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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1898)
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - V - - V V I - - 10 TIlE OMAhA DATTX fliE : SATtTRDA1 , JVTX 1(3Th898. ( _ _ _ _ _ V : AD 3u1go in Corn Besnith in Strength to All Markot8. SEPTEMBER WHEAT HIGHER AT TIlE CLOSE Ont Mf ) Sbov nil i1snnnn nfl Ilie fln ' , i Irailitig ttii1 AlL J.nei of I'riIPIlIIPI Record V ( flhll ? ! . CHICAGO. JUly fli.-A bulge In corn , ( Urn to hilyllig on ( Iry weather , cauBed strength In all the pits today. 3e1tmher , Wheflt cioseil 3-Sc higher. Corn n4vnnced 1 3 Sc. Onti ; rose c. I'ork left oft 1O(12c UI ) atul Inril ttntl ribs 21c each. Wheat ,4tarted with prlcei ii shnth easier on lower Liverpool cat)1ei4 and exceptionally fine weather for thrashing and marketing of the new grain , The weakness ( lid flot Iai4t long , however. as the corn market (4UICkIY dcVeIopd itrengtli on a report that the crop vnil now threatenel ( by ihouth In many sectIons itml this aoon hiul Its roilec. tion iii wheat. It waH found tIat while the arrivals at now wheat wore on the increase they could by no ineanH be called iflerat nntl were being taken rreely. 'flits , together gethor with the fact that July itIIl holds itt it lug premIum , caiiiie(1 ( a growing re luetnace to sell September at the ( lisetilint , and those already short. were dtsiosel to cler. The business 011ti41i ( ( ' o covering iihort Salci ( W(04 ( largely by ( he iicnlping dc. inent. I'Iie big trinIerM hetil off , ( LiI)4rflhltlY ) with little COOItICUC ( ( ' n the lroeilt Htrengtli , 811(1 yet feeling that the ihort 81(10 was hardly iare ( ci long as the new crop ivan moving 11(1 ( 5lWI (111(1 ( the citIi Premium vIls 5(1 well maintnliwd. There SViI5 ( lilt much c1ient for Hale 110(1 hence the comlmrntlvo firmness. Chicago re- VIVPl ( forty-three cnri4 or wheat , fortY-two of theni new , iigitliist cigiiteil ears ii. 7OLIl alga , \IIlUlCflhOi1i4 flfll ( DtlIUti ) got iilxty- four ( ( irlolills , compared with 12 the corre- i4JOllliflg ( lILY of the year hefore. ( 'lear- ILlc'M of WilelIt : tiil flour ere equal to 5S- 00(1 ( liii. July O1)eIletl 3-8c higher at 73c , do- clIiit'iI to 7c : , roe to then rcactcl to 3c at. the cloilo ; Selitember 1 7-Sc lower itt bV7zI7Vtc ; , sold op tO ITT 7-Sc , then suttled bark to jlC 1)111 , ttii' closing Ilgure. ( 'ontiflhleif dry weather. vith the Proha- lillities favoring a. ( ootinhlance or thu same COflIItlO(114 ( for another thirty-six hours , itil. 'iiflceI ( corn. The temperature throughout the corn country 'zus not highi enough to suggest injury to tim crop from dry weutthier nUr iuliciu a protracted wet seaHon ( ( (4 ( early corn hind to contend with , hut a strongly aggressive hull Party that was operating III thlo Pit lnsiste(1 on ilaniago ( mlii drought already done unit Inoru to f lluw froni Its contloulance. Thin opening ttiIliCi4 were at about yesterdity's closIng IlgIl rs Liii t lagan t a I uuiprove , a uI ( the stroilgest 1)11050 in the inrket was ( luring the Inst half hour. A big itlsiiiesii was (1(100 1 ii cash ( 'orlu ( I nil slit P per8 found (11111- < 'ulty in iching up carlonul ioI. Seiltela- her fuelled : i2,32 1-Sc , ruse tO ( ICClillel to a2e , advanced strongly to 33 3-Sc itt the close. 'l'ho flrmnoss in oats was due to the strength ( Iilayel III earn ; Septenihor stiurI. l unhlanged to 1-Sc Io\ver , ( luivahleelI to l9c , tihehi settled to 19 5-S4t19c , the closing price. ( ' ( InMIdirahhic lard wau accepted by the Co a t I ( ( Oil t over II iglit ; Septeinhuer pork ilOhlOl ( stonily at $9.95 IIIIuI eloseil lOc ihlg1ler Soitelnler lurl : Ol)0h1tI ) it uveakened to $5.5V. ; ; tlicn ilecliltect to 5.6TA 1)1(1 at. t he ciosu' ; Septeiuher rita starteti C hotter at $ .t7lt,5.7O , , rose to $5.7 ; , reacted tl 5.7Oii5.72',4 , tile resting Ilgure. Fstlniateul receipts for tomorrow are : Wheat , SO curs ; corn , 275 cars ; oats , 22 cars ; hogs , ilL000 1100(1. ( Leaning futures range as follows : Artlcl. . I Opon. $ 111th. Low. I CloBe. ! Vest'y July. . . 73 7 : 7) SePt. . . ( i7(4 ( ; 7li ; 47 fl74 ( .7:4J5 : flc. . . 673U3 Q7.J 67 0731 Ii7 * Cnr , . _ ji ; , . . . : ; : :13 : : ; a23-3u : : h1a1 5"iut. . . : : :1 : i2 : i 2 ( ( lice . . . ' 4 ' : Uh : ; : : u : i2 1ny. . . : sfl , : ii.3 l&3 : it .luily 22I 2 : % 221 23 % 22 Selut. . Ih ( * l1li : tl ( 1O4t't 1uit4'I- ( I'c. . :1)i : 22tt > -1i Pork luiy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 0 77 % Sdpt. . . . ) tji : . 10 1C . . 1)2 ) % 1 (1 ( 0i 9 0fl.g SIt. . . : u r.74 i ; 72 % ( ' 5 I (74 ' ( . Oct. . 1 7 : % 5 771t 5 7(1 6 72i h 70 S. tUbs- Sept. . . b 07 % T 7 4t74 724 1 _ _ Oet. . . 5 77i 6 urn 6 7(1 5 7A 5 70 V 'NO. 2. C1114i1 iiii hitIons ( wore as follows : F'LOUIt-l rreguiur ; winter I1Iteh1tS , $4,1O 4.25 ; straIghts In sucs : , h.f0i3.75 ; special s1rlng ittCh1ts , $1.755.OO ; bticers , $ .O0j 3.2. 3.2.WIIFATNo. . 2 spring , 74l75'Ac ; No. 3 spring. 7Oi75c ; Nh. 2 rei , 75ij75c. ( 'OltN-No. 2 , 3j8tc. OATS-No. 2. 23c ; No , 2 whIte , 27c : No. 3 whiita , 21/J25e. ltYF-No. 2. ISo. IIARLEY-No , 2 , 3135c. F'LAXSIEI-No. 1. l.0iV. I'lMOPi ir SEEI-Prlnue , $2.55. PItOVISIONS-Mess pork , per hhl. , $9.OOj1 11.95. Lard , her 100 his , , Short ribs 51(105 ( ( loose ) , $5.40f15.S0. Dry 50110(1 shoulders (1)OXl ( ) ( ) , $ l.755.OO. ; Short clear 51(1014 ( boxed ) , $ ) .O0i6.20. . ArhldleB. Iteecipis Sh11p111d11t4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ( ( ) 0ttll ( ) Wbcnt. bil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248.201) ) 45SIl ( ( Corn , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( tl0O oa ri , bu..I . . 7t.140b ) 27UJ ( ) ( ( ) Xte.bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,11)11 ) halley. bti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : i 7u0 700 V On thin Produce exchange tOILL ) the 11(11. ( ter market ssas firm ; creameries , 12111Cc ; dairies , 11uil3 ( . Fggs , hirin ; fresh , l11,4c. Poultry , Iirn ; spritig chiIchcii , l2i 13c ; heiis , c ; turkeys , G11te ; ulucks , 6i6'.c. ( ? l' % % ' YOItI UJSFlt. % 1 M.t It lCl'1'S. ( Liiotnt hhiN for 4 lie Jii , ( flu Gcnerzul Co iii iii 'iiI I I I is. N E\V YORF , Juily 15.-FLOUR-Receipts , 15,4S1 bids. ; Sililh000thl ) , 4(1,683 ( bhls. Quiet bitt steziu1 , uvitlu wheat. ( 'OItNM E4 h-Steady ; yellow western , 71e. 1iA1tLFY rr-Duuli ; western , 57 JC3e. \ % i IEA'l'-Iteeelpls , 10.175 tIll. ; exports , 297 , 1 : i bu. IllIlit , Ii rhuer ; NO. 2 red , tc f. 0. ii. it lion t ( X ll ( ( rts griuie , S7e elt'vu : I or. op. t loil OIefleli ( ( &IS & Oil U II thl uru1,1 e ciul.iI o flC's , hilt rallied mid uvori' sleally to hIrni hull ( lIlY Oil strength Iii ciusit wheat iccellits (111(1 ( tile rise In corn. ( 'ioseil 1c higher on J t1l1 Li 11(1 -Sc up a ii t ho lit I 13 IflOhl t 11(4. ( No. 2 roil , July. 011)50(1 ( S1C Sc- ! toniber. 72@72c , closed 2 7-Sc. ( 'OItN-lteceipts , 11 100 liii. ; oxIlorts , 415- 211. Spot strong ; No. 2 , % 11iS 3Se ( . o. II. nhlon t. Options strong ziil day (1(1 ( active ( OVen ltRS , I 1113111 i ii ly lIe t \.I1 I II or hlu'5. CiosiflI Ic hot iligiler , Jtily Ciosed 3 5-Sc ; b'opichlhhlor 3(1 ( 7-81374e , ( 'insl ( ( 37 3-i.e. OA'I'S-hteccipts , 147.100 liii. ; exports , 205- 45:1 : bui . Sales , 20,01.10 Pu. Sllt . q u let ; No. L 27e ; No , 2 wIlte ( , 2'Jc. ( ) ltiolts cgulhet hull strongcr with corn. closing Ic net udvlunee , July closed 27c. I IOl'S-Iuli ; state , common to choice , 1S5 crop , 3'ii4c ; 189u crn. Ci7e ; 1i.97 crop , 12 @ 13e ; 1 lucille coast , lS cr111) , 3174c ; 1sM cro ) Gi7c ; 1895 crop , t2111c. \ \ bOL-Dtiii ; Itecce , 17'l23c ; Texas , 13j lSo. ( 'I I FESE-Stady ; large whit o fancy , raIn ii , 70 : 8011(11 ho , IiiI S. ' , 70. 01 L-'ottonseed ilil. steady ; lirilno crude , 1Se ; do. yellow , 23uj23'f.c 111(1 ( , 'I'ALI.OV-F'irm ; city , 3 3-ICc ; cothlltry. a 3-Sc. 1dO1ASSES-Dult bust stonily ; New Or- lea npi (1 ( l1I'lt hot t i ( , good ehol ( ( . 2srt Ito. ltI'E-Hteudy ; fair to extra , 5 1(1 ( I'A LS-'l'he lulurket for metals showed 0ll1O irregularity 101111) ' , wIth illsillOS(3 ( ( slLlCi. I tilt , ci 1)50 1 hIll * 1111 II 1 0 X cml h10 A 00110(1 pig Iriln warrants luhlct , with $6.50 bid tuiluI 6.65 iil ( ( l. I .i1 ko copper , ii rn lo r spot. with $11 S7I. and veak for futures a I SI I .62' . Ti ii ii uiiet uvi I ii $1 5.G5 luhul antI $15.75 asked. Lead qulet , with 3.95 hid iund I I.(0 ( ilitk ed . SPei I or ii ul ii II iid lIt ) ininru I us it hi lI.5OlPt,55 asketh , 'I'lio 111111 hualnilig 1110 (4L. ( thing lineD ( or lending vestcriu ( ( tillers (10th ( Inloiters ( lulotes iciitl tit $ i.i.0. 