_ l I. 'i ' ' ; ' I THE OMAHA' DAILY BEF , . . . . , - - - . - - t- ES'I'JLTS1IE1) ' JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAhA , IfHhIAY - kBNENG , JPIiY S , 1898-TWELVE - - - PAGES G-LJi COPY FIV E OEN'E'S. * - / . t GIVES 11 NEW LIFE , y flnBhino Aft.cr the Storni Brings Out the Expo3ition'S ' Landscape. TREES AND FLOWERS SHOW ADDED BEAUTY Now B1orsoms and Brighthr Foliage Mark the Paisago of the Storm. I.AGOOU WALLS STAND THE STRAIN WELL Management Convinced the Piling is Now Made Btonn Proof , MIDWAY GETS TIlE WORST DOSE Si'aeri I'rnse I uiiidi , unte ni.1 the Chieni , Striletia rtM i ri IsuttInteh , In- terlIrM hieluig Sirluiusly Sonked by the MtidiI , Vtter. When the clcn&da & ; yesterlny after- flOoll nII(1 ( the tiii citii e CU t &iiiil oI red ilow n II that feryd , muggy heat that follows a btornl anil Itifuei tropca1 luxuriance Into - vegetation , the grasH and flowers r anit shrubbery that beautify the exIoItIon grounds seemed to faIrly stretch upward to meet the grateful warmth. The raIn had drenched the soIl to a consiti- crable depth and the followIng sunshine made the foliage acquIre a week's growth , In twenty-four hours. Now blossoms all- , I leared ) in the lingo flower beds and the turf 4 * . aiid shrubs assumed a deeper and fresher : tint. of green. The rain was a material assistance - sistanco to the lantiscape effects of the . , grouniB unil beautiful as they nIleareI ) ) when the CXIOSitiOU ) OjC ) ed , their nttrac- tions luive inuhtlpiled. The oleanflers are how iii full hlooiii cml the smaller varieties I In the beds present uiibroken niases of ' . gorgeous coloring. The canna are Just beginning - ginning to shoot out. their htids am ! in a i couple of weeks more their magnificent r hilossoms will be nldcd to the synlIomitmni of . . . . color. , _ 1 Tue exposition officials. as well as the cxi i hlhitbrs nmmd concessionists. were busily oc- cmmpIe yesterday morning in taking ac- coutit of stock , to see what ( Iamnagc bath been sustalneil on account of tilO deluge , and on the V. hole the reulL was very atisfatory. It was not to be expected that such a tre- imielmihous downpour couhl continue without causing some immdlrldtial loss. htmL the aggregate - gate was nothing like Iiat it might have beemi. The tiarnage to the grounds was in- significant. Time lagoon went through time oril cal rerun rIcnbl y 'e1 I , mm mmd , aside frommi a slight. hju % in the phhimig on the north side , Jmmst , vest ot Tw'ntieth street , It is as iotmmid as ever. Evemi in this ease time ilamna go IS mint sen ous and I t w I I i be very mimickIy rcniemltcii. Time fact that ito verse injury than thia occurred is suhhlcient . ' to convince time management that the lagoon l't is imow pm acticaiiy storm proof aiim ! many he 'iepeimdcd on to stamiti pat miuring the balance .ler time season. % 9'ime pavements and landscapes were not sr1nttsiy damaged in ally intaaco. A see- ttqn of iutvemnent In front of time Gov.rn- ifiunt btiiiiling about six feet sImare wa tieti out timid semite of the smaller flowers teiimpornrly stricken down. There .re ono ' or tvo ntall waliouits on the bluff tract , ltit ) these slight tlaimlage3 can all ho repahied In a tow hours. \\'hihio time buildings itrovemi to be satis- ractorily ttatcr lroof ) during mitost of the afternoon , the roofs could not. altogether vithitaiimi time onslaught of the clotmdbur.t that enhitticti over aim hitch of water on timeni In teim minutes , ltmrimmg this exccptlommal downpour the tvater forced its way in in ' \ ittaimy Places anti In a number of cases semite ' . of time exhibits t'cre considerably mmmoiteitel. y I' Tue ieakuge w as greatest In time to'ermmlltemmt Iflhtidilig. but even there the damage was of Ito great inmirtaitce. 'Fime worst sufferers 'crc time concession- hats , 108mm ) ' of vlmoc establisimments were built lint on the groummtl t'hiJi roofs of very slight construction. luring the vorst of time stormim time two six anti eiglmt-iitch sewers that arc simposed to emirry time storimi vater from time Midway itroved entirely unequal to time task aiii time water ran two feet dcci ) in , the street. 'l'lio vnter forced its way into ' - the huiithings , hmothi front time Street and through time mools , ttitd in several cases time I ii te riormt ss'ere ire t ty thormtimgiii y i minim tinted. 'fitui hi vay itemih ) C 't % oi i(1'i ( iizt rd ciii ri ug t lie imturiiiimg cienimimig out vttatiohris , tue % vater haul left amid by miftvrmnrnmi they 'ere migalmi moody for business. . .t ( it i ( 't' i.1' i ; it i i N 1 I % N iS ( Et'.t. orils Siir Stiitt. IiIi..ls Ii I'Iiii il- Illhlit uf us % 'urII , iI4piireM. Time exhibit mntmile by time \iiiiitcsota Ex- tolt1oii CtnUhisi4IOfl ) iii time Agricimiturni bmitidimig occupies two sections , time first bt'i mig on the hurt ii idu of t he in a I a a Isle , where a imarmdsomiie paviihttn has been erected for time ml lspiay of a g ri etmi t ii mi it roti tic I a timid t he secon ml paeo hei ii g ( met' ii p ie.l iiy cx ii I iii Is simowiimg the flax and wool iimdustries of the state , i'lmo omit I U imas'ii i n it is an I iii ios I ng m4trimc- timrt' . its lmt'ight exceeding that of ami' of thu surrounding eiiibits , anti Its geocral tiesigmi imitti ticcuration boimig of a mnoit at- tracttvo kimul. 'I lic grniiia aitil grmuimu's of time state mire iiiliizt'ml iii the tiemoration In a imtniiner which Ilriucs the imlost effect IVO resti I t s , mm miii I Ii ii a rrnii gemneim I of t lie I mm t crier of t lie Ia'i I Is I mm lu'epl ug w I t Li t he at- trtu'tlvemicss pf tue exterior. ( floss cases of imammilsomno tiesigmi are grouped about the In- tciiur nitil iii thise are shoivu time cereals fur which time state is faimioum.'iieat. . ' oats , rye , barley , immillet , buckwheat , timimothmy , clover aiil ether varieties of set'ti mire shown In these cases and lii glass jars vliicli are nrrmmimged on a l'Yruiilil ' ( occupying the center of tInt imvlhioii. A strong showing is made of No. I liartt ht'at , the stapie protltiction In iduiiimvsein , Ommu entire side of time pa- vilton is mievoted to a simowing of time iitm- amorous varieties of hour mimatie in the state. A lingo itlie of hour in racks extenmis almost to t Ii ti roof of t lie bu liii i ug , a miii I ml I Ii I s 11110 mire i20 varieties of hour ( remit mhiITt'rt'mit . mills. iachm of the 400 mmiliis lii the state hmnvliig a capacity of over 125 barrels iter day has contributed a sack of its flour , but there was not suilicient reemit to dispiny nil of them at omme time. Time Miminesota exhibit is In charge of C.V. . Vivid rf Mlmmnt'mipolis , one of time coin- iiitsioimers , mimid the exhibits of ilax cmiii wool sire under the direct charge of experts In tiioe lutes aPPolitted by time Mhtimmesota Comumimission. p