Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1898, Image 1

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.1 .
: , cui i SUDAY RATE
'c \ , -
r ; , Adinittunco to the Exposition Tomorrow Will
Be Half Price.
Will Give the ioucc Rate a Trial anl Miy
Make It Permanent.
, ,
Jenkin Lloyd Tones to Preach at the
Auditorium in the Afternoon ,
( Msia Out of 'I.t il 1're.citt
. 1)irIi lie 1)i itiiI
I'Ii i , , Ii the A veit 11LM It , ii
Ie 1.uiig L4Iut IwtutItig.
- After long consklerntlon the rnnnngcment
hos at Inst iletermined to take a step In LIia
. direction of a ioimIar a.Inilttance . to boom
11 the 1ocal attoiiilnnce. This appears in the
11 form of an ntiiiotinccrnent. that a rate of 25
t3entB vILl lie made for next StIfl(1I1y. ( Ther.
. . )1a3 ) becti t vigolotis demand on the part of
U the conccsslozilsts for ( Lila concesSIon to the
M ) tl1)1IC , and It has been the judgment or a
ziumber of expertenceit exposLtlefl men that
, IL would prove a winner. It has been de-
; ! CtdC(1 to give it a trial to the extent Irull-
. cnte'I ' , anti the stze of the crowd that takes
' 1 advantage of the reduction Is expected to
i JuHtIfy the action of th. . executive commit-
I tee. In athitUon to tim two excellent band
. concerts Sunday there 'Iii be reflgious serv-
g ' sees In the Auditorium fit 4 o'clock , at which
the sermon will be delivered by Rev. Jenkins
hlOyl Jones , one of Chteago's most popular
41 ircachers. IteV.V. . H. Thomas , president
c' ' ; of the Idberal Congress of Religions , wilt
I also assist In the services. It had been
. expected that the big organ In the iudl-
! { lorluin woulil be reaily fur use on this coca-
r coil ) , but it is now evitlont tlat it. wiii not
i be completuti this week. It vill be ready
? i sIlCtIllIC ) ) next week , and General Manager
h Clarlcson announces that the first verform-
' trF ancu will be made an event of eoiilderablo
note. 'l'lie services. of a first class organist
. .
. will 1)0 proctirctl , COL1 the iubiIc s'Ill ho
given an opportUnity to hear a program that
.IlI fully exhibit the poWer and compass
of the niagrililcetit institimcnt.
AS'iiilitiii ( e lii % 'er ) (4d _
A very beautiful day maiked another
iiotchi In the lirogress of the exposition yes-
tcrday and eveli with no other attraction
tiiati the regular banil concerts the attendance -
ance vas fairly satisfactory. This wna
. cspcclahly so in the evening wheit the local
Poinhiaci ) turned out very liberally to hear
the concert and sPefll the evening in the
enjoynient of the coot breeze that swept up
tim bluff auil across the enclosure. The pot- )
ular rogrnn WUS thoroughly enjoyed awl
tile ) ) thu crowd turned Itself loose In the
MiiIwuy which \V83 fairly veIl latronIzel
U U t I 1 dOS lug tIRUC.
' - It % Va)4 noticeable that the crowd that was
oil t1w grounds tlui'Iug the ( lay consisted
almost entirely of out of town peopic.
Quito a number of exposition vie-
hors C(11) ) In on the inortiltig trains nnd
went directly to the gr > iin'ls ' , ai.l . otheFs
sought hotels aIIII left rlt tnt , until after
( tinner. 1'Iia iroiortlon , of ICPlL ) vhio are
eclIhIng ) scver.ii , iays or . a ec , in I teiiii
( he eXpositiOn Is constantly itreasIag. ! lur.
fig thu iirst mo a I It I lie Si)021a1 ) la ys lire i g hit
I ii largo crowds or People \ ho merely
sI3ent a day or two In a ctiriory
tiisptetloii of tIle sbov ciii ! then stnt
vl th the ( I Ct Cliii l mu Lu ii of coui , I a g agal a a U ii
iiiakliig a longer visit. This latter class of
visitors is now beginning to ho lii evidence
aijil iiiuiiy of yesterlay's ( visitors have been
L Oil t lie grounls rcgiiin r ly dun iig niost of the
) - I week , rcgardhezs of thic weather. This is
rcgardcil as .iii txeeiIiit indication by tkc
iI1ltIlIgcfl1CI1t , atitI as satisfactory evidence
thIflt tiit nierits of tile big show arc coining
to be nwre thoroughly ajipreclated.
III..tcL iI1I.I. , IIFV i .lI NIlii.LS.
V.ry I 111tiVI IIMIIIII of ( . ,1iI Ores
) ntii ( HIier , ihuitIIe Ulsietitis.
ro a large Prelortioti ( if the 1)001)10 ) who
visit thit' eXiioshthoii the suggestion of the
Ihiack lulls iniphics a vnst field
torcd with iflOXhIatistiIhC resourecs mid
ircr.Ilaht vIthi future lOSSitii ) ties.
For this reason , if for no other , the South
lakota exhibit in thu Mhiiee tuildilig ) coin-
) flflIdS general interest. 1ore tlaii that It
Is ii VCIY coiiipiotc niid vehl arranged expo-
itInn of the iniiei ; uI hi081eSSi01i5 of the
etate awl well deserves the careful etudy of
the inliieralngist.
The IIiiiii ) feature of ( ho eXhhilt ) Is the cx-
haustivo collection of siliceous gold ores
from thio various cections of the Ihihis.
Tiiest , are of various grniles of riiiut , niitl
exhibIt till tue various formations of the
mineral. Conspicliotie tunong thai specimens
is an exhibit froiti the itaggeil Top district ,
vhi iou , i ii si i to ot I lie very coiiii floit a hhcnr- )
0)100 of tue iIuggc'tt3 , carries $200 to the ton.
AIIiOiig the most atroetivo specimens are
the eiilphiiilo goitl Oct's from the ilardiiig
inlet ? , which arc of oxeeptioiially delicate
formation and have a rich shivery color that
iiiitkee theta tnort conspicuous titan seine of
the inure vtiluiibio speelniclis , There Is else
an extCfliiVC cohieitioii Of free gold ores
front ( ito various &iiliies together with o
Hiunhier showing of iron ore and eXcel-
tionnil y i'1r ' ' gin phi I to.
'l'hiti mica imliletry. which Is aestitijing
euch ( ' ) teileIve prIortlolI8 ) In Southi Iakotn ) ,
: 15 .ileo exhaustively illustrated. The slate
flu % % exports nhout ; ; ,00j ( oiilule a year of 11w
irothitct .uoi its tist' ' for electrIcal hurlioses
Is aiiil I iig very teat e rlnhiy to t ii e theme nil.
'rho features that tlrst attract the atten-
thou of the general visitor are the two mm-
tuttiro buildings nitIsttithIy contructcil
from small specimnemie of time various mum-
ernie of thmo statb , One Is a imminerai Palace
that me very nearly a duplicate of the Denti-
wood opera house. Time construction of hue
huibhing occupied ( our expert vorkmmiemu fur
- over fire macnibs anti It. is a marvel of pa-
timient niot tasteful vorknumunship. It rep.
resemit a building aOxSO feet utah 61 feet
; high aim a scale of one-halt liuclu Jo time foot ,
It contaimus tiiuWmiEtls of 75,000 selarnte
ikces ) of I uck iiiitl timi' roof is covered vIthi
r.000 mica ahuiuiglea , It representa a three-
story etructuurt , ilu the itoinun-loiiic style
mmliii upwards of lOO orthu of gold uiuggetmi
are in sight emu the exterior. Th front of
the building shows the ormuituuental muualu-
rlale of time Iflack limits country , the ieft
side the rock tom nuutiuume auth gold ore velui
muti the right side and re.r the various othe'r
valuable ores of ( hit , district. Ove'r 100 tIlt-
ferent suedes are included iii time constru e.
titutu anti imu ( liii front corridor Is cleverly
l'utiuItetI a repremientatlomu of the \\'hultv \
hocks that look down on Matmi street tim
Dcadoud from a height of 1,000 feet.
The oIlier building is of purely imaginary
architecture and was constructed by the
omen of Custer City from specimens of ( hue
ininerala that are found In Custer county
it Is scarcely less artistic thftu the Dead-
wootl buIlding and formed a part of the
illack hula cxluibit at the World's fair.
iuothmer very novel feature Is it shaft antI
sluice box in miniature , which show how ar
old fashulsuned plac.r mine was worked in
Ilear Gulch , Aitluough the entire moilel Is
scarcely two feet long it illustrates the
whom process of placer mining and even
the ians. picksand shoysla are duplicated.
1)iJOIftS COt'i' , ' 0 Ii'A'1' IISI't.A % ' .
One of l'4nlureNnf Ilie IiuIgL kI.e-
rlnit mural lIuhhtlln r.
Time display made by hougias county , Nebraska -
braska , In the northwest corner of the Agriculture -
culture building is one of ( ho wonders of
time many iniugnifleent. diplay made in that
big structure. it ma the proud boast of
those having time display In charge that
Douglas county produces everything that
will grow In thou temperate zone and the
abet skeptIcAl visitor lit compelled to nil-
imuit the force of this statement before hi ,
has concluded a conupiete exarninuution of the
The lCOplO of Douglas county voted honda
In the sum of * 100,000 In aid of the cx-
luositioui anil in addition to turning over
a large proportion of ttmi amount to thin
exposition management to aid In the erec-
tiotu of the buildings and nualntcnanco of
the grounds the county commissioners provided -
vided for displays of the products and resources -
sources of the couimty , ; tlrchmasing space In
time appmuprluute buiidings for this purpose.
'l'ho space reserved In the Agriculture buIld-
lag has been eiaborately decorated wIth the
agricultural products of the county. The
aPace is enclosed by a booth of handsome
arcimitecturni desIgn , in whmiclu the cereal
products of time state are used for decora-
thou , the paviiioim attracting time atteim-
thou of every visitor to the buliding and
invitin ; further InvcstIgatioim.
Onc of time first thugs which strikes the
eye of the visitor upon entering the booth
is a large buiictimm on time rear wall , which
quotes time crop reiort of time government
na authority for time announccneut that Nc-
breaks produced 8,330,000 , bushels inure of
corum during 1S97 than any other state lit
the tiimloim. F'or further coniparisoim a. but-
letin alongside the first one quotes the
yield in corim in 1S97 of the &lmree & states
hcadmmmg the list , as foiiows : Nebraska ,
211,26S,000 bushels ; Ilhhimols , 232,923,000 bush-
cia ; low.i , 220OStl,000 bushels.
Si , tvs tiI ( Iiiig ittuil ( huetn.
Near these btuh1tijig are two large figures
wluielm typify thu heading agricultural
lirouhilets of the state awl county-corim amid
grasses. Tue first is King Corn , a repre-
scuutatioii \lonilainiu , time Indian god of
corn , seated tiiOmi his throne. The robe of
time king , his thiroime nn(1 the canopy which
hangs over Imimmi , are made of different vail-
utica of corn , time fifty-two varieties of field
corn grown imu Douigiims county being tutU-
izeth in mnakiuig the display. The Queen of
Grasses occupies a timrome beside that of
thu icing and her robe , throne and canopy
arc imuatie of thu seel ( amid tops of time 153
different varieties of grasses which are
growmu ium Dotigias county.
Thc center of the pavihioui is 000uiietl )
by pyruimids surrountled by glass jars con-
t.iuuiing various products. One is devoted
to corn , all of the fifty-two varieties grown
iii time county being allow ) ) ; time second is
tievoted to oilier cereals and the third is
ecCuuimictI by garden seeds.
'l'iie last named pyramid illustrates a
h.i. . . . I..t. . . _ , _ . . t ,
0 ) U I It 1)00 - gi as cou fl Ly , in an -
( litloit to ihiustratimig the resources of the
cotuimty. It gives am ) Plea or the extent of
tiuc cecil raising industry. Many farmers
iii this county make a busimmess of growing
aced for the iaige eastern seed houses. The
raising of seed corn for Cannila , and many
of time states of the union is carried oim cx-
tcimslvciy anti Nebraska grown sceti is coum-
lug to be regarded tue a standard variety.
lii tue ilymamiti referred to there arc shown
] 52 varieties of gam-deit amuh ( fIeld scds
wiuich are staples 1mm this couimty.
Arranged around the sides of tim booth ,
on sheives. arc fume samples of the vegeta-
bhes raise(1 tim this county , including pota-
toes. cabbage , onions amid Street iotatoes ) ,
which run SOO hushmtis to time acre. F'resii
vegetables arc also shown on plates , all of
the vegetables being changed damiy anti
kept fresh.
'limo interior walls of tile booth are hand-
somnciy decorated with Lone grasses awl
gruimis , showmmig the great number of van-
ctics as sveii as addimmg very materially to
time pleasiimg effect of thu arrangement.
iflOimg these decoratiomis is a email pyrtmiimiti
of tobacco grewmm him 'atenioo precinct. Timla
iias becim examnimued ty export judges of lent
tobacco antI huronnunced equai to time best
tobacco growmu 1mm this country.
'l'hio display was arranged by James
\Valslm , 0. r. hlervey amid Itichmanil Engi-
uuian and the favorable commmimtcnt nuitho by
ccry visitor to time di ilay Is evidence of
( ito COimlIietCiiCsS with 't'imicii tbo work has
been done.
( alt l1Ll1' COtN'1' i'l.Oi'tj CtINl ,
FirslouI Club of I'l I Five Ii eli-
drtI is Oim.i ii izeil ,
The peophe of Greeiey coumuty , particu-
burly 1mm tue vicimmity of Siciulduuig , are taking
aim umnusuni hiuterest in the exiOeitiOfl , Somne
tuft. ! ago tiucy commcelvetl time Idea of orgaumhz-
lug a party to comime dowit mm mmd tuulto in the
big show. The idea found Iumunethiate favor
and has grown to such arm exiemit that ( hue
toomuoters nit' commtidemmt hunt at least 500
% Iii coummc. It Is the intention to chuarter a
eiieciai train for the pumposo. September is
( lie time tlcidctl , upon for tue visit , and
when tlmttt time arrives it is hoped that
cr011 umoro tlmamm now amiticipatetl will conic
in emu time t'xcureiorm. 11ev. F'ntiicr lefc ,
of Spaulfimiug is ommo of the inline umovera
lii ( hue cnterpnlso. lIe has uigt.l tiioit ) time
Peopie time great educfltioiiiul ailvantage of a
visit to time cxpuisittoim. ulmul slime coining
iuero tmad viewing ( em' himself time mntignitude
amuul beatuty of tue exposition is more cmi-
tiuutsimustic ( luau ttvtmm' en tiuc subject.
( 'ii i ii rim .1 u's ( _ i , I ii ii , Ii i ii u.s.
A tmimique femittire of L'olumiuio day wiil ho
thmc dieti ibtititI ) 01 about S,00u coltmmnbinea
among ( hue visitor. , . 'ikiu nintenhiml Is tu be
fui'nihLd imy tL A. ( itmyioud , viuo is time vie-
pnietor of it extensive iniurmubiuie ntmrcmy
Iii ivcrgrceii eamlyoit , mmciii' Mornisomm. The
coitumblmue is tii itate Ihower of Colorado
wmtl Mr. ( laylorti line 0,00o of thucium growiimg
in his nursery. A simnliar ulietribumihomu was
hustle during time biennial conventIon of
vomucuI s citibs , tjuemt 8,500 hiumuclmea of the
pretty bhossommus were given away to time
.iiiisaiiihiiut * . ( I. . l'vuiie , .ii I lit' Vn . ,
The party of Massachusetts state otllciais
auth Promnimleut citlreummi mteiio % 'Iii participate
In time celebration of Massachusetts day at
( lie exposthion Montlay heft Boston Timers-
tIn ) ' In two special care and viil arrive in
Oimmaima Sumuday. 11 imummilmer of ( bent viii he
aeconmiIlnIctl b their wives , who wiih cc-
cupy a third car attachied to the same train.
Time lmendquumrtere of time delegation will be
mit time MiiIurd hmotei anti they expect to
elmemId four days in Onuahia , icavimug en that
return trip July 14.
"iexltimi lI.iillit ( iii tIme ' , ' , 'ii , .
Sup-rlrmtendent ilimrilt of thu exhibits tie.
hiartluent is still looking for ( ito Mexican
eshmibit , whichu shtouitl hmave been lucre sonmo
tinu ago , Aesuramucu has been received
that the feimiure wilt certainly be here amud
ht wIlt be in charge of AlbIno It. Nuuio ,
who will reninium during the sumnwer to
( C'ontipued on Secenth Page. )
&calI of Oamara'c Squadron is Taken n a
Good Indictttion.
1.1 , utrcs' Ace-ii nmtt'e ot , &miuerlcnn Oh'-
oral iirs ( I ) Cubit , to UiiirlL is In-
lcrirlciL its ii Ivaiiiig 'Vt-
nr.l Surrender.
WAShINGTON , July 8.-Timere was a continuation -
tinuation of Peace talk today. and other ovi'
ilences in this line timan those of yesterday
are coining to th surface , Such , for him-
mitRnce , waq time couutirmatlon by the State
department of the report that the Ctidiz
sqtiadromt was retturmuing to SpaIn , since It he
scarcely conceivable that. the SpanIsh gnv-
ernnient tould doom thia last remmmant. of
mt fleet to destructIon at the hands of Conu-
motiore 'atsoum'u aqtuadron , which In nil
probabilIty ouid head It off before it could
reach Its home port.
Therefore , the ( tSStiflitiofl Is that time
Spanish govormmnieimt calculates that. nit
armistice precedent to peace will be obtained
before the ahipe reach Spain.
An unusually Indeflntte report wac In blr
emulation tiiat the United States has beefl
soUnded by the Ilrhtish ambassador , lint.
shuemu it brought to Sir Julian l'atmuicc-
fot&s attention hue authorized ami explIcIt
( lenlal , anti said ho lund not cominuumleated
with the government in any way rogardimug
tue termination of ( hit var.
The c ntlition at Santiago are regarded
as favorable just now , aceorditg to aeneral
Shatter's dIspatch receIved durIng the tore-
1)001) . Nothing more canto from him ultining
the day , btmt the inupression revnihs timat
time Spanish are In a tiesperate plight wIthin
the lines of the city , aimd General Siiutfters
action in showing Linaros to conuntuimicato
freely with Madrid is an Implication that
thmere i. at least a m-easouuable huope that the
Spanish general contcnmplates a surrender.
However that many be , every preparation
is making for great eimgngemneflt , the final
one at Santiago it. is hoped , which may begin
even as early as tomorrow if General Sluaf-
ter's reiiuforccnmeimts are emu band. Tim , tie
vartment imas iuot heard so far of time arrival -
rival of 1iiese aoliicr3 , but believes they
iiavc reachiel General Shatter.
Time greatest ( liflctmlty ! that imas been cii-
couuutcrctl Is in time Iniuding of troops niud
supplies. 'rimla being the hurrIcane season
nail the wind sitting straight on time south-
era coast the masters of ( hue transports
limtvc become ainmmed and taken their sliipd
mummy miles otuf to seajiiocessitatlng
journeys by time boats whicli nuake tiueir
haumilimugs througiu the surf with the greatest
diiilcuity anti danger.
I'rce t lie 'I'i'si . , sjrts It ) Act.
Slow amiti tedious has been time service
amul General Alger huas ordcrcd General
Shatter to seize time tramusports , one ammil all ,
and place theimi as umear the coast as he
chooses , without regard to time fears of their
Ten days ago lighters were started down
front Mobihe anti Tampa , but so far General
Shatter has received only one. These ligiut-
era have been a nlghtmnaio to the ( lepart-
mnent ever since. The Captains tie up in
creeks at time slightest sign of had weather ,
whuiho the charter rate of $100 a tiny nulls
on. Orders have been sent forward to ( or-
inmate thus state of tiulugs. even if it necessary -
essary to hose a few lighters in the efforts
to reach Geumeral Shafter.
The government has not yet determined
iiot' to dispose of Afimmuiral Cervern. A feeling -
ing of the huigilest adumiration prevaiis lucre
at the actions of time out warrior and the
miohle spirit. oxhmiblted by Imiit in hmis mills-
fortune. Tue disposition Ia. to treat imim
with an great liberality as conditions 'iIl
It has been proposed that lie be released
Oh parole not to engage in hostilities against
time Urmited States until time emmtl of the war ,
btmt it line mmot been decided to do tiui , or
to confine tim o tithmn I Vim I techmm lea i I y wi tim tim
the limits of time iiavai academy reservation
itt Aimiiapolis.
All ( lie other paimisii naval othicers will
ho coimfined ( lucre , save the amirgeomma , who
\.iil ho allowed to remain withu ( lie emulated
loom ) at the prisomm statIon at Seavey's islaimul ,
Portsmmuouth harbor , N. II. The St. Louis
rs duo here tonight or tommiorrov with time
first lot of prisoners , while time Ilarvarti is
Just about to start from oft Santiago with
time rcmmiaimtticr.
Time report of tile nplcarance of a Spanish
iris'ateer ott tiio coast of iinltishu Cohtmmnbiit ,
which appears to have created such a coat-
unction on time imorthwestcrmi coast , canto
frorui on , , nf hun env'rnn-t , . . , , , . . In tln
section of thmo world. Moreover. time saute
person said ( lint two vccsels were tnkimmg
emi coal at a liritish Columbinit port , which
It was iiresuumed was intentleui for time Spiimm-
isli fleet almonlul It inure mmmdc its way Into
time Pacific ocean through time Suez canal.
Time failure of comugress to act on time
naval ardancemnent special acts umtay after
all be bommeflcjal as enabling time president
to arrange with macre deliberation and ins-
tice a scale of rewards for nieritoniotus 0111-
Siuil ii isk S tot'it , , ii Is , . ,
LONDON , July 8.-Spanish 4a went up In
I'am'is ami iii Lomidomu today op the report
that negotiations are proceeding between
Madrid nml W'aslmington with the 'iew of
bringing about pence between Spain and time
Umiiteti Statct. The Stock exhiango rumor
hail it that time veace imegotlatlone were be-
lug conducted timroughi ilrittsim Imitormuiediar-
lee. Thui. imowored , is doitirti at ( hum foreign
oillco hero , whuere the othlciahe say tima there
are no inmhlcatinims anywhere that peace is
being negotiated ,
Si , . i'ETEItSiIURO. July 8.-TIme Russian
officials amid time general public hero are
etmonugly tim favor of speedy peace as the omuty
salvation for Spain , and limo 'newspapers
ret-onunend time interventomt : of Europe to
compel a Cessatloit of hoetilities. it i as-
eertcd timat it aim > ' iowcr directly hmuteremited
in time fate of Spaimu or time United States
proposed nuediatiomu or initiated intervention
it would certainly Imave ltussia'mi approval.
NIyf , ( July 8.-it special cablegram
fronu Rome to the lIvening Journal quotes
time Spanish numtbmiss3tdor to Italy its humivlmig
smild' t0la3 ( to that correepomthemmt , of ( hit , paior
namnemi ; 'lf nib time itowers himvltu Spatmu to
conclude a peace , Simirm will yield. "
Set's Nut ii i uui. hut Iefvuit ,
LONDON , July 8.-Dispatches fmommm tint
contInental capitals still talk of luropean
iumtervemition in ( hue hhlspamto-Aumtt.rlean , trur.
Icuminco Is being relirescImletI as tkiumg thus
initiative ammd ( lermammy anti thue other Itowers
no decllmting to interfere.
By way of lierlimu conies nut Interview
with Senor Moret , foramer Spanish miumister
of ( be colonies , at1'ocating that Spzmiim
shuoultl etme for peace , "bcatuso It is : i lie-
ubnus to even BUIPOSO it could tire out time
( limited States" miamI because Spain "can naly
expect freshu ulefeata , vlaeimmg it in a worse
losition than ever. "
Senor doret utaiti it was imperative that
the United States should iBsue vctorious (
out of its first war with a foeign ! power ,
because Its social problems antI humrplus
wealth compelled It to pursue a .ohicy of
expansIon , lie saId he believed SpaIn hued
nothing to femir from the' Cnrliets or the
republicans , because both iependeul out time
army and the workmn'emm , ' it-hereas time for-
mner , the army , huthi arendy felt time
strength of the enemy an' Was not likely
to protest against Peace , whiltim , in Its terms ,
wits time only thing that 'ouid save tIme
workmen from starvatIon.
luinmico fl'fthiN lo i'Igluf.
MADRID , July 8.-AccordIng to it dIspatch
front havana , Captain General hilanco openly
urges time continuation of the war , The
oflicers In the city say the time has not
arrived to seek for peace , one of them add-
tug : " 'o find t'uraeivos in a luomittlon fruiuu
which we mtre able tomako our enemies feel
the commseqtucnccs of the war. "
The refusal of the Cuban cable companies
to tranenult dispatches franked by the SpanIsh -
Ish government , In spite of time coeditlotus
of the concessIons , occasioii the liveliest
discontent here. Time Spanianils believe this
action is duo to the orhcrs , of time h3ritish
govornumeuut , wimleim , aceomdiiug to time muons-
Papers of Madrid , is raIsing Cohatant dliii-
culties In time way of paIum , anti Is giving
frequent iroofs of its vertiulity for the
United States. Simumin , It appears , iutts coin-
pialned to time cable companIes , whose oillccs
nrc tim Loiudoi , but witimotit result.
Soul lera Count 1iust's of ( lie
Aiu&erlu'uuit Armiuy Toii ' .Veuuic to
( nrr a little.
( Copyright , 1S9S , by Asoclated i'resa. )
PLAY4 IIL ESTE , July 8.-CO p. m.-
A Spaimlsiu soldier , terribly emaciated , and
so weak that he couhd hardly walk , was
flirbg.l Ifl liv mon frt. , , , tb Tinitnil tnI oq
gunboat AnnapolIs today at a point near
time cuutrance to the upjmer bay. the humid no
nib , for he was too vcak to carry it.
Accoruiing to his 5(09' ( there arc itinny
Spanish soldiers In Gtmimntaflamno In tue santo
condItion of starvatioim. lie says there is
absolutely notiuimmg to eat thuere , biut that
the Spamulards are daily (01(1 that it they
surremimier to the Anmericauis they are sure
to be murdered.
A captaimu anti timreu privates train Daracoa
caine into. tIme bay today lm a enmail sail
boat , amid were picked up by the Marble-
lmeaui. They were ostensIbly greatly sur-
niscd. amid clainieti not to have kmuown that
tint bay was iii the possession of time 01101113' .
They report a great scarcity of food nt
Ilaracon , amid that time Spanisim tm'nops there
are in bad simart.
Over 20000 rations for 'recoimcemitramios lmave
been lamideti across tue bay by Comuntamuler
MeCahla of the Mnrbicheaul , muid the half-
starved Cmuhrmmms ) are hockIng in front time
lmiiis for food.
Molt ii 'i'itOOu'S t ) % ' .I' nic % V..I. ( ) C1JIIA
" I. i ( rum I iI i I u's A ( ' ( ' o at Pul ii I e a 'I' lie tim ii
liii.Jouiriiu'y. .
CITAItLESTON , S. C. , .lul3 S.-Tiuo cruh-
era Yale anti Columbia , with time Sixth Mae-
saclumsetts amid eec' battalion of time SIxtim
Illinois aboard , toiulgiut 4iit , off the light
shill' at the emmtnmtmuce of the harbor and probably -
ably will still before tiayhreak for Cuba.
Time emnbarkmttIomi of the troops begami at
nuidday. They tvcrc marched to time whmarf ,
wiuere ( lie steamers Cumninotloro i'tirm'y amid
i'iaumter vero \vatttng , The men swemit emi
board and aumitl the diet , . ' of the spectators
autti the macmm of time other 'ghmiuents steamed
(1oVii tii ( ' iuaibor 1mm tlmc' fic ( df a heavy rain
stormn. 'l'hie work or t miisshipplmtg time aol-
filers was accomnpiisimeui n ithout mrmhsiinp.
By sommie muiistaico one company of the
SIxth Massachmuetts , was heft on tIme wharves
whuemi the steamers atrrted. Auijtutant But-
Icr Macs lmromithy chartered a tug and
took tllenu omit. to ( lie transports.
Gcmicrai Nelsoim A. Mihes cud hula staff ar-
riveti 1mm time city at u3aO : p. in. At S o'clock
General Miles btmardemi.tiuct lighthouse tender
\Visterin. nmitl vcnt out to thu Yale. This
was in accortlamice with the proviotmaly or-
ranged plans. It was stated positIvely that
time two shmlps 'otmhii sail snutim tonight.
Time Sixtim Masszmchusetts tim quamtereui on
the Ynhe. whuihe time Ihhlmiois mcmi are cmi thie
Coiummmtmia. The oxneditiop nummmbers iii all
1,720 muon. There are still. 1mm thi city 4,000
troops iiiiu1 others are oxpecteti intro front
' ( ' 1(1)1)1'S , Iti C.OING ' ( ' 0 1UNOi.UiU.
One ltegIi.itui . I to 1k Send its us
! 'osslhie.
WAShINGTON , July 8.-As a result of
thu cabinet imiceting totay it was ciccitied to
ulispatchm a reginicmmt of troops to honolulu
imminicdlatohy anti the eoniniammtinmmt tmt tito
l'rcshuiio huts hcefl omnmmmunhcatcd with to
lcarn what. forces are available.
I'mii ricoh 111,11 Icsre ltee'erei at
Stcabevii I t , : Ht ) . , iiiiul ( lie 'l'osvn
earL' leatroeui.
ST. LOUIS , July 8.-A special to the Itt-
public froimi Cuba , Mo. . says : A courier
fronm Sehbevhllit ( , time county sent of Crawford -
ford couimty , brought t4mo terrible news timnt
time town had muhmmiost been wipeil out by
a waterspout thus mimorning , The , lead are :
hIltS. J. TAFF AND ThhitIhil Cii1LIRiN ,
St cc levllie.
MRS. WILddAM LII SOUGH , Steelevilie.
JOhN L SOUGht , Str howillo ,
COLORED MAN , uukmmown , Mldlaimd.
As soon as time news was receIved a rc-
iief party started for time stricken towmm.
Time town was In ruins. , Few buildings
were heft standing and Kroamms of amiguishu
were heard emi all aiulc-s asearchiers soughit
for loved oiues among the tiebrie.
Time wnterepouiL occurred , oumtside time towim ,
but swelled Yadhlum creek , which canie down
imm a immighuty anui destrqctive ( hood , swcepiimg
all before it.
UI' to this ovemmiug thirteen bodies int'l
beeiu recovered , hiut It Is Ilmoughmt more inure
henisheul. Steeleville lii a town of 1,000 in-
lmahihtants , situmateil pa the hrmummch of ( lie
'Filsco road , All wires -nra ubown immmui no
coumumnummicatiomu can tie lurid except by courIer.
A specIal to thm htepuhuihe fromiu t3tazmherry ,
Mo. . says :
A heavy rain at 3 o'ciock thIs niorning
iieeaxmmtj a hood of water alomug thu valley
outhi of the railroad ( rank , amid some lit.
teen fmuim lcs , wIth their houses , were car-
ned along by time svceiuing torrent. Somume
houses Were tht'stroyeth , whihe mcmi , wommmemm
anti chmlltlren vem-e foummul In trees and thrifts
for at least a muiie _ uiiurmg ( hut 'aliey , Time
tlemmui are :
Mits. ISAA'C G1IAY ANI ) hhi.
CiiAitLi'S SMITh.
Time Stanulmuri Oil tank , wIth 3,000 , gallons
of oil , was carried a untie , Miles of railroad -
road track and bniges are gone. Nearly
$500 $ was raised ! .u a few mniautems with
whulcim to help time suffering ,
Three mmtllee from h.iaryvllle , Mo. , time
water frommm the swollen Nodaway river surrounded -
rounded the hioumie of Jatnes Nolmtim , a
farmer , and Mrs. Nolan and her mother ,
Mrs. Phoebe Joshyn , were drowned. Nolan
made a heroIc attempt to rescue ( hem , hut
they were caught in a barbed wire fence
and L'.o wa.u .wept away and lodged in a
Oaptaln of the Battleship Iowa Tolls the
Story of the Battle.
SIIyM time PIglitVna a Sieetnebe amid
l'ronmuuieu's tIme ( rcitt unit of
( hue Sliuuim ui ruis its
( CopyrIght , isoq , iy Asociittctl Press. )
OF'F' SANTIAGO IH CU1IA , Jumly 7.-l'er (
Associnteul l'ress dispatch boat 1)auntless ,
via Kiuigstoui , Jaiminica , July 8.-The ) battleship -
ship Iowa was the first ship to see the
Spanimuhu fleet couuming out of the harbor.
Somebody ouu the bridge shouted : "What's
( lint black timing comiming out of ( lie liar-
lion ? "
A mnoimuemit later time Iowa was at geimeral
quarters and the signai was hoisted that
( lie emieimiy's shIps were conmlng 0th. A gun
was fired to attrmtct the attentiomu of the
'TIgliting Bob" Evamis , comnmnnder of the
Iowa , was sittimig in lila cubhum talking to
hula son , a cadet on the Massacimusette , who
iuckily had been left. hehmiimd iii a imlcket
launch when the Massachusetts wemut. to
Guantanamo to coal at dawn. Captain
lvnima' account of the battle as tohd In ( hue
cabin of the Iowa to mi correspondent of time
Associatemi l'ress is intensely interesting. lie
said ;
'SAt .thmo ( line 'gemierar quarters' were
sounded time emigine bell raumg 'full speed
almond , ' and I IntL the iuelm to 1stnrboand.
l'iio Iowa crossed that bows of the hmifanta
MarIe Teresa , ( hue first simhp out. Time Span-
isii ship swummg to time weetwarti , thmo 12-
mcii shells from the forward ( turret of the
Iowa seenmcd to strike it itt the bow , amid
time fight was a SPectacle.
"The Squalron camno out in cobumiimi , time
shmips bermuitlfully spaced as to distance , anti
graduiaii3' inereamuiiig their speed to timlr-
( coil kmiots. It vts superb.
' 'Time Iowa froimt ( huts nmomnemit kept tip a
steady fire fromim its heavy guuma , imonuilug
all time thno to 11(001) tint Iufaatmt Marie
Teresa on Its starboard bow nmui imopiumg to
rain one of tue simips. The Oregon , hmmdiaua ,
Brooklyn mutuul Texas were uloimug excoiiemmt
work with their gumis.
"In a short space of tlimio ( lie emmenmy's
ships were all clear of tIme luau-hon mouth
amid It became evitlently inipossihhc for ( hut'
Iowa to mmii either time first or tIme sccommfi
siiip on accouuit of their SPCei.
[ 'I , a vs I mm it ii ruuuiu , I .1 e.
"Time raumge at thIs time was 2,000 yards
froni time beauhiumg mdlii ) . 'rue Iowa's imehmn
was imnntedlateiy put barth to time stnrboarui
and time emitire starboarti broadside was
voumnmmcui lute time imifnimta Maria Teican. Thie
hclmn tu as thou quickly shuifteti to itort nimd
time shmlim vemlt across tIme stenmi of time Teresa
in tumi effom't to head off ( lie Oqumerutio.
"All the ( line the emigimmes veme uirivlumg
at full SPeed nheath. A perfect ( orremit of
biuelis fm'ntiu the enemy passeul over time
smnokestachcs ant stmptrstrumctuire of the simip ,
bmmt. rmommo struck it. Time Crlstobai Cobomi
biimmg much faster tiunim time rest of time
Spanisim siips Pasbed rapidly to time fm-omit
in tutu eifort to oscalue.
"Jim passimig time Iowa time Colomu placed
two 6-lmichi shelhs fairly 1mm our starboard
bow , Ommo passcd tlurotmgh time cofferiamu
and dispeimmiary , u'reckIng thic latter , mumiti
burst cii time berth tieck. 'rimemi It passeui
through the side mit time water line witiiimm
time cotfem-daimi , wimere it stIll remminimis.
' 'its it was muov obviously impossible tu
ramn 11113' of time Spnmihsiu slmlpa omm nccoummt
of their superior speeui time Iowa's hmelmmi
u'ah lint to starboard amid it rami au a course
varalhei vithi tile CiCi11) ' . hiehmmg thieit
abreast of time Oquemnie , at a uiistmumice of 1.10' ' )
yam-tie , the Iowa's emitire battery , immcluuiimmg
the rapid lire gumms , was opeumeti out time
Oquemutio. Time iummishmlmtemmt ) was terrific.
Many 12-inch ammd 8-imichi uuiic'lhs were scemi
to explode Inside Qf It auth summohte caumie out
tlmraugh its ii.itcimes.
"Two twehvo-imiclm shells froma the Iowa
plerceti time Ahmmuim'ammto Oqtmemitio at tIme same
mmmnmmtent , one forward amid time other aft , TIme
Oqumeimdo seemmmetl to stop iLe engines for a
tmnnuemmt , It. immimetilmutchy started ammti grati-
unhiy drew alicia ! of the Iowa auth caine
tmmmder Limo terrific fire of time Oregomi mini
'l'urit'uio ilium Is A re Sigii'tI.
' 'At tiutH Imiommment the alarm of torpedo
boa ( was ouiluled , amid two torpedo boat
ulestroycrs were discovered In time starboard
litmarters at a distaumco of 4.000 yards. Fire
utas opened eu tiicm vltim the after battery
nmmtt a twelve-immch itehl cut the stenmm of omie
destroyer squarely oft. As tint shell struck
time boat final back at us , sendIng a shell
close to immy iitmd. I saiui to Executive Oillccr
Rogers , 'That little cimmuim has got a lot of
( 'hmeek. ' Itogera shouted back , 'It shoot-s
s'ery ueil , nil time Samuel' - -
"Well ump amitong tInt advancing cruisers ,
spitting simnts at one aimmi thou another , was.
thme little Gloucester , shunting first at a
cruiser and thmemi at mu torpedo boat and hilt.
thug a imead tvhuerever It saw It. Time immar-
s'ci was Unit Itvlms hot destroycti by time
mImi of slmcila.
"lit time macantimmie time Vlzcaya was slowly
ulrawimig abenuim of time Iowa mmd for the
space of fifteen mnlmmtmtes it was give amid
take between time two , 'l'hue Vlzcaya fired
rapIdly but wildly , not ono shot takiimg
eRect on time Iowa , wimhie time utluells ( rommi
time lowmt ere leering great i-cats in time
sIdes of ( lie Vizenyn. Its time Immttem lultaseui
ahmeaul of ( lie Iowa it caimmo miumuier time mnur-
ulerotis fire of time Oregon ,
"At ( hits timime the hmmfammta Marie Teresa
nmmd time A I liii limo to Oqu emido , I cad I rug time
enemy's eolumnn , wore neeim to be lmcmtiiimmg
for Limo beach anti iii liaunes. Tile Texas ,
Oregon anti Iowa pouumided them tumid-el-
fully. 'rIme ) ' cemumueth to reply lund in a few
mnlimumies thut' Simummltim cruisers nero a mimes
of limmimics mtimd on time mocks with theIr colom-a
down , time 'l'ercsa (1)11mg a whIte flag ill
time tons. Time crews of lime emmeummy's elmips
strIluhued timemneelves anti hogan jmmmmiiulmmg
oveiboarti ciii ) ommo of thuo tuimmaiher mango-
zioe begmuum to explode ,
i1t'luuiilglil)4- ' ( , , , , ' ,
"Menntinie time Brooklyn anti the Cristo.
bah Colon w'eru excimangimig comnpllumuommts lii
lively fashion at apparently long range amid
time Oregon , with its boconiotive speed , was
imamiglmmg much emi time Colon , also paylmig at-
temmtiomm to the Vlzcaya.
"Tint 'l'tmresa aimul tue Oquendo were in
liarumes Oii thue beachu , just twenty mnhmuutes
after time first hmtmt was flretl. Fifty mmiinutes
after thu first ahmot s-as flreui time Vizcaya lut
Its hmehmmm to port , with a great burst of haute
froimi the after hart of tbtm eblp , aimul lmeade'h
slowly for time rocks , where It tounul its last
restIng place ,
"As it nuts apparent that time Iowa could
hot catcim time Cristofual Cobomm nail ( lust thur
Oregon and ilrookl'mm unuiouhttahly woultl ,
anti mimi thai fast New York urns on Its traIl ,
I ticeldeul that the calls of iuumnanbty aimouhd
be anuvcreth amid attention given to time l,2C0
or 1,500 Shuanish oillcers and mmmcii wimo imad
struck their colois.
1 therefore L'tadvd for ( ho wrck of thu
Vlzcmiya , hOW burmmimug furiously fore awl aft
When I was in as far as tf'e depth of vatei
would admit I lowered mill my boats cn
sculL thmeom to ( Ito assistance of the unfor-
Weather Forenst for Nebraska-
1'aIr V.'nnmner Southerly Wluida ,
C ttiisIt I.uu Suiuin hinte Ciii I I ng ,
l'tnee t lilt Simiullu 1.unks l'ruhnlute.
lli-iits' Story of ? uuvnt 'leor. .
5u1 in In lt'sieriutt- 4 I mu s.
: ; linlusuin ltt'lntt's II Is
Siuuliumgo lumst iIghit or Smirretiuler.
Sal lummal isimit I Iuini .NNucIntIuim ,
1 hiuhitarlail n mud Cnmumi.u'iml ,
I ; ieiumhl ieiumi li'n etme l'lrtmuut ,
Ii Ctiumtit'Ii Ilituff l.oe'ni aii ters ,
iii , t s 0 mmii ( 'use tn'ui I.
tutu rg.gnu' 1)Isit ' liirs.
7 iimn's lte-itay ( , t c '
SisirlIitg I1eumls ' iu3.
S 'Viiirtl lti'gliiit'tit e i'll.
1) Ct.igr..ssIiuiuil . t'vI'vieul.
l'l let. lluuuril 1 ii u
hIutti % 'unl. ( if if
11 Cu.iimmimert'lat utumt s'- . . elni NetN.
12 "Mmiii % 'Ii , ( ' ( bii - k ( I Irneles. "
'l'enhl'rilturt' itt
lIIIr. ' "
, , I . . . . . . i'i "i.m , , . .
; : : : : : : : : : - : : : : : : : ; :
S a , iii . , , . . , 7i ( .1 t , . iii , , . . . . 5 , .
I , a. iii . , , , . , r z. imi . . . . . . 81
10 a. mu . . . , , . 71) ) ii I' . . . . . . . . . : t
11 a. in . . . . . . ' 41 7 I' . i'i . . . . . . st :
11 , : iii . . . , , , , . . 5.1 5 1' . 71)
t ) a' . ) mi . . . . . . 7U
TOiA't' A'l' ' 1'hlLi FiX L'OSL'L'iOX.
At tIme Grummmiist
' ' ' tTtiht'd Stubs
:1 : 1. itt-I'll limut'y'M
llniiil , ( , , i'ritumieiIt Iluillil lii mc ,
Tiuu : p. mii-l'li lIluie'M ltmmitttl tuues
hlntmd , 0 ruuumti Plush.
ttmnato iiien who were being tirowned by
dozemus or roasted cmi decks.
"I anon discovered ( hint mnsimrgemtt Cumbans
were simootimmg oil the inemm chto html stir-
remudered to ums. I immtniedlatciy put a stop
to timis , but I cotmid riot putt a. stop to time
nmutihatlon of nmnimy bodies by ( hut sharks
' crcatumrcs tunti be-
Imusitie the reef , 'Fimese
comiio exciteti by time blood fromim tIme wounds
iumixiuig imm ( ito water.
Uy boats' crews wnrketl inammftuily niuti
sticceetied in savimmg nmamiy of time wntmimdcti.
One mnamt , who will be m-ecounuumeuiuleui for iro-
imioion. cianmbered imp time side of tile Viz-
cayn anti saved thmree mcmi. Time smnahher
immttgazimueu ( of time Vizcaya were exlthouiing
witim mmiguuIhiceuit ciouitl elfects.
"Time boats were comulmig nlongsluie 1mm a
steaul3' stream aimui willing imtiiiuia veto imeip-
11mg thmc lacerated Svatmisiu oflicers anti mmmcmi
emu to the iowa's qtmmirter deck , Seine of tile
Spnmuiaruhs hind no clotiics. Sonmo hind their
legs torn off by fragmmiemuts of shell. Otimera
were immumtilateul him every coiucelvahilo va' .
'Aa I kmmew time crews of time first t\vo
simips hind miot beemm visiteui , I ran dowmm to
thmeni. I fouuumti the Gloucester remmmuvImig the
woumitled 0mm iuoarti , eommuo lii a frightfully
mmimumgletl : couudi ( ion.
"Time himirvard caine out amid I rcuitmcmuted
CaptaIn Coihim , to go in amitl juice nit time
crews , anul by niidmtigimt time ilarrard hind
976 prisomiers omm ionrd , a great miummmther of
timcmii wotunded.
I"u'ii I i'u \'ib hmmmb h'im rum lid.