111 t'I"t' lltltOO'hIts , 1.191 pkgs. ; western reainvry. 13 % 17e ; 1igIiis , 17o. FOtSReceii1ts , 6,677 ; steady ; west- era , 14e , ( 'hieiiiiuufl , lirk't. CINCINNA'l'l. luily 15.-f'LOI'tt-Stetdy : ; fancy , 51.10111.30 ; ( aiitiiy. * 3.IGJ3.75. v i I IA'l'-l 'iaai : NO. 2 reI. fle. COIIN-Firni ; No. 2 mIxed , 31c. OATS-St eady : No , 2 IltiXed , 25.j2Se , 1tVE-ilrl1l : No. 2 , dIe. PItO\'ISIONS-Lartl. firmer at $5.30. Itulls meats , stonily at p5.70. 1acon , steady at $6.65. \VhIlSIY-FIrm at $1.2. hIU'I'TlIl-ilriti ; fancy 1:1gm creamery , ISo : Ohio , 12am ISo ; dair ) , 10.t. StTG4tlt-tasy ; hard reilnoul , $ I.47J6.lO. ElGS-Ias lit 00. C1iFiSl-bteady good to jrimne Ohio flat 'i'.1Sc. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11,11 , I lintiri' Iii rhi't. 1ht14TIMOltI. July i.-FLOl'11-1)uii nod uitoiiiuigetl ; recchpis , 3,012 hbis , ; cx- ports , iioito western stperl'tne ( , 13.601) ! 5 ; western extra , II.5J4.75 , western family , 15.00t115.50 : winter wheat , $ G.fl0'G.7 ; ; .l1r1lu wheat , 6.25u6.6O ; sIrinU wheut , straightit , $ C.0M16.2.5 : receipts , 2&S5 bbls. ; cx. hiorts 14.i.63 blls , VhfiAT-Easy ; spot , 244F2e : month , to 3.Sso'.e ; August , 75'75c ; steanter , No , 2 red , 76J76c' receipts. & 0TS liii. ; ox. L , ° 4Osj ( bu. Iouthern wheat by sample , dJi.3'c : southern on grade , 7S113e. COhN-Strong ; spot and month 3'c : Augiqt : , .16 3.Thtr steamer mixed , ss.'so ; receipts. 2,730 bu. ; exports , 205.32 bu. South. em white rtn(1 yellow corn , 39e. OATS-Firm ; No. 2 white , 3li3Ic ; No. 2 mlxeI , receipts , 6.233 bu. ; experts - ports , none. htUTT1 R-Stendy ; fancy creamery , 1761 iSc ; fancy imitation , 16e ; fancy Inulle. 13 ide ; good ladle , ] 2c ; store haCked , lOlille. IOiS-F'Irm ; fresh , 12o. OM.tII.t. ( IINFlttl. tit1tICITS. Conil it Ion ( If 'Vrnlcunl , Quintnt Ions Ott ltflllt' IttitI i'ituie ( lreerlepu , ICOGS-Good stock , ftc. BtJTTI1t-Common to fair , ftlullc ; sep. nrator , ISo ; gathered creamery , l31I4e. VlL-Cirnhee fat , tO Ic , 120 lbs. , quoted itt 81190 : lnrtr niki enorse. 6517e. LIVfl POIYLTR1-lIc'nmt. 70 ; old roosters , .it' ; spring chickens , 121113c ; ducks , Sc ; geese , 60. 1'IC1lONS-LIve , per doz. , 6O75c. V la ETA 1iL1S , ONIONS-New solhthlern , IlPr lb. , 1l2c. I1FANS-Ilantl-plckcd fla' ) ' , ver bu , , 1.23. 1'OTATOFS-New , P'r bu. , 6O155c. CAhIDAfli-I'er crate ier lb. , to. T0AIA'rons-l'er fntir.basket crate , 73@ 850. ( 'tTCL'M1tIItSloni grown , iicr doz. , 30ljOc. WAX 13FANS-1.3 hii. box , 401150c. TItO1'ICAL FRUITS. OIt4NCIS-8eediIngs , $2J.0532.75 ; Mcdl- terranetun t4VeCtM , $3.00113.2t. : 1.ES1ONS-'uiifortiia , 1I.7115.OO ; fancy MeSSitIhl , 1(1.00. ( IiAN\NS-rholce , large stock. per hunch , 12.001j2.25 ; medium sized bunches , ; 1.7&1J2.o0. rxtuvrs. flLACK IIASPII ERR I ES-Per 24-qt. case , $1.75. lll.ACI1IItt1tfI-$1.C.511l.75. HIll ) ItASPII EI1IIIES-I'cr 2 i-pt. case , $ I,7td12.C'O. ' I11.t1E14I1tR1 t'S-Per 1G-qt. case , $1.75. 1tlOOSiJflltltIESl'er 24-qt. case , $1.00t ) ( 'IlEltiti ES-Per 2I-qt. ease , $ l.OOi3t.25 ; Cailtornhtia , ; er 10-lb. IOX , $1.00. .AI'lt1C'OTS-1'r 20-lb. case , 11.50111.60. cUItItAN'rs-l'er 24-qt. Ca .e. 11.25111.50. \t NI h1t5ti'IANS-Ci itteti , : wt 22c. CANTALOI'E-Crates , $1.25 ; per basket , iSc. 1'1ACIIES-I'er I-basket crate , $1.25 ; ; er G-bzutltet ( 'rate , $ l.756j2.00 ; Cailfornias , case , 11.10111.25. Ill LSC ELLANEOUS. NUTS-Almonds , per lb. , large size. 12 ISo ; stntull , 110 ; Ilrnzils , pr lb. . ft11IOc : En- gush vninuits , 1er lb. , ( alley soft 511011. 1111 12c ; stuhlIarcls , SDc ; hliherts. trnr lb. , Joe ; 1)0011(15 , 1ohiSIlCd ( , medium , (1117e ( : extra large , 8110c ; laigo hickory auth. $ I.OOfil.10 1)0 : ' bu. ; small , 11.25111.25 per bu. ; cocoanuts , per 100 , $4 ; 1)0011uts , raw , 6j6l.c ; roasted , 7eMAPLE MAPLE SYItUP-Five-gal. can , each , $2.75 ; gal. catis , pure , per dcx. , $12 ; iinIf-giI , coils , $6.25 ; lulart Calls. $3.50. I IONEY-Chohee white. 111115c. DATES-Ilallowee , GO to 70-lb. boxes , & % c ; Snir. Sc ; Fnrl , 9-lb hoxe , ftc. l'IOS-tmported , fancy , :1-crown. : 14-Ili. , hc XC5 , lOc : 5-crouvil , bOXeS , 13c ; 2-lb. boxes. 221123c iier box ; Callforala , 10-lb. box , $1. CIDEIt-Per halg hbl. , 13.25113,50. IIIDES , TALLOW. E'rc. hIDES-No. I treeli hiit1e , 7c ; I'o. 2 green ilitles. 6e ; No. 1 altetI hides , Pc : No. 2 salteul hidcs , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 lbs. , Oc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 lbs. , 7c. TA LLOW , 01 flEA SE , 15TC.-TaI1ov , No. 1 , 3c ; tallow , No , 2. 214c ; rough tallow , 1c ; white grease , 2'Sj2c ; yellow and brown grease , 1'4@2c. SIIEEI' I'ELTS-Grceii Salted , each , 1511 75c ; green siltet1 sheztrlngs ( short wooled early 51(1(18) ( ) , each , 15c ; dry .iuetrings : ( short uVoOlUl 'arly sltimis ) No. 1 , each , .5c ; dry flint , Ransas nod Nebraska lutcher wool lielts , Per Ihi. , Oct08 ! weight , 4115c ; dry flint , Jciinsas and Njr.c1ta Inurrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 3114c ; dry flint , Cola- rtulo hutciier uvool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 1115 ( ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool relts , iier lb. , actual weight , 3114 ° . SI. Ltiils Uarket. ST. LOUIS. July 15.-FLOUfl-Stead' ; Ilatents. $ I.SI 1.05 ; straIghts , 13.55113.70 : clear , $ l.0043.50. \'I1 EAT-higher , wIth futures fractIonally - ally above yesterday. Spot , (1(111 , nomInal ; No. 2 retl , cash , elevator , 7lc ; track , 7311 7Ic : ; July , 69c bid ; September , 66 1-Slit 6e ; December , 66 7-Sc bId ; No. 2 hard , cash , 75c. CORN-Fractionally higher for futures ; spot steady , No. 2 cash , Sic ; July , 31lc ; Se1ltefllher , : t1c. OATS-Dull zind steady for July , with September fractionally higher. .SPot , dull , steady : No. 2 cntdi , 23c ; track 2P.4c ; .limly , 22'2c : September , 19 5-Sc bid ; o. 2 whIte , 27'1128c. ItYE-Nornlntil , lIc. Sl ED-Tlmoti'y 500(1 , 11.50112.50 ; flaxseed , tithieL 8k' tar iiew. COItNSIEA L-$1.70l1.75. IIItAN-Firm ; shucked , east track , SOc. HAY-Steady ; praIrie , 15.00116.50 ; tImothy , $5.IO4i ) 9.50. IIUTTF1E-Steauly ; creamery , 141116lc ; dairy , lOlulic. flGGS-Steit,1y , 9''c , loss oft. W1I1S1'-Steady , $1.25. COTTON'I'I ES-70c. IIACGING-6 5-S117c. St Fi'fALS-l.ead , lower , $3S2113.85 : al- Icr , quIet , $1.35. 1flOv I H I 0 NS-Io rlc , iulet ; standard 10055 , jobbing , $9.S7 ; lard , tlrmer : prim" steam , $3.35 : choice , $4.45. Bacon , lmxe,1 hiithitlei's , 5.5O4I5.75 ; extra short clear. Pi.12'4 ; ribs , G.25 ; shorts , 1637 ½ . Dry salt meatS , boxed shaihlers , $ ) ; extra short clear. 15.6214 ; ribs , $5.75 : shorts , $5.87l/ , ItECEII"I'S-W'Ileat , 59.000 Ilm , ; corn , 5,000 1,11. : oats. 12.001) hU. ; hour. 5tk ) bbls , SI I I PSI ENTS-Floiir , 3,0Cc Iibls. ; u'heat , 20,000 LIII. ; corn , 4,000 ho. ; o.its , 2,000 hu. Nt' . Orlcnis l1iirlt't _ NEW OItLflANS , JIll5' 15.-HOG PROD- IICTS-Quiet ; pork. stnnulard moss. 10l lOYc. Lard , rellmied ticroc , 4 1-S4jt4c ; mIre ( ( ( Ill U ( 'IC. Il ( ( ( it , ( t ( ( ( 'lHIIItICTS , 5 3-Sc ; shIes. 5 7-SSjCc. Bacon , clear rib shies , C 7-S4t7c. Ilztnis , choice sugar cured , 91110c. COFFER-Quiet ; Rio , ordinary to fair , 7'iiSc. ' ItICE-Quiet : ordinary to good , 4 5.85l,0o , FLOUII-Dull ; extra fancy , $4.15u4.25 ; ItatemlIs. $ if.01il,55. ( ORNSI l'L1-4l.90. BR/tN-TOe. ITAY-l'rime , 111.001112.00 ; choIce. $13.5013 CORN-No. 2 sacked , mixed , 41c ; white and yellow , 42e. O.'rS-No. 2 sacked , 301l30t c , 1.lvi'rtt Mn rlcef , LIVEItI'OOL. , Iumly l5.-\1 I LT-Steady : No. 2 red northern , spring , 6 Sd ; July , 6s Id : Septebnis'r , Ts 7d : Decenlber , 7s % ,1. CORN-Spot , dull ; Aatericiin mixed , nov , 3 $ 7-Sd ; futtuires , rililet ; Juuiy , 3s 3t1 ; Septem- her , 3s 2'4t1 ' ; October , Is 3d , FLOUR-St. LouIs fancy uvinter , steady , Cs lId. hOPS-At London ( i'aclflc coast ) , dull , 2514. PROVISJONS-Beef , easy ; extra India nwrhl , 2s Cd. l'orlc , fIrm ; Irlme mess , fine % eSIvrhl , 515 Cd ; prime nicas. medium vest- eril , 45s lIti. lI.nmis , short cult , 14 to If. his. , hlrni. Ils. 1100011. firm : ( tmnlbt'rIah1d cut. 25 I to 30 lbs. . 29s : short ribs , 20 to 24 lbs. , 20' ; long clear iniIdlt's , light , 20 to 25 his. , 27a ; . long deal' lflI(1hIOS. ih1'htS' , ' , 40 to 45 lbs. , Ils Cd : short clear bnks , 16 to IS lbs. , SOs ; clear I Iinhlles , 14 to 16 lInt. , Ils. Shouililers ( srluItrt' , I 12 In 14 his. . firm , 21s , Lard , Prime uvest- I crit. dull , 2Ss. I C' ; American , fInest white and colored , ISs. 'l'A I1.OV-1'rimc. city , tutu , ISs ( Id. 0 1 I.Ii-'ot tonseed , Liv.'rraol rellited. dull , Ils ( Id. 