Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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I a 'i'ni orii niiv iii ' 1't.I4IAV , TITLY 1 , 18fl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
? . ( lI Ir1N.
p ItI(1OleT bt'r. flocntt.t. Tot. 823.
Try Moor& itenib In 11cc nntl mites.
r florii : To : 'lr. ' nnd Mrs. S. F. Spoor of
Sevititli ftseiiu , n. ilnugliier.
lilly cnmi o. 1 , Royal Neigblors of
Anierlca , vII1 meet this evenlfl.
SVflnte(1-LnU'St dIUon of Council flitiTt
city ditcctor.tppty at Ilee omce.
Mr. an1l Mrs. ? nniamnchi , registering
S from JnIrnn , tire guests at ( lie ( Iratil.
' . 13. Pnrsons and wife of JJuriInton.
In. , are in the city to visit the expcRilkn.
Teliuty Sheriff J. C , licker is entertaining
liI sister. Mrs V. ' . C. Jones , anti her lius-
baud of Charter Oak.
Mrs. iIWII1 ( L. l'cnfl of MOUit ! Pleasant
is the guest uf tier laughter1 Mrs. It. A.
Cole of Onklniil nvenuo.
Mrs. W'V. . i.uuger anil son , Freil , kayo
thIs 'eek for Denver and other Colorado
poltits for a sutiimer's outing.
Don't you think It must be a pretty good
t laundry that can piense so many hundreds
of custoII1trH'chithat's the " 1agIe , "
721 lhroatiway.
The police are reported to have located a
bicycle stolen several weeks ago at one of
th local iiavnshiolis , where it had been
pledged for the sum of $3.
I3hiits ( conipany No , 27 , Uniform Ithuik ,
Knights of I'ythlas , will this eveIIIa7
In P. 0. S. of A. hail. and ill menil.ers
arc requicstet to be preEent.
The summer school for teachers uiiu1e'
the management of Profa. Brett anti
Thomas at tlit 111gb schooL opoite I
day morning tti ! a very fair attcii'aiice. !
Charles J. Ieid of Creston , ta. , zinti II.
I ) . I'lt'rct' of Chicago , rcresettting thi Vi. -
mont Marhtio cotiurari , nrc in tie ity to
, ' littend the Marble auth Granite Dealel a'
Charles liohtein nod Lohic flinford of
istiicrvIhie , In. . urrived here yesterday to
visit thu pxlwsition. They made the trip
on their bicycles , tukiiig three t. . , . .
the distance.
Jo)111 ) Mooney van lined $10 nni costs In
pollee court ytsierday ! norniiig for his
brutal nuiti uniirovolceii assault upon oh man
Itlnrtiii hluirke of ( ilck. The hue auth costs
aniounted to $18.20.
OvIng to the rain the latvn fete to have
beeii giveit Inst night at the res'deiie'j ' of
Dr. Macrae on Fifth avenue for ( lie benefit -
fit of tile boys of Conipany L was Post-
p)1ie(1 ( ( until this ovening.
Two small boys , William and harvey
Itced. sons of John henry iteeti of fled Oak ,
and agel 1 1 flhti 1 1 years. respectively , were
ordered coniniltted to the reform school at
Eltiora yesterday nfternoon by Judge Smith.
; J. A.Viilto of Centervihie. F. .1. Blake efFort
Fort lodgc ) ; C. A. flynn of De8 Mohin's
.1. 11.Viisnii of Menlo. I. . E. htnllowchh of
Atlantic , I. M. Monjlngn of Coin nt , . it. r.
Monford of 'iilitca arrived inst eveiiiut to
attend tue State Itepubhican h'aguo con-
. Mr. and Mrs. Al Claik rt4urneJ votiter-
day front a three months' sojoun In Cal-
iforitla.'hihio iii San Fr.incli'c they 'via.
Roil Camp Merritt aitil thu , . boys of the
Fifty-first Iowa. The soldier bLYS Or' all
vcll but ntidousiy awaiting orders to o
to the front.
\v. C. Johinaon , e1nimin to have conin
trout Ornrthia , is locked up at tht' city jail
on auispicion of having stoleut a let of liar-
fleas. tie soul the harnos3 yesterday aft
eruionit to n second-hiatid .lealor or , hiroal-
way for $1.75.'bt'ui token irt ettitcd.V
ho said he hind itrouglit the liarnr'ss from
- - -
AiTflngelncnts liavo been made with the
Terminal company to carry the ottldreii
to tile e\i.oSitiohi grounds ocx : Tb iisday
on Children's day 110(1 thin' detilCttion of the
Boys' auid Chins' buhldint. A fare of 10
cents for tha otintl ( rip has ben secured ,
The train wil leave the corner of Eight-
centhi street ned Broadway at 9:30 : a. in.
itliti will rctirn at 3:30D : m.
.n Mrs. ' Kntrlna Paulits. wife of Martin
, . i. t'ntihtis : of Lewis , who was ordei'ecl coin-
mUted to the Insane asylum by tini Iloard
, , , of Coininissionerit for the Insane Saturday.
was taken to Clnrinda yesterday morning
I Sheriff Morgan. Mrs. Paulus is 60 years
of ago and baa been more or less mentally
I dorauiged for the ia3t twenty years. Of hate
, her condition became such that It was found
necessary to jihace her ituider restraint.
' .
. C. ri. Viawl Co. , female remedy ; consulta-
tioui free. 0111cc hours. 9 to 12 auth 2 to 5.
Health book furnished. 326-32-328 Mer-
riani block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
FOR SALE-Ooou secona-hund bicycle at
I a bargain. Cell at Ttio Bee ol1ie , Council
, I't'itt'tieehiiretl. .
. . Pence will soon be ileclated. but In the
' $ meantime ict 'us sing some of the ne.v war
' EuiIgs before It might be tot halt ) . They
cati ho had at the IiourIcius Music house.
25 Broadway , where they keep the hhitest
. lot of pianos found anywhe"a In the uest.
Organ on the building.
' . hotel hiiinan , 518 Broadway. has lowered
Its rates from $2.00 to $1.00 per day to
everybody. First class table and nice airy
' rooms.
