Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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12 ' 11E OMAhA JAILY' B1.E : SAT'tIltIAY , J u.rvnis98.
T The Man Who Could Work Miracles.
( ( yrIgit ) 1 * , , 1) } II , 0.VeI1. . )
It. lB tlotihttut whether the girt. waa ln
; ; tc. Ior my own pnrt I think It came
to him tit11enIy. IneecI , untU he wn 30
ho wna a Rcoptk , and did not believe In
! nlractllows tjower. Ami hce , snco It Is
the moAt. convenIcflL pince , I nmst mention
thrt he Was Z little man , 8tii hail cyeii of
ft hot brown , very erect red hair , n tnou
tactic Ilku the Oerman cmperors niul
freckles. IIis nnmo wn George Mc\Vhirter
PithClIflgflytI ttiC ) * ort of iinluc by any
7fltans to lead to any expection of inIrnclt
-811(1 lie vns "crk at ( lmlhott's , Ito wais
rcatIy nduIItd Ui assertive argument. It.
waH IiIk' hecnR ( lHsertIng the linpossi.
tillity of niirnclea ( lint ho lial his first In-
tlmntion of hacxtraor(1innry powers. This
inrticlllnr argument Was being lieu in ( lie
bar of the Long Dragon , nail Toddy Ilealit-
isli .sns coniliictlng the oppositioii by a tijo
notonotis but effective 'o you say' that
IITiVO Mr. F' theriiigay to the very Iiiiilt
of iIsiiatience.
There were iiresnt , he8hlcs these two a
very ilusty cyclist , hainliord Cox and Miss
? 1aylirhIe , the lid tcctiy respectable ititil
rather iortiy bannald of the Dragon. Miss
Mnyhrhigo % 'ns standing \'Ith her back to
21r. Fortlicrliigny washing glasses ; thu
others were \vatchlng hiiii , nioru or loss
nmtiscil 1)3P thu irescnt effectiveness of the
nsert1re method , Goadeil by the Torres
Vcilrns tactics of Mr. Ileamisli , Mr. Iot1i-
ciingny deterinlnc4 to nn1 < e an intisuni
rhetorical effort. "Looky bore , Mr. IIcnin-
sli , ' said Mr. Fotlierlngay , Ict its clearly
tinilerManil what a miracle is. It's unie-
thing contrarIvise to the course of nature ,
( lOfle by iiosver ot vi1l , Bouletlilug what
cotililti't happen without being specially
wlliel. "
Eo you say , " said Mr. flcamtsli , repuls-
lag hni.
Mr. Votheringay nppcnlvil to tin' cyclist
who hail hitherto been a silent nuilitor , and
received his assent-gIven sitli i hesitating
cough and a. glance at Mr. lieainlsh. The
lanthiortl would cxpressno oiiinlon , and Mr.
] 'othieringny , rettiriiing to 1r. heamish ,
recolvuil the unexpected concession of a
quahifled assent to hits definition of a miracle -
cle ,
: "For instaiice , " said Mr. F'olheringny ,
greatly encouraged. "hero would be a mir-
ado. That lamp In the natural course of
iattire , couiiln't burn like that tipsy-down ,
con I ii I t , Beani ishi 7' '
"You say it cotildii't , " saul lieninish.
, 'Aiid 3oti 9' ' bald i'o th cilli gay. ' ' You doll'
3nean to nay-eh ? "
' 'No , " aiU flciiuish , reluctantly. "No , It
couldn't. ' '
. ' ' \'cry vuii , ' ' salt ! Mr. Fothiorliigay.
"Thicii here comes soitie one , as It. might be ,
along here , and stands , as it might be , hale ,
1111(1 ( says to that lamp. as I do , roliecting
all tiiy will : 'l'urn tipsy-down without breni-
lug. anti go on burning steadily , anti-
It was enotigh to ina1c anyone say
, 'hIuhIo ! ' ' The ilflI)0E31b10 , the incredible , was
jVlshlile to tijoni all. Tue lamp hung In-
: varied In the air , hiurning quietly with Its
Ihilne pohlitiUg down. It was as solid , as in-
diptitablo as ever a lamp was , the prosaic
common lamp of thin Long lrngoii bar.
Mr. I'otiierIngny stood with an exteiiiled
fortiIner and the knitted brows of one an-
ticipatlng a eatastropiilc sllIahi. The cyclist ,
rwho was sitting next the mull' , duciwii and
jtlilllCl ( more or'less.iis .Maybrhdge turned
(111(1 ( scnanied. For nearly thirci , secoruls the
] nhIiI rcIflhlillell still. A faint cry of itien tal
( iitress caine ( rain Mr. Fotiieriiigay. "I
can' t kCOJ ) it lii ) , ' ' hitS 1(1 ( , "ally longer. ' '
11o staggered back , anti the inverted lamp
8t1illCflly ( flared , fell against the corner of the
4 bar , iJotluceli aible , smashed upuit the hour ,
I utid welit out ,
f It. vai3 ILICICY it htitci a metal receiver or
the whioie plftCe would have lccll In it blnze.
J Nr. tex was the first to spenic anti his remarks -
marks , short of needless t'xertwcences , % ns
i Ii , ( lie effect thud Fotlii'ringay vas a fool.
1uthierlngn y was bt'yon ii d ispli tin g eveli so
funtlaiiientnl a proposition us that ! lit' was
stonlshitnI beyond ituastiro at the thing
. that hail occurred. Thio subsequent conver-
. intioii threw absolutely tin light on the mat-
icr so far us Fotlierlugay 'as coucerileil ;
the general opluloim not only followed ir.
1 ( t ) very closely , hut very vehieniemitiy.
1Vt'ry one act'used Fntlu'rlngny of a sill ) '
trick aitti lresciItt'lI hint to himself as a
foolIsh destroyer of comfort amid securIty.
- . - .
_ _ S .
. -
: -
. . ' .
; .
\ H -
II i 1tlIA IN El ) ON A LI FOItfli.
iii ; mint ! in at trnatIo ) of ll'rllIexity ;
hit ) W3 hiimst'lt iiii'lliied to agree with thiemmi
LIIItI lie miatilo a ream clam hi y I tie hlccttmal ol > Io.
lillian to ( ho IIOIO5I1I of his dclmrtllre.
I lie weii tiolile jitmshmel amid heated , coat
ciii iztr cm iiipletl , e'e $ 13111L1 rt I ug 111111 ( 'ii IS red.
( J114 vatctetl ! each of the ten street luiiiims
t ml ! rvotisl ) us he linSs'ti It. it 01111
'whelt ho found hImself iilniio III his little
( ledrooiii in Chimrchi row ( lint lie vus able
tn grnpil . seriously lth his memories of
? the occurrence imitl isl : " \'lint on earth
' '
hapieIl1i ?
' lie hiti EcmnovIMi his coat 81111 boots timil
was sitting oil the bed with his bittitis in
I liI Pockets , repenting ( lie text of lila do-
I tt'lise ( or the soeiitet'iitli time , ' 'I tlitln't
ViIIIt ( lie confoninieti thing to upset , ' ' 'lieli
it occurred to hiliti ( tint at the precise mao-
flout bit' had saul the coiiiiitamitiiiig words
tie hail Inaiivorteiily ( wlllct the thiing lie
) Bald IIIIII that when lie hail seen the laiiip
; in thientr , lie liiil felt it there without being
char hiov ILits was to be (1000. lie laid
not a partlculnrly complex mind or he might
uve stuck ( or a tlnie at that "iliadvertentl ) '
siilcd , " eiiihrnelng , as it dee , the abstrusest
nrohlemmts of 'oluiit&irY action. tint as it was ,
iiwta ; ; Caine' to iilmiiwtui a quite acceptable
haIncss. . % flhi trem that following , as I
must admit , no clear logical 115th , lie cinio
to tue test of experimenut.
lie iOiflted resolutely to his candle ami
collected his inlmid , though he felt ho did
a foolish thimig , "Do raIsed Ui' , " he saul ,
flut in a second that feeling vanished , The
caiitlie was raised , hung In ( liii air one gtddy'
moment , atiti , as iir , F'otherlngay gasped ,
fell with a misli on his toilet table , leaving
hiliii itt darkness save for the expiring glower
or its wick ,
For a tIme Mr , Fotheringay sat In the
hrkmiess , perrccly ( still , "It ( lid happea ,
ifter all , " ho siiii , "And 'ow I'm to explalo
it I doii't know. " lie' sighed heavily , and be-
&u Iecllug iii his iocket br a match , lie
, .
