- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - , - - - - - - - - . . - - - - . - - - - - . . - . - - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . _ _ _ - _ - - . . _ . - - - _ - - - _ , . - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - M _ _ - F - 'FILE OMAHA 1)AILY JflE : S1NAY ) , .JITbY lOq l898 )9 ulih , ! nhlCh better knnwn by hcr mn0tn flATne of Tcnnitnt , ot MIN MArgot Tennant wa eaIIy recognized In the heroine at that book of hort1Ived celebrity , "DrnIo , " when L It nppnr some yeRfl ngn nni ereate0 a mlI ( eflntIon In the United Ststte as welt U In tngIntuL 'rOdo" tIfllOUbtCdIy ( matle Ms TennantR riRmo known far and WI(1e ( , but for nit that : gathered some of the best rnInls In Eng- p 1nnl about tier. I Urile tIl ( nowrnpers caTne to rIoui1y chroutelo the ( IoIng5 O MISH Margot Tcn- I ) aI1t aR they' vou1I those of thu queen and the prtmo minister , nnl w1un the Irate conservatlycs ii socIety were tt end of all patleitco with this y , clcvr , iarcnstlc lit- ' tIe PlIIIllstinf , she overttIrn all their pro- ( UCtiOflH by giving her hand in inarringe to one ot the Utlest ) anil most aorlous young polittcinn , Mr. Asquith. As tf to PrOVO t tIm infinite' variety of her talents , Mrs. 'AiIIitl1 tCttlCl down eco to the dutteB of wirehooil and motherhood and Khowe4 aa tnarkc % a capacity ( or theft. graver czUifngs as ( or the ltghtct. frivolities. Cossiping ( iowagr5 , who predicted ( lire misery for whomsoever he might marry. have been amazeil to see her assume a , atately IOSitiOfl as a matron Lu 8Oicty. To be biticieu tO lieP tiayii at homes , to her lite- 1 rary lunchconB or to her dinners is to be . Annual Ualso ovor6,000 000 floxo. I , PA roa irxous AND NERVOUS DISORDER U etnh n Wtntl an4l Fain In tim toiiineli. ( ; iidiIUt5. J"IIIIM ( artor flCth4. lieat- ache. Ilzziiiosa ) , Irowzinosi. Jtti'thinga , ot lioit , Loss of Appotito. COFIiVCIS. ( IliotelicH Cifl the lklfl Cold Clilita , Dl- turbo4I tlep. FriIstnl : : ( 1)rcaiiu ) and nil Nervoua aiut TroInllng ) i3cnsations. TilE FIRST D03E WILL GIVE RELTIP IN TWENTY L' UTrS. Every suttoror , I will LOkfloWiOdI' fliuzi to ho A WONDERFUL MEWCINE. , ulw.cII.tI , PIE.L. taken as directed - ed , will ( ltIiCii1 retoro Feiiiais to coin- lItttO Iieaitii. Tlioy Iroin l'tl roinoro ' obstructions Or irrtgularititH of thu ys- \ ' torn iiiid cure titeit Ileutiaejie. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN , WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boocham's Pills are , Without a Rival . And us , , lb. - LAflCEST SALE Rny Isxleiit IcitlcIno in ( tie SYurld. . t lu Drug tor.s mote honoreil than to receive the invitation of a tluchci. To lir gladly conic the great men niul the most brilliant and beautiful women of the titne and her home Is a center for the learned , the witty and the famous. iet tier own accomplishments are few. Sht icak $ several lnugunge3 and Is Wl1lCly read , but ( lint is nil. Aa the eleventh chili or Sir Charles Tennant she received . L ' . . , p , . . . J II1 I .NY t..4 Vt . * . 7 f ' \f , ! ; II , , , - . , 1\ / ' - ' x ' ; -t \ . . ) 14.1\ \ If . . l'OItTItAIT M ItS. ASQU IT ! ! it ludicrously misrepresented her and fai1el to ho Justice to the true abilities of this really rciiinrknbie young woniun in wlioiu 1(0010 ( CflII 1)0 ) PUt forward several claiit to coiisiileratloii. First niid foremost , Mrs. As- ( Ilith was one of the very few vumeii out- ' [ 1(10 ( the circle of his own neurcat feminine Pt' relatives to whom Giatistono gave a truly lienutlfil trtemnlihip mind devotion. Sun was ierlmnis the only wonman with the cxceltloml of his wife nmmd daughters with whom he loved to taik. viiomn he nlnlittcd to his library while ho worked aimmi to whose oltnioi1s amid Ideas lie listened with tilensure 1111(1 ( respect. She was always treated far inure 111cc a daughter than a guest at Ha- 'ivarIen both by the great man and his wife. 80(1 all tIme nioro interesting Is this associa- tton when oiie considers not only the vast disparity between their age , but. betwien this grave statesman amid the most frivolous .woimmaul iii Lonhioii ocicty. However ( lint may be. Miss Margot Ten- nnnt was invariably tioluteA out to strangers as the protege of the gritnil old tuami , and as the woolen who dared iiy in the face of nil the imiost sacred traditions on vhIch the British maiden modeled her derortnment. It is no secret that Miss Tennant on miinktng her debut in Lomidon quickly observed the iuetiioils by which the Americami girl con- ( piers anti foreign prejudice. To observe 'with her was to inmititte , and though she fairly outdlii time most free-spirited young American by her lively sallies , her defiance of many honored conventions and almost ) ioydeoish vnyii , she gained her point and bravely broke ( lawn many of time tiresome , useless harriers behind which the young unmarried Engiishwomnan was hedged in. The British matron hid imp her hamla in horror and fought for her old Imrcroattves , imilt- Miss Tenmiant von time day an(1 ( gained a social freedom for the young people of her sex and position that hail never been known before iii Lonilon Eociety. For a number of seasons she fairly held time reins in her own lmandim , and fearful was tile end lre- dicted for her by the gossips. In spite of her slmocicing Amnericanismns she counted time leading statesmen. muon of literary , scientific and musical faimme , iii her train , and tier tip- pearanca in time ladies' gallery of the house of Conmmmmomms gave zest to whatever debate was on hand. Site was time creator of a cenit-mystic , semi-literary society called the "Souls , " anti , with Mr. Arthur Ilaifour as her lieutenant iii the niovenment. simo a goodly portion at tier marriage , but no " : mcat fortumme. I a a roomful of beautiful vomimen she is almost insignificant. 