_ _ _ - - - - . - - ---y---------------- . - . - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - y----- - - - - - - - F tt 111I flAiiA 1IATrV 1t11 1llTflAY iiir i 1RS ) REPUBLICAN I4EAGUEYOR1 \ ( Delegato9 Seem InoBned to Hurry Alotig the Bu1ne of the csion. WOODMANSEE TA1 < ES LW MORNING HOUR It-I'reIi1'tit 1)elIeri fl Stirring Ad- iIri'p , , ; on fl.tiII rtItt VnrtCon - i.e , $ to Iii. ( hiPlM Ut I 110 LtinIt , 1'IlIM A fterIaooIi. A speech b ex.I'reR(1ont ( 1) . D. Wood- flLIt1CO of ClnelnnntI $ lfl(1 ( the rcport8 of thole ovcraI btnnlIug ( commlttect consumed thebe forenoon lIoUr * of the ieeond lnyn sesSIon of the National ] tetubIIcnu lonstic. The 1Irni va rather into vhon the t1e1cgate wore : tI ) , Cfltfli1 htit outsille Mr. Woodinan- Ico8 ; oratoileni cftorL It % 'as thoroughLY a bunIric eIon. Iiio preIdcncy eerna now to ho between I. N. 1)lngk'y o Michigan anil J. Cookniafl lloyd of Mnrylunll , with the chances PbS. shIy In favor of cIBon lnloy6 ) boll. C.iMill ) bUS It that the I'ObIIBYIVLIflIII ( lelega- huh iiiiil mostly gone ovF to Mr. Dlngley. Tim eonvctitiofl 1)'Cflhl ) VIIII nIl ltivItn lion traIn ( lenerni dnIIIIgCr 'f S. Clark- Sf11 tO tiw ( lelegat'S to attend the Transto InIssIssIppI 1xIoltlon. In VtJr(1Illg ( his In- vltniloii ho ! att ( ho iowcd his hind to thu nseinhled Iiivlllgeiice of the country vhIcli reIreEltcl ) ( the party ( lint 110(1 gIven to the nation Lincoln. ( rnnt , ( arIlehl and \VIIlInrn I1cIIllIay. Ills Invitation \1IH OX- tCflled ( ho oxplntncd. 011 behalf of the cxth ecutIvo committee of thu expositIon. The P1 OgUIn ! of theIr hlOSht(1111t3 ) ( would Incitido a tiullcy ride ( Itiring thin ofternoon , gIving the hcltgates an opportunity to see what lint ! hiceti done Iii the great west in thu way of building III ) it rnoIerll city. The ride votiht1 terminate at the grotlndB in ample tIme to Boo thu ccposItIoii anti attend the big moss 2nccUng at the AudttorIuni unit even take In tb features of the \Ilt1voy. Jti&Igc I. 1' . 13c0Lt of l'arIS , Tex. , moved that. 3:30 : P. lb. be made the hour for the trolley ride nutl this carrIed , thotigli E. C. hamilton of IllInoIs endeavored to have the rIde hiut off an hour Inter. A IjtltIMt' f4t r VO4)dIlIIitMI. The ndil i''ss ( it eX1'rClildetltVoodinatlsCC was frequently applauded. It was a pIen- hId CItcoIflItlIll of the republican larty ) , bUt ho ilenleil that the war wIth Spain was a lepubhlcati war. On this topIC ho said : ( titleuieti of tite Cauventloti and FcIlnv C Itti.'It ( ( , 1he National leilIhlICaht ( , Icngtte , fte& & .tnothter year of progress. linds Itself Ii. I he iiiIdit of new Political COflhItIUIln. TIIUUSL Important 1sUu that % vls ( 'Jil bidCIe(1 ( by the St. Louts conittIOll Iii 1S96 : gave WilY t aitother beore ! thecalalnilgil vae HCUX Cely begun. Upon ( Ito c1iietIou of thc war wilt SIlaIb I vailt to say ( hut tI re- ItiIiI lean jiirty bins been rIght. 1 go fli rtlicr UnlI say that to lilY IUIOWICtIIC Ito Political party hiits hweii WVoilg. ThIs is .ot a rc lttbhICIl ) t % U1. It Iii ll V. iI Iii vhiIcb tIi. Itt ttots cC tIm nation , without to I 11)1 I I ical v rt It ; , arc Stu ad lug side t ) } i' I It' , Iii ' . 4Iefensu of our eoUtltryl cUus. ' . if title % CI 0 to be a Iartia ar , Wit ) ' shtc.t1ld our . nattlo l'tCSLlettt ( MuKiulcy iicltct nuch VO11l 1JtliIC iS OSVhtcelcr UT ) ii LeeV Ii y ibou Id ho go Into the deiiioiratle i'ecttoits or thtc oUtlt nfll IilUi't'F tilto ierviee the bcit at Its chttvalrouil tuIts ? It Is ierattte .1.cr' I . I n tl t te cOO teSt l lean Ion of .hi itud .i.tI at bearts. No thlvlston upou lOIItiClt ) : hIlie. All consccrat&d to it cotitittoli vItlelt dm11 titake Cttlia free. 1 am not a 4cvOt.I ! rcatler of the ileinocratie Pre3 at thIs cotin- try , but my limited observations lead me to lilly that the SttPlOrL ) whIch It lttts given tO tli Ircscn ) t flit itt iitistrzttlou ( Itiri it g tht in var , tim encotiragelnent it has sent to our boys ill the citini ) tutu ltIOfl the field , has (10110 tuehi to SCt1 the day of victory. Our defenders In itnitle iiiut ho Itlado to lehieve ) that thio lCOPIO of this cotintry are it titllt itt their sttplort. No eiICoirttjettl9itt % for tli oIIicr Is lIke the .hioughit Iiatitd l11hitiiig for home , that. Ito is otciing his lifa far his cotalitryinell , 'hio belIeve In hIm and In his cause. For years .1 have ieetl ticeply interested lii tIm ork of . the Nlttional Republican league. It. Is ii matter of peulLar 'grnth- ilcaticlil that itt every natIonal convention sliico WQ met in tile cIty of Denver , In ISUI. UI ) to this time , I have taheit oeccasloit to oaoi oino worth of coinplliiient. or sotite % VOVIl Of lrolliisc ) iii r"garl ( to Ohio's hoitored 'Boll. The Iltielceyo titate today Is ) & ( Luau ever of Wiillaui AlcKIiiiey. Every cx- travagant promher that I made you at Dett- ver , at Cleveland , at Milwaukee 1111(1 ( at hietroit has Iteco lept to its fullest measure. L PIll1iCd you ( lint lie would be a good ntniiiilate. aitil he was. I said he was a patriot 1111(1 ( a stutcsIntlii , ittirl now his Qun- trynien ann I be ctvhihzod world know it. : leI IiiI. t lie , ilziii. My rcIubhieittt (1 lends , thlett wt contein- plate the ( lisltstcrs of this var , when so think of those at our 001)10 ) uirothers and OlI1YOdC5 ttutferiitg in the buruhtig tUil of ( lie tropics , or in tile hospital , whicro the fever rages 1111(1 lIghts hike a conqueror. vIieit 'we ( hiiitk of tue desolation ( lint hits nitettly ; collie to illahly of our beartlntoiiis , let Us Pot forgot that no 000 eottiil have lone more to have eIod hetweeti us and thiet4e iiIeatcrtl thtitit PresIdent Mcllnloy. Vlth ito aching heart Ito sought for a ijeaco thiut cairleil with it no dishonor. \'ltIin lighting for ICitCC , lie was lireparilig for COItliit.Vhicit ( others vcre shouting rot % for which we w ore In m .iiy 1rc- iutrt ( I , \V hlhI.tiu deKinley was itendilig pow- del' to I t's C ) ' . lhiat IOvder bus tiIr.tdy tel ( I I I S r I 02 V. I ( hi us vii tten the lingo t.n page of iiivai hlibtory. 1)esvey'i guns hot Duly lit.stroyed ( ito Spniiislt llcut iii. hniiIha , but Ihie , ' tort , ( lOWil forever those vahis In ( Ito Orient. lmtwccii the clii cIvilIzatIon anti the iww. 'tile iilnittiiig of tue stars and tttrlpctt upon thu 1ithhipphno Isian<t thlh give to her beiiighiteti PeoPle eoiiio of tue evitoncti ! of a higher and better clvhlIza- (1(111. (1(111.The The qittuttloit is hieing asked if wo believe III tithing teirlhory 1y coitrjticat. Slnco the rehilhIdlenit Party hits hot hind oplortuiiity to give Xpr3ssioit UOiL thiI8 subject , I eon only shicak for itiyclf. As to the isle of Cilhia , outS IC0httittU tins gone out that we are not after territory , bitt that we setlt for tim cstabiIsliiticnt vItIitht her borders at a frCo and htable gOvcrnlucitt. hleyniul tIthe. I hut In favor of gathortlig Unto otiritelves vltlt hicolie of atcel any ci all of the iioseea- sbus of Siutttishi inaitarehty. If 131)01,1 ) , ithiotild itot ho eitlslied ; wIiii we have stripped her of the Phiihippliu's. aJpl all of her htOSsUsSiOtlH ilk the WC8tiIi hieiuIspltert. thou let the superb Aiiierlcitit hiiiVy ( i oss thin Atlantic ritol chtaig tipoit the very citadel ( IC her P1)\v0t. 