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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1898)
. ---w- . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - _ . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . -.r---- - - . - --------------------r--------------------------- - - - - - . _ _ - - . - - - ' - F.-- - - _ - ' - . - - . - - - - . - ' , --N - _ _ . - _ _ - . _ _ _ - _ _ & - - - - . - - - - 1- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 7 - . _ - . - - - - - - - - - - . _ - . _ - . V TIlE OMA1IA DAITX TEEE SAPVRDAY .TtLY 16 1S9S T1 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . , SPECIAL NOTICES ) Au * ert IviiicIi i for f it.i col . \ vlII IP til Iet nutit I iii. for liii , i I ! i.etiIiig n ui1 Hit t II $ t80 to r latorit lug * r UIHI Miuilny 'IIltIIlN. % Itsitt ? , , J J-2u it iurit flrt liierllufll l ) Ic ii v.prtI tlrrenfr. ( itliIiig lnlcat d f r lcM limit Z5c fnr the 1lrt htct Intl. Tlipe , ItlvcrtlMrnIrfltM IIiMt lu ru It qUis cl ( I , 41 ) . . % il ftr1 licr , r.(11rsf lug ft flu ni- beriil 'It'tl ( , cull lin'e tttINt ir itil- lreNicsl It ) ft IItSIlrtt1 li t tr In cnn , fr lk ' . .tiniiv cr t ) ilil ri'wel lIl J4 ii Cl lcnetl on prlNeIltflt liiii llii cheek ijnly. 4' ' ' Sl'I'UATIU54 ) 'rYI'1vrtvr1No and copying. bfl Illl.I' . tor clgftr5 * I2 a month nnd xjieM ; oki lIrm ; ecrlnte , unfleeoH nary C. C. lJlBlIop & Co. . $ t. . : - ; ; ; ofllc specialties In gtinniu ; ntul Nbrnska ; finu Ride lInes ; nget1 ( make 15.0J t dny ; used ty nit iner- ( 'ha1lLM. Model M1i. co. , llx B , liend , InJ. ( 13-131 Jy 26 W4NT1 I ) nt once , nit ccrIetwed Hlrlng w.'nver ; surirly w'ork to tito tight nnii. Aililrcs , Western ) attresi Co. . l.Ineoln , Nd , . ll-O7 i : IAflOlllH f r ctra gng : on 11 & M. In w ynnilng : free rnre. Rrnuier & OlIenrn 211 $ 12th. fl-tI1I 1T (11t(1.TLAIt nnd nrntlt , .llstrllmt'r9 , 3per 1 , O4kJ ; nlvn 1n'cl ; 1n'nztn ' t ; - . qieo LI flh1P'CUtl Y. lIiiIun JlvckL IMIng colnlall ) . 4f N. 12th st. , I'liIIndellihi ; , l'u. ] 1-MlO 16' 'VI D. men tO 1QItfl b1rleI' ) trzul& , lIily ! eIliL we.lcs requtreil ; wrIte for our 8lelitI offer for July ; $15.flO mittlt or ( eel caIi stutli'nt ; poSIt 1on JuIr- a ft c' I ; prurti eni I y 00 U ) ptIUI U to I ertrn ( 'O tLIgII ( ) free1ol er's Ilnrher rolkgu , , (111i'ugo. . _ _ Mc,9 , 1' OL1CIl'OltI3 wutItt ; geol iolkItor Wanted In (1L(11 cUflt' ( In cuetern half Ot , e- br : ' ; kn to olR I n vim ii t ry ; good oppor- tunlty for right tn.ii : refermiecs retiulleil. Adclrtss Lock Ilo 2O , Dc ltl1t.4 ) , 13-M117 % N'VI11J-I11tT. liril , ! ' . 100 ( IIItLB fur nil kInds of vork ; $3 to 7 veel. CanadIan OItlc. l5 DotIlIL. (2-512 coop gIrl to help conic end chambermalil. Latigo hotel. G3I S. 11th St. C-491) ) 1 , _ . YOUNi WIdOW just from tne ettht ( esIrM ' - posItIon as housekeeper In a wItlover'H I home , or would eorrt"pontl wIth vles to nut t ci inniy ; ci t y o r con ii t ry ; olden y gtn - I leinu n pref rle 1. A ( h I re's ? 1 r. I .i I I I II. A titli fly. I'fleIj I u , Col 011010 C-al 9 16 17 EM1'LOYMFN'I' bureau , 1522 Doi1gn tel S6 , C-M1000 A14 1X1,11tL , 1l1(1 ( FtenogtzIplIer retdy : tO leave ( 'I t , ' liutt I y for fun I 111(111 t 14 ; aplly to lIen Caitur. lIlltrtl : hotel , It ) o'clock. C-M107 16 : -OO1) COk-tflURt bonent , of good rePute - Puto ; nice , lionio , at the Creche. C-11716' . I TLACll1lt or vxperlencel patty to e11 14eh001 suPplies. C' . \Vlicclcr , 2.ll ItIn- 210y t. (2-123 15' I1)1 ES nud gentlenioti out of CIfll)1O'InCflt ( 'all It tid lea ru ( liii' vork niul make 1 to 4 ; or day. Crelgliton block , ronni 71. C-M571 It ) W'ANTFt ) . aglrl ( or general 11oIlse'ork In sonill funilly ; no tsliitg or Iroiilng ; at I 12 South 25th . 'eiitte , ricur DOdge st. C-tll5 17' IL Cf1O1CE hoiise nini cottngs nil over city ; $5 to 75. Fidelity , 1st floor , N. Y. LIfe. D-513 iThusEs. i3eHewa & Co. , 108 N. 15th St. D-14 hOUSES , _ stores. Beinls , l'axton block. D-515 - ItIOVING , hrushoid goods and PIanoS. Orn , Von & Storage Co. , 15l14 Farnuin. 'rd. 1551. D-516 _ 1'UtNITUItF nod leasehold of a 7 and 13- room inotlerti lInt. for stile ; bargnin ; geol location. i cnt low. Buinls , l'axton hik. p D-517 7-ItOOM modern house with stable , large shuAl ) grounds. flemis. J'axton 111k. ; 1 - D-M2SI FORRENT. four-room cottage antI 3 acres 2'6 ' , 'miles vcst Po5to1ice. F. D.Vead. . D-M577 601 13EF 13L1)G. or telephonu 717. A FECOTTAGES. . 436 lloiiid Trai1. - 1so3 _ % 11 HOOM brick , 1029 So. 20th Ace ; oak , ' finIsh , first daBs ; keys next ( loor. or It . 'k D. Pratt , 1515 Farnain b't. , 2nd l'ioor. D-SS3 r : iooM : ticolt'rn house , 23O Capitol avenue. J. N. Frenzer , 0111) . old P. 0. D-M933 BitAU'I'iFtIh tour-room lint , No. 1102 North t. 24th st. Apply 2518 CaIdweil st. D-M9t5 rdit 1i1NT , 711 N. 2Stii a'e , 6 rooms , $12.50. 2103 . 2.tlu st. , 7 rooms , SiSet . 11112 u1atuu st. , 1 ; roim. $12.O4J. ( A1tV1N 111105. , 1613 FARNAM ST. ] ) -ItllOI ' . ' _ IMPROVEI ) 8-room 1101150 , entIrely mod- k'- en , , uucjuuro hail , lQrctIOIU bath ; u'lIt leuto ( Or 000 year at $10 wr mouth. W'IiI only consIder At tenant svIuoo refeucuicts are satisfactory. Omaha Loan nail ' 1'rut Co. , 16th and Douglas Sts. D-120 17 FOil i4 ti-room luouis (7 ( wIth bzuuo. mnnt ) , I blanc from l'turlc St. cars uiutl postutlico tStation Ii ) . Apply at 1135 GeorgIa a'e. D-M126 17 . . Foil Iti1N'1'-VUItNItIIiiD IIOlIS. Tiflt F'nrnam Terrace llotrn , 2O36.a4cJ.4 F'arnum. New modern buildIng , iue' fur- nlsluings. nil elegant outslle roomR ; porches , lawn. trees. Especially dcIiatIo for innit uuluil funnIly. F-tiI33-JyI8 _ 50 11001dB. 1117 Douglas ; one bed iiu. room. FtJ1tfl81t1tDroouns. 602 N.16 ; grocery store 1-4G3 Jy. lu' TI1It11 rooms , housekeepIng. 