- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - ' , - - - - - - . --------y-------- - -----.y------T--- : IL-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - ; - - - - - - - - - - ; - ; , - - - - - ; : -r : . - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - . : : : - : . : : . -----z- : ; : ; -T--:7-- : . , ' . 'flhiL OIMIA DAiLY B1tI ) : SUNDAY.TU'BY' .1O , ' :1898. : 3 p---- _ . : 'i ' * _ , , _ _ _ _ _ , . - -i h. ' ' I \ After a cnon of ttrntightfiil calm. two V nthrorparlcs of the bcyc1o have brokcn out In the o14 spot. One ) inIl train ScotlnntL ono from Chlczigo. The particular form of thefr attack .loes . not vary from those that have gone liefore , and Is adverted to for the purprnrn of showing how citsy the ape- clallEt can brnk Into print for a free nd Vertlacment. It will be understood , of course , that this ireck't pair of medics are 1rompt. by the moat uiisefl1i ) motIvc ; . Notoriety they abhor , hence their names are omltteL That the bicycle haa contilbutod to the sum total of human liappbiess Is gm- orally conce1ed. It foIIow that the health of the lflUItItUl baa leen Improvel. Happiness - piness arnl henith are companlon . how far this conibliiatlon droyc Into the Incomes of the afihicted ihyslclans , s a matter for apeculatlon. Wheelers are too tnagnan1moU to ocn hint that the latter probability colored their concluatons. Surely not. flut let ii go at that. The startling Information bursting from their mental tirca is that cx- cesstvo wheeling provokes dangerous heart action and unfits the victim for service In the arms' . That is the substance of their &ago conclusion3. They sound familItr. They wear whiskers hoary with age , and ire Ia- teresting chiefly becaua two doctors agree not to disagree. Another medic whose name deserves to ho blazoned on the catalogues of the trale takc an oppo3ite view , declaring that moderate wheeling Is a specific for mild lunacy. 'Cycling. ' ho says , 'seems to dli- tract the minds from morbid trains of thought end Intenio self-absorption more e1fectualy than iny other kind of recrea- tion. " There i a pointer for asylum man- nger. No up-to-date Institution can afford to go without the irresistible cure-all. lven If It ( toes not do all that Is claimed , time ' apectaclo of a club of lnmate spurting . ' I around the surrounding roads Is too exhilarating - hilarating to be ipegiceted , - . One of the terrors of the road to all who ride the bicycle , not to ipcak of ; ) eles- triani , is tim Juvenile cyclist , who Is per- ittcd by thoughtless 1arents to meander about on frequented thoroughfares without the iIglitest knowledte of the rules of the road. Judging from time nuniber of children one sees awbeel In every direction , mostly striving to master full-fledged machines quite beyond their control , it would appear . _ J/ US though time development of tlmis phase : of bicycling Is about to become one of the features of the lresetmt season. and the dami- ger Incurred by such riders to themselves and others , apart from the consequences of over.excrtion , Is little realized by parents. If a parent permits an Inexperienced child to rIde a'bicycie , over which It has imper- Zcct control , 111 frequented roads'ays , he is responsible for time Infant's blunders when they result in Injury to others , or he ought to ho , for tile baby bicyclist in his lucreas- lug numbers is becoming a real seource of danger. The modern rider Is more or less to blame it his machine breaks asunder , for such a ' calamity wIll happen only to the very worst made of bicycles. unlesa , Indeed , the nitilmIne has previously been badly damaged. Side slip may occur to the best rider in time world when the roads are greasy. and this Is par excellence tbe bugbear to be guarded against. Naturally , nobody should over lose control of his machine , but once control of It has been lost the rider should strive to keep calm , retain hIs presence of mind and , If ho be coasting , gradually to grip the tire tightly between hIs heels. Dy thIs means ho will bo able to lessen the speed consld- orably and often end by bringing the machine - chine almost to a standstill. Miss Arnbolla Bates. known over the United States for twenty years past as Miss addle Claire , the heavIest female trIck 'I der in the world , died at Fort Scott , Ican. , ftst week from Injuries induced by constant m Icyclo riding , Miss Bates was 48 years , - ' ltl , measured live feet fIve Incbc8 and r" ' - eighod 113 pounds. She had traveled ) .fr' trough every state and territory In the . 'ited ' States with leading circuses and h l been engaged wIth museums. 