'l'ulrilentihlt , spirits , ( Inn , 21s tid , 1105111 , C0hI1I000 , steltly : , is 7l4il. liitiMlis ( ht , ( rain ii nil l'roy isloits. FLN8AS CITY. July I5.-V'I I r-siir- hot dull iuul lower : No , I hard , 701174c ; No. 2. C.SIi74'4e : No , I , 1134'TO' : No. I red. 731174c ; No. 2. 72h73e ; No. :1 : , 6&1171c ; No. 2 sprIng , ( ISli0c : No. 3 , GI11GSc. C'OllN-Miurket aIout steatly ; No. 2 mixed , 30h30.4e : No. I whIte. 27e : No. 3. 2Cc. ll'R-5iarkot steady ; No. 2 , 40e. I lAY-Shiurket lower on lteav receIlts ; choice timliothY. old , 51.00 ; new , $7.50 ; cholco Proirit' . 111. ' . ' . ' , $7.50. lflT'rE1l-3larket Oral ! separator , l211 lIe : tisiry. 12e. EGoS-Market stonily : fresh , ftc. (1 riu In II erI'iIttN III l'rini'Ipnl t1nr1ces , ( ' 1 1 IC'AlO. Jttly 15.-Stecelpls today : \'ilCilt. 43 ears : earn , 264 cars ; oats , 157 cars. 2'i I NNE I'OlIS Jtil 15.-Ilecelpts : W'ilCIlt. Gil cars , ST. 1.01115 , Jtll ) ' 15.-Tteceipts : Wheat , 56 CII Fit. ILYLUTIL , Judy 15.-Receipts : W'hicat , 4 cars. IANSAS CITY , July 15.-ReceIpts : \'hteu1 , SI cars. 'I' , ) , ,11 ( I : n rlc't , TOL.EDO , 0. , Judy 15.-WiIEAT--Ilielier 011,1 t'iisier : No. 2 , t'nsht. TVAc ; July. 740 huh. CORN-Dull and hitghter ; No. 2 mIxed , 32)4e. O/tTS-Lower : No. 2 mixed , 32',4o. IIYF7-Duil and steady ; Na. 2 , cash , 45e. ( 'IOV1BtSiI1'i1)-Dull and Irrecular ; prime , casil , $3 bid ; October , $3.37t13,37 1-7. CITCI. lnrL't , NE YORh. July I5.-'OFFEE-Optlons niteiietl ( hIll itt tmnchniigrsl prices. . ruled spIts- nlolicahly ( actIve , u'iIh barely stead ) ' under- IOIIC , traders cautIous , o'itit to bsenco of I1evs from Europe , Rio anti Stuntos , which markets were closed on accoumnt of holidays. L'losed stently at unchanged prices to S tinints lower ; sales , 14,500 bags , IncludIng September at $5.65. Spot , Rio dull and ten. turclesq ; No. 7. I'ivolee , $6.l2 ; No. 7 , job- lung , * 6.6S. Mild , small Jobbers' market ; Cordova , $ .504l5.ti0. l'eorta Markets , I'EOIOIA , July 15.-COI1N-Active , higher ; No. 2 , 81 ½ c , OA'l'S-h"lrm : No. 3 whIte , 21c. WhISKY-Firm ; $1.25. San FrnleIse'haett Mnrket. SAN FflAC1SCO , July 15.-WhEAT- Quiet ; December , $ l.2S 5-S. IILEY-Stcrudy at $1 .20 for December. STOCKS A'CI ) IIONIS. hear IIIPS1ICaI tins 1.11th' OlhflNitIOll iii Its Itnid till hitihiurlet , NE't'OltK , July 15.-'I'hie bears : luo covered their short contracts In haste I'C's terday on the fall of Santiago sold stocks again today ahtul raided prices down with no ( ihte to say them tiny. The bull element refrained entIrely front offering any suit' port and hHtCR of the whole list drollped ltva ) . ( nsil3 nitti without. any lmhortnnt in- terruption. rhiero was nit entire nbislice of any ntitit1e intcrCst , anti dealings were 'ery triah1 iund coillIneil to a. narrow lIst. Tile shnrjl hr'nIc ( In .ietropohltan Street railway In the afternoon accentuated the general weakness , and the bears uvere ap- itarently cont'llt to leave thelt' coiltracts OlCO ( iVel' uligilt , for there was (10 coverIng - Ing movement manifest. 'rho closIng was nearest the lowest , with net loseit In titanS' cases a poInt or more. A break in Mitt- ropohitan Street railway was itecontpniiietl by rumors thot the IuihitlOhlal stock Issuied would be $15,000,000 , Ihistetl of $10,000,000 tis heretofore reported. 1'he statement of enrhilhtgs .for the Juuio ( ltinrter lt'itS Itlilo considered disappointIng. 'rho ittoek 'otit down easIly 6 points Itlid closed only 1 i'olnt above the lowest. No very large amount of stock wits ilisloilged by tills sharp (1t''iine , hulslness heing conilned iii- most entirely to IOU share lots on tIle break. The recent wenkitess of the Coal- ers also hierSistetI , the offerimigs of itetulil1t first Preferred Inuliclutlng solne cohltiltuhI'd liquidation of long stck. 1'eop1os ( Ills was also promInent for vealtness. There Is it growllig feeling II ) the stock market that the successful ternilnation of the war and lteLee with SInIn have boon , llscouinted , 'rho receiltIull both of tile destructIon of Cervera's fleet anti of the fall of Santiago hlolflt to this conclusIon , \'itll street en- tlrely ignored the tliitltoititiol % of London to buy American stlcks on Toral's sur- reiider and the advancing tt'ndehicy of SpanIst 48 Ofl tile talk of 110:1cc. : 'rIte , Iefln- lIe assuriu000 that 110110 Iut inuliviululal lildit for more tima $5,000 at present would secure - cure any Portion of the governntL'flt lotiu : had no appreciable effect In the (0000Y market today. The Now York banks have lost nearly $4,000,000 to tite sub-treasury ulurlag the uu'echc on accoulnt of the 10011 , hut there Is iia resstire for money from the InterIor. There was a further falling off in the iioittl transactioltit 11.11(1 the priceit yielded lit the late truhlitaCtIOns. Sales , $6,125,000. 'rite Evening Post's London llnanclal en- blcgi'aat says : "The stock inarkct llert' were firm duiriitg the day , but closctl tiuhi. Spanish 4s touched IS 3-8 , but closed at Ii , the 1)011(113 being offered for sale on ulIsquhiet- log reports front Mndrld about the proclaIming - claIming of a ntliitary dictatorship , . , mt'ri- 011115 fell back today in the absence of New York sulport , not the least lflClihtlttIOll lie- big slloWt here to huiy them. ? tnny , 110w- ever , still slioweti gains on the day. Stagnation - nation rules In other marketS. " T11o following are the closIng quotations of the mendIng stocks on tlto Now York market today : AtChison . . . . . . . . . . 13 do pM . . . . . . . . . . . lit1L do r.fd . . . . . . . . . :14'4 : IlawahI C. C . . . . . . . . 21s lialulinoro & Ohio. , 23I su. I' . . 0111 . . . . . . . . . Canada PacIflo . . . . . l4'u (10 iifC . . . . . . . . . . . . I 54 COaSlU Stiutlierht . 53 St. 1' . M. 51. . . . . . . . I 53 Centralpaciflo. . . . . . 14 So. PacIfle . . . . . . . . . 1ll ( Che&Ohiio. . . . . . . . So , Railway. . . . . . . . . ChiIcao , t Alton . , . . 1 511 So. Itithtway pf'l 104 C. , Ii. & . . . . . . . . . . . Texas .t I'aelt'ie l2g r. & 14. 1 . . . . . . . . . . 544 UnIon I'Zt'hIIC ofd . . C.C.C.. ¼ St. t . . . . . 4tU. ) ? 1' . D. &G. . . . . . . . I14 topftl. . . . . . . . . . 7 % Vabt'uii : . . . . . . . . . . . Lt'h. .t ilndcon. . . . . tut : 1Vbtt ) nfci. . . . . . . . . 18 1)01. L. & % V . . . . . . 155L Adasis Ex. . . . . . . . . . 59 Ucil , i Rio G . . . . . . . 12 % Aaiertcnti JIx. . . . . . . 130 tb p10 . . . . . . . . . 41,94 Untied States Fix 110 Eric Inewl. . . . . . . . . . 1355 VeIIs1"rurro Ex..ll7 Eric 1st . . . . . . . . . Am. Cot. Oil. . . . . . . . 21111 Ft. Wayne . . . . . . . . 170 A. Cot. Oil uM. . . . . 7314 flreatoruhsrltlfctU.i ( Ant. Spirits . . . . . . . . 12I iloclclar Viullcv . . . , 1104 Aiil. Spirits efti. . . . . . hhItaotsCinirul. . . . 108 Am. Tooaeco . . . . . . . Lake ErIe & SV. . . . 1414 do uf0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( to pta. . . . . . . . . . . . . It ) People's Ga . . . . . . . 1(711 ( LnkoSliore. . . . . . . . 158 Coit' , . Gas. . . . . . . . . . I ouhityhlle & Nash. 5214 Corn. Ca'le Co.'I Ma'thnttan L. . . . . . lOtlif Col , 1. ' . St. Iron- . . . . . 2(1 ( % Mitt. St. lt % 1I'2L ? tao etc. . . . . . . . . So MIchIgan Central. , 101 Gpn. alectrjc. . . . . . . 3t % Mlnn. & St. I . . . . . 28 'IlhhIioIMSteol. . . . . . . . 5 . $ dolatprd. . . . . . . . . 88 LaCleoe Ua . . . . . . . ' 10 Mo.Paclflc. . . . . . . . . . 35 Leech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:131 : "obl1.3OlIIo. . . . . 25 ao PItt. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071 lit , . 16. & ' 1' . . . . . . . . 1 i iat. Lin. Oil . . . . . . . . 13 tto.K. k P pfd. . . . . 3351 PacIfic Mali. . . . . . . . . ! 25 % Ciii. , lad. & L. . . . . . u ( % l'uIIlinnlI Pal . . . . . . . . 20t ito pta. . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 % SIlver Certlilcata' , . . SIt N. .1. Central . . . . . . 84 Staitdltope &T. . . . Ii N. Y.C'sntrah..1175t Sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132L N.Y. Clii. , itt. L , . 14 Co pftl. . . . . . . . . . I 13 % dolst pfd. . . . . . . . 70 TC.&IFOII. . . . . . . . 24 % (102,1 nitI. . . . . . . . . . 32 U. S. Leather. . . . . . . 74 Ontario. V . . . . . . 1414 do prO . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 % 2.'orfolk3t % Veaterri 11 % U. S. itlibbor' . . . . . . 2 $ No.Anier.Co. . . . . . . 25 % , do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mi No.PcILtc. . . . . . . . . 01)4 ) Western Union , , . , 0111 do utU . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Northwestern . . . . . . .27i.1 Ore,1L. Nov . . . . . . . . 45 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ore. Short Lttto. . . . . 