Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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- - _ _ _ _
- . 1 1
- - riiiii ONAIIA 1)A1LY 1EE 1PULIAY , .1 ULY S , I SS. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tI % cr1 Iseiiieiiti mr lIsNe cullitlatiM
i IlI It * lift I I I ttt. for tIit
% $ ititti * iiitII stl : ) fur iatitritlig
nttul Sit siItty eu I ( litits.
Ittttq , I -2c ii U urd first , ( , , ,
Ic n ir.t tticrnftrr. NIItItt lttkn
for typos lIiiti 2 ; ( . for titi' Ilrsft IiNer- ,
- tutu. 'rlivi ii4crtIscnt.JItN nuipit be
rui . , . ( ( ) .
AIsr lM.rM , by rcii tic.t Iij n ti u.i-
: itt ! rttI cIieI , ( fl11 ) tII % * sLIIMyirr. nil-
ii reNIIl In it tiiiiisb.rt.l r I ter I it iire
Ut Tb r Ilee. AtNtwerM , to tutu reMMt'il
as' II I I. . . il.l lstres1 nit iri'eil ( itt of
tli elivek only.
Mt1'UAl'1OS % % 'tTIl ) .
rYI'FWIt1T1NG atur copyitig 201 lIon flhlg.
POSITIoN by lt ; ' 1tt : hoo1kei.rr . ; C
yearM oxperJvtice beet ut rerette's. a\tI.
_ _ _
A--Ms21 11'
(1rCS t2. : ! Bee. - -
HITUATION vnntetI by a. yinlflg cokre(1
malt a tlnusttHtn tLtIIl butkr. % i1ltt88
'l'llflFflttlVttll , 1213 Citii A-i9 i
lt1I l' .
sAtFMlN ! : for elgnr ; 15 a month and
expet1cs ( ) hI thin ; exptr1tncu tinnecea-
8A.rY C. C. IllI4lIO ) & ( ; u. , St. L0Uh4MU.
lALISMIN to sell olBco speclattt in
iCat4RH ZtItII Nebraka , fine side Ufl05
flgenlu niaku $5.00 ; t day : tned by all rner-
chant9. Model Mfg. Co. , Box l , Sotitit
liond , Ittil. U-t31 Jy Zb'
P41tTNF1t with experience In ) iandIln
HOllCtOrI4 to jtt to Denver or New Or-
( flfl4 ; must litVe SIII6 caSli fully secured -
cured , Creighton bik. , r. 3. IJ-M&70 30
WANTlI ) . ror turin work , u. married man ;
3O Per month ittiti hnuu WIthOUt board.
' 1ttkt , Valntit I lilt cars to 1etieitt and
flPPIY to Theo , % 'lIIlatn. B-M744 8
LAflO1tFIt8 for extra. gang on U. & Id.
\Vyondng. . Francr & O'Ilearn , 214 5.
12th. D-M2 8'
5ALESM1NI0O a. month and expetiies
gttarattteed sellIng to tact chants anil fain-
Illei Our iniichbiet for cooling retrIer-
atnri ; guaranteed 75 per cent cheaper
tItan leo. t'or fUll ptrtlti1ItirH ttiIdrsi
ArctIc ltefrlgerutlng Co. , CincinnatI , 0.
H-M183 S
\V.ANFED. A- ; ; to date staging and
dancing alceteli team ; must ho good
dItntrt antI have gond wardrobe for ro-
fltitiI vautluvlllo show. AddraH Coy anil
Arnionds Entertainers , Siiitth Center ,
Knit. lt-M7S7 8
A NEAT , Intelligent young mutt us
tal-y tLtid to travel ; 20 to 25 yearH ; an-
Hver with dcscripttoii. U 10 , pee.
IJ-Id193 8'
I.l 11011.1' .
100 GI1tLS for all kInds of vork ; $3 to $7
rcel. Canztdlai 0111cc. I2 DottjIas.
- - -
\v4 NTED , 150 gIrl ; , Employ Inunt Itureati.
121 Dodge. Telelilloite S76. C-MSI4 Jy12
W'ANTED , families vltli grown girls to
learn vettv lug ( Iii p1 a In colt ito go it ! 14 ; gOfll (
wages can lie lililde. Al1lr's3 flt 011CC ,
KCUIIIC ) ' Cottolt MIlls , Kearitey , Neb.
C-13 : ; Jy 10
GOOD gIrl to help coolcanti eliamberma.kl ,
Lange hotel , 601 S. 11th SI.
I W'ANT1D , Ilvo Il1Ille to represent tis In
I lila hull iitlrroU liii I og ci ties tii1 tov ilii
( hernia 0011 1 P0l UI ) 0 ; gouti ha cal 1 at
1 011CC. ltoaiii 8 , Crelghton block.
C-1t1371 30
I -
. . - - -
1r4N.I.E ! ) girl for general lioticwork ,
vorlc light. only tvo In tile family. Cull
at 2S11 I I leltory 5t. , bet weII 5 uttid 7
( ) 'ClItk P. 01. h1nl rtrerence. C-7C' ' 7'
V'ANTlIl ) , good girl for getn'ral house-
work. Mrs. A. 1' . 'riukey , 2311 ChIcago
Hteet. C-M761 S
I WANTED , gooul cook : good wages. S.V. .
, Car. 2kb inn ! Spatultiluig Stu4 , C-751--9
srAN''jD , Fully Ctmbeteult lady 1)00k-
keeper ; one who liuis Iiiil : full experience
, In conimerciuti set of books aiiil general
4) lure vork ; in ust vr1t , , good , rapid liatul
_ _ _ _ _ and have reftrti1ces (10100 other need
( IltitlY ) . 4ldresu3 U 5 , lIce office ,
C-L\tD 10.
1 lOfliLET-i8UM1S.
, ,
CIIOICIO houses nndcottagesallovcr city ;
_ _ _ 1 $5 to $75. FtlolIty ( , hit floor , N. Y. Life.
, D-513
I iThtJSES. Ilcnewa& Co. . lOS N. lithSt.
t D-i14
r IIOUSFIS , stores. Ijemls , Paxton black.
- D-515
_ t MOVIN(7 household gaodu aitil pianos ,
, .
Oni. Van & Storage Co. , 15114 Fuirnam.
? Tol. 159. D-M6
_ _ f FUI1NITUIII'litnd Ieuichiold cut a 7 and 13-
1. . ' room modern hat ( or sale ; bargain ;
1. ' location , rent low. IJemis , Paxton blk.
t D-517
( j COTTAGES , 3-room. $7.50 and $8.00 ; 6-room ,
$10.00 ; 6-room , $02.80 ; S-room , $16.00 ; newly
'S paiutcd uLild lIulbered ; beautiful ( or utltua-
tioti. 436 Hoard ot 'rrade. D-51S
, ,
, 7-ROOM modern house with stable. large
liady groutids. 1teinhu , Paxtoti 131k.
u1 -
. _ _ _ _ - - -
VOlt R1N'P , tour-room cottage and 3 acres
l . mileut vest ii3tOiiiCe , F. D.t'utd ,
r' D-M577
, 7-ItOOM lint ; furniture for sale , Flat A ,
202 F'ornam SL D-551-7'
. C04 BEJO IILI)0.
C D-778.--tt
. .
VOlt 1Ll0N1'lrIIILIMIlI01) llttll ,
) XP0SL'U1ON 'istroits. hC1u01'urtuislueul
1 roum.'rito to FIxItuHitiolt flooniliug Co.
Dutigluts hi Ock , 161 ii a 11(1 ( Jodgi' .
