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Thanksgiving to the Lord of Ilosta fof the pendId vctorles ot Americail arn ; pray- CM for the ouIs of the fallen heroes who laid down their lives to achIeve them ; be- iccchmenta to the Almighty for showers of , blcslngs and consolation anti comfort to fall upon the famlfle of the love4 ones who I ' have periNlied , been wcurided , or are awclter- ' leg In the rifle plti at the front-theRe were I the keynotes that rang through the ervtcea 4 held before a majority of the congregatloiia I tu the UnIted Statea yeaterdny In VClOflNC ) : tO thu proclamation of PresIdent McKinley. In Omaha the order of the PrcBkicnt ot I f the land of the atara and atripea was almost I j universally obCyel. In nearly every sacred I eillflco in the city the services were tinged _ with the mingled note of rejoicing and sor- row. The discourses were latriotic the ; , music was patriotic , the hymns were patriotic - otic , thu prayers vcre patriotic. Anti every church was crowded with great congrega- 3 A tions , In whose communion with aod there I never Was such sincerity , such religions and ! patriotIc fervor , as they listened to the story of the righteousness of the war In which .the United States Is now engaged. ( . IIIIIcIt TILtS A MOItTAL. I'OVIit. ; l'reNIden ( ItClgflICP4 True 1)eieiul- I 0l110 Hf 1'coie zip. it Nnhioii. S j 11ev. Luther M. Kuhns eke at Grace ' Lutheran church on God In the war , from I the text : 'For this Is from me. " Mr. ( Kuhns said in part that the vresident'a call for thanksgiving to God for the rcmarkabie L success that has attended our army both . en sea and Ianl Is the fitting recognition of our dependence as a iCOPIO upon a higher t ihaii mortal power.'hfle we do not IUb llsli oar national righteousness to the world ' to ho seen of men , this timely acknowledg- meat of Cod's halul in our war with Spain is worthy of the man at the head of the nation , of is as a people , nod must impart a deep impression for good on tim Christian mind cvcry'hero. J This material age of industrial progress ( Is to learn that God governs in buniati of- fairs. l'atriotisni , as well as PICIY state ) as well as church ; nation as vell as mdi- viduai. are to learn that an unseen hand has . made a forward movement in Sour history , / I and that lie to vhoiit it. belongs is supreme athong the nations. God ls interested in , j ( . eooperntcs with our affairs. and Ills divine love vorlcs In national destiny. With thanksgIvIng to God for Ills signal mercies , and with prayers for Ills guidance t in our national life and destiny , iot Us vlace our5elves as a people in training to appre- 1 elate all Ills blessings , even mmider time * guise of war , to timlr fuilest extent. We cannot evade our obligations in the family , of nations , nor can we fathom. the meaning of the now opportunities thIs conflict is bringing tie , nor the velding of a Imloro , friomully bonmi between two separate people , once hostile to each other , but of kindred blood ; but we do know that these things . are tromn God. As citizens ot this republic we know the Inestimable ) rUvlIcges of our . . priceless inheritance of . liberty and equality : before the law. Now nubile cthics are placing us Ia the POSitI0I of the minister of humanity , free- ΒΆ doiii and justice. Time streams of political1 ( commercial and Christian tendencies a. converging at Washington and subsequent F events seem likely to threaten the time- honored national traditions so long t our landmarks. Each step in advance - vance cioscs a door behind us , and , doubtless , God's hand is in all tijis. lcaiing U5 out of a certain seclusIon to take S our responsibility in time famiiy of natlon. Itegardiess ot complications , however , the principle that mmittde us a nation is our re- \c \ sponsibility to the world , In this now and j grcatcr national mission providence has laid ' 1Ion the country in our generation , each Christian has time terrIble responsibility of msing his citizenshIp to influence and miiain- tam our national integrity , honor and right' cousness , - N.t'i'ION NtIiIS SOMIi GIIIdAT GitIIi' . : it Ilcqulrcs EItt "lIza lite" to Msiks Vipict. Dr IltiitiiiId Ilemird. , The pervmmiling imatriotic sentiment marked the services at the Mi Saints' church in time morning. 11ev. T. J. Mackay selected the e33OflK , time music. the praycra and the ' , hyinna avid the psalms in consonance vIfli timn silent bidding of time stns and stripes . that hung above the altar. lie read the ( pPoclanmatlomm of the prenident of the United States anti then introduced W , F. Guricy as time simenker of the occasion. Mr. Gurley in a rapid oratorical lcecii related the causes , time imrogrcs A1I the pcsslble effects of the scar. I ' "ThIs tmntlon flCCdCd omo grcat. grief to shock its conscience , " ho leciared. "The cry 'of ' Infant Cuba might have been raised long wIthout a heeding , but In their wrath the peotmie of AmerIca demanded vengeance for the Maine. rlims cry of vengeance has mmow IasciI .awny end in its place has come (1 grim demand 'that ' time last vestige of Spanish 'tyranny shall ho swept from the wCtorfl contJneIit forever. " I"or te orator nolnted out. that the Anmcr- JI lean People in their struggle to emerge frnm tim weight of bmmsimmess depression that hail been so long prevalent had paid no heed to atiglit except theIr own business nnil the cry of htimianity from Cuba hail rung out amid ilami hot been imearil , Then suddenly , in a I twlukilng , the roar of the demon of death ( Iuul comae' forth from havana iuirbor Omi tIme , neniornbio February milght and the Amer. ' . . ralI mcciil aokt' , k A feic zuolitims ago the country scemne to - - ' .1 1'p ' A OREAT : TRAIN t for theatrical people and travelling F macn-the liurilugton'8 "Ciiicngo Slice. - sr ' - Leaves Oniaha , , , .2O : mnldnlqlit , Arrives Chicago 2:15 : p. in. same day. Sleeping , 4iimimig , chair itiid lmtm1ft snzokiug cars. Omily 4I'4 hours Omaha ' to ew York , ' l3crths amid tickets at F . VIel t Sillier- 1)ejiot- 1592 FOfl1O SI , lOtli MSO 81s. . - - \ . t . .Ji. L. - - - - - - - he larren in intercet. . Itim citizens icokeil backward wistfully and wondcrel if the gloriguM Ieels of the American past hail tetn complttely forgotten. In the lait live months , iowcver there bu been cmwiieil enough historY into the lives of the Amer- lcn popie flint .1mm worth decade of ma- notonous exfr'teflce ' , They no longer need read the printed pages for detds of esior nor decipher time letters upon brass and tomie to hear of heroc ? names. The hero of Ticonderoga becomes dImmed amid blurred irt memory when the vIsion of the conqueror of Maniia. arises. The somig of Marion and ha men 'in the Carolir.mts become - come tmaditlon and legend when 'the forias of ilobsen and mis seven immeirtal3 are viewcd'-mcn , who , living , yet know how gioriouB it is to ( lie for country. The de- atruction of Ccrvcrft's fleet can nevcr be forgtIen , and the superb charge of the yocmen of the wesL eid by side with the aristocracy , of the , caiit , . aurpases the dash of the 600. iltxt bttdr tlism eli this , mnintaine.l the orator , is the magnifleent recouncilemen of the north and south-the pectacie at a Grant ami n Tlee ridIng sidd by Mdc In tue trcnciiej before Santiago. Now problems are present as t result of the war , contimmuetl the orator. IL must soon be dftcrmined whether the poIiy 01 exclusiveness and exclusion , held and main. tamed by our fathers , Is to he 'swept away. Many contend that we are on the eve of a grcit revolution-that 'froni ' now on the United State 8We01) the seas for colonies and conquer commerce by the sword. The orator admitted that there Is a great fas ian'tidn iii this vision. but he 410- dared that there La a nobler tiream. 'Fhere may be a breaking of the leaden kie of the Orient , nn advancement throughout time % vomitl of American civilization , a commerce Christ-conquered , an Amer1cn power corn- pellimig the orld to be at licace. 1'i.i.t1)S FOiL A ltiI,1lUS UNITY. itev. .Jemit I it lAo .1(111 Cii 1)ei lers n a 'i ' IiIuqiie'iit S4'riII4JiI , . . An eloquent plea for religious unity was put forth yesterday forenoon at the First Methodist Eplscopai church by Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones , tIme well known Unttarian Preacher of Chicago , pastor of All Souls' church of that cIty and editor of time New Unity , a imper devoted to time libcraiiziiig of religious thought. On his visit to this city he ivuI lied ) invited by thee pastor of time F'irst Methodist Episcopal church , Dr. John McQuold , to fill his pulpit for the morning services and the church was crowded , gai- iery nd all , with those to whom the fable of Dr. Jones hail preceded lila coming here. Leading UI ) to the subject of religious unity Dr. McQuoid rend as the scripture lesson Paul's remarkable discourse on charIty - Ity in one of time great apostle's two epistles to the Corinthian Christians. anmi Dr. Lloyd , as though to have Peter also for an authority - ity , chose Its a tct his words as recorded in Acts x. , 34-35 : 'Of a truth I believe that God is no respecter of persons , but iii every nation lie that fearetii Him and vorketh rigiitcouiiness Is acceptcd of llhin. From imegmnning to end Dr. Jones' 5cr- 111011 flIO ) be likened to a beautiful song on time theme of universal Iiarmmiony. Melodies of thought floweil from his mouth amid , mingling in the mimI of his large audience , conmbiimed in chorus a wondrous imsalmn of life , in which no dirge or requiem found note. "This thought , " said ho , "of religious unity brings the assurance of a continuous creation , of nn ever-unfolding and still Unfinished - finished universe. It teaches us to believe that out of tIme blocks of time time risIng walls of eternity arc being shaped ; that through struggle , disappointment and sorrow - row earthly pilgrims nmust push on , mmow halting in caves of doubt. now traveling with bleeding fcet the thorny roada , nv climbing crors-cfowne(1 heights , but ever finding their way to time ablelands of unhedged fellowship whereon is bufided the city of Uglmt. " 'Wo hate that thing , " he remarked , "that scams society with Impassable crevasses , separating Met1iodist from Congregational- 1st , l'rcsbytermaa from Cathoitc , Baptist front Unitarian , Christian from Jew ; that some- timing that compels oftentimes tile sensitive and studious soul to conceai Its best thoughts , to hide its most living interests and to distrust its ( Iivinest guidings , because - cause , forsooth , these may not conform with the pattern set in the creed , or may not measure exactly the dimensions of the label rimich eircumnstmmnces beyond the souVs Coil- trol once established for it. Time cruelest wars of history , the bloodiest persecutions , time ifleahiest treachery known are traceable to this blimmdncss of the soul that elevates dofimna above love , above growth , "The church of Abou lien Adhema is the church of God-it is the church of religious unity. l'aul rhymes to Plato , Socrates un- wlttimmgly echoes Zoroaster , Confucius joins lmammds with Moses , and the l'riimco of India , she StOOpel to take hold of tIme Sudra's hand is fellow with the Nazarene peasant wimo from a carpenter's bench rose to His divine coronation. " IIEIIII 1'l' IS WVA'I'lI AND CIIUItCII. Iteligion of Amiit'ricn Obeys Goern. _ iiieiit of Ainerleit , Time patriotic services at Trinity cathedral yesterday morning were interesting to the large congregation that nearly filled time cdi- flee , An inspiring feature of time service was time rendition of a nunmborof national airs by Organist Butler immediately after the offertory. lican Campbell Fair preached a masterly semmmmomm , taking his text from Psalms xx , 7 anti 8 : "Some trust in chariots amid some in Imormies , but we will rernemmiber time nimmimo of the Lord our God. They are brought down and fallen , but we are risen and stand up- riglmt. " Iii his discourse he said : "Time religion of America obeys the gay- craimmemit of mnerIea. In this country wo imuvo mit time church and the state , but we have time state anti time cimureim. Wimemiever time state gives a suggestion to the church time latter carries out that suggestion. In one of time best proclamations ever giyen to time Amimericai people I'residemmt McKinley baa' askeil us to give thanks. for the grand victories that haVe thus far followed our urmimy anti imavy.o ' cheerfully adopt his suggestion , "God is sommmctimes on time hmmtticlleld as sveli mmmi In time' samlctuar , and we find time l'mlnco of l'eace sonmetinmes comnnmandumig war aimtl giving His blessing to the side of right amut Justice , There are imatiommal sins as sveii as Individual transgressions. and God hun- isimes the former as much as time latter. Time scourge lie adimminlsters for national sins nimoy be ( alimbic , it may be hmcstllencc or it bin ) ' ho sear. "Spliifl tins sinned against Cod amid man most grievously , It has played false to the rehigloim it temtclme , It has not improved time immtiustrial amid agricultural opportunities that Clod has given It and a natioo tlmmmt does riOt. mimake use of mmcii opportunities neglects a duty to Coil , Spain has kept Its people lii ignorance and a mmatiomt that wiii not cmlu. cato its PeOPle is guilty of a miatlommimi sin , "But imerliul's worst of all , SPain has simmned againmat heaven Itself tim sinning against. tile Jewish natiomm , Cod vhIl take care of the Jewish nation , amid the just. God that lie vili jurely puimish time mmatiomm that slims againmst ills hiCuillel Time Hebrews have beemi cast out of Spain in a most shanmeful mnammimer by a nutioti that professes religion , laIn ) is being iiU1thCd amid iUimiahed so. , erely loday , "All honor to tie iresident for his re. ilgious 4cqmag0 , .Uu4 mmii imonor to tb brave metm who are dam ! ) ' i rfonnhmmg deeds of otirmigo unequaled iu time world's history. " iiuimurtiml ty ifiIic Soul. A large coimgregatiun greeted Dr , Thomas of the i'tople.'s clmurb of Chicago last nIght at. the Fira ( Methodtat church , be , Thomas . - . . . . . i . : . . _ . preached an eloquent sermon on the immortality - mortality of the mmii , taking the following text ; 'Anil there is life eternal that they might know Thee , the only true ( lomi , and Jesus Christ , whom Thou bn sent. " IT IS l'AItT OF A Illt'l' ' CNi'i.iCT ( , 1)r. tlIlt'lirl'sd Ssms time i'resemt Dime Is ii Italy % Vnr. Time services at tIme Central United I'res- byterina church were conlucted yosthrday morning by Dr. Alexander Gilchrist 011,1 were of a patriotic nature. Special music was rendered by time choir , which was in line with time spirit of time day , In the course of his sermon Dr. Giichrlst. said : " 1 came not to send vcace , ut a sword.- Mat. x:34 : , This seems at fit-st sight in conflictswith the idea of Christ as the Prince of l'eace , but it Is not so. Our Lord is presenting hero the aggressive , heroic feature of his kingdoni , Truth always stirs up time oppo- sitton of terror. The advetit. of Christ awakened time sword of ilerod and it Imas never yet been slmeathetl , l'eace is to be the ultimate achievement of Christ's power 1mm the world , but It will come after fierce anti long conflict. "The war in which we ore mmow emmgaged with Spain is a part. of the mighty conflict awakened by the gospel. The principles involved are time fundamental principles of the gospel-liberty , equality and fraternity , We are not seeking to acquire territory or the mastery of other nations ; we are fighting - ing for the rights and liberties of an oppressed - pressed and outraged people. "Time gcmmitms and spirit of our civilian- tlon arc opposed to time policy timat has too long provniietl in CUba and In other de- pendencles of the tyrannical monarchy 'of Spain , and in the natural courad of oveimt we imave come into collision witim' that policy. As a Christiamm people we have been forced to it. "We have not come to our present position - tion of imower and influence to permit such cruelty and inimurnanity at our very door ; we have come to such a sword and we rntmst riot. withdraw till time sword has done its complete work , "After the aword of rebuke mind destruction - tion we will send time peace of human hib- crty and the gospel of eternal righteous- hess to the stricken and opprested islands of time sea , "Ve do well to heed the proclamation of time prcsldemit and today give thamiks to God for mmimmnifest ( Ilvhtle favor to our am my and navy. It is a holy war nail we confidently trust in the approval amid aid of Almighty Goi In carrying it on to glorious victory , " Soimllaeriier t'rnys for time Ultmr , Tile pulpit of the First h3aptlst church was octmpIed yesterday nmorning by 11ev. Vyrmiwy Morgan ofVales , wimo is making an Anmeri- can tour as lecturer amid correspondent of London newspapers. Mr. Morgan has been in the Uniteti Statcs for twelve months and is emi his way south amid to time Pacific coast. The memorial portion of the service was conducted by ox-Gorerimor Northcn of Georgia , wimo gave tlmammks for the success of American arms and prayed for their fur- titer triunmimim in time cause of right. Cma'lziiI's Iiiefl lt : i Sm'illitii , Time local lodge , No. 73 , of time Universal Brotherhood was addressed at its Summday afternoon meeting in the Shecly block by Lucicn .13. Copelamid on "Time Proper Ob- scrvammce of time Sabbath. " Mr. Copeland thougiit the Ideal Sabbath for the present should be a comuprornisu between a lieasure holiday and the Puritan Sabbath ; that the nccd of the working people for both rest and recreation shouid be kept in view. [ USMNTS..J Time Woodward Stock company at the Creighton returned yesterday to something worthy of its efforts. presentimmg tIme strong drama "Thu Celebrated Case. " Time play rcquircs time strongest cast of anythIng heretofore - tofore rendered by the company , svhieh was strengthened for time occasion by the return of Corn