- - - - - - - - - - - - . - - , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - -v- , - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ---V - - , - - - - - . . - . - - - _ _ _ - . . r I I ( ; . # 1JIE oMjurAnAlrX 1u1I4PNDAV.TVLXiO,1H9S. I ' NEws : Ot INTEREST - FROM . - I COUNCIL BLUFFS. 3tiNT1ON. fludweiRer beer , ltosenfrhl , Tel. 323. Xry Moore's' ' tknth to lice and mItes. Wnntcd-Lzitest edition or Council UIUI ? city directory. ApIly ) at flee oflco. The T.ndy Mrucabces will 1n1d regulnr re ow TIIUtfUILIY ifttrfiOOU In Royal Arca * ium hail. Cotnmwicliig today there will tic no evenIng - Ing aervico at t. l'itul' EiiC0l ) > t1l church inthi lurther notice. There will be no Borvices today aL the First l'rcbytcrlan chirch , but Suniny school will be held at the usual hour , I bon't you think It niuat be a pretty good 1 Iaurtdry that can ii1eac iio many hundreds of custorneraVeiithats the ° Jngie , " ' . - 724 l3roadwny. Vred it , linagland renorted to the Police , 'fsterday about noon that his Iicych' ) had \ Cfl stolen from the corner of hiroadwaY ' ' tl I'etrl : strett. ' ' lohong on \ 'rlio r1ntlng omee of harvey piier Iiroalwny ( was partially destroyed by e about tuidnighit Iiiduy. licLong ilaces ) / Its loss at. * GcJO , with UU inuranco. ( /thiristlan rience-1toom 402 Sapi , blocic. A betlng at hO :15 : thia morning. The Kub- j eeL ot thu sermon is 'Life. ' Iteadinas I from the 1)11)10 ) and Science and health. Judge f3mithi has adjourned district court h until Monday. July 25 , CoflhltiOtIflhtY thnt nothing of itiiportnnce nrlsc in the meanwhile - while to dt ir.antl thu attention of the court. F' . M. iCeoiic'v , formerly of l'lcnsatit tdwiishui , now living in ( 'lark coulity , was in the city yeter4lay to meet his son , who In a Incmler } of conlija)3' ) ( h. F'irst N'v . York regitnunt , which pusHed through here. The care or thit State against ( hirics : F. \oore auth Minnie Miiler , charged with ' 4litery , lni 1)0011 disinls'.ed for \nnt of \ectttlon in Justice \'lefts court. 1d1s. the Co1fliUiniflg ) itnesti , falhcd to , e- iul th coats re e taxed up to her. I Aflh1 MO4fllOP , the foiiner ProPrietor of a " 101 roohil cit iotithi Mnlit strcet , vas ar- ' - J3tCl at & o'clock yeter1iay morning for an C' ' Ieget brutni ILHbLlUlt on an old farmer ( tinted Martin hlurk. living at Qtiick. M0000y tVo hiatt for lilii aPPcaratlco In POlicu court t I oinorrow mimorning. I At the speciol patriotic service this morn- ng at time First CmmmgreLnttol1a1 church the taster , Rev. J.V. . Wllon. vih1 tnke mis . ho subject of his sermon , "Righteousness xnlteth a Natmo. ' ' A t 8 :30 : 1mm the after- I eon Major hhlanrhe Cox of tue Salvation I. 1 rmy vili conduct a special service , I Garrett hhnughitnitng of Albany. N. V. . flfl(1 flva lleokstt'id of Ihi'iievuc , Neb. , were marileit in this city yeHti'riha3' , Justice 1"er- nCr jierfornilmig the ceremony. Time groom a tow days ago i'ceei'ct his ( hischurga train the Tvc'nty-secomi(1 lutantry at ICeyVcst , lila term of eimitstmiiciit having exiiIeI. tr. ami1 Mrs. Ilougimtahiiig vili reside at Belle- 'v11 C. C.The The congregation of the Second l'm'eiiby- tel-lan churehi vIli liiive on inurt'stimig Bine today at their little church on Frank timid t 1liri-flfflmy streets. At thii' mimornitig service Major ihiamicho tex of the Salvation 'trm11y frommi Ies ) Moines will meacim thu sertimohm. I while in thm evening the lhmstor , Rev. Alex Li therland , is'll I preach oim ' 'A mm tiOxhit iou of I Foreign Territory. " _ _ _ , Before adjourning Friday the Iowa Asso- ciatlon for the Advaimeemitcot ( It the 1)eaf \ elected thu following otflccrs for the emimmiming I year : l'restik'mit , J. Schmuyler Long of Bela- vilil , V1s. ; vice iresidcnt , ibert F. Mlaiiis _ _ _ _ I \Vnshhmigtoim , B. C. ; sccretary. Miss hUla I McGowan of Ocimeydnim , ha. ; treasurer. Prof. - I Zarbaugh of Council Bluffs. iubuque was C)3ltiell ) us time hilaee for hiohulmig time next convention iii 1JOO. ! S. F' . Shmumirt , assignee of Clint S. flyers , flld his linal report as such in the di.itrict court yesterday. It ShIO'WH that time ciahmumi of thmo ihlffcreut creditors ammiotimitemi to $7- 250.38 mind that the mimic of the stock reailzeml $1,150 anmi nccountmi coilected $1I.4 , making % a total of $1ht9.74. against ihiIc1mssigmmeo \ 'iuart Imaiti out $869.84 , leaving a balammc.i In . ' hands of $449.tO. Of time mimmiount haiti II $62S.i4 vmms for remit mutt ! taxes tIIIC. . \ _ t i. Vinyl Co. , female remneIi3P ; consuhta- 4'on free. Olilce hotmrs , ii to 12 amid 2 to 5. health book furtiisuied. 