11cr hits- ftiiiii , Wiit prolahiy never be Itrinie mnhmmister _ utttl lie is far ( rota a millionaire , and yet Mrs. 4squitim is by right of her w ht. her 'tuick sympathy , her courage anti her cami- or the wonimimi 1mm London who commamuha d Position dmmchicssemm might envy and wields ami Influemmee that few princesses knoir. M.ttA.1H . ICII. A. ( tim i11 S t iimtei * i VIii , ( oti po'i1n'n'h ! ) itimil Ilht I'ziN1hl1IIplls When that vigorous amid moving story , 'Tho ( adiIy , " was first. published in this cowmtr , its readers-and th y we.'e many- profe3sed 01)00 belief ( hint the author. Voy- oich , could be none oher than a man. 'V'omen do not write hiku that , ' ' wa the is- .sertioxi of the majority , but this time the mnjrIty were t once right. anti 1ron Women do mint as a rule write with so reserved - served yet passionate amid convincing a pen as gave its "Tho Gadfly , " yet for all that , Ethel I4hihian Voynicim is a womnan anti not. a Russian , as many insist. Somimo thirty-three years ago hic was bormi ha Ireland , of Eng- hish parents and all Imer education was gained In London schools. According to Mrs. Voynich's own straght- ! forward confession her life has been sing- ninny free fromn startling imichtlemits , and there is nothing that dlutresscs immd annoys in'r more titan the tWo assertions , freely end frequently made. that large portions of her famous novel and immany of its characters were drawn ( rota life , and that her husbands history is brimftmh of tragic incidents. Mr. Voynich is In reality a native o Lithuania , itt Itursian Poland , a iiulet , culti- I vated gentleman , who not ipprovimig of the I methods of thm Russian government located himself i.mi England. lie was never a Siberian : exile anti imi Etmgiantl he met and InarrieI ( Miss Ethel Lillian hook , , daughter of time I comment logician of that name. Before her marriage t1rs. Voynich , like many another English girl , 5ietit several years on thmo oontimient. but. since her marriage site hi Immado her home in London. This is the rc- ord of a quiet. hapmw life : but as to "The Gatlfly. " "It Is my first attemnpt , " says Mrs. Voynich , " ( or fearing to itroduce immature work , I confined myself for sonic years to transinting chiefly ( toni ittmssan hitornttir. ' . \'imeiu I at last started my hovel it took mao a bug time to rite , especIally as the sub- JoeL demuammtied somne stiltiy of an obscure tutu indeed almost ummiexpiored page of Italian history-the work of the intran- sigeamit sccta' in time Four Legntions. Arthur - thur , the hero of 'The Gadfly , ' is an entirely - tirely Sniaginary person. iJoth the idot and characters of time book are Iureiy fictitious. The only idece of actual history in my novel is time account of the conveying of tire- anus for time Lomimtjartho-Veimetiami rising , from Sotltlmammihitomi to Leghorn and ecross Tuscany to hirisighelia anti F'aenzn ; anti the ommiy historical hierhomis are the smugglers , Maccone mund Donmemiicchino , whom I knew versoimauly In their ohti age. Omie of them , a ltoniagnoh Imeasant , hits lately tiled at ( lie age of 87 in great imuverty and utterly neglected amid forgotten , after having done more for Italy luau moammy persons to mthoso uicummory she hums mit up niomiumnetmts. OIL is emily fair to say that his poverty I wits , to coimie extent , vohtimitary ; he imad tti'eii offered a ienslomi as mm. rewarti for imav- iimg itnyctl Garibaldi's life at the risk of his ouvil. This pension ho refused , saying ho worketi for Italy , not for money. Time olti mono's minnie was Lumigi Hassani. " Speakimig of her future work , Mrs. Voynich confesseis to collecting nmateriai for a new story. Shin is going to Cracow with a viec to sttttlyimmg certain features of Polish life , but she warns her iiubhtshers that she is so show a writer that no promises can tie ummatie , anti they mnumst m'nit on tier own good tiutie. i's a niatter of fact , Mrs. Voynich is a. scrupulously commscijmitious anti emithiusi- astic artist , keenly self-critical anti never letting a page pass ( roam her keeimimmg umitil it. represents the most perfect achievement - mont of her talent. Alt this earliest tievo. tiomi anti nrtisthc pritie , coupled with charm- lug simmipiicity of meatier anti immodesty of Itiloti , are showti in her cmtiiiiti dark eyes , I her resolute mouth , her anipie , square forehead - head atiti ( 'veil in tier exquisiteiy clear , coin- pact handwriting. h'rliis of l'itsImiiii. Fotmimiril silks amid satins arc in marked favor timis summer. Mauve ailti reti form one of the fashion. able conibimiationmi of color. Pretty neckties to wear with pique gowns are milmitho of white giaCo silk trimrnett with Itlahut or sitotteui silk. The pretty duck costumes in white or colors , lii pinto or fancy effects , are In greater vogue then ever thIs year. A becoming feature of fashion is time belt like ( be material of time sown , or of chhoA I-- ' - - of the nmo color. rather thm of ribbon in contrast Cherries mixed with timeli' own blossoms I decorate red straw hiat , anti to perfect time scheme of color a scarf of red silk spotteil With white is effective. Large orders have been placed with man- tifacturers for lustrous white corded silks and heavy but soft-finished cream ntmd ivory-shite satins for evetmiag toilets next season , Very pretty waists classed with shirt waists are mache of linen batiste with bands of lace imisertion between groups of tucks down time front and hack where the waIst fastens , Time collar is simply a transparent band of lace with cords long enough to tie in a bow. Pink In every tint anti tone will be in great use thus autumn 110(1 winter for eveli- ing gowns for youthful vearers , for dressy Opera topies and bonnets , for trimmIngs amid linings for rounti hats. anti for lining velvet anti cream-cloth capes for bali and theater wear. Earrings art' threatened again and time special design which may vrove irresist- ibie is called "car florets. " They are a little flower scroll set with dfamonds iuiiancd to nccentulate time curves of the hobo of the ear nod fastened iii sonic rnystrious way whicim is not visible. The new nioiro silks arc watered across thu wititli in irregular stripes anti time hat- tico-work ; rnttcrns seem to be ono of the season's faneits for hiotit ithain niitl nmolretl stilts. hiasket checks are wovemi iii sonic of time imew aultummimi silks. which have a small brocaded ltatterli scattered over them. i'iautl tumuslhims are fotinmi in lovely conmbh- nntlomms , such mis imink anti cream , apple greemi iumti white. and black amid white. Two beautiful and uncomnmnoli designs recently 50011 were a hale heliotrope with two shinuies of pink , anti a ( loch ) yellow comitain- 11mg a touch of orange comimbloed with cream. A corset auntie of rubber is atlapteti for time misc of w omnemi viio are learning to swini. This corset is cut. on the same gen- cmi utica as alt corsets anti montie double so that the air epace between tue to thicknesses may be blown tip nmmtl serve not omuhy to lresent a neat nppearance to tint figure , but nlxu to buoy it up muiti give CO milhtienco to t lie timiuid. A imnv ( ity lust now ma limo mnmililer hiht. viiicii is a. large silk hatitikercimlef mnatle iimto a glrile. There ore two designs , omio being mtuti t ow anti the other hrotnl. hike a gIrdle. The belt is iumaihe by folding a brihliamit silk square into a harrow bamiti. immeastiring about forty-six incites ( loin cor- tier to center whmemi mttretchetl out. Tiiium band is cnrmietl nroumui th waist anti kimotted at thin slut , in two flowing eiuls flint fmisteimed by a bright buucicle or clasp of ; oltl or silver. 'i'iiis makes a umitque and hrcttyjhuiishi for a w aist. hiangles of oxitlized sliver. ornamented ritii soue nluproprimite quotatinmi from Shakespeare in olti English lettcr.m , nrc one of tIme novelties ltu jeweiry. But if you renily vmunt a supply of wlstiomu bt yommd otmr yenms jumttt tcnr mu gaul bangle with a lhtiddlma set in diarnontis , or , better still , U fiog set iti iou C Is , which 'Ill hrlmmg 'rooti Imemi I t Ii nmid mnuc h hmappf lucas. There are nmammy designs iii htosiery fronu which to choose. W'itim how suites time cor- i rect timing to wear is emnbm'niulemed stock- immg4. Scum shown nrc black , emahiroftiered tvlthm yellow or white mieuurm-tii'-iis. Roil St ock I migs I I I lie hioimumlar. ci timer emumbro I - tiered iii wimlte or with a whuitt' check or imiatti. Nom' that the var is fairly emi blue stockings emumbroluicreul 1mm whIte stars nrc decidethly PoPumlar. I.'i' iii I ii I iI ( ' ' ( ' , , , : Is. The eltiest daughter of Charles Kingsley , Miss linac KIngsley , has beemi mumntle aim 0111- cier the i'I nstmucttomm I'ubitque by the i"memihi govetmumnemu t. Dr. Gertrude Ilahey , a tiistimgtmisheti itlm- slcimun of Meittourne , Australia , imas boemi RhIOlntetl ) one of the anatomy denmonstrators in Mehloumrne university. The qimeen regent of Simain is a descend- ammt ofVihliamn the Silemmt. time mmmost for- mnidable ( lcfemmuler of time Netherlands iii their long war against Spanish oppres- slon. Frances 'liiarul once wrote to a friend s'Imo had just lost a daughter : "Dear Sister Anna , how nmumchi richer you are than 11 iiero I sit alone without a child to die. vimile yeti are umuother to atm angel. ' ' Miss Alberta Scott of Camnbridge , Mass. , hmas time dhstinctlomm of hieing time first cot- ored gradumate amid time first of her sex and race tralmucti. entirely in time schools of Mnsaclmtisetts to Ito graduated this year train htatlciiffc college. Miss EmmmilloVagner or Daltlnmore , for- iumeriy a student at time I'caboily coimserva- tory and a graduate of the Wonman's cot- ieg of iIahtimnoro , has estabhllied a coil- servalory of immumsic 1mm a New York tone- nmemit house with the idea of intercstiimg time poor amid ignorant in music. Mary Ammthereomm do Navarro , for till that was ommco said about her asplratiomms , Is apparemmthy anxious now to let ( lie liublic kimow that she acted for a hivimig amid imot for any love of art or