Ermmest , who ireceded Miss ICenoark as leading lady. She received a generous reception with lmer first appearance and tlmroughout shared the honors with Miss Kennark. Time latter , both as Madeline Reimammd In the prologue oimd later as Adrienne , gave one of time most finished lmerformaaces of any dtmrirmg her stay. From the liapploesa of young love to the depths of despair , with gleams of hope , to be shattered only to find in the finale a joyful realizatiotm is a flume opportunity for time portrayal of au time In- temmse emotions of the human heart , to all of which she responded admirably. George SalIsbury as John itemmaud appeared - peared to much better advantage than in the east of last week and succeeded In demon- stratiog that ito is capable of filling the place of time man whom he succeeded in the commm- pammy. Gertrude Berkeley acqmmlttetl herself weil In the role of a kind , motherly woman. Wilsomi Enos , Walter Green and hal Davis , as well as those who had only minor Parts , acquitted timemselves in a mnmmnmmer which rendered time entire play effective , The Gaiety Girls opened to good husi- fleas time secommd veek of theIr engageumment at time down towmm theater last evening amid their first engagement at the Clifford Casino omm the , Midway in time afternoon , 'Littie Miss Cimicago" continues the attraction this week , svlth the introduction of new specialties - ties and new songs. Mcintyre and heath , time negro deiineators , taiied to make comm- imcctions for time perfornmaumces yesterday , but will be on imaimfi this evening. The Trocndero presents aim emmtire change of biii touigimt. This seek's commmpnny is cx- ceptional Ith many mmev fentum'es , one at which is time Aninmmjted Song Sheet , with Harry Aruumstroumg mind thirty colored Julmilee siumgcrs. Amnong others are tile Maimlmattan Couumedy P'ommr. the Sisters Grmmyeon , ( lard- ncr amid Glinioro , Sullivan mtnml Webber , Gilbert - bert Sarony. Time advamice sale of r.aats for time week Is 110W OPCfl. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. IL E. Oids of Lansing , Miclm. . can be found at time Barker. II. F. flemum and boys of unminp , Ia. , are stopping nt the Barker , Johum Sangatad amid F. J , Simephmart1 of Mu- waukee are stoppiumg at time Barker , N. Owen of St. Louis is amxmoumg time cx- poattioum , visitors wimo are at timtm Murrny , v. n. Meiklo is absent on a short trip to New York City anti mviii return about July 20 , George Ij. Baker anti vIfe and Miss Iii , G. Weeks of Portland , Ore. , are exposition is It a re B , B , Brady of Nortim Attleboro , Mass , , arrived in time city yesterday to attend Massachusetts day at the exposition , Mr. mind Mrs , E , Ii. Airis of Salt Lake City , wimo imave. been time guests of Mr. amid Mrs A. V. hlces , 3033 Leavenworth street , eturdeml home yesterday. Miss haute lmi , luumkiin and Miss Maimer Duumklium , president and general manager of time Waco Daily Telegraplm , are at time littiher ammtl have selected that hosteicry mmmi headquarters for the delegates to their con- von thou , Mrs. ElmV. . Brown of Vlning , Kan. , cx- lmresiileumt of the \Voimman'a flepubiican league - gue of Kansas , arrived iii Omaha yesterday and will attemid time uueetiumg of time National League of Reimubiican Clubs. Simo is one of the six wotmmenm wimo are delegates to the meet I rmg. Nebraskans at hotels : A. .1 , Slutmommson , Ahlianmee.V. . E. Reed , Madisoum ; Ii , L. M-c- Means , Grand Isiartd ; T. I' . Allen , Canmeron ; J , J , King , Clyde King , Il , It. lickson , O'Neill ; F. ( 'urrie , 'Whitimoy ; I ) , Davenport , % 'uleotine harvey E. Iteimucime , Chmmmdron ; James Stokbum. Broken Bow ; C. H. Tom- Bum , Columbus ; Ed It. I'atriek , II , C , h'atriek , Lincoln ; F. A. Miller , Crete , " - - - IEATII ) CO1ES1 A BATh TUB Charles Robcrg Ha Dcz Out in the Back of H1 * sliced. SOME MYSTERY ATrAcIIES TO TUE CASE him. 111mM a Vlgiut tIthi SUnlit' hjurinmn l'erMnhiN Iii Kat Ouu.nima quid hictiurums to IIiWhioteI Mcii- * nli' VI6tIe4i. Charles floberg , engineer at , the -Uarker hotel , wn found dead in one of the bath- 1 00015 ot the hotel yesterday nfternooum , from a cause not yet ascertained , There was a tlcep cut on tha back of his head , received - ceived the night before , train which stir- geons think imis deatim might have resulted. The body is , in charge of the coroner and an inquest will be held this afternoon. The injury to ltoberg's head was received On the East Omaima bottoms tinder unkmiown circumstances , Michael' 'Foley discovered his body lying on time tracks of time Locust street car line as he was returning fromu a fishing excursion about 9 p. m. Saturday. Time car had intused at a railroad crossing , a short distance tronl the eastern terminus , svhmen Foley noticed time head of a moan across the rail a few feet ahead. ihi body was hidmlen iy weeds and his escape from the wheels was by time merest 'accident. Time motorinan succeeded in arousIng lloberg , but he seemed irrational and mmmatle efforts to break away. , .I live right hero , " lie said , "let mo go , " The motorunan released lila lioltl aumd hioberg rami a simort distance ahead aumd oumce more laid dowa across time track , He was then forced Into the cam' and taken to tile Police station , where he seenmetl in a half stupor. lie seas recognized aumd taken in charge by a hotel clerk , who walked with him to his room , Roberg was oumly able to simy a few words , btmt was strong enough to cliumib the stairs without dimeulty , ITo refused to have time woummtl iii his head , or several long scratches omm imis hand , dresseti , and was helped to bed by a bell boy. 