1112 tiouth 11th , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1tOOi'1t3 ; near all ( ar lInes , 1811 CalIfornia. . It-5Gi Jy.29' 1U1(2'JWI1IC1 rooms , futcing expositIon grouiiids. board If ( lCLulred , 3S14 N 20th St. 1-636 Al' A' . _ V 4 V VIIIINISIIItD roomu at reasonable prIces. 2b N. 10th. 1tM297..1y21e NICI1IjY furnshcu1 rorns itasonuublo ; four ttOCkS frouii jostdlIIec. 1Si1 CASH. it-M743 . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the TrunsunIsstsIppl 011(1 in. ir ttrIutIuuuuul ItxpoItlon tsIiIuig to uccuIro cuinfortatbitu ( martens eon Huue Utile and oxiwuu t)1' vrIttng to or culling upon tile Olilelal Information Ilurcan , 18li Farnaun St. , the only authorIzed agency of the 1txposltlon , uuuinngeinent. Strauigors ofl orrival In Onunhui euuiu laIn' sheet cars direct finiul i1t' (101)01. Otilcu Ojuetu duiy and iuttt. ) _ lurnisited rooms , bath , teh' . iuonc ; t rut ilsi en t H ; PrIces rca sonahie. room 1 , 1)tvIdgo buillding , ilghiteiithi auuui 1'rnuuiuu street , opposite city hull. Cars to depots and t'XlOSitIOfl , Mrs. .l.Ifrlcs. V - COOl , ItOOMS , 6 blocks froni P. 0. 522 N. lUtit St. l--I0 ) 23' _ VISITORS wislituig llrst-class roomuila PtI'lIte family cuuii setIrtI same by calling at S.V. . 17th tuid Capitol Ave. , Pobtoltice. 1t-M3S 1 $ V t23 CASS , modern furnIshed rooms. . It-Mtttfl 20' 1'L'LtNl511iD1tootns-23O Douglas. lt-091 1' - - - _ _ _ - ( ulN'L'i1r1jtN nut vivcs III the city ( or L fo % days cuuui senile lIulflllsolnel ) fur- iiishued ieios In cia ii' t ( a tiully l' t dc. 1l tng , 1\o. IISI , 1t-i17 V 1''i'CITI ( ' ' ' vlltois' bureau , ( 'irnishueti reruns UIlerent lnts of Lit 12.50 to 3 ( to per week ; 5Or * 0 $1 (10 ( ier dny lILY 1..u7 ( 'orby tilted , 2 blocks ( rouul S it , cfltrdlwe , t-1l is. 1O1I lt11NT-IL It % lSttl1) 1IOUMS. ( ContInued. ) it1tNl1IlED : ioomi. housekeeping. 23 ' i-Ml3l 2w ) ' St Mary's. - ItIt.1sII11l : ) 110(1315 . IIAltI ) . TIIIIMItItltIAM , flrst-class famIly hotel. 2th and 1)odge Ste. F-.522 icF : down that " ( or sale or "for rent" sIan In your Window. The lleo recehies more lCOPIO In a ( ltty thait wIll pat's your window Iii a month ; and they consult tIit'o columnS . when they want to buy or . . ' -o ; _ ! : .t. TI1I Itoso , 2020 llarney ; eooi rooms , free baths ; transients taken ; rates reasonable. F'-310 T111' BiN1tFIT 11OUSt. 21st nntI'inkney Sts. . 50 ( laInthly turnIshd rooms ; one square ( rein the Arch of the States ; everything new and flrst-cltuts ; terms rrasonttbiu , nrtAu'riiur rooms ; transIents , 2I liar- noy. 1"-M2i6J320 MRS. Godso , 202 N. ltth.Trnnslcnts taken. V 1'-2G3 3y22' PIFASANT south rotumssIngie or Cfl suIte , with board. 2102 Cass. V'-M892 16' OITIIlt , e.positIoii tIckets anuS SaratoiV' . hotel fare , nil for $2.00 i'r .Iay ; adjoins the grouitiuls , Sherman avenue car line lflHsCH ) the house ; suauuulcr resort stylO ; fumIlIeq ltel ; modern , cool , imine- lIke ; baths , guts , piano nHd library. Tele- IdIotic lUll. Double parhot , liammckS , vast Verandas , park , seats iii tia > street 'nru4 ; no dust ; jolly ICO1)ie nnd a lut hear ' , Vrite dr ithono tiuts mInute : slC i'Iuil otTer Is for those who do. F-MIll VtYltNIi411lD room wIth board ; reasonable rates. Mrs. C. i. 'rodul , 2107 Douglas. F-299 IS' N1r1tl1' turtuislieul room , first-class 1)oar(1 ) , I tnnseoin PRtk neigluirnrhootl. for one or two gentlemen ; trlccs reasonable. 1523 S. . 27th. ' -M1Ot16' _ _ - - - FINIt rooms. lrIvato family , shady lawil , dt'slrablu reshulence : board if uiesIred ret- erenees. 722 No. Vth. ) I'-M159 1' FOIL it IT-UNFi ttN I SlI t1) IIOOMS. 1'o It R1tNT , 'I'wo unfurnlshed rooms , cheap , at 2G25 Coining St. (3-M102 17' Iflt ILIIN'f-S'tthtitS ANI ) OFP'ICES. Iron ItENT , the 4-story brick bull1Ing at iiit ; Farnam St This lulidlng has a tire- PloOf ceuuient luasement , water on all hours. gas , etc. Apply itt the olilco of 'I'Iio lice. 1-910 AItN'I'S W't'1'ItT ) . VANTF'.I-Agfnts III every town In Nebraska - braska zuntl Iowa to Solicit dcOUIltH for to. to collect. Cash commission paid. W'rttu for Particulars. 13 49 , lle. Omaha. 3 ! iJs Jy 15' AOItN'I'S utnul branch intunagers ; salary or cmnIssioIl. 1 tooter 'railoring Co. . Ciii- clunati. 0. JM9lV7 Oct11' CTNERAr , agents In every city to nplOlflt agoults uuuid iwIl to stores I he FavorIte AliiuiInuin Skirt supporter. Send 13c for Hiumlulo tict and agents' price list.V. . 0. SkIugIe3' , Tonganoxlc , Iun , J-M1101T' MANUI'AC'I'tJ1titR vnnt5 general agents in every county to aIlIoInt local agents 011(1 place goals wIth all hnrscmeui. ( ann- cr8 , Ote. lit' ' ) per Cent proflt : excellent ter- ritory. \ \ ' . hunter Co. , Itactuic , Wts. .1-M130 16' 016N1tRAL agent ( or Telephone Tablet 1)eik. specialties nilil sirlnlcler. $3C4to a year. Victory Mfg. Co. , Cleveland , 0 J-M129 16' MANAG EltVZLtltC(1 in e'ery city in U. S. to estuibliHIl branch for International CarPet - Pet CleanIng Co. Address CO l'erirl Bldg. , CincInnati , 0. J-\1132 17' S'I'OiLICli. PACIFIC Storage nod Warehouse Co. , 003- J10 Jones , general storage anti forwardIng M-525 OM. Van & Storage , 15111 Farnm. Tel. 155g. P.1-526 S'.tN'1'ItD-TO lILlY. lit , YdU are lanced ofanything try the \\'nnt. Columns of 'l'hio 13cc ; they rt11 brIng you what you want. N-S67 50 Cii1tAP2J-hand nicycles. Omaha III- cycle Co. N-MIll 22 GOOD , safe , family horse or mare and light two-seated carriage ; state lowest vrlcc. Address U , 35 , lIce. N-9S6 15' WAN't'ltD , real etntu , two acres or more , on cany terms ; Omaha or vicinity ; suit- abla fur greenhouse aiitl gardenitug. A. C. Anderson , Leigh , Neb. N-M103 15' WAN'I'ED , good lenin , about 1,250 to 1,304) ) each ; must be cheap for cushi , Cuull 519 Main street , ( . 