'Ilicit we ehitil have Iwace. together With hitileitiiijty ; or Spain , vltIi all her ito- cleat itotl tnoiierii tyrnuity. shail ho wiped front the ( ilco of the earth. M couittryntoit , 'hiat mit > we expect to be thto results of ( lie lirecont war ? Now territory will be ours. anti as o Its dieposi- ( Ion our PeOPle vIlh cheerfully. commit the niatter II ) thit. , judgment of a reptibhlcait ad- ntlnlstratlou. It Is bIug etiggosteil by ninny , thtttt tin Atigio-haxon tiIIancu may follow. h'ossibiy It vhhI. hut we know that thie buitdlng togcthtcr of tile } nghieht-sieikig ! l'ntio ) of the earth will not ho for itggres- aioii. not for ColiqUest. but rnthter fqr pro. tcchlon niid (1tt'tire .tIottnr ohs mIght look 111)011 II. with coticeru. but hhimrty loving PrO- jh ) ( ' uvcry hero wottlil nek to be toughit otir principles of govtritlneiit. A certain result of tlutt tar svill ho that hoceforhi ( we shall COoK C.t"I' ttOIb. _ ( 1fl111'.Nll t $ ( lull tht t I'Iii'ir Ii .tuti rI-Il. I'eopho rant foot ! that line a italatable toothisonto taste. ititri poe ( hat vIh1 recall r L ) ( tfliO whenever the iiaiiio is inti . tioiied , 'rbtt fciturii Is a strou oiiu r I ( rahw-Nut. the now brsakfsst food. : - : L'OOkIflZ is lequiroth , hence the tote is not iientItil * on the cool , but is juat . what tht iiiaicra intend It to he. I t t often served coitl 1111(1 dry with a bIt of ri-hi creolti In Part of thi Satteer. I C nue nnts a hot ( lIlht , a little hot hulk : ( .ati ho jttr&1 ort . sotitn ( rape-Ntits anti lIt re You are a most feirbiug tIlab turotsti- Iii. hr iii' lh nutrltivr seine of papo sugar. ( iitiNUt5 uld by groccrg. - lie recognized hi till actions of the earth Be the Imperial Amrtean RepublIc. Vo wnn ihl learn that we muit expand our iavy nn il become. If poIble1 the mietree of th e pens ; that ve must enlarge our army , aO that we may , wIth conibience , st1tiireee In tirrcctIon and repel Invasion , hut greater thw an all htesltIe. WO halh have taught the w orld to know that America Is a nation , The Se cret of whose SUCCOSS 11a5 been justice to m an unil honor to God. Mr. Woodmansee was the last president of the league. lie was horn in hIghland co unty , Ohio , In 1SiD. lie i a graduate of bo th the Ohio Wesleyan univeralty and tbe Ci ncinnati Law school. An active corn- pi lgner for years , lie spoke in more than it do zen states during thin McKinley cam- pri lgn. Twice he was chosen president of th e Ohio league by acclamation and at thin tl tiwaukee convention Ito was elected preal- le ot of the national league. lie hiss never be en a candidate for any political oflice. At the conclusion of \Voodnutnsees rp eech titt'ro was loud and repented op. pl alibo , iind the Ssventhu Vnrd band played ' The Star Spangheth hianner" anti 'Amer- ' Ic a , " everybody rising. LOlflIflIttf'I' lLi'iiortq. In thin obsenco of Chairman F. P Whi- hl onus of the committee on rttles and order of hitisiueis % , Assistant Secretary Veks ient ! th at commIttee's report and moved Its ad option. It favored postponing the dcc- th on of ollicers until Friday , but Major Mel- vi ii Hayes of Ohio proposed an amendment to have the sessIon of thin day prolonged so as to elect the officers and be through wIth th e convention. A viva yore vote was taken at first on M r. ilayrs' nmeiidrncnt and h'rcsidout Craw- fo rd thought the amri.nattvo vote loud cuough to adopt It iind was nbout to so declare th e vote whieti it ( hivheion was called for 110 (1 ( then a roll call. To a certain extent th e roll vail was somethIng of a test vote. J. Cookrnnn Boyd's darylaiid delegation w ith thirty-four votea and Isador Sobel's l'e iiiisylvaiiia. delegation of 110 votes w ere reaily to go . ahead vlt1i the election , bt tt l. N. IInghey'it delegation with flfty- ou ght votes , and Coloril George Stones Cal- it ortila delegation with thirty-eight , were h ot , New York's 14G votes were repro- SV iItCi by only a very few delegates , but tl tey vcro all cast in oppositloit to the c licniu for hurryIng tte election of otflcera , a nil the announcement of this , as also the c asting by Senator hinuuhitoti ot the 1111- cii ii ois Vote of ninety-eight agair.st , the Hayes v ropositioii. was greeted with loud applause b y tue Dhiigheyltes. The hayes amendment v as host by S67 to C68. The rest of the report was odopted without d lssemit of any kInd. This lucitided a state- mi uemlt to lImo effect that. the admission of v ornen delegates to the convention was oh- r eady covered by the coitstlttttton of the le ague. letting them iii on the same footiitg a s the macmu. Consequemitly there was no n ecessity for actIon on ( lie resolution which hi ; id been referred to the commIttee , formally a dmitting womeeli delegates on thIs basis. I'l&i iforin Atiuitcmi. The next thing was time adoption of ( lie r eport of (1w cornnilttee on resolutiomis. T hese resolutions renewed uhleglauce to the S t. Louis hlatforLui ) , congratuintemi tIme coumi- t ry oii tIme republican vIctory. favored the s ingle gold standard. emidorsed I'resldcnt \ lclCinley and tIme aihmalnistratloim gent-rally , a nd seimt greetings to the soldier amid sailor b oys In the lirosemit var anti scre adopted w ithout tiny oppositiomi whatever. They w ere worded as follows : Time National League of Republican Cltibs , l ii eonv.eiitioim assembled at Omaha , niakes t ime followIng its its declaration of unit- c lImbs : FIrst. We hereby renew our allegiance to t he Princhhtles of time reluillcan marty as set ( unIt Iii the platform of the last national r epublican coiivexmttoti , amid especially cia- p hnsizo our ludorsemneuL of the PrInciPle of h rotcctiomi to Ammierlcan labor and eutn- i mnise , nod to time primmciple of reciprocity. Ve commgrntulate the country tmpoa tiTe fact t hat , in nespommee to the demand of the St. Lotus platform , anl the wmui of ( be people e xpressed at the imohls in November , I6 , b oth lliOtCCtioil anti recIprocIty , twIn Incas- t ires or republican policy , have Ijeon no- e stablished and have been embodied into p ublIc law by ( ho enactment of the Ding- h ey bill. Secontl. W'e mire tmncomnpronulsingly in f aver of the mnaliitenanca of the mmlnglegold s tamidard , itifli that the medium of exclimmmmge o f whatever form , Issued by or timider the a uthority of the imational government shall b e miiaintnhncd at a pamity with gold , time u milversal stalidard of the great coimimuorclal m iattomis ; and that every dollar coined or is- s uet ! tmidem , natIonal haws shall have au e qual purchiaelmig and debt-paying hewer. \ 'e are unqualitledly opposed to free amul i mmilliuulted coinage of sliver. anti we rent- I hiimi the St. Louis Idatforni emi this subject. Thud. We earnestly commend the patriot- I simi used iiimtrlotlc Iohlcy of