artistic anmbltlon , She has been talking hateiy about the stage amid her presemmt life and says , nmmmommg other things : ' 'Vi'imemu I sIt dowmt to ulInmmcr mmow I often thtmmk that Just at thus hour I umseil to i'ave to rub my face all over with grease , nnd I am thankful for tIme change. " i.ltmIit ) AS ! ) INIUS't'htY , A Lawrence ( Mass. ) mlii imas an electric yard locomotIve. Time Alabaimma Steel anti Shlpbumlhiilng comn- panybas been orgammized at illrmimimmglmammm , Ala , . with N. E. linricer of hllrznlnghnm at president , ammil mItli a captmml ( stock of * 100.000 , antI authority to lsue $1,100,000 of bonds. : The i'nragon immhhii , C'cdarton , Ga. , will puit In 1O.tOO mule Inu1les , The cow butter Ileople iii' England have beemi trying to hmrocuro Iegit'hmtion ndrers to bmmtterlno , but timey have not tuicceetteti. Time csperlunent of utiIilmfg colored labor In southern cotton mills is being watelmeti with mmmuch interest by textile manufacitlr- ors nit over the country , nul at yt they liat seen but little encourngimu prospects in timat dIrection. Time Canadian wood pulp Intlumstry , vlmich ten years ago was of ulcim atnail dlmmicimsiotis as to be irncttcnhiy trivial , litis now lull ammnimnl output of over $1,000,000 , enti the qumniity matches the quantity. Cammadlan puhim is sold imm England. Time valume of the mnerchtmndise emutered Inst rncmntli for consuniption 1mm time Ionmlnion of Canamla was $1.SS7.25G anti time duty oh- leeted was t862. Time value ( If time free goods entered was 3,799,267. The total cx- itorts anmonmiteti to 1O.i4,2IO , of wimlelm $9- 6S3,539 morth was time inoduce of Canada. rite electric hoconiottves to be useti by the toimdomm Untlcrguoummtl raiittay Imave been built in this country. Time award of thus comitract to Anmcricnn nmamiutacttmrers. imu hureforemmco to commipetitive English bidders , was conshulered a notable proof of our sit- ; ureunncy in the department of electrical emmginecrimig. A great ndrmtntage to Gernman inammufac- ( utters who cater to the export trade , hums been secured by time ( lermimumo experts who mere recetmtly sent to ( 'hmtmmn anti Jnpamm to collect samnrhes , wlmichu have heemi idneed on exltlbitlomm iii ilc'riitm. Time exhibit is open only to tlmose hun ivant to ( ratio witim east- em coummmtries , nmmul is an object letsomm. slrnw- lug what articles are used bY time natives ; the hirices at which time garmnemmts. goods , etc. , are solut nrc utmade known to time Ger- immnn mmmammimfacttmrer , atiti hmmmvimmg both sam- h'Ies ' mummil Prices before tutu , .ini calm readily est itmimito whether or mmot it you nmnmmtufac- tium i : ' for time eastermm immarket at a profit. A Maesacimusetts statute piovltlea : flveiy fmictomy 1mm t hmlchi five or mitre t'errouis mire eimmthoyeti , cliti every iiorksiiomu in vhili five or mimore chtililmcim , young Persons or wommm.'n are etimpinyoti simmmlh , wit . work is cnrriti cmi thmt'rein. Lie so vent . ! 'itt'tI tlmtit the muir shall not become so czimmmuiqteil or imniiuure as (0 ( be Injurious to the health of time mmci'- sons cnmploycd therein , nmni shall nlso bt so vetitliatcul as to rcmutier ittutmuuless so far alt is imracticabhe , all gases , vuipors , dust or other iummpurltIes generated in the course of thuo Immatmufactuiri mig hIOC'Ss or lmammuhicraft carried ott thereimm wimicim may be lmmjurioums to heal tim. N'early 20POO,000 tomms of frcighmt hmassetI immto mummti otmt of Lake Superior inst year , Its vahumo helmmg a shmnde umumiler $220,000,000. This % nS all itucrense oh time prccoulimmg year of 25 per ect. : The ProPorliomi carricil iii Camutidiami shuts ra.s nimly omic-tlmlrty-eighttim of tue wiunle. the fractiofl tilmmmltmlshlng year by year , mmotvIthmitnndimmg thnt the Cumtathinmm cnmmal is cquuml to the Anmericaum , auth time iammmimmlotm has cxl'nlet ( tmpvnrii Of $200011I I 000 omm liii iako system. Time cost of freight carriage Is now tcuiumced to I cent a tout fur t twelve mmmiics , alit ! time amlmotimmt carmmeti by tue cull riers iat year was $18.220.iOO. lii nr. got's mtverngimmg a thlstniice imauletlof muitles. It i I m ( ; i ( m US. Giuisgow used twenty buildings for time rceemmt Chmlstinn Emmtlcavcmr commvcmmtlon 1mm thmat city. Of linrvartVs graduating cimiss , mmummnber- Imug .ffS ) tehve emily expect to eumtcr time Chm9stinmu mnimmistry. It ts stutteti that time Arneridami Methodists - ists mire numnmmg : time immost aggressive muiti sumccesfmtl Christian vorkers 1mm India. Time ortimodox JeWS mire said to reprcsemmt 600,000 otmt of 610,000 Ihoitrows in this coun- tiy. 