'I peneral Ray Stone , the apostle of g000 ( ' r .ds , estimates that time farmers of tims U , ltcti States , In marketing time produce of ? stIr farms , haul OOOOO.OOO tons of freight Tm yearly over 1GOO,000,000 miles of public t1 I roads , anti that the loss because of the dlf. ficuity of t 'mmsportntIon is not less than $600,000,000 per year , which would pay the ? I : . . interest at 3 ior cent upon time outlay or 1 imioney , suiflelent to rebuild all the bad 4.j roads anti nmaintnin them In proper repair .4 afterward , 1i They tell of a discjmnmmolnto widow in Iio 1 ) ) Janeiro who met her liusbauti out wheeling / amid wlmo , tipoit imis demnise , Imad this legend . Immtmcrlbeti miltoim his tombstone : ' ' 1y dear k somil imati time tire of lmis life pleimlaturely : ltmlmcturcml. " , ' tall person on a bicycle always looks . oti ] anti nttr.mcts almost ts much attention : . a a mann 1t1i wlmiskers , If LImo rider imas a i ; hlgim frame 'lieel , time unusual size of time zmmmc1miao as vcll as his owim Ilgtire catclmes time eye , anti If time frame of time wheel is low time sjmectnrle ii even more striking. beentise It has a touch of the absurd. A six-footer on \ a twenty-inch frame , with time seat post ptmlleml mmlx iimclmes out of time tube , Is very m suggestive of a lanky Georgia cracker riding I to town on a diminutive donkey or a imilleim , OOW. There is unfortunately another phase 7 besides that. of odd appoarammee , in conjunction - tion % itim tIlt ? adoption of time law-frammie fad by long-framed riders. In order to be 1mm t time swiimm antI lma'e one of time 'dinky" little zuacimimmes with an excessively small head , a ntmnmber of rldr. are sacrlflciimg not only J grace , but power , conmtort and hoaltm n well. A m'lmhmr with tiecitlemliy bug legs cannot 1m raise time satimilo imost far enougim out of time F , framne to accommodate imimm reach. Saddle iOstS are not amado long enough to stand so mmmcii Pulling mlii aimd tlmey ihoulmi imot lie , for s'lmea timmy are raiseil immoro tlmaa a few incites aiovo the top of time seat post janet , or strut , Ume arc liable to bend or break beneatlm the weIght of the rider , An English tire which , IL is claimed , is ab. solutely puncture proof , tioen not oontain armor bands or puncture filling , but do- jmends aolcly upon the resisting capacity of several buffers of air. An air tube of the ordinary kind Is u3etl , but the make-up of time cover provides for the puncture-proof qualities , The corer Is composed of three pieces of very thin mackintosh sheeting , with an outer case of simark or other spe- daIly treated fish skin , These four layers4 arc solutloneti together for the space of about halt amm Inch on each side , leaving the center or tread made up , as it were , of three air-tight pockein , timese PoCkets being kept separate from each other by the nsertlnn of transverse pieces of rubber piping. The action of ptmnmping the tire , as will be readily seen , serves to compress time air contninetl In these pockets , Thus between 'the air tube ammd the road are three buffers of air. It is claimed that tIme outer covers mae' be ro- poateclly punctured without effecting the air tube. and that time tire Is not appreciably slower than time ordInary single tube pucu- mat Ic. Many tammdems are equipped with rear- wheel bralce'm this year. This is particularly true of combination taimdems , and time growing - ing teimdency Is praisewortimy. Mechanically , ii iear-wimeei brake is mnoro emclent than one applied to tIme front wheel , for obvious reasons. More than that , time woman who rides in front on a tandem has not as flinch strength In her arm as time man who rides behInd. She cannot bold the machine In check as well ni lie can. Iverybody wimo has ever ridden a tandem owa how ImPortant - Portant a part of his machfno the brake Is , and men arc glad to find It placed at their disposal at the rear enmd of the tan- dciii , A well known scientist has stated that when at rest a man consumes OO cubic inches of air a minute , but that when ho rides a bicycle nine miles an hour time air consumption each minute jumps up to 1OO cubic inches. At a speed of twclve miles nfl hour the air consumption leaps to 2l00 cubIc incItes. while at eighteen niiies an hour tIme rider increases imis consuniption to 3,000 cubic Inches. A Cleveland inventor has patented a ( he- vice for adjustiimg the handlebar while tIme vhmcel is in motioni. A lever affixed to the top of time bar post operates a pin by which time bar Is held at time desired position , and it. may be easily vorked by the rider without - out dismounting. The inventor claIms that it Is a simple device. always solid In post- tion , anti cannot get out of order. "Wind while you wait , " is the motto of an Ohio man who Imas Invented a slot machine - chine for filling bicycle tires. In operation the bicycle wheel Is first placed in poal- Lieu and the tire connected to the punip. A coin being theim dropped Into a slot acts upon a lockIng lever to release a plug valve , vhmich may then be turned by band engage- meat of an outside lever so as to connect the tlro and the pump. A locking arm Is also connected with this lever amid is moved thereby to clasp and lock the wheel Ia place. When this locking arm Is thrown back to release time wheel after the tire has been inflated. the valve Is closed and the valve- locking lever drops into place , preventing thin valve from opening until another coin baa been Inserted. The majority of the Scandinavian farmcrs and their families ride and even In many cases the servants and the stabienmen also , the machines used being American. 