Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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f3 _ _ _ _ Tni ; or2ir. DAITX 1i:1 ? : : 1tEnNEsDA1JULY : 1L 1898. V _ V
Vr- , .
Jub 13 Is.
I Our Advanced Styles
Are oniy surpassed by our large assortments
and prIce correctness ,
i SrevLq.halhl
July.rj 111U V
I1A ? reaton ii we
V i4iit are selling
: choice Wash
' hail : 1)FICO.
ChoIce lOc Lawns at c.
Choke 12 ½ c Lawns and flimitleR nt
7'cc :
Cholconh F'fllrICS at lOc , 12c , 13c.
i . Come and see for Vourseif. V
1 Special Sale Yoreigii Wash
4 Goods.
Cholco of ill our 4c Colored F'roncli
Orgnnifle8 , 1c per ynrd.
: Cholco Ot nit our Oe nni 25c. Colored
Orgatidjca ot. lOc per yard.
: ChoI of nil our 25c Irish Dimitles at
: 15c er yard.
: house Pretty Lawii
' VrappcrsrI.aIlers. : .
pntt rnn at 1.OO each.
Wllt ' Chnp Silk \Valiits-8orno tucled
fronts-omc made plain-will wash
like rnulIn-at $2JO each.
: llosery-Ladies' black cotton
1 oe
V very good rpiality , double toe , solo
, and heel , 23c.
Also a vey good hose lb black for 20c
Extra fln Black Ribbed Lisle hose for
' children , In all sizes. only 20c pair-
: would ho good value at 25e.
Children's Hats All our child-
, and . Bonnets ren's
I t. V f netsreduccd to
: 150 each. V
A lot of Cltildrenn Mull Bonnets , to-
( IUCCd to Oc each.
Neapolitnii Cups , in whtte and colors ,
, : at 50e each.
1 Pretty mull trirninel Straw hats , 1.OO
1 and $1.25 each.
Li nderwcar Ladies Ribbed Silk
. Vesth. .
lo neck and slcevetsi , fancy edge ,
V white , pink , liue , cream and lavender ,
, sizes 3 iind 4-50c ; 6 antt1-Oc.
'ery fine qunhIt7 lndis 'Pure Silk Vests ,
low. neck and sleeveless , all colors ,
$1oo each.
Clil1drn's Jersey TUbbed Vests , square
neck and sleeveless , fancy crocheted
pdg3 and Bilk tape , white , 1o each.
Notion Needitils 'rlicse are
safely best of
their sorts.
lint I'ins , white and black head , ic each.
i'm Cubes , ns'orted colors , at tc , lOc ,
12 ½ c. l5c and 20c each.
skirt Binding specially adapted for
linen , duck and crash stilts , lOc and
15c ier piece.
Iarning Cotton , 2 halls for 5c.
Curling Irons , c and lOc each.
Self thrcading Needles , lOc vcr paper.
hair Nets , tc and lOc each.
Brooks' Glace Spool Cotton , 4c per
dozen. V
.ty. . Umbrellas and
; ; :
/ / ' / 1)1'Ofl1LE , metal
I I'OlS ( , iatural
handles at
26 Inch Twilled Silk 1mbrehlaii. metal
rods , iutural wood handles , $1.25 each.
A large assortment of Umbrellas , with
natural oOd or fancy hamhies , from
$4.00 to $12.00 each.
All of our Fanc' Parasols at greatly
reduced Prices.
SiIIC Oloves Cool and com
and Mittsfortable these
bet clays.
Lathes' Black Silk Gloves. reduced
from 50c. Oe , 70c and 75c to 23c ier
Pair. ,
Lilies Iliack Silk Mitts. 2Zic , 3c , 40c ,
Oc and 76c cr pair.
Iadles' Cream Silk Mitts. 2c and &Oc
lcr pair.
-4 -
. ;
_ _ _ _
of view than tim demonstration proposed
against San Juan do Porto Itico , which Is
tIndCrBtOOl to he the next number on the
program , hut which the navy authorities
believe vii1 not amount to much , becauFe
ot'the reduction of lhefcI1ses. Every ship In
Watson't squadron has been furnished the
very latcst charts. not only of the coasts
or Spain and of the Mediterranean , but or
. track courses that whit take them clear to
the l'hihIppines. In addition to this the few
$ olilcors assigned to the vessels of this
; squadron , but not yet aboard. have received
; orders from the department to go to their
. ships at once. Notice of the departure or
: some of the vessels therefore may be looked
for at any moment.
lgrztiias froit , ( Ike l'icet.
i .
Secretary Long Is in receipts of telegrams
V of fl. personal nature from Commodore Schly
anti It i believed from Admiral Sampson as
f ; veil. It Is SliPlioSed they have been called
'I ' forth by the newspaper controversy over the
I CtCIIt for the victory over the Spanish
squadron , a controversy vhich is inot earu-
cstly appreciated by the officials of the Navy
; , 1peItmeflt. Secretary Long ( lecilnes to nake
' publictho5c : cablegrams though It Is believed
; ; that they tend to demonstratO the existence
t or. good relations between the two officers
and a disposItion on the part. of both to be
' mludgcd strictly according to the canons of
- narahiav ; Admiral Sampson has cabled to
; the department that he believes the wreck-
flgpftfl which Is iiow on its way down to
Santiago to endeavor to save some of the
Spadish ships Is suilicient for the purpose ,
so far as the question of mere capacity Is
. . , 0011cern4'l. ( The naval oilleor arc Particu-
_ Thry ) desirous that the Oristobal Colon shall
be savcl ( and Idaced on the American list
tinder th anghicized name of Christopher
( ( 'oiyriglt ) , iSDS , by Associated l'ress. )
TiRS. ' July l1.-VIa ( ICingston , Jamaica ,
. .JtlyVI2.-FighIting ) contInued tiuring the day
apd at this hour , it is believed that the city
of Santiago will bo captured by the Amen-
ca,1 , forces within the next twenty-four
, hours. 'Fh Americans hiavo advanced stead.
ily nil day. In several of thio Spanish
treticheS , our tIoOi)3 found dummy wooden
guns nid no Spanish soldiers.