'i'lm' rest nra what are termnctl tIme 'Reformmm SectIon. " Time vote of the Free Church of Scotland - land In favor of ummion whtim . time UnIteil I'resb3'tcriamm church \vns 4S In favor nmmd 41. agaimmst. It is thought j.imo unlomm tvIil ho effected. Major Wimittei at Ciuickaninuga states Gmat lie has distributed 8.000 Smimukey iiymmmn hooks ammd has wrItten for 5.000 more. Time soldiers - diers slug from thenm all over time cammmp. The missionary boards of the Presbv- terlan , Commgregational , Episcopal , Metim- odist ammti Baptist chumrchmes are lreparlmmg for commuity and union of action in vorImirmg amnommg time new fields wbich the war Is opciiimig tip. TIme prescmmt Chimmeo minister , accredited to our governimment iy tIme Celestial poten- tnte , is a Clmrlstiaim. ito was educated in Enghammd amid was converted mmml bnttized Into one of the I'resbyterian ctmumrclmes of Londomi. Iavid lIhlII'ommse flume ] . the emily son of time iafe General Iavitl ) I ! . Dutch. viio fommgimt with distinction ( lumrimmg time clviiyar , has been ordained to time Catholic priesthooti in Wootistock. Md. , by Cardinal Gibbons. Ills father was a memmmbcr of time chutes of ' 01 atVest Point , wimich vas gratiuateti almond of time. mind his grammtlfatimer , Dr. liuch , was a well known Episcopal clergy- maui The Inst 'volumnie of the Woman's tilitie. culled by Elizabeth Cady Staumton anti twc'nty-fotmr other womnemi , has just bcemm is- muieti. 'rho main obiect of timlut edition is not to gIve a more lIteral translatIon of thin Hebrew amid time Greek , butt to ox- pumgatc ( rota time bible alt tlmat (1005 imot coincide with tIme views of wonmeim cmmter- taititMi hmy Mrs. Stanton and Imer associates. TilE AUTiiOlt 0 F TIlE "GADFLY. " - . - ' _ / ' ! / - ' v 't \t/ , . ( ( fr ) . . e . f ' m' k4 't t4 IN'\ ' . Lit1 ? \ , ALII ) I. r A- j % ( (4 ( fd * W\M - 8 - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - CLOSE CALLS iN IYAR TlIES Private Dalzell Relates erne Thrilling Incitlenta of' the Civil War. MODELS FOR OUR MODERN HEROES It in n rk nbl' ieu lie fr..tit t ii , ' Hum rim I ml $ iiltnti-St rnnm Ssimmt C.fIs'e nutil * liilit' 111.1 ot ( Ii , hiitck ( ii .t mttIt'rsotm tIle. I have In my menmory exploits of eonmrades wimoso names vere never gazetted yet , wrItes Private DaIzeti In the WashIngton i'ost , nnd I nmtist tell your readers atiout timeni , timat timey may compare theta with ammy-time boldest - est anti bravest that tim itresent war can over furnish. Everybotly remembers time tnmrmiing of the Stiltatma , wiuctu over 2,000 men snuik to time bottom of time river to rise umo more-a ca- ianmity to wimleim time Maine disaster Is as tiotiming by conipnrisomm. Released ( roam you- federate prlsomis skeletomms 0mm theIr way itonme , the war over numul VemCe Cotmie at last , in a tumoimuemit moore thati 2,200 uumiomi soitilers foutmiti themselves hlott n up iii time rIver where it was a nub to time shore. It was a terrible scene on a terrible umigimt , tlmls catas- tuoplie. vimcrc time loss of life was fur greater than iii most of the great battles of time var on eltlmer side. Time cause of the exhlosion , reummnuims a immystery to timis hour ammti will hlrolflbi9' ) umever be kimowmu , though time Immost idausiblo one ever propoummuuleti is that a large ltmummp of coal ucd tO heat time Irnilers miii been charged with powder to b1o' up time l.oat. lie that mis it immay , timnt is hot tiiat I set out to mmarrnte at nil. I am thImiiiiig of one Ieraominl exploit of coolness anti tie- cisiomm nummlti tiumit viltI scene iii time milghmt itmistitiiuisseti in time amitmals of lieroisni in nut ) . mige. il&.t i.t.t. i'i re atid % % 'n ter. I kmmc'v time soldIer welt ; ime lived In Newark - ark , 0. , aumd lie told time story to ( loverumom' Lyon amid mmmc imiami ) ' years ago. it was this : After time roar amid siimck of time explosion ho smuw time liasim of tire that euiveloped It anti felt time boat slnkiumg , for hue itriti emily been titrown otmt of his bmmmmk and was mmot 1mm time water. it watt a trying immommielmt. lie mntmst tieclule qumickiy-drowli or iturmm , tlmat 'as time qtmestfoum , for ime cotilti miot swiumu a lick , amid rimat was lie to do ? If he jumtmipcti otmt tlmmotigim a wintloV open eloe by he wotmhul drown ; if ho remmmnlneui 1u woutti be btmmmmeti alive-a terrible multerumative. ills eyes fell on a lommg box lying imear , aumtl 1mm a flash lie took it alt imm-lt comm- tallied a imtmge alligator Solon soldier was takimmg home as a souvt'mmir of time war. ills iirst. timou.mglmt was , ' 'I will ilimig that oumt mmmd Jummup after it , amid ummaytte float away. " Butt mmo-a. Iiglmtnimg : reilectloum fat- Iowcti-tiuo weight of time moumater xviIi tumk time box-ho hope timere.'huit mmext ? Time water full of simrlekimmg mmmcmi , time Ilamnes roam Ing , time amimmutummitlon exmlotiing , time yes- aol cottllng. It was a veritable Imummmtlcimmomu- itmmim , a itoor llCCe for the exercise of wise deitbermition , iitmt lie vns muaster of time stttmatiomi-ho luau licemm thmroumgh Ammtlei'son- yule , and In that sclmonl of trytmig orilenis Ime imutti Iearmmed to timinlc , ammd tiuiuk clearly nmutl coolly. cvemi in time facc of tiammgers like these. it veii imiigimt. appall aimul distract time Itritnest imiteliect. lie was decided at I ommce-tiiat box nmust be brokemu up , time aiii- . gator pullc'i out and throwim immto time river , tluemi lie would throw time emmmpty box out . mmnti float away emi it. limIt there was mtotimimmg to break It opemi with. lIe couhti imot do it with iils ntuketi ] mammds , and a. itanimner or ax them viis none iii sight. \\'liat coumiti lie tb butt stay anti hurmm. or jimmi ) and drowum ? Another glance , and in that glance he spied a big piece of iron lying cioso by , anti quick atm timougimt lie raIse1 it to strike I tue box a tltammtic blow that mnust split it I while open ? But ltOliVlmflt if immstcad of ) time tail he sluouki uncover the alligator's head ? Well , it was only death nmmy way , , ammil , soldier-like , ime wotmiti take his clmam.mces. TIme blow fcii , time box was smmiashcd 1mm , ammd time tail immstead of time lmcati appeared. l'ui- hing it out ho flutmg it immto the water , then the box after. and jumnpeti. Down , dovim tme wemmt until Ito thought there was no bottom ; but presently rose , amuti started rmiailly for time box , but imo box was there ! Down again nut ! up , wimeim , i vommiierfim1 to relate , lie grabbeti time box I aumd began to kick away , knowimig Ito muigtmt be drawn dowmm into time vortex whmemi the vessel sank , as coon It tmmtmst n ii ditl. Sonme few on doors , timnbers , tabics , cimairs , arommumil luau. screamimig or callimmg wildly ; time flames high 1mm air simowing tIme far- off shores and time dark lines of cypress out theIr bammks and lie floated on ammd on , tilt in a few tnomemmta the boat lumrclmed , , vltlrled and sank omit of siglmt and all was darkness-soon nil silence-as lie floated vitii time current as if borne by fate nmm tlmat rude ark of safety anti delIverance for hours tilt daylight caine , when some fricmmdly negroes-whemi were they anything but friendly to the eoldlcr-spletl Iminu frommm tIme shorn aiitl came to his rosette , when he was numb and half dead with cold ainmost to the heart. lie was saved at last anti lIved to celebrate time sIlver anniversary of the Grand Army of tIme Repumblic with us in Wasiuingtomu anti then passeil away to join time 2,000 commirades of the Sultamma , who died that awful mmiglmt , , &miothIr Uiiioumort'ii hIert. Another iero whose name never was In print and whose blue hiloumso was unadornusi by epaulet or strap was Satru Coffee of coin- ltitlY 1. Twenty-fifth Ohio , omie ot time fight- iuig reglimmemits , wIth greatest losses in the rebellion. Sanm was a huge , atrong youmig farmer auth probably aO man , not ovemi the strongest mmnti most athletic n time ariiiy , could have laid Samn on hii back at any time. It would ( alto a good man to do that yet , for ho lives quietly out his farm near Caitiwell , 0. . after foumr years of steady service In the ranks of regiment that mmmatlo a star recorti in the civil war. lie never tehi Limo story I aiim about to relate -never sweors Gmat lie over dlii anytiming heroic or extraordinary. Not at all , for tIme mnomnent. self-consciousness sets In beroismii or other virtue takes Its leave ! \\'imilo canipaigoiimg in Soumtlu Carolina the confederates caught Samn amid took liitmm to Ammdcrsonvihle , where , hard as it was to do so. imo eoOn effected hula escape. lIe was ( ci- lowetl closely by bloodhounds mmii OOC Was only saved from recaptuire by facimmg two of tlteso brutes boldly by a imllo of stones ho hail gathered for time pUrimose anti kililng imath outright with tlm stones lie hurled with time strength of dtperation , lie rejoined tbe conmmnamimi near Itefuaca arid was out one day eu a mmmUlo foraging , when suddenly rounding a sharp curve In the reid lie found hImself face to face in , the s'ery rnidtst of a gallopIng squadron of earl- federate cavairy , The moment ho saw them coming so closely lie reined time stubhora mimic back so iiumheltiy Ilmat , in trylog to turn round , the creature ( cii down anti Sam's legs were caughut fast under the brute , wimich was too lazy anti mean to tise up , In a trice a carbine wits dined at hIm amid lie had surrendered , a prisoner again , for how could ho got away from there with a lazy anti contrary mule on both his legs ? Arm oflicer called cult to one of ( ho men as time troop ihaslwd en : "You take care of that Yank , " amid as they galloped out of sight Sam groaned piteously , and ( ho corporal ilulleti ( ito mule off amid ortierett Sam to get up quick and mount his mule mtnmi go with bim as a hirisoner. "I would if I could , " groaned Sam , "but time blank mule has broke amy leg-help mc up , " anti lie lucid out his two big , browa , strong hands. Time poor Johnny , suspecting nothi- lag , laid down his carbine and took lmoitl of Smumn's bands to raise lmimn from the ground , while Sam moaned and groaned and - - - - - . - IN THE SEA OFFEMALE WEAKNESS _ Woiiieit Grasp Fratiticully at Straws to ICcepAtovo the Gulf of Despair. There is A Reiiiarkable leiiicdy That Oui'e all Woinon' Disaes ftll(1 a Fi'ee 'l'i'ial Package it MaiItxI Fi'eo to All. For every conulittaim tuft nimmke a % 'ammmmmmi tmmisermtile. pale , sIt kiy. wriumklctl mtiid ftiuled , a trial pmmekmige of tin mibmtohimtt'ly tutmfillimmg ; rcnie.ly itt umimtil&'tt free to all who 'rite \Vorry , nmmxiety , slt't'lilss miiglmtmt , eyes timmit betoken vitro itmiul muiekuiu'uom , fright fttt iicmudmtchui , Pfl 1mm ( mu muon I itl y itit'k tics s , tirmi g- gitmg semmsntiotms. fallen or dlumltlmwt.tI w omuuh , , lt'umeormimot'mm , aches a mmd ilt'Slmt hr-Al I of t hi cmii' ' , 'tmii 'tommie mm miii imarrovimmg t'o nil i I ioum art' hloSitivel ) ' cttred by tiii ummnrvelomms rctmu'tiy. I t is mmmi extremimely uumfartmmmmmmte filet thmuit los commi i flute I o ml it ifer En I item' I lain cx- haute t hut r I mute ( ' 0 mmmli t hum. 