'rho fear among the trade there Is that sooner or later timere will be a surplus in the Ocr- man market and that surplus wIll in all probability be sent to Scandinavia , as beIng the most convenient outlet and a part of the world that can take a lot of machines and there is a probability that time maclilacs will undersell the Americans and drive thom off the market. The new bIcycle track in Indianapoiis , on which the national imiect races will be run , will be called the Newby Oval. This is in iionor of Mr. A. C. Nowby , to whose untlriimg energy and faith in bicycle races Is duo largely time tact that Indianapolis vihl have one of the best tracks in the country tlmls summer. Mr. Newby worked for over two years before be was successful in organizing - ganizing a track company to lila liking. With time Increasing Interest in wheel racing and the fact that Indianapolis imad secured time meet , he wa able to put his plans into cx- ecutlonm this summer , Since the coimtracts have been let for time building of the grand stands and bleachers , time work has gone on uninterrupted and this wetk tIme surface vihl be ItIt on the track. The staada and time amnphlthmeatens will be fInished by July 7 , Timmiy will have a seating capacIty of over 7,000 people , while time bleachers , which will extcnd over half way around tIme track , vm'iil seat twice as many more. "Learning to rld"obsetves Harper's Ba- zar , "would be gmealiy simmmpiifitmd for nervous wonicim were one simple rule observed-that of timmming lime nmnvemnents to annie munic , sung mut'imtaliy , Time tinme would then ho marked by the tiownvard stroke of the pedal nimil also by time hmreath-lts Inimalatiomi or exhalatloim , If olin keimt a umimsical Limo with time. feet anmd time breath one could imever tumble anti there would be no question of Imalaimee , The whole body would then be under - der control , governed by a nmusimal idea to wimicim all one's mnoveimients were attuned. Any march wpuld servo the pmmrpose , oven time music of "Yankee Doodle. " When one rtm- ahizes how a whole company of soldiers is comitrolled 1mm its movements by a military baum ] , so that all Its zuovemnents become rhiythmnlcmml , one can understand bow much caim be accomplished for one's self whmeim out of tune Llmromlgh nervousness , One , at any rate , vimo tries will suddenly find that a new mode of locomotion lies been acquired ithout effort. " . i..tsItIs A1IlIL. : Sumnt' I'ai ii us , % imimim t I Im i I'rojier Tog. nimml 'l'rimiiimhij.r , Probably more timap with ordinary cos- tuimmes timQ fashionS for wlmeelnicnm's wear are revealed by what tIme majority of time riders of re ogmmizcmi good taste and culture disport when awbet'l Consequently a pro- i F Kt1eh'SIioes , Are better than hand-sewed shoes but cost less , Men , WOIRCU 1111(1 ( CluUiI'eilVCfi,1' tlieni , All kinds arc made ; d1 dea1er e11 theta. sue , ioiiitty co. BOSTON , . ' . . - 7 diction of cycling fashions earlier in the season was hmaumrdoii , After oterviag closely the better clns of riders in the east a writer to a well known cycle paper has dci4e4 upon what may be considered the correct timing for ayciists. Although sweaters , ho says. barn been worn for years with no aparCnt regard for suitability anti npproprintenes , tlmy are always in bail taste in hmublic and shotmld ho isorn only for training purposes or perhaps - haps Ofl long club runs or cenmtmmries. For ordinary business or Pleasure riding they have been discarded. AS it substitute acrv- ing the purpose of preventing thin catching of colds Imalmer or chamois vests or chest protectors arc worn in spring anti hate fall. Strong contrasts are Popular mmml emmtlre suits of time anio material will be wora much less than heretofore. Time correct combination is a ilark coat anti stockings V ith a light check or mixed trousers aimd cal , , iark blue or black serge coats a tIme correct thing , cut rather short and left tin- lined , but otherwise like time ordinary tlmree or four button sack pattern , with Pockets preferably outside. Vests of the mimic ma- torliml may be worn , or a medium brown or gray mitlstcont having longitudinal stripes. In time matter of trousers there is a. svide range of cimoice , but the best taste is shown I LImo selection of a shepherd's plaid or , very small cimeck In black and white. or cot- ors that contrast strongly. heavy Scotch goods and large checks are less in favor than host year , aimd in the latest garments the big baggy knee hiss given way to a closer cut , In which room for the actIon of th knee is provimleml by making time trous- , I era longer. The cuffs are now made of tIme same material as ( ho whole garment , instead of smooth tan or brown clotim , antI should be entirely covered by time golf tops of time hose. Solid colors , either black or browim , are in vogue in cycle hose , ivlmlch simoulti have fancy tolS tlmat harmonize in color and effect with the knickerbockers. The heavy Scotch and English woolens have been superseded - seded by light weight wool or silk hislo thread. 