326-327-32S Mer- rium block. _ N. Y. I'iumbimmg company. Tel , 250. GREAT 1I1IILETIC i Owl Olub'g Fiehi Meet Promises to Be uccsfnl in EveriVy , MANY ENTRIES ALREADY COMING IN Ilctrr' IC , Siiiili , ' . % 'liu Ii Ilnuslilmig ( lie AiTitir , MsiM Sitmise af th. host P.t , , hi ( Iii' 'es ( SVIIL ' ' . ' , 'l'nI.i' l'nr ( Time mimi-western athletic flelti meet to be held in this city , Weminesday , July 20 , immider time ati3plces of the Owl club Is already attracting conshmier.ble atteim Lion among amateur anti hirofessional ricImmg men both at hattie and ntro.1 , PmeparatIon for the meet , i hich vihi be held at time Driving park , are In active lrogres aiim ! It. F. Slilitim , cimnirtonmi of tile genermmi cammimimittee , mqmorts that IlL' baa aIramly recetvcti a imuniber of entries , ohmie of thmoc entered being mitnnimg the crack men of their cias. I'remicnt huh- catlons are that the event vlhi be a decided surecsA inmi that. there will be a large ileimi of emitriec. The program that imna been arranged ougimt to imve a ioPulnr OmW as all elaMes of evetmts have tiien given a ImlflCc Oil It. Time imleet vIil be a mixed one and the bicycle I races will ho hmmtcrsper3'ti with sumnet toot races muuumi o4iicr ithlttic field events. All enirlea clcse at 12 o'clock imoon ohm Moiimi.iy , July IS. F'oiiowlimg Is time list of events : One inii bicycle , amateur , thrce-mnlnute dm153 ; 100-yard dash , amateur ; quarter-tuBe bicycie , hrofcssiomm1I ; ioie vault mid hanumner tlmrow ; utuartel'-Iniie bicycle , amateur ; 120- yard hurdle3 ; two-tlmirtis-mniimj bicycle , pro- ft , , omua1 ; huit-mnliu run ; shot put ; one mile btecie , Owl club chmanuplonship ; 220-yard dmisiu ; four miuhlo bicycle handicap , amateur , 220-ynrml hutmrtiles ; mmuatch race. colored chain- p I oummihmi i ; mu mm i mug Ii 1gb J U lap ; 4 I 0- yard dash 1mm-oath jmmnup and imuilo walk ; nub ruin. All the bicycle evemmt vihl be under the rules of the Lcngue of Anucricauu'lmeeimemm , but there unust be three actual competitors in each event or the event deflclent in entries i.ill hot bo PUIICi ott , At thu comucitmslomm of the program if tune perimuitm thcre vlii be a iuuimuber of record trials by several of time fastest wlmceimmuemu in tito imuid-we3t. Tandenus numd a triplet will ho used for iace nuaicimug and riders tromn ies Molmues , Ottumuuvuu , Kcohcuk , Cemuterville , Sioux City , Omuiahua , Limucohmi anmi F'uemomut have sigmullid their intention to enter. The following is time list of olilcers eieeted for th macct : Iteferce , Ir. V. I. . . Treytmor , Cotmmmcil itltmfls ; starter , it. IC. Smmutth , Coumi- cii liiUff3 ; cleric of course , rt. c. I'tregoy , Council BluiTh ; judges of bicycia events , J. C.- Colt , Ommualma ; 0. P. Black amid S. F' . I Shutuart , Coimmuchl hihimffs ; field judges , Fred Grass , J. j. hlss , ( ] torgo S. Wright , i , 11. 1tothuert Commn2Ii Bimiff3 ; tinier3 Max Reich- ezubtrg , Ommiaha ; Gmargo Gerner , C. T. Stewart - art , Council Bluffs ; scorer , flay C. Ihixhy , Coimmicil Bluffs ; amummouncer , C , ii. Ramudlctt , Couumcii fluffs. t.or.Ic , , itt-Id to Grand Jury , Tiuomnaa Lormietu , th tramp charged with breaking into a Rock Island freiglut car at the yards lucre , hamh a hearing before Judge Ayleswortii yesterminy mmuoruuing tinmi was hounil over to the grammd jury. Lorden was released from tlmo city jail on the afternoon of July 4 , there lie had served out a flmie for being drurmk. About. 3 o'clock time next mornimug hue was found by time Rock Island conupany's vatciummuan , Olhlcer Beswick. ummmier the tuelghut. depot Platform with a iiox of miutoes thiat litter vere found to have hmeen stolen train a freight car. Lorden at the timne was wearing a pair of time stoleim shoes only they happened to be odd sizes , one a Art SII.ltp. , Harry Schunidt. 4043 itroamiway. ( Stamnps givemi only ivlueii cash deposit Is muntie. ) Art Nt't'ihit' % 'ork. Mesdamemi Stork & Crisu ) . 311 Broid.vay. A ci itummtid lim rt'm.I 1,1 iu.ms , , . Memidmimuiemi Stork & Cr151) , 341 liroadway. Free lemetomumi Kivemu. hit i ; ' ( 'mm rrinm.rt't , B. S. Keller , au , ia , sis liroadw.iy. hItiI.'r . C. Widmaler , 52S hircatiwny. ' ihmi i.Jt'i. UuIitrs , hii.iiinN , Ihammrlclumi Music iboum' & ' . 325 luroamiwmiy. Ilk' ) ( ' I . ' Sit mi.Irlcs it mmii It ejin I is. II' Cotmnchi luitmiTs Cyciery , 317 flro.mda ay. Cotmmucii Iuhtmfts Cychvry. 