Presidemit l1c- Kimiley In exhausting all peaceful methods t o aceonuiillsh our purpose before resorting t o the stern arbitrammient of battle , nun lila wtso fom-etboughit in Preparing in tIme of peace fem the calamity of war ; and we op. phmmuti ( lie vigor , skill amid ability whihchm lies tItus far resulted lit umibroken and glorious vIctory on hand and sea , amid which prom- lees it sleed amid comumplete triumph for Aun.nican arms and American principles. Fourth , Iii the near future Important luohilemne will arise out of the war , In vhlchi lime nation is now emugmigeil. Among others , svihl bo the ( hISlOSitiOil to be made of con- ( luereti territory. The PeOPle COO safely leave the ivise and patriotic solution of titeso questIons to a republican president 011(1 ii. republican coitgreee. We favor all measures which will pio- monte the restoration amid growth of our . umwrcimmut marine. Fifth. We atlopt the followIng laagmmagjm ot I'rcsldent McKinley iii lila inaugural adulnesm ! us the Position of the National League ci republicans : "TIme declaration of the hnrty ) . hOW restored to iower , hmar , neon in time past thmmit of opposition to all combinations 01 ; capital organized Iii trtlats or otherwIse , anti L It him citpponttui it In such legislation am I ivhh lirovemit ( hue execution of all schemes tc I oppress time eoplc by mmndumt' charges on theii . UIiplle4 , or by unjust rates for time traits. . portatton of their linoducts to market. Thu I purpose will be steadily pursued , both hi , tin' oiiforcemmit'mit of time laws now in exist. , ( 'mmci , nut ! the reconlmeiutahiomu and St.ilihOrl ) of such new statutes os may ho muecemisnr3 to carry it Into effect. " Sixth. We comiimmuemmd the party and comi. . gratulnte time coummtry on carrying out th& m estalmhteiuetl policy of time republican part ) by the iimuprovlimg of our Waterways in tin ) imitereat of a larger conimneree end ehieapmm r freights , amid in the remnnrlcablo success be. . lug attaIned for tii south aiim ! time greal t mmoitiiwest by securing "tcp water" on th 3 Cult of MexIco nod ( lie great lakes. Savemithm. \ \ o aemmil greetings to thin sol. . dim nod sailor boys of ( ho republic , wiuosi i unselfish vatrlotisin aball receive ( lie horn . ago of it grateful hleohilt' , They were mien-committal on ( lie qimestlom i of Aincnicait Imperial aggrandizement ani I territorial acquislthon. SIIIIIP ( hlueNtloils for Ii'lmmitt. . Somno sehinyato recommendations , though . diii hot mmueet wIth the same unanimity o f comicurrenec , One of these was for time pur . l'oSo of formally admittIng , In the shop a of a rcconminentlatloii to that effect , vomoj a cmi time annie footing as amen. itideed , tim e womnemi interested had evidently tried 1k 0 policy of kmuocklng at every door of tim Li convention , when ( hwy aught just as cneil hiave walked right Iii , for time moat ter tin ! beemi covered by time report of the comoimilt . ( ott ott rmmles alit ! order of business and I was also stated thmuit anoilmer comnmnilteo h4' ' I a resolution Iii gallant favor of tIme women I. Another Etconthmicultitttion was to mualte tim a conventions of time imutional league htcminia 1 instead of amimmual , Tue committee on icagu C work , it was anuoummeed , would plso have a meconumuendittlomi Iavonlimg time biennIal con . yiitIuns. Judge J , i. Lougemiecker of Illinois s'antc ml time recojitmuemidalions adopted then an ti thtcre limit bla state seemed divIded , Semis - ( or hhaniilton asked whmnt woutd be the of . fect of at1oitImmg (1w ( rcrornmeudatIoum- - would it change time eomustItutIon It so I ! t , wotilti tic ueee'mmary to gvc sixty data' no - tice Ills opposittomi was dlncted pam-tic . - - - iilaniy agaln8t the biennial session recoun- rnendtmtlon , Dm1. the biennial convention idea prevailed by a vote of 1CT in favor anti only 178 agaInst. For that matter , Senator hamIlton , himself , changed the vote of IllInois so as to make it. unanimous for the biennial idea , and Major John Ispy of St. Paul told the convention that If his city could not have the conventIon next year It. would be satisfied with It In 1iOO. lie felt. that sending the comivt'mitlon to Mm. miesota was duo the "banner state , " but. he could not help beIng in favor of hmiennlal conventions , when they would do ( ho most good to tim congressIonal campaigns. The recommendation admittIng the women hod no opposition that was open. The fInal recommendatIon of the resoiu- tions committee was one of thanks to o - branka and Omnaba for their hospItality , There was no trouble in settling the 1111- aols contest , Chairman Oalbreatb of the credentials committee simply submitted a report recognizing the I hamIlton delegation from that. state and saying muothiing about . time anti-Tanner delegation. On the motIon of an Oklahoma delegate the convention agreed to the report without any tIght be- lug made at all , From the report the following state had represemitation : Arkansas , Cailfornta , Col- ni-ado , Connecticut , Delavare , IllInois , Indiana - diana , Iowa , lCammsae , ICentucky , Maryland , Michigan , MInnesota , Missouri , Nebraska , New Jersey , New York. North Carolina , Ohio , Oklahoman , Oreon , I'ennsyivanla , South Dakota , Tennrsc' , Texas , Utah , \'er- mont , Visconsin and tvorning , and , besides , ( be American college league , forty-eight votes , IndIan Territory mind hawaii , enntnr 'rlmuiratnn SIIeilkPI , At this imoitit in ( lie luroceemlings Senator Thiurston , who bath emitered the theater it few moments vrerlous , ivas Introduced amid . \.a8 given aim ovatlomi. lie spoke nt some lemugth , saying that this coumutry was just entering upon an era of lmtrIottsmn. The enterIng upon an area of patriotism. The republican party , he declaretl , hind kept every promise made in the St. Louts pInt- fona anml had lifted the American people out of time slommgh of despondemmcy. In welcoming the convention to ( be state time senator called attentloii to the fact that it had been thomulnated by iiopuitst rule , say- tng ( lint thIs was time last time and that from this time on it would be back in the republican fold. Time veople had tried time experIment of populism once amid were entis- fled. They han bad drouth , grasshoppers , hard ( mica and poptihismn and the last was time worst by mill odds. Telegrams mini ! letters were read from l'rcsldent McKimmley , mmiembers ot the cabinet , nierubers of time senate and the house of representatives and utimerous governors , nfl expressing their regrets ( lint they were Unable - able to attend the convention. Senator Berry of Illinois offered a resolu. ( Ion thianklmug the mimayor. tIme citizens o r Ommiahia and ( lie Tramiamnlsaissippi Expositiot I association for their kind treatment of tht , members of ( ho commvcntlomm. Time resolution ; was adopted by a rising vote. ht&'imort oil I'iIgflt' Vrl Time report of the committee on ieagtu t work was lresented amid upomm motion 01 r Mr. Mcintyre of Iowa , was atloimted by d unanimnomme