There was a very weak fire from the
panishi troops and the American troops have
received further CrIlOnCO of the great dl-
tress existing In Santiago.
S9reIlson juts ieCfl granted a permit
I t jr et. ii eadago at 2015 Alanderson Street
t9c t.l.OOO.
j , .Tho city council alournod its regular ses-
I short of laM night to tonight , a the mu-
3oritY of thp niondens wished to nttcnd the
republican convention.V
'A bill of sale has bcen glyen o the Chit-
ford ' Olympia Theater compnny of Chicago
! hy harry Ii , Clifford for all the scenery anti
otluu' ttfer'1s about the Clifford Gaiety theater -
ater In this city and thio.Castno on the ext -
t lsttioxr grouiitls. 'l'bu cotisiticration is $10-
There worn a numerous lost of washouts
Id the city Iarks as the result of the heavy
I rdln all pf'about a w'eohc ego anti the entire
iIil. , tore hiss been busy lii repairing this
titim'age. lb most of the cases the repairs
nrt3 j1nshNl anti the park roadways are In
usjoot ahubo as before the rain ,
thintil.ttu t h e 5 1 o ni a C it ,
' _ rotte tito hIve r ; cure biiIou.
itt' % , htiAthtCiti' , tiizltn's , pu
, 'ur ' .titnch , cotIstIIaUon.
, etc. 'rJce 's cirts. nkj by all drugiBt
ito ouly 1111 * to tab with fluod'i SarsssriI a
- _ _ _ _ _ - - -
. ' The Omaha Bee
I. of Cuba Coupon
V , Present this Coupon with I
, lOclor I I
AMapofCuba. I
' A Map ot'the West Indlea.
And a Map or the World ,
By Mall 11 ccflts.
. : . .
- -
- - - - - - - - - V
Secures ISIs % 1,1Iiitiiieflt Its Surveyor
of Ctistuiiis ( if ( Ike l'ovt
of Otalia.
WASHINGTON , July 12.-Specinl ( Tole-
grain-Tho nomination of Colonel C. S.
Chase to be surveyor of customs at the port
of Omaha , made by the president today. was
bold for consideration for some time in view
of protests tiled by citizens of Omaha
against the proposed appointment. These
protests filed with Assistant Secretary Vait-
deniip of the Treasury department reviewed
Chase's career while mayor of Omaha and
went into innumerable details as to his
ability to perform the duties of the office.
Senator Thurston , however , was pledged to
Chase months ago and in view of the fact
that while mayor Chase appointed Thurston
city attorney the senator felt that a senti-
meat was Involved in the matter which lie
could not overlook. Before leaving for the
west Thurston had an Interview with President -
dent McKinley relatIve to the protests on
file in Colotiel Chase's case and reviewed at
length their importance as having bearing
on the situation , I'resident McKinley agreed
with the senator that the latter was the
best judge of the fitness of candidates for
local offices in his state and accordingly the
nomination was made today. C. D. Wood-
worth vas the most prominent candidate
against Chase , having the support of Assistant -
sistant Sc'cretary Vandenhlp. John Itosicky
was also SPokeil of highly , but. the lroiulse
itiado by Senator Thurston that he would
look after his old friend was strictly ad-
hicred to.
The headquarters of the Nebraska dole-
gittion of school teachers at Hotel Cordon
lii attendance on the National Educational
association presented a dreary aspcct tonight -
night , many of those s'hio have been pur
ticipatitig in tim exercises of 11:0 associa-
tioii having left on side trips covenag
southern , middle and New England states.
The headquarters will be closed tomorrow
and by tomorrow itight there will be but
few educators heft hero. The attendance
generally has been much smaller tItan vns
eXIOCted ,
Thio receipts from the sales of war revenue
stamps itromiso to exceed the estimates.
They are running strong at the present
time , the htiiiy average being considerably
iii excess of $1,000,000. The belief is be-
glutting to be expresseti by this treasury of-
ticials that the war bill will yield $250,000-
000 to $300,000,000 instead of $150,000,000 es-
titnated by the framers of the bill. This
large influx will enable Secretary Gage to
keel ) thu bond lrOCCCdS ) In circulation larger
than would otherwise be the case.
Postmistress Susan C. Carpenter was today -
day appointed custodian of the postoiflee at
Fort Dodge , In.
Na t I 1,11,11 II tICISI 1011111 A NNfl'lZ % t lou
COIIIIeN Ia U U Inti I IL I lit' t1liist
of Grent flit thlliNlaMuil.
WAShINGTON , JulyI2.-In the presence
or over L000 perrons , the rnaorlty of whom
were delegats , the Sessioui of the National
Educational ossoclation came to a chose tO-
night , The colivention was concluded by
thu viut assemblage rising iii their .soais
anti singing "America. " t its conclusion
there was an outburst of cnthusiasm such as
is seldom seen Ia this city.
Toniglit.'s mcetipg v'as held in convention
ball , in order that accommodations for all
might ho secured , Prfsl4ent Greenwood presided -
sided , and after an invocation by Rev.
Thomas S. ilamhin , a series of tea minute
epeechie made.
The speakers nail their topit were as ( oh-
Iowa : "Sonic Fundamentals In Teachiag , '
J. P. harvey , Milwaukee , \Vis. ; "SocloIoy's
heniand Upon the Schools , " J. F. Mills-
paught , Sail. Lake City , Utah ; "Between
School and Reform Sehiool , ° C , G , Pearse ,
Omahe ; 'The I'rOper Education f an MacrI.