0 nh I on IIt'tl'ttMMOd G inn t I it g 'I'ern' I nnl
Conipstiiy JtV htI.cIit Of ' % Vsi.
v rl city jiiiicti met in adjourned session
last night. After several amendments had
been tacked on , the ordinance granting the
'roriiiliial hlailway company a new right of
way was asscti. 'l'hie geiiernl iinproveutierit
'Ordinance submitted by the city attorney
'was nlw vassetl utter an amendment pro-
'vtling that the preliiuuinary expenses of all
buprovements be charged up to ( lie aiut-
( log property owners and included iii the
certificates and that the certificates be hot.
untitled over to the contractor untii lie had
. ( lelOSltCl ) in the olty treasury the aniount of
such PrehlmihinrY expenses. The awarding
' of the contract for the haying of tim brick
; aittowaiku ordered was laid over until the
next itiecting.
Tim brick sitlcvalk on North Eighth street
be'tweeiiViushington avenue and Avenue II
was ordered changed front four to sh feet
1 'with' .
I 'rite itiatter of the disposition of the county
road fuiul 'was brought up auid discussed.
U was decided to oxpentl a further sum
.00 Upper Broadway , to improve the road
to Muuinwa iiiid to open and grade Second
'hvenuo In the vicinity of Keys Bros. ' fac-
- Attorney Stewart on behalf of a nuntlier
of the city itterchiants atlileessed the council ,
, ; requestitig that transient merchants ho more
t. lienvfly taxed. Tlio city attorney % vuus instructed -
structed to prepare a new ordinance with
this Ciuti in view ,
' Contlilaint t'ns third of a number of lots
'on Fourth anti Fifth avenues that are ho.
low grade auth Oiled with stagnant vator
( hhiI thto cotaphaitit was referred to the
I hoard of health to take action , A sewer
vas ordered haiti on Nicholas street from
Plorco street to Broadway ,
Nice pickerel , bass. sainion , pike , perch.
cattish , mackerel , 'hiteIishi auth any oilier
* shuecles of lhshi can always be founil at the
' store of Sullivan , tInt grocer , and orders
are always tIlled promptly.
Map of Cuba. West ladies and the Worhd
at The Bee elites , hOc each.
Uiurrh.igt' Liee'ibes.
4 Licenses to we's were issued yesterday to
the following iieioiis
Name antI resiiltmce. Age.
Joel 11Vicker , Oniaha . , . , , . , , , . . . . . . . , , 0
Eninia Thitebeti , Omaha. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Fretl C. Smith , Arlington , Neb. . . . . . . . . . . 23
Nellie 1L I'oiloek. Arlington , Nob. . . . . . . . 18
Joseph 0. Lutlwig , Minden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Sarah hlardymartin , Minden . . . . . . . . . . , . 20
3. II. Gallagher , Washington , Neb , , , . . , 40
Fanulo Wriutch. Washaiutun1 Neb. . , . . , . $1
i' ;
Everything in Rcadinca for the Republican
Olub3 to Gather.
l'rcd.hei. t Coiin sty Iii nit ihanil hteitil
for hliiMhiicti.i-iilhhIic Of * lie
. Vtrk of ( lie Cliii-
vciit in ii.
Everything is In readiness for the convention -
vention of tue state league of republican
clubs which will be cahied to order this
afternoon at. the lohinny opera house at 2
o'clock by l. It. Connway of Des Moines ,
iircshient of the league , who arriveil in ( lie
city yesterday afternoon , together with E.
\v. Weeks of Guthrle Center , the genial
and popular secretary of ( lie organization.
Altiioughi in Imint of numbers the conveii-
( Ion may not lie as numerously uttended as
at fIrst expected , overythitig volnts to it
being one of the most ejuthitisiastic ever
held In the history of the league. The local
committee oil arrangcnieiitui , consisting of
l'ostmaster I. M. Treyior , Judge \\'alter 1.
Smith and A. S. liazelton , ably assisted by
( lie members of the several subcommittees ,
have been hard at work and yesterday corn-
hiletcul the details. The opera house has
been tastcftihly decorated with bunting
anti the national colors and the stage
baiiked with lOtteIl flowers nod laLnis.
The committee on music has secured the
services of Whaley's orchestra of fourteen
Pieces , which will enliven the proceetlimugs
'Rh ; mtriotic airs and campaign music.
The league rooms at the Grand hotel have
been arranged as headquarters for ( lie othI-
cers of the state league and the omecrs
vhhi procecl iii a body ( huts morning front
the hotel to the opera house , beached by
the band and escorted by the meunbers of
the McKinley republican club of this city.
The first session will be devoted
mainly to ( lie address of welcome by lion.
John N. Baldwin of this city and thie ic-
spouse by lion. Sidney A. Foster of Ios
Moines. Among ( ho matters to come before
( lie convention will be some strong resolu-
thetis , incorporated in whiich will be one en-
( horsing thte gold standard.
The reception committee , composed of
the fohiowhiig ehi known republicans of
( lila city , I. M. Treynor , chiairrnan ; Jacob
Sims , B.V. . Hart , F. F. Everest , J. N.
l3ahdwln , J. J. Stendinan , A. T. Flicklnger ,
John Matthie's , Eu Brown , Ernest E. hart ,
\\'liliarn Shiepard , A. S. hlazelton , Victor E.
Bender , William Arud , C. S. flyers , Judge
\v. I. Smith , George S.'right , J , P.
Grcenshuields , C. M. Ihurh , C. G. Saunders ,
Freeman L. hoed , Charles It. Hannan , John
S. Morgan , James A. I'atton , J. 11. Cleaver ,
Theodore Guittur , N. M. Pusey , It. N. Ellis ,
% \.ihl meet all the incoming trains front the
cast this morning and escort the delegates
to the headquarters at the Grand , whiero
they will register. There are 1,200 repub-
hlcali club in the state , nIl of which have
been invited to send delegates to the con-
ye it t in a.
Sullivan's victory , while not such a glorious -
ous thing as that of Dewey or Scbiey ,
is nevertheless a big event in commercial
lines. lb has succccdei hR inducing the
people oI Council Bluffs to eat more fish
than they do In other cities of ( hits size.
hence its great record in the health statistics -
tics of the country.
: ii.t'i"riiits IN 'i'ILld DIS'i'htIC'V COURt' .
Jiiilgc Siiiltli tteii.iers D0C1H10i114 In a
Niiuiihr of' Ciist's.
In the district court yesterday Judge
Smith handed down a iiuinber of decisions in
cases vliich he had takcn under advisement.
In the stilt of Leonard Everett , executor of
the estate of Horace Everett , against the
city , coulity auditor and county treasurer to
enjoin them front assessing and collecting
city taxes on certain property within the
city hinilts which time plaintiff claimed was
used solely for agricultural purposes , the
court ganted time relief sought for with time
exception of a small part of the property
listed in the petitioli.