vote. The report follows : That time secretaries of the vitriotis tnti leagues he requested to forward to time on . ttotmal secretary copies of theIr plans 0 organitatlon , and league literature ims' ' iv thpn. tVe further urge that time national score - t ary publish , quarterly , Cotes and sugges - ( Ions on league work , and mlistrlbtmta tim ! s auna to iIe , otlicers of the national , state , , congressional , county and club organlzn - t bus. That we tb flat favor the legal Incorpora - (10mm ( . of state republican leagues. \.o recommend , ( lint in so far as we hay a authority , that biennial sessions be sub . stittmted for annual sessions of ( ho Nationa 1 l eague. That we recommend that the president o f the National league be made an nesoctat member of the national republican comiumit tee. and the state presidents be made aim - societe members of their respective stat C republIcan central committees , an the presidents of the congressloeai , couot : V anti township ieague bo recommene a S assOciate membera of their respective con - tral republIcan committee. That we cmtll special attentIon of the an tionai otUcers to ( ho resolution passed a t time national convention held at Detroit : , fotimiri out page 41 of time proceedings of ( ha t conventIon , and recommemid that the sum 0 be more vigorously enforced. That the natIonal president be instnimete ) to sea that thit' iJIans or organization adopte l Ime completed amid enforced in the sevena states and territories , as far as pruictlcabk m , and that each etato and territory hold a etmmte coumveuition annually , and that th 0 delegates to the National flepublican icagu 0 ito selected mit the meeting of the stat leagues , next precedIng the date of the hi ennini convention of the National Repub - lican league. 01k "TIme aumd Place. " The contest ot ( be morning came up who n the committee omm time and place reporte I : The report was brief , the document slmpi stnting that Los Angeles , St. Paul nod Gal vestomi had extended Invitations to tim o twelfth annual meeting of the league. I recommended that iii the Interest of tIm Part3 the miext convention be hold two year .5 hence , and that the date and the locntlo n be left to the executive committee. The re I- iort prechpitated a spirIted discucahon. C. 13. Bradley of WyomIng wanted time coo ! - vention to go ahead and settle time locatlo n for the next meeting. lie thought. that. It was a matter to be disposed of hi the coo I- ventlon instead of by the commIttee. Sbd Foster of Iowa tinged that ( ho aeioc i _ ( toil of place should be left entIrely wit Ii ( ho conmmnittee , Conditions umlgimt arise dui . - log ( ho next few months that mIght maim : o advisable to change any locattomm mmmd In at. ( hula tIme , amid agaIn , no convention ehmoul ti delegate to itself the place of holding it convention that was to ito hold in HOO , E , T. Caidwehl lusisteti that r to town could tell at this tune what could do two years iii thin future. No tow was in a posItion to mutalte good the hmromust rondo at this time. Senator horny of hihinols favored leavln rg these matters wIth tIme executive comumnitte a. the macinhere of whtch were honest uncut , wi do would look after thin best interests of U ma party , Mr. Wrbglmt of Minnesota canmo to t me front irltlm en anmendrumemmt , but ho wu us qutckiy disposed of by hmis amendment beic ig tabled. lie proposer ! that the conventlomi I m lucId in 1900 and that St. Paul be named u lit tIme place for holding thu same. Time amemu I- maclit went to time table before it. could I me aeconded , Dy a unanimous vote ( lie report of ti 10 commIttee was adopted imnd the next cm u- 'entlomi 'lll bo imehd two years from noi c , time place of mnectluig to tic left to ( lie con 1- nulttee. In order to allow the delegates to enc the trolley ride rind then attend time expos : tioum , time conventIon adjourned until to o'clock this morning , when the electh in ojflcers will occur. With thin election of the now oflicers todi I ' liii ) National liepublican league will am 1 journ ( or years. ShtRLIGIITi ON TilL CONVITIO 'm' Ijelegalt's Tzahc it'i'roIhy itide au id 4t' mi LIttii of ( ) iumimhiui , The delegates to time ltepubilcan NatIon ai League comivemition rested from their labo ru yesterday afternoon and participated in a seasomi of enjoyment. Acrortiuimg to pn : i- gani time delegates heft the ! mlillarl but il at 33O i'clocli , and i.meatled by the Seveni Lii % 'm'nrd MilItary band , mnuurchieti o Tblrtemml tIm and Farnam Streets , where Itvo crs we rc uwnitlmmg their arrival , him making up II me procession , thhnckbird , a fullhmloodetl mdli In from.Virmiwbago agency hielcil this pr 0- cesioii , sebiho behind hmhnu uumurciu" % the dcl e- gates frotn Missouri , singing "Marvhmli It , Through Georgia , " wblch in turn was So 1. loweml by "Thin lied , White mind 111mm" anti "There Will lie a hot Time in the Old Tirn TonIght , " Texas , Missouri antI other tatcs joining in time chorus , having boarded the cars , the delegates were whirled out along I'aniam etret , down Tenth street to time depot .atl buick to SIxteenth - teenth and homey streets , wlmero they were swItched onto the Sixteenth street line. Out this street ( lucy Jommrneyeti to Cimming mind III ) Cuming to Seventeenth , after whIch the cars proceedcmi direct to the exposltbomi gates. At the Sherman itymitte entrance of time expositIon grounmis General Manager CIdrkson woe on hand to see that mmii of the elrgatcs pimesed without putting up the price oh admissIon. For a few imulnutca the pass gates clicked iii a lIvely mnanmier , and untIl limo thousand delegates lied passed through. Once getting Inside the grountlo , Prod- dent Crawford gathieml his forces aiim ) r- marked , "You must all keep together iii order that ivo many he at ( ho Autlitonimim promptly at S o'clock. " 'l'ho remark s'.anh cmi ft laugh that reachmeti from one end of ( hue column to the other , and was followed by a delegate suggesting , "Vm'c are train MIs- souni and you will hare to show tie , ' Thus broke the heart of the ICentucklan who . ss.nys the scepter of authorIty mmiii thu new omcers are elected nod tIme delegau's who were not necoinpanteil by their vlves broke for the Midway , wIn-re they fount ! several hours of real emijoynucuit. Tithing it all in nil , ( be dcl"gntrs hmmmi a very enjoy- able outbog anti thiny are votIng thin exposl- ( Ion a great success. 