'rho footless hose are largely purchased - chased , but mmro loss favored thamm time other variety. Fammcy Colored shirts , with starched collars and cuffs , are being worn , although negii- gee shirts. with soft collars of time annie inn- tend , are very popular in time heated sea- son. Time matter of neckivear is not macli governed by the bicycle. Anything that Is neat , and at the same time contributes to coolness and comfort , Is appropriate. Tile cap is most suitable for head dress because it sits close to tIme head , and is not easily blown off by the wind. It ought strictly to he immarlo of time same cloth as time trousers , as tue general effect of the whole CostUnlo is improved thereby. ltegtmlar bicycle - cycle shoes should lie worn , but they may ho of any recent preferred atyle , although those coming over time ankle are preferable because tlmey keel ) time feet cleaner than the low shoes. Black or ox-blood will be more in keeping with the tendency toward dark coats amid stockimmgs titan the tans or ma- Bets. LYi ON A 'i'ANI)1r. Itmflt Ii ItlerN Lii1it.j Uimilj'p flIgiltmii- ( it , , imimmi 1eeeMm4zmiIIy , I'o.k ILIsLs. "You are sure It doesn't make It go any harder ? " " \'hmat doesn't ? " "My being on time front saddle. " "if you weren't on tlmat front saddle I give you amy word thIs machine wouldn'tbo going at all. " "No. It would be at home in the wood- aimed. ' ' This would not (10. Thin conversatIon was taking a versonal turn , relates tIme Chicago Tribune , Miss McCurdy decided to chammo tile subject. , , "I have had so little experience In tami. dem rIding , " she said , "that I dIdn't know. This Ia a beautiful landscape , Isn't it ? " "I haven't been looking at the landscape. " This also had an alarmingly personal bearing aimd she hastily hut 003 hand to her back hair to ascertain whether or not anything - thing was loose. "It's alt right. " volunteered the young man , "anti you hat's on perfectly straight. " "No , be hasn't been looking at the landscape - scape , " mentally decided Miss Glycerine Mc- Curtly. "tier cheek looks like a poach ; " saId young Spoonamore to himself. "And , by George , she is a peachh" he added with the fervor of a discoverer upon whom a great truth bad just dawned. "You ought ant to miss this view , Mr. Spoonamnord. Look at the grand-sweep of that- " "I'm not missing anything. I have to keep.an eye on time road , you know. " "How can you do It ? Am I leaning too much to one side ? " "Not at nIl. You are Bitting beautifully. " "I don't seem to be doing any of tIme work. Aren't you gettIng tired ? " "Tired ? I could keel ) on rIding this way forever. " "Absurd ! " "Well. I'll make It a million years. That's coming down a good deal , " "Oh'hat's ! that ? " "Nothing but a bmig. Don't be afraid. I bmusimed it off your siiouldcr. " "I am not scared , Was it a large bug ? " "Not large , but ummpardonnhiy iresump- tunas. It was making for your neck. " They pedalled in alienee for a few mm- utes and timen she said : "t\'asn't it risky to take one of your hands oft the handlebars ? " "Risky ? Great Caesar ! I could ride that way for- " "For a millIon years ? " "Now you're smiling. " "You are not watchIng time Qatl cIosly enough. 'sVo caine near running over that big stone , " "I saw thud we missed it by Just a hair's breadth , h-I thought you iiitmst immmvo takeii one hand oil the bar again.4' The young man drew his breath imard , "Mr. Spoonamnoma , you are getting tired. " "Awfully tired , 1 haven't seen y ur eyes tom' fifteen minutes , " On ccond thought Miss McCurdy con- eluded not to propose stopping to rest , It would serve huh right to make iminmi work hard for the next two hours to pay for that slcech , Amid yet- "Misa Glycerine ? " "Do you see that brick house off to time left on time other side of the orchard ? " tie went on with some rambling , anita- portant recoliection about that house , He merely wanted to see wlmetlmer her left cheek had turned as red as the right one , It bath , Tlieypassed under the frojecting limb of an apple tree stanthiimg just iuside of the fence nail with a dexterous upward reach young Spoommamoro pulled oft a bunch of bI ossoms. "Ohm ! W'lmmmt'a that ? " "It isn't a bug this time , It's a cluster of apple blossoms. I am about to take the liberty of lmtmttillg them in your back hmalr- ' ' "Upon amy vordh" "Not for the iurposo of ermiamnent , I beg you to believe , but because I love flowers- too-and having cut these off in their early bloom I feel bound to see that they enter upon a happy hereafter , hold stilhi" "how ccii 1 ? I have to keep niy pedals imioving , don't IT' - "Yes , but you don't have to move your head-just yet , Therel Time cfftct Is beau- tlful , You hiavo no idea bow it sets time flowers off , Do you see that church spire over there on the rlglmt ? " No , she dlii not see it. Simo suspected anti she hooked stimmighit abrail. S'hereupon time young nina rubbernecked , "Giyccrinel" he whispered close to her ear , At thIs thrilling moment the macblue , leftpmacttmahly tjftiown guidance , ran Into a rut- Anti spoiled on 1jime most promising romances - mances of time Oh , young peqj1 let this be a solemn warning. 1191 5 flo not bcconm tqtimentnl on a tandem unmtil the era , of .9qJ roads has fully come , ( J.L 1 WHISPERlNtOF THE WHEEL sin Not in the hn7ep years of ebrask.t's bicycle racing 1mthory has timere been a Fourth of Jqly so little enthmusiisni disphaycth as time ? rsehcbrateti last ? mloatltiy , ierctoforo the Igue of AnierteatSlmeel - macn of timis division have nmns celebrated tite day by hmolmiIng their ammnmmal race macct- lug , at wimich thc state cimamimpiomshtips are contcstcd for anti tile rocitn ameni and racing entimtmsiasts usually hook fomnar'l to this date mis the most Itmmportant cue for theni on tIme year's calendar , but this ycar it seems to have been of the lcts : importance , as timero was not a mnmct of any kind held in tIme state nflil time racing mnemi were ' : ommipeiled to imunt other fields , l'hia state of things would indicate thmnt. 