_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _
TlhI' Fuirouitn 'l'c'rrutci' hotel ,
' Fui rail in. Nov tnoule'rti ho liii I tug , nev In r-
q II is Itt iigui , a I I elegit ii t out stile roe nis
1 luvclIct ) , ' , trees. FIHpecluuiIv ulesirutlulo
fur itiut I 1 It Ilil ( ii titil y. I3-.J yls
NiC1ILY ful'nielieil rooms. 241 Cuuui street.
I .
, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. $ EXPOSl'FlOl' ' Otileini Iliforinuitluiti lltit'au ,
( 1.119 F'ariiutiit ; iOU choice 1000114 to rent.
- - -
, ) IOL.Et1A N'I' ruonla. 2817 Ii ,
( 60 ROOMS , 1117 Dougino ; one bei0 In room.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FUI1NISIO13L ) rooms , G0' Nltl ; grilt'ery store
4 . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
,4 ? .i01)1flN rijorns , housekelIifl ! , 511 North
, ' : 19th , 'l'rrunslents. F-ilS6iJ Ii'
' 1' I I I 1 I 10 I 0(1 lOS , lIt)1114L'II'&ull ) lIE , 11 1 2 Siut It
liii ) .
: I100MS ; neat- all car hues. 1111 California ,
E-t6 '
- Jy-29'
: FIJflN1H11FI ) rooms , fuciiiv ex1)uutttiLtn
' groulutut , buitrd $ f desired. 31 I N. 2Otls lit.
1-GiU : A'
' _ _ _ _ _ _ - -
, FU RN 151 1 l1) flJOlIIt utt rCutstullallC lirlel's.
' 1 r.o : N. lOtis.
; 1.'IIIINI.SI hOD rooms : trnnslt'nts ; light
p . houaekutpiilg. 2h03 Jodlu
. E-731 8'
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
, NIC1iY furnlsli.'d rooms ; reitsonublo ; four
rt . btu&kui . ( l't11 ( l)0stOtih't. 1811 Cuss.
t 1-Mfl5
FUItN1SJIID roonia , houekeeping.2r.23
13t. Mary's. - ; iu'
FtIltNlSI I l'Ii ) . ( or housekeeping ; low titles
fur traiisii'ttis ; llt'Ir ttutiiIIel3 t'e'ntet' .11111
, . OXI1U. Curs , 171'4'4 Juekuloil. j734 12'
tt ( Ft N 1I roonte : light hotIs'kcepiI1t'rCiitt'.l
- Ilitu luciitton large stittily ynrii. 1O N. 32t1
Avc. 1I'-M7U. 10'
jX1'OSlTI0N Olib tul lntoi'inutluii hiurean ,
I . 1318 F'aruu at ; 5U ) cbuleu ruuitt to rent.
t. _ _ _ _ _
VIBITCUI3 ( I ) the 'i'rnnsnoissl.o.ippi .ttiul Ifl.
. teriluttloituil Exitosltltn W ( sititig itt sectiro
cutnortithliu tinarters Cati u'ct time mat
; , . etXlttIlatu I ) ) ' wIlting 10 or i'alilng uliort tile
. Oiflctnl lnartnatioti liurrau , 1319 l'urxmatn
St. , t in , no I y a U t Ito rlzeI a geitey o r t Ito
. . 1IX1)Os1ti(1tt nlnnagulnulit. Strunger ott
. - ir' nrriymtl In Ottiulta e'uttl hike street ears
A direet ft'oti , .111) ' tiepot. 0ilitu U1)Ct1 m1y
attd night. h-21T
- -
- - -
1'Olt ItlN'L' . Four roomg furnisimm.1 far
z . light Itoust'kecplnw ; cull lit 2th1 S. 2tI
. T' , 4vo. 10-M781 10'
.1 LII _ _
t ICUILNIIILOU 11OlS ( Al ) IJ1).tlIU.
_ _ _ _ '
- - TJIFI ? d1OIIIIIAM.lirat-etau fatally hotel ,
tb.unit iJudgo t3t.
i'CltNISiiIi ) l1lOMS .Yi ) 1tO.kitl ) ,
- .1 ,
( ContinuNi , )
1'LFASAND Inomlern , strictly iirst-
m'lnss board ; r'ftsonrtble rates ; tranqinti
taken. 622 N. 19th St. i'-M845
1'LFI5ANT , well furnisheil room ; all mail-
i'm conveiinc. with or without board ;
Private fatally ; near I latiscont Puirk. 1'
12. flee. -623
FII1ST-CLASS rooms iii 5trictly Private
family ; rlesirnliy located ; board if tie-
sIret1 titme slimitly lawn ; referomtct's & -
changed. T22 N. ltIi. ) F-Z5
S0t'TOI rooms ; transients. 2102
F'-Gl ) Jyti'
T1'fl dowti that "for sale" or "for rent' '
sign in yntir winilm- . The Ilce rcnciit's
bore PeulIl C I n a tin ) ' than s' ii I 1 asmt ye u r
WiflhlS' in ti. lflifltlt ( and they cotitIlt
these coltlinn wheti they want to liti ) ' or
rent. . ' '
- - - - -
Tlll A1.IIANY , 2101 1)ouglas ; newly br-
fished. F-MC33 Jys'
T11F SATtATOIA ITOTFII , Ithc place ,
American or lOuropean. N. W. corner exPosition -
Position ; Sherniun Ave. and the 4tit street
enr lines ; ris' ; tllu Ii.itte. SlImmer resort
style , Families olIe'ted. ' Molern , cool ,
corn ( enable , lmomelltco llitths. gas. plsitio
and library , roleplinne 09.14. Yeti can got
a street ear nod flnd a seat in it. VO
have trees. , greeti grass antI croquet.
Dnttlie , lItrlors , Vast verandas , himmocks.
Jolly poplo and a pet hear. hlatabt rerI9ofl-
able and according to uccotnnuaiatiinis.
' .V0flKING girls' home. 833 , S. 19th.
1.-Muir Jy15'
B13AUTIFUL rooms ; transients. ' 2Id1 lIar-
ney. F-M216Jy20'
MflS. Godso , Z02 N. lSth.Trnnslonts taken.
P-263 J
' '
visi'rons to 0011 1n
ti'rtintlonal hiIypotion wishing to secttro
comfortalile qt.nrtcrs can save time and
expetise 1) . ' 'ritlag to or calliti 1)1)011 ) the
Otlicial Informuttlon llureau , 1310 F arnam
St. , the .mly authorized agency of the
EXlOHtlOlI InautgemenL Strangers an
itrrivnl in Omaha cnn take street cars
direct from any depot. 0111cc open day
and night , 1-247
'I'IllO IOENFIFIT 110U13F. lst antI l'inkiiey
MIs , , 50 daIntily furnished roaiii4 tOC
square ( ruin the Arch of the States ;
everything new Ittid llrst-cluns ; terms
' .l'lllO Rose , 2021) Ilarney ; cool roonis , free
haths ; transients taken ; rates reasonable ,
i'-lio :
1'11StNT rooms. motlern1 strictly first
Ciitss board ; tratuilents taken. 212 S. 25 St.
F-I 87
NTCFS'l' roolnut in cIty , with ilrst-elass
itnrd ; 3 blocks west of postnille. ThOl
Capitol avenue , F-ISO-IC'
F ( ) It It ENT-STOILES ANt ) Oll'1Cl3S.
FOR RENT , the 4-story brick ttIilIIing at
! 316 Faroitni St. This building has a tIre-
Proof cement basement , water on nil
floors , cas , etc. Apply at the otlhe of
The lice. 1-910
SPACE to rent , suitable for job printing or
oilier small business. 'relephono and desk.