1)1 % 'INiOhl on Couiyt'imt iIu'N . % etIIu ) , Indlatimi tumid New Jersey , as well as II- ihumole , were divideml on the ImheriiiIai con- 'efltion proposition , and Texas , lttichilgan , Oregon , Coimnecticut uimImi Ituihimimi Territory cast their Votes solidly ncainst it. Ne- braska also threw thirty-two omit of thirty- four votes against it. lt'iegate McCrear3' of title stflte made an effort to McCrear3'R question killed by a dIvIsion of ( lie recoin- muendatlons of the resolution comflnIttee , but Chmairninmt Gramit h'ehlors of time comnnmltteo agreed to that Plan of dot 'runlutng the moat- ( or. "The workIng force of ( ho republican harty ) , " argued Mr. McCreary , "is the lie- pmibllcan league , amid biennial convemmtlomis vIll mean rmiiu to ft. " Oh time other hand , LIttle Ilamuiburg of Chicago explaIned that ( lie ConiitbOns of time Party \eere tiow so good that time league commit ! afford to put otT its ndxt gathmeriiig untIl two years frommu hOW. George A. McIntyre of Iowa favored time bIennial idea as time cimairmmuan of the committee on league vork. 1elt'In hayes of Ohio said the worlc of ( lie pmmrty had been Practically domie umutil the next congres- siooai elections , but E , T. Caldivell of Kan- sas thought state PolitIcs of stmmcient ira- Portanco to merit time annual iiillut'nco of ( ho ifational league. Secretary D. H. Stlno of the natioimai league boa hmroved a very t'iflclemmt maim iii lila position by reason of his antlcipatlumg his work nnd nmnkimig good use of the print- lug press and tii tYpewriter. Wltim time painstaking nsmtistnmmce of Miss SmIth at time typewriter In Imie oirmce lie hums managed to huive t'verytiiimmg 1mm tIle hmamuimi of the imroimor conimIttees , the olflcers mmd the delegates gemmerahly withiommt ammy loss of time whatever - over , and not the least suffering of atmy hmtcomivemmience. Mr. StIime' chances for on eleetbomi to ( ho 0111cc of imittloumai secretary hixuprove all the ( line. The fact tiiat President - dent Crawford of his state ( iCemituclty ) rim- fused to 1)ti a candidate In mmny sense for a re-electIon may have made the cimamirea o f Mr. Stlnc still better in the thought t hat the offices shquld be distributed about t he country ifs mmmimch as : possible 'tvlt'but - o verlooking personal fitness. 'oimit'mm % 'I * , , hIiim Vithit'mI. * The boxes at Doyd' theater yesterda ) r d uring thin convemutlon were occupied by ( hit I f ollowing am'omon : Mrs.V. . \ \ ' . hluffmai : I a nd .Mrs. Harris of Anderson , lad. Mrd. hi . C . } hickox of Somith. Omaha , Mr3. It. 1 . S hepard and MIss Mabel Shepard of SIou : F ails , S. D. ; thiss Jeanto C.ottlleb of In. . d ependence , iCon. ; Mrs. L. .1. Crawford oi t Newport , Ky. ; Mrs. E. W.Vehms of Guth'w r io Center , ha , ; Miss Ze.iia. Hayes of WhI mington , 0. : Mies Grace Kaimffplan of St Louis , Misses Hc'uurietia and Idarhan S S trauss and MISses Clyde Shmcparti and Luhi Sheparil of Chicago , and Mrs. M. D hladch C a nd daughter. Mr. ant Mrmm. Phil ! E. Wlntei a nd Miss Pauline Winter of this city. 'I'be second day'a proceedings kept As - s istant SecretarIes E. W. Weeks of Guthrlm I Center , ha. , and F' . \Vhitoey of Wauke gao , hIl. , going at a lIvely gait. C. C. Valentine of Chicago , formerly of ! ! d at court reporter in Otmmahia , is one o f the oillcini stenographers of the natlomma I l eagmme conventIon. Jti.nie I ! . Cssldy of Cleveland , Chanici h i. Thmompon of the UnIversity of Michi gao arid W.V. . hhuffman of Anderson , had. ' were the tellers of the convention. WRECK ON THE BURLINGTOF Chubcngo Flyer : tituI'N 1111 Ibiexhcete ( Ieciumg Point , 'ih $ aim hixtrii Pi't'liilit. Burlington train No. 2 , the Chicago flyer m et a freight train on time mnitm hue about L m mlx miles north of l'lnttsniotithi yesterday m mear La Platte. Time freIght trmtin was an e xtro , bound north , and falicti to get ii : the itimlctrack in time to avoId the rust of the flyer. Two engimmes were more em l ess demoralized , seine freight cars won wrecked anti traflle m'as blockaded ( huron om r ( our hmommrs vhilo thin wreckimug crew ( rein m Plrmttsnmoutim cleared time line. Time north- bottom ! Icancas City train mint ! the special i maulbng time Missouri editors were both laid out by time wreck , Time special was sent around over the Ashland cut-oft , but time other train was held. It is saId two iersons i'cro hmitrt in thin wreck , limit time local railway peophp dcuy kumowtetlge of title. SANITARY AIDAND THE THIRD L.tmsmt Orgunlzui t bout 'ill ileiti ( lit- Itegi mit elm t % im , y Q oat et t'rt'h LIt J'mm't Oummnlin , - The meeting of thin Wornumi's Sanitary Aid socIety of Nebraska , which was to havO been imeld yesterday afti'rmmoon was post honed tmntil this afternoon at 3 o'clock In Myrtle hall , Thmero % vmis a mletintlerstandlng in the mimito ammd as only a. fgw of time woimuemi nttdnded time meeting It was decIded to call another. Tlilmm socIety will render a great deal of aId to the troops of time Third reglnmeiit at time expositIon grounfie Sntiirtlciy iii limo way of fmmnmtishuiug entertainment , luncheons , etc. It was for this umurposo that tIme mnt'ettmig WaS called. The subject will lie discussed tblit afternoon. 0 iii ' ii I I at roil ( 'MS ttert'bumn I annum , ST. I'/tUi4 , Jtmly 14.-It Is believed lucre ( limit the steamer Saga , belonging to a tilcato of South Iakota capitalists , was time mysterious craft whilcim gave rise a few days ago to a report from the PacIfic coast hint a Shmauiheb hirivateer vums iyimmg In waIt Ipr Khommdihto 'esitels. The Sage has just or- rhvcd a Vancouver. The i'esuel 1mm of foreign build , and as It carries the thai ; of hiollant ! tinuid eaptalum , eemhng tjme Sage , at mm distance , doubtless muulstQok it for a Simaaish ; mu'tvateer and hastIly carried time seuisatlommal news to time hmearest port. 1Ii.Uo'i'numor'i , % 'ite- ( 'ts U tI'os't'e , LIRNVIR , July 14.-TIme fact hue just leaked out ( limit tbtm wIfe of ox-Govt-rumor Albert \V. McIntyr obtained a divorce lam Commejas county Julie 26 lust. SInce hula re- tireumteut froimi 0111cc Governor ? ilcitutyru has residcml in thts cIty. s'hdle bitt wIfe lbt'mi on their roocim iii ( 'ooejas county Wimlie hr hiumiband was governor .lre , Mciatyro first flied stilt for divorce , hut shio was persmmauie ! by fnicuitla to wiiimtiraw it k"raubo of tbu scandal that would have tolipwed , j'j grounds for the dIvorce tire aol stated , O LI ) CIOSPEI4 OF TIlE PARTY E1 oquent Spoakemi Prccb the Doctrine of Freedom to All Mankind , SH AFTER'S ' VICTORY SERVES AS A TEXT h an , Short ztntl Tlmuiraiton _ % , imlresmm a MPCtItaK of hirtmmuimileflimm' ntt ltlr.ens ot liii' JpiasI- tinit .ttud ittu dana. Torah's surrender of Santiago to Sbafter le nt a imarticuhar InspiratIon to the ounce imu ecting last night of the NtIonai ltepub- Ile an lengimo at the expositIon mitiditorlmirn. Them was a pretty fmiir audience rrcsent w ith a oti sprimiltllng of women In it. T he nlghmt 'as lmheasant and the liulitling w as as comfortable a vlace as could be found an ywhere. I'reabdent Chmathcs I.'Inter of tim e Nolmnaska league , Judge hayward , Deli'l gm mto McCreary , Key. Fletcimt-r Sissoil of ( lie I l ansconu Park Metimatibt Rpiscopal church nu t ! NatIonal Secretary D. hi. Stifle hind se ats omm the platform near time three speaks - en s , Senator Joint M. Thiurston , Chance M. h an of CoummcIl Bluffs anti Frank hi. Short of Presno , Cal. Appropriate patrIotIc nutisIe ca ine ( room time Pawnee City band of forty- si x Pieces , statbomicul back on the hilatfonmn. ha h enry hell , a WInnebago