25 It , G. & W . . . . . . . . . Pltlsburg . . . . . . . . . . . 170 It. G. . ! W. ( t1. . . . . . 05 ILeadin . . . . . . . . . . . lh ( ( Cltt. GI. Wett. . . . . . . 1314 Itock lslnntl. . . . . . . . 05 IteidIu : 1st tfd . . 45 S.L..tS.F. . . . . . . . . 7 St L.&S.W. . . . . . . . I tb iSthIttI. . . . . . . . . (11 ( % do. itfO. . . . . . . . . . . I SI. k'ntii tth - Thin total sales of stocks today uvere 219- 700 sharci' . lilehildIng 2,000 Atchison ore- ferreti , 3,021 BaltImore & OhIo. 10,690 ] Jur- hlngton , 3Si0 LouisvIlle & Nashville , 10,000 Mtithiattan , 7,700 MetropolItan , 7,4S0 Relul- tug lireferretl , 6,237 MIssourI Pacltle , 3,133 Now York Ceatral 4,335 Northern l'aclflc , 5,820 Northern l'acffic preferred , 5,825 Stock Island , 10,515 St. l'aul , 8,001) ) I7itIiii Pacific preforretl , 3,340 SpirIts. 7.70' ' ) 'J'obacco , 3.555 ChIcago threat Western , 11,550 I'eoillo's Gas , 7,0110 LInseed , 16,745 Sugar , 11,700 Itubber. Npw Yrl 3loney ItIurket NEW YORK Jtihy 15.-MONEY ON CALLS -NomInally JlSjj ½ ocr coaL. 1'II ME MJIIICAN'l'ILE 1'APE1t-3'.5i i' Per cent. STEIILING EXC'IIANGE-teady , with actual husinces in hankers lulls itt $ i.S5SP 4.8(1 ( for tlentiiiitl ItIiL1 $4S4l4114S4 for lxty dIl's ; hosted rates. $1.S5S14.S5 antI $1.87 ; comnterclal hills , 14.8.3114.83 % . SI LV Flit C'EItTI FIcA'rEs-sIc. hAlt SILVEII-5914c. 2)1 EXICAN DOLLAflS-45c , OOVEI1NMENT BONDS-Steady ; new 4s reglstereti , ex-interest , 123 ; coupon , 121 ; 'Is registered anti coupon , 110 ; 2s , 95 ; 5s regIstered - tered , ox-interest , ill ; coupon , 112 % ; I'acillc CS. ' 99. 101 % . Closing ( luotations on bonds ai follows - lows : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tJ.netv ; is.r'u..24 11. Y. C. 1su . . . . . . . . 115 % U , S. ulocotip. . . . . . 125 N , .1. (1. Is. . . . . . . . . II U.S.4..rer . . . . . . . .111111 N. C. l1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . P25 t1.S.4Coiip. . . . . . . 11 1 N. C. 4it. . . . . . . . . . . . 102 ( I. S. 2s , ro . . . . . . . . 05 No. I'aclftc lst't 17.5. Ss rs . . . . . . . 112 No. PoetIc Is. . . . 1:3 : % U. 0. tIM , rotiui . . . . . I 00. 111C100 45 . . . . . Ilstrhct : s , est , . . . . . I I II N. Y. C. & St. L. 4(1 ( , 11)5 ) % /.ln.ehis'A. : . . . . . 107 % N. &W. Us . . . . . . . . 121 % AIa..clnti . . N. W. Consois. . . . . . 142 % , Ahzi..elatt't ( . . . . . . . . 1)0 ) N. W. 1)eb. St . . . . . . . 1 Itt % Alhi. Currency. . . tO ) Ore. Navlsts. . . . . . . III AtCllfltiil4S. . . . . . . (11)8 ) Ore. Nov. 41 , 111 % Atci'iiona'iI. ) 411 . . 7l' ( I ) , S. t , (3 ( , t. r. . . . . . 127 CanulnSa,2itts. : . . 1(11th ( 0. S. 1. . Ss. I. r. . . . . It ) I 14 ( . 'hI. Terms. , Is. . . , StIll PacIflo he of 1)5. . , 101' , C. . , A 0 , s . . . . . . I I .1 % ltealtii 4s . , . , . . . , C , 11. & I ) . 4i . .lO4li. It , U.We't Isti. . . . . 89 % lk It , (1 , 11ti . . .108 St. F.Gettd. 117)4 ) l ) , . ! It. 0 , .ts. . . . . . . . ' . ) t ' 41. 1' . COii'toIs. . . . . . . 1 1.1 1tkbt't'lllI , 1st , . . . 1115 % St. 8' . 0. .t 1' . Ists. . 11714 ) rlt'Gttn , 4a . . . . . . . 7t : % st. p. a. .t p. . , . . . . . 115 % F. SV. D. Is. 1 , ( . 7,1 Southern 1'.v. ( is . . I ) 1 % ' .el , . hlec. fit. . . . . . . 10:1 : % 5. It , itT. ( Is. . . . . . . SI ) (1. II , A. ( I' . , , 104 Tenn.uew sot.l , tIl % a. it. . ' A 2ls , . . 1 (11 ( 'l'ex 1'.tc. 1 , G. 1'l' 3013 ll.T.Csnt. .5s. . . . . 103 Tex , I'no. flit. 2i'i 4314 11. .1 ; ' 1' . ti crn * Ott. . h 1 1 Ii I' . P. & 0. 1st , , . Iowa (3. ( OtIs . . . . . . . .2 Wb. 1st its . . . . . . . lit ) La , flewcon. 4s. . . . It ) : ) % Vtb. : 2i1s. . . . . . . . . . 1.7 L _ N. hut. 45 , . . . M' ( ( iVc8t Shore 4s . . , . 11)5' ) ' MIssouri tOt . . . . . . 11)9 ) Va. Ct.iittire ( , . . . . . . . 71) 111. IC. k P. 2.1 , , . . . , , tIll Vi. t1fsrroi . . . . . . . . 't N. IC. .T.4. . . . . . 90(4 U111011 l'ic'ific 4s . . hlosItin Stek Qi.otnl Ions , BOSTON , Jtih' 15.-Call loans , 2533 % per cent ; time loltils. 2'.fi4 ocr cent. Closing prices for stocks , bonds and mInIng shares ; ATTr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6(114 ( Macrican Suz3r la2l 11 I1. I . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 /La1.HLltrar ofd 11:4)4 : ( lou. Elec. pfd. . . . . . 1)4 ) Say stale Ga , 1'4 Atehlisoti itfti. . . . . . . . 4:04 : Sell releptienu 272 Autifiso , , 4s. . . . . . . ill IlosuonS. A1U.trtv 294 % Wh.eonsiii Cci ) , 18 45 roituon IJauto 1(11 ( Alloutiz Mtti. (3 , , 4 % C. . Ii. Q . . . . . . . . . 10M4 Atlantis. . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Fltcllourr . . . . . . . . 91)11 ) floston . 'e MoutaTi I 21)1 ) % G.iur&l ) tte"tro ( 3I44 Ilouto lostcu. , , , 2:1 : % lhihiioia Stout . , 57 Cahunhrt& . ioet4 570 MrxldaaCentr3l 4) ) Centenata , . . . . . . . . N. Y. .k 4. 1 . . . . . . 115 } 'raiiltllu. . . . . . . . . . 32 010 Colony. . . . . , 3)12 ) Oso'ola. . . . . . . . . . . 43 ftuinucr . . . . . . . . . tS Qutlitty . . . . . . . . . . . . I 17 union Pclna 23)4 TahillurseK . . . . . . . . . 333 tyssu F.hltt . . . . . . . . . )5 ) Yo1yerInes. . . . . . . 23 % VeRt r(10 050. . . . . 104 l'arrot % . . . . . . . . . . . .1 lv. Else . . . . . . . . . . . 24)4 ( )1t1 Iiotaltdoa. . . . . . WV IClt'c. ( ) fd 14 ; F'innnchiul , IIEIII11N , July 15.-Tho prIces of American seetirlties became lower on tite hciurso 10. .buy. owing to the surrenIer of SulitItugo ile CubIt ttflti t5itanlsit 'Is ntlvoncc'd consitieriutily on large purchases. International 1)0(1 Ia. i'ttl share's u'ei'u ( Itliot. LONDON. July 15.-The amount of buil- lion withdrawn front the flank of Enghhllid oil iutltuit'c' totlsy vaR 15,000. 'l'hio alurket for American securities Ollefleti Ietter , anti imnlrtlvc'tl steadily Ott nioro buoyant fooling , but iater etti'ti ott iund clotu'd veak , wIth the demand neglecteth. Later In tiul day business wus ( iehlressel on thto ptldic'ttiofl ) of the royal decree Itt Madrltl suspc nding consIderable rIghts thlrou6hout the penin- sula nod SpanIsh Is were offered. ( bid Is quoteI at lluenos Ayres at 176 , PAltIR , July I5.-l'riees on the hourso to- da' opened Ilrm on the near ; irosPeCts of peace , Sitanishi 45 heatilng. Ilutisequently htaltlcss ( svns quieter , titouli itrices were well maintaIned. Toward the close of the day there were large realIzatIons In SpanIsh 45 , tithe to the receipts of the news ( if the lilatiriti ouhiication of the royal decree stis- jiefluling constItutIonal rights. Other sec- lions were little affected , ltio Tintos were harder , Three ocr cent rentes , 203E lOc for the accotint. F'raiicisco Sliiilng ( juninlions. SAN PRANCISCO , .Tuily 15.-Oflicial clog' ing quotatIons on aiming stocks today cero as follows : . - A1T . . . . . . . . . . 'J SlexlCail. . . . . . . . . . . 10 . Altat' % . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ocilctitai (7011. . . . liclche ? . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Ophlr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 geitt.i Itoicitor 37 ( IvernOul. . . . . . . . . . . . S huiliton. . . . . . . . . . . :4 : I'otosl..1 CSIvtlonl't. . . . . . . . . 1 $ cav.tcn. . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1 : CIinIleticCoil 19 SIerra N'tiitll 63 . CliolInt. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill Sliver lilt'I Cont'n ( , , * . Va. , , , 3 $ UnIon ( 'oIl . . . . . . . . . It ) ) : ro'n ' , * , A It tali Con . . . . . . . . . . 2 Iii 11)0 ) (2lirrn. ) . : 0'elhots' Jflckr't . . . II halt' & Norcro't't. 62 Stattular.1 . . . . . . . . . 313.1 JllMu ) ( , ( . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nslcetl. Silver bars , 6S1c ; MeClcan dollars , _ 4611 463c ; drafts , sight. lSctehegraph ; , , % . York ) l I III II ) X ( llil'ztt Ions , NEW TOnIC , July 13.-The following nrc the closing mining quiotatlons : _ _ _ _ CIIOIIItF , . . . . . . . . . . II ) ( lnVrIo. . . . . . . . . . . 250 Crown t'ohttt. . . . . . . S Onuir. . . . . . . . . . . . . S Con. Cal. .qt % 'a ' 0 S'LvhilOtltfl . . . . . . . . I 2 Itentlwoott. . . . . . . . . :30 : Qtltclth1Vet' . . . . . . . . 1) ) ) . ) GouiiI.k Curry. . . . . I Ut1cct1yer nf.t. . . 2110 lIsle A Noroross. . 91 Sterr.t 'laveta. . . , : iS lloiitettaito . . . . 45111) ) uailnr.i. . . . . . . . . 153 I i nit 5)1 ) Yer. . . . . . . . 73 UnIon Call . . . . . . . . . 11 Moilenhi. . . . . . . . . . . (4 ( YPIOW ) .Iaclta& . . . S I.oiiloit Stoek Quotni 1011)1. LONDON , July 15.-I P. m.-Closing : Cots. , ) iit't . . . . I I I 7-1fi1 N Y. Cehltr.fl . . . . . . . . Consots. Sect . . . . . . I I 1 ti l''Iln'vlvalts. , ) . . . . . Can. I'scihtc. . . . . . . SSIt lti'afflhtr. . . . . . . . . . . . 1) ) F.rhe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.01 Me Ocil. ( ICtY 4 . . . Nrrn 1st ) iItl' . . . . . .uS Atchlitton . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Ill. idiltrtt. . . . . . . . . . I 1214 1. . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5414 Ms.lciii : , tr.lInary 2(1 ( C. mint 'rrlutl ( . . . . . . . . 7)4 ) St.l'alll cOhlittlUn..lIi ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lIAR S1L'Efl-Steat15' at 27 5-lCd per OtltCt3. SIONE1'- % per ccitt. 'I'ite rate of uilscoliiit on the open market for short hills , 1 1-5 Per cent ; for three IflohttltS' bills , 1 3-1G111 Per cent , Fl unite list Notes. OtAT1A , July 15.-The clearIngs far tile ula' 1t'ere * 92CStU.03 : ; ltLIances , ,12i,124,20 , The clIrings for 1St ) ? were $774SIS.9i and bill- ItllctS $ S4,4Ul.4T. Jhlcrc'aso Ill cletrEllr : , $152.120.J. ? CII ICAG ( ) .Tuly 15.-Clcarlng , 115.311.181 : Imlancu's , $ I.775SSI. Now York exchange , 10 cents liremitlhit. Sterling exchlhttgu ) 54.5551' 4.80 % ; actual , $ l.SG'4ljI.S7 5.5 ; sixty days , 5l.i.151 iS5' ' , . Stocks , dihIl. BiscuIt , coni- man , 29 1'S ; tin proft'rreI , , 00 5.8 ; AmerIcan Strawbomur , ] , 20 3-8 ; 1)iaaiontl Slutcil , 137 ; I North Chicago , 210 ; V.'est Chicago , 131 % . s'r. LOUIS , .iiil' 15.-Clearings , $4,377,991 ; lit1minee , 5549.514 ; hnotey , 55(5 ) , ( 'r CcItt. New York exchange , ISo discount bItt ; itar askeil , NE\V ORLEANS , July 15-'learliigs , $712.524 , Now York excht.tnge 0011k , $1 per $1,000 Prentilini ; contittercitul , 25e 1irtuiuila. MEMI'I I IS , July 15.-Clearings , $ ISSOll ; balances. 572,307. , CINCINNA'I'I. July 15.-ClearIngs , $2,370.- 550. Money , 2516 Per cent ; New York cx- ( ' 1111 ngt1tlur. . 1'I 11 LADELPIIIA , July 15.-ClearIngs , $12 635,975 ; lmlanccs , $1,718,197. IIAL'rlMonn , July 15.-Clearings , $2IIS- -balnnes : , $403,570. NEYOItK , Jttly 15.-Clearings , $121.- OSIOt)0 ) ; lalahlceS , $8,714,021. , lbs-roN. , luly 15.-Clearings , 514,1358,010 ; bnlttneus , $1,137,313. 111111k of Frmunc , . $ tiutt'ilieit ( , rAin S. Jull' 15.-The vcekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following clrnages Itit comparetl s'lthi tile previous hue- count : Notes iii circulation , Increase , 1,175- ( (00 ( francs ; treasury mtccouintit current , increase - crease , 1.950.000 francs ; golti In hanul , decrease - crease , 3,575.000 francs ; hills discotinted , decrease - crease , 10,005,000 frtncs ; silver in hand , decrease - crease , 1,750,000 franca. CE1"I'oS 31.tltKIi'l' . NilnIerolis Il necrin I II l"Chl IIIVCM iI'ihiler tilt' 'I'rndliiir ililit'tlt't' . NEW YORK , J0i1 15.-The feeling In cotton - ton features in sIcCUlati'e circles WItS agaInst the ) uttIng out of extensIve 110W ventures ott either sub of the account , due itt great part to ait lnhlfferent response 1)1- LIverpool tO ottr rally of yesterday , furt'iet' ' yelolv fever talk , conflIcting crop new.'t , athieitce of outside speculatIve interests anti a desIre to get a more definIte idea of the new crop. TIte recent change in the Span- Isit-Amerlcan trouble also tendeti to zttitko tratlers e1'3caumtlous. . On tIle first dull the market uviit quiet , wIth Prices 1 poInt Iowr. Aftee a slight fuirther decline under lIght selling by less coilildetut longs tue market StCClletl to about tile Ilnal figures of yesterday - terday and for the rest of the session citangeti but little. There uvere few order'i either from the south or abroad , while cool- fltit'itiht ( litnIsos touik an thnlntportant Part in the total trafittig. Th close was quiet at a. mId loss of 3 points. Spot , quIet ; m13- tIling , 63-iCc ; net 0000illts , none : gross receipts - ceipts , 322 bales ; exports to Great Britain , 200 hales : to the continent , 100 hahesI for- wartled , 2lS bales ; sales , 1,201 bales , all spin- neril ; stock. 13,911 haIc.Veeki ) ' : Net me- celpts , 410 bziks ; gross , 4,450 bales ; expOrts I to Great Britain , 1,204 Itales ; to France , 265 bnles to the continent , 1,872 bales ; for- ' wartletl , 1,814 halt's ; mtie , 6,253 bales ; sales , SIlintlerit , 1,278 hales. 'l'ttal today : Net re- eciptit. 1,513 boles ; exports to Great Britain , 20'J ltmulcs ; to tile continent , 1,951 hales ; stock , 2,571,850 halcit. Consolldatetl : Net receipts. 9,317 1)01cM ; exlorts to Great BritaIn , 3,256 lales ) ; to France , 2135 lmles ; to the continent , 1t3,4S0 bales. NE' GIILEANS , July 15.-cOT'roN-Fui- tthres , quiet. SItlt'14 ' 5,200 bales ; .Jully , $5.70 ldtl : August , $5.C74'75.6S ; September , $5.CClit 5.1:8 : ; October , 53.60115.67 ; November. $ IMSIit 5.70 ; Iecemher , $5.7255.73 ; January , $5.7G'i' 5.74 ; February , $579115.51 ; STarch , 55.82115.81. Spot , , tlit't nnd teath' . Sales , 304) lii1es ; ordinary , I 3-Sc ; goo(1 ( ordinary , 43e ; low ntddliig , 5t/4 niiltlhing , 5 13-ICc ; gootl mitt- tiling , 6 :1-ICc : ; middling fair , C , 9-10. Rec'cllts ) , 1.044 bales , stock , 55,021 bales. , LI VRRI'OOL. JttIy IL-COTTON-pot , fair demand ; Iinrttenlng ; American mid- thiittg , 3 I5-12d. The sales of the dm19' were 12,000 hales , of which 50(3 ( u'ere for export nIltI speculation , ttltti inclultied 11,000 Alner- lean. fleccilttit , 9,000 bales. irteltldiag 8,100 American. Futures 01 > 000(1 steauly , with a landerate dcintit1 ItItLI closed quiet. Anton- can otitidhing I. Ill. c. , Juiiy , 3 20-fid , sellers ; July nail August , i 25-1715:3 24.CltI ) buyers ; August itnd Septetnhicr , 3 25-aId : September anti October , 3 21-64th ; sellers ; October and November , : t 21-64d , seliers ; November tittil December. 3 22-04113 2.3-Old , sellers ; Dcccnt. i'or antI January , 3 22-64113 2 3-C4ii. sellers ; January 1111(3 February. 3 22-01513 23.CltI , sd- hers ; Ft.'llrllary hi 00 SIn ich. 3 23-64t1 bid ; 2tttlrCi ) aitti AlinhI. 3 21-64s ; APril and May , 3 21-61113 25-610 1)1(1 , 'i'lftl Ilnrie , ' BOSTON , July 15.-WOOL-Prices nrc quoteti for leaciiiig tleiuCnittlOllS aS fohhouvit : Ohio mUlti I'c'itns iVitflhIL hil't'C'Il , N hthfl'P , 25112Cc : XX and above. 2131i30e ; X , 25c ; tielaine , lOc ; No. 1 contiiiitg' , lOc ; No. 2 t'omhing , 29e , Mtcltlgoi. 'lst'oitsin , etc. , X Si I ( ' 11101) ) Il , 23e ; No. I 51 It'll ign n comnhl I itg , 23c ; No. I Iiilnols combing , 29c ; No , 2 Shicihiglin t'oiniiiiig , 28e ; No. 2 Illinois comb- big. 2Se ; N Neuu' York , Ne'w ilmimp'thirn and Veralont. 221t2Ic : : No. 1 New York , Neuu' lIampithire and 'ermont , 2Sc ; tlc'hiiino Sliehigamt , 21c : uliwatuhietl mnctillint 11emitiick' itniI I ttl ill (1 il 1) ) Ii It rt , ur-iiooih toot hi ne. 2251 23c three-eiglttils.ilIooll combing , 221123e ; Mis- stiuirl tuertcr.ltlood combing , 211122e ; braid c'oniliing , 20c' ; lake 1111(1 ( Georgia , 19i20c , 'I'exas wools , lqrinI , ntetihulm , 12 niotItius , 1053 15" ; ettlretl , 40042c ; spring limb , 12 ntontits , 165 : lie : scoumrt'tI price , 43i11Ct' . 'rer- rltory wools , Siontana fine medium and fiie , 15111Cc ; * icoui'ei , lIe : SumIItIO , ISo ; Utah \'yomIng , etc. , lint. iitt'tihiiln UIId tIm' . li1 15t' ; scoured , 4351 1St' ; sttuplt' . 4Sc. Atis- trahinit , scoured hiaslit , combing , superfIne , 705172c : good , 6MICSc : overage , G2SjGSc ; Q)1 ) POll sIn ltd ( ' 0101)1 llg , Ole. I.ONION , July 15.-At tile wool nuiction sales today iaoli ; bales were orfer'tl. A fair oulantits' of ml'IiuIfll gootl scoiir 'd anti lIne greltIty merlnos oItl quickly at high prices. Sulperlillo Goclong greasy was in bc'tter dt.- flthltl ) ttuil soul at Inihireveti prices , Tile general bile of tito stub % v1t5 llrm , Fohiost'- log are thl ( ' stIles hit detail : New Soitlil Vb'lilt9t , 1.015) bales : scoured , Schluls S(1 ( greltitl' . 51,4539th Queenslan,1 , , 900 bales ; itcotired , IOth51ls Sd ; greasy. 7418d. VictorIa , cirno .u'nr.l 7lJ..ll. , . , l . ' 1G i Is 4d : grelsv. 4473tl. t\'t'itt Australia. 1.1(5) ( iitlcs : : greatty , 5'd. 'rasmlullin , 800 hales ; greasy , Idiuis lti , Nov. ' Zeahaiuh , 5,40) hales ; scoured , 6dls ) Gd ; greasy. b5110d. N.n Torte iry (1,10115 Miurit'E. NE\V YOIIK , July 15.-Interest in full lutes of dry goods has slIowIt a steady 10- ert'Ilse , itirlng tilt ) uu'eek , although tuctuini transnctloin. iutvo het'n light. Cotton gootls arc' tiullet t iloughi lookIng up. Iload italt's OF ) ) better in eOttofl lines than are buiyers In stor's. t4tatile goods ore stihi quiet in nil hint's sultnithe ( or tIome'stic uses. Ex- tiorters rnmunngt' to keep Iqisy , hut are not buying as lttrtvlly nit itehiers expected. ( III ihurle ( , OIL ( 'ITS' , Pa. , July 15.