Itent cheap. 1517 Burt. I-lISt
A-ENTs WAS'I'iOI ) .
\ Nl'EI-Agents In ev'-'y town in Ne-
braka and Iowa to solicit accounts for tie
to co I Ie'i't. Cash colut inislon I ) a lii.V n
for Putt'tiCtIlLLtJ. S 49 , Uc , Onialia.
J 93S Jy 15'
.tN l'llgin'althain , 1 Intnl'It'li or Colon-i-
1)115 foil , lei'el'il luo'ii1euit in it 21 yea ! ' ,
1 -k. I . gold ii lied ivum tcii case , clio 1cm-i a
hiitss , Crovn , Cn'sci'iit'mti1svortli or
Essex cliMes , can be obtutiiied at a ( ' ( ) t
( if only SOc ; lu ( ) % % ' ? By our niereluantllso
ci'rtiileti tOs ; ihittnonds ; , bicycles , je'elry.
silverware , beil r000i sni ts , ljimmmkcui&'s ,
etc. , , oil the same lluun. Panama Jewelry
( o , , :11)5 : ) Observatory 111.1g. . , 1)es Moines ,
I ii . ( 'ut II t nil see manage ! ' at .l eni 'ii a ii te
Hotel , O'malma. J-753 12'
\V.tN'i'lOI-'l'li Ii i0N' .
NTI'ID , permanent honnl and rootli in
private Aniei'lcztn fuimily on or near cau
lliio nt reau4tnallo rnte ; mheserlbe room ,
State Price and mi'ntlmmii car line : no ex-
POS1IIUII rate coilm4ldered. Adihrc'ss Idisi
Corn Gutes , care of Kntz-Ni'i't'n Co. ,
City. K-MIll S'
\VAN'l'ED. boarl and room in Private fium-
fly for man , wife and elmiid I years olil.
\'Ill pay $30.04) ) tier month , Permanent.
Am1dres U 6 , Bee. K-M771 9'
WANTFII ) , furniutheil or unfurnished , roomer
or suite of rooms. withIn reasonable ills-
tuncim at 1)11510055 center. southmei'n tutu
eastern exposure only. Addrcs U 8. Dee.
PACIFIC Storagi and Warehouse Co. , 90-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
- _ _ _
OM. Van & Stornme , 1&11 FuLrn'in. Tel , 1539.
Hi' YOU are In need of anything , try the
Want Commas of The boo ; they will
bring you what you want. N-Sd
FOR sale at a bargain , 500 pillows and 600
nimittresmues ; new pillows , 23 ct'nts uII ) 110W
mnattrt'sses , 75 cents up. 1490-li ) Dodge.
fl-M112 Jy25
1'lt S.iLIO-llOflSFiS , Wtr.iN4 , E'l'C ,
12 I'ASSENOlOR wagonette , 2 good phaetons -
tons , .0 aiul $ S5 ; family cuirriage , leather
to ) ) , 5O ; good tnt ! , , $55 ; surrey , brand now ,
Drunumond Carriage Co. , lSth ntiul liarney ,
I'-I.1974 Jl7
VEhICLES. best % 'imrlety ; prices anti terms
easy , Crawford Co. , 131t Jones St.
F6i SALIO-5t3'hlsii young driver , perfectly
gentle nitul kind no ( ear stemmin em' care.
It. 1) . i1et , 1310 5. iOtlt mus' & ' . 1'-493 2'
1u'.MlLY horse. flrst class surrey nail liar-
11055 for sale cheap. 'V. .1 1. 1 Iutzzmt t'uJ , 50 $
S , 10th St.
GETcUIprices ( itt hog a ad lmu1 I ry ( ent'e ,
SItiVtlUht for Hu't3ipIng hoot's , etc , 'i'iul. 458 ,
901 1)otigluus.
GflI'L' bargain , four 6 to 20-hole steel
1aug05 for imotci or roe I aura ut ; two in-
'tiiii chairs ; must ho oiil , 1410 1)odge.
Qb012 Jyll'
I"Olt S,1I-1'on 1t.1.1'.A.I.2. I umr 5 ccnlu
at iii'tiggIst onu gi'cs relief. Q-59
Ti II ) Sianhim liCCt'135l0115 ) lit 1)0111 ) tao east
miit vt'st , lii 1111111 form , t'ltit imoarly 21 $ )
plmotagt'itplili ,'oultictions of the Anitri.
dill Lu titi Slianiuli navleu , tiaval comae i it ii'
cr5 , etc.511 for 23 cents , iii time iee
ultl'e. it ordered by titmill , uduiress Navy
Pluotogrutpn Deieirtimtotli , OmililL fleo. .
( .J-u.J.
i : ITAVIO 2 hletningtoti typtnvriters that I
will Il clictip. 1'rutlc JO , Moores City
ihitil , Q-2ht
- - -
1100 , iotmlrY ( ititil lutvn feiuct's : all wire ; is
besL'ire Works , 14th ttntl I lnrnsiy.
I (1-529
too KINIS mineral vnters. Shmermatt &
MConncli Ur111 Co. , 1513 Dodge St. ,
Omaha. t-ut9s9 : Jyhl
A COT aitl a mattru'ts . for $1.60. 1110 Doulg.
Q-29Jy2 ?
S'1IIS , CO1NS-hiouglit , o1il..tirtcit.
soil , 404 N. lCth. Q-I'uiSTS 50
_ _ _ .
- - - - -4------------ - -
OLI ) UNION DFPO'l' at 10(11 ( nillI Mimsoti
mits. to ill ) reitmoveul at uitiec.VIiutluit's ,
duel's mind ltitnber for stle at a barguilim.
Q-Idi7S 10'
1. II. llh1t1l4\fl'r is the only expert fire
litss itiljtiuiti'l' at tIme lionille itt Onialta.
itooni 512 , tirott'n block. Q-MlI72 9'
M1Dht'uI-SlZED sate clieal.21 $ S. 111th
i . Q-M71O to'
. _ _ - - - - . -
VOlt SAllftno set of bank flxtures ; goad
lli ! 518 So. 15th. CJ-717
1 lU1'SlllOl.I ) arid kitchen furniture , Jellies -
lies , pieklcmu , etc. , at 2236 Fat'nuitn St.
Q-M783 9'
1J.Sl0 lutJItNlOII , mitmick.lueal , anti cook
stoves ; furiulture ci'a ( ) . 2217 Chicago.
(1-M790 10'
- - - - - - - - - -
S'l'A'I'U..Ii Y.
- . . - - .
, MITISTIC flgurce , orRa1nents.t1onnclia&
CO.m 1T ti. 10th St. G-Jy 21'
, . ,
T'INTY-1'l'I'3 centS will litmy th latest
lulIblcntiOll ! illtltrnting the 0. 8 , nail
Srmttish navies , naval commanders , etc. :
almost 21 ) p1ntngruiiih1c reproductions ,
with a large mmmli of the 1'last amid W'est
mules , at the alike of 'I'iie 11cc , if or.
tIered by , nuidi esut Navy Photograph
1)epnrtnient. Omaha lice. 11-870
A"l'I.M0N0i'0LT Garbage Co. , elenn
cesspoois & Privy vaults. 1121 N 111. Tel. 1719.
11-551 Jy16'
I.OS'rartielcs founil ; ituisslag frienuls
traced ; life readings ; lucky belts. 011 N.
20th. 5-IdSOS 30'
IdtSS.t(1'1 , IIATIIS , 10'l'C.
