , KeIIeyStier & Co. Extra loTv prices to close out Summer Goods Parasols Closing out all fancy parasols regardless of cost. Some of the greatest bargains of the season. MI new styles at nearly your own price. Umbrellas 1,50 , Ladies' black silk umbrellas , 20-in. , steel roth-best paragon ironic-India brier lion. dies ; regular $2.00 stock , our sale price only $1.50. Ladies' ' Summer Hosiery The only way for our customers to appreciate - ciate our special offerings iii ladies' summer hosiery and uniieruear is to come and cx- amino quality ; our prices lleaso and surprise you. SpecIal 9ale all week. Ladies' fast black and tan hose-full reg- utlar zisade , double sole-hIgh spliced heel anti toe , 23c quality ; our sale price only 15e pair , We have the best anti most complete line of ladies' hose at 25c In the city-fast black mace soles , or all black foot-tnl-aud fancy boot patterns-other stores sell sonic quality at 35c ; our sale price only 25c pair. No wonder our customers ask to see our Indies' 35c hose ; they arc regular 45c quiai. ities-itrop stitch-in fast black and ton : also fast black gauze lisle-double solo , heel and toe-our saie price ouly 35c ; 3 pair for $1.00. Children's fine ribbed fast black and tan hose , double knee , heel and toe-23c gentle -all sizes , 6 to 9' our sale price only 15 pair. Ladies' ' Underwear Our entire line of ladies' Egyptian ribbed vests , reduced to 12 ½ c each ; low neclc , with short sleeves or sleeveless , white or cern , best flnlsh all sizes ; our sale price only 12c each. Ladies' lisle thread vests-high neck , longer or short sleeves-low zieck , short sleeves or sheeveless-ecru or white-knee hauls to snatch , 35c quality-all sizes-our sale price only 25c each , Ladies' silk finished lisle thread vests- nicely finished-cern or whiite-50c quality- all styles and sizes-our sale price only 35c ; 3 for $1.00 , Ladies' best Egyptian union suits-tow neck , short sleeves-bight neck , long or short sleeves-best fit and finish-all sizes-white or ecru-nothlng to equal these suits in the city-our sale price only SOc suit , Ladies' lisle thread union sults-beauti- fully flnlBhetl-perfect fit-low neck , sleeve. less-high neck , long or short sleeves- ankle or knee length-all slzes-othei houses sell same quality at $1.35-our sale Irlco only $1.00 suit. however , the market nassed through soy- eral changes of speculative sentiment. In tli beginning of the aek It. strong on the belief that Santiago wouhi' soon be taken , but on Wednestlay it witnesseil a dopre3sion on account of the yellow fever outbreak among the tronpa there. At the sme time thrre has beets a strong undertone - tone , thought the public has been inactive and London was up to Friday a considerable seller here. Activity in the stock list has also suffered trans the stami ) tax , and the professional element in the board roohis nail "street" have adopted bonds as a speculative ye- hihtt , owing to the tact that transactions in the latter are not B'sbIoctcd to the stamp tax on sales. This resulted iii active business - ness In a number of clauses of railroad bonds , the tronter of sneculative attention to that part. of the inark.t having a tendency - ency to improve values of 1)0(1(13 nil orouutl. 'rhere was less nttention 1)01(1 to matters apart froii war news than for cOflo weeks bac.k. The great. success of tl1e bond subscription - scription , however , must ho counted among llltAIS'I'1tfllT'S 1t13'IIIW' OP 'I'It.Iii. Coiilienc , ' Pet t iii l'r.iiiisin Outlook fur l'iili Ittusijiess , NEW YORK , July 15-liradstreet's tomorrow - morrow will say : i'ending the initiation of the new fali business preParations for which are actively under way In all markets , there exists a quiet snlsumlner ! condition , accompanied , however , In most cases by price stenuilitess and confidence in a promisIng outlook for tall tratle. Retrospection and review continue to furnIsh many satIsfactory illus- tratloris of the favorable conditions cx- pericisced during the first part of the pr cut year , BOLIIC of which ccciii 1)000(1 ( to ho duplicated tiuring the second halt. While there seems little reason to ax- pact anythilni ; like the excited foreign buying - ing of cereals this year whIch occurred last season , tlo world's wheat crops all Iolnt- ing to exceptionally large if not record- breaking yIelds. still thio situation of car- ried.over supplies , vleible anti invisible , is such as to lead to confidence In a go'ui general tietnand for most of this country's surplus , though the outlook favors a considerable siderablo ahaiing of prices obtained from such protlucts , There Is a little more hopeful feeling in the iron and steel trailo , the result portly of reduced output and reduced stocks of pig , and owing to the reported large business - ness offering , PrinciPallY at the west , where sonic mills will forego their usuai summer shutdown and others 'ihl curtail the vacation - tion period materially. More is doing iii steel and some western mills are reported Boys' Underwear Iloys' haibrhggan shirts nntl drawers , ankle or knee length-well made-all sizes , 24 to 3k-only 25c each. Special midsummer sale of men's ' furnishings-Men's ' colored shirts Mon's ' and Boys' ' Shirts 50c Mcii's and hloys' soft Shirts tO be worn with white collars , detached culTs to match shirt ; also with collars and cuffs attached. Mon's ' Shirts 69o Men's stiff bozoni shirts with white bodies and colored Madras bosoms and cuffs do. incited , Monarch brand. regular price $1.00 , our mid-summer sale price , 69. Mon's ' Shirts 15c Mcii's colored soft shirts for white col- mrs in ilark and light colors. mode of line quality percale , cLiffs to match , Men's ' Shirts S 1,00 Mcii's soft shirts , uitht detnciiet'i cuffs to match , to be worn with white collars , made of flue French Madras in neat stripes and checks , hays' extra fine cheviot soft shirts in neat plaids anti stripes , to be wont vithm collars. Men's ' Shirts SI25 Men's Star shirts , with attached collars anti cuffs , made of time best quality perenles , French Madras and cheviot , solti everywhire for $1.50 , our mnil-stmnmmner sale Price $1.25 , Men's ' and Boys' ' Sweaters Boys' fine all vool hand ninth' sweater in imavy u'ltli red border , niyrtle with orange border , red with white border , $1.00 , Mcii's fine all wool hand made sweater in tan , navy and red , $1.50 , Men's superior quality pure wool hand made sweater in gray , navy and myrtle , $3.0C Men's ' Underwear Our stock of Mcii's Underwear for multI' sunmincr is complete in all qualities , cool light weight. balbriggan , fine French bal' briggan , ribbed silk and lisle anti all grade : for hot weather wear. Men's ribbed balbriggan Shirts anti Draw erg , worth double the price , 25c. : . Men's fine balbriggan Shirts anti Drawers short anti hong sleeve shirts , double sea I draers , SOc. lxtra fine light weight balhrlggan slmlrtt and drawers for warni midsumunmer weather 75c. Light s'eight rllsbed alik and lisle under wear , thin and cool , $1.00. vest arc the improved demand for iron ant tecl at Chicago.i Louisville amid St. Louis report the fali trade cutlook as gcoul. Our cereal exports still continue in excess of corresponding vrevlous years , wheat and flour hiipmiients aggregating 2,919,000 hush- els as against 2,972 , .169 bushels last reek , as compared vith 1,522,092 bushels in this week a year ugo , 2,063,9i9 bushels in 1896 , 1,652,892 bushels in 1895 anti 1,873,300 bushels - els in 1894. Corn exports show no Increase froisi last week , aggregating 2,822,248 bushels as against 2,411,272 bushels last week , 2,723- 511 bushels in the corresponding week a year ago , 1,110,371 bushels in 1896 , 885,512 bushels in 1895 anti 172,000 bushels in ISSi. Iltisiness failures in the United States siumber 258 as against 241 last week , 247 in this week a year ago , 255 iii 1S96 and 241 in 1895. llusiness failures in Canada auto- her 28 as ugninst. 16 last vcek , 38 a year ago , 33 iii 1S96 and 25 in ISOS. SHUT WITH HIS OWN GUN Man Seveiit' Yt'iirM ( Hal Is'rc.I for this : uloiiey ut Jtmiiinmvny Sirlngs , S. 1) . I1APID CITY , July 15.-Speciai ( Tele- gram.-Frctierick ) Froderickson was mmir- dered yesterday whIle tending the store of J. F. linkers at Runaway Springs onVlmitc - river , about. tony miles east of this city. Bakers left. the store in charge of Feeder. ickson a short time , anti waco ho returned he found Frederickson shot deal , Suspi. don falls on three persons who were in the store when liakers left. They caine from Pine Jtitlge agency and are now iii custody in this city. Freticricksomi was 75 years old anti hail been on the frontier twenty-fIve yeats. lie always carried large sums of mooney about Ills person. It is knowim that. lie was robbed of $800 after lie was killed , July Muslin Uuderwear Sale Night Gown. superior make , best muslIn , fl7ie. Night Gown , Tucked anti hUmmed Yoke anti Embroidery trimmimneti , GOc. Night Gowns , on our lcfthanti counter , we offer four lines at extraortilmiarl' value , $1.25 , $1.35 anti $1.50 graties , $1.00. Drawers , deep hem , cltmstereti tucks , lOc , irawcrs , Onibrel , dccli lace cdo amid let- section , ttest cambric , SOc. Drawers , $1.00 , $1.25.antt $1,5 , high graties , 73c , Drawers , $1.35 nitti $ t0 articles , will be sold out quickly at OSe. Skirts , tip-to-date lace or emubroitloreti trimumneti , 75c. Skirts , cleghut , pretty , ruflleti anti embroidered - broidered , $1.15. Special Sale of Corsets Neutelateti Corset , SSc , This Is the beat 50 summer Corset. 1flatisto ( "orset , $1.00. A dainty anti serv- I iceable article. Lincmi Corset , $1.50. A perfect Corset , tiurablo anti sumnmer-like. For children , tIme Easy Waist , 25c. A kmiltted fabric , buttons sectire. . Ladies' ' Ties 25c 50 dozen Latiles all Silk Pongee Pith Ties in white , hInd : , cardinal and blues , regular SOc puff at 25c. . Wash Goods , All our S 1-3c anti lOc flmso lawns ; cut price Sc yard. All our iSe , ISo and 20c jaconets anti . satin striped iigureul lnviis , assortmncnt still complete ; cut price tOe yard. All our best Irish dimmiities that sold for I 25c antI 30c , big selection to choose fromu ; cut price , ISo yard , All our very flue figured nrgammdie , SOc , 55c nail 40c gentle , eighteen ditYcrent designs - . signs ; cut lrlco 20c yard. , All our loop effect gingham , stripes or . checks , cut price 25c nrd. m All our 56-inch foreign Intila linen that sold for 30c ; ciii. lirice iSc yard. . All our :16-inch : limiperinl long cloth that sold for $1.40 ; cut price , i.00 bolt. , All the basket weave niadras cloth , just t tIle timing for ladies' stilts or skirts ; sold regular for 25c ; cut price 12c yard. : Wrappers . AT ItEDUCED PRICES-COST NOT CON- SI IEI1ED. KeIley Stiger & Ca9 Farnam & 15th the bullish factorS , anti luaB given financIal interests generally decided satisfaction. The absence of disturbance In time money market woulul prevent ilily Immediate speculation - lation , though it is believed the success of the loami and its having been entirely net- sorbed by individual subscribers would bring large amounts of corporation funds to pay for new hands hack into the general investment. market. The crop news and rumors have ceased to be mccli of a factor in the mnarhcet , itu : oil the other hiamiti a good deal of , tttent to i has been paId to time results of rate cutting , anti the decrease in gross earnings which ninny roads are displaying for the piciit is creating mtiehi bearish senttmnemit on railroad - road stock. This luts not taketi the torus of selling of the Granger and Trunk line shares , On thie contrary its effect has heels to turn the speculation more comupletel ) ' towards - wards industrials anti bonuls , whIle the wenic feature was ituisphled by coal stocks. hooked with orders until nest winter. Some large export orders are reported fromis Chi- cage , Except for some shading in cereals caused by the usual tendeimcy to dtscoumit government crop reports nail look far lurger titan indtcated crop yields , the price situa. tion Is one of considerable stt'adimmess. Con- tradtctory reports come as to time volume of export trade in wheat anti corn at the decline , hut a good business for this time of year is undoubtedly doing. The move- inent of new wheat ut tIme southwest is freer , although farmers are rallier intie- Pelident at hrcsent prices. Trade contiqucs with muitistlmnmer dullness at ( lie cast , but more inquiry for raw vool is a feature amid Itrices are vell inaintalastl on a fairly largu business for this time uf year. Time redtmceui output at Fall htiver baa steadied prices of print cloths.Voolen goods are still dull. Good cotton. sugar anti rice crop tirositects giro all undertone of strength to tiio southern trial. . . ' situation , uhmIch is , however , rallier dull at presmut except at New Orleans , uliero fall orders are roportetl of good volume. Feature Pt th tratle inovemerfl Pt the Ho was eliot with his own gnu ( mlii tIme rear , hits braimis being htlown to pieces. Set'ur , ' xi Col leg , ' Iltilid ittg. , PIERI1II , S. I ) . , July iS.-Special ( Tele- gram.-Thio ) Congregationalists of time stab have purcimacteti the bmilhdings anti grounds of lisa Presbyterian university iii this city and with open up the college course this fall svith a full corps of instructors. The buildings were Vacated by a eonsoihtiation of time two Presbyterian schools of time state Into one at huron. HYMENEAL. ii ro mvii I , , , iii'l , . , HURON , S. 1) . , July 15.-Special.-Mlss ( ) Wioimie Loucks , daughter of lion. 11. 14. I4oucks anti uIfe , lute of this city , wns rnnrrieii at the home of tier parents in Altruria , on July 1 1 to l'rof. (1 , L. hirown of time mathematical departmcrmt. of time State Agricultural college at flrooktimgs. Prof. antI Mrs. lirown wil spend sotne weeks 1mm ChIcago , where Mr. Brown is cngagctl in sork at the Chicago university , return- log to firookings In time for time opening of the tall term of the Agricultural college. Prim nii-t'rst Its , Announcement is umatlo of Ibte marriage in Oberlin , 0. , on Juno 23 , of ltcv. Charles A. htranti anti Mists i'Iioebo it. ( 'rafts. Mr. lirantl is the new imastor of time First Congregational - gregational church of this 0113' , antI lie will arrive hero with his britle the latter piurt of August. , , 'I'Iii' lttys lit ( 'Ii ii'kniiintugn li'i igli tt'.i , Deface leaving for Ciiicknmatmga Imnilt , Ga. , Lieutenant George Ii. Bass , F'ifty-sc'commd Iowa volunteers , Itrocureti a few bottles of Chmnntlterlaln's Colic , ( 'hmolera anti Diarrhoea itemneuly. Time Itoyn were delIghted ultbt thit ( Itlick curs's of ujinrrhioea which It eftcctt'ti. 'I'o macat the tiernands Lieutenant Ilass or- dereti four dozen hollies more by express anti said the whole of it lii one ( lay , except three bottles kept for lila uwii use anti fur hersonal frermtlui. It never fails to effect mu cure anti is itleasat , and sate to take. It is the most succcssfeti medicine In time world for bowel eoumpialats. For sale by all drug- giots. OiI'Iii SiiIiii'ii1lliilis , for Ilonils , MAIitID ) , July i&-7 p. mn.-Time flank of Spain hiss opened subscriptions for treasury bonds. Already 23,000,000 veeetas immure been bakep , SOLDiER BOYS' ' DAY ( Continued from First Page. ) throws the shot anti line by meamsa of which LI line is carried to a wrecketi vessel near time shore show that it will be necessary to erect a hmulkhieatl on thio north bank of the Mirror opposite time station amid be- hlnti time mast which rcIrescnts a mast on a \vrecketi vessel , 1mm artIer to orevent time hmot from striking the colonnades or sonic erie who should happen to he passing at lisa immoament. It Is fIred. : it I tiiesuttt I ) Iversi. , a I ii l'rositet't. A hog rolling match is one of the attractions - tractions coimtemnolateti for the near future , the contest to take place in the lagoon , "Log roiling" Is a sport peculiar to time timmiber regions of limo country , nlthmotmglm a jtastiimmo under tIme stunts dcslgmmation is sometlimmes indulgetl in at Political conven- tiotts. The genuine article ( not. tIme Political variety ) h to be exhibited by some of the expert. lumbermen who have been employcti iii tile erection of the Mimmiiesotmt log isoust' . These uteri uvero brought liarfromn , time inmnmenso pine forests of Mimmnesota by the contractors for time state building wimiche is now rapidly nearing completion antI thme' nra experts iii everything that pertains to lumbering. A log rolling cattiest is a game In which two imserm mount a log out in tIme open vnter antI try to throw each oIlier off iy rolling the log. 'rimere is not munch to time game , oem paper , but it Is a sport whIch retlimirits agility cf an artIer tmnknosvn to ICOPle wii.i confine their operatlomis to terra firma ammti the onimusemnent derived by spectators ne well as hmy time particiltants is of the itmost cx- 'imlii'ratlimg mmature. Time agility of these much is comethming wonderful and the way in which they literally walk on the water wouiti excite the admiration of a wooti'n I mm tI ian. TIme Minnesota imimlitling u'lll ho complett'ui In ms very fw tlay antI time lag rolling contest avihi ho "imlit on" very soon. Ar- rangenmonts are being perfected to offer a prize for the winner of two "falls" out of three and souse fine sport is anmtlciimatoii by those \rimo have seen thiee exhmibitlonms in the habitat tmf limo ltmmmmbernmaim. ihliiiiim , , in t lit' iiignti , 1' , 1 a rge ii mmiii bar of simm a I I Ii hi ii ave fan intl their way unto time lagoon anti the novelty of feeding bite fishes inns been aultietl to tIme many attratctionms of time exposItion. Tue largest of the tislm are about four inches In length anmd there mire several different. varieties of tlmem. Considerable mystery prevaIls rcgnrtiiing limo mnarmner iim wimicim the fish reached tiitn lagoomn , hut a man lii a Iasitioim ) to know says timey IonIc strangely lute a lot of mnmlnhmowim which uveru reccivetl at time fish exhibit a few tiuymt ztgo , No onto hiatt rsiseti any objection to timeir lmrcaemmce antI they afford a. great deal of delight to time chnildremm , as they cmiii be Itlaimmly seen darting about near the surface , looking for sonmetimimig to eat. i'iisiiliig ( uiittstt , for a. . . ( ) flI'c. Superimmtenclcnt A. I" . Cohimmmnsn cit time Iowa Imtmrtieultural exhibit is hetmmg strongly tmrgeti by the icopie of eouthmwcmitcrn Iowa its a candidate for time Itosition of-railway cain- rnisslommer , whmic'ii lmccornes vacant At time cmmtl of tiitt year. 'i'ime commissioner whose barns eXliron Is ( I.V. . l'erllns : , who represents tine farming interests on time commmmnissian. It has beast cuittomnriry to littve a farimmer an time commission anti Mr. Coilmninm is belmmg pnjuhmctl to tie front as a representative farmer. lie ht9 been isresitlemmt of the Iuwmt Horticultural society for it nunnhmer of years mmmi has always imeeni aim active relmimbllcao. A lii' r ? iist''itl Ii a t e i's. I Is , Time 1)epartmcnt ) of Trazimtporiution hums been unmmltie to secure mm special railroad rate for the annual mmu cling of tIme building mmmstl mont asrociatiomms of the United States whmlehm will convene in Onialma July 27. Time tact timmst. timerti are less timan 200 delegates vhmo ore scattered all over the country con- 'inmectl the imassanger asaoeiation oiflctals tlmat It would not be wo tb wettic to maku Closing out shirt waists Cut liriros to make a siieeii clearitnes on dir atitira stock of "Star. " "King , " fine immamiras. loop zephyr titt ; tercale-alI new Shirt Vm'alsts of this season's styit's , All siteit. Bargain Counter. SOc 'roil wilt find Itt this line mumitlras , zephyr , tilnuitics-all stylish 'i'aists- cult from $1.00 , $1.25 anti $1.00 at SOc . Bargain Counter. $1.00 Ati' of tlmese niptodata'Alst ! ' , inn- dras , zelilmyrmu , dimimities , etc. , cut front $1.S0 , $1.70 amid $2.00 , all at $1.00 It PRICES FOIl MON1)AY ON STAR AND ICING Vm'AiSTS. iv. 41I ) of our $1.25 aimd $1.35 ktnmtl , $1.00. Voile cimoica of tIme best Waists made , $ i.50 amid $1.75 grades , $1.25 , \\'cre $2.25 amid $2.50 , will be sold out quickly , $1.75 , Cut. frommi $2.7S ammii $3.00 to $2.25 , Any of otmr exquisIte looped zeplmyrs , $3.50 quality , ommly $3.00. Prices to close out summer dross skirts Limmen Skirt , well matle , cut Irons $1.50 amid $1.75 to $1.25. Your choice of linen , miqume anti crash , omits anti fammc3' colors , inciutiing the best white liuue-tlmcse were $250-for $1.98. Silk anti ilimemi nmeiammge. prettY timid styl. ishm , grtiy anti trou'mm , , fermmmer liice $2.75 anti $8.00 , msow $2.00. Special aonts for Butterick Patterns All time new itatterims anti pumtmlicatlons now In. rates. Thmo delegates will receive tIme benefit or the regular expositions rate of one amid oime-hirt1 fares for the round trip. LIf. SmtvIitg HxIiillt. The first oximibition of tue work of the life savimmg crew tinder Captain II. M. ICmmowles vihi he given emi the lagoon early mmext. week. It has imcoii settled timat limo shot. cnnmmot. be lint over thmc yard on thin murmat in time tmilrror withoutfalling otitsitlo of time lagoon , anti time brick Pavefli'mlt Will. prolmably be covoreti vitii boards anti a tmtr- get constrmmctetl to receive the shot. In order to move time mast. it. would tie necessary to mlraw mill tIme water out. of time lagoon , anti this Is commaitlereti impracticable. : tii mierztl front ltiisttisl.nrg. F. M. Moocrs of itmindshumrg , Cal , , a golti imsining tilstrict 1mm Los Angeles county , hiatt conic to immatahi a mineral exhibit represent. . lug thus nmimmlmmg lmmtercstmu of sotmthern Cali- fonda. lie is vice hresitieiit ot time corn- pammy vimicli controls the gold mines known as tIne ltanui group anti cxprctetl to finti a ahlpmneiit of ore nwaitimmg him here. I-lu nays time ore taken frormi these mines is very rich , column of it. miming as Imigim as $20,000 to tIme ton. Time eximibit will he immatahied in time Mines builtlirmg , .1 U ( I gi' I I it a'ii ru A iii , rovs. Judge Si. 14 , ilaywarti of Neimraska City is snaking Imis timird visit to time eximomiltionm , amid Ito says that every visit immcretmsmcs his de- I ighit. with time mmmmigimiflcent show. ' 'Ornaima lii justly emmtitlcd to jitnip imp and crack its heels together , ' ' .leclarcui time jtmtige hunt mmmormmlmng. "She bait time greatest nlmow that was over lirommghmt together , mumti time whole west. simotuli , rejoice in time magnificent Buic- cents that. hits imeani achlovetl. We are nil proud bf the exposition anti of Ornaima. " icot ( 'P1 itt I lii' li iosI I , Time admissiomms to time grounulit on Girls' and Boys' dmy : msggregatatt 14,316. 'I'ime first lot of Nehmramika Icaches ) haS imoen reccivati at. time horticultural himllmling nnmti the r''tl-eimcekcul imeruitlas are emi cxiii- imition 1mm tIme Nebraska tiisithay 'I'lmey came from Itichmam ulsoni county , ins time southern itart of time stnto , Ccmmmnty Stmimorintenmulent Sawyer yesterday reci'Iveui a ilaimer from Pimehiho , Cole , , comu- talumtmmg an account of time dertth of 1)r. ) It. H. Itmmmim , wimo m emmitleti for mmtny years at hlanmlmiirg , Ia. lr. iimnmum want well Itniown in Council tlimmffs. A sliipimmenmt of strawberries wan recelveul Thmun stlay from ! tiontmtnnm. . 'l'ine fruit. was p laced aim ix Ii I lii t loin I mm tIm a iti elm t ann bert I- ctmittmral exhibit antI tlImmtritmtiteti to visitors. 1 t s'mut mid icitmtms I mm flavor , btmt want too rile to keep king. 'rime slmlpmnenut was largely aim . 'xluarlnicimt to see it time fruit coimlti safely be ithmiltpei smicim a Icing .iistunce . , but it will probably mint be rt'peatemi. Timertt will ito a profusIon of concerts oni time grommnmia Sunmuhuiy ntfteremooii anti evening. The I'misvnmeo Ctty lmammtl will mluy Iii time Authitorimmmn at 1 :31) : ) p. in. , and in front. of t inn (1 nvernm mnmt'Il I but lii I mmg at 6 :30 : p. cmi . l'im I a - hey's lumniti will inlay iii front of tIme Govern. ament lmtmlliilnmg at 3 o'rltjck mmmcl in the mmmtmnic inavilionm on 11w viaztm mit ii o'clock. The progranmma of both hnimds viIl Ito largely Jnmatie of sacred imiuste , inclmmuiimmg tine works of Itoammini , liaclm , liectimovemi , Ilaytln , etc. Time volt Ic I tt mm Intl Immmpi eaten t cxlii hI t. of MimmmtgunmeryVard & Co. Is creating much very warnm commmmniotion aiammng visitors to the exiosttirmnm. It Ecelmiti bunt. tue prices munul workmnmmnmsimll , of timesu gootis are brIng- immg Moimtgomery 'iVtmrti & Co. limbo enviable notice. itow they are mitilo It ) sell so good gootis mit such imimbeard of Imrit-es causes every well postemi maIl to cogitate. Yet It scents their great lmuyimig capacity , their great outittli. amiti timelr t3hmtitiCSS conmunnercimui m'epmmtrstlon should mimuku the itoiumtion very' C ti sy. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST l'rInlItIll.'s Ai'i' thimt it 'I'III lie i'air i It % , .IjrgisIii , it'aouIi mmmnled by Siiiitlo'rly , W'ASI IINGTON , July 15-Forecast for Satum tiny : For Nebraska , Iowa , South lakota ) and iCamisas-Fair ; soumtimerly tvhrmtis. For Wyomnlmig-F'air ; light variable wtnda. - For Missouri-Fair ; southerly' wtuds.