'J'lmcy ito ti rend t lie dot'tuir'mt ca mm Iii I mmmii io mm' , , a mmii Immu ye mitmchm it terrible femur of mm ilossibie oierathtimi tlmmit rim timer than fim sumeim an otdeumi tImeS' Wotiitl rmmtiior littt' the tlittu'mtmte.itti it hi mum ; mtt'Ver h't'mm t ittirotuglmly p u''emm him I t'iimtt slit' is corl't'et Itt her ucasimimluig. flmtt mmli tlilmi is doui , ' tuw'muy vitim iii limit mmcv forum of rcmr.cily which mummy luutly cmiii unit' lmemut'I f limimi t ci ' itt htumume nitul t ii ii mm micemime till time liiliClit S nimd mis CtiumiitietC 0 cumre ims her fuimimlemut hioit eouiil wish for. Exiit'mI- clue , however , humus mtlmuuwmt I un t mmcml ely ( ' . ( , m'S. vommimumi iimm ttieul tuaum' mmmt'thliluit's vi t hmtmtmt rd I c 1. ' 1'hie' Ii ave ii i so lieeiu tmmliler the umire of liltS'Su'itUiMVltltimttt mimuiii'iimui heneflt. ? ttmumiy lmuvc : traveled mmmmul miommglit ( iced inn tim elm mige of cilmimate , vhutie sail to ucla te , I t is mmot mm umcomn mmmmmm , to titmil ii f timosi' vhmo Utuler time stress of gm-cat pain have becoimme huyst erIcmt I mmmiii irrcsi tnimsuiI multi tutkemm thou' owim lives to cimul theIr imuisery. Cimtmritl erimig nit these various comiti i tinums mtuitl tim-c it utmit t mu mitcs It en mullet ho uu iimtil emeti itt I liii t tIme mituflerer gi 's im i I mm ulemit at I r nail ptsitivel rtfumses to believe ( limit there is a ietii'ti5' that cmtmt turmi tier life toward thu itumumshmitmc' . It Iii tue timi reasoim that lTnz.'Iinc' is mient free to try. a'immti this free trial brings imumeim mmii t'mmmphmmutle relIef , miuchm a feelIng of It 0 tiSti 1 I freed timm mm ad Ito s mmehm it memmmuu rk- iubio muctlomm iii ioomwnimmg tIme tigimtmmess thmmit Thmommsnnds have tried from ( line irnmenm- orial to discover sonic efilcaclous romnedy for wrinkles anti other imperfections of the complexion , hut mmono hind yet sue- cccdetl untIl the Misses Bell , tIme now ( am- ous Complexion Specimuhlsts , of 7S Fiftit avenue , New York City , offered time pub- lie theIr s'ommderfil , Commmplexion Toimic. The reason so ninny failed to make tills discovery before is plain , because tlmey have not followed ths right primmeipie. flaltimmi , Crenrns , Lotiomus , etc. , never have a tonic effect umpomi the skin , hicitco tIme faiiumres. The Misses Hell's Coimmplcxiomm Tommie hiatt mu. utmost oxhmilarmmting effect umimomi ( ho cuticle , absorbing anti carrying oft itit imnimuirities whmicim time imlootl by Its mututurni action is constantly forcing to time surface of time skin , it Is to tIme skin uvhmmut a vitalizing tonic Is to time blood amiti mierves , a kind of now life timmut imnmnedlately exhilarates anti strengtlmeris wherever opplloti. Its tommic effect is felt almost immediately , and it speedily banishes forever frommi time skin , freckles , pimples , blockheads. ninth hatches , wrinkles , liver spots , roughness , oiliness , e'ruuimtlons anti discoloratiomms of tiny kiimd. In order that alt may be benefited by their Great hiscovery , time Misses hell will , during time presommt moonthu , give to all call- THF MISSES BLr4 , grimmmaeed feapfmihly , as If it gave him great palo , which It did muct , for he was not. a bIt. hurt. ' 'TIme mnorneumt I got hold of hula lmaniimi , ' ' said Sam once after , with a grim smnhio slmawiimg his strong white teeth , ' 'time Immounerit I got a grip on hIs paws I saw ito was mimi zimt'at , aimmi I grabbed hmiimi 111cc a vise and flung him to time eorthm till I knocked time breath otit of him , for lie vasri't limmlf time man I was , I reimmeunbered /modermionvihie. I had sworn I wommld never go back to the h-I of a place alive. Time thoumgimt [ tilt the strengtim of ten macn in mmmc , " and before the comufeil could rise. Saul grasped time carbimme , reverseul it , tmoul swing- log it in the air , brougimt it down on time doomneil maui's head with suicit force and violence as to literally knock his brains out at time first blow , mmml tlmen Sum dcii to time woods and in a few hmommrs was safe once more In our camp. ho never went back to .Andcrsonvllle. SI iii A mme Pier Sfer Anothmer hero , uunnameil in song or story , hut one who copltl mimatch hIs record m as a sculler against all heroic corners , was Mac Therm , stIll lIving near Dudley , I , , a plain , modest fatzmmcr , whmo served from April , 1661 , till April , i861 , anti longer , anti itarticilbatoti In as marty great battles of the war as any other miohilier of coy rank ; for Ime , too , belonged to time tlglmtimig Twenty- fifth Ohio ; was never on furlough , novel' , absent. never nick , never wounded , and never shirked a duty. I It was at flettysburg , the tlmlrtl day , I well on in the afternoon , when 1'ickott charged , and Mae was there , sure eaough , I a--- ' _ _ _ - -u-- . ; ; . - ' - - ulrtugmi nail ttmgm. at time titmmhs mus to imnumie- din I el y dent' ' . o t ii it t hmoie I it t hue cx a c t rcmmm- t.i % for mu comitlitioum wlmit Ii micemmieti iuucuira- Mrs. ? ti Ileek of \Vhtiiamn 1 St. , Nowmurlc , N .1 , wmms uumred alit r sutftcrhumg 30 5'emurs ut I I ii huh ii fuml immemmu ( utmmu t hum , iii mhmummmcd ova- rieti , bimuuhuler tmoublo tutu iimaui (1111cr diti- ( 'ml Seu4. Mrs. I.oimIo flresummg of 1hhc'rclilVur - tit'lm Co. , I mmd. , Sn it it im t' is tin I immu umic ( uI to hit' cutrt'd muftu'r 12 yemmmit of frighitfuml stmferiimg thin t miii t' it ; ui I I i I mm g to the or mtmi5' it umy I lmimmg thmmtt will hmt'lp 5hiieLiti tIme kimimtvlt'dgo of womitlerfuml I i ti much I mit' . I t cuttul mi vs. Chins. \'vilmtmt