188 is Nebraska' , off year in cycling , anti if Lime war continues , time cimances are tlmmm Item state circuit , which time omccr of the division are planning to muake time best the state hmn yet mimI , llI be a failure after all. T1m' date of hmoltiing the state meet hmas ieen ) sqt for August 1 , but as near as cnn be hearnel , timero Is hittie I ork being doue yithm a'iew of muaking it a success , and the editor of Nebraska's leami- lug bicycle paper is authority for tlmo state- fluent that the nicat mny mmot be held at all. With the Oimmaha base ball teatim transferred to St , Joseplm , there immay be seine ahow of Omaha's gettimmg a tma' ' 1mm the grounds vacated by the ball team , end a littio en- thusiasni imma' he stirred up hero when the Natiotal Track associa- tloii teatn arrives , September 2 , at which time a nmatcim race is billed to occur here between W , W , hlanmilton of Dcmmver and Toni Lititomi of England ; hut unless the track is forthconmltmg , the mat h will have to ha declared oil , Gadke and Meiersteln , about time only local riders who have trained earnestly this spring , went down In Kansas to attend the Kansas state meet on the Fourth and Gadko Succeeded in running timreo firsts , while Melersteln got a like number of seconds. 130th these Inca had intended to follow the Kansas state circuit , which the state meet OieflCd , but Gadke's three races only netted him 77 , aimd as tite prizes on the balance of the circuit were even smaller lie ro- turimed to this cIty Friday , wlmihe Meierstcmn will follow time lalajmce of time circuit , At Council Grove , Kan. , Thtmrsday lie succeeded in getting one first and a third. Gadke' and Melersteimm's showings are considered particuiariy good , in view of time fact that nearly all of thp mainimmg they have been able to got has b n doime on the road , as Onmaha is witi ] mt , a track. Meiersteln thinks that he ffi , have little trouble in winning right aqugnfter he gets a little inoi.o track workan % feels confident of fin- ishming at time heu1 o thin cIrcuit's percentage - age table. GadI's1future plans have not as yet been almimollimccd , but it Is qtmite likely that lie vlI1 nttoimml the national meet at indinnapolis Iii , Augpst , In order that he may hare a chian e m to compare his Speed wIth that of the , "Last boys , " Below will be found Flesciier's answem' to Mueimtcfering's challenge , which vas pub- lishi'th in this coimmumn last Suntlay : OMAHA , Julymt.-r'ro the Bicyhe Editor of time bee : Iii rgard , to Mr. AluClmtelet- lag's letter Lii : , i3mimday's 13cc , I will ay that I cannot sq ) iow lie can class iiimnsehf above any one , as ho never won a race lair In his lifc. Ta bdw what ciasa he is in regarti to the thn' : h claims , is riot eOr- meet , as lie wa't1nier ' himself , anti when I had my accidentl four miles from Blair we wore nim the road omme hour and twelve m.iin- utes anti four mnIis to go yet. Nevertlmelss , if ho wants to rldqfor $100 , I have deposited $25 in , i. C. Cor 's hands. at Lee-Olarm- Ammdresen hardware commmpauy , ( or liiimi to cover , for a racct from utile to Blair , to show that he wIll ride , ir retut' ; , as be did on the mmgreommment of the race we hind , Now , It Mr. Muentefering wants to mde , lot him cover th amoutit nor hater than July 12 , 1898. Yours truly , LOUIS FLESCIIER. Members of the Associated Cycling Clubs of Omaha were royally entertaineti by the Turner Wheel cltb at Turnfest pink last Sunday afternoon. About 100 wheeinien took advantage of the ihvitation extemmde.i by tIme turners and they all essenibled at Soven- teentim amid Famnain streets , at 23O p. m. and proceeded to Tjmrnfest park , wimere the afternoon was spent wntclminmg Lho different contests. Time wbe lmen wer , headed by Comptroller Westbeg and John Butler. The Omaha Wheel club has been making evening runs regUarly dmlriug time last week and Captain Toni Mickcl announces that there wilt be short runs on the card tuiing time conilng % 'eek ' for 1\lanawa , "BillIe Bryan's Camp , " Florence and other places , These runs are v'cry ' poilmilar amid arc well attended.'Q 'Q Electric pacing : machines of the present day have proveim td , be mmnmreiinble anti vlil not be used to any extent in America at least this season. TIme .world's record for amateur tandem ulmpae4t1 nmilo was. , recently lowered at Do- trait , Fred Joselh.Lmnd Frank hood , local wimeelmen , ritling the distance In 15O , A Leimgtio of American Wheclimman meniber from out in tlme' state complains becaimso theme is no leaguothotel In Ommiahma. Well , it is hardly to ho expected tlmat any hotel would make a rate during time exposition , wlmeit every hostelry Is crowded to its fullest capacity. ' 'A Twig of Iaumi1" Is Limo title of time fomir- act "pastoral cycle drama" in wlmlchm Edmhle Bald Is to nmako lds debut next fail us a actor , Time piece Is descrIbed as rmavlng a cycle basis , of edUve , anti time plot is said to be pretty , reYmRfmtIc atid pleasing. Realism - ism cimters Into tt"td a degree that Iii mmniti to be remttrkabio'A' race meet Is a feature of time third nct,1ii'Ing the riders actually racing against dAo"inother as on time track , This effect is sh1itio he worked out with patented . mnaciiiiit'r1lumti panorama , ii .o Miss Dottie IarMtvortlt won time six-day race at OslmkoslI'is , , last week , Lilly Williams took scth , 'ills 'I'rlahigleClmmh 1oea. . , These that iirthbd the threatening weather Saturday on time' im11i't Crook-flehluvue run were amply repohtltr their trOuble , The chub visited Cimbii llor Kerr , took in time college and parLeeli.f a imice spread at Fort Crook. ot1 U President hIemj'1 J spending his vacation Lit hot Springs. 8iJ , The "scorch" ' 1es1ay evening at Elmwood - wood Park was 'c1 $ fnst , flaIl proveml himself - self a scorcimlir b leaving lime whole bunch. Thursday e'eiming the club he'd ' its regular - lar monthly buslitces immectimig , 'rime secro- tary'mm report showed the club to be 1mm very gootl circuimmataucos , receipts and expcmmdi' tures amounting to about fl25 for the moat ii , Time coasting cnmtest to be givemm on time lIttim will lie held on time Ccimt.er street ltiil instead of Fioredeo bill , tawyer , Brewer , Hall , itimmgqueat , iitemm , anti lossibly otmiera mviii entel' the races to be given on time 2thm at Council fliulfi by the Owl chub. The club 'atil give it picnic in Limo near future , 'I'uedy evemmirmg , July 12. at 7:30 : p iii. , time club wil $ rldq to oymour park , where they will be entertained by Jim , Zmhiiler , it Is expected there mviii be a good turnout on that omeiming. A trip across the state awbeel 18 being talked of and will probably be had in September , - - - - OF \VAIlli-KE \ ; TURN OFiI1N1) ) Literary . Tate ot Those Who Call rtt t.hO . . - . Pubiq Library. At.I. HEADING ( W ON TIlE UVE SUBJECTS Altemiinmee mit S'i'4itorN for .Iiimc SImoa Large Itir'mmse O'er That of time Cmrre''sm..immiimig , i.mmmim of I.mmMt Ynr. Midsimnimner is a season when business itt time Omaha l'mmblic library is mmstmaliy at a low ebb , when time attendants relieve each other and go oh vacations ammd wimen tlmo public spends its timne on time boulevards , cattier than over stutly lamps. Now , however , exposition - position visitors anti citizens lit search of war news are kcepiimg time attetulnnco at time library to time mnltiwimmter hovel , In preilama- tieim for the former patronage , time immterioi' of time builtlitmg imas been imowly timmted mm. terra cotta hr wamnm red shade amid numerous pie- tomes amid otimer accesiions are oim exhibit to add to tue ttsual attractions. For the news hunters anhthitlons Imavo been made to the newspaper list and catalogues aim dif- fercimt subjects of war literature imavo been prepared. Time most. PoPular thatiics , also , have been placed on standuimg racks In order that theIr possessors , ohects ) of envy to waiting patronS , many mint patise an unrea- soiinbhc length of time 1mm timeir lerusal. The department rcceivimmg niost atteimtion is time reading room , as tue Imublic prefers reat.hlmmg history in the newspapers cattier thrum in tIme bound 'oltmnmes of time circuhatlop department. It In equipped with twenty different dailies amid all desirable periodicals , sa that itmformnation is ready to hand from the hmottie locality of time exposition visitor , as % vchl as the battle front. In addition to this an exhaustive collcctlomi of several thousand clippimigs on all phases of the war situation has been prepared amid catalogued to answer inquiry along ammy certain line , Tlme report for June showed an nttendamice of 3708 In time reading room , an increase over the cerrespoimding month last year of St19 , or timlrty-fivo a day , Another hopuiar resort is time Byron Reed room , and the registry book there shows 'the nsmes of most of the dlstinguisilel visitors who have been in time city since time oprimilig of the exioaition. Strangers are ParLicimlarly iimtorested in the rare collec' tion of coins anti niost of thmeni have pieces at honme of unusual injmit. or date vhichm are referred to the attendant for nppraiseinemmt. " One visitor nuniisniatlst applies ainmost daily for a sight of tue isoi dollar , of vhichm thus cohleotiomi has a good apecimen , and it ha unveiled with dtme solemnity in time presence of custodians. The attexmdance In this de' partnieitt Increased last mouth over Julio of last year from 475 to 725 , a mnommthly increase - crease of 250 , ThIs Immereaae , as shown by time reglator , it ahiiiot entirely traceable to expoalthomi vIsitors. StILL iti'zmt Fiction , The circulation denartmcnt Is not mmcglected lii 'time genemal impetus to library patronage and there vero 215 applicants for borrowers' certIficates during last mouth over 145 mm June omie year ago. The readIng mnatter called for is not of time flmost sober sort and is largely In time lIne of lIght fiction. This Is to be expected when its use Is generally for imot after- Imoons on shady porches an'd wimen chiool , wonrnn's clubs and reading organizations have aljoumned for the stmmmmier. The circulatIon tlepartimient Is visIted by mommy totlntry hibraiiians v1mo ivish to gather hmiimts reardlng projier mnethotis in catalogiumg. charging , etc. , for u&o at honme. Seine of hi&se speitti several days in the study of the system in use and the ecomiomy of many a ' colle'tIoum wIll ho advanced by time visit of 1t3 representatIve to the exposition city. The referemice rooni is etihl as valued a departaien as ever , amid with its large windows and cool frontage is an attractive spot oh a summer afternoon , It has been I furnished with. a iiunmiber of engravimigs , mostly of old mnarters , by the public ocimools and the Omaha Woman's chub for summer use. The best of these are eopi of ManIla's "Children of the Shell , " the "Aihammibra , " the "Forumn" and "Charles the FLrst. ' Thor. are also good casts of Praxitelea' "Hemnies" and the "Venus do Mile. " 'rOLl ) ou't' or COURT. Lord Russell of Killowen , years before be took silk , was sittingIn court , when another barrIster , leanIng across the benches during the h aring of a trial for bigamy , whIspered , "Russell , what's tue extreme penalty for bigamy ? " "Two inotimers-in-law , " replied Russell witlmout hesitation , Time patience of appellate judges must oftemm be sorely trIed over the methods of annie thmlck.beaded , attormmeys who needlessly multiply words and spread ponderous , opaque sentences over the simplest propositions - tions of law. . Occasionally a jtmdgo yields to his imatural irritation amid gives time prolix lawyer a gentle rap in passing. In Givens ngainst Davenport , 8 Tex. 460 , Lipscomb , J , , vents lila feelings as follows : "I lmave miever known a iie presenting so little diffIculty In law iii which there was so profuse an cx- peumihitumo of paper antI ink In time formation of the recormi ; it fills' 246 pages of foolscap , In a case wlmere tIme deed of trust on whmiehm it w'as brought , presents a plain and PCI'- plcuous chart for direction as to its objects , remmmhlly coniprehemmmmihjlo to the immo8t ordinary capacity. " Inspired probably by time unitiue action of timat New Jersey justice of the peace , who vmts so true to his judicial instincts that be had himself hauled before hime1f iii order to fine hiiiiiself , Jutige Cowing of time court of gemm rtti sSlor'iim New York untiertook time otimer day to act in the dual i-ole of jtltigo and counsel , It is said that he w'mms abscdutcl" lmpnrthmti pIil ! that tIme trial s'as conmductcd with even 'paizmful attcmtion to tIme niceties cit judicial timpl tt . TIm lctiin of it all 'cas 'one , Maguire , acctmsed of having nttennptctl to eonummit etmicide , Magmilco hod no counsel arid Jutlge Cowing at once said he would act in that capacity , There was a mIld protest on tha part of time assistant district attormmcy who was conducting tIme case for the peOple , but , IL is said , tlmat iii time emmml thIs young mmmii almost wished to , apoligize for objecting at mmii , so edifying had beemi the whole proceeding. All went vell throughout time presenmttmtioni of time case for the prosecution and then time counsel for the defens aelced his first question : " 110w long have you beemi imummrrleul ? " "I object , " said the couimscl for the people. "On what ground ? " asked H. B. Cowing , judge , "On the ground that It is irrelevant , lam- material and incompetent , " "I mmmaintimiim , " said It , II , Cowing , counsel for time defendant , "that the question is perfectly proper , I wish to show that this Inca was happy , lmad everything to live for anti that the claim of the prosecution that he tried to end hmis.lio is absurd , " "Objection overruled , " was this rem-diet of 8 , B. Cowing , judge , half a dozen other witnesses for the prosecution were brought forward , but theIr testimony prevailed not , Time jury acquitted Maguire without leaving the room , In Alleghemmy , I'a. , 3-cent schooner houses have become so numerous that a meeting of liquor dealers has been cahied to discuss - cuss the situation aatl take measures against these cut-rate dispensers of beer , A similar iituatloa confronts the dealers in Pittaburg , -N- _ - _ _ 1\ Great Gut--- Commcncing Tomorrow Morning we vill sd one hundred I 898 model $75 high grade bicycles for $49.50 First COnIC first served4 Just look at the specifications -22 , 23 , 25 inch frame-any color-Vim or Morgan & Wright tircs-Christy or Bunkcr Sad- dies-any style handle bars'-any size gear. Wheels fleated and Repircd. H E FREDrUCKSON , 'Ici. : 493. N. E. C0I'ncr iStit nod Dodge St. - . $45 Buys a $75 BycIe. $40 Buys ii $60 BicycI. $35 Buys a $50 Bicycle. * NOT ' 97 MODIIS , huT ' 98s. * - - - Seine Wheels a $17.00. Some Others ai $25. 0 0 * CALL ANI ) SEE FOR YOURSELVES , MIDLAND CYCLE GO. , - - 416 N , 16th Street , ' . . , ' , II. II. ILAVFORD l'tlaimagcr ' 4E' . . s. - - - = = = = = = _ UMMrnmcYcLE COPY. 9 'I 'I'iic Ihcst Place amid Clmcamst Pluic to limmy $9 BNCYRS $25 TIftS. SUMUS. _ _ . . uilorganYriglit Inner 'l'ules , 95c , I Corner 10th amid ClilcagoSts. - En. T , T1lt'nnN , Nmt anger. I Bicycles Checked at iLuiint Entrance , Exposltioii C i'otmlidH , ( ) 2OtIm and liii imiett Sreet , = = - - - - - - - - - ( - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - liOtNi ! ) 'I'O 'VIN. A ieectL't'c's i'lmiywitlm it Ihig thu 1mm a Fnrt 1timmi1 , "I've seen niany a funny play conic c..ff in a fare bank , " saId an old-tinie gambler to time Cincinnati Enqmmirer , ' 'but of all the plays that I can remember the cheekiest canme off in Coionmel Holly Lewis's'game a bug time ago. It was In tIme fall of ' 69 , and Colonel Bully hind the biggest game in the vest at 212 West Fourth street. There was plenty of money around Imere in those days , and cotton and tobacco planters dropped in day after day , sold their crops anti then played the bank. When a man was knmowmm