337 Itroadivay. Ihim.s mmliii ? tltI4piier ) . I D. V. hiImm4hiuueii , 22hahmu street. ( Olva ( c stilmumhmi ; whelm mtmtied ( or mit the tinme goodm I c nru hoimgimt mmmiii lmtiLl tom' , except on seluoul c S boohcs. ) t 'A L hllb , , isimal Shines. h S. A. Piercc & Co. . 100 Mmtln Street. t I . (1. I uiii H mitt ( Iii psumm re , ' 1 ) \Volimuuarm. . 409 liroadway. ' C.II itimil % 'iuiI , II. \Viillamns. . 150 liroami a mty. I I e ii t I s t r > ' . 1)r. h. ij : . floe , roomum .22 Merriam Bhocic , Ur. A. 0. ihimdge. 3U1 hiro.utany , mliii 1119 Ii it N , \Vohimnaiu , 409 hhroaiivuy. : ' Iriis miumal hrlIgItNtN' Suiiitrhi.s , I Dell (1 Morgan & Co. . 712 hiroatlwity. . Merrbinm ii ock I'Imiirmumacy , car. Main Street mmml'iilnw Avemutme. I ltroivn & 't'fler. Gil MaIn Street. Morgumi & Co. , lit ) ljroaclway. l 1. Massemiberg. CJQ hhroamiwmiy. i-I' ' - Schoct1miaek'i Twimu City hyeVorks. . cor , l : Avemnam A mind 'l'i't'mmtv-sixtii mitreet. 4' lIilhtrihi'r ) 11.111 1i1u Ii rimh.ht-r 4thls. I tIeuaimummues Stork & Crisi' , 311 hiroathivity. 1' I Fh.mr m.iiit I"eitl. .3. C. Nielsen & CO 107 Somuth Eigluteenth 'I I street , ' t . Ciumiulemi Krimugel , Iiroadwuy and Qik. ' - Btrect. A.V. . limirreti , 912 A vt'iutmo F , , I LI J. lhmincock 605 North Situ Street. iiiriitimre. H. S. iCehher , 311 , 313 , 3I flr.a.iW.Ly. No , 8 and time other a No. tL. Investigation thoiet1 that earlier In the evening he hail solmi A hair. 5150 omhmi aIes , to a secomumi-hand denier emu fouth Main street. In the box which originally contained twelve units of shoes there were but two remaining , It is thouglmt there were others inupllcatei In time robbery. hiudiciutiomus arc tiunt Lordn on beIng released ( room time city jail must tuave gone straIght to the Rock Island yards and comnuitted the robbery. Sumihivmtu'a victory , while mint such a glorious - ous thing as that of 1)ewey or Schiey. is nevertheless a big event In commercial lines. lIe has succeeded In imuthmcing the PeoPle of Council illuffs to eat tuuore fish than they tb hum other cities of title size , hence Its great recormi in the henlth mitatis- tics of time country. SUCtA ! i'IIN'i'S Oi' i.AS'l' % % 'IllC. Al F'ri'seo i'lm'iiI.s tue Mmmiii Feature of Imiemtl hifi' . All fresco picnics after dark at hake Manmtwa mind eventmug trips to the exposition and mnoro particularly the Midway are at hircscmit about time only socIal functlnns that Catuncil Ihiuffs people imimhtulge lum amid thuis will probably be time case tiuroughuotut time entire sumtmuer. SocIety Is as a general iuio busy entertainIng friends from out of town vhmo mire visiting lucre while "doing" time exposition , One of time pleasant social events of the last iveek itt Cotmncii Uttuffs wn.s time hmartY givcmm Timtursminy uulgiut at I.ako Mimmuawa by tir. anti Mrs. Jamnes hlnrrlngton in' imoumor of time Misses Giahys and Iiird Aitemm , miaugiiters of Assistamut Oeuueral Mamuager V. ' . I. Album of time Rock hsinmumh , who with their father mire visiting tIme exposition. The early lart of time evomulng was spemut in boat- hug muuud swimnmnlmug , after wimicim an ni fresco luncim was served , followed by dane- imug at time buat club house. Tue Council Bluffs Rowing association gave the Iimst of Its parties for time season hit Lake Mammawa Friday mulght. Iloatimug auth iinmuclmmg , followed by refreslumnents , roumuded out a roost enjoyabie evening. whilclu was participated 1mm by at least 100 of the mnemnhers amud tluelr immvited frieumds. Thto mmew howlirug alley at the boat house s'mms In untmch demmiaumd , especially muuuuong time yotmng wommuen present , vlrn were anxious to test their skill. Miss BeatrIce Tiumley is entertaining as her guest MIss \Vood of Sioux City. Misses Agmues anmi Tessa Coync have as their guest. MIss Grady of Denver , Coin. ttiss Maui ! Smnltim is entertaimuing thtss May Davomuport of llostomm , Mass. Miss Lowe of Omnahua spent time last week in this city as the gtuest of Miss iIrowuu pf South Seventh street , Mr. and Mrs. henry fleecroft are enter- taming timeir datmgiuter , Mrs. J. 11. Kotupal , and her daugiuter , Miss Tracy of West I'ohut , Neb , liarroid W. Norman of timis city and Miss Aita I'arrack of St. Josettim , Mo. , were mmuar- neil 'Fimursday at the imommue of the groom's father , 23 East Fifteentlu avemiuc , Justice Ammubroso Burke performnimig tue ceremony. Ir , P. S. Duff of Graumd tIeR , I'a. , imas been time guest of his brother , John