Mitil. Dli. h1ON , electrIc massage bath
lunrlnruu ; restful amid curative. 417 5 , Ilihi ,
UlithtlVs. T-MDO 13'
I4AL'IIA 1'hhison , 119 N. l11tlt ( ttpstairs ) ,
room 12 ; 'I'urlto-Itu'auiutn atid ilnin lattns ,
tullIssagi' . ' 1-207 Jyl9'
MD1CATFI1) baths , massage. Mine. flriq.
soil , ( rein 1'tI'1s. 101 N. 12th ; Open mill night.
' 1'-M9M Jyil'
St1'lIltFl.UOUS hair moles , etc. , IlermuL-
11011(13' rcniovt'd by electricity ; references.
Mrs. Cronyn , speciutlist , r. 10 , Crumightoll
bik. 'I'-M&12 30
ZIIMFI. SIuIIT1I , 11 $ N. 15th St. , hot sirlng
and vapor ballot , ' -7i 11'
: ivICO. , 3111 lieC buliding. U-SOC
$30 1tU1'TU1UI cured for $30. No detention
fioni Itmsimu.'uus ; i years iii Omaha. Call
01' write for ciretliutre. flinpiro Jtupturui
Cure. 932-933 New York Life bldg. , Omaha ,
Neb. U-SOt
A LAI1GIO Map of the \Varld , one umf Cubut
ittiul uunothut'r of tIme entire \\'t't flhlies , ,
sliov1ng Cohn , Porte Rico , 11n3'tl , San
Duinuingo , 'ulmtrtimuique anti all tile other
\'t'st Indian Ishuituuls ; 10 cents , at 'rho lice
office. 133' mail , 11 cents. tddress Cuban
Miup Dept. , Omaha 1ie , U-SOS
IJATIIS , massage. Miiie Post , 3i9 S. 15th.
- -
Y1'ILLOW'STONIO National ark , cheap
company exetirsions. Write .for circular.
A. Lycun , Cinnabar , luIonL
. 4 U-M2514y2t'
GET your s1toe ltalfLoIed nail heeled while
yell watt 15 ininuteum , 50 cents.'or1c
guaranteed. 710 N. 16th St. U-2Ji.Jy22
L'uDIFIS' Turkish baths. Mmo. Post , 119 ½
5. 15th. U-534
DR. N. S. Swetlberg , baths of alt kInds ;
Swedish movement , electricity , etc. , for
ladles and gentlemen. 109-110 lIce hiluIg.
- _
A GREAT PhYsiclahi'S cure for sexunlly
weak men for $1.90 ; rarticu1uurs 2e. 11o ,
211S , Omaha. U-132 At'
I lOto become lawful PhYsIcluttle , law-
3'el.s. ult'ii ( is Is or PlIuirlil ucis til. 1.rui'k him
1911. Chicago , U-MT6l : , tJ ; '
IIONIOY 'i' ( ) 1tAN-lt lO.ti i0S'I'.t'l'i1.
\\'ANTI'ID. choice farni nmiil city houtims , It.
C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nath Duink llldg.
$100,000.00 special fund to loan on first class
i to Proved t ) tnaliui ItruertY ; , 01' fuir boil ,1
log lmIIrpuuieu4. FidelIty 'I'rust Company.5311
I.OAN no improved muiil tumilinproved city
I > I' 11)611 5'V. . } 'uui'nnnl Stuilt Ii , C , m. , 132i )
Fmmritutiii , ' -537
i ; PElt ccitt city antI farm loans. ( larvin
lIros. , 1613 F'nrnam St.
AN't'IIONY 1.ouumi & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. :
ihlll'k mooney itt. low rates for choice farm
Intals in low'ut , Northern I.llssourl , East-
cr11 Nebraska.
lulONilY to ionn on imnprovcml Onumiha real
estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 5. 111th.540
51/ , PElt cent money. lOomIs , t'axton 131k.
1v-5 11
FOIl investors , lista' that are Investors
lists ; write to Investors' Directory Co. ,
New York. . . W-C41-Jy-1l'
PIANOS tuned , $1.50. Hose , 1521 1)uiulge.
: uoxioi'- ) L.t.N-CI1.t.'l"VIILS ,
$11) ro TO LOAN ON
etc. , at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha. amid Council Illuffs.
No reniovuti of goods ; strictly conildcntiuil
you t'an 11.1) ' thlo loan oIl at ntis' time or
ill fltl5' liIliOUflt4. !
: to South 111th St.
MONEY loaneil salaried people holding
permanent positIons , with responsible
tuilcerlis upon their owii 1111am , without
50dm rity easy Payments. Tolmnn , It.
700 , N. Y. Life bldg. X-5I'J
JUSIN1li4t C1iANC10ti.
'I'O GF1'l' lit or out of business go to J , J.
Gibson , 514 First Nat'l bunk. Y-Sii
\VANTED-An interest Iii good business.
State ( till Particulars. Adulretus 'r 30 , Iieo ,
tjici : , clean printIng. Tel. 1310. 11110 Cas
iN event of a loss by lire , s'uo I , JO , Ehr-
inirt , room 512 , Brown block ,
Y-IulGIt 9'
r You wnt to buv.selI. trailo or rent
unytlming call moiii 512 Drown block.
Y-MG9'J 9'
FOJI1IEN'l' . meat mnuirket in tlime location ;
lIlj'iiiii ' ) titst-elnsu ; grocery store. Imuituira
at 2006 No. 213th St YM7it ) !
_ _ : _
' . ; . camicelintion tutamnps. Oniaiiut
Ittibber Stamp Co. , 215 5. 11th St. l'liono
1cY25. Y-783-l3
ANYONE wanting to iiuvesL somali uunutlflt
01' nimmiucy with 1nre returns ; litisiness
too large fol' 11110. CumLi. 2120 Shorinumo Ave.
Mruu.VllIinmnu4. . ' -
ST0C1rtnu1 fixtures of a cigar mmii colufec-
tlomuiry m4tor ( ' iii ilest location In Omnuitmut
for smule. Owiler nlnuit go out. of IitIu4iIleMC
by July 13. Amhuirmss , U 7 , lieu oliiee.
' Y-775-16
F'Olt RFINT , a email wuuter mill. Adlr.'ss ,
1' . 0. box 255 , Ltncoin , Nob. Y-7i1--l3
FOIl. iio : , Meat mnrurlut ; , iloing guull
hiuusities , ' guoul yea sun ( or eel I I ii g. U 9 ,
lIce. 'V-MISC It'
lit l0Nili.t u ; ph ,
FOIl SALE Oil 'l'IIADE , team ailil tVl ) .
scnteui buggy , for single horse nail buggy.
Olul Nebruiskii teeth stable , 16th and Leuts' .
en'orthi Ste
'ro EXCJIANGE ( or general stock mer
cIimuiuulie , horses. fromn S to 7 years old ;
weIght , 1,1.100 to 1,300 ; wutmited , 23.000 or $ IJ0)
loek. .1. 1. . . I'ruier , lirute , Neht.
5-727 7
1'O EXCIIANGIO , GO-toot lot anul two cot-
tngetu oil Seward st. in Omiialia , tinder
good rental ; want. ( aria or Chicago ProP-
e rty. V. C. Van ( Jilder , 115 Monroe st. ,
Chicago. Z-M740 10'
1'lHt SAltI-lIllAIu 133TA'l'l3.
KOUN'rZ1'PiaeC barguzimie , $2,500. 23.750 to
$11,500. J. J. Ulbs.on , 614 First Nat'l bank
bldg. IIE-219
FOLLO\VING desirable lroperty' l3usinesum
iot corner , CuIxISI ) St. , in So. Omaha , Puu'eul.
Business lot , lIOXiSO ft. Improved , South
( Jmuhta street paved.