. - -
- - - -
! . _ :
could find none , and he rose anti groped
about the toilet table , "I wIsh I had a
match , ' ' lie said , lIe resorted to hii coat ,
cmiii there WM none there , and then it
lawiied 111)00 him that mIracles were possible -
siblo even wIth niatches , lie extended a
hand and sCUWlei ( at It in the 4ark , "Let
there be it match In that 1iand" lie said ,
lie felt. soiiio higlit1 ibJect fall across his
palm , and lila fingers upin a match ,
After several Ineffectual attempts to light
this , he discovered t safety match.
I he throw it ( lawn , and then It. oceurreti to
hunt that he niliit have wIlled it lit. lie
mlii ) , atitl perceived1 burnIng in thu mIdst
of his toilet tnbki mpit. , lie caught It up
hastily , anI it went ills petception of
VoslhhhItieg eninrgctl , . and he felt for and
replaced the c.nhiJq . , iu the candlestick ,
"Here , you be ilL1' snjd .Mr , F'otheringay ,
aiim ! forth\'lth JIIC caintle was flaring , ami
lie saw a little black hole in the toilet cover ,
with it wisp of smoke rIsing from it. For
a time he stared from this to the little finrijo
amid back , and thou looked up and met his
own gaze in a looking glass. Ily this help
he communed with hImself in sliciico for a
tlliit , .
" 110w about miracles now ? said Mr. Pothi.i
erlngay lit last , iultlrcsshiig his reflection ,
The subsequent meditations of Mr. Foth-
erlagny Were at a severe bitt confused tie-
scrllitlon. So tar lie could see It was a case
of iitzre willing with hilmti. The nature of
his experiences so far dislncllmictl hlmii for
all ) ' further experiments , at least limit it iio
had reconsidered thqm. lint he lifted a
sheet or vaher iitiii turned a glass of vnter
P111k antI then green , and lie created a snail ,
whlchi lie in iractilotisly a a a I hi I ha teil , nail got
himself a miraculously new toothbrush ,
Soitic ( hue in ( lie sniall hours ho hiitti
reached time fact that his wIll power ititist
be of a partlcuinrh } ' rare and pumigent qutil-
ity , a fact of 'liieii ho hail certaInly had
iiikiings before , but no certain assurahico.
The scare amid perplexity of lila fleet ills-
covery vah ; now qualified by uindo in this
evidence of sIngularity and by vague Intl.
imiatlons of ttdvaiitoge , lie became aware
that the church clock was striking I and as
it diii not occur to hIm that hIs daily duties
itt ( ioiiishmott's might be inlractilously thIs-
licnscti with , lie resumed tmntiresshmig In order
to get to bed without further delay.s lie
struggled to get his shirt over his heat ! lie
was struck vlth a brillIant Idea. ' 'Let inc
lie ill bcd , " lie said. and found hlnisehf so.
' tilt ii resaeil , ' ' he a ti litilated , amid , liii d I a g the
shiei'ts cold , mitled hastily. "and In amy
iilglitshilrt-iio , in a nice , soft woolen night-
shirt. AIm I " lie said \'lth hitlhiiene t'iiJoy-
hilelit. ' 'Alit ! 1IO\V let me be comfortably
asleep. ' '
lie awoke at his usual inur ititil was pen-
she all through breakfast tittie , wondering
whether hils ovcriiighit experletice ought lint
be ii iartlctilarhy vivId dreahli , At length
Ii is in I ii ii ( ii rued ago In to eaii t iotis ox PC ri -
meats. For instance , lie laid three eggs for
breakfast ; two lits hatidlamly had supplied ,
good hut SliOhIy ) , flhiii Olin was a dci Iclous
fresh goose egg , laid , cooked and served
I ) ) ' lila oxtroordimiary will. lie hurried off
( ( I Gonisliott' In it state of lurofound hut
carefully conccnlei ecitenuent and only re-
mneiiubcred the shell of the ( bIrth egg vhieii
11113 lamidiady spoke of it that nIght. All
ilay lie could dci no work because of this
asloiilshiliigly new self-kiiowledge , but ( hits
ciised hiiiim 110 Inconvenience , because be
iimauio tip for It miraculously in hils last ten
101101 ti's ,
As time tiny wore on his state of
lassoii from wonder to ehathoii , albeit ( lie
clrcuinstamices of his disnilasal frohii ( lie
Long Dragon were still disagreeable to recall -
call , tmmiii a garbled account of the matter
that had reached his colleagues led to sonic
badInage. It was evident he lutist be care-
fimi how he lifted frangible articles , but In
other ways hits gift liromised more and more
as lie tnrnel ( It over tim hils hiihiil , lie iii-
tenticti niutoiig othme things to liicrcase hIs
iters000l Itrollert ) ' by tinostemitatious acts of
cieiiloii. lie caik'tl Into existence a pair of
very 5lhL'iillti ) tliamnoiid stutis , auth hastily
mmmmnihitiati'tl them again as young Goinsiiott
CItliiO across the counting house to his desk.
hIt was afraid young ( Ioiiishiott Inighitutn -
tier how lie ititil oziio by tlii'in. lb eats'
tiuite clearly time gift required caution and
watchfulness in Its exercise , but so far as
he coulil Judge the tiith1cultie attending its
mastery tmilii be no greater than those lie
hind already faced In time study of eyciliig.
It tvaz that analogy , perhaps , quIte as nmuchi
as thin feelhtig ( lint lie wouhti lie unwelcome
iii ( lie Long Dragon , drove iiinm out after
801111cr Into tutu mime tC'O1ii ) tIme gas works ,
to relicaria' a few mIracles Iii private.
Thiertu was imsslbly a certain waiit of orig-
Imiahlty In his atoimmiits , for apart from hk
will miower Mr. Fothit'riiigay was not a very
exceptional iliahi. The mIracle of Mos ?
roil caine to hits nilnd , but the night was tiark
aimd uiifavorahle 'td time priper control of
large mniraculmius simakes. Then he rccol-
l'CtCtl the story of "Tannhiauser' ' that lie had
read on the hack of the Plillliarnionic pro.
gralul. That s'cined to hmini sIngularly at.
tractlvo amid hmarmk'ss , lie stuck his walk-
lag stick-a very nice Poomia-l'enamig lass'-
- Into ( lie turf imiud and
yerInto footpath , coni-
iiiamuii'd the dry stood to blosuoni , Tue air
was liuimiethlately ( tIll of the scent of roses ,
amid by macaims of a amatchi lie sass' for huh.
self that this beautiful mmuirnchtu was indeed
miccomimplislueti. ills satisfaction scas ended
by ntlvnmichng footsteps. AfraId of a premna-
tore titacovery of hIs jowers , he amhtImsseti
time hi a 3soiii I mig stick Ii mis t I ly : ' 'C o back. ' '
\Viiat lie iiieant was "Chamigo back. ' ' iimt if
( ' ( horse lie was eonttiseel. 'l'he stIck rceileti
at a coiieldi'rable velocIty. 01111 incontincmmtly
canmo a cry' of anger anti a bad svord from tIm
nmproaehilimg iiem'son.Vbio are you thirosv-
log branibles at , you fool ? " crietj a s oIe.
"Flint got inc on the sldim. "
' 'I'm sorry , old qhitLll , ' ' said Mr. Fothier-
Iimgoy , amid ( lien realizing time awkward an-
ture of ( lie cplanation , caught mieryctushy
at his nhtistacime , lie stsv'himcl , , one oi ( lie
three hnieiurlii uiashilihee iidvahicing.
"Vhmat d'yer imican 'by tt ? " asked tIme comi-
stable. ' 'hluilo ! It's ptm. j It ? The gent thoU
broke the lanip n hi Loiig Iragonl"
, ,
I tiOhi't immeam LYtli.liig by It , ' ' said tir.
Fothieringay. " 'ottiIiig at all. "
' ' \\'loU yer do it for then ? "
" 0 , bother ! " smitd.Mr. FothicrImiga ) ' ,
' 'Ilothier itideod 1'er ? kmmoss' that stick
hurt ? \\'hat. il'ycm' ( bit for , elm ? "
( ram. the mmiomnm'mmt Mr. Fotheringay could
iint thmlimk shmnt ho Fnti ilohie It for. Ills si-
lenca seeiiied to IrrItate Mr. W'liit'li.
"You've tit'ii assaulting ( lie 1)01100 , youmig
man , tithe tinit' . That's ss lint )0U tiojic , ' '
' 'l.ook hen' , MrVlnchi , " said Mr. Fotim-
cringny , iumimmoyed and coilfuscil , "I'ri very
sorry. The fitet is- "
" ' "
'eiI 1"
lie could think of no s5'a ) ' limit time truth ,
" 1 5508 workliig a uiirnele , " liii ( I lou to
Siscak In miii off-hand % ity , hut try as he
would lie couhdn't ,
' ' 'orklng I 'Erc' , don't talk rot.'orhc -
lug a miracle , indeedi Miracle ! \Vell that's
dowmtrigiit funnyiVhy , you'is tim chap that
don't believe in mitacics , Fact is , lhis Is
another of yi'r sIlly conjutimig trIcks--that's
55 lint this Is , Nosy , I toil you- "
litit Mr. Fotbierlmmgay never beard what
Mr'lmiclm was goimig to till hIm. lie realIzed -
Ized lie hail gIven hiimiiselt away , thumig Ide
valuable secret to th tnIr wimitis of heaven ,
A vIolent guBt of Irritation swept bun to
action , lie turmied on time constable swiftly
and fiercely. "Here , " lie sititi , "I'vn hind
euough of thIs , I bayel I'll show you
i. - - . * I. .
silly conjuring trIck , I will ! do to hadeil
Go , nowl" -
lie was alone !
Me , Fotherlngrty performed no more miracles -
acles that night , nor dId ho trouble to see
what hail become of his flowerIng stick , lie
returneti to the town forthwIth , scnrcd and
very quiet , and went to his bedroom.
"Lord ! " he said , 'lt's is. powerful gIft-
an extrenmely powerful gift. I didn't hardly
mean as much as that. Not really. I won-
doe svlmnt hades is hikei"
lie sat on the beth taking off his boots ,
Struck by a hnppy thought he trammsferre'h
( tic constable to Sami Francisco , and without -
out any more interference with normal
causation went soberly to bed , In time night
lie dreamt of ( lie anger of WInch.
t TIme mmext tiny Mr. Fotheringay heard two
Interesting Items of news , SonUone , hail
planted a most beautiful climbIng rose
against the ehmier Mr. ( lomnshoti's imrlvnte
t house Ill the Luilaborough month , and time
river as far as Itawhing's mill was to be
draggeti for Coiistnblcm Which ,
Mr. Fotherimmay was abstractemi and
thoughtful nil tlmnt day , and performed no
: miracles either oIl that ( lay or tIme next , cx-
ccpt certain Iirovhsions for Winch , anti the
: immirncle of eompietlmmg his tiny's work wIth
punctual perfectIon In 8111(11 ( of all time bee-
sss'nrhim of thoughts thirit hiumiiiiuiti through
lila mind. Anml the extraordinary abstrac-
(1mm iiiiti mneekimess of hits manner was ro-
mimarked by several People aimit made a matter -
ter for jestIng. For the most % mrt lie was
thinkIng of 't'imicIi ,
Oh Suntlay evening lie went to chapel , anti
o.itlly enough , Mr. Mnydlg , who took a cer-
tam llmtercst in occult matters , preached
about. "Ihilngs ( hint are iiot lawful. " Mr.
Fothicrimigny t'ns not a regular ehapel-goer ,
but time systeni of assertive skepttchsni , to
which I have already alluded , was now very
much sunken , The tenor of . the sermon
tlmrdw miii entirely new lIght on these novel
gifts , mutiti ho suthticnly decIded to comisult
Mr. Mnydlg lmnnietiiately after ( ho service.
So soomi as that was deeriulncti lie found
hlniself wondering why lie hind not done so
before ,
Mr. Maythlg , a lcmi , excitable miman with
cltiite reiminrknbly mug wrists miami mieck , was
- - - - . . - - - . -
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gratIfied at tIme requestfor a private con-
vcrsatlon froni a young mann whose carelessness -
ness In religious limiters ss'as a matter for
general remark in the town. After a few
necessary delays , lie conducted him to the
study of time Manse , which was contiguous
to time chapel , seated hIm comfortably , nimd ,
standing In front of a cheerful fire-his logs
thim ew ft ithodinmi arch of shadow on thom
opposite vnhl-requested Mr. Fothierlugay testate
state hIs business.
At first Mr. Fotheringay was a lIttle
abashicti , and founil some difficulty In opening -
ing tIme matter. "You vhlh scarcely belIeve
lime , .Mr. Maytilg , I am afraid , " and so forth
for some ( line. lie tried a. question
at last and asked Mr. Mayihlg his opInIon of
Mr. Maydlg was still sayIng "Well" In an
cxtrcmmichy judicial tone , svhten Mr. Fothier-
ington interrupted again. "Yost don't be-
lleve , I suppose , ( lint sonic common sort of
person-hike mmmysehf , for instance-as It
might be sitting hero noss' , might have some
sort of twist iiistde him that mantle him able
to tie timings by hIs wIll , "
"It's possible , " saul Mr. Maytilg. "Some-
thing of the sort , perhaps , Is possible , "
"if I might nmnko free with something
here , I thimik I mIght show you by a sort
of experiment , " saId Mr. Fothierlmigay.
"Now , take ( hint tobacco jar on time blithe , for
Instance , \Vhtitt I wnnt to know is whmathier
what I nimi going to do with It is a miracle
or not. Just half a minute , Mr. Maydig ,
Please. "
lie knitted hils brows , pointed to tIm tobacco -
bacco jar amid said : "lie a bowl of vi'lets. "
Time tobacco jar mutt as It was ortiered.
Mr. Maydig started violently at thai change
and stood looking from time thaumaturgist
to the bowl of flowers. lie saimi mmothimmg"s
I'resemmtly lie ventured to lean over the table
mmiii 5111011 tIme violets ; they were fresh picked
anti very fine ones. Then lie stared at Mr.
Fotlierinigay again ,
"hots' did you do that ? " lie asked.
Mr. Fothierlmigny hulled lila mustache.
"JUst told It-nuid there you are. is timnt
a miracle 0 ! Is it black art , or what Is It ?
Aimil ss'Iimut do ) 'Omi thmlmik'e ( lie miiattcr WIth
mime ? Thmmt's what I s'ant to ask. ' '
"It's a most extraordinary occurrence. "
"ihmti ( hula day last week I knew no more
( lint I could do timings hike that tltumii you
( iiti , It cnmne quite stitidemi , It's sonmethlmig
otiti about in > ' vIll , I suppose , maid ( hint's as
far as I cnn see. "
"Is that-the only timing ? Could you do
other things with ( hint ? "
' 'Lord , yes ! ' ' satti Mr. Fotluerimigay , ' 'Just
nnythiimmg. ' ' liii thought and suddenly recalled
a conjurimig t'ntertnhmmmnent lie hail cccii ,
' 'here ! ' ' lie poInted , "Change imuto a bowl
of lieu-ho , not that-change Into a giass
bowl full of ss'ater with goldfish swimnmnitmg
In it. That's better ! You see that , Mr.
Mimytilg ? "
"it's astonishing. It's imicretilimie. You are
either a mmmos ( extraordinary- no- "
"I could change it lute anythmimmg , " smild
Mr. Fothicriimgay. "Just ami'timimmg. herd
be mu plgcomm , will 7"
1mm ammothmer immoimuent a blue pigeon was
fluttering roumid time roomu cmiii miuakinmg Mr ,
Maythig duck every ( lute it comae near him.
' 'Stop there , wilt ) oti , " said Mr , Fotlierin-
gay ; nhmd time tige'on hung : miotionlcas in
the air , "I could chmamigo it buck to a bowl
of flowers , " lie said , amiti after replacing
the pigeon emi ( lie table worked that miracle ,
"I expect you will svnmmt your pipe pros-
enitly , " lie said , amid restored time tobacco
iii r ,
Mr. Mmmydig had followed alt tlmese later
changes in a sort of ejaculatory silence.
Ito tmird at Mr. Fotiteringay fearfully , amiti ,
In a very gimmgerly uuuamuiier , imicked up the
tobacco jar , ecanmlmied : It , replaced it emu ( lie
table.'chi ! " ss'as time onuhy eshirosslon of
his feeiumigs ,
"Now , utter thmnt it's easier to explain
whmimt I canie about , " said Mr. F'ofmerlimgay ,
cmiii proceeded to a lemmgtli ) ' nod involved
miarrativo of tile strammge experiences , be-
gluuIn 'with the affair of the lamp iu the
Lees IraEvn and couiphlcnteul br persisteut
allusions to'Inch , As he went on , ( ho
transient pride Mr. Maydig's consternation
hmntl caused PaSseli away , he became the very
ordinary Mr. Fothemingay of everyday intercourse -
tercourso again. Mr. Meythlg listened in-
tenUy , the tobacco jar in his heath , and his
bearIng chmangcti else with the course of thu
narrative. I'resently , while Mr. Fothuerltu-
gay was dealing with ( he miracle of the
( turd egg , ( ho minister Interrupted with a
fluttering extehhtleti hand-
, "It Is iosslbie , " ho said , "IL is crethi-
ble. it Is animuzing , of course , hut It recon-
cues a number of amazing timcultles ( , The
hewer to work nilracies Is a gift , a peculIar
qtmahlt ) ' , like a genIus or second sight , Htthi-
erto It lmas commme very rarely anti to cx-
coptional People , .illmt in this case.
1 have always womittercil at. ( lie mIracles of
Malioinet , anti at YogL's miracles , anti the
miracles of Mnie. lhlavntsky , But , of coursel
Yes , it is a. slmnphct gift ! It carries out
so beautifully time argmemits of ( lint great
thiimmker"-Mm' . Maydig's . voice Mnk-"hmis
grace the duke of Agyll. Here we plumb
; omc profounder law , deeper ( han the or-
I milmotry laws of nature.Yesyes , Go on ,
Go on ! '
¶ ttr. Fothierlngmiy procut'thm.'tl to tell of his
I misatlvemrture with \Vlmchu % amul Mr. ! tinytiig ,
no lomiger overawed or snred , begami to jerk
bis limbs shout antl'Intarject nsonlshmemit ,
I "It's this ss'tmat troulbhod mno monet , ' ' hiro-
ceedeti Mr. Futherlngay ; "it's thIs I'm most
mijitly iii want of rtudvice for ; of course
I lie's at San Francisro-whicrever San Fran-
I deco tony bc-but of course It's nss'kwarti
I for both of its , as you'll se , Mr. Maymhig.
I don't see. how hum can smnderstnntl what
I has hnppemietl , and I dare say be's scared
and exasperated soimmethlng trenicathoums amid
trying to get at me , I dare say lie keeps
on starting oil to conic hero , I semiti hulimi
back , by a miracle , ovcr' few hours , when
I thmlmik of it. Amid of course that's a timing
lie svoti't be able to understand mmmii it's
bound to anmioy him , amid of course If lie
takes a ticket every time it will cost hIm
a lot of immoney. I tlono thio best I could
for hmini , but of course it's difficult foi' hIm
to Put hmilmiseif lii in ) ' place. I thoimghmt afterwards -
wards ( lint hIs clothes might have got
scorched , you know-it hades Is all it's supposed -
posed to be-Etefore 1 sbtfted him. In that
case I suppoSe they'd have locked hilni sip 1mm
Sami Francisco. Of course I willed a new
suIt of clothes eu hmimmi directly I thought of
It. Hut , you see , I'mmi Iready in a deuce
of a tangle"-
Mr. Maydlg looked neriomms. "I see you
are in a tumimghe. Yes , It's a dIfficult position.
hots' yeti are to cud 1t"-t- lie becamime milffuse
and Inconclusive.
"However , s'c"ll leave \\inch for a little
anti discuss time larger questloim , I doii't
think this Is a case of the hilack art or any-
timing of time sort. I don't think there Is any
taint of crtintnahityi about it at all , Mm' .
Fotherlngmuy-nono whatever. umiless you nrc
suppressimmg material facts. No , It's mira-
clue-pure mniraches-nilmacles , if I may say
so. of the very highest elites. "
lie begami to pace the lmoarthrug anti gee-
ticumlate , while Mr , Fotherlagay sat with hits
arm on time table arid hIs head on hIs urni ,
hooking worried , "I iloim't see hints' I'm to
manage about Winch , " he said.
"A gift of working nniraches-apltarenthy
a very powerful gift. " said Mr. Maydig ,
"will find a way about Winch-never
fear , My dear sir , yotm are a most inn-
portant mmmnmi-a mann of ( lie most astonIsiilmmg
lOSsIbihItiCS. As es'ltlcnce , for exaniplu !
Aimti In otlmer ways , the tlmimmgs ) 'aim may do- "
' ' \'ccd , I've thought of a thing or two. ' '
saimi Mr. Fcmthem'Immgay. "Biit--.some of time
things camne a bIt twisty , You sass' that flh
at. first ? Wrong sort of bowl mid wroimg
sort. of fish , And I thmougtmt Id ask soimue
one. "
"A proper course , " said Mr. Maytlig , "a
very proper coure-ahtogethem- proper
course. " S
lie stopped anti looked at Mr. F'othierlngay.
"It's practically an unhloilted gift. Let uma
test your towers , for instance , It they
really are . . . It they really are all they
seeiii to lie , "
Amid so , lncrethlilc as it may seem , 1mm time
study or time little house behind time Coimgre-
( tonal cimnpel , on time eveiilng of b'unulny , No-
vehuber 10 , 1896 , Mr. Fotherlmign ) ' , egged on
nmmti inspired by Mr. Maydig , begami to work
moirnches , Time reader's attehitioii Is specinily
and definitely called to tIme ditto. lie will
object , probably baa already objectemi , ( hint
cemtmtIn lloiats in ( lila story arc' Immiprobable ;
that If mummy thilmigs of tIme sort already tie-
scribomi hmntl intieeti occtmrred , they wotmlml
hmiu'e been 1mm nit tIme papers a year ago , The
details Ihmmmmiehlately following lie trill find
partIcularly hard to accept , hecnusc ammmomig
other things they Imivolvo time conclusion
that lie or she , time reader in qumestioim , nmiimst
hmmivo been killed Imi a violent and ummmprece-
tiemiteci muanmier mmiom'o ( hamm a year ago. Now
a mairaclo Is muotitimig it nut imoprobable , anti
as a matter of fact ( lie reatier ss'as killed In
a violent amid unprecedented manner a year
ago. In the subsequent course of this story
thtat wIll becommie perfectly clear amiti cred-
lithe , as every rigimt-miilmidetl anti reasonmahic
reader will tutliiilt. ilut ( bile Is miot time place
for time enmi of time story , being hut little bo.
) end the hIther sidd'or the nititlIe. Anti at
first ( lie mmilracles woriceth by Mr. Fother-
ingay were timid little miracles-little
thilmigs witim the CUl)5 iantl liarhor fitmenis
ems feeble as the miraCles of tIme Theoso-
philmits , amid , feeble am ; they suere , they were
received su'itii awe by his collaborator , lie
would have Preferred to have settled the
Winch business out ut hanoi , but Mr. Maytilg
would not let iiimor But after they had
worked a dozemi of therau tioiimestic triviahtit's
their sense of itower resv , their lmmmglmia-
( Iou began 10 show signs of stimnulation anmd
their ambition eniarged. Their first larger
emuteritrise was due to hunger amid the ncgii-
geace of Mrs. Mlnchila , : Mr. Mayttig's house.
keeper. The mural to wimichi time nminlster
comuthincted Mr. Futheringmuy was certainly Ill-
laid amid uninvitIng na refreshment for two
iuitiustriutis ualracle-'workers. but they were
already seated , anal Mr. Maydlg decant-
ini lii sorrow rather titan in anger ulton his
housekeeper's sbortcozuiois , before It oc-
ctmrreti to Mr. F'otherlnmgay that an oppor-
ttmnly lity bctote him. "lon't ) you think ,
Mr. Maytilg , " lie said , ' 'It It isn't a liberty.
"My dear Mr. Fothcrlngayi Of coursol
No-I dIdn't thuink , "
Mr , l"otheringay waved his hamol.Vhiat
simoll e have ? " ho said , In a large , in-
elusive spirit , and , at Mr. Maydig's order ,
revised time slipper very thoroughly. "As
for me , " he said , cyelng Mr , Maydig's seicc-
( Ion , "I'm always partIcularly fommni of a
tankard of stout amid a nice welsh rabbit ,
and I'll order that , I ain't much given to
lltmrguntly , " amid forthwith stout anti welsh
rabbit pronniutly appeared at his commmmnanti.
They sat lomig hit theIr supper , tnikliug lIke
equmals , as Mr. FothmerIngny presently per-
celved , with a gloss' of surprise and grati-
fIcntloa , of mull tIme miracles they would pros- '
cathy do. "AntI , by tIme by , Mr. Maytiig , "
nIti Mr. Fohieringay ( , "I miilghit luerhinPa be
able to help yoti-imi the tinmnestic way. "
"iomu't quite follow , " saIti Mr. Mmuydig ,
iourlmig out a glass of nilrmuculous old Ihuir-
Mr. Fotheringay hielpeul hImself to a see-
cmiii selhi rabbIt out of vacancy , nuti took
a mmuouittiful , ' 'I was thuimikimmg , ' ' lie salti , ' 'I
aught be kbhe ( chum , chum ) to work ( chmumii ,
chiummi ) a miracle svIttu litre , Mlmuchiln ( chain ,
chumn-mmiake ) her a. better womuno , "
Mr. Mmuydlg put doss'n ( lie glass anti looketi
doubtful , "Shie's-hme stroimgly objects to
I ncrferenco , 3011 kmioss' , Mr , Fet imorlngay.
Anti-as a matter of fact-it's well past
11 , and site's iirolbly lii bed amid nsleep.
1)0 you think , emi time whole- ' '
Mr. F'othierImmgny considered these objec-
( tolls. ' 'I don't see ( hint it. simotmltimi't lme
ilone Iii her sleep , "
For a tlmmie Mr. Maydlg opposed time tthea ,
amimi ( lien lie yielded. Mr. Fotlieringay isSued -
Sued his ortiers mummil a little less at ( heir
ease , perhaps , ( lie two gcmmtlenieii proccetied
with their repast. Mr. Maydig was eiminrg-
lag emi tIme changes lie might expect iii his
housekeeper iiext day , with ami optlmiiisut
thut. seenued even to Mr , Fothmerlngay's sup-
iucr senses a little forceti anti hectIc , whiemi
a series of comifumseti muolses fmomii upstmtlrs
began , TheIr eyes exchanged interrogn-
tiomimt , amid Mr. Maydig heft the roommi line-
thy. Mr. Fothmerlmmgny hearth hiiimi callimmg imp
to his hioumsekeeper , amid thou hue footsteps
golmmg softly imp to her ,
1mm a mInute or so time mInister retuirmied ,
hIs step light , hs ! face radiamit.Vonmder -
fumi I' ' ho said , "tumid touching ! ? tlost touch-
Immg ! "
lie began pactng time hearth rug. "A ro-
pemmtamuce-a mmmott touching repemmtamice-
through the crack of ( ito door. l'oor womunumi !
A most. svontierfuh change ! Site hind got up.
She unmet have got up at oimco. She haul
got hIm otut of her sheep to smash a prIvate
bottle of braimdy In her box. Auth to con-
fes It too ! . . . hut title gIves us-It opemis
-a most amimazlng vista of possIbilItIes. if
55'C can is om'k title mniractmhotms change iii
' 'The thimig's unhlnmited , seemmilmighy , ' ' said
Mr. Fotlmerhimgay. "And , nboumt Mr.Vimichm - ' '
' 'Altogether smimllnilteti. ' ' And from ( lie
hearth rimg Mr. Ma'thig , wnvliig tInt \\'imich
dlillctttty aside , unfoiticti a series of won-
dcmftml ProPosals-Proposals lie invented as
he went along.
Now what thioee romosals were does not
comicern time esseimttals of this story. Simtflce
It that ( lucy were tiestgned In a spIrit of
Inmllmiie betmevolence , time sort of benevo-
hence that used to be called postPrahmthlal ,
Sumflice it , (00 , that time lurobtemmi of'tmmchm cc'-
maalmmcii unsoivcti. Nor Is it necessary to tie-
scribe how far that serIes got to its fumlfiti-
mcmmt. There were astonleiming changes.
The smnall houmrs found Mr. Mayilig amid Mr.
Fotimertngay cnreerimmg micross ( lie chIlly mmmc-
kc t square tinder the stIll moon , In a sort
of ecstacy of 'thatmniaumrgy , Mr. Maythig all
flap and gesture , Mr. Fotimerimigay short nii'
bristlIng , amid no longer abasimed at his
gieatmicss. Tiiey had rcformmmed every tiruimic.
ard in time , parhianmemmtary dIvision , changed
nit the beer and alcohol to wnter ( Mr. May-
dig had overruled Mr. F'otimeringay emi this
point ) ; they had further , greatly inmproved
the raihivay comnmmntmnicatton of time place ,
dratimeci Fender's swammmp , 1mph oved tIme soti
of One Tree hIll amid cuirctl time vIcar's wart.
Auth they were oimmg to see svimnt cotmiti be
domme svlthi time tnjtmrcti pier at Smith BrIdge.
"Thin place , " gasped Mr. Maythig , "won't be
time same Place tomuorross' , host' surprised
anti thmanlcfuml es'ery once wIll be ! ' ' 1iitl just
at that nioniemit time church clack struck 3.
"I say , " said Mr. Fothierimigny , " ( hint's 3
o'ciockt I imiust be gettlicnj back. I's'o got
to be at buslmmes by S. And besides , Mrs.
Wlmnnms- "
"We're only beginning , " snld Mr. May-
tug , full of ( ho ssveetmuesct of tmtmihmmilteti rtosvcr ,
"We're only boglnmilng. 'rimumik of mull time
good we're doing. Vt'hmeii Pcolle wake- "
"ButcaPt Mr. Fothmerlngay.
Mr. Maytttg grIpped his aria sudtlenly. Ills
eyes were bright amid wild. "My dear chap , "
ho saItl , ' 'there's mio hurry. Looic'-hte
poInted to ( lie mnoon at tIme zenith-
"Joshua ! "
"Joshua ? " said Mr. Fotlmerlmngay.
"Joshua , " said Mr , ? .inydlg. "Why miot ?
Stop It. "
Mr. Fothierimugay looked at time nmoonm.
"That's a bit ( eli , " ho saul after mm pause.
"Why not ? " sold Mr. Maytilg , "Of c'otmrsc
It doesn't Iop. You stop thin rotntiomm of
the earth , you kmiow. Tinmo stops , It Isn't
as if we were doing hmnrnm , "
"lt'mmm ! " snid lii r. Fothmeringay.Vehl , ' ' lie
sighted , "I'll try , here'- "
lie buttoned imp his jacket anti atltlrcsseti
himself to ( lie habitable globe with as good
an asstimiipttOhi of conmfluheimce as lay 1mm his
ulower. "Jest stem ) rotntlmmg , will you ? " said
Mi' . Fotiterlngay ,
Incontimiently tie isims flying hmeati over
heels thtrougiu tIme air at the rate of tiozemme
of malIce mi mimmumte. him spite of the limnuimmer-
able circles lie wait describIng per seconti Ito
thought ; for thought Is svoiitierftmi-sommmo-
timnes aim sluggish as flowing pitcim , sommme-
times as Instantaneous as light. lie tlmoughmt
iii a second aimd stilled , "Lot mac comime tiusvmt
safe amid souiitiVliiutover else hmappumme , let
nie dosvnm safe umiti sound ! ' '
lie willed it only just In timume , for his
clothes hmcatetl hiy lila rapId flight thmroungm !
limo air , were already begiminihmg to singe ,
lie conan uhosvmm with a forcible hut by mme
macntis umijurloums bummimim 1mm silnut alipeared to
be a mnmoumiil of fresh-turned earth. A large
nines of metal tund nmasomir ) ' , exti'mmom'tllmcarIhy
like time clock tower In time muitithie of tiie
market square , lilt time earth near Imitmi , rico-
chettett over hiinmi anti floss' into stonework ,
brIcks tmnci nuasommry , lIke a humrstimmg bomnhm ,
A hurtling cow hilt. oiie of the larger blocks
amid snmasheti like arm egg , There was a crash
that mnmude all ( lie most violent crashes of
his past lIfe seem like the sound of fnhhimmg
dust amid ( bile staB fctllcos'cd by a ilescentihmmg
series of lesser crashes , A vast wind roariti
thmroimghmout earth mmmiii lmeaven , so ( hint lie
could scarcely lift Ills heath to look. For mu
slmilo lie was too breatiihess anti nstuniit'hccii
even to see ss'hmerc lie was .or vimnt hiatt ham- ;
liencti , And his first mosehiment seas to tech
hIs head anti rcasstmro himself ( lint hml
streamning hair was tihi his own.
"Lord ! " gasped Mr. Fotlmemingn ) ' , scarce
cubic to speak for thm gale , "I've bamt a
squeak ! \\'tiat's none wromig ? .Stormmms anti
thunder. And only a ialmiue ago a fine night.
It's Mmtytllg set nue ohm to tiuis sort of thing.
\Vimat a wioti ! it I go on fooling 1mm ( bile way
I'm bound to have a thmunmderumig accitieat !
' \\'huere's Maythig ?
" 'luat a coofoundeti mess everythlmmg's
Io ! ' -
lie looked about hmlmn so far as his flap-
jtlag jacket would permit. Thom appearamuce
of things was really extremmiely srammge. "The
sky's all right , anyhow , " saiti Mr. Fother-
lags ) ' . "And ( hat's about all that is all right ,
Arid even there It looks lIke a terrific gale
coming up. Hut there's the moon overhead ,
Just as It was just imow , Bright as midday ,
lImit as for the rest-Whmere's the village ?
\'bere's-wbere's cverythlnmg ? Anti what on
cnurlhsetthlswlnd n-biowlmig ? I didn't order
no wind , "
Mr. } 'othuerlngny strtmggleti to get to his
feet In valmi , and after one fahiumre , renminincui
on all fouirs , holding on , lie surveycti the
mimoonllt is anti to heeisnrl , is lthm the tails of
his jacket streaming over his hicati , "Thero'it
somnchmimmg ( seriously wrong , " said Mr. h"oh (
eringay. "And what It Is-goodness knows. "
Far amiti wide muothimig was visible In time
whiIt glare through the haze of duet that
drove before a screaming gale hilt timnmbied
mimasses of earths luflhl luenius of luiclionto 'ruiIns ,
tie trees , lie huouise , nd famnihiar shapes , ouly
a wildermiess of disorder , vaimlshning at last
into tto uitsrkmmess bemueath ( hue wlilrhlmig
coluimuiiii amid streamers , ( lie lighmttilngs anti
thmuitderlngs of a swiftly risimig storma. 'c'ztr
huimmi 1mm tIme livid glare was somnethilmig ( hunt.
aught once have beemi an dma tree , a
smuashied mimes of spimiters ! , shiit'ered front
boughs to base , ahidi fiifthmr it twisted mmiass
of iron girders-otihy too cvidemmtly ( he viii-
tiuiet-rose out of ( hue lilleti confumsiomi.
\euu see , when Mr. F'ohieringmty ' hind arrested -
rested the rotation of the s9litl giohie iue hail
mantle no stliuuilatloii ceiicefllmig ( lie trifling
mnovabics upon Its suirf cc Amid the earth
spimus so fast ( lint ( Ito Vmrfaco at its t'quintor
Imu travclimmg at rather ihortu thimi iooo mimtlc's
ito hour , amid in these latitudes at imiote ttmmin
half that iuacc. , o ( hu&t he village auth Mm' ,
Maytflg amid Mr. FoIthrlngmi auth everybody
nimul everythIng had beemm jrkett vtoiemitiy
forward at itboumt mmimio nmiles per secomiti-
( hat Is to say , miiumch mmi re viohemitly timiumi it
they hind been fired out of a canmiomi , Mitt
cs.ery ! iumuiamm heimig , every lIving creature ,
every house auth every tree-all thom world
asve know it-hind beemi so jerlci'tl amid
etnashieti amid tmtcrly destroyed. That was
all ,
These thmiiugs , Mr. Fotbiriiigny dlii not ,
of course , fumhly appreciate. limit lie iercelveii
that his miminnche hail mniscarrk'ui , arni with
that a great disgust of miracles caine tipoiu
him , lie was 1mm tlarlcncss mmow , for thin
chouiths hind swept together auth blotted out
hi is nimonmiemi tnry gI Ito imse o f ( Ito moo ii , is ii ii
time air was full of fltful , strtmgghimig , tar-
ttmieti wmmulthis of hall. A great roaring of
ssimmd anti ss'aers filicti earth amid 5k ) ' , anti
lucerlmig timitier lila hicmnti through ( lie dust
anti sleet to s'Imidss'arti , he amiss' by tim liliuY
of the highctiittmgs a s'ast vall of water hour-
immg tossarui hilmmi ,
"Mayihtg ! " screammmctl Mr. Fothuertingay's
feeble voice iuiiilui time ehemimentul tiprumar.
"Iiere-Mayihig ! ! "
"Stop ! ' ' cried Mi' . Fothmerlmigny to tine ad-
vamiclng svater. " 0 , for gootimmess sake
5(01) ( . "
' 'Jest a muoiimcimt , " saith Mr. F'othieriimgay to
thin hightnlngs und thummitler. ' 'Stop jest a
muonuemU white I collect may thoumghutmt.
' 'Anti noss' wimat shall I tb , ' ' lie saul.
' ' \Vhmat shall I tb ? Lorui ! I wish Maydlg is'mis
about. ' '
' ' 1 hcnois' , ' ' said Mr. FoImerlmmgay. "Auth
for goouhmmcss sake lets us lowe it right tiits
( I mime. ' '
lIe renmalned on au fours , leaning against
( lie vint1 , very tmmtcmut to have everything
' 'Au ! ' ' lie sniii. "Let nohiimg ( of stunt
i'ni going to order happen unmtii I say 'Off ! '
Lord ! I s'isiu l'ii tlmotigitt of that before ! ' '
lie iIftcti his little voIce against the whilml-
vi. I muth , shioutin g I ounder amid lotmde r iii t hi a
\'flIhm desIre to hear hmlnisclf speak. ' 'Now
then-home goes ! Mimmd abatit ( lint what I
said just mmiv. In time tirat itlaco. whmemm all
i't'c got to say is donme , let mute hose mmty
mmilracuioums poss'er. let iii ) ' ivill bccoinie just
111cc nnmyliotiy else's still amid iuih these daciger-
tunis mmiirael c3 be stotpeml. I ( html ' t I I k a t hmt'mn.
I'd raLlier I dIdn't vork 'em. Ever so
much. That's time first tImIng. Anti the see-
onii is-let iiie lie back jumst hicfore the mnira-
dcc begin ; let everytimlng 1)0 ) just as it side
before that hiht'sseil lamp turned tip it's
a big ml ) , halt it's time last. I hive you gnu
It ? No mom mmilraches , everythmimig as it
sins-me back mm the Long im mtgotu just Ito-
fore I tlrank may half lmtnt. Thiut'mu It ! Yes. "
lie uitmg hits lingers imito time miiold , closed
his eyes and salti ' 'Oft ! ' '
EverythIng became perfectly still. lie per-
celved ( lint lie was standing erect ,
' 'So ) Oti timlmik , ' ' said a voice.
tie openieti his eyes. lie ss'ns In time hmar
of time Lomig Iragon , argulmtg about mmmhrucles ;
wIth Toddy Benmuishi. lIe hail a vctgume svmmse
of sommie great timing forgottenc ( hint lmustuun-
( immicotmsiy luasreti. You see ( hint. except for
time loss of his miraculous posrers , cs'ery-
tiilmig was back as it hmatl iccii ) , hits mmmimiti
aiitl mcmiiory , therefore , were now just as
thmc'y timid been at time ( line whmc'n thIs Sttt'y
begami. So thicit lie kmiess' muhstmhtmteiy nothiiig
of nil that Is told here to title timu ) ' Amid ,
nniommg othuer thiinmgs , of course , lie tili thkh
not believe In mimiracics ,
"I tail youm that mmmiruucies , iirolemi ) ' speak-
lag , camm't puisslhhy happen , ' ' lie saiti , ' 'stunt-
over you 111cc to hmohil , Anti i'm PrePareti to
iirove it tIp to ( lie hilt. "
' 'That's what you think , " sniti Temitiy
iheanilsim , amid "ismovo It if you caim. ' '
' 'Looky intro , Mr. ileanmilsim , " smuitl ! ilr.
Fothieringn ) ' , "let us clearly uumtierstnmutl sihat
a mIracle is. It's uiommiethuiimg ccimitrcmriwlito
to the course of nature , done by power of
svil I , ' '
AN im'iii. ( ii" 'i'IiI'i V..tlt.
a -
A ' % Vmigini % 'Iio Cosmiti lIe xis Itrmust' tnt
&mty'r ,
, , I in ml ii. ' '
Time worti caine tremnunlotmsly from time
quivering lIps of a fair girl s'hcosn golden
tresses stern uttrcWii tueroenu time iimanmiy bosotn
of a yoummg , fellow in time ummulfornu of a Nit-
thommni Guard private , relates tIme \'ashtlimg-
toni Star.
' 'Constance , ' ' lie mmmurmnureui In reply as lie
stoupeil amiti touchetl her moire svhmlto fore-
hic'atl isItIm 11113 tremblimig mmitmstnehme.
The i'oimnmti of that dear voice st'emmmeul to
give her coumrmige tmmitI coufitienco , armtl ithie
spoke In flrmmier muccemuts.
' 'I inrohti , " she said , ' 'It I simouitl ask ) ( Jim
miot to go- "
. "Iohm't , darling , ' ' lie remicomistrateil.
"If I hmotiltl asic ) 'oti not. to imperil your
theam' yoummg I Ito , ' ' sue ss'emmt. emi , regardless of
his appeal. ' 'If I shiouiid ask ) Oti to give tip
) ( ) J nmiihdtluni to be a soldIer. If I shmouitt
ask 'ouu mint to make yourself a target for
tiho tireatifunl hamilets of those Spahmlshm gumhis
If I shmoumiti ask youm not to face that fatal
fevec of (11(150 Ctmban itwammips. I f I simoumici
ask you mat to take the awful rlsic of tile-
ease ity ilooti utmiul field. If I''shouid itk you
not to uintlergo ( ho tluammsanil hiscotimforts of
the camumo nmmti time w.arinesu' . of imarrhmiimg
If I mthouuhtl ask you ; mot to give lii ) ) 'OUr life
of luxury hir're lii time city tot' tIme inleerahiho
hivlmug of tine lirlvnt nIthler. if I ehmouihti
ask you to ( ( irego mull ( hue trIals that nuuutt
befiuhi you sihilic fighutlmig for time frictiommu of
those minor Cubans. I I should ask you for
may sake , Ilmuroid , for ( lie sake of your thom'
constiiumce , to svait untIl your country really
neeticti ) our services , soubd youi-olm , I torah ) ,
svouid you- "
hlmumoitI ssas on time lloimmt of tehiltug imrr
( hint immuder tile clrcumiitmmmmceic , lerhmalss. iveil ,
pcm'hiaitid-dcihc't )0it know-whuenm sIte him-
pulsivehy threw tier soft , white hmaimit .ucrovci
bier mouth ,
' 'limit I shall not ask you , 1Iui'umh 1 , ' she
svent emi , ' 'I can be a brave little. woniumi
nod suffer , kmuowing ( lint you ame .ioimug
your duty co mmohily , ' unti harold wummt forth
mnmftctlng fully as much as his theM' Con-
stnhmCe was , if not. a good deal more.
l.ltsSe'iiciii'c far % 'ife Murtierer ,
MAIISON , Vis. , July S.-h' . Ilodemnil , '
the' wIfe intirticrer , was brotughit here today
to escape a mob , lie wee takemu at cacti
before Judge Slebecker , flu wlunso clm'ctiit
the crime svmss comumnltteul , Alter waivIng
formalIties , liodnman pleatleti guIlty to muir-
tier in ( lie first degree anti was emitt'iuced to
linprisomimnent for life. Juml ? 7 , tIme anniver-
enry of the crime each year , is to itt' tucut
lmt solitary confincimient , lb wait In isrisomi
svlthiiii twenty-four hours of tIme eommiinission
of tIme crime. 'hiemi asketi liy tIme coumrt it
ho haul anythimig to say , liotimnamu retuhieui
( lint lie rcnllzett his c'rlnuu' , anti s as willing
to take ( lie couisequieuices.
'tho boat ntarch for your 1aundr'
iI , , * , t ,
l'116 GEM R51'Oinflvc.
It's nato "patent" lncdhne ! but Is hurcrarctl
dtret lroun tmue fornitilt : of li. Ii iharmon , Itt , 1) . ,
Choi'ciiid'iu mno'fl cinimamuspa.unhI. t by lljnhmncu-
0. Benson , Pu. P. , B. S. ItA , - I. iN L time , remut-
cet , lcaosvmi restorative runti ' .
Ita'lgortutor , 1 * crc-
sites solid licehi , luuuugelo anuti , , t m''tigmhi , cleat' ,
. , thom ljratui , mm'iiittmt the blooul
I nrc nnm i rehu abut catusc' a
\ gi ncrul f' titmig of hucaith ,
. t.tncui'hiu , itniti ictmosred vItal-
ity , chill ' tin u'emmerittlvo or-
. genus mire hiehia d. to regain thick
S ' a' ' total xoss orit tummui ttmo buf-
t' feroc lit qtulchmhy mantle coni-
sc1ou of uiirtct t'emieltL ' One
I i hem : svlhl src'rlc ssondcrs , hlr
. m.iuotutti iu'rfcct It cure. Full
- tiurcetlomo , lit every iiox. or 1111
, - Olin. ( lie diiI'notia shiret you
hinmul t'ncio.eti , i.nti wi it iii nts'O (
your case special atcnuh' a wit-otiL extra
charge. it , it-111N i. ft r tnla at mill tirui
Stores , a 6O-iu.te 1u , icr no ' ut , or we rUt
nuall it soeuitc'iy izealeii nit mt , tpt of hirke. , ,
rnts. juMc'roN Ai'h ) lIlNsO : ; .
91 hJar-Bemu liloti , t hivehuuiul , 0 ,
For aIe by Kuhn & Co. , mum mat , ) Doug- 4
las ; J. A. l"ullcr & ( o. , 1102 lotighauu St. ,
anmil Ornhmamii Imug ( 'a 151 ii Onul F'ariunuii ;
lummg l'liartitney , 2itii amid Lens &nworthu ; '
l'e'tOli8 I hinrhmutuc-v 2thu niul Leavensvortht ;
] , J. Se''korn , Sotutt ( ) iimnlmtu , uttud uil ether '
tin tiga iss In Omiuctima. South Omnatuct , Council . _
Bluffs ,
Primary , flecomudsry or 'rertuiry 13L000
mOLmiON permnarusmctly
in 15 to 35
Cured. Days.
rou can be treated t hOrn , ( or
prIce urmct.r pamae guaranty. It you prsler
to come hero we will cniract to pay raIl.
read tam's and hotel bi. . .xi'l ' no oharga ,
( S we fsih to cure.
t.iken mercury , loi14 , pottah snd &tiil
hex. achis ana painl iucOii Patchei I
mauth Sore 'throit , i'iitpte. . , Copper Co ?
irtiti pots , Ulcrrut on tnt. part of th.
bn4' . fltr or iebrow taiitmi out , it I.
thIs SeeOndaT3'
We Liuaranto to Cure '
w. aoitclt time iciest obitinate eaae cad
challenge the worhti ( or s csee we cannot
cur. . TiiI diseee has a1way bam.4 the
nun of the tacit mlacnt phyctclan , .
smoo,00e ciptnsi behtad our uncanhhtIoncl ,
$ slaranty , Absolut. proof : sent scalo4
on ippllcslon. ( 100 pere book aat fres ,
Addm'esi COOl ( ftLUiUV CO. , 4O1
Mumuonlo 'Fempic , CImeagio , iii.
I uhI , OOPUh.'r
Searles & Searles
- .
' .
' xi
: ' 1Jrfl
flnmirumitoe to cur. , 'ticetlil , , and
ciuhhir nil Nl1tVQtiS , CliItOftO .MI )
Z'IIIV.tTII ilI..uii'"t of Mcmi iimm.l women.
SIXUALLY. cured for lifo ,
NIght Emlssioni , Lost Manhood , Ii
droceio , Vericocehe , Gonorrhmea , Giect , Byp
ills , Stricture , Plies , Im'istuia and RectaL
Ulcers , Diabetes , hfright's DIsease cureul ,
Consultation Free.
and Lit
Sfticture GIeet.Lit
by new method without patti or cutting
Callon or addrei with stamp. 'rreatmeat
by mall ,
'ma ureni rd v ursni ro 11Ll. i4ti 55
Ufl ) , tUIIILEd tidLhlItItO. UM4ilA , N1C.
4KjNrrrout Jjeasia-l'IIigcg Stuct' '
f Dii , lain.ctauivi , . , ' . * , eta. oummw,1
iiy , tbue or ethic ixroi , an , inji , '
crettoi 11i' qtIt1u on.t aurel
- heitora Lo"t Viuctitur In oil , or young , an
fit a nice for itudy Ituslnwu or nnarrlagu.
- L'tevent IniasIt ant ( ' , nsumjtton if
t& no Iii ttmico. Lhiotr otu iltows Inimediato Improve.
menl soul cifecte a ciJni whore all otbir fail Is.
etbt Upon iavIn the gemiIeo Mex Taitlet. , Tic ,
have our. ! thou.ade ani , will curc son. % S'o etvo a mac.
itivo written guaruntee to eict a ciro fl 7 to
cad ) , caBo am' refund the money. t'rko IJU I U , per
i'ackar' . ; or eIx pkc. ( full trealnionti for r-.o. mu ,
mall , in hem wia 'or. ' , , nor rnc.'intof ( tire. lrcular
rilu' AJAX RMflDY CO. , : : : : . ,
For sale in Umnuita , by .Ju i'uraythm , IOZ
N , mGh ( lumtut & Co. , IClit sad l'iUgiai ; Lfl
In Council Blows hi 0 , ii lirowit Lrug1et.s.
[ tc1k.vesIIdflOY
I jj I L ; C it rc S i fl
- . i8cursalh
, : '
: ; !
Tteware , cf , , . , 'I , . csnierrii
- - - - - - -
Ticia great VrgstaWa
ViutiIztritietrcscrp. (
mwhil quickly cure iou of all net.
veus or dli'wcca cit time gcncrat,1ye ermumc , buChl ill J.oe ( ) turuboo1 ,
lititomitia , i'almis mm ( Ice Jitck , 8cnaiuial ' mmctusitmie , Nt'rs'oumui lHlaiilty
i'itnplcs , Uaflucus to Marry , i'bsumlgig ; JIraltis , 'srlt-nc' le toil
Contilt&ien , II itopi all laMe' bvdav or itight. l'ret'sitis qumit' .
mud es of discitargi' , which if nicicIo.cicstI leade ( a Hperimcc'torrituca amid
13 EFORC A fl ( Ito hortor'Ud lrnpoetmcm' , ( ' 1JIJ JIEY IcIcusctau tlwhiver , Ilte
tMD FTE it i'Inry5 end limo urInary orgatte of all Unliuritica ,
CVPIDEN3 etrengUcetus tim ! : eswrcs ercuhI uvc oigan
'lice reason .uf'rer , &re nut curcil Ity l'ccltra ii le'cuo ainty pe esat ste trOubt4 wIth
ProaLal ( Is. L'Ut'Imilili. ibeonly knuwli frntitly t , cutuhuitoui tot opiruttotu , Wti , siimrn'mil.
siL / wzIIt'tI KuerlMttUgVen sitd mcc'ieT ri'turictl , if six ttxpu , does nuOt ;
11,00 a box , ilz fur ( W , b tunti , brnd for Yates crculsr ( nd ucetitnoulals.
Lddreai 11 * VoL D1EZIVZE CO. , I' , 0. 1OX IX175,1&U'ul. p -
Ylhi6-DILLO DIIVO CQ , . 1 , Ci lath issd Vmtrmmtimii , ( iuiilt.