In the injunction stilt of N. P. Nelson
against Justice of thin Peace Ambrose Burke
the motion of the defendant to dissolve ( ho
itijuuiction was overruled.
In the cases of Kirkendall , Jones & Co.
and Gilmore & hluhil against hi. hlothiolz et
al. the incrvenor , L , A , Goldsmith , was
given sixty days In which to file a 'aow ,
good and sufficient delivery bond in the sum
of $1,500 in lieu of time pretended bond given
October i , 1894 , and approved October 5 ,
1894. "
In the stilt of Lillian Boarilmnan and huts-
band against Amy and Lee Douglas arising
over a land deal the motion of the defendant
for a new trial was overruled.
In the damage suit of Mrs. Jennle F' .
Kasslmig against ( lie Chicago , Rock Island &
l'acifle Railway company , in which thin rail-
\ay securei a verdict , the Plaintiff's me-
tion for a new trial was overruled ,
In ( Ito stilt of James Doyle against James
F. Burns , thin defendant's motion to quashi
tIme original notice was overruled. This is
time suit arising from ( lie organization of the
l'ortland Gold Mlmming company of Colorado ,
in which time plaintiff sties Jatiies F. Burns ,
president of time company , for $620,000 , which
ho alleges to be the 'aluo of certain shares
of stock In the company and dividends paid
en thiese shares , which he claims by right
belong to him , but are being unlawfully held
by Burns.
In tIme superior court yesterday ( Ito case
of Thomas C. Kennedy against M. B. Edger.
ton was tried before a jury , TIme suit is for
Possession of a house amut lot in 't\'iihiants'
flr8t addition ,
mu agreement judgment was entered for
the Cady Lumber company against G. M ,
Jarvis and the Jarvis Manufacturing comu
unity in the suni of 2,238 ,
Pre'siilont Conawny 1111(1 Secretary Weeks
decided late last night that as time majority
of thie delcgncmi would mme arrive lit ( hue
there would ho no use in holding a morn-
lug session and time couvention will not be
called to oriler until 2 o'clock this after.
President Conaway , Secretary Weeka mind
Chairman flyers of tIme executive commit-
ice Went to Omuhma last night ho pay their
respects to the otilcers of tIme natiommai
As between this two k Irns been demimon-
I strated that fish is considerably clmeaper
I thutu macat , Another tIming to ho consitlereil
is that good , fresh flslm is humore hmcalthmtul.
Seimd in your order to Sullivan , the grocer.
313 Broadway , amid have a mimosa of flhi for
dittmmer , If you cmimmnot conic to the store
just call 101 by 'phone ,
'l'ime ohilcial phmotogrnmhms of the United
Stnte Navy. cormtalmmImmg over 2C0 pictures
of time vessels , with thmeir olilcers and a hum-
of the viovn o the Ill-fated Muumme , can be
bad at the Council Bluffs ofilco of Time lice
for 25 cents and a hloecoupomt.
Ito ii AI4MIII'hlll iiiii I iiuurlr4t. . , , ,
Articles of incorporation of thme South-
westerim Iowa hail association were flied lii
( ho otfice of time coumity recorder yesterday.
The object of time association is to insure
growiimg crops against loss or damoago by
bail and its territory embraces the counties
of Pottawattamuie , Mills , Montgomery mtnd
: ' -a
muijoirming counties in the state of lawn , Its
principal place of business is Council IhhumiTs
anti the limit of assessment he 3 imer cent
of time antount immmumrcti , anti In thme event
of greater loss thami timis , time ' 1 tier cent
is to be assessed rmd dlvldetl itroportionatehy
among the losers. The ofllccrs are : President -
dent , 0. L. lharritt : vice president , F' , ' 1' .
Canipany ; secretary , B. II. Ohilenilorf ; trees-
tirer , Anton Miller. TIme above ollheers with
the following will constlttmtn ( lie hoard of
tllrecorsl C. 11. Vandrimif , Chmnrles T.
hianily , Ii. C , lirandes , 11. 0. Bruce , J. A.
Cottiiwny ArrIv's.
F. IL Conawny , president of the state
league , arrived yesteeday itternoon eccotit-
panied by lion. J. S. Mequiston , auditor of
Polk county , who lmam just sectmreii a renoni-
intition after a hmard fight. than , hi , W. flyers
of harlan , chairman of the executive corn-
nilttce , arrived yesterday morning anti B.
W.Weeks of ( ltmthrlo Center , secretary of
the league , arrived last evening. Mr.Veehms
t.hii , it is generally expected , be rewarded
for lila loyalty to time league and the efll-
cleat. mmmanner in which lie Imas discharged
the duties of the office of secretary by being
elected to the huresiIency of ( ho state league.
Mr. Weels : Sail 'to a representative of The
lice that tIme officers of tIme league expected
a large attendance at the convention , al-
thought imohiticahly this was an oft year.
'The campaign ( lila year will be one of
clmnrity , " ho said , want. to bring time
fellows back who went , off cit political timm-
goats amid show them time error of their
ways. The object of time reimubhican league
is to hook after the ilciails of the republican
party In nIl larts of time state , at all times
iluring the year , to interest voters and ( Ito
young uten who are about to reach tlmolr
majority and 'to ( cccii the principles of cc-
tiuhmhienlsin by tIme forimiatinit of clubs. 'l'lme
growthi of time league iii howa as througlt-
omit time whole coumttry Imas been inarvciotms
ammd its success has been assured. There is
ono titing ( lie league imever does , that is to
littereat itself In the candidacy of aumy candidate -
didato until ho secures the nomimtatlon.
Tlteim the league tiuts forth all its strength
to aid in thme election of such candidate. "
On arrlvhimg here yesterday I'residcnt
Conaway foumtd time fohlowimmg letter from
lion , Jolt11 A. T. huh , chairman of the coit-
gre3slanal committee on military affairs ,
awaiting hint :
\'ASiIINGTON , D. C. , July 8.-F. It. Comm.
\vay-My Dear Sir : Your favor of the 2d
himstnitt received. It. will he Impossible for
mite to attend the convention at Council
Bluffs. I hope that you vihi have n large
attendammco anti timnt ( lie enthmusiasnt In club
work vihi comithimue unabated in hewn ; at
least I thmimmk you have domme great good for
thie party in the past mmd regard time club
as nit invaluable ummit hum pronmotiumg repub-
hIami success. It reaches time individual voter
mnoro directly and personally than cmiii be
( bite In any other way amid stimulates am-
bitiomi iii every locality. I sincerely itopo
that yotmr work , supplemented by the regum-
mr cantialgn of time tiress , may result in an
ovcrwhuchmniimg republican succeas in Iowa
this year. I nun , yours 'very trimly ,
. ,
J. A. T. hULL. "
lion. John F. Laccy , chairmamm of the corn-
mittee on Public hands , writes to Mr. Coon-
way regrettimmg his inability to attend and
says : "Time chub orgaimizations have done a
great work in the past and there will be
good opportunity for them again this fail
to assist the party of jmrotection , progress
amid soummd money , "
\ \ ? , Kynett has ptmrchiased a Lo.mguo
bicycle from Cole & Cole ,
As the days roil 'rotmnl the big fish deals
of Sullivan , the grocer , keep getting larger
and larger. Each week necessitates the
enlargement of his orders until they have
assumned mammoth proportions. Fishi is a
staple diet , healtlmftml amid strengthening
and time tieople are begimining to recognize
this fact mere than ever , Timis week his
shipment hll be larger titan ever.
Mnrlihe iiiitl Granite IenlcrH.
TIme joint convention of the marble and
granite dealers of Iowa. Nebraska , Illinois ,
Kalisas , Missuri and South Dakota opens
In this city today and 's"hl lact over Wedmies-
hoy. hica'IqImarera hmave been secured at thto
Ogden lmouite , ivhmero the seions will be
held. 'rite convemitioc vill be called to order -
der this afternoon at 2 o'clock by J. M.
Graham of Des Moines , president of time
Iow.t 'csc'.irtlon , who is expected to arrive
hic't early thmia morning. At the opening
session Mayor Jenitlngs will d"hiver an address -
dress of weoome , which will bo responded
to iither by Mr. Grahrumn oi F. B. Alderman
of West I'ont , Neb. , president of the Ne-
tr.shca nsscclatfon. Semite 150 dealers a.e
expected to lie In attendance. It is thought
Iirmbahhe that time convention whil result in
the fornmation of an immht'rLt..o association
of ( hit. mmmtmmble and grnmmittt muml"rs. Matters
solely of Interest to time mne'ut.'rd of the as-
sociatler. will be discussed.
Ite'zii Estzie 'l'ruiisferN.
The following transfers were flied yester-
tiny in the abstract , tithe and loan office of
J.V. . Squire , 101 Pearl street :
.1W , It. Goff to William Brown , I acre
in so hot 5 , Auditor's subdiv ,
seunw'4 12-75-40 , w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 75
Ornahimi & ( irant Smelting coniparm ) ' to
Joseph II , Shteriocic , lot 14 , itiock II ,
hlemitton's add , v d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00
Jui'gen Frahiun amid vIfe to Carl Iteth-
Wii4chi , hOtS 1 and 2 , block 8 , Walnut.
wd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
S. C. Ilarlow amtd wife to Andrew Ole-
son , lot 7 in mtubdiv of e block 31 ,
amid block : is , .voen , S V ( I. . . . . . COO
Charlotte Ii. hlumrnhmam and hmumsbammd to
Fmilrvietv Ccmettry nssocintiomm , lot 3 ,
block 13. Mill add , w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,300
Five transfers , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ,
Timis is time time of year whcii fish is time
most hmemtithmfui food ommo cart eat , But to lie
palatable ( be fish shoumhd be fresh , That
is tIme reason ( lint Suhllymun , the grocer , has
suchm a big run on fish , They are always
good , fresh amid strictly first class.
The Evans laundry is the leader in flue
work both for color and finish , 520 Pearl
street. l'hommo 290.
Shot hiy liii limirngt'il Ihimahiammil ,
MUSCATINE , In. , July 11.-Spocial ( Tele-
gramn.-I.ast ) evermimmg itt time little iowa of
Fredonia , nineteen nmilcs south of here , oc-
ctmrretl a tragedy whiichm resulted In jime
death of Charles Bentley , a young man
wimo hias been unduly familiar with time wife
of II. J. l'reston. Preatoim warned Bentley to
keep nuway from his Imouse , but last evemmlimg
Bentley vcnt there in comnparmy witht Mrs.
h'restomm. Prestoim stepped into an adjoiniuig
moonm. came back with a revolver amid
opemmed lire. lie tired ttmree ( hues , time first
shot missing the intended victim arid sink-
hug Prestoum's son iii thu foot , ( hue second
striking Bentley 1mm the arm and time third
in limo abdouneim , Time Imist eliot Proved fatal ,
The sympathy of the public Is witim Preston ,
who gave imimnitelt imp to the constable anti
Is now lodged hum jail ,
hirt' 1)IfluttimhieH. *
Iimdiammapoiis Journal : "No , sir , " said tIme
commgressntan wIth tIme lay-dowti collar and
this large feet , ° thte idea of taking charge
of these tropical isIand Is utterly immipracti.
"hint it woulti add to our wealth amid Imowcr
anti be tite rnamms of hiroaticimltug time Intlu.
emice of our Iimsiittmtloims. ' '
" 1 don't cure. Time Agricultural depart.
inept Is Imaving tioubie enough now keepin'
the farmers jiostod on vcewlls and 'Cauada
( hustles , I don't. kimow whiemu wefi b If
timey humid to go to work amid educuto time
ummassem , In raisin' niangoes an' breadfruit
( ices au' tbiugs hike them. "
, 'I ,
Sixty-Eight Year Western Iowa
Was Bought by the Whites.
Siie , ioiei , fine's , Otimalmns , Mioii
amid M1MMuimCI _ Ul l'nhii for
'rii'Ir h.niisl-Snitl t Smiii , ( 'umim-
imireil % ihi l'rcNeIit 'alueM ,
It will be just sixty-eight years on July
15 since thit part of Iowa including Woodbury - I
bury coumumty was ceded by ( lie lndlaiis tO
( ho United States , says the Sioux City Jour-
ash , 0mm timat day iii 1830 ( be Sac , Fox ,
Western Sioux , Omnumlma , Iowa anti Missouri
Indiamma sold a tract of hand ahoimg time west-
era Iowa sloimo for vhichm tlmoy received time
following as a consideration : Sacs , $3,000
Foxes , $3,000 ; Sioux , $2,000 ; Yamtktoit and
Snumtoe bands of ( lie Sioux , $3,000 ; Oummahmas ,
$1,500 ; Otos amid Missouris , $2,600. These
nimmoummts were tialti annually in lmtstmihimnommts
for ten years and provision was also ittatlo
for farnt iimmpiemnents for time Imtdiaits amid
schmoohs for ( heir clmlidren ,
Frommm titat day forward these beatmtiftih
amid rich tarot lands have becit under time
commtrol of the United States governrneiit. I
Time hmmdlami nmatle imo further claini to the
property as tribes , but small bands immdulgcd I
lit Irequemmt outbreaks. At thimtes it was
necessuiry to call upon time federal troops for
assistance , but generally time red men were
routed by organized companies of Itiommeera.
Sioux City mmmcmi anti seine wimo are still liv-
immg here , have engaged lii camnpalgims with
scattered bands of hmmdians. Front tltat ( hate
on tIme valumabht , lands passed Into time htosses-
81011 of time wimite Inca , nut ii. was many
years before they were settled ,
For gemierntlons ( lie Imullan had traversed
( lie spreading praimics of mtorthmwcstera Iowa
and lmummetd time buffalo , elk and deer , flslmed
in tlm strennis and lakes ummmnolestcd by the
onward treuid of civilization. Time ( line canto
when the natives vere obliged to part with
their hamids , but ( lucy were not driven out.
TIme governnment bought time heath after a
treaty with time several tribes and the latter
hmrted , forever , with their rlghmt to it.
' 1'rt'mtt % ' hhoimnhlmIm'IOM.
Time boundaries described in this treaty
with the Imtdlamms were given as follows :
fleginmmirmg at the upper fork of the De'
Mohimes river , and passing time sources of
time Little Sioux and Floyd rivers , to time
fork of time first creek that fails Imito tIme
Big Sioux river , or Cahumet , on thie cast
side ; tluemmce down said creek and Caitimuiet
river to time Missouri river ; thence down time
Missouri river to the Missotmri state lute
above the Kansas ; thence along said Bite
to time mmurtlmwcst cornQr of time state ; thence
to the hmighmhaimds betver the waters failing
lmmto the Missouri mmd Des Moines , passing
to said hmlglmlnmmds afoug 'time dividing ridge
separating the watcs of' the Missouri from
those of the Ies Moines , a point opposite
time source of time } Joyer river and thence
In a direct hue to tii upper fork of time
Des Moines river , ( ho p1.1cc of lmeginmming.
This treaty was immde by WillIam Clark ,
supcrintendeitt of IndIan affairs , nail Colonel
\Villoughiby Morgan1 ot time First United
States infantry , amid caine into effect Feb-
mary 24 , 1831 , by prpehampation. It does imot
appear that any fort was erected on these
lands. The Itmdinns after cediumg their Iammds
to the govormmnmemmt lIved on the reservations ,
and were under the control of the govenum-
inent ,
csJ , . . . . fl..iM _ -
. . .
Prior to that time white amen had been
In this section of the , coumntry , butt no man
had made any attempt to locate In ( lie pres-
eat site of Woodbury county. It was nearly
eighteen years afterward that William
Thompson , the first white settler , appeared
on time scene. lie selected a spot mmcar
Floyd's bluff as his ilomaihi. Thompson con-
eluded that it was an ideal spot for a future
city. He lmroceeded to lay out a towum , call-
lug It Thompsonviiie. There It was tlmat.
Woodbury county was organized. That was
four years after Thompson's arrival , Then
begaum time advent of othmer piommeers In the
section so recently sold to tIme government
by time Iuidiamms. The hiidlnn canto to the
hionmes of tIme wimite man to trade his furs
for manufactured geode and it was no longer
time hunting ground of time native. But the
Indians strayed about in this section of Iowa
for rnatm' years after that , Up to a few
years ago time ) ' were to be seen wandering
about this section antI even today they come
over from the Winnebago reservation In
Wagons to Pick about the city amid sell goose.
It has been a wonderful change. Men
who hived in Wootibury county can remeni-
ber It as a wild frontier and now it contains
time metropolis of western Iowa.'huat the
himdians sold to the government for a few
paltry thousands are now worth mililomms.
Not only have the Indians parted with imow
valuable hands for a song , but this has also
lmeen true of ( hue white muon. The tiresent
sIte of time hushmmess district of Sioux City
was sold by Joseph Leonais for a few thousand -
sand dollars. Woodbumry county has now
passed forever into the hammds of civilization
and Its early history huts about been for-
gottemm. Tue Buffalo amid elk are no more
lii thIs section , roving bands of hostile indiana -
diana are timings of time past mmmd today it
Is a healthy , thriving anti rich community.
hmss itl'iIlh do I.t't Cohi I rimet for It' .
Suit. ' JIIMIrlent hiiimIdhiig ,
DES MOINES , July 11.-Speclal ( Tohe-
gram.-Thme ) state executive council exam-
limed amid accepted time plans of Architect
Oliver 0 , Simmithm for time new state historical
buIlding today and time architect. is authorized -
ized to advertise for bids on time contract
at. once. Comitractors will have thirty days
to get bids lii , thmen the contnimct will be
let and work omm time bulidumig begin Immno-
dimmteiy' with a vlot to having time cormmer
stone haiti early in bctober. The revised
plans are not immaterIally ullfTeremit from timose
accepted by the eouimcil a year ago , only
they contemplate tIm ercctiomm of a more
elaborate huihdummg. The ving which is to be
erected now will cost $50,000 , time whole
humildimmg 'imemi comp'tel $300,000 ,
Because of the fmTit ; piat tIme Transmis-
slasippl Exposition chiiwmlssiommers fauheti to
mmmnko tIme arrnmmgem mts pgreed upomm Mayor
Macvicar today telegraitbed time comumunisslon
at Ommtahma that Ies ) Moines was not prepared
to celebrate a "Des Moines Iay , " this corn-
hug Fritlay amid miii h'rrahmgemneats here tunic
been called off. , ,
Time stute execmmtivtacouncih immet thuis immorn-
lug as a Board of tovlew to equalize ( hue
assessment of Imroper imrougimommt the state.
On account of time 4fa of three counties
to got their abstracts in , It mitijourned for
two weeks. W'aymmo couiitys abstract of as-
sessmnent came straggiimig him ( lila hmiornhimg ,
Mehuaska , Duimuquue anti Taylor are still out.
Time attorney gemmeral's opiaiomm us to whmether
the hearth eau under time law equalize per-
soumal property is expected tomorrow , It is
uimtlertood that lie tvlhl huold time board may
equalize miii tiuo personal property iii classes ,
hut not as to intilvidmmal property.
Time Grzmmmti Masonic Lohgo ( of Iowa ( eel-
ored ) will riteet in this city tonuorrow anti
vlhi probably continue in session until Sat-
urday. James Washington , Sioux City , is
I grauitl master , anti A. A. hhlauik of ICeokuk ,
I grand secretary , There are sixteen lodges
I in the state and all will be represented ,
, !
The Great Resort. L
j ) r4
Every body invited to take in the
: sights and be convinced that
.c '
Lake Manawa
L' is the oniy place to get cooled off
and have lots of fin-i.
, Above all doii"t fail to see the
Electrical Mirage at night.
hIserl ii I mig iii Iteilil i , ie'.a for thii
Stit to L'ti , ' , 'I'iieM.lSi ) .
Thmo local committees In charge of ar-
rangenments for tIme coitvemmtlomi of the Sato
League of Republicaum Cltmb to he held lucre
tnmmtorrov imict yestertlay morning at 10
o'clock to coummphcte cii 'time ' flumal details.
Postmaster Treymmor has received word front
Des Mohmies that Presltlemmt F. It. Conaway
viil be accoimmimanicd by a full delegation
from i'olk coimitty amid although the convoum-
tloa will probably hot ho as largely artemmtled
his at first expected nevertheless time indica-
tiomis are that time gathering will be a big
one.Seine dhsaimpolntmhieitt is felt that Goverimor
Simaw will be imitable to be present , ne lie
leaves today for Vermuoumt to visit his father
anti sister , time latter of whenu is In very
bad health. In atitlitlon to the speakers oh-
ready pumbhisimetl Colommel B , G. Pratt , president -
dent of the Grant club of De Molitos , xviiI
on time special invitation of Prsldemit
Conaway deliver an adtlress before time comm-
vention on " 110w to Manage a Climb. " It Is
proumised tlmat ime will give the club organIzers -
Izers of time state something new to thmlmik
about mind sonmething practical.
At the mornluug session lion. Joimn N. HaIti-
win wIll deliver the address of welcome , to
vhicii Sidney A. Foter of Des Moines 'ihl
respomid. The business of the conveimtion
will be Interesting to mill league nmen , It vihl
Include tIme eleetloim of state anti district 001-
eel's , decide upon 'time ' best imlace 'to ' hmohil a
great state league rally during time fall camum-
paign anti fix time location of mmext year's
state convention. .
zime ireemi. QtIIOUFU ) L 'i.UO SLiLC teague
are : F. It. Couaway , presldeumt ; El.V. .
\'eeics , secretary ; V1eIor B. Bender , assistant -
ant secretary ; F. C. Letts , 'treasurer ' , miii
H , W , flyers , chairman of the executive
conmmittce. B.V. . Weeks Is the only ennuI-
'late ' mentioned so far for the presidency of
tIme state league and It Is generally expecited
he will be elected by a ummaumirnous vote ,
130th Semmators Allison and Gear have
written to I'reideimt Comma\vay varuuhy coin-
mruemmding the work of the league and regretting -
gretting very much that they wIll be unable
'to be present at ( lie convention.
Time raIlways have made a rate of one fare
for the round trip to time national convchmtlon
which opens Wednesday iii Omaima , amid
tIckets uiil be sold today so that time dde-
gates to time state convention hero get time
liemmefit of the rate. Time Western Passenger
association at fIrst arranged to immit. time
tickct at ( lie reduced rate on sale tomorrow ,
hut his this vould have prevemmted niay In
tIme easterum part of tIme &tatc vlio desIred to
attend time state comivention irommm securIng
( lie bemiefit of thin reduction time date of tIme
sale was changed to today at the request of
the officers of time state league. Time tickets
will ho good to roturum Wednesday , July 20 ,
thus affordummg time delegates a good eppor-
tunity to visit the Tramusmississippi Exposi-
( lea.
Kills hlhijiseif.
CRESTON , In. , Jiuhy 11.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-.Sammmuel ) Fnrumsworth of Urbamma , Ill. ,
was found a nub west of town in a small
pommd. lie hati a hiuhiet hole him his forehead
anti a revolver lay on time ground mmear by.
lie haul comimmittc'd suicide and fahiemm lute
the water ,
F'.tS'l'FiIt 'Volt I'Lim ) ( ) ui.t'l'S.
Fieett.r Crnf ( SVlit Soi hh hhiiiit
'ihi ti , , ' Aiti ( if ithiimiiliiimmimm ,
The rnnnumfncturers of aiumiumlmmmmm are juhil-
hant over thud success of the rapidly exteati-
iumg number of uses to which theIr proihumct
Is bcimmg put in time arummy and navy , Thmls
mimctal hns been used for cookiimg imtemmsils
for so iommg timat its advantages for this
pitt-pose arc ito loumger questiommed , but , tie-
cording to those wlmo are best qmaiitietl tim
judge , this use Is time most imusigmmlflcammt of
time severuil uses Iroposetl amid adopted , tIme
important uses 'to viulch they look forward
In ( lie future beirmg 1mm comistructioum ratluem'
thmait iii Cluipmnemmt , Already sommme of the
new torpedo boats imave mint ommiy thmelr cooking -
ing utensils of niumninuam , but also tIme washstands -
stands , wash basins and fIttings of simimihar
character of alummmiuuumi. Other articles iii
the limue of fittIngs to whmichm alunmimmummm hues
been almimiled tire cleats , blocks , shafts , conm-
pass boxes , lamps , lamp franmes , truck
frames , etc. , ummost of these articles imavimmg
previously lueen made of brass or commmpo-
eltioum. ThIs suhsthtutlon naturally suggested -
gested time tmse of ahmmmmminunm for the lmrass
sImelIs of the fixed imammunltiotm , iii order to
reduce tue emmorhmmous wdlghmt which hueumvily
armed torpedo boats and torpedo tlestroyera
are required to carry. According to tIme
Alumnlnuiuui Vorhti , thIs suhstitutiomm bias
been mmmatie to a ilunited extent , the hirltlsim
naval ofilcials being time most successful In
its adoption , and now somne of tIme simehis
for their rapitl-fime guns are nmade of alum-
mum mmd mire reported to ito working sat-
lsfactorlhy. Tlmen , too , alunminumni iammmmchmes
have beemm ProPoseti. These are cortuummly
practical , as hiresemmt experhencti buns Itrovetl
( imcso to lie satisfactory and very desirable.
limaumnochm as time launches have frequently
to ho lifted aboard. It is. however. in time
direction of time substltutloim of ahuummiimumn
for steel 1mm the construction of torpedo
hmuils that tiuo greatest deveiopmneumts of the
future ore looked for. The advantages that
would be gained from this construction
would result frommm the fact 'thmat ' a boat of
given size ivotmlti weigh just about one.hmait
atm much as a steel one , vcn mmfter due ml-
lowanco wa3 ; mmado for the increased tluiclc-
ness of the culumnlnlumn hull over tlmat which
would ho requircul in steel , A boat Ito COO'
structc4 of aiuminluimm would requIre Ioe
P ° IVCm' to drive It through the water , owlumg
I toho fact t.bat time submerged portion would
.I.tb , , , .t
q ' -II' I''I I' $ u. I. . ' : 0 'I 1' i ' I' I' t'
Around Council Bluffs ! ) * :
. . : c. . . -6
Yiiii enmi lnm Imiiiro'it'l utmid miii limit ) m'It'II fi'iil t hzmiii , . i'hemimiem' Iii
* 4 icIiiIty ( luili uiiiy'ivhiere In ( lie 11 iiitcl Suite' . 'I'Iier. ' Ii mm full- uL
: : : . r hiei'c , I.ouI at our Prult 1'iirmii' t'hille tlu'y ii cc Ii. bear-
t ? lug ,
.4 , . a Q f"r lr 1)'tV & IIIS' , .I.
.LD.t. ( Xi 'rite Ieh h'.imtte miii I.otim iirukt'v.t ,
* : + Pearl St. Counohl Bluffs , I a + :4- : "
-i. . I , , , ' rsomi ii l' commil tue I Immiye ms tim rum mmli 0 U C r i mu forum atiomm mimmml atmitu u Ii aye ii
urcimartis frctm of cimargi' . wiumit. - , ,
l. ' 0' 'GI I ' - - t , l' 0 'I' . . $ fr 's. : . . - t .I ' 4. .5k ,5j
. ' ' '
, .c _ ' . , ' .1' 't" ' - $ ' h' . $ .
be less titan thmat of a boat built of steel.
I'erlmaps time best eommst'rumetloim of time tor-
lOtIO boat , or Its commmpammlon tIme destroyer ,
wotmld be to have ( lint portIon 'of tIme hull
\vlmlchm is aubimmerged constiucted of sonmo v2
tlmo bronzes , and mill that portion above
water , together with mihi time immterlor fraame-
work , construmeted of nlummmlmmiumum , ThIs roe-
onmimmcuulatlon is mmm'alo ' by a writer in Aiim-
mniumiummm W'orld , for time reason. ( hint a boat
built on these lInes has all ( lie atlvammtages of
a strommg hull cad otto as free front corroslomm
anti the c'ollectlomm of ummarlmme growtims as It Is
hiosSiblo to buIld , mvithu time additional aul-
vantages thmat by time use of aiunmlmmlummm , as
abovum described , the ecitter of gravity Is
immaterially lowered , vimiclm is of vast liii-
port.zmmmee , CsCClhihly in mm heavy mien mmmii for
high m'ates of speed. This also gives : i boat
with a lighter draft , or of time sauume draft
with a greater ceal-earrylmug antI anmmmimmni-
( len capacity , tiuamm could he attaIned If time
boat t'as commstructed eumtlrely of steml or
bronze , 0
SONG IN Jh.t'u"J'i.tL
Iti Stramige' h'over hliNpirl's 3lemi to
Gr&it'r llerulptiii.
He got lii a nmldnlgimt towmm ' 'L' ' traIn at
Park i'laeo. omm which a few imewapaper inca
numtl some belated Iersomms were going hmomne ,
relates time New York Press. lie seemuted
lmroud of time G. A. It. buttomm 1mm tue lapel
of hIs coat. As time rest of tIme mnssemmger8
had takemi seats 1mm groups lie wcumt to time
end of time car mmmmd sat dowmm besIde a lone
pnssemmger , vhmo lund aim early edItion of a
nmorumiimg imaper.
" \\'hat's time latest news from SantIago ? "
lie said.
As time imman read time story of last Frliiny's
fight toiling of time dead and wounded , time
veteran's eyes ghisteneul with tears , amid
whuemi ( lie reader flumlshmed the story of how ,
when time carnage was at Its heIght , time
Twcmmty-flrst Infantry , In order to encourage
their conmrado , snug 'Tiue Star Spangled
Banner , ' ' time veterimmi Interrupted with ,
"Yes , human nnttmre , the sauna today , yesterday -
terday antI forever. "
Time imtaui who was reading stopped , looked -
ed up in a questioning manner , mmmd time vet-
cran said ; ' 'I dId umot menu to Interrupt
you , sIr , btit I was with Gramit In the \VIid-
enimc'ss , back In ' 64 , wIth time Ninth corps.
We were fighting hmartl for hours ammml seemmmcd
to gain mint aim immclm of groummd , Time fire lie-
cammme imotter , amid timen time Confederate hiiue
was brokemiVo mmmoved forward , but wiiuit
few were loft of us became exposed to a
flank attack amid we were drlveim back with
a heavy loss amid much cemifuaioui. Time loath-
en luau wait Ilylumg tlilc'k , anti we were be-
big routed. wlmcmm somume gallmmmt : fellows Iii
time Forty-fIfth l'emmmusylvuimuia bcgamm to milmig
above tlme noIse-
, ' 'Ve'hl rumhly roumid time flag , boys , rally
ommco again ,
Simoutlng tIme battle cry of freedommm , ,
" 'lIme refrain wait caught up anti tiassed
along time hue for hmmmlf mu mile. TIme light
Increased In severity , \Vo could mint see
each otimer except wlmemm time burniuug mu-
degrowtii higluteti UJ ) time nuvfimi micemme. 'Zip , '
, zi hi , ' SSt'it L tim it Itu I let 8 ; time ii rti I I cry boommmed
tIme giumus roared ; and yet amid that awful
umpmoar the slmmglng brotmgimt order ommt of ills-
order , amid we drove the enemimy back ,
Yes , lmtiimtnn imatmure , thmo simmime today , yesterday -
terday anti forever. " lie said as he hurrIed
omit of hula station , "I vommld , sIr , ( lint I
were wltim time boys of time Twenty-first
vimen they miming tIme graumd old somig before -
fore Samutimigo. "
ONLI Oh NI1 % ' 'OhtI ( ' ! , itiChi 3IHS ,
I'li'ht'.I tj , ht ii Ii riIt'r , lie 1)1st is , ici'a
hhiN Ihi'mefivi' * .
Front time gallery of time Stock excimaimge
yesterday I saw a ummmahl man iltisis out of time
sugar cromvd , whmere lie imail beemm almost
overwimchimmeti by greedy , yehhhxmg trailers in
time iavenioyer article , relates thme New
York I'ress. Thmere was a rouath haiti eliot
Oii ImIs crowmm , and tIme few remmmuirmimmg locks
that sought to cover his extraordinary huimmp
of lenevolehmee were carefully itarted iii time
uumiddlo ammml itlastered down like those of
Senator Emigeuie hale , tIme dandy of time
ulmpcr imouse of eoimgrcss , Ills aimarim , anapy ,
keen eyes were PartlY hmiduleim imy large
glasses. Ills nose was aquiline. ills nmouth
was In retreat unuler a drooping mustache ,
aimd hue silver dollar vhiln arched mmeatly be-
neatim a pendant lower lip. Thmmut man Iii C.
1. hiutleon , one of tIme leading brokers n ( lie
street amid a very rich lIttle fellow ,
Luck matle hiutlimon whuut hue Is , Ito was
pickeit up by a big mmmii and deposited in time
Stock exchange , Everybody knew Tonmmy
W'armmer , time broker who saumg hmiummeIf Into
time mumarluet. lie humid a merry way of un-
provlulng , and could "take off" any eel-
league at a mumommmemmts notice , Oime whom
ho enjoyed dedIcatIng lila .hittie3 to Was Samu
Mills , a prlimce tim time olmI tinyim whmemi hmo hind
a fortune , Sanm was very fonul of Toammy
and had many a laugh at his way of avoIding
- -
- - . - . , _
' - - - - ' - . ' Jt.i
jii :
G.w. M.D.
. . Pange , . .
ThII GO'31) S.ARlT.N
Jcader of Dhm4cnI4eH of r&eui mud
rmuoPitiwi'out 01' Thiht
Worhtl's Ilorbiti IIspc'misiiry ) of Mcdieluvi.
I CUhIE-Cntuirmim of hlcail Throat intl
I.ummgs , hlseabi's ) of Eye mimiti tar ; , Fits timid
Amioltiexy , iiemu't , l.vcr antI Kldmmey IIsemiee , ,
I)1uttete ) , hhrighit's 1. cmmsc , i'i'Itmms hmmmmco
itimeum ummuitlamu , heroftmla , I ) ropsy cmm mcd wit inmtm
tumpiiimg , 'l'tmpe Vormmui' remiiovcd , nil ciimotmla
Nervous ummd Privuttu Ilcimbes.
yommmig and
LOST nmiltilcumgth , muon.
Ommi ) ' J'iiyt-Icimmim whim i'min
S I hrohenIy ) cure svi'iiuIIs
witimommt destroyIng teeth amid boumes. Ni ) flier.
cii i-v or imIsomm iii moral tm seil.
1i'he emily I'hysicimimi wimo cmiii tell i'iuat nih
1'omm without askhmmg it qmmestiomu.
'J'inmso at a ( llstiummc'O scimd for questIon
tilmmmmk. No. I ftmr ummeim ; No. 2 Itir woummt'mm.
1 hi cnrresi'ondeuuco ' strictly conhidenthal.
Medleimme sent by express.
Address nil letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
Sf15 Ihroatlwny , COUNCIL ItI.t'Fl'S , Lt
' , ( ' ! .
ICff'8cnd9-cemim 511,100 oru'eor.
Ca I 1 cmi us or mu ri to fur iii ices mumm'I , lne rm hmthOLis.
hit 'II ) mmmtiijo' & to. ,
C'iimmuiemm hhiuilm'N , litt ii. I
201 , 206 , 209 , 210 , Broadway , Coimmmcih IlhimiTa ,
Itmutea , $1.25 per duiy ; 75 roniums. First-claims
lt evem y respect. itotir ilmme to till ' , ( , ,
I.oemil migeitt'y fur time L'ehebrntel , St. Ltmmilms
A. it , C. Beer , I'Irat-class himur Iii cci- :
- .
Pmmg Noses , I Iuimmih , , Fhuit , hirolcemi , III-
hutm Iteil Nuseim mmmii ( I ( I to liii m.mnu mmix , , vi t Ii t liii
itt ii or ( cut t ii ru's. Ojierut t in mm mm iii i mm ht'tmmm. Co mm-
iou I ( hi t 10mm rree. Ciumm rges mmii iii emit t C. Derimmut-
tiiiciglmmt JOhN I \\'OOIhhhJItY , 127Veimt
42d mit. , Now York , b'emid fur ihlimatruted
For an up-to-date
Western Newspaoer
Read The Omaha Bee
dumma. A wiry yommthm fromim a hint store lund
tried so ofteim to collect a bill ( or two derbies
tiitmt bin aturactotl Sumummi imtlvmuttomm. lie was
taggIng \'arner's hu'elum all thue tlmmme.
' 'Such Imerslst emmett htomm Id lie re a anti cml , ' ' sit Id
Samum . ' ' 'Vim I a hey myl I I umma ku a genii limmet mm'smi
In arm , I'll take ii I mmm I a may imihice. ' 11 ° 1 imim
left Imis time hint store
youth $3-n-week job iii
anti becammie Haiti's clerk. Tedumy hue iii time
chime little C. I. hftidimoum. muot less peielstemmt ,
humt older , amid whim momicy to burn. Yet ,
mmotwltimstanihing huts extinorilimmary 1Jul01) of
benevolence , IL Is conmumoaly said iii thus
street : ile wouldn't lend poor old llama
MIlls , imis benefactor amud mumaker , a dollar. "
J'iimuiiiItC ti. lIi'r.
Detroit Free l'rces : ' 'I demit quIte under-
stanti It , " saId ( him slow-going wife who 'Inc's
a 'ust amount of thmlnkimmg ho order to ac-
quIru hi simmuuli uimtmount of kimowioulge.
"Domm't understand wimut ? " asked her more
amitimio husband , sharply ,
"Thue coummmmmammdmnemmtm. are just as strong ,
soummi amid blntilumg mmmi timc'y were wimeum given ,
are they not ? " I" .
' Of course they are , What a silly uimmes-
tion , "
"And yet they are broken repeatedly every