The shiowimig of time Ilax Industry is in charge of Mrs. Oscar N. Oiberg of Albert Lea , Mimi , Mrs. Oibcrg iin acquired a liatiommai repulatton In commoectton wIth time lromllotloIm of limo flax stry In the Uniteil i3tates. llsr father , troth farmer nod miller , M. K. Dalil , o , aupunVis. . , took lip the cultIvation of thai as a diver8lon , and suxeeded In demnonatiating the practica. bility of growlug flax of the very fleet qualIty In the northern 5tate , At h15 death the c1oIu t ot ihi builneu affaLr broubt Mrs Oiberg into contact with the flax in- iltmttry , anil mhe has bcn Imientifled with It. to a considerable extent ever aince , 11cr work has Imeon largely in the line of pro- m'tlon in commneetlon with time omco of fibre Investigatlona of the Agricultural department - ment of the government. May 15 , last , the Mitmnesota commission asked Mrs. Oiberg to collect material and make an exhibit of the flax Industry of Minnesota , nimmi the exhibit sliowti in the Agriculture buildIng was cot- iected under diflicultles , S.ry I'rnIl mmhii' Crop. Mrs. Oiherg declares that no finer flax is grown titan can be raised In the states of \'Iscoimsin , MInnesota , North and South la- kota and Iowa , Several nulls have been started in Minnerota amid Mrs. Olberg states that where these have been COlilUCted with proper busimiess nmcthoiis they have pros. pored , hut time maniptiiation of the real estate - tate speculator has jrevontetl the titiccess of soimme of time mills. Time irocess of preparing time mmmd , sow- lug , ' 'puiilmmg' ' and time stmbsequemmt treat- bent of tue crop Is shown tmy means of idio- tograpims , while time flax Itself is shown in various stages of imreparmmtion , front the first stages to the flumisliemi lirodimet. Snmnorous sanipies of cloth mnamio In tue mills in Mlii- nesotit are iiiown and aiso several samples made from flax grown in Minnesota 'which % a8 woven by mills In Massachusetts and in irelmmimd. Mrs. Olberg is authorIty for the statement that an average crop of flax yIelds between $300 flfli. $400 per acre , a return wlmtch Is little short of idmunomneilai. Time irciiaratiou of time groimmid before time seed is sown re- qtilres moore care than the ordInary crop of grain , but tue crop remiuires little or tie at- tentlon tmnthi It is ready for gathering. The wool exhibit 0111(10 under the direction of time Mimmnesota comuntission is in cimarge of W. J. hiurnett , nmanager of time North- westerim 11kb ammd Fur company of Mimmimeap- imhi. Time eximihit is contaimmed iii upright glass cases , time first contaimming fleeces front a breed of sheep raised by n hrommiimteut imhteep raiser of Minnesota which he calls the Nortim Star. The ooi is what Is known to the trade as long medium anti Is of a very flue quality. The ovner of the sheep ciaiums that time hleece of the rain eu exhii- btlioim weIghs twenty-four and a quarter toimnis. lit addItion to this hreeti , there are shmowim wool ( rein Shropslmlre , Soutimdown , Oxford anti lorset breeds , all of flue quality aimti great weight. Amiothmer case contains a famicy blanket made by the Nortim Star oo1ofl mmtihis of Miummeapoiis frommm Mimmnesota SiiCehi. Time last case 1mm time line contains-n ilecco prepared for time market In the wr)1mg nmatimier , 00(1 ( near it tire pliutogratmits shtov- I mig time i' ' roper maim ncr to fold and mel I a ilcece 1mm order to keep it 1mm time best comidi- tlemm. One of time attractions of time wool exhibit 1mm a iiainttimi deitigimed byir. . hitmruett , showing all of tlmo ftmr hearing ammimnais of the North Anmerlcamm veatinemmt which have ammy s'nitie. These tmimimnrils are arranged In groups by ciasses armd iittih'e a imiost hmmstrtmc- tive collectfon. lI.t'i"i'lI 01" 'l'I I I' mi l It It I tS 1t.t ( iM. Xt'bt-mii'tkzi. iuivmi mm lit ! i isiti ri En- gitg.I I , , ii I"i It'iii l' tit riimgii. The eximibltiomi of small fruits in the 11cr- t hen I tim re bum ii d I mm g Is I mm fumi I blast an d time battle of time berries Is being 'aged fast ammtl fumiousiy by time stmpcrirmtetmiicnts of the varIous exhibits viio arc \viUmin ens ) ' reaclm of timeir base of stmppiies. iova , MIs- scan tat Nebraska tire now engaged In a tlmree-cornered contest to see vii1cim caim ox- cil i ii tim 0 t Ispla y 0 f sinai I fruit I. n nil vhs- itoi's , to time bimiitllng are regaled by time ticliclous odor of fresh fruit , vhicim is simf- ficient to whet the appetite of time mnot coimhlrmnctl dyspeptic. Tlmee three states have facilities for getting frpsli frumit which are not , witimlim reach of the other states and time rcprcsemmtati'es of each am strahimimmg every mtcr'e. Missouri ammtl Nebraskim imavu settleti tlowim to a neck timiti neck contest , iii uiiieh Nebraska has time advantage In being nearer time base of supplies. Time fume show- immg Iii snmahl fruit mnaile by time latter tnte Is a source of constant surprise to the rep- rcscmttatlvos of all time other slates as well as to the large majority of those vlio 'lsit ilto building. Every day sees uiesli acceim- sions to the large display of fruit of cx- ceptioatii size and liavor and those tim charge of the display Irolmmtsc still greater sumrpmIscs. Superlimtcimdt'nt Ytilimigers and issistant Stmpcrlmttemident. tlarsimall give their pemsonal attention to the arm'tmimgoiimemmt of time this- itlay anti the tasty iiiaimner in which the fi tilt Is arranged has mmmcli to do vIthm time eifectiveimes of time m'estmit. Co aspicuous among I he ad ii I ( I ons mimad c to time Nebraska tiisplay yestem'day v.ts a aunt- her of iliates beiring a variety of black raspbcm'ry iiIeii is a Nebraska liroduct , a seedling propagated by Former Governor Robert \V. Fimrnas anti mimmitieti by' itiimm time Nemaima. It has a iiavor % 'ery unusual tmm a raspberry amid Is quite large anti a good heeper , lIed rnspberm'ies mis large as tile timumumb of the average mmmaim were also dl. played , time pro.luct of time farm of Assistimmit Stmpcrimitendeitt Marshall , Tea varieties of red currants of Immense size anti three varietIes of cherrIes were aio Immclutietl iii time ncccssioiis ycstertiay. Tue MIssouri exhibit 'as Increased yesterday - day by time mmdtiltiomm of a lot of fled immko currnhitq , time berries of which are fully one- quarter of aim immcii in diummieter mmcl very ilehiciomis , amid somimo hue specimmmcns of the ( iret'g rasphterr ) ' , a atnudard variety of very flue flavor. As3istammt Superintendent Nol- somm expects a SUpi ) ' of peaches this week situ iwonmises to show omno sanmples of fruIt which support time claim of MissourI to beimmg the greatest fruit state him time tmnlon. Time Iowa exhibit comitaiims a. line showing of twelve varletied of itursamm cherries , These cherries were origimmaily' brougttt from time Vlamilmimir district