'l'ract (21 ( lots ) , I11tmi 131.
'l'ri'u.t (0 ( lOts ) , 30th St.
For lmartIculars aip1y 1012 F'armam St.
U0Ul31S. lots farms , In-muds , loans , also ilro
litsurtunce. hoods , I'axtomi block.
hAVE you some lots to sell ? Nos' is thus
tinue to ulislioss ci' thieflIl hit lIme lIcOillO
kmuw that you want to diposo of thi'tn.
'liii , Dec reaches thu IICOPIO who ha'e the
moimey , I1FI-866
150 A'ItlS 1 mile train good Ntmbraska
town ; muorignue $1.0' ' , ) . which I will iaiy
anti give clear uleeui for $2,000. alovor ,
"The Iteal itntu Man , " 302 1murbach 111k ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
N0'l' munny 1at ontluimuurkot hoar Thirty-
hlftit anil 1"urmuatn ; I have an oU1 ( runt
which 1 will offer at ui bargain , or wilt
tiaulti for house and Jqt. Address V 3 ,
lies ollico. ' It1-1b7 '
- - - - - -
1'Olt. 1I.MT.t'rl.
( Continucil. )
DISP farm near Omaha at halt appraised
Volta' . John Sizer , 2302 Ihlonda at , ,
Omaha. 11E-39) July 29'
VOlt SAI.1i or 1xelunitge , huisliues block ;
clear ; $10,000 : rent'i for $1,000 per year ;
will take resiulence or farni 1ropertY. V.
1. . Graham , lice builul log. lt61-9.7
FOIl SALI'I , desirable residence lots. l2l
ID , In flrat.eiame location' ten mlmnites'
% 'utlk front court house ; cimcuui for utsl1.
Alulress 0 111. IJec. ltt'I-M707
I F' Y0t wuttlt i5.acre farnu in Iowa , clear ,
house ILIiuI lot , far nice 11111CC iii good loeui-
tiUfl , betCr ( uupi. and sea about it ; 5(11111'
demur lots 011,1 , ltrK ) cnh for home hear
hiamiscom JArk . 10-nero Iowa fuurnu for
'nczLnt lot.'nIii , cash ; 154) clear Iii Ni'-
lIrmIaka ; 115 'pre4' . flue crop , for tuotte anul
lot ; clear hu4ti. ' itmud lot , N.V. . , tutiul $ .itO
ii ) $1.410 cuili tir sonietliimig east llmuils-
com I1ark.mtF'jr nay kituil ii ? a ulenl see
Lyman Vmiterm1itmn , 522 34. V. I. . llldg.
lIE-ISO 6'
_ _
- - - -
( 'O.03 FOIl IF tui1lmuizul lots on electric car
line. J. Id , , Frepzer , Opp. old 1' . 0.
. , , : llE-M792
, , lLosr.
LOST-Omi Tpdtitioii grounds pockr'tboolc
containing ' . - cimingo aliut commutatIon
ticket to t'xiiosil mu. Finder will he lib-
emily row.irihe % tmppn leaving the ticket
at this oiltce 'patiukeepers ' lntvo been no-
tilled at mumiiitur ; tin the ticket t'iil be of
no use to .th'oftc 1tlt owner , Lost-M2lti
_ _
- - - -
LOS'I' , July 4 EXlOi4itiOhu grounils or
mit emlul of tht'st ear line , titik of cult
hum tton ; hut nul-Ilaloteul nil mmiattire I hereulti.
lleward fur rturn to Omaha. Nuti. Ilank.
zOST-M791 8'
SlIllt'r1l.ti' ! ) AYI ) 'I'1'111t1'1'IN ( .
VAN SANT'S School , 717 N. Y. LIfe. The
school 'luOo stuulents gut rnnliol'nIcmut.
Comiducteil by an experienced i elmrter
AT OMAHA Bus. College. 16th & Douglas ,
SIIOflT-IIAND , il'tOdiLte , tttiglul. by court
eport'rs. * iloylet' School , 403-5-7 lIce lulmlg.
IAR13ACII & SONS , 1312 howard. Tel. 1102.
lie permanent camps. SpecIal rutte E.
M , Hunt , 1 and 2 Varo tIlk. 'Plioe 2135.
-M99 Jy14
Fl ! .ECTItlC light , iiice beuls , elena , cool ;
ratOs low day or week. Over 13111 Doug-
Ins St. -.779
J. It. MAXCY & CO. , atictioncers , room 4111 ,
1nrtn1t lulocic , wuuiut youmr atuctioti sales
of reuui cztnte , merllandlse , furniturc , live
stock , etc. -528
- - - - - - - - - - - -
3 : t I It lIlt IOSC ING.
SALE of hair gootl'u ; Prices satisfactory.
Millet' hairdressing i'arlors. 1511 Douglas ,
$ 'Il-Jy : 12
l1ECilt O'i' V I' ! NG.
& CO. , 1110 Dodge.31451
-31451 J127
1'A tV N Ii it 0 I 10 Ii S.
H. MAltOVJl'r loans nuor.ey. .118 N. 10th
1J'l I ( ) I.S't'll It IN ( .
LUNDEEN , 1urnittre ina.le o'cr : 1523
LeavenworthMG91 JylO
Full Ni'iVitiO 1'I'l1'1i ) .
Itt. \\'ALILfN 2111 Ctunlng , 'J.'el. 1131.
, -,1. ,
' 1ltI1SSli.t1.lNr ; .
DRESSM.KIN& MIss Liturdy , 2511i Day.
enport. -ISiJyti'
, , , .
- -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I1ARC.AINS Ip uiew & 2nd hand bIcycles ;
easy termS. ' 'rii . Safe Store , 1116 Farnum.
. , SiG Jy13
NEW' whee1s $19'to $23 ; secondhand wheels ,
$5 to $15. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chicago.
. . : -1155
, , II V ' .
,1w1 Rh' 111 US.
'rypEvnI'rLiItsror cent , l.0O per nioiutli.
'fIle Snuith-Premnier Typewriter Co. , 3523
Farnitru SL Tuiuphr.nn 1281. lOb
VIOLIN 31t1C1N ( .
C. A. CASIO , violIns repaIred , 416 Sliecly 131k ,
-M692 JylO
WE SOLICIT and furnish positions ( or
ster.ogrmmthers free. ' 1'h Smith-Premier
Typewriter Co. Telephone 1284. 289
Iltilt. 1)ILIOSSJNG.
SALI3 on hair gooda. Miller's hair Dress-
ing. 1514 DoimsIns. -907 Jyll
. ,
L. _ & - .iuul Itivemit.
' ' ' ' ' '
( Should be read daily by all Interested , as
chiamigeuu may occlmr itt any tinle. )
Foreign malls for time week enditug July
9. 189 $ . svill close ( I'ItOulP'.I'LY in mull eases )
Ut ( lie ( Jemieral l'ostothice mum rull.iwa : PAIt-
I2IILS lb'i' MAILS t'hflie 1)111,1 hour earlier
thuami lolmi time shown below.
'i't'giim.ttisiii I itt iiiills.
SA'l'IYItlAY-At 0:30 : a. m. for FRANCI'1 ,
SVI'i"/Elt1AN1) , l'1'LV , TtJ1tl iIY ,
EUYI"i' immiti liltITiSli i NDIA , Per H. 5 ,
hut l'ouruitmmim. via ihiL'ru I lutters tar
other parts of Europe ( LXCt'lt Sham ) must
be Oirt't'teui ' 'iier ill i'uulI'utIIi. ' I : .11 i's ;
It. 01. for GREAT ISfll'l'AIN , I ItElAN1) .