'ounctt Bluffs. N-M140 17 FOIL S.tbIl-Vt'ILNI'FLYItEi. FOlt sam at a bargain , 500 pillows and 500 mattresses ; ness' pillows , 25 cents up ; now mattresses. 75 cents ill ) . 140S-1O Dodge. 0-Mill Jy25 FOR SALE , the furnIture of a 10-room house , alt now ; house ( or rent. Address U 36 , Dee oflice. O-M055 16' TWO dressers , three rockers , one dining room table six ehinirs , all orik. S. D. Casad , 519 . 16th. O-M100 17 FOIt S.t Lli-ttOttSllS , .VAGONS , li'I'O. 12 l'ASSItNOltlt w'tigonttte , 2 good uhiao- lotus , $60 and S5 ; fa'niiy carriage , leather toll , $50 ; good trap , S5 ; uturrey , brand new , $90. Druinmond CarrIage Co. , lStIi and Homey , P-M974 Jy17 CAIthOAI ) hIgh grade. medium priced buiggies. Siuccill tiuduicemeuuts ( or you to 1)uy thutti week. Crawford Co. , 1311 Jones _ _ .t. - - . NOTICF-On Mnnthuy , .Tuily IS , at 10 o'clock the entire stock of carriages , luuiggles alt other materials belongIng to Villiaun Snyder Iil be sold at sheritVs sale at. 1319 Ilarlue4'St. I'-993 17' FOR SALF.-ientIo horse anti surrey , Ad. dress U 41 , Bee. P-11'J 17' FOIL S tLIt-M1 StiI1I1j4N1OUS. GET cut prices on hog and iouitry ( once. Sawdust ( or sweeping hours , etc. Tel. 453 , 1401 DougIat. Q-61U G1tltAT bargain. four 6 to 00-hole steel rnnges for hotel or restaurant ; two invalid - valid chairs ; must be sold. 1110 Doulgu. Q-M972JVYI7' _ FORSALF1 , ten It.1.P.A.N.S , ( or 5 cents at druggists ; ono gives relict. Q-528 'l'Illt Spanish iossessIons In both the east nilul veHt , In map form , with nearly 200 .1iotogz itluhie rt'IrOt1tictIofls of the Amen- ciii , niuui SluuIsh1 navies , in'al command- ens , mtC. All ( or 25 0011t13 , Ut. 'l'he lice oillre. If ondereul by nrnIl , atldress Navy i'hotograph Department , Omaha 13mm. Q-SG3 I IIAVfl 2 RemIngton typewrIters that I vltl sell cheap. Frak it , Itloores , City Stall. Q-21t _ _ _ _ 1100 , PoultrY nilmi lawn fences ; all sire ; Is beet. Wire \\'orks , 14th and ilamne ) ' . , Q-529 100 KINDS inlimnal waters. Sherman & McConnell Irug Co. , 1515 Iodgo Rt. Onmha. Q-P.ttS9 iii ? _ _ _ _ - _ t COT cml a nmattress ( or $1.60. 1410 Dodge. 'I Q-290Jy22 _ - _ _ STAM1'S , COINS-Bought , sold , Morten- 5011. 401 N. 16th. Q-I.I575 . 30 FOR SAL.1t , SmIthl'romier and Remington typewriter ; scconil hand. 'l'ypewmlt ens renleul and repaIred. J. J. Deriglut & Co. , 1116 1'arnamn st. Q-MS9t A9 MltD1UM.Sl'/d2D safe cheip. 218 S. 16th St. Q-M993 16' FlltS'I'.C'LASS Jersey bull prlcolow and dHhI'ered tree to any ltnt In Neiumaslca. _ . Duncan. Neim. Q-ldlIS 17' MlSCItLltNlVS , TwItN'l'Y-Flvri cents will buy the latest PublIcatIon illusinating the U. S. mund t6aanlsll nmtVeH , mutyuti commanders. etc. ; almost 200 hotogrnvhIe reproductions. with a large maim of the 1ast and SVest Indies , at limo oIlic of 'rho 1ie , It or. dered by mail , address Navy i'hotograph Department , Onlahla Bee. B. . .70 ANTI.MONOI'014T (3arbag Ce , , cleans cCSsl)0Q1s & l'nl'y vuult , 621 N 16 'ret , 1779 , 1-i Jy16' CbAlltVUYtST5 , ios'r articles foumi : misin friends traced ; life readings ; lucky belts. fill N. 20th. S-M56S 30' : _ _ . _ - _ -V : 11ATIlM t'I'C. - _ LAUBA Elhlson,119 N. 16th ( upstaire ) , room 12 ; TUrko-Itu'usian and plain baths , massage. _ 'l'-lOi Jy19' SUI'ltRi"LUOUS hair moles , etc. . persia- nentiy removed by e'ectrIcIty ' ; referencL Mrs. Cronymu , specialist. r. 10 Cretgtiton bik. 1'-M&Il 34) ) - IIATIIS , Indies onI3' . Mrs. I'orter , 203 Doug. bik. T-MSI.9 All P.1115. DII. 1.IDN , electric massage bath Plrlnrs ; restful and curative. 417 S. 11th , uataIrs. ; T-M920 17' MAUD STUART ot ChIcago , hiath end inasumulge varlor. 1522 Douglas , room 10 , 1ltmliman block. T-M967 19' MMII. SMITH , 113 N. 15th St. , hot spring nhm,1 , vapor biutlis. 'r-9s-1s' P.l1DlCATED bi1th , massage ; also vapor baths. Male. linissomu , from Paris. 107 N. 12th , T-Ml2 Al5' 1'L it S 0 NAL. : IAV1 CO. , 316 lIce buIldIng , U-Sb $30 RUPTUIt1t cured for $10 , No detention froni business ; 6 years In Omaha. Caller or write for circulars. Empire ltupttmrc Cure , 932-933 New York LIfe Uldg , , Omaha , Nob. U-OIl 'lAThS , massage , Mine , Post , 319'i S. 15th. A LAflO1 Mop of the World , one of Cuba and another of the entlro'est Iuudles , showing Cuba , Port.u RIco , Ilayti , Salt DomIngo , Nnrtlnlqtio and all the other W'est Imitilna Islands ; 10 cents , at 'Ihe lice oilier' . Sly nunll , 14 cOats. Address Cuban Map Dept. , Omaha lIce. 1J-SGS YFI.LO\VSTONIt National Park , cheap company exetmnuulons. Write for circular. A. Lycun , Cinnabar , Mont. U-M24.Jy21' LAD1FS' Turkish baths. Mmc. Post , 2l0 S. 15th. U-OIl GET your hnes half-soled nnii heeled while yet ! wait 15 minutes , for 50 centS.'nrk guaranteed. 710 N. 16th St. U-29I-Jy22 A GRFL'mTphysician's cure for soxunhly weak men ( or $1.00 ; particulars Ic. flex 263 , Omaha. _ U-732 A4' HO\v to llECOfllO lawful physIcians , law- yers. dentistH or 1)harmactsts. Lock box 196 , Chicago. U-M763 A6' PILES cured in 1 to 10 days , without lain : Ofltd treatment dot's tile work' cult or send for circular. . The Empire 1tic Cure , 032 New York llte building , U-P.1943 PIANOS tuned , $1.50. Itose , 3525 Dodge. 777-AG' MA'rnlP.IONIAI.-Strauugers ; ladies amid gentlemen feeling the need of comugeuulal companionship call at our pleasalit rooms ; meet our members mtnd feel at home. Room 3 , 520 5 , 13th St. U-M966 All I1ONEI ' 1,0 LOAN-ltL'.L ESI'.t'I'B. WANTED , choice farm and city loans , It. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l hunk Bldg. W-533 $100,000.00 sleclnl fund to loan on first cias Improved Omiunhia property , or ( or building - ing Ilurimses , Fidelity Trust Company. W-536 $1Gf $ ) aflil upwards to lean on improved roporty.V , Farmiam Smith & Ca , , 1324) Faranm St. \\-267 6 PVR cent city and farm loans. Garvin Bros. , 1613 Farriam St. W-38 ANThONY Lonim & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ; ( Ilmick inone ) ' at low rntes for choice ( aria lands in Iowa , Northern Misouni. East- era Nebrrskn. W-519 MONI6Y to loan out improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th. 