of RussIa , a great fruit miistrict near Moscow , by Prof. iiutlml , itro- tosser of iiorticulttmre lit time State University of Iowa. lie brought the seed IC Iowa abommt twenty 'eirs ago mind irogated timemn. dis- trltiuttng the sooth ( root his trees auth from those time Itumsslami cherries have spread over flits tlmtlro seetiorm , mutiny varIeties being gro a iii Nebraska. Time twezmty varieties shmowmm I ) ) io a contain mnatmy different kimmils of liavor antI ho would be imarmi to vieae 'lmo could not ilnd a cherry to his hiking In the lot. 1) . A. itobnett of Coltmimihiri .Mo. . imut ifflt''r of the Missouri iioricuItural scelety. has becim oppohmiteti to jmmlgo the small fruits be- lug exhmiblteti lit the hortIculture building. lie tins cmmteretl upomu this work immiti time re- : stilt of hii fhimdings will be relortod to Smmiierhmmtemm'jcmmt Taylor of the Horticulture I bumhititmig mmmmml held tim reserve until the result of the judgimmg of time board to be appointed inter omm time fruit to be eximibited later In the season. Sir 'l'liiiiis IIii in Sci.hi. hit.grcfs. ( lemmerat Manager Clarkson ha a letter from SIr Thmoummas Lipton , who built time first packing house In South Omimaha , on the site tlmttt Is mmow OCCUlmlei by the Cudahty plamit. SInce therm Mr. LIpton lies becomtmo a nmuiti- mmmillionmmire In time tea business mmmmd was kmmlgimted by Quecmm Victoria. ( lemmerul Man- mger Clarksomm wrote to blmmi seine tinme ego , Urging lilmmm to 'IsIt the exposition and wit- mmess the progress that Omaha hmath mmmade sInce lie left the cIty , Mr. Lipton replied that lie bad fully intended to spemuti next week at the exposition , but hind bccmm Unexpectedly - expectedly called to London by a busIness ( Continued oz Fifth Fade. ) , - - SPAIN hAS NOT hAl ) ENOUGh Proposcs to Continue Its Headlong Rush Toward Destruction , DECIDES TO GO AHEAD WITH TIlE WAR quiet-ti lIet'lit muilit 1lr Ahvlpurs groe to i'i , Ui , ( lit' ii.ree Auhille luiigor tip .tilii l'uhtlo t'ceiIiim. ( CopyrIght , HE , by I'ress Publishing Co. ) MADRID , July 6 ( vIa the Frontter.-Now ( York Verld Cnblegrammm-t3pecial Teiegratmm. ) ' ' comisuited quietly -'I'ime queen regent has ngnlmm Marshals Canmpos , Lopez , Domitimmlngtmez i'ritno itivern , Cahieja , captain gemmcrai of Mndrid ; Sliveha , chief of time conservmutlves , all agreeing wltim Sagasta that time war immust commtlmmtme semite tlimme longer mmmmder time uman- agemmmeimt of Sagasta. witim lmts tiresemmt cot- leagues , if possibie , % % 'Itim a 'iew to pacify popmmlar timilitary dlscontemmt. Sagasta , like all time above personages , wimeim consulted told time qtmeemm lie felt must umuensy about what mtmlgimt happen wimen time hews of thm fail of Manila and Santiago simotihil come Iii. Steps imare already hoemu taken to break time novs slowly , especially Imi time vrovimtces 'here time Irrltatiomm nimd discommtcnt is bitterer - torer thaim In Mmuirld. They mmiso agreed thmmt the govcrnmcumt ought not to hesitate mbout shmowtng time utmost severity anti decisloim 1mm repressIng dlsturbammces , because time ills- ciphimmo anti hoyalty of time mmrmn' would be consolidated by time first collisions wlthm time republicans anti Carhists. The latter nrc most drcatlctl In time north anti east. part of time klngtlonu , the formmter in liarceionn , Ma- driti amid lhliiino. Time queen regent Is very anxious , btmt tieternmlimed , to formnzm military goverrmmncnt If Sagasta is too weak , Indignation is Imiereasing in au classes agaimmst Cervera and cnutmmimms nod cret's of time six vessels , wimo are openly accused of I mm aim did emmtly ii e fend I it g tim e sh i uis mm nil imomuo ref of tue flag. Very imard timings are said of timeir behavior , speclaily in imauhing miowim the flag withotmt attcnmpting to blow up time vessels , Pubiic opimiion amid time itress clamor for Inquiries amid severe chastise- macmit. In cttumt circles It is stated time qmieon regeimt cried bitmorly witemi first told time I uuevs , btmt simoweti flinch displeasure wiucim shimrhearii time full details. Camnara's ileet is expected to reach Cartagenmu time cmiii of mmext week. I'NMI 1.1 I I ty of I''mut' , , \\'ASiIINGTON , July 7.-All views on time Spamiisit-iitericaim war vere strongly op- tlinistlc imere today. l'osslbiy the uresi- dent's e.prcssed hope fur hence in his pie- ciamumation issued last miigiut imtttv have liecti time di st basIs for these rosy views , hut there were cotmflrmnatory evidences coming front sources that imave mo for prtveti to be tmmifaiilngly accurate , that soeni to affom'd foundation for the expectation that sonic ovcrtmmres In time dir ctiuu of peace may hat expected imimortly , though. of colirre , vence ltst'if emma miot be coimuimumnuateti Immtmetiiateiy. The immost sigimilicant amivice s'as one from Simalim , stating itositively that within the mvcek their coummtry wouitl sue for peace. it itas also declared that Martlmez , do Cmmmumpos , \Vcyler's predecessor as captalim geimemni of Cuijv. amid. ommu' of the bcst amid most reasoim- able muinds of Spain , Is to be lrimne nmirmister of time mica' Sitammisim cabinet which is smir , ' in ito erected wltititi a few days on tue of time Sagusta caitinet. This infornmation accords veil wIth ttdvicos that have het'n Comltiitg tim for thm Itast cult to Simon' that sOlmtO of time Eum opeami rov.'era at least have bestirred themselves to brimmg pressure upon Sitaimi to 3'iCll to the immevitmmimie nod ask for Peace. It Cmiii ite stated aimtimoritativciy , iiotvovor , that up to this time no overtures have brett mitade to ommr govermmament inching to ite'ace. Timis ( mict , hmowcver , does miot Iii any sense offset or mlisqumaiity time first state- mmlemmt , imamnely , that niovonments 1mm flint dl- reetiomi are afoot in Europe. It could not lie expected tlmat time United States goverim- mmmccl wotmiti rrceivo kintiiy a Suggestion that it should immake time Initial mnovcnlent tovnrd peace amid therefore ito ovcrtmmreufrom the Emmropeaim htewers or froimm Spaimm tiirectiy could be expected until time Siomnislm govem'mm- ntcitt. hmati either uhlrectiy or through comae friendly rower made aim advammco 1mm that iii- rection.'imcn that is done , nod sonic imtmclm move is expected vet ) ' simortiy , our govern- maclit will be perfectly ready to respond If approachemi iii time m'oiter spirit. CLARA BARTON SENDS WORD ! iIi's I , , V.mmpiioI ) lt'i .1 r lirtiti' Its Litmus , 1iit .Ummt C.imi'ors Ai t' Neemloth. NEW 'YORK , July 7.-The foilowlmmg en- biegranm was recelvemi today by Stepimen Barton from Miss Ciara Barton : SIi1ONiY , July c.