POlt'lt5UA I , I311i..U LtJIul. NE'll 10111.
Ilt , 1111 , NOIt\VA 'u' , BVJDEN mind ItUS.
lilA , Per H , 5 , lItrtmrimm , via Queeitstotvit
( letters for othuor harts of Europe ( except
tiulltl ) ) mnuuit he uimre''iI'uI ' 'lit r i.trmir,1L , I
( It 8 a , in. for NE'PIIIO1II4ANDS direct ,
iier s. s. Spaarnulumo , % 'iit Ilotturilamn ( let-
tot'S imiti at lii , d I ret' t i'd ' ' 11cr Spiuut riiuiut to ,
at It I ) . 10. . ( or i'A i' Icr 14. it
KimiserVm. . 11. ( letters mliumtt be ilirceteul
"per Eu iserViii. . 1 1 ' ) , ' at 10 a. mu. for
Et'ltOl'13 ' teXcilut Spuuimi ; tie" ii ii licrIlil , I
via Quu'enstou'm1 ( letters mnuilt lie tllreeted
"l ) ° r Ilem'hin" ) ; tit 11 a. m. for NOILWAY
direct , her H , . Norgu ( letters nutust be
dIrected "her Norge" ) .
After tIle asiiig mit' the. Supplemeiututry
'l'ransutla title Mitilo aaiuued above , addi.
tiOtlal suppiemaentutry mitails acre opemieii tin
the lilert of tHe tmcrIcau. ICuglishu ,
Fronchm amid Oernutmu mmtt'umeca timid m'emiin
011011 until within It'll inlimutes mit the hour
of sailing of sleamer.
iiIttilN fit r Siumfb ititil Ct'mi trill , tiiuericn ,
Vvst huIioi , Itc ,
FItlIAY-At 10 a. m.suppleiluentary ( 10:30 :
a. rn ) for CAVIl IIAI'l'l and SANTA
MAlt'l'JIA , Per it. * 4. A. 1)umnis ; at 12 In.
for 1110 1)10 UANI11II1 ( ) ittd SJSNTS , lttr (
It. 5. Scottish I'rincui ; itt 12 rn ( supple.
memitmiry 1 tI. m ) ( iii' ( 'I3NTJI4tL AMElI-
lP1 ( oxcuit CoSta 1tic ) and br 150DT1 I
I'AClPiI' 1011'I'S , per s. it. Ailvuimmee , 'ia
Colon ( letters fat' Guuttetniilui bust be di.
recItal "her Ads'uiluce" ' .
SA'I'ITIIDAY-'AtI 10 ii. tfl. ( muupplemnentnry
10:30 : a. at. ) fiii F'Ohl'l'I'NIO LSlANl ) ,
JAM ICA , SAVAN I 14l.A nuil (3 lt0. .
TOWN per s. s. Atluu ( totters for Costa
ltica mnUust be directed ' 'jier Atimoit' ' ) ; at
8:30 : p. In. for NlOVFOLNDLANi ) miluil
ST. PIEIIIIII MIQUl'i.0N , vr steamer
( rota North iSrilney ,
Mails for Neu'fundlmuid , by i-all to halt.
fax , unit thuenea by steamer. "InS , , at tiii
olitcO daily tit 8:30 : P in. .Maiis for liii.
quelon , by rbil' to Ilouttuim utid thence by
steamer. clOSelal this ofllce daily at 8:33 :
p. in. IdalIB fur Msxt"o City , ovi'htul1d ,
unIes specially addresuted ( or ueujiuut'hi ( bY
toanicr. cIo8e at this elfico d.tiiy at :3 :
1'13S't1)l'l'lCtl UTiCi3 ,
. ( Contiitii'ul , )
a. m , , tnul 2:20 : p. mu. "Registered mail
ci0s $ itt''t0) I' . nt. irovious day.
'I'rnmis-I'nt'Iilt , ltt II , .
Mails for China and JaPan ( uupcviuliy : ad.
, lreuiat'tl ittily ) , 11CC 9 , 5 , ltiultross of Chiiiia
( from V1111t'tiult'er ) , CIsO licrC dali ) ' Ill ) to
Jutl3' "Itli at 6:30 : 1) . 111. lulnils for Alistruuliut
teCt'1't thti , for \'rst , uistrniiui , which
mrc' firsvuurIeuh , v'it 1mirtia' , ) New /.a1iitttl ,
1lnnit , Fiji nttul Rnmoal lshmfli1s , luer
it it , Alameda ( frem San Francisco ) , close
It.tlI.'AV 'J'lliFI ( ' .ltl ) .
- _
& 'NOttTl1\VlST.
erli Railway--city TIcket
JI 0111cc , 1101 1'itrflutlfl Street.
; 'l'olephone fiOl Depot ,
1'enthi tiiluj u1miuii Streets.
'FOleluhiofle , 112) .
1.enve Arrive.
DaylIght Chicago
illucetnI . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6 : 10 mini ' 11 :55 : pin
Mo. Valley ' Sioux
City. St. 'Patti &
Minneapolis . . . . . . . a 6:40 nra ' 10:45 : pm
I'ulil. 'nlley , Sioux
City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7iS : mum ' 9:00 : 1)111
Iloone , Du'1iioti ,
( 'outmeil ltltliTM . . . . ' 10:10 : Pifl ' 10:03 : nun
Eutetern Ex. , Ie
Idoineit , Iuittrshinll-
toWlu , Cemlutr lIsp-
hIs and t'Iitcmugo. . . ' 11:05 : am4:20 : pm
Atliiiltii' Flyer , Clii-
culgo nail i'nst. . . . ' 4:55 : pin 4:20 : inn
Fast uIiuil , Chieuugo
to Omaha ' 3:15 : 1)111
Nmuu'tlu'rn Expr0q 5:30 : pm 8:40 : am
Om.-Chiicago 51)0-
cial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:53 : pm 8:23 : nm
S Duuily.
1rIt10M0NT , IOL.lCltOItN &
, . Missouri Valley 1ta1lu'ny-
' Gal -rul Offices , Unhteul
St ' cc National hank h1hdt ,
Siii.ithrcst Corner Twelfth
mimI Farn'im Streets. 'ricket Office , 1401
Fucritanu Street. Telephone , 561. Depot.
Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone ,
1,458. Leave. Arrive.
'Ulnek hills , Deadwood -
wood , lint Slrl'is 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm
Wyoming. Casper
nhlul Douglas . . . . . . " 3:00 : pta " 5:00 : Pm
Unstiiiga ; York , DadO -
dO Cit's' , Superior ,
Geniv&iIxoter &
Ses'n rd ' ' 3:00 : pm ' 5:00 : pm
Norfalk ,
alid .Fremnouit . . . . . " 8:15 ant 10:45 : am
I Lliicttln , Vudioo &
Fremont . . . . . . . . . . . " 8:15 : am ' 10:45 : am
Vreinoi. I..scal . . . . " 7:510 : am
York 'a1SOt1get. . . . ' 6:10 : pin 9:40 : am
' Daily. ' ' 1)atly except 9untlay. ' Sun.
day only. ' " Daily except Saturday.
.1' , , Daily excoot Monu1a ) .
. ' nealuolis & Omaha Itmtilway
-General omees. Nebraska
, 1)Ivisicn , FUtecnthi amid
- , Wetimuti'r Streets. City
TickotOillce , 1401 Farnitin Street. ' 1'le-
111101W. 551. Depot. 1' lftcenth and Webster
StreetS. Teienhone. 1.45.5.