'SV-540 56 PER cent money. Bemis , Paxton P1k. W-54l MILLIoNS eastern money ( or investment ; ) entl for cir'culars , Investors' Directory , N. Y. W-997 V IONEY 'Vt LOAN-ChATTELS. $10 'ro $10,000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS - NOS , I1ORSIB , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES - RIAGESVARI6HOUSFI TtEC.IPT ! , etc. , at ! oet t5 In Omaha , South Onmha and Council Bluffs. No removal of 'Woods ; strictly confidential ; YOU CAO I&y the loan off at any time erin in any amounts. GMAIIA MORTOAGP LOAN CO. , 306 South 16th St. TIlE OL.DF2ST , LARGEST AND ONLY IN. COItPOI1ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAhA. X-542 MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent posltion , with responsible concerns upon their own name , without security : eamuy Payments. 'rolman , it. 706. N , Y. Life bldg. 1111512UtSSCIIANCES. WANTED-Mi inbred In good bumsinens , State full particulars. Address 'P 30 , 13cc. Y-341-18' QU1IC , Cleafi PrImttin. Tel. 1340. 1010 Cuss Y-475-Jy-lS' STOCK and fixtures ( If aclgar and confectionery - tionery store in best location In Omaha for ele. Owner must go out of lnmslness b' July 15. Address U 7 , Bee office. Y-775-16 iTyou wantto buy. sell , trade or rent anything coil room 12 , lbrow'n block. Y-M906 16' 4Vi' exposItion groumnds , a fine botch ; what have you to exchange ? Call Saratoga hotel , ' 24th undAmes. Y-M9 FOlt I1)7NT , 20 by SO ft. room with basement - ment , it desIred , in Avoca , In. blest 10- cation in town of 2,000 , imi Opera house lmloclc as there Is no music Store iii cIty It woumli tIC ii. lint' opening ( or something of that kind. Address A. Boogewomulmig , Avoca , Ia. _ YP.l2i 17 DRUG stock and building ; viil require Chose to $ : I,000 cash ; southeast Nebraska : ( mill ptrtlculars : by atail , Address U 39. lIen. Y-M1O6 17' SALTt . bank in Central , Nebraska. F'Irst class business. Stock , twenty thou- snail. James Whitehead , Broken 110w , Neb , Y-M113 16 DRY GOOflS Bankrupt stock , $5S00.Con- slsts of well assorted stsplemm , turmmlshlngg mmntl clothIng. ' .Vill discount ( or cautlm. \\'ouItl consider hart clear . land. U 21 , Ilee. .yMi ! _ : _ _ FOIl SALI ) or trade , several valuable patents , mnorlels of whIch may tat seen in time ollhco of Sues & Ca , , hlatent uxperts , 13cc iildg. , Omaha , Ncb , Y-P.lI'Jl 17' Flt ) BNCIIANfIO , FOTI iiAiii : ; OIl TRADE , team nut two. sented buggy , ( or simlghe horse and bumggy. Old Nebraska feed stable , 16th aumtl Lens' . enworth Sts Z-214-30' Poll. SALI3-1LtT. JISTATIt . FOLLOWING desirable urollerty ; businehs lot corner , 60x150 ft. , in o. Omaha , iutvod , hiusimtc'ss lot , G0xlr ) ft. , improved , South Omaimmu , street putvel. Tract (24 lots ) . 3thu St. 'l'nact (20 lots ) , 30th St. For Particulars U1)1)ly ) 0i2 Fornam St. B 16-547 hOUSES , lots , farms , Ininis , loamis ; also fire insurance. llemis , I'axtoii block. 1116-543 111613T ( arm miear Oumtahn at half appraised 'ulue. John Sizer , 2502 IlIomimlo St. , Omaha. RI6-39'J .July 2' JIAVII you uOmo lots to sell ? Now is the time to dispose of them' lot the IleopIe know that you wamut to dIposo of them. The lIeu reaches the people 'ho ) iase the money. 1116-866 FO1 ALl6. desirable residence lots , 124x 130 , in ilrsl.class location tsn minutes' walk train court house ; Cheap ( ( Jr cash , Address 0 Cl , Bee. 1116-M707 ioa : o fuiII-uIzed loion electric car line. J. itt. Fronzer , 01)1) . old 1' . 0. Itlt-M792 FOR SALIt or I6xchango-3,200 acres gooil mmgnicultumal land , timber aimd rairIo in northern Arkansas. 1' . 0. 83 , St. .I. St'imh , Mo. liE-MIll it , ' FINIt busIness Property and residence cam. bimmed , wiUt good trade , In a fine totvn , it lIl 1)lY you to investigate , on mutotor line , U a ? , Lieu , 1116-204 17' l'OIt SA1.17-hlTi.l1 ( Continued. ) roll SAT.16 , the followIng desirable prop. erty will be sold almost at your own prIce : 5. 16. cor. 3ft1u anti Farnam , 13 , 16. von. I'ark ave. and hickory , S W. cor. 1.tll and Dorcas (2 houses ) , part lot 20 , block 3. 1otumutze's 3d ( business propert5) ) . Look thIs Imp nntl submIt cash offer ; no reasonable often refumsed. Win 1 , I'otter , fleclver. itil-M996 20 Goon Inve.tment-1'aying good refltl 2 cOttages on paved street , rent $14-i,350. I'roperty rented for 3650 imr ycar-$3O0. l'reperty relitetl for * 375 Per Ucorgo a.Vallnce , 313 Brown block , 1116-996 16 Thll6Sl6 mmmii homes , worth ulouble. 4-room iiotme , i , hot near ar-$4W. ti-room house , full 'ot ' , near cmir-$600. 4-room huoUe , id lot , paved strcet-$330. 5-room house , 'barn , luavCnient pdtld-lG..O. $ Modern reeldenee , cost $6,000-$3 000. George (1.Vallnce , 313 BroWn block. 