-VIa ( Piaya del Esto- ) Canto ( m oni Slmafter's ( remit lim time pight for (00(1 cmiii clotimhmig for retpgees vbmo are leav. log Sammtbngo l)3P the thiousantis , starving amid lathed. Time Simile of Texas has gone to Port Antonio ( nm Ice to save its macat. Will return tomnorm'ow. Are soimmilmig stmppllos to refugees , nil we comm from befit caimups , by arumy wagomme and hitch rummies. it lii nearly I ma iosstbl e t o I a mm ti smm p I I os ; Ii 1gb titles , mu o tioclcs , smmr ( terrific. Our shIp ynwis cannot siammii iii time smmrf. have mnonmhed one of time brolen flathionts wimlelm our men dragged mislmore lii time surf waist deep , No trmmima- IOrtatloit. Horses' anti hackers' tent would he imehlfui.Vouimdod miwn takcim from our operating tables are haiti on groummmi ofteim wIthout hiimmmkets or shelter fi'oimm rain or situ.t , others tile their clothing is taken to ptmt cmi time mmakcd to get. tlmemo dowim to Siboney over roads timat tipset army wagons. Mis , Gariiner , myself alit ! whoi worklmug ( mircit of time lied Cross at the front are In direct rnmtge of time shmmmrlslmooiers. J.rmmsor anti tint immurt'es are doing splendid 'oric mit Siboney. Time iimen are as brave as lions. Simu : ( ter is act big viseiy mmxiii liii mnmutci y , tloiimg mill liii c.imu.Vo returum to time front at once. ( Signed ) CL.AiIA BAitTON , Ii I.N't ) I ttI' ES .t i'll tt'i.t'ml .t'I'iO % . t'or't'rlL's lissms'r Must Nut Ilst'oiir- il : . ' . ( lie ' , , , . , ( Copyright , i'li' . h.y Assuclmiteml I'rcss. ) hAVANA , July 7.-CaptaIn General hiiammco hia ntidrettseti the foiiowimmg vrocla- mnation tim time Peolmio : To time Inimmmbitumnts of Cuba : Fortune does not always umecoiimiimtmmy valor. Time Sitatilsim liect eonimminmmdt'tI by Atlmniral Cervera hits just imccompllslmeti time greatest mmcl of hero- Ismn In time aiiimimimm of time Itresont century. FIghting against limo American forces three tlmmmes its streimgtlm , It has yielded gloriously itt mm moment wimeim It vas comisidereti safe train time peril timreatenimmg It ts'itiilmm San. tlago's harbor , Time Lmiow Is a hmemmvy one , but Spaniartia ehmotmiti mmcl l > c iliimiayed before this imitator. tune , Jim suite of Its gravity. On time comm. trary , ve mmiiist show to the world that our courage will not yield before reverses , mmnd tbmmmt we have time energy to calnmiy meet nil. 't'rsity mmmiii hlglmt ogainat it until we cooqmier It. % 'e have forces eitougim to defemiti our just cause and bring Us out triumapimamit in our right If ne are unitni in the sacred lvo for our mn.otimcrlammti. We titlist comtsecruutc our lives anti our hiroPertY to time coomnion cause In the hour of adversity , Time virtues of our country arc beIng tested. Let us surely prove the worth hoarded up among the Slmamilshi people anti let us be 1mm readiness before the peril which confronts us. Let us have confidence In God anti In our rhlt to upbolui oui cowtq'A 9IQ iUL P - ' - , " . . _ 4 ' 'i1i-1---------- tegrity. This Is exflecteti of you. lie rently for victory , or mile at thefront for Spain's honor and time Integrity of our patermmal soil. It Is reitorteti that Adnmlrai Cerrern Is well treated by Snmpsouu , mind Is accortleti time conattleration dime his high rank. General \'era do flay , who wits killed .immr- Ing time fighting or4imly 1 , was buried by the Americans wIth he military Imonors mute to hits ramuk nail courage. Owlmmg to the loss of the SpanIsh fleet tmmidcr Admiral Cervern , the theaters hero have sttspenticd their performamice. The disaster lmas caused a vrofound impression , html tue Spaniards proimnumnco thmeimmscives rcatiy to contlntme the lighting , and ready to tleteimti their country agaInst time lit. vinier. TELLS THE NEWS TO TORAL Sit a ncr Informs I ltt ( , is mnnimalim lit at Sn iii Iimgim of thie Itst ruiet of C4'm-vcrmL's l'ie.t , ( Copyright , 1S'Ji , by Asstclateii i'rvss. ) IiELOItE SANTIAGO , July G.-Via ( Playa tie ! : stc , ilil ) ' 7.-Generai ) Torimi , Limo Slinim- lab conimander In Santiago , has been of- tidally Informneii by General Shatter of' the commipicte miestruction of time Spanlslm fleet amiti tlmat time 1nmerIcnn war shIps are utow free to co-operate witit the army In the to- tiuctlomm of Santiago , lie lmas been given sticim ( lute as lie many micein lirotier to tiocitie time advisability of cnpituhmm.tlmmg vItlm his garrison. Timougim Cemmeral Total is npjairently anx- bus to resIst to time bitter coil flue titter imopeics3miess of hmohtlimmg out against land aimil sea forces must he forcing Itself on' him. The relnforccmtmemmts have not arrived. ( len- oral l'aiutio imas left him tim the iurclm , ititti It is immutlerstooti is immaking his Vfl ) ' to Ha- vamma , Time tooth suimply Itt SantIago Is lo' , amtd it Is reported time nitimituimition is mit- fling simort. Our iosttlomm is beimig hourly sir cimgthened. Time cubic operators who left Sammtlago yes- tcrtiay hare been semmt back in order tutu General Toral may be able to coutmmnmmnicmmto with Goimei'al iiimmnco amid time MadrId got- t'riunteimt. Time prospects of the capltuitutlon of San- tinge without further figimllng grow with eacim imour's 1101mm ) ' , Time art'hbisumop of Saim- tinge has appealed to General lllamico to smmrrommdcr time city. A 1,1. itOS'i't t.l'i'IES . ' , ItL Sl'St'mNlII ) , itotmi ArmimI's .tre ' 'imltliij far u i'rs. I , ( ' 4' t I e Pt'ii . 'e. ( Coiyi'lght , 1IH , tiy AsitocItmtti l'ress. ) AT Ti I B FitON'I' ( Siii tinge tIc Cumba ) . J mu y 6.'l ( a G nut mm tammanmo , Jmiiy 7.Fl ) ci mmg \vai ; mint resunmod toilmm' , although the tnmco is sui)1)osomi ) ) to be citmieti. Botim minutes have beeim himformeti that \'astlngtoum ; uiitl .Mntlrid mire imegotLmtlmmg termite it ? peace. Time viiito flag still ' iiles over time Samm- tinge lines. Theme imavo been mme imlessilges or tlags of truce betwe'n tlm comnimtammdors simuco : i o'clock yestem'tlay , vimemm Naval Iii- structor ilobsomi anti hIs amen t'ere ox- c'imnitged. Time ) ' were reci'cti with frtiimtlc cheers by time troops nt Sjbommoy. Time troops carried ilobsoim ott titcim' shmotmititmrs to time steammm iatmncim of tIle i . , ' , huiii , 'while the hamimd on time New Vtmrk played , aimmi every- hotly cheered until lie watt hoarse. Time news ( remit Samutlago Is to time efeet that emmirerhiig tlmero inc"cases tinily. At Hi Caney 1,000 refugees f ijnm Satmtio are qmiarmercd itiu time sohiliem's at- time front. Tue mcmi gave imp iuahf their rattoims last night to feed these Ut1.rttiumato neoihc , but Polite other lirovIsiotus must soon he mmmdc. Geiteral Mlics is eatmecteti to arrive at Siboitey at ammy time. Cases of xmmaiarIai fever iitduccd by imoat anti exposure arc on time iimetcasc atnomig time Americaim troops. SEVEN GUERfULLAS CAPTURED 't'lit.Sit I it 'i'vve.t , mmmiii 't'irn 'i'lieir Ieimd m ) FItt' III , , , , , I Iit \ViumItI , ziut A , mmli thu IICt ( _ O n.H. . ( Copyright , 1S93 , ii ) ' Asneiated I'ress. ) IIEAIQUAItTHRS IN TilE FIEhI ) ( Near Santiago de Cuba ) , July 6.