C. 1)uff , amid mammuily at 1320 Eighth avenue while attcnthhumg the session of the American hui- stittute of Homeopathy in Ommuaima and visiting - iting the exposition. lie left for his imonm last. Thursday greatly pleased with his visit amumi the exposition. Miss EununaVihiiammms of Stutsunan street has as her guest Miss Jeuunle Gregg of Omaha. Mr. anti Mrs. John L. linker arc visitimug in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ilohlemubeck of Syca- moore , lit. , are the guests of Mrs. H. E. Do- Kay , i27 Fourtit street. Miss Ilattio Ferrier left Friday evening for St. Patti , Minn. , wimere sue wilt visit for about. a unomuth. She will also visit frieummls In nellevue , Iii. . before returning , Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Untiunak of llazei street are entertaining W. II. Knapp amid family of Boston , Mass. , who are taking in the exposition. Mrs. Rycrson of the Women's Christian associatiomi hospital and Mrs. George B. Phelps entertained Friminy at luncheon at. ( rili.- S. S. Keller , 311 , 313 , 315 Ilr'iadw.iv. ( nice ri es. l3artet & Milier , 100Vest Broadway. } 'lmomue 3 John Oimiemi , 739 Broaiiway. C. A. Liey : , 5.Si Iinrrion Street. J. C. Nielmien & Co. , 307 Soutim Eighteenth Street. G. C. linumsemu & Co. , 330 llromuisvay , E'ans & Kissel. 542 Broadway. A. Vt' . liarrett , 912 .veuutme F. H. J. hancock , Cd Nortim'Sth Street. Cimarlemi Kriumgei. itroadvav tumid Oak. C. L. Carmitensen , 314 liroaiiwmmy. ihiirilwnre. Cole & Cole , 41 Main Street , CImariti S.aimue , 310 hiroadsny. .1 ent I r , . . M. Woliman , 409 liroutdway , iii U II ii ry. Eagie Lamumutiry Co. , 724 liromumiwny. lnccs. ( Battcngberg iifld hioniton. ) dcstlamcs Stork & Crisp , 341 Broadway. tt'mIt lhiirii's. .1. II. Pace , 735 llromthvay : , C. 11. iluber & Bra. , 112 East Broadway. C , 0 , 1) Maricet , C Ii. Orvis , l'rop. , 31 Broadway. \Veikcr Meat Co. , 220 Sotutiu tIatuu St. A. V. hiarrett , 1)12 Avenue F. Mi'rehiii ii ( 'i'm. hon miii , Simnon Johmnson & Co. , 513 Broadway. Mhhhhii'r' , . Miss I. . A. V'oiinuamu , 319 Broadway. , Mirrors. S. S. Keller , 311 , .113 , 315 Br n t'vay. 'I iihi'iit Mcri'hsii itil isi' . flourtelus Mumite hloLmee. 32 hiroamlway. Ni'w'siimi mii'rM. Omaha flatly lice , 10 i'eari Street. ( Stmtmni'H are gi'Cmu to mmli subscribers l'ay- Ing cmtsui in ( till of imecoimmut. Extra stamps givemi to new stuhisc'ribers. ) , t.m H timmit t'erioil leniN , D. W. iuushmnehl , 22 Main Street. ( Give mitamumi wiueuu misked for Lit time tune goodmi are Imotught auud paid for , except omm school books. ) Ouihi'ni Goimils , IM. Wolimmmuu , 400 Broadway. ( Eyes tested free. ) I' . ' to the hoimltai Dr. .1. 'Ii 'flInkiey , wife and dimugiuter of Chicago. Mrs. ,1. 3. hess expcctmi to itive in a day or so for a visitOwhilu friends in Braver - ver , ( 'oio , _ Mrs. A. T. Eiweli of Willow avenue Ia . eimtertatning Miss AITI1' ' 'llenek numil Miss Mary Mdfleth of Cltnbnf Mo , Miss I , C. iionhmnun thf oFtlm Second street is visiting ium Mnlvermni .la. Misses Nellie aimd Iremme Matlmews of Cimer- okee , Ia. , are the guests of Mr. anti Mrs. 3 , M. Mathews on Sontlu Eleventhu street. Miss Grace hnumx at Evaimmitomu , Wyo. , anti Mrs. Jacob Snuith of South Dakota are guests of Mrs. E. Vi' . Jackson on First nv- enue. L. C. Iirackett is entertaining iuis sister , Miss Isabel flrackett , and his niece , Miss Clara Morton1 botlu of Greenfleimi , Mass , Mr. and Mrs. John Atcut are emmtertainiummc Mrs. John Urey and daughter of Otttmmwa aumul Mrs. Ciunrles Shundformi and Miss Maud Shndforti of Agency City , Sirs. 11. M. Situmpmiomm of 2204 Sceomud ar- emutmo left Friminy for a visit in Larauuuie , Wyo. 1. . . h. Baker , a promnineuut attorney of Toole City , Utah , Is the guest of hts tmncle , 1) . Ii.Vitter. . ' B. V , Hart. had as huis guest time Past week hmis brother , Frauuk hart of Now Bedford - ford , Mass. Mr. ammd Mrs. II. M , Sargent entertatmuemi as their gimests time past week Mr. and Mrs. . i. V. ' . liar ) ' of Clumelummmati , 0. Mmii , Clmam'lcs MeDomuald is visiting imi Coi- orado Springs. Mrs. Victor E , hiemumier nnil chilmireuu rc turoemi Tuesday froutu m three weeks' visit 1mm Gmulesbumrg , Iii. Mr. amid Mrs. .1. D. Crocltwehi of Park aveumtue entertained Mrs. Anna Gordon of Mnpictomm , , Ta. , during last week. MIss Minnie Iteyuuolds of Ortkiamumi , In. , who was time guest of Mrs. I. C.Vooiey of Soiutiu Stxtlm street , left Tuesday for Lin- coiuu , Neb , , to attend