1tI69t5 16 A FINIt lIttle farm , Two miles from Valley , contaInIng 40 acres , with first class impnovenients , or- cliards , fences , bumihulimugs , etc. A most do- sIruible ProPertY amid cheap at 12.400. The owner will take Omaha property nm part Itumlinent. } 'ID161ITY TItlIST CO. , 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. (1. iT. PAVN'16 , I'rt's. 11. ii. I1AIIDI6I1 , Sec'l' , 1116-MIOS TillS Isto certify that I can sell you a good 160 acres In Ncbmnskn , lmnpros'ed , for $300 ; nh acre in I3elvidero nd.iltiomu for $500. worth $1,500 ; nice lots In Cloverdule athdltton at j5.00 , alid knowing that Intislc hatli chP.nmn , will give a fine reid- thnco lot clear ( or luirino. Clear farm lamuls ( or houses nitul lots. Lyman'ator - man , 522 N. Y. LIfe bldg. 1113-116 35' S16'EN.ROOM holisentud ( till lot , near lavm'd street ; good nolghborhiootl : $1,000. iv 42. flee. R16-M13G 22' LOST. LOST , gent's gold wutth , made by James habit , No. 10100 ; left in closct at. UnIon t'acItlc depot ; liberal reward for return to U. P. tIcket oiiice. LOST-493 LOST. Forester's gold medal , inutrked "Camp 120 , Modern Wootimen of Amer. ira. " fleturn ( or reward. C , 11. ' 1' . itic- pen , 1217 Jackson , Lost-124 17' LOST. If you find black cocker Spaniel , .iust been chlpledt from shoulders hack , nhtss'i'rs to IIaIUe of Ituthers , bring him to It . H. Swaguo Co. , corner of 11th and Farnam et. , and recetvo reward. LoHt-M127 17 V POUNI ) . TAKEN up , omue bay horse , blind , .113 5 , 2Stli st. , July 15 , 1513. Foumud-Mlll 16' SIIORTIIANI ) AND 'I'Yi'IlW'ltI'I'iNG. VAN SANT'S tcluool , 717 N. Y. Life. The school Whose students get employment. Conducted by an experienced reporter. 556 AT OMAhA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas. 657 ShORT-hAND , up-to-date , taught by court reporters. Iloyles' School , 403-5-7 lIce bldg. 553 MEIJICAL. LADIES , If you can't tell a doctor your troumbla nddres 1' . 0. Box 59 , Omaha , Neb. , ( or information. P.1-SOS AS' 11 I CYC 1.165. NEW wheels , $10 to $25 ; secondhand wheels , $5 to $15. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chicago 562 1'A'YN11 R 0 ICE I IS , 11. MAI1OWITZ loans money , 413 N. 16th. 553 r _ _ _ _ 1'URNiTV1tI6 I'ACICIJD , P.1. S. 5\'ALFLIN , 2111 Cuming. Tel. 1331. -545 ' ' ' TYL'EWIU'1'13RS , V TYPE'R1T16RS for rent , $1.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1625 Farnanh St. ; Telephone 1264. 554 REMINGTON Stundarut Typewriter and supplies. 1619 F'nrmuam. 121-Alt' S'I'ENOGItAI'IIERS. Wit SOLICIT and fumn1sl posItions for stenographers free. TIle Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. Telephone 1284. 559 srt'rvutv. ARTISTIC figures , orulaments. Gonneila & Co. , 317 S. 10th St. 2611.Jy.21' - CAItIt1i.tI6 MAKING. ICARBACI-I & SONS , 1312 Howard. Tel , 1102. -M226-Jy20 . AU C'I'I ON. S. fl MAX'Y & C. , auctIoneers. room 416. lCnrbach block , want your auction saleS of neal tnitmtte , merchaudise , furniture , live stocks , etc. -530 , _ - - - - S'r.tIIIIIIIIING ANI ) S'fLJT'J'EILING , SCHOOL for cure of these defects. Julia 16. Vatmgluan , 803 N. Y. Life hld. P.t-s9O AS' -V VIoLIN MAIING. C. A , CASF7 , violins repaired. 416 Sheely 131k. 122-A14 ' ' ( ) ' IILItC'i'lt TYJ'iXG. 11. S. STA1IIC& CO. , 1110 Dodge , -M451-Jy21 p' - SUES ' CO. , IAWJAT&1XUTOS ' . 1 IemI 2FftitfflrO1SflCarSUttOIlNclL ; - One 240 acres. One 320 acre ; , Corn , 200 acres of wheat , 12Q Acres , Good houses. _ _ _ _ One barn , 44x63. Winter Wheat , flOloAcrew. . , c3 ? ' Plow Land , . Acres , 60 Acres. a - - _ _ _ _ UD a0 Posture , a .o = : i 60 Acres. a. sv. Carlochc , No. 310 ICarbach 131k. , , , 1OSIOPrl(316 NOTICIS. ( Should be read daily l)5 all interested , as changes may occur at any TIme 3 Foreign mails ( or the week ending July 16 , 1893 , will close ( I'IIOMPTLY in all cases ) at this Gemleral I'Ostoitlce as Iullowmn [ 'All- CELS IOl31 MAILS close omue hour earlier than clos1n time shown below. 'l'rnums-Atlnn t It , Mn Ils , SATURDAY-At 7 a , m , for PRANCIt , S\VlTZl61tlAND , ITALY. TIJRKI6Y , EGY1T mural hu1tJTISIL iNDIA , pem , , La Jlretagne , via Ilmtvno ; ( letters ( or other parts of Europe ( except Spain ) must ho directed "per La I3rctuiie ' 3 ; at 8 a. in , for NI6TJII4IILANDS direct , imn S. ma Measdunu , vIa itottordam ( letters must be directed "per Idaasdnm" ) ; at 10 a. m. for SCO'I'LANI ) direct , per 8. 5. Furnesslut. via Glasgow ( letters must be directc'tt ' 'per Fumnessia' ' ) ; Itt 11 a. tn ( supplement. any 12:30 : p. ni. ) for EUJ1OI'11 ( except Spain ) . pen 5. s. Campania , via Queuns- town. After the Icsing of [ ho Supplementary 'J'ransatlantle Matte named above , auldi. tiorual supplementary malls are opened on the piers of tue .mcr4can , English , French and German slemuners. and remain alien until withIn ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. illmiiis fur Smiuthu muusml Cend ml Amuoniemu , W't&st lumille. , Etc. SATI'RDAY-At 2IOuu. : m. for NEW- FOUI\'DLAND , Ier H 5. Htlcnian , ( rem I'hllatleiphla , at 10 a. in ( suppiementary l'OSTOli'lt'tl OT1'lI. ( Continued ) 10:30 : fl in. ) for 1'ORTUNT6 lS1jaNI ) JA P.iA1C. , SA\'AN1tLA anti CAII + IIA- UI6NA , per ma ii , thtos ( letters for Costa Rica mast be directed "per Allies" ) ; at : p. in. for N'I6WPOPND1.AND , huer steti nier from North lyiule ) ' . P.lnhis for Newfoundland , by roll to flail. fax , anti theneA ly steamer , clase at tIlls ofilco daily at 3:30 : p , iii. Malls tot 511- queloii , by rail to Iloston and theiice by Steamer , clon at this 0,5CC ilatly at 8:30 : P. tfl. P.taII Cot Muxic City. overlanul , unless sPecIallY addressed for 'lCstuatch by steatner , c1ne at thIs ollIet 'l.tIly at 2I1 : a. ni. .inmi 2:30 : p. In. "RegIstered mall chOeS at 6 : O. p. lU PrM'iotts ( ta5 . Trnus.l'nctlhtu Stfllls , Stalls ( or Chum , Japan and hawaii , per s. 5. cIty of Itlo do Janelro ( from San Fran- clsco ) , ( 'lose lucre ( haII' tip to Jul 10th nt 6:30 ii. in. Stalls for ChIna tuid .lnpamu , iucr mu. 5. . , rIzomia ( froma Taomn ) , close lucre 4)0111' 115) to July " 11th at 6:30 : p. in. Slalls for AustralIa ( except \'est Am'- trnhla ) , Ness' Zealand , 1 lawaIl niuti FIjI Islands , cr s. \Vnmnlntoo ( front Van. cOus'er ) , hero dull ) ' ntter July bth and up to JtiI5' "litut at 6:30 : i' . rn Stalls for the Society Islands , per 51111 , ( 'Its' of l'npc'ItI ( froiti San Fmamuclsco ) , close here tinily UI ) to liulv 25th at 6:10 : p. mu. Mails for China mitumi , npmsn ( Sleclailv muldrt'sseti 0ht13) , rer mu. S. Empress of India ( from \'nllc'oUVCr ) close