Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1898, Image 9

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p ? : Es'1'AIJ1sir : ; ; JUN : J 19 , lSL - OMAILA , TUESDAY MOWtLNG , JULY 1 , 1898. SINGLE COPY 1JIYJ O1N'11S.
Intretrng Talk by Lonia 0. Elson , the
Musical P1It.or ,
Old 1IiiiIred Cohic.i ( ) er sIIi tIi
Pligri ut IlitlIrM , tiL i nilcc
IiuiIIi IJC ! ( ) 't'Ji r.U&I
, Procenu ut pIzgInrisiil.
1 ' 1'ctint ) ; the most ncrestng tnlk ot the
. musical congrc8 , WIICII ) atljourned cnrly
In the week , was that of Louis
C. Ehon , the mtiskal editor o the
13otu1l AtIvcrtlser , on the subject of "Our
i National MuSIc. ' Mr. Eliou siioko In nn
CflS3 , couvcratIOUtI itylc anti lelnonstrfttetl
ocuIarI } by IayItig ninny an nncestra nr
of thiM atid otier countiles on tint lIano as
lie vcflt along , lie told how the "MareIl-
lR , ' "YflflkCO loodlc , " "hail Cuittnihin. '
"Star SpaIglel % l3aiiner , ' 'IlxIe' ' ai
( Iiory , GIary IinIleluJah nil
giVing their various transinugilficatlons up
to their present acccpte4l formL
l'atrlottc music is a favorite theme with
i Mr. 1IsoI ! flfld he referred glowingly to the
fact that the ancient. Itatnans niatlo the
iflgItg ) of patriotic intisic by the ehoot
chihlreii CO11I1UiSOy. I 1 Is Z1Id vcss was fuller
or meat from beginning to cnd afll when
ho ConclUdell his nuttlenre i-ewardctl litiii
with hit'st % after burst of applause.'ItIi
ilieiiy he ngrcctl that
MoAt fliCYt are cradled Into poetry Dy
, ' wrong :
They Ietrn In ufferIn wiit ) they tcnch
by ont.
And o ho premaeel his monologue by an
alluilon to the influence of patriotic or na-
tinnal songi ipon other iCOPIO ) ; for exnnplo ,
iuch ; 'ns the effect UPon the Scotch o1diers
during th Sepoy rebellion in causing them
to desert hccusc of the thoughts of home
wrought up by it that it had been found flee-
essary to torhll the singIng of "Farewell
) to Loehaber , ' ' and liniIarly the Swiss Eot-
tlUrs of Napoleon's army \were ntoppctl from
einiIn their cow ohIg , "Ftanz les'nc1ies. . '
: 'FIio effect of Purcell'H melody had as much ,
lie believed , to do with sliigln James II out
of his klnglom as had the worls of Lorl
\Vharton In the rollicking bert of ( loggerel ,
' ' 1.1111 liurlcro , ' ' IMr'harton had loastcd )
that ho JILUL "rhymed James out of his
throne. "
IteNtilt of Oil , ' Sipii.
tro(1l thu initial effort of Ilouget ( IC l'IsIe
Mr. lIsori traceti the evolution of the ' ' ! Iar-
Bellies" UI ) to the attack on the 'Fuillerles
utut evetitnuily thu giiliiotlning of the tvcii-
r ( ty-two GlrornBns. Because hI music 1Ia (
"kIIiCI 50,000 of his countrymen" a Gerinmi
WOtlI(1 ( 1101. shake hands vltli Do I'isIo. OIlier
songs ef a French revolutionary character ,
some ( it them degenerate and others puerile ,
wore "Ca Ira" ( "ItVill Go" ) , COllihiosed 115
a compliment to Bciijainin Franiclin
"Mnilatiio ( IC Veto , " written as a satire on
lIario Antollette ( , aiiil "lioston , ' ' a song oC
the Proletariat expressing a hope for the
euccess or the Anierlean revolution , These
Ito onumerateti before getting over to tills
side of the Atlantic and having sonia aflitise-
llICflt at the expense of the Pilgrim Fathers ,
'vlioiii , lie I1ill , brought with them In the
lllnyhiower oiiiy flve tunes , one of which 1'as
"Out hundred. " Of Boston In 1673 It was
s1lI(1 "There are no musicians by trade. A
dancing school was cstabllsbcd , but It was
Put ( IoWa and a fencing school lUt up in Its
1)111CC , ' '
In 1713 a. Mr. nrattle , ufter vliom I3rattle
street aiitl the Brattle street church littve
been uaiiied , ( liii ( tare to introduce an organ
'by presenting one to this church in a will
In svhlch he had adroitly quoted from
David's I'salms In alvislng that a sober man
'oultI be found to "plaj It skillfully and
make a lotiti noise , " but the churcn iromptly
rCftised it , though sltico then the SaIIIC
church has become one of the most musical.
'rharo vaa a ad lack of the musical about
the Puritan makalli ) and they wore not niuch
more voetlcal , An instatice of their very best
efforts at rhyming was found Ii the old
hay P5111111 Ilook , thus :
"I vai3 a stranger untn my brethren
And LIfl alien to IiIy (11Othl'S ( 'hiidrt'fl. "
Vb'IiCfl lirattle's organ , vhIch , by the way ,
, ' .tad been iiiade by the best iilaiiufactiirers
4' r . III LOfldOfl , came to liostoii , Cotton Mather
Preached a sermon full of denunciation allil
CiiltrgC(1 the town with having all the sIns
and deserving all the plagues of Sodoni and
Couiorrnli. A relucst , oven in 17O ( , made to
liollIs for an orgnu brought a reply con-
lusting of t00 tracts and the sane observation
that the "Christian religion shines brighter
In tii OWn ( Irelis anti to adorn It is to spll
It , '
Origin 01' Ytiii1ee loodle.
S "it must not be thought , said Mr. Elson ,
if that 'Yankee 1)ootllo' is an originally Anner-
, , lean song , It , like many others , developed
' 0 through a iroccss of iIaglarlsin. There was
1 an old Enighlsli tlanclug tune of the time of
the Sixteenth century ( which Mr. Elson
PIIIYCl ) so similar that it would now bu ci-
iniost accePted for 'Yankee Doodle' by a not
too discerning ear , That was 'Lucy Lochet
Lost 11cr Pocket , ' sung in tile ( lays of
( lnrles , II anti saId to hiiv& ' eVen been sung
in ( leristont of Oliver Cromwell. Its next
stage was When ) Dr. cliuckburg , a surgeon
of Alercronnble'a arnny in the colonial war
between Eiiglflfll nnd France composed the
'Macaroni' 1)111150 Jf It. 'Macaroni' was an
t English dt'rlsive ternn fur the French , Tlnls
was In 17i. Then the firitish in tune
. ' learned to sing :
' . . Ynn1cO Doodle cnm In town
For to get a tireloci ; ,
Hilt we ) vili tar 'md ( cattier him ;
3 ( ) Wa Will J11l1i1 ! Iitnuck.
"The 1iItishn enlployell it as a 'flogue'n
march' untIl the surrender of Coruwaills
hilt nu etiti to that sort or thIng znntl p i"
that e'cnt tine Americans tool It up as their
. owli , At tine tune the treaty of ( Ihont swas
, ' being settled in IS11 , henry Clay was Informed -
' formed that tlio annlassailors at England
and France were at a loss to know what to
have the band PILIY as an American national
; air. henry Clay ortloreil his colored valet
to whistle 'Yankea 1)odlo , ' anini tohi the
' . banti to play that. ' Thus It was first heard
In Europe as tine national air of this cowi-
try. 'hail Colunnbta' has since been unl-
t versnhly accorded rccognltloni as such by the
European nations.