-I'er ( Associatetl Press Iilspatelm Boat Icmummtles , via l'ort Aiitoitlo , Jammtaica , July 7.-Sevcim ) of time Sinumisim guerrillas tviio itave bceim simootiimg from trees Into itassimmg nnmbmmiammctis aimti hack trains have been captured aiil are imniher huemivy guard at Gt'mmeraiViuccier's lmeadtiumarters. 'l'im ( ' ) ' have kIlled two doctors , tantoi'th anti Troont , aim' ! are umow being Imeil as irisomters Of var. They will probably tie oxecutcd. Two of timem at least are for- immer convIet. lmms $ , ItIli tm . , , , , \\'ASIiINGTON. \ Jmmly 7.-Fimo Wai' tiepart- mont today animotimiceti the arrival of five vessels aim time l'aeiflc cotust to ho uemi ( or transporta to time Plmliipplflos. Timey are time Peimmiryiwanla , TItummia i'eru , City of 1110 Janetro tmntl PUchio. Abommt 4,000 ituen cmiii eqmmlpnmciits can be carmici by those vessels. This will be the inst expeditomm to depart for Moimiia. hsmtfter i ) I simiitt'II.N 'i'rmimisiemrts. \'ASi1iNGTON. .luiy 7.-Imiforinatiomi re- eeLt'tti at time \\'ar tlepuirtimiemit today shows that Qmmnrteriuiaster iltiimmpimreys , on dimly vlthm General Simmmfters immitmy , Is sontulog back Ic time United Slides 'as rapltily as postibic time transports which cartied time diet expetiitioti. Three of timem loft ) 'ester- tiny , and two amoco it tii be dismatehmed s seomm as timey immuve coaled. SIGNS FIAWAIIAI'l 1ESOLUTION l'r'sIIeimt . ' , tiit'hmt'H ills i4lgiIiItmirt' tim tim. ' tIeissmii'e to , ' tin' .tiiit'.ittit.it of $ iimm.l uvlehi Isi immuis , W'ASiliNG'l'ON. .11mb ) ' 7.-It was iy a ccrcntoim ) ' of time slmnimietut charmictcr that time re.olutiomms annexing time i lawailmuim isiammds to tlmo UnIted iitmmtes thIs evening tt'ere cnuictt'tl flumniiy lmio mw. it oeetmrru'd : in time cabinet roommi of tIme executive imimuim- sion , amimi omuly six 1iemna besitics i'ri'si- .bat AicKimmicy verc prsscnt. At G:40 : o'clC.k Alopzo II. 'Stewart , as- sletant doorkeeper of Lime semiumto , ( irrivemi at time \'hite house with thme ommgm'ossoti copy of time resoimmtlons , signeti by Speaker i'ro T'mrm l'tmyno anti Vice Presitient iiobmmrt. George II. Cortellleu , . assistant secretary to time prcsimleitt , receipted ( or time re'soiutiuims in time mmstmai form , and notified flue presi- dciii of their arrival. Time presIdent said ho would sign time resolutions inumedimutely amid a few moments inter a little ghoup1 was gathered abuui time cabinet table to witness the completion of tlmls bit of logimmimitloa. Among thmose present teere Mrs. MeKlmiiey , Secretary CortelIlee , ioorkeeper Stewart , B. P. Montgomery of time signal corps , wlmo is iii charge of time war moons at time 'lmIte House ; Captimimt Clmmmrles I4liler , .tiie presi- detut's contidemmtlai nmessenger , anti George ii. Frease , postmaster of Canton , time prosi- dent's lonme city. Precisely at 7 o'clock the hiresitient affixed to the resolutiou these words , wiulcim roamle timein iatv "Approved , .Juiy 7 , 1898.VIl - iiam McKInley. " litfore rising from time table i'rcaltim'nt McKInley also appro"emi the gemmeral do- tlclcimcy bill , the last of time great appro- prlatlon niensures passed by the present congress. The luresident gave Mr. stewart the pen witim which he signed the ilawaIlami rcsoiu- tions , and If wiii be preserved by him as a uiemento of an act that will make history , - - - _ ' _ _ z ' _ _ TROOPS AS11ORE AT CAVITE American Soldiers Sot. Foot on the Soil of the Philippines , CELEBRATE TilE FOURTU IN DUE FORM VlgiitImi St iii t'u.mt I imimi's hletm ccii t him , iitpsiirgt'uits iiiiI Siaiilshi , tiiii thifl ii.riimr litmhti a Slmitde t lie hImtter of It , ( Copyright , IS9t , tiy l'ress l'mmiiilsiming Co. ) MANILA , July 4.-Vta ( hiomug Kong , July ? . ) -New ( York Woriml Calmlt'gramn-Speclni Teiegramn.-Troopa ) have landed at Cavite nimd leimemal Ammtlersomm e'tabiIshmeti lucmmti. qttmurters tim time arsenal gteimimds. iteguhmur guard ltmitroi dimly wits carrleti out totimiy. The i"otmrtim of July is being eeioljrmmtoti. Tlut're was a review of time troops by the gc'imernt muimmi imdiimlrmul. 'i'iie licet tlrssett simip muimd time fercIimm war shmips Itred a an- lute at umooim. l'mtrmtlstetmt rLmmmtors circumiate that it is flue desire of Governor Ammgumsti to imumrretmticr Mminlia , Time eomumnmaimd of time Spammish troops is urmmcticaliy heitl by time semmier coiommm'l of artillery , who opposes surremm- dcrIng. Time rebels Imave cmuptimred time water works beyomiml Sumtteiumesa , wimich supplies Mnmtila. Time Spammiards are fearful they will stop time stipimiy. The rebels immive nlso captmired tint strongly fortlfleti Saim Jumamm dcl Monte , where time Simamminrds expeetemi to mnmike their last stammd. They still surrotmimmi time city. Fierce llglmtlmmg ecetirreti omm Sat- unlay before Mmulntc. Thto Spaimiards Useti immoilerit guns to commimmuand time rebel trenches nimtl mmmaimmtmulimed mu. steady fire dtmrlmug time mmftermuooim , but tt Wtu8 IiitiiOSSibie to drive thtenm out. Forty rebels were killed ammd time Spaumimirtis llmuaily drivemm back. The food smmppiy of Mamilia is growIng shorter. The feeling mugnimust time llrItisiu is bitter. A receimt MnIlt : pauer cemmtalmmcd aim attack aim Chammtberiaimm's speech. Time capturetl Simaitlsim trmummspoi't Mnmuiia immis been fitted 'itim two tweivo-centi- muieter gmiimmu , also smmmmtller guns , nimmi Is iii time conmimtmmumii of Lictitemmamut Comnmumamitler Siimgor froimm time Halelgim. it Is vaitmabie for rIver work. Titere are heavy raimus dliii ) ' . Time ium aitim of time mmtemm is genii. Tint story of time Ilaittimmome expleslemm is ii inmm'o fmmb- ricatiomm , H. W. IIARIEN , It't m . Seiuls Si lisin ( , Ii. W'ASIiINGTON. July 7.-Time Navy do- Ijnrtmmuemmt hums receiveil time following cattle- grain from Amimumiral lewey : CAVITE , July 4.-VIa ( hong Kong , July 7.l.Jmtitt'tl ) Stats troops have immimmieti and have beomm cumimfortnimhv imomiseti mmt Ca'Itt' . Itmatirgemits stilt active. Agtmlimaide pro- ehlmtiitetl hmimmmsif imm emmiclOmut of time m'evoiuu- tiomimury m'eptmbhic on July 1. IE\\'CV. Time last mudvlces frommm Admimlral 1)etve' rc- ceiveti lucre \vcm'c tltmtutd July 1. A they I mimako mme macmiLlan of tromihtie wIth Gerimmimimy , u tue rumumor thmat ho lurid fIretI en a Gcrittmutm vessel Is proimouiicetl baseless. No titiviecs could have riacimmal a cable tatIomm since July . hONG ICONJI , July 7.-The hlritimmhm collier Eddy , \vimlcim loft ! uhmtmtlia omm July 3 , am'rI i'cml imero today. it reports that rio attack imacl beemm immaile upon time towii up to time tlmtme of its leaving. Three Germmau , thmce British , two French anti one Jalammcsc warsimipmm were timen at Manila. Time attainer 'x'mmcmm Sammg niso arrIved imemo fmoimm i\iammiin \ tomla ) ' , brimmimmg thirty pm'hmtsttm cmiii fOO Cimimmese. General Moitet sas time escape of Captain General Atmgumsti's mammihiy ti-cia time _ imands of thio iimsurgemuts tv.is dime to time loyalty of a l'hmi I I pp I no coiommel , muamu cii Ill aij co. Time gemu- cml adds that his imative troops are ioy.ul anti that timere mire 5,000 mumixed troojts mit Macable , with Piemity of antmnmimmitlomi aitti Irovtsiomms , 'hmere ito Immtt'mmtlx to wait for tiuc iimsmmrgommts to comae omit Into the epeim amid timeim surprise thmemn. MONT1'flLIElt , Vt. , Jill ) ' 7.-In a letter fronm Atlmmtirai Iewoy to his sister , Mm. Mni'y F' . Creche ) ' of thIs city , thmleti mlnmmilmu , Ma ) ' 24 , appears the foilowlmmg : Time actiomm of our state iegisiatmiro amimi comigress , I mmccii mmcl say , gives itm , great iiIetmsure. I tim very busy nowmmmltmys , hut immy imottitim remmualna excellent , nmmtl I seemm to be able to stammil mlii ) ' lumnoumit of t'uirh mmmi iC51)OPmSiiJIlit ) ) ' . Iy Calmtaiii , Gritiley , has gamin lmommuc tty tiuls steamer , itroiiemm tiewim him imc'ai tim. Tim c 50Cc ii Ii i it commummi ammmi s'as sent haute sic1 Jmimit before we left hong Kong. I ml iii i mm forum cml fro muuViusim I mmgtoim tim mm t ton ; - orai Merritt uvihl coumme out home soomu with iroo ; nmemm. i camu tmmktt Maitila . with immy ltrcsclit sqmimmtiromu nil ) ' time , hut camim.mot imolmi the city witimaUt troops. BRINGING UP THEIR CANNON I ule4llrgt'mts . . rtMi , I. I s. himmii1 to hltimmi- hinmil timimmil , , ' , ' . 'hii'ii timi- Order Cimes. ( Copyright. 1SiS , l ) ) Aiimiucimmtetj I'remm. ) MANII4A , June i0.-Vin ( hong Icong , July 7.-Timcre ) 1mm ito material cimaitge lii tuffairs here. Tue Spammimmemis are strongly postei ( about time omitmtkirtit of time towim mmnti doug flue st'hoio length of time comitimilt of limo vatcr vorks clgimt imihies imminitti. I t Is hehieveml time Spaumiartimi cmii ) ' hmoid the water vorks emm mttmfframtce , tmecmmuse time lit- surgeimta' idcltets imelmi sVn ) ' overytt'ht're , amid ennui emisiiy mImi mumti wreck time cotidimit. limit time immsumrgemuts are mumixiomis to commcillate time utomitrimimi anti refralmm ( remit cimuslmig imor- rihie privations. The immeurgemitmi immuvo mmot ( 'mmiIloyetl cmummmmomm ltc tore d ii nt I In , Itmi I t lit' ) ' ii re ito it' hri migi mm g ill ) al xty gu 'is vi t im I ii ti I mm tt'mi t i ( in o mmmaic I img mc cimntmittmmteoims rmishi umpomu time Slmaimlslm en- I ticiicimmneiitmt at Santa Mesa , Sauitmt Ann anti Meimmte , thus remidoring time otimor hmosltloims of time Spamulartls mimmteimahtiu' , amid by mm single imot drive time Spanlmurtis irtaitie time citadel ivitim a immhimlmntmmmm of dc'structIomm to uuoim- conmimataiuts ammtl property. It lit expectemi it uu'ihl take a t'cm'k to bring time guumti along , nit they bmmive to tmunke detours through ii tiilhiemmlt part of the country , aimtl it is miot deairmmbic to hmum'r' . Time Insmmrgemmtmm , in large mmmiimtber , at Mnlabomm , Caihmiocan , Francisco , Mimrqmmhnmm , Smmim l'edro anti l'araitque , are Iii excellent sImIrits mmmd perfectly orderly. They are delIghted - lIghted with it immiccoseful rumse whmlcim they recently atiopteth to drav time Spanish fire , 'limit ; mitethotl Is hy firing firecrackers In time miark , him time woods near time Simanisum Itei- tlomts. Time explosioum of time crackers me- semmihmies time rattle of immusketry , antI etumuses time Slmanlnrtls to opemm fire ammti waste timelr aiim immutu I tloim. Time himsurgeata tuhlegut tiucy lund ommiy one rifle at. time capture of Caloocan , amid they say time ) ' shimmilarly smirrouitmietl ( luulguiguin at nigbmt. hiremi crackers ammmi a few titles , tt'imiis , timeir mimalim forces crept ciese to time emmeummy with mumatcimes. The Spanlartls , time insurgents inhti , mmqunimticred their anmnmutmt- t 10mm tttuti time mm hoi ted. General Monet , the Sitammishm conmmander at Maccabobo , hits escoped ( room there In a cammoo , bringing whim hIm time fammmlly of Cap- fain General Aumgustl frommm Maccabobo , where the captain general semut timem when time American fleet arrim'etl hero , believing time natIves of that part of the country were loyal. ( leitcrai Monet imatl a terrible voyage , lie ran the gauimthct of time insurgent troops along time river bunks , antI when chiallenged replIed by IretendIImI to be in an Insurgent boat convoyIng prisoners to Cavhte. He was frequently vrvrc to stop , i. retcc1 to THE . Weatimer Iorccnst h'mirtly I. Variable WInds. Pumge , _ _ _ _ I hum Imi ' , ' ' . , , , lull , Sloth , , % 'ih1 ( 'umullimite thit' Vnr. 'l'rooms luau nt Ismtiilm , , Ilnissimum mm miii I I IM tlmit l'ehttuumgoul , 2 'iiluumm VIhl I , mm ral' nit Siuitlim. Suh.l Ion. tt'Ii sit h Inmilmmtm. , ii u'I.rimsitfl ? t'tu , s. Suit , , ( sum itt'.t ii Iii t e ( 'urporimt lumlmN. ( 'hirI't In mm Eimdtt * tirers 31i'e I. 1 iiltri.iI . muimul ( 'umuuuimmemit , ri Vurle of I i.e lti'itmmhl bit mm 1emtgmut' . lti'iihihii'iiiiq S'Uh ( 'mirry Nu'rmttukn , , I ; ( ' , , u.mmIl iii mu ifs l.i'i I thti I tempt. , , n Ni'u tu smim.h Commimit'mmt. , : ciit limuimui lul iiu'imli rs 31 oct. 7 $ imm'tIiur E'imts of ii lit' , ( icimerni 'esti'rmI Nt'ju it. S hluiltigs if I ii. ' 'l'hil ru Itigi mpt'ii t. .tflmilrs iii South ( iiiiihiim. I ) iImit iii Vlt'miiics. t'ii'ilimiitit.P' lit Sniitliuiio. N'tt' iitlluiMiiliPii 'i'iiultm for Onmnhii. 'i'i , , , , ( 'oml ii I ii irr , , nit. I ( 'mmlIIiert III I tutu i'iiuim imt'iiul Neut it. 12 'Irithip I , , g limutt fl ecruilts. MIlmI ( ' 'I'lilmpgs tlum' . 'tllIlex. 'l'euilei'iit milu. Si I timuutmhtim i hour , hu' . hiumimp , 1)etr. Iii. . em . . . . . . 71) ) 1 ii. iii . . . . . . TM it ii. lii . . . . . . Til 2 i , . in . . . . . . MI ) 'T mm. p.m . . . . . . TI ) : t . . III . . . . . . SI ) H ii. iii . . . . . . 74) ) 1 I' , iii . . . . . . MI ) 1) mu. iii . . . . . . T I fl mi. 1mm . . . . . . "t I II ) pm. II , . . . . . . 73 fl mm. iii . . . . . . I I mm. iii . . . . . . I , . lit . . . . . . . .1 12 iii . . . . . . . . . TT S P. lii . . . . . . ' 41 9 a , . ulm . . . . . . TI ) 'i'OIA V A'L' 'I'ii hi Et'O&ii'i'IUN. .tt tilt , r.i'otiiiiitm it 1' . im.-i'h. I iiiieu"s t'im I tt'l St mm ( cit Ilimmuul , ( ov'niI ilmemit liii liii I 1mg. Tmimm : ' . in.