Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1898, Image 9

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1 I
r - - _
c The Uuitea Statea Will Have Them When
Hawaii is Annexci.
8lnunn Ion nti.I ICilnuca , trIti Thrir
f ( ilgnistk CrnttrJ.-'rh' I.ItI W''I ) &
hum , tlIt It Ii 1'I re
1iio anncxatlon of the llawaflnn
vLlI add to our national domntn hot onI
ainost Bqunr mfles ot area , but
group of the most. beautiful Islanda ot the
Vnclfic. Unclu Sam's Ist ot big thnga. the
greatest thtngs In thu world , In fact , ts xd-
2c1u1y long , but by thIH annccaton , t will
bc Increased , for thu Unltc4 Statcii will then
3)OSSeSS ) the laret active volcano In the
1 anti ,
The Itawallans nro volcanic ! R1an8 , reiatt
the ( Babe-Democrat , antI conalilered with
rerercnce to their actual hi'igiit from the
bottom ot the sea are the loftiest mountains
In the world. They are , In fact , monntnin8
bcncath as vcII as above the ocean. The
] 'nciflc in their vicinity Ia about 18,000 feet
( led ) and as the Isittittis ritto nearly 15,000
feet above the ea the hawaiian group i a
cluster of mountains about 33,000 feet in
height. fly the side of these attipendouB
masses of lanti the Rocky mountains tiwin-
die almost into insignifleauce. Few of the
pcnka among the Rockies exceed 10,000 feet
; in height , yet the Ilawaiia.ns are three tlrncs I
that height. From the ocean bed to the tip
of Mauna Loa is a. distance as great as or
gnnter ( hail that , froni the aca ievei to the
topiiiot. peak of Mount Iverest or Kinchin-
, u1iga. But Everest and iCinchinjunga do not
t riao from the aea level , hut from the loftiest
ltintcau in the world ; tuna the 1IavaInns nrc
, 3noro luau one-third higher than either of
th& great peaks cited in the geographies a.
tlf lofticst on the globe.
r ' , The geological history of the Islnnds Is
' ealIy' retul itt their rocks. Ages and ngcs
lctdre Itht megathenium , the PlesioaatlruS
nitti ichthyoaaurus were born the part of
the enrth'a crust lying ininictiinteiy tinder
this portion of tue I'aciflc was thinner than
elscwlii'e. arid as the earth cooled niitl con.
tracte&i the conflncti _ gases nnti steam ac-
ctiniulnteil , stored up greater force with
. every ahlditiallui potind of pressure intil
% _ - r' fliialiy tiit're VItS liii explosion , the like of
. lilcli was never known on the earth since
its crust Itegait to cool , 1111(1 ( for an area of
. ovvr 1,000 ( square miles the crust was
t tiii own tip lihe It sheet of Ice tvotliil 1)0 from
I au vxplosioii of a charge of guit iio't1cr be-
' zicath ; the stirrounding crust closed in and
I tiio liflhllVIiSQ mass of debris rcmaiiied , enly
I It PilliPle on the earth's surface , but large
enough to coiistitite * the Islands.
UI re IIiiiiiett Fiercely.
Time roiled on , as it has a habit of doing ,
nhiti whether spontaneously or by creation
tilt SCItJittiStli and theologians may lie left
to settle among themselves , but In one way
or the other vegetation nppearei , then caine
tuiixnah , llrialiy shipwrecked or storm-
driven human beings from other Islands or
continents founti a refuge on the grtijt and
the islantis became the home of a portioli of
the blinlan race. Thus the sides of the vet-
eltilocs were covered wIth vegetation , were
euittvated 111111 supplied food for the thou-
aiit1s of hawaiI people. But the mountains
(11(1 ilot cease to be volcanoes ; the internal
fires which caused tile first great explosion
still burned fiercely , anti must have it. vent ,
, - ro that the volcano is as familiar a feature
t , of Hawaiian scenery as tbc windailli in Ito ! .
] aiiti. .
There are voicanoes everywhere in the lEa-
'ts'aiiaus , tite entire group being of voicanic
origin. and evitleitces of activity are never
absent. Au authority on scientific matters
says there are over 300 active craters on
the isiands and disuacti chimneys of on-
ture are so iltinterous as to attract no at-
toiition. There are iiteraiiy thousands of
; theni. They are founil In the most ullex-
t . 3)CCtC(1 ) iliaces. Pltiiigiiig through the Un-
( f tiergrowtli of a tropical forest the traveler
itutliicniy feels his foot descending a yard
further than it ought , niakes an investiga-
titili and huLls he has stepped Into a rounded
hOle in the rock , an extinct crater. Lava
is everywhere Present ; disintegrated lava ,
throwit out ages ago , which has become
ptli'erled ? nmul constitutes tue richest soil :
black , lianil iitt'it. whIch hewed out durIng
entIptiolls. fifty , sixty , a hundred years ago ,
mind is still fresh ; warm lava , vhicii so
rtcdntiy flowed that its iiiti'rnal heat re-
" inalmis. So little respect have 1110 natives
for their volcanoes , to such no extent does
familiarity bre'cd comitemnpt , that even the
lava which Is hardly cooled i utliized by
the farmers. Tiitiy spread over it a little
soil , then sow their crops , and in duo tulle
reap their harvest.
Mailila Loa alitl Kilatica are often con-
fotllitlci , many ieisomis stipposizig that the
tWO antI ititmucs of the saitic lilountain or
tilUt 0114) is a special naitie applied to tile
crater of the other. As a itiatter of ( act
time two arc quite distInct , although they
arc but sixteen imilies apart , and are lirob.
nitly but different 'vents for the annie In-
termmal fire , Kilnuen Is much lower than
Natilla Lozi. The ilitter Is one of the ioftt.
cat mountains on time globe , being about
14,000 feet above the level of the sea , whIle
the former is scarcely 5,000 feet anti quite
It lhistillct elevation from time famous nloun-
iltill ViiI 1l forms the most noteti lantimark
in tile world. 'Maumma Lea lifts its ileati
above time region of vegetation imittI ttven
immmmlcr a tropical atm Is covered wIth % cr-
Jettmal SLlOt % ' . Its white top , sometImes
iiiitmtimkeit by mariners ( or a cloud , can be
ECCU at sea a distance of 150 lIllies , Iltimmi-
ijoitit says that it is the best Illustration
In the world of tile visiblilty of a mimoun-
taimm. Kiiauea , on time contrary , is merely
a hill by the shut of 2daunmt Loa , but lIne a
cnmtter which for sIte exceeds anythIng of
the kind clae % here In time world ,
A tlmin 1iiIr.
t Is a piLot everlasting tire , a lake of lava
whmcre the bubbling cxiii tolling , the bissiog
of'escaplng jets of tItealli imild time explosions
'which thmro.v fragments of the atirfare high
hue time air never cease eveit for a mnonment ,
' t iii eiglmt.lnilcutin circumference amid zmoanly
tour In Its largest diameter , a distamlce cx-
ceetlimlg that fromi the rier imm St. Louis to
m.5 site caster line of Forest park , half the
city of 3t. Loub could be set down in the
f crater of Kilauca , anti over this vast extent
nmlphurnus jets of blue fitmmnm arc constantly
playing , The missionaries with their storIes
of the fire that never Is quenched , of tile
bike thicb bOroeth with fire anti brimstone
bore no news to the liawalians ; they Icoew
all about that fire cmiii that lake and had a
theory ct . their own that when a bad
) lanllami died ile Was taken at once to the
crater of Kilauca. and ebucked beneath Lime
) I M lava crust , and there were not wanting na-
! live priests to encourage tile belief and
t HawaIian saints wito , hike the hermit of
2tiount Itna , beheld the souls of maca trans.
Ported by demons down into time fiery
dt'itils ) ,
I.etvIog out of tile thtmt'UtIoim the fanciful
Ideas of the natives. the great crater is of
immueb interest to BOItUItISIS froni tilt ) fact
that Its eruptions are Ili most tremimendotis
of itny similar chimney of nature on the
globe , While it is always actIve , there are
certain venous when the internal fires cause
the lava to boil over. PrmonItory symptoms
indicate time coming of an eruptton , Ordlna.
riiy the lava surface lies from 1,200 to 1,500
feet below tile BUrrOUT2Alft crater , but when
an eruption Is near at. band little by little
tile lava creeps until within 600 or 700 feet
of the rim ; then comes an explosion , the
lava bulls ovcr nail runs oft down the side
of time mountain. This ts Its usual course ,
but on several occasions } Cllauea has mhiver-
alfied matters by sending off Its lava under-
grotmnml , the intense heat , neiting time stones
of tlie island and the current of lava thus
flowIng off sometimes for fourteen or fifteen
miles ere it forces its way to the surface.
After it does so its course Is exactly that
of other lava flows , sweeping onward In a
reslaticas stream , devouring everytlling in
Itim pathway and finally plunging lute the
sea , sendIng up as it docK so clouds ot
steam , which continue to rise sometimes for
months after tile eruption has Ceased. Many
I notable eruptions of Kilauca have occurred ,
but tile grentest of all since the island we
known to Europeans was that of 1840 , when
a lava stream forced its way underground
( or twenty-seven miles , then appeared mipon
the surface nod traveled thirteen miles
further , fiminliy pouring lute the sea. Tile
I coast as extendcl , for a quarter of a mile ;
the stream flowed for three weeks , and
varied lii width from & 00 yartla to three
miles , and in depth front titty to 200 feet , ac-
cormllmlg to the ground. It was estimated that
thu nnmount of lava. jtourett out on this oc-
casinn was 15,400,000,000 cubic feet , an
amount which would build Vesuvius and
leave material to spare.
( if 31o1mii 1.nyn.
Maumia Lan , sixteen miles from lCiiauea ,
las a terminal crater 14,000 feet above the
sea anti 8,000 feet In diameter. Mauna Iia
an imidividuaiity of its own , for while
Kllnuea furnishes a quiet ( low of cosmic ma-
tonal , Mauna exhibits fireworks. During
eruptions of this gigantIc mountain fountains
of fire play from Lt3 Stiinnilt , Jets of molten
lava , flashing with every color of the rain-
boss' . spoutimig froln 200 to & 00 feet in the air.
I in 1S9 tilero was such a tlisday , tile lava
fountain , a. gigantic stream , miayimlg con-
tinmioimsly for several daya and illuminating
tile ilonizon to a distance much further than
the mountain was itself visIble.
Time eruptions of Mauna Loa and Kilauea
sometimes occur contemporaneously anti
sometimes one is quIescent while tile otimer
is active. Underground lava ilows have been
crediteti to Mauna Lea which properly belong -
long to Kliailea. So the great flow of 1868 ,
which traveled underground. charring the
surface wherever it went , may imave come
from Kiiauen as veil as from launa Lea.
Each has matie substaiitial ndtlitiomis to tile
area of hawaii , for at a score of Points tiioiig
thu coast tue lava chills and twisted streams
of molten StOlle appear In the sea fur be-
yomid tue normal line of the shore.
Trementlous as are the activities of the
two great volcanoes In Hawaii , there is cvi-
denco of a much greater force in the Past ,
tot' time islands contnin not only the largest
active crater In the world , but tile greatest
eXtilICt cilimne : , thtltt it itloimat Ilaicallula ,
the rift of which is'over 10,000 feet high ,
and the crater Itself t\t'emlty-seren miles in
circumference anti 2,000 feet in 'lepth. ' Ve.
ativius might be set down in the crater of
llaleakala and the tip of the famous Italian
volcano would not appear above the rIm.
Stromboll mnigilt be added , amId still the
summit of the latter would hardly be vlsi-
bie. This great extInct volcano Is three
tiilies the size of Etna , rind when It was in
actIve operation Intist have furnished crimp-
tlons amid explosions compared with which
that of Krakatoa , tlw most tremendous en
record , was but a trifle.
When tin' Ilawailans arc , atlded to the
lJnitcti States terrItory the voicanoec will
uutioubtedly become a great attraction for
tourists. iCliatmea Is reached from lillo ,
forty inlicti dIstant. The ascent is not tlifll-
cult , and the crater is easily clescenLieti , o
that parties of tourists with very lIttle danger -
ger can go ilown to the- edge of the lava iC1
and warni their lunches. Mauna Loa is not
so easy to ciimnb. Its ascent , Indeed , is titilto
a feat , which none but athletes attempt ; but
etill , the famous volcano has been often
ascended. and in the future climbing tile two
volcanoes of our new possessions will become -
come a favorite amusement with American
tourists. We now have In the United States
ten active , but little known , voicanoes ,
niostiy small end comparatively uninterest-
lag , but with Mauua Loa , Klauea ! and Ma'i
Ma'i Uncle Sam will be as great in hi
volcanoes ts In his lakes , rivers and wheat
lltsNourL 'i'o'nn lteecIye si Greater
Ioimimpuur of % Vmiler 'L'iiitti
NARYVILLE , 1o , , July 7-Speclal ( Teie-
gram-Maryvllio ) is almost colilpietely
nter bound. Early yesterday morning rain
began to tail hero. It continued all day
with little cessation , Last evening it be-
gao to fail moore rapidly anti at 9:30 : had
become a jrfcet deluge , aceonipanled by
a terrific electrical atom-nI , This contInued
until 1 o'clock this mnornimig. Within twenty
hours soveim inches of water ( cli , a rainfall
ummparaiicied In this mecton , tIme nearest ap-
itroachi to It being a prdclpitation of three
tmimtl omiehalf lmmches in the same leIlgttm
of tlmmme , Time storm did great damage. All
the railway crossimlgs in Nodatvay county
report bad watmhotmts and of the ten has-
senger auth mali trains scheduled to pass
through laryviiio tIaiiy only one has arrived -
rived and it tIns been utirmble to depart amid
no freights lmvo arrived. The Nodavay ,
Platte and 102 rivers are nil out of their
banks anti time wheat , corn anti hay Ilcltis
along tileir baniiu have been washed away.
It is believed that the ioss to the farmers
will itggregato many thousands of tholiars ,
All telegraph anti teiepbono lines connecting
tile tots n with tue outsitie sioiltl were dowim
this mitorabng. The riverti are still rising ,
IhiiiLtiIei' % Vtmiiimtit 11cr
II rot her avi t ii. i iii mimip-
11mg 11cr.
NEW i'ottic , July' 7-Miss harriet S.
Cilammdler , whose homlie t $ in Milwaukee , tip-
Iiiiett in the West fimie court today for a
warrant or time arrt'st of her brother ,
Samuel 'J. Chandler of this city , whom she
charges wIth kitInavmIiig amid Illegally tie-
tamIng tier in a sanItarium for a month.
The 11011Cc niagistrate itostiooed the Is.
seance of a warrant until time attorneys In
time case shall imave filed bni fs.
Miss Chandler alleges that on April 20 sue
was forclbiy abdulgteti fromu the Fifth
Avenue hotel , where abet was stopping with
her ntother , and taken to the t3t , Savier In-
ittltution , this city , where hu was kept
against her will until Juno 29. on Which
date she was released by an order of court
ohmtaiimed by her attorney , with whoni she
hail beemm ummabie to communicate before that
timmie , She alleges that her brother admitted
to iter that ho Imati her confined In time In-
attitition amiti also that ieter ; written by
br to her mother houid be forwarded to
hIm amid that she be vermitted to corn-
amummicato with no one , except himself.
Official Lilte of the Kfllea anti Wounded
Corning In
Corporals nrnl Sergeants Sceimi to
Ilmis e ileemi a I'nriemiriy
FaorIte 1nrk for
Sjmmtuisi * l3ullcmu ,
( Copyrtght , i8i8 , by Associated I'ress. )
SANTIAGO , July & . -Ily ( time Associated
Press llspatcli float Dauntless.-Via Port
Antonio and Kingston , July 7-The follow-
log Is a complete list , as Prepared U to
date , of the killed anti wounded :
1"oimrccmmthi Infmtmiry , V. S. A.
Killed-Captain Forwancc.
Wounded and Since Died-Lieutenant
Salter , Company A ; l'rlvnto ltath , Comupatsy
B ; l'nivates Shnwnrter nimmi Conloyrtia , Coma-
tinny C ; Privates Itedummer , Amntls , Klerman
and Casey. Company D ; Sergeant Park , I i
I Coimipany C ; Privates MeMilnain and Mc-
Levahie , Company C l'rlvates Wood and
Aide , Compaimy II.
'i'li I rteeit1 im I mm ftmmil r.
Wounded-Lieutenant Colonel Worth , in
tile right breast antI arm ; Major Ellis , in
tue leg ; CaptaIn Outline , in the leg ; Captaimi
Cnvontiuch , Iii the groin ; LIeutenant Scott ,
In the neck.
Company A-Sergeant flack , Sergeant
Aiate , Corporals ltuicm1ge and DolIn ,
Privates Wright , Russell , Dce1crs , Kline ,
V'ztsiiar , Murray anti FInch , ' °
Comlmpany li-Sergeant Ilennesitey , Song-
enuit lluoen ; Corporals Peterson and Grog-
gIn , Musiclami Farrell , Privates Nethleon ,
Johnson , Graham , Burgess , SwIft , Markham ,
Moulton , Blank anti Itusiiip ,
Company C-Corporals Long anti Lyng ,
Sergeant \Vaisim , Corporal Icelentirig ,
Privates Kelley , SullIvan nod Loser ,
Comnpany D-Prlvates Elwars , Kerr ,
flogers , Daimiby , Davis , Lain , Fitzgerald ,
Hanson , Massey and Corporal Wilborn.
Conipany E-PrIvates Grltiln , l'roud ,
Harper anti Doicn.
Company F-FIrst Sergeant Klein , Sergeant -
geant Murray , Corporals i'atgcns , llraiblock ,
Derr , Knowles amiti Musician Gnz.'iy , Privates
O'Brien , DowllngVagimer , Ilanti , Fosroth.
ert , Smith , Iiyrzme , Emery anti Segen ,
Compltny C-MusicIan Davis aimd Privates
Ityall , Kjellsiavat , Kjcnsciian , McKimlmiey ,
floss , Salentier , Timrp nllti Wood.
ComnIany Il-Scrgeallt liaison , Corporal
Gilbert , Privates Ball , Ilisscni , Bratton ,
Koski , Evans , Lake , Cohner , Oaks and Win-
Pemu t ri Ii I it fitim r.
Killed-John A. Guermicy , LIeutenant
John Mangustand , the latter voumified July
1 anti sInce tiled ,
\Voumldctl-Lieutennnt Colonel F. II. Lis-
comb , in the shoulder ; Captain .1. J. lireer.
toil , In the thigh ; Calmtain A. J , Ducat , in
time thigh ; Lieutenant Ii. G. Lyon , in the
leg ; Lieutenant J. E. Brett , iii time aria ;
Lieutenant Albert Laus , In the arni.
Coimmpany A-Killed ; l'rivnte Richard
lirlssehi , Woundetl : Compornis Tate antI
Black , l'rlvates Taylor , flounder , BrIdgewater -
water , lilbb , Moore , Miller and Sergeant
Company fl-Wounded : Corpcrais Guines ,
Roberts , Pamlgett , Hall anti Moss , Privates
Franiler , howard anti Ziliars.
Company C-Killed : Private Tuttle.
Wounded : Privates lichens , Morrow amid
Snow ton.
Conmpaimy D-Woumideti : Sergeant Ellis ,
Coiporal Meyer , l'rlvates ltoberton and
Company E-Kiiied : Corporal Robinson.
\Vounded : Sergeant Elliott , Corporals D.
Wamnble and Parer , Privates Clarke , Itender.
son , Nailer , Ititier , SwIft anti Washington.
Company F-l'Cihleml : Sergeant \Viiliamns
nmlml Private Lcdtteii. Wounded : Corporal
Jioden , Privates Dane and Iavis.
Conmpammy G-Killctl : Corporal Miller ,
Private Brown. Wountled : Corporals Wageim
antI Washington , PrIvates Coleman , Crowtter ,
Hilton , Newman , Clay , Ilarm'isViledbem' nod
Company Il-Killed : Private Hudson ,
Wounded : First Sergea at Iirowml , Privates
Taylor , Ilazzard , Johnson , Limamid , Conway ,
Turner. Corporal Duifleid ,
Sitil Iiifnmitr' .
Killetl : Licutenant Colonel II. J. Eghert.
Company A-Capthtn A. M. Metitervill
( Wcatiiervill ) , Corporal Waliler , Privates
Gritlln and Wenner. Woumimleti Sergeant
ncitlremi , Corporals Guineny , Ciloyinskl , Mc-
Cleave , l'rivntcs Amnsinuth , Btititwalt , Muth-
waite , Harnis , Momitague , Sinswlck , Scito-
miii , Sullivan , West , Scimlii , Duthe , Missing :
MusIcIan I'etrie , Privates Burns anti Itatt.
Company 13-Killed : Private Egan.
\Votmndcth : First Sergeant Ftnmlell 5cr-
geanti Gartilner and Cotmutmy , Cbrporaia Mc-
Coniallo , Coulass , Girarti nod Marshall , Pal-
yates fliodisomi , Convey , Commway , Grey , Cumm-
fling , Long , Turacy , IIugIic4 Metrlng ,
ICntts , Isoim , W'eiis.
Company C-Killed : Lieutenant 3 , (1 ( ,
Ormi. Wounded : Captain J , it. Walker ,
Lieutenammt Cross , Sergeant Rabe , Corporals
Kruderm , Christian , Clmrlec anti I3iitier ,
Privates Nelson , Ante , Barber , l3iI ,
Frankin , Greenfield , iiedd , Clog , Mayor ,
Munton , Shelato. Missing : Sergeant
Lartle , Privates Darby , Iheinischm , Roam ,
llcsclm , John Ruling. James Ruling , Miller ,
Conipatly D-hciilcd ; Private Brown ,
Wounded : Captain J , W , Fairay , Lienten-
ant C. M. I'ardy , Co'porais Meyer , Lytie ,
I'rlvutes Alger , Bagley , BodnIcker , Dreytien ,
Gibson , Ileaston , Meyers , KIller , I'atrick ,
I'iimpberton , Stonager end Fagan , Mitisiug ;
Corporal Wisoomig.
Company L-iCiiicd Lieutenammt 5 , N.
Ilraciilcy , I'nivatc Butler. Woumitied : 5cr-
geant Irvin , Bagiey , Ilreeze , Flynn ,
GortlonVatters , ( lump , Converse , Maim-
ning , MissIng : Corporal hans , Privates
hloni anti Piitren.
Compamiy F-KIlled : Sergeaimt Tyonard ,
I'rlvates Mimilens anti Neal. Wounmheti : Sen.
geants Iiolult'r , Kirne , IMulIn , Privates Bra'i- '
ford , Carter , Denmpery , Ervin , H. II , Mars-
Icy , Nichols , Young , Marten , Misslumg :
Corporals lcrnpsey , Demo , Privates Nicii-
ohas , WIlson mind Kranse ,
Company G-Kllied : Musician liendem-
Boll. Vt'ounded : Lieutenamit John Robertson -
son , Sergeant 'S'1ntor , CaptaIn Sliephertl ,
Musician Dougherty , Privates Urmunmi , ick
and Carteey.
Company It-Wounded : Sergeant Dedern ,
Corporals Murpimy and MoCur , Privates Best ,
Buck , iiugan , iiamii , Eackrund , Riteberger
imutlValsii. . Missiag : I'nI'ates Clentier ,
Dobson , l'aasno and Faud ,
Ses'cimli'mmtIi lsifitmir ,
Company 13-Kiiicti : Corporal Kane ,
PrIvate Andreus , " , 'ouimded : Corporals
Fleming and howe , I'rlvates Latiaude ,
Lyons , Ciark , F'Itzgcraid , Fiint , Dunning
and Margon , Missing ; Privates Ford anti
Ilau II In ,
Company C-Wounded ; Corporals Landee ,
Whlskl , Shannahan , l'rivates l"rayt Lautz ,
Miller and Carey , Missing : I'rlvate Sum-
Company D-Kihied : Private halley.
Wounded : Sergeants l'urgeiow and Pielsier ,
Corporals Butler , I'rane and Klrtctiney ,
Privates Airech , Alien , Curro , Diechular ,
hess , liartman , Murnzlng , SmIth and
Lournbry , I
Sixtcemth Imttuimntry ,
Company 11-Killed : CptaIn Y. Morrison ,
Sergeant O'Brien and I'rlvate Stapleford.
Wounded : Corporais Se1here , Oskis anti
\'eBt , Privates Colts , S ythe , Creekeon ,
hiatley , Iliggins , HamIlton. fllss , i3ahiatlne ,
Barry , Kramse , Crause , Adeiion , Ittinkehie ,
Elternimian , IIeadrIcics r6gina , Masser ,
Sympson , Raymond , Ihosm , , I'ost and Sergeant
O'Flecherty. Missing : irnte Grahamu.
Company E-KIiiNI : 'Cororais Brown
and hiavot , Private Chnlsthlou , Wounded :
Captain \V. C. McFarlaii& iergeammts Fardy ,
llrumim and Russe ) , Corptrat Paul Chiftortl ,
I'rlvntes Thurman , ithonL , , .Ross , Nellickle ,
Ditty , Tcnnant , Draney , . Vt'hItc , Pllstmr ,
Grumier , Sergeants Saur at1 corporal Kraus-
tiou , Musing : I'nlvates DOL'ii1thSOfl , KrUner
and hiuricle.
Company A-Killed : SlrgezinL hlogg , i'nI-
vate Lewis. Wounmhed : ' Captain T. W.
Woodbury , Privates ligrch , , Woldniand
Dimmilap , Phliiip , O'Donnell.
Comptiny (1-KIlIedt InIymite
Woummtied : Captain W. Ldsseter , Lieutenant
Sorley , Sergeants Murle ahl oraL Corporal
MeClasty , PrIvates Cameron , Shaffenmi ,
Knlcksel , Harrison , lttmtlfiick , Moian , Math-
mmcmi , Gloran , Jolory , Conway , Bhley cmiii Sergeant -
geant liasimlan , Missimig : Privates Darby
anti Khing. -
Coimipany II-Kliledt PrIvates Awed anti
Stone.Vounm1ed Sergeants Ogle nut ! Cork-
un , h'rivntes Ailen Martin , Muslin , Iloch ,
Mistier , Schroller. Missing : l'rlvates Goares ,
Ilawk , Sarron , Somali , \Vtodt Morse , Sadoon
and Cosby.
Seemtt-FirNt ' ( tW York.
Company A - Killeti : ' Private Pragra.
Wounded ; Corporal Itumubert , Privates
Shaw , Goocimnati , itichartison , Rttjink , lCd-
icr amid Saxon. '
Conmpany B-Killed : l'rlvato SkInner.
Wounded : I'rlvates Long , Clark amid Jef-
frey. Missing : l'rlvates l'ulrango anti
Company C-Killed : Corporals html n
antI Courting , l'rtvates heat and Chourger.
\Votmndeti : Corporals Meiiciie , I'rivatea fleas-
lady , Hail , flutter , \'eeks and Vestcrherg.
Missimmg ; Sergeants Pcoples anti Momnuumi ,
l'rivates I'attersoml , Vnlemlthmte , Quigg'ood ,
Durham , FItzgerald anti F'antmstratl ,
Comnpany B-W'oumuleth : Privates Brown ,
Itimimletiy and BalIItlo. Missing : PrIvates E.
Brown , \V. IJm-owmi , J. Duuiaroy antI Lenze.
Colimpany E-Woimmidotl Privates Cool-
land , Euster. Perver amId Schiailer : MIssing :
l'rivmites Ciloimnartor amid Kemtmmetiy.
Comnpamiy E-Iillcd : I'nlvate Booth :
Wountleth ; First Sergc'amit McDermott , Corporal -
poral Schnld antI Privates \Viseinamt , Feath-
erstone , hail , l'aiiatski , Suibranko anti Mean.
Missing : Sergeant Mncswtzed , Corporal
Steele and Private Solyans.
Company G : Corporal Gull and Privates
Mcintyre , Kisley Sclmarttlcr ImiltI Musician
Waliers. Missing : 1'rivat , Word.
Conipatmy hI-\Voulldetl : Corporal Sutton
aimtl Private Marlow , Missing : [ 'mivates El-
his , Flint , SullIvan , Bennett amid Rowland-
soil. -
Comllpany L-KIlleti Private Packer :
Wotmndeth : Corporal .Ahrs , I'rlvato NIchols
anti Itotit : Missing : l'nlvates liergstotmmi ,
Gimitney , Martil and Staumin.
Commipany K-Killed : Private SthoIlcld.
Missing : I'rivmto ; Burns , Case , Dunning ,
Gardumier and htulomi.
'l'itirtL l.tltt'.l : Smiicti Cuvnlr.
Killed : Dr. Danforth , Trumpetr'T 1 o'ma
Peale , Private Dan 1) . Cooley auth Wctley C.
11010. Wounthed : Captain George A.
Dodd , in heami by glancIn baB ; First Lieim-
tenant A.C. . Moulileta , shigittly In the cheek ;
Lieutenant Obmoycr , rIght aria antI gron ;
George K. hunter. flesh woummtl in thigh ;
First Lieutenant Arthur Theyr , recovenlmmg ;
First Lieutenant John T. Murphy , rIght arm
aiimi body : Captain TihhIamn A. Armstrong ,
Private Clarence Helps. by shrapnel : Sen.
geamit Joseph Ii. Andrews , left thigh ; I'rt-
vate John McDonald , in chin ; Private R.
] ) amison , right shoultier ; Private John L.
Fiimtlleet , bullet exploded lii wound ; Private
Gaselux. in back ; Privates Daniel Eagan ,
John W. Foam , Jr. , FaIrbi' ther , serious ;
I'nlvatttt John I'utrihl , over eyes ; Andrew J ,
Johnson , slightly ; Sergeant Robert W.
Lesher , slightly ; Private Wiiiiani M. Mc-
Comb , three toes off ; Itrivate John I.
Nolan , slightly ; I'rtvate Henry Wade ,
bamhiy ; Private John Leary , batliy ; I'rlvato
Arthur Lucia , slightly ; PrIvate John Clegim ,
severely ; Private George , I'oristeln , slightly ;
Sergeant William II. Rose , had aria shot
off ; l'rlvnte George Horn , badly ; PrIvate
Nelson Althouse , right king ; Corporal Wallace -
lace W. Diggers , sligbtiy ; I'rlvate Jacob
Paister , slightly ; I'nivate henry It. Elliott ,
slightly ; Corporal WIlliam A. Armnstm-ong ,
seriously ; Corporal , Edward Ilominer ,
serIously ; Corpora ! Patrick VtaId , serIously ;
Corporal Victor D. Iforto , great toe off ;
Private Harry A. Mitchell , slightly ; PrIvate
Mohlrenux , slightly ; I'rlvateCari M. Lartin ,
siigimtiy ; Sergeant Henry chege1 , bauhly ;
Trumpeter Joseph A. Goitht'n.bntlly ; ; PrIvate
Albert Fiugel , badly ; nivate Charles
Meilehc , badly ; l'rtvate Charles G. Scaitlomi ,
serIously ; Private Thomas P. Gordan ,
seriously ; PrIvate Charles T. Case , badly ;
Private Philip W. Lanet , eiighmtiy.
SIx out of nIneteen olhlcenim were wotmnthed
anti three soitllcra were killed and forty
wounded Iii timis regIment.
' 1'cmm * ietii Inftmn try.
Company A-KIlled : Corporal Rowe , Sergeant -
geant lIeltz.
Company I1-Capthln licliry B , Moon.
Comnpamty D-Pa'ivates Cbmely aud Irvimie.
Company E-l'nivate Daugherty.
Company GPnivate Watson nod Roumiti-
Company Il-Corporal McConnell ,
Company C-Private I'rather ,
Company F-Captain John Ii , Rodrnan tind
Privates Kerr and Talimnan ,
1Ii.cimt ArtilI..ry ,
Killed : Victor hobo , l'rhvate A , II. Un-
derwoo.l. Woundeth : First Sergeant George
. C , Kinmicy , Serving Sergeant C. Voite , 5cr-
I . geamit N. B , Cranford , Servinj Comporal II.
U , Keene , seriously ; Private .Barr , I'nivatc
Yates , serIously.
Battery F-Wounded : CaptaIn C. D. Park-
burst , severely ; l'nivatcs E. t , Mass , C.
hiatWry K-Killed : Srg ant L McCarthy.
'I'IuIrsi iifiUmtr , ,
Killetl : Privates Jol'n hi. Warimer , henry
Bertram anti Frank h. Ifooper. Wountie'l :
Privates Jeuda , MIskowiz IJciimimm , Russell ,
Martin , 51101mm , Eartburz , Scimeilman , Gumi-
her , Foster , Brabty , Austenson , ( Jalcur , Mc-
flonneil , Corporal Murcbftita.
OH Ii(1 ( ) " , V.tit nh11. JOflSS.lt1' ,
I mum iur ( mm mit' . ' it l1cmmNm rr for Cole reul
'i'rouius. I'rt'sHrtl ,
WASHINGTON , July 7-Thq president
niade it known to senators 'and representatives -
tives who called upon him toilay that he
considered comigress shoulti not ndoura before -
fore the bill to raise 2,000 colored troops
was passeth.
Ho consitlered it ab5olmtelT indispensable
that thIs bill should be eiiacteul Into law
Inmomedlately. Chalrman Hull of the miii-
tary affaIrs committee was in confercncd
with him today over that egisiatIoa anti
stated afterward that bm ttmought the bIll
would be itmjsed , IL was recently recom-
meumded by' the secretary of war , who stated
that three troops were specially adapted to
the Cuban climate amid necessary for the
success of the war ,
Incrcac in Taojlltles for Reathing Omaha
from Wethm Iowa ,
flxtrn Itimsi ( eons lUnuuiiuu. to lie Putt Omi
$ iiiuilnr , l'comule ml Giutuil
Chmtitee to % 'ipult thu
Urcmtt l'mtIr.
Omaha Is now enjoying the benefits of
more passenger trains in amid out of the
city thami ever before , anti as tue travel
to tile exposition steadIly increases muitil-
tional trains arc anmiouticeti by the varietma
himics. Th Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Patti
railway is the latest to Increase Its traIn
service. It was annoummced yesterday after-
nciml by General \Veatern Agemit Fred A.
Nash that commimonclng Stmmulay , July 10 , a
new train would run between Omnaha anti
Manllia , In.
The extra train will leave Mamillla at
6:45 : a. in. daily , reaching Oniahia at 9 a. in.
ltcttmrning It will leave Oimiaima at 9:30 : p.
am , , arriving at Manlhia at mitlnight. Thus
will nffortt veovlo In western Iowa living
aloiig the lute of tile Milwaukee a good
opportunity to spend a day at the exposi-
itOA Iliflih SU1iit CSIlBhtAiIl.Y.
ituui TImuuromiglulySflmtkN liueNt'lurimskmt
ilutii tiys , ; nhlsui Suuuume immmuimmgu' ,
The severe ranttn of Wednesday after-
naomi amid evtnt'tfft/.thorotlghily soaked the
roadheths of all the Nebraska raIlways.
Comparatively little damage was done. The
hiurhIngtomi had a bad vnsiiotmt on its ICami-
sas CIty line , just miorth of St. Josephl. Tile
track was washed out for quite a distance ,
but , mu the company had several other hlmmus
vimich it could use between St. Joseph atiti
Onimhia : , tralhlc was only delayed and not
The Missouri Pacific hind a washout on Its
Nebraska division just cast of Wceplng
\Vater , Ncb. , but It was not a bad one timid
hiatt been repaired before noon on Tlmms-
Superintendent Stillwell of the Rock
Island's hues test of tile Missouri river re-
lortui that there bad beemi 50010 very high
water ahomig the roach north of Lincoln on
' .Vtahmtesday iiight. The road was tmntler
water in some piacce , but no track was
washed out or other dammiage siistaiiicti , All
of the other lines reported simIlar contil-
tiomla , hlghi water along their respective
hues with but little damage.
Yesterday's heavy rains causeti the fur-
iington consltlerable trouble at Ilaycloelt.
Thu uutor loureti down ft omii time 111115 flu1
covered the track , rendering it imuupassabie
for several hundred feet. No. C was tielaycul
about five hours by the water nnd No. 4
VitS almitost half tin hour late. 'Fh track
ilac iccli lestoled so it is passable , but
tratuis can not run at full spccti.
% 'AiL ON SCAI.VHItS IS CflIt'f'AiN.
I'LmsMt'uiRer Ofileluuls of I hue Omumahumi
Jimtes Are iii Harmuest Nosy.
The passenger othiclals of the lInes ecu-
tcrlng hero aro"uttlii'in Cohisllltation with
the best corporation attorneys rcgnrdin tue
fiuppressioul of the scalpers , who have umioveul
Into Omaha in such large numuibers for time
exposition. A conference was recently ilelul
wIth tiuo exposition ( lirectors , nnd it wits
opeuily stated th.umt unless somethumig s-as
(10110 very soon toward imoldlng tlowmi tile
scalpers the railroad compamiles s-ou1d not
Coiltilutie to make low rates for the meet-
itlgs scheduled here. It is expected that
somnothing definite will be done within a
week' .
Tue case against a scalper chinrgcd with
alterIng a Nortiuwestermm tlclcct , now iii I
court , Is being watcheti with considerable
Interest as time m-ailmoaul companIes expect
to bring a numnher of such cases into court
If conviction in this tu at case is secured. I
It is opemmly ciunrgcd tilat time scalpers not
omuly use acids to obliterate the mlames
signed to the tickets , In order to substItute
others , hut they are using the same Irocess
to change tiuc destinations of the tickets ,
Several tickets imavo recently been taken up
OIL trains out of Oinaiia , and passengers
comiipelied to pay fare , because the tIckets
siloWed that some one bad chiamuged time
destination orIginally written on the ticket.
% YhiI 1"Ii1i t Cu mmti.i tutu l'mit'hIlt' ,
CIITCAGO , July 6.-Eastern trunk lines
today decided to meet time competition of the
Canathian Pacific on immigrant bumslne3s ,
They have agreed upon a uniform plan of
action antI will act as a unit against the
foreign road. Up to this time time trunk lilies
gencralhy have kept out of time fight. Time
change In affairs may help tuesestern lines
in their light mugwnstumo ! Canatlian Pacific ,
i1muIimiy . ( I'ersoiuitls.
Traveling I"rtlguat Agent MItchell of tue
Ethic Line Is in town , ( loin Kallitamu City.
Cimarhes N , jCnighiv , assistant general umas-
seimger agent of4te Georgia & Aiabarna
raIlway , iii in time , eity.
J , B. Frawioy , general agent of tue Union
l'aclflc imassenger department at ICansas
City. is at headquarters.
Traveling I'assenger Agent Fltzgerahtl
nmmtt Traveliuig Freight Agent hlartsolmgii of
the Louisylhic & Nashville road arc in the
city ,
General Superintendemlt Clark , with a
numb-ar Qf ether olllcinis of tim Missouri
i'acIlle , Is making a trip of Iuspcctiomm over
( lie Nebraska lines.
Wiltior hardIng , assistAnt city passemiger
agent of the Missouri Pacific , recclvetl a
telegralmi Wethmmcsdny aminoumiclug that itls
mother In Bostop was dying , lie heft ( or
Boston yesterday ufternoomi.
\v. I , Aiiemm of ChIcago , assistant to limo
general malinger of the hock Islummti aye-
tditi , is lii time city with hale daughters vie-
iting time exposition. The party occimpy Mr.
Alien's [ mnivute car , and after several daymu'
InspctIomi of tue expositIon will leave for
Colortudo , The party Is accompsniemi by
Superintenmient of Motive Power Wilsomi of
the Rock Isimmmul , mind nil of time 'iaitors mire
cimthiimsimimmtlc in praise of the grm-'nt simow ummmi
are lotikimig forward to a return vIsit in
the nutuinmi 'vltim sonic leasurc.
The appohmmtmluent of J. A. hltmmiiey as freight
traflic manager of the Kmimmsus City , PItte
burg & Gulf , was pheasant lions for a great
many o ( Mr. hlanicy's friends In railway
ornces. For a good many years , firstly.
with the Minneapolis & St. LouIs , then svltim
time Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas CIty , and
then with the AtchIson , Topeka & Santa
Fe , J. A. Ihunley was one of time best known
trafllc macmm In the country , lie has not itc-an
forgotteim , aIthouhm lie has leen Otlt of time
service for eount little time , amid In time
traflic department of time Kansas CIty , Pitts.
burg & Gulf should have ample room to
distInguIsh himself.
- MuuuinIit' StatistIc , ' ,
The following births mind deaths were reported -
ported to the health commissioner uitmning
the twenty-four hours eating at noon yesterday -
terday :
Births-Frank Langpnui , 1408 WillIams ,
l'oy ; OhIo Olson , 3011 South Niumeteenth ,
girl ,
Deaths-Carl Engquest , Twenty-eighth
anti Cass. 24 years , throwning ; Joseph
cbal , 2718 South Twenty-first , 3 mouths ;
Mary ufoagland , 3518 HamIlton. S monilium.
Baby ltobb , 1705 North Thirty-third , S
i'oitt'e % 'u.rking linrul to Seemure tiuc
i.cmuutern usC iue llogmtuu
Ticket OmucrustUra.
George Davis , who wits nq'esteui Sattmrsiny
while selling bogus Nortlmctern railway
tickets to ticket brokers , bM made a partial
lavius' statenuemit In a iit.aumrc Is Ideimttcal
with the story pnlmited its , The lice Sunday
muuonmmlmig. Tue miamnes of his two mtccomnplices.
or accortllng to his stoy , time two leaders
of thuo gatig to which he belonged , lie soul
are James \'lisoiu auth Ed Mullen , both of
Olmicago. iavls also claIms Chicago mis hmls
home. lie professes that he was Igmioraiut of
the character of the two intuit mtnti of time
fact titmit tIme. tickets were imogus tiesptte time
fact that ito told thin police that the tickets
were printed in ChIcago. tic says that lie
tact \'Iison and Mtmhicn In Chicago tvo
days before they citmuuo to Omaha anti they
told himus they bad a. large imuunber of railway -
way tickets they were goimig to sell about the
country. To allay his suspicions. hue claims
they told him timat they butt received the
tIckets ( roan nut alderman of the city of Clii-
cast ) .
The police have learned since Davis' or-
rest tilat ho had been rooming Lii Chicago
wIth au ex-emnplo'e of tue Nortiiwcstcnms
railway , anti It Is time belief iiat this cx-
railway mmmii was one of Davis' tue coma-
vamiiomis hero amid the muman who orIgummated
Thin timrco men lived on the miorthu side
In Chicago , seine where in tim vicinity of
East CImIngo avenue. The Chicago imilce
are developlmig their end of tIme case. lt is
believed that several men of trommilneuice
of that city are emmtammgled In the case.
South vu cat hiinIcnrd Seiteuumu' Comumes
UI , .1L II itu'tiurt frummi tue
Time sotmtltwcstcrn botmlevart.l sclmeuuue occum-
ltittl a good bit of tile attention of thu Ail-
vicory board yestertlay aftermioomu , A report
of the lmiprnlsors-Albert ) Fornian , Charles
\v. liltlltur and John 11. Ftiruy-appolnted to
aitpralsmJ the vaRiation of tile property iiecea-
sary to be comnienutmeti for the boulevard ,
was Presented to the board amid coumsidered.
It was fluitmlty thecltleti Unit the emitire hearth
should go out nmiti view the lanti itself , in-
nsmnuchu as tile ttptraisement vus not coil-
siulered cutirely satisfactory. Tills trip wits
lInt off iliutli tlm return of City EngIneer
Accordumlg to the report of the appraisers ,
the value of the property that must be comi-
uleutimicul Is ' cry mieutrly 19,000. The uio-
iloseth boullevarti rumis front Tillrty-sceomIti
auth Arbor streets down to Boimlcvarti , where
a Ilaif circle is miinde to Vinton street , along
vhdl it rolls a couPle of bioks to Twemity-
fourth , ( lien south to iiotilcvard agnhmi mind
to Rlvcm'vietv vark.
A shlacie 00 Jacksomi street between Ninth
nmnl Temutli streets was ordered ( unit tlown ,
as It is a bounce of danger ( vomit fire to two
ileighlborItIg wameiloimses.
' ' Xt.hrituuuua
Forty-'l'uvo Youuumj Oit
'Ilmeir tVuty do Jells time AiItY
itt ( ' 1thc1utmumuuirmt ,
Tivenmtytsvo reertlits for the army passed
through Onlaha last eveulimlg elurnute to
l'uilcknmnauiga Park , ( in. They verc uintler
time comnnuand of LletitenmmitVilcy : and hailed
I from Crawford , Nob. They came In eu time
evciuin tralmu of the Ellchiorn and vent to St ,
LouIs over the MIssouri Pacifi .nt 11:30 : last
I niglmt. 'Fhic new soldiers presented a goal
appearance , all being of splendId physical
luojuortions. At Citlckamauga they will joml
I tile comniany of the Secomitl Nebraska regl-
meat that s-as raised at Chmadm'on , Nehu.
A lmrty of twenty recruits enroute from
Orti , Nob. , to Cimickamauga I'ark , Ga. , spent
a few hours in Omaha last evenimig. They
arrived lucre over tile UnIon Pacific at 4iS
o'clock yesterday aftenumoon antI left for St.
Louis over tue Burlington at 7:45 : p. in. All
were goodly appearIng young men , and multi
they were anxious to be scmmt to the ( remit
after being properly thrilled -and equipped Its
time big camp cit Chiclcanuauga.
1)t'immt , ' Sluerhit Stry1er Fniioss lii , .
'l'raulL All 1)mty tumuth NIglmt ,
liii t 1.oses Ii I iii.
Deputy' Sheriff .Stryker silent all of
Wednesday night iii tralhlulg tIns horse tiiet
who eatared Farmer Taylor's barn near
Irvimigton Tuesday night anti was chaseti
away by Farmers Forgey and Mimigus , thaw-
ever , he did not succeed In Innulimig him ,
It Is now quite certain that when the men
fired at the thief , they wounded imlun , as durIng -
Ing the search , Deputy Stryker met a
couple of men near Behalf , she reported
having seen a man who answered time mie.
scrlptiomu given by Forgoy and Mlmigus.
These inca said that a man walking upomi
tile raiiroatl track approached thorn amid aim.
peared to be numucbm tatiguemi. Vhemi
what ailed hum , he replied ( lint ho was
sufferIng ( remit seine wounds that were In-
ihieteti by accitient. Deputy Strvker , assisted -
sisted by a couple of constables , wIll con-
tlnue to scour the coumitry north of Irving-
tomi in hopes of limiding theIr musmi ,
Imuuut I I mutt' fur time heaf Sqiumuhisie
ilrt'uihs Out Iii t lit , 1)istriet
Cumin Ouuce .ilmsre ,
In behalf of time state of Nebraska II. 11 ,
ilawes hinmi brought buit against J. A. Gli-
lespie , fornmer superIntendent of the iii-
stltimto for the Deaf anti lummib , mlemnanding
thin delivery of state property , vaimieih at
$ ? ,075. In hum petition , time plaimitiff , tlmrommgii
hIs attorney , Attorney General Sunytli ,
alleges that while imu was suponlntenmlent of
the Institute ( or ( Ito Deaf amid Dmmmb , the
defentiumit , rcccivetl ( late liroperty amid that
upon goIng out of OIIICC,1falleti anti rcfummtctl
to turn it over to lila su'essor. TIme plalmm-
tiff bus secured a writ of'iiamudamoumm from
Judge lceysor , upon which argumunemits amid
teetinion ) will be heard op July 18 , at 10
o'clock of timat day.
tiiu rrlumge' . ' " , , .
Time fohlowimig marriage- lIcenses wore is-
suetl yesterday by the county jumlge :
Name antI address , Age.
HimmiorVcstfall , Omnaima . , , . , . . , . , , , , , , , , , 'di
Helen Cammmp , hfartlngtomi , Neb , , . , . , , , , . 22
Frumuik J. l'almncr , St. Augustine , Fin. , , . 29
iorothy Conger , St , LouIs. M. , . , . , , , 19
John htroekenridge'hlte Cloud , Run. . . 35
tIay Wright , White Cloud , Kan , . , . , . . , 30
P. M. Lindsay , I'lmittsinoutim , Neb. . . . . . 27
Catherimie Illckson , h'Iattsmaoutii , Neb , . . , 23
Edward hCriealer , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Maggie MorrIs. Omaha , . . . , , , , , , , , . , , . , , 39
FIumaumueliul i'muulc him Chill ,
NrI\V YORK , July 7-A dispatch re-
colved lucre frommi Valpam-aiso , Chili , via Gal.
Veatoum , Tex. , says : "A llnmumicimsi itanic
has been occtisioned here by tIme wIthdrawal
amid exportation of gold , which has eausctl
th Chiillan govermiunent to oliielulIy close
all ( be banks In Chill until the l2thi lust ,
DurIng this suspensloil the goveruiinc'nt will
Conmuttier the advIsabilIty of issuing paier
money. "
Decovory Made by Comptroller Westbor
During an Investigation.
Clerk , tinder iIeitr liolin Mark
'I'stxcu. l'siml imuul Fnll to 'l'mmrui iii
( hut' Money Ihe'iurecuuteu1 by
time 'i'rtiu.netiuin.
Errors to , tIme amount of apluroxlnuately
$20,000 Iii time tax books of the city have
been tmmmcovereui by City Comnptm-oller 'u'u'cst-
berg In ti'e ' ctutmrse of no Investigation , cmi
Whilcll he made a erlaml i-t'port to the coumi-
cit Wednesday iilghut. These errors eomisit
t of collections of excess ( Oxea amid of rectirdeti
! receIpts of taxes whIch have never foumiuti
their way into time city treasury. Tito latter
eases prethonuimmate. Some of timemut are tbo
result of clerical mistakes ; others mere tie-
citiethly more sumupleloums anti Imitliento loose
methods emaploycti by the clerks under cx-
City Trcasturer hlemiry hiollut ,
I \'huIlc City Comptroller \'estberg's In-
, vcstigattomm covered the Imenioti Imetweemu 1890
auth time first of time huresemut year , nil of the
errors fotimltl iii the b'boks titmnimug John ltnsh'mi
term in 1S90 anti 1SUt amId lm the tents of
CIty Treastmrt'r Edwards imve provetl to ho
( lie result of clerical carelcasmuess mtnth are
- comparatively smnall Iii cimmuber. Omi time
other iuanti , tiare are a lug btmtcit of "errors"
I durlmlg hiollmi'im termns auth a gtuod miinmuy ot
timese bear till the earmisturlut of lumivimig becit
imntti e I ii teum tionmil I y.
lii time iliflill these "muiiatakcs' ' consist
largely of the imotatlomi of the word ' 'pnltt"
Opluosito the taxes clmorgeul lu against thiti
lirolierty tmpomt ( lie city treitstirt'r's book ,
Ihlit , though paId , tluee taxes luavo hover
bccmm Paid imito the city treasmury , muon do
tile ) ' nlpclir imiorketi imald npomi the books
iii ( ho comptroller's ehhlce. hit other words ,
collie clerk or clerks in tue treaatmrcr'a
oitico i tt. tue tIme either pocketctl time taxes
hatlul or else acconsnsothmtted hmls or their
friends by scratvhiimig theIr tax obligatton *
oft tIle books.
liHus It uuts hiruumgiut ( lot.
These results have comae to higimt in am
lnvestigatiomi coxiimmuemicetl by tutu city comnu-
( roller seine six mmsonth imgo. Timere t'na
110 susIutciohi at tht ( hue ( hint niy crooked-
iless sonhul be thlsclosetl , btmt tIme sole liar-
1)050 ) of tins exammmimintlon was ( mm srttigiutefl (
out tile books. Tue work consists simimply
of a commuparisomi of ( lie tax books in tile
trcnstmrcr's otlice and those iii time camp-
tmolier' ( ilhice , vhuIchi are dumphicmmtes. According -
cording to tile system emliployctl In tIle city
gOVL'rmmmllemmt for years , whlcimevc'r taxes are
itakl ( lie recortl is nmaute oh time set oE hooks
In bothu offices , vhiIch thus comlstitute a check.
upemi catch othlLr.
Entries nero found of taxes Irnili in tue
treasmmrer'mt aihhcc thiIchi tiitl Imot imuilietur upon
the books imi tim comnhmtroulur's othice , amid
vice versa tlurlng the termuis of Jniiim Rush
iiimti City Treasurer Edts mu-its , but iii each
of these cnics It was fotumiti that whiencvci' ' -
( lie entry appeared oil olin set of hooks it
siuouith have ieemi oil tue other , Tb ciptli
book antI tiiti receipts on hand proved that
as the city hind time money. These vue
errors hum 'ifltl sImple and resulted froi
( lie failure of time clerk to immnkt' the entry.
In HOllil's term a dlfcm-cnt conthitiomu of
affairs was thischosed. here there were litany
Instances of taxes iiiarkctl ItaltI on the hooks
iii the treasurer's 0111cc antI time cash hook.
showed ( lint tue IUOUC ) ' loud never bcemi'-
I turned over timid there ivero mm receipts au
hamiti , F-or Cxflmhiie , iii 1S94 omue lmropL'rty- _ _ _ _ _
owner was credited witim 1mumvimug paid 750 ,
vhereas as a matter of fact ( lint aniount. of
iiioiiey was never iaitl to ( lie cIty , ahiholigh
it might have licemi recelycti hy the cleric.
ThIs is ( lie Iargcet Imidlvldual turnount found0
but there are ntmmerous sumiahler ones.
In some of these cases tIle property owners -
ers probtbiy : itaid theIr taxeR to ( hue clen1s ;
In others It Is generally believed that the
property esther was in colluttilomu with the
cleric. The latter , for a consiticration or out
accommodatIon , womuld imunrk the taxes aa
paid. There was little ciuamice of discovery ,
for at that time the cIty comptroller's ofilce ,
(1110 of ( hue duties of which is to keep check.
on Limit city treasturer's olllce , svsi. not at-
teihing to this business very strictly.
l'romcrty Owiucm'tm I umat 1' iy ,
Whether in collusion om' otherwise , the.
property oss'mmers viil hnive to stumid for thuc'so
taxes now. ActIng tinder advice Irons th
legal departmnent of tile city , City Camp-
( roller Westberg Is preparing to cilargo up
all timese back taxes against the property.
There vili ho a kick froimm 501110 uhireclon
and the matter will go into time courts. lii
other cases there sill lie tie kick , for several
property owners have mihrcutiy : conic in anti
offered to pay those taxes sItii 7 jmer cent
Interest as a comapromimise. 'limo legal rate Ia
12 per ccmmt on tlehirmqmient taxes , City Corn- !
( roller Wcstberg imns not yet coinpieted lila
investigation , lie propose's to go on nmlml fimimi
out as far as Possible just imat cleric or
clerks mnaiie these fraumitmicuut emmtriema on ( lie
books. ThIs camu only lie mloiic by mneamis of
( he handwrltlumg cmi time hioohcut , TIme guilty
clerks wIll be calleti upon to explaIn , settle
up or else suffer crimlmmal lmrosccution. thom
has already agreed to return a certain aunt
of money that was traced to lulni.
C. II , k'Chuir Slutus , s Ills Mouicy tu
a Srmmiiger ummi Is "Omit" All
lItt haul Ju" hi Ii , . ,
C. II , MeChary , ma muut'rciiimmmt of Inmhinnoha0
Ta , , host l05 through time olienattlons of a.
comifitit'nce unami who met imimit mmmi ( lw street
last night ,
Tue atrauiger accosted MeClary anti intro-
( hitceti hilmmtmtelf as a imuercimamut from Creator , ,
Ia. After vIewIng ( lie umlghitut alommg Six-
tecnth street 'ulcClary'ai iuew foiintl ( neal
took him limb Il baloomi at SIxteenth umsd
Davemmport streets , where lie imroposcii a
gnmmie of dIce whim $10 mis time stakes , Mc-
Clary m.leciluueti ( lao jtropositlomm , hint diul not
show lila money. Time umtrumuger ( baum began
bamitening imlm about haiti beimig broke and
in a spirit of bravado MeClary reaciiemi luuto
lila pocket , drew out a huuimile of bills
amnourutluig to $105 ammmi ( brew it on time bar.
Quick us tt hiammhi ( lie stranger grabbeth the
money anti uulmot out of ( hue idace , Tue jmolico
are iooklmig for the thief.
Largo orders ' ; ' ; ; stoamps con-
tlnuim at time pouttoflice.en older of 50,000
1-cemmt stamps vmimt tilmIlIped ( o the Armour
comimpamiy In Cimlcogo ycuttertial' .
William Jacobs , Jr. , of Itusimville , Nub , ,
who imas lit-en confiuieti 1mm jaIl for sellln
whIsky to Imadlamis , funmalislied 500 bail yes-
termhay mind was releaseti to eimpcnr at the
I3elttomnber term of federal court ,
An action has been itegumi In ( lie federal
court aguimist Ilutitlett Itichardas of Chautuirors
by Minnie E , Luke of Demayer ( or l15,30
damumages , The itlulmutiff rents a house of
1tartlet Iticluartia Iii Iemmyer ) aimd because of
a miefect 1mm the kitchen 110cr sustained a
cenious fall mind was so badly Injured ( lint
one of lien hanmis has become vartlaIy ! par-
alizemi amid she baa stmlfe'retl other iniurle *
I ( to IiIct she bases her claim ( or damst.