sumnuner schuooi. Captaimu anti Mrs. George J. Crumme of l'ark avenue entertained miuriumg time pmist veek George \V. l'ervay , clerk of time district court of Milbanic , S. B. , vife amumi son , amuth Mr. anti MuSs. N. M. licymmoimis of Momutevitico , Mimmmm , The iimtteu' are Mrs. Cramue's parents. Mr. aummi Mrs. J. Ii , Curse lund as timeR' gtmests durimug the last week Mrs. Plmilius amumi ciuiidren of 1)emiveu , Cob. Miss Olive h1ctel of Areca wao tue guest time last week of Miuuq Nimma Cni's. Mr. amid Mrs. V. S. [ oiv'romu of Park avenue emutertained Mts Cook of hiastimugs , Nob. , time last vek , Mrs. George Gerumor is enjoying a visit froun her niece , Miss Clara Zarim of Piatt City , Mo. Mrs. Livingstomu of Sioux City is time guest of Mr. anti Mrs. hlnie hluitchlnsomu of Fourtlu strei'L Miuis Mary Flicklng r of Pierre , S. D. , Is visiting the families of her lirotimeus , A. T. and I. N. Fliekinger , anti immcitientaiiy' tue expositiomu. , - . I Mrs. John 0. Woodva'ti emutertaimmeil as lter gumest during the last veck Miss Pichey ( if Des Moimmes amid .Mrs. lreemmshicihs if C ii lea go. Mrs. Sciuoentgen is entertalnimug Miss Pratt of Des Moines antI will Imave as her gumest tills week MlssWilson of Sioux City. 1tilss Anna lioss of'ihlow left last evening to spend the suniuner vacation at l'ortiand , Me. As between time two It , has been ( iemomm- strated that fish is corusitlerably cheaper than nueat. Another thing to be eommsidcrcd It ; that good , freshi fish Is nuore healthful. Send In yommr order to Sullivan. the grocer , :143 : Broadway , amumb hittve i hmiesS of fish for dtnmier. It you cannot come to time store jtust call 161 by 'phone. Kieln's simunmer drinks still comutimmue to lead all others in popularity. Time oftlciai iiuotographa of time Uniteml States Navy , containing over 200 plctues of time vessels. with timeir officers and a nummi- of the views of the ihi-fatemi Malume , cami be had at the' Council I3iuffs oflice of The flee for 25 cents and a Bee coupoim , Map of Cuba , \Vest Italics and the World I at The Bee ouilce , lOc eacim. _ ) jrwGo TO THEEXPOSITTflN 11 4'\ L Everybody should go to the great show and you can cover the expense by saving 1 \ PREMIUM STAMPS. THESE ARE THE STORES. . I ' \\TIere Pi'emiuni Stamps are given. Buy stamps aiid secure handsome preiluiums FREE. 1II U ts , Otis nisil Glass. Doll G. Morgan & Co. , 742 Broadway , Merriam Block Pharunacy , Cor. Main Street mund Willow Avenue. Br&wn & Wesner , 617 MaIn Street. tIorgan & Co. , 140 Broadway. l'imo.igrmii ii It. 'ork. harry Schumhmlt , 40t huroadwmy. : ( Stamps given only when CutMim deposit is nuade. ) ittaimiu 'iluii hittmmi. J. Ii , Long , 31 Main Street. Sei ii' 3hiueii iii eN , J. T. Fimudicy , B ? Broadway. Sheet ) Iumsie. Illouricius Music Itomuse , 125 Broadway. Siio.oi. S. A. Pierce & Co. , 100 MaIn Street , Signs. J. B. Long , Al Main Street. ( No stamps givemu on l'nlnttmug. ) Silverware , M. Woilman , 40 Broadway , Silks. ( hitminvay anti Bralnerti & Armstrong , ) Mesdamemi Stork & Crisp , 341 liroadway. Stoi'vs iiiii liii iigcn. H Cole & Cole 41. MaIn Street. i ; Charles Ssvmulne , 3(0 ( ' Broadway. Smimiiimig. irt Mesdames Stork & Crisp , 341 liroaiwsy. 'l'nilorlmig , I. Simon Johnson & Co. , 513 Broadway. 'l'inivnm't' , m C Cola & Cole , 41 Main 6treet , git 1 Cimarles waine , ' 3O hiroaduvay. , . Joiufl Olson , 739 liroathivay , UmioIserr. ( . 8. S. Kehier , 311 , 313 , 31' hbroadimy. ° 1'ili i'njii'r. .T. B. Iomig , 31 Main Street. ' ( No stiunups givemm on l'aimmtirmg. ) , tin 'sitrlit's ii liii tloeks , m t'rm M. Woilman , 40'J hiroatiway. m 't Vizurd Cuingim Ehizir,111 f Brown & Wesner , 617 MaIn Street. u 'oiiiI , lot I ) 1-i. ii. Wiiiiams , 150 Broadway , , , C. A. i.acy. 381 hhmurrison Street. J , C. Nielsen & Co. , 307 South 11th it. It. W , Barrett , 912 Avenue L" - . - Bear iii iiiiiid , that it costs you nothing to get our premiums. Tue Preiiiiuiii Stamps get them FREE , Out' olIk'o is nlwayi 01)011 ) 1111(1 OU hti't3 COl'liflhly ( iIlVite(1 ( to coiiio and bi'ing your i'riends. If you have beoii ci l ovei'looked iii the dSt1'ilUtiOi1 ) of oiii' Stailit ) BOOkS1 kindly iiotiiy us aiid we will take pleasure in supplying you. I i , . t I I TH1Y ALU3 FREI TO ALL. ' Yoni's ' I very i'espectftilly II The CoMperative Premium Associatiofi , CLAIR E TURNBULL. Manager. _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ w - J _ L& ' , ; . . . , . _ : T. _ _ , . , . , , 4 , . - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - The Great Resort. tE Every body invited . to take in the & sights and be convinced that . Lake Manawa : : : is the only place to get cooled off and have lots oi fun. Above all don't fail to see the " Electrical Mirage at nio1it. , : A. MACIL I iltB S A i.i1 I ) l' II ii lSS ( ) ( ) l ) $ Cnmntn.'miei iigMoimdmuy , .1 ii I 1 I , A gramud cut imrice sale , tim close out miii sumnmumer gootis in , lrcss goods departumucuit. lug lot of 45-iuuciu imlaimi ummoimatra vortiu $1.00 , to close ut 29c. 50k amid wool striped mmoreitles , were GSc mmii 75c , retituced to c. Fancy checked mmovcities , jum black , blue anti brown. at 3blc. Fauicy stilt amud wool imlaids , were 7Sc , at .1St , a yard. A hot of 52-imuch silk anti wool anti nil wool muovelties , tiunt sold for $1.00 to $1.50 , to cieso mat SPc a yard. IN BLACK i)11ESS GOODS. W'o olfeu' hi. choice line of all wool gremia- ulhmmemi , lace effect novelties nmd iigiut-welgimt crepomms , that were $1.00 to $ i.li1. at Gtc ii yard. A few ideces double-width silk gremia- milmics , fuil 44 indies with' , worth $1.50 , to close at 69e a yarmi. LADIES' ShIRT VAIST , . One inmumuired ulozen unutmes' ammurt just. arriveti amid will be closed out hut il sacrifice. They ere bought to sell at $1.00 amul $1.25 , and immcltmdo uiommme of time latest noveities.Ve offer your ciamice at 61c each. Lathes' % lute lawmi tumid phimue waists at $ i.25 mimi $1.00 each , New lot of dress ilumemms lust arrived. See specini vaRies at itic , 2c utmmd Ec a yard. nos'roN S1'Oitfl , FO\\'LEit. 1)IC'IC & W'ALKEiI , Coumucil Iilmul fs , Iowa. .sm 1ixlriuruItiiiii' iimiieriiiiuiimeiut. Time duo boating aumul bathimug , time beautiful shmatie trees anti time weil preserved order at Lake Mamuaiva are factors In making time popularity of this fanmoumsvestrn pleasure mcsort more htronhiumemut than ever. 'rIme mann- mmgomflemmt leaves miothlmmg tumidomue for time commi- fort atud cntertainmnemut of visttors. Today timome will ha ami extraordinary emutertalmu- mmmcumt by time IDeist brotimers iii timeir great iiack art scenic promitmctiomm , in vImicim dee- tricity will play an Importamut part. This ia their last perforummance at Mamuawa , nmmd all who cami visit the lake today will be royally entertained. i'rett muM it [ 'murlor. The patrons of Frank Edgar's barber shop , at 13 I'earl street , were treated to a gemiulno surprise yestertiay. Inuring the last few weeks Mu' . Iigar iuas iicen uuuakimmg somne noted tmmulmovememmts on time Imuterior by papering and decoratimmg , and yesterday the linisimimug totuches wore added by rcftmrumisim- ing the place witim a tine Frencim glass mirror - ror amid three Imydratulic. revolvlmug amid re- cllntumg chairs. 'rhuis iumvoico of barber furmui. tuuro Is as line ns Is generally soon in any shop in time larger citL's. 1mm a word Mr. Edgmtr'mi place has beemu literally turned into a benutifumi tonsorial parlor and is commtiumctemb in a first-class ummammner amid by mikihled work- men. A bootbiacklng mitamud Is also a recent amldition. Peiuutlfiml h'Ieiiiri's. These are time days when a great nut is being made emi our art department. limit Wa always keep time stoCk up so tlmat every Persomi can have a cimoice selection of a fine picture or a beautiful piece of statuary. It you want a plctiure framed we make it a rule to mio the finest Job of framing in the city aumd you are slure to be pleased. All we wamut is your order , The workmnnmm. shill ) anti price wilt meet youmr i'xicctatlomms every timne. Coummucil iihuufs Paint , Oil amid Class Co. , Masonic block. Our latest ndditiomm to time pictturo hlmme are time Uumiteml Statci ; battiesiuips , tmu colors. See themmi in oumr display wlnmiow. Coumncil hiltmfls Paint , Oil muuud Glass commupany , Masonic Tomumple , No one hmas attemmupteti to deny time fact that Iavis empioys mmuoro imelp In his drug store titan ammy other simnilar Instittmtion In Commuicil hhluiffs , Tlmis is sigmmiflcaumt because it suiowmu ' 'which way time imid blows , " to usa a veli kmmowmi jmimrase. Nice pickerel , bass , miaiunomu , pike , porcim , catilsim , mnacki'rei , wimiteilsiu ammO aumy other species of fitch camm ahivays lie foumud mut thin store of Simillvmiim , time grocer , anti ortiermi are always filled prnnmptly. Davis , tile drug , palumi ammd glass mnan , humus haml a wommdet fuui Increase In mull I Immemi of iuis iuusimuess tiurimmg time iireeeumt s 'Lmsomu. it is indicative of time fact tluat Mr. Davis iuas tiuc goods thmut pieaso time itCOPio amid that. it sells them mit reasomumibie prices. Time Evans laummutiry 1mm time leader in fine work haiti for color amid finish. 