. -
Leave. Arrive ,
SIoux City Aecom. . ' 8:50 : am ' 8:35 : pm
Sioux City Accom. . " ' 950 ant " 8:35 : pm
Blair , Entersuun ,
Sioux City , Pomica ,
I luum't I hilt 1 0 anti
Ilioomlli'lti . . . . . . . 'S .1:00 : pm " 11 :55 : am
SiuuIi CII ) ' , Mami-
kato , St. Paul &
Mliineapolls . . . . . . ' " 6:00 : emma 9:00 ama
Duttly. " 1)uilll' PXCt'It Stmntlal' . " Sun-
ulay only. " Does not stop at DeSota or-
1tahlrIu1 - General OllIci's
United States Natiuimiutf
Dank 1lhmhldluug , S.V. . Cor.
11cr Twelfth maul Futrimutmu
Street. 'I'lcket 0111cc , 1401 Fuim'uutmn , Street.
'l'Cl.ilIOli ( ' , 501 . Deluiit. 'l'en I It alit ) Id uisomu
Streets. 'I'elClhOmIe , 1129.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City , Mami.
late , St. l'tumtl , 6 : II ) am ' S:4O : am
MituneajioliM . . . . . . . 5:30 : l'fl ' 10:45 : pun
Siotix City l.ocal. 7:15 : uttim ' 9:00 : pm
S inly
"I3UTtLfN3T0N & MISsouri -
I souri ltiver Railroad-"Tluuu
Burlington itoiite"-Gcn.
errul Olllces N.V. . Corner
Route 'I'enth amid F'armiam Streets.
I 'Picket Olhlce , 1502 Farnuurn
_ _ . _ . _ J Street Telephone 250. Ihi-
hot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telcphiomiui
Leave. ArrIve.
Lim'oln , h-stings
and MeCc'ok ' 8:35 am ' 0:33 : nm
Lincoln , Denver.
Colorado , Utahu ,
( 'alifornla , ltlutck
Iille. Montana &
Pugu't , uituliii . . . . . 4.33 lila 4:00 : pm
Ltneoln Local . , . 7:00 : urn ' 7:40 : iutmi
Lincoln Vast Mall. ' 2:55 : pin " 11:40 : am
Denver , Colorado ,
Utnh. California
and Puget Soummul ' 11:55 : pm ' 11:55 : pm
"Daily. 'D.til % ' eXcePt Sut1da' .
sep'n & CouncIl J3lufrs Rail-
BurIirito n rniuul - . "The Burlington
Reuto"-Tiektt 0111cc , 1502
II otite Fnrzian Street. Telephone
250. Depot , Tenth antI Ma.
son Stm'eets. Telephone 128.
Leave. Arrive.
Kansa s City Day
Express . . . . . . . . . . . 9:05 : am ' 5:40 : pm
ICansas City Night
Express . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 11:00 : ima * 0:30 : am
"E.'Ci)1)blti0ii Flyer'
St. L.itlis . . . . . . . . . . ' 4:30 : pm 12O5 : pm
for St. Jo'eIh ) amid
' Daily.
' Quimicy Railroad - "The
U ri in to U i ] tarltngton Route'Ticket
r 1 OllIce , 1502 1.'uurnutm Street.
R tiute 'I'eielhlono 250. Depot , Tenth
toni Mtuuaii Streets. Tele.
_ _ I p11db 125.Leave
Leave Arrive ,
Chicago VesibuJod
Express . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:09 : urn ' 8:10 : am
Chicago Express . . , 9:45 : ama 4:10 : inn
ChIcago & IlL
Louils Exliress . . , 7:5 pm 8:10 : ant
( 'rue' . a n Luti'lt I ' 4 :0' : ) ten 'ii ) : iS multi
Pacific Junction
Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:53 pun 5:10 : put
Fost Mali 2:50 : pm
Chicago Special . . ' 12:05 : am 91Ihi : 1nn
. Daily. ' Daily tncuipt Sunday ,
. , . . , - I mV.riltil,1 , lttuiute'-Jomuturul ( Of-
. flees , N. V. Corner Ninth anii
II Fuui'tmitm Str'cits. City 'L'ickc.t
( ) ll'cc' , 130 l'artiatmm Sti'tait.
. , , l'eI.'lihwil' 215. Depot , 't'unth
and Masomu Streets. 'I'eiciihono
C : : : ) .
Leave. Arrive.
"lImo Ovcrluund
i.iniitoul" ( am jifl.
vur , Salt i : tulle ,
.tnd western iuU. . 'tO : a 4143 inn
'l'lto Colorado SIlo-
cial , lot' Li.'n % 'it' &
all Coloracit , p'ts. ' 1153 pal 0:40 : a no
Lutut Iulmuil Trutlri tiur
Salt LalcI , I'acitlc
coact nail oIl
estern litlflts . . , ' 4:35 : im 'iO ' : ; am
Li ill' ' ) I ii , I i.ct ri co , % 0
Stoimaburg FIx. , ' 5:00 ' 12:2t1
_ : _ : pta : mo
L'i".mauoi1t , c.Ium-
mit , Norfolk , ( irti
Isianil & Keanoy t:35 : litfl " 12:20 : mim
( ; rtmul I tuiuttitl Ex . . . 5 ; 9) ) iiti ) " 12 :20 : 1110
S Iuiiiy. ' Dully eXCCII 4umadny.
Ruuth 000ahIlt Local l'ass.-Lea'ais , 6:15 : a.
no. . 1:04) : a. no. . 9'U a. ma. ; 3:10 : p. rn Ar-
rlves , 10:15 : mu. ma. ; :1:30 : : p. in. ; : O0 p. in.
Council 131'iirs t.ocmtl-ienvemt , . , . : f.5 a. no. ;
0:50 : a. iii. ; .4' ' ) it. mc. . : b:4U : a. In. 10:30 : a.
in. ; 2 :05 : P. am. ; 4 35 I ) . lii. 5:55 : p. mum. ; S :20 : p.
in. ; l0C'u : p. rn , Arrives , 6 ; ' a. m. ; 7:0 :
IL. tfl. 835 ; a. no. ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:10 : p. in
5:40 : p III. . 6:30 : ii , mn 9:03 : it. no. ; 30:4 : ii. no.
.k- , i'uitdUt'mmtititi ( . ) Iiiccs nitU
. I Ticket 0111cc , Southeast Cur.
nori4t1uutu0JougiaIitreetu * .
amid Webster 5t'1eIeuhion't
lili& 1458.
LeaVe. Arrive.
ICuunsas and Neb ,
LIuiteul , : o : pm 92:53 tim
Kuuilsut4 City & St.
Louis Ea.iree . . , 9:30 : pm ' 11:00 : tim
4uhurt'.ku . . . ' 4:3 : * ) mumn " 9:45 : am
Daily ' ' DailY ox'eiit Sunday.
here daily up to July "SlIm itt. 7:00 : a no. ,
11 ii. in. anti 6:30 : l. tn lot' on airit'mtl U'L
New York of S. H. ( 'utnilemnlu. vitlu hlrltlm.h
tniuFh' ( or itustrutliuu ) .tiitti lam' I ittmm'
Ju1uuin and I Itutrutli. iic'r it. a. City of ltto
tic J niiei ru I ( l'oxui Hui mi Fm ticisro ) , t'isu
here daily till to July 11)111 ) , it G"JO it. am.
lulails for China imiil Juiiito , ibc'r
* 1 H , trizoiiut ( froimi 'l'itcoInfl ) , viiise
hero daily imim to July "lIt It mtt ii 30
11. ifl. uhmmil for Austruli.i t'xc'l't \-st
A ust ni I In ) . Neuv Yeuulum liii , I imunmu i I ii iii )
liii isliuttuis , 11cr it. it , 'at't'iniuu I ( run )
Vuiii'oUvuur ) , close hierti ml.uliy after July
8th umnil UI ) to July 'Zlst at 6.30 ' in
uluil for tIme Socit'ty lelaptuls iier ship
Pity of I'uliclti ( from Salu Frniiciscoi ,
closu lucia tinily up to July 231hm at (30 (
I , tfl.