-PhiI , miltv's Ummit inS 4titiN liiiumui , ( rmmiii i'Iazn. do so. utos fired upon Ii ) ' seimtrlcs , was chased , tutu limuaiiy rencimemi time epemm Liii ) ' itt a squtimil. lie nmtii lila itarty tvemc stnrvimmg I inmii umearly iterisitemi. The Spnimisht general ailegeti that ito heft his Lroops Iii a strong positlomm , btmt hint Ito \vniits reimmerccmneluttt. A miter steamer from hiumiocan today ran time hdochtutle , brhmmgiiug 200 refmmgees , voiim'n ml 0 ml elm II ml reim. The SpanIards are emtupioying taitgs of tin- tl e3 , a rmmteti ii ithi mixes nit ml nmaclm ci t's , to ml e- mitre ) ' ilme' wootis iii time on tsklrtt o Mnmmiia under 'ttammisim ' tversecrs vItim hmosevhiips. Time autitorities have mierllmmed to mmccrpt the stiggc'stlomm to declare ltiumomttio iii a mietmtr.th so'te. tuitti time Immimabi' ammis of thmmt : PlaCO joust uim'Iemmml thmc'Ir ilvcs or sarrifl..e cveryt'.mitmg It Is hmimitel prlvatemy that. it tmmigimt be required to d.tim oy time town fc.r tiit.i sake of time citadel. Thte troop3 are Itroitc'rhy prosiomme.I ! now mmii time distaitces betweemt tIme area bodies ai'e shorter. Time anmutversary of Quecit'irorI.m's ( ceo- nation ( Itt ) ' , Jmmmme 2S , u'ae celhi'utc.i by 11w hit ) I ish war shmips , which held a regatta iii Matmila hmmrhor. ARMIES WATCH EACH OTHER Si.mmiiimmrhs antI AtirliuIlM tile Iii 'i'Im..lr l'l.i. Itt' lies Helm ti . rumS ii p II etsut I . - . , of ( lme-Iin ( ( Ic. - ( Copyrig iu t . 1S9S. im 1 'r."ti ; I 'mmlii Islm lug Co. ) BEFO1IE SANTIAGO 1)E CUBA , July i'- ( Via. i'ort Antommio , July -New ) ( York V.'orid Cabiegraumm-Specl.ul 'relegnm.tn ) - . ' ii , OuCh stretch of otmly 200 yar.ls mmow scIara.e. oa tremmcimcs ( mcmii time advammee woils of the _ eiieiuuy. The distance Is e abort thtut we 9amm rendli ) ' belmolil e'Ci'y mietlotu of time ipantIards. imu comae imlaces time Spaumislm have hukemn ntlvammtmge : of tue armnisilce to work amiew tipomi time breatitworks shmattem'eti by tIme Amnorlcamm fire. 'L'hmIs immis lmeemm done , not- WI fhistaittling time tcrimms of time Li mice. W'imcmm , our officers saw thus chmaraet'ristie act of time onu'mimy General Shmafter was mmothflemi. A mihurmrp tmuessage wmms scitt by time gemtcrai to . lb m.t Spamm lhm commit aimmler , imo Ii fyi mmg I m I mit t it mm I timmiess time ) ' stopped work ime would ouch lire. 'rhis haul mu proier effect excejit at or- caslonah poimits , whiome time threat was Igmioreti. l'hme 'imito flag still wmmvo over tite Spaimisiu trencimes , ammd otimorwitte thai truce Is observemi. irrommm 01im worko twemtt- five lIed Cress tin gs mime 'I'm ibi ( ' over him i I 1 I a gs i mm Sn mm I Ingo. , Many of timce strmmctum'cs tue ciiuirctmot , tvimichi ' ve lcimoiv to Ito filled witim sick nitti uu'ountic'd. Most of time hmiilmilngs face ouur batteries aim It requircs at ) stretch of the 'imarmglmmmttlomm to S't3 timat tIme SImmmiards ale protecting thmenm- imilviam alter their most approved imuetiiojs , NotvIthmstammtilmtg time trmmce Itofim itlcs are watchmhmmg i'acim other ilki , hmawkti , The Anmericamis know vitim tvimomn they huave to deal ntl It Is only commslsteimt that time Slmnhmlarmis almouitl believe all others us treacherous as timommmseivcs. Occastoimahly our imien imave been annoyed by guerrillas , but the mntmum'ailerui , whose dutitut me cent- temmiptible anti cowardly , hmnve beeuu repuisoti wIth little trouble. Timeir lire iii tllrcted mmmaiiuiy at the Ammmericmimm oiiicers , appnremttly iv I tim time I mm liii unit of hick I mug timeni off ammo by cute. Owing to time fact ( hat seventh trenches talmcn fromtm time Sitniulnrtia are now occupied by Ainericamm nmarlnos there halt itecmm eonsimlcruiilu' coitfuislon , Aim time mtuariuies are clad iii tiark mmimltermius Ii l ditilcmilt to mhhtcriimmiimate. So tar 'it has resmilteti lii no grave aceldemit. Our Jimmes mire still strong arid timoromigiuly Imumpregimabiut. They tire so stmommg that our boys have at ver retreated ft onm mm posltiomm oimee ttmkomm.Vitim reiiuforet'mmmomita It uvill Ito a ummattcr of reachmlmmg out mmml tmtkimig Sammtltmgo as we ehootue. 'l'oihmmy word Caine front Wamibm- Inmgtomm that time reimiforconmtttnts anther Itnim- ilohithm bmavmi heft Key Vest , ( IHOIIGE IIItONSON itE\ . tol.sipi'iits tnt LIuilrgilmc' hIsmsh.r. ) ( Cuprighmt , it' , 113' l'ri.mtti l'uimlimdilmig Cu , ) LON1)ON ) , July 7.-fNcw York Woritl Cablegramtm-Spclal Telt'grtumn.-'i'ime ) shock- lug accounts of tii cowardice anti savmmgery of mime crow of time Iioutrgogne cauc'm1 Limo mit- mmmcmli imti rror ii ore , ii ad I I iii gout era I ly hu ti ml that time circunmmttammces attenmhimig time disaster tire calculated to Inhiict serious titmimitige elm time Fremicim tramuaathmmmmtlc' ( oummpnnios. I t Is poitmtetl omit , not teriiaus wItimout sOiiie ( cci- log of satisfactiomm , that ii jimajorlly of lime crews of these steamers are French naval reservIsts antI it Is assmlincti that time this- clplimue of the Frcmmcim mmat'y mmist lie very tie- ficient. if time immen were trained him flit scm-vice thmey commlui not fail so abjecliy Iii an cinergemiCy. Iispatcbmoit front l'arhmu testify to the poignant feelings occasioned by the terrIble story of inhumaim seltlttimmmess tolmi him time descrlpthomms of thu catastrophic , together with Intense bitterness at the Jimghhsh coma- meats tbereupon. liii I inuimi I ) ii t ut Cmii , , \S'4tSiilNO'I'ON' , July 7.-General Grecicy has received a filsimatcim frommi Mr. Allwm at b'hnya htl Kate , Cubit , regarding time sigimnl corps' balloon Usemh for observation purpoecti wItim ( Jemieral Shimifter's imrmmmy. lIe says flint the bahioun , which was lmlt. by the cimerny amid plit , items hmeeim repaired , but the SUlilihy of stored gas amid tubes for it Is exlitmustetl , owing to time Injuries caused by time enemnles bullets. Attempts are muow zmiakltmg to gt tubes from the front where flue gas genera- for is kept , A. second balloon Is expected trpa Tampa tomiay Cgioael Mien reports , 11OBSON FREE ACAIN Bravo Naval Constructor and lie Men Arts Exchanged by the Spaniards , ALL REACH UNCLE SAM'S ' LINES IN SAFETY Given a Tremendous Ovation by American Soldiers When They Appear. WILD SCENE IN GENERAL SUMTER'S ' CAMP Heroes of the Mcrriimiao Nearly Overwhelmed with Cougmtulations. TREATED WELL AS PRISONERS OF WAR lIhiituiim Dccl I lit's lii Siiu'.ik of II Ii ili'rumit' lcii ( , lot I 'l'iilLs l'vu't'h y , . . , . ' uf flu.io'nI ' ii'm's I it ii. Sitmilmishi l'rlsummi , ( Cohtyrlgimt , iSt ) , by miswititvu1 l'ress. ) OFl JUIIAGLIA , Jtmly G.-iiy ( time Asimo- dated l'rcss ihmiltitehm , Boat \\'tmummlmi , to Port Aimtommio , Jmmmtmaicmm , Jumiy 7.