Can CitIzen , " 0. N. aresham , Kansas City ;
"Thu School of the Future , ' A. \Vinohip ,
Ihoeton ; "The I'orsonality of the Teacher , "
, J lit , Mime , Oneonta , N. Y , "Thu l.argdr
UniversIty Idea , ' Elmer E , Brown , Iiurkloy ,
After the report of the committee on rco-
lutions l'reshdent-eleet E. . I. Wlthtnian was
Introduced and delivered an address , At the
Close o his rcmark3 ti-ic singing of
"America" followed and the conveatiog ad'
journed , to ttieet in Los Aiugeies nct year.
Schloy iui Cool During the Fight ' iii When
Floating Ialy on Blockade. .
Only tInuu iCilleol ' , Vst Sinsiditig nt
CoiIIIloplore' , . Slole % % 'lteti iie
I'd i-Sn III 11f1)ii Igliores
It lIciieit.
( Copyrlght , ISDS , by Associated Press. )
JU1tAGUA , -Correspondonco ( of
the AssocIated Press.-Tho ) following do-
scrlptlon of the light between the Spanish
and American war ships near this harbor was
written by the only non.conibatnnt who witnessed -
nessed the entire light. That nen-cdtnbat-
ant was the correspondent of the Associakd
I'ress. 'hio saw the engagement from a
sitlon almost at the elbow of Commodore
Schley , on the United States armored cruiser
Ihrookln :
Sunday , July 3 , the fifth Sunday for the
Americans before antlago. atid the fltuilh
weekly anniversary of the lewCy victory aL
Cavito Out ! the fIfth since the discovery by
Commodore Schuiey of Admiral Cervera's
squadron , brought ito particularly diffdrent
sItuation from that marking the preceding
Sundays. Tue monotony , the hack of ldctur-
esqucness at daybreak , the bent of tli trdp-
leal sun-all were there. Over the tops of
the partly dcntioyeti earthwot'ls nppearod
the muzzles of the 511010 old gnus , quite
ready despite the Saturday bombardment
51)00k theIr piece if called upon , On the
slightly rolling sea the great battleships of
the American ileet swung mcii ) ' at a distance
of from four to five miles off the harbor
entrance. The line which at all times wn
BtilpoSeti to be a half circle enclosing the
harbor entrance as a central POlntVwas more
than ordinarily broken up this mornng.
The battleships had drifted to the cast , the
Massachusetts , New Orleans , New York anti
Newark were uiot iii sight. The New York
hail taken Admiral Sanipson toItares ,
eight miles east , to make a visit to the camp
of tile American army , while 'the other
mIssing essols vcro at Guantanamo , forty
miles to the east. The vessels on the block. .
ado vcro the Iowa , Indiana. and ' Oregon0
battleships , the Brooklyn , llagsblp of Corn-
tilodore Schley , and the entaIl yashits Gloucester -
cester and Vixen. The Iowa vuss swinging
a mile further out than the rest of the
squadron trying to fix her forward .twoivit-
inch turret , which was out of repair , . wluiie
the Indiana was doing the sauna thing to
her forward thirteen-Inch turret. The ab-
solutehy available ships in the squadron ,
therefore , were only the Oregon , Texas and
Brooklyn , although later both Capttiin Evans
and Captain Taylor fought their ships.
First Sigit li a : tIoe.
It is a custom on ships regulated by the
rules that there shah ho a general muster
at least Once each three months anti that
the articles of war shall be road. First call
had been soundeti at 9:15 : a. in. anti tile men
were assembling on tile dccks. The lookout
In the inastiicatl of the Brooklyn bail 501110
tinlo before reported smoke in ( ho harbor ,
but as the iaiiie tIling hid been noticed
several times no special attention Was haiti
to it. The Brooklyn anti thu Vixen were
the only ships to the west of the entrance ,
the others having drifted veil to the cast.
On the bridge Navigator Ilodgson of the
Brooklyn saId sharply to the lookout : "Isn't
that itnioko moving ? " and the lookout , after
a minute's Inspection with the long glass ,
dropped it excitedly and yelled :
"Thero's it big ship coming out of the
harbor. '
Ilodgson , who is a particularly cool man ,
looked once himself , and , grasping the
mogaphoite , shouted : "After bridge there !
Tell the commodore the coorny' fleet Is corn-
lag out. "
Comunotiore Schhcy was sitting tinder the
awning on the quarter deck. Going to the
bridge , lie said : "RaIse the slg1la to the
fleet , " and , turning to CaptaIn Cook , who
stood near , ho said : "Clear ship for action. "
Then lie vent forward anti took his place
011 a little platform of wood running on the
outside of the conning tower , which had
Ucen built for him.
The men with a yell went to their guns
and the rapid preliminary orders were given.
Schlcy , glasses in band , watcbctl tile first
ship turn out and saw it start for the west.
Still he gave no order to fire. The Oregon
opened with its thirteen-inch shells anti the
Indiana anti Texas followed suit , but the
range was a honge one.
Still the Brooklyn 'aited , but clown below
the coal was being forced into the furnace ,
every man was being worked and every gun
being loathe ready to fire. Schley wanted to
know which way they were all oIog or
whether they wouid scatter. In the meantime -
time the Oregon began to turn to the west
and the Texas had moved In closer and was
damaging tiio leading ship , the Ihfanta
MarIa Teresa. : . . :
All II'uttlCl % ( , $ ( . , .
"They arc dl coming west , str3boutcti
Lieutenant Sears , and just then Vtbe 'vestqt'1i
baticricts opened itp. "Full 'c1. ahead ,
open fire , " shouted the cornrpodor' , , "Fire
deliberately and don't waste a shot , " Ije
added , and the order was carrlql to. the
turrets. In an instant the Broqllyn's tot-
rifle eight and five-Inch batteries nn thc
port sub opened auid the cuuiscr.lleaded for
a point In front of the first esahiig shut ;
firIng at and receiving the fire ftbtn twbVo
theni , .
Commodore Sehihey saw that the first $11111
was coaling out from the slioreheaIn , d -
redly for the Brooklyn , with th eldcnt
Intention o ramming it. A. clover1naflq
Von was hero acccnnpllsbecl , "Jgrtij ( a-port
with your helm , " shouted Schhcy , and the
ci'uiser began to go around , tie emoko corn-
ilig froni Its funnels in huge VOhtiajes.