lliltIiti ( voter , hiit a flag-tIme omme hiresented to 'rimttratnn co unty mit time State lengue convention. hlolt w ile nccompaimied by hIs wife , the flehil m atromu of the Winnebagoes , mint Delegate W ij : , l'eebles of tiaL county. The waving of th is limig mt'iublo ( ho banti hmInYetl several fa miimtr ( mitre Statted time euthtmMasmu ott thu im art of ( ho audience and warmed timIngs up. R vcry ( tune unentiomm was loathe of the ear- re nder of SantIago the audience shioutt'd It- se lf imoarse , amid each of thi. speukers omen- ti ommed it In some way or another , Semmmulor T hurstomi received quite an ovatIon , tfle au- dt ctmco rising to Its feet unit cheering Litmn. In opeimuxmg ( lie unectimmg National h'resl- d eiit Crawford recalled vhmat had becti ( he ef fect of hiohdimig time convention of tIme Na- (1 0mm ! ii'imgiie In Louisville In 1803 , lii wlmu- im ing over to time ropubhican coltmnin time th omnoermitic strongholds of Tennessee , Keti- ta cky mind Maryland , the last. umaummt'd state e ven giving Mr. MeKtmuloy a majority of i3 ,000. "While time republIcan states of Ne- b raska nut ! ansas , " salt ! lie , "u're givIng th eIr electoral vote to time demimocratle cmiiii d idate , these three states vere retrieving ti me honor of the republIcan liarty. " lie li upech tIme effect ot hohdlamg time commveumtiorm b ore ( huisyear vould be to redeem Nebraska. T ime republIcans here ham ! asked ( ho Na- ti onai league to come to Omnuba and help t iment do so. hurl itt ( 'nimnell fliu1T , The first. s1metmler hntroducemi , after time b nimti lint ! hillyeti ) the "Star-Spangled Ban- 'n or" and "Marehilmig Timromtgh Oeorgta" was C harles Al. Hurl of Council Bluffs.'hilhe ' o ur colors float er Sammtipgo our democratIc fr iends chuargo us with imperlahisni , " said h e. Ills speech was a clear enunciation of ( h o Positiomm of ( be republican pmmrty and a ii aipy revIew of Its record. in the course o f it he said : TIme campaign of ISItS s'Ill be memorable 1m m our irnhitlcal annals because of tIme bight p haume emi mrimlch ( lie battle mnumtt be fought. \ s Ithi the eons of Neii Emiglaud amid South C arohimma battling shoulder to imboulder for t he nation's hag , amid time scIons of New Y prlt a ' .4OO" Idc hy side with ( ho brawny m uumers from time ivest , pourIng out their l ife's blood in defense of time nation's homier , t bo Arnerlcumn people will have no patience w ith the PettY dIfferences anti cOntenlofl W hich itavo not Inaptly been termed "pea- li mit iolltics. " No man or party wIll this ) ear appeal to local Interests or sectIonal hm rejudicee , or attempt to array class against c lps or section aganst septton In the face o f the aroused national spIrit of our people. WithIn the last two months it lies hieemi d m'nmommstruted that no foot of soil over w hich our Slag floats is tIme "enemmuy's couo- t ry , " and thiat patriotic devotion Is confined t o ho clae , section or party. As was Ioreseen , the Cuban sear , with its r emmultammt victonio , has opened mm wide field f or the exercI8e of Anvnican statesmansbp. Never before in time hIstory of our govern- mont. have we been confronted wIth grMer o r more far-reaching problems. Never be- f ore has there been greater need of wise , c onservative stateenmanebtp , cairn juilgunent a nd emihlghtemmed patriotism than In tbn qiles- t iomis now crowtitmm upomi our attention and which have In the last few weeks been the s ubject of partisan debate in time federal c dflrebs. Time repubhicaum party has been singularly f ortunate ha its choice of leaders.Vhemm thin c all to arms in 1SGI brought us face to face with the roost mmtupentlomi contest of the , a ges the rapubhican party gave to the anion - ( ion tue most illustrious manln Its history- t ime statesnman , emancipator and martyr- , Abrahanm Lincoln. Whmemu the imeresbes ol tf he greenback party swept congress from Its ! f eet and w.i were in danger of repudiation n ut iqulatlon , repulilbcanlsrq gave to us time I mmovable amid imperturbable Grant , 'a'hosc . i 'eta saved rue from time abyss of repudiation , made ( lie resunptlon of specie payunetmts mm p ossibility anti laid ( lie fourmdntiomi for otir ' s ubsequent financial legislatIon. When It became necessary to choose a leatler for this t c ontest against the free silver fahlaey amid L a chIef executIve to adminIster time affairs I o f state through thin crucial period then con- f renting mis. the republican party summoned f rom hIs Ohio home the gallant soldier , iii- . t repit ! leader timid experienced etatummali W'ilhinan McKinley , Worthy successor of this u great men who imave occupied title high oflire , ime stands today as a tYno anti rep- resenntivo ( of tbe Intense patriotism and calni judgment of time American penpio. lie thiectmssed time financial qtmestlon at S olon length anti believed that the complete ulflhlrnent of tbe gold etmimudard pledge of t ime St. Lottie platform rounded out time p olIcy of thi par Wolcott's failure to h ave tin International agrcemnermt hind tuade I t imatent to everyone that. international hi- netalhismo was not feamtibe , and tim speaiicn , t herefore , thought time maititemmance of atm ta a bsolute mmlumgitm gold htandar'l ' tIme only thing l eft. Short eta ( Ihti Glory , \i.'lmen time apmiaueo ; following hue effort hail Buhmeimled thin band played "Yankee J ) oomile" anti "Dixie , " thin audIence imeumuilmig , mhi cheer after iieer. TIme next eiwaluor trims Fraumk Ii , Short of Fni-rimmo , Cul. , who ox- i ressed hmimmuttelf fre ly on Spain , pnpuiismn p ad annexatIon , saying among other ( hinge : SIlica coanhiug lucre I have heard auth t ibomit htoPulilini.'tm have hiemird of it In CalIfornIa , but s'e never let it ruin over mti : us you have ( lohiC here. 'File popuilets are sony good , but unlugulmit'mi nmut'mu. .Mr. hirymmht is a good man mmmiii I like to find iil klnuti of umieni In time opposition , comimtliioninig the character of tile party. Ihut I believe tItle iii mitt era of the return of sanity and sntmtmd j udgno'nt lam tiit' United States. The populhmihit are fushtig with tIme denmoerats iii our stale lie In otitc'rmm , but h think tue easiest , quirk- est anti surest route tot' ( bean to their htolit- ieai grave is to fuse. ( laugh1er nuiml tthm plmmtise. ) Thin repubilcnam Imart' humus been born to perpetuate lime tilihy of the cotiitry i-tm- joitued by Wamtlmiugtomm'tm farewell address. Thit're 1mm , itowimver , a temitlency tomhmiy to tmutx UI ) iu'lthi time powers of thin world. I ladlictm we ought to hmuilmi tin' NIcaraguan canal antI I think ( lie ammnexntiont of hawaii vae right hecaueu wit needed it , but I domm't can , io much wiit're ( lie btag of our country floats nit hour it floats. I tlon't wamit ituore ermbjects , but mmmore loyal cltizcuia. Today time reputm- Ilcan harti' can give to tue world a most tamagnIfhceo lesson of coneervat lye victori' anti httmmmiiii jmtittictm-hie utiost immagmilficeut it ever auto' . Thi dr'mmiocratbc party