'Timo latter naked floberg if lie imad been mm a fight amid htobcrg said he imad and that it was nil his fault , Yesterday morning floberg was seen conm- lug trans lila room at. 8 o'clock , apparently in good comlditlomm. lie had several bath towels - els ammd emmtered a bath roormm , where lme was fotmnil eight Imours Inter. When his absence became suspicious , time door was forced amid Itoberg was found lyIng in the tub svbiclm was full of water. A hiohice surgeon gave the opiumion that deatim cotmid imave resulted from cormctussioml bcneatim time svounml , wimieim could emily be deternminetl by a post mortem examination , Attaches of tue hotel state that htoberg acted strangely during Saturday , sayitmg that lie had taken a drink that morning schick had ieft him completely unstrung. Saturday afternoon he ieft his duties and went to vIsit friends in East Omaha. htoberg imad an accldeimt insurance policy for $1,000 , drawn in favor of his nmotlmer in Sweden. lIe has worked for his present enmployors for four years aumfi has naturahiza- tion papers dated in Ornaima In IS9O. lie was 3 years old amid unmnrrled. Relatives imi Oakland , Iseb. , have. beemi notified. 'POLITICS ON 'PACIFIC COAST Colonel Stoime of Saiim Prttiieisc ( ) SIzCM Up time Situation In time Far Colonel George Steno of. San Francisco , prcsident aof , thee CalifornIa league , 4a timd first of the cmmmmdidates for tlmcj presidency of the National Republican league to geE on time ground. lie came in on the Union Pacific afternoon train yesterday ' from Salt Lake , where ime had been attenthimmg the International Mining ' congress. which had been in session there for time last four days. Colonel Stone has exhaustive gold quartL 'mimming tlntercsts in Calaveras and Nevada counties iii his state , "I am notyct quite sure thati ann a can- ( lidmmte for time presidency , " explained CQlonel Stone , just as he registered at the Millard , the league headquarters. "The fact is that my friends in California say I ann mmeedcd where I am , but of commrse , if it may not be imiconsistent with the best immtercsts of the party in my state , for we 'elect everythimmg there tlmi year , I would like the hommor. " Time fact Is , though Colonel Stone would not talk much about it , his friends are thinking of putting him forward as time republican candidate for governor of the Golden state. The present incumnbamit is James H. Budd of Stockton , a democrat. Governor Iltmdd svihl in all probability make an effort to smmcceetl himself , but lmis chances for a renomination are threatened by the ammibition of Congressmntta Jaimies G , , Maguire of San Francisco , With the two "Jiuns" UI ) before a democratic convention for time nominatiomi the chances would be that Mmmguire would easily secure it. Colonel Stone has never yet sought a pub- lie office , timough he. imas been actIve enough in the councils of his party. In 1896 ho was the national executive conmmitteenlan from his league , a delegate to the St. Louis con- ventlon and a memnier of time republican advisory - visory comnmittee. lIe imas jr good military record , having risen from time ranks to a lieutenant colomielcy and seen time smoke of a great many battles. Speaking of California politics he showed a very sanguimme confideimcu in time ability of tlmo reptmbiieamm varty to carry the state thus year for every office from governor down , witim the bare exception , perhaps , of the congressimiumlm of the' Fommrtim district , in which San Francisco is situated and which "Jim" Maguire has represemited for the last eIght years , Said ColoneL Stone : "It all depentla upon Me , Magrmiro-upofl the turim imi imhiticmml as- irntiouis uimay take , if lie shommld conclude to ru'b again for congress it would be huard to fintl a reimublicaml strong enough to beat lmiumm , but if ho runs : for governor Ito would be a very mnucim easier man to beat , as imimi strength would umotdbo all coimfined to San Francisco , and it would open time way ( era a republican congresamnan from this , time mmmost inmportant district of time state. Time reason I think we could easily beat iuiun for goverluor is because tee caulti fire his 'single tax' record lot iminmm , timoughi now I believe ho repudiatestime single tax theory , lie also made a ba bremmk in charging that time seizure of tluo 'Samm l'edro was an act of rdrae. As for hiudd , I do mmot timlnk imo is really responsiblertor wimat ime does , He vetoed time appropriatiomi for the state lmrintlng catmmbhlsitmnent amid timat got nil his friends down on him , as it necessitated a great deal of laborious work svltim typewriters - writers to take thiLimlace of the state printed matter , Hesaved $110,000 in this narticular and thea wasted 6l0,000 in otimer directions. P.'lt'uiSy _ i.f ( uu,1Is1uu1i's. "One of our delegation is it candidate for governor , Thus Is Joseph C , Campbell , aim able lawyer. There are alniost as unaumy republican candidates for this ofilce in CalIfornia - Ifornia timis year its letters in the alplmabet , wimich is a very hopeful sign. "In time nmattcr of congressmen we luad a ( lItAl'll SUGAR. Niii I'.it'd hut Pitlol , h'eople who try Grape-Nuts , eommtinue to use them ( or breakfait and often for luumch , and desert at dinner. Time crisp , delicate flavor of grope sugar is not readily ( or- gotten and the feeling of well fed strength tehis its own tale to users of Grape-Nuts. Grocers sell it at tic. . I -LLJ. : = - = L.--- net loss in the last campaign of two districts - tricts ; that is , we hind five omit of the seven anti now have only three rcimtmbilcan con- gresamen. With the exception , as I saId , of the San Francisco district , wimich it hang- log in the balance , I believe we will be able to get all the delegation to the lower hiomme. We miow have .1 A. Barimani in time FIrst district , 5 , 0. hlllborn in time Third arid FL I , " . Loud in thmcm Fifth , I do not think there will be any opposition to the renomination of Mr , hmsrhamn , btmt in the Third ililborn will hmave sonic Opliosition in George Met- calf of Oakland. Ihilborn , yeti kmmow , has been elected twice , but time first tiumie Var- ron English tmnseateil him. In the Fifthm County Clerk Cimnrhes F Curry of San FranCisco - Cisco , one of our league delegation ; Jiutige Ilenry C , 1)ibhmlo anti State Senator Etiwaril .1. Wolf are all seeking the nomination. For the Second Judge James ii. Walling of Ne- s'atla county , Frank Ryan of Sacramento and State Senator FL C. Voorhees are all after the seat occupied by De Vries , the fusion- 1st. Hz-Congressman James McLachlan will in all likelihood be renominated in the Sixthm. lie was beaten by time populist , Charles A. Barlow , by' ' only 235 votes 1mm time last election. Time nominatIon for time Seventh seems to lie between A. J , Pillsbury - bury o the Tmmlard Register anti George M. Daniels , a Itiversldd banker. U. S. Grant , jr. , lives in time last memmtioned district at San Diego , but he is a candidate for time United States seumntorship , "Thus yotm can see the republicans are preparing to carry California witim a whoop this year. " Branching oft from politics , Colonel Stone told of the work done by the ummining eomm- gress at Salt Lake , naimieiy time adoption of a resoluthon recommending an nmendnient to the mining location law so as to allow the locator to stake off a claim 1f00 feet sqtmaro. At preseumt time violin Is limited to 1,500 by 600 feet , but extra-lateral privileges are allowed ; that is , the uminer can follow the ledge as far as it goes tinder ground , and this has resulted in tying up nmlhiions of dollars in endless litigation. Time congress also strommgly favored a dopartmenmt of mmiines antI mimuiumg in the national cmmblumet , Colommel Stoume svcnt out to the exposition Inst evening - ing , : - - ' ll SOLJEH OMADA NEWS. j Juhicn E. Simmith , superintendent of zimotive iower of time Armour conmpany , is spendimmg a few days 1mm the city inspecting time mna ehmnery at time local plammt. Mr. Snmitim is naturally proud of time flume apparatus which imas hieemm instaiied iii time ness' buildings amid expects to have everything start off summoothly when the word to conmnmemice up- eratiomis is giveum. Mummy immmpros'oummemmts imnve been made and oumly the latest mmmakos of nmmmchines have been purchased , Time steam pipes nnd ammmnmoumia fittings mire soummethiulg out of time ordiumary mind it is said timey are time best that calm be procured. It is hirob- able that time plant st'ill not start on 'iVeti- nesday of this week , as originally contemn- plated , but it is thought that time hog killing - ing ( lcpartrnent will start up before the cud of the week. IIIls i'tl riot Ic Services , Tii& patriotic servIces at the FIrst Prea- byterlan church yesterday nmorniumg , in response - sponso to I'resident McKInley's prociatna- than , score of an intercstIumg character and time congregation was of more timaum ordi. nary size. Potted plammts , palms and cut flowers decorated the rostrum amid altar. A patriotic solo by J. hi. Smitim , entitled the "Flag Timat , Never Has Kmmown hefeat , " quickened time lUlSC of time congregation mind iprepareti tlue way ( or tbe lresl.dcmmt's proc- inmnation , whIch 'was featl b Mrs. Mary C. Simmitim. In his address , wimichi followed , Dr. Wheeler - er c1ied attention to the pictures of Abraham - ham Lincoln and William McKinley which adorned time walls and said tlmat , from timese ; wo amen tlmere caine time most important proclaunatiomms known in American history , that of the emancipation and the one call. ing a miatiomm.to prayers , Time address teemed svltim hiatrlotisin amid was well received , - I'resemmC .lzuil 114 llzucIIsIve. One point lim favor of time city imali bond proposition is that a new jail would be pro. vithed and a big savimmg In expense would be time result. Since January 1 of the Present year repairs to the jail have cost $22.l0 , Thui amoummt includes the repiaciumg of about $50 worthm of glass which lrns been broken from the windows by prisoners , The itenm Costing the most is for two heavy iron grat- lags to time west windows , wimicim ss'ere placed last week at a cost of $140. The present jail Is not considered at all safe and it is said it would take several hundred dollars to provide iron and steel doors enough to securely confine prisoners. Miigtc Cit5. Gossip. Time first course of stone is being laid on time new hOStOfilCe building. 5mg Kiiisky of Kaimsas City spent yesterday - day ho guest of Dave hlardimmg , Mii's Cormm ( losney is attending sunonmer school at Emmglcwood Park , Chicago. 'iv. FL Burr of Chicago Is time guest of 0. FL Blew , Nineteenth and I streets , ' Mrs. Lillian Haid , one of tIme priomary teachers at the hawthorne school , Is in Colorado , Mrs. V. ' , F . , Sage Is entertaining her ( a. timer , Mr. Guthrie. who Is attending the exposition , Miss Mary Greist has gone to eastermm Iowa to visit friends. From timere sue will io to New York. 11ev. T , C. Webster of Grand Islaumd da- iivercd aim address at time First I'rcsbytcrian church last night , ' ' Miss London has returimed to her imouno him western Nebraska after a ten days' s'lmmit with Miss Edna Curtjmmamm. Cluaries FL Wells luau u'eturimed to Syracuse - cuso , Nob. , after spendIng a' ( ow dnys'witii hula sisters , time Misses Wells , 'i'i'iliianm Id.Vimceier , editor of the \Vake- Iieiml Repiubhicarm , slmmlmt last week with lila brother , Rev. It. II. Wheeler. Mrs. C , lit , Rich has returned from Sioux City , where she was calit'tl by time serIous illness of her brother , Dr. White. 'iVoodumian lodge , No. 1095 , is working ( era a day at the exposition , amid a comnummittee hums been Uhpolnteti to see what can he done about the matter , 11ev , Mr. VimnWinkiu cormmiucteth funeral services over time remumuminms of Miss Grace 'iVfmito at the family residence , T''cmmty. llrst and I otreets , yesterday afternoon , Through aim ovcrsigimt mmmi alarm of tire was turmmed iii frozmm tIme Ojnmuimjm. Packing corn. paumy about mi'lmmight ' Saturday , Time local departunemmt , however , rpalommdccl ) promnimtly. Anotimc'r meetlmmg of time Board of Kilumca. tioum will be held on Fuiday eveumiog of this week , sehien it iii expected that a report from time teacimerum' comnmnittec , will lie read anti acted upon , Upchmurcim lodge , No , 2 , Degree of Honor , hums installed time t'ohlowimug ofhhcers Mrs. Joseph Volz , P. C. of II. ; Mrs. Doramm. C. of if. ; Thmeresa lJesmimommd , L. of ii. ; Mrs. Apel , C , of C. ; Anaie O'hlara , recortler ; Mr , I'ratt , flumaumcier ; Mrs. Rock , receiver ; Miss And , U. ; Mrs. hlaumburg , I , W' . ; Mr. Simolz , 0 , "iS' , ; Mrs. lemmtiey , mimusician ; Di' . McCrann , mnedi. cal exanminer , iliore leiegsiti'N In Im'tigume ( 'uu'cum I Ion Irlsim.Aumericaml hleimuimlican cltmh'hiilamtm Mulimail , lmresidont ; l'ett'r Shmarkcy , tremma- murer ; henry hioran , secretary ; MichaeJ Lee , Joseph hiormmn amid Thounas Tallon , tide- gates ; I' , O'Brien , Patrick fluffy and Cap- tam Charles hjauley , aiternates , Colored Central ltepubhicnmm climb : G. Ii. Collins , President ; Id. F. Singleton. vice lrsitlent ; FL hi , hall , secretary ; S'i'iiiiarn i'ain , JV , Parker , ii , L. Wilson and Ittibert Bryant. St-un t a rs Cia rI em nil % ' , s rreuu ( 'nu , , i u , g , One of time simemikers for time Thmtmrbday evenlmmg rn eting of the Natioumai Repubijean league at the exposition Auditorituni is to be Charles iii. Hurl of Council Blu.s. Clmes' ter 13. Bradley , the \Vyoming nmeuubcr of , . , , - , , , t _ - ' : - : ; , , _ , _ _ , lice , July II , 'N ei4ure i Out. ' As we have 11(1(1 OCCflSIOhl to remark before nw Tim Nebraska is a 1)ectlliilr store , \\T like to soil things Ghoul ) , Our buyers frellidntly scud 1113 big loti of stuft that we could easily sell at regular 1)r'lCCS and. make a fcisv extra ( lollars without taxing aiiybody but 'We don't try to ( ' 10 it. , All goods look alike to us. ' \Vhen "ire buy uiiusuniiy C1lCa.1) 'IVO soil UlIllI3lIaIly tJ. ( ' cileal ) . 'llEy for instance , you will 1111(1 hero a big lot. of fancy Sutiunor bosvt , sonic in Lawns1 s inti iii CaliF bi'ics , some in Organdies , 50111(3 ( 111 French t'svills 1111(1 others iii ? [ ' ' liesi- . iadi'as anI Percales. You WOUlht't - tate an iiistaut to Pay 10 ceiits apiece. , or tlioiii if wo . asked it IUL we don't.Vo don't even ask a itickel apiece. for thCIII.Ve luake our regular profit selling them two for a itiekel awl wheitever we make our regular i.'roflt ' we stop right there. In selling thes& ties at two for 5 ceiits wo give you twice as iiiiicli as. We ought to.Ve sell 'em tw'lco"7fast , we get twice as maity people talking iiilout us , vo Inako tw'i as inaiiy friends which menus twiCe as flinch. ll1OhiC iii the long ( Hid after you'vti tltunk that over twice iii your think-sliop you won't iieed a. carldnter's 1)ehleil to figure it. ouL 11 D UCA'I'I 0 NM. . COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY FOR lADIES . . ' 2Gtim . Unpreredemited imrtmsiierity , 24 l'rofessormi troimm ii Umil- , . 't' ; . - year. - - 'pa , 'erlticN , and 0 Iduirienul Couiservaoi'trs , A $ i,000 t'immmmo to . German-Anicricumum ( ( ' . Xn'mer host iiuiiic tmtlhii. - oiiicrvitom'y. r ' _ _ _ _ ScImii'mwcuiks , 1)IrrctorUencrallmreseumtiut pcrhomm duriumgMay , ' . . Best. Address Largest. Cimemmpet. _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JOHN W. MILLION , t'rei , , 11 A St. , liiliXICO , MO. L Ii ; Governnmont year forwnntofroonmm supervisiomm , .1AJOU , Now SANOFORD iiiiildincs boingereciod. SELLERS. M.A. . fittidenta Supt..LEXismOTON. MO. thmo executive counmumittce , writes to Sec're- tar ) ' Stimme timat Senators C. 1) . Clmmrk amid F. E. Warren will probably be lucre to attend - tend the commvemmtiomm. Time Illinois deiega- tion is comning here 100 strong , numtl Miummme- seta sviil send fifty. Aim cmicouragimmg ictter scam ; received from lion , Jmmines Viisoum , secretary of agriculture , yesterday , but Mr. \Viisomi will imot be able to be present. A FIJV AIVAN'I'AGIiS OlTercl by lime Ciilt'ngo , aiiiwsiutkee & St. l'siiul Ruilv.iy , TIlE SIIOILT LINE TO CIIIC.SGO. A clean train nmade imp amid started from Omaha. Baggage checked fm'omn residemmee to destination. Elegant train serj'ice mmd courteous em- pioyes. Entire trains lighted by electricity amid with electric light in every berth. Finest dimming car service Iii the svest , with meals served "a ha carte. " The Flyer leaves at 0:45 : P. in. daily from Union Depot. CITY TICKET OFFICE , 1504 Farnanm St. C. S. CAifflIllit , City Ticket Agent. flUFPAO , N. AN ! ) Ii Ii'1'UItN. Via tIme Northwestern Lime , July 11 and 12 , extraordiuimmry rates , timrough cars. The Northwestern Is the "oillcial hue. " Write C. S. Morgan , immter- national prcsideimt 13. Y. P. U. , Ommmaha , or city omce. 1101 Farnammm street. lime Supet'I * HtimLm.ilieitt and quIck timmie of the 1umuomm Pacific makes it the popuiar line to .tii principal western 7 resorts. City ticket 0111cc. No. 1302 Far- nam St. IiUFF.IL ( ) ANJ ) 1LIJI'UICN 'it Ittick Islaimui Jtiiit e , July 11 and le. Ommly $26.7 for time roummd trip. No change of depots at Cimicago. For full particulars call at city ticket office , 1223 Farmmanl st. TimeColid limemitni IInuie.l. Tue new Wabash solid vestibule train of day coaches , sleeping anti dining cars , A train for tourists tmumd all classes of travel , 'Will Leave Chicago ( daily ) , 12 noon , Leave St. Louis ( daily ) , 9:10 : a. m. Arrive Nesv York via 'iVest Shore , 3:30 : p. m. Arrive lioston via Fltchbmmrg , 5:0 : p. am , All agents sell tickets for thus train and will tell you all about it , Ask imimmm or write G. N. Clayton , 0 , W. P. Agt. Wabash H. It. IliutTimi. . , N. nuu.1 Itejiurum , Via the No'rthwestern LIne , July 11th and 12th , extraordinary rates , timrough cars. Thb Northwestern in time "Ofllciai Line. " Write C. II. Imiorgamm. immter- natiommal presidemmt B. Y , i. U. , Omaha , or city office , 1401 Farnam st. A1ICgL'tt lliurgluir Arrested. Frammlc Lockwood seas imrrestetl early yes- tertiay moriming , cimarged with ( lie attempted burglary of Charles Meir's saloon , 512 i.iutii Tenth street. Time barkeeper , wh7 sieeps 1mm time building , beard somrmeomue pu'owhimig around durimmg the nigimt and mantle timree efforts to ( rigimten time intruders away. lIe- tectives Ilavey mind Coruumack turneti time cormmer 1mm thus to see lime lookout , who hind imeard their approach , spcediumg away up time street. In tIme areascay behmitud time saiooum timey came upon time real burgimir , whmo gave time naumme of Frank Lockwonmi , erouchmlmig iiehilimtl time stairs. 'Fime nutty iuml beemm care. fully cut fromum a large window preparatory to removing time pane' 'oumlldt-mit'e iei Iii I Put , 'I'olis , Carl Olson , vimmitluig hum time city from \S'ost. berg , Mo. , ummet the confldeimco lumen yesterday who have becmm reaping a hmarvest from strangers on time "toil and bottom" ( lice gaimmo for several weeks. Olboum lost $30 tryiumg to add Uhi the reverse shIes of soy- cciii dice and reported time mmmatter at tim police station , Last night Andrew Sinmpsoui , Joel flay and Ole Jnimmmuton 'were nrrested amid fully identified by Oisomm urn lmla de- celvermi. They also answer time dcscrip. ums of time verpetrntors of otimer similar jolts. 'i'rmi umumis' lionsi ilmilsIeti. Itosidemils between Onmalun anti Gibson imave complaIned for several weeks of a gaimg of tramps who had mm. camnp along the railroad tracks antI obtaineti their imrovialons by foraging from time neigimborimooti. Jmmst night a squad of police u'ouumdcti um time location and secured slxteeum mcii , possessing a total of 25 cents. They hail a well established caomp , witim a ride of itork hung over the fire. Aummomig their umimamber were several cx- convicts aumfi refugees ( rein time chain gang. - Dr LyOifS PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXuRY. Used by pcoiiiu of reflnenienb for over a quarter of fL century. - - - Browe Vail - ; Opens Sept. 19th , IS9S. Hoaudimig amid Diy ; School for Girls Uumder time thircctiomm of itt. Rev. George \Vorthmimigtoum , S. T. D. , LL D. Prlmmmary , preparatory and collegiate courses. Coin- Potent COrps of temtchmert. Motlern immethi- ods amid every advaumtmtgo offered , Strict atteuutlon Paid to time mmmorai , mnemmtnl amid iimysicuti sceli being of time stmmdemmtu. Dumb- mmmmts commferred. l'repzires for all colleges open to women. Special courses In 1-ugh. ' or English , Sciemmees , Ammciemit and Modmirn Langtmuges , Music and Art. l'crmums mod- ermmte. lluiitiimmg repaired mmliii in exccileumt order. Sanitary plumbing. Satisfactory atcani lmeatiimg. l'nreimtmi and guartiflum , ; desiring to enter pupils wIll lileumse semmdLfoz' catalogue , or apmty iiersonahi3' to Mrs. L. L. Upton , Priti. Bi'ow'uicli . Ommmahia. Nab. HmiJl. BRADFORD ACADEM-Foimumthed 1103. For time Imigimer edtmcation of youimg wonmeum. Classical utmmd Scieumtiiic cotmrmmo of study , also l'l'epnrntory mimiti Optiommah. Year begins Sept. 14 , IS'JS. Apply to Miss Ida C. Alien , Pilim. , Bradford , Mass. I' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - - - - - - - - - MAflAM V LE'S OcDS ) \Ve mitiii continue whmolemtrile distrilmmitinr agemitmi for MADAM YALE'S I1IIMED1EI $ 4 nntl soil mit following CUT prices , Madam Yale's 25c turticica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17a Mmtlmmm Yale's 50c mmrtlciemi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c Mmiimtm Yale's $1.00 articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7e ImIulmmnm Yaie'mi $1.10 mmrticles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.25 Mumdmmmmm Vale's $2.00 mmrticlemi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ l.7g Kneimig llmtrnbtmrgcr hiremtkfmmst 'l'eui . . . . . 20e Listerimme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyoum'mt 'rOothm I'owder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20C I.axmttive hlrtmuno Qimimmine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe La hllammchme Fnco I'm'mvtler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ma Ihitgmmum'mi Mmmgumolimm i3muhmn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GSa 2irmumyoui's Remedies 2Cc , JOe nmmd . . . . . . . . SOn Smith's Ultirimi 'Fonc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meimnen's Talcum Powibor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18c Illoeiier'ut C. L. Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GSa Miii's' Reunediemi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iloriick'mi Malteti Milk , lIe , SOc itimil . . . . $ l,25 limtitimme l'rc'purntlcmummi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doe Mnivluia Cream amid Lotion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40e Itt. mmmi L. Florida \'imter , IDe mtmmd. . . . . . Doe ltlehiium's Food , 40c : tmmmi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ormiimgt , liiossomn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tOe Oriental Cream . I'ttcker' Tar Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge Street , Middle of Biock Onmahma , Nob. Free Microscopic Examination of Hair mmd Scalp imy ' Prof. J. H. Austin _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 'ri , , , emmmiumt'um I ms'mmi mm sm'tm- ( 'btiiRt , 02(1 ( New York , h.ifo 111,1g. Ommilm liii , : 'f " hours ( I ill ii , 4 C Auatln'sAnti8op- , tic Dandriuif so- atroyora d Now Nair Crnvsor. Timleltomis titlmm Jimul r mttiii - iIm'trti'mi this iii 1'ro'i ) te. liii ulmilt emimmii'N , ri'ummm- ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lure gritymmess , tuituiturmumi tutu fitihimtg hair. For halo by mill mirimggisls , _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ - - - - - S DUFFY'S PUR1 MRhT WHISKEY ALL. DRUCCISTS. -J T13ITH EX'FRACTED I'OSiTIVELY WiThOuT i'/mIN 25Cfj25C : 4' Best sot of teeth , $5.00 , No charge for ox. trading wbemm teeth mire ordered , All other - works lit sonic reduced prIces. Albany Dentists ! 120 South 14th. cor. Douglas. Open oven- lags until 8 , Lady attemmdant , hiummdayw , 1. p. ma. I - FLAGSFLAGS ! , The Biggest Stock. All kiumilim-ali hizes i.o'iviwr ' l'lIlCES-o us iueo pricey have dt'cilumcd. Omaha Tent and Rubber Co. , 1 a i i 1:11 I'll a mu. S , - - - - - ' - - - - - -