Quickly it turned anti Its big stqel rain
pointing at the first ship , 'rho ntauta
Maria Teresa had to work ill shore tiaoi4
being rammed. The shells the xas
and oregon , with the terrible storrnot
from tim Brooklyn , had done their work.ani
the eiuiOlw began to alpcar pOUriUg. ( rum
Its decks , V V '
Iii the meantime the converted yacht
Gloucester could be seen , with the hiep of
the Iowa , ohestroyiuig the two torpedo' hloat
destroyers that had followed the last tjhij
out. At 10 o'clocl the entire , app'y.qr 1
squadronoutside the brhot aud iUin
ripidiy westvartI. The Iowa anil , thq n-
diana could hot keep up the itc , bat. tlio
Oregon was coinhtig across to tue aesistaHee
of the Ihrooklyn , which at 10:05 : ya eagag-
tag the first three ships , the lufanid. Teresa ,
the Cristobai Colon and the Vlzcaya. At
10:11. : the Spanlob ships luaU all eoncentrate1
their shots out the Brooklyn , auid it was 1i
a perfect rain of shells , most of which ent
over it.
Standing in this hail of shells , Counniodore
Schlloy asked a young man named Elhi3 , who
stooti near him with a stadimeter , 'W'hat '
Is the distance to the Vlzcaya ? " The man
toolc the observatIon. "Twenty-two bun.
tIred yards , sir , " lie said , and there was a
whistle , followed by a splash , as , bus head
was literally torn from his shoulders
an eight-inch beh1.
"Too bad , " saitt Comznodorq , Sehl ' , as
the body fell to his Sect ; anti then y1t his
glasses to his eyes , lie acidctI "ThQ llrs
ship is done for. She is runnIng ashore , "
Thu MarIa Teresa was runn1pg 3 I
on the beaclt anti In sit instant iva.s a
of lIaIuIot3 , The lurooklyn vas oder to
colirelitrato Its lire on the 4'i.lioiraUte
Oquentio. atiti with the Oregon's assistance
iii ten tnlnutcot more the Oquonuld wAa Sent
a8hoa a btirnIn wrech , but a slioi'L dis-
tatico from npil5 o. The Iowa lii th'
mtantir.o , bath 1h 0.40 torpedo boa tie-
uctroytr a4id tv u oao aieea dniv.a
ahoto by the GIOucestet's terrific rapid fire.
At 10.40 the lirookiyn turned its atten-
lion to the 'tzeayn , the Cristobal Colon
having passed the hatter atiti now being in
tiUt bail vehi up tiio coast , At the time
thie odly vesSels ftc sight from tii h3t okin
were the Qegon , about a lathe nntl a halt
aster'ii , and the r xns , abdut three . miles
astern. At 10ti : the % lzcnyn was raketi fore
abti aft. clean along' ' its stilt dock , by an
eigiit-itich from the hiruoklyu , ' which ox-
idbhietl in Its superstructure with terrific
foni , hilling eighty PeOPle , It , was aflfe
and at 105 it benthd ior the beach at ,
Assoradcr , it went. ashore. 'Iho
Iirooklyn.ahItt , , not..stop , nit went on tIle
chase after the Cristolial Colon , the Oregon
closing rnphti' up and following.
The other essoIs at thIs time wore from
six to eigtttt iniks behind and Admiral
Sampson's 1laship , tlte New ork , was not
itt sight. At 11 : 15 thin . BrooklYn , slightly
injured by the ball of SpaniSh shehiR , atolipqd
firing and the chase lc.gnn , The mcli came
upon deck anti begtn to cheer , never hiceui-
lag the vhistie of the Spanish Bhehls. They
cheered for Scitley anti Clark anti for the
Oregon alti the Oregon's men returned the
cheers , a
ht'ii&'jiibCr the lllifle ,
Ji' to the' innsthed dt the Orugon-'tt'ent
a pennant , "Remember the Malt1e1rend
the signal officer. "Tell them * & hao , "
said Schiley , ani , there was a roar as thb
answer w4int tip , V The chase was in . full
force at. 11:55 : , the men out on the olecks
VatchIlI1g with great interest and as haply
as.Viarks. V Tue. Coloit , at. a ilistanca of , ibvo
miles , hugged the shore , but cliIe or-
deed thur' flregi to t ii v ' lici' , ai ibcu ,
1thi tlto iiroodyn ) , ho maile a strtiiglit couhte
for Cape Cntiz , around which the Colout
would have to steer on a long detour to
et 'away. .
All three ships vcre pumping along at
greaC speed , thb rnoko pouring out of their
funnels. In q hour the 1lreokl'n had
gained appreciably and so luau the Oregon ,
and Captain Clark of- the latter shIp. sig-
Ilalled over : "A strange ship , looking like
ah Italiafu , In the distance , " lie ulludetl to
tile fuict thit fijo r1stobai Colon was bought
ftoni Italy.
Schley , sitting netr the forward eight-
tacit turret , swingIng , his. legs and happy ,
saId : "Tell the Oregon she can try one of
those thirteen-inch. railroad trains on her. "
There was a terrible roar as the big shell
went by the Brooklyn , a moment of sus-
1)0050 nod watching , anti then a hearty
cheer as tile big shell struck tIle water
close ntern of hio Col n , four miles , away ,
Ahotiier s'ts. trlcl , . , reachicl tiio mjrlt and
there were more c1eers. Thoh tjio Brook-
lya openttl he'r forward anti starboard
eIght-inch guns anti one shell was seen to
go through the Colon at the V top of Its
armored belt. .
At 1:05 : p. m. . ltoth the Iirooltlyn rind tIle
Oregon were pounding away at the Colon
and In another ten minutes , nfOr return-
lag the fire in a desultory sort of way and
raithl- losing rouqd , it turned toward
shore. At 1:15 : it hauled down its flag.