"For courage nod ulash there is mm naraihei
iii history to ( hula aetlami of the Spanish
nuimmiirai. lie enimmo us hme knew to absolute
destrmmcticmmm. There w'as one single hmolle-
thmmmt was ( hunt time Cristobah Colon would
steam ( mister than the imookiyn. 'rime spec-
tacbe of two tom'pedo heat destroyers , macro
paimer shieils , uiehiberately stc'amuuimug out
iii dnyhlghmt , in face of tIme fire of a hattie-
shmlp. can lie described in cue way , It wtu
Sjuaniahm , anti it was orulereuh iuy lhlamico. Time
caine many ho smmiuh of ( hue whmole mmiovcmmiemmt.
' 'hum comitrast to ( ho Slmammisim excitemuiemmt
was time cool , deliberate Yankee work. Tue
Ships vemmt at tlmelr Spammisim oppondnt amid
literally 1ore thuomim to iieCCa.
"I took Amimim-.ii Cervera obomrui : time Iowa
from time Gboimeester and receiveui lmhmn with ii
full ndmimiini's guarui. Time crew of time Iowa
crowded aft , hiaelt with powuiem' uumiul hmaht
nakcui , as Cervem-n $ teiIucti over time she bare-
imc-auieti. Over time ummitlerstuit lie wore a timlit
uool sumit hem-rowed fromn Lieumtemummmut Cont-
mmmaumtierVaimmmvnighmt. . Cervera is ovemy inch
aim atlmmiiral evemi if ime imati mm hat. the sub-
muitted to time fortuuuee of var ivilhi mt grace
timat prochaimmicul himmi : t thoroughubreti. ' '
l.i.n uS 1'miii ( II' ii Is 511 mu.
Captmmiim Evnmms is lumtemlluciy Pioumd of Ills
simip nnul hIm ihiell. Time Iowa fired thirty-one
12-iuuchm , forty-omuc 8-inch , 210 4-incim , 1uJu0
six-pouuiui nmmti 120 omme-pound shots.
Time officers of time \'izcaya saul tiity
coultl miot imoiti their crews mut the gumis cmi
muccouiit of time rapid fire iourcd omm them ,
Time ulecks were tioouled withi wmmter fromim
time flue Imose , immmui blood srommm tite wounded
imiade thulmu a hnrk red. Fvery immstamut time
crack of expiodimmg &imelis told of new hmavoc.
Two 12.Incii mutmelta fronm tIme Iowa exluiotleti
.1 L.iCiU ilu LIIC V iZChiYLLb iJOW.
Time torpedo boat Ericsson was acmmt by
the liagshmlp to time iouvut to aiui iii the rca-
cue. Time men sas it tum-niiultj sight. 'lime
( mines leaphmig out ifroin tIme lingo shot imoics
in time Vlzcnya's side licked imp time ulecha : ,
eizzlhimg time ileslu of ( ho wouumleul lyimig
thmere muhiriehuing for hell ) ,
Tiuis canmmago was cimielly .1mm , to time
rapidity of time Ammientcammuu' fire. Cnnbmtmrmul
Snmitim of tIme Intuit lIned i85 umlmmmed idiots
in fifty nuirmutes from a foimr-Iiuciu gun. Two
simchla tutrumek witimimi temu feet of South humuul
started a smnmilh fire , hut time corporal trout
0mm 1) ) mm nipl mug simnt S i umt o tIle t' mmeimm y , eu ly
stopping to say : "They've got It In for ( lila
gum ii , sIr. ' '
tromn time uulx-pommumuhers I 10 shuots v.'ec
fired In fifty mninumtemu. Up 1mm tIme tops time
inaeluiumc glimmers flnc'ul luoumi'lt'ra itt a lively
rate , too ox'ited to stt'p back when uulmehls
lion' miromummd thlcun.
Finally. It ) . time HIX-potmumulere uu'ert' so chose
to th u'igbmt-limcim turret as to mmmaiam it hut-
luossiilo ) to Slav timero vhthu safety , I lie macmu
weru orulcmvul awity lwforo time big gtuuu was
fired , hut ( hit' ) ' reimmecul to leave. W'h-rm , time
eight-inch gtmn wits hiivuh time coIluussiomi
blew I ito nmeum of time suummuil uumm crew ( cmi
feet _ from tbmmir gumm mumuulthmrcuw Ilmemim out tlui.
( mocK aim Ccitt its i oils. hock thu' ) weimt ummmmi
nero iugaium bhouvmi away mimmul humtui to hi. '
dragged away ( romum their etntiomis , Sumcii
bravery numul such ieggcul uletenzmuhmmatiomm
Ummtlei' iiemtvy lIre usero of freimueimt occur-
remtco ( tim mill tue shIps enguigcul.
iuring hula stay omm time Iowa Auhimmlral Cer-
t'cra enulcitred himself to mill. Geumeral
Bltmnco's order wait Issuemi omm hm-iuhay amid
lie wanted to i'omume out out time mmigim ( of July
2 hut ( ) t'imeruul , ' ' '
, hlmmarem salul : \'ait till
tonuorrow mumormuimug. You n-ill caicii timcmtt mit
ullt'hntu service then. "
'flue Spnumituruiu , ray thunt mme tnruucuio Imnata
ever ennui out to attack Juuhmnlrai Saunpsomus
1ic ( . l'ime i'lmitomm amid Fluter , Umtiy say ,
kept gumaruh every umlgimt Inside tue iuarior.
'l'ime imiuhimmna was hilt twice. It lIneal no
armor-piercing ehielis except trout ( hum
smmmohtelesmi Itowtier The Oregon -
gen was lilt ttureo times , twice by frmmgnments
of shells. Time Iowa was struck nlqo times.
lt'ri'Io ( Ii ruir Neuv Vu ne 5lJ lees.
S/tN l1(4 ( NCISLO , July S.-'l'hme recelmtiohm
teing arrnmmgemh tom' the New York volunteer
mcgiunemmt flbOUt to arrive imero will take the
fomn of an tlauiorate breakfast. 'l'mihul s ihi
b sprcaul for lfOO PeoPle auth 100 women of
.o iteti Cross will wait emu ( be soldiers.
The gavernor nail his staff will i'robah'ly be
lurceimt , Time exlueumdti will he borne by ii
largo iiuinh'er of former residents of N'mv
York floe' citizens of Semi FrancIsco ,
Spuinish Affairs Are yost Certainly on the
Down Grade.
Authorities Have Not Courage to Carry Out
Peace Policy.
Woylcr Plotting to Strilto a Bargahi with tlio
Nit. ' l'ruui't Ii.uh I y lt'sl rued un4
eithier UuIm&3 Nor 3huulerluul at
iimiil to Vat. fur I lie sit-
t luituti hieftiuse.
( C'opyrlgimt , iI , by Press i'mubhisrmuumg Cut. )
MADRID , July 7-Viui ( Frommticr.-New (
York \\'nrld Cabhegraumm-Smeciumi Telegramim , )
-Mmutters iure going frnmn ( miii to trorso for
( lie dyumasty. iesplto time state of siege ox-
citimig tIme whole kiuigdoumi ( hue numthmonltlea
do imnt dare to atoll ( hue press imm thme campalgmu
amzuuIumst time recomit ammd her muuiumietera bit- '
cause tIme > ' tin not feel certain that thicy Cliii
coimmuutammul time suipport of time iurmmiy against
PoPular otmtbrcmuks likely to foiiow excessivu
repression , hhobleuio ammul Weyler ( mike the
head 1mm time agitatlomu. Maumy Spaumimintis be-
hove \'u'e'ier hmas determmmlued to time
Canhista. Somume of imis frieuida iii the army
imave been coqumetting time iemuhlmmg Carbiets.
Mmurqtmiuu Cerraltmo , Mehla nmmui Cavern arc
frequmemmt 'lsittmrs at thmc imommso ofVcyier ,
Time iumcrcnslmmg tlminlmmg of nil revolmuiiouary
biarties ii ; sliuiimly flume to time fact ( hunt time
govermimmmeiut is uhnifting along wllhiouut states-
muteti or gemierais capable of camryimug out.
resolutely a peace polIcy timi sensIble
grotiumtis. Time luatiomu tvouild bow wiicmi imhalnl'
simoivum ( hut its fleets tt'crc destroyed amid its
powe'ittml armumies are cmi ( lie eve of being
obliged to surrender fom' lack of iurmmvlelomiuu ,
a uimlmitimm it io mm mmmmui comummuunuu icat I aim tv I t hi time
umuotimer cotmumti'y. Time trcmustmry is emmmuty nmml
crcilt , Is so immupaireti tiunt umuommi'y cmmmm ommiy
be homotveul by mmmakesimifts gr'.evuushy couum-
iirlsImiu time fumttmre. Lastly , ( lucre is iuo imopo
of lmractieml nesistamico frnimm Fmliope.
. I halve ( ulmtaiuivui from a coimmiuetemmt mmml
somurco time fallout Immg sketchu of time altummmtiomm
" ' , \'o lost atiammllmt vessels wortim 5,000-
000 , at Smumitiago iS,0OtJCu. Cmummmmmra's fleet
must miot comumo because it ommly memully con-
slats of tWO war vessels numd could not
thmi'reftume cope wIth Dewey nfem' ( tIme murnival
of reimmftiice'mmteuits , Our uieam-oy'rs ( hurovehl
ts'orthmiess agaliust hattie 5111118 aimul crumleors
iirolerly imammuilcul.'e have ut hmnmmue no
available mmavrh forces ready. For Immahmmmmce ,
at Cmuilz time i'nimmces Astumrlaa , Iromiclaui , has
umeltlmer gutma , imotlers , Plates iiOC fittitmga
reamiy ; thu cruiser Alplmommeo Nil Imas been
emitiu-eiy diumtmmnmmtheti iii order to see it it can
bt : nmntie sonic daY seawortimY : tint Numunan-
cmii. mu tm uu cli anti recoim m i } rca torcum I rommeumuul ,
it'iuily ( ut' mimomut auivammctmui is time thii-matcim ;
vessel ? lctcroro , Tue . Clmrtmigemua arsemmal is
umo helter off , as time Vittoria , nit ulti re-
paireth imommcind , Is far front ready ; two otimer
vessels mire lum mm iaueitwumrd mutate. Time Forrol
areciummi cnn emily show timmt : time Cardinal
Cismme'ros , on I i-a mmcilmI , immay imo huleliarull in
six troeks amid two aunuuli cruisers are moore _ _ _ _
itackuvarti. 'I'iuo Lepamito , a pmntecteil crumiser ,
wihl hue reauly iii Auugumst. 'l'huCro are a few
numxllimtry imuert-hmant crulseus onul meal tumr-
p0(11) squatlromis for tIme delouse of time arsenals -
senals tut F'emrol , Catiiz anti ( 'artagemma. "
Siiuumlsii iit't'.uimsll'r 'I'Iu-Ir l'iuoscd
'l'm'Iu , t , , iiuiiiblut I , , ' ( 'bait . % uI-
Ill I i'iii Ii't 'a .
( Copym'iglmt , iSl'i. by l'rt-iis r'uululIshuimmg Co. ) _ _ _ _
POItT SAIl ) , July 8.-7 ii. uum.--New ( Yorhe
W'orld Cahulegrnumm-Special 'l'cle'gu-ammm.-Timo )
Spanish ibeet mmow rettmrmmlmmg to Sumes rouimm :
oxlecta ) to. re-cuter time caunul eim totitu to
Sliaumu tounorrouv. Time $ O,000 tiues paul
for time fleet outward iinuummds mo thmuuu mubso- _ _ _ _
lutely wuste'uh. ,
SU1z , July 8-Time Slmammisim uuqimntlrorm is
lureplnlmmg , to retunmm to Simaumm ,
i'A illS , July 8.-4 hiluulmatchm frommi lammmahla
says tIme Smiammlsum uutluadm uin hiatt re-ciutercul
time cauummi oiu it" way back to t3imaimm.
CAl 1(0 , Egypt , J mily S.-Auhuimirmml Cuummara ,
tiio auiumilmal of ( iii' Sumaumlahm hoot whulclu was
lieu nil for I lie I 'im i I iplu I mm mu liii a ads mm mm tI tvim I cii
reec.mmtly tuassed thmm-otmglu time Suez caumal , ilas
imuforumicul ( lie lg3'Imtilun govemnmncumt ( hint hmo
imaum been niuherell to metumnmm to Spain. Timere-
fore lila ships uuhii go timrouigim ( lie canal
immrmctilatcly aum'i wilt tmroceeul westward , Thu
Sluumnishm var muhmips will now hio uthiowed to
coal , as tiiey mmre rctumruuhumg imoumme.
flieveimVIi kim t i.e ( iov ruimput'Ii I ' , Vus
51.iluI iimmc I , , Still I lug , , ,1 r , '
Strum nmjut'uI l , . II I gii i'li'ns.
W-tShilNJTON ( , Jumly8.-Tiie depart-
mmiemmt uvums utivisemi touluiy thmmt during a tie-
yore stormum off ( lie coast of Ctlmmt ) citron
lIghters , cmi roimte to b'immutlmmgo , were
swamumpeul and lost. Si ) fmur us kmmown mio
lives were lost. Thm lighters were from
Mohmlhe , New Orhemuuis umumfi ( hmarlestomm tumid
weu.o imutcuohed for thu umse of General Hhmafter
I mm I ra mm eferni mug aim Pull ( 'S mmmiii orul mm mice fiommi
time tm uusliort ii to s ho i ti. Timel i' umecul was _ _ _ _
, sst'umtlal Ii ) time iurommmiut torwmmnuhhng ( if all
mumhlhtnry imecemialtlc's to time frouit at San-
( hugo. Time Vnr lepuurtummemmt. limmummedhutely
put forth efforts to replace time higiutera at
01)00. )
AliiIrsii Iiu'i u'y Slois lii. ' itililila t'e-
ill , ' ( miii li'zt thug I ime City
fur liii' i'hii. .
CA\'l'l'i , i'hmlhippine Ishmimmti ( via Hong
1Cm gi , July 8.-Flootis Iii time couuutry tile.
trhcts am e iuhul'lerlng ' ( lie nut-care of the
Anierinamu troops. Rear /uhmmiirah lewe'y has
glvemu notice iimat liii will mmot allow any mono
refugee4 being reumioreil horn luiimmmiha on
hmoarul uuhdii. .
Thu ( ltmnmmiumn crumiger Cornmoran heft hero
tOhlly for IiIio , where time British guuuboats
l'igumiy and Rattler arc iii hmariior.
iuiii r 'I'm iishIurts un iig VuimmuleI ,
ici : ' w'isi' . July S.-8 p. mn.-Four
transports carryIng wounded from Santiago
.mmitercd . time lower harbor ( lila afternoon
wlthm that Intention of lanullumg time most se-
rioumely woumumulel hero. A govcrmmunent tug
went omit anti gave some Information which
causeul the ( raumaports In go on to 'Fumumpa ,
Time Olivetti , imasseti lucre last night for
Tamumiumm. with othmer woumideti ,
I lit I I , , ii Slu lu , ( ) rlvrruh , lii l'ls ilIpiItmes.
itOMi , July 8Time i'oholo Itomammo says
thme ltniuimm rn'vrnmemmt line ordered time ttmir4
chase rru"pu no i'icru mmio amid Ih'gaui to pro-
. , ii ' L' ' ' ! - '
0 I'- 1i lao Islatmdmi.