-Amisimmtammt ) Navutl Commstrumctor Iticimmimoimul 1' . ilumlisoim amid thme seveim memmmimi'im who witim imlmmm smiihed time liter- rimmmac ituto time ehinmunch of tIme imambor of Sutim I lago ( I it Cii bit , o mm J mimic 3 last , aimti suimlc It there , were stmrremmtit'red by time Stmmtmmisii imililtury tttmtlmorIti's today In excimmmmgo for lmnisoiters calmttmreti Ii ) ' time Aimmericttn forces. liobm.omm mummti hIs mimomm vttre escorted tumrougim time Aiumeiiemmmm lines by Cmtptaimm Chadwick of time New York , who u'as mmwalt- lug timenm. Every atoll of their Jotmrmme ) ' tvmma mmmmmrketl iiy lme wiltiemit ( ietnomtmttratiomms ott tue hart of tIme Anmericmimm motImilemim , vhio t huret' as iii e tm I I mim'mmu hlamm co e f ormier , imcrammt- htltd out 0 t i he emu t cc miclu mmuemm fit , hunch oil over temu t guys antI otimc'r ctm mum ii pa i.mi liii mm'nmml in In their ctmgcrimcs'mi to ate tiic' rettirmmhimg Item itt'S tutu scull titi cheer after cheer for time mmmcmi uvhmo immmti hmam'seti safely timi ought time jaws of ticatim to servo timoir vuiiiitry. .As ilobsoit timid time mmuemm of thmm Mcrnimmttmu a imimi onciucil t lie Ii mst I I ito of emm t comm cit iii omut ma ( teeth hileti it ) ' tim e itotigim it I miers , hits' mmmii i tutu S mum frommi cue entl of time I lime of euwiiu o auth eastern athletes io time othmi'r , aitti by time Ii mite i imo re tim mit I mm g ua ny lotte imc'tI m lit tim u'vcm'y mmmii tViIS oim his feet. rt'fmushmtg in be lit- stral mueti by time nil mmuumt isim I mm g o f I ito oiilccrs , ciucerimig wildly immmd m'mmstmlmmg utem ttvci'y ( ii. stacle flint t'imauced to be him thou' wily , in their cifort to reach I lolatomi imitti ' * 113 itarty amimt gr.tsp timeumm by I it e lmmm mmii s. Overit liu'Ipimeui ii ) ' ( reetIgM. TIme rclemise'tl itrisommers were seoum simm- roummuic'd amid Coimmhtoiled to 51011 to receive tim m : g reel I ttgs , commgm'attiimi titmits a mmml v I gorouumi , heartfelt imaumdsimakimmg of mmmcii timc'y had 'e er iteemu before , Sunbum mmcii cavalrymen , wim had sa iii snuidles on tim jtltmimms of Artatmt.u : , or othvrvestcm'mm 515 tea or territtirles , mumal vimo mliii not knOw time diifcremmce betuccut it iihmhi'S utah ii ttilm aimtl it I ige , Icehit I ii t'l r a i'mtis ai.tui mmii time saiio r boys amid I I tcral I y ii t ngg 1 tlmeitm over' time cull cmichmimcmits , all hit' 11010 south I mmg ii mm t yth I a thin I mu mmdcc o timer ci mcmi ill - stitces voultl hmmvc sti mtch terror to ! mcmmrts ovemi tms gtuiiLmitt as those of time AIcrmhmtmmo heroes. No mmmomimmtnln fastmmemts ever resoummtlcd. tvI tim hmtmmit a fi ommu a mm I mmd I ; m mm Wa r d a mice I imat cqmmailetl time tvlil , omttlmm salt of AimeiIramt siti ii t lust uccuireml tu t I it iii nucet I ii g of t lie 8:1 : I lii is a Ito ti ii time I r ii Li ty t. I tim eve ry .Sl'a ' mm- Ishm ummnm Iii thmit harbor ( muted umitumu I ime-m'i , immmti the imtrdy : mmmcii simu , ( rommm time mitty imf titcir anm-lemmi elm time iiamitl of Cuba have fought tiueir ViiY over time hiotiles of m Imeir owmm dctmmi amid tvommmmtietl to time gzmtes utf tie city whIch they will vemy gladly stem itt again wlteim tmrderctl to do so. Tue Seventy-first Now York vohmimitcers , near time itomuidm Rulers , \s'ere time imext to [ ttll oh I I ebanmu a it ii ii is mium' mm , timid al ii m us I liii inc - ii iately I lie N I mm I ii : m mm ii 'rt' mm t Ii cavmi ry , ito iii cola rctl regl iii in ts , joI mm cii I mm t ii it ott tim mms iatmi. ; mnti cheer aftem' cheer aroto as liohisamu imimtl imiit eommmitammIomt forced thmuhr way thmrotmght I iii , I i mmc's o f w iii t o a mm ii cohim m'c'ti sd ii I era. ilobson , so fmur an possIble , grmmshtetl each immmnti uxtc'iiticmi tcmu turd imimmu , amuil mmt'itim''r ho mmmli. imis nmttmu mmm'ititt any lmrolesl against time nitmat tmconmferttmliio cm out'thj tig ttnI jmislhiumg whIch 11mev imati to mmimtlemgo. If time young otli cot. wimosti itomime is I mu A i it I : t in 1 - i r , . 'F iilCO Prejummilce , iii' certaimuiy forgot miii 11110.11 it Ott he Itasscd through tIme hinmes of schmitt m.s oil imis way to General \Vimct'ler's henmlqmmer- torn. lie sav It tins tIme umimiform of time Umil ted States anti he emured mint for due color of Its wearers , grasplmug time hmnrtm1 of mime ebommy-immieti troopers of I lie Nimutim fluid 'l'cmm ii cavalry ammii eximrcsaing lila tmmimmiis ( or tim ltatritmtic weicomito tvlthm 'as mmmmieim imeartini'h3 lull lie uiisitla'ttti toward macmm of imis owmm race , lie tuimd all fils macmm uu'cro eommmpieteiy over- ifo mute by t him ) r000hit iou ztc'Cti ni al t im tnt , ii ii ii tears roiled miowmu their eimechts as the nuol'iirn ' crowded arounmi timemim. hut ( cry 'imms Is ( ii P9 ru' , Am , I Lnhon timid imla party approaeiietl ( 'imp- taimm ( irhimios' battery the mmmcmi crlc'tl omit cmi every hIde to hmmtvtt a stmhmmto fired in tlmc'lr hue ito r. I hmhto it ir I est ed a ga I mm itt t imls I mmm- mcmli atel y it timi shmommtt'tl to t ito it mt I I ieryimm till. who Ii mmml ai so cttimgtm I t lm e I nfcctioim , miot to lIru tlm'dr gmuns. Soimue of lime most emmtimmmmulnstlc of time mmmcmi a iii'tim I p1 1 o Cith mmmi ci J tihi mm J imcohi A atom' atm it tilts itittem' cimtc'i'i lmmti , time Mltimit ( if time sit- mmatlomi nrtd sniti timc'y nmet'ii limit tmhuty I Ic- ) still's orticrim , as liii was emily mm. hietttcnrmimt , Html time ctllcerit of time itr.ttom'y prevummteui time iii c ii ( ruin Ii i-I mmg timu gmmmm s , as timm , 51111 n I a rtls tim hgimt htmmvo mum Is I mmii cii t lie ro for time ojeItlmmg of tom mmtmneic , mmutd If time limiter hail respu ideti cmi i' still hers sues o I mm no 111)51 I I oum ( ( ii' mmmi mtimgtmg mmlcmtt. Ntuvmml Constrmmrtor ilimfisomi fiiiahly reacia'it ( itmicial'htsIer'tt imemidtjmmmmrtvm-mt , su iuc're the % 'etem aim cumi 'uhrymnamm ammml ulflcera gave luinm a wtmrmmu vc'leonme. fly timimt tilmme Captain Cluamlw Irk of time Nest' York amid time mmavnl carom-i frtimmm time hiiigshilim haul i earimt'ul hlohiroim iumtul lila Hi' it B ii tI I Ii C ) ' t em o t lie II ra I i'eitt its tvi t ii 'it' ho mit I ho remicim cii ii i'Isoimermm hail a it y mm c.vio mmmi nc - ii iii mm I milieu it Ii ommi I hey hntl mu i' I Si mice I ii cy t'lutcrcti i3immmtimigo imarbor oil timt'im lueriiomm4 amimimilon. C9ptmulJm CtumItvlck anti mmii limo imtin'ra took tac h mit an by limo ha nil , a limi cx t tnt ml mi I ho hmeimt-tiest grcethmmg. 'fhie escort immmd hirommgimt a cimammge of clotimiimg , iimeimilimmg mmcmv unitoninmi for iiobaomm and his mmtemm , amud tIme hatter were gmvem a short resimIto tvimlltm tiny chuamigeti timeIr apparel. hloititoim wait givemi a horse to ride over time troll to Jmmraguiti , aimml hIs imicim % s'ero iii aceti I ii im ml it rmmmy imiumbilmm , mice. Iieftmro ieavlmmg for thu scmmcoast iiohtsou uvimi tmtkeim to General Shutter's imu'aiiqmimirtermm anti warnmly greeted by the cormimimantibmig gcmm- oral. hut'S I ii.s Iii 'I'imiI , , f 'mlu'rrl nine. Time corrospoiitlent of tiuc .szociatemi i'rcss asked Jiobson for aim Intervluw and state- mmient as to his ( mxiterielmccs Oh the inenmora- hub night Wlie1i lie took the Merrlinac immto Santiago harbor. lie declined to say ammy. thing whim regard to time Mcrrlmaac on time ground that tie intotidemi to suhmult a full report to , Amlinlrai Sartupsomi Oii the sulmject , and It would lie outsltlo time line of duty to say anything on thu matter untU & %