as a gambler the lImit was the sky , amid I'vo seen turims made for small fortunes. Amiother big timing aroummd Cincinnati in timoe days was the making of count rfelt money. Just as soon as a new counterfeIt bill made it3 appearance time government would scumi officers to this city to locate time plant. This city was the distributing Point anti every one knew 'It. Early in 1869 a 500 counterfeit bill made its appearance out east. The first ono was detected on one of Limo race 'tmackm and was forwartled to Washington , Secret service agents were sent at once fo thIs city. One of time crowd was Chris hogan , who was as well known among sportimig men as BIlly Pinkerton Is today. Just as soon as Chris readied 'town ho hunted Ut , the gang and they had many a good nlgimt. "They all took a turn at the bank. Sometimes - times they were lucky , but at time wInd-up all were mTs gooti as broke , amid this iacluthed all of hIegan's expense mmmey. One after- linen hogan , with Eph hloliaatl , who ran the Eimmplre gamblIng house and managed time Goss-Allen fight ; 'Bud' ReIlly aumi a dealer called Little hlemmry dropped iimto Coionel Doily Lewis' game , Belly was sitting be- imind limo layout strokimig his whiskers wimen the boys dropped lum. " ' 110w are you , colommal ? ' said Lewis , as lie began to abutlie up. , ' 'I'm very well. how are you ? ' replied Hogan , , ' 'Never , , was better , ' said LewIs , as lie simoved time theck in the box , "The colonel looked all around , and a few smmiahl bets were made. hogan looked on for a turn or two , and then threw down a $500 bill in the big square to win , " 'ilow mucim goes , colonel ? ' " 'Tlmreo hundred dollars , ' replied Hogan. "Colonel Lewis turned , and the big square won , , ' ' \\'hat goes ? ' aslicti Colonel Dolly , " 'Nothing , Give zoo the cash , ' replied Hogan , "Lewis gave Imim tue money anti hue walked omnt with his friends. When tbcy got out- sub Holland said : ' , 'Whmero'd you got time money ? ' , ' 'Vhmy , that's some of those counterfeit bills I've been working on , ' said Hogaim. " 'Well , you've got your nerve , Suppose the big aquaro had lost , \Vbat would you have thono ? ' asked Holland. " 'Done ? Winy , I'd hare got 00 cimange in good tuoney and bought a few cold bottles , ' was hogan's reply. "rIme next day Colonel Lewis was told tiiat imohmad turned for counterfeit money , but lie would not belIeve the story , but I know the but was a counterfeit , " ( Zimestiolis mmmi , tmstvg'rs , EI4M CREEK , Nob. , July 7-To limo Sporting Editor of The Bee : A bet 13 timat the Americami squadron under Sampson would defeat time Spanish squadron under Cervera iii less timnim three hmoura in theIr fIrst battle , \'ho won-14 , Welsh , Aris-I was lint there and so cannot speak authoritatively , Ilowoym'r. accordirmg to Comnniodnro Watson's and Sampson's dispatches Cervera'mm fleet was caimipletely destroyed with the exception of one fleeing ship , in one imour , TIme dons were mlefcateml in less than timree hours , therefore , and A wins. COUNCiL 1i14U1"FS , July 8.-To the Etli- tor of The flee : how mnatmy ginum's have the Omaha and Detroit tennis played to dmmto-A , .1 , 0 , Ans.-To July 8 Omaha played sixty-two games , one of which , however , woe a tie , To time same date Detroit played sixty- sight. - - - - - - . . . - . ; - . i- : : : : , 1898 MO1)EL , Stears9 $5U I1 endron , $35 usess Wheels $25 AUIANC [ , 6Ood Wheel , well [ quipped , $16.7 Second-hand wheels at your own price , ' Renting and Repairing. We are agents for Domestic Sewing machines , NBI1ASIA ( CYCLI CO. , ( _ , oI , 15th HOd Ilarney. Gee , a Micicul , Ngr , THE4NEW , gmJmuimlII i iii I I I tIl'i imi. , p jimmi I ji ii t t m i ii i mum m m i I I I mVmim ! ? i Jive You oht East ? U ) ( U iool.I , , ( or I , , , mfmbl tlp , , . , , onkI l , , - , _ 4lImm.m in eoig , tG i.w 'j ok , mmm. dphl ! , , r ' .lti , )1 , . , , ot , l.j % tIr mlu Lu' - tsk. tm. LEHIGH VALLEY : flAhlflOAD iiuftlo ' ' . % F.ila , . , lwJ. - 'a. , roUt. I , DglO , t UNR1VAI.LIU ) SC1NURY - m n llIg mIm.i , , , ll , , , , , , , , mI , , rt1ng ; iieri & ,4 , hL. , mmu. , ml , , ru , , , , .t tm. ULACK OIAMON1) UXPRLISS , , , , imff.k .1 5.w 't ' 't , j'milatijLi.-mi. IIntfl , tstn I , , lb. , iU. All mhruugI , , i.y mru , , . tarry 4Inlo , ir , Mi log MPALSm iii CARTH , i'or Iimtrt.i J.krlftl. loot. , , , ill , i'ut , . , Iforrn. . , tb , , * 1 to tt , , t fate , .me. , ) OUT .i4ts , .mtm , to , , , nut. I , , l3 H. I.tc , e , , , . m , . . , t,1.m , , 7' , York , 1 I m'i'mmii ' ' I I I m i i ii m m I u i m m m m iii ii m m m imi i m tijit i imi m n mi mm dt'JbW" ' ' iIgiinl , g , Yin fceit cco , WenJ Instant flellef. Cmuicin l5ts's. ! Vrvcr returns i mm iI ghidle , 'nl mi shy tmIiTtrmr 1mm ' t'm.n Frtmid . . 'nyeh,1. , i'fl i it a Prm.trli'thum m'it im lii I , l irct I hum ( mr mm 'm mm he K , ri ma t C cmuc f 'I i.t.t % ' , , ' . .ilmt ir.s , , ( ' ; 'vm. ) , ! , Cmmiil ' ( cslc harms , 'srtctcei , . , .me. o , ii. i risi , ' . lihimsio # 'flhI'r , jl , , I anit. 'i'r.tmpIl llrh. . 11 afc anti powerful renmedy for fmnmcibonal troubles , delay , b'aln , and irregularIties , is , ir.tmmfully prc'.crlbe4 by do hilImet MedIcal SpcejhI.ts , 1'riecm.oifor 24 captuit. . 1511 by all iJrmgimts.or Vo.t tics , 1' , 0. lke 8 ; , N , V. _ _ -a---- - - - - - - - - - - -