"Tine tune of 'hail Columbia' also hind an
English anglo , It was composed by a Pro.
. fessor Phicyles , a ( lernian , at PhiladelphIa In
l7Stt , for the inatigtnration oF t1" P"u' ' . 'pqL
dent of tine United Staten to replace the old
'Waslnlng'oi's Machi , ' The words were onn-
Osel by an American in 1798 , ThIs wat ,
? 4r , ( atter'art1s Judge ) Hopklnson , Charles
Fox , tine actor , then sang It at a l'hlladei-
¶ . phila
, Mr. Elson had in his possession a copy ot
the first edition of ( lie song with the title
announcennent :
'Flie F'.ivorite . N4'w Federal t3ong ,
( Wrltten tar the l'resldent'a March )
il J. Iiopklnsonn. I'rl , ,
I will be sting l ) ' Mr. Fox ,
At the eighth singing of the song tIne
audience of that old theater arose en masse
lund cheered wildly , Mr. Elson also cc-
' called how It vns cheered at the Paris cx-
position In 1889 ,
'I'hse Silly SinniIc.1 Ilniunter ,
e43 regards the "Star Span1tj flanuer , "
L _ _ _ - . - - - - -
( lie words came very spoatencotisly , but the
music was also a clenc ca-se of plagiarIsm.
The song was written a It now runs by
Francis iCCitt Key In lSt4 , I'resident MadIson -
Ison lmd sent Mr. ley as an emissary to
the flritlsh fleet in Chesapeake bay to secure -
cure ( lie release of lr. Ileane , noncom-
Latant , but the lirItIsh admiral , fearing that
if he alioweil tire American to return ho
would betray all his plains , kept Mc , iCey
on board. That night the attack upon Port
Mciienry was matte , Next morning Mr.
Key , who had been fearful of the fate of
the fort , arose , btIt. seeing "Out Glory"
proudly waving In th breeze , he was fIred
wIth a patriotic spirit and sat down and
connposed the soui.attrrlng words :
Oh , say can you see by the dawn's early
light ,
\S'hat nno prnunlly we hailed at the twl-
light's lAst gleaming ?
Thin music , thought , came from a London
bacchanalian club. In 17&O Dr. Arnold , one
of the hon vivants of this club , as his contribution -
tribution of dubious genius-each member
being expected to do something In tills
hiIio-coiposcd a song , "To Anacrcon In
heaven , " liIch had the very air adapted
to "The Star Spangled ilanner" in course
of ( line , and it and the tuna becanne a
favorite drinking song in England , The
first real adaptation of the air In this coon-
try ag In 17J8 , ( lie annIe year "hail Co-
htinibla" vas written , when Robert Treat
l'alrie CoflhltosetI "Adams and Liberty" as
tine worls to it :
Ye 5(1(15 ( of Columbia who bravely fought
For those rights which , nnistnined , from
your sires have deiccllIel.
AntI It had ( lie refrain :
N'r hnnII thin' soils Columbia be slaves
While ( ho earth bears a lllant or the sea
rollin its leaves.
\Vashington In that untie was almost del-
fled and i'akic had omitted fl11 , ' retei'ence
to him-n grave fault , indeed. So , at a din-
ncr , Major Lien Russell locked l'alnc in a
room with the threat that Ito vouId get "no
.lIn. , . , , . , . . .I . . . _ . . . .4lI I. . . t..I _ _ _ _ . . _ _
. , , , , , ' C IL ( I liIJ VI thU UIILI flU hUt ! CU1LIIIUVLI
a verse about ( lie country's hero. Thitns the
verse came to be wrItten , not inspired by
vlno , but by tine \'anit of vine , A ilalti-
litore newspaper printed 1)0l ) ) ( lila and Mr.
iCey'a Song after the battle of Fort Mellenny.
The publishers vaid Mr , Paine 7iO for the
copyright-n fabulous sum in tbose days ,
rik ( ' ? ( 1 ! ! ' 't'ar Song , . ,
Several sea songs were recalled by Mr.
Elson , particularly one recognizing tile
"handIness of ( lie Yankees , " antI duo to the
defeat of Captain Dacres at the battle betWeen -
tWeen the ConstitutIon and ( lie Gurrlere ,
the latter the BrItish terror of that day.
It was a very spirIted song and recalled tine
Wager of a hat whIch Captain Dacres and
Captain ilull , the vIctor , had Illade previ-
0051) ' at a London chub , viien they Coil-
( ClIlIliateti the possIbility of some sort of a
contingency that would put the respective
merits of the two vessels to a test. Another
sea song was one of PC11CC and commein-
orated the gallant conduct of tine American
SC11IUOII at the Apia ( Samoa ) storm in 18S9.
Among the songs of ( lie clvii war "tIic"
was a fl&itiOntll picture of southern life , lit.
ting , insouciant and , like ' 'Yankee Doodle , "
standing for something. The simple north-
em song , ' 'Glory , Glory , hallelujah , " or
"John Urown's Body , " bad its origin In an
old Methodist hymn , runninig :
S113' , brother , vIil you meet us ?
i5ay , brother , will you meet us ?
Say , brother , vIll you meet us
On Canaan's happy shore ?
Jcus lIves nnd reigns forever ,
Jesus iIve and reigns forever ,
Jesuit hl'e14 ItnitI reigns forever
On Canaan's happy shore ,
The chorus being :
Glory , glory , hallelujah , etc. , etc. , oil
Cannan'ii llflhI)3P shore.
"One of the Massachusetts regiments at
Fort Warren , near l3oston , fell into sIngIng
It whIle throwing up Snub earthworks , said
Mr. Elson , "and , of course , it. naturally tie-
veoped ! sonic variations. There was a typi-
ccl Scotcholan among thicni , named Joliin
flhown , and In their fdn the boys started
te story that this particular Jollii Brown
was ( lead , for the boys knew little and cared
less for the other John ilnown. Accordingly
they got to singing :
'Jolini l3iO'fl' ' '
% ( body lies n'mould'rung In
tine grave , '
and Fletcher Websten"s regIment subso-
qtiently carried the song Into Boston and
then unto New York. Thus , one of the
illost Popular songs of tine var hail its start
in a ribald camp ditty , in which the air
of a MethodIst hymn bad beeii appropri-
atcd , "
lli'nii' 1t , gl , in'iit liii , iiet'u , Orleru1
to it.'p.'t at I i.e Cgtinj , itt
jiiChsiiiiIIe ,
WAShINGTON , July 11.-W , J , Bryan's
regiment of Nebraska. infantry today was
ordcrcd to jolt ) General Fltzhugb Lee's corps
at JacksonvIlle ,
The raIlroads leading eastward and southward -
ward out of Omaha were asked for bids for
tine transportation of the Third Nebraska
regiment of volunteer infantry from Onnaha
to Jacksonville on Monday inorniing , In
tine request for bids sent out from the head-
ouartcrs of the Iepartnient of the Missouri ,
U , S. . A. , It is Sinecltled that the bids shall
be delIvered at army headquarters on'ed -
neslay morning , Tills is ttikcii by (1w railroad -
road ilicil to Iiithiciite ( hint Colonel Bryan's
rL'glu'nt will be 'moved at ann early date ,
It is vrobabie that the tranninportatlon Ill
be divided among several liine In artier that
thte troops may be sent to the front in as
expedltiotis a mannior as possible ,
JIiut , ( it luniglns Ct.ii iut- .
JacOl ) hlauck , ( ho draugittsnnzl In ( lie
othico of tile county surveyor , Is puslling
vork on tim new Douglas county map , or-
dereti by the county colninilsinionors 501110
thus ago. Tue ili1l [ ) will b3 twelve feet long
lIflhl eight feet wide , 1ouljle the size of any
county map heretofore Inrellureti , This one
11111 show tine locationn of every farm iii ilto
COtifit ) , together with tine Owner's annie. It
11 Ill also show the iocntion of the strenhlls ,
bluffs , school houses , wagon and railroads
as svehl as the towns chIli cities , Tine orlgi-
nial % liil be uioin vahluinn , anni ( ruin this wilh
ho zinado a ziuniber of blue prinits , W'itt'n
completed , tine original will be mounted
and htuing Inn tine olilee of ( be hoard of
County Ccnninilssloners ,
Ic.'iIui , I ii iia , l'ollte' Ilontr.l Cast' ,
Judge ICeysor lizt nnnnouncetl that Ito will
sit inn court room No , 7 Ia Tine ttc building
Tuestisy morning tinti ( hint at that tinie and
mInce be 'ili hand down his deis1oin In the
Fire and l'olco ! eolnmlsslou case , lie has
becin busy looking up the law that bears
UllOnt thitn lssUc involved ,
Csnrnsegi , ' l.arni I iniportant CliNt' ,
l'ITTSIIUIIQ , July tI-Judge Acheson of
( lie United States circuit court handeni down
sin Ojiiniiou today Iii the case of tine United
States Mitls connpauy against the Carnegie
Stel companny , lImited , The finding is that
( ito defendant COnipany has infringed on a
irocc of the inlaintii'l's ( or ( its niatiufactur.
lag of casts fronin wrought Ironi end steel by
adding alunninunin. Tine case is one of the
most important in years and involves the
inanunfucture of armor p1at.
C.'nil Titinnt'rM' StrlLe hlroiun ,
I1ITTSIIURG , July li-Tine strike of the
coal minters in. the third pool is Practically
broken annd most of the meun ave returned
to their work slthout obtaining the dis.
( net. price. The efforts of the ofliclala to
secure the co-operation of the fourth 11001
miners proved futile , The men say they
were cointplled to resume work , as their
familIes were 'wIthout means of subsistence ,
Oaptdn Mercer Beccive Ordem to Go
Right Ahead ,
( rent .tniierienn InnlInn ' , VIl1 110
ShinnWil Si , li ( .Vns in ( lie l'nRt
ninul is , lie is at tine
l're.ent 'Pluto.
The preparations for the coming Indian
encampment at the exposition are being
pUBiie.l by Captain W. A. Mercer and the
prospects are that tills will be one of the
most nttractlyc , permanent features of the
cxiosition , Congress has made tine necessary -
sary appropriation of $10,000 and yesterday -
day Manager E , Ilosewater of tine Depart-
nnent of I'ubhicity antI Promotion received
a telegram front Secretary of the Innterior
Cornelius N. tulsa informing him that Cap-
( aim Mercer 111111 all the necessary Instruc-
tlouns to go right ahead ,
All ( Ito tribes of Indians of any conse-
qtlence vIhl have a representation in the
bIg camp , Nothing wIll be more lile.
turesque to the public generally ; nothing
more lnlstructlvo to the r'tllno'loglot. Tine
object is to show what tine primitive Amen-
CaIn aborigine was like in ( ho days when
the buffalo herds roamed tine prairies of
tine West nnnl tine forests of ( lie north were
flhlenl wIth black-tailed ileer ,
The Indian departntent at W'ashingtnni line
placed at tine ( lIslosai of the exposition its
facilities , office force and felt ! ehnlilOyCs , for
junking up this notable exhibit. The Indian
congress is to be undoubtedly one of tIne
strongest , most original and most interest-
log features o tlnn t'yinsltinn TI tulin an
the last opportunity of Seeitlg tIne American
Innlinn as a savage , for the governmllemnt
orlc now in prognemne will lift the savage
Indian into American citizemishmip before thni
generation l'1155C5 ' into lnistory and ( lie on-
u'nrd march of Amerlcaui cIvilizatIon and
American industry will wipe ott the 111111)5
of tine UnIted 3tates ( lie Indinn reservation
antI wipe oft tine face of the earth the I
reservation Indian. In fact , it vili he the I
rarest etinnological exhibition ever atteinlpted
in this or any other mmmd. Situated in the
heart of the great American union , within
easy reach of all the remaining great Inndlan
reservations , It has beeni possible here , at
comparatively slight expense , to gather llllOfl
the exposition groninils a show which would
be possIble nowhere else in America.
" n'eunt l'eii.ts 40 lIe lteireseued ,
Not only Is there to be a permanent as-
seonbiy of ( he Indian tribes , but at the great
feasts , like tine sun dance of the Siotnx , tine
dog feast of the Iliackfeet , antI other
festivals of hike character , either of a re-
Iigious innnttnre In time recognitIon of ( lie
Great Spirit on corresponding to the annual
ganles of the ancients , wheni youmng bloods
are put. to tests of valor and endurance to
determine their fitness for llromnotion to
warriorhood , thousands of Indians are to be
transported to Omaha to take part throughout -
out the cintire exposition season.
In this unique exhibition there hll be
Sioux front the Dakotas , Omahas and Vln-
aebagos from Nebriska , Sacs iitl Foxes
from Iowa , Chippewzms ti-oni Mlnmmcaota ,
iCiekapoos from Kansas , Mittidate from
North Dakota , Crows , Blackfec't , Cheyenncs
and Fiatlientie from Montzina , Shecpeatcrs ,
Bannocks and Nez Perces from Idaho , Yaki-
mas from W'ashington , Utes from Colorado ,
Arapalioes 'and Shioslionca from Wyoming ,
Plutca from Nevada , Zunis , Moquis , Navaos
and Apaclie froni Arizona end New
Mexico , Diggers and MoJaves fronm
California , Umatihlas from Oregon
and represcntntives from Indian territory -
ritory mnti Oklahoma of Creeks , Chicka-
5111V5 , Choctaws , Semimloles , Cherokees ,
Oaagcs , Glees , Tonkawas , Klowas , Comanche -
che , Poncas , Iovas , Quapaws , Delawares ,
Kaws amid other tribes tnnd remnants of
tribes , all eongregated in 'their ' wickiupi ,
tents , tepees , wigwanis and atb4n pur-
siting their usual avocatiOns and illustrat.
big their dances , religious rites and savage
customs ,
1)clegult-s froini All 'Prunes.
Delegations from every triba In ( ho
union will be on the grounds at one time or
ano'ther ( luring the expositIon. Each type
ivihl be exhIbited in appropriate costunno
with weapons , uteiislls , iniustrlal zippli-
anees , ceremonial objects , burial structures
and handiwork. Their games , their solemn
festivals , their peculiar customs and their
natural surroundings will be reproduced , In
connnection 'w-ltlt 'these lIluEtrations of cavago
life , of aboriginal habits and customs and
iliC parnpherrnilia of the pairis , mountaint ,
lakes and forests , their botiies , exhibits of
'their industrIal advancehnient , their school
work aunt other Incidents of their slow but
sure mmlOVelncnt. toward cIVliIz.ation and cu-
ligitenmeznt ) lviii be pronninent ,
The plans of Captain W. A. Mercer , U.
S. A. , who lies beczn 4letailcd to take charge
of the Indian congress , are so tar advanced
as to make the asenlhiimig of the Indians
only a hmlatter of the short time necessary
to trItIluport them to Omaha , The caintuini
imUs engaged men who have liven ! aniong
( ho Indians for years to arrange contests ,
touni'naments ainti a daily progranl of rare
featUrc , Prof. James Mooney of the bureau
of etlmnology wfll nnako a remarkable cx-
Itibit of Indian Iierinldry , the notult of yeans
of study amm,1 research.
Siini.liiy Nig lad's ht.'cort Sinuv , ii Slight
Fatling , Off In the ' ( 'otnul
( If 'I'hnie-v era' ,
Three burglaries are the record for Suni-
ilay night ,
Tine intone of It. Friend & Co. , 2403 Lear-
enworthi street , was entered by forcing a
rear door shortly after midnight anti a large
quantity of cigars , tobacco and fruit wits
taken ,
A burglar 'with a jimmy forced lila way
huito thic rcsidenco of J. Iloman , 117 North
Sixtecnith atreet , but secured umotlnin but
two pairs of shoes , The intrunler was cvi-
dently scared away before ho bad conni-
ldeted his work , as ho left a lot of stuff
ho had done up axid his ilnuny ,
Charles Snyder , a guest at ono of the
hotels , auffereti the abet severe loss. Some
one entered his room and forced open his
satchel , ' ( akinng a ( liunloud stud and a gold
rosette set with inrecious stones ,
l'rt'sIl-ot Of , ( , ( loin Ioolel nig
Up ant Ilnicial inned Jstiitc
Ii. tIbia ,
0.V. . Wattles , president. of ( ho exposition ,
will probably soon lay claim as heir to
several valuable pieces of property In Co.
humbug , 0. About ten days ago Ilanmniah
W'attles , a well known woman of Columbus ,
died very suddenly and It was soon discovered -
covered that she bad lert no will disposiung
of bet estate.
Zetnas Shafter , claiming to be a creditor of
the itate , made application in court ton' the
eppolntmezit of L. W. Joaes az admlnis-
tnator. No rc1aties have n et been found ,
Mr.'atties looked ovcr his fannily tree and
found tht ho htl en aunt , Ciarice Wstties ,
who , 'thirty years ago , had moved to Columbus -
lumbus , 0. Whether this person has any
connection with the .lt'veased is not known ,
btmt MrVatties says he neer heard of a
person of his own name who was not ID
some way related to aim , lie has wrItten
to the admlnietratom' of the estate of hannah
Wattles and uoon cxpeets to hear of a por-
( Ion at leut of the property going to him.
tevornL Killed fluid 'Witnitilc.j mu See-
unit ! Inninnitry , hinclni.litng Cat-
tRill howell.
WAShINGTON , July ll.-Tho War tie-
pnrtment has poate1 ( ho fpllowinig dispatch
from Gennenal Shafter ,
l'LAYA DEL ESTE , July 11-To Au-
jutamnt General , 'asbingto'n : Following report -
port of casualtIes in the First division yesterday -
terday afternoon Just received :
Killed-Captain Charles IV. Howell ,
Second infantry , and l'nivato l'eter Nelson ,
Company A , Seconil Imnfahtry ,
\Vouimded-Lieimtennnlt N , J. Lutz , Second
Infnmntry ; Private Charles .Jenke , Connpiny
A , Seconnd infantry ; l'nlvato Charles Lent-
kimn , Company B , Second innfnintry , and
Private Nelsoin Gilbert , jr. , Twenty-first infantry -
fantry ,
CaptaIn Charles \V. 'Howell of tine
Scccnd infantry , wino was killed at ani-
tiago on Stinnuhay 'ns Veil knoi'ni in
ha'imig been stationed at Fort Omaha
as a first lieutenant Anti captain of
the Second from July , 18SG , until tine sums
nier of lS9ti , winen tine Second left litre.
lie Was ft uiatlvc of New York , nnid was
appolunted to tine military tithdemnny fronni that
slate. lie was graduated inn tine class of 'TI ,
Iii' jointed tine army at , Atlanta , Ga. , iii Sep-
, , , , , , n , . , , , , nfl' A tlni ln 'n .f. _
tinned at tine following Posts : Tunsciiloosa ,
Ala. ; Atlamita , Chiattenooga and Naslnvuhie I
unntil 1877. Iii tinat year Inc was scnnt to
Lewistomi , ldtnhmo , 1111.1 participated iii the
fight. against ( lie Nez I'qree Initilans tlnat
sunniinier and full. Afterward lie was en
gaged In nnttking survey ninth maps of ( lie
country between Fort Lapwnt and Coeumr
tl'Alcmie lake , Idaho. Ito was mi tine held
against hostile ilannocks and Snakes , in
the sinnimer anid fall of 1878. Iii' Was sta-
tlomicd in Idaho until 1S83 , wlnen lie was so-
hected for Troop U , First cavalry , to escort
Gcnneral ViliIamn T. Sherman to Fort Ilope ,
B. C. lie camiio to Omaha In 1816 , and ( tur.
log part of ( lie time he ' .ae stationed at
Fort Otmmaha Inc acted an 1recorder to ( lie
army retIring board ,
Captain John J. Crittenden of tIne Twenty-
second infantry 11111(10 ( fl hnst of ( nt 'ale in
Onlinina while he l'nS statlon d at Fort Crook.
tie was a native of Icenitucky nod woe np-
loinitetl to ( lie army from ctvil lift' . lie was
flllpointetl a second lteuntciiaint In time Tw"n-
ty-second on December 14 , J7C , and acceptcd
011 January 1 , 877. lie yns promoted to
the noeltion of first hicutennot on July 20 ,
1582. lIe saw service in the field wib tine
Department of the East , Bpartmcnt of the
Missouri amid Deparineot 'ot the Dakota ,
frommi 1876 until goug to tine front. n 18iiI
Inc was statlonad at Fort'I4ten , N. FL , and
caine to Fort Crook with the"l'wt'nty-second
in the summer of 18n6. t ,
hlgts'a I lit ii Cciii nnn isn In in 0 rgn it tzcs ann !
inforunnznlly 1)hseusntc tine VorI
It hitis tnt linnijI.
WAShINGTON , July 11.-The AmerIcan
members of the commission npl > ointcil by
the pm'esidemit imnmde'r the act annexIng hawaii
to the United States were In conference at
the capitol today.
Senator Cuilona was ciioen chairman of
the commission and other officials desig-
inateti. Mr. M.V. . Blomentlnal , one of tine
otP.cial reporters of the senate , was appointed -
pointed reporter of the cuinnmIssionn , It was
decided that tine enntire clerical force Khouhll
be conoposed of eniploycs of the senate , imi
order not to unnecessarily add to the salary
roil of tle cominis8ion.
It was innpossible to fix a definite time of
departure , but August 1 was agreed upon
as the approximate date for sailing from
San Francisco.
It is expected that about two months'
tinne will ife spent in Hawaii find tIne conmi-
mission mopes to have Its recoiummcndations
Prepared by the opeuilug of the imext sessiou
of congress ,
There was some ( liscusslon at today's
meettnng of 1)15115 for the work aineani , bunt
tills was necessarily lnmformal , So far as
opinion was expressed It was favorable to
the adoption of the existinig hawaiian
Senator Morgan gave the other members
of the commissIon much information con-
cerniing these laws , speaking of the legal
system inmider the present hawaiian govern-
momit ( us one excellently adapted to local
Among the questiorms with which tIme corn-
nilesioni will loire to deal are ( lie innbhic
hntndmu , ( he elective franchise nnd fontlihen-
tiomns ,
Tue nneoibers of the commission generally
express the Oliinioni tlniit steps will be taken
to vrotect the Islands agattist nil passiblo
foes by erectlnng fortificationR , anal by iminin-
( ainhnig a force sufficient for emergency.
'rho presenit laud laws ot tine islanmd are
iuite cotnplicatetl and ( tic chief enmil iii view
whIch they were formulated was ( lint of
lniduclng white imnilgrtitlon. Tile vroba-
liliities are that they will be retained innitler
tine mew systemni in the mi'ln.
Tine lmrcsinlent's imntcntlofl of continuIng
Presidemit Iole as the gqenxor of tIme IICIIY
territory was dicuseti in time meeting as a
matter decided upon and 'us spoken of
niost imnprovlnigiy.
Time comnmlsslotiers favor a full territorial
form of government , itim a delegutu in
conigress and a local legislature , lmtnt tlmey
nieceinsanily v1ll postpone , the consideration
of all matters of detail until they reach
hionoinmlu aimil have an opportunity to conifer
With Messrs. lole ammtj Fcar , the hawaiian
niennbere of ( be comnission
iNlmIinlis Are .4tiutune4 o tine 1)elnr-
unneunt of CnUforJJ Inn ,
WAShINGTON , July 11-Secretary Alger
today issued orders attaching ( he hlawallant
islands to the Military Dcpartnient of Call-
10mm , The First Ne york volunteers ,
Colonel harbour commanding , will be assigned -
signed for ( ho tiuio being at ( ho garrison at
honolulu. Colonel ilanbour is considered an
especially good otflcer for the post ,
General OtIs lies charge of tine ( rants-
itortatton of time troops to ( lie island , and
mopes by July 11 , or a little later , to secure
four coast esseis with a capacity of 1,200
Conisiuler Inn , " .S'ingc ( tmrntt loin ,
PITTSBURG , Pa. , July It.--'Tho National
Window Glass Work irs' "oavemntlon met
hero today to consIder th vuge iluestionm ,
but Prcsiuiemmt Burns , who has Cilpoited ( lie
hioldinig ( lie conveotlon , was npt presenit ,
Linncoln'inner of ilarnesvhili' , 0. , was
elected temporary chairman , anti a corn-
mnittee was appointed to notify Mr. Burma
that time convention was regularly organizel
nind ho expected to preside in recess va' ,
( hiwsi taken. President I3nmrns says a con-
yenUon at this time is uunecesary ,
Union Pacific Again the Center of' thl Great
Bailread System.
1'iNIts of TheIr OllicintI , to ltnhninnnr-
for , ' here liite More 'I'innn Ordi-
Inn. r' Sinent illennuce nt tine
1'recnt Junncturc ,
Speculation concerning the abaorptlon of
the hues of the Oregon Railway anti Navigation -
gation company by time Union l'nciflc was re-
viveti in local railway circles wimeit A , L.
Molnler , president and general niianager of tine
fornnncr company , arrIved. here for a connfer-
coca With ilor.icc 0. Burt , president of time
thnion i'aclflc system , Tine two llneslnlennts
SlOnt Somne tinie together dtnrinng the Inoro-
lug , but. nothIng was annmoinnce.l as a result
of ( Inc cnnferemnce ,
The belief ( lint tine Union Pacific will soon
be restored to Its formmier greatness is grow-
inmg thmronnghout railway circles , Tine careful
Imispection of time Oregon Short Limne , tine Ore-
soil Railway anti Navigation conipanny's hues
nuid Ilarts of the Union l'acifie , Deniver &
Gulf road by President llumrt amid ollmer
leatlinmg ofilelals of time Unnion Pacific ulunnimig
( lie last fortniglnt lins nhilairemitiy corroborated -
ated tine reports ( lint' nmany of time nil
bramitites of the "Overltnntj "
ltounte" that be-
canno initlepeuiticnt dtmrlung tine recei ersltip of
the parent road wotmlti soon return to ( lie
, fold , rehnabihltnting the Umnion L'ncitie systenni
I to ( lie vosition it. onice occtnpictl. Oillciais
I of time Unnlomi l'nclfle ticeline to tilsetnes tine
liobablo timmie for time absorption of tine for-
, mner bramuclnes , but they sIgnificantly call
attenmtion to the fact. tlmat omeials of the
braiieimcsvlo ) about a year ago were loimuliy
prochninininig thmemselves against tine tiniknn
Pacific , ore hOW tunrmling up with somne regtm-
larity at Union Pacific lmeadqtnartcrs mi ( his
city and consultling with time leading officials
of the paremnt line here.
\v , II , lianmcroft , vice president nod general -
oral tilanager of tIme Oregon Short Linie , was
here from Salt Lake CIty nun Saturday to
see Presideunt Btmrt. President Mohiler of
time Oregon Railway ailnl Navigation corn-
pany slnemnt Monday memo for ( lie BaIIiC ) ur-
pose. It Is expected ( hat Frank Trumbull ,
receiver and general ninuiager of the iJmnlon
I'acific , Denver & Gulf , will be here later
in the veek to talk over tine nbsorptioui of
tine hue tromu Julesburg to La Salle by tim
Uuiloui l'acltie , whIch Is expected to take
ulace on October 1.
' .ViN'I'LiIt IS 'm'o Assms'u hI.tXi'Eiu.
Annot lner Pin lout l'ztt'lllc Oierint I n I-
mintri ntnent Amun' " I ii ( inienit ,
\Villiaun C. W'lnter of St. I'aul , son of Edwin -
win W. 1Vinter , the tormuer general nmannagcr
of ( lie Ornnnlua road , mae been offered anti
has accepted the positioni of assistant sumper.
intendcnt of the Union I'acific railroad , lie
is eXlecte(1 here this week , amid 'VIII succeed
Robert It. Sutlierlamid resigned.
Time new assistnuit superintendent will be
directly under Robert W. l3axter , the recently -
cently appointed superlntemldent. lie is a
comparatively young nmnan , somewhat over 30
years of ago. Ills rniiroatl experience Imas
been nltogelmer on the Chicago , St. l'aul ,
Minneapolis & Onnaha road , Ills present
position is chief clerk to the general superIntendent -
Intendent of that road , which . position
lie ham Imeld about three monitins ,
h'revlous to that ho was traveling
clnini agent for ( lie Omaha. road ,
aind lrior to lioldunig this voshtion'as connected -
nected with tine auditing departtmicnt. lie Is
Well known in Omaha aimiotig tine repro-
sentatlves of the Northwestern system aiitl
' favorably spoken of. His father is regarded
as one of time best railroad men in tue country -
' try ant ! his nanne was mentioned in coummmcc-
thou ) with the Union Pacific presilemicy. (
The ammnouncement of the change was re-
celved whIt great surprise by the railroad
fraternity in Omaha. Robert It. Sutherland
has been connected with tile operating do-
liartnieuit of the Umilon Pacific since 1870.
lie rose to the position of ennperiuntendent by
I gradual promotion from tlto lowest work in
the operating tlepartmmient amId is regarded
tie a most capable operating man , lie Inns
I hail Ilersonal charge of a number of large
excumrshoiis , state fair trainmi and other special
service here for a miimnnmber of years anti has
been particularly successful in haiiduing big
events without accident.
IIhl''I' IS A. FiXll ) FAC'l' .
l'rep41I'int liii rt 1lu-mnt'ss Ills I'riiulute
to ( lit- ' . , , ( if ( ) ,
President Horace G , Burt and ( lie oilier
ofllchzils of the Union Pacific were down at
thir tctk ! at time ieadquartera bright antI
early on Monday morining , alter an absence
of about tWo weeks. All apicared well anti
In gooJ humor ; they salt ! timey lint ! lint ! a
goo'i trip , and were glad to have eSCalCtl
injttries lit 'tine wreck on 'the Southern Pacific
reaL ! in California. One member of the pnry
said that the only thing limat prevented a
very serious accident i'as the tact that ( lie
I special 'traIn ' was running at. a very slow
rate of liPecti vben the locomotIve ran oft
( lie track.
In reply to a questIon about tine construe-
tionn of a peromaneilt paasanger station here
by the Union l'aciflc , President Burt said
to a lice reporter : "The people of Omaha
; may rest zmssurcl that wo will lirovido depot
I facilities tiint will 1)41 adequate and credit-
I able to ( lie city , We lund expected to start
to build before this time , but Imavo leeui
I ( lelIiyCl by difficultIes over , the humd and
I otimer umnatters. I canani say just wimemi we'll
get aroimnil to the depot matter , Tlmero are
ninny innprovclnenmts for th coinpamiy that
% vC wammt hero. W& need new ehoi , We
fleet ! a now depot. We Inced now cars , We
exjneot (0 have nil of these , but It will take
thnmo to get them. "
'I'.tlClIS CIitlI6lI OF' 'i'I'IIIMIN.t14 1.lIh.
i'eti'r .7 , Niahnoli , Siin'runutentienn (
Ut t i.e hnisi Onininit Plnnn I ,
Peter J , Nichols , formerly general superintendent -
intendent of the Union I'acihhe railroad , hmaa
been appointed general superintemndeot of tine
Ommiaha hiritlge and Termimial htailway coin-
pany. Time appointnnennt was aflilouneed on
Monday nuiornlng by John IL. S'eimster , general -
oral marmager. Time hioahtion Unat Mr , NIchols
occupies is a newly created one , the duties
of time otlIco having previously beeni dIe-
chnarged by ( lie general imnanager.
Tue company owns and operates tine East
Ornaiia bridge , aiso a railway between
Omaha anti Council Bluffs. IL imas terminals
in Omaha , South Onnaha and Council Bluffs ,
cut ! connects with all lines entering bore ,
Coasitlerablo freight is miow huandleul from
0110 sIde of the river (0 the other hiy ( mis
company , The first passenger traffic that
Gcenrai Superintendent Nicimola wIll supervise -
vise hit mis ne position will be the opera-
( ion of a number of exposition excUrsion
trains from Council hilulTis to ( ho entrance of
the exposition on tine bluff tract , Cars have
been secured , and It is expctcd ( hint trains
wIll be run between the Iowa city to tIne
gates of ( ho big show on Sunday , July 17 ,
for the first time , Twenty-minuto service :
will be given , and a Iaro share of the iowa
trAvel to the exposItion is expected to be
handled by the new ( rains ,
IImiIIw.tofes annul l'cr.onnnis ,
The Iinnnlington pfl' ear made its umnonthnly
visit to Oznniia yestertla ) ' .
Seven niennibers of the 'I'exns l'rcss asso-
elation arrived Inn Omaha yesterday morning -
ing on tine Rock lsiand ,
C. B. Sinat , general agent of the par.sen-
ger departnlemlt of tine Hock Island at Fort
Worth , Tex , , is In time city as personnal es-
con to the party of Texas editors.
A flue lnhotogmapii of tue party nf passcli-
sec men of thne Uunion Pacific wino reenhiy
visited tine exposition inns beemi glveui A cofl-
spicunous place in tine 0111cc of Assistant
General Passenger Agent liutclnleon , Tine
hictimro was tnken in tine cotnrt of the 'tnt
bunilding , anal ( ho colonnades of that bunfltt-
lung make a spientild hnckgretmnd.
General Clinches I" . Mantlersoni , general
solicitor of tini' II. & M. , is ill at mis real-
tience , Thirty-first mad Cinicago streets. lie
hue boom sick for about a ueok , lila ailment
hehnig in close approach to nenvoums inrostra-
tiomi. ihnriung time last few tlays ho inns been
iuit little better. lie was resting iiiineln
easier on Mommtiay morning , but lie will not
be able to be out of his roonnn for a week or
intone ,
Ciunirumian Cnnltlwchl of tine Vt'estern l'ns-
senger association runti a umuunnber of the
gen:3lal ItiEsvniger ageuttmn of uestcrn hinmc
are mow mt Cinlcngo comlferniog u'ithi ( ho
lnmterstate Coninnunerce comminiissleuners regard-
lug ( lie best plnnn for unet'timmg ( Inc cut rate
conimpetutinni of tine Cammatlian I'nclflc , ( lit
their return a ni.etlnng vill be lieu ! In Ciii-
ctugo to discuss time eltumatloul amnd take
deilunito actioul , Tlmls nnnccttmng viil be multi
on Thiuredny of ( mis week. Time rate of $10
between Chlecago flint ! Missouri m'ler Points
Ilihi not go into effect imumul this meeting is
held , if It goes hun at all ,
'l'li.-ni t't' flu I Id mug inn tine ( hid l'lninlnt-
I loin Coun.ununi'I us t hi ( lti'sntlt of
Ii. CiI 'i'n'lcic ,
Fire dcstroyetl tue franic tlnenter iii
tIne rear of ( lie Oh ! Plantntioni mid before
10 o'clock yesterday forenoon. Thie biniltiinng
was cmmtim'ely tnniilhnliatetl , ieaviiig only a fc'
eliarreti timllhei3 , It Vis ivorlh nboimt $ l&O0 ,
unit ! earrieh nm tnsimranlce ,
The fire i'na tine result of time eounnbinatinmi
of a lighted camidlo anti a tharkey en tine
stagu' of the theater. Tue ilaukey was Prac-
ticlnm ; a niew tnninnbling act , inn 'inichn tine
candle iniayeti a part , nut ! in sonic unianiner
tue linme etminimnitnnlcneti with tIne burlap
eoverimng ( mat linen ! ( lie immterlor of ( be buiini-
imig. Tine structure was construncteil entirely
of inulauinniunhnlc minnten'ials nnntl in a fcv
secontuls It was lthinzo froni Pit to cupola.
There was no utile to save anmythiug fn'oun
time iimterior fluid when time threnneun nirriveul
of sluioine ainti hlammie ' '
a tunas i'as potni'inug
forty feet imp froiii Uno roof ,
. Tine two expositlomn hose Coinlpaliii's dId
reuinu'kabiy qtiick work nund un a few nnhniiites
they were rcinfoi'cetl my CtmlnllanIes 4 , 6 amtil
I I anmil Trimck 2 froni tue city departiiient.
I t iias impossible to save any Part of ( lie
liulinlhuig , but tine fire was successfully coin-
flumed to Its origlinal locatIon. Mnnageu' Mc-
Ctmnnehi of ( Inc Oh ! Plantation compamny was
thoivni town i'ineni tine tire occurred , ( ut' his
stnliortiiniates oxpressel time opimiiontiiat tue
tlneater wotnld be rebuilt tnt once. Mr. Mull-
gan , ii'iio vnms in charge of tine concessioni
at tine tinnelas across tine street at breakfast -
fast anti failed to get back in time to save
itis coat anti vest , wimich lie Inani left in the
theater. Thiero was a roll of bills lii his
vest pocket , which went up in snmoice with
( lie rest.
While ( liii ( heater was bunrniing there was a
veritable panic in the Streets of Alt Nations
anljoining. The Arabs nnd Algerlaims he-
came PoSsessed with the idea that timey vere
going to be burned alive antI ahtinougim there
ras tin probability that ( heir resort would
be scorched tiiey Ititlunlgeti in tue wildest
sort of a luinilc , Half dressetl women raced
out Into the street nail thepositeti their
dresses aunt ! valuables on the groummul anti tine
linmates of the rooms iii tine seconnd story
insaniely threw tineir poSSCSsiolms out on the
brick latvemnernt. A fey' of ( lie men rt'taimmed
sinnflcicnit presence of miiind to get on tine roof
i'lh fire extingtnisliers mini the few sparks
that flew Iii that dlrccttonverc easily cx-
titngulshetl , Tim horses anti donkeys s'ere
coumhined Iii a stable at tine rear and very
close to tIne burning btniltllnmg annil vere
nearly crazed by the heat nuntl snnole. A. J.
Webb anti It. S. Berlin took the anlnnals
all out at. the expeniso of divers bruises In-
hiicted by tin , heels of the excited donkeys ,
i.hy tlmznt tiune time fire was nractlcally cx-
tiuigulsined anti time hianiic-stnickcn Onii'nitals
were finally convinced ( lint they were not
in thaunger. Tine fire was a , met nine i'iniie it
lasted and with a strong 'hnd fromli the
north or east it would have been a seriops
menace to ( ho entIre Mitlway ,
Chief Itenlell ajenks'nrxn wortls of lraise
for Guard A. ii. Starkey , wino tanned in time
alarmin anti got tinihigs reatly for the fireimien ,
Cimief Itedehi says Starkey rendered the tie-
partmernt 'cry valuable assistance ,
fllnt'i'i IT Meltnnuuil.l Ioeint-s ' , Vhntt t lie
'I'iti ul. . . Is I iit ltn'iid.-zoni of
tine GniunW.
Shieniff McDonald is pretty tiioroughniy
convinceni ( mat ti veil organizetl gang of
horse tlnieves Is eperatirng in this vicinity
am. . ! ( mat lie will have comiiderinbio trouble
in rtmnnnilog tine iiiennibers to earth ,
Last week a Inorse was stoicnm from tue
vicinity of Irvlnngton amid soon timerenftcr
tlun thief nttemnptcti to steal other hnom'eeun
811(1 ( a lot of horses but is'as driven away
iiy a numnilier of tanners iu'lmo oliene'l on ( ito
feltov with sinotgtnne. Iii his haste to get
otmt of range Inc left tIne stolenn hnorze , which
is 1101 % ' In time possesnulorm of ( Inc sheriff. Since
( lien a coulnle of tlne tleptnties have Ineeni
oin tue trail anti while ( hey have not hmnntictl
their maim , they feel pretty centainn timat tIne
rmian into ivon'ienl : at irvinigtomn is one of a
ganng ann ! that tine ineanltiumnrters tire inn time
lulls onm ( lie einst tilde of time riser ,
A tisy or two ago Sheriff McIotmaltj aim !
neb of his deputies , learning ( inst sUehiiciouit
characters had been honkIng In tine vleiumRy
of homey Creek lake , nbotmt ten lilhlenn nortln
of Council Bluffs , visitetl ( lint section or
country anal itmatlo ann investigatIon. Up lun
time side of one of time steepest bluffs , a mile
or mono from anmy habitation , tiney ( onmnd a
hargo cave ( lint appniremitly hint ! beern deserted
but a few hnonmrs before. Iii this place they
found ovitienico that convinceti thennn ( hint
several iiorea lint ] been uluartered ( here but
a short ( lame prior to their arnivai , They
also founti portions of harness , wlmips anti
saddles , It is miow time opinion of ho inimerhif
that tine linen wlmo work this itle of tine
river , upon stealing horses take timenn to
( lila cave , where they are kept until they
can be run out of tine counitry.
iiortntJIy Stittities ,
The following birtlms annul deaths were no.
portc4 to tine hi'aitin conmnrnissioner dunhmmg
tIne twenty-four hours entiinmg at noon yes.
terday ;
ihirthnt-C. W , Ellis , 2202 Clarke , boy ; 0.
D , Slmrunn , 2Gl Charles , boy ; Anmnhera Non-
genii , 31(1 ( Nonth Thirtieth , glnh ; 'fhtoinias b.
Yard , 516 North Fifteenth , girl ; C. WI. Webster -
ster , 2923 h'ucitlc , girl ; Charles Grasjean ,
$814 Brownie. boy ,
Deahs-Josepii 0. Rector , 113 Southi
Eighteenth , 43 years , paralysIs of heart ,
Mary J. hliake , 2i South irlfty.rtecontl , 47
years ; Lillie Young Joneu , 074 Mason , 36
years , tuberculosis ,
0unci1's ' Committee Makes Very Lhtlo
Headway Up to Date ,
1'n' for 'inshmnet lleinirui nutul lieetri *
1.lgint , . tine Mutters to lie
JunMrd by tln Contntnultte.
Sonne 'I'imnne
Nothing inns as yet beeni dome by the
special CouiliilltteC appointed by the coinnclt
to confer with tine railroads m'egnrdunng a
scttlenteiit by tine latter for tine repairs impon
( lit ) Tciithn auth Elevemnthi streets vianiticts tnt
accortlminnco si ith ( lie tiechalomi of ( ln stnmnrcmnio
court of tine Untitud States. All attenipta to
bnimig about suchi a comitem't'uict' Inave faliet ! up
to date , nlthotnghi ( Inc eoninnittt'e Inns bccii In
tixlstcinco for several \ieks ,
Tine mooney ( hint is coiniinng to this city
( count ( lila source is inn the nnelghiboriiootl of
$ l,0u0. This is tine cost of nil rt'inniirs ( mat
have been miiatlni tmponi tine two vinitlincts nient-
tionnel sinnco tIne ) ' were cotistnincted. Tine re-
hairs imponi 'tine Slxteeimtil sti cot etrtncttmre are
iltt initithetl in ( Inc utiilotniit , as ( lie city aniti
( lie raihu'ontls tlccideti inponn ann npport iomnnnlenit
of tints expense at tine ( limo tue repairs were '
unatlt , ' ,
Upon tlnis comnnniittee svlhl be atltllett also
( lie ( ash of hirlnngiiig ( hue roatls to nccotniit
rcgnrditig thin ductile highitluig nit rnllroatt
crossinngs. 'rite roatis liavc mat until a ct'lmt
for tinese lights since a sctit'niieiit ( ssa
ienchncth tsso years ago. The cIty Inns been
payimng for tinenii onut of tine trt'asinry.
'l'lin fate of tine Unnion l'aehlle tiepot secuna
to be resting Iii a nniensunre unptnui ( hits coin-
nniittcc , too. Time Umlaut ] 'acifle InnS bt'cii
nelcinig for ( hne vnenthnng of a inumilber of
streets tnnl alleys for time strinctunre. 'l'Ino
cotlmncil is dletoseti lint to llnnmnt tide request
nuitil ( lie u'o.iti laiYs ill ) Its sinare of ( mo
vlnntltnct niil ilgimtting cxlcniso.
Tim couiiinnittee which line thit'so nunitters in ,
cinnirgo coinsists of City Comptroller 't'est-
lnerg , City Attorney Comnmmt'li , l'resldcnmt iflnng- .
blunni unitti Mennibors 1htmrlley innnd Bechiel o
( lie city couuncil.
( -'I I \'lii 1) n'u th $ t'nnl iu'rM ,
it looks very inroballe that tb. city author
ities will mo longer iiavc ninny finger iii thin
fight. between tine hwi'nnmnnnicuit ann ! pcrlr'atetie
I ticket hirokers iii ( ito city iii tIme iva ) ' o'
passling orilnnahnces ( , l.Iccmnse Inspector Mc-
\'ittlc hinis given ump tine idea of' lresenitlui _
I amy ortliinauice to tine munich to sunpnlanit tine.
onne declai'cti nnmiconistlttutiomnnii by tine district ,
count. lie line tnkenn timimt etamil on ( be ad-
n vice of tine cityjel tlepntrtnnennL
Tue idea of tinelerlnnniienit brokers is te
drive tine temtnporitry bu Iers from ( ito city
liy imicanna of a big liccuise. They want tine
hlgiure at $ hl0 or $200. Inasnnnucln as ( Ito.
size of the llceimse Iii time ortiiniannco last ,
I itaseti irnis $76 , mid Juntige Scott declared ,
that tinis was exorbitaunt , Liccinse Imispector
MeVittie line been atis'isctl that It. ss'oimitl be
usclt'ss to Ilnice the fee higher. If ( be fee
was Iint at a srnnaller figure tine object of ( lie
ortlinnumee 'otilti met be inttniincd , for tlto
( ehlnpoi'ary brokers wotuit ! pm obably' Iny the
licciise nnnti go on dolnng businmess as before ,
it' 'is ei' ) likely tinint time lnnintter will ultt-
nniately iltiul its ivniy Into court Iui seine sort
of an injunction case.
Slot ihte Iii ii , ' , I ni ils'I.iennee.
Dtining time Inst few weeks slot mninchIno :
for time 'Iispeiisatloin of uumerchnanitilse have
again bccounme quite lnrcs'alent In ( lie storen
ainti saiooiis about tine city , alit it Is nnoro
tinani likely timat at ( mis weeks"nmeeting of
tine council sornie action ss'ill be tuken un tine
dIrectIon of llcemislmug ( mcmi. Thnere inns al-
rcatiy been huCSene(1 ( to the cotmuncil arm orthi-
fiance placltng a $5 license tmlOlt eticln of tine
niachmlnies , but ( his has riot been consIdered
The council wIll probably consider the
matter tinoroughmiy befome tnukimng army action ,
They will imnlt , fronui tile fact that wluemn tine
slot niinciiincs first came to tue city they
seme 1)eruhiittei tinnier tiii ornlignanco that : tl-
lossetl only nierchtantlise unnznehniucs , Under
tlnls ordinannce , inowcver , ( ito hiu'onmnoters grad-
uaiiy thmiftci , unto time practice of imnnmglui
unp mnonnt'y lirizes In Ii ti I thin sic I nu ii I mu g of stnck-
eta reaciteti such a polunt ( mat the immacitinen
su'oro aijoiislienl , The cotumneil does nnoi pro-
1)080 ) (0 ( icl'nniit niiolncy iniaciniuints to get imito
operation again.
% 'i , I t .frs ( rain ( ln I yes to ii lId IgIn tenk
vl tin ' % 'inzt t 'I'ii ( ) hliii c Scent
Iii Omunnilnit ,
Time party of forty Texnne wino arrived ha
Oniahta Satinntlay evenlnmg , to see tIne Trans-
Imliesissiplnl Expositioun anti tn ) look after
tineir business initercats In tIne niortinwcet ,
will leave here Tucday nighit. A htop of
0mb day will ho mnanle hun Kansas City , where
the Party will be enutertainneil hy time business
men of tinat place , At Mount Menu , in tine
Ozark mnounmtaiime , anothen' stop will be matle ,
antI tile itushniese mnc'n freon ( ho Gulf state
will take a shiori rest at tiliB neW mnumunmer
resort ,
hiunniutess ann ! hiit'nsunre were ( lie objects in
view inn tills ( rip to Onmnnina an. ! both were
well accomiipliaimcti , Onmnininn anni tine exposi-
( ion gave thno visitors piemmty of piensunro
amid arnuserniennt ivitli which to occupy their
tunIc , antI ( lie party heaves time jniace of ( ho
great faIr wlthn niotitiimg but inleasanmt nxn'nnn-
ones of tine stay. Several of time liarty cx-
hmrcseed timeir goon ! inlpressioin of Onmtnina In
its gala attire. 'line clean streets , businicans
exmtcnprlso of its mnuercimmtrnts mnnuti rmnilnoads
ammd tine exquIsite beauty of tine White City'
Were spolneni of iii giowinig words of lirniso.
A large mart of tine ( lane sIlent. Inn Ommnalna , .
'Ins dovoteti to sighntset'ing at the fair , All
of tine builtlinngs amid grounds were thor-
otmghiy investigated ann ! tine grannit success.
of tue fair svtte ijiglnly tmpprcclate&I ,
hi. C. Archier , general agent at Galveston
for tine h'ont Arthur itetmte , in ejieaklnng for
his party , salt ! ( hint they were accorded tlio
heat of hospitality anal ( lint time city treated
thmern royally.
Jtulgo Mumniger of time fc"leral court no-
( tinned from lila imoniio at Fremnonit yesterday
iaorrmlung and convened court ,
Time custom lmuuo received gooo pounds.
of tea yeett'rtliny cuininuigtneti to ann ( Jinuulnnt
winoisunale house. The inttnninl revenue tax
of $800 was innrnetliately paid anti the tea.
taken out of boimil ,
Tine custom house receive. ! notifIcation
fronni i3imecinni inispector ' 1' . ii , 1.'t'aikcr . that.
ho is enmrouto fronn San Franuclaco witin a ,
panty of twenty Chminnannnemn ( or the Sane hlumug
company anlti titat Inc would arrive at 4:4i :
yesterday afternooni oni tile Union Pacific ,
ill , , . Ailini I t I ei to iinn Ii ,
Junigo Slabaugin sinui on tile lmeumcln for a
short tinie to ( IlIihIiSe of sonmio 'x'pnnm'to mat-
( cr0 , Time case of ( inc State agairnat harry
Giover , a sinluihi boy chmargetl tvltin bnurglary ,
was commtinucd uatii tine next ternnn of ( mo
district court amId the lath was rcieasenl ez
boni'ls. ' 'l'lme case inguimmat Morris lharnett
wherein lie was charged with assault whim ,
Latent to rob , was dismissed ,