lucre daily up to July " 25th at 6:30 : p. in. Stalls for Australia ( except those for M'cst AustralIa , whIch nrc forwarded vIa I6umrope ) , New ZealanmI , HawaiI , Fiji nnui Samoan islands , tier mu. s. Mariposa ( ( real San F'rumictsco ) , closa hero tinily UI , to Augtist " .7th at 7 a. m. , 11 a. ill. and 6:30 : p. at. ( or on arrIval at New York Of ii. 5. Etrtmnln. with British mails for Australia ) , Trans-PacIlle malls are forwarded to port of sailing tInily and thue schedule of closing is msru'anged on the l1roumPtion of their tmntnterrutmted overland transit. ' 'lleglmu. tered mcii eloc at 6 a. in. prevIous day. COI1NI6L1IM3 VAN COTT , I'o.tmaster I'ostofiice , Now York. N. Y. , July 8 , ISIS. I1AII.W'.tY PiStil Ctill ) . P.FflT6MONT RLICIIORN & Missouri tVaHey RaIlway- ip)3.z ) ( leflerutu uumlceI uiiaeu I StateS Nntioltal Ihtnk Iitdg SOlIthiWest Cormuor Twelftl Streets. Ticket omc 1401 Ftnnitnt urnm Street. Telephone , 561. lSopot , Fi tteanth and Webster Streets. Telephone , Arrive. Leave. . 1,453. illitcIc 111115 , iead- wood. 1101 spri'gs 3:00 : pm ' 5oo ; pm Wyoming , Casper anti Douglas . . . . . . " 3:00 : pm " ' " 5:00 : pm lastingii. York , flu- vid City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter & Seward . . . . . . . . . . . . 3100 pm " 6:00 : Pm Norfolk , Verdlgr3 and Frcmomtt . . . . . " 8115 am ' 10:45 : am Lincoln , Wahoo & Fremont . . . . . . . . . . . , 8l5 am " 10:45 : am Fremnuuuut Local . . . . " 7:50 : nun York l'asscnger. . . . . ' GL0 pm 9:40 : am Daily. " 1)atty except Sunday , " Suit. day only. ' ' Daily except Saturday. I' . . ' Daily except Monday. CII1CAGO. ST. PAUL , SUN- , neapolis & Omaha Rnltway -General Olfices , Notiralca V Divistcn , Fifteenth and . Webster Streets. City Iflco , 1401 Farnrim Street. Tele- phone. 561. Depot , Fifteeittht and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1,453.ieaVc. ieaVc. Arrive. Sioux City Accem. " 8:50 : am ' 8:55 : pm Sioux City Accom. " 9:50 : am " 8:25 : put Blair. Emerson , SiouX City , Polica , Ilartin2ton and Bhoomtlelti . . . . . . . . I' oo pm 'ilSS : am sioux City ' Mali- itato , St. 'Paul & Minucapolts . . . . . . " 6:00 : pm ' 9:00 : am ' Daily. " Daily except Sunday. " Suit- tay only , " Does not stop at DeSota or Coffntan. CHICAGO & NOTITII WEST- , p em itniiway-City Ticket 0113cc , 1401 Farnam Street. 'jone ' ! Telephone , 561 , Depot. Tenth and Nason Streets. ' , . Leave , Arrive. DaylIght ChIcago Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:40 : am ' 11:55 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul & MinneapolIs . . . . . . . I 6:40 : am 10:45 : pm Sb. Valley. Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7:45 : am 9:00 : pm Boone , Denni4on , Council Bhiffs . . . . V 10lO pun ' 10:05 : am Eastern Ex. , Des Molne , Marshall- towii , Cedar Rapids - ids anml Chicago. . . 11:6F5 : am S 4:20 : pta AtlantIc F'lyer , Clii- cage and East 4:55 : pm ' 4:20 : pta Fast Mall , ChIcago to Omaha 0 3:15 : pm Northern Express . ' 5:30 pm ' 8:40 : am Oni.-Chlcago Sve- Cliii . . . . . . _ . . . . I 6:55 : pm 8:25 : am S Daily. SlOUX CITY & PACIFIC , Railroad - General Offles , United States National ' ] 3amik Building , S. VtCor - _ _ . -c iler Twelfth tfll Fanmuam Street. Ticket 0111cc , 1401 Farnam StreOt. Teiophone , 561. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. ' . , Leave. Arrive. amoux ILILi kato , St Paul ' 0:40 : am 8:40 : am V Minneapolis . . . . . . . ' 5I0 Pm ' 10:45 : pro Sioux City Local. . 7:45 : am 9:00 : put S Dally - _ & MIS. I I ) ' A4 I souri River Itallroaci-"l'he iourlnwioni Burlington ItoUte"-0o. I . I oral Oiblccs N , W. Corner I I.Jniifn I Tenth unml Farnain Streets. I I I U U I IS I Ticket 0111cc , 1502 Farnani _ _ I Street. Te1ephon 250. Depot - pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephons 128. Leave , AmnIvo. Lincoln , hastings and McCook . . . . . ' 8:33 : am 9:35 : am Lincoln , Denver , Colorado. Utah. CalIfornia. Black hills , Montana & Puget Sound . . . . . ' 4:1.3 : pm 4:00 : pm Lincoln Local . . . . . 7:00 : pitt " 7:40 : pm Lincoln Fast Mail. ' 2:55 : inn " 11:40 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah , California and Puget Sound ' 11:55 : pm 11:55 : pm DaIhy. "Duly except Suiiday. _ - - - ; KANSAS CITY. ST. JO. 0 ' . seph & Council . Al. IlutVs Rail. uUF IfliuOfl road - "The Burlington _ Itouto'-Ticket Office , 1502 I4niith Farnam Street. Telephone iiuutu so. Depot , 'rerith and Ma- V 50fl StreetsV Tii.nhnnn 192 _ VV Kansa mm City Day Express . . . . . . . . . . . S 0:05 : am 6:40 : pm Kansas City Night Express . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 11:00 : pm ' 6:30 : am "Expo'ition : Flyer" St. 1Qtmis . . . . . . . . . . ' 4:30 : pm ' 32:05 : pm for St. Joseph and Daily. .2IIICAGO , I1UI1TTNGTON & B u ii i ii ton Quincy Burlington Railroad itoutC"-'jcllet - L 0111cc , 1502 Farnaut Street. ciute I Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. 'role. _ phone 126 , Leave , Arnivo , ChIcago Vestibuled Express . . . . . . . . . . . . S 5o P V 8110 am ChIcago Express , . , ' 'J45 ; ala 4:10 : vnu ChIcago & 6 [ , Louis Express . . . 7:45 : vm S 5Q ; am emotion Local 4:00 : pm lO:45 : aiim tacifle Junction Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:55 : Pm 5:40 : pm Fuht Shall . 2:50 : m Chicago . Special . . , 12:05 : am lL:50 I'm Daily. " Daily excapt Sunday. . , , , . , ' ' I'ACIFIC RAil. . i.i r.1i ! , roatl-Ot'nt'rnl Olilcea zuuuti . 11iC4.J.iW , : Ticket OtiIe , Southeast Car. - nor 14th and Douglas Streets , ' V 'l'elelliiofle , 101. Depot , bitfi V and Webster Ste. Telephone 145S. V Leave. ArrIve. R.tusus and Nob. Limited . . . . . . . . . . . 3:0 : : nn 12:55 : pm ICtmisns Cfls' & St. Louis Express , . . ' 9:30 pju ' 6:00 : am Nebraska , L0'tl , . , ' 4:50 : pm ' 9:45 : are Daily , " 1)uily except Sunday. V A B A 13 11 RAILllQAD t Ticket 0111cc , 1415 l'armiuum $ ' Street. Telephone 92. lepet 'i'onth and Mason Streets , Telephone 629. 'Louis Leave , Arrive , St. "Canon Bail" 1Jxprestt. . . . . ' 4:30 : pta 11:30 am , DailY. ; ' 1IICi(3OittiIWAUK13I3 & St. Paul ltaihwav - City 'l'lcket Olilee , 3601 Farnarn A1W ' A/ . / , ' AU/I'EE Bract. Telephone 2S1. Depot , , . , ' 'l'enthi and Mao Streets. ; / - Telephone. 62 $ . ' ° ' Arrive. cagoLimtWd Express . . . . . . . . . . , 0 545 p ' 8:20 : am Onituha & Chicago Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1i00 am " 4:15 : pta Sioux City and Des Mttlnts I1xresSV V V V " 11:00 : aiim ' 4i5 pm Daily , ' . .4tily ecep1 Sunday , fl.tiI.WAI. TIMIS tIMID. ( ContInUed. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IJNIONVACIFIC - "Tithi . Overland floumte"-Ueneral Of. flees , N.V. . Corner Ninth and V FArnitm Streets. CIty Ticket , Otl'ce 1302 F'arnam Street , ' " Telep'hone ' 216. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 629 , Leave. Arrive. "The Overland V Iinuited" for Denver - ver , Salt Lake , and western i't. . : :8O : 4l43 pm The Colorado Blue- cla.t. for Delter 4 - - V -V nil Colorado p'ts. l1.5 : pin 6:49 : a in Iast Mall TraIn for Salt Lake , t'aciflc CoARt and all western Points . . . ' 4:35 : pm 6:40 : am ttncoiiu , BeatrIce & Stomsburg Ex. ' 8:00 : pm ' 12:20 : pin Frt'tllOllt , CoImim. bus , Nurfolk , Ord lulafltt & 1enrmlcy 4:33 : pm " 12:20pm : Giand llutitd 1x. , . ' 8:00 : pin " 1220 im . Daily. ' D.iIl' except Sutimulay. South Omaha Local Pnss.-1eit'es. 6:15 : a , rim , ; 7:00 : a. in. ; 9I5 a. rn ; 3:10 : p. rn Ar- nives , 10:53 : a. in. ; 3:31) : p. in. ; 6:00 : p. in. CouncIl ifiuffs Local-1eaves , :55 : a. nu , ; 6:50 : a nu. ; 7u40 a. in. ; 8:40 : mt lii. : 10:30 : a , in. ; 2:15 p. rn ; 4:33 : i. in , ; :56 : p. ln,3..0 In ; 10:05 : a. m. . ArrIves , 6:33 : a. tn A. TO. ; 835 a. re. : i130 a. in. ; 3i0 p in , ; 1:40 : ii flu. 6:30 : P. in. 0dt3 p. m. : 1O:4 : p. ma. - clltcAto ; , flOC1 ISLAND . , & I'aclflc llnllrozttl-"The (1rat Bock Islanti llouta" , . qIt ) 'j'lcket 0111cc , 1323 , I 1' arnant Street. Telephone 4'S Depot , Teuith luitmi Mason Streets. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. Rocky Mountain LImited , cast V V 1:30 : am 1:5 : am Rocky MountaIn iimnItut , went . . . & 0 am 515 ; ftnt ChIcago & St. Patti Vestibuled 16 x - lures , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pm ' 1:25 : pm Llmtc'oIlt. Colorado Slirimigs. l'tmcblo , Demlver and SveSt 1:30 : pm 4:25 : m Chicago , DeS Mould'S & Itock ls'and . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7:00 : pm 'IlZI : am Atlantic Express , for Des S oIuue and easterut points " 7:20 : am " 8:50 : pm Colorath , Fiycr . . . . ' 7:00 : pin ' 8:50 : nun 0 Imttly. 1)allv exceot Souidtiy. . _ OMAHA & ST. LOUIS IIAIL. . roadOnlallit , ] ( ansns City & 1'2astern ltiillronul-"l'he l'ori I Arthur Itout&-'l'icket 0111cc. RciI1 ! 14i5 Famnitro Street. 'l'ole- Phone 322. Depot , Tenth and ' usoil Streets. Telephone 629. Leave , Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express. . . . . P 435 ; 11:3O : am hmtmisas City & Quilncy Local . . , S 7:40 : nun 9:05 : pal Kansas City Ex- , IPI'eSS h30 am Port Arthur Express - press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830 Daily WHERE THE TROOPS NOW ARE ' , Vnr lrpulrtiuleilt Reports Chnngcs In V Location filmnilIg tIme [ 'must Week , 5'AS1lIN'GT0N , July 15.-In the weelriy bulletin issued by the War department , giving thu statlouiim of the volunteer troops ( or the benefit of friends and relatives ivito wish to communicate with tllem , the 101. lowing changes are noted over tim Inst issue ; Third Alabama infantry , Mobile , Ala. ; Eighth CalifornIa infantry , at San FrancIsco , battalion CalifornIa artillery , CalIfornia ; I"lrst Colorado infantry has saIled for the Philippines ; First Colorado battery , Denver ; First ConnectIcut infantry , Camp Alger ; Third Connecticut infantry , Niantlc , Conmu. ; First District of Columbia , at Santiago ; First Delaware infantry , Mid- dletown , Dole. ; Third GeorgIa infantry , at Onlilin , Ga. ; First Illinois infantry , to San- tlago ; Sixth Illinois infantry to Santiago ; Eighth Illinois infantry. to Spriugfleld ; One Hundred and Sixty-first Indiana Infantry , to Indianapoils , lad. ; Iowa battery , at Des Moiuies , Ia. ; Twenty-thIrd ICansas infantry , Topeka ; Fifteenth Kentucky Infantry , Lexington - ington , Ky. ; three of LouisIana light batteries - tories , at Jackson Barracks , La. ; Troop A of Maine heavy artillery , at Fort Popluain , Me. ; Troops 13. C , 13 , at Augusta , Me. ; First Maryland infantry at Fort Monroe , Vu. ; Fifth Massachusetts infantry , at South Framlngton , Sines. ; Sixth Massachusetts infantry - fantry , at Santiago ; First Massachusetts artillery - tillery , at Quonsett , U. I. ; Thirty-fifth Michigan Infantry , at Island Lake , Mih. ; Fifteenth Minnesota Infantry , at St. l'aul , Minn. ; Third Mississippi infantry , at Jack. son. Miss. ; Sixth Missouri infantry , at Jot. ferson Barracks ; Third Nebriuikmt infantry , Omaha , ordered to JacksonvIlle , Fla. ; bat- tallon of NevAda Infantry , Carson City , Nov. ; Third New Jersey infantry , at l'onupton lakes , New Jersey ; Fourth New Jersey infantry , at Sea Girt , N. J. ; First New York infantry , ) nt CalifornIa ; Twenty-soeon flow Tor1 Ia' . . fnntry , at Fort Slocum , N. Y. Forty-set'cnthl New York infantry , mit Fort Au1nm , ft. I Two Iltimired nntl First , Two lltmndred antI Second anti Two Iluntireti anti Third No 'orlc infantry , at ilempstezud , N Y , Threcs Iigllt batterIes arc also at hlcmpsteaii , N. Y. Third North CarolIna