ii tim o I Smtmii tisk y , 0. mm ft em mime hind iicemi givemm mmli to th I i' is I mtiu t Ito mmiii vv'i of mull her frivmmtlmi , slit' lht'es t'ormmt'r Maple uuimti 'l'yltr SIt ; . Miss \ tiimlmit'Vihihutiiimi iOhl7 ' vemmmme :11 , Si.mtm t ii Cli lea go , I Ii. , mitt 's there ii mmii reimmiummi why gills ituud ummitruicit imithit's mihititthil hmtuo puutumfmul ummrmmmitmtummtioim sIit'mt thme' cmiii umse ( immatline tmtmd lm uymmretl. Mis. Comm rmm ii F'mimie Ii o I Fmemimmtm , Cmii. , wins eutt'ti hi I i ii zci lime mm mmd itime tlt'eltt mt's It is I imum glut miii emit umuetlici mmci I mm t Itt' vorlii . it rut. limmuL i'titt'it' 'i'lmmier. ? , it. muumftered , 'lx ) .tmi ms iu mid a iii ii gi t' box ii f I i mm zt'l I tie gtue Item' immuek time Imemilthm mite t'tmJoyt'tI imu imet' gIrl Imotiti tilt 5'S . ? il itt. I .1mm ii i i cimzhmmger , 11)2) ) I u momm , ivmm ' , I 1 rook I ) tI , N. 't. ? , l ts. 1 .omtiumt. I lii ohm t' , 51 4 i ( ii tmm egie St . Ph 1 I slam rg , i'mt. tIrs. b' . l. l'rilit' . (1uuyord , MInim. ? mlm mi. l'rtil St nek , \ \ ' ci sit , ire , I tuti. , mu mmd ? iI rs. 'ml it r- giret Sthmlt'fler of ( 'immimitmummet' , Nob. , ittuti it mulOti t mmmum ny It tm umil reimi 0 t ut hems w hmumso ( mist'S o f ; ittnmmiiimig mmiiil fmhitt ( iii sever- I I ' emt' vumtt'tl hiy I ii is immarveleut mi reumirti ' , iemitl your mmmtummc multi muiitlm'ss to ( lie I imuzel. imit' Co , :2U : I Ireituml it' I hiiielt , Son t ii I tenth i imil. , it mmii t hmt'y vill foruvmm nI tiy lremum l1 umimtil ii. fm"t' I rimtt ; um clam ge it I I itt zci I tue. bemmtl for it. Stmmii today. 1)0 tie liii mmmuuttt'r i 9 011 mu re Si ) dtimm ii t tmul t hmmu t tim mm to it LI cr1 y ii tin riugeil 'l'ii is remmmeiiy vihI cure you mm imtl I ii crc hut ni'iol it I ti ) Ii a tiiittht iulnmumt It. \'mittm tuiluty vithiitmmt fail. iii ease lime Icr to hog I mm t rca t macmm I. ii t utmtt' 'tmti en mt ithittuiti it ruth sized putekiugo mit 50th' druggist - . gist for $1.00. F IUUU TIUL BOTTLE I ItLAL1 . 'I'll [ S OFFER 'm1tOS'1' SU1U'ASSES BELIEF. Ail [ xtcrni'iI Took Aed to the Skin Beautifies It As by Manic. The Discovery OF the Age . A WOMAN WAS TIIIE INVENToR. - 4 era at theIr riariors omme trial bottle of tlmelP Comnplexiomi Tommie mi'osohmuteiy free ; and Iii artier that timose wlmo cammmmnt enll or vhio live away ( roam New York may be bomb- fited , they will senmi one bottle to ammy address - dress , nil chmumrges Imreiiaitl , omm time receipt of 23 ccmmts ( stmtmmmims or silver ) to cover cost of packing anti delivering , Time price of this womiderful tommIe is $1 00 per bottle , ati'l ( hut liberal offer simouhih ho emimbrmmced by mill. Time Misses hell hmmuve just puuiuhishuetl theIr new book , "Secrets of ileauty , " This valmmabie work is free to nIl tlesirlmmg it. Time book treats exhiitmmstlyely of time importnmmce of a good coinitlexion ; telia imow a uvomimmtn tmmmty acquire beauty anti keep it. Special chmmmptermi on time euro o time imnIr how to hmmuvc iUxitrimmntt growth hmarniless mmmetlmotis of mnnkiimg time hair pro. serve its umatmiral imemmumty mtmiii color , even t amivammce'mi age. Aio immstrumctions how to hiammimilt sumperfitmouts hair ( ream time face , mmeck immmd arms without injtmry to the skin. Thmlit hook wilt be imumuiled to tiny nuitiremis o request , F'ItEE Trimtl flottie of Wonderful Comn- ploxiomi Tommie tree itt parlors , or 26 cent * ( cost of macheitug and mailing ) to those at a. ilistmuncc. Correspomudenco cordially solicIted. Ad. tlress 78 rLftli Ave. , Now Voi'l City. ammd by imlit sitle imiit closest cbttmrn. harry Slmaw , as gmtliammt mumit hurtmve as 1dnc , but. not tie strong anti zmtimletic-for Mao was. Ltmmti is a giant , So close were time emmenmy to tue hart of time stone wail over wlmicix Mac and harry , close togetimor , wore firiimg , that a big Johnny remicitetl over anti caught harry , and by slicer bodily sulperiority wmua drawlimg hmirmm over on tIme comtfederato alibi of time wail when Mac's quick eye took tim ( ho situation , and like a fiasit of Ilglmmiing ( imo clubbed luis musket anti brought it downs with such terrible force and effect on time. devoted bmeail of time Johnny that lie crushiwl lmls skull like an egg-such , aitti hurry imtumghmetl , anml thmey hmotit resumneil firing at thu fool Mac never told the story , bttt harry did. 'i'imey were like Iavid anti Jonatimmmn- close nc'iglmbors , close friermtis , till harry ifleil a few years ago. Mae often visited Harry fit his last sickness. A tiend-simot stIll , Mac would go out anti kill a squirrel anti bring it. In quietly to ranks imrotlm for his poor cornrttiiu , lie would slip over every day to ee him , lie dldmmt talk : mmuchm-- . such mcmi don't , hut yomu should have seen timoso old cotnrmuies look at each otimer. Such confhieimco arid respect in timelr muitual gitmtmccmi as none can mtimow but eyes. that together have watciucd time red glare of war , anti mnet it with stern- fleas anti composure. After Harry died , Mao followed slowly up to the cemetery , amid wimerm all were gomme 1mm quIetly slipped back amid iulammted a tree close to the grave of lila commirmide. hJomm't liii withmout a bottle of Conic's lam- imerlal Ciutmmlmmigumo Irm your Imouxe , 'L'her tg , . nothing better to sntrtaIa with ,