-Credit hmlances , 9k' . Certltlcates. ( 'iisii offered , 91o. No sltlt's. on re clots. ShIllilnonts , 11.532 bbls. ; r''ns. 54 4171 blila. I w'lI.silNGroN , July -OILS-Spirits of tuirpeltt mi' firm at 2414 5l Rosin , stt'atlu' 11 t f50GI $1 ( tO , ( 'rutle lurpentine , dim at $1.00 t.jl. $ 'Ls. tiuict tut $1 25 , . _ O1A11A LIVE S1OCIC IARhiB1 Rocoipta Abont Up to tlt Average of Friday Arrivals. BUSINESS SHOWS NO IMPROVEMENT Iheef Cnltle a Little I3nler nail Viuier ( rnties Stoutly to Stromig-lIogt 4)3)011 Strollg , hilt 50011. S Sent1' . SOUTH O'tIAIIA , , luly 15. Cattle. 11oI. 4hcel. . ReceIpts tod.Ly . . . . . . . . . . 3,702 7:1L : 1,0i3 Ollicial yestoreny . . . . . . . . 1,080 SliS CbS One u'eck ago . . . . . . . . . . . 2,0132 6,303 2 'rwo Weeks ago . . . . . . . . . . 1,352 5,191 4,006 Ote year huge . . . . . . . . . . . .1,65.1 5,633 b74 'l'wo years ago . . . . . . . . . . 1,1177 5,15) 260 This Week to date. .10,0313 61,325 6,160 Same days Inst week . . . . ft,2:3 : is , Ill 7,140 Sante tlnys week before.12,300 44USS 11,02.1 A'Cnlugo ; trice PhtItl for hogs for tile Inst tess' days , wIt It cOltllnrIilttltS : 11S98.IIS9IilSDGIISOS. IlSftl,11S93.1l892. .1ulut 2S . . . . I 3 C2 : t lot 4 I 4 SO' ' I 7G r 07 JIbe 21) ) . . . 3 Goj 3 2IJ 2 III 4 GO 4 701 5 69) ) 5 16 Jtino 30. . . .1 3 t5 3 21 2 t)3 ) i 4 6l 5 64 5 28 Juhiy 1 . . . . 3 51 3 21 2 1)6 ) 4 C3 I ' 40 535 Jtliy 1 . . . . 3 Cli 3 it 2 93 .1 UIj 4 73 5 41 Juhi' 'I . . . . I 2tI 2 14.1 I 70 4 61 5 4S July 4 , . . , . . , .5 I .Jlli' . . . .i :1 : 66 I 83 1 SSi S ' 10 5 53 July ii . . . .1366112S12971 IShI.t94I601 569 Juiy 7 . . . . 3 7(1 1 2s 2 9'1 I 4 77 ' 92 Ii 63 .11119' S . . . . .3 81 3 32 8 04 4 SIj ' S 91 5 5 Juil' 1) ) . . , , I ) IS 3 .3Sj 2 t ( , 1 76 C , Oil 5 4 ? .11119' 10 . . .I ' 3 241 2 17 1 63 5 0111 c ; 112 , luIy it . . . I 69' ' 2 94 4 67) ) 4 79 r. OT r , S July 12 . . , Ii 73 3 iS 4 72' ' 4 1(6 ( 5 SI 5 66 July 13 . . , :182 : 314 I2 47S .180 1ST 571 J11I5' 14 . . . 3 77 : i 15 3 00 ' 73 5 71 5 66 July l , . . , 3 3 17 3 03j 1 SSI S'Jj 5 55 IflhicatCR Stllulay ; 'hioliday. The official nulmber at cars t stock brought lit today by each roaul Was : Cattle. hogs. Shtecp. C. , 51. & St. P. Ity. . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . 0. & St. li. 1t' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . Missouri l'tucItle fly . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 ' . U. 1' . system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS 28 (1 ( C. & N. 5" . fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. , E. & M. V. It , It . . , , . . . . 7 33 . . S. C. & 1' . Ity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . C. , St. 1' , , 31 , & 0. fly. . . . . . 13 13 . . II. & M. It. IL It. . . . . . . . . . . . 31 21 C. , It. 1. & P. fly. , west. . . . 1 1 . . Total recelptM . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 111 ' Tlt disposition of tile day's receIpts woit as follows , eaCil btiyer Ilurchnsln1 tite hiUitt- her of head indicated : lluyer.'u. Cattle llogs. Sheep. Omnaiia i'acking Co. . . . . . . 240 2,41 , . . . . G. I 1. 1 Inntlttolul Co. . . . . . 117 Swift altO Conpaliy. . . . . . 414 253 1,073 CutIahy I'acklng Co. . . . . . 71 1' . 1) . Armour , ChIcago. . . . 373 1.541 . . . . .1. h. Carey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ltreiliit & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 1. . 0' . lIus ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Livingston & Scha.ler . . . , , , 38 . . . . . . . . Ihiminontl , Kansas City. 50 Cony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418 Swift ( rain country. . . . . . . . . . 120 . . . . Swift to Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 . . . . Cut1ah' , K&thtsas & City. . . . ST Cutlnlly Ihrotht'rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 . . . ChtI. 1' . & P. Co. , N. City 655 . . . . North P. & P. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 452 . . . . Meyers . . . . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Other buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,1ST 7,416 1.073 All told there were 1110 cars of lIve stock in the yards tills mornIng , tus flgalhtst 16. yrstenda' , 161 a week ago , 1913 two weeks ago and 237 three weeks ago. It was not far front an average Friday's rUn. CATTLE-With only about seventy Ioad of cattle In the yards , which Ittehildtal IL sprinkling of stockers , as vehi as odds , tnl chttI , it could not be chttmed : that the supply - ply was at all burdensome. 'rtthteti as a. whole the murhet urns in gid ( shape , ever'thiaF betig sold in good ) uetttctlt. The feelIng oa fat cattle was tt little wealt at the ooenlng. nail setno cjttthe no tloubt sold a hIUe cz der , liOSSIbIS' 5t' louver , The shipping demand , however , ) % ( ' ( tO be good and really attractive cattle hrolgllt about 3'cstcrtha9"s prlcrs , 1110 tltlerenca 4)0- tween the two days beIng very Snall. Bufl of the sales , $4,60d4.90. Tito few cows and heifers sold at steady prIces , sante good helfers brInging $4.50 , which looked as high as ever. Shippers must bear in mind all the time that the OII'terenco between dry hot butchers' toek and grass stutif Is gradually wlclelting &tpd the tendency is for gr'itsa stock to sell lower. A bunch of rather fleshy yearlIng stockers sold at $4.60 , which was about a dime more than they would have brought a week ago. 'FIte stocker market bus been gt'atIually crawling upward sInce tile break , but it is not back vet to the high point by 150j25c , Representative sales : STEERS. No , Au' . Pr. No. 'ju' . Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2. . 855 $3 75 43. .1019 54 50 33. .1103 $4 70 I. . 850 01) ) S..3255 50 51..1021 70 2. . 955 00 22. .1060 50 .23 , .1303 70 21. .1331 25 22. .1050 55 22. .1211 70 13. .10S4 35 4. .1215 60 45. .1202 75 18. . 917 33 41. .1217 60 9. .1225 75 40. .1068 40 50. .1367 4 60 115. .1214 75 22. .1030 40 63. .1227 05 1. .1070 75 1. . 950 40 9. .1208 65 20. .14S7 85 17. . 942 40 30. .1261 1 65 2. . 845 55 12. .1012 45 20. .1226 4 65 38. .1208 55 8. .1211 I 45 20. .1254 70 40. .1456 4 110 26.1155 4 45 11..119i 4 70 17..1195 I 111) I5..1074 4 50 22. .1211 4 70 21. .1475 4 'JO COWS. 1. . 870 25 1..1170 00 4..1092 3 35 1. . 060 25 'J.10470 1)0 ) 2..1075 345 1.,1O2) 25 1..hOJO 01) ) 11. . 577 3 51) 1. . 790 25 2. . 990 3 30 0'.lJll ( ISO 2. . 915 40 1. .3330 10 3. .1140 3 50 1. . 890 60 3..1200 20 7. . 532 3 65 1. . 930 50 2. .io : 25 3. 870 3 70 1. . 900 _ 60 1..11S1) ) 3 25 2..llhO ' 1 50 1..1000 265 5. . 536 325 2..1000 ' 190 2. . 570 2 65 . 4. . 975 ' 1 25 6. .1108 ' 1 90 1..1000 275 19.1015 180 2.1075 400 3..1090 2 75 21.1060 3 30 2..lhlO 1 00 I. . 930 J 75 1.1410 3 35 11. . 932 4 10 1. . 540 250 TIEl VEIlS. 1. . 670 3 00 18. . 512 3 75 4. .IOST I 40 1. . 650 : I 50 1. . 1380 3 1(0 ( 1. . 410 4 50 2. . 855 3 70 1. . tiGO 4 15 36. .1045 460 I SRI FERS-FISEDEIIS. 2. . 610 3 25 14. . 700 3 45 1. . 550 3 65 S'I'EEIttI AND IIEIFEI1S. 2..ti50 400 fuLLS. 1..11t10 3 00 1..1100 3 15 2..1425 I 40 I. .1200 3 00 1. .1370 3 15 1. .1130 Ii 40 1..IOSO 3 05 ] . .1270 3 20 2..1615 :1 : 45 I..l206 3 05 1..l370 :1 : 25 1..1790 I 50 1..l290 3 10 1..1070 I 30 3..1510 3 50 1. ,1310 3 15 1. .1000 3 35 I.lShO I 50 1..1400 3 15 1..1290 .1 35 2..1585 3 50 CAL\'I'14. 1. . 240 8 75 1. . 250 5 00 1 , . 190 5 170 1. . 290 4 60 1. 130 5 00 1. . 240 5 50 2. 260 4 60 2. . 145 5 50 S'fAGS. C 1Ir ' 1 d' " 1 tt111 .1 10 STOCKERS ANt ) FEEDET1S. 1. . 1130 It GO 37. . 500 4 10 18. . 370 4 170 2. . CIII 4 00 5. . 4:12 : 4 25 28. . 675 4 60 8. . 710 4 00 13. . 591 4 43 14. . 453 4 75 1. . 820 4 10 3. . 660 4 50 1. . 310 4 75 3..700 410 \'ESTERNi3. WAS lllNG'I'ON. I I . \\'iiishew. . No. Au' . I'r. ' No. y. Pr. 9 feeders. . 818 13 60 3 feeders. . 713 $3 50 IIOGS-TIme chIef feature of totlli9"H hog market was tile very gooti iiimipping tie- mnamul , tVltiCil rendered thue market active lit sltite Of the fact that some of tIle hieau'it'st pttckers were llritcticLullY out of tItO market. 'rite market 01)0)150 ) with an netis'o , le- mand for good hogs , itlitl tile ilrst smiles were largely at $3.50 , so that it looked a little stronger at Ilrst. Then the tratlo lowcd uip , ItS the inane urgent orders w'ere thhletl , anti became easier ( or a time , hut revls'etl ngnlhl OIl. tile receipt of fresh shiIj'- ' ping orders , ttittl closed ubout SteutI ) ' with ) 't'sterday. TakIng tile market as it whole it W $ just about stemtdy with yest"rday. 'File hogs sold itt 53,75113.80 ltriilCiltllily , With Li. few tel ) hogs at 53.8244513.55 , and with stme s'cry comnttin stuff below $3.75. 'l'htoso were tile sltntt hirIces tlitl % . uvere llit1 yesterday. hogs sohtt totlay zthtoUt hOc lower titan one week ago , wiIcht WItH this higiiest liOitlt toUt'hetl by the market slmice the middle of June. A glance lit the table of nvt'nligt's at Iwatl of ( 'oiulnhll wIll show thitt Iltigit are bringing way-up itriecs non' to what tit19' ) were one Ilnl tuvo yeltrlt ago. Represent- tttivo sales : Na As' . Slit. Pr. To Au' . 