520 Pearl street. I'bone 290. Time great rumu 1)avis , time tim-ug , palmut and glass umumtum , lmmis lund out liarrisomi's itaint timir year demnonsti'mttcs the exechlemmt quality o tue iuuiumtmi. They are pure , durable anml , at imas been stated mmmmuumy tinmes before , will Imist hoiigc'm' than any other paimut atm the unaricet. Klein at 112 Broadway only iuauuilics fruits that are fresit aumci pure. As the days roil 'round time big fish deals of Sumilivan , the grocer , keep getting imirger and larger. Each week nec'ssutates th enimirgeumient of imis orders until ttmey iirus'r assumned mmmmuuiuuiotlm Prohmortiouus. Fish Is a staple diet , henithifimi amid mttreumgthitnImmg and the PeoPle are beginuiing to recogmulzc ttmis fact unore timmin ever. This week iuis suulpnmemit will be larger tliaum over , FOR SALB-OqOA socone-hend bicycle at bargtuu , Cell at Thu lice ot1e ! , Council Bieffs. hiernard F' . Shapiro Imas iuuurclmased a Leagtmo bicycle ( rein Cole & Cole. Jolun Keatltug , tormmut'riy of tiiTmm city , has ( I 1st I ngu ISliVl iii umumtt'i f I mu n mm g rit I uig , lu Is latest i "After time Battle is Over. " Tluis popular cong. as sell as all time latest iuimii up-to.dato "lulls , " Is carried In stock by ilouricius' Mumsic house , 125 lhrotuiwimy , where time orgamu stands upomi time imtuildimmg. it is expi'ct&'d that a Imirgu crowti fromum Council Blufis and Omnaima will go to Lake Matumuwul , today to ccli the Kleimtt brothers in their great electrical feat , which is time wonder of nil the visitors who go ttiertm. To. day will be the ouly chance to see them. No--We Did Not Sl1 ( i.l1 0111' ( 'fll'1)UtS ) , l'1i , etc. , I8SL vec'k-biit we (11(1 p a lIlSihlCSS ) tIAit ; , 'oiiIt1 (10 C1'Clit ( to hit , i'usli tiiiiet o1 I1)1'h1lg. ( ) iii' hIhi1)iiitJi1IS 01 IIC\V gOOlS ( ll'G COlllihlg ill. cliii ly aiicl tlit3VCb3 liaiigs a tale.V lieu you bily ( 'B r , gel the Ilo\vb41 11'Ohll the 1actoi' . ' 1'Iieie khil ( ot ' iiot s1ieI I'-voi'ii iiid wi II last ' gOOdS : ii' - ; loiigor-oui' cii- I ii'c stock is iiev aiil ( ur TO DAT [ . Low ' llIflt atiotlier IeaIui'e to colIsiIer. 1)I'iCcS-\VOlI , iS ( . 1c1iclIlbe1' arc 01(1 iii tli ( ) biisiitcs , know v1iat gOO(1 ( cal'- 1)CtS ai'O Ril(1. kIlOW how and whore to buy.Vo (10 0111' O\V1t woi'k , otu' are low anl ) lltting tIIe things togctlicr it chha1)1e4 uS to e11 CllCaItil' tliiii flhiy other 11liiC ( iii the busi- iiess ill this city. Collie ill iisd. see our latest dcigiis in Io1'tic1'c ) , rugs aill cui'tiiiitc. : Stockert Carpet Co. , 205 atici 21)7 Broadway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 4. -I-I.I-- G- - 4 - ' 'I $ , - * + ' ( . . 1' ' ' ' .L' 'l . . 'L' t' ' .i' ' ( ' 0 G' . ? f ? ! : [ RUU iND 6ARDN FARMIN6 .A ro U 11 (1 Co ii n c.i I 131 ii 7s I ' &J . 5. . . .4. . ' ' ? liii i. m mi 1-ita i'il ii Il t I II I mu ii i'ive'd feut I i ii ii ml M i'Im.-mr mter I a .o * tlia vIu'111i13 ( liiuii nil vlIire lii tm. . ( Jiii-t Shut-mi , 'i'hieri' is lb hulllj : L.mm re of e t'liM Ii ore. l , ( , ( , L mm I o a r 1' aii i t 11,1 iIIN 'vIi I I e I ii i-y mm m'e I mu 1emr- uih tug. . . . . . . " - . , - , .4. .g. "er c -i 1).tY sziiss : . , , JJ.t , . . 1. 1i . 'ri ic.t l:4imutn : mimml , , , limbers , ' ( , : + 39 Peai'l St. Council Blulfi , I ft ) : : ( , , lj .1 , ' " rsumia I iy Co michuu.'t , hmmye rs ti m rtuimit emu I t li r I it fo mit I : , t t mimu aimm I u I mute ti it muyomm 4. . . , it urciitmtk ; free tif cbmrg : . ihuIit. + :4:4 : : + : Gasand Gasoline . ' - - Engines. . . . itoJOO .c , , - Horse . . . Power. Call Os U. OC write for prtCeN and do--ripuion * DAVil ) IhItLiLEY & CO. , Coumucti tiluiiTN , loima. \VOIA \ TAKES HER U\VN \ I 4 Ih1" Drowns Two Little Ohildrcn Before Iie Ends Her Existence. TERRIBLE TRIPLE TRAGEDY AT CLINTON Siuovh I jig iiseovu'i'y slmiiIu' a gmigeiiimiim ( III mtt'imirii * 0 Ills ilniiie Afei' it Itsiju 0mm ( iii' mtunil. CLINTON , Ia. , JumlyWlmcmm ! ) Pmitml Dcii- gier , a Chicago & Nortluwesteuli baggage- mmuamu , returumeml Imonie last milgiit lie failed to find luis wife ummd two smnmmhi citiltiremu. lie discovered a note froumu imis s'ife 1mm time itie- board stating sh.vas , losumug her mnimmd , was mmot Ut to live ammti was goiiig to die antI taice cluiltiroum vith imer. All uuigimt a micareim