tin longer lain-mu Itself seriously. All the nt'publlcaui party has to do is to bc true to Itself anti time solemn trust iniposed upon It , 'iiiut Seuauilar 'l'iurmilimui Sn Id , Mr. Short's words wro frequently up. phauiid By iuity of variation the baud imtruck map "Dora Deane , " antI then Senator John 'M. Thimmrstou said roe did not tinhc this was a polItical year. "It Ia a pmi'nloilo ) 'ear and I am glad ( ima ( the unusha of ( ho 'km tm nlon been rearranged anti that the s ame band can play 'Yankee IJoohle' anmi ' DIxt' In every corner of the Unltet ! S tates. " This is not a polItIcal year-it is a Pml- tt niotlc year. That La why ( Lie varty that is t rtmcst to ( lie flog lam this patriotic year sI hall get time eufirages of the isophe , Our I sn lmug nct'r mu'nt'ed on so mnatuy imtilncS , Wad n ever cheered In so ninny places , trite never sr een in so utiany ht'unIspheres , was hover r espected so much as it is today by ( ito nfl- ( tons of the earth. ( Lotttl applause ) . That's t hy reason we arc goitug to have a repub- lg l lcnui year , ( Aiimlnus again. ) threat is the g lory of tume victory for huuounuilty. Today there arc contentet ! Ilresldes everywhere - where , wimt're inert alt down to etujoy (1,3 , b lessings of resliectuibie smut remiuuiut'ral lye e muupioynmcuit. Thm repuibhlcmtmm immurty has kept i ts prentice , as It always has done. mind line n imened time doors to tlut' ttiueumploycd. Thit'l l lrnshmcrlty of time coutntm-y Is otum'e inure cmi- wart ) and umpwarul ; golti Is imgnimm ilotu ing fm'omum i 'urope to our choice amid a loan otmee nmor f eels preum ! to be ii torkiumgumian. hitut thuc' o ppositioui ene ' 'Thii : ; Is till thic' lmrn'itic'miec' e f ( lot ! " Now , dim ! yott ever slop to roam- s lulrmr that ( lie pret'Itieuuee of ( lot never b immsetl time people except tvlwn the rt'pmuhm' l lcamn party Is in lmomver ? I l.mummglmtet' nod c hmt'ers. ) It t'mts so with Liuicchtm lii 1StO : so wIth Grant at ppoumattox : so with lew& ' ) ' a t Manila , so with Shatter at 5amiim'gmi ( it tO ad o .wltli tim ( ' reimubilcan party nmud'Illinni MetCiimley. ( Lout ! nppiauise. I vas glad wiicn two years ago at St. h , ouiimi Mr. MtaIey truis uuoiuinnted. lie- c amuse lie was thmt' choice of tiiv luhtulu. commu- u uiOhi lmt'Oltlc , oui for that mmnmuiuimutbotu time t iiatmks is dumo time i-artiest , heroic tumid tireless e fforts of time 1topibiiCnul National league. & ' , 'hiere h'iirliI 11mM' Vu m Do you kmuout' i'hat you exported to find witch you t'rutmie ( more ? Youm ttiomtghit yeti t vomuld see faces as sati as ( tic' speeches of Mr. Bryan nuiti time ; ram'ies ( given over to the gopiiei'e amid tiatmt farnilmig couldn't pay w'll cimotigim for tutu to have so nttcccititftth an ox- pr'eltiun ttzm time 'hransrnIPl hln5utiOmi. \'hty , ray old friend , Jmmdge Lomugemierker of ChIcago , ammo of the boonmers to whiuumn ( lie \Vorhd's fair hind been next to till lust great day , ktiowa iiom' that the \\'orld'e fmtlr was m iothiiuig cotiiptmreii to oar TrauiiunuiilsissilPl RXmOSitlOlm ! ( Lnttghmtcr. ) Farnmlng does pay I f you v.41 ! let thmtm fariumers work limeteruti of worltlumg ( Ito fmtrmers. ( I.oUd immumnhuter. ) lie dtvelt ror a time on time tvar ivlthi S pain , was nroumd of the jiart Ito hod taken i n sendimig tittm flog to Cuba : believed time ' war Was practically at an did with time two S pnmuish fleets swept from tin , semi nuul the e tmrrcnder of Samitiago , all at ivimich luiui b ream done wbthlmi ninety days. The oniy t hing ho Was tmfrahl of wami That time ivar vottltI be over before tiiie nation cotilti lati i ts soldiers In Porto lUco mind take posees ion of that key to the Mexican gulf. lie a lso reniarketi on thii' tmmiity of time coummmtrY t hat Nelmraskn needed ( ho inIllIotm of the te ast. The gr 'at agricmmltumrai west. amid time I hmmaumchnl east neci.leti each oilier. "If you v oto the reiittbiEcamm ticket , " aiti hue , ' 'there w'iil be no coat and west , as there hs rmov r io longer any north or south. " WILL NOT RESTRAIN ITALY ' TI. ii. Go'ernuumeu I i ttr,1-d tim e .1 madt- iitnt Agimi ameil ( 'oiuuiihptit uiatd it SImnulmi Ihtu I'ailil. WAShINGTON. July 34.-Ouir govenmiamiomit i i ; ss'atchmtag with Interent the mutcOinc' of t hin clash between Italy mind Colombia. grow- tl l ug omit. of the Cermmtti arbItration. hmmasmmmcii as our govenimment rommdercti the tle.hsion agaInst Coloinbla it is hard to see how we cami protest against tba imislstenm'e of Italy upomi a Lorcible coliectloii of ( late Jumigmnent , m mii there is 110 milspesitltmn to do so , providc'tl i t iii understood ( hint miii ) ' acqitialtiomi by I taly of thin hiort of Carthiagena. is emily lean- porary amid limited in duration umiercly to the ( ( me necessary to collect thu debt. Meanwhile correspondencu hi progrezsiimg i n thin prosecution of no effort by ( lie Uiiltcd States to lrYmluee a peaceful sttloimemit of time Issue which will not. involve further commtroversy. It. was smippOSei ( today that our govermmnient was about to tntcrposcm to prevent - vent the ettfot'ceflient of time ItalIan tie- mantis , but thIs is without foundatiomi. , 3dNl'itTS ANI ) EUI'OlTS FOIL .hlJE , I'ornier Sliov ( I , niar Juiereasc' , hiimt ( hue Iailior Ai Smaller. WASHINGTON , July 14.-Time ninntiily statcnmcat of thin imports and exports of time United States for time month of June , 1898 , imnd for the whole of ( lie fiscal 'ear jumet closed , ahiows that the exports of domestic nicrohandise during June amnotmnted to 2 , . 994,401 , an increa'e over June , 1897 , of over $21 ,000,000. , The imports of merchanuilso during June aggregated $51,267,501 , of which $22tfl7,877 was free of duty. This is a decrease in the dutiable mnerchandlso imported of $ i70O- 000. 000.Thto Thto gold imports during Juno unmounted to $3,184,744 , ogatnet $650,43 for June , 1897. The exports during time month were $37.5- 629 , as compared witim $7,625,678 ( roan time previous Jmtne. Tue silver exports amounted to $4,1G(0 ( , a decrease of mmearly a mmiihlbon from Jumie , 1897 , The sIlver imports were $799,755 , a decrease of miearly $200,000. The figures for ( be fiscal year almow an increase as comimpared wIth 1897 in the cx- ports of iloowatie omerciimmnmmhise of $178,260- 412 , and a decrease of $38,120,059 in the dutiable imports. Time gold exports for ( lie year show a decrease of $24,789,793 , immud ( lie Imports atm increase of $33,762,45L The cx- ports of sliver shmuiw a decrease of $6,088- 484 , and imports a ( iecreaeo of $220,444 , - . - - ' % W - . . # iRT AT TIlE EXPOSITION ) L- . LTIme TIme Pictutre of M itlc'h time Peolmie uiever tire n ra ! mt'iiiehi nlthiefll'i alike to tlmne who are ta aittttoremi itt art mimit ! to tboo tvlmo have ( F eel , time nrt treasuires of ( itt' torlth Is time l agoon coturt Iuu the evening , Timers. ens' is mi nt disturbed ii ) ' mmmi euutiemitor to matutierstanti t ite tt'citiiithtte of ( lie artist or to accept his p oint of view. TIme architects have tu orkeut t