511. Pr. 17..168 . . . 11 70 69..216 121) ) 13 72' 100..201 , . . 3 72 % 01..232 hO 72 % 52..274 80 .3 72 % 50..215 120 73 10..2511 . . . 3 ' 75 75..248 120 75 78 22) ) 1(70 ( 3 ' 75 72..258 1.0 75 69..20 WI a 75 71..261 160 75 ( ii . . . . . .21 $ 2) ' 7 ' 75 03 252 . . . 73 47..257 50 3 73 55..261 80 75 eR..255 . . . 'I 75 72..233 4(3 75 21 . . . . . .237 . . . .1 75 69..258 120 75 51 . . . . . .255 40 ' 1 75 49..262 . . . 75 16..235 50 75 47..212 5' ' ) 75 70 . . . . . . 2178 40 ' 1 73 51..226 40 75 58..20/i SO ' 75 73..271 . . . . 75 To..267 . . . . ' 75 . . . . . . 200 I 75 ci..1 : . 320 75 33. . . . . .221 . . . 77 % 66..270 80 77 % 60..2S1 40 3 77 % 10..280 19 77 % 65..2513 . . . 771,4 60..251 120 7714 69..208 160 3 77 % 10..231 54) ) 77l , 73..260 It0 ; 1 77h 50 . . . 2i.5 210 77 % 62 . . . . 2171 . . . 1 771. 57 . . 287 . . . . - 77' ' 67 216 tO ' 1 7714 ttl 234 240 3 771 , . . 67 277 160 1 54 277 50 3 771,4 77 . 'iS 210 ' 1 77' I GO . .254 . . . 3 71 % 7 265 , . , 3 7i' IS..231 . . 77 % 37. . . . . 213 . . . ! l 60..2,8 120 IItIJ OS..2113 120 100.5 40 771 , , Sit..316 160 .17..Zl SO 77 % 55..263 . . . 66..21o . . , 7714 . . . . . . ' . ' ,7i MI..5S , . . , it Bl ' 7 . . . . . .2.8 . . . $0 69..2t15 200 3 80' Ii..262 SO SO ( i . . . . . .273 0 I SO WI..32.1 . . . SO 55 . , . . . , 2133 120 3 SO . . . . . . 150 SO . 59..28(1 ( 1110 : ' So 71 . . . . . . . .l . . . SO . . . . . . . , I SO 66..21i . . . SO ' 76..2131) . . . . . .t ) SI . . . . . . 252 80 50 TI..2s2 I SO . . . . . . SO SO . 46..2119 . . I 513 . WI..S3 SO SO tl' ' . . . . . .261 . 10,0 11 SO 75..278 50 50 J.c . . . . . . 122 80 3 10 1.5..2115 160 SO lt . . . . .2S . . , ; ' SO S.'A 120 SO 5(3..2S7 ( 120 : i so 63 . . . . . . 296 321) 3 SO 75 . . . . . .261 120 II SO Cl..258 . . . . SO lS.f . . . .33. : u Ml Ill . . . . . .291 160 3 SO 55.e . . .302 , . 3 S2I , 51..III . . . 3 52 % 113. . . .231 150 . So ; . . . . . .29 Sti ' 1 70 32. . . . .229 50 3 72 % SM. . . , 241 12t ) 72 % ( ; . . . . . . SI ) 73 : 176..235 200 73 61. . . . . . . 235 80 75 7 . . . . . .248 120 73 st..201 200 75 11 , 76 77 % . . . . . . : SO 77 % so. . : . :255 . . . . . . Su ) I : GO..S , , ' 247 320 1 77 % 130. . . . , 21,1 50 ll2 .0' . . . . . .26. ; ) f ) ' 171 Cl . . . . .247 120 71.b. . . . . . . . : so 7 CS..S 05 . . S0 5fl..ISS Sn 5(1 ( 5'l..2 ' ' 6 h20 SO 57..g 120 1 50 4S..5 . 7 . . ti 53..273 240 ' 1 51) . . . . . . . SO SI ) t ; . . . . . . . .r . o 'o , q..3 50 SO . . . . . . . . S 1S'u3ON ATSTiltL"'S. . I . . . . . . ISP 2 00 . . . . . . . . . . 25 I . . . . . . :12o1 : SO 2..220 . . . , . . . . . . , (75 ( 2..255 50 3 70 I..260) ) . . I 70 . . . . . . . . . . 7t ) S..272 . . O : . . . . . . . . , TO . 2 . . . . . . 261 . . , , t ) . I . . . . . . 110 . . . . . . . . . . : . , , 75 2..26(1 ( . . 75 7..245 75 1 . . . . . .86. ) . . . 75 I . . . . . . 22 . . , 75 Ii..25(5 ( . . . Ii 1 . . . . . .370 . . _ If , 5..262 40 75 7..152 . . 75 . . . . . . . , . . ' . . . . . . . . SO 4.,5 . . . SO Si ll31'1"-Til.t're uvent' ( llhlr two 1011(154 ( II ) ahc , I 11(1 .taIn a cc bet nr collsiglletl direct to packers. 'J'llo mnaiket su'ius in very faIr I colitlltIoit aliti hit' nff'riniIu brtnighit gooth , steIll ) ' prices. Soitit sort t Iahtltts soul as bighi itS * 6.00. ltcprcseiitntlve SItICH o , ( .V. Pr. kt , 'we' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . 1(8 ( 51 1(0 ( 10 Iantb , culls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4 25 10 ' 1)1111) ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 4 50 15 ilflhi4 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:0 : 5 IF , tiOInmbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 650 ( 'II 1ttC ( il'1O S'l'OtlC MA1tKIi'V , ( ; oo.1 'l'rzutle lii hugs xiii 1 I'rtces Aver- ilgu' active iemantl for cmtttle toi1n' . l'rlct's CIlIC'/sUO , July h5.-'i l'uiS a fairly were geuerally stealy , lOt Offeriflgs sell- lag llartl clllarI3' well. ChoIce steers , $ i.S551 5.25 ; Iltellttilll , $ t,55834.SO ; b.eot steers , $ l.lOiit 4.50 ; teek ens and feeders. , 53,00514.75 ; buills , 53.00111.25 ; eowi and iicifers , 53.15114.00 ; calves , $3.24itI'.0O ; western , steerS , $ l.2tYi1.25. Trade lIt hogs uu'ns g ( "ott on local tund Siliilltllg luetoulnt. , Stro oger prIces or- 'ttIlcd , tleitaliie offerIngs Ilverluging Sc Iligiler. Fair to choice , $3.92'4114.10 ; 1)1)0k- ) ers , $3SItI.92 % ; buitehti'r : ; , 13.817114.05 ; utIxeti , 53,5551 1.60 ; lIg bt. 53.7554.00 ; 3)igs , 52.85113.55. Sheep uvero actIve itt the ll'tces recently ruling.S'estc 'no sheep , $3,203,75 ; ilatlvu , 51.256:5.00 ; ranel , 52.25511.170. Itecetlits-Ca tie , 4,011 bend ; hogs , 23,000 head ; sheep , 9,000 hemuh. ltIiilN1lH ( 'It ) ' Etvt' St)1'1C. KANSAS CI'S' V. Jtmiy 15.-CAT'I'LE-fle- t-eipts , 2,115 liatl res , 24(1 ( Texans ; tratle wait ftuinly gootl , desi rahde stolc seihilig statly , while cotnnton c. tttlo uu''re , It sit ado lower ; CiiiiCe hlCiL'Y cattthe , 55.00515,23 ; lttetittlltl , 1.75515.00 ; light uyeigltts , 54.27511,135 ; stockers - ers iLtttl ( eetli'rs , 13.50111.85 ; litituer coWS and IieIfer , $3OiJlul.S5 ; lttcher , buLls , 53.0011 4.35 ; cannIng sIrs Oc , 52.25113.00 : westerns , $1 , ( l0'f I . 'JO ; Texas steers. 53.00111 .5 ; Texas btitch'r t'oVi4 , $3.0 1513.60. I 1OGS-Itecehllts. 12,740 head ; 1ocl packers nod etstt'nij buyers were active b..i'enit , tile small SUltihS' 50(0)1 ( titing exhausted lIt mItt-null' to lIe 111011cr lirlces : itt'nvy hogs , $3.S5514.05 ; 'ntlxed. 53.70113,90 ; liihtt welghtts , 13.552j3.S0 ; ) ) igs , 08.10513.65. SIIEIE1'-Recciptmo , 8,130 head ; desirable 511001) itt excellent ddntltnl at steady prices ; spring lambs , $5.0O9i6.J24 ; ltatiu'o Inulttons , 54.'tSlit.iS5 ; Arizonas , 54.00514.65 ; 'rt'ouls. $3.75 114,65 ; stockers and .fec'ders , $3.00t3.65. SIt. Iouls 1.1 1'e Stock , ST. LOUIS , , luhly 15.-CATTLEI-Iteceipts , iroo imeatl , Including 500 Texans : SihilImelIts , 200 head ; market. steady ; fair It ) faltr5' shipping - ping ; illtl export steers , 11.40115.25 ; bulk of sales , 54.50515.10 : dressed beef anti hiutcher steerit , 51.00114.95 : bulk of sales , 31.10114.135 ; steers under 1,00(3 ( lbs. , $3t5114.50 ; bulk of , alcs , 54.05114.45 ; stockers 101111 fecolors , 52.130 , I.50 ; bulk of ititles , 5:1.10113.80 : ; couvet anti hlthfens , 52,00111.75 ; bulk of cows , 33.30113.60 ; 'rexas antI Jltdlati steers , 38.30114,80 ; 1)511k of sabcm , 53.85114.20 ; cows anti heIfer , $2.S5 3.40. 1IO.S-Ttece1pts , 0,000 Itoati ; shipments , 2,700 1100(1 ; market steady ; yorkers , 53.8050 3.110 : 11tckers , 53.75503.90 ; butchers , 53.8550 3,55 , ShIEEfl-1leceip't , 1,100 Itend ; tullipmonts , 1100 ileatl ; market steativ ; native muttons , 51.00114,75 ; lambs , 54.2,5515,50. CincinnatI Live Stock , CINCINNATI , July 15.-HOGS-Easy , 53,25514.0 , . CATTLE-Steady , 52.65874.85. , SHEEP-Steady , $2.504j't.OO , V , ; . LAMBS-Easy , $4.o0516.3.5. ' , i , Soclc * in Sight. Record of receipts of live toelc at tile four principal markets for July 15 : Cattle. hop. Sheep. Omnh'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,702 tIlt 1,073 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 23,000 9,000 iansn City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,3.35 12,740 3,130 St. LoUis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 , 6.600 1,000 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,557 49,711 14,203 Siii r Siarki't. NEW YORK , July 15.-SUGAR-flaw , firm ; held 1111311cr ; fair reIning ) , 3c ; con- trifulgal , 136 test. 4 1-Sc ; refined llrin. NEW OItLEANS , July I5-SUGAR- Steady ; 01)011 kettle , 111ic ; centrifugal yel- ioss44i4 li-lOc ; MeCOtltlS , 2 1-8513 7-Sc. 51o- lasses , centrifugal , 41111c. Mtuiielu'sli r 'I'u'xtilt' Fabrics. MANCIIESTFIIt. July 35.-Cloths and 3'flrltt , SteadY , with moderate demand. CHANGES AMERICAN DESTINY Seuntor imuu'ls offlolniorl Unitc,1 Sstl cit IN I'nrmi IlitlullIt I'oiuer Iii diitm l'guciflt' , ST. PAUI , Judy 15.