infantry , at flaleigli , N. C. : Ilussell battalion of North Carolina infantry , on its way to thin I'hullppInes ; Eighth OhIo Infantry , at SantIago ; Tciltht Ohmic infantry , at C'oltililbtis , 0. ; troops A and 1) of the Oregout L1ht battery are at l'ortland , Ore , : Seconul l'ennsylvanIa itifait- try , at Siontehanln , lId. ; I"ourteenthi i'dmlfl- sl'lvanIn , at Fort Mott , 1'2. J. : Fitteetith i1enttsylvnnia infantry , at Shieridaut l'ohimt , 'a , ; Slxtc'etlth l'onnsyltntuia Infatutry , at Santiago ; EiIitectutht I'enns3'lvnmllit infantry at Delaware City , Del. ; I'hilntlelphht City l'cIiils3 I'anla catalry , at Camp Alger ; Gay. c'nllor'S troops , renneylvanla cavalry , and Sllenidan troop , 1'eiumuslvanIa cavalry , at Catuup Alger ; troop A , I'c'mtnsylvanIa I1ght battery , at Newport News , \'a. : troops A and 13 of tht Ithiodo Islanmi LIght lnfmulltry , at Quonsett l'oimut , It , I. ; Second South Caro. unit infantry. at ColumbIa , B. C. ; hcnyy bat. tory of South Carolina artillery , at Sulil- van's Ishamuul , South Carolina ; Fourth Ten.- V 1105500 infantry , at Nashville , Tenn. ; Fourth Teans infantry , at Austin , Tea , ; Ilattery C of ( hue Utah Light artillery , at Salt Lake City , Utah ; Fifth Virginia infantry , at ltlchmonul ; First Washington itttaatry , at Olympia , \'ash. : Second \'cst Virginia in. fantry , mit Charleston , W. 'n. ; Seconul'ia - consin imltantry , at SantIago ; Third W'imm. consla infantry , at Santiago ; Fourth Wise consltt infantry , at Madison , Wis. ; ouo troop of WisconsIn Light battery at Slauhison , Vis. ; First United States voltinteer eit gineers , itt l'eeksklil , N , Y , : Second Un1te States volunteer engineers , at Chicago ; Third Ulliteul States volunteer etuglmtecrs , rut \\'ashltugton , 1) ) . C. : First Uttited States volunteer infantry , itt tialves. tot , , 'Fox. ; Scconui Unhtcut Stateg volunteer infantry , at Cos'Ington , La. ; Third Uniteti States voiunteer infantry , at Macon , Ga. ; Fourth United Stateg volunteer infantry , at Freulericksburg , Vu , ; Fifth United States voitinteor Infantry , at Columbus , Sties. ; Sixth United States volunteer infantry , at Knoxville , V rena , : Seventh United States volunteer Infantry. at Jefferson Barracks , Mo. ; Eighth United States volunteer infantry , at Fort Thonuns , Ky. ; Ninth UnIted States volunteer In- V ( entry , at New Orleans ; Tenth UnIted States volunteer infantry , at Augusta , Ga. HOLDS UP FRENCH GUNBOAT V Culmllmlnnmler ileCnIIa ( iivm FmlI'tluep , ' Evideimee ( hunt lie I6t'cr Keep. I Olie E e Open , ( Copyright , ISIS , by Associated I'rcss , ) I'LAYA DEl4 ESTIt , Gumantenamo Pay , July 15.-A French gunboat of about 2,000 tons displacement ntteniptcd to come tub the harbor about dusk Inst night without perinisalout nutl tact with a nitrpniso luart ) ' , The cruiser Marblehead fired a bliuitlr eliot its the gunboat came into the entrance of the harbor , but ito attention was paid to this and another shot ( rota a six.pouuder vas sent across its bows. This , too was illsre- garded , the gunboat coming along under Zu1 steam. For a minute it looked as If. a row vae possible. The tmurnliets on the Marblehucaul rang out a call to quarters and another shot was sent across the F'rcnchi gunboat's bows , this time in uncomfortable proxImity. That warning was sufficIent anti the Frcnchmau stopped with extremno uddeiincss. it is against naval custom for a war vessel of one nation to eater a Port where another nation is blockading unless permission j given. The captain of the French gunboat was either in ignorance of the American cc. cupatlon or chuso to disregard it. until ford. bly reminded of the fact by Commander McCalha. The gunboat was allowed anchor In the lower harbor foi thq nigb - Trcgusury has a. Deficiency , CHICAGO , July 14.-At today's seslon qi tim Universalist Young Peopho's CbrlstIai union Secretary harry L. Cantiold of Boatoyt anti Treasurer C. G. Peter delivered their joint financial statement. The report showed a Ieficiency of $1,188 , which was causet ! mainly by the publication of the union'e official paper , "Onward. " Reports front tile heads of the various departments and die' . ctission at religious topics consumed tim remainder of today'mt session. An active canvass is being made by most V delegates to secure the place of next year's convention at Lynn , Mass. , wberc the union was formed ten years ago , V ! . . ' * , , . : ! V i'll ! ! ) $ i , ' V d tj' ' , ' V , j = _ : 1V1'V _ _ ' x&i # ' , I ; : : : : _ . _ ' V V. V . _ ' V V - _ _ _ _ _ _ . . UI11INCII COSTIJMfl OP i7ClU LINI7N FROM IIAR1'JIIL'S iIAZASI TItle is emphatically a season of i'ntm ii gowns , ovcmm although thu so-called wash costum8 are not all precisely adapted in their makeup to en actual passage througil the processes of tIm laundry. 16eru gins s lumen is ( Ito material of [ lie dainty gown shown in our illustration taken ( rpm liii rpcr's Barer. 'rwo hinds of linen are co07. lilnc'd in ( lie gown , [ lie one a striped line n sshieh tennis ( hue lody of the skirt. and vaiet and tlmo sh'evcs , [ lie oIlier a Imlain 1 imien cO'erCi ( with ull.ovc'r i'nibroldery In shades of sVhiite and tan , Time striped ma tonal of the skirt is arranged so [ lint tims rtripes macct imi Ioimuts Ic a sonic down lb 0 froimt. The cruuliroidered plain material forms a circular flounce which is quito it nirow at the ( tout , but slopes up rapidly toward ( lie back , anti there reaches miii Way to tile 101) of bite skirt. On thu tdaust. th emabmaidered fabric forms a short bol urn Jacket , opc.ning on mu slurred vest of white silk mull , The bell , collar , mind breabt.knut are of luoppy.roU satin rlbion , ThQ white straw bat is trimmed with s'bi to tulle , poppice end spangled quills , ,