ogetlucr 1mm bnrtumotiy mmmiii tIme result is a ur liole u imichm iam its tummity of timouight , of Size , ( I f diameter mintl style promimmece on effect ( limit wttlmotu ( analyzing vu feet is beautiful. Time builmllaags itt thmt , simple , classic' out- h ut's art' ito inmiger bhnzimig trimite ; time ) ' have Lt eeommw' epmmlesceuut nit they reflect 11w' ciutng- l og iigimt of tIme setting emtai. , \mitt hater. \i hen tiiese glories hmnu'e lmasseti mind time li utlltllnge mire ommiy a uthihintiette ogninet the c ity , we vtmmuuwuuce to mtitprecuuite their s tately mint elegmitut hues as scout imletumrcti a gnitmat time deep blur' Inut'kgrottaud.'hiat ml t'pthi a aiml imrofmmmmd I (3. ( imas t lie sir y-mu miii how ih ltlietmit it is for time hmnhamter to rclmrcmment I lmis depth tvitii pigiumonte ! iiutt It. is not tt tii' ( itt' color ( 'fleets of liii' lagoon commit w hich ale c'hiuunumiuuig It 1mm time enimupottItlen a s tm'eih. In mu good Imicturt' ( lie flgttres am ! i CcemiSorIes wIll be ate nrrntigetl amuti immth - a tuvt'tl mum ; it ) forum an ngrecmthhe comuiposihnam ( i ii ut gnotl nh'riitect anal design tim dIfferent p arts of Out' t imolt' w'thl hot only halatmrm , , l itmt miutast Ic' simiihl.ir In et'lo vItltouut hic'- 1 1mg munuotoiuiits. tmntl will mnutiross timt' spet' . t ator as beitug LImit omml' nmrangehmmcatt ioa- c ubic. A brithge , or the emmubammkmumc'nt of ut lake i n ; ( Ito Itotmutiutmu hmavc' simon ii tie , mire as lelt' i nmate stmhmjects tar ormiatument as a ( cimipi. or a 1111 In cc ; a amtl I t Is by ( lie j tul I ioti s iilit mm mm o f t.hte , hagoomi. time steps , thin terrares itmutl t I ! I ) eel otimma mlt' , mis tatutchm it a time hut i I ml bugs t hmeuiselves , that ( iii' ( 'hOOt i so honed. Time h agoomm at time west cmiii irnatli'tms , omit into a trufoli-rtbmipetl biurmitu called time ' MIrror , " s o ( bat froumm time OitIltSitC cmiii it S cautiru s umrface cammmmot be seen nut ! its side holmes t iIrziimlenm' lieltiimtl time enmis of ( lit' Agmlcmml- t ural mimmu ) lImme Arts huthiuiings , ivIuig thin hn h mmihJrcrmiuImmt of greater expansion to the right n mmtl left. This oumtiiamtm of ( lie lagoon Is n cveitetl ( by the cttrveti colmumuuamies 'which f ollow ito fornm mit a ( Itstnnee of fifty feet. f iomum the \uiter's edge. Toward ( lie east. ( mm : ' lagoon lit umuut'rnvcm' , tmiutl time senuicir- cmilimr eimtl is euimpbmmsizcm ! by a curveml tiatiblo stnut'eamtm , , which coamverges ( I ) it Poitit om' ( lie m mmaIam axis mvltere it is neccaitetl ( ' time 1may11- t out itt front of time vlamlumet-thmls imavillon I s cotmnecteti wIth tIme ElectrIcity timid MImics ' . m mmii titumhmmg bulidumig by minotber cuirvod c ohormumailm , on time itimper terrace-thom pergola -wimich boom ) will be roveretl witim greemi vimues. Back amid rising hmighm mtbo'e this , t ime mmmalmi axis is mmgaimi accented itt the cast by time two towers of ( ho restaurants wlulcii , whmllo iii barmumomt' with time oilier buildings , a re at time sauna thou machi lighter In inntlvo mmmii tlme' balonee ( hue Govertimuuent bmmbhdlng at. the opposite cud by hindu' mlliTorence tim forimi as tmmuchm as by their size anti Inca- ( ( aim. The tlisbropottloltattm hcmmgthm of the l agoon comuipared to ( itt' width Itt disguIsed by the lslaamti in ( Ito eemmter , whIch is coat- i mectefi by bridges to ( lie 'mrchm of States on tIme south namtl tIme Amiammlaalstrntion arch oum the imorthm-.thme vea.y lmenutiful aamii appro- unlate terminations of time short axis of the lagoomm. A series of terrace show us tlmat time archmitects have thins solveti ( Ito problem of time thlffercnco iii gradp between thin east anti west. ends of time lagoon. Time balustrade , timi , stairways Itiatltamg down to ( lie u'acr's ( edge , time rtrratigezntjmuj. for ( he electric lights-all help to give time artistla emmecoiiile. Time mnmmtenlah , too , of wluiclm ( hue imttlldlngc are constructed aids in a gra.it mimeatmuro thu appearance of beauty anti elegant-tm. A stoamu buIlding is preferred to 0mm of brick or wood , time * ] tmsign being equally appropriate Ve admire a marble hullflimmg unoro tiiati oao of stone , because of its greater costit h ose. Of vcxmrso in a fleeting oxpoailoa ito cannot expect. to timid these mnatcnia's , but we finti the samtme efft'et is obtaimiel by cover- J ug the Iitmlldings with staff. To time ordinary observer it gives time same inupression of beauty ammd granticur that the nmono ( ltmnmlbio anmi morn IflaS.9ivc Class of matcnlais do. Everyone wimo vIsIted time exposition dun- i ng its mmnocess of cemustructiomi ivcre inter- c'steil in watching time workmen ummouhdlmmg the cnlmmmimns , the capitals , tIme details of onumaumetit. anti evemu time limit pieces of time ivahis. The staff itself is mimaihe of plaster of Paris , some ccrmmeamt. mnmd jute fibre , wlmicb Is easily cast Into amiy formn desired. After It has been run into the mould It quickly nets amid is timen' taken otut to be u iaiieml in its proper place. The nailheade , cracks and crevices are afterwards iihhtlen with one or two cents of Imlanter , whichu nmako time imutilmhlmigs appear as if (1103 , had come full grown framim thmcir cremttor's imanti on Mlimcnva sprang full anmmicd from Jupiter's head. As it. Wmi iniporatlvo tltat ( hero be sauna unirorumity lit the style of ( lie arcliitectmmro anti as ( Iii' first requIsite for oxpostUoai bulitilmmgn lit plenty of floor space to contaIn time cxhtihits , ivhulchm aier'essitaes ( loamg , low buildIngs , anmi as time classic arlaluts itself to ( ito variant requiroumienbu of an eXpomiitbo tIme classic style was chosen by ( imo archii- tectmt-in-ciaief to Ilrcdoinimimtte. Wo may not be able to ace thin Rrcc'thmurn , time L'arlmemion ( , the l'attthieomi or St. h'Ltermu , l mumt ltcre at mar doer ice may study tIme order or the ornamnont from each of these wnrld fmumncd buildIngs , hThIhL I\'ANS , ANHEUSERBUSCU BEER. Contains evcry element that makes a healthful and desirable beverage , Purity , Perfect Brewing , Proper Age , Giving piquancy , zest , satisfaction , true refreshment. The Original' The Faust Budweiser The Anheuser- The Michelob Standard The Pale Lager Brewed and bottled only by Ike ANHEUSER1SCH EWINO Ass'N ' ' 1NOT I-lOW ChEAP ; BUT 110W GOOD" Is the Arsociation's 6uIdin Motto , Good , pure , clear , ha1Ii1ul ! Beer , mack of selected grains , costs more to make than thc ndiIkrtnt Itnd , , thc.reforc commands a hIgher price. Anhuser.Uusch ileer is srrvcd on all Pullman and Wagnzr Dining and Bullet Cars , all Ocean and Lac Stcaniers , and In uII ( lic be.1 UolcIs , Cafes , Clubs , and families , Used by Army and Navy and at Soldier ? homes , NO CORS\I USED. CORN BEER S NOTHINC BETTER THAN I CHEAP 1TATON OF CENUNE BEERS MALT.NUTRINE , the purest Malt Edract-.thc , Food Drink-a boon to the weak and convalescent-is prepared by this association , i3cautilul new bonidet free , Anlicuscr'liusch Urewin Ass'n , St. Louis , LI. S. A. . , - - - - - - - - - - - -