-Senator Cusliman 3. Iaris , chaIrman of the senate colnhnIttcO 011 foreign relations , arrived 1100111 front WashIngton just in time to be s'elcometi by the news from Santiago , "It is a great victory for the American arms , " lie haitI , "Tlte fail of 'tlte city is a splentliti ac- comphishituchit , nail carries forward finely tlto operutiolS ) olanned by our strategIc board. TIm result amply viuihicates tIle jutlgnient of our cotttmantlore at the front in sparing a conflict whicit must have re- suIted ill great loss at life. Tite cIty is taken anti tIle Spanish army Is rentovtal. One-halt of Cuba hiss passed from the Spanisit possessioit beyond dIspute. "This clears the way ( or the projected move upon I'orto Rico , whIch I 'trust 'ill begin at once. IL is , perhaps , more Important - portant Ii ) Its eonscqlicnces than tile siege at. SantIago , Verb lilco Is a mllChi mono desirable ltO3eSSlOfl 111511 Cuba , moro healthful and the clImate is pleasant. it inchutles 3,700 squiare miles , very fruitful , capable of prosperous development. I have 110 ulouhit I'orto Rico will soon be ours. "We are mitering upon a new era , The flag 'uu'Ill not lie lowered from Ilitwali , ailil tile fate of tile Philippines Is hUlked wIth tile destIny of the republic. ThIs nation ill tile near future is 'to ' be tue lcalilllg ( actor in international pohhticst , We cannot rotor to our former policy of isolation. Iii the domaIn of tIle Pacific ours is ilelice- forth the iiarahnOtltlt power , nell we can not ESCSIIO the responsibility. The future of ami unborn elllpire of the west , the furthest - thest west that borders on the east again , lies in our 1150(15. ( 1 bellovo we silahl be t'qiial to thIs responsibility. We can take care o ( all the POSSOSSiOhIs we nay acquire and comfortably shoulder tile tremendous tiultics we IllS ) ' lt8SUflO. We shall flud tile ) tcceasary resourceti of statesmanshIp , the dualities at diplomacy , the strength of ruler- shut , that is our heritage. Thu future broaiiuns before us in wonilerul ways we could not have foreseen. We may go to meet Its destinies , calmly confIdent , secure in tInt iaigiit of tue Ilatioll altO the justate , of its pUrloses. " VlIiI.Mli Ii(1 nd'ery IIlst ( 'ls.i. CHICAGO , July 15.-'I'hie Elisha A. Ilohilu- 1400 COi11p1ht'S uu'holesalo grocery establish- bent. Market and South Water Street , sins closed lode ) ' on judgments aggregating $42 - 116. The execUtioll su'as upon eighth notes Itaiablo to Jolla Cameron. BLOOD POISON A SPEXALTY , 3T1mkry , 1econol&y ow Tsrtt&rp' IIL000 'OlSON Perlalneatly Cured. in 15 to 35 Days. You esa b. tiete.i 'it hotn for Crteo tint.r i'tms Itliurant ) ' IC 70u prsft.r t come heN w. will contract ( a py roaa ( Sm iitt both bt1. . .n.1 no If we ( UI to care , fli BAVE t3.fl mercury iodi6. potitsh tad MIiI hnu' . iehp * IIttL pslni Mucous l'ttoot , lit mouth Sore Ttio&t ) , l'tsl , Copper Coi. y 'rti tis.oti' ! . Ulcsr oiu 103 P511 of ttm ( bo4y , liii , or ) rehmwm ( ailing out , it I , this tieeondtry PBUWliuIft11 We Ouarantho o 15. solicit tIts mest t.b.tinst. es. , . and Chsiien. the orl0 ( or s case we * nnot . cull. . ml , diit5le haj sIwa ) ' . b&tl1.,1 tb. skill oF lit. moat mlnent h3'iiets.aa. $100,030 capital t'ehirut our uneonitIooi guaarnt , Abuoiut pre.oa , .ini " 5.1.4 OTt ltppttcStlon , 100 ksfs book sent tree , Addre. . COOIC IUIIICDY CO , MD1 Ma.ouio 'reulpis , Chientro , Ill. 1rr - . V _ j4 _ _ flj- _ i . 'rM GEM 151ORA1IVC. It's not tt "patent" flictiir no , but Is mre-are % dIrect from tIle formula Ut E , B. liartoll , 51. B. Clevclafi' iui05u'lnIncnt .leelaII't by ilisimer 0. ilcason , I'li 1) . , 11. 5 , hA oti.1tN l tite crest- emIt known restoratIve nitti invlgorzttor. Ii esut. MtCS solId Ilesli , lilulsc'lu r ltl il reilgi Ii , clears tiio brain , Ii1aks the tolool , ' . - I lro nilti rinit 11)1(3 cau'eM o c ? . grnerai fo'eling of itcaltit , . % rrtiio Ciithi anti I onoucol uItzul. , 'ct Ity , while the gt'ncrativo Or- - . I 101115 rune hlchpett to reiriuhit tilelt' . I ) tervlal oowors nail the suIt- I' fere Is quhinloly lantlo eon- , . , " .i , : , scious CC dIrect lieltcilt. 0 a C ' , ) : iox rOll work uvohitiers , six t I ' Kiloillif tC'rIeCt a cuiro. roil , - , t dlrcetlons ilt cvcr' box , en mIll m OtIt time dhugiio'ii. 1icet ilnd enclosed , 11)111 1Vt' tu ill IIVtJ your case special nttctltinn withtiut extra charge. 1L lt-I)1N i. for sale at all tlrmig storec , a ( i0-tInt , bti for 450 e'nt' , or um e will mail It lmoouirelv semlIeti oa receipt etf Vrtcc. DES. IIAI1TON ANI ) 11IINSON. S 1)1 ) IlIr-liehl Block , C leveland , 0. ' For sale b' Kuhn & Co. , i5tn anti Doug- las' J. A. 3' ' uller & Co. , 1402 1)oulglamt St. , 011(1 Grailattt lrug Co. , 15th 1111(1 Fltl'ltltitl ; V ICtng i'Iarillacy ) , 2lthl and Lemlveltwortlu ; ] ' 03'totl'm ( l'iimirtaacy , 2ttIi 111111 Leztvi'nvortli 1 E. J. Se'kora , South Otllmtiilt , nail oh othitir lhruIggists Ill Omaha , Souitlu Olttalta , Cotuteti Bluffs. acwy9 a . Puirehy 'egotnlt1r , mild aiiii reliable. Cause hterfect Digestion. Complete ubstirp- tion and hemtltlftlI reguilanity , 1rot time cuira of all disondc'r of time Stontmtclt , LIver , 130w- els , Kiolnoys , illztdtler , Nervous Dlseaes , Torpid Liver , SICK IuIiAlACIIII , IXil ( ; lls 'I'LON , , II I 1.1 (1 ( USN flSS , 7 CONS'I'l l'.t'FlOS , DYS1'lOt'SI.t. V Observe tIme following symptotuit resulting - ing ( raIn Diseases of tIle Digestive Organs : Co it st I Pat 1(01 , ill'1u'ml ni 1111 L'S , I UI I im ess a I' bI ooti I n I Ito hmentl , acid I LI' 0 C t lIe S I ( ilnIlOlt , lilt U - sell , itemirtburr , , disgust of food , ftlIlilesS or weightt in the IltolItItch , sour e'ilctlttions. ) slaking or Iluttening of the hleart , chiitklng or suffocatittg selisations when in it h'iiig loStUrC , ( lilttlit-1I14 of visIon , , Iots or uvt'bmt before the sight , fever muitl , luhl 111111) ) in the helui , ticilciCItcy of Persliration , I'eliawltt'ss of the skill and eyes , palit lit the sitle. chest , I laths , anti tIdtien liusites of hlcat , hurimi ag I it tIle lieslt , A ft-ut' doses of 1IAD\VAY'S l'ILLS wIll free tIle 59'StCilt of all the above-named dIsorders. l'rice , 25 ccnts er box , Sold by druggIsts or sent by mall. Senol to Dii. IIADWAY & CO. , Loclc liox 365 , Now York , for book of advice. McMUNNS' LIXIH IW OPIUM Is a lrcParatlon of the Druig by wlllch III injuriotls effects are removed , while the vnl- uabie atediciltal iiroperthes are retalnetl. It po3sesses nil tile cdativc , anoilyne and antI- sjiaslllothic powers of Opiulm , ituit produlces no sickness of tile stomach , no vomiting , no costiveness , no Iteailacbc. Ia acute aervouhs dIsorders it is an ilu'alltabIo ) remedy , anti Is V rt'COIlllflOilded by tilc best viiysiclans. E. PERRETT. Agent , 3'12 Pearl St. , Noun York. MADE MEA MAN _ 2 : . . AJAX TAIILIITII POSITIVELY CURE 4.FLJ''rno , , .' - Morn. - Oay, c.u,4 - by ltbu.o cr Otilur Exeeuu. and in.ii. ' g crettons qul'tlU atd uretW regions LOt Vttsllty in old or 'OUfl , iiti.l ( It a m.n ( or stomot , bu.tno , , or nimirriago l'revmat Jii.aitty iuu'l ( lonounmptlon ii I .n - ( ii tiwe. Their q. . , liowt imodlaa Inproy. . , ' mentand ohlacta a euitti rhero all ether fatl In. &l neon iinin tao goputno Ajax ti'ibI.t. . Th. ' have cured tbou.anda nni , , lllciiso. We gIve a pos. itt , , written Scljuranteo to , tfloct , . ours fl I'TC iii csThca.oor reluad thu mccoy , J'rtooUu II I piwkao ; or lz ) fnh ) ti.atnint ( for 2L0. IJ math. in lain tTft ( 'er. n 'on rncti.t of leo , ( 'irculmir 'ASAX R1MDY ! CO. . 'or Late In Urnaima , Neb. , by Je. Forayth , 241 N , 25th ; ItullIl & CO. . ItIli ILI1O Diuglu ; Loll SrI Council fllrfsbY 0. 11 Drown Bruggl.t.u DR. ' V IsTmtoSLl 8 p E C I A L I S T wito TaICATS ALL Private Disease . . 11.&ta , . , asi iili.rdi ? .r fIflEN ONLY 15) Years Experience. 10 Yosre imt ( ) lilithS. Book Free , ( 'onttihitftt V . ' . tine Free. hhox 7(15 ( , of , 14th and l'arpim Sti. , . , . u ) 0 " IS.S. . . , tJCF , ' 1. , ' BuSS for uco.uiat4 i'VUBB . . IaI&mmiIoii , ,4i.cbargM. d , , , . , . irrltstI.a. of uIr.ati. QIU&114 ' . f . ass U rau 4 II llPtJ1l'I. rJsI. . . , ml anti. . ywi5yaiCiUlClLtl , ii 01 potionoui. .ld bj flrulUl , 1 Ctc'iti ' 0 U , LI. . ,5t zpr In li. piliD wr.p ' ? i , , . I , I bit , , V55 ( l'lIN _ Lake Michiqin ani t.ake bliperIorlranloodaiionCO. LAKE SUPERIOR STEAFRERSI TIlE CHEAT LAKE ROUTE , Own 'flit. Now Sitel tl.'iti..hlp Ib.iltou , Sallingu Front Chicago. mr Macklniio , l.l.nd ilrtrot ) CioVt'iflhl iliff&loTnr ontotlc , 'I us I . Mr't 0 l tt1 1,1111 AM , t 4 i'M. l'ur ( ' ) iarlovoz ) Jirtor S 'n.y. ' , Vrtukoy , etc. : TUt"tVSA M'llur 11/i.M.5&t J'SI For lIar , ulla , Iloncutk , IlougOtoim , Ahilad , DultU ) , , ttc V % 'e'i ' it I' itt 1lu.trat''l ) aol bIn. oii.4 Ore. oo atpIicstlOn. OUlC ( * 1(11 ( 008 , illS AP 5. WATER 51 $ ,00IC00. -is-giayEJ & CO. , 'I'ClCIlllOhlC I 039. OlIlalill , eb COMMISSION , p GRAIN , PIUVESIONS 11111,1 S'I'OCIS hIIAIOI ) OP 'I'IlAIIt. Diret wire. to ChIcugo slal New yorlc. CorrspondrnI ( JuliO A. % Varrsn A Co 'rilIlli'uit,611 I 95:1 : , J H. R. PHNNI3Y d CO. , iliptiii l N. ' , Ji fe 111,1g. , ( ) iiialii , 'e'b. Stocks,6raiorrovisions 1)hrout ' % 'ires ? i , sv York , ( 'hileougu issuI 'WoNteru. l'olnt4 ,