was mmmdc , wimleim finally resumiteti in I ime discovery of time three itotiles 1mm a harmel wlmich stooI umear time Imoumse ammul as artly tilled with water. Tile heamis of the victiumus were utubmimerged mud time feet htrotrmutied. Mrs. Ieagler wmmmi 38 years ef age timid time cimildrcui 5 years mumuti 19 mimommtiis respectively. % VijrJc oil M ississi itmil It I icr , DUBUQUII , In. , J umly 'J.Sltedicil.Tlue ( ) stim of S0,000 will bo exjtemutieti thuis year oum immuprovemneuuts in the Mississippi river lucre , Time work will im begimmi within a ( civ days anti silil contiumue umutil time freeze- UI ) COIIICS. Captain Klrehmuer , ivimo hiatt just couniuleted a $14,000 contract for dylcems aummi simoro immupro'emneuuts 0mm time Mississippi umear Qulmucy , has time eomutrcmct for time work here. 'rimirty-two barges anti boats unmtke imp time liect amid all are umtetl on the work. Ni'ii' Cipiul Shaft ( u lie SuiiiI , AhUIA , , In. , Juuiy 0.-Simeclal.1--Thic ( contract - tract luas beemu let for time simukimug of a mew coal shaft wtmlclu will be 7xlS In the clear mmumd will lie 172 feet theep. 'I'Imt , lotni cost of time COumulieteti simaft , it is estimumateth , wilt hi ) betweemu $7,000 and $8,000. 'I'hit Immst ( 'Iuumm't' , , Today will iii ) time last chance to mice time wonderful black art sceuun irotiUcell by time ttiI of electricity at Mmuuuaivmi. The Kiim.t tjrothmcms , wiit , Itertormu this feat , iuave bramu a big drawiuug card for our popumlar pieasuuro resort , amud those iIio cmmmm go to time lake today lmouhti umot umules this haiti oimitortuulity of soehmug It. 'l'iie verfcrimmamuce will mm given at. 3:30 : amimi 8:30 : i. am. 'i'h.a trains for Mtutuawa will leave the depot , cormmer of Nimmtim street ammd liroadwuty , out regmular sclmemiuhe time. Tluis is the time of year whemu fish Is time unost luealttifUi footi 'ammo caum t'zut. lint. to be palatable time fish simoumiti be fresim. 'Fhmut is tue reason timut Stilil'tmn , the grocer , has sumeli a big tutu emi hisum. 'I'hoy are always good , trcsiu auud trietly first class. liestties bavimmg a cimunce to see the wommtierfui Kiist tirotluerim 1mm timeir bewilder- iumg scenic itrotluction by ( lie aid of doe- trlctty , there are otimer anuuscmnemmts at j.muhe Manawa that vtii amply repay you to visit thu great watering resort today , . - . 4 ? I Jr IJ4 G.W.PangleM.D. TIlE ( IOQn S.MARITAN 25 s'ER'S EXPERIEHC. tcadcr of Dl(4e55sem4 ( of ncii stud i' ( mmmi C mm. PltOPIUE'FOit OF T1I1 SVorltl's lieibui lItpemnmiry of Me.iiciwi. I ClTItE-Cmiljrrim of Head , Throat gmitl timImgN , 1)iut'mi of lye mind Ear , Fits itmmd , t I npiexy , I I emur I h.'vei mm mid l It ) my IIseitcm ) , iIttbeti'14 ) , lIt igim'ti ( I. 'cmmt-e , St'itims Iltumee , ithomimmimutisimi , Scmuf'mla , Ii ) itps' emmueti 'ittmiimmt tmi ppi mug , 'l'mt o nuts rein uved , au eh m oum hi ' Nervous ammti u'rivmuie hii'civmi. ) LOST _ yommmmg and Mu U J mmuiuitiltm mtgeci mtmemm. _ ( lmmiy i'lt3IeIltmu iiIm ( ) S YPH LIS . umriy ( .uji't' SYI'mI I LIH wit iioum t dcci m uyimug toot ii ii mitt iones , No mmier. elm i' or itmibtlmu , rimmc'rmi I it enti . j 7 I'Iio omm iy I 'Imys ieimm mm iv tin cmi mi tel I ivlint multi 30m ) ii I Imtiim t mik immg it qumest btmm . 'Jiuoho at mu mitstaitt'o semuti for uiile5tiom biamuk. N o. I fur miami : No 2 1 or wonmon. A ii cnruui' tmtuthmmca , ; bt uletly commtidemu timui , Medicimmo semmt ity eXpress. .Aiitl i teti miii IdIoms 10 G. W , PANGLE , M , D. , Itromimiwmy , ( ( ) t'N'I I. 1lI.I'FVS , IA. tY78cnti 2-cemil slmiujumj ( or reulr JUST OPENED Ladies' ' Hair Dressing , Ghiropody and Manicure Parlors. ihimir Iressi-tI , . % , ihis 1t'iii.Ill.'iI ( , hi'i , .I , % l imihi' ( ' 11111 roriiilplei SOMETHING NEW I'lim'iglmt SllmiliiluiilI'C uIppcIi'8 tits'o , shimmmmtiioo uiid riuit' mu lutil's , imutir ss'hiile slit' sl I s ninigi m I , No simm p1 ii g u v t' r. Fine toilet ni'tiCIef4 , iwiic1ic , WL'cSVigf ; , , tile. , for itlo : 01' inittlc to OI'lOl' . p 'i'lu' hmtillt'M of ( 'ittiumsil ill tills vhhi hhitil Out''Ol'k lli'iit ( ' 1814 $ tijiti lIl'It C.4 lt'itOil' miiil' . I MRS. 1. A. GRAVES , 1 I it : ; i'i'mi rI SI r'e ( , THF NEUMAYER .IACOII NlltiiA'Ibhl , i'HOi' , 201 , 20G. 2o ( , 210. Itroadiva ) ' , Coummuit fihtuttmi. Rates , $1 25 tier tiay , ' 5 mourns. P'irst-clasi i.u evem y remiuIett. ! titjttir iiuit to nil ult'ltUt $ , - Itt'mi I iigommy ( or ( liii Coitjiuttt'ti 13t. Lotus A. Ii. C. hour. l1irst-i.'inss bar lu u- umeetiumm ,