Truns.l'neitlc nmailsnm'eorwtunltuml to laurt of
sail I mmg tia I I y a uid I Iiu siIiril U lu u C closi nuc
is arrun.guuml on this hIreuzmmlithumtm of their
unilmterrummttd uveriunui : irnmult. "hteis.
tertud mall u'loseit at C ii iii. pru'ious clay.
Postomce , New York , N ' , July 1 , 1398.
lt.t1I.\VA' ' TIMIS CAHI ) .
( Cantinuieil. )
. & Pacitlc itmuilrauttl-"The
; . ( Orent Itock Islailil Ilotita' '
( ; itY rieket Oiiiee. 1323
. , , I ornalmi Street. Teltuphiofte
' ) ' Tenth and
4'S 1)c'pot ,
. . Ii'iiaoml Streets. Telephiolio
LeaVe. artVQ
ilocky Mountain
I.imniej ( , t'ast i30 ; am 1:25 : rum
Itocky Moumitaili
1.lmitel. vet . , , . ' 5:20 : ani 5:15 : am
Chicago & lit. I'nhll
VeStitittleti 10 x-
resq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 : pin 1:25 : pin
Lincolmi. Colorado
Sitrings , I 'iietilo
1)emiver and 1:30 : Pm ' 4129 pm
Chicago , De
Miitut'u ; e I1o
Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7l00 pm " 11:25 am
A'.muiiltle 111xmireus ,
for ti's 2ulohne't
and eastern luointh " 7:20 : am ' 8:50 : tim
Colorado Flyer . . . . . ' 7uuj : pin " : &u am
' 1)rull ) ' . ' tatly exenut Sumnuhuiy.
oMAhA &ST.1.0tJ15 RAIL , .
t'uiIttI'-Uuiluihia , Rnmiucutg City .i
l'iamuern hInllronl.'y10 l'ori
Arthur I0outo"-'t'iekt Olilce ,
RQPT. U15 Farnani Street. 't'cl&i
- lihloilc 322. le 'l'eitth mitml
. % liusomt Streets , Teletuhiono k9.'l'eitth
Leutt'e. Arrive ,
St. Louis Cannon
Itall Ezpreg , , , , . ' 4:33 : P01 lt:3O : am
1mmnns City &
QImino ) ' Lnr'nl . . . . S 1:10 : ala fl : lfli
Kansas City lOx-
111055 . . . . ' ' 7:30 am
Port Arthti'
llres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & .30 pm
' Dailt ,
MIl.VAU1ClOfl &
St. l'aul Railway- , City
P'ktkpt 1)111cc , 1504 F urania
. AUKEE treet , Telepltone : Si. Ietiut ,
'rentlm and Mason streets.
Tcielihone. 6211.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited
llxpri'mus . . . . . . . . . . . 3:45 : pm 820 am
Oimitihiit & Chicago
Expreimi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Ioo : am " 4:16 : pm
Sioux City atoil Des
Moines ExilrcsR. . . . . " 11:00 : am ' 1:15 pm
'Dailj. "Daily except Sunday ,
Ticket 0111cc , 1415 Fnrnuimn
St&'eet. Telephone 892. Depot
9'ontli iimiml ? uluton Stre.ot.
Telephone 629.
Leave , Arrive.
St 1. outs "Canon
Bali" Express. . . . . 4:30 : inn 11:30 am
. Daily
Mitriler a nil Smi iciclu' itt IOnmporin
EMI'OltIA , Knit. , July 7.-This mornIng
at 7 o'clock Coromier Iloylun was notified
that two dead bodies were lying in the
grnmmilstand III Soulcin's grove , one tulle south
of tIme city. They proved to he those of
Arthur Jones of l3mnporia nail Mary Leish-
mmuan of Scranton , lCuii. ; The bodies were
hying together , she with a bullet hole in
her forehead itud another below the heart.
ITo humol a httihict hole , iti . hula huruost near
the lmetttt , 'Thieve is no alJilllt that It is Ii
case of mmitmrder 01111 suicide , Jones kihlIn ' '
the girl atul then himself. Ilothi were ill i
years of age. '
, t gt'ii ' % 'usiiimn ( ' .111mm its 14cm It'isle.
ST. 1.01118 , July 7.-Mrs. J. N. I'ittsen , "
wife of J. C. Numisen , presiulcnt of the Mis- P
sourl uinlheable iron works. who cclebrnteul
tlmolr gohuleti wedihlng two nmmiths ago , cciii-
ill i tt1'l ( so Ic luhit t ochuiy by ha ii gi ng hi rrau'l t
at the family resimliunee , 3127 Longfellow
avoilue. TIme reason mitiigiieuh by relatives
is temporary Inalmlty , mused hub' ill henithi.
Mrs Nulsemu has wealthy relntt in ( lhmI.
cage amid Now Orleans , SIte leaves tIme fol-
lowimig claumghtcrs and rout.Mrs , ( ' hones
Orthtwein , Mrs. 'uS' . A. Schmrat'mler miliul Mrs.
IilnnththmmtrthL of Chicago ; Mrs. A. Strnimsq ,
Mrs. John Kline antI Messrs. C' . F. nod
Albert J. Ntilsemt of St. Iotms. !
'iii I i't't'M hi ii I ii ii .1 , 'ut'c'l ry St a re.
CLIO\'III4ANI ) , (3. , Jtil9- 7-A elmeclat
from Newcastle , Put. , says : \'hile the
Schituhl brothers were tvntt'ilng : tlit' Putraiki
of ilte Iitmi'frulo Bill shot' , ' today thIeves en-
tereil their store troni the rear lumlil stole
$30,000 worth of dianioiuls 811,1 jewelry.
TIme thieves tscnpcd : , leaving tlinmnonds seat-
tt'reut all over the street.
'I'IlFl 111(3 ( OlIN S'l''I.I'h.
Froiui Seruips.
_ _
I Now that the war is In the hale-ia
1he air , we mean-mightn't the above
I ho found a rather effective method of
I ti'catmnont for the mnuuutachmeiu anti
lmeards of onrbloods about town ? ¶
A ( IL7A it ItlIl , m vi I 11 S ' ti ii SUc.'m .t I , 51.11' .
Phil 3ltiy lit Punch ,
: - . ; . ' , ' -ad
: t ) ' " % /
'O ( ) . l
I 1 ,
_ _ - - . .
I _ _ _ . .
. I ' - .
S '
/I , -
I ' ' i
I : ;
, ;
Drtigglst . , battered fenoale-The ) cat , I stmpposel ' . '
Battered Femak-No , Another lydy ,
- - . - , - ,
1)IS'l'ii ii 11 1N1 'l'IItlGli'i19 ( _
From St. I'.tul's ,
' \r.'r'T / ' ci ' ,4 L I .
" ! . .
"Ne.p/ J :
.f4 : . ?
, !
, . , ? / ? . (
' / ; ' ) . .
! t . ,
0- ' , . ' I ;
. . ,
, .
- ,
? 4'L jt-.t
k2Lej1 I.- ,
roctor-Your ) pulse is racinU alarmtnghy. .
1'tIent-Yes ; I am tltIulxIlfg of yuur bill ,
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -