Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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, . S r1lIfl OMAUA DATT1. BEE : : iT1TDAI , .Tt'Til . 1 u , 1S9S.
b.- - -
I 3udwetcr bccr. flosonfeki. Tel. 23.
E Try Mooro' death to lice and intte8.
Dr. T. T. Van Ncs of Ncola waa In the
Lity yesterday.
Wantcl-Latcst cdttlon of CoincIl I3lufts
I1ty directory. Apply at Bee olflce.
I. II. Shenfo , who hait , bon east on a
rotracteI VIsIt , returned home ycteday.
Raymond flatrd of Prairlo City , In. , Is
the guest of lila cousins , a. a. and III
Chark 1' . Ifandlcy of Keg Creek , one of
the prominent repubilcans of Pottawattamlo
County , was in the city yesterday ,
1I. It Conaway , presIdent of the State
League of Republican cItlb , returned to
Zila home In Des MoInc yesterday eveffing.
Regular meeting of Fidelity council , No.
G. Royal Arcanum , thIs . evening at 8
n'clock. MI members are requeated to be
There will be a meeting of the Union Vet-
uran UnIons Island No. 10. command No. 11 ,
in Grand Army halt thia oventn at R:30 :
Don't you think it must be a , retty good
laundry that can please so many hundreds
' of customers ? \Vell-tbat's the ' 4Eaglc , "
24 Broadway.
Miss Laura Colemax , one of the kinder-
arten teachers , ha gone to Chicago to
nUend a kindergarten training school In
Chicago and will later epend her vacation
In Wisconsin.
A marriage license ivc issued yesterday
to Gustav Medow of Germantown , Neb. ,
aged 33 , nn(1 Mary Stotz of Lincoln , Neb. ,
aged 3 , and they wcro married by Justice
Colonel M. B. Darnell of Sheldon , In. , a
welL known fleVainier writer of this state
and forinery a resident of Pottawattamlo
county. is In the city and exPeCts to remain -
main hero about a month visiting the .x-
\v. 11. Wallace of 145 Avcnuo U reporteil
to the police yesterday afternoon that some
evilly ( lisposed individual had Invaded his
premises nod stolen his bran new ham-
meck that had been loft hanging on the
front porch.
3 , IL Lnngdon was arrested at an early
hour yesterday morning for using language
On the public street which the charge en
the police court blotter designates as 'ob-
scene. " He will interview .ludgo Aylesworth
- . this morning.
W. C. Johnson , the horsethief , was
started on his way back to Iteckport , Mo. ,
yesterday morning. Otflcer Stockdalo of the
local force took him as far as Hamburg ,
Bt. , where ho was then turned over to
horift Walkup of Rockport.
A hare at the residence of 11. IV. Tilton ,
n1itor of the Nonpareil , on Fifth avenue ,
wns totally consumel by lire about 1
o'clock yesterday afternoon. The barn was
occupied by Prof. Paulson , who lost several
tens of hay , The horses and carriages were
removed safely.
\v. Whitney and John Lindsey , vlio crc-
ntol a disturbance In a liroatlway aioOn
' , . ' S Wednesday morning , wore each fined $5
.b and costs in police court yesterday morn-
lug , I' . 11. Hayes , who also had the charge
ot resisting an officer filed against him , wili
have a hearing this morning.
Residents in the neighborhood of Mynstor
Springs have complained to the poilce that
ft man entirely nude and disguised by a
mask over his face is hiding in the woods
there. A search was made but no trace of
the man , 'who is believed to be either insane -
sane or a. depraved tramp , was found.
The regular meeting of the executive
committee of the Council Bluffs exposi-
lion association last iilght Icked a quorum
and It wa.i ; POStiOflCtt until this evening ,
when it IS hoped a Iargcr attendance can
be secured. Thcr are several matters In
connection with the Wigwam that require
the Irnmnellato attention of ( ho committee.
S A young white girl whose home Is near
the driving park nmmd who 1i feeble minthd
was takemi caryyctordn ) morning' from a
flat on Broath'ay occupied hy a COlOred
man vlio ± s married to a wlmItm woman.
. The girl , who is about 17 years of age ,
. 'was formerly an Inmate of the State Institution -
stitution for Feeble Minded Children at
A respectably dressed stranger giving the
namo. of Green McLeod curled himself up
for a siesta under a tree on time front lawn
of a resident of Benton street yesterday
morning niul when requcstel to vacate 1)0-
came Insulting and refused to move. The
police were sent for and McLce l was given
one of the Iron bunks at the city jail to
repose on.
A man giving his namne as George Mohr
I of Brookileld. N. Y. , was seized with con-
I vulslonaVednenlay night vhilo attending
time prayer meeting at the Uroatiway Metho-
( list church. lie was removed to the Worn-
an's Christian Association hospitam , wlioro
his condition yesterday hccanlo so violent
that it WaS found necc.sary to transfer
him to the insane want at St. Barnard's.
Mohr Is a enrpenter who Is trying to make
IiI way home from Montana.
At time meeting this evening of Loyal
) ] edge , No. 270 , AncIent Order of United
Workmen , there viiL be wcrk in the second
degree and the following newly elected
oflicers 'will 1)0 Installed : I'ast master workman -
man , Harry Sims ; master workman , T. A.
Browick : foreman , U. W. Gregg ; overseer ,
\v. 'IV. Ilutchinson ; recorder , N. C. I'liil-
lips : financier , Forrest Smith ; receiver , \V.
E. linvcratock ; gulle , John 0. Atlmnann :
. iflSiiO watclmmnan , C. C. Larsen ; outsmdo
guide , 0 , A. Ztatiack ,
City Marshal Ilixhy has beemi Instructed
to tietify the owners of the following lots
to have thorn filled to grade anti thus abate
I the nuisance of stagnant water : , Lot 8 ,
block i , Ilayliss' First additIon ; lots 6 , 7
' and 8 , block 1 , In Cooper , McMallen awl
: Jofforis' atltittion ; lot 6 , block 16 , nmmd lot
r , block 17 , in Ileers' addition ; the north
two.tlmirtls of block 1 , In Larirner's slit ) , :
time cast twenty-four feet of time rest half
of lot 8 , iii block 2 , Iiayllss' First additIon ,
mmml lots S nud 9 , in block 11 , Mynster's
Every lady is Invited to call at 226 Merriam -
riam block Saturday , July 16 , nud gut a
I dainty souvenir.
N. Y Plumbing company. Tel , 250.
POR SALE-Uooa second-head bicycle at
a bargain. Cell at Time 13cc olllce , Council
fl cal llsit. ' 'I'rnnn rerpi ,
The following transfers were tiled yesterday -
. terday In the abstract , title mtntl loan ollico
of JV. . Squire , 101 Pearl street :
County treusnr3r to Tilotnus Oflicer
- and \V. 11. : i. l'tmsey , lot 13 , bik 20 ,
Ferry inhi , Council liluiTs , tax d. . 4
S ntnu to samne , lots I , 2 , 3 , 4 and 11 In
bik F. Perry's ( ( (1(1. , and lot 4 , bl 2 ,
-S ' 'LII1 Brunt & Vieru's add. , antI lot
, - , 5 lmik 10Vrigilt'H maid , , Council
iuf1s , tax d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2D
, I3ninim to sumac , lot 12 , lmlk 21 , Perry's
' S , maid , , ( "ouneil litufis , tax d. . . . . . . . . . . 3
t Julius C. linsliem' , trustee , to town of
IIiiden , lot 3 iilk l3 iIiulcii. v. d. , 50
' Bimerlif to Daniel II. bmultim , lot 1 , bllc
t # 12 , tim-tine's maid , , imiul lot , blk 17 ,
4 Crawfords mild. . Council Bluffs , s. d flO
Bruii A , l'ierco et mu to Omaha.
Jiridge & 1'crminttl Railway eonm-
. : ' puny , lot 1 ? . antI PurL lot 11 , bitt 29 ,
' . 1ieer' ( tIliiv. , v. ( I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S . : w' . 1) . ' , VoIko Ufli wife to henry A.
; 1tIerbenk , alt mtv 2S-71.43 , I
ci. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
S Seven transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $772
Grand Lodge Session Next ? fonth Promises to
Bo of Interest ,
Citntnilees of the Order Acivcly nt
' % 'urk tettlng TisitigN in 4hftle
11) Itece le fin UnliMmimIlly
Lu re Attcninnce.
'rho grand lodge , Iniglmts of Pythias , of
Iowa , meets in Council llittils Wednesday
and Thursday , August 10 end 11 , and time
local members of the order are making
elaborate preparations to entertain the ofli-
cers and delegates , of whom It Is expected
some 1,500 will bo In attendance. The
usual attendance at the csions of the
grand lodge averages about 1,000 , but tills
year on account of the attraction of tile
Transmississippt Exposition a much larger
number is confidently looked for. The fact
that Tuesday. August 0 , has been selected as
I'ytlmlan day at the exposition 'will , it is
belloved , also greatly tend to incrCaso the
attendance at the grand ledge meeting hero.
The railroads ilnve signified their Intention of
granting a rate of one and one-third fare
for the round trip from all poInts in Iowa ,
the rate to ho in effect three ( lays prior to
the grand ledge maccling and good for three
days after , not including Sunday. This will
give the delegates to tlio grand lodge , many
of whom vill bring their wives , ample timno
to visit the exposItion. Many of the grand
lodge oIflccrs and delegates will arrive a
couple of days prior to the meeting of the
grand lodge as on the morning of August
0 there will be a session of the school for
Instruction and In the afternoon tue morn-
hors of the order , local and visiting. will
proceed In a body across the river in spe-
cml cars to help swell the l'ythlan day
crowd at time expositIon.
C. A. Tibbets , vlio has been a member
of the grand lodge for the last twelve years ,
is chairman of the local executive committee
in charge of time preparations for time meet-
lag of tile grand lodge. Time other mom-
hors are : C. G. Saunders , Ovido Viemi and
J. A. Murphy of St. Alban's lodge No. 17.
S. J. IClimme , J.V , Ferrier , C. Lunkley and
John flrougii of Concordla lodge No. 52. J.
J. Kline is secretary of the conmmnittce.
Sibeoiiisnl ( t ( ' ( ' 0.1111 l'lnIiN.
n. E. Stuart is chairman of the reception
committee , which will comprise some fifty
members when filled. The entertainment
committee has as its clmairmnan Charles
lieno , who has as yet not mmmcd the ether
members. C. Lunlclcy Is chairman of the
committee oIl decoratIons , but rt. V. lanes
is time only other rnemnber appointed as yet.
This comnmitteo has been actively at work
the last few days among the imusiness mcmi ,
all of wliomn so far seen have promised to
lmar.dsomciy decorate their stores and
places of business during the meeting of
the grand lodge. Chairman Limnkiey yester-
( lay said that there would undoubtedly be
nothIng lacking to give the visitIng Pyth-
inns a royal welcome.
J. C. Mitchell is chairman of the corn-
mnlttco on transportation , C. Atwood being
the only other member appoInted so far.
All the conimittees will ho filled in the near
fnturo and several others appointed as the
- -
occasion requires.
The sessions of the grand lodge will be
held In the large hall In Odd Fellows' tern-
pie on Broadway and headquarters for the
olilcers Will ho established at the Grand
hotel. Arrangements for entertaIning the
visitors are as yet In no wise complete cx.
CCit that on the evening of the first day of
time grand lodge a trip will be made to Lake
Manawa , the management having arranged
to place special trains at the disposal of tile
Knights. Time nmenmbcrs of the order vIll
gather early In the evening at the Odd Fel-
lows' temple and form In parade and march
through tim principal downtown streets to
Ninth and Ilroadway where they will take
the train for Manawa , Bluffs division No.
27 UnIform rank will act as escort to the
grand lodge officers and delegates , and tue
members with their handsome uniforms
promIse to bo one of the features of the
Sreitgtim of flU' Order.
Tile l'ytiilan order In Iowa has some 400
lodges with about 30,000 members , of whIch
the two lodges in this city furnlsim about
250. The present officers of the Iowa grand
lodge arc : l'ast grand chancellor , L. E.
linker , Toledo ; grand chancellor , C. C. Dow-
cii , Des Moines ; grand vice chancellor , W.
l. Harris , FaIrfield ; grand prelate , Rev. W ,
Ii. Douglas , Carson ; grani keeper of records
and seal , 11. D. W'alker , Mount Pleasant ;
grand master of exchequer , Fred A. Ben.
imett , Manning ; grand master-at-arms , W.
Ii. Leckey , hampton ; grand inner guard ,
J. 4\ . White , Centorville ; grand outer guard ,
F , , Welch , Otoe. Trustees , C. C. Doweli ,
( ) x-olflclo ; W. M. Clark , Monticello ; W. A.
Cunimlnghnm , Ananlosa ; G. Ii. McFall. Oska-
loosa ; W. A. Ileniicrsoii , Clarimida ; C. For-
( lyCe , Cedar flaumids ; 11. II. Steemmberg , Spirit
Lake. Time grhnd tribunal is composed as
foliows : J. Ii , White , 4tdel , duet tribune ;
J. U. Samnmnis , Lemunra ; E. 'IV , Weeks , Guthrie -
rio Center ; Ii. T. Cranger , Des MoInes ;
Jolum Springer , Iowa City.
Time state grand lodge of tue Ratimbone
Sisters 'Iii meet at the same time and will
hold their sessIons In I'ythlan castle In the
Merlmim block , Ileadquartermm of time sisters
will ho at tIm Ogden house , It Is expected
that obout 400 of time Iththbone SIsters .ffl
be in attendance , Time order of Ratlibomie
Sisters , wlmiio time imiombers numat be either
vives of sisters of Knights of I'ytiiias , is
not recognized by time grand lodge.
Mnp of Cuba , West Indies and the World
at The Boo office , lOo each ,
ii'hiiDii III' 'I'UX Hooks ,
County Auditor Matthews is required to
have eli time tax books extcmmded amiti ready
ly september 1 in order that the county
board many lix the levy. Whether lie wIll be
able to do so this year wilt depend on the
action of tue Stoto Board of Review , Attorney -
torney General lielmIley imes handed down
his opinion that umu1e' time miew law tIme
state council is required to make time equal-
izutlon of all vropcrty as betwen counties ,
Formerly limo law stated specifically that
the board should not equaiizo asseesmemlts
of personalty. Auditor Matthews yesterday
received a letter from State Auditor Ate-
Carttmy lmmstructtng him not to take any
steps lookiug to the extension of the tax
books until ho heard ( rein lmimn again ,
Should the State Uoard of Review equalize
_ _
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4 , $ rA - 4k AI
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the assessments as between the different
counties of time personal assessments It will
naturally make a number of changes in
tIm figures as returned by the different
counties and will necessitate AudItor Mat-
timews going over the assessment books
again. This means three weeks at the
least of hard work , and will In all probability -
ability prevent him having the books ready
for the county stmporvlsors at tholt meeting
in September unless socraI extra clerks
are employed.
suns ri.hii Cl'i'Y OP CitI'i'O.
Alimerlenim Tonn atiol Trust Comnpnny
Ienln toils l'ny for \'nter.
As one of the results of the controversy
between time City of Cresten mind the Creston -
ton \Vater Vorks company , the American
Loan and Trust company has brought suit
in the federal court hero ogaint the City
of Creston to enforce the payment of $3t)00 ) ,
Iielmmg time half year rental from January
1 to July 1 of this year of 145 flr imyrants.
Although mmot stated In the potitlemm , it Is
understood that time city has retused to pay
time hydrant rents on the grotmnd that time
water works conipany hns ' , iolntetl Its contract -
tract and has not furnished either the qmial-
ity or quantity agreed upon at tile time
It was given a franchise. The papers In
the case were received for filing yesterday
by Colonel J , 3. Stendmnmmmi , cleric of time
Ummited States circuit court ( em' the Southern
district of Iowa.
TIme petition slmow ( hat on June I. 1801 ,
time city of Creston passed an ordinance
granting to the Creston Water Works corn-
imany time exclusive franchise to construct ,
operate and maintain a system of water
works for time supplying of the city and Its
immimnliitmints with water icr tiili1Ir nn,1 nrl. .
vato urposcs. At time same time time CIty of
Crestomi commtrnctcd s'ltii time Creston Water
Works coimmmnmmy for the rental of fire by-
tirnmmts. By the terms of this contract the
water works comimpany routed and leneo1
to time city the use of 145 fIre dydrants for
time period of twenty-five yenr , for which
time city agreed to pay a rental of $7,100 $ per
annumn , payable on July 1 and January 1
of each year. By time terms ot time contract -
tract it wns further provided that tlmis
rental was to be paid to the AmeriCium Loan
and Trust company as trustee of time $150-
000 bonds Issued by time water works corn-
pony , secured by mnortgage emi its plant. As
trustee of these bonds the American Loan
and Trust company accepted tile terms and
provisions of time commtract between the city
and time water works comptmny. In corn-
plianco with the provisions of the contract
time city of Creston has paid these hydrant
rentals to th American Loan and Trust
onmpmmimy as time same were earned by time
water works company until the present half
year was due , when it refused , although
emm what grounds is not stated in the poti-
Time Evans laundry is the leader In fine
work hotli for color and finish. 520 Pearl
street , Phone 290.
The omcial photographs of the Unitemi
States Navy , cC Palning over 200 plctmmres
of the vessels , with their Ofihoers and a nmmmn-
of time views of timq iil-tntemi Maine. can be
had at time Commncli Bluffs olfico of The Bee
for 25 cents amul a flee coupon.
lintel Inman , 51S Broadway , has lowered
its rates from $2.00 to $1.00 per day to
everybody. First class table and nice airy
I'reliiIImnrm , Steii Taken tea
a Itetlef CoiimmiaIsIoii.
Preliminary steps toward the organization -
tion of the Relief Commission of the Patriotic -
triotic llomehelpers vero taken last night
at the meeting th the city hall of the
parents of the Council Bluffs soldier boys
now In camp at San Francisco. The oh-
ject of time organization Is to provide a
hospital fummd for Company L of the Fifty-
first Iowa regiment. Time meeting was presided -
sided crcr by J. T. Pugh , and Hubert TinIcy
ilCt'el : is secretary. Short addresses cx-
piainimmg tIme object of time meetIng wore made
by Ohio Knox and T. J. Evans. An executive -
tive committee consisting of T. J. Evans ,
Ohio Kmmox , Simeriff Morgan and Mrs. Pryor
was appelnted , ammd they recommcnled that
as a starter to secure fummds a public lawn
social 1)0 given Saturday night , July 23 , in
Bayliss park , at which there wiil be dancing
and ice cream and other light refreshments
served , Time following committees to arrange -
range for the fete were appointed :
On Park , Light and Fireworks-Ohio
Knox , F' . Matimer , flubert Tinley , Charles
Platforrn-O. P. Wlckham , 3. Af. Murphy ,
F's. Matimer , Fire Chief Bates.
On Clmalrs , Tables amid Disimos-Sheriff
Morgaim , A. Kirkland , A. B. Moore , Ales-
dames Mulien , Mottaz , l'ryor , Compton ,
Knox , Moore and Anderson.
Refreshments-Captain L. 13. Coimslns , ! .
L. Reed. Emmnet Tlnloy , El. IL Hawortim ,
Mesdanmes Kirkland. Farnsworth , Dailey ,
Rutherford , Misses Farnswortim , Reed , lieu ,
Patterson , Evans , Gralmh , Pryor and Airs.
F. I' . Bradley and time young women of time
Flower mission.
Prommmotiomm-Mrs. Don Macrae , Airs. P. L.
Reed 0.0(1 T. . Evans.
Time comumitteec 'mviii meet next Monday
evening at S erlock in the olhico of Stomme
& Tinley in the Shugart-Bono block. It
\vtis ( hcClded on accoummt of the smallness of
time attendance last night not to elect officers -
ficers of time now orgammizimtion until time next
meeting , when a bigger attendance is ox-
Misa A. Lindi > erg line ptmrclmmised a League
bicycle fromn Cole & Cole.
So"mv meiot for Crestfl.
CRES'i'ON , July 14.-Special ( 'l'clegrnmmm. )
-Geimemal Manager flron of time Burlington
was in time city today and announced that
time company would begin time immediate
erectiomi of a new $50,000 depot. The build-
log lil be two stories , pressed brick , stone
trinmimmings , mnodermm , and one of the finest
on the moystenm.
IIIUll I'erNftml Ui NotCl.
Commgressmmmamm George D , r'erkimms and wife
have returned borne to Sioux City from
N. Al. Hubbard , Jr. , of Cedar Rapids imas
been promnott'il from ensIgn to lieutenant 1mm
time navy and transferred fromn the Jumotin
to the Oregon.
Joseph Posmmer anti Arthur WhitYorth , Des
Moines young macn , have startemi on a jour-
rmey eroummti time world , taklmmg bIoycle with
timem for use wimerever possible ,
Matilda Fletcher. veli kmmovn in rowa as
a lecturer , is now assistant pastor of the
Motimotlist church In houston , Tcx. , of which
her husband , 11ev. W. A. Wisemuan , Is pas.
Governor Simaw and son , Earl , have gone
to Vermont , They will be gone about two
weeks. Time governor has nmade no arrange.
Iimnts for speeches while east , lie goes to
visit his aged father antI his sister , who is
very ill ,
IOmlI Press Coismiomemmi ,
Keokuk Gate City : There is no doubt
thmat this country is tboroughly United and
imurmnommlous , Even Councli iliUfTs and
Omnaima ore at imeace with each other.
Cedar Rapids Republican : Ii is to be regretted -
gretted that the contest In Delaware county
betweemm Merriema and liacberlo Is imot to be
decided at once one way or anotimer. It Is
an ummlooked for contIngency as far as Mr.
Merrlama is concerned and it hammipera lmlmmm
In mmmaklng time canvass of time state to which
lie is emmtitied.
Iavenport Demoprat : Two Alarshahltown
muon who left prosperity at home six months
ago and started for the Klontilko country.
lmavc returned. They brought back no fortune -
tune with them , Oil the otimer band , timey
lost most of the means they took wIth them.
They are now engaged in breahing up what
little Alaska Icycr tbertm is among their ac-
. , , , . , I , , anna. .
Big Mortgage Foreclosed on Eleven Thousand
Acres of Land ,
Atteimlllt tO Irnlii a Lnkc nail Use time
Lniii Geti's n College Professor
11114) 'I'rolalI ( ' , iimol i'imre-
closure FoLlus.
DES MOINES , July 14.-Spcciai ( Telo.
gramn.-A ) mortgage was today foreclosed
by Natiman Schee of timla city cmi tIme bed of
a large imortimern Iowa lake formmmerly owned
by I ) . A. Remit , a Professor iii tIme Iowa Ag.
ricultural college , wimoso attemmmpta to ilrain
tlmo lithe anti Use the hand were followed by
famous litigatiomi. Scimco loaned iCemmt
$22,000 on the 11,000 acres of land 1mm time
lake boil , Kent found the work of re
claimimig tIme land too mimucim for Imimu and tIme
mnortgago was foreclosed. Scimeo will Colmt
tinuo the work of rcclnimnlng the lake hot-
tom. Time old lake Is 1mm Ilnmniitomm country
Time first Iowa canilitato for aiimointnmemmt
to office under the imew bammkruptcy law was
nnmmotmmmced today 1mm Iiomm , E. It. Nichols of
this city , who wants to be a referee. Nicii.
ohm was a candidate for congress in the long
Fircol him a Cruet Ileettimse lic , Saul
time hays ' % Vi'ro tmmmtimylit
1111mm ,
CItESTON , Ta. , July 14.-Spocinl ( Tehe-
gramn.'l-Robert Nolan. a travolimme simowmnamm.
flrcd into a crowd of boys at Talmmmageiumd
killed Frank Newkirk. Nolan says the boys
vere annoying him nail ho fired to scare
them. lie was arrested without resistance
and jailed at Creston.
AlsleriiiisI lismipmmeiired.
IOW CITY , Ia , , .Timly 11.-Speciah.- ( )
County Attorney Charles Al. Immtchmer baa
beemm appealed to by time people of Riversltle ,
W'asimlimgton county , to discover llcmmry'eis -
mann , alleged to be a victim of imighwnymnemm ,
If mmot murderers , sIx miles fronm Iowa City.
\Veismmman , wimo Is a Germmman laborer , left
Riverside wIth a Boimerniamm frlemmd July 5
amul has imot been seen since. Time coma-
imanion chainma timat they were attacked by
two lmigiiwaymemm near hills Sldimmg. Johnson -
son county , that mmigimt , and that Weisman ,
who hind $50 emi his person , was seized ,
bound imanil and foot mmd carried off , time
mcmi vanishing In time woods , No chow to
the man's whereabouts has been discovered
In Iowa City. and time people of RiversIde
are intensely excited. Weismnan is 45
years old , and Is unmarried.
, Jtiolge 1)Iilnit : liiy Iot Survive.
DAVENPORT , Ia. . , July 1l.-Specinl.-It. ( )
Is learned here at lila old home , that Judge
John F. Dillon of New ' York , is immuch
broken down by the news of time death of
hIs wife nail daughter on La Ilourgogne. antI
'that lie may not survive. Judge Dillon lmad
been Ill for some time owing to a seriomma
accident. and It was with reluctance that Ime
nermitted his 'wife and daughter to go on
tim French liner. lIe is old and feeble and
time strain of time sorrow lmmms beemm very
great on him. Airs. Dillon was well known
berm , In an early day. Sime was time daughter
of Hiram Price , formerly an Iowa nmemnber
of eongrcs and for mnany years connected
wjtlm the United States land dopnrtnment.
She was married to Judge Dillon hero about
fifty years ago.
: flohie , froomom Stoimups.
DUBUQUE , Iii. , July l'i.-Speciah.--In- ( )
tormmal Revenue Coh icctor l'attersomm yester-
( lay sent $50,000 to time United States treas-
mmry. This is nearly ommo-timird time entire
receipts of last year at tlmis omce. Timere
are still plies of applicatiomms wimich caunot
be filled at present , owing to time lack of
stanmps. It Is expected timat before the close
of time month there will ho enough stamps
received to satlsy all demands. Collector
Patterson interprets time mw regarding time
stamps placed on telegraphic mnessages that
they should be put on by time company amid
not by Patrons , the lntemmtion being to tax
the company. This , of course , includes press
Jimszmmme iIlmIL lxmy lIe Tried.
DES MOINES , Ia. , July 1'l.-Speclai- ( )
It Is learned imero that J. W , Stone , the
young mmiii from Siommx City who killed
Frank ICahiler in a store In timis city , is
recovering lila reason in the state Insane
asylum and that there Is a fair prospect
that lme will full ) ' recover. Ho was imot
tried for murder because the court Imeld
'timat by adjudging lminm limsano a bar was
made to criminal action , bmmt It lie becomnes
samme again ho may ho tried on the original
charge of murder ,
Not aim I ii Hililo' Cr1 nmiunl ,
SAIIULA , Ia. , July 1 l.-Specini-Tho ( ) To-
edit reports to time effect timat Curls Eclair-
lobe , time brutal mmmurderer of Mba IClel , imad
gommo limsane appears to be entirely without
tounihmition , In a letter received this week
( roam Z , IL Gmmrloy , deputy warden of the
penitentiary , lie writes that Eckoriobo imas
ieen in the hospital a simort limo , but timere
imas been no hiroof of lmmsmmnity and the doctor
says lie will soon be able to return to lmis
work and cell.
lfeol io'iml SoL'l.t . Session.
ATLANTIC , In. , Jimhy 14.-Speeinl ( Tele-
gram.-Tjmo ) Botna Valley Aieilcal society
mnet imero today in semmii-annmmai session.
EIghteen towns vero represented. Several
interesting iiaiers were reath nimil discussed.
Toniglmt Atlantic banqimeteil the Invited
guests , The news of time fail of Sammtiago
durlmmg 'time afternoon sessIomm caused prolonged -
longed cheering and handshaking.
CuIievor or In I eriomil Itevemi ime IIoill
It 't'omy COININ 'i'emi Cents Extra
go , Get Mar neil.
MI1\S'AU1cEE , July 14.-"flocs a man
Imavo to lm'iim to pay for time war witim Simalmi
It hmo gets married ? " This is a Imroblemmm
mvhlcim Is puzzling time revenue department
and Registrar of Vital Statistics Coon ,
Revenue Collector Henry Fink imolds timat ime
does. Time clergymen who storm mmroummd Air.
Coon's sviniiow' hold timat lie does not. The
mmew law does not specifically mention marriage -
riago certificates as beIng taxable , but after
enumerating the documents awl certificates
that must bear the revenue stamps It stubs
In general terms that 'cortiflcntea of umny
other description required by law amid mmot
otherwise specified 1mm timis act shall have
aiflxed timereto a 10-cent stomp. "
Collector Fink sa"s thatthmero Is no doubt
thmat this includes amarringo certificates.
None of the ministers or magistrates lii this
city wimo have performed the ceremony since
July 1. imavo amxed stamps to any of time
certificates vlmlch they have Issued , At least
none of theumi imavo appeared at time revenue
otiice asking for stammmps , and no certificates
with stamps imavo been liled with time registrar -
trar of vital statistics. It is asserted that
If imecessary to compel the ministers to corn-
ply with time law a special deputy vlil
be appointed to Investigate the marriage
business , anti to see that every minister
has a suillciemmt supply of rertinue stamps
and mmflizes them to the certillcatcs.
The Great Resort. :
: : : . Every body invited to take in the
sights and be convinced that
Lake Manawa
is the oniy place to get cooled off
arid have lots of fun.
Above all don't fail to see the
Electrical Mirage at night.
Ordered to Washington to Consult Regarding
Porto Rican Expedition.
'i'lmeiie "iVill Ime lumimumimmmes to Ilolol Situ-
Ilairim After us Sn rreumoier-Most
of l'resent Force ii ) lIe
' % Villmd ruLisim.
WASHINGTON , July 11.-Major General
Brooke , commmmammdimmg time large army of
United States troops now at ChickanmaUga ,
Imas been ordered to reimort to Waalmiiigtoa
anti is expected to reach imero tonight. It is
believed that hmis call 'to this city has been
witim a View to commstiltatlon respcctimmg time
next military expetlitlomm , whmlch it is now
proposed shall leave the United States
within a abort time after time fall of
It Is believed that a Porto Rican expedi-
tioim will mmot draw upon ur troops 1mm Cuba
to any great extent , time p1mm bolmmg to have
our Cuban forces largely returned to the
United States for resuperation. Gemmeral
W'ihsoa's division , comnposed of the brigades
of Generals llaines and Ernest , are under
orders for the Porte Ricami expedition. One
brigade 'Is now at Charleston and the other
at Chickamimauga. No more 'troops , it. Is
ordered , shall ho embarked for Santiago
with the exception of 'two ' Tegimemmts of
lnmmuncs. These inmmune regiments are at
New Orleans and Galveston , where trans-
nrts have been provided to take them to
Cuba ,
Although time reported appearance of a
few cases of yellow fever among our troops
in ( remit of Santiago ' presents a perplexing
nrobiemn to the prcsidCnt and his advisers ,
it is nimrmost certain to result 1mm tIme tern-
porary removal of all our land forces from
the Island of Cuba as pronmpUy as possible
after the float surrender of General Toral's
army is effected. In this connection the
questloum of withholding for the present time
expeditlomi now being fitted out against
Porto Rico has beemm under serious consider-
atioum , but up to this tinme mme positive con-
elusion , it is thmouglmt , has been reached.
Investigation with respect to the climatic
conditions at San Juan , however , have
convlmmced time officials that there would be
no danger to our troops' there from yellow
fever , wimlcii hmrovaiis In all harts of Cuba.
Time city of San Juan , 'which Is built cmi
hlgim ground , is said to be exceptionally
clean for a Spanish tovum. Time vater is
saId to be good aimih all tImings considered
it Is mmot believed timmmt time presemit arraimgo-
mmments for the immvaslon of time islammil will
ho interfered with , Nomme of time troops now
in front of Sammtingo , it Is ummdcrstood , will
take rjrt in this cxpeditiomm , but will be
brought nortim to remain until October ,
when it Is expected the dangers from time
Cuban fevers will have passed.
Ilids 4t re lt'eei mo'oI for Si 'I'I 11105
Amumoiuiu I OiTeri.i ii uiil I ad Iviolimuils
( it l'iimtirtisamse. .
WAShINGTON , July 14.-Time subscriptions -
tions to time 3 per cent loan of $200,000,000 ,
wimicim closed at 3 o'clock this nftermmoomm ,
imicitmuhlmmg time offers mmmnuho by syzmuhIcates , will
anmount to $1,200,000,000 , or six timrmes time
amnouumt of time issue , 'I'lmo smitmacrlptlons rep-
reaommted iy check or otimor formmms of pay-
mnemmt it Is estImated will aggregate about
$750,000,000 , or three and three-quarters
tlmnes time anmotirmt of time Issue.
Early timili week Assistant Secretary Van-
derlip , 'hmo hmns imail immmmedimmto supervision
of time work in connectIon with time loan ,
hecammme commvlmmccd tlmmut time smmbscriptions of
Immdlvimlumals wealth be for mmmoro than sumlil.
ciemmt to wlmoliy absorlm time loan and gave
instructlouis that cimeclis representing mmii
stmbscrIptioimui of corporations ho prepared
and returned to time semmders toniglmt. It Is
timougimt at time Treasury department timat
no IndivIdual subscriptions as Imigim as $10-
000 wIll receivd amm allotment of bonds.
During time muonth time department has re.
ceiveil about 250,000 subscrilmtlomms auth
nearly time last one opened was from a New
York bank for $100,000,000 cmmclosimmg a cimeck
for $2,000,000.
It. was Secretary Gage's Intention to make
the hmaymcnts omm account of time boimuls as easy
to blue veoplo as possible , mmii mmli forums of
payment vcro to be received. Tlmese Incitmil-
ed cash , checks , imaimlc drafts , imostoIllco money
orders , express mnoney orders , certificates of
deposit anti oluring tIme last day or two time
dejmartmneumt baa receIved mnoney by teic-
During time entire mnontim timero hums boon
aim average of 15,000 subscriptIons received
daily , ammul sourmo days time imumuber Ilas ox-
ceedeil 20,000. To imandlo tlmis enormous
mail mind to schme.lulo time subscriptions a
force of over 300 clerks hmas been con8tanthy
einimloyeil. It. probably viil be two or timrce
days imeforo It is known just time size of
time largest subscriptions which can be ac-
Assistant. Secretary Vanilerhip , who for
thirty-three ( hays imas mnaumaged time work of
piaciimg time Imonds of time new war loan , announced -
nounced toimigimt timat time books had been
closed "upon tIme mmmost successful loan ever
floated by the governimment. " In time experi-
Core of the oldest clerk in time Treasury
department , nothing of the klmmd imad ever
equalled the success which ions attended
the present Issue of bond5. Four hunUrcd
: . Around Council Bluffs f
; ' ' . You enmm loimy IumiproeoI amid umi Ilium , m'ovt'il frui It In tuuls ommenper in s'
' ' iii time U utiteol States. 'l'lterc Is
i'ti hits sieluuity t umny'us'lierc miii fail-
' ' mmre of crolN here. lok at our FruIt Fnrumms mltIie they sure Ii ipear- S
.54. . . A ' 7 2 Cl flc1V & I1IISS.
? , ( .I. .1. LXi a 'rime ltcuI Estate uiuuti toamu mmrnkerq ,
' , . . it , , ' ochum'ulvo sale it inege umumummli'r
I ( V s'n ' ( a ( if 5'
. .
k 39 Pearl St. Couno 1 Bin s ,
, . a i'rmlt onroicum mumit Gralim lmtm'mimc , Write . ,
l'ersommally commuduct buyers tlmrimmmgim oumr ttmoium for informmmatioum mitmul simiLe wlmnyomm ' .
" 0" ( mrclmarii free of charge. want.
- 'I
Aadem : :
kJ2 Govcrnmontsumpervislon. Nm-bumiidingsboIngcrected. Stuudemmtsrejeiito'illumst
_ yeartorwantnroomn. MAJORSANDFOROSELLERS.M..Supt..LEXiNGjJ.MO.
additional enmployes have beemm added to time
trcasmmry roll 1mm order to take care of time
emmormous mails occasiomied by popular sub-
scriptiomis to the boimds.
At 10 o'clock tonight time asslstammt secretory -
tory said : "It is , of course , impossible to
give final figures at this hour. The depart-
macmit received today just under 25,000 letters -
ters , ammmi yesterday 24,100. This mmmass of
applIcations mtmst lie put through time detailed -
tailed operation before a total can ho nr-
rived at and the exact liime at which allot-
meats will be made annotmmmced. An estimate
at this hour is timat It vIii be aroummd $5,000 ,
that is to say , all atp1Ications for a snmnlier
amount than timat figure wiii ho allotted 1mm
full , wimile all applications for larger amounts
will rcceive nothing.
"At timls tlnme timero hums actually been
listed $ S4'lOOOOO of time $500 and smaller
subscriptions , ammd the mmmmmoummt mmow on time
tables will carry that probably just above
$90,000,000. Time amnoummt scheduled and to-
taIled in the subscriptions larger timami $500
at this hour Is $690,610,810 , and I estimate
it will meachi 735,000,000. Thus , time total
subscriptiomms , including the $500,000,000 of
symmd icate hiths , viIi reach $1,325,000,000.
" \Ve hmavo held out cases whore there were
doubts as to time bonn fide character of the
subscriptions , amounting In tIme subserip-
tions for $500 and under alone to $10,491,740.
Time total mmumler of subscriptions for $500
ammd under that imas mmomv passed time stampers
Is 228,000 and timat figure will be somnewlmat
further increased , Time total of larger sumb-
scriptions numbered Is 65,800 , and there are
still several tlmousand of these larger sub-
scrlptioims to be listed.
"In the last nineteen daya the departnmcnt
received 255,800 smmbscrlptlons , aim average of
13,202 a ( hay. Time last letter was opened
wIthin two imours after time suimscriimtlons
closed. We imave imad at time work 400 em.
PlO3'eS vorkimmg fromn 9 in time mnormmlng until
10:30 : at night.
'Thie fact timat timere nrc at this Imour , out
of nearly 209,000 ammbscriptions received.
emily seventy-one cases imcimi up because of
some Irregularity such as a mmmisilaced re-
mittaimce or inforxmmaiity of subscription Is
501mb immdicatlon of the timoroumgimness of the
work. ' '
"tVimen time loan closed at 3 m. am. today tIme
delmartlmmemmt was imreParemi to return time
checks of time umisuccossfui bidders In those
cases s'imero time assistant secretary was smut-
Isfled no aliotmnent could be mmmmmde. Timhs
course was takeim 1mm case of mhopositors , hum
lum order that time nmnoummts held In hammks
subject to time actloa of the Treasumry the-
partnuont mmmlgimt be released at time earliest
lOSSibiO moimment. Timis furmmisiied an lim-
stance of time buslumesshiko metimouls which
imavo prevailed time entire time
time books imavo imeemm open.
Cimecks are belmmg rapidly drawn to cover
time paymnent of Interest accrued on do-
Itoalts of sumecesmufimi bidders. 'fhese will
vary In amount according to the period he-
tmveen the tIme timeso deposits were received
immto time treasury maul August 1 , whmemm tue
hammmha will carry their own Interest. Time
cimechus will not be maimhied to successful
stmbmicrilmers until time bommds are delivered ,
wimemi they vili accomnpany time bonils.
, ioiiuuouiu Fails to Shuav liii.
WAShINGTON , July l4.-Special ( Tcic-
granm.-Natimamm ) I' . Joimnston , Ixmdiamm agent
at Sisseton , S. I ) . , ( lid umot. put him mm Imp.
itearaulco today. 'rime plans of Soutim Ia-
lmota ri'pumblicana 'to secure Johnston's trans.
for to Pimmo RIdge are likely to be Iimtcrfered
whit by time opposItion of indlarm officials to
the removal of Major Ciapp.
David \'otter was today nppolntetl itost-
master at Grant , Montgoimmory county , Ia ,
An order was issued today allowing post-
office at Noola , Ia. , $174 ( or fuel , light aumd
rent for the current fiscal 3'ear.
Gertrude Ferris was thday appointed
tcacimt'r at Lower lirumle , 8 , 1) , , lummhlan school
at $060 , vlco Emma V. Robinson , made
principal of the school at itapiti City , S. D.
Invosl unit lug luii I Cioum I riets.
WAShINGTON , July 14.-Time subcom-
nmitteo of time congressional Imoatal service
limvestigation cormmmnitteo imelil a meeting to.
ulay amid decided to heglmm its work In lbs.
ton host Tuesday. The subcommIttee will
mmtko an investigation in Boston omm all
questions bearimmg on time mnanmigememit of
secontI class mail matter , In order to arrive -
rive at conclusions mis to time oxteimt of time
abuses complalaril of In time Loud bill.
IuuhI y 'l'rt'usuu ry Stuu ti'uuut'iu 5.
W'ASIIINGTON , July 14.-Today's state-
meat of the condItIon of thu treasury
shows Ayaliabie epsi ; balance , $237,781 $ , .
310 gold reserve , $175,27,3G.
BrowneD DD
Opcmms Sept. 19th. 1SPS ,
Roardmmg and Iay Solmool for Git'ii
Uimtlcr time direction of It. Rev. Oeorgo
Wortlmimmgton , S. T. D. , LI. . D. Primmmamy ,
preimurmLtmry anti colleglato courses. Conm-
imetemmt corims of temtcimers. Modern mclii-
ods , tnil every ndvammtage offered. Strict
nttemmtiomm paid to time amoral , mneumtai aimd
physical well bciumg of time students. Diplo-
mutt commforred. Prepares for all colleges
open to women. Special courses in higher -
or Eimgiimiim , Sciences , Aflcisiimt smmmd Aloilommi
Lammguages , Music and Art l'ermns mmiod-
crate. lluildiimg repaired mind in exceilcut
order. Sanitary mIunmblmmg. Satisfactory
stoammm Imeatine.
Parents and guardinums desiring to cater
pupils will mmleaso emmd for catalogue , or
appmy personally to
Mrs. L .R. Upton , Prin.
Brow'umcii huh. Oummaima. Neb ,
B1ADIORD ACADEMY - I ° oumndedil9l ,
l'or time hmigher education of yommng
women. Clasicai anti Scientific course
o , study , also Preparatory mmii Ojtioumul.
lear begins Sept. 14 , 1591. Apply to Misa
Ida C. Alien , l'rin. , Jlralford. Mass ,
ll1pnfl1 College : miul Conservatory ,
I1iuJLtt fom' Ltmolics , llcxico , Mo.
-1VM :
; Dressing ,
Chiropody anti Manicure Parlors5
Stair Jreoeol , ,
Xuiiis hio'uuuit I fleul ,
h'i'i't : ttuuiie Couumfortuuhuhc ,
Uprigtmt Simnnmlmooimmg Apparntmms. 'tvii
uiimainpoo ammil rirmite it lady's hair 'hilo utimo
sits uprlgimt. No stoopiumg over.
Vine 'l'oilot Artleles , SvitchiesVaves ,
\Vigmi , etc. , for smile or mnmuhm to order.
'l'imo ladies ( If ( 'oumimeil Ilitmffs will tlnd ouc
work lirst citi amid neices reasoumabio ,
:10 : ; ; l'earl Street ,
ANI ) ] IOUShl1OL.D 0001)8 , 'I'Ofl-
i'AYAIEN'rib , 3,000 .AC1IHS OF no'r-
23 l'EAItL STIIEH'l' .
hirtmmeeui ( ouuuuuehI Iiiimtfs uuuuol ( ) musuiiuui ,
Hates Reasonable. Satlafumetion Ciuarummteeul ,
Cotmncll IiIumffs olllee , No. 8 North Aimihut
imtreet. 'Felellmono 121. Ornaimu. ttllice rom-
mnuvt'ii tO 322 Sotmtim Fifteenth Street , 'l'ele-
jmlmono 1303.
( omincctions made whim Soutim Cumulus.
Ira umsfer.
_ _
DurrY's J