With yells of delight the men poured out
of the turrpts of tue two ships , and when
a broom went tiit at the main mast of the
Brooldyit they began to cheer and did not
stop for ten minutes.
At. thIs time the only sbip In sight were
the Vixen , about five miles alay. and the
Texas , about seven miles away. The Ne
York was not in sight. As the big ships
moved in en the quarry the smoke ot tim
New York could be seen coming over the
horizon from the east , but it was fully
twelve miles away.
A heat was lowered from the Brooklyn
and Captain Cook went ajoard to recehq
the surrender. The rearaduniral In chargs
saId , with tears In his eyes : "I suurcuider
unconditionally to Commodore Schtloy. We
vere badly htuit anti cotihti not get away. "
While cptttiuitCooks boat waS coming
al6uiside Spanish captlvs 'shdutcd
"Bravo Am ( ct'no , " hnhi tIle Cret' responded
'I3ravo 5paniaut1p" . Whlie Captain Cook wits
retU1n1nV to Ii0Vflroklyn , tile New York ,
wit.h ' Admiral Sampson on hoard , came
along , ran in between the Bu'ooklyui
afnl the prize anti ordered Captain Cools
to send the pruuonrs bn board the New
Commodore Schley , seeing this , cnega-
phoned over , "I request the honor of re-
celviug the surrender of the officers of the
Crlstobal Colon. "
No answer was vouchsafed him from the
Now York , anti the ship that had not fired
a allot took the honor , Conlunodore Schlcy
then raised the pennant : "A glorious vlc-
tory has been won-details later. " The an-
swel' ( noun the N9w York was "Report 3VOUt
casualties. "
The Brooklyn was hit twenty.six times ,
but only one man , G , H , EllIs , was killed ,
anti only one man , J , II. Burns , a fireman ,
wounded. . .
The Colon went ashore at the place whore
the Vlrglnlus expedition iandetl and was
caplured years ago. Tue chase hind laate
fer : hours , and the Brooklyn , Oregon ,
Texas anti G'oucester ' had saved the united
States from the stain of ahioviiig the Span-
lali vessels Ut escape-the Oregon and
Brooklyn by their splendid chase and great
gunnery , the Texas by her t1ct uininetl went
elf the flrsttv'o shi1p , duiti Vth1V Ol6iucster
by Ifs mhrvelous 'attack jut the 'tlestro'ers.
Tile Almirante Oquead at 10:30 : o'clock
in th evening tarried over on Its 51(10 antI
Is- now Vlolng bcnten to pIece by the' * are ,
Its crew scuttled It before hauling down its
fluug. The paymaster' divided uptl'u' . oiuey
Oh b iird an'd al the Spanish' iIo'rs.eru
tveil supplied ,
' ICOJLt IC , hiuiden ,
LINCOLN , 12-Spegiaj ( Teicgrant.- )
I.ent ic , lJa3'de1I , receiver for tile CapltU
atIonai banl ( anti German National Winker
or titi city , died tonight from the otfect of
an Oyeidoo f ehlproform , lie returned
front a trip to hlalio Springs this afternoon
cpmpletcly worn out and used ib cbloro-
form te take a nap before attending to somp
urgent Uuiness , During sheep he turned
pVer with lia face in the ilandlserch1 anti
' ; as qead lljs wife vcut o wakq hjai ,
ifr , naydcn CSUIQ hieYQ ftOIfl Omaha BCCrDJ
ycarsago was lntcrested in sone of
lu etLy caulKs previous to uus appointment
as receiver of thu two bauk mentioned. lie
carriotl.soune lIfe insurance , but. how much
i not kqown. . .
V tIiN,4 , Vi 111111 Mn.V roi'hies ,
DAICOTA CITY , Nob. , July 12.-Speclal ( , )
-i\Iisa \ Anna May Forbes , aged iS years ,
only daughter of Mrs. Lihibie A. Forbes ,
tiled at her borne last evening uifter ii veek's
illness with congestion of the brain. Tue
tqnornl vaut lipid at VI o'clock this afternoon ,
11ev , V , K. Gray officiating.
itt''i'itl Ion to Hr.'o'ltt Ii ,
DiA. . 0. Welch of tue Seward Street
Methodist Episcopal church was formally
welcomed to the city and to his church yesterday -
terday evening , Special music was fur-
nishied by the choir and adriresacs anti
speeches of welcome made up the evenIng's
program. 11ev. C. N. Dawson of the Walnut -
nut 11111 Methodist Episcopal church , representing -
resenting tile pastors of Omaha , delivered
an address of welcome , In which lie foul
of the need that there was in Ounahua of
good , substantial Methodist ministers. of
tile future before Dr. 'tveieh In his church
and of the good wishes given hint Ity lit"
itastors of Omaha.
Mr. T. F. Stturess , troasurar of the
church , welconuoti tile new pastor In behalf
of the church. J. W , Nicholson , Sundsy
school stipourlntcadent , prealtieti at the re-
CClttiofl and gave a ithiort speech , In which
lie spoke of tIme many good dualities pos
sesseti by Dr. ' , Vclclt anti at the good im-
prssIon hip had already made UOfl his
charge. Ir. Sissoa of hionecom l'arkIeth
mUst Epitcopai church was In attendance
at the reception and was called upon for A
short atlclresa ,
- V V _ _ _ _ _ _ , . _ _ ! _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Thrdw Shells Ilito Santiago Pour antI a half
V ' Mi1 Away ,
CoiNlllerl ir ( lint ( lie City Cnittut Be
St'eti' 'tIt IteNlilt uf lit' i'rite-
tI ( ( ' t'lritig Is l'r-
ltttIited Suif Isfnctory ,
OFF AGUADOfllS , July ll.-Via ( King.
Ston , JflAinIca , July 12.-The ) United States
uutvy has tin , following probicin presented
tdVVitVftnt is tlfc best manuier of effeit-
uahiy bombarding a city , distant four and a
half miles anl concealed trout vIew by it
range of hula 260 feet high at its lowest
part ?
The problem has beeuu satisfactorily itolvoti ,
so If the anuli ) ' hero never fired a shot anti
merely guartleti the roads the navy could
make Saittiago untenible , It It thu not destroy -
stroyit. . , -iii a fev days.
SunIay. nod todny the sea was calmer
thriut usual , so tti oppol'ttinity for good
vrnctice ' was affordeti.
In Inlrsuttnce of General Biiaftere request ,
t Commodord .Schle3t , hear Admiral Sampson
being absent nt Otuantanamo , on 3 o'clock
Sunday afternoon nuitugoil the Brooklyn ,
IndIana anti Texas within 500 yards of the
shore fltV fl point almost title Fouth of San-
tinge ; distant a 'little ovOr four and one-
half miles , The ships aere about a mile
artart ,
The army signal men were on the beach
olhosite ) the. uihiips , anti also oui tue crest
of a. hill overlooking both the hlps 811(1
the city. TiiesO men wig-s'aggeti the reV
stiltS ofenclu eliot tWling tii gunners If the
slioli wnaru1med 1db Viligll or too low , or not
iii line ,
Stuntiny's practIce -was good , but It was
hotter todfiy t'Iien the firing was openetl
by the New York , willell returned froni
Guantitanino bay durIng the night. The New
York , l3rookl5'ii anti hulditilia wore the ships
* hieh'partIoilatcol ) in the shelling this
morning. Each thot was carefully calculated
and the signals from tile shore to the shIps
told whore each shell fell , anti notified the
gunners it they had the proper elevation.
The luips ran out ( heir big guns on tile
Sitlo opposite tue flHng Iii order to secure
tbcVdeslrCti list to port or starboard ,
. V
1I1t M UI ii Church , .
Gonral signaled about noon that
Some of the ShlClIt3feil In th bay rind o1nO
in the city. Tile latter did not appear to tb
much. inmagc. Comnient. out ibis subJect
l'as exchanged immediately by a 1rcSsage
saying : V
* "Tho last shot VSttUCk St. Nieholan' church ,
where powder wa.s stored , blowing up the
same anti doing great damage , "
Thu bombardment loset1 for the day at 1
p. in , at General Shafter's request , as he was
about to send in it. flag of truce to demand
Its surrender for the third and last time.
Thio whole V proceeding wait businesslike.
The ordinary avocations out ship went on ,
ptuiict.tiakd at intotvaL3 of fito minutes bY
tliq roar of bigguns and the scream of Pro-
jcctlles and the ceho from the rear. Morro ,
Plainly visible to the westward , haul tli
bonlbardiutg ships In range , but not a gun
'vi's fired by tIle Spanish.
'flub eitet of thtrshehla when they did lilt
can be Imagined t'hien It Is known that each
of , theni carries 250 pounds of explosivOS.
When sUch a missile lands at a. distance of
four anti a half miles from the muzzle to
the city it occupies twenty-two and a quar-
tel' seconds in 1t flight. Four shichl dur-
lag the bornbartbuncn.t today ignited tires in
different parts of the city , proving the feasi-
lillty of burning the place by using the guns
o th. fleet alone.
It was strange to see our soitiier repair-
lug a locomotive on the railroad track roll-
fling along the beach , hilc , like the strikes
of a slow clock , the guns were fired and sent
shijs screaming over the men at work.
' Death must have coitie to many in the
city , but it is Impossible to do more than
IlliflOiI4 leiiiocriets Niitiliizite a State
'I'ieieet inul ltCtiIMtil I Gout
Democrats of 1590) ,
SPRINGFIELD , Ill. , July 12.-The democratic -
cratic state convention today nominated tbe
following ticket : State treasurer , Willard
F. Dhlplpp , Jacksonville ; state superintendent -
ent of pUblic Instruction , Perry 0. Stiver ,
l'reoport ; trustees of tue University of 1111-
nols , Jacob E. Seller of Mount Cnrntel , Napoleon -
poleon B. Michieson of Odin , Dr. Julia
litilmes Smith of ChIcago.
The convention was called to order
this aftcrnoon'by Chalrmta Orr of th i state
ccuutral gounmittee. There were no piotures
In the hall exqott those of V'ilhiaun J ,
l3ryan and , , \-thutral rew i.
. Thit chIef incitlent of the convention lIro-
cL'dings was a bitter ilplit over the appoint-
macnt of tile state central committee of two
knell prominent as golti democrats In 18D1-
Ben T. Cabiepf Rock Island and Itoger C ,
SUII1VSIIV of the Fifth congressional district ,
Tile fIght was carried Into time convention ,
'Cable denounced as a traitor ,
tut 1itt ; cii0i d of both Cable and Sullivan as
coii uitteemen was finally ratified , it having
been announced that they would hereafter
support the ChIcago piattorm.
The ticket was put through without op. .
position , For university trustee Jacob E.
SoRer of Mount Carmel was named by the
P9lli III the fuston arrangemcnt.
p1119 jdatfonun eptiorss tjme. free silver and
tariff , planks of the Chicago declaration ,
favors an lneorn tax amendment to the con-
; tltt1tion nail Vtl0 adoption of national and
state anti-trust legislation , The platform
cbntlnuee :
reaffirm time Monro t doctrine anti
again phctigo ourselves to abide by the advice -
vice 'of Washington , to keep ourselves free
from entangling alliances with foreign cia-
tioule. \ o recognize William Jennings
liraui nit the loathing exponent of the foregoing -
going vrinciitleS"
VIfIeett Ucu iielmrteoi IC11IC.1 nutil
V i % large iiuutler of others
% 'oiutiilvih ,
flO\'Eiu , . , i , . , Jl2.-An explosion at
the works of the liafhia & hianti Powder
coinpauly iii i'onipton Lnks today killed thf
toejj men , aniDag them several soldiers who
hail been detailed to guard tlue powder works.
A short tluno ago there was an ePlO5I01l
which killed sl inca ,
Since the outbreak of hostilities with
Spain , Colonel Leo of the 'Third New 3cr-
scy vohunteus anti a battalion of his regiment
have been etuttioncti at the works to lrevcnt
their destruction by Spies. The cauni' of the
u'oldlcrs has bean eloo to the pot.hcr plant.
The guarth was being uttaiuitaluioti as usual
this morning. At it o'clock there vas a.
terriflo explosion which shook the buildings
anti scattered the troops and elnpioyes , Fit.
teen uncut are reportetl to have been kIlled
naIl inruty sdidiorut anti employcs hail rotunds ,
? Ofl1C quith serious. The oillcials of thi corn-
pahiy at once sent a special train from 1)ovct
to the mills anti tue wountlotl were immetit-
ately Placed Oh boarti to be removed to tito
l'nterson hoSpital for treatment.
Seven uncut ro kuiOVt'Il to have beii killed
and eight are missing. Of the known theati
only one is ct soldier. The otbieis wer" ein
ploycs. 'rho eight mcii inissiuig vere ltOSSl-
bly biowit to pieces. There vero twn CX-
idcabons , 'l'iie first was eatmeti by a boiler
iii the engine room blowing tip. The force
of' title explosion rt'stilteth in the mixing
room , where the powder was soricol , beiuig
blown iii , by conctissioui. Tue mixing tie-
partmeuit tvas one p the biggest in the
plant. After the explosion a fire followed.
cverai small buildings btirneth. Thuo fire
spread quickly.
The Laulin & Rand company is fihhIul large
government orders for powder , and much
that was about ready In tito nuixiulg buihrbittg
Ivas blown up. 'rime boiler which caused the
original exl osioui was a. now one anti had
just bode PUt In the engine room. It Is
saul that It hind been thoroughly tested before -
fore It was put iuu.
Two men tire fatally V injured anti a thuiuii
I nlso badly hurt. A canvass of the hionles
of the workmen Is being made to ascertain
who of the emplo'es were at work when
the explosion occurred. There is still much
uncertainty as to the origin of the disaster ,
some insisting that the mixing room was the
first iuiitilng ticstroyetb , while others Insist
that the initial explosion uvna in the boiler
Tile (10(1(1 , 50 far nit known , are :
JOHN CRAIG , cngineor of the powder
works. JJrookl3'ui ,
DANIEL FItCl1AN , : a.
JOHN UTTEI1. I" " - . ' 'I ' ' ' ' . ' "i
LEVI SMITh , nIl of Butler , N' . J.
JOHN PIIILIPPS of Pompton , N. J , , em-
pboycs of the powder company.
William II. Ernunons of Company I , Third
regiment of New Jersey , one of tim guards
at the works , is fatally injured. Ills home
is at Freehold , N. J.
City ShillS hihuuuiuiuitte,1 ,
The city ball was illuminated last night
for a couple of hours autti aresented a gootiiy
sIght. The architectural features of the
structure are brought out by lutes of huictin-
( hesceult lights , ts'hiiclu follow the curves nun
arches. A cluster adorns the top pinutark
of tile tower anti another cluster surmounts
tha torch iii liberty's hand.
CliMe Aura I liNt hiuui rt'r 1)1 , , , , , Inst-tI.
Etiw'arti Itlauror. the restaurautter who
was recently arrested chargeth with having
icfust't it , serve a coborcti finn untuned 1' .
E. Clinch with a meal , was dlscluargcd jy
Pobic Judge Gordout yesterthay afternoon
aftnr a hearing. The evidence showed that
Maurer had not discriminated as to color.
Gratifying Letters to Mrs. Pthk
ham From happy Women.
( 'I Owe You My Life , "
Mrs. E , WooLmilemu ,
Mills , Neb. , writes :
0l DcA8 Man. PuNcsiiAcI : owe my
life to your Vegetable Compound. The
doctors said I huati consumption and
nothing could be done for Inc. My
xnenstnmation hail stopped niul they
tialti my blood was turning to water , I
had several doctors. They all said I
could not live , 1 began the use of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vcgt'tabio Compound ,
and It helped me right away ; cucuises
returned and I have gained in weight.
I liavobetter health tItan I have lund for
yetis. : I t is wouideu'fuil wilut your Coin'
pound has done for lime , "
aI ] ? eel Like a New 1'oion , "
1609 Belle St. , Aiton , Ill. , w'ritcs :
It Before I began to take your Vege'
table Compound I wu a great sufferer
from \'ounl ) trouble , ? tltllSeS ss'ould Ill-
pear two and three times in a month ,
causing inc to be so weak I coniti not
rtauid , 1 could imeithuc'u' sleep uiur eat , riuni
looked so badly utiy frlentls hardly
knew me.
" I theIr doctor's medIcine but dId riot
derive much benefit from it , My druggist -
gist gave .me one of your little booles ,
and after reading It I decided to try
E. l'iuhciiam's
Lydia Vegetable Corn-
pound. I feel like it new' vcromi , I
would not give your Compounid for all
the doctors' medicine In tim world , I
can not praise It enough , "
- - -
- - - - - .
- - - - - -
- - -
_ .
I Dandruff anti you wiU sooui hinvo
b3 gray and ( ailing hair If the dantirnit
is not cttecieol. I'rof , Auatiui has
cured over 15,000 people with his ' '
- ' new discovery , Will you be entoil
,2lj4V4z- ; : ; or wili you cohitlfluio to suiffc'r9
Oketeedfrc'mI.ife } , Dandruff is Caused
by _ _ _ _
1uiiticd 8,150 'hIiuos ,
Tills IHCi1O
Which destroys the roots of the hair and ultimately prnduces baldness ,
Prof. 3. ii. Austin , Dermatologist and Scalp Specialist , has after 20 yeatS
of practical investigation discovered and antIseptic ( extracted from soft
coal In his own laboratory at MInneapolis ) , w itiehi destroys the destroyer
of the haIr lurking
flk3 YOIJfl sLrn
Ctiul on Pi'ti ( . Auuttiu and ho ph ) of Ii'i'jtating purasltos foi'ovtr ,
OF RMR 1ND SCAL'P At Consulting Rooms , 526
Now York Life Bldg. , Ornunui
Ilout's 0 to 12 u , in. and 8 to 0 p. itt , for tsiitioiuorm ; ladles 2 to ( I p' in.
Austin's ' Antiseptic Dandruff Destroyer and New hair Crowor1
It parities the scaip stud heitutiICN the lisir. For sitle by nIl oirugglst
rrI -
. , ,
_ _ _
0 At1l ( Lvery
Torn jht NIGht at 8:30 :
C'ifford's '
GaTet1TJ0 ?
The Beautiful Burlesquc
. ' ' , \VI'l'lI. ' . .
KiNGS (11" AId , COtiIil .tS.
bc , 20c 30c
Neit t't'ht the new Iluriesquit'
. , , ' . lN CAl' t'Ahtl ! ,
Ilturney it I.
'I'Clephone 2217.
butts & \'iiilnins , Props. anti Mgrs.
\v. W' COLE , Art , Mnuiagcr.
A ConventIon of Headliners1
First Tiwo in Ouiiahm of ( hue Great Eastern
Success. thu
Introducing the Miuistrel Councthlan , harry
Armstrong and Ills
30.1Colored , Jubilee Singers111ao
GAltINL'It .0. : 4lIl3ioIIi' . . . . . . .
.uiuIitp SAII0NY.
'l'iitu ( lht.1'SolN SiS'I'i'itM . . . . . .
St h.Li V A .S W'flhhuiIh ,
the i'rcrnler Quunrtette ,
' ' . . ' " ' . ' " ' ,
'i'iui : M.t Xli .t'i"I'.t' C01i iilY I"Ot'It
1Iii , 'l's'i'niero ( 'ligullesigo' ( ) relientrn ,
IJii'ectlon Franz Adeluiiaui ,
CLIflhiSVI or 11111 lunt'it
ltfrenlt nut-n tn ( I ii i'.iett ituid 'I'h'nt re.
, . ( , i't-rfi rin a ii ( ' ( 'ti , . I I he .
l'NT.ttihuh ) ANIhAh. SilO'V
o : 'I'IIE MhIW'.V. . , , . . , .
'FhQ rulirrlll-n)1 I s'nxton .t lttiruIeiO
LJ d1. % JA6 C'JLA J tattageru , Tel. 153L
V , ) , \Voodward , Autlu.eulict , Iireetor.
'l'OIVl v-.i : , t , 'I'O % 1(1 ui1SuhtJ. (
TilE S'OOlW'Aitl ) cu'u'OChc Co. V
I'i't'n ( ' II t I , ic . -.t et lrsi nut
Celebrated Case.
Next Yeek-iONG hilt AN'Ii , .
g svbup'r liv COOh 1iitEIZES ,
TIlE l'LA'E FOil SCCiE'i' .
Stepiu'ui You Sz1nity . Con. Mgi' .
CON'I'INL ( St S VAt iIiO'II.Ih.i ,
cccccccccaiq ci ; cccoccca
Ctrt1oitu.3 .5 k
Tile biggest , lest , , must itovel ehittjitltti
tll \'ot tiltis'nS' . AhiiiisIuui only 10 ' ults.
IL herd of ulearly lot Giant Os.
trichies , dtzcn of OstrIch ehuI'-ks
only ii fw tlaytt old. 'I'ite uilost
gou'geous piiuuiitgo ; out cauLk. Ostrich eggs ,
OstuIcli utests , etc.
fliVIN ( ' . % W'S'FON , "i' .
'I'hc Living IoII. 'I'iie Fcatttt'ta ol
Do Not Forget to Visit the
Tea Garden , Bazar.and Joss
House on West Midway.
iAII :
. . . . . % T'l' ilLs. . . .
- - - -
I 5th and Ca1itol tt'e.
Capture the Brass itlng anti itidi' Again
.505 , lttUSClLOIii' , I'MNe , ' 1111,1 tiitjiuiger.
August 1st
J'OIX'I'IiIt i ( )
-nui1tIt IH ) 'I'hItiY ALL COt
Fritz Mueller , Prop , On the MltlwaY ,
p1 PLL ATOS. ' ' .
I ! Rt'ntlczvou'i of tochtL ! , ' l'C0lt3V , ,
_ _ , , _ 1V. ; _ _ . _ _ . - - . - ' : ' V' "t
V1sl' [ '
ounlo sronE ,
N of Musk hullEa't Midway.
' ' .
11th anti Barney St.
Arnorlcaui l'han- to 4 tlollara per they ,
Street cars from depots tied trouui hotel tq
1xPositIon Grouutds In fifteen minutes.
U. SILhOVkY , Manager ,
Colt. lan ! AND JONES ST. , OMAhA ,
lt.t'i'is : 111 . (5 ( . % : 'il ' t4.I.0) ) ( ) i'EJt StAY ,
guectric cars direct to cipositltin grounds.
r,14Nx , Jutut1u1. Cunhler. . . . . .
. . . .sl loAth-IAN CnIet CIenit ,
1 3tii uind Doiighitii Stiu , , Omaha ,
. _ AthhIti.t ( V' % i ) IiIlIOI'i'AN l'I.tN- . .
J i : : . ) hAlIlCtti. , t i'rops.
Cor 11 & Jackson I4ts j ( ' . Grithin. Prop.
ito Iteouns-Ahi uuuodt'rn lunprtivenienta
Bates-Aunt rlcun l'ittri , $2.itS to $ tc'j per .ini
ltlroi'euut Pian $1.00 lieu' tiny and uiwards